Not So Cuddly

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In a town known as Tiny Town lived a small puppy in the pet store. He sprang up when he saw a strange man named Bob in the window. The puppy wagged his tail faster as Bob got closer. Though the other animals were uncontrollable; monkeys swinging, parrots flying and the bad smell of dirty floors. Bob and the puppy couldn’t stop staring at each other. Bob adopted the puppy and named him Cuddles. Bob and Cuddles hurried out taking off the close pin on his nose which kept out the bad odor, and placed it back in his pocket. Bob took Cuddles home and fed him. Cuddles immediately grew to twice his actual size. Cuddles was 10 pounds at first, but one second later, Cuddles was 20 pounds! Cuddles darted to the pantry and ate the ENTIRE bag of dog food! When Bob came around the corner, Cuddles was a WHOPPING 160 pounds with the height of 6 feet! “Oh my god!”,exclaimed Bob. Cuddles was gigantic and extremely burly. Cuddles had a mischievous look in his eye. One he didn’t have before.

Cuddles burst out the door with Bob chasing him. He stopped short and sniffed the air. BACON! From across the street he could see the outline of bacon in the mailman’s pocket. He bolted toward him. For he had incredible vision. Then he attacked the mailman who was delivering the mail to a nearby house. Cuddles ripped off his pants. For the grand finally, he stepped on the mailman. He stole the bacon clean out of his pocket. ”YOU OWE ME A HUNDRED BACON STRIPS FOR THIS,” the mailman screamed and stormed off as Bob’s mouth flew open. Second, Cuddles bounded onto the hot dog vender with Bob witnessing it as he raced for Cuddles. Cuddles fled after biting the man’s arm and stealing every last hot dog and even the tiniest of crumbs. “Next time you get a hot dog”, yelled the man in Bob’s direction,”It’ll cost you MORE THAN DOUBLE!” and he ran off with the cart, trying not to be attacked a second time. Bob nearly fainted, but he kept on going. Before he was completely out of breath, the last place Cuddles went was the grocery store. He wanted even more food and the grocery store was a full­on buffet. He head butted the end of the aisle, knocking down the rest as if they were dominos. “MUMAMIA, I’M­A SO FIRED!!!” wailed the clerk. After Cuddles knocked down the aisles, he ripped off the clerk’s mustache easily as if it were a band­aid because he had breakfast leftovers in his stache. “AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!”, screamed the clerk in great pain. “You owe me,” said the clerk rubbing the spot where his mustache used to be. The clerk was walking out with a tear in his eye. Bob had a tear as well.

Bob just couldn’t figure it out. Why was he acting this way? he thought. It was a true disaster. Almost immediately, Bob had an idea. He dashed to the knitting set he’d gotten from his grandma, got some red wool and started knitting...........and knitting.......and knitting.........and knitting.........until he finished. He handed Cuddles a wrapped box. Cuddles ripped it clean in half with his MONSTROUS claws. Inside was a red wool blanket. Cuddles felt his mothers love as if she was there hugging him tight. He fell in big, deep sleep. It looked as if he shrunk back to his adoption size and was so happy with warmth, it looked like he was a newborn. He didn’t destroy anymore and ended the day happily in Bob’s warm lap...

Well actually, he might still cause a little trouble...

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