Energy & Sustainability Africa- October 2024

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Welcome to another edition of Energy and Sustainability Africa,proudlyresearchedandas youknow,proudlyproducedinNamibia

As several countries try to cope with drought impacts,foodinsecurityisaharshandconstant realityformanyAfricans In2022,theprevalence ofundernourishment(PoU)rateinAfricaroseto 19.7%,upfrom19.4%in2021,withNorthernand Southern Africa (climate challenged areas of Africa)contributingsignificantlytothisincrease Furthermore,2022saw11millionmoreAfricans facing hunger, marking an alarming rise of over the 57 million individuals already facing this challenge since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemicin2021

Withinitself,foodinsecuritymanifestsinvarying stages from mild to severe However, it is the moderate to severe stages that have the most detrimental impacts on individuals' quality of life. Governments therefore have to develop strategies that can combat their citizens having tofaceprolongedperiodswithoutfood,leading toahostofhealthissues,includingmalnutrition, diet-related diseases, and chronic illnesses in children, such as diabetes Addressing and ultimatelyendinghunger,therefore,isanurgent priorityforthewell-beingofthecontinent.

AsAfricacontinuesitsjourneytowardachieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2: "Zero Hunger," exploring viable, practical solutions for all nations, particularly low-income countries,isessential.Thesemeasuresinclude providing aid to countries facing debt distress, empowering African farmers, investing in agribusiness, and mitigating risks faced by agricultural enterprises Such strategies can enhance agricultural spending, increase food production, and facilitate cross-border food support from surplus-producing nations to neighbouringregionsinneed

So then, no surprise that in this month’s issue, ourdedicatedteamhasexplored food insecurity

inAfrica,focusingontheactionablestrategiesto improve food security across the continent We haveexaminehowAfricacanharnessrenewable energy to boost agricultural productivity, help eliminate food insecurity, and cushion the ongoing water scarcity to alleviate food supply challenges. As you read on, you’ll also discover insights into Namibia’s energy landscape, the impactoftransportationonAfrica’sfoodsupply, andthetransformativepotentialofautonomous IndustrialInternetofThings(IIoT)inagriculture.

As always, we hope you find this edition of Energy and Sustainability Africa informative as weencourageyoutofollowusandengagewith us on all our social media accounts. The conversation continues at


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NOTE2: EnergyandSustainabilityAfricais published monthly and is FREE to Readers The magazine is paid for by advertising and the research support from RDJ Consulting Services CC,Windhoek,Namibia.

Did You Know?

Approximately 45 million people in 43 [African] countries are facing a food insecurity emergency, due to both external (e.g. conflicts and climate shocks) and internal (e.g. low productivity and inefficient food supply chains) drivers to food systems, that are pushing up the cost of nutritious foods.

(World Economic Forum)

Morethan31billionpeopleintheworld–or42percent – were unable to afford a healthy diet in 2021, representing an increase of 134 million people comparedto2019,beforethepandemic (FoodandAgricultureOrganizationoftheUnited Nations)

The prevalence of undernourishment (PoU) in Africa rosefrom19.4percentin2021to19.7percentin2022, driven mostly by increases in Northern and Southern Africa.ThenumberofpeoplefacinghungerinAfricahas increasedby11millionpeoplesince2021andbymore than 57 million people since the outbreak of the pandemic (FoodandAgricultureOrganizationoftheUnited Nations)

In the 11 African countries studied, processed food consumptionishigherinurbanareas,butstill

prevalentinperi-urbanandruralareas (UnitedNations)

Foodinsecurityaffectswomenmorethanmeninevery region of the world However, the gender gap in food insecurityatthegloballevel,whichhadwidenedinthe wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, narrowed from 3.8 percentage points in 2021 to 2.4 percentage points in 2022.ThegendergapdiminishednotablyinAsiaandin LatinAmericaandtheCaribbean,butwidenedinAfrica andinNorthernAmericaandEurope.

(FoodandAgricultureOrganizationoftheUnited Nations)

Up to 783 million people faced hunger in 2022, and projections show that in 2030, over 600 million people willstillstruggletofeedtheirfamilies (WorldBank)


RDJConsultingisa100%NamibianEnergyandSustainabilityConsultancywithmorethan30years’experience intheutility(Water,EnergyandTelecoms),ruraldevelopmentandtransportsectors.Ourexperienceasan integratedprofessionalservicesfirmthatbuildsbettercommunitiesthroughplanning,design,anddeliveryof physicalandsocialinfrastructurehelpssupportourclientsinallaspectsgoingforward.


RDJConsultingbasedinWindhoek,NamibiahasextensiveexperienceinSouthernAfrica,Asia,Britain,USAand theCaribbean.Wethusworkwithvariousgovernmentsandagenciestoaddressdevelopmentissuesin developingcountries.


Africa, the second-largest continent in the world –after Asia, is witnessing a rapid population growth According to the African Development

Bank Group (2024), the continent's population is projected to reach 2 4 billion by 2050 and a staggering 4 2 billion by the next century This sharp increase, driven by declining mortality rates and rising fertility rates, presents a critical challenge: “how to ensure adequate food availability for a growing population”.

As Africa’s population expands, its ability to feed its people will become increasingly complex – with a current population of approximately 1 4 billion people, Africa is already experiencing food insecurity. If the food supply remains stagnant while the population continues to rise, many individuals will be exposed to some level of food insecurity

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), food insecurity occurs when individuals lack regular access to enough safe and nutritious food for normal growth and development to maintain an active and healthy life. Food insecurity occur due to the lack of food availability and/or insufficient resources to acquire the neccesary food

The FAO's “The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2023” report highlights that food insecurity in Africa slightly increased in 2022 compared to 2021 The report also notes that women are disproportionately affected by food insecurity compared to men, adding another layer of complexity to an already dire situation.

However, food insecurity is not the same as hunger Hunger, as defined by FAO, is an uncomfortable physical sensation caused by insufficient consumption of dietary energy, leading to chronic health issues if prolonged. Food insecurity, on the other hand, refers to a broader spectrum of challenges related to food access, not just hunger

The levels of Food Insecurity

Food insecurity ranges from mild to severe Mild food insecurity begins with uncertainty about the ability to access food. As the situation worsens, moderate food insecurity leads to difficult decisions regarding what, how much, and when to eat These decisions often result in compromised nutrition In severe cases, people go entire days without eating, exacerbating both physical and mental health challenges


People experiencing moderate food insecurity often have to make difficult decisions such as sacrificing other basic needs to afford food However, again the food they can afford with their available resources often lacks the nutrition needed for healthy growth and development This vicious cycle can lead to malnutrition, including both undernutrition and obesity, as well as diet-related diseases. The impact is especially harmful for children, as chronic malnutrition increases their risk of developing lifelong health issues like diabetes

The Economic Impact of Food Insecurity

Food production plays a crucial role in Africa’s economy, contributing to nearly a third of the continent’s gross domestic product (GDP) - providing employment for about 50% of the population Despite this, Africa faces severe food insecurity, largely driven by climate change Prolonged droughts, erratic rainfall, and other environmental challenges limits agricultural productivity, leading to food shortages and higher food prices.

According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) the Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) region is particularly vulnerable, as many countries in the region are net food importers The rising cost of imported food, agricultural inputs, and transportation is driving food prices up, which, in turn, raises inflation. Since food accounts for a significant proportion of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) in many African countries, higher food prices are disproportionately affecting the poorest households The IMF has noted that this increase in food prices worsens income inequality, reducing purchasing power and deepening poverty

In early 2024, the World Food Programme (WFP) projected that approximately 55 million people in West and Central Africa would experience food insecurity during the JuneAugust lean season Economic challenges, including currency devaluation, inflation, stagnant agricultural production, and trade barriers, were noted as factors driving food crises in countries like Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra Leone, and Mali. The food crises were anticipated to affect the ordinary populaces mostly

Addressing Food Insecurity in Africa

Addressing food insecurity requires coordinated efforts from multiple stakeholders across various sectors During the 2023 Sustainable Development Impact Meetings, the World Economic Forum (WEF) highlighted ways to strengthen Africa's food value chains by focusing on practical and scalable solutions:

Help for countries in debt distress: Global financial institutions need to assist with debt restructuring and provide affordable financing for countries in financial distress Redirecting investments toward climate-positive and competitive opportunities is vital for achieving longterm food security.

Invest in and empower African farmers: Supporting African farmers is crucial A notable example is the African Development Bank’s $1 5 billion initiative, which helps 24 million farmers produce 38 million metric tons of food, valued at $12 billion. Expanding such initiatives could significantly increase food production across the continent.

De-Risk Agribusiness: Mitigating the risks they face and improving access to resources such as inputs, markets, and financing can boost production and contribute to greater food security.

The IMF in their 2022 "Climate Change and Chronic Food Insecurity in Sub-Saharan Africa" report also recommended some of the measures that can enhance food security in the region, such as:

Fiscal policies centred on social assistance and efficient public infrastructure investment to improve the poor households access to affordable food

Improve access to finance to unlock private investment in agricultural resilience and productivity to improve incomes and food purchasing power for the poorer households

Enhanced regional trade integration and resilient transport infrastructures can aid to for countries to sells produce to their neighbours facing food shortages.

In summary, Africa's food insecurity is a critical issue that must be addressed to ensure the continent’s long-term economic stability With rapid population growth and the increasing effects of climate change, food shortages are

likely to worsen unless immediate action is taken. Collaborative efforts between governments, financial institutions, and the private sector are essential to help poorer households access affordable, nutritious food and to mobilize resources for building a resilient food system. Empoweringlocalfarmersandaddressingtherootcauses of food insecurity are equally crucial steps. By doing so, Africa can combat food insecurity and leverage its active, healthypopulationtoboosteconomicproductivity.

Readings: 32

https://www afdb org/en/knowledge/publications/trackingafrica%E2%80%99s-progress-in-figures/human-development

https://www fao org/hunger/en/#:~:text=A%20person%20is%20foo d%20insecure,of%20resources%20to%20obtain%20food

https://www who int/health-topics/malnutrition#tab=tab 1 https://www un org/africarenewal/web-features/food-securityregional-solutions-key-solving-africa%E2%80%99s-challenges https://www weforum org/agenda/2023/09/boosting-foodsecurity-africa-experts/ xml

https://www wfp org/news/worsening-hunger-grips-west-andcentral-africa-amid-persistent-conflict-and-economic-turmoil


Food and Energy: Weathering the Storm


Access to energy has long been one of Africa's most pressing challenges. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA) in 2022 more

than 600 million Africans had no access to electricity which accounts for some 43% of the continental population In addition, approximately 970 million people did not have access to clean cooking solutions, highlighting the immense energy hurdles Africa faces. As the continent continues to transition to low-emission energy sources to mitigate climate change, it is crucial to simultaneously explore how these energy sources can support food production and agricultural resilience

Zooming in, energy plays a pivotal role in food production, particularly as climate change increasingly affects agricultural productivity The agricultural sector is energy-intensive, relying on power for irrigation, mechanization, processing, and transportation. Without reliable energy, farmers face barriers such as limited access to essential machinery for things such as refrigeration and cooling, as well as costly fuel or electricity for their operations

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) emphasizes that many African farmers struggle with the high costs of

energy, which directly impacts their productivity If these energy challenges are addressed, the agricultural sector could significantly increase its output, thereby improving food security across the continent Reliable and affordable energy is the foundation of a sustainable and productive food system.

Africa's path toward low-carbon energy involves a gradual transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources This shift is essential not only for reducing carbon emissions but also for ensuring the sustainability of food systems. A secure, low-carbon energy supply can help ensure that food systems are resilient and environmentally sustainable, addressing both food insecurity and climate vulnerability

One of Africa’s greatest advantages in the renewable energy sector is its abundant solar resources The IEA notes that Africa receives about 60% of the world’s best solar energy potential, yet only 1% of this capacity has been utilized. This presents a unique opportunity for Africa to harness solar power, not just for general energy needs but focused and targeted for the benefit of the food and agriculture sectors

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) has identified renewable energy as essential for supporting food systems through provision of electricity, heating, cooling, and transportation. Further, IRENA highlighted that renewable energy could help eliminate hunger, reduce labour intensity, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and improve the incomes of farmers and agricultural enterprises All these are vital to significantly reduce the environmental impact of food systems.

The FAO also reported in 2023, that hunger continues to rise in Africa, with 11 million more people facing food insecurity since 2021, and 57 million more since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic Climate change could and most likely will exacerbate this issue if urgent interventions are not implemented to enhance agricultural productivity. Renewable energy therefore offers one such intervention that can create more resilient and productive food systems

IRENA in a 2021 report on "Renewable Energy for Agrifood Systems" highlighted various renewable energy applications currently used in agri-food chains, which can significantly boost Africa's agricultural productivity and promote food security

One of the most promising renewable energy applications in agriculture is solar powered irrigation Solar-powered irrigation systems use energy from the sun to pump water, allowing farmers to efficiently irrigate their fields independently of erratic rainfall. This increases the potential number of cropping cycles and boosts resilience against climate variability In Rwanda, for instance, smallholder farmers using solar irrigation have seen a 30% increase in yields, while in India, incomes have risen by over 50% compared to rain-fed systems Expanding this practice in Africa could significantly reduce reliance on fossil fuels and enhance food production.

Another renewable energy application is renewablesbased agro-processing While still in its early stages, this technology holds great potential for improving productivity Solar-powered grain milling, oil pressing, and cold storage are examples of technologies being

piloted in Sub-Saharan Africa These systems can address the energy needs of post-harvest processing, which is critical for reducing food loss and ensuring that harvested crops make it to market in good condition

Cold storage or “cold chains” are a critical need for reducing post-harvest losses and extending the shelf life of perishable foods Decentralized renewable-powered cold storage has already made a difference in Kenya, where smallholder farmers and fishing communities are reducing food losses, accessing markets more efficiently, and increasing their incomes by up to 30% Scaling up renewable-powered cold storage across Africa could significantly contribute to both food security and sustainable energy solutions.

Sustainable bioenergy is another key renewable energy resource that can be integrated into Africa’s food systems By-products from crops, livestock, and agro processing can be used to produce bioenergy for electricity, heating, and transportation. For example, biogas can be produced from manure and agro-processing residues, providing a scalable solution for both household and industrial energy needs This not only addresses energy shortages but also reduces waste and greenhouse gas emissions

To ensure food security and energy resilience in Africa, it is essential to address the continent’s energy challenges in parallel with improving agricultural productivity Renewable energy holds the potential to transform

Africa’s agricultural sector, helping farmers overcome barriers to energy access, improve productivity, and enhance their adaptive capacity to climate change

Africa’s abundant solar, wind, and bioenergy resources offer significant opportunities for addressing both energy and food insecurity. Through targeted investments in renewable energy technologies, Africa can create a sustainable, low-carbon food system that supports its growing population and reduces the environmental impact of agriculture

The time to act is now.

By integrating renewable energy into food production systems, Africa can weather the storms of climate change, reduce hunger, and create a more sustainable and prosperous future for all.


https://www fao org/4/v9766E/v9766e05 htm https://www irena org/-/media/Files/IRENA/Agency/Pu blication/2021/Nov/IRENA FAO Renewables Agrifood 2021.pdf ams/f1ee0c49-04e7-43df-9b836820f4f37ca9/content/state-food-security-andnutrition-2023/food-security-nutrition-indicators html



Joint ECOWAS-UEMOA Regional Consultation on Axle-Load Control on Community Road Networks in Member States

Source: contributed by:

ABUJA, Nigeria, October 1, 2024/ -- To find a solution to the issue of overloading of heavy goods vehicles, which continues to contribute to

road deterioration, transport sector experts from ECOWAS and UEMOA member states, regional road haulage organizations, civil society and technical partners met from September 26 to 27, 2024 in Cotonou, Benin The aim of this hybrid technical meeting, jointly organized by the ECOWAS and UEMOA Commissions, was to assess the level of implementation of the ECOWAS Supplementary Act on the Harmonization of Standards and Procedures for Checking the Dimensions, Weights and Axle Loads of Goods Vehicles in West Africa, harmonized with UEMOA Regulation 14

The aim of this technical meeting was to agree on the key actions to be undertaken by the ECOWAS and UEMOA Commissions, member states, transport operators, other stakeholders (ports, industries, mines, shippers, etc ) as well as technical and financial partners, for the implementation of the new Harmonized Supplementary Act on axle load control At the end of the two days of discussions, several recommendations were adopted.

Among other things, it was recommended that the ECOWAS and UEMOA Commissions forward the signed harmonized regional Supplementary Act to member states and finalize the harmonized regional action plan for its implementation, with a timetable and actions to

support the professionalization and renewal of the hauliers’ fleet, as well as the removal of non-tariff barriers to facilitate the fluidity of transport corridors They are also asked to support member states in setting up the appropriate institutional framework to guide the uniform implementation of the additional act.

Member states were also asked to raise awareness among actors and stakeholders of the implementation of the Supplementary Act, and to initiate awareness-raising among transport operators and civil society As for technical and financial partners, they were asked to support ECOWAS and UEMOA in the regional coordination of the implementation of the Additional Act on axle load control. Finally, transport and civil society players were recommended to participate in awareness-raising and to collaborate with the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), ECOWAS and UEMOA to support efforts to professionalize the transport industry in West Africa

At the opening of this technical meeting on Thursday, September 26, 2024, H.E. Amadou DIONGUE, ECOWAS Resident Representative in Benin, on behalf of H.E. Dr Omar Alieu TOURAY, President of the ECOWAS Commission and Commissioner Sédiko DOUKA in charge of Infrastructure, Energy and Digitization, thanked the participants and recalled the importance of the additional act for member states and for the regional economy.

“This additional act is very important when we consider the future that awaits us. With the adoption of studies on the construction of the Abidjan-Lagos Corridor Motorway, it has been demonstrated that this road axis will support over 75% of community trade, thus strengthening our regional integration”

He was followed by Mr Chris APPIAH, Acting Director of Transport for ECOWAS, who outlined the history of this additional act and the various contacts with ECOWAS and UEMOA member states, technical partners and bodies responsible for the legality of regional texts

“Progress has been made, but many challenges remain It is also hoped that West Africa can draw inspiration from the experience of the 3 economic regions of Southern Africa (EAC, SADEC and COMESA), which have joined forces under the name TRIPARTITE to adopt a single management and control protocol for road axes, thus reinforcing the African integration advocated by the African Union”, concluded Mr APPIAH

Mr. Aboubakar Sidiki TOURE, Director of Infrastructure at UEMOA, also reported on the progress made, in particular the reduction in the rate of overloading on the roads. “Nevertheless, there are still challenges to be met as long as regional road infrastructures continue to be damaged by heavy goods vehicles”, he added He assured the

meeting of UEMOA’s commitment to collaborate with ECOWAS and Member States to implement the new Supplementary Act which replaces the erstwhile UEMOA Regulation 14 and ECOWAS Supplementary Act of 2012 on Overload Control

As a reminder, the 61st Summit of ECOWAS Heads of State and Government on July 7, 2022, approved and adopted the ECOWAS Supplementary Act A/SA.3/07/22 amending Supplementary Act/SP.17/02/12 on the harmonization of standards and procedures for the control of the dimensions, weight and axle load of goods vehicles in West Africa, harmonized with WAEMU Regulation 14 Subsequently, the 65th Summit held on July 7, 2024 in Abuja, Nigeria, noted the continuing excessive damage caused to community roads by overloading, and called on member states to comply with the axle-load li-mits in the new harmonized community text on overloaded transport trucks, leading to the premature deterioration of roads built with the limited financial resources of member states

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).


Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)


Shaping Namibia’s Energy Future: Embracing a Diverse Energy Mix

As Namibia stands on the brink of a new era in energy development, it is crucial to understand the concept of an energy mix and its significance

for our nation’s future. An energy mix refers to the combination of different energy sources used to meet a country’s energy needs For Namibia, this means integrating hydrocarbons, green hydrogen, and renewable energy sources to create a balanced and sustainable energy portfolio

Understanding the Energy Mix

An energy mix is essential for ensuring energy security, economic stability, and environmental sustainability. By diversifying our energy sources, we can reduce our dependence on any single type of energy, thereby mitigating risks associated with supply disruptions and price volatility For Namibia, an optimal energy mix would include hydrocarbons, green hydrogen, and renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power.

The Role of Hydrocarbons

Hydrocarbons, including oil and natural gas, have long been a cornerstone of global energy supply For Namibia, hydrocarbons can provide a reliable and immediate source of energy to support our growing economy. While the global community is moving towards cleaner energy, hydrocarbons will continue to play a vital role in our energy mix during the transition period Investments in efficient and cleaner technologies can help minimize the environmental impact of hydrocarbon use

Green Hydrogen: The Future of Clean Energy

Green hydrogen, produced using renewable energy sources, represents a promising avenue for Namibia’s energy future. As a clean and versatile energy carrier, green hydrogen can be used in various sectors, including transportation, industry, and power generation

Namibia’s abundant solar and wind resources make it an ideal location for green hydrogen production. By investing in green hydrogen, we can position Namibia as a leader in the global clean energy market, creating jobs and fostering economic growth

Harnessing Renewable Energy

Renewable energy sources, particularly solar and wind, are abundant in Namibia These sources offer a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional fossil fuels By expanding our renewable energy capacity, we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, decrease our reliance on imported energy, and enhance energy security. Moreover, renewable energy projects can stimulate local economies and provide opportunities for community development

The Path Forward: Policy and Financing

To achieve a balanced energy mix, it is essential to have supportive policies and adequate financing Policymakers must create a conducive environment for investment in diverse energy sources. This includes implementing

regulatory frameworks that encourage private sector participation, providing incentives for renewable energy projects, and ensuring transparent and efficient permitting processes

Financing is another critical component Public and private sector collaboration is necessary to mobilize the required capital for energy projects. International partnerships and funding from development banks can also play a significant role in supporting Namibia’s energy transition


Namibia’s energy future lies in embracing a diverse energy mix that includes hydrocarbons, green hydrogen, and renewable energy This approach will ensure energy security, economic growth, and environmental sustainability. As we move forward, it is imperative for policymakers, industry leaders, and financial institutions to work together to create a robust and resilient energy system for Namibia By doing so, we can pave the way for a prosperous and sustainable future for our nation


Real World- Food Security Challenges: African Countries Case Studies




We can all agree that water is essential for food production; without it, the agricultural sector would nearly cease to exist According to a

National Association of Water Companies (NAWC), to produce enough food to sustain the planet’s population, 52 8 million gallons of water per second are required Of our total water consumption, food accounts for approximately 66 percent So much of our water footprint is hidden. It’s difficult to visualize, because we don’t see the quantities of water it takes to create the end products.

Water and food security are closely intertwined as both crops and livestock need water to grow Most African countries heavily depend on agriculture, which requires large quantities of high-quality water for irrigation.

Agriculture is not only a vital part of the economy but also a critical source of livelihood for millions of people across the continent However, the reliance on water-intensive farming practices places significant pressure on water.

Africa has 60 percent of the world’s available arable land and agriculture is the source of livelihood for 70 percent of the population, yet the continent generates only 10 percent of global agricultural output These challenges are mostly related to water availability, quality, and equitable distribution, which directly impact its ability to ensure a stable and sufficient food supply for its growing population.

Most water utilised for agricultural purposes across the African continent is primarily obtained from rainfall

Rainfed cultivation accounts for up to 95% these agricultural activities Unfortunately, due to highly sporadic seasonal rainfalls in Africa, rainfall barely sustains crop management requirements. This results in decreased crop yields and food insecurities in most African countries

Ensuring food security as a basic right for people is one of the greatest challenges facing the world community, particularly in low-income and food-deficit countries. Of the 86 countries globally that are defined as low-income and food-deficient, 43 are in Africa. According to the 2022 WHO/UNICEF report on progress on drinking water, sanitation and hygiene in Africa 2000-2020, one in three Africans are affected by water scarcity, 411 million people in Africa still lack basic drinking water service, 779 million lack access to basic sanitation services, and 839 million lack access to basic hygiene. The situation as can be expected, is worse in rural areas relative to cities. Further, nine identified countries (Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda) are home to 80% of the identified underserved people in the region

Africa appears blessed with abundant water resources such as large rivers like Congo, Nile, Zambezi and Niger and Lake Victoria which is the world’s second largest, but Africa is also the second driest continent in the world, after Australia Shortages are often due to problems of uneven distribution - sometimes there is large bodies and quantities of water where there are fewer people Other factors contributing to this water crisis persistence include climate change, water pollution, deforestation, poor water management, limited water resources, and conflict

Water insecurity for Africa

Natural Hazards

Droughts and other climatic extremes are significant drivers of food insecurity in the Horn of Africa, creating a persistent vulnerability for the region’s populations. Unlike other parts of the world, there is rarely a year or season when the entire Horn of Africa experiences normal rainfall without the occurrence of climate-related anomalies such as drought or floods This uncertainty makes food production highly unpredictable, leaving millions at risk of food shortages.

Regional Drought: El Niño

El Niño refers to a natural cycle in Earth’s climate centred on the equatorial Pacific Ocean El Niño brings drought, floods, and food insecurity to Southern Africa. Multiple countries across Southern Africa, including Angola, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Zambia, and Zimbabwe are experiencing El Niño-related impacts, including widespread drought, leading to reduced crop harvests and water shortages Erratic weather shifts induced by the El Niño climatic phenomenon have exacerbated drought conditions in some parts of the region, while bringing tropical cyclones and extensive flooding to other areas.

As a result, four national governments: Malawi, Namibia, Zambia, and Zimbabwe have issued drought-related disaster declarations Food security is expected to further decline during the lean season, which typically begins in October in most of the region but may begin as early as July due to severe drought conditions, as 70 percent of smallholder farmers in the region rely on rain-fed agriculture for their livelihood Food prices have risen significantly in many drought-affected areas, with the highest increase recorded in Zimbabwe at 84 percent,

leaving households unable to afford basic items and children without access to a nutritious diet

The implementation of the United Nations (UN) 2023 Water Action Agenda offers promising solutions for addressing Africa’s water challenges. African Union Member States, international development partners, and civil society have outlined priority actions for the Africa Water Investment Action Plan, which will accelerate the implementation of the United Nations (UN) 2023 Water Action Agenda on the continent The plan will guide African states to mobilise US$30 billion per year in additional financing towards water security and sustainable sanitation by 2030.

Already reaping the benefits of these mobilisation actions is Malawi According to United States Agency for International Development (USAID), about 80% of the population of Malawi have access to an improved source of drinking water The country went from food deficiency to supplying the rest of Africa with its surplus as a result of effective water policies.

The Government of Namibia is also drilling boreholes, installing water pipelines, upgrading traditional wells, and rehabilitating boreholes and water points to improve water access, in addition to providing livestock marketing incentives and other agricultural subsidies to assist farmers. In total, the Government of Namibia is allocating approximately $45 million to alleviate drought and food insecurity for at least 318,000 households.

Food needs vary dramatically from region to region and among countries within regions of the world This means that approaches to food security have to be tailored to each situation. Overall, in Africa, however, population growth, poverty and agricultural production capabilities are critical factors when considering food security.

In the face of climate change and increasing water stress, Africa’s ability to manage its water resources wisely will be key to securing its future Through investment in infrastructure and the enforcement of sustainable water management policies, the continent can build resilience

and improve its water security for generations to come.

Food Security can also be improved through Water Harvesting Technologies

The African Union High-Level Panel on Emerging Technologies (APET) encourages African countries to harness smart technologies and innovations to heighten the management of existing water bodies and rainfalls for small-scale farming purposes APET emphasizes the critical need to improve water resource capture techniques as a key strategy to combat water scarcity and build resilience in regions heavily dependent on agriculture With climate change and global warming intensifying extreme weather patterns, the adoption of climate-smart technologies becomes increasingly important to mitigate the risks associated with erratic rainfall and prolonged droughts


https://nawc org/

https://au int/en/auc/priorities/food-security

https://www nepad org/blog/improving-food-securityafrica-through-water-harvesting-technologies ot%20on%20Progress%20on%20Drinking%20Water,%20Sa nitation%20and%20Hygiene%20in%20Africa%2020002020 pdf icaeng pdf

https://www fao org/4/x8406e/X8406e01 htm

https://theconversation com/el-nino-may-have-ended-butits-legacy-is-greater-hunger-in-sub-saharan-africa237160#:~:text=The%202023%2D24%20El%20Ni%C3%B1o, most%20of%20sub%2DSaharan%20Africa

https://www usaid gov/sites/default/files/2024-06/202406-

11 USG Southern Africa Regional Drought Fact Sheet 1 pdf

https://au int/en/pressreleases/20230918/concreteactions-towards-water-security-africa-brought-forwardcontinent

https://www usaid gov/malawi/global-health/wash

https://www fao org/family-farming/detail/en/c/317286/



Impact of Transport on Food security


Food is an essential component of life itself It is therefore critical that we understand the flow from source to consumption. Food systems encompass the intricate processes that enable food to move from point A to point B along a supply chain. Food distribution involves the transportation of food products from the point of production to the point of consumption. This includes transportation via land, sea and air Reliable transportation systems are key to reducing food waste and enhancing food accessibility, especially in regions where food deserts or logistical challenges exist Efficient distribution not only meets immediate consumer demand but also contributes to long-term food security by ensuring that communities have reliable access to nutritious food

In today's global economy, the sourcing of raw materials for food production is not confined to local suppliers. Ingredients such as grains, dairy products, spices, and other essential raw materials are often transported over long distances sometimes even halfway around the world This interconnected system requires a highly coordinated logistics framework to ensure that materials arrive on time and in optimal condition

32 percent of African countries are landlocked and depend on coastal countries for access to regional and international markets. The transportation of food products is a critical stage in the supply chain, directly impacting the safety, quality, and freshness of the food that reaches consumers To ensure that food products

remain safe and of high quality, transportation must be carried out under strict, well-defined conditions tailored to the specific needs of each type of product Below are transportation and logistics considerations for the food industry:

Transportation and logistics considerations for the food industry:

Speedy Delivery to Avoid Deterioration: Many of the raw materials such as vegetables, and fruits go bad quickly even if stored in climate-controlled facilities and need to be delivered quickly The same applies to finished products Most processed foods have an expiry date after which they cannot be consumed

Preservation of Quality: Food and dairy products, in particular, have stringent storage and transportation requirements. Many items, especially perishables like dairy, meats, and fresh produce, must be transported under specific climatic conditions to maintain their freshness, safety, and nutritional value Without proper temperature control, humidity regulation, and timely delivery, these products can deteriorate rapidly in quality.

Risk of Contamination: Food contamination is a serious health hazard that can even lead death of the consumer, ensuring high standards of hygiene and cleanliness is one of the chief transportation and logistics consideration of the food industry

Risk of Breakages and Damages: Food is soft and delicate with a high risk of breakages and damages during transportation. Whether food is being transported by road, rail, sea, or air, maintaining the integrity of the load during transit is essential

Climate Controlled Facilities: Both raw and prepared foods can go bad quickly in the outdoor environment calling for a need to be stored in climate-controlled facilities before, during and after transportation To preserve freshness, avoid contamination and maintain quality, proper climate-controlled facilities are an integral part of transportation and logistics consideration of the food and dairy industry.

Aside these considerations and record levels of global food production, hunger continues to intensify, and food insecurity remains alarmingly high, particularly in fragile and poorly connected regions One of the primary barriers to addressing this crisis is the high cost of transportation In some cases, logistics expenses account for as much as half of the delivered price of food products, further exacerbating access to affordable and nutritious food. In some parts of Africa transport prices at the local level can make up as much as 50 percent of the price of food Inadequate infrastructure along the supply chain and inefficient transport services lead to high transportation costs and delays, food price volatility, shortages, and post-harvest losses.

Additionally, tariffs and in many cases, VAT and excise duties applied on food are a major cause of high food prices Many farmers around Africa struggle with low commercial viability in their agricultural activities, which discourages them from investing in key productivityenhancing inputs like fertilizers, agro-chemicals, and other essential resources. A major way in which the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) could contribute to food security and to build African food

value chains, is by eliminating these duties.

Rural households are the most affected by food insecurity as the communities have higher extreme poverty rates and greater difficulties in transporting and distributing their agricultural products In recent years, supply chain disruptions such as those caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, conflicts, and the effects of climate change have led to a complex set of challenges that increase the cost of transporting food products, affecting the entire food supply chain from producers to consumers even at a global scale

Further, projects aimed to aid African countries maintain and enhance connections to local and international markets are underway. To ensure access to inputs, food availability, stabilizing prices, minimizing post-harvest losses, and addressing deprivation during shortages or significant disruptions to food systems Some of these projects include Nigeria Rural Access and Mobility Project (RAMP-2) and The South Sudan Rural Roads Project implemented between 2008 and 2016.

These projects will improve rural access and mobility through expanding sustainable transport options, especially in low-income or vulnerable communities This applies not only to passenger mobility but also to freight and logistics The World Bank has also funded and continues to invest in transport projects whose key focus is to enhance access to agricultural inputs and food products, reduce transport costs, decrease cross-border trade time and costs, and facilitate the transportation of food and agricultural inputs within and between countries and regions

The importance of using a holistic approach to address some of the challenges facing the agriculture sector, transportation, and trade to ultimately enhance Africa’s food security cannot be overstated Infrastructure development is crucial for achieving food security, and Courtesy:GettyImages

investments in critical areas such as transportation, ports, logistics, and power infrastructure are essential. The provision of safe, reliable, and affordable transport services in rural areas, have the potential to bring about social and economic development, thereby reducing poverty, increasing food security and productivity and lessening the experience of hunger.

In summary, to ensure long-term food security and economic growth, it is essential to address governance, enhance the business environment, and tackle the challenges posed by climate change Additionally, eliminating intra-African tariffs and trade barriers in agricultural trade can play a critical role in boosting intra regional trade, which is particularly vital for landlocked countries.


https://www worldbank org/en/results/2024/04/11/incr easing-connectivity-for-enhanced-food-supply-chainresilience#: :text=The%20cost%20of%20transport%20is ,of%20the%20price%20of%20food

https://www worldbank org/en/topic/transport/overvie w#: :text=To%20move%20the%20transport%20sector% 20toward%20climate%20sustainability%2C,services%3 B%20and%20Strengthen%20transport%20systems%20t o%20enhance%20resilience

gad source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8-u4 bjiAMV gQGAB07hQp5EAMYASAAEgKK2vD BwE https://blogs iadb org/transporte/en/ensuring-foodsecurity-through-better-transport-and-logistics/


Farming & Network Reach: Essential to Productivity

Farming is the centre of all food production and as the world’s population grows, demand will see a commensurate increase This means that the food

systems need to be ready and capable to respond to the future needs. Agriculture is a significant sector in the African economy, contributing approximately 15 to 20 percent to the continent's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). According to the African Development Bank, the agriculture sector is valued at around $100 billion to $150 billion annually One of the centre points for the new demands is the use of the telecommunications networks, so enabling rapid information exchange and interaction with artificial intelligence.

The potential for Africa to benefit from the implementation of an autonomous Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) environment in agriculture is vast and transformative The potential for growth in African agriculture is substantial. The sector is projected to grow at an annual rate of about 5% over the next decade, driven by factors such as improved agricultural practices, investment in technology, and increasing access to

markets The World Bank estimates that transforming Africa’s agricultural sector could increase its contribution to GDP by an additional $1 trillion by 2030, significantly boosting economic resilience and reducing poverty

As the continent grapples with food security challenges, climate change, and an ever-growing population, integrating IIoT technology into agricultural practices can offer solutions that enhance productivity, efficiency, and sustainability By utilizing connected devices and advanced data analytics, farmers can gain real-time insights into crop health, soil conditions, and weather patterns, enabling them to make informed decisions that optimize their yields.

One of the primary advantages of an autonomous IIoT environment is its ability to facilitate precision agriculture Through the deployment of sensors, drones, and automated machinery, farmers can monitor their fields more closely than ever before. These technologies allow for the collection of data on various parameters, such as soil moisture levels, nutrient content, and pest

activity. With this information at their fingertips, farmers can apply resources like water, fertilizers, and pesticides more accurately, reducing waste and minimizing environmental impact For instance, instead of blanket applications, farmers can treat only the affected areas, leading to cost savings and healthier ecosystems

Moreover, IIoT systems can enhance the management of agricultural supply chains, which is critical in a continent where post-harvest losses can reach alarming levels. By integrating IIoT with blockchain technology, farmers can track their products from farm to market, ensuring quality and reducing spoilage This traceability can improve market access, particularly for smallholder farmers who often struggle to connect with buyers By providing consumers with information about the origin and quality of their food, IIoT can also help build trust and promote fair trade practices. Investments in agriculture also have multiplier effects on the economy For every job created in agriculture, an estimated 1 5 to 2 jobs are generated in related sectors, such as transportation, processing, and retail

Furthermore, the data collected through IIoT systems can aid in better forecasting and planning. By analyzing historical data alongside real-time inputs, agricultural stakeholders can predict crop yields, optimize planting schedules, and manage resources more effectively This predictive capability is especially crucial in regions vulnerable to climate variability, where timely adjustments can mitigate losses.

The socio-economic implications of adopting an IIoT framework in African agriculture are significant Additionally, with the rise of mobile technology in Africa, farmers can access these insights via smartphones, ensuring that even those in remote areas can benefit from advanced agricultural practices.

It is clear then that as productivity increases, the potential for higher incomes can empower rural communities, reduce poverty levels, and stimulate local economies Job creation is another positive outcome, as new technologies require skilled workers for installation, maintenance, and data analysis Training programs can be developed to equip the workforce with the necessary skills, further enhancing local capabilities and resilience.

However, for Africa to fully realize the benefits of IIoT in agriculture, challenges such as infrastructure deficits, digital literacy, and access to capital must be addressed. Investment in internet connectivity, energy supply, and agricultural technology is essential Moreover, fostering partnerships between governments, private sector players, and NGOs can help create a conducive environment for innovation and adoption. Policies that encourage research and development in smart agriculture can drive the necessary change

Therefore, the integration of an autonomous IIoT environment in African agriculture presents a pathway to enhancing food security, economic resilience, and sustainability. By leveraging advanced technologies, farmers can optimize their practices, reduce losses, and ultimately improve their livelihoods The potential benefits are immense, but realizing them will require concerted efforts to overcome existing barriers and create an ecosystem that supports technological advancement in the agricultural sector.


https://www connectedfarms co/private-4g https://www agritechtomorrow com/article/2022/04/buil ding-a-distributed-network-of-farms-and-farmers/13669/


Food Security and Nutrition

Interview with Ms. Maria Kapembe

In2023theUnitedNation(UN)reportonthe‘the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World’, highlightedthat between691and783millionpeoplewereexperiencing

hunger in 2022 - representing an increase of 122 million people comparedto2019 InthisinsightfuldiscussionwithMs Kapembe, Namibia’s youngest legume nutrition expert, we delve into the mostpressingissuesinfoodsecurity,emergingtrendsinnutrition research, and the role of agricultural innovations in enhancing both the quantity and nutritional quality of food systems Her work is instrumental in shaping the future of food security, not justforNamibia,butfortheglobalcommunity


MsMariaKapembeisanenthusiasticfoodscienceadvocate She holds a Master of Science in Agriculture specializing in Food Science and Technology from the University of Namibia Her researchtitled“The effects of different processing methods on the nutritional, anti-nutritional and emulsifying properties of Bradyrhizobium inoculated and non-inoculated Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea) cultivars”wastheveryfirststudyof its kind in Namibia, Africa and the world Although her postgraduate studies primarily expected her to focus on the aspectsoffoodprocessing,shechallengedherselfandintegrated agronomy, plant microbiology, brand designing and marketing into her studies It is worthy to state that during her studies, she collaborated with seasoned legume academic experts in Africa andAsia

From an industry point of view, Ms Kapembe has acquired significant exposure and notable experience from the industry She possesses niche expertise in food microbially and food processing from leading food manufacturing companies namely CocaColaNamibiaBottlingCompanyandNamibiaDairies.Inher recentroleasaResearchConsultantattheUnitedNations–World FoodProgrammeincollaborationwithOyayoneFoundation,she assessed the food security aspect of the Home-Grown School FeedinggardensinNamibia.

Over the years, Ms Kapembe has received several leadership awardsduetoherdynamicskills.In2024,shewasnominatedasa research finalist for the Environmental Investment Fund SustainableDevelopmentAwards.In2023,shescoopedaprizeat the GIZ Farming For Resilience Value Addition competition. In 2021, she participated in Namibia Food Systems Dialogue led by theUnitedNations.


Howdoyoudefinefoodsecurity,andhow hasthisconceptevolvedinrecentyears?

“Food security is the state in which an individual has continuous access to food in the correct quantity and quality needed to meet their dietary need Since the establishment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, there has been an increase in the topic of food security across the globe Various efforts have been made to to sensitize people on the topic of food security through alterations of organizational policies, targeted academic research, conferences, workshops, trainings and social media inclusion campaigns ” Ms Kapembesaid

2.Inyouropinion,whatarethemostpressing foodsecurityissuesthatneedimmediate attentioninAfrica?

Ms. Kapembe replied, “There is a need to ensure everyone has continuous access to food in the correct quality. Although Africa is home to numerous nutritionally complete indigenous crops (i.e legumes, pearl millet, sorghum, tubers), the continent is still classified as the hungriest. To ensure the average human being in Africa has access to continuous nutritional quantity and quality food, there is a need to further educate people in remote regions on the issue in food security There is an urgent need to address developing country’s dependencies on imports This can be tackled by adjusting policies that harden the growth of local food manufacturing companies and strengthen resilience of smallholder farmers to produce their own food ”

3.Whatkeytrendsareemerginginnutrition research,particularlyinrelationtodeveloping countries?

“Since 2021, there has been a growing interest to study the nutritional content, product development alternatives and anti-

nutritional in orphan crops. Orphan crops (i.e legumes, pearl millet, African rice) are referred to as underutilized or neglected crops that have not received significant attention in agricultural research and development compared to major crops like wheat and maize. Orphan crops have the potential to solve the issue of food insecurity. Additionally, recent nutrition research trends have seen an increase in the shift from animal protein to plant-based protein.” Ms.Kapembereplied.

4.Inwhatwayscanagriculturalinnovations supportnotjustfoodproduction,butalsothe nutritionalqualityoffoodsystems?

Ms Kapembestated:

Innovative food ventures should take the following into consideration:



Local ingredient incorporation to increase the nutritional content (ie bread made from legumes, pearl millet and marulaoil)

Innovativefoodproductsshouldnotrequirecomplexstorage environments.

5.Inconclusion,Whatadvicewouldyougiveto youngresearchersorprofessionalsaspiringto workinthefieldsoffoodsecurityandnutrition?

“There exists a huge knowledge gap in the field of food security and nutrition that needs to be tapped It is imperative that upcoming researchers not only focus on publishing findings in high level journal, but also make efforts to translate findings in a simplified manner at community level ” Ms Kapembeconcludes

My Energy Life Series

From Cogeneration to Carbon Markets: Shaping the Climate Future in Malawi, Zambia & Mozambique

Interview with Gift Chunda

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In this episode, we meet Gift Chunda, a Carbon Operations LeadatUpEnergyGroup GiftChundashareshisstoryofhow hegotstartedintheenergyindustry,detailinghisinitial

challenges and offering invaluable advice to fellow young professionalsseekingtheirpathinthisdynamicindustry


I commenced my professional journey as a Research and Publication Assistant Intern at the Africa Energy Policy Research NetworkinNairobi,Kenya Duringschoolbreaksin2013and2014, I had the privilege of working on various cogeneration and agriclean energy projects implemented across Africa Subsequently, in 2015, I joined the global energy program "Energising Development" by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH asanintern

I worked at GIZ for 8 years and my role at GIZ involved program development, management, administration, and grant management for sustainable energy market development projects. These initiatives aimed at enhancing private sector engagement in the clean cooking and off-grid solar sectors. I served as a senior technical advisor and twice stepped into the roleofTeamLeaderduringmytenure.

In July 2021, I took a hiatus from full-time employment but continued to contribute to GIZ through part-time consultancy starting October 2021. In this capacity, I provided technical backstopping and quality control support for monitoring and evaluation, as well as concept development. As of 2022, I expanded my consultancy roles to engage in various energy projects, leading country baseline assessments for Water Energy FoodNexusProjectsunderGCCA+SADCinitiativesinMalawiand Namibia Additionally, I conducted climate-smart agriculture traininginMalawi

My involvement extended to projects financed by the InternationalSolarAlliance AstheNationalAdvisorfortheDesign of a Blended Finance Facility for the Off-grid Solar Sector, I dedicated three months to this endeavor Simultaneously, in 2022,IbeganprovidingconsultancysupporttoUpEnergyGroup

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foracarbonfinancingprojectfocusedoncleancookingandsafe water purification in Malawi, Zambia, and Mozambique In this capacity, I oversee carbon operations cycles, monitor reporting and verification of projects, ensure quality control, and manage dataandcarbonteams

My work consistently aligns with the broader goals of contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), promoting gender inclusivity, delivering energy-efficient products, and minimizing the carbon footprint Currently, I hold thepositionofCarbonOperationsLeadforZambia,Malawi,and Mozambique

Whatdoyoudoinyourcurrentroleatyour company?

Mycurrentrolecoversseveralfacetsspanningacrossleadingincountry carbon processes, project development and management, leading and coordinating fascinating and talented teamsthatmanagedataandcarbonprocesses Inmyrole,Ihave the opportunity to oversee the financial management of the project, including budgetary planning, approving project activities.

My role also involves managing stakeholder engagements, supporting stakeholder missions, facilitating stakeholder consultation for existing and upcoming projects. I cultivate and manage relationships with pertinent Ministry staff in the respectivecountries,activelyengageandupdatethemonproject impactsandactivitieswithintheirjurisdiction.

Further to this, in my role I also manage baseline assessments, monitoring activities, research – this also involves the planning, development of terms of work, identification of experts to supporttheactivities,andknowledgemanagementofthesame.


My day begins with a thorough status review of tasks and planning for the day's activities This involves examining emails, project planners, and trackers to ensure alignment with current priorities.

Subsequently, there is engagement with country teams, data specialists, and carbon teams to coordinate efforts and ensure seamless collaboration. This includes having weekly virtual and physicalmeetings.

Dependingontheperiod,mydaymayalsoincludeplanningand managing ad-hoc carbon activities, and addressing emerging needs as they arise. Additionally, time is also allocated for desk reviews,providingacomprehensiveoverviewofongoingprojects andfacilitatinginformeddecision-making.

Myworkanchorsonimprovinglivesbyessentially contributingtowardssustainabledevelopmentgoals, keyingintocustomersatisfaction,andprotection–that createsapositiveenvironmentalandsocialimpact.

Whataresomeofthechallengesyouhavefaced intheindustry?

I faced numerous challenges that necessitated problem-solving skillsandresiliencetonavigatesuccessfully.

Adapting to new technologies: In an industry characterized by rapid evolution, I frequently encountered the challenge of adapting to new technologies and software. To address this, I proactively participated in training sessions, workshops, and online courses to enhance my skills and remain informed about the latest developments. Additionally, I sought assistance from colleagueswhowerewell-versedinthenewtechnologies.

Managing tight deadlines: One significant challenge was jugglingmultipleprojectswithstringentdeadlines.Totacklethis, I prioritized tasks according to their urgency and importance, developed a comprehensive project plan, and maintained effective communication with team members to ensure alignmentandprogress

Working in a diverse team: Collaborating with team members from various backgrounds and cultures can pose challenges in communication and teamwork To mitigate this, I promoted a culture of inclusivity and respect, actively listened to diverse perspectives, and encouraged open dialogue I also organized team-buildingactivitiestostrengtheninterpersonalrelationships andenhancecollaboration

Whatisthemostfunthingyouloveaboutyour work?

My work drives positive change and has a way of putting a smile on people’s faces. It is heartwarming during project missions to hear and see end-users accessing high-quality energy products and experiencing positive benefits on their health, income, and productivity.Theimpactsareagreatmotivationtofurtherengage inthesameindustry


Iprioritizesettingboundariesbyadheringtoallocatedworkhours and avoiding work-related tasks at home, unless absolutely necessary Additionally, I emphasize effective scheduling and planningtoensurethatmyvariousactivitiesdonotinterferewith each other, maintaining a balanced and organized approach to bothworkandpersonalcommitments.

Whatarethecorehardskillssomeoneinyour fieldshouldhave?

It makes things easier and efficient for someone to have some perspective and knowledge and skills in project management; data analytics; survey and research management; concept developmentandmanagement,energyandcarbonfinancing.

Whatsoftskillsshouldsomeoneinyourfield have?

One should have a diversity of soft skills, that focus on team engagement, collaboration adaptive, problem solving, time management, skills and as well interpersonal communication skills


My work anchors on improving lives by essentially contributing towards sustainable development goals, keying into customer satisfaction, and protection – that creates a positive environmental and social impact In addition, my work also allows me to network, get to meet new people in the various marketsIengagein NetworkswhichIcanleverageforpotential partnerships,makingmyworkefficient.

Whatwouldyouconsiderahighlightofyour career?

With as little experience I had the privilege of joining an energy global partnership known as Energising Development implementedbyGIZatatenderage.Beingattheinstitutionhas playedapivotalrole,exposingmetodiverseaspectsofprogram management,andenvironmentalandenergy.

GiftattendingTheGoldStandardClimateAdaptationValidationWorkshopinCapeTownin2023 Theeventbroughtinaselectandinvitedfewexpertsworkingwithleadingorganization carbonprojectdevelopersinAfricatosupportthevalidationofClimateAdaptationMethodologyforGoldStandard

Myworkdrivespositivechangeandhasa wayofputtingasmileonpeople’sfaces.



I am passionate about innovating and finding ways how I can be contributingtowardscommunitiesandtofellowindustryplayers and colleagues through voluntary work Aside from my energy experience,IamfascinatedinICT,andhavethepassioninsharing knowledgeinthetopic,andresearchinthetopic

Howdoyouthinkthatyourworkmakesa differenceintheenergyspace?

Well, my work and the organizations I am involved with play a pivotal role in contributing to sustainable development in the energyspace.

The projects I have been involved in strengthen sustainable energy market development by considering the entire market value chain, including supply, demand, and the regulatory framework This involves positively contributing to policy revisions, advocacy work, and providing market linkage support for products produced by partners We also create partnerships andencourageincomegeneration

These projects include the provision of high-quality and/or energy-efficientproducts Thisishelpingtoincreasetheadoption of these products, encourage the transition from traditional energysourcestoimprovedversions,andcontributetoincreased productivityandcostsavings.

We also provide subsidized products to encourage affordability andaccesstoenergyproductsforall.

Whatadvicedoyouhaveforsomeonenewtothe industry?

Knowledge and experiences can be transferred and extracted. Engagewithotherpeersinthefield,network,explorementorship programs, research and, spend time to increase your knowledge anddonotbeafraidtoaskforsupport.


My Hydrogen Life Series

Unleashing Nigeria's Green Potential: Pioneering Waste-to-Hydrogen Solutions

Interview with Ejikeme Nwosu

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In this chapter of our MyHydrogenLife Series, we spotlight Ejikeme Nwosu, the CEO and Director of Research at Lumos LaboratoriesNigeriaLimited Ejikeme'sjourneyisatestament

to innovation, dedication, and the transformative potential of greenhydrogeninAfrica

With a rich background in chemistry and a passion for environmental sustainability, Ejikeme has spearheaded groundbreaking research and development in the hydrogen sector.Hisworkfocusesonconvertingwastematerialsintogreen hydrogen, aiming to create cleaner energy solutions while addressingwastemanagementchallenges.

JoinusaswedelveintoEjikeme’sinspiringstory,hisvisionforthe future, and his impactful contributions to the hydrogen industry. Read on to discover how this visionary leader is driving change andfosteringasustainableenergyfutureforAfrica.

Canyoudescribeyourcurrentroleand responsibilitiesinthehydrogensector?

I am the Lead Scientist and Director of Research at Lumos Laboratories with the principal aim of initiating, directing, and delivering processes that convert waste into green hydrogen for the generation of clean energy. Currently, we have seven invention patent rights on technologies that convert urine and otherwasteintohydrogen-richgasses.Thesegassesareblended incontrolledproportionsforthegenerationofelectricity Myrole involvesleadingateamofscientists,managingresearchprojects, andensuringthatourinnovationsarebothpracticalandscalable

Canyoushareabitaboutyourbackgroundand howyoufirstbecameinterestedinthehydrogen sector?

I have Bachelors Degree and Masters Degree in Chemistry with years of experience in conversion of wastes into more useful products My earlier studies were on conversion of urine into ammonia for use as fertilizers, the research abstract was publishedbyAmericanChemicalSocietyin2004

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During my studies I discovered that urine is the most abundant renewable waste with no proper management system anywhere in the world, since urine has lots of hydrogen, I channeled my energy in developing processes that would convert urine and other wastes into hydrogen, while maintaining a cleaner environment.

Whatmotivatedyoutopursueacareerinthe hydrogenspace?

The motivation to pursue a career in the hydrogen space came fromtheneedtosavetheplanetandmitigatethenegativeeffects of climate change. This has always been a strong motivator for me. The potential of hydrogen as a clean energy source and its abilitytoreduceourrelianceonfossilfuelsinspiredmetopursue acareerinthisspace.

Whatareyourworkactivitiesinthehydrogen space?

At Lumos Laboratories, we produce green hydrogen through chemicalreactionsusingourpatentedPatriumFlaskReactorand byelectrolysisusingrenewablesourcesofwindandsolarenergy Ourlatesthybridreactor,whichwerecentlypatented,integrates bothchemicalandelectrolyticproductionprocessesintoasingle piece of equipment This allows us to efficiently produce hydrogeninanenvironmentallyfriendlymanner

Canyousharewhatatypicaldayatworklooks likeforyou?

Atypicaldayinvolvessteppingintothelaboratory,reviewingour past research results, addressing the team, and continuing experiments from where we stopped the previous day My days are filled with collaboration, problem-solving, and hands-on experimentation to push the boundaries of our hydrogen productiontechnologies

Howdoyoumanagetobalanceworkand personallife?

Ilivebythephilosophy,"allworkandnoplaymakesJackadull boy." Balancing work and personal life is crucial. I make sure to carveouttimeforrelaxationandhobbies,suchasplayingfootball and chess, to keep my mind fresh and maintain my overall wellbeing.

Whatchallengeshaveyouencounteredinthe industry?

Funding and the reluctance to adapt to newer technologies and innovations are significant challenges in the hydrogen industry Securinginvestmentforresearchanddevelopmentcanbetough, andconvincingstakeholderstoadoptandsupportnew



Whataspectofyourworkdoyoufindmost enjoyable?

Testing our hydrogen production for electricity generation is the mostenjoyablepartofmywork Seeingthetangibleresultsofour researchandthepotentialimpactitcanhaveontheenvironment andenergysectorisincrediblyrewarding

Howhaveyouseenthehydrogenindustryevolve sinceyoustartedyourcareerinthisspace?

Hydrogen is now more spoken of compared to many years ago and is seen as a possible clean fuel of the future The increased awareness and interest in hydrogen as a viable energy source have been significant developments There is more investment, research, and collaboration happening in the industry now than everbefore

Arethereanyrecenttrendsordevelopmentsin thehydrogensectorthatparticularlyexciteyou?

Yes, developments in fuel cell technology excite me These advancements are crucial for the practical application of hydrogenasacleanenergysource,andtheypromisetomake hydrogen-powered vehicles and devices more efficient and accessible


Outside of work, I enjoy playing football and chess. These activities help me relax, stay fit, and keep my mind sharp. They also provide a great balance to the intense focus required in my professionallife.

Aretherespecificskillsorknowledgeareas you'vefoundparticularlybeneficialforacareer inthisspace?

Theabilitytoloveone’sjobandbeingabletosticktoaparticular research problem for a long period of time are crucial Perseverance,passion,andadeepunderstandingofthescientific principlesunderlyinghydrogenproductionhavebeenparticularly beneficialinmycareer.

Arethereskillsorqualitiesthatyoubelieveare particularlyimportantforsuccessinthisfield?

Sticking to a research problem until it is solved is vital Persistence, creativity, and a willingness to embrace challenges andlearnfromfailuresareimportantqualitiesforsuccessinthe hydrogensector

Whatadvicedoyouhaveforyoungprofessionals orstudentsaspiringtoenterthehydrogen sector?

Do what you love (hydrogen research) and be dedicated to it Don'tgoaftermoney;yourpassionanddedicationwilleventually bringlotsofsatisfaction,plusmoney Focusonmakingapositive impact,andtherewardswillfollow

Ifyouenjoyedreadingthis,donothesitatetofollow Africa Hydrogen Hub (AHH) formoreinspiringstoriesandinsights intotheAfricahydrogenindustry.Staytunedforournext chapter!

Practicaldemonstrationtointernstheuseofhydrogen(fromLumos’reactor) topowerfuelcells


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