Energy and Sustainability Africa - August 2024

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Welcome to another edition of Energy and Sustainability Africa, proudlyresearchedand asyouknow,producedinNamibia

The youth are the heartbeat of every economy, bringing energy, creativity, and adaptability that can drive growth across all sectors In Sub-Saharan Africa alone, the youth population is expected to grow significantly from 2177 million in 2020 to at least 2829 million by 2030 and 3989 million by2050.Thisdemographictrendunderscores the critical importance of involving the youth innationaldevelopmentagendas.

Yet, not all young people are actively contributing to their nation’s economy, often duetounemployment Itisessentialtocreate and implement policies that stimulate youth participation through continuous improvement of youth skills. Having the right strategiesinplaceiscrucial,astheyfosteran environment that naturally encourages youth involvement Research shows that youth participation can significantly boost productivity, enhance innovation, and create afertilegroundforentrepreneurship.

In this month's issue, our writers and researchers delve into the benefits of a high youthpopulationforaneconomyandexplore whether these benefits universally lead to positive outcomes. We also discuss the potentialforenhancingAfrica’sagricultural

output through youth engagement and the opportunities available for youth skills development in the AI era. Additionally, we examinehydrogenstorageanditscriticalrole in energy transition, as well as how African nations can harness this technology and the impactofAIonAfrica’sautomotiveindustry

We thus hope you find this edition of Energy and Sustainability Africa informative as we encourage you to follow us and engage with usonalloursocialmediaaccounts Asalways, the conversation continues at


NOTE1: Wewelcomelettersandarticles from readers globally and require that you provideyourfulldetailssuchasname,current address and contact phone/WhatsApp numberaswellasemail.Wehoweverreserve the right to amend, modify or reject submissions You may also request that your detailsbewithheldfrompublication

NOTE2: EnergyandSustainabilityAfrica is published monthly and is FREE to Readers The magazine is paid for by advertising and the research support from RDJ Consulting ServicesCC,Windhoek,Namibia.


Did You Know?

Youth green skills are essential to a successful transition to the green economy, according to the International Labour Organization (ILO), a green transition will result in the creation of 8.4 million jobs for young people by 2030.


Successfulskillsprogrammeslinkyoungpeoplewith opportunitiestogainexperienceandjobs.Itis especiallycriticaltocultivategirlsandyoungwomen withskillsinscience,technologyandinnovation.


Withlimitedvocationaltrainingopportunities,the majorityofyoutharenotgainingthejob-specificskills theyneedtojointheworldofwork–aworldwhichis rapidlychanging.


Itiscrucialtoequipyouthwiththenecessaryskillsfor fosteringacultureofpeace,nurturingresponsible globalcitizens,andpromotingsustainable developmenttobuildamorejust,inclusive,and sustainablefutureforall.


Keepingskillsdevelopmentonpacewithevolving demandsforgreenanddigitalskillswillbecriticalto reducingeducationmismatches




The Role of a High Youth Population in Driving Sustainable Economic Growth

ResearchContributedby:MattiIindongo StatisticsIntern@ RDJ Consulting


In the modern global economy, youth participation is frequently highlighted as a critical driver of progress. The youth, often regarded as the backbone of the

economy, possess the potential to catalyze economic growth through their energy, creativity, and adaptability However, the benefits of a high youth population for an economy require careful consideration to determine whether they universally lead to positive outcomes.

Before delving into the economic implications of a high youth population, it is essential to define what constitutes “youth” in the African context According to the African Youth Charter (2006), youth are individuals between the ages of 15 and 35 years. Although this age classification may vary across different countries, for the purposes of this discussion, we will adhere to the definition provided by the African Youth Charter

Sub-Saharan Africa, in particular, is experiencing significant youth population growth compared to Europe

and Northern America. The United Nations' 'World Youth Report: Youth Social Entrepreneurship and the 2030 Agenda' projects that the youth population in SubSaharan region will reach approximately 282,939 by 2030, with a further increase of 41% to 398,921 by 2050, while the Europe and Northern America youth population is expected to grow to 129,786 in 2030 and fall to 119,327 for both periods; respectively. This substantial growth underscores the importance of exploring the economic benefits and challenges associated with a high youth population in this region

Now let us look at some of the economic implications of having a high youth population below:

Youth participation is a critical driver of economic growth. Young people, with their energy and adaptability, significantly boost productivity and innovation across various sectors When an economy effectively integrates a high youth population, it experiences a surge in the

production of goods and services, thereby strengthening the supply side of the economy This influx of youthful energy and innovation is a powerful catalyst for overall economic development.

Moreover, younger populations generally exhibit higher consumption rates compared to older demographics or elderly This heightened demand for goods and services stimulates economic growth by encouraging industries to increase production The increased consumption patterns not only drive industrial growth but also create new job opportunities as businesses expand to meet rising consumer demand.

A youthful population also fosters entrepreneurship and innovation Young people bring new ideas, enthusiasm, and a willingness to take risks, all of which are essential for successful entrepreneurship. This demographic's ability to think creatively and innovate leads to the development of new technologies and business models, contributing to the overall dynamism of the economy

Furthermore, a larger proportion of working-age individuals relative to dependents can reduce the financial burden on government social services. With more young people actively participating in the workforce, governments may find it easier to allocate resources towards other critical areas of development rather than focusing solely on social support systems This demographic advantage can help create a more balanced and sustainable economic environment

However, the presence of a high youth population also presents certain challenges. Governments may face increased pressure to invest in education, training, and skills development to ensure that young people are

adequatelypreparedtoentertheworkforce.Additionally, the strain on essential services such as healthcare and education which might be required by the youth population can lead to higher tax rates to fund these needs,potentiallyslowingeconomicgrowth.

While the challenges associated with a high youth population are significant, the economic benefits often outweigh the costs, particularly when it comes to driving sustainable development African nations, with their burgeoning youth populations, have a unique opportunity to harness this demographic dividend to fuel economic growth in key sectors such as agriculture, industrialization, and information and communication technology (ICT) By developing and implementing youthcentred policies and strategies, governments can ensure that their young populations are equipped to lead the transition to a sustainable and prosperous future The key here lies in creating an environment where young people can thrive, innovate, and actively contribute to the economy, thereby securing a sustainable future for all


https://au int/sites/default/files/treaties/7789-treaty-0033african youth charter e pdf

https://www un org/development/desa/youth/wpcontent/uploads/sites/21/2020/10/WYR2020-Chapter2 pdf

https://nedbank-private wealth nedbank co za/learn/blog/economic-opportunities-foryouth html

https://www un org/development/desa/dpad/wpcontent/uploads/sites/45/FTI 2023 July pdf

https://www internetgeography net/igcse-geography/populationand-settlement-igcse-geography/population-structure/ https://www afdb org/fileadmin/uploads/afdb/Images/high 5s/Jo b youth Africa Job youth Africa pdf

Hydrogen Storage: Unlocking the Potential of the Energy Transition

Hydrogen, a versatile energy carrier, is increasingly recognized for its potential to facilitate the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy

sources. Though not an energy source itself, hydrogen plays a crucial role in storing and distributing energy, particularly when generated through renewable processes like electrolysis This capability positions hydrogen as an integral part of the future energy landscape, especially as we seek to maximize the use of intermittent renewable energy sources like wind, hydro, and solar power

Energy storage is vital for balancing supply and demand, particularly in an energy system increasingly dominated by renewables. Hydrogen energy storage involves the production, storage, and re-electrification of hydrogen gas, allowing excess energy generated during periods of low demand to be stored and later converted back into electricity during peak periods This process is what makes hydrogen storage a cornerstone of modern energy systems.

Produced hydrogen is stored in underground caverns, tanks, and gas pipelines There are two primary methods of hydrogen storage: physical storage and material-based storage

A) Physically Storage or Containment

Hydrogen is stored as either a compressed gas, cold/ cryo-compressed gas or a liquid Compressed gas: Hydrogen is stored in high-pressure tanks ranging from 350 to 700 bar to reduce its large volume, which is four times that of natural gas. However, the issue with this method is its low volumetric density of 24 to 40 g/L. Storage vessels for compressed gas are categorized into four types: Type I to IV Types I and II, suitable for industrial use, are heavy and prone to hydrogen-induced cracking, making them unsuitable for vehicles Type III vessels, lighter by 25%–75%, are better for vehicles but are costly and face issues with pressure cycling at 700 bar. Type IV vessels, ideal for vehicles, can handle pressures up to 1000 bar but are criticized for high carbon fibre costs and safety concerns under extreme pressure

Liquid hydrogen: This method offers more secure storage compared to compressed gas, addressing many associated challenges Hydrogen is converted into a liquid at extremely low temperatures around -253°C and then stored under pressure in containers. This approach is able to reach a higher volumetric density of 70 g/L. In addition, liquid hydrogen is stored in open systems and super-insulated cryogenic pressure tanks to reduce heat loss and enhance vessel performance However, the process is energyintensive, and effective thermal insulation is required to minimize gas "boil-off. " .

Cold/Cryo-compressed gas: This method combines elements of both compressed gas and liquid storage. Hydrogen is stored at extremely low temperatures around -253°C in vessels capable of withstanding “boil-off” pressures of about 350 bar This method addresses the large volume and high-pressure challenges of compressed gas storage and the boil-off losses in liquid (cryogenic) storage, achieving a volumetric hydrogen storage capacity between 70 g/L at 1 bar and 87 g/L at 240 bar while compressing liquefied hydrogen at 20K

B) Material-Based Storage

Unlike physically-based storage, hydrogen can be stored in solid form on or within solid materials Material-based technologies for hydrogen storage are considered safe for storing large amounts of hydrogen in a compact form, operating at near-ambient temperatures and low pressures. This makes them particularly suitable for both on-board and stationary applications The materials used in these technologies must have specific properties, such as high volumetric and gravimetric hydrogen densities, abundant availability, easy processing, low cost, and fast kinetics. Hydrogen storage under material-based approach can occur in two ways: “(i) by attaching hydrogen molecules or atoms to the solid surface through adsorption, or by dissociating hydrogen molecules into atoms that are absorbed into the solid” , (AlZohbi, Almoaikel and AlShuhail, 2023) Additionally, hydrogen can be strongly bound within molecular structures as chemical compounds containing hydrogen atoms.

In offshore applications, gaseous hydrogen is preferred over liquefied hydrogen due to the simpler compression systems requirement, despite the need for much larger storage volume. Meanwhile, in regions like Africa, although adoption of hydrogen storage may since almost impossible due to economic challenges However, for these regions hydrogen storage present a cost-effective solution for long-term energy storage, especially in hydropower-dependent areas with seasonal water availability.

Hydrogen's high energy density makes it a desirable alternative to other energy storage methods like pumped storage hydropower (PSH), and compressed air energy storage (CAES) Hydrogen is able to store more energy in smaller reservoirs which makes it vital for large-scale energy storage. However, several challenges must be overcome before hydrogen storage can be widely adopted, particularly in grid applications These include relatively low efficiency, high capital costs, and the need for advanced infrastructure

In conclusion, despite the current challenges, hydrogen storage holds significant promise for the future. As research and technology continue to advance, we can expect improvements in efficiency, cost, and safety With these advancements, hydrogen storage could become a key component of the global energy transition, helping to

stabilize power grids and facilitate the widespread adoptionofrenewableenergy

Readings: html#:~:text=Hydrogen%20as%20an%20Energy%20Carri er&text=It%20is%20a%20clean%2Dburning,vapor%20as%20a%20b y%2Dproduct.

https://www sciencedirect com/science/article/abs/pii/S13640321 12001220

https://www sciencedirect com/science/article/pii/S235248472301 2143

https://www sciencedirect com/topics/engineering/compressedair-energy-storage

https://www sciencedirect com/topics/engineering/storagehydropower

storage#: :text=%E2%80%A2-,Hydrogen%20energy%20storage%2 0is%20one%20of,options%20with%20sufficient%20storage%20cap acity &text=Hydrogen%20can%20provide%20seasonal%20storage %2C%20zero%20emissions%20fuel%20and%20chemical%20feedst ock.&text=Gas%20grid%20can%20evolve%2C%20store,hydrogen% 20amounts%20at%20low%20cost

https://www enrconf202 1 01001 pdf

About Us


RDJ Consulting is a 100% Namibian Energy and Sustainability Consultancy with more than 30 years’ experience in the utility (Water, Energy and Telecoms), rural development and transport sectors Our experience as an integrated professional services firm that builds better communities through planning, design, and delivery of physical and social infrastructure helps support our clients in all aspects going forward.

We approach each of our clients with fresh eyes to develop customized, unique strategies

RDJ Consulting based in Windhoek, Namibia has extensive experience in Southern Africa, Asia, Britain, USA and the Caribbean We thus work with various governments and agencies to address development issues in developing countries

Our Services:


Unlocking Africa’s Agricultural Potential Through Youth Participation


Agriculture stands as the cornerstone of Africa’s economy, with nations across the continent producing a diverse array of agricultural products

that sustain livelihoods and contribute significantly to economic growth. According to Wale, Chipfupa, and Hadebe (2021), the agricultural sector not only enhances the living standards of Africans but also contributes notably to GDP, employment creation, and income generation in many developing countries

Recent data from Statista (2024) underscored that agriculture remains a vital pillar of Africa’s economy, contributing about 17% to Sub-Saharan Africa’s GDP in 2022. Given its substantial contributions, agriculture is frequently identified as one of the sectors with the greatest potential to create jobs for the youth The African Development Bank Group (AfDB) in their ‘Jobs for Youth in Africa’ report highlighted that over 420 million

African youth are “unemployed and discouraged, ” and identified agriculture as a sector that has the potential to create about 25 million jobs for the youth by 2025

The African Youth Charter (2006) defines youth as individuals between the ages of 15 and 35 years This demographic represents the largest segment of Africa’s population and holds immense potential for contributing to the economy through agriculture. However, a key question remains: Are African youth ready to take up these jobs and become active, productive participants, maximizing the sector’s productivity?

While the youth possess the potential to drive the agricultural sector forward, only a few are genuinely interested in agriculture. This disinterest is largely driven by the stereotype that farming is a “poor man’s occupation - characterized by long working hours, low

economic returns, and limited social status”, (Geza, Ngidi, Ojo, Adetoro, Slotow, and Mabhaudhi, 2021) Wendy Geza (2021) notes that African youth face numerous challenges, including poor and limited infrastructure, lack of access to finance, inadequate practical training, and the poor state of agricultural production These issues are exacerbated by insufficient government support in rural areas, further diminishing interest in agriculture among the youth

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO, 2018), emphasized that governments can play a pivotal role in reversing this trend by making agriculture a compulsory subject in schools, particularly in urban areas where such programs are often lacking

Case Study: Namibia Youth Engagement in Agriculture

Maria M Shilongo, a young agripreneur from Lüderitz, Namibia, exemplifies the potential of youth participation in agriculture Ms Shilongo started a small farm called the Namapopo Irrigation Project, where she grow tomatoes, green peppers, onions, sweet potatoes, small chilies, and watermelons. She supplies her freshly grown produce to Spar Supermarkets in Ongwediva and Oshakati. Ms. Shilongo’s ambition is to expand her two-hectare plot to increase production and serve a larger market This demonstrate the entrepreneurial potential within the agriculture sector

Africa’s agricultural sector holds immense potential to create ‘dream jobs’ for millions of youth across the continent. However, significant efforts are required to make the sector more appealing to young people To attract youth into agriculture, it is essential to modernize the perception of farming by integrating technology and innovation Promoting careers in agritech, sustainable

farming, agribusiness, and other professions across the agricultural value chain can make the field more attractive.

Additionally, offering educational programs, internships, and hands-on experiences can equip young people with the skills and confidence they need to succeed Finally, showcasing successful young farmers and entrepreneurs like Maria M Shilongo through social media and other platforms can inspire and motivate others to follow in theirfootsteps

By addressing these challenges and transforming the agriculturalsectorintoamodernandlucrativefield,Africa can harness the energy and creativity of its youth to drive sustainableeconomicgrowthanddevelopment

As always the conversations continues at .


https://www afdb org/fileadmin/uploads/afdb/Images/high 5s/Job youth Africa Job youth Africa pdf

https://www afdb org/sites/default/files/2023/08/01/leveraging po tentials of the youth for inclusive green and sustainable devel opment in africa concept note en pdf

https://www ncbi nlm nih gov/pmc/articles/PMC7615079/#R4

https://www ajol info/index php/jasr/article/view/2811/11378

https://www mdpi com/2071-1050/13/16/9120

https://works bepress com/aparajita goyal/37/ https://au int/sites/default/files/treaties/7789-treaty-0033african youth charter e pdf

https://www statista com/statistics/1230868/employment-inagriculture-as-share-of-total-in-africa/

https://www tandfonline com/doi/full/10 1080/23311886 2023 2193


https://cgspace cgiar org/bitstream/handle/10568/99346/2062 PDF pdf

https://namibia unfpa org/en/news/determined-youth

The Role of AI in Scaling Up Africa's Automotive Industry T R A N S P O R T A N D M O B I L I T Y

The automotive industry is one of the most significant sectors globally, contributing substantially to the economic growth of many

regions In Africa, the automotive industry is still in its nascent stages compared to other parts of the world, however, with the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI), there is an unprecedented opportunity to scale up the industry, enhancing efficiency, productivity, and innovation The World Economic Forum (WEF) reports that the continent’s vehicle production is growing at 7% annually, with Morocco and South Africa leading the way as major players in the automotive sector, making up 80% of African exports, while Algeria is also experiencing rapid growth.

This article therefore explores the potential of AI in driving the growth of Africa's automotive sector, and for this, we will discuss current challenges and the opportunities that lie ahead

Current State of Africa's Automotive Industry

Across the continent, there is an average annual demand for 2 4 million motor cars and 300,000 commercial vehicles The WEF reports that this domestic demand which is rising due to the continent’s wide increase in disposable income, strong growth of the middle class and rapid urbanization is currently being met primarily by imported used vehicles.

Africa's automotive industry is therefore primarily characterized by the importation of used vehicles, with limited local manufacturing capabilities According to a 2020 report by the African Association of Automotive Manufacturers (AAAM), approximately 90% of vehicles in Africa are imported, predominantly as second-hand cars from mainly Japan and Europe. This information was later reinforced in 2022 by Japan International Cooperation

Agency (JICA) in a report titled ‘Study for the Promotion of the African Automotive Industry’ .

In Africa, the local production capacity is concentrated in a few countries like South Africa, Morocco, and Egypt, where the industry is more developed South Africa’s global vehicle production for example ranks 22nd with a 0.65% global vehicle production market share. The country’s objective is to produce 1% of global vehicle production (1.4 million vehicles equivalent) per annum by 2035 according to the South African Automotive Masterplan (SAAM) slated for 2021-2035 And so, there has been a growing recognition of the need to build a robust automotive manufacturing sector across the continent to meet the rising demand for vehicles driven by population growth, urbanization, and economic development.

AI's Role in Enhancing Manufacturing Processes

The application of machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies in the design, development, and operation of vehicles and related systems within the automotive industry can be referred to as Automotive Artificial Intelligence, or Automotive Al

In countries like South Africa and Morocco, where automotive manufacturing is more established, integrating AI into production processes can enhance competitiveness by improving efficiency and reducing production costs This, in turn, can attract more foreign investment into the sector, further driving its growth

Supply Chain Optimization

AI can also play a crucial role in optimizing supply chains within Africa's automotive industry The continent's vast geographical size and infrastructure challenges often result in complex and inefficient supply chains. AI can help streamline these processes by analyzing data to forecast demand, optimize inventory levels, and improve logistics management For instance, AI-driven demand forecasting can help manufacturers and suppliers anticipate market needs more accurately, reducing the risk of overproduction or stockouts

Moreover, AI can enhance transparency and traceability within supply chains, enabling stakeholders to monitor the movement of parts and materials from suppliers to manufacturing plants and, ultimately, to consumers This can lead to more efficient and sustainable supply chain management, reducing costs and environmental impact

Innovation in Vehicle Design and Development

AI is also poised to revolutionize vehicle design and development in Africa AI-driven design tools can enable automakers to create innovative vehicle models tailored to the unique needs of African consumers. For example, AI can help design vehicles that are more fuel-efficient, durable, and suited to the continent's diverse terrains and climatic conditions


Furthermore, As the global automotive industry shifts towards sustainability and Africa's interest in EVs continues to grow, AI can accelerate the development of electric vehicles (EVs) in Africa by optimizing battery management systems, improving vehicle range, and enhancing charging infrastructure, making EVs a more viable option for African markets

Enhancing Customer Experience

The application of AI is not limited to manufacturing and design; it can also enhance the customer experience in Africa's automotive industry AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can provide personalized customer service, helping consumers choose the right vehicles, schedule maintenance, and access financing options. Additionally, AI-driven marketing tools can analyze consumer behavior and preferences, enabling automakers to target their marketing efforts more effectively

In regions where internet and smartphone penetration are rapidly increasing, AI-powered mobile applications can play a pivotal role in connecting consumers with automotive services, from purchasing vehicles to accessing after-sales support. This can significantly improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, contributing to the growth of the automotive industry

Challenges and Opportunities

While the potential of AI in scaling up Africa's automotive industry is immense, several challenges must be addressed One of the primary challenges is the need for highly skilled labor and expertise in AI and related technologies To fully harness the benefits of AI, African countries must invest in education and training programs to develop a workforce capable of implementing and managing AI systems.

Moreover, the adoption of AI requires significant investment in infrastructure, including data centers, highspeed internet, and advanced manufacturing facilities African governments and private sector stakeholders

mustcollaboratetocreateanenablingenvironmentforAI adoption, including favorable policies, investment incentives, and partnerships with global technology firms.

Despite these challenges, the opportunities for AI in Africa's automotive industry are vast By leveraging AI, African countries can not only enhance their automotive manufacturing capabilities but also position themselves as key players in the global automotive market As the industry evolves, AI will be instrumental in driving innovation, improving efficiency, and meeting the growingdemandforvehiclesacrossthecontinent


AI has the potential to transform Africa's automotive industry by enhancing manufacturing processes, optimizing supply chains, driving innovation in vehicle design, and improving the customer experience While challengesremain,strategicinvestmentsinAIandrelated technologies can unlock significant opportunities for growth and development in the sector. As Africa's automotive industry continues to evolve, AI will undoubtedly play a crucial role in shaping its future, contributing to the continent's economic growth and industrialization.

As always, the conversation continues at

Readings: https://naamsa net/fuelling-theeconomy/#: :text=As%20the%20largest%20manufacturing%20sect or,9%25%20manufacturing%20and%202%2C0

https://www trade gov/country-commercial-guides/south-africaautomotive srsltid=AfmBOooKN2Z4WhmsFM1W2j1Dy4xZCdmfbUgbbJ7TTetEwLnJd5NvA0h


Opportunities for Youth Skills Development in the AI Era

“The era of artificial intelligence [AI] is young in years but advanced in impact.” This is a short but impactful statement from a report titled

‘Understanding the impact of AI on skills development’ , written by Kelly Shiohira and published by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 2021

Despite taking off not so long ago, AI has already demonstrated the ability to have broad implications for the whole of humanity, including the education and training institutions that equip lifelong learners with the skills to navigate both work and society As we navigate the digital age, understanding the impact of AI on skills development is crucial. For African youth in particular, the rapid advancement of AI can be bad if they don't prepare and rise above the challenges it brings. For those entering the workforce now or pursuing higher education, AI represents not only a technological frontier but also a crucial skill set for future employment

It is therefore, up to the youth - considered as any country’s greatest asset, to leverage the opportunities of enhancing their skills development and career prospects with the growth of the “young” AI industry. How to do this is what we will be discussing in this article.

A great way to start is by understanding AI’s basic principles. AI encompasses a wide range of technologies, including machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision The fundamentals of these components need to be introduced into Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEMs) modules from primary school to higher education levels. Online platforms such as Coursera, edX, and Udacity offer courses that cover AI basics, often taught by experts from leading universities and companies These courses can help young learners grasp essential concepts like algorithms, data structures, and neural networks, which are the building blocks of AI.

While self-learning and practical experience are invaluable, formal education in AI can provide a more structured learning path and credibility in the job market. Pursuing a degree in computer science, data science, or a related field with a focus on AI can be a worthwhile investment Many universities now offer specialized programs in AI and machine learning In addition to degrees, obtaining certifications from reputable organizations can enhance a young person's qualifications and skill set. Certifications such as Google’s TensorFlow Developer Certificate, Microsoft’s AI Fundamentals, or IBM’s Data Science Professional Certificate can demonstrate proficiency in specific AI technologies to employers

Next should be developing technical skills, as technical proficiency is at the heart of AI To become proficient, young people should focus on developing skills in programming languages commonly used in AI such as Python, R, and Java. Python in particular, is favoured for its simplicity and the availability of powerful libraries like TensorFlow, Keras, and PyTorch, which are widely used in AI development

In addition to programming, understanding data manipulation and analysis is critical since AI relies heavily on data. Tools like Pandas, NumPy, and Scikitlearn are essential for data analysis and machine learning tasks. Similarly in mathematics, AI excels in performing complex calculations quickly and accurately, proving invaluable in data-intensive tasks And so, the opportunity for the youth here lies in them concentrating more on developing skills in data science and statistics, while also delving into the more complex and creative aspects of software development since AI only automates coding tasks, such as debugging and writing simple codes

Once one has mastered programming and data management, engaging in practical AI programs comes in handy as it facilitates the practical application of all theoretical knowledge obtained. This is achieved by participation in hackathons, coding competitions, and open-source projects to gain experience. Platforms like Kaggle provide access to datasets and competitions where young people can test their skills and learn from others in the community, while gradually building a

highly rated portfolio

While putting all the theoretical knowledge into practical projects, it is important to note that AI is human-made, and so, it can fail and violate certain ethics codes of society And so, young people have the opportunity of enhancing their skills by identifying bias in AI algorithms, data privacy, and the impact of automation on employment This is something that AI cannot do and is left for humans to figure it out. Today, many educational institutions and organizations offer courses and resources focused on AI ethics. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), for example, provides guidelines on ethical AI development, which can serve as a valuable skills development resource for youth interested in the broader implications of AI technology

Keeping Up with Industry Trends

Lastly, we can agree that the AI field is rapidly evolving, with new tools, frameworks, and research emerging regularly. For the youth to remain at the forefront of the field and adapt to new trends as they emerge, finding mentorship and building network cycles is highly recommended This requires them to develop good communication skills and the ability to work effectively in teams. Furthermore, young people should opt in subscribing to AI journals, following leading AI researchers on social media, and regularly reading industry blogs and news sites to stay informed

Looking at a subset of 10 human skills, Gregory Daco - the Chief Economist at EY - Parthenon, Ernst & Young LLP discovered that programming and mathematics present the highest correlation with their GenAI augmentation score, while active listening and speaking ranked the lowest He further reported that areas such as learning strategies, speaking and active listening exhibit lower AI augmentation scores Therefore, “while AI can support learning and communication processes, it still requires significant human input and oversight, particularly in tasks involving complex human interaction, creativity and emotional understanding These scores underline the ongoing potential of AI technologies and their varying degrees of impact across the skills spectrum ” (Gregory Daco,2024)


Ensuring that with the surge of AI, young people’s skills are sharpened will reduce the many uncertainties surrounding AI taking over the labor force and leaving youth unemployment rates high, amongst others How else can African youth leverage the growth of the AI industry to ensure that they remain irreplaceable, highly skilled and relevant in the job market? Talk to us at


https://unevoc unesco org/pub/understanding the impact of ai on skills development pdf https://www ey com/en gl/insights/ai/how-gen-ai-will-impactthe-labor-market#chapter2 https://standards ieee org/wpcontent/uploads/import/documents/other/ead1e pdf

Figuredescription:The10laborskillsinthegraphareattributedtoalloccupationsonascalefrom0to5 Ascoreof0meansagivenoccupationdoesnotinclude anyneedforsaidskillwhereasascoreof5meanstheskilliscriticalandfrequentlyleveragedforsaidoccupation Laborskillscoreswereusedasregressorsagainst occupations’AIaugmentationscorestoassesswhichlaborskillsweremostpositivelycorrelatedwithahighAIaugmentationscore Thus,ahigherscoreinthe graphisassociatedwithhigherAIaugmentationscoresandAIexposure Source:RetrievedfromEY-Parthenon

The view of Ernst & Young (EY)


Women in Renewables

Interview with Mrs. Toini Annis


In a field where expertise, innovation, and mentorship are crucial, few professionals are as impactful as Mrs. Toini Annis.Witharobustbackgroundinelectricalengineering

Implementing the Solar PV Syllabus fields and extensive experience in both practical and theoretical aspects of the field, Mrs Annis has carved out a distinguished career dedicated to developing and implementing innovative trainingprograms.Notably,shehassuccessfullyimplementedthe syllabus on Solar PV, further demonstrating her commitment to advancing the industry. Her expertise not only spans electrical systemsandsafetyprotocolsbutalsoreflectsadeepcommitment to empowering the next generation of technicians. Today, we havethehonourofexploringherjourney,hercontributionstothe field,andtheinsightsshebringstothefutureoftechnicaltraining.

Personal Journey

Mrs Toini Annis is a seasoned Technical Training Officer at the NamPower Training Centre With a solid foundation in electrical engineering fields, Mrs Annis has successfully completed both Electrician and Technician qualifications at NamPower Training Centre and the College of Cape Town, respectively Her commitmenttoprofessionaldevelopmentisfurtherevidencedby her Diploma in Technical and Vocational Education and Training Management from the Namibia University of Science and Technology

Witheightyearsofexperienceintheelectricalfield,Mrs.Annishas honed her skills as both an electrical technician and a technical trainingofficer.Herprofessionaljourneyismarkedbyasuccessful track record of developing and implementing comprehensive electrical training programs that seamlessly integrate practical andtheoreticalknowledge.

In her role as a Technical Training Officer, Mrs. Annis has dedicated herself to enhancing trainee and employee performance, work quality, and team productivity. Through innovative training initiatives, she has effectively transferred essentialskillsandknowledge,empoweringindividualstoexcelin theirroles.

Additionally,Mrs.Annis’stwoyearsofexperienceworkinginboth medium and high voltage substations have provided her with valuable insights into the complexities of electrical systems and safety protocols This hands-on experience has further enriched her understanding of the electrical field and has enabled her to delivermorerelevantandeffectivetrainingprograms

We decided to incorporate Solar PV into our curriculum to meet the needs of the market and preparing trainees for a sustainable and rewarding future.

-Mrs. Toini Annis

What criteria inspired you to implement the syllabus on Solar PV in your training programs?

“There are several factors that inspired me, such as, firstly, the growing demand for Solar PV Professionals driven by the industry expansion and job opportunities for the youth Secondly, the environmental sustainability, as solar a clean renewable energy that contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combating climate change and to enhance prioritizing sustainable practices as a nation. Thirdly, the economic benefits in terms of cost reduction and energy independence, considering our current economic status, electricity is expensive.” Mrs.Annissaid

She adds,” Moreover, technological advancements, with the new national projects such as green hydrogen and oil and gas projects, our nation should be equipped with advanced and relevant technologies to ensure efficiency of various energy sources including solar systems. Lastly, the educational opportunities, relating to skill development and career advancement by acquiring specialized expertise in a growing field Hence, we decided to incorporate Solar PV into our curriculum, meeting the needs of the market and preparing trainees for a sustainable and rewarding future ”

What were some of the challenges you faced while implementing the Solar syllabus, and how did you overcome them?

“The cost-effective alternatives, because brand new quality products are way too expensive to accommodate all trainees, hence, we explored more affordable options, such as used or refurbished equipment and managed to secure solar training kits from a VET4Africa project, based in Germany Furthermore, the components in the kits, require constant updates to update the curriculum to reflect technological advancements and industry trends, and this is still a challenge It is also hard to collaborate with regulatory bodies and safety experts to ensure compliance, in terms of Solar systems ”Mrs Annisresponded

Can you provide examples of how the Solar PV syllabus has impacted your trainees' learning outcomes?

Mrs Annis said, “The trainees who completed the course have gained a deep understanding of solar energy systems, including their components, design, installation, and maintenance, and ensured that they understand the importance of renewable energy and its role in addressing climate change They have also developed practical skills, such as troubleshooting, problemsolving, and electrical wiring, as they are exposed to hands-on projects that allow them to apply their knowledge in real-world settings ”

After receiving training on how to train on Solar PV, what key insights or skills did you acquire that have proven most valuable in your training practice?

Mrs Annislistkeypointthatarehighlyvaluabletoher:

A deep understanding of solar PV systems, components, and their operation is essential for effective training

The ability to create comprehensive and engaging training materials, including lesson plans, handouts, and assessments Effective teaching methods, such as interactive lectures, handson activities, and group discussions, can enhance trainee learning.

Knowledge of various assessment methods, including practical demonstrations, quizzes, and projects, to evaluate trainee learning and provide feedback.

The ability to identify and address common issues related to solar PV systems, such as installation errors, maintenance problems, and performance concerns.

A strong understanding of safety regulations and procedures to ensure a safe learning environment.

The flexibility to adapt training materials and approaches to meet the needs of different learners and learning styles

These skills are crucial for trainers to effectively convey knowledge, inspire trainees, and prepare them for successful careers in the solar PV industry

In conclusion, what do you see as the future of Solar PV education, and how do you plan to evolve your teaching to stay ahead of industry trends?

The future of Solar PV education is bright, driven by the increasing demand for renewable energy and technological advancements

Key trends include:

Integration with General Education: Solar PV will likely become a core component of various educational programs, from engineering to vocational training

Specialized Programs: More specialized programs focused on solar PV installation, maintenance, and design will emerge to meet the industry's specific needs

Simulations and Virtual Reality: Advanced technologies will enhance learning through simulations and virtual reality experiences

To stay ahead of industry trends, I would focus on:

Continuous Learning: Regularly updating my knowledge and skills to keep pace with technological advancements and industry best practices

Curriculum Innovation: Incorporating new technologies, such as simulations and virtual reality, into training programs to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes

Industry Partnerships: Collaborating with solar industry professionals to ensure that training programs align with current trends and job requirements

Personalized Learning: Tailoring training materials and approaches to meet the diverse needs and learning styles of students

“By embracing these strategies, I can ensure that my teaching practices remain relevant, effective, and prepare students for a successful future in the solar PV industry ” Mrs Annisconcludes

My Energy Life Series

Pipelines, Delivering Solutions: A Journey Through Solar, Sales, and Strategic Partnerships

Interview with Damola Adeyemi

In this episode, we meet Damola Adeyemi, a Senior Business Development Manager (West Africa) at Odyssey Energy Solutions DamolaAdeyemishareshisstoryofhowhegot

startedintheenergyindustry,detailinghisinitialchallengesand offering invaluable advice to fellow young professionals seeking theirpathinthisdynamicindustry.


AfterearningmyBachelor'sinElectrical/ElectronicsEngineering,I soughtoutopportunitiesrelatedtomycourse Fortunately,Iwas able to get into a graduate trainee program, which opened the pathway to my journey in the energy industry I joined a solar installationcompany,throughwhichIacquiredessentialskillsas a solar technician This experience paved the way for a technical sales role, where I was exposed to the rigor of customer acquisition and product sales My career trajectory immediately took flight, and in no time, I became the Sales Manager, Nigeria, foraChineseOEMfocusingonbuildingapipelineanddeveloping the market. Currently, I am the Business Development Manager forOdysseyEnergySolutions,overseeingtheWestAfricanregion undertheProcurementSolutionsbusinessunit.

Whatdoyoudoinyourcurrentroleatyour company?

Myprimaryobjectivesincludepipelinedevelopmentandsalesof our product offerings. Additionally, I manage the delivery of programs, such as the Demand Aggregation for Renewable Technology (DART) program,whichweruninpartnershipwithAll On. I am also responsible for maintaining and nurturing relationships with our key accounts and partnerships in the region.


Thereisnotypicaldayatwork Asspontaneousasitgets,myday revolves around building the sales pipeline, chasing opportunities,andclosingdeals Thisentailsalotofcoldcalling, writingbusinessproposals,andattendingfollow-upmeetings.

Sometimes,Igetcalledupontospeakonbehalfofmycompany atconferencesandseminars Asatechnicalperson,Ialsoprovide operationalsupporttotheteam.

The enjoyable aspect of my work is the collaborative culture and the people I work with.
-Damola Adeyemi

Whataresomeofthechallengesyouhavefaced intheindustry?


Tobehonest,Ihaven'tcompletelyfiguredthatoutyet However,I always prioritize my family and friends I make sure to visit my parents as often as possible and be present for my friends' milestoneachievements.Additionally,Iaimtotravelatleastonce ayeartoexploredifferentculturesandlearnhowthingsworkin othercountries.

Whatarethecoreskillssomeoneinyourfield shouldhave?

Honestly, I've gained valuable hard and soft skills by working closely with management teams at various startups. This has allowed me to develop strong decision-making and analytical thinkingskills.Eachstartuphaditsuniqueapproachtobusiness, exposingmetoadiversesetoflearningopportunities.Therefore, I feel I'm not the best person to answer this question definitively;I'mrunningonpureexperience.

In the industry, I've faced various challenges. As a salesperson selling quality solar products, one significant issue is the market being flooded with substandard products at cheaper prices End usersoftenoptforthesecheaperoptions,ignoringquality When theseproductsperformpoorly,theyconcludethatsolarenergyas awholeisunreliableduetotheprevalenceoffaultyproducts

Additionally,sincemostsolarproductsarestillimported,weare heavily dependent on foreign exchange The current state of the economyhasdrivenupprices,causingdistributorstoincurlosses ontheircurrentstocktoalignwithmarketpricing Consequently, end users struggle to afford these products due to the price increases

Whatisthemostfunthingyouloveaboutyour work?

WhatIlovemostaboutmyworkisrelationshipbuilding.I'vehad theopportunitytodevelopstrongnetworkswithindustryleaders. DamolaattheAllOnStakeholderMeetingfortheDART30Launch



Theenjoyableaspectofmyworkisthecollaborativecultureand the people I work with It's always a team effort, and there's always someone available to assist or consult with whenever I needhelp

Whatwouldyouconsiderahighlightofyour career?

The highlight of my career would be my first solo major sales import Itwasasurrealandmemorableachievementthatmarked

asignificantmilestoneforme Additionally,realizingtheextensive network of relationships and contacts I've built in the industry wasanotherhighlight.ThishitmewhenIattendedaconference and spent the day connecting with about 60-70% of the attendees.Itgavemeaprofoundsenseofaccomplishment,atrue 'I don make am' moment.

For someone new to the industry, I would advise being open-minded and exploring each value chain, including both the private and public sectors.


Outside of work, I believe in finding activities that make money, maintain health, and keep the mind creative My job fulfills the financialaspect,andI'mpassionateaboutmaintainingmyhealth.

I take morning walks, plan to resume my gym sessions, play flag football (a non-contact version of American football), and try to eatashealthilyaspossible.

I'mstillexploringwaystokeepmymindcreative.I'vealwaysbeen interested in photography, but haven't fully pursued it yet. Additionally,I'mpassionateaboutgivingbacktotheless

privileged and am considering ways to contribute more effectivelyandinanorganizedwaytothiscause

Howdoyouthinkthatyourworkmakesa differenceintheenergyspace?

Currently, the product offerings I am spearheading in Nigeria addressthepainpointsofsolarcompaniesthatregularlyimport solarequipmentforcommercialandindustrial(C&I),utility-scale, and mini-grid projects. These pain points include equipment procurement and working capital constraints. Our aim is to alleviate these issues for developers, ensuring successful and timelyprojectdeliverytotheiroff-takers.

Whatadvicedoyouhaveforsomeonenewtothe industry?

For someone new to the industry, I would advise being openminded and exploring each value chain, including both the private and public sectors Building a strong technical background is crucial, as it will be beneficial in sales Cultivate relationshipswithintheindustry,asourcommunityisstilltightly knit, making this the ideal time to join Attend regional conferences to stay updated on new technologies and trends Mostimportantly,beboldanddon'tbeafraidtoexplore


-Damola Adeyemi


Botswana Oil Limited

Description: Provision of Bulk Fuel Transportation Services to Botswana Oil & Customer Sites

Bid Closing Date: 12 September 2024 at 10h00 CAT

https://www botswanaoil co bw/sites/default/files/2024-08/BOL Tender Addendum 21 08 24 %28V2%29 pdf

Levy Mwanawasa Medical University Lusaka - Zambia

Description: Tender for Proposed Works of Designing, Supplying, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Solar Power Systems for Lmmu New Campus and Old Campus at Levy Mwanawasa Medical University, Zambia.

Bid Closing date: 17 September 2024

https://eprocure zppa org zm/epps/prepareViewCAOrganisation do?id=32197

Zambia Environmental Management Agency

Description: Tender for Supply Delivery Installation and Commissioning of the Renewable Hybrid Power Backup Solution.

Bid Closing date: 17 September 2024

https://eprocure zppa org zm/epps/prepareViewCAOrganisation do?id=21804

Namibia Airports Company

Description: Supply, Delivery and Installation of Air Conditioners at Rundu Airport

Bid Closing date: 18 September 2024


Description: Design and Construction of Khomas 220/66kV Substation

Bid Closing date: 20 September 2024 at 00h00 Namibian Time

https://www nampower com na/Bid aspx?id=251929

Government of Rwanda

Description: Commercialization and De-risking for Agricultural Transformation (CDAT).

Bid Closing date: 23 Sep 2024 at 10h00 Local Time

https://www umucyo gov rw/eb/bav/getInvitInfoForGeneralUser do

















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