InFocus Namibia - February 2025

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From The Editor

Energy: Are we Mixed up?



FebruarycontinuestoremainasolemnmonthfortheNamibiannation Last year, we mourned the passing of our late President, Dr. Hage G. Geingob, andnow,in2025,webidfarewelltoourFoundingFatherandfirstPresident, Dr SamShafiishunaNujoma

It is therefore with deep sorrow that we join the nation in mourning the passingofDr SamNujoma,theFoundingFatherandFirstPresidentofthe RepublicofNamibia HisvisionforafreeandprosperousNamibiacontinues toinspiregenerations,andhisunwaveringcommitmenttothepeoplewill neverbeforgotten Aswemourn,wealsocelebratealifelivedwithpurpose, alifededicatedtofreedom,andalegacythatwillstandthetestoftime.His legacywillforeverliveonintheheartsofallNamibians


AswealsoapproachtheAfricaEnergyIndabaConference,scheduledtotake placeinCapeTown,SouthAfrica,on4–6March2025,thiseditionwilldelve into some of the most pressing issues within Namibia’s energy sector Globally,theenergysectorisshapedbydiversepowergenerationsources, rangingfromfossilfuelstorenewableenergy.Eachsourceisdistinctinits form and impact on climate change The Paris Agreement aims to limit global warming and mitigate its adverse effects, encouraging nations to transitiontolow-carbonenergysolutions

This report is a FREE Publication written and authored through collaboration with RDJ Consulting Services CC based in Windhoek, Namibia

The content is collected from publicly available information and so its accuracycannotbeguaranteed

AsnationsstrivetohonourtheirParisAgreementcommitmentandothers retreat,thechallengeofachievingasustainableenergymixoftenemergeas a focal point The energy mix refers to the combination of using different energysourcessuchascoalorwindtogenerateelectricitywithinapower system A well-diversified energy mix is often emphasized for its ability to reduce reliance on a single source, minimize supply disruptions during periodsofuncertainty,andenhanceenergysecurity

The key question remains for African countries like Namibia: is it the energy mix or energy security?

In this February edition, our research team explores critical issues surroundingNamibia’senergylandscape Onekeyarticle,"Energy:AMixor Confused?",explorespotentialenergysourcesthatAfricancountriescould adopttostrengthentheirenergysecurity Additionally,wedelveintoother relevant topics, including NamPower’s latest generation assets and their significance for grid stability coupled with a review of Namibia’s electric vehicle(EV)adoption.

Wethushopeyoufindthiseditioninformativeandencourageyoutofollow and engage with us on all our social media accounts as we continue to exploreanddiscussthesevitalissues

Asalways,theconversationcontinuesat infocus@rdjpublishing africa


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NOTE 2: InFocus Namibia is published monthly and is FREE to Readers. The magazine is paid for by advertising and the research support from RDJ Consulting Services CC, Windhoek, Namibia.

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RDJ Publishing (Pty) Ltd is the publishing home of the InFocus Namibia, written and authored through the collaboration with RDJ Consulting Services CC (www rdjconsulting co za)
RDJ Consulting Services CC is an advisory consultancy to the Energy, Water and Transport Sectors with a focus on sustainable operations and renewable energy
Jarrett) EditorinChief
(GraceKangotue) Editor

Quick Facts


Dr. Sam

In loving memory of an Icon

Honouring the legacy of our late Founding Father

It is with deep sorrow that we join the nation in mourning the passing of Dr Sam Shafiishuna Nujoma, the Founding Father and First President of the Republic of Namibia His vision for a free and prosperous Namibia continues to inspire generations, and his commitment to the people will never be forgotten.

For 15 years, from 1990 to 2005, Dr Nujoma served as Namibia’s first President, laying the foundation for democracy, national unity, and socio-economic development Under his leadership, Namibia made significant strides in education, healthcare, and infrastructure, fostering a sense of national identity and self-reliance.

As we reflect on his remarkable life, we extend our deepest condolences to the Nujoma family, and the people of Namibia May his enduring legacy remind us of the sacrifices made for our nation’s freedom and inspire us to build on the foundation he so courageously laid. As we mourn, we also celebrate a life lived with purpose, a life dedicated to freedom, and a legacy that will stand the test of time.

His legacy will forever live on in the hearts of all Namibians May his soul rest in eternal peace

Economy at Large

Minimum Wage, Maximum Impact

Namibia's recent implementation of a National Minimum Wage is stated by the government to address income disparities and promote a more

inclusive economy. This policy is therefore poised to have several implications for the country's energy sector, particularly in areas like labour costs, employment, and investment

However, for energy projects including those in the renewable sector that have high construction demands, this could mean higher capital expenses due to the increased wages for roles that previously offered lower pay. While the minimum wage policy aims to protect workers, there are concerns about its impact on employment levels The increased labour costs may influence investment decisions, as companies assess the financial viability of new and existing projects under the new wage regulations. For instance, service stations in Namibia have indicated the possibility of retrenching up to 40% of their workforce to meet the financial demands imposed by the wage increase

Although this example pertains to service stations, similar challenges could arise in the broader energy sector, potentiallyleadingtoreducedjobs

4.9 million Solar photovoltaic (PV) jobs in 2022; among renewable energy technologies, solar PV is the fastestgrowing sector, accounting for more than one-third of thetotalrenewableenergyworkforce.Womenhold40% ofthesejobs.

As pointed out by Egli et al (sciencedirect), the cost of capital is a crucial parameter for renewable energy cost structures, thus affecting tariff outcomes and in some cases profitability and subsidy requirements So with labour costs expected to account for 15 – 25 percent, the increase could add up to 5 percent more on labour costs in Namibia.


The principle approach is that the introduction of a minimum wage ensures that all workers receive a baseline (minimum) level of income, which can help uplift lowincome workers and hopefully drive social progress As pointed out by the Minister of Labour, “The introduction of the NMW marks a significant milestone in our nation’s journey towards social equity and economic justice. For too long, countless Namibians have worked tirelessly, often under harsh conditions, yet have struggled to make ends meet”

The enactment of Namibia's National Minimum Wage is a significant step toward economic inclusivity and worker protection. While it presents challenges such as increased labor costs and potential employment adjustments, it also offers opportunities for a more stable and equitable

workforce Energy sector stakeholders must carefully evaluate these factors to navigate the evolving economic landscapeeffectively

As always, the conversation continues


https://www sciencedirect com/science/article/pii/S03014215230043 42

https://www irena org/Digital-Report/Renewable-energy-and-jobsAnnual-review-2023

https://www nrel gov/docs/fy12osti/49339 pdf

https://www ilo org/sites/default/files/wcmsp5/groups/public/@dgr eports/@dcomm/@publ/documents/publication/wcms 823807 pdf

Oil & Gas

ANIXAS II – NamPower’s Latest Generation Asset

Namibia like all countries in the Southern African Power Pool (SAPP) which is a cooperation of electricity companies in Southern Africa under the

auspices of the Southern African Development Community, continues to strive for energy independence driven by energy security motives

As recent as December 2024, the Minister (Honourable Tom Alweendo) of Ministry of Mines and Energy announced the latest planned procurement (Ministerial Determination) to the national (electrical) energy mix. Aligning with several legal frameworks and government policy directives, the allocation of 330 MW is focused primarily on renewable energy resources

These determinations are not instant “oats” or “pap” and so will take several years to materialize so that the first electrons can flow into the NamPower system and benefit consumers A good example of this comes from the projects mandated in the 2018 Ministerial Determination which are now online or under development such as the Otjikoto 40 MW Biomass Power Station (under development), the Khan Solar IPP 20 MW PV Power Plant (completed), Omburu Solar 20 MW PV Power Plant (completed), Rosh Pinah Solar 70 MW PV Power Plant (under development as a 100 MW project), Luderitz 50 MW Wind IPP Power Plant (under development) and the Anixas II 50 MW Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) Power Plant (completed) give a platform for increased energy security and local resource increase

One of the needs for any power system is the ability to have baseload power plants and “responsive” power plants systems to ensure a stable and reliable electricity supply. A well-balanced combination of both baseload and responsive generation ensures grid stability, energy security, and efficiency, minimizing the risks of power shortages or blackouts while optimizing cost and environmental impact.

Baseload power plants, such as the planned Otjikoto 40 MW Biomass Power Station and the completed Anixas II 50 MW HFO Power Plant, operate continuously or as needed to provide a steady supply of electricity, meeting the minimum or responsive demand on the grid Anixas (I and II), does this and complements the integration of renewables to the grid because of its responsive nature and may be operated to offset the intermittency associated with renewables)

Strategically positioned adjacent to the existing Anixas I Power Station, which has a capacity of 22 5 MW, Anixas II significantly bolsters NamPower's generation portfolio The combined output of these facilities contributes to a more robust and reliable electricity supply, reducing dependence on imports and enhancing grid stability, especially in response to the intermittency of renewable energy sources The fuel source for the Anixas plants, Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO), is a “left-over” byproduct from the refinery process of crude oil As highlighted by Lubmarine, the quality of the residual fuel depends on the quality of the crude oil. To achieve various specifications and quality levels, these residual fuels are blended with lighter fuels such as marine gasoil or marine diesel oil The resulting blends are also referred to as intermediate fuel oils (IFO) or marine diesel oil They are classified and named according to their viscosity, IFO 180 and IFO 380, with viscosities of 180 mm²/s and 380 mm²/s, respectively.

In the MARPOL Marine Convention of 1973, heavy fuel oil is defined either by a density of greater than 900 kg/m³ at 15°C or a kinematic viscosity of more than 180 mm²/s at 50°C Heavy fuel oils have large percentages of heavy molecules such as long-chain hydrocarbons and aromatics with long-branched side chains.

The ISO 8217 international standard divides marine fuels into distillate marine fuels and residual marine fuels (RMA) The latter are collectively called heavy fuel oils An exception is the lowest viscous quality level, RMA 10, which is no longer referred to as an HFO, as its proportion of

heavy fuel oil is so small ISO 8217 stipulates that residual fuels, and therefore all heavy fuel oils, may not contain old oilorlubricatingoils

A key differentiator of heavy fuel oils is their sulfur oxides (SOx) content According to ISO 8217, their maximum sulfur content must not exceed 3 5% The following main classes withregardtothesulfurcontentcanbedistinguished:

High sulfur fuel oil (HSFO): max 3 5% SOx - Heavy fuel oils designated as high-sulfur fuel oils (HSFO), with a maximum sulfur content of 3 5% as permitted under ISO 8217

Low sulfur fuel oil (LSFO): max 1 0% SOx - Usually these are marine fuel types IFO 180 or IFO 380, which have beendesulfurized.

Ultra low sulfur fuel oil (ULSFO): max 0.1% SOx - Usually refers to marine gasoil. It is composed exclusively of distillates.

Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) generally leads to higher fuel consumption rate compared to lighter fuel options due to its lower energy density and higher viscosity, requiring more fuel to produce the same amount of power in an engine, resulting in increased fuel consumption per unit of workdone Thisiscompensatedforbyitscostfactor

So with the ability to meet approximately 10 percent of Namibia’s maximum demand at a moment’s notice, the Anixas units should give Namibia the genuine ability to increase the capacity of installed intermittent renewable energyresourcesandsoincreaseenergysecurity

As always, the conversation continues


https://www nampower com na/Page aspx?p=220

https://www mme gov na/files/publications/ddf Announcement%20 of%202024%20Ministerial%20Determination%20of%20Power%20Gen eration%20Projects pdf

https://www mme gov na/files/publications/743 2024%20Ministerial %20Determination%20of%20Power%20Generation%20Projects pdf

This piece contains direct extracts from and so RDJ Publishing (Pty) Ltd although grateful for the information does not warrant the information or data provided Asa Result, no reliance must be made without cross-checking with Lubmarine / Total Energies.


Asia Britain Caribbean Southern Africa USA


Solar Energy Production Energy Sector

Solar energy is abundant in Namibia. In 2025, we present targetted sites with 100 MWp of solar photovoltaic (solar panels) if they were installed.

What these graphs teach us is the quantity and pattern of production that can be expected if such a plant existed.

Modelled Production Possibility Karasburg Area -28.710303°, 17.643096°,10&pv=ground,0,26,100000




Energy: A Mix or Confused?

The energy mix refers to the combination of different energy sources such as coal or wind, used to generate electricity within a power system In the

grand scheme of things, it includes a variety of renewable and non-renewable energy sources, depending on factors such as resource availability, government policies, technological advancements, and economic considerations

As 2025 kicks off, the push for decarbonization seems to have now hit a “speed bump” both on the supply and demand spectrums. This is driven by actions of countries such as the United States indicating that they are withdrawing from the Paris Agreement and related commitments Such exits are likely to lead to more countries withdrawing, joining the likes of Libya, Yemen and Iran.

On the demand side, technological advancements that are becoming commercially viable are also now creating a need for careful supply side considerations So, with these developments, governments in Africa now must rapidly relook at their energy futures To make our understanding relevant, here are the energy resources available to us.

Bioenergy / Biofuels

The traditional energy used by our ancestors and still very much used by us today is well entrenched in our African society and many other developing economies globally Used either as a solid (for example wood) or a liquid (biodiesel), bioenergy is extremely popular but due to is wide availability and low cost structure

Considered a renewable energy source, the IEA see this resource accounting for 55 percent of all renewables. However, bioenergy use in Africa is causing stress as with other locations globally, on forests and in other quarters, creates competition with food crops


Another widely used energy source, providing some 30% or more of the world’s energy use for electricity generation, along with iron and steel production. Similarly to oil, the energy source is easily transported and stored. The IEA has modelled coal being fully phased out by 2040 but there are indications that this may take longer and if any technological advance cracks “carbon capture”, then 2040 will be but a fallacy

Africa’s coal supply makes up 3 percent of the global share (IEA) with South Africa accounting for 83 percent, followed by Morocco at 9%.

Hydro Power

Hydro power is considered the largest renewable energy source globally for electricity production Being extremely popular by utilities for electricity production due to the ability to provide reliable baseload power as well as stability for ancillary services

Hydro experiences in Africa however have been fraught with major climate challenges brought about by prolonged droughts


As an energy carrier, hydrogen is produced using a variety of methods, most recently being driven by either renewable energy or nuclear power Once produced, hydrogen is versatile as a fuel but has proven a challenge for transport over long areas. Demand for hydrogen is now estimated to be in the order of 97 million tonnes and less than 1 percent is produced by renewables.

Africa has shown interest in becoming a producer of hydrogen using renewables, but sentiments are now starting to shift to its production from nuclear power History will determine which came to the fore. (See Nuclear section for challenges).

Natural Gas (LNG)

Natural gas which is generally transported in liquid form thus the term Liquified Natural Gas (LNG), accounts for some 25% of electricity generation globally and is popular as LNG Generating units provide flexibility in electricity systems The ease of LNG generating units to be installed and the lower carbon footprint per kilowatt or kilowatt hour produced has led to increased demand for LNG.

Africa has several LNG producers accounting for some 625 trillion cubic feet, with Algeria being Africa’s leader, accompanied by Egypt and Nigeria in quantities Mozambique is the most recent but has been plagued with disruptions

Nuclear Power (Uranium)

Some 10 percent of electricity (IEA) produced globally is from nuclear power and for countries such as France or Ukraine, provide the backbone of their generation systems

In Africa, Egypt and South Africa have nuclear power as part of their electrical systems, noting South Africa has used nuclear power since the 1980’s There however is still the

constant question surrounding “is Africa ready for nuclear”?.

Quoting others, “Africa is hungry for energy, and nuclear power could be part of the answer for an increasing number of countries, ” says Mikhail Chudakov, deputy director general and head of the Department of Nuclear Energy at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

The queries and doubts surround matters carried before by both our Energy and Sustainability Africa and InFocus Namibia magazines due in part to the importance of the topic One such point is that A successful nuclear power programme requires broad political and popular support and a national commitment of at least 100 years Added to this is the fact that nuclear power should only be added to a system where the nuclear portion is not in excess of the baseload level of that system.

Oil (Derivatives)

We are all very conversant with oil but sadly not so knowledgeable about the very useful derivatives such as plastics and medicines to name a few So, with such importance, the International Energy Agency (IEA) notes that its members have a duty to hold “at least” 90 days of oil import equivalent to bunker through any disruptions in the supply chain.

This versatility brought about by ease of transporting, and energy density make it the most used energy source. Africa will have a challenge to wean itself of oil and so any policy approach for a transition will require long-term energy planning

Solar thermal (Heating/CSP)

Heat from the sun (solar thermal) is not new and has been with us since the dawn of time However, the use of solar heating is still not commonplace and even where solar thermal has become commercial as either water heating (geysers) or for power generation via concentrated solar power (CSP), the true potential is still to be seen As with renewables generally, here again the barriers to uptake surround high upfront capital costs.

Regardless, Africa has started to embrace CSP into its energy mixes, with many of the larger economies such as Morocco and South Africa leading the way Morocco currently has the world’s largest CSP plant at the NoorOuarzazate CSP complex, producing some 500 MW and reducing the demand for the use of imported fuels.

Solar electricity (PV)

Solar electricity from photovoltaics (PV) has now become

very popular as a source of renewable energy. At the current commercial levels, economies of scale exist that now allow for cost effective utilization at household level and even more beneficial at utility scale

Another draw factor is that solar PV can be installed literally anywhere and used as part of large scale systems or as isolated “island” systems creating huge versatility in supply regimes. This is even more stark when compared to other energy sources, showing that solar PV could be the largest source circa 2030 (IEA) concentrated solar power

Solar PV however has the disadvantage of being intermittent and so a drawback for utility electrical systems that need to supply on demand. This is one of the factors along with the high upfront capital costs impacting greater rollout in Africa even though there is a great need for increased electricity production across the continent

Wind Power

Wind power as a proven technology has not developed at the rate expected due in part to a misunderstanding of its challenges and the renewables curse of high upfront capital costs Available as either onshore or offshore, the slow utilization could as with most renewables be blamed on a lack of markets either able due to tariff realities and other considerations or just unwilling to accept wind power as part of its mix due to misconceptions

Africa has areas of high potential both onshore and offshore with northern and southern Africa having the highest potentials for wind power density. According to a study in 2020 for the International Finance Corporation, continental Africa possesses an onshore wind potential of almost 180,000 Terawatt hours (TWh) per annum, enough to meet the entire continent’s electricity needs 250 times over

Other Measures

On the other side of the supply regime, demand is being tempered either through arbitrage using energy storage or reduced via energy efficiency measures

Energy Storage

Energy storage in electrical power systems provides numerous benefits, enhancing the efficiency, reliability, and sustainability of power grids Energy storage helps balance supply and demand by storing excess electricity during low-

demand periods and releasing it during peak demand This also enables greater penetration of renewables by mitigatingvariabilityandenhancinggridflexibility

With advancements in battery technology, pumped hydro storage, and other innovative solutions, its role in energy transitioncontinuestogrow

Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency refers to using less energy to perform the same task or achieve the same outcome It involves optimizing energy consumption by reducing waste and improving the performance of electrical systems, appliances,buildings,andindustrialprocesses.

Energyefficiencyisoneofthemosteffectivewaystoreduce energy consumption, lower costs, and minimize environmental impact. Energy efficiency in electrical power systems provides numerous advantages, including cost savings, improved reliability, reduced environmental impact,andenhancedsystemperformance.

In conclusion, African countries in particular need to focus first on energy security supported by economic considerationssuchascapitalcosts,tariffsandlegalframes allowing for private sector funding etc A diverse mix ultimately reduces dependency on a single energy source and enhances grid resilience In arriving at this “mix”, there needs to be an avoidance of “confusion” as each resource willhaveitsprosandcons

As always the conversation continues


https://www wri org/news/statement-uk-eliminates-coal-powergeneration

https://www bbc com/news/science-environment-35073297

https://www nbcnews com/science/environment/trump-will-pull-usparis-climate-agreement-rcna188473

https://www iea org/energy-system/

https://www lngindustry com/special-reports/13092023/africa-thenatural-gas-sleeping-giant/

https://www un org/africarenewal/magazine/august-november2018/africa-ready-nuclear-energy

https://developmentreimagined com/africas-amazing-windpotential-2023/

https://blogs worldbank org/climatechange/powering-africassustainable-development-through-wind

Transport & Mobility

To EV or Not to EV? That is the question

As with Shakespeare’s Hamlet, society needs to ask itself if it must “EV or not EV”? This point of reflection has come back into view after the “leader

of the free world”, President Donald Trump's decisions to withdraw support for electric vehicles (EVs) and exit the Paris Agreement President Trump argues that the Paris Agreement imposes unfair economic burdens on American workers and businesses, potentially leading to job losses and hindered economic growth He has also expressed concerns over the financial implications of expanding EV infrastructure, such as charging stations, viewing it as a significant expense for taxpayers.

Despite previous support for EVs, Trump's collaboration with figures like Elon Musk who is the driving force behind Tesla and now on government efficiency initiatives, has led to public protests and concerns over political alignments, potentially influencing his stance on EV policies. This has been carried out as the importance of traditional energy sources are placed front and center, aiming to bolster traditional industries like coal, oil, and natural gas to achieve energy independence and support domestic employment

The Namibia review

If we sift through the “noise”, the gradual adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) in Namibia could bring both economic and environmental benefits, particularly in terms of the country’s balance of payments (BoP) and reducing foreign currency outflows

Namibia has a vast renewable energy potential and could stimulate further investment in renewable energy infrastructure and job creation in the green economy A shift to locally generated electricity for transport greater EV adoption, there would be a higher demand for electricity, creating an incentive for investment in solar and wind power projects

This is crucial noting that Namibia is highly dependent on fuel imports while in comparative, EVs have lower maintenance and operating costs, leading to cost savings for businesses and improving economic efficiency. As a first pass, lower transport costs could enhance supply chain efficiency, particularly in logistics, agriculture, and mining

The transition to electric vehicles has the potential to boost Namibia’s productivity by reducing transport costs,

enhancing efficiency, and supporting local renewable energy industries. Encouraging local assembly or regional partnerships in EV production (e.g., with South Africa and that expressed by Botswana) could reduce reliance on import of EVs from outside of the Southern African DevelopmentCommunity(SADC).

Relevance to any policy or strategy has to be linked as pointed out in our 2023 September piece around the costeffectiveness of adopting electric vehicles, which for individuals and businesses will depend on several factors These include purchase incentives such as tax exemptions or write-off’s, operating costs, charging infrastructure, range, and overall Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) analysis asEVshavefewermovingparts,whichtranslatesintolower maintenance costs over the vehicle's lifespan This can result in substantial savings for businesses, especially thosewithlargefleets

It is important that Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) be unpacked as TCO will be impacted by the electricity tariff althoughEVsareknownfortheirloweroperatingcosts.The assumption that electricity is inherently cheaper than gasoline or diesel significantly impacts the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of EVs. However, we must question whether this assumption holds true and, more importantly, whetheritwillremainthesameinthefuture,willitlast?

In the long term, with the volatility of fossil fuels, EV adoption could improve the country’s balance of payments by lowering fuel imports, increasing lithium exports, and positioning Namibia as a leader in clean energy and green transportsolutions

However, strategic investments and policy support are essential to fully realize these benefits As always, the conversationcontinues


https://2017-2021 state gov/on-the-u-s-withdrawal-from-the-parisagreement

https://www pbs org/newshour/politics/trump-wants-to-halt-thebuildout-of-ev-charging-stations-experts-say-its-not-so-simple

https://www caranddriver com/news/a63495060/president-trumprevokes-biden-ev-mandates

https://www theguardian com/technology/2025/feb/16/protesterstarget-tesla-stores-in-us-over-elon-musks-cost-cutting

Advancing Namibia’s access to Information Act 12 February 2025 Communications



Access to accurate and timely information is a fundamental pillar of democracy and good governance. It empowers citizens to make informed

decisions, enhances accountability, and promotes transparency within both public and private institutions. Recognising this, the Government Republic of Namibia took a significant step forward by promulgating the Access to Information (ATI) Act, which was published in the Government Gazette No 7986; Notice No 413, on 28 December 2022.

The ATI Act yet to be enforced, establishes the right of individuals to access information held by both public and private entities, including institutions such as the Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia (CRAN) The primary aim of the law is to ensure that information essential for the protection or exercise of personal freedoms is readily available. However, the Act also outlines specific exemptions, allowing entities to withhold classified, personal, or third-party information where disclosure would infringe on the rights of others


In anticipation of and in order to align with the requirements of the ATI Act, CRAN has undertaken the below key measures:

Appointment of Information Officers: CRAN has designated an Information Officer and a Deputy Information Officer to oversee the ensuing implementation of the ATI Act within the institution Development of an Information Manual: This document outlines the procedures for requesting information, expected response times, associated costs, and other critical details for stakeholders


The newly established Access to Information Division within CRAN’s Communication & Consumer Relations department has been tasked with pre-emptively ensuring that information is managed in a manner that fosters transparency, accountability, and good governance This division will be responsible for proactively disseminating information, responding to requests for access, and facilitating internal reviews, appeals, and judicial processes related to information access.

To solidify its commitment, CRAN has appointed Mr Mufaro Nesongano, Executive: Communication & Consumer Relations, as the Information Officer, and Ms Jennifer Pogisho, Manager: Access to Information, as the Deputy Information Officer.

The introduction and eventual implementation of the ATI Act marks a transformative period for Namibia, reinforcing the country’s commitment to transparency and democratic governance CRAN acknowledges that this Act does not replace existing channels of information sharing but rather strengthens the framework for the proactive and structured dissemination of information to all stakeholders.

” End”

Issued by:

Ms Jennifer Pogisho Manager: Access To Information Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia (CRAN) Tel: +264 61 222 666 Email:



Description: The Provision of a consultant to conduct a NamWater skills audit.

Bid Closing date: 11 March 2025 at 11h00

https://www namwater com na/index php/quotations/22-procurement/848-the-provision-of-a-consultant-to-conduct-anamwater-skills-audit

Oshikoto Regional Council

Description: Installation of one borehole at Nandelifa Village in Nehale Lya Mpingana Constituency (Procurement Reference No: W/ONB/ORC WSSC-03/2024)

Bid Closing date: 11 March 2025 at 10h00

https://oshikotorc gov na/documents/1676058/5604307/ONB+Installation+of+a+borehole+at+Nandelifa pdf/827c82c3-faaa5466-f88b-0b846a3d7f37?t=1738480549845

Description: Provision of Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Works to Oshikoto Regional Council and Delegated Functions, for a Period Of Thirty-Six (36) Months

Bid Closing date: 25 March 2025 3cb577-5f9e-5ebe-e46b-1e93928b5093?t=1739033923844


Description: The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Medium Voltage and Low Voltage Reticulations and Streetlighting for Ombili Phase 10 Electrification

Bid Closing date: 13 March 2025 at 10h00

Namibia Airports Company (NAC)

Description: Supply Delivery and Installation of Air Conditioners at Eros Airport

Bid Closing date: 13 March 2025

https://www airports com na/procurement/supply-delivery-and-installation-of-air-conditioners-at-eros-airport/240/

Namdeb Diamond Corporation (Pty) Ltd (Namdeb)

Description: Invitation to Tender for The Supply And Delivery Of 65-Seater Buses.

Bid Closing date: 31 March 2025 at 16h00 https://namdeb com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/E002-ND-2025-Bus-Advert-Rev3new-dates pdf

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