InFocus Namibia - November 2024

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Namibia Solar Energy Production

Energy Skills Roadmap: Is it time?

Renewable Energy Technologies for Rural Cooking

Clash of Laws: City versus ECB Groundbreaking for the 40MW

Otjikoto Biomass Power Station


Ministry of

Water and Land Reform: Water Regulation

Awareness Campaign

Resilient Farming: Energy use

Modernizing irrigation systems with renewable power

From The Editor


It’s a lifeline!

Welcometoanothereditionof InFocus Namibia! Namibia’spersistentdroughtcrisishasplacedthenation’sfoodsecurityat risk.InMay2024,thePresident(H.E.NangoloMbumba)declaredastateof emergency as drought conditions gripped all 14 regions This declaration underscored the urgency of the situation, as an alarming 38% of the population 115 million Namibians were reported to face acute food insecuritybetweenJulyandSeptember2024 TheoutlookforOctober2024 to March 2025 is even graver, with projections indicating a 10% rise in affectedindividuals

Agriculture remains the backbone of Namibia, sustaining livelihoods and fuellingeconomicgrowth.ForthemajorityofNamibians,particularlythose inruralareas,thissectorismorethanjustanindustry, “it is a lifeline”

Whetherthroughcropcultivationorlivestockfarming,agricultureprovides food, income, and employment, improving lives across the country. However, its potential is increasingly challenged by the harsh realities of climatechange,withdroughtsbeingthemostrelentlessadversary

Droughts, often unpredictable and prolonged, can disrupt not just water availabilitybutalsotheentireagriculturalvaluechain Farmersstruggleto irrigate crops and sustain livestock, leading to reduced food production, incomelosses,andanover-relianceonimportedsupplies.Therippleeffects thereforeextendtotheeconomy,threateninglivelihoodsandexacerbating hunger.ItisimperativeforNamibiatoproactivelyaddressthesechallenges.

Asitiswidelyestablished,waterconservationiskeytobuildingNamibia’s resilience Startingfrominvestinginirrigationsystemsanddrought-tolerant cropstoraisingpublicawarenessaboutsustainablewateruse Pre-emptive

This report is a FREE Publication written and authored through collaboration with RDJ Consulting Services CC based in Windhoek, Namibia

The content is collected from publicly available information and so its accuracycannotbeguaranteed

measures like these can help us mitigate the devastating impact of droughts,ensuringthecontinuedviabilityofagricultureandthewell-being ofcommunities

Thegovernmenthasalreadydemonstrateditscommitmenttotacklingthis crisis Collaborative efforts, such as the US$3 million mobilized with the United Nations for immediate aid and resilience building, as well as Agribank's drought relief subsidies, are commendable The Bank of Namibia’s recent determination to support drought-affected farmers is another crucial step These initiatives, though promising, must be scaled andsustainedtosecurelong-termsolutions.

In this edition, we delve into groundbreaking ideas like agrivoltaics, a promising approach to resilient farming, and clean cooking technologies, which could revolutionize Namibia’s energy landscape. We also highlight the40MWOtjikotoBiomassPowerStation atransformativeprojectlinking agricultureandenergysectorstoenhancefoodproduction Otherfeatures capturedincludetheEnergySkillsRoadmapasajobcreationtoolandthe ongoingdebatebetweentheCityofWindhoekandtheECB

Wethushopeyoufindthiseditioninformativeandencourageyoutofollow and engage with us on all our social media accounts as we continue to exploreanddiscussthesevitalissues

Asalways,theconversationcontinuesat .

Yours, editor@rdjpublishing africa

(GraceKangotue) DeputyEditor

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Economy at Large

Namibia and the IMF:

Namibia joined the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in September, 1990 and has had only one arrangement since joining The IMF notes in its

December 2023 Report that “Oil exploration and developments related to prospective green hydrogen production have gathered momentum and represent an upside potential, although final investment decisions are yet to be announced” .

The Report also noted that public debt is a challenge and so the country should consider fiscal consolidation Other findings pointed towards improved State-owned enterprise (SOE) performance and better business regulations supported by more predictable policy environment.

Specifically for the energy sector, the following was noted:

New mineral discoveries and the investment in green energy provide an opportunity to boost growth, employment, and foster diversification Strengthening the PPP framework and addressing constraints hampering entrepreneurship, including the regulatory burden, skill mismatches, and input costs (energy, water, and data) would help the Namibian economy benefit from the new investments Updating the statistical information on labor force and its skills profile will help tailor training efforts to emerging private sector opportunities Accordingly, completing the

2023 census with a skills audit and a new labor force survey have gained added urgency In this context, revising immigration laws to modernize and streamline the processes for attracting and bringing needed international expertise, and use it for local training is also critical.

This article is an extract from the IMF Country Report.

Under Article IV of the IMF's Articles of Agreement, the IMF holds bilateral discussions with members, usually every year A staff team visits the country, collects economic and financial information, and discusses with officials the country's economic developments and policies. On return to headquarters, the staff prepares a report, which forms the basis for discussion by the Executive Board


https://www imf org/en/Countries/NAM https://www imf org/-/media/Files/Publications/CR/2023 /English/1NAMEA2023002 ashx

International Monetary Fund • Publication Services PO Box 92780 • Washington, D.C. 20090 Telephone: (202) 623-7430 • Fax: (202) 623-7201

E-mail: Web: International Monetary Fund Washington, D.C.



IntensificationofRegional Conflict(s)

EscalationofRussia’swarin Ukraineorotherregionalconflicts andresultingeconomicsanctions disrupttrade(eg,energy,food, tourism,and/orcriticalsupply chaincomponents),remittances, FDIandfinancialflows,and paymentsystems,andleadto refugeeflows


Asuccessionofsupplydisruptions (eg,duetoconflicts,uncertainty, andexportrestrictions)and demandfluctuationscauses recurrentcommodityprice volatility,externalandfiscal pressuresinEMDEs,contagion effects,andsocialandeconomic instability

AbruptGlobalSlowdownor Recession.

Globalandidiosyncraticrisk factorscombinetocausea synchronizedsharpgrowth downturn,withrecessionsinsome countries,adversespillovers throughtradeandfinancial channels,andmarket fragmentationcausingsudden stopsinEMDEs


Highinflation,realincomeloss, andspilloversfromcrisesinother countries(includingmigration) worseninequality,triggersocial unrest,andgiverisetofinancing pressuresanddetrimentalpopulist policies.Thisexacerbates imbalances,slowsgrowth,and triggersmarketrepricing.




High Limiteddirecttradeand financiallinkstoRussia andUkraine However, higherglobalenergyandfood pricescouldfurtherincrease inflation,worsentheexternal position,andputadditional pressuresonreserves,slowdown therecoveryandincreasepoverty andinequality

High Higherinternationaloiland foodpriceswouldincrease inflation,putadditionalpressure oninternationalreserves,slow downeconomicrecoveryand increasepovertyandinequality

Acceleratingfiscaladjustment, raisingthepolicyrate,possibly aboveSouthAfrica’s,andseeking affordableexternalfinancing(if needed)wouldsupportreserves andthecurrencypeg

Providetargetedsupportto vulnerablehouseholdsto mitigatetheimpactofhigherfuel andfoodprices

Acceleratingfiscaladjustment, raisingthepolicyrate,possibly aboveSouthAfrica’s,andseeking affordableexternalfinancing wouldsupportreservesandthe currencypeg

Providetargetedsupportto vulnerablehouseholdsto mitigatetheimpactofhigherfuel andfoodprices


High Slowerglobaldemandfor commoditieswouldnegatively impacttheminingsector,worsen thefiscalandcurrentaccount positions,addpressureson reserves,andweakengrowth.

Acceleratingfiscaladjustment, raisingthepolicyrate,possibly aboveSouthAfrica’s,andseeking affordableexternalfinancing wouldsupportreservesandthe currencypeg.

Acceleratestructuralreformsto supporttheprivateandfoster economicdiversificationand alternativesourcesofgrowth.


High Slowerglobaldemandfor commoditieswouldnegatively impacttheminingsectorwith spilloverstotheeconomy,worsen thefiscalandcurrentaccount positions,addpressureson reserves,andweakengrowth

Acceleratingfiscaladjustment, raisingthepolicyrate,possibly aboveSouthAfrica’s,andseeking affordableexternalfinancing wouldsupportreservesandthe currencypeg.

Acceleratestructuralreformsto supporttheprivateandfoster economicdiversificationand alternativesourcesofgrowth.

1BasedonthelatestG-RAM(July21,2023) TheRiskAssessmentMatrix(RAM)showseventsthatcouldmateriallyalterthebaselinepath The relativelikelihoodisthestaff’ssubjectiveassessmentoftheriskssurroundingthebaseline(“low”ismeanttoindicateaprobabilitybelow10 percent,“medium”aprobabilitybetween10and30percent,and“high”aprobabilitybetween30and50percent) TheRAMreflectsstaffviews onthesourceofrisksandoveralllevelofconcernasofthetimeofdiscussionswiththeauthorities.Non-mutuallyexclusiverisksmayinteract andmaterialize jointly. The conjunctural shocks andscenariohighlight risks that may materialize over a shorter horizon(between12 to18 months)giventhecurrentbaseline.Structuralrisksarethosethatarelikelytoremainsalientoveralongerhorizon.

SourceofMainRisks Likelihood


Amidhigheconomicuncertaintyand financialsectorfragility,major centralbankspausemonetarypolicy tighteningorpivottoloosenpolicy stanceprematurely,de-anchoring inflationexpectations,triggeringa wage-pricespiralandspilloversto financialmarkets


Sharpswingsinrealinterestrates andriskpremia,andassetrepricing amideconomicslowdownsand policyshiftstriggerinsolvenciesin countrieswithweakbanksornonbankfinancialinstitutions,causing marketdislocationsandadverse cross-borderspillovers


Dominoeffectsofhigherglobal interestrates,agrowthslowdownin AEs,and/ordisorderlydebteventsin someEMDEsspillovertootherhighly indebtedcountries,resultingin capitaloutflows,anincreaseinrisk premia,andlossofmarketaccess.

DeepeningGeo-Economic Fragmentation.

Broaderanddeeperconflict(s)and weakenedinternationalcooperation leadingtoamorerapid reconfigurationoftradeandFDI, supplydisruptions,technological andpaymentssystems fragmentation,risinginputcosts, financialinstability,afracturing ofinternationalmonetaryand financialsystems,andlower potentialgrowth.


Cyberattacksonphysicalordigital infrastructure(includingdigital currencyandcryptoassets ecosystems)ormisuseofAI technologiestriggerfinancialand economicinstability



ExpectedImpactontheEconomy RecommendedPolicyResponse


Medium.Slowergrowthandhigher financingcostdeterioratingthefiscal balanceandworseningthedebt level;lowercommodityprices translatingintolargercurrent accountandfiscalimbalances;lower capitalinflows

Medium Slowergrowthandhigher financingcostsdeterioratingthe fiscalbalanceandworseningthe debtlevel;lowercommodityprices translatingintolargercurrent accountandfiscalimbalances;lower capitalinflows

Acceleratingfiscaladjustment, raisingthepolicyrate,possibly aboveSouthAfrica’sandseeking affordableexternalfinancing wouldsupportreservesandthe currencypeg

Acceleratingfiscaladjustment, raisingthepolicyrate,possibly aboveSouthAfrica’sandseeking affordableexternalfinancing wouldsupportreservesandthe currencypeg.



Medium Slowergrowthandhigher financingcostsdeterioratingthe fiscalbalanceandworseningthe debtlevel;lowercommodityprices translatingintolargercurrent accountandfiscalimbalances;lower capitalinflows


Medium Limiteddirecttradeand financiallinkstoRussiaandUkraine. However,higherglobalenergyand foodpricescouldfurtherincreasethe inflationarypressure

Acceleratingfiscaladjustment, raisingthepolicyrate,possibly aboveSouthAfrica’sandseeking affordableexternalfinancing wouldsupportreservesandthe currencypeg.

Medium Financialandeconomic instability

Providetargetedsupportto vulnerablehouseholdstoensure inclusiverecovery

Improveprotectionofdigital infrastructureagainsthacking attempts

Developbusinesscontinuity plan



ExtremeClimateEvents. Extremeclimateeventsdrivenby risingtemperaturescauselossof humanlives,severedamageto infrastructure,supplydisruptions, lowergrowth,andfinancial instability



Medium Damagetoinfrastructure, disruptionstoeconomicactivities, andincreasingwaterandfood shortageswillreducemedium-term growthandincreaseinflationary pressures.


IncompleteorWeakPolicy Implementation,thatundermines confidenceinthegovernment’sfiscal adjustmentplans(eg,triggeredby politicalandcapacityconstraints) andmaterializationofcontingent liabilities. Medium

High Risingpublicdebt,andtighter budgetfinancing;declining internationalreserves;possible disorderlyfiscaladjustmentand deteriorationinfinancialsector’s assetquality

Investinclimateproofingof infrastructure. Supportclimateresilient agriculture.

Providetargetedsupportto vulnerablehouseholds.

ProtractedDroughtandClimate ChangeinSouthernAfrica,that causeswatershortages,frequent flood,andlowerproduction


Medium Higherfoodprices;lower electricityproduction;fiscalcoststo supportfarmersandrural population;higherunemployment

Increasebuffers,identify permanentspendingreductions andrevenuemobilization measuresthatsupportlong-term development Acceleratereforms ofpublicextrabudgetary entities,continuepolicies restrainingthewagebill, strengthenupfrontincentivesfor earlyretirementandretraining Implementmitigatingmeasures forthemostvulnerable Monitor andmanagekeyfiscalrisksand financialsectorvulnerabilities

Implementadaptationmeasures toclimateshocks Acceleratethe structuraltransformationofthe economy

Providetargetedsupportto affectedhouseholds.

About Us


RDJ Consulting is a 100% Namibian Energy and Sustainability Consultancy with more than 30 years’ experience in the utility (Water, Energy and Telecoms), rural development and transport sectors Our experience as an integrated professional services firm that builds better communities through planning, design, and delivery of physical and social infrastructure helps support our clients in all aspects going forward.

We approach each of our clients with fresh eyes to develop customized, unique strategies

RDJ Consulting based in Windhoek, Namibia has extensive experience in Southern Africa, Asia, Britain, USA and the Caribbean We thus work with various governments and agencies to address development issues in developing countries

Our Services:

Namibia Solar Energy Production Energy Sector

Solar energy is abundant in Namibia. These are the modelled amounts of MWh’s of energy that can be produced by 100 MWp of solar photovoltaic (solar panels) if they were installed in the central areas of Namibia.



What these graphs teach us is the quantity and pattern of production that can be expected if such a plant existed SOURCE: RDJ CONSULTING

Solar Production 2024 (month to-date)


Assumed MWh’s of electricity production by month.

Energy Skills Roadmap: Is it time?

As Namibia contemplates its move into the wider global challenges of energy provision, can an Energy Skills Roadmap be the answer towards

comprehensive jobs development?

The shift to alternative energy sources such as solar, wind and hydrogen will undoubtedly create increased demand necessitating more minerals, logistic systems and most importantly, jobs. In furtherance of a Just Energy Transition, new jobs will be created as well as new centres of excellence in new geographies

An Energy Skills Roadmap is therefore a strategic plan designed to guide the development of the workforce required to meet the evolving needs of the energy sector. It outlines the key skills and competencies needed for individuals working in the energy industry, taking into account any technological advancements or potentially commercial innovations, policy changes, and the transition to more sustainable energy systems

The roadmap helps government, commercial and academia, identify gaps in the current skill base, forecast future skill requirements, and ensure that training and education programs are aligned with the needs of the sector

What Skills?

Skills development will be needed for:

Circuit design, power generation, and integration of solar panels into the grid

Design solar power systems (both residential and commercial).

Energy storage systems (such as batteries or other storage technologies) for off-grid or grid-tied solar system.

The design, operation, and maintenance of solar thermal (used for heating or concentrated solar power) systems

Circuit design, power generation, and integration of wind power into the grid

Design wind power systems (both residential and commercial).

Energy storage systems (such as batteries or other storage technologies) for off-grid or grid-tied wind power system

Training the workforce in green hydrogen technologies such as electrolysers and pipeline build and operations will also be needed, given Namibia’s ambitions in this field.

Is the Education Sector ready?

Traditional education systems are as expected geared up for traditional skill sets Namibia has a strong education system that covers the needed curricula from High School to Postgraduate level 10 qualifications What will be needed however are industry ready individuals, exposed through at a minimum to Work Integrated Learning (WIL) and better still, Industries eager to hire them.

With unemployment at its current levels, there is a temptation to move for quick fixes So a well-planned Energy Skills Roadmap that covers all the energy sectors, allowing for synergies will be our best bet

Renewable Energy Technologies for Rural Cooking

Courtesy: https://pesithocom/ecoca-east-africa/

Rural cooking technologies come in many forms, such as the traditional cooking technologies, and clean cooking technologies. The traditional cooking

technologies are basically simple structure with a fire underneath that is not sufficiently enclosed to reduce smoke from burning solid fuels. The clean cooking technologies range from energy efficient cookstoves to clean fuels such as biogas, and these have been widely promoted globally, among others to reduce household air pollution, alleviate health and environmental consequences

An improved traditional stove, which can fall under category of clean cooking technologies, is an enclosed stove that burns solid fuel, but keeps heat from escaping and improves combustion, thereby reducing smoke Most improved cookstoves exhibit poor performance against the World Health Organization (WHO)’s recommended indoor air quality guidelines. Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), induction stoves, and biogas digesters are tier 4 clean cooking technologies with emissions below the WHO’s recommended indoor air quality guidelines, in the household use environment

Clean fuels and technologies are those that attain the fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and carbon monoxide (CO) levels recommended in the WHO global air quality guidelines (2021). The WHO Guidelines for indoor air quality: household fuel combustion (2014) provide PM2 5 and CO emission rate targets for devices, which are linked to the levels from the Air Quality Guidelines The WHO’s official reporting on progress toward Sustainable Development Goal 7“Affordable and Clean Energy” to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all will use this categorization. The following fuels and

technologies are known to be clean for health at point of use and are categorized as clean for PM and CO household emissions: solar, electric, biogas, natural gas, LPG, and alcohol fuels including ethanol.

For other fuel/technology combinations including biomass, the cooking system is classified as clean if it meets the emission rate targets in the WHO Guidelines (2014), as confirmed in laboratory testing following an international laboratory testing protocol with tests conducted by a third party. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO), using these ISO 19867-3 Voluntary performance targets (VPTs) for cookstoves based on laboratory testing, a stove that achieves Tier 4 or Tier 5 for PM2 5 emissions based on the voluntary performance targets (VPTs) is classified as clean for PM2 5 emissions Stoves must also be classified as Tier 5 for CO emissions to be considered clean for health.

According to Modern Cooking Facility for Africa (MCFA) Programe over 2 3 billion people globally and almost 900 million people in Sub-Saharan African countries lack access to modern and clean cooking solutions That Africa is the only region in the world where access to clean cooking solutions has not kept pace with population growth. MCFA programme aimed to provide up to 4 million Africans with access to clean cooking solutions, starting in countries of DRC – Congo, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe The other aim is to have a big positive environmental impact, mitigating deforestation, and avoiding CO2 emissions, also improving overall health and economic growth in project countries. MCFA financial support access to and scale up to high-tier clean cooking solutions.


Promoting clean cooking technologies to the affected communities have been challenging in many parts of the world The challenges range from socio-economic and technical aspects Among others, poor consultation on introduction of technologies and lack of coordination of isolated projects, technical failures/ poor performance of technologies, lack of quick repair of technologies, lack of general technical and social support nearby etc. However, if projects are properly introduced through consultation, more awareness and doing demonstrations on how successfully technologies are used, programmes tend to be successful

Some Energy Efficient Stoves Introduced in Namibia:

1) Under a theme “SMALL SCALE BIO ENERGY PROJECT” the Directorate of Energy, in the Ministry of Mines and Energy, in 1996 initiated a process to develop the use of biomass energy for cooking and heating One of the concerns is that about 80% of all rural households in Namibia rely on wood fuel as their main source of energy, and it is likely that the majority of Namibia's rural population will continue to rely on traditional cooking energy sources in the near future. The other concern is the situation of deforestation in large parts of Namibia.

In June 1998, a National Steering Committee on the National Biomass Energy Conservation Program was established The main objective of this committee was to put in place a national biomass energy management strategy and measures that will contribute to the sustainable utilization and supply of traditional biomass energy for private households and industries in Namibia

The initiatives that follow are:

A pilot project on developing a small-scale production of biomass efficient stoves and/or fuel briquettes, was implemented in two selected villages in the period of October 1998 – May 1999. The overall objectives of this pilot project were to design and develop cost-efficient biomass stoves and briquettes, establish production facilities, and to set up commercial structures necessary to manufacture and market the stoves and fuel briquette.

The project "rural biomass energy small-scale workshops" has been developed based on this pilot project

There are students with the diploma certifying that they have successfully completed course in production of stoves

2) According to MME, energy policy includes promotion and awareness of renewable energy (RE), providing adequate financing for RE and institutional and capacity building

Therefore, the ministry is promoting and encouraging communities to also make use of solar stoves and cookers that save firewood, electricity, and other fuels The solar cooker is modern and comfortable without emissions of CO2 (carbon dioxide) and thus helps to preserve nature These remarks were said during a hand over of solar cookers to parents of learners from Dr Frans Aupa Indongo Primary School, by the Directorate of Energy in the Ministry of Mines and Energy, in 2010, and commended the school for taking such initiative

3) With the assistance of the Desert Research Foundation funds were secured from the Small Grants Program (SGP) –Namibia, for a project titled “Donkerbos community pilot project on climate change adaptation” . Donkerbos is in the remote plains of Kalahari Desert. One of the project objectives is to introduce a tsotso stove - a fuel-efficient stove as an alternative to the use of firewood The benefits of using the stove:

It only uses a few twigs to make a fire for cooking, heating, or a quick cup of tea to welcome guests; Helps in the fight against deforestation - which at current rates has become unsustainable; It also provides much needed heat in winter, it can be used indoors during rain seasons and enables family time around the fire - a tradition valued by many Namibians, and the most important added benefit is that it reduces the time that women need to gather firewood and, because there is less smoke, it lessens the chances of developing respiratory diseases

Four artisans attended a two-week workshop to gain technical skills and were able to produce a stove for each household in Donkerbos. The wish of the trainers is to increase production of these stoves and equivalent products from galvanized sheets for sale to the rest of the country to give every Namibian the chance to join the fight against climate change

4) Namibia Red Cross Society (NRCS) in partnership with Spanish Red Cross implemented a European Union (EU) funded project with the objective of contributing to mitigate the negative impacts of climate change within rural vulnerable communities in Northern Communal Areas by “Promoting the use of renewable energy and energy efficient technologies in 9 targeted rural communities in Kavango and Zambezi regions” Starting in March 2017, with a budget of almost N$7,500,000 (500,000€), 80% EU contribution and 20% Spanish Red Cross contribution, the intervention aimed at introducing solar powered irrigation infrastructure systems in 8 selected community gardens in both Kavango (East & West) and Zambezi Region To increase the use of selected renewable forms of energy and integrating energy efficiency technologies at household level in 9 communities in those regions.

During 26 months of the implementation more than 2 000 people benefited directly from the intervention which encapsulated the following main components:

Installation of solar-powered water infrastructure in community gardens

Constructions of energy efficient cooking stoves demos and promote replication.

Distribution of solar lamps to households.

Capacity building on renewable energy and energy efficient technologies through awareness sessions and training

The initiative was successfully implemented with the support of Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry and the Namibia Energy Institute-Namibia University of Science and Technology Most of the rural population in the targeted areas of the action relied on biomass for cooking, much of which is done using an open fire The approach used:

First step of the activity started analyzing local available stove alternatives that replace the traditional 3 stone fires

Then engagement of the targeted communities: the acceptance of the energy efficient stove by community members was an indispensable criteria taken into consideration before - hand; investigate if there were existing knowledge regarding the use of energy efficient stoves and other forms of renewable energies; check current communities experiences including using local materials that could enable NRCS consider communities knowledge in order to ensure that actions were implemented on informed grounds

Among the key findings indicated that some energy efficient stoves were constructed with materials not affordable by communities; further, it required high technical skills and tools to construct That a model was then identified which could be constructed with locally available materials, at zero cost and which would allow Red Cross volunteers and community members to be easily trained on the construction to facilitate the roll-out of the stoves to other community members. The stove was named Elephant Cook Stove by the beneficiaries and is constructed from easily available local materials such as clay soil, sand, ash and straws

Achievement: A huge number of trained volunteers and community members facilitated the roll out construction which towards the end of December 2018 reached 319 stoves in both regions (124 in Zambezi and 195 in Kavango East and West) benefiting about 2500 beneficiaries Another good news, is that the acceptance of the stove is so high that despite the end of the project, roll-out construction continues to be active beyond the implementation period

5) In February 2024, the Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia (EIF), Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform and the Office of the Regional Governor of Kunene have announced the successful handover of 750 goats and 300 energy-efficient stoves under the “Improving Rangeland and Ecosystem Management (IREMA) Kunene Project”, funded by the Green Climate Fund, in Khorixas, Kunene region.

The Manager of Programming and Programmes at EIF, emphasized the significance of the IREMA project in responding to recurrent droughts in the Kunene region The project focuses on alternative farming practices, particularly the introduction of Boer goats as a resilient alternative to cattle farming. Additionally, the project addresses deforestation through the distribution of energyefficient stoves that require less wood, contributing to environmental sustainability

6) On the news, in 2023, Kaoko Green Energy Solutions (Pty) Ltd and Impact Hydrogen have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in which these companies have set their sights on developing a revolutionary hydrogen gas stove specifically designed for cooking purposes

The MoU on a “Collaborative Framework on hycooker usage, production, sustainable development and investment opportunities in Namibia” was signed during a Business Forum titled “Green Hydrogen and Energy Transition” . “That this innovative stove will not only provide a sustainable and efficient cooking solution but will also democratize the benefits of the hydrogen economy by making it accessible to every Namibian, regardless of their socioeconomic background, ” noted the partners

The objectives of introducing different improved traditional stoves are almost similar, most are on fighting deforestation, address the scarcity of woodfuel, and combat health related issues In Sub-Sahara Africa, the implementation of Modern Cooking Facility for Africa -MCFA Programe in Kenya and Mozambique has components of access to finance, business development support, and enabling environment support.

Africa Case Studies

Kenya agreements have been signed with producers of clean cooking stoves using pellets and solar / biomass technology, ACE Hybrid Energy Kenya Limited and Better Cooking Company Limited, which trades under the name EcoSafi. These companies started their operations in Kenya in 2019 and 2020 respectively

ACE Hybrid Energy Kenya target to sell its own design

ACE One gasifier stoves – 13000 units in Kenya eastern coast by the end of year 2028

The stove features: ACE One is a solar/biomass hybrid

energy system, a forced-draft gasifier stove that can burn any type of solid biomass cleanly - The stove includes PAYGo functionality and internet aspect for usage monitoring.

EcoSafi will sell efficient stoves, of their own design, to Kenyans and will supply pellet fuel made from agricultural waste Their target is 25000 units by year 2028

Also, an agreement has been signed between HomeBiogas Ventures Limited in Kenya, and MCFA. The company started its operations in Kenya in 2022 installing biogas systems for farmers The target is to install 34000 units to small-scale farmers in western and central of Kenya

In Mozambique the MCFA partners with ENGIE Energy Access Mozambique to expand sustainable cooking solutions with EUR 1.3 million in funding. To provide clean cooking solutions in Mozambique by scaling up access to innovative biodigester technology in rural areas of the country The company aims to provide 2,000 clean cooking services, i e stoves and biodigesters, benefitting some 10,000 people in Mozambique’s three southern provinces by the end of 2028

In summary, considering the success of some of the projects, the overall learning from those projects can be crucial for the key players to include in the implementation stage In addition, proper consultation with targeted beneficiaries, increase awareness campaigns on the technology’s benefits, train locals on repairs and where possible the use local available materials, support the start-

up of the of the project, conduct monitoring, put feedback mechanisms in place and evaluation before replication of the project. And also, target larger groups to have a meaningful positive impact. Many projects tend to be done in isolation, without coordination with key players in the targeted areas / policymakers. Effective coordination is essential for providing solutions to challenges, facilitating replication,andensuringthoroughdocumentation

Readings: https://www iea org/reports/a-vision-for-clean-cooking-access-forall/graphic-differences-in-clean-cooking-technologies

https://www mme gov na/energy/small scale bio php html#: :text=%E2%80%9CThe%20ministry%20is%20pro moting%20and,preserve%20nature%2C%E2%80%9D%20she%20add ed

https://drfn org na/project/tstosto-stoves-handover-donkerbos 7080 +Case+Study+on+Energy+Efficient+Stove pdf/afd159e6-bad3-f5a8b09f-4dce29e835dc?t=1580208954083

Strengthening the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem for Clean CookingSEE Clean Cooking

https://nambusinessexpress com/?p=2624

https://www moderncooking africa/#: :text=Over%202 3%20billion %20people%20globally,kept%20pace%20with%20population%20gro wth


Clash of Laws: City versus ECB

Can the current impasse between the City of Windhoek municipality and the electricity regulator, the Electricity Control Board of Namibia be a Goliath

versus Goliath matter? The City of Windhoek (CoW) operates under the Local Authorities (LA) Act 23 of 1992 (as amended), while the Electricity Control Board of Namibia (ECB) is mandated to act under the Electricity Act 4 of 2007

So why can’t two state entities with clear responsibilities not agree?

The matter is a historical problem that has now found itself integrated into consumer challenges with the municipality trying to recover debts noted under the Local Authorities Act 23 of 1992 (as amended) While we are not legal officers and this is NOT a legal piece, we feel that the matter is important enough and of public interest. The ECB has when looking at the creation of a Regional Electricity Distributor (RED) that covers central Namibia, noted that the CoW was the “biggest electricity distributor in the region”

Sections of the LA Act clearly allows for debt recovery by the Municipality while the Electricity Act gives power to the ECB to license those that provide electricity to others.

However, the impacted municipal residents of CoW are now caught up in the tussle between the two entities over the powers for blocking of prepaid electricity meters for other debtstothemunicipality

Several residents of the municipality that have disputed unpaid debts have found their prepaid electricity meters blocked until arrangements are made to clear their debts This has led to in the first instance for the ECB issue a directive to the CoW for the blocking of prepaid meters The Cow in response has now taken the matter to the courts for a ruling leaving the ECB to pause any action it may take against a licensee for failing to comply with a directive.

Whatever the ruling, our concerns are what will happen to thedisconnectedconsumersintheinterim?



https://www observer24 com na/cow-wont-be-able-to-supplyelectricity-effectively/ https://thebrief com na/2024/11/pending-court-case-pauses-ecbintervention-in-prepaid-meter-disconnections/

NamPower held a groundbreaking ceremony for the Otjikoto Biomass Power Station Project in Tsumeb on the 15th November 2024. The Otjikoto project

represents a pivotal step in Namibia's sustainable energy transition, heralding the realization of a vision that began a decade ago with the initial concept study for a biomassbased power solution.

The Otjikoto Biomass Power Station is set to add 40 MW to Namibia's current generation capacity upon completion, marking a significant stride in the country's journey toward energy independence. This ambitious project aims to reduce Namibia's reliance on imported electricity while strengthening its energy security. By leveraging biomass as a renewable energy source, the power station aligns with Namibia's commitment to sustainable development and a resilient energy future

The project anticipated benefits extend far beyond electricity generation, promising a transformative impact on Namibia’s economy and agricultural sector. The project will boost the agricultural industry by increasing savannah areas suitable for livestock production It will also create significant employment opportunities, both at the power station and within the fuel supply harvesting sector

Additionally, the hospitality industry, including restaurants, lodges, and accommodation services, stands to gain from enhanced local economic activity The project is also

expected to generate increased revenue for the state through various taxes and levies, while redirecting funds from imported electricity back into the local economy, fosteringfurthereconomicgrowthanddevelopment.

NamPower’s Managing Director, Mr. Kahenge Haulofu, has called on the community to adhere to the environmental safeguards established for the Otjikoto Biomass Power Station Project He highlighted the importance of these measures in ensuring the project's long-term sustainability andpreservingNamibia'snaturalresources

Mr Haulofu also commended the Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism for their pivotal role in setting environmental best practices that have become benchmarks for the country He encouraged stakeholders to build upon this foundation, ensuring the project aligns withNamibia’scommitmenttosustainabledevelopment

Hon Tom Alweendo, Minister of Mines and Energy, concluded by congratulating the Otjikoto Biomass Power Station project team and NamPower’s leadership on achieving this significant milestone. He emphasized that the project not only strengthens Namibia’s electricity generation capacity but also aligns with the nation’s climate ambitions. This initiative stands as a testament to NamPower commitment to produce electricity and bring growth and prosperity to both the Oshikoto and Otjozondjuparegionandsurroundingregion.

Water Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform: Water Regulation Awareness Campaign

The Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform (MAWLR) held an awareness campaign on water regulation, marking an important step in

implementing Namibia's Water Resource Management Act This Act, promulgated by Parliament in 2013, and with regulations signed off by the Minister, officially commenced on August 29, 2023. The campaign was aimed at building an understanding among stakeholders of the Act’s regulatory framework, institutional responsibilities, and the obligations of various parties in managing Namibia's water resources

The workshop brought together stakeholders from various sectors to deepen their understanding of Namibia's Water Resource Management Act and foster collaboration for its effective implementation. The event aimed to clarify the Act’s provisions, including regulatory mechanisms, institutional roles, and stakeholder rights and responsibilities It emphasized the importance of Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM), encouraging communities and sectors to collaborate for optimal water use and enhanced resilience against water-related challenges.

Additionally, the workshop highlighted the critical role of stakeholder engagement in creating ownership and promoting constructive partnerships between MAWLR and its partners. A significant focus was placed on capacity building, equipping stakeholders with the knowledge and skills to ensure compliance, effective monitoring, and conflict resolution for sustainable water management in Namibia

The Water Resources Management Act 11 of 2013 is designed to ensure that Namibia's water resources are

managed, developed, used, conserved, and protected in alignment with the fundamental principles outlined in section 3 of the Act This legislation mandates the State, as the owner of all water resources under Article 100 of the Namibian Constitution, to manage and utilize water for the benefit of all citizens. Grounded in the National Water Policy of 2000, the Act outlines a comprehensive framework for the management, development, protection, conservation, and use of water resources Additionally, it establishes provisions for the regulation and monitoring of water services across the nation

In conclusion, the Water Regulation Awareness Campaign by the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform (MAWLR) represents a pivotal step toward strengthening water resource management in Namibia By engaging stakeholders across various sectors, the campaign has laid the groundwork for an informed and collaborative approach to implementing the Water Resource Management Act. Through this initiative, MAWLR is fostering a shared commitment to sustainable water use, capacity building, and compliance with the Act's provisions As the campaign expands to the 13 remaining regions in 2025, it promises to further empower communities and institutions, promoting resilience and ensuring the equitable management of Namibia's precious water resources for current and future generations.


Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform: Department Of Water Affairs. Khomas Region Stakeholder Awareness and Outreach Programme. Objectives of The Workshop, Background to The WRMA 11 Of 2013 and its Objectives

Resilient Farming: Energy use

In Namibia, the agricultural sector is critical to the country's economy and livelihoods, especially in rural areas where a large proportion of the population relies

on farming. However, despite the importance of agriculture, energy usage is a major barrier to productivity, particularly among communal or essentially non-commercial farmers.

Commercial farms, which tend to be more energy-intensive, consume nearly all the energy in the agricultural sector, while communal and smallholder farms have limited access to energy This imbalance although not intentional or by design, significantly hinders the development of rural agriculture, where energy inefficiencies manifest as low productivity, high post-harvest losses, and limited access to modern technologies

One of the main issues faced by smallholder farmers in Namibia is the lack of access to affordable electricity systems being either grid extensions or via renewable energy systems due to cost barriers. Without reliable and affordable energy, farmers struggle to implement efficient irrigation systems, which are vital for maintaining crops in arid conditions and especially significant during the currentdrought

Additionally, the absence of on-farm cooling, processing, and marketing infrastructure leads to high post-harvest losses and limited value addition possibilities Therefore, many small-scale farmers face challenges in getting their products to market, which undermines both food security andeconomicgrowth


Using a system that combines solar energy generation with crop production provides an innovative approach tailored to the needs of smallholder farmers. Known as Agri-PV systems, they are designed to install solar panels in such a way that provides shade to crops, protecting them from extreme radiation conditions, while simultaneously generating clean, renewable energy This energy can then be used to power various agricultural processes such as irrigation systems, cooling services, and other processing machinery that support value addition.

The potential benefits of Agri-PV are significant The solar energy generated by the system locally allowing farmers to water their crops even in the absence of a reliable electricity grid or supporting unreliable grid networks Additionally, the refrigeration and drying facilities supported by renewable energy can help reduce postharvest losses by preserving the quality of fruits and vegetables after harvest This is crucial to Namibia, where extreme temperatures can cause rapid spoilage of crops

Furthermore, Agri-PV systems can support the digitalization of agriculture, enabling farmers to access modern tools for business management, marketing, and mobile applications for things like weather forecasting, crop monitoring, and market information These technologies can open up new avenues for value chain development, helping farmers not only improve yields but also access larger markets and increase their income

To address these challenges, the University of Namibia (UNAM) hosted a five-day workshop titled "Harvesting Sunshine: A Hands-On Workshop on Solar PV and Agrivoltaics" , organized by the Agri-PV: Sustainable Use of Agrivoltaics in Namibia project This initiative, designed as a pilot project, seeks to explore how Agri-PV systems

integrate photovoltaic solar panels into agricultural could provide a sustainable and climate-resilient solution for improving energy access and agricultural productivity in Namibia.

The Agri-PV initiative at UNAM is an important step towards transforming agriculture in Namibia by combining renewable energy with sustainable farming practices. By promoting energy solutions tailored to the local context, Agri-PV systems can help smallholder farmers overcome energy barriers, improve productivity, and contribute to foodsecurityandeconomicdevelopment.

This is timely, as the Hardap Dam scenario which has seen NamWater suspend irrigation water supplies due to drought While Residents of Mariental and the Hardap Irrigation Scheme rely on the Hardap Dam for water supplies, it is also a supply for the Hardap Irrigation scheme The Agricultural Business Development Agency notes that the Hardap Irrigation scheme is situated in the Hardap Region, some 10 km north of the town of Mariental Itcoversatotalareaof96 5hectaresofirrigatedlandwhich is divided in 6 hectare plots and is occupied by 15 Medium Scale Farmers The Project produces lucerne and vegetables such as cabbage, onions, green pepper, butternut and others

As Namibia continues to face the challenges of climate change and rural unemployment, innovative solutions like Agri-PV could be key to creating a more resilient, sustainableagriculturalsectorforthefuture.


https://www ise fraunhofer de/content/dam/ise/de/downloads/pdf/F orschungsprojekte/Agri-PV%20Concept%20Note A4 Final pdf https://nbcnews na/node/105020

Executive Spotlight

Spotlight on Mr. Ben Schernick

Interview by Ms. Silpa Kanghono (Coordinator: Digital Marketing and Events- RDJ Publishing)

WelcometotheExecutiveSpotlightSeries,wherewe explore the journeys and insights of trailblazing leadersshapingthefuture.Today,wehavethe

privilege of engaging with Mr. Ben Schernick, the Director of Nutrition and Food Security Alliance of Namibia (NAFSAN). Mr. Schernick’scareerbeganasapolicedetectiveinBerlin,Germany. However,hispathtookatransformativeturnfollowingaperiodof critical reflection, leading him to pursue studies in social work withaspecializationinmediationandpeaceeducation.

Exactly20yearsago,hejoinedhisprofessoronatriptoNamibia aspartofacapacitybuildingprojectonreconciliationandconflict resolution Sincethen,heworkedasastudy-guidewriter,lecturer, registered social worker, court-accredited mediator, facilitator and consultant, writing among other manuals, the Namibia’s Training Resource Kit on Gender-Based Violence (2018) and the upcoming National Parenting and Caregiver Handbook & Facilitator’sGuide(2024)

Asfrom2018,hebecameincreasinglyawareofthehugeimpactof nutrition has on human development, as he was asked to facilitate the transition process from the Namibian Alliance for Improved Nutrition (NAFIN) to what is since 2020 known as the Nutrition and Food Security Alliance of Namibia (

1) Can you describe your executive role?

AsDirector,myroleistodevelopNAFSANintoareliable,agileand inclusive platform for different stakeholders to work together across the wide spectrum of sectors around food and nutrition security in Namibia It involves leading, guiding and supporting NAFSAN’s deliberately small team, while learning about and connecting with diverse member organisations from across the country, as well as building rapport with development partners and establishing good working relationships with various governmententitiesatdifferentlevels.

2) Where does it derive its mandate?

NAFSAN is a member-based umbrella body for Civil Society, Academia and momentarily also the Private Sector within Namibia’s wide-ranging food and nutrition security landscape, which spans from rural and urban agriculture across water, sanitation and environmental issues to health aspects (with a strong focus on mothers and children yet increasingly working withfathersandmen),eatinganddrinkinghabits,aswellassocial protection systems to ensure everyone has access to enough nutritiousfood

These members (currently ± 40 organisations) elect the NAFSAN Board,whichappointstheDirectorandotherstaff,dependingof course on funding available, as we ourselves are a non-profit organisationthatissofarstillhighlydependingondonorfunding.

3) What is the Vision, Mission and Value proposition of the organisation that you lead?

Our vision is that ‘all persons in Namibia have the resources, knowledge and motivation to ensure food security and optimal nutritional status for themselves, and all children in Namibia are sufficiently well-nourished’ -

We are part of the global and regional Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) CivilSocietyNetwork(,andourmandate isto:

Developandsharepracticalinformationandmaterials, Improve coordination, foster collaboration and enhance synergies, Identify and amplify key advocacy issues related to food and nutritionsecurity

AlthoughNAFSANmayoccasionallypilotacertainapproach,weare notimplementersofprogrammes,butourmembersare Hence,we try to support them in their important work, hereby strongly promoting bottom-up instead of top-down approaches (a topic worthawholemagazineonitsown)

It is important for us that civil society is not merely seen as ‘implementersontheground’whoworkinandwithcommunitiesor as advocates who ‘hold government accountable’. We are in fact reliable partners in developing, coordinating and implementing policiesatalllevels,althoughcivilsociety’sworkdoesn’talwaysget officiallyacknowledged.Somecivilsocietyactorsdoactuallyquite a lot of work for the government ‘behind the scenes’ yet without muchornotevenanycredit.

4) As a mentor, what are some of the key attributes you bring to leading your organisation?

Having learned, taught, and practiced conflict facilitation in relationships, groups and organisations, I came to realise that conflictisanaturalpartoflife It’smerelyhowwerespondtoand deal with it that can either be destructive (= ripping relationships apart)orproductive(=bringusclosertogether),sothatweseeeach othermoreforwhoweare

Intermsofmentoring,Ibelieveinpeopleandtheircapacitytolead themselves,evenifyourpositionatworkis‘just’thatofanintern Hence,atNAFSANeveryonedecidesforthemselveswhenandfrom wheretheywanttowork Ofcourse,wecometogetherformeetings and activities, yet the levels of self-determination are deliberately higherthanatotherworkplaces Also,themostimportantlearning in life happens when we make mistakes Hence, I try to shift our organisational culture away from just ignoring issues (eg ‘I am fine’)towardsmorehonestdiscussionswithoutblamingoneselfor others However,thisisoftendifferentfromtheenvironmentsthat manyofusgrewupinandwhichshapedourbehavioursandinner attitudestowardsotherpeopleandlifeitself

Change comes gradually and often not in a linear way. Working together within NAFSAN as well as on the outside with our stakeholders, can be explained through the analogy of being in a wholesomeandhealthymarriage.Oneneedstoliveandworkwell together,appreciatetheotherforwhotheyare,andbeabletohave honest and straightforward conversations with the other about things that are not (yet) working well. This certainly requires ongoing work on yourself, on issues at hand, and on the relationshipitself.

5) What aspect of your sector keeps you awake at night?

The incredible disconnect and the ‘working in silos’, with many organisationsandpeopleworkinginthemmainlylookingaftertheir ownwellbeingandinterests.Evenamongwhataresupposedtobe ‘developmentpartners’onefindshighlevelsofcompetition,lackof collaborationandblatantinefficiencies Thisalsoshowsupinhow projects are typically implemented, often by not building on previoussuccessesbyotherstakeholders,whileresultsorresources are often not freely nor easily available This leads to Namibians, local CSOs and other actors not being able to utilize or not even knowingaboutthem

Within larger organisations, it is the autocratic decision-making structures, bureaucracy, and lack of people seeing the bigger picture that are painful problems Here, performance agreements aretechnically-speakingfulfilled,yettheactualissueandroot

causes are only partially addressed. Namibia is actually infamous for having brilliant policies (often developed by consultants contractedbyUN-agencies)whicharethennotimplemented.

The lack of systemic thinking and people not working together towardsintergenerationalsolutionsforintergenerationalproblems keeps me also awake at night, knowing that we have growing inequalities and rampant poverty while being such a resource-rich country,withseveralhundredsofchildrendyingeverysingleyearof undernutrition, while at the same time overnutrition and related diseasesareontherise

Putting personal and organisational egos aside for the purpose of developmentwouldherebygoalongway,togetherwithdropping the arrogantly held beliefs among key decision makers that they knowbetterwhatis‘goodforthepeople’andhereby,forinstance, denying them and the country the benefits that a 100%-feasible, just and hugely transformational Universal Basic Income (

6) What has been your proudest moment to date leading the organisation?

The joint development of our comprehensive and highly practical Nutrition-for-Health: Embracing our Namibia Food Systems ( approach and having successfully pooled almostamillionNamibianDollarsinfundingfromseveraldifferent donors to efficiently print a first set of training and information materialsatscaleforfuturetrainings-of-facilitators

Secondly,seeingyoungNamibiannutritionistsconducttraining-offacilitators on this approach on their own in various regions and managingprojects,aswellasstartingtoentertheglobalstage,like duringtheCommitteeonWorldFoodSecurity’spaneldiscussionon ‘Nourish to Flourish’ inRome,Italyon23October2024.


Road Fund Administration (RFA)

Description: Construction of 139kW Solar PV Roof Top System at Roads Authority (RA) Head Office ERF 8163

Bid Close date: 02 December 2024 at 11h00 Namibian Time file:///Users/rdjgroup/Downloads/RFA-Invitation-for-BIDS pdf

Municipality of Walvis Bay

Description: Supply and delivery of two (2) sedan vehicles for Traffic Department.

Bid Close date: 06 December 2024 at 11h00 Namibian Time https://www walvisbaycc org na/?noticeboard=invitation-for-bids-ifb-3

TransNamib Holdings Ltd

Description: Provision of Security Services. (Extended).

Bid Close date: 06 December 2024 at 12h00 Namibian Time


Description: Procurement of Consultancy Services for the Implementation and Management of the NamPower FSC Group Scheme for the Otjikoto Biomass Power Station

Bid Close date: 09 December 2024 at 10h00 Namibian Time

Description: Renovation and Upgrading Works for Ruacana Eha Lodge Revamp Project in Ruacana Town, Omusati Region

Bid Close date: 24 Jan 2025 at 10h00 Namibian Time https://www nampower com na/Bid aspx?id=252034


Description: Rehabilitation of one (1) Waterpoint: Otjolo - Nehale LyaMpingana Constituency

Bid Close date: 11 December 2024 https://oshikotorc gov na/documents/1676058/5196217/OTJOLO pdf/cd9c3bf4-8876-7f06-bbec-436e832813d2?t=1730794041787

National Petroleum Corporation of Namibia (NAMCOR)

Description: Dealership Applications for Namcor’s Hosea Kutako Service Station

Bid Close date: 17 Jan 2025 at 11h00 PM Namibia Time

Press Releases


IMF Expands Executive Board with Addition of 25th Chair


Washington, DC: IMF member countries have successfully elected an expanded Executive Board of 25 Executive Directors, including

three representing Sub-Saharan Africa

The completion of the Fund’s 2024 Regular Election of Executive Directors on October 25, 2024, was the final step in the creation of an additional chair dedicated to Sub-Saharan Africa, following the call by the International Monetary and Financial Committee (IMFC) during the 2023 Annual Meetings in Marrakech to improve Sub-Saharan Africa’s voice and representation and the overall balance of regional representation at the Board (see Press Release 23/353).

On July 16, 2024, the IMF Board of Governors issued a resolution to increase the number of Executive Directors from 24 to 25 with the 25th chair intended for SubSaharan Africa (see Press Release 24/299) This resolution received overwhelming approval from the Fund’s membership, more than the required 85 percent majority of the total voting power

The expansion was implemented with the 2024 Regular Election of Executive Directors when the 45 Sub-Saharan

Africa member countries, previously organized into two constituencies, were reorganized into three new constituencies: Central and Eastern Africa, Southern Africa, and West Africa

“This is a historic milestone for the IMF and for Africa,” said Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva. “Not only does the addition of a third African chair to our Board reflect the continent's tremendous progress in developing its human and economic potential, it will also strengthen Africa’s voice and bring the IMF closer to the people we serve ”

The Executive Board was last expanded 32 years ago in 1992 with the addition of two new chairs to represent new member countries after the dissolution of the Soviet Union

The new Board’s term commences on November 1, 2024

IMF Communications Department


PRESS OFFICER: Pavis Devahasadin

Phone: +1 202 623-7100

Email: MEDIA@IMF org @IMFSpokesperson

Mr. Miguel Hamutenya, Newly appointed Chairperson
Ms. Gisela Sebastião Newly appointed Vice-Chairperson
Dr Andreas Elombo Newly appointed Director of the Namibia Energy Institute (NEI).















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