Energy and Sustainability Africa - November 2024

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Welcome to another edition of Energy and Sustainability Africa,proudlyresearchedandas youknow,producedinNamibia

Aswecontinuetoseekinnovativewaystogrow Africa’s economy, trade has been always a fundamental driver of economic growth In the presence of international trade countries can leverage on comparative, boosting the continent’s overall growth through increased production Therefore, it is clear that international trade and free trade agreements, specifically the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) play a pivotal role in unlocking economic potential at national and regionallevels

Such agreements can help to mitigate many hurdles that countries face when trading with one another, including reducing or removing tariffs and imports quotas. By addressing these barriers, governments can lower production costsfortheirindustries,enhancingtheirability to expand, increase profitability, and fostering growth. Therefore, it can be noted that a welldesigned trade framework not only promotes industrial growth but also generates broader economic benefits, such as job creation and improvedofqualityoflife.

What is clear however, is that the micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), however defined in Africa, despite facing significant challenges, hold immense potential to contribute to the continent’s development These enterprises often bridge gaps in Africa’s industrialization process by supplying goods, services, and jobs that larger corporations cannot provide Therefore, it is crucial to address the difficulties MSMEs face to ensure their survival and growth while aligning with AfCFTA’s vision of creating a “single unified market”

Inthismonth’sissue,ourteamexploreshowthe AfCFTAcanboostAfrica’sgrowthandexamines

its impact on MSMEs, including how these enterprises can benefit from the opportunities offered by this transformative agreement. Other featured topics include an assessment of the relationship between clean energy and Africa’s development, water availability and its implications for trade, and transportation challengeswithintheAfCFTAframework Asyou engage further with our content, you will also learn about Africa’s agricultural realities and questioning whether the continent is truly equipped to scale up production and meet growingdemands

As always, we hope you find this edition of Energy and Sustainability Africa informative as always and we encourage you to follow us and engagewithusonalloursocialmediaaccounts as the conversation continues at


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NOTE 2: Energy and Sustainability Africa is published monthly and is FREE to Readers. The magazine is paid for by advertising and the research support from RDJ Consulting Services CC,Windhoek,Namibia

Did You Know?

African total merchandise trade has more than tripled in the past two decades, its share of world merchandise trade represented only about 2.8 percent in 2022—down from 3.4 percent in 2012

-(Afreximbank, 2023)

About half of the manufactured products exported by the continent come from only three countries: South Africa(27percent),Egypt(10percent),andMorocco(10 percent). Thirteen countries out of 54 produce 81 percent of the manufactured exports. (Afreximbank, 2023)

Egyptian Refining Company (ERC), a greenfield petroleum refinery, was one of the largest industrial units of its kind in Africa (African Development Bank Group,2020)

600 million jobs will be needed by 2030 to absorb the growing global workforce, which makes SME development a high priority for many governments around the world. United Nation (Micro-, Small and Medium-sizedEnterprisesDay|UnitedNations)

SMEsaccountforthemajorityofbusinessesworldwide and are important contributors to job creation and global economic development. World Bank Group (WorldBankSMEFinance)

In emerging markets, most formal jobs are generated by SMEs, which create 7 out of 10 jobs. United Nation (Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Day | UnitedNations)

Access to finance is disproportionately difficult for smaller firms in the least developed countries (LDCs), with 41 percent of SMEs in LDCs reporting access to finance as a major constraint to their growth and development, by comparison to 30 percent in middleincome countries (MICs) and only 15 percent in highincome countries (HICs). United Nation (Micro-, Small andMedium-sizedEnterprisesDay|UnitedNations)


Can AfCFTA Drive SME Growth?


As we find innovative ways for Africa to grow, trade has long been a fundamental driver of such economic growth, allowing countries to leverage

their comparative advantages. This is achieved through various means such as specializing in the production of goods and services that they can produce more efficiently than others In the push for a globalized world, international trade is critical as no country possesses all the resources it needs to be self-sufficient. At a country level, countries engage in trade not only to exchange goods and services but to reap the benefits of specialization and comparative advantage

However, international trade comes at a price Trade agreements (TAs), including Free Trade Areas (FTAs), are a negotiating affair, essential in reducing barriers to trade like tariffs and import quotas. Such agreements balance flexibility and commitments among member countries to prevent excessive protectionism, encourage cooperation,

and foster a more predictable trading environment. The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), with its ambitious goal to eliminate barriers to trade across the continent, is one such agreement

The AfCFTA represents one of the largest free trade zones in the world, bringing together 55 African Union (AU) countries and eight (8) Regional Economic Communities (RECs) with the aim of establishing a single unified market This trade arrangement has the potential to revolutionize the economic landscape of the continent, particularly for micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), which form the backbone of Africa's economies. However, like all ambitious economic agreements, the full realization of AfCFTA’s benefits will depend on its successful implementation and addressing the challenges that come with opening up intracontinental markets

As such, the AfCFTA success in driving SME growth across Africa hinges on how well it navigates the challenges and opportunities it presents.

Although there is not a standard definition amongst Trade Ministry’s, MSMEs are fundamental to Africa's economic development According to the African Union, micro enterprises are those with annual turnover of less than USD 1 million, small enterprises fall within the range of USD 1 million to USD 5 million, and medium-sized enterprises range from USD 5 million to USD 20 million These businesses are pivotal in driving job creation, poverty alleviation, and industrialization in Africa

In fact, MSMEs are responsible for creating the majority of jobs on the continent and contribute significantly to economic activity. They often serve as a crucial bridge in Africa’s industrialization process by supplying goods, services, and jobs that larger corporations cannot provide Despite, their significance, MSMEs face significant challenges, including limited access to finance, inadequate infrastructure, and high operating costs.

The AfCFTA, by establishing a single African market, presents several opportunities for SMEs across the continent to thrive If fully implemented, AfCFTA has the potential to significantly boost the African economy and contribute to the growth of MSMEs in the following ways:

Economic Growth and Job Creation: AfCFTA has the potential to invigorate Africa's manufacturing sector, which currently contributes only around 10% to the continent’s overall GDP This growth could open up new opportunities for SMEs involved in manufacturing, allowing them to scale up operations, expand into new markets, and create jobs In turn, this could help reduce unemployment and alleviate poverty.

Reduction in Input Cost: One of the major advantages of AfCFTA is the reduction of tariffs and trade barriers. SMEs often face high input costs due to the importation of raw materials from abroad, particularly from non-African countries AfCFTA promises to simplify the importation of raw materials within the continent by eliminating tariffs and reducing trade barriers between African countries As a result, SMEs can access cheaper inputs, enhancing their profitability and competitiveness.

Increased Efficiency and Access to Technology: With the potential influx of multinational corporations (MNCs) into African markets due to AfCFTA, SMEs stand to benefit from partnerships with these larger players MNCs bring not only capital but also expertise, technology, and efficient business practices. Such collaborations could enhance the capacity of local businesses, allowing SMEs to integrate advanced technologies, improve productivity, and expand their operations

Expanded Market Access: AfCFTA’s promise of a single continental market provides SMEs with access to over 1.3 billion consumers across over 55 countries. This significantly broadens their customer base and presents new opportunities for growth For example, SMEs involved in agriculture can reach new markets for their produce, while those in manufacturing can export goods to neighbouring countries without facing hefty tariffs or trade barriers.

While AfCFTA holds substantial promise for MSME growth, it is not without its challenges. The realities of intraAfrica trade are complex, and if not carefully managed, AfCFTA could also have some negative consequences for smaller businesses


Increased Competitive Pressure: One of the primary risks of AfCFTA is the intensified competition SMEs will face

Larger economies, such as South Africa, Egypt, Egypt, Nigeria, and Kenya, may have better access to capital, more efficient production processes, and higher-quality goods. In comparison, small businesses in poorer regions might struggle to compete, particularly in sectors like agriculture and manufacturing where economies of scale give larger players a distinct advantage In the worst case, local businesses could be driven out of business, leading to job losses and economic destabilization

Choking of Local Producers: AfCFTA's reduction of tariffs could also make it easier for foreign companies to flood the African market with cheaper goods Local producers, particularly SMEs, might struggle to compete with the lower-priced imports, leading to a decline in sales and profitability This could harm the growth prospects of many African SMEs, especially in sectors where consumer price sensitivity is high.

Access to Finance: Despite the potential for growth, many African SMEs face challenges in accessing the necessary capital to take advantage of new trade opportunities Limited access to finance remains one of the most significant barriers to SME development on the continent Many SMEs lack the collateral and credit histories required to secure loans from banks or other financial institutions. This financing gap could hinder the ability of SMEs to scale up their operations and participate fully in the AfCFTA

Infrastructure and Logistics: Another significant challenge experienced by African SMEs is the continent’s

underdeveloped infrastructure, which includes poor road networks, limited energy supply, and inefficient logistics systems. These gaps increase operational costs for SMEs and make it challenging for them to meet the demands of larger markets. As a result, staying competitive in a more openmarketbecomesanuphillbattle.

In conclusion, the AfCFTA presents immense potential for Africa’s MSMEs, offering new opportunities for growth, expansion, and collaboration across the continent. Reducing trade barriers, lowering input costs, and expanding market access are crucial elements that will enable MSMEs to thrive in the dynamic and competitive single-market business environment that the AfCFTA aims to create Moreover, African governments and businesses need to work collaboratively to address the identified challenges, ultimately fostering economic growth across thecontinent


https://www wto org/english/thewto e/glossary e/free trade ar ea e htm

https://www wto org/english/res e/booksp e/anrep e/wtr092b e pdf

https://au-afcfta org/about/

https://www trade gov/us-free-trade-agreement-partnercountries

https://au int/sites/default/files/documents/44211-docMSME Definitions in Africa Red pdf

https://www weforum org/stories/2018/10/africa-continentalfree-trade-afcfta-sme-business/

https://www macmap org/en/learn/afcfta#headingId Advantages


https://au-afcfta org/purpose-the-afcfta/

Low Credit Ratings: Addressing the Impact on African Economies

The persistent issue of low credit ratings for African countries is significantly impacting African economies, leading to high borrowing costs and

liquidity challenges. This was a central theme at the 2024 African Economic Conference (AEC) held in Gaborone, Botswana (November 23-25, 2024) and organized by the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) During the conference, experts discussed the pressing need for comprehensive support and investment to help African nations navigate the complexities of credit ratings.

According to Zuzana Schwidrowski, Director of the ECA’s Macroeconomic, Finance, and Governance Division, low credit ratings create a vicious cycle of financial instability She noted that these ratings drive up borrowing costs and contribute to liquidity challenges, leading to increased debt accumulation for African countries (Schwidrowski, 2024). Despite these hurdles, there have been instances of positive development, such as Moody’s upgrade of Tanzania and S&P's positive outlook on South Africa However, the pervasive issue of double-digit inflation prevents African central banks from reducing policy rates, exacerbating the problem of high borrowing costs and limiting economic growth, particularly for resource-rich countries (Schwidrowski, 2024).

Structural Reforms and Financial Market Development

Sonia Essobmadje, Chief of ECA’s Innovative Finance and Capital Markets Section, emphasized the importance of structural reforms to improve credit ratings and achieve sustainable growth. She suggested that by strengthening economic fundamentals and implementing strategic reforms, African nations could enhance their creditworthiness over time (Essobmadje, 2024) Essobmadje highlighted the critical role of developing national and regional financial markets to reduce excessive reliance on external debt and improve the effectiveness of monetary policy.

Risks of Over-Reliance on Credit Ratings

Misheck Mutize, Lead Expert on Credit Ratings at the African Union, cautioned against the excessive reliance on credit ratings, which can amplify market instability and

contribute to pro-cyclicality. He referred to the EU Regulation 1060 of 2009, which mandates that sovereign credit ratings be published on Fridays after market close. This practice helps prevent market disruptions and allows investors time to analyze the information thoroughly(Mutize,2024).


Marcus Courage, CEO of Africa Practice, highlighted the detrimental impact of negative media narratives on Africa He cited research indicating that stereotypical media coverage costs African countries approximately $4 2 billion annually in inflated interest on sovereign debt (Courage, 2024) This underscores the need for more balanced and accurate media representations to foster a betterunderstandingofAfricaneconomies


Daniel Cash, a non-resident Fellow at the United Nations University Centre for Policy Research (UNU-CPR), called for large-scale architectural reforms to address the "credit rating impasse" He advocated for international partnerships to support African countries by providing the necessary skills, knowledge, and nuanced understanding to navigate the credit rating process effectively (Cash, 2024). Cash emphasized the importance of a unified approach to help African nations create a morefavorableandstablefinancialenvironment.

As a result, a multifaceted approach is essential. The insights shared at the AEC 2024 underline the urgent need for collective efforts to empower African economies and enhance financial stability. By tackling these issues head-on,Africannationscanpavethewayforsustainable economicgrowthandprosperity

**Additional context given by RDJ Consulting Services CC.


https://aec afdb org/en


African Leaders Welcome Launch of African Development Bank’s Technical Assistance Facility to Unlock Climate Finance for Vulnerable Regions

Launch of the facility will enable the African Development Bank to increase the reach of the CAW's efforts

Source: contributed by:

BAKU, Azerbaijan, November 18, 2024/ -- In a major step to address Africa's climate finance gap, the African Development Bank Group

( has launched a new funding call that will transform the development of climate projects across 37 low-income African countries.

With an initial allocation of $56 million, the Climate Action Window (CAW) Technical Assistance Facility, launched at COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, will support the preparation, financing, and implementation of adaptation and mitigation projects aligned with the Paris Agreement, Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), and National Adaptation Plans (NAPs)

The African Development Fund, the Bank Group’s concessional window, established the Climate Action Window under its 16th replenishment cycle to mobilise public and private sector resources for adaptation (75%), mitigation (15%), and technical assistance (10%), projects and improve low-income African countries' capacity to attract climate finance

Backed by significant funding commitments from partners including the United Kingdom, Netherlands, Germany, and Switzerland, the new Facility will be accepting proposals from governments, regional organizations, NGOs, and UN agencies in ADF countries via its online portal ( through February 5, 2025 Awards will range from $260,000 to $1 3 million per project

At the launch, Cote d’Ivoire’s Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development Assahoré Konan Jacques, welcomed the new initiative “I would like to thank the African Development Bank and its partners, as these funds will finance the resilience of our people Specific activities have been identified and targeted, and I call on the African Development Bank to learn from the challenges other funds have faced, ensuring that CAW succeeds where others have struggled.”

Mrs Fatima Haram Acyl, the Chad Minister for Economy and Planning, stressed that: "For countries like Chad, climate vulnerability is not just a term Our people face

floods, droughts, and immense losses, and we need real, fast-acting solutions The CAW presents an opportunity to deliver transformative projects that strengthen our communities' resilience. "

Max Andonirina Fontaine, Madagascar’s Minister of Environment, noted: “The CAW enables African nations to pilot initiatives that truly address our needs With its flexible approach, we can, for example, fund ecotourism projects in Madagascar that both protect forests and create jobs support that Africa urgently needs” .

Ms Louise Walker, Head of the Private Sector and Capital Markets Department at the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), emphasized the UK’s commitment “There is no pipeline like this in Africa We invite other partners to join and surpass our contribution, setting a new benchmark for climate finance, ” she said.

Dr Kevin Kariuki, Vice President of Power, Energy, and Climate Change at the Bank added: "The CAW provides a veritable channel for countries to meet their global climate commitments This facility will ensure that projects in Africa’s most climate-vulnerable regions are well positioned to attract significant funding, creating a winwin scenario where countries can achieve climate targets, while advancing sustainable development. "

“Our partnership with the African Development Bank has proven the efficacy of co-financing, " said Euan Low, Regional Lead for Southern and Eastern Africa at GCF "With $800 million in co-financing, we are leveraging $1.6 billion to ensure that Africa’s most vulnerable populations have access to critical adaptation resources. "

Driving Climate Adaptation with a Strong Project Pipeline

Launch of the facility will enable the African Development Bank to increase the reach of the CAW's efforts CAW represents the largest pipeline of adaptation projects in Africa, with 80 projects valued at $800 million already identified, and 41 projects funded. In its short operational span, CAW has mobilised additional co-financing and achieving partnerships with key climate funds, such as the Green Climate Fund (GCF), Global Environment Facility (GEF), and Adaptation Fund

For more details on the CAW Technical Assistance Facility, application guidelines, and eligibility, please visit the online portal or contact the CAW Secretariat at

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of African Development Bank Group (AfDB).

Media Contact: Olufemi Terry, African Development Bank Group,

About the African Development Bank Group: The African Development Bank Group is Africa’s premier development finance institution. It comprises three distinct entities: the African Development Bank (AfDB), the African Development Fund (ADF) and the Nigeria Trust Fund (NTF) On the ground in 41 African countries with an external office in Japan, the Bank contributes to the economic development and the social progress of its 54 regional member states. For more information:


African Development Bank Group (AfDB)


Julius Maada



Launches Sierra Leone’s First-Ever Iron Rod Manufacturing Factory, A historic Industrial Milestone

Source: contributed by:

FREETOWN, Sierra Leone, November 24, 2024/ -Sierra Leone’s President, His Excellency President Dr. Julius Maada Bio launched the nation’s first-

ever iron rod manufacturing factory, owned by Odhav Multi Industries (SL) Limited, reaching a historic industrial milestone. The facility is projected to save the country between US$250 million and US$500 million annually in iron rod importation costs while reducing dependency on foreign exchange

In his keynote address, President Bio emphasized that the factory represents a significant leap forward in the country’s industrial development and economic selfsufficiency He noted that the facility, which will produce 120,000 metric tons of iron rods annually, aligns with his administration’s vision of fostering a thriving manufacturing sector and attracting foreign investment

“This launch marks a new era of industrial take-off for Sierra Leone, ” the President declared. “We are committed to unlocking opportunities for foreign investments, and our policies are tailored to support sustainable industrial growth The presence of Odhav Multi Industries underscores our readiness for industrial transformation” , He said

The President acknowledged challenges faced by some factories, including energy constraints, and reassured stakeholders of his government’s plans to address these issues promptly. He urged the residents of Koya Chiefdom to safeguard the factory’s assets, underscoring the company’s significant investment in the community

President Bio reiterated his administration’s commitment to fostering a conducive environment for private-sector growth and foreign investment. He assured investors that the government would continue to implement policies and incentives to support manufacturing industries like Odhav Multi Industries

“This is the Sierra Leone we are building a nation where the private sector thrives, and our manufacturing industries compete globally,” the President concluded.

The Minister of Trade and Industry, Ibrahim Sesay, hailed the factory as a testament to President Bio’s vision for industrial self-reliance, highlighting how his administration has facilitated the establishment of 30 manufacturing factories since he took office, creating over 25,000 jobs nationwide.

“The iron rods produced by Odhav Multi Industries will not only save Sierra Leone $300 million in annual importation costs but also ease the pressure on foreign exchange, ” Minister Sesay stated. He noted that substandard imported iron rods, some of which fall short of international standards, have plagued the local market but emphasized that his ministry is now strongly collaborating with the Sierra Leone Standards Bureau to ensure quality control.

Odhav Multi Industries is set to produce not only iron rods but also nails, wire meshes, binding wires, and industrial gases such as oxygen and nitrogen Resident Minister for the North-Western Region, Ambassador Umaru Bond Wurie, praised the venture for its potential to reduce foreign exchange dependency while contributing to the district’s development.

“The Port Loko District has witnessed significant progress under President Bio’s leadership, including the establishment of a new airport, the first girls’ school, and a 100-bed hospital,” he remarked

Chairman of Odhav Multi Industries, Nilesh Katarmal, attributed the company’s establishment to President Bio’s investor-friendly policies. He highlighted ongoing

plans to expand into renewable energy sectors, such as solar and hydro energy.

“We are committed to producing high-quality iron rods at affordable prices while contributing to Sierra Leone’s industrial growth, ” Mr Katarmal stated

Paramount Chief of Koya Chiefdom, Bai Kompa Bomboli IV, commended President Bio for his dedication to the district’s development and called on residents to support the factory. He emphasized the importance of ensuring the security of the facility to maximize its long-term benefits for the community

The establishment of Sierra Leone’s first iron rod manufacturing factory signals a transformative step towards industrial self-reliance, reducing import dependency, creating jobs, and boosting the local economy

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of State House Sierra Leone.


State House Sierra Leone



AfCFTA: Renewable Energies to the Rescue

The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement aims to create a single market (framework) for goods and services across

approximately 55 countries, and has the potential to significantly boost intra-African trade and economic growth However, successful implementation and operation of this ambitious agreement face several challenges, including the need for sustainable solutions This is where renewable energy comes into a clear advantage.

Renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, biomass and hydroelectric power for example, can play a crucial role in supporting the AfCFTA by providing affordable, reliable, and clean energy sources to power industries, businesses, and households across the continent. By reducing dependence on fossil fuels and promoting energy independence, renewable energy can help create a more stable and sustainable economic environment, which is essential for the success of the AfCFTA

So, lets look at the in-depth.

One of the key benefits of renewable energy is its potential to reduce energy costs, which can be a significant barrier to any trade or investment action. High energy costs make it difficult for businesses to compete in the global market, but by harnessing renewable energy sources, African countries can lower their energy expenses and improve their competitiveness This, in turn, can attract more foreign investment and stimulate economic growth, which is vital for the successful implementation of the AfCFTA.

Moreover, renewable energy can help address the energy infrastructure gap that many African countries already face as they push towards universal access By investing in renewable energy projects, governments can improve access to electricity, especially in rural and remote areas, which can boost general productivity and create new

rural or remote area economic opportunities This is particularly important for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which are often the backbone of many African economies

To fully realize the potential of renewable energy in supporting the AfCFTA, it is essential for African countries to collaborate and coordinate their efforts.

In addition to economic benefits, renewable energy can also contribute to environmental sustainability, which is a key component of the AfCFTA. By reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainable development, renewable energy can help African countries meet their climate goals and contribute to global efforts to combat climate change This aligns with the broader objectives of the AfCFTA, which include promoting sustainable socioeconomic development and enhancing regional integration.

To fully realize the potential of renewable energy in supporting the AfCFTA, it is essential for African countries

to collaborate and coordinate their efforts This includes harmonizingregulations,simplifyingtradeprocesses,and creating a unified market for renewable energy technologies. By working together, African countries can leveragetheircollectivestrengthsandovercomecommon challenges, paving the way for a more prosperous and sustainablefuture.

Renewable energy therefore can play a vital role in accelerating the implementation and successful operation of the AfCFTA by providing affordable, reliable, and clean energy, reducing energy costs, addressing infrastructure gaps, and promoting environmental sustainability. By harnessing the power of renewable energy, African countries can create a more stable and sustainable economic environment, which is essential for thesuccessoftheAfCFTA


https://www worldbank org/en/topic/trade/publication/theafrican-continental-free-trade-area https://economist com na/59042/special-focus/impact-of-africancontinental-free-trade-area-agreement-on-africas-energy-sector https://cepii fr/PDF PUB/wp/2024/wp2024-04 pdf https://www africa com/the-role-of-the-african-continental-freetrade-area-afcfta-in-africas-energy-sector


Republic of Congo Eyes Accelerated Oil, Gas, Sustainable Projects

The country’s Hydrocarbon Minister Bruno Jean-Richard Itoua shared insight into the government's ongoing efforts to attract new investments in the upstream, downstream and forestry sectors

Source: contributed by:

BRAZZAVILLE, Congo (Republic of the), November 13, 2024/ -- The Republic of Congo (RoC) is preparing to launch a Gas Master Plan and

new Gas Code, all while enticing investment in crude exploration and production. Speaking during a press conference at African Energy Week 2024, Bruno JeanRichard Itoua, the country’s Minister of Hydrocarbons, outlined how these policies will drive oil and gas projects forward, all while spearheading sustainable growth

Towards Increased Oil Production

Leveraging policy and reform to attract new investments in exploration and production, the RoC expects to launch a new licensing round by Q1, 2025 According to Minister Itoua, “the round will put the RoC on the market ” He noted that significant work has already been done by various companies in the region, setting the stage for a successful bid round.

“We have an attractive legal framework ” Itoua added, underscoring the country’s intent to enhance investor confidence Currently, the RoC produces an average of 274,000 barrels per day (bpd) The Minister revealed ambitious plans to increase this output to 500,000 bpd within the next three to five years, driven by tangible projects and enhanced industry collaboration. “Our target is clear: we want to significantly ramp up production based on concrete, actionable projects,” he said

New and existing oil and gas producers in the RoC have committed to supporting this goal and are ramping up investments to boost output. On November 7, energy players Unite Oil & Gas and ARIES Energy formed Bomoko Energy to acquire and develop local hydrocarbon assets In October 2024, Perenco achieved 80,000 bpd following a $300 million investment, aiming for 100,000 bpd by 2025 with new field developments. Meanwhile, Cogo, the Congolese subsidiary of China Oil Natural Gas Overseas, announced in October 2024 a $150 million investment to enhance production in the Conkouati-Koui and Nanga III fields

Focus on Downstream Development

In the downstream sector, the RoC aims to boost domestic access. As new developments come online, Minister Itoua emphasized that “first, we give priority to our citizens, then to our companies Too many people still lack access to reliable energy ” He acknowledged the complications posed by outdated refining infrastructure and emphasized the government's strategy to upgrade existing facilities.

Currently, the RoC has one oil refinery in the coastal city of Pointe-Noire, which has a capacity of 1 million tons per year However, it only processes 600,000 tons annually while the country's needs are estimated at 1 2 million tons

To address supply shortfall, the RoC is in the process of commissioning a new refinery. The $600 Atlantic Petrochemical Refinery, to be developed by China's Beijing Fortune Dingheng Investment, will produce a range of refined petroleum products including automotive and aviation gasoline, LPG, diesel, lubricants, bitumen and kerosene.

“Seventy percent of the equipment is already produced and we expect the refinery to be operational by next year,” Minister Itoua shared This private project will grant investors the flexibility to decide on the type of crude processed, including the option to import crude oil “The new refinery will help meet domestic needs first, and only then will we consider export opportunities,” Itoua remarked.

Promoting Environmental Sustainability

Minister Itoua also highlighted the country’s commitment to environmental sustainability, particularly through carbon capture initiatives. The RoC’s focus on sustainable industrial growth is rooted in its history with the timber industry, and the country aims to balance this legacy with modern environmental practices “We started our development journey through forestry, and now we are working to preserve these forests for future generations, ” the Minister said

Covering 23 million hectares - two-thirds of the country's

territory - the country’s forest acts as a vital carbon sink, absorbing about 130 million tons of carbon annually. Minister Itoua explained that, “We have the largest potential for carbon capture in the Congo Forest It’s our responsibility to protect this resource while continuing to develop our industries ”

In 2024, the RoC received its first $8 million payment in carbon offsets as part of a World Bank agreement, highlighting projects like TotalEnergies' Bacasi initiative, which aims to conserve and reforest 93,000 hectares

With a clear roadmap for increasing production, upgrading infrastructure and committing to environmental protection, the RoC will host the first edition of the Congo Energy & Investment Forum from March 25-26, 2025 in Brazzaville Organized by Energy Capital and Power – in partnership with the Ministry of Hydrocarbons and with the support of the African Energy Chamber – the event will gather international investors and Congolese stakeholders, setting the tone for the country’s future in the global energy market.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Energy Capital & Power.

SOURCE Energy Capital & Power


Barriers to Trade: The Impact of Water



Recognizing the interdependence between water resources and trade is key to addressing waterrelated issues such as scarcity, through regional

collaboration and cooperation. Moreover, with 90% of global trade being transported via oceans and waterways, water is not only vital for local economies but also serves as an essential tool for facilitating international trade Understanding this relationship is critical for shaping policies that ensure sustainable water management and promote economic growth across the continent.

Water plays a crucial role in the production of goods and services and is deeply interconnected with the global economy In Africa, the link between water management and trade is significant, as water is essential for agriculture - which is the backbone of many African economies. However, water scarcity remains a major challenge in several regions, with far-reaching implications for both trade and food security.

As a critical component of global trade, water shapes

transportation, agriculture, and manufacturing However, the linkages between trade and water are not limited to direct water usage by industries. Trade of real water between water-rich and water-poor regions is generally impossible due to the large distances and associated costs, but trade in water-intensive products (virtual water trade) is realistic Virtual water trade between nations and continents can thus serve as a tool to enhance global water use efficiency and ensure water security in waterscarce regions of the world.

When we trade commodities across borders, we are also transferring water in virtual form, because the production of the commodity requires a certain amount of water which is embedded in the commodity Virtual water is therefore described as the volume of water that has been used to produce an item. Recognizing the water footprint of our consumption and trade patterns is crucial, as trade influences water use and can contribute to regional water scarcity By understanding virtual water, we can better grasp the hidden link between trade activities and water consumption

The import of water-intensive commodities reduces national water demand, which is attractive for waterscarce countries like in the Middle East and North Africa. On the contrary, exporting water-intensive commodities

increases national water demand and exacerbates national water scarcity Water scarcity primarily impacts trade patterns when absolute water shortages forces countries to import water-intensive products, such as certain agricultural goods, because they are unable to produce them domestically In these cases, water-scarce countries must rely on external sources to meet their needs, highlighting the critical role that trade plays in managing water resources, particularly in regions where water availability is limited.

Water resources are also indirectly impacted by trade through its impact on the environment It is well accepted that increased trade can lead to higher carbon emissions, which contributes to climate change and exacerbates water scarcity in many regions The impacts of water scarcity in relation to trade are manifested in increased production costs, reduced productivity, and supply chain disruptions, all of which can have a detrimental effect on the global economy Country groupings such as Small Island developing states (SIDS), namely Comoros, Guinea Bissau, São Tome, Principe, Cape Verde, Mauritius and the Seychelles, and some 16 Land-locked developing countries (LLDCs), are particularly vulnerable to water-related issues due to their unique geography and exposure to climate change.

Another critical linkage between water and trade is maritime shipping, which is one of the most important modes of transportation for global trade. Water scarcity can have a significant impact on this industry. Disruptions to shipping lanes caused by low water levels can lead to delays and higher costs for importing goods, which can ultimately be passed on to consumers and lead to severe economic consequences It is therefore important to factor in the impact of water scarcity on maritime shipping and the potential economic implications for water-scarce regions that rely on imports.


In Africa, over two billion people are living in waterstressed regions, where the demand for water surpasses the natural replenishment rates of available water resources This dire situation is compounded by limited access to clean water and sanitation, affecting millions of people across the continent. The consequences of water scarcity are far-reaching, disrupting the very foundations of life such as food production, energy generation, and ecosystem services Agriculture, which is the backbone of many African economies, is particularly vulnerable, as inconsistent access to water severely impacts crop yields and livestock, threatening both food security and economic stability

A combination of climate change impacts and the production of water-intensive commodities, such as food, textiles and minerals are exacerbating global water insecurity Around 50 per cent of the water used to produce goods imported into the Global North comes from countries with significant water scarcity, mostly in the Global South.

Droughts are also becoming more frequent and lasting longer as climate change increases global temperatures and makes water availability more unpredictable According to the UN Numbers report, droughts are up by nearly 30% since 2000 – in both number and duration, compared with the previous 20-year period.

Many SIDS face pollution challenges; harbours, which are major hubs for trade can contain high levels of contaminants from cruise ship industries and shipping activities, including oil spills, sewage, and other waste that can have a significant impact on the local environment. Such pollution severely impacts the local environment, contributing to the loss of marine biodiversity and the degradation of coastal ecosystems. This in turn, undermines key industries such as fisheries and tourism, which are critical to the economies of many SIDS Further, many SIDS face water scarcity, which is exacerbated by their small land area, limited rainfall, and vulnerability to natural disasters This water scarcity can

have a significant impact on trade, particularly in industries such as agriculture, and can lead to increased costs for businesses, further hindering economic development.


Toaddresstheabove-mentionedchallenges,many countries in Africa are investing in new irrigation technologies, investing in the development of new water infrastructure, such as dams and water treatment plants, to improve the availability and quality of water for agriculture and other purposes, and exploring new trade agreements that could facilitate transfer of such technologiesfromotherregions

Another approach to addressing the complex relationship between water, trade, and sustainability is the concept of the “blue economy” This concept recognizes the significance of water in trade and the need to manage it sustainably Theblueeconomythereforeseekstobalance economic development with environmental sustainability and emphasises the need to use water resources efficiently, reduce waste, and promote conservation. In the context of SIDS like those in the Caribbean who are heavily reliant on the ocean for trade, as well as tourism and fisheries, the blue economy provides a framework for these sectors to be developed in responsible manner, balancing economic growth with protection of marine resources.

In summary, collaboration between policymakers and businesses is pivotal in fostering investments in infrastructure, such as the desalination plants and water recycling facilities Additionally, education and training programs play a crucial role in promoting water conservation and sustainable use However, addressing water-related challenges requires significant investments, particularly in Africa, where many developing countries arefound


https://www wto org/english/res e/publications e/wtr10 forum e/ wtr10 hoekstra e htm

https://www waterfootprint org/resources/Report11 pdf

https://unctad org/ https://www c2es org/content/drought-andclimatechange/#:~:text=How%20climate%20change%20contributes%20to,t he%20timing%20of%20water%20availability

https://www chathamhouse org/2024/03/tackling-trade-relatedwater-risks/01-introduction

https://www weforum org/stories/2023/10/drought-trade-riverssupply-chain/

https://www wto org/

https://www un org/regularprocess/sites/www un org regularproce ss/files/rok part 2 pdf


PRODUCTIVITY: The Africa Reality


Courtesy:https://international-partnershipseceuropaeu/policies/programming/projects/digital-agriculture-africa-addressing-economic-and-food-security-impacts-covid-19-pandemicthrough en

Once more we remind our readers that agriculture is an important sector for many world economies, providing food, employment, foreign earnings

and income The sector carries huge potential to contribute towards key continental priorities in Africa, such as poverty alleviation, hunger eradication, increased intra-Africa trade and investments growth, accelerated industrialization, economic diversification, sustainable resource and environmental management Africa has 60 percent of the world's uncultivated arable land and the sector accounts for 35 percent of Africa's GDP, employing more Africans than any other sector With agriculture already at the core of the continent’s economic transformation, Africa has the potential to become a global agricultural powerhouse and a net exporter of food

According to the World Bank, the productivity of African smallholders has long been a concern for global

development policy as more than 80 percent of Africa’s poor people lived in rural areas in 2018, supplemented by smallholder agriculture as their main economic activity. In 2003, African heads of state committed themselves to increased investment in agricultural productivity and rural development, with that commitment enshrined in the Maputo Declaration on Agriculture and Food Security in Africa Their commitment was echoed in the 2005 report of the UN Millennium Project[3], which called for a “doubling or more of agricultural productivity” in Africa as a key to reducing hunger and poverty. This target persists in the Sustainable Development Goals of 2015; both SDG1 and SDG2 link to agricultural productivity, and SDG Target 2 3 explicitly challenges the global community to “2030, double the agricultural productivity and incomes of small-scale food producers by 2030. ”

The agricultural sector is of no exception when it comes to the many intricately interlinked challenges that Africa

faces. The infrastructure gap in Africa is well documented, and it’s one of the factor that negatively impacts agriculture.[1] Other challenges that also hinder the sector’s growth and development, despite the potential for increased productivity and food security across the continent These key challenges stem from issues related to technological limitations, access to finance, infrastructure deficiencies, and environmental shocks. Understanding some of these challenges is a crucial first step in developing effective solutions. Here’s a breakdown of these challenges:

1. Limited Technological Advancement: Agriculture in Africa remains largely labour-intensive with low mechanization, as farmers lack the capital to invest in machinery, limiting productivity and efficiency. Only a small percentage of farmland is irrigated, relying mostly on rain-fed systems vulnerable to climate fluctuations Fertiliser use is also minimal, constrained by cost, limited access, and low farmer awareness The adoption of genetically modified (GM) seeds, which could improve resilience to pests and diseases, is also limited due to regulatory barriers and public resistance. Additionally, organic farming adoption is slow, hindered by knowledge gaps, high costs, and insufficient market incentives

2. Limited Access to Finance and Credit: Smallholder farmers in Africa struggle to access credit, preventing investment in technology, equipment, and inputs like fertilisers and irrigation. This financial barrier keeps them trapped in low-productivity cycles. High interest rates, stringent collateral requirements, and limited financial literacy further limit Africa’s ability to secure and manage loans, exacerbating the challenge

3. Policy and Environmental Shocks: Africa’s agriculture is vulnerable to policy instability, such as changes in trade tariffs, subsidies, or land laws, which create uncertainty and disrupt farming. The continent is also heavily impacted by natural disasters like droughts and floods, exacerbated by climate change, making farming unpredictable and reducing productivity Additionally, conflicts and civil unrest displace farmers, destroy assets, and contribute to food insecurity, further hindering recovery and agricultural development.

4. Infrastructure Deficiencies: Africa’s underdeveloped transport networks, including roads, rail, and ports, increase transportation costs by 30-40%, making it difficult for farmers to access markets Limited storage and processing facilities lead to post-harvest losses and reduce opportunities for value-added processing, lowering farmers' incomes. Additionally, the lack of electricity and digital infrastructure in rural areas hampers productivity and access to vital information, further limiting farmers' ability to improve their operations

5. Failure of Infrastructure Projects: Infrastructure projects in Africa face significant investment shortfalls, with fewer than 10% reaching financial close. Many projects fail at the planning or feasibility stage due to political instability, lack of transparency, and uncertainty about their commercial viability The high political, currency, and regulatory risks make these projects unattractive to private investors, hindering the development of critical infrastructure like roads, ports, and irrigation systems, which are essential for boosting agricultural productivity and market access

6. High Tariffs and Trade Barriers: Trade within Africa is limited by logistical issues and non-tariff barriers, such as border delays, red tape, and inconsistent quality standards, which prevent farmers from accessing larger regional markets. Additionally, African agricultural products face high tariffs and trade barriers in global markets The lack of infrastructure and processing capacity means many products are sold in raw form, reducing their value and limiting export potential

7. Land Tenure and Ownership Issues: Unclear land ownership and lack of formal title deeds in many African regions prevent farmers from accessing credit or making long-term investments in their land, contributing to land degradation Additionally, fragmented landholdings, with many farmers owning small and dispersed plots, make it difficult to achieve economies of scale or adopt new technologies, hindering investment in productivityboosting practices like mechanisation or irrigation.

8. Limited Capacity for Knowledge Transfer and Extension Services: Agricultural extension services in Africa are often underfunded and understaffed, limiting farmers' access to crucial information on new techniques, pest control, and market trends. This hampers their ability to improve yields, reduce losses, or adapt to environmental changes. Additionally, there is a lack of adequate agricultural education and training, making it harder for farmers to adopt new technologies and practices that could enhance productivity and resilience

Transforming Agriculture in Africa

Addressing these challenges requires comprehensive and coordinated efforts from governments, the private sector, and international organizations. Generally, agricultural reform must start by unlocking access to credit in order to enable farmers’ ability boost productivity This can be made possible by making land a bankable asset, yet the potential for property rights to unlock capital remains unrealised, in part because the average smallholder farmer cultivates less than two hectares of land:

Extending credit to unbanked smallholder farmers and insurance in order to safeguard their livelihoods can provide farmers with direct market access, information about weather events, advice, crop monitoring, and access to shared assets through equipment rentals like tractors and other mechanized farming equipment African farmers have fewer than two tractors per thousand hectares of cropland, compared to an average of ten tractors in South Asia and South America. Additionally, real-time data can allow farmers to adapt farming practices to changing weather conditions while monitoring soils can help farmers make informed decisions about irrigation and fertiliser use

Improving soil fertility is another critical aspect of necessary to improve agricultural production. The use of organic or human-made fertilisers can significantly boost crop yields Most African countries can improve yield outputs by improving inputs This intervention assumes that governments prioritise agricultural productivity improvements through adopting modern farming techniques, improving the use of and access to improved seedlings and increasing fertiliser use as well as providing access to irrigation. Most of the cropland in sub-Saharan countries are rain-fed, dependent on predictable seasonal rainfall, which is increasingly becoming irregular due to climate change and desertification This intervention is a critical adaptation response to climate change as Irrigation allows farmers to grow crops year-round, diversifying production and increasing crop yields

Many subsistence farming practices in rural areas across Africa significantly strain land resources Increased land degradation and deforestation threaten agricultural

productivity and sustainability Historically, increased agriculture production in Africa came from expanding land use This scenario therefore assumes an ecosystem-based approach that focuses on sustainable land management practices and ecosystem restoration and protection by increasing forest protection to protect rural communities against floods, soil erosion and other negative impacts of climatechange

At the same time, empowering small-scale farmers with access to better tools, training, and financing can enhance their productivity and competitiveness, ensuring they remain an integral part of the agricultural ecosystem. While the challenges are substantial, they are far from insurmountable, and with strategic investments, innovation, and policy support, Africa can unlock its full agricultural potential and build a prosperous future for all itspeople.


https://thedocs worldbank org/en/doc/ccfc87d5ab2c6c4af0ba501f1 887d887-0050022023/original/Agricultural-Productivity-Growth-inAfrica pdf

https://www worldbank org/en/publication/poverty-and-sharedprosperity

https://www oacps org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/The-MaputoDeclaration pdf

https://www un org/webcast/summit2005/MDGBook pdf

https://www fao org/science-technology-andinnovation/increasing-agricultural-productivity-in-africa-can-stihelp-africa-to-make-a-quantum-leap-in-agriculturalproductivity/en

https://www worldbank org/en/topic/infrastructure/overview

https://www worldbank org/en/topic/infrastructure/overview

https://futures issafrica org/thematic/04-agriculture/ https://www whitecase com/insight-our-thinking/africa-focussummer-2023-africas-agricultural-revolution


The Transport Bottlenecks in Free Trade (AFCFTA)


As the Christmas Season approaches, merchants are stocking up and logistic firms are running at peak demand The movement of goods throughout the continent presents a unique set of challenges, requiring seamless coordination between different modes of transport (road, rail, sea, and air) Therefore, ensuring smooth trade across its vast geography and diverse economies.

Despite the central role of transport in trade, it is sadly apparent that Africa’s transport infrastructure remains underdeveloped and faces numerous challenges These bottlenecks not only undermine the goals of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) but also restrict the ability of businesses to grow organically. In this article, we explore the transport challenges that threaten the success of the AfCFTA if not resolved, analysing their causes, effects, and potential solutions

The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) is one of the Flagship Projects of Agenda 2063 Africa’s development framework which aims at accelerating intraAfrican trade and boosting Africa’s trading position in the global market by strengthening Africa’s common voice

and policy space in global trade negotiations The AfCFTA carries significant potential for fostering economic change and advancement across the continent by creating a single market for goods and services, aiming to boost intra-African trade, enhancing economic integration, and unlocking new growth opportunities.

Transportation and the AfCFTA are intricately linked as transportation provide the vehicle through which the major objective of AfCFTA thrives Since transaction costs for intra-Africa trade depend quite notably on road transport, the state of Africa’s road transport infrastructure is a key concern and central to achieving the objectives of the AfCFTA.

According to the 2018 Import-Export research findings by the Bank of India, the following transport systems are used for trade in Africa:

Roads: Roads dominate the transport sector in most African countries, covering 80-90 percent of passenger and freight traffic. A good road infrastructure system plays a very significant role in the overall development of a nation’s economy, as it stimulates trade, economic

development, as well as social opportunities. Yet, Africa lags behind the rest of the world in all aspects of infrastructure development such as quantity, quality, cost and access

Most rural areas of Africa completely depend on roads for connectivity In spite of this, the density of road network, for both per person and per square kilometre of land area is much lower in Africa compared to other regions. Africa has an average of 204 km of roads per 1,000 square km; of which only one quarter are paved

Rail: The total rail network size for Africa as a whole is 82,000 km, and 84 percent of which is operational, with the remainder closed due to war damage, natural disasters, or general neglect and lack of funds. Most of the rail lines are low-speed, small-scale, undercapitalized networks carrying low axle loads

The geographical nature of the continent with large number of landlocked countries and small sized economies necessitates urgent development of higher capacity and efficient rail networks.

Ports: There is a strong interdependence between maritime infrastructure and foreign trade in Africa Maritime transport is estimated to handle about 90 percent of Africa’s international trade; this is comparable to global standards. African ports currently handle only 7.2 percent of worldwide seaborne cargo traffic and 4 percent of the global container traffic. A few African countries operate large shipping registries

Liberia is the second largest ship registry behind Panama, with 219 4 million dead weight tonnage and around 4170 vessels in 2017 African ports face challenges like underdeveloped infrastructure and inefficient operations, including long cargo clearance time, under-developed basic port and hinterland infrastructure, usage of

outdated equipment and low levels of automation, and container and cargo theft, resulting in significant revenue losses.

Airports: Though Africa has over 4,000 airports and airfields, a significant number of them do not meet International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards and recommended practices, with only a quarter of these airports having paved runways. The challenges faced by African air transport industry include poor airport infrastructures, lack of physical and human resources, limited connectivity, and lack of transit facilities

Although the scope of AfCFTA is large, the main economic impact can be on the implementation of the provisions on trade, transport, and transit facilitation. The ‘Protocol on Trade in Goods’ clearly outlines the provisions that address elimination of tariff barriers, customs cooperation and mutual administrative assistance, trade Facilitation and transit

Trade facilitation which is offered by the AfCFTA can ease and simplify trade across national geographical borders and, when correctly utilized, will reduce transaction costs and contribute to greater consumer welfare through reduced prices Furthermore, trade across bordersimports and exports - can be faster, cheaper, and more predictable with ensured safety and security However, the AfCFTA journey toward success is not without hurdles, particularly in the transport sector, which plays a critical role in the movement of goods and services across borders. The Olisa Agbakoba Legal (OAL) (2024) identified some of these hurdles, including:

Infrastructure deficits: Infrastructure such as road, rail and port facilities add 30% to 40% to the costs of goods traded among African countries. This in turn means that products can become more expensive to move and trade, thereby affecting competitiveness. The high cost of goods

gives rise to counter smuggling and other illicit activities along the border, consequently undermining the success of the agreement

Customs and Border Procedures: Different countries have different rules at their borders Harmonising these rules can be tricky to ensure goods move easily between countries. Discrepancies in customs procedures, including lengthy paperwork processes and differing regulations, can result in delays at border crossings. These delays can lead to storage costs, reduced shelf life for goods, and missed business opportunities, especially for timesensitive products

Low Intra-African Trade: Despite the promise of increased economic integration and collaboration, the current levels of trade between African countries remain relatively low The World Bank stated that trade in Africa remains low with only 15% of African exports to other African countries, compared to intra-trade levels of 58% in Asia and 67% in Europe Low intra-African trade could be traced to poor communication and lack of adequate transportation infrastructure between African nations.

Barriers to Free Movement: This revolves around the contrast between the aspiration for the unrestricted flow of goods and the persistence of visa requirements for the movement of people among member nations Despite their commitment to AfCFTA economic integration goals, some member nations still uphold visa policies that demand citizens from other African countries obtain visas for travel This inconsistency between the ideals of open borders and the practical realities of visa restrictions poses a significant obstacle to the full realisation of AfCFTA objectives

Inadequate Trade Infrastructure: Lack of access to trade-related information, trade facilitation centres, and digital platforms can also hinder businesses’ ability to find partners, access market information, and navigate trade processes smoothly

As the move towards regional integration gain momentum, ways of overcoming Africa’s transport problems are being sought. Several key players are instrumental in driving transport reform across Africa, with the African Development Bank (AfDB) playing a central role in funding and supporting initiatives aimed at improving the continent's infrastructure As a multilateral financial institution, the AfDB funds projects that promote economic and social development, focusing on initiatives that foster regional integration.

A key program in this effort is the Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA), which addresses multi-sectoral infrastructure needs, including transport, energy, water resources, and

telecommunications/ICT PIDA is specifically designed to enhance continental integration by improving regional infrastructure, creating a more interconnected and efficient transport network that can support Africa's economicgrowthanddevelopment

Other key players at the forefront of Africa's transport reforms include the Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Policy Program (SSATP) which is a key driver of transport reform across Africa, working to ensure that all Africans have access to safe, sustainable, and reliable transport systems SSATP partners with African governments, regional economic communities, development organizations, and both the private and public sectors to address critical policy issues hindering the sector. By leading policy changes and capacity-building initiatives, SSATP is fostering a more integrated, safer, and sustainable transport network, bridging the gap between theoretical frameworks and practical solutions to improveAfrica'stransportinfrastructure.

Inadequate transport infrastructure and services could hamper the realization of the AfCFTA benefits To overcome these challenges, it is essential for African countries to prioritize investment in transport infrastructure Moreover, enhanced collaboration between governments, regional economic communities, and the private sector is crucial to streamlining border procedures, reducing customs delays, and removing nontariffbarriersthathindertrade

As always, the conversation continues where all comments are welcome

Readings: -africa-role-of-transport-infrastructure-exim-bankworking-paper-march-2018.pdf

https://www infrastructureafrica org/ https://unctad org/system/files/officialdocument/aldc2022d4 en 1 pdf

https://oal law/from-vision-to-reality-highlighting-thechallenges-of-afcfta/

https://www afdb org/en/about-organisationalstructure-departments-and-complexes/infrastructureand-regional-integration

https://unctad org/system/files/officialdocument/aldc2022d4 en 1 pdf

https://www au-pida org/ https://www ssatp org/


Roaming in Africa: A Pathway to Seamless Connectivity


Telecommunication has become a cornerstone of modern trade, connecting individuals and businesses across borders to facilitate commerce

and collaboration Among its critical services, mobile roaming plays a unique role in ensuring seamless communication when traveling outside one's home country or service area Mobile roaming refers to the ability to use a mobile device for calls, text messaging, internet browsing, and emailing while in a foreign country. It eliminates the need for travellers to acquire new phone numbers or services in every destination Roaming services rely on wholesale agreements between the user's home network operator and operators in countries to be visited, enabling uninterrupted mobile connectivity

Africa’s mobile market is one of the fastest-growing globally, yet its roaming services remain underdeveloped both in terms of geographic reach and service quality in remote areas In 2011, Africa contributed only 5% to the global roaming market Operators integrate roaming into their overall service offerings to attract users, adjusting rates to balance competitiveness and profitability. However, the continent's diverse economic and market

conditions significantly influence roaming rates, shaped by factors such as labour costs, inflation, technology infrastructure, and target demographics.

The growth of Africa's roaming market is hampered by structural and technical barriers Structural barriers include issues such as fraud, double taxation, and the high costs associated with international gateways. On the technical front, challenges include the widespread use of prepaid plans requiring adequate points of sale, interoperability among diverse technology platforms, and limited network coverage in some areas, which restrict access for roaming users

Despite these hurdles, African telecom operators are making strides to enhance their offerings, targeting business travellers and tourists with tailored solutions such as inadvertent and border roaming services. Several operators are leading the charge to improve roaming in Africa Orange for example, offers extensive roaming services, with rates varying by destination; for instance, users traveling to Zambia often experience lower rates compared to countries like Namibia and Zimbabwe.


MTC Namibia as another example, provides roaming across 146 countries through partnerships with 334 networks, catering to both prepaid and contract users. While on the other spectrum of approaches, Vodacom features an "Africa Roaming" plan offering reduced rates within its networks in countries such as Lesotho, Mozambique, Tanzania, and Ghana Additionally, its partnership with Kenya’s Safaricom bolsters regional connectivity.

According to the United Nations Economic Commission (2021) some of the Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC) like Gabon and Congo initiated the end of charging roam tariffs between the two nations through bilaterals agreements

These initiatives highlight operators’ commitment to expanding coverage and reducing costs, facilitating broader adoption of roaming services Roaming is vital for Africa’s economic integration and growth, enhancing trade, tourism, and regional cooperation To maximize its potential, African telecom operators and policymakers must address the identified barriers by investing in infrastructure to expand network coverage and ensure

reliable connectivity, harmonizing regulations to reduce double taxation and implement standardized roaming policies, and introducing cost-effective packages tailored tothecontinent'sdiversedemographics

Mobileroamingisthereforemorethanaconvenience,itis a catalyst for Africa’s economic growth and connectivity As operators continue to innovate and overcome challenges, roaming will play a pivotal role in bridging borders and fostering a more integrated continent Enhanced roaming services are proving to be more than just a technical achievement as it represent Africa’s drive towardsaunited,prosperousfuture


https://europa eu/youreurope/citizens/consumers/internettelecoms/mobile-roaming-costs/index en htm

https://www gsma com/solutions-and-impact/connectivity-forgood/public-policy/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/AfricaInternational-roaming-explained-English pdf

https://www mtc com na/roaming

https://www vodacom co za/vodacom/services/convenience-andsecurity/calling/africa-roaming

https://www orange co bw/en/services-roaming/mobileroaming html

Callsto Tariff

My Energy Life Series

From Waste to Watts: Contributing to Angola's Renewable Energy Future Through Innovation and Sustainability

Interview with Hermes Calongo

contributed by:

Inthisepisode,wemeetHermesCalongo,aRenewableEnergy Production Engineer at Grupo Omatapalo Hermes Calongo shareshisstoryofhowhegotstartedintheenergyindustry,

detailing his initial challenges and offering invaluable advice to fellow young professionals seeking their path in this dynamic industry.


Myjourneyintheenergysectorbeganin2009withadeep-rooted passion for sustainability and a commitment to making a difference in Angola’s energy landscape. Driven by curiosity, I sought opportunities to learn and exchange experiences by participating in forums, fairs, workshops, conferences, and seminars. These initial experiences were essential for consolidatingmyfoundationinrenewableenergyandexpanding my network of contacts with other enthusiasts students, professors, and professionals establishing the pillars of my commitmenttosustainabledevelopment.

Motivatedbyadesiretoadvancecleanenergy,Ipursuedadegree in Electromechanical Engineering, culminating in a final project on Electricity Generation from Solid Waste, for which I earned a distinctionof19values.

In2011,IseizedtheopportunitytoparticipateintheSustainable DevelopmentAward,reinforcingmycommitmenttoasustainable future through this innovative concept of waste-to-energy By 2014, I gained my first professional experience as a Junior ElectromechanicalEngineeratSANELAngola(AngolanSocietyof Industrial Equipment) In 2016, I attended the first National Training Course for Operation and Maintenance Technicians of Hydroelectric Plants, where I was assigned to Laúca the largest hydroelectricplantinAngola,withanimpressivecapacityof2,070 MW underthePublicElectricityProductionCompany,Prodel-EP My dedication to renewable energy and sustainability led to the founding of ENERE, a startup focused on bringing energy education to Angolan and African communities ENERE raises awarenessaboutrenewableenergyandequipsyoungpeoplewith the skills to implement sustainable solutions in their communities

presented by:

Additionally, I gained experience as an Operations and ProductionEngineeronvariousprojects Mydetailedknowledge of energy regulations and policies in Angola has allowed me to identify and explore business and growth opportunities in the renewable energy sector I also contributed to several solar energyinitiativesinruralAngola,participatingintheinstallation of solar panels and energy storage systems for 40 rural homes duringmytimeattheAlcaalRenovablesGroup

Today, as a Renewable Energy Production Engineer at Grupo Omatapalo,IamactivelyinvolvedindevelopingsolarPVprojects totaling approximately 724 MWp These projects aim to impact lives and transform Angola's energy sector by driving energy diversificationandtransition

Whatdoyoudoinyourcurrentroleatyour company?

I prepare and analyze construction schedules and execute engineering documents released for construction I manage weeklyandmonthlyschedules,conductroutineinspections,and monitorproductionactivitiesandphysicalprogress Additionally, I analyze activities and produce variance reports to track performance

I oversee cost management and control associated with production, and my responsibilities also include planning and monitoring the entire production chain and its stakeholders I superviseandcoordinateworkteams,visitconstructionsites,and establishcontactswithpartnersandlocalandregionalsuppliers

Lastly,Imeasureandanalyzeallyieldsandproductionindicators, establishnewproductionprocessesandprocedures,andprepare and monitor engagement plans for projects (Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIAS) etc This involves meeting with stakeholders and directing the Population and Environmental Compensation Plan


Atypicaldayformestartsearlywithareviewofthegoalsforthe photovoltaic projects under development I begin by analyzing performancedatafromprojects,contracts,environmentalplans, andotherdocuments,reviewingandrefiningworkprocedures,as

well as identifying and exploring new activities to enhance the performanceofourteam

In the morning, I coordinate meetings with my team to discuss and align on the progress of their activities, including implementing new technologies and solutions to optimize the efficiencyofsolarsystems Ialsodedicatetimetopreparingand reviewingoperationalreports

Throughout the day, I visit solar project installation sites to inspect work progress, ensuring strict adherence to safety and sustainability standards. I participate in meetings with directors and stakeholders, presenting results and proposing adjustments to improve efficiency and expand project impact. I also spend time researching technological innovations in the renewable energysector,alwaysaimingforcontinuousimprovement.

The day concludes with a review of activities and planning the nextsteps,focusingonenergytransitionandthedevelopmentof sustainable solutions for Angola. I am motivated by the opportunity to contribute to the country’s energy matrix, promote access to clean energy, and transform the lives of local communities.

Whataresomeofthechallengesyouhavefaced intheindustry?

I have encountered several challenges in the renewable energy sectorinAngolathroughoutmycareer.Someofthesechallenges include:

Alackofcontentandopportunitiesintheprofessionalmarket for technicians in renewable energy, which led me to create the startup ENERE Non-existent professional qualifications compelledmetostudyabroadforspecializationinrenewable energies

A lack of regulation, funding, policies, and public incentives forresearchersandprofessionalsinthesector

Whatisthemostfunthingyouloveaboutyour work?

WhatIlovemostaboutmyjobistheopportunitytointeractwith localcommunitiesandstakeholders,experiencingfirsthandtheir expectations for new clean energy This direct connection allows metowitnessthepositiveimpactofrenewableenergyprojectson people's lives, such as access to electricity, local development, and increased environmental awareness Listening to the needs andhopesofthecommunitiesmotivatesmetofindpracticaland sustainablesolutionsthataddresslocalrealities,makingthework allthemorerewarding

In addition to engaging with the communities, I also value fieldwork, especially visiting project sites I enjoy the hands-on aspect of seeing the technology up close and observing how renewable energy systems are implemented and operate in real time Thisdirectcontactwiththeprojects watchingtheprogress and challenges unfold on the ground keeps the work dynamic andallowsmetoapplymyknowledgeinaconcreteway,whichis oneofthemostfulfillingpartsofmyprofessionalroutine.


I balance work and personal life through effective time management With responsibilities at Omatapalo, my startup ENERE,andmygoalofpursuingapostgraduatecourseinclimate change,Iunderstandthatorganizationandplanningareessential Duringtheweek,Ifocusonprofessionalandacademicdemands, allocating specific times to each project For instance, I schedule mycoursestudiesforeveningsorweekends,ensuringtheydon’t interferewithmyprimarycommitments

Despitemyvariousresponsibilities,Ideeplyvaluetimewithfamily and friends I make a point of setting aside dedicated moments, whether during short daily breaks or planned gatherings on weekends This balance is crucial for me, allowing me to disconnectandrecharge Ibelievethatachievingabalancedlife

requires prioritizing and organizing tasks effectively This approachenablesmetofocusoncareergrowthandcleanenergy initiatives without sacrificing quality time with loved ones, ensuringafulfillingandwell-roundedlife

Whatarethecorehardskillssomeoneinyour fieldshouldhave?

In the renewable energy sector, several essential technical skills (hard skills) are fundamental to a professional's success, including:

Knowledge in Renewable Energy, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering: Understanding the operation of energy generation,transmission,anddistributionsystems,aswellas thetechnicalcomponentsofrenewabletechnologiessuchas solar,hydro,andothersources,iscrucial

AbilitytoDesignandImplementSolarPhotovoltaicSystems: This includes technical dimensioning and integration with powergrids.

Ability to Use Simulation Software: Proficiency in tools like PVSystandAutoCADisimportantfordesigningandanalyzing thefeasibilityofrenewableprojects.

CompetencetoPlan,Execute,andSuperviseEnergyProjects: This involves managing time, budget, and resources, as well ascoordinatingmultidisciplinaryteams.

Understanding of Energy Optimization: This includes implementing sustainable practices in projects to minimize environmentalimpactandmaximizeefficiency.

Knowledge of Laws and Standards: Familiarity with energy sector regulations, environmental and electrical licensing, governmentincentives,andlocalandglobalenergytransition policiesisessential.



Whatsoftskillsshouldsomeoneinyourfield have?

In addition to technical skills, soft skills are equally essential for success, including teamwork and collaboration, effective communication, problem-solving, leadership and team management, adaptability and flexibility, critical thinking and decision-making,andtimemanagement beinghumanaboveall


There are many aspects of my work that I value, especially the opportunity to represent my company and speak at events on renewable energy, sustainability, and environmental topics. I genuinelyenjoyexchangingknowledgeandinsightswithothers.

Whatwouldyouconsiderahighlightofyour career?

Ibelievethateveryexperienceisauniqueopportunityforgrowth andlearning.Asignificanthighlightofmycareerhasundoubtedly been my involvement in some of the largest transformational projects in Angola’s electricity sector, including participation in theenergytransitionandcontributingtomajorhydroelectricand solarphotovoltaicprojectsatthenational,regional,and

continentallevels Asayoungprofessional,Ihopethisexperience caninspireotheryoungAngolansandAfricans


Outsideofwork,Iampassionateaboutreading,hiking,music,and film Theseactivitieselevatemythoughtsandcreativity,allowing metoexplorenewboundariesofknowledge

Myworkmakesasignificantdifferenceintheenergy spacebypromotingthetransitiontorenewableand sustainablesources.


Howdoyouthinkthatyourworkmakesa differenceintheenergyspace?

My work makes a significant difference in the energy space by promoting the transition to renewable and sustainable sources Whetherinanonymityoralongsideothers,Iamabletocontribute I directly impact the industry by leading clean energy projects, such as solar photovoltaics, which bring not only technological innovationbutalsoeconomicandsocialbenefitstocommunities. Imentorstudentsinrenewableenergy,guidingthemonprojects and business ideas that improve access to energy in remote and underdeveloped regions, thereby contributing to knowledge, inclusion,andsustainabledevelopment.

My mission is to inspire and educate young people about clean energy,asitiscriticalforcreatingwiderawarenessofthebenefits ofthesetechnologies.Bypositioningmyselfasapioneerofenergy education in Angola, I believe I am paving the way for a new generation of professionals and leaders committed to sustainabilityandenergy.

Whatadvicedoyouhaveforsomeonenewtothe industry?

Forsomeonenewtotherenewableenergyindustry,here’ssome essential advice: develop technical and practical skills, understand the policy landscape, and build a strong knowledge base in the energy field Transitioning to renewable energy is a long-term goal for many societies The process can be slow, and projects may take time to implement Stay committed to the causeandbepatientinyourprofessionaljourney


My Hydrogen Life Series

Empowering Progress: Hands-On Innovation in Africa's Hydrogen Journey

Interview with Georgette Udo

This week, we turn the spotlight on Georgette Udo, a dedicatedResearchEngineerfromNigeria,whoismaking remarkablestridesinAfrica’shydrogenspace Currently

working on an innovative project that combines photovoltaics with green hydrogen production, she is passionate about driving sustainable energy solutions. Her work doesn’t just stop at research it extends to educating the next generation through hands-ontrainingandcurriculumdevelopment.

In this chapter, Georgette shares her journey, from her early interest in solving power challenges in her hometown to becoming a key player in advancing hydrogen technology. She alsoreflectsontheevolutionofthehydrogensectorinAfrica,her favoriteaspectsofthejob,andheradviceforyoungprofessionals aspiringtoenterthefield

Georgette’s story is an inspiring reminder of the opportunities availableinAfrica’shydrogenindustryandtheroleofpassionate individuals in shaping a sustainable future Dive in to learn more about her exciting journey and the insights she brings to this transformativesector!

Canyoudescribeyourcurrentroleand responsibilitiesinthehydrogensector?

I am part of a project that uses a mobile lab to teach technical skillsandprovidehands-ontrainingonproducinghydrogenfrom photovoltaics My responsibilities include developing training materials, testing components, analyzing data, and conducting research on the systems used in the photovoltaics-to-hydrogen process


My activities focus on researching and analyzing critical components such as electrolyzers, hydrogen storage tanks, and fuelcells Ialsoensurethesafetyoftheseprocessesandsystems

presented by:

Canyoushareabitaboutyourbackgroundand howyoufirstbecameinterestedinthehydrogen sector?

I have a bachelor's degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Growing up in a town with unstable electricity inspired me to look for solutions to energy challenges. I started mycareerintheoilandgassector,butmyinterestshiftedwhenI discovered photovoltaics and how solar power could generate electricity.

I decided to pursue further studies, earning a master’s degree in Photovoltaics for Green Hydrogen Technology through a scholarshipfromWestAfricanScienceServiceCenterforClimate Change and Adaptable Land Use (WASCAL) and the German MinistryofEducationandResearch(BMBF).Thisintroducedmeto hydrogen’s immense potential not just for energy but also for industrieslikeagriculture andIknewthiswasthefieldforme.

Whatmotivatedyoutopursueacareerinthe hydrogenspace?

My biggest motivation was the important role hydrogen plays in creating a sustainable future It’s a resource that can benefit so many industries, but current production methods harm the environment I wanted to be part of a global team working to makegreenhydrogenaccessibleandenvironmentallyfriendly

...whilenoskillisunimportant,whatsetsyouapartis understandingwhenandhowtouseit.


Canyousharewhatatypicaldayatworklooks likeforyou?

Mydaydependsontheprojectphase Duringthedesignphase,I focus on system design and communicate with suppliers to ensurewegettherightcomponents

As the project progresses, I spend time analyzing data from previous experiments or conducting new tests on system componentsinthelaborfield Challengesanderrorsoftencome up,sotroubleshootingisalsopartofmyday

Howdoyoumanagetobalanceworkand personallife?

Time management is key. I make sure to prioritize tasks and complete as much as I can within the workday. I also take full advantageofholidaysandbreakstorecharge.

Whatchallengeshaveyouencounteredinthe industry?

The green hydrogen sector is still in the early stages of development,socertainly,thereareanumberofdifficulties For me,thefirstwouldbeacceptanceandawareness Itisnecessary toraiseawarenessaboutgreenhydrogenbecauseIonlylearned about it in 2021 and many others are unaware of this type of hydrogen

The second issue is a lack of technical expertise This industry is rapidly evolving, and while transferable skills are beneficial, it is necessary to focus on understanding the fundamentals of fuel cell,electrolyzer,andhydrogenstoragetechnologies.Oneofthe main reasons the project I'm working on is significant is that it teaches and provides students with a hands-on opportunity to learnaboutthesetechnologies.

Whataspectofyourworkdoyoufindmost enjoyable?

I love fieldwork because I get to put systems together and see them in action. Even when things don’t go as planned, it’s an opportunitytolearnandimprove.Thatmakesitveryrewarding.

Howhaveyouseenthehydrogenindustryevolve sinceyoustartedyourcareerinthisspace?

The African hydrogen community has grown, and I'm pleased to see that more projects have been started Large-scale, practical implementationhasalsoincreased,whichmayultimatelyenable hydrogentoreachitsfullpotentialasacleanenergysource With possible advancements in cost, efficiency, and scalability imminent,hydrogenisatanexcitingperiod

Arethereanyrecenttrendsordevelopmentsin thehydrogensectorthatparticularlyexciteyou?

Yes! Natural Gas Grids and Hydrogen Blending: To cut carbon emissionswithoutundergoingsignificantinfrastructurechanges, severalnationsareexperimentingwithcombininghydrogenand natural gas for industrial and heating purposes I am excited to see the outcomes If it works, it could help countries that currently depend heavily on oil and gas transition to cleaner energymoreeasily


Outside of work, I enjoy designing for social media and events. I often do this for family, friends, and Maggreen, a start-up I cofounded. I also enjoy traveling, experiencing different cultures, andspendingtimewithmylovedonesbecauseitmakesmefeel thankfulforthemandgivesmethemotivationtokeepgoing

Aretherespecificskillsorknowledgeareas you'vefoundparticularlybeneficialforacareer inthisspace?

One thing I've discovered is that while no skill is unimportant, whatsetsyouapartisunderstandingwhenandhowtouseit As anengineer,Icantellyouthatthey'reclichesthatonly1sand0s make sense to us. However, I’ve developed a flair for designing and presenting ideas clearly, which helps me when sharing my researchfindings.Transferableskillslikeproficiencyintoolssuch as Google or Microsoft Suite are essential for general tasks. Programmingabilitiesarehighlyhelpfulinanalysisaswellifyou want to work in systems design. However, for fields like policy, youmightneedmoreknowledgeaboutsocioeconomicaspects.

Myadviceistobuildabasicunderstandingofhydrogenandthen focusonaspecificnichetodevelopdeeperexpertise.

Whatqualitiesdoyoubelieveareimportantto succeedinthisfield?

There’s no fixed formula for success in this field, but I’d recommendthreethings:

Stayinformedaboutindustrytrends.1. Networkandcollaboratewithothersinthefield.2. Bewillingtoputinthehardwork itwillpayoff 3

Whatadvicedoyouhaveforyoungprofessionals orstudentsaspiringtoenterthehydrogen sector?

Focusondevelopingamultidisciplinaryskillsetearlyon.Gaining experience in the energy sector through internships or volunteering can help you build your network and enhance your resume

Withpossibleadvancementsincost,efficiency,and scalabilityimminent,hydrogenisatanexcitingperiod.

Keep Your Mind Open to New Technology: Long-term success depends on remaining flexible and open-minded as the industry is always evolving This adaptability will be crucial for long-term success

Ifyouenjoyedreadingthis,besuretofollow Africa Hydrogen Hub formoreinspiringstoriesandinsightsintoAfrica'shydrogen industry Staytunedforournextchapter!


Kalabo Town Council - Zambia

Description: Expression of Interest for Consultancy Services for the Design, Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning of a Multi-Feed Stock Ethanol Distillery Plant.

Bid Closing date: 30 Dec 2024 at 10h00

https://eprocure zppa org zm/epps/cft/prepareViewCfTWS do?resourceId=10983480

South African National Energy Development Institute (SANEDI)

Description: Proposals to create dedicated funding mechanisms to promote the deployment of large-scale demonstration in Clean Energy Technologies.

Bid Closing date: 17 January 2025

https://www esi-africa com/tenders/sanedi-issues-a-tender-for-clean-energy-technologies/

African Union

Description: Supply, Deliver and Install ICT Equipment and Accessories

Bid Closing date: 16 December 2024 Procurement Notice1.pdf

UNDP-ZMB - Zambia

Description: ITB - Procurement and installation of hydrological observation network

Bid Closing date: 09 December 2024 at 05h00 AM (New York Time)

https://procurement-notices undp org/view negotiation cfm?nego id=28174

Ministry of Agriculture, Water & Forestry - Namibia

Description: Procurement of Farm Harvesting Bags

Bid Closing date: 28 February 2025

https://egp2 gov na/forms/ProjDetails jsf

Kenya Pipeline Company

Description: Tender for Supply, Installation & Replacement, Commissioning & Maintenance of Fiber Optic Infrastructure for Kenya Pipeline Company Limited.

Bid Closing date: 19 December 2024













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