InFocus Namibia - August 2024

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About Us


RDJ Consulting is a 100% Namibian Energy and Sustainability Consultancy with more than 30 years’ experience in the utility (Water, Energy and Telecoms), rural development and transport sectors Our experience as an integrated professional services firm that builds better communities through planning, design, and delivery of physical and social infrastructure helps support our clients in all aspects going forward.

We approach each of our clients with fresh eyes to develop customized, unique strategies

RDJ Consulting based in Windhoek, Namibia has extensive experience in Southern Africa, Asia, Britain, USA and the Caribbean We thus work with various governments and agencies to address development issues in developing countries.

Our Services:


Namibia Solar Energy Production

Energy and Gender - Why is gender a matter of concern?

Official Launch of “Wells to Wheels” Mining: An Integrated Energy Mix

Erongo Salt Pans

Namibia: Future of Mining

Mining: The Permitting Dilemma Deep Seabed Mining


Spotlight on Mrs. Hilda BassonNamudjembo

From The Editor


Welcometoanothereditionof InFocus Namibia!

Mining our Future

decarbonization,thepermittingdilemma,anddeepseabedmining which of itself is a potential new frontier for Namibia if handled strategically and ethically. Additionally, this edition features insights from a visionary Namibian industry leader, driving transformativestrategiesincommunications.

The Namibian mining sector therefore stands at a critical juncture requiringthoughtfulstrategiesandimplementationforsustainable operations

Wethushopeyoufindthiseditioninformativeandencourageyou tofollowandengagewithusonalloursocialmediaaccountsaswe continuetoexploreanddiscussthesevitalissues

As always, the conversation continues at


TheNamibianeconomycontinuestoreapbenefitsfromthemining industry, which experienced significant growth in 2023 The sector expanded by 189%, raising its contribution to the country’s GDP from 11.9% in 2022 to 14.4% in 2023. Beyond economic gains, the mining sector plays a vital role in poverty eradication by creating employmentopportunities.Additionally,itsuppliescriticalminerals essentialforcleanenergytransitions

Inpursuitofnetzeroemissions(NZE),thepressuretodecarbonizeis intensifying across all sectors, including mining The Namibian miningsectormustthereforekeepupwithleadingpracticetoadopt sustainable practices and develop clear strategies to achieve “sustainablegreenmining.”Thisapproachiscrucialforthesector’s continued success while also protecting the environment and meetingclimategoals

In this context, our researchers have focused on critical areas impactingoperationandprofitabilitysuchasmining

This report is a FREE Publication written and authored through collaboration with RDJ Consulting Services CC based in Windhoek, Namibia

The content is collected from publicly available information and so its accuracycannotbeguaranteed.

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Economy at Large

Mining: Decarbonization and Profits


With COP 29 looming and to be held in Baku, Azerbaijan, another round of pressure related to decarbonisation will be building and the global

growing pressure to align with global sustainability goals The need to decarbonise operations is not just an environmental imperative but also a strategic necessity for maintaining competitiveness and profitability in a rapidly changing global market.

With mining as a cornerstone of Namibia's economy, contributing about 10 percent to the GDP and providing a substantial portion of the country’s export earnings The industry however is dominated by diamond mining, but other minerals such as uranium, gold, copper, and zinc are also significant. With such reliance on mining, any shift in global economic or regulatory landscapes can have farreaching consequences for Namibia’s economic health

in renewable energy, such as solar and wind, present viable options for reducing the carbon footprint of mining operations

Namibia, with its abundant sunshine and wind resources, is well-positioned to capitalize on these technologies. Additionally, improvements in energy efficiency, electrification of mining equipment, and carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies offer pathways for reducing emissions A good example of this already exists such as with the B2Gold solar power plant that is expected to reduce dependency on other sources of electricity by some 30 percent. This will reduce their Scope 1 or Scope emissions

Multiple other mines have followed a similar path. Namdeb for example, has proceeded to take this further, incorporating e-mobility into its operations.

“The Electric Bus forms part of a pilot testing in relation to battery electric vehicles to reduce the use of diesel. A total of approximately 30 drivers and 15 mechanics are expected to undergo driving and maintenance training of which 50% have been completed since the arrival with training scheduled in sessions. Trial testing of the bus is currently underway in the town of Oranjemund. The bus is currently being prepared to ensure that it is fit for purpose both from a safety and operational side.”

-Namdeb Press Release (October 16, 2023) E-mail:

Moreover, decarbonisation can enhance a company’s reputation, making it more attractive to international investors who are increasingly factoring Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria into their investment decisions. While the transition to a low-carbon model may involve significant upfront costs, the long-term financial benefits are clear.

Companies that lead in decarbonisation are likely to gain competitive advantages, including access to new markets,

reduced regulatory risks, and enhanced brand loyalty Furthermore, as the global supply chain increasingly values low-carbon products, Namibian mines that can demonstrate reduced emissions may find themselves at an advantage in negotiationsandcontracts

The mining sector must, however, carefully manage this transition to ensure it does not undermine profitability Strategic investments in technology and infrastructure, combined with partnerships with government and international organizations, will be critical The Namibian government’s role in facilitating this transition through supportive policies, incentives, and infrastructure development cannot be overstated Epangelo Mining, a private mining company of which the Government of the Republic of Namibia is the sole shareholder puts it brilliantly “our promise – beyond mining”.

Ultimately as the world moves towards a low-carbon future, Namibia’s mining industry must evolve to meet these new realities, ensuring that it can continue to thrive in a changing global landscape. As always the conversation continues


https://unfccc int/cop29

https://www b2gold com/news/2023/b2gold-targets-30-reductionin-ghg-emissions-by-2030-and-announces-expansion-of-the-fekolasolar-plant

https://www namibian com na/swakop-uranium-projects-firstprofit-since-inception/ https://www epangelomining na/about html

Lose the game, win the match

Recently, I heard snippets of a commencement speech that the legendary tennis player, Roger Federer, gave to the graduates at Dartmouth

University, USA Anything Roger has to say should be listened to; he is, after all, one of the greatest tennis players of all time Apart from his humble demeanor and inspirational words, what struck me and truly fascinated me as a statistics' geek', for want of a better description, was the insight into his winning ways.

He told the graduating class of 2024 that he won almost 80% of matches in his career – but just 54% of points he competed for I found that to be an astounding statistic, and it put certain things into perspective The margins between winning and losing are exceptionally small Imagine losing 46% of all the points you are playing for. How did Federer not have a complete breakdown? More importantly, how did he mentally recover from that during a game? Let alone throughout a tournament like Wimbledon, which he has won 8 times

The mental fortitude Roger Federer displayed made me think about how I approach my own life and my wins and losses. As CEO of the Development Bank of Namibia, I need to keep many balls in the air. I need to ensure our mission, vision, and goals are met, always focusing on the future goals of our organization and those of Namibia Every day poses challenges, conundrums, and obstacles that must be overcome This can be difficult, as not everyone you engage with has the same agenda.

day If you learn from every battle, you come out stronger and more focused, which is what DBN needs

That does not mean other organizations or people are actively working against you or the DBN It simply means their goals, mission, and vision do not always align with ours It also means you cannot come out on top in every meeting or negotiation As someone who is very demanding towards myself, that is sometimes an issue However, if you start overthinking every hurdle and challenge rather than thinking about how to improve next time, you will spiral downward.

I've been trying to embrace the concept that John C Maxwell, the author, spoke about: "Sometimes You Win-Sometimes You Learn This has become a mantra for me

It has allowed me some peace of mind, and I have my son to thank for this insight. He told me that you can't win every battle, but you can get up and be ready to fight another

Getting into a positive mindset after a setback can be difficult, but that is where mental fortitude, a strong support system, and determination come in It fills me with pride to realize that my teenage son was able to inspire me like this Mental resilience is essential if you want to be successful in life If Roger Federer had quit tennis because he only won 54% of the points he was competing for, he would never have won 20 Grand Slam titles.

I am trying very hard to internalize the mantra of "Sometimes You Win--Sometimes You Learn," and stay focused on DBN's long-term strategy and goals It is the only way to maintain your competitive edge and prolong your winning streak

Dr John Steytler
AUTHOR: Chilombo (Olga) Priscila

Key Dates

2024 05December2024 ConsumerPriceIndex(CPI),November2024

Namibia Solar Energy Production Energy Sector

Solar energy is abundant in Namibia. These are the modelled amounts of MWh’s of energy that can be produced by 100 MWp of solar photovoltaic (solar panels) if they were installed in the central areas of Namibia.

What these graphs teach us is the quantity and pattern of production that can be expected if such a plant existed

Solar Production 2024 (month to-date)

January 2024

February 2024

March 2024

April 2024

May 2024

June 2024

(Please note June data is under review)

Energy and Gender - Why is gender a matter of concern?

Gender equality has been spoken about for quite sometimes, as a matter of concern, locally, regionally and globally. This is because Gender is

an aspect of cross-cutting nature that policymakers now call for mainstreaming it in various key sectors of the economy

Main issues related to energy and gender are those surrounding: access to electricity; access to clean cooking; women bearing the greatest burden of the energy poverty which is their unpaid time and labour that is goes into gathering biomass fuels for cooking; collecting water or manually process grains and other foods; also household air pollution, coming from burning fuels such as wood, animal waste and charcoal.

For Namibia, the overarching goal of it’s National Gender Policy (2010 – 2020) is to achieve gender equality and the empowerment of both female and male persons in Namibia This framework provides mechanisms and guidelines for all

sectors and other stakeholders for planning, implementing and monitoring gender equality strategies and programmes to ensure that these would facilitate gender equality and women’s empowerment

To ensure equitable access to economic resources and opportunities, as well as social justice for both women and men, the Namibia‘s National Gender Policy 2010-2020, advocates for:

enabling environment for sectors to mainstream gender in line with National Development Plans directives all stakeholders identified in the implementation framework to support and contribute towards the implementation of the National Gender Policy through organisational structures and policies, and to avail the required resources within their programmes for effective implementation of this National Policy asking.

The National Energy Policy 2017, incorporated gender aspects under a theme “mainstreaming gender, youth and people with disabilities” The concerned aspects are: predominance of women involved in the collection and

use of fuel-wood disadvantages them in terms of economic opportunities and exposes them to increased health risks

Limited involvement of women, youth, and persons with disabilities in the planning, management, and delivery of energy services

Government’s gender balance aspirations in the energy sector have, as yet, not been met limited ability of specific groups of people to access and afford modern and clean energy affects their opportunity to meaningfully participate in the economy

The question is how far are those policy issues implemented by key energy stakeholders, and what transformation is achieved, and not just by increasing the number of women, youth and people with disabilities in the energy sector?

The Southern African Development Community, SADC Gender and Development Monitor 2022, on Women in Politics and Decision making, tracking the progress on implementation of the revised SADC Protocol on Gender and Development (aligned to the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, and the AU Agenda 2063), data shows that women are under-represented at all levels of decision-making in the region, and achieving gender parity in political life is far off That this is attributed to the type of electoral system used by Member States which has a crucial impact on women’s political representation and participation.

The SACREEE 2018 report shows that, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that in 2016, some 174,561 deaths in the SADC region were attributable to household air pollution, primarily because of cooking and heating with solid fuels

This report also indicates that biomass is by far the major source of primary energy in most SADC Member States, traditional biomass accounting for 44% of the region’s final energy consumption as of mid-2018, excluding bagasse for

boilers in the sugar industry The greatest amount of biomass energy is used for cooking, in both homes and some institutions (for example, schools, offices and retail premises, particularly in rural areas) Programmes introduced for alternatives fuels as well as for energy efficient stoves had not much real impacted on the biomass use either could be due to failure of projects or maybe due to unknown causes.

Gender equality and women’s empowerment are prerequisites for achieving UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals and other global goals The Sustainable Development Goals seek to change the course of the twenty-first century, addressing key challenges such as eradicating poverty and hunger, eliminating inequalities and violence against women and girls and combating climate change

A five-year research programme on gender and energy (2014-2019), coordinated by International Network on Gender and Sustainable Energy also called ENERGIA, explored gender, energy and poverty linkages in six thematic areas: electrification, productive uses of energy, energy sector reform, the role of the private sector in scaling up energy access; the political economy of energy sector policies, and; women’s energy entrepreneurship Key findings of this research are: Universal energy access targets are unlikely to be met unless energy policies are aligned to women’s as well as men’s energy needs, their assets, skills, limitations and capabilities, and existing gender norms; Involvement of women in energy-system supply chains is good for women and their families, and it is good for business;

Modern energy services for women's productive uses contribute to women's empowerment; and End-use appliances that deliver modern energy services to reduce drudgery and save time can transform gender roles and relations

o e e gy pol c es a d p og a es to e able ge de equitable outcomes;

Support women's involvement in energy-system value chains and employment, both by overcoming gender barriers and through equal opportunity strategies; Multiply social and economic impacts of energy access by targeting women's productive use; Increase poor women's ability to afford energy services through innovative financial mechanisms and by improving the enabling environment for women; Improve reliability, convenience, and quality of energy supply to increase both women's and men's access to and use of energy services; and

Support women's role in energy decision-making at household, organisational, and policy levels

Women are now seen becoming part of the solution in expanding energy access, freeing up their traditional role as user and beneficiaries of energy. Also, and according to the UNIDO and UN Women, 2019 guidance note, Gender equality in the sustainable energy transition, provides an overview of key and emerging issues in the gender and energy nexus, and indicates that:

Gender equality is key in the transition to sustainable energy and ensuring universal energy access

The sustainable energy transition can create benefits and opportunities for both women and men. Women-led initiatives and projects are successful in the new energy space, especially sustainable energy solutions at the community level Women are also increasingly active in the energy workforce and as entrepreneurs in SMEs, contributing to economic growth and industrial development

The dialogue on gender and energy has clearly shifted from women being identified as a vulnerable group to their recognition as key agents of change as consumers, producers,

innovators, and decision makers across the energy sector

That those are illustrated by research findings and case studies

Accordingly, there is evidence globally that the landscape on gender and energy has blossomed over the past decade Effective integration of gender dimensions is crucial for the achievement of all the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular SDG 7 to ensure access to affordable, reliable,sustainableandmodernenergyforall

So are the key actions then will surround planning, implementing gender equality strategies and programmes as well as implementing much needed capacity-building. This will include partnerships with local stakeholders, expanding women’s access to finance and building a conducive enabling environment for women entrepreneurs. For effective understanding there is a need for organizing regular monitoring and evaluation of programmes and projects for policy implementation, and record accurate data for achieving our national Vision, development plans, and SDGs. As always, the conversation continues

Readings: B12 pdf;

https://www unido org/sites/default/files/unido-publications/202311/UNW UNIDO Gender Equality in the Sustainable Energy Trans ition GuidanceN pdf

https://www energia org/assets/2019/04/Gender-in-the-transitionto-sustainable-energy-for-all -From-evidence-to-inclusivepolicies FINAL pdf Gender i n Energy Policy Brief pdf

https://www sacreee org/index php/resource/sadc-2018-renewableenergy-and-energy-efficiency-status-report https://1325naps peacewomen org/wpcontent/uploads/2020/12/namibia gender 2010-2020 en pdf; National%20Energy %20Policy%20-%20July%202017 pdf

Official Launch of “Wells to Wheels”

The Honorable Tom Alweendo, Minister of Mines and Energy officially officiated the launch of Wells to Wheels, which will be Namibia’s official oil and gas omni-channel platform. This initiative will bridge the information dissemination gap between Namibia's burgeoning oil and gas sector and the broader community.

Ms Hilda Basson-Namundjebo, founder of Oxygen Communications, shared that the Wells to Wheels project is designed to be a valuable resource center for oil and gas information This initiative aims to keep all Namibians informed and educated by providing accurate and reliable information Through Wells to Wheels, people will have access to roundtable discussions and monthly expert podcasts, creating a platform for learning and open conversation.

In his keynote speech, Hon. Tom Alweendo mentioned that:

“as a nation, we are witnessing significant growth and heightened interest in our oil and gas resources, both offshore and onshore Channels like these, will therefore assist the government in engaging with the communities, civil society, youth and women I am also heartened that this project is deliberate about including the creative industries such as industrial theatre, music and street activations in the foreseeable future It is important that we do not leave anyone behind, and we can do so when we simplify our terminologies so that everyone can understand our messaging.”

The launch event was attended by a diverse group of individuals, including Managing Directors and Chairpersons from international oil companies. Additionally, students from various educational institutions such as Ella Du Plessis High School, Jan Jonker Senior Secondary School, and Concordia Senior Secondary School were present The event also featured a drama performance by students from the College of the Arts titled “The Just Transition” The audience was also treated to an energetic performance by popular artiste known as Big Ben, who created a special jingle specifically for the campaign

Mining: An Integrated Energy Mix

contributed by:

How would you evaluate the success of Namibia’s integrated hydrocarbon

strategy to date?

In just over a year, Namibia has seen five major oil discoveries adding to the already one gas discovery made in the Orange Basin by global energy majors Shell and TotalEnergies in partnership with Qatar Energies, Impact Oil, Namcor and BW Kudu respectively. These finds –namely, Graff-1, Jonker-1X, La Rona-1 and Lesedi-1X in PEL 39 and Venus-1 in PEL 56 – have transformed the country into one of the most attractive hydrocarbon plays in the world At the same time, a strong pipeline of renewable energy, green hydrogen, mining and power generation projects have kicked off under efforts by the Ministry of Mines and Energy to advance access to sustainable energy while capitalizing on rising demand for critical minerals. In

this scenario, Namibia is left not with the challenge of diversifying its energy mix, but with integrating these resources in an environmentally and mutually-beneficial manner

Namibia’s desire to monetize offshore oil and gas resources, as well as its commitment to achieving net-zero emissions, can best be achieved through a policy framework that balances both objectives. The Ministry of Mines and Energy is therefore driving an integrated hydrocarbon strategy, incorporating both ambitions to achieve first oil with efforts to transition to a cleaner energy future

Since the 2022 discoveries, the country has seen growing success under this strategy. A fresh slate of investment continues to flow into Namibia’s upstream market as new E&P players enter, hoping to mirror the exploratory success

of their predecessors Currently, TotalEnergies is engaged in a multiwell appraisal and drilling campaign in Block 2913B of PEL 56 in the Orange Basin Majors like Chevron, ExxonMobil, Galp are either entering or expanding their footprint across the market Onshore, ReconAfrica is conducting seismic research in the PEL 73 license area in the Kavango Basin, recently announcing an updated prospective resource estimate of 22.4 trillion cubic feet of natural gas

The country’s gas-to-power agenda is also gaining momentum, with the Kudu gas development project on track to supply baseload power to both the domestic and regional market. With the advent of new associated gas supplies, the 420 MW power plant that the project entails means that Kudu will likely play a much larger role in electrifying the nation than first envisioned

Meanwhile, several green hydrogen projects are underway including the 3 GW Tsau Khaeb project developed by Hyphen Hydrogen Energy, with a production capacity of 300,000 tons per annum, as well as the 2.5 GW Tumoneni project; the 42 MW Daures Green Hydrogen Village project and the 50 MW hybrid green hydrogen project in Swakopmund Three hydrogen valleys are also being assessed in Kharas, Walvis Bay port and Kunene

By driving an integrated hydrocarbon agenda, the Namibian government is not only setting the standard for a diversified energy mix in Africa, but also sending a strong signal of confidence to global investors in the stability and longevity of their investments

As a nascent hydrocarbons market, Namibia has the opportunity to learn from other oilproducing African nations. What lessons can the country learn, in terms of ensuring oil and gas development contributes to energy diversification and socioeconomic development?

Namibia is uniquely positioned to meet both regional demand for oil and gas, as well as global demand for green hydrogen, synthetic fuels and critical minerals Being a new player to the hydrocarbon market has its advantages: not only can we learn from those that went before us, but we can also tap into regional expertise and technology to develop successful projects that prioritize socioeconomic growth and value addition. Regional oil heavyweights like Angola have already partnered with Namibia, with several bilateral agreements in place to drive cooperation across local content, capacity and skills development, regulatory planning and hydrocarbon development From policy structuring to capacity building initiatives to resource integration, Namibia is already gaining crucial insights from its oil-producing neighbors.

What are your top energy development priorities between now and 2030?

Underpinned by our integrated hydrocarbon strategy, our main priorities between now and 2030 lie in the balance

between achieving first oil and getting large-scale green hydrogen projects off the ground Across the sector, we are working towards bringing new investment into the country, particularly in the areas of infrastructure, power generation, industry and manufacturing In tandem, unlocking the potential of Namibia’s offshore and onshore basins will be contingent on driving and incentivizing sustained investment in the upstream. These goals require a complete overhaul of the existing regulatory framework to ensure competitive, attractive terms for investors, as well as coordination with international partners

At the cusp of the sector’s transformation lies policy. Currently, oil and gas legislative frameworks are set out in the Petroleum Exploration and Production Act of 1991 (as amended in 1998), the Model Petroleum Agreement and the Petroleum Products and Energy Act, (1990) (as amended in 1994) and its complimenting regulations passed in 2000 However, since the latter amendments, little revision has been made to both these pieces of legislation The country’s recent exploratory success has underscored the need for not only a revision of the governing policies, but also their adaptation to the changing economic and social climate we find ourselves in today

This leads us to our next priority: unlocking Namibia’s potential as a regional green energy hub The country has been identified as a globally-leading green hydrogen market owing to its considerable, co-located renewable energy resources. In partnership with leading companies, the country is making progress with the development of the country’s largest green hydrogen project: a $10-billion facility equipped with a 3 GW electrolyzer fed by 7 GW of wind and solar energy The government recently approved the Feasibility and Implementation Agreement, and our priority will be providing the support needed to see this development, as well as others in this field, to fruition.

Local content also remains of utmost importance as we enter this next phase of development Namibia’s diverse energyresourcescanandshouldserveascatalystsforlongterm and sustainable economic growth However, this can only be achieved if the population has access to the opportunities that the evolving industry has to offer Namibia’s energy sector is largely in its infancy, and this represents a strategic advantage as the market grows, local Namibians can contribute to building the industry from the ground up, thereby taking shared ownership in this development. As such, the Ministry of Mines and Energy has placed local content at the heart of our oil and gas development agenda and is busy investing in capacity building initiatives, skills and technology transfer, thereby ensuring that new energy development translates into tangibleopportunitiesforNamibians.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Energy Capital & Power.

Issued originally as a Press Release March 5, 2024/APO Group.

As always, the conversation continues

EnergyCapital&PowerisastrategicpartneroftheNamibia International Energy Conference (NIEC) – that [took] place in Windhoek on April 23-25, 2024 The 6th annual conference unites industry leaders, business executives and policymakers to engage in dialogue, exchange ideas, create new partnerships and identify strategies to foster a prosperous energy industry in Namibia and beyond For moreinformation,pleasevisit

Readings: https://www galp com/corp/en/media/multimedia-content


Erongo Salt Pans

Annual effective dose and radiological risk assessment from selected salt pans from the lagoon of Erongo region, Namibia.


Courtesy: 9044 salt-works salt-heap 160x160.jpg

Humans are continuously exposed to naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) that originate from either natural or man-made radiation

sources (Lin et al , 2015; Vives I Batlle et al , 2018) In recent years, radiological effects of naturally occurring radiation has received considerable attention in many countries around the world (UNSCEAR, 2000, Zivuku et al , 2018, Xinming and Wuhui, 2018, Harikrishnan et al., 2018). This has been due to their acute or chronic health effects (Reda et al., 2018, Sahin Bal, 2018; Faisal et al., 2015). Beyond certain limits, radiation can cause long term health effects such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases (William, et al , 2000; Busby, 2010, Innocent et al , 2013, Onjefu et al , 2020) Irrespective of NORM origin, internal exposure to radiation is mainly through ingestion and inhalation of radionuclides (UNSCEAR, 2008; Uwatse et al., 2015).

It is therefore imperative to monitor the levels of radiation that humans are exposed to through the different pathways. One of the exposure pathways is through the ingestion of salt Salt plays an important role in our diet for preserving and flavouring food It is found naturally in seas or underground as rock salt deposits (Kansaana, et al , 2012) There has been great interest expressed worldwide for the study of radiological impact due to the ingestion of NORM from salt. In 2012, Kansaana and others (Kansaana et al., 2012) investigated radioactivity levels in salt from Panbros Salt Industry Limited in Accra, Ghana and discovered that the activity concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K in salt samples varied from 1 12–1 91, 2 11–3 47 and 30 25–47 65 mBq/l, respectively The annual effective dose calculated for the salt samples varied from 0 00202 to 0.00305 mSv/yr with a mean value of 0.0025 ± 0.00053

mSv/yr In studies carried out in Pakistan at the Khewera Salt Mines, the mean activity concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K in salt samples were found to be 790 ± 262, 640 ± 162 and 23 000 ± 6000 mBq/kg, respectively (Tahir and Alaamer, 2008) The mean annual effective dose due to the intake of these natural radionuclides from the rock salt were estimated to be 0.0638 ± 0.015 mSv, a value lower than the worldwide average of 0.29 mSv/yr as reported by UNSCEAR in 2000 (Tahir and Alaamer, 2008) In a related study on radioactivity measurements of different types of salt using SSNTD in Eygpt, it was found that the annual effective dose calculated from the corresponding radon concentration ranged between 10.47-13.69 mSv which was higher than the recommended value (Shabaan, D.H., 2018). Salt samples were also collected from different areas in the western desert of Egypt and analysed for natural radionuclides An absorbed dose rate of gamma radiation from 226Ra, 232Th and 40K was estimated to be 1 46-16 13 nGy/h (El-Bahi, 2003)

In Namibia, several studies have looked at the measurement of natural and artificial radioactivity in soils to evaluate the potential health hazards on the local population (Oyedele et al , 2010; Onjefu et al , 2017; Zivuku et al , 2018) However, no data has been reported concerning concentrations of natural radioactivity in salt mined and salt consumed in Namibia. It was therefore, the aim of the study to determine the activity concentrations of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORMS) in salt from Walvis Bay lagoon and to calculate the radiological risk associated with the salt consumed by the population It was also the aim of the research to evaluate the annual effective dose and the risk to the population according to the different age groups The outcome of the study would form part of baseline values for the Regulatory Authorities to enable them develop national safety guidelines as a result of consumption of salt in Namibia.

The activity concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K in salt samples are presented in Table 2 The table also presents average daily intake values due to ingestion of salt The average activity concentrations in (Bq kg-1) of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K were found to be 2 17 ± 0 19, 0 20 ± 0 02 and 2.28 ± 0.39, respectively. The result showed a range of variation in the activities of the radionuclides (Fig. 4). This variationmaybeattributedlargelyonthegeographicaland geological setting of the location and also to the extent of anthropogenic activity in the study area (Turekian, 1970; NCRP, 1975; Ravisankar et al., 2007; Folkner and Williams, 2008; Paschoa and Steinhausler, 2010; El-Taher, 2010). 40K had the highest average value followed by 226Ra while 232Th had the least value (Fig. 4). This was the same trend with average daily intake values. The high concentrations of 40K is because of its dominance in ocean owing to its natural relative abundance (NCRP, 1987) According to UNSCEAR (2000) these average activity concentrations of radionuclidesweremuchlowerthantheworldwideaverage of 32, 45 and 420 for 226Ra, 232Th and 40K, respectively The activity concentrations of the radionuclides were then used to calculate the annual effective dose ( μSv/yr ) due to ingestionofsaltforthedifferentagegroups

Table 3 presents the annual effective dose (μSv/yr) due to ingestion of salt for the different age groups The average annual effective dose for the age ranges (2-7 years), (7-12 years), (12-17 years) and ≥ 17 years were found to be 2 67 ± 0 22, 3 33 ± 0 28, 6 08 ± 0 53 and 1 22 ± 0 10, respectively The age range (12-17 years) had the highest annual effective dose followed by the 7-12 years range The ≥ 17(Adult) year age group had the minimum average annual effective dose All these values were however much lower than the average worldwide exposure of 0 29 mSv due to ingestion (UNSCEAR, 2000) The average daily intake values presented in Table 2 were used to calculate the radiologicalhealthrisk

Table 4 shows results of radiological health risk calculations made due to ingestion of natural radionuclides 226Ra, 232Th and 40K from salt for members of the public of different age groups. The total average radiological risk (x 10-8) for the age ranges (2-7 years), (7-12 years), (12-17 years) and ≥ 17 years were found to be 30 15 ± 2 48, 60 30 ± 4 96, 89 8 ± 7 44 and 422 09 ± 34 75, respectively The risk was mostly pronounced in the ≥ 17 years age group (adults) Although the risk is higher in this age group, it is still much lower than the recommended limit between 1x10- 6 to 1x104 as reported by USEPA in 1991. This allowable limit means that 1 person in 1 million to 1 person in 10,000 is acceptable according to USEPA (1991) These results therefore indicate that there is no radiological risk that may be posed through the ingestion of salt by members of the public Comparing the measured values of activity concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th, and 40K from this study with some studies around the world showed that the average concentration of 226Ra from this study is greater than the activity of 226Ra from Romania, Ghana and Pakistan but less than the activity of 226Ra obtained from the study in India (Table 5) The average concentration of 232Th in this present study is less than those obtained from Romania, Ghana and India Similarly, the average activity concentration of 40K in this present study was found to be higher than the value obtained for 40K from Romania but lower than the value for 40K from Ghana, India and Pakistan, respectively (Table 5) The performed correlation between the specific activities of 226Ra, 232Th, and 40K as presented in Figures 4, 5 and 6, showed weak positive correlations with coefficient (R2 = 0.05) for 40K and 226Ra, weak negative correlation (R2 = 0.08) for 232Th and 226Ra, and a strong negative correlation (R2 = 0.09) for 40K and 232Th, respectively.

In this study, ten composite salt samples were collected from salt pans of the Walvis Bay Lagoon in Namibia These

salt samples were analyzed for activity concentrations of 2226Ra, 232Th and 40K with the aim to estimate the radiological risk associated with a number of different age categories The analysis was done using HPGe gamma spectrometry The average activity concentrations (Bq kg1) of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K in salt due to ingestion were found to be 2 17 ± 0 19, 0 20 ± 0 02 and 2 28 ± 0 39, respectively These activity concentrations were used to calculate the annual effective dose and radiological health risk as a result of ingestion of salt for the different age groups The average annual effective dose in (μSv/yr) for the age ranges 2-7 years, 7-12 years, 12-17 years and ≥ 17 years were found to be 2 67 ± 0 22, 3 33 ± 0 28, 6 08 ± 0 53 and 1 22 ± 0 10, respectively All these were lower than the world wide average of 0 29 mSv/yr as reported by UNSCEAR in2000 Thetotalaverageradiologicalrisk(unitlessx10-8) for the age ranges 2-7 years, 7-12 years, 12-17 years and ≥ 17 years were found to be 30.15 ± 2.48, 60.30 ± 4.96, 89.8 ± 7.44 and 422.09 ± 34.75, respectively. All these were lower than the recommended limit of between 1x10-4 to 1x10-6 as reported by USEPA in 1991. Therefore, these results do notposeanyradiologicalrisktomembersofthepublic.

As always, the conversation continues

Ameh,O.S.,HamukotohTuwilika,CaspahKamunda,Abah James,HitilaMarkus,JeyaKennedy.2022.Annualeffective doseandradiologicalriskassessmentfromselectedsalt pansfromthelagoonofErongoregion,Namibia InternationalJournalofAppliedScienceandEngineering, 19,2021067


https://doi org/10 6703/IJASE 202112 19(1) 009

https://gigvvy com/journals/ijase/articles/ijase-202203-19-1-009 pdf

The 2024 Mining Expo and Conference held recently at the Windhoek Showgrounds on the 7th of August 2024, marked the 11th edition of the event Hosted under the theme “Green Shoots for Namibia’s Mining Industry” , this event served as a season of opportunity and growth to drive economic expansion, bringing together industry leaders, groundbreaking technologists, and forward-thinking policymakers to explore the intersection of tradition and innovation. From revolutionary extraction techniques and cutting-edge machinery to groundbreaking research on sustainable practices, this expo was set to redefine all that we knew about mining.

As Namibia’s Vice President, Dr Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah officiated the Mining Expo and Conference, she highlighted the significance of managing the country’s mineral resources enhancing the economic benefits for each and every citizen

The Expo mainly called attention to the progress in advancing local content within the mining sector. Dr. NandiNdaitwah also announced the “National Database of Mining Goods and Services,” which was essentially designed to aid Namibian entrepreneurs to leverage into commercial opportunities within the mining sector The Minister of Mines and Energy, Hon Tom Alweendo then proceeded to launch the Database for Mining inputs In his speech, he urged stakeholders and mining companies that are responsible for updating data to make sure that the information is up to date

The Expo and Conference also gave opportunities to industry professionals to share insights, developments on how the mining industry is contributing towards higher learning, and advice on a discussion panel. Hon. Alweendo expressed Namibia's vision to lead in the supply chain of critical minerals, with a strong insistence on in-country value addition He further tackled the challenges facing the mining sector, mainly the accumulation in evaluating exploration license applications due to a bundle of new applications being received In tackling these challenges, Hon Alweendo announced stricter action aimed towards making sure that only applicants with all the financial and technical requirements are awarded licenses.

Namibia’s Mining Expo and Conference continues to be an essential platform for charting the future of the country’s mining sector. With the increasing demand for critical minerals in the global market, Namibia has the potential to become a major player in supplying the world with the resources necessary for technological advancements and clean energy solutions By fostering collaboration, sharing knowledge, and promoting investment, the Namibia Mining Expo and Conference has demonstrated that it remains a cornerstone event that contributes to the growth and transformation of the industry, ensuring that mining remains a key driver of Namibia’s economic prosperity.

Mining: The Permitting Dilemma

Mining accounts for approximately 14 percent of the Namibia’s GDP in 2023, which is an increase from 9 percent in 2021 and 12 percent in 2022 With the

top performing commodities for minerals mined in Namibia were gold and uranium. Namibia is the world’s third-largest uranium producer and is home to deposits of lithium as well as rare earth minerals such as dysprosium and terbium, used in magnets and wind turbines, said Bloomberg News

The Ministry of Mines and Energy notes that any right in relation to the reconnaissance, prospecting, mining sale/disposal and exercise of control over, any mineral or group of minerals are vested in the state and are a provided for by the Minerals (Prospecting and Mining) Act, 1992 and administered by the Mining Commissioner Any person interested in undertaking mining activities should apply to the Ministry of Mines and Energy in the prescribed forms

However, less than half of mining projects approved in Namibia were in operation, a development that is prompting the government to take a tougher stance on issuing permits, said Bloomberg News The newswire quoted Minister, Hon Tom Alweendo, as saying at a conference in Windhoek that just 68 of the 162 licenses approved were active

“We have become more stringent when considering mining license applications,” Alweendo said. “Henceforth, the terms and conditions of all new mining licenses shall be captured in a Mining Agreement that shall be negotiated between the Ministry and the holder of the license,” he added

New permitting rules will stipulate that to be successful applicants must have the requisite technical skills as well as funding measures in place.

One of the most unequal nations in the world, Namibia is seeking to better manage its resources to benefit residents and wants to seek more value from the metals and other resources it produces, said Bloomberg News Namibia received over 600 new applications for exploration licenses as of December 2023, with an additional 400 submitted in 2024, Alweendo said.

Part of this new approach will also be the introduction of an online licence application portion With this activation, there will no longer be an acceptance of manual applications, emphasising the need for all interested parties to adapt to the new online system. The Ministry see this as a “step towards modernisation and aligns with the ministry’s commitment to embracing digital transformation”.

Taking a step back, it is important to understand that a mining license is a legal document issued by the government that allows an investor (company) to explore and mine in a specific area It ensures that the mining activity is conducted within the framework of the national laws and regulations, including alignment for environmental protection, labor laws, and safety standards. Without a valid license, any mining activity would be illegal, subjecting the company to penalties, legal action, and potential shutdowns

Another factor surrounds that further fact that most mining licenses are generally a prerequisite for attracting investment capital. Investors and financial institutions typically require assurance that the company has the legal rights to the resources they plan to exploit A valid mining license provides this assurance, making the project more attractive to potential investors and facilitating access to capital for exploration, development, and operations

This level of interest is not surprising noting Namibia’s level of investment atractiveness as listed in the fraser Institute Annual Survey of Mining Companies, 2023 but some companies have concerns around mandated local


Mining therefore is an essential part of the Namibian economy and must be handled as such with permitting the essential bridge to benefit all, including reducing ore even eliminating conflicts with local communities, other land users,orcompetinginterests.

As always, the conversation continues


https://www bloomberg com/news/articles/2024-08-07/namibiasays-just-42-of-approved-mining-projects-are-operating https://skillings net/namibia-takes-tougher-stance-on-miningpermits/

https://www engineeringnews co za/topic/mining

https://www mme gov na/files/publications/e1c MME A5 FINAL 201 9 pdf

https://mme gov na/files/publications/a6e Licenses%20and%20Rig hts%20Application%20Guidelines%20and%20Assessment%20Proced ures pdf

https://www mme gov na/files/publications/6e8 LicMap Namibia 12%20February%202024%20113618 pdf

https://www fraserinstitute org/sites/default/files/2023-annualsurvey-of-mining-companies pdf

Deep Seabed Mining

As the world grapples with economic growth balanced with environmental sustainability, the deep sea emerges as a new frontier that has

immense potential. Lying thousands of meters beneath the ocean’s surface, the deep seabed is rich in minerals and metals that are critical to modern technology and industry However, the exploitation of these resources raises significant questions such as environmental impact, governance, and the million dollar prize of equitable distribution of benefits. Understanding and harnessing the deep seabed’s potential for the benefit of humankind requires a careful and responsible approach

The deep seabed is home to vast deposits of polymetallic nodules, polymetallic sulphides, and cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts. These mineral resources contain essential metals such as manganese, nickel, cobalt, and rare earth elements, which are crucial for the manufacturing of batteries, electronics, renewable energy technologies, and other high-tech applications As demand

for these materials increases, particularly with the global shift toward green energy and electric vehicles, the deep seabed offers a new and largely untapped source of these vital resources.

The metals found in the deep seabed are indispensable for the transition to renewable energy For example, cobalt and nickel are key components in the production of lithium-ion batteries, which power electric vehicles and store renewable energy from solar and wind sources. Access to these resources could help meet the growing global demand for clean energy technologies, thereby reducing reliance on fossil fuels and mitigating climate change The exploitation of deep seabed resources could stimulate economic growth, particularly for developing countries with limited access to traditional mineral resources. By participating in deep seabed mining, these countries could diversify their economies, create jobs, and increase their revenues.

Exploration of the deep seabed also presents opportunities for advancing scientific knowledge and technological innovation The deep ocean remains one of the least understood environments on Earth, and its exploration could lead to discoveries in biology, geology, and oceanography. Additionally, the technological challenges of deep seabed mining such as operating at extreme depths and pressures could drive innovation in robotics, remote sensing, and environmental monitoring technologies

While the potential benefits of deep seabed mining are significant, they must be weighed against the environmental and ethical challenges it presents. The deep seabed is a fragile and largely unexplored ecosystem. Mining activities could disrupt these environments, leading to the loss of biodiversity and the destruction of habitats that are home to unique species Sediment plumes, noise pollution, and chemical contamination are among the potential environmental impacts that must be carefully managed. The long-term effects of deep seabed mining on ocean health are still not fully understood, necessitating a precautionary approach

One of the core principles of deep seabed mining is that its benefits should be shared equitably among all nations, particularly those that lack the resources to engage in such

activities themselves. This principle is enshrined in the concept of the “common heritage of humankind, ” which underpins the governance of the deep seabed. Ensuring that the economic and social benefits of deep seabed mining reach all of humanity, and not just a few, requires robust mechanisms for revenue sharing, technology transfer, and capacity building

Namibia is not new to seabed mining with diamond mining in shallow waters providing opportunities for experience and precedent Debmarine states that Namibia has the richest known marine diamond deposits in the world In 2005, marine diamond production in Namibia surpassed land-based production It is also noted that marine recovery is gaining momentum globally, and the prospects of our resource and operations remains positive.

Can the same be said for the proposed phosphate mining?

As always, the conversation continues

Readings: https://debmarine com/

Seabedinsunlight Courtesy:Pexels

Executive Spotlight

Spotlight on Mrs. Hilda Basson-Namudjembo

Welcome to the Executive Spotlight Series, where we delveintothemindsofindustryleadersshapingthe future Today,wehavetheprivilegeof featuring

Mrs HildaBasson-Namudjembo,avisionaryatthehelmof Oxygen Communications With a career marked by innovation and a commitment to excellence, Mrs Basson-Namudjembo has been instrumental in driving transformative strategies within the communicationslandscape

1. Describeyourexecutiverole:

I have been in private business for almost 20 years now I joined Ogilvy & Mather as MD in the early 2000’s, did a short stint at PwC but was eager to start my own business After resigning from PwC, which was declined a few times, I launched Oxygen Communications in 2006 with PwC, as my first client

I lead an organisation which focuses on bringing mutual understanding among target audiences whether these audiences exist in large or small organisations To achieve mutual understanding which must deliver business results, I deploy a small group of people who I work alongside daily to deliver honest, ethical solutions to business to ensure those businesses are reputable and progressive. Our business is linear, to reduce unnecessary noise and disruption thus we are very intentional in the manner we approach client engagement. We believe partnerships work best when values are complimentary.

2. Wheredoesitderiveitsmandate?

Our mandate is derived in part from my worldview I believe that every person has a specific purpose for which they were born and as such I seek to honour that in the work that I do I am also passionately Namibian, so I am very focused on serving this country well That means I must make investments in people, in assets in a manner that makes me redundant If business dies with you, or is centralised around your existence, personality (ego) or your directives, then you are an inefficient leader


Our mission, vision and values are purpose based As Oxygen Communications we constantly review our operational reality against our “Why”? Do the hours we spend working mirror our internal compass? I was taught at PwC to complete a timesheet to account for every hour of work That discipline has remained and so as a team, we check in frequently to account for hours spent Are those hours spend in line with our vision? What goals are we setting to ensure we achieve those outcomes? So, it’s not a once-a-year indaba for us – we align on a weekly basis. It is also noteworthy that I consider all my business interactions as generational. I make investments which will outlast my life, and those investments are not exclusively financial. My legacy must endure beyond my life on earth.

I work to make a positive and sustainable difference by speaking up in rooms where ordinary voices are not sought out, because I believe part of my purpose is to speak for those who can’t.

4.WhataresomeofthekeyattributesIbringasa mentortoleadthisorganisation?

I am an empowering leader So, people should be trusted with responsibility as we train them continuously Consistent development and exposure of your team deliver high performance teams. Discipline individually and collectively, is a core value we espouse Just because we are supposedly a creative business doesn’t mean we walk in when we feel like and show up anyhow

5. Whatkeepsyouawakeatnightaboutmy sector?

I sleep badly but there is not much to gain from lying awake at night So, I use my day hours to help resolve issues on a sectoral or national scale. The absence of quality leadership is something I am often concerned about. I worry about entitlement; I worry about the lack of vision in some sectors, and I struggle to understand why we don’t think with intention about challenges We like putting on a plaster on festering wounds, instead of cleaning the wound notwithstanding the discomfort and pain it may bring I worry about quick answers and the fact that leaders show so little care when dealing with people. But I work to make a positive and sustainable difference by speaking up in rooms where ordinary voices are not sought out, because I believe part of my purpose is to speak for those who can’t

6. Proudestmomentleadingtheorganisation

We are rather organic in our approach in regard to what makes us proud It makes us proud to complete an assignment We celebrate each of these, both large and small. And we make a point of being grateful. For what we get to do, for the privilege of being trusted by clients and for being able to work in this great country


Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia (EIF)

Description: Provision of Consultancy Services for the Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA) for Green Energy Production and Industrialisation in the Southern Corridor Development Initiative (SCDI).

BId Close date: 30 Aug 2024 at 11h00 AM

https://www eif org na/download/provision-of-consultancy-services-for-the-strategic-environmental-and-social-assessmentsesa-for-green-energy-production-and-industrialisation-in-the-southern-corridor-development-initiative

Electricity Control Board (ECB)

Description: Procurement of Consultancy Services: Request for Proposal to Provide Consultancy Services to Review the Maintenance Guidelines for Distribution Networks

Bid Closing date: 30 Aug 2024 at 12h00

https://www ecb org na/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/RFP-CSRFPECB-202425-01-MG-TR pdf


Description: RFQ - Provision of Waste Removal Services for the Port of Lüderitz for A Period Of 3 Years

Bid Closing date: 30 Aug 2024

Description: RFP Provision of Medium and Low Voltage Switching Training – Port Of Walvis Bay

Bid Closing date: 02 Sep 2024

https://www namport com na/procurement/request-for-quotations/668/

Namibia Airports Company (NAC)

Description: RFQ: Supply and Delivery of Electrical Spare Parts for Walvis Bay Airports

Bid Closing date: 30 Aug 2024

https://www airports com na/procurement/rfq-supply-and-delivery-of-electrical-spare-parts-for-walvis-bay-airports/171/

Municipality of Swakopmund

Description: Trenching, Bedding, Laying of Pipes, Backfilling and Compaction

Bid Closing date: 4 Sep 2024 at 11h00 048-2024-trenching-bedding-laying-of-pipes-backfilling-and-compaction/



Bid Closing date: 06 Sep 2024

https://www mtc com na/uploads/procurement/tenders/uploads/mtc22 24 o/MTC22-24-O Fiber Civil Works pdf

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