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Creamy By Mika 1st page I’m Creamy the ice cream. I live in Fro­Yo Land with my Mommy, Frozen, and Daddy, Yo Yo, who adopted me. There are many nice frozen yogurts in town, but frozen yogurt is most of the population. Actually I’ve never seen an ice cream like me. Anyway, yesterday I

turned three scoops old just in time to start preschool tomorrow. Yay!!! 2nd page “Mommy, what should I wear to preschool tomorrow??? I’m trying to decide if I should wear my whipped cream, cherry, or sprinkles?” I asked. “I think you should wear a cherry and sprinkles. Whipped cream would be too fancy,” she replied. “I agree.” 3rd page It was time for me to go to sleep. Mommy and Daddy said good night and tucked me in bed. Tomorrow was the day I would make all my friends! 4th page I woke up the next morning ready to start preschool. I put on my rainbow sprinkles and bright red cherry. Off Mommy and I went in our candy carriage. We arrived at Fro­Yo Preschool and I was starting to melt from being so frightened. I thought of all the friends that I was going to make which helped raise my confidence back up. Mommy gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cherry and I gave her a hug and kiss right back. It was time for the day to start. 5th page The day was going well, I was learning so many new things, but I hadn't made any friends yet which made me melt a little again. Then recess came. I was playing on the swings when Freeze and the crew came over. Some kids from my school. “Hi I’m Creamy,” I said with small wave. “Ha, look at her all lumpy and bumpy ice cream while we’re smooth swivels of frozen yogurt,” Freeze teased with a gigantic laugh from his crew.

“Ya, also look at that pointy cone instead of a nice flat cup like us,” one of the crew members exclaimed. I ran away with fudge tears in my eyes. “I’m never coming back to preschool,” I cried with a craving to go home.

6th page Finally the end of the day came and I was back home. I was

determined to make myself look like frozen yogurt. I got out the scissors and took a snip at my cone, but it didn’t work cause I just my no cone cut vaccine, which is a shot to make sure my cone doesn’t get scratched. After, I tried to make my scoops look like swivels but they were too frozen to smooth out. 7th page Later that day Mommy found me sobbing in my room and I told her the whole story about Freeze and the crew. “Mommy can you and daddy buy the preschool then kick out Freeze and the crew?” I asked. “Sorry, but no sweetie. Just tough it out.” 8th page The next morning I woke up with a frown on my face. I think I had my first headache. I sat in bed until Mommy came to get me. “Time to go to school,” she announced. “I’m not going to school, I quit,” I whispered. “No you aren’t, you're going to school today and it’s not a choice,” she declared. “But Mommy,” I whined. She ended up winning the fight so there I sat in Fro­Yo Preschool all alone in my chair sadder than I’ve ever been. I didn’t even bother to put on any toppings, I was just my plain old cookie dough self. 9th page “Hi, I’m Creamsicle who are you?” someone introduced herself that I hadn’t noticed yesterday. She wasn’t ice cream, or frozen yogurt, but she was a creamsicle. Very beautiful, if I might add. “Why are you talking to me? I’m just a lumpy and bumpy ice cream with a pointy cone.” “Because it doesn’t matter on the way you look, it’s your insides that matter,” she said brightly.

“You’re right. By the way my name is Creamy.” Just as I was introducing myself, Freeze and the crew walked up to me... 10th page “Hey, Fat Face,” Freeze cackled. “What do you mean?” I asked? “Us frozen yogurts are sooooooooooo much healthier than ice cream, duh,” Freeze replied. I started crying again. Then I heard a familiar voice. “Why you picking on poor Creamy, huh huh? Is it because you think it’s cool to be the same as everyone else? Well, you know the reason I like Creamy, I like her because she’s nice, sweet, kind, charming and a million other things. Not because of the way she looks. Never in a billion years would I ever change the way I look to impress somebody because I want somebody to like me because of the things in the inside not the way I look. You have no right to pick on Creamy when you don’t know anything about her whatsoever. What do you have to say to that? If anybody is ugly here it’s you. I’m not talking about the way you look cause that doesn’t matter. If you have the guts to pick on Creamy then your insides are the ugliest I’ve ever seen. Now do you have something to say to Creamy?” Creamsicle yelled!!! “Ssssssssorry,” Freeze whimpered while running away with his crew not far behind him.

11th page I was speechless. I couldn’t believe what Creamsicle just said. Creamsicle was so brave doing that. I was so thankful that all I could get out was... “Thanks for sticking up for me,” I said. “No problem, I kind of liked it,” she replied. 12th page From then on Creamsicle and I were best friends. Nobody ever tried to pick on me again and I knew if anybody ever tried, Creamsicle would be there for me. You might of heard this moral before, but there is always hope!

© MIKA SADE 2014

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