Making Peace Exhibition Catalog

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A tribute to the people who — all over the planet — devote their time, energy and resources to the cause of peace.

‘n Huldeblyk aan die mense wat — regoor die planeet — hul tyd, energie en bronne toewy om vrede te bevorder.

This exhibition was produced to mark the centenary of the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to the International Peace Bureau (IPB), Geneva, in 1910.

Hierdie uitstalling is saamgestel ter herdenking van die honderd jaar sedert die Internasionale Vredesburo (IVB) die Nobelvredesprys in 1910 ontvang het.

Isinikezelo kubantu abathe — kwihlabathi jikelele — banikezela ngexesha labo, amandla kwaneenkonzo zabo ngenjongo zokudala uxolo.

“Peace is the only battle worth waging.”

“Vrede is die enigste stryd wat die moeite werd is om gevoer te word.”

“Uxolo lelona dabi luyimfuneko.”

Albert Camus (1913 — 1960) Skrywer, joernalis en dramaturg Nobelvredesprys vir Letterkunde, 1957

Albert Camus (1913 — 1960) Umbhali, unondaba nomshiceleli owawongwa ngembasa yesigama ngo1957

Albert Camus (1913 — 1960) Author, journalist and playwright Nobel Prize for Literature 1957

Lo mboniso uveliswe ngenjongo yokuqaphela isiganeko sembasa yoxolo eyanikezelwa kwi -International Peace Bureau (IPB) ngo1910.




Through Making Peace the International Peace Bureau (IPB) pays tribute to the immense work that has been done by the global peace movement over the past century. Despite two World Wars and many bloody conflicts, there have been significant triumphs, such as the ending of the Cold War and the apartheid regime, the banning of antipersonnel landmines and the creation of the International Criminal Court (ICC) — all of which were in large part the result of civil society efforts.

Die Internasionale Vredesburo (IVB) bring deur “Om Vrede te Maak” hulde aan die belangrike werk wat deur internasionale vredesbewegings oor die afgelope eeu gedoen is. Ten spyte van twee wêreldoorloë en vele bloederige konflikte was daar noemenswaardige oorwinnings, soos die beëindiging van die Koue Oorlog en die apartheidsregime, die verbanning van personeelbomme en die daarstelling van die Internasionale Kriminele Hof (IKH) - waarvan alles grootliks die gevolg is van pogings deur die burgerlike samelewing.

Ngephulo elithi “Yenza uxolo” i- Iqumrhu loxolo likazwelonke (IPB) lenza isinikezelo kumsebenzi omkhulu osele wenziwe liqumrhu lentshukumo zoxolo kwinkulungwane eyadlulayo. Ngaphandle nje kweemfazwe ezimbini zehlabathi kwanempixano yokuphalala kwegazi, kwabakho amalinge angummangaliso anjengokupheliswa kwemfazwe iCold War kwanemfazwe yocalucalulo lobuhlanga nolwimi. Ukupheliswa kwe (Anti personnel) lwemigodi nolwakhiwo lwenkundla yehlabathi yokugcina ucwangco kwilizwe ngokubanzi, i-International Criminal Court (ICC) — konke ke oko kwaba ziziphumo zemigudu yequmrhu lasekuhlaleni.

“This is an extraordinarily powerful exhibition that pays tribute to a century of peace making and a wide range of peacemakers across the globe. At the same time it serves as a call to action for ordinary citizens to become involved in peace activities of all kinds, and in so doing to promote a global culture of peace.”

"Hierdie is ’n buitengewoon kragtige uitstalling wat hulde bring aan ’n eeu van vredesluiting en ’n wye reeks vredemakers regoor die wêreld. Terselfdertyd dien dit as ’n beroep om optrede vir gewone burgers om betrokke te raak by vredesaktiwiteite van alle soorte en om sodoende ’n internasionale kultuur van vrede te bevorder"

"Eli lelona nyathelo limandla kwinkulungwane lokwakha uxolo noxolelwaniso neqela labaxolelanisi kwihlabathi jikelele. Kwangaxesha-nye iphethe ubizo lwentshukumo yabemi beli ukuze bazibandakanye kwiindidi zonke zeentshukumo kwaye ngokwenza njalo baphakamise umgangatho wenkcubeko noxolo ngokubanzi."

Mr. Federico Mayor Zaragoza President of the Foundation for a Culture of Peace and former Director-General of UNESCO

Mnr Federico Mayor Zaragoza President van die Stigting vir ’n Kultuur van Vrede en voormalige Direkteur-generaal van UNESCO

UMnu.Federico Mayor Zaragoza Umongameli weFoundation for a Culture of Peace nokwangumququzeleli weUNESCO

Manager Colin Archer

Bestuurder Colin Archer

Umlawuli Colin Archer

Curator & organiser Ashley Woods

Kurator & organiseerder Ashley Woods

Curator kwa nomququzeleli Ashley Woods

Picture editor Karin Aneser

Fotoredigeerder Karin Aneser

Umhleli wemifanekiso Karin Aneser

Guest picture editor Loa Haagen Pictet

Gasredakteur van foto’s Loa Haagen Pictet

Umhleli ondwendweleyo wemifanekiso Loa Haagen Pictet

Historian Verdiana Grossi

Geskiedkundige Verdiana Grossi

Igosa lezembali Verdiana Grossi

Educational syllabus Christa Tinari

Opvoedkundige leerplan Christa Tinari

Uhlelo lwezemfundo Christa Tinari

Initial exhibition design Frédèric Fivaz

Aanvanklike ontwerp van uitstalling Frédèric Fivaz

Ucweyo lwehlelo lobunini Frédèric Fivaz

Ongoing exhibition and web design Eneko Illarramendi

Deurlopende uitstalling en webontwerp Eneko Illarramendi

Ucweyo oluqhubekekayo ne web design Eneko Illarramendi

Afrikaans translation Irene Louw

Afrikaanse vertaling Irene Louw

Itoliki yesibhulu Irene Louw

Xhosa translation Madoda Gcwadi

Xhosa-vertaling Madoda Gcwadi

Itoliki yesiXhosa Madoda Gcwadi




Albany Associates, Agence France Press, Associated Press, Bettmann, Catherine Edelman Gallery, Collectif Argos, Corbis, Eyedea, Getty, Greenpeace, Hemis/Prisma, J.H.Editorial, Keystone, Magnum, Minden Pictures, Mines Advisory Group, Picture Press, Polaris, Redux, Reuters, Sipa, Sven Simon Argentur, Ullstein, Underwood & Underwood, VII, Webistan.

Albany Associates, Agence France Press, Associated Press, Bettmann, Catherine Edelman Gallery, Collectif Argos, Corbis, Eyedea, Getty, Greenpeace, Hemis/Prisma, J.H.Editorial, Keystone, Magnum, Minden Pictures, Mines Advisory Group, Picture Press, Polaris, Redux, Reuters, Sipa, Sven Simon Argentur, Ullstein, Underwood & Underwood, VII, Webistan.

Albany Associates, Agence France Press, Associated Press, Bettmann, Catherine Edelman Gallery, Collectif Argos, Corbis, Eyedea, Getty, Greenpeace, Hemis/Prisma, J.H.Editorial, Keystone, Magnum, Minden Pictures, Mines Advisory Group, Picture Press, Polaris, Redux, Reuters, Sipa, Sven Simon Argentur, Ullstein, Underwood & Underwood, VII, Webistan.

The exhibition was produced using 100% recyclable materials.

Die uitstalling is saamgestel deur van 100% herwinbare materiaal gebruik te maak.

Umboniso uveliswe ngokugqibeleleyo ngezinto ezenziwe ngokutsha.




The International Peace Bureau (IPB) wishes to thank, for their invaluable support:

Die Internasionale Vredesburo (IVB) is dankbaar vir die waardevolle ondersteuning van:

International Peace Bureau (IPB) inqwenela ukwenza ilizwi lombulelo ngenkxaso engethethekiyo kwi:

The City of Cape Town, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in South Africa, Embassy of Switzerland in South Africa, FW de Klerk Foundation, Desmond and Leah Tutu Foundation, Institute for Justice and Reconciliation (IJR), Action Support Centre, Real Exhibition Development, Cape Wood Products (CWP) for building the exhibition stands and Orms Print Room for printing the entire show.

Die Stad Kaapstad, Ambassade van die Koninkryk van Nederland in Suid-Afrika, Ambassade van Switserland in Suid-Afrika, die FW de Klerk Stigting, die Desmond and Leah Tutu-stigting, die Instituut vir Geregtigheid en Versoening, die Action Support Centre, Real Exhibition Development, Cape Wood Products (CWP) vir die bou van die uitstallingsrakke en Orms Print Room vir die druk van die hele uitstalling.

Sixeko seKapa, Umsebenzi wabamelisizwe wobukumkani base Netherlands osemzantsi Afrika, Umsebenzi wabamelisizwe wase Switzerland osemzantsi Afrika, kwi FW de Klerk Foundation, Desmond and Leah Tutu Foundation, Institute for Justice and Reconciliation (IJR), Action Support Centre, Real Exhibition Development, Cape Wood Products (CWP) ngokwakha izitendi zomboniso negumbi loshicilelo i- Orms Print Room khonukuze ushicilelwe wonke umboniso.


Exhibition Development

SCHOOLS The Making Peace Educator's Guide is available in English, Afrikaans and Xhosa for you to use freely in the classroom and when you visit the exhibition. For more information please contact:



Die Making Peace-handleiding vir opvoeders is in Engels, Afrikaans en Xhosa beskikbaar om vrylik in die klaskamer te gebruik en wanneer jy die uitstalling besoek . Kontak asb vir meer inligting

Isikhokhelo sootitshala seMaking Peace siyafumaneka ngesiNgesi, isiBhulu, nangesiXhosa simahla khonukuze usisebenzise kumagumbi okufundela naxa undwendwele umboniso. Ukuze ufumane inkcazelo eyiyo, nceda qhagamshelana nabo:




The International Peace Bureau (IPB) is the world’s oldest peace federation with 320 member organisations in 70 countries. Through their efforts in disarmament, conflict resolution, peace education, social justice, human rights, environment and development, the members work for a safer and more sustainable world.

Die Internasionale Vredesburo (IVB) is die wêreld se oudste vredesfederasie met meer as 320 lidorganisasies in 70 lande. Die lede streef na ’n veiliger en meer volhoubare wêreld deur hul pogings met betrekking tot ontwapening, konflikoplossing, om mense op te voed oor vrede, maatskaplike geregtigheid, menseregte, die omgewing en ontwikkeling.

I- International Peace Bureau (IPB) ngowona mbutho woxolo okukudala wasekwayo kwihlabathi onamalungu angama 320 kwenemibutho kumazwe angamashumi asixhenxe. Ngenxa yemizamo yawo yokulwa, yokusombulula ukungaboni ngasonye, ukwakha iimfundiso zoxolo, intlalo-ntle, amalungelo wabantu, okusingqongileyo nophuhliso, amalungu asebenzela ukhuseleko nelizwe elinonyamezelwano.

How it all began

Hoe dit als begin het

The concept of peace gradually shifted from philosophy to reality through the creation of an organised movement. The IPB was born in 1891, when the decision was taken to set up an office in Berne to coordinate the national peace associations. As honorary Secretary, Elie Ducommun published a newsletter, maintained a huge correspondence, organised the Universal Peace Congresses, and published their bulletins. The IPB warned against the threat of war and promoted disarmament, arbitration, neutrality and other means of preventing and solving conflicts — including peace education.

Die konsep van vrede het geleidelik verskuif van filosofie na die werklikheid deur die totstandkoming van ’n georganiseerde beweging. Die IVB is gebore in 1891 toe die besluit geneem is om ’n kantoor in Berne te stig om die nasionale vredesverenigings te koördineer. As Agbare Sekretaris het Elie Ducommun ’n nuusbrief publiseer, baie korrespondensie gehandhaaf, die Universele Vredeskongres organiseer en hul bulletins gepubliseer. Die IVB het gewaarsku teen die bedreiging van oorlog en het ontwapening, arbitrasie, neutraliteit en ander maniere om konflikte te voorkom en op te los - met inbegrip van opvoeding oor vrede - bevorder.

The challenges of 20th century war

Die uitdagings wat oorlog inhou in die 20ste eeu

The IPB and several of its leaders received the Nobel Peace Prize in the early 20th century. Ducommun was succeeded by Albert Gobat, already Secretary of the InterParliamentary Union. But Gobat died suddenly in 1914 and the movement could not prevent World War I breaking out. The Secretariat moved to Geneva in 1924 in order to work closely with the new League of Nations. Before long, other international peace organisations were established. IPB was faced with a supremely challenging era: the rise of fascism and the two World Wars. Nevertheless, it organised in this period 17 Universal Peace Congresses, and published many reports, newsletters and appeals.

Die IVB en verskeie van sy leiers het in die vroeë 20ste eeu die Nobelvredesprys ontvang. Ducommun is opgevolg deur Albert Gobat, wat reeds die Sekretaris van die Inter-Parlementêre Unie was. Gobat is egter skielik in 1914 oorlede en die beweging kon nie verhoed dat die Eerste Wêreldoorlog uitbreek nie. Die Sekretariaat het in 1924 na Genève geskuif ten einde nou met die nuwe Liga van die Nasies saam te werk. Kort voor lank is ander internasionale vredesorganisasies gestig. Die IVB het te staan gekom voor ’n uiters uitdagende era: die opkoms van fascisme en die twee wêreldoorloë. Desnieteenstaande het dit in hierdie tydperk 17 Universele Vredeskongresse gereël en vele verslae, nuusbriewe en versoeke gepubliseer.

Has the peace movement had an impact?

Het die vredesbeweging ’n uitwerking gehad?

Since 1945, millions have mobilised all over the world in favour of peace. The IPB and its members have organised protests and advocacy work related to the Vietnam War, the Cold War, the Gulf War, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and many others. In some cases these voices were ignored; in others they helped to turn the tide. But peace work has many other dimensions. In the 1960s, IPB launched a project on UN peacekeeping operations; proposed alternatives to military service; promoted East-West dialogue; and urged negotiations through the UN. We know that the peace movements’ pressure greatly influenced Gorbachev and Reagan in bringing the Cold War to an end.

Sedert 1945 het miljoene mense regoor die wêreld ten gunste van vrede gemobiliseer. Die IVB en sy lede het betogings gereël en voorspraak gemaak in verband met die Viëtnamese Oorlog, die Koue Oorlog, die oorloë in Irak en Afganistan, en vele ander. In sommige gevalle is hierdie stemme ignoreer, en in ander gevalle het dit gehelp om die deurslag te gee. Maar vredeswerk bestaan uit baie ander dimensies. In die 1960’s het die IVB ’n projek bekendgestel oor die bedrywighede van die VN ten opsigte van die handhawing van vrede; voorgestelde alternatiewe tot militêre diens; die bevordering van dialoog tussen die Ooste en die Weste; en het onderhandelings deur middel van die VN aangemoedig. Ons weet dat die druk wat vredesbewegings uitoefen in ’n groot mate deur Gorbatsjof en Reagan beïnvloed is om die Koue Oorlog te beëindig.

Why is the IPB important today and in the future? Since 1990, we have seen regional wars, globalization and the “War on Terrorism”. New and sometimes successful campaigns have arisen, such as those against landmines, cluster munitions and small arms. Nuclear disarmament remains at the centre of IPB’s work. All these issues were tackled at the 10,000-strong Hague Appeal for Peace conference in 1999, which IPB co-organised. The organization is now involved in a unique long-term programme on Disarmament for Development, which tackles issues of military versus social spending, as well as the effects of weapons on poor communities. Over the past 100 years the world has seen terrible suffering in war, but also some peacemaking successes. The risk of armed conflict remains; so therefore does the need for a well-organised peace movement. Such a movement depends on grassroots action and individual engagement. We hope this exhibition will inspire everyone to explore new ways to make their own contributions.

Waarom is die IVB vandag en ook vir die toekoms belangrik? Sedert 1990 het ons streeksoorloë, globalisering en die “Oorlog op Terrorisme” beleef. Nuwe en somtyds suksesvolle veldtogte het die lig gesien, soos dié teen landmyne, trosammunisie en handvuurwapens. Kernontwapening is steeds ’n belangrike deel van die IVB se werk. Al hierdie aangeleenthede is tydens die Konferensie oor die Beroep om Vrede in Den Haag, wat deur die IVB gereël is en deur 10 000 mense bygewoon is, aangepak. Die organisasie is tans betrokke by ’n unieke program op die lang termyn, Ontwapening vir Ontwikkeling, wat kwessies betreffende militêre teenoor maatskaplike besteding aanpak, sowel as die uitwerking van wapens op armoedige gemeenskappe. Oor die afgelope 100 jaar het die wêreld aaklige lyding in oorlog aanskou, maar ook suksesse ten opsigte van vredesluiting. Daar is steeds die risiko van gewapende konflik, en dus ook die behoefte aan ’n goed georganiseerde vredesbeweging. Sodanige beweging is afhanklike van optrede op die grondvlak en individuele skakeling. Ons hoop dat hierdie uitstalling almal sal almal inspireer om nuwe maniere te verken om hul eie bydraes te maak.

Yaqala njani? Ingcamango malunga noxolo yaye yaguquka kancinci nanjengoko ixesha lihamba isuka kubunzululwazi isiya kwiimeko ezibonakalayo ezichaphazela uluntu ngokuthi kusekwe iphulo elinesiseko. I- IPB yasekwa ngonyaka ka1891, emva kwesigqibo esathatyathwayo sokuba kusekwe i-ofisi eBerne khonukuze iququzelele imibutho yoxolo kazwelonke. Kwanjengoko unobhala ohloniphekileyo, uElie Ducommun wabhala incwadana eyayiqulathe lukhulu ngezoqhagamshelwano, waza waququzelela umbutho i-Universal Peace Congresses, waze wapapasha uncwadana. I-IPB yakhupha izilumkiso ezichasene nezoyikiso zemfazwe yaze yaphakamisa zonke iinzame namalinge okhuselela nokusombulula iingxwaba-ngxwaba ngokunjalo neemfundiso zokwakha uxolo.

Imingeni yemfazwe yenkulungwane yamashumi amabini Iqumrhu le-IPB neqela leenkokheli zalo ezathi zafumana imbasa yoxolo- Nobel Peace Prize ebutsheni benkulungwane yamashumi amabini. Ezihlangwini zikaDucommun kwangena uAlbert Gobat, owayesele engunobhala we-Inter-Parliamentary Union. Kodwa uGobat wafa ngesiquphe ngonyaka ka1914 yaza intshukumo ayabi nako ukuyithintela imfazwe yehlabathi yokuqala ukuba ingenzeki. Ikomiti yonobhala yaya eGeneva ngonyaka ka1924 ngenjongo yokusebenzela kufuphi nebhunga leentlanga i-League of Nations. Akukhange kube kudala, eminye imibutho yoxolo yehlabathi yasekwa. I-IPB yaye yahlangabezana nocelo- mngeni lwezinto ezaya zakhokhelela kwiimfazwe ezimbini zehlabathi. Okungenani yaba nako ukuququzelela iingqungquthela eziyi17 zoxolelwaniso yaza yapapasha iingxelo ezininzi, iincwadana nezibheno.

Ingaba intshukumo yoxolo yaba nalo igalelo? Ususela ngonyaka ka1945, izigidi zaphuma uphulo kwihlabathi lonke ngenzame zokwakha uxolo. Iqumrhu le-IPB kwanamalungu alo aququzelela uqhankqalazo nabasebenza ngezobugqwetha ukuya kwimfazwe yaseVietnam, nakuleyo yayibizwa nge-Cold War, kwimfazwe yesiqithi i-Gulf War, imfazwe yaseIraq naseAfghanistan, nezinye ezininzi. Kwamanye amatyeli amazwi azo ayengananzwa ukanti kwamanye ayenceda ukwehlisa amaza engqumbo. Kodwa umsebenzi wokudala uxolo unamasolotya aliqela. Kwiminyaka yoo1960s, i-IPB yaphumeza iprojekti engogcino-xolo kwintlanganisela yezizwe zehlabathi i-UN; yaceba neziyalelo kwinkqubo yasemkhosini; kukhuthazwa ukwabelana ngezimvo kwiMpuma neNtshona; yaza yamisela uthethathethwano isebenzisa i-UN. Siyazi ukuba uxinzelelo lweentshukumo zoxolelwaniso zabanamandla okuthundeza u Gorbachev noReagan ukuba baphelise imfazwe yeCold War.

Kutheni i-IPB ibalulekile namhla nakwixa elizayo? Ukususela ngo1990, sizibonile iimfazwe zengiqi, neminye imilo yezizwe, nemfazwe echase ubunqolobi- “War on Terrorism”. Imikhankaso emitsha yoxolo yabanempumelelo, njengale yayiphikisana nokusetyenziswa kweziqhushumbisi kwanolunye uhlobo lwezixhobo. Uthintelo lokusetyenziswa kwezixhobo ze-nuclear lwasala ezandleni zeIPB. Onke loo makhwiniba aye aqoqoshwa ngama10,000 abantu abaluqilima besenza isibheno eHague, kwinkomfa yoxolo ka1999, eyaququzelelwa liqumrhu leIPB. Umbutho lowo ngoku ubandakanyeka kwenye yeenkqubo zexhesha elide leemveliso zokususa amakhwiniba aphakathi kwezasemkhosini neenkcitho zasekuhlaleni, kananjalo nezinye ezichaphazela izixhobo kwiindawo zokuhlala kwabahluphekileyo. Kwiminyaka elikhulu eyadlulayo ihlabathi libone ububi benkxwaleko emfazweni kananjalo nempumelelo ekwakhiweni koxolo. Umngcipheko wembambano wokusetyenziswa kwezixhobo usekho, ngako oko ikho imfuneko engqingqwa yentshukumo yoxolo. Intshukumo leyo ixhomekeke ekuzibandakanyeni kwalowo nalowo ekuthatheni inxaxheba. Siyathemba eli nyathelo liya kuba nomtsalane kumntu wonke ukuze wonke ubani ahlole iindlela ezintsha zokufaka igxalaba.






In 1876 Bertha von Kinsky, a young Austrian governess, replies to an advertisement placed by a “very wealthy, cultured, elderly gentleman, living in Paris”: Alfred Nobel, the dynamite millionaire. Nobel hires her as his secretary, but three weeks later she is back in Vienna where she secretly marries her fiancé the Baron Arthur von Suttner. The couple settles in the Caucasus until 1884 where they make a living from journalism. Bertha von Suttner rebels against her aristocratic background and gets involved in peace advocacy, becoming the Vice-President of the IPB. She maintains a long correspondence with Nobel, sending him her writings, including ‘Die Waffen Nieder!’ (Lay Down Your Arms! 1889), an anti-war bestseller. She urges Nobel to offer financial support to the peace movement, and in his will he makes provision for the peace award. The Prize is established in 1901 and Bertha von Suttner becomes the first woman to receive it in 1905.

In 1876 het Bertha von Kinsky, ’n jong Oostenrykse goewernante, geantwoord op ’n advertensie wat geplaas is deur ’n “baie ryk, beskaafde, bejaarde man wat in Parys woon”: Alfred Nobel, die dinamiese miljoenêr. Nobel het haar aangestel as sy sekretaresse, maar drie weke later is sy terug in Wene waar sy in die geheim met haar verloofde, die Baron Arthur von Suttner, trou. Die paartjie vestig hulle in die Kaukasus tot 1884, waar hulle ’n bestaan maak uit die joernalistiek. Bertha von Suttner rebelleer teen haar aristokratiese agtergrond en raak betrokke by die bepleiting van vrede en word die Visepresident van die IVB. Sy korrespondeer vir ’n lang tydperk met Nobel, en stuur vir hom haar geskrifte, insluitend “Die Waffen Nieder!” (Lê Neer Julle Wapens! 1889), ’n topverkoper met ’n anti-oorlog benadering. Sy dring by Nobel aan om finansiële steun aan die vredesbeweging te verleen, en in sy testament maak hy voorsiening vir ’n vredesprys. Die Prys word in 1901 ingestel en in 1905 word Bertha von Suttner die eerste vrou wat dit ontvang.

Ngo1876 uBertha von Kinsky, umlawuli osemtsha waseAustria, uphendula kwintengiso eyenziwe linene elisisinhanha esichubekileyo esihlala eParis.” uAlfred Nobel, ingadlangadla yesityebi. UNobel umqasha njengomabhalana, kodwa nje kwiiveki nje ezintathu ubuyela ebuyela eVienna apha wafika watshata ekhusini nesinqandamathe sakhe uBaron Arthur von Suttner. Esi sibini saya kuhlala eCaucasus de kwaba ngu1884 apho baziphilisa ngobuntatheli. UBertha von Suttner uvukelana nemveli yasebukhosini bakokwabo azibandakanye neqela lamagqwetha oxolo, waza waba lisekela nkulumbuso leIPB. Ugcina unxibelelwano olude noNobel, umthumelela imbalelwano zakhe, eziquka i- “Die Waffen Nieder!” (Lay Down Your Arms! 1889) ethetha ukuthi “Beka Phantsi Izixhobo Zakho”, ncwadi leyo echasene nosetyenziso lwezixhobo eyaba yimpumelelo. Wagunyazisa uNobel ukuba axhase ngezimali kwintshukumo yoxolo, waza ngokomyolelo wakhe wenza amalungiselelo wembasa yoxolo. Isipho saphunyezwa ngo1901 waza uBertha von Suttner waba ngowasetyhini wokuqala ukuyifumana imbasa ngo1905.




2010 saw the centenary of IPB 100th year as a Nobel Peace laureate in its own right. Thirteen of its leaders, including the Swiss Élie Ducommun and Albert Gobat have also been recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize (a number unequalled by any other organisation).

In 2010 was dit 100 jaar sedert die IVB as Nobelvredespryswenner in sy eie reg aangewys is. Dertien van sy leiers, insluitend die die Switserse Élie Ducommun en Albert Gobat, was ook ontvangers van die Nobelvredesprys (’n getal wat nog nie deur enige ander organisasie geëwenaar is nie).

Ku2010 sabonakala isikhumbuzo seminyaka elikhulu seIPB sonikezelo mbasa yoxolo njengelungelo eliyimfanelo. Ishumi elinesithathu leenkokheli zayo, eziquka Élie Ducommun onguwaseSwitzerland kwanoAlbert Gobat bawongwa ngeembasa zoxolo (inani elingenakulinganiswa nawo nawuphi umbutho).

The Nobel Peace Prize has also been awarded to four South Africans:

Die Nobelvredesprys is ook aan vier SuidAfrikaners toegeken:

Iimbasa zoxolo kwawongwa ngazo abemi abane boMzantsi Afrika:

1961 - Albert John Luthuli 1984 - Archbishop Desmond Tutu 1993 - Frederik Willem (F.W.) de Klerk and Nelson Mandela

1961 - Albert John Luthuli 1984 - Aartsbiskop Desmond Tutu 1993 - Frederik Willem de Klerk en Nelson Mandela

1961 - Albert John Luthuli 1984 - Aartsbiskop Desmond Tutu 1993 - Frederik Willem de Klerk, Nelson Mandela

Photo : Susumu Toshiyuki




Photo: Nelson Mandela and former President F.W. de Klerk hold their hands high as they address a huge crowd of people in front of the Union Building after Nelson Mandela become South Africa's first black president after more than three centuries of white rule. Pretoria, South Africa, May 10, 1994.

Nelson Mandela en voormalige President FW de Klerk hou hul hande omhoog terwyl hulle ’n groot skare mense voor die Uniegebou toespreek nadat Nelson Mandela Suid- Afrika se eerste swart President geword het ná meer as drie eeue van wit beheer. Pretoria, Suid-Afrika, 10 Mei 1994.

UNelson Mandela owayesakuba ngumongameli FW de Klerk bebambene ngezandla beziphakamisele phezulu ngethuba bethetha namawaka-waka abantu phambi kwezakhiwo ze-Union Building emva kokuba uNelson Mandela wathi wabekwa njengomongameli wokuqala ontsundu emva kweminyaka engaphaya kwamakhulu mathathu kulawula umbuso wabantu abamhlophe. Pitoli, Mzantsi Afrika, Meyi 10, 1994.

Nelson Mandela and F.W. de Klerk were jointly awarded the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize "for their work for the peaceful termination of the apartheid regime, and for laying the foundations for a new democratic South Africa".

Die Nobelvredesprys is in 1993 gesamentlik aan Nelson Mandela en F W de Klerk toegeken “vir hul werk betreffende die vreedsame beëindiging van die apartheidsregime en omdat hulle die grondslag gelê het vir ’n nuwe demokratiese Suid-Afrika".

“Our daily deeds as ordinary South Africans must produce an actual South African reality that will reinforce humanity's belief in justice, strengthen its confidence in the nobility of the human soul, and sustain all our hopes for a glorious life for all.”

“Ons daaglikse dade as gewone Suid-Afrikaners moet ’n werklike Suid-Afrikaanse werklikheid daarstel wat die mensdom se geloof in geregtigheid en sy vertroue in die adelikheid van die menslike siel sal versterk en al ons hoop vir ’n wonderlike lewe vir almal sal koester.”

Nelson Mandela (1918 — 2013) South Africa's first democratic President, civil rights activist and Nobel Peace Laureate 1993

Nelson Mandela (1918 — 2013) Suid-Afrika se eerste demokratiese President, burgerregteaktivis en Nobelvredespryswenner, 1993

UNelson Mandela ekunye no F.W. de Klerk badityaniswa bewongwa ngophawu loxolo kunyaka ka1993 “Ngegalelo kwanomsebenzi wabo wokuphelisa umbuso wobandlululo ngendlela enoxolo kwanokwakha isiseko soMzantsi Afrika omtsha onolawulo lwentando yesininzi.”

“Izenzo zethu njengabemi boMzantsi Afrika maziveze uqobo lwemeko yethu singuMzantsi Afrika, izenzo eziza kukhokelela kubuntu kwanenkolelo yethu kubulungisa, zomeleze ukuzithemba kwanokuhlonipha umphefumlo woluntu, kwaye zigcine onke amathemba ethu khonukuze sonke sibe nobomi obuqaqambileyo.” Nelson Mandela (1918 — 2013) UMongameli wokuqala wentando yesininzi emMzantsi Afrika, itshantliziyo lamalungelo oluntu nowawongwa ngeMbasa yoXolo 1993




One of the most widely known symbols in the world. In Britain it is recognised as standing for nuclear disarmament — and in particular as the logo of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND). To the rest of the world it is known more broadly as the peace symbol.

Een van die bekendste simbole in die wêreld. In Brittanje word dit erken as die simbool vir kernontwapening - en spesifiek as die simbool van die Veldtog vir Kernontwapening (VKO). Vir die res van die wêreld is dit meer in die algemeen bekend as die vredesimbool.

It was designed by Gerald Holtom, a textile designer who had earlier refused army service. By 1958, as Britain, the United States and the Soviet Union were well into the nuclear arms race, a grassroots “Ban the Bomb” movement was gathering force in Britain. Holtom combined the semaphore signals N (for nuclear) and D (for disarmament) and offered his design to the participants in the first major demonstration from London to Aldermaston, where nuclear weapons were, and still are, manufactured.

Dit is ontwerp deur Gerald Holtom, ’n tekstielontwerper wat vroeër geweier het om diensplig te verrig. Teen 1958, toe Brittanje, die Verenigde State en die Sowjet-Unie in die wedloop om kernwapens gewikkel was, het ’n beweging op die grondvlak, “Ban the Bomb”, in Brittanje begin vorm aanneem. Holtom het die semafoortekens N (vir ‘nuclear’) en D (vir ‘disarmament’) gekombineer en sy ontwerp aangebied vir die deelnemers in die eerste groot demonstrasie van Londen na Aldermaston, waar kernwapens gemaak is en steeds gemaak word.

Olona phawu lwaziwayo jikelele ehlabathini luseBritani, lona lwaziwa ngokuma luchasene nokusetyenziswa kwezixhobo ze -Nuclear — kwaye luye lwasetyenziswa njenge logo kukhankaso oluchanese nokusetyenziswa nezixhobo zeNuclear olwaziwa ngokuba yi Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND). Kwihlabathi jikelele lwaziwa banzi njengophawu loxolo.

It was simple, anybody could draw it — and before long, millions did. After the UK, it was taken up in the USA, home to a growing nonviolent civil-rights movement. Later it appeared on anti-Vietnam War demonstrations, at protests in Prague when the Soviet tanks invaded, on the Berlin Wall, in Sarajevo and Belgrade, and more recently, in demonstrations about Iraq and Afghanistan. The symbol has never been copyrighted. No one has to seek permission before they use it. A symbol of peace and freedom, it is free for all.

Dit was eenvoudig - enige iemand kon dit teken - en kort vir lank het miljoene dit gedoen. Na die VK is dit oorgevat na die VSA, die tuiste van ’n toenemende aantal vreedsame burgerregtebewegings. Later is dit gebruik in demonstrasies teen die Viëtnamese Oorlog, in betogings in Praag toe dit deur die Sowjet-tenke ingeval is, op die Berlynse muur, in Sarajevo and Belgrado, en meer onlangs in demonstrasies oor Irak en Afganistan. Die simbool word nie deur kopiereg beskerm nie. Niemand hoef toestemming te verkry om dit te gebruik nie. As ’n simbool van vrede en vryheid is dit gratis aan almal.

Lwayilwa nguGerald Holtom, owayengumthungi wempahla owathi ngethuba langaphambili wala ukuya kuqeqesho lwasemkhosini. Ngo 1958, nanjengoko iBritani, iUnited States kwakunye ne Soviet Union zazikhuphisana ngezixhobo ze-nuclear, iphulo i “Ban the Bomb”elalikwaya ukusetyenziswa kweziqhushumbisi lona lwaluhlanganisela abantu eBritani. UHoltom wadibanisa iimpawu ezaziwa ngokuba yi-semaphore signals N (for nuclear) kwakunye no D (for disarmament) waze wanikela ngomchako wakhe kubathabathi-nxaxheba kumbhikisho wokuqala omkhulu waseLondon usiya eAldermaston, apho izixhobo ze-nuclear zaziveliswa khona, nanamhlanje zisaveliswa khona. Belungekho nzima, wonke umntu wayenako ukuzoba— kungekudala, izigidi ngezidi zabanako ukuluzoba. Emva kwe-UK, ne-USA yazeka mzekweni, lizwe elo elaba likhaya kumzabalazo wokulwela amalungelo abantu. Emva kwethuba labonakala kwimibhikisho eyayichase imfazwe yaseVietnam, kuqhankqalazo ePrague ngethuba iinqwelo zomkhosi zaseSoviet zihlasela iBerlin Wall, eSarajevo neBelgrade, kutsha nje, kwimibhikisho yaseIraq neAfghanistan. Akukho mntu ekwakufuneka efumene imvume phambi kokuba alusebenzise. Uphawu loxolo nenkululeko, lufumaneka simahla kubantu bonke.









There are many meanings and definitions of peace. The IPB believes that there are five main elements that go together to form peace, and that they can be represented by five colours. It is only by bringing together these five elements, that we create a sustainable peace.

Daar is baie betekenisse en definisies van vrede. Die IVB glo dat vrede uit vyf hoofelemente bestaan, en dat dit deur vyf kleure verteenwoordig kan word. Slegs deur hierdie vyf elemente bymekaar te bring kan ons volhoubare vrede verwesenlik.

Zininzi iingcaciso kwaneentsingiselo zoxolo. I- IPB inenkolelo yokuba zintlanu iziseko ezingundoqo ezihamba kunye eziye zidale uxolo, kwaye zingakwazi ukumelwa yimibala emihlanu. Uxolo olungasayi kuze luphele lungafumaneka xa kuhlanganiselwe zontlanu iziseko ezingundoqo.

We begin with the two areas most generally understood as peace related: (1) weapons and violence (and their opposites), and (2) wars and armed conflicts (and how to prevent and resolve them). We then look at the underlying causes: (3) injustice and (4) violations of human rights — to which the rule of law and democracy are at least a part of the answer. The final section (5) introduces the even wider issue of the environment, which has several important connections to peace, notably the challenge of preventing the armed conflicts brought about as a consequence of climate change and rising competition for natural resources.

Ons begin met die twee gebiede wat oor die algemeen met vrede verbind word: (1) wapens en geweld (en hul teenoorgesteldes), en (2) oorloë en gewapende konflikte (en hoe om dit te voorkom en op te los). Dan kyk ons na die onderliggende oorsake: (3) ongeregtigheid en (4) skending van menseregte - waarvan die oppergesag van die reg en demokrasie ’n deel van die antwoord is. Die laaste afdeling (5) stel die selfs wyer kwessie van die omgewing bekend, wat verskeie belangrike verbintenisse met vrede het, veral die uitdaging om die gewapende konflikte te voorkom wat ’n gevolg van klimaatsverandering en die toenemende kompetering om natuurlike bronne is.











Siqala ngemimandla emibini, eyona iqondakalayo ngokunxulumene noxolo: (1) izixhobo nobundlobongela (kwanezinto ezichaseneyo nazo), (2) kwaneemfazwe neembambano kuxhotyiwe (nendlela yokuzikhusela kwanesisombululo). Ukuze sijonge ukhoyo unobangelaca: (3) intswelo-bulungisa (4) ukwaphulwa kwamalungelo oluntu — kulapho umgaqo womthetho nenkululeko ziba yinxalenye yempendulo. Icandelo lokugqibela (5) yazisa neyona ibanzi impembelelo yaseluntwini, eyona ineqela loqhagamshelwano loxolo, ngokukokdwa ucelo-mngeni olukhusela iimbambano ezithi zibangelwe lutshintsho lwemozulu nokukhula kokhuphiswa lobutyebi bendalo.


1. DISARMAMENT AND NONVIOLENCE ONTWAPENING EN GEWELDLOOSHEID UTHINTELO LOKUSETYENZISWA KWEZIXHOBO NENKQUBO YOXOLO The design, manufacture, distribution and use of weapons only serve to hinder peace and perpetuate insecurity and violence. Over the last 100 years, the instruments of war have become immensely destructive. Yet historians remind us that the efforts to restrain them have also made advances. More and more, people understand that violent conflicts can only be effectively resolved though nonviolent means. Moreover, nonviolent action has proved a particularly powerful tool for social change. Die ontwerp, vervaardiging, verspreiding en gebruik van wapens belemmer vrede en lei tot die voortbestaan van onsekerheid en geweld. Oor die afgelope 100 jaar het die instrumente van oorlog uiters verwoestend geword. Tog herinner historici ons aan daaraan dat vordering ook gemaak is ten opsigte van pogings om dit te beperk. Mense begin meer en meer verstaan dat gewelddadige konflikte slegs doeltreffend opgelos kan word op geweldlose wyse. Daarbenewens is geweldlose optrede ’n uiters kragtige instrument om maatskaplike verandering mee te bring. Umchako, imveliso, usasazo kwanokusetyenziswa kwezixhobo sisebenze kuphela ekuthinteleni uxolo nasekudaleni inkxalabo kwanobundlobongela. Kwiminyaka eli100 eyadlulayo, izixhobo zemfazwe zisuke zatshabalalisa ngakumbi. Ukanti amanyange akudala ayasikhumbuza ukuba amalinge okuzinciphisa aba neziphumo ezincomekayo. Uninzi ninzi lwabantu lwaya luyiqonda ukuba iindlela zokusombulula iingxwabangxwaba zobundlobongela zezoxolo nezingenabundlobongela. Ukwaleka, iintshukumo ezingenabundlobongela zibe yimpumelelo ngokukodwa ekuziseni utshintsho kuluntu.

International Peace Bureau

Photo : Unbekannt / UNKNOWN

Photo : Unbekannt / UNKNOWN



Albert Einstein

Alva Myrdal

Professor Sir Joseph Rotblat

Jody Williams

(1879 — 1955)

(1902 — 1986)

(1908 — 2005)

(1950 —)

A German-born Swiss-American theoretical physicist, philosopher and author, widely regarded as one of the most influential and best known scientists and intellectuals of all time... Einstein received the 1921 Nobel Prize for Physics. Having co-signed Leo Szilard’s letter to Roosevelt urging the development of the atom bomb, he later regretted this action, and with Schweitzer and Russell, lobbied to stop nuclear testing and further nuclear weapons development.

Swedish politician and sociologist who played an active role in promoting disarmament during the Cold War. In addition to her responsibilities in the Swedish government, the United Nations and the Geneva-based Conference on Disarmament, she also helped establish the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). Her publications still influence the current debate on disarmament.

British nuclear physicist of Polish origin. Resigned from working on the first atomic bomb (the Manhattan Project) in favour of disarmament work. His research on nuclear fallout was a major contribution to the agreement of the Partial Test Ban Treaty (1963). Rotblat was a co-signatory of the celebrated 1955 “Russell-Einstein Manifesto” urging governments to renounce nuclear war. In 1995 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in leading the Pugwash movement and his efforts to eliminate atomic weapons.

American teacher and aid worker who went on to serve as the founding Coordinator of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) in 1992. Working in an unprecedented cooperative effort with governments, UN bodies and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the ICBL — comprising 1000 organisations — achieved its goal of an international treaty banning antipersonnel landmines in 1997.

’n Duits-gebore, Switsers-Amerikaanse teoretiese fisikus, filosoof en skrywer, wyd gereken as een van die mees invloedryke en bekendste wetenskaplikes en intellektuele van alle tye. Einstein het in 1921 die Nobelvredesprys vir Fisika ontvang. As mede-ondertekenaar van Leo Szilard se brief aan Roosevelt het hulle die ontwikkeling van die atoombom bepleit. Hy was egter later spyt hieroor en het saam met Schweitzer en Russell voorspraak gemaak vir die beëindiging van kerntoetse en verdere kernwapenontwikkeling.

Usaziwayo waseJamani oyinzalelwana yaseSwiss naseMelika uyinzululwazi, okwangumbhali waziwa njengengcaphephe ehloniphekileyo, enefuthe neyakhe yakho kwihlabathi jikelele... UEinstein wafumana imbasa kwizifundo zenzululwazi ngo1921. Akube etyikitye incwadi noLeo Szilard eya kuRoosevelt egunyazisa ukuveliswa kwesiqhushumbisi sohlobo lwe-atom. Waye wazisola ngesenzo sakhe waza enoSchweitzer noRussell, baceba ukunqanda uvavanyo lwe nuclear kwanezinye iimveliso zezixhobo ze nuclear.

Sweedse politikus en sosioloog wat ’n aktiewe rol gespeel het in die bevordering van ontwapening gedurende die Koue Oorlog. Benewens haar verantwoordelikhede in die Sweedse Regering, die Verenigde Nasies en die Konferensie oor Ontwapening wat in Genève gebaseer is, het sy ook gehelp om die Stockholmse Internasionale Vredesinstituut (SIPRI) te stig. Haar publikasies beïnvloed steeds die huidige debat oor ontwapening.

Usopolitiki waseSweden, ingcali kwimiba yasekuhlaleni, idlale indima ebonakalayo ekukhuthazeni uthintelo lokusetyenziswa kwezixhobo ezinobungoszi ngexesha leCold War. Ukongeza kwinxaxheba yakhe kurhulumente waseSweden, wancedisa kwinkomfa yezizwe ezimanyeneyo eGeneva emayela nokuthintelwa kosetyenziso lwezixhobo. Wanceda ekusekweni kweStockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). Upapasho lwakhe lusenefuthe nangoku kwiingxoxo mpikiswano ezimalunga nokunqunyanyiswa kwezixhobo zemfazwe.

Britse kernfisikus van Poolse oorsprong. Bedank van sy werk aan die eerste atomiese bom (die Manhattan-projek) ten gunste van werk betreffende ontwapening. Sy navorsing oor kernneerslag het ’n reuse bydrae gemaak tot die ooreenkoms van die Verdrag oor die Gedeeltelike Verbod op Kerntoetse (1963). Rotblat was ook ’n mede-ondertekenaar van die gevierde “RussellEinstein-manifes” van 1955 waarin regerings gevra is om kernoorlog te verwerp. In 1995 het hy die Nobelvredesprys ontvang vir sy werk wat gelei het tot die Pugwash-beweging en sy pogings om atomiese wapens uit te wis.

Incutshe ye nuclear yaseBritani ngokwemveli ingowasePoland. Wawukhalala umsebenzi wakhe wokuqala wesiqhushumbisi seAtom kwiManhattan Project wakhetha iphulo lokupheliswa kwezixhobo. Uphando lwakhe ngokuwa kwe nuclear kwaba negalelo elikhulu kwisivumelwano se-Partial Test Ban Treaty ka1963. Rotblat waba ngomnye wabatyikitya isivumelwano esabhiyozelwayo ngo1955 i-“Russell-Einstein Manifesto” egunyazisa urhulumente aphelise imfazwe ye nuclear. Ngo1995 wawongwa ngembasa yoxolo iNobel Peace Prize ngomsebenzi wakhe wokukhokela intshukumo Pugwash nangeenzame zakhe zokunciphisa izixhobo ze Atom.

Amerikaanse onderwyser en noodwerker wat in 1992 gedien het as die eerste koördineerder van die Internasionale Veldtog om Landmyne (ICLB) te verbied. In ’n ongekende gesamentlike poging tussen regerings, liggame van die VN en die Internasionale Komitee van die Rooikruis het die ICLB - bestaande uit 1000 organisasies - in 1997 sy doelwit van ’n internasionale verdrag oor die verbod op personeelbomme verwesenlik.

Yitshala yaseMelika eyathi yazinikezela ekusebenzeni njengomnxibelanisi wokuqala kumbutho we -International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) ngo1992. Ngentsebenziswano encomekayo nezirhulumente ze UN kwakunye ne -International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), i- ICBL enemibutho engaphaya kwe1000 yathi yafikelela kwinqanaba lokuphelisa iziqhushumbisimhlaba ezingagunyaziswanga ngo1997.

Photo : Susumu Toshiyuki

Japanese children look up at the Atomic Bomb Dome in Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, Japan, 5 August 2000, on the eve of the 55th anniversary of the world’s first atomic bombing. More than 140,000 people were killed and many more injured after the United States dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. Three days later a second atom bomb was dropped on Nagasaki.

Japanese kinders kyk na die Atomiese bom-koepel in die Hiroshima-vredespark, op die vooraand van die 55ste herdenking van die wêreld se eerste atoombomaanval. Meer as 140,000 mense is dood en vele meer is beseer nadat die Verenigde State op 6 Augustus 1945 ’n atomiese bom op die Japanese stad laat val het. Drie dae later is ’n tweede atomiese bom op Nagasaki laat val.

Abantwana base Japan bajonga phezulu kwisakhiwo i-dome esaqhushumbiswa luhlobo oluthile lwe-Atom Bomb kwiHiroshima Peace Memorial Park, eJapan, ngomhla we5 August 2000 ngobusuku obuphambi kosuku lwesikhumbuzo sesiqhushumbisi sohlobo lwe -Atom, sama55 eminyaka. Ngaphezulu kwama140,000 amawaka abantu bafa abanye balimala ngemva kokuwiswa kwesiqhushumbisi phezu kwesixeko saseHiroshima sijulwa yi United States ngomhla we 06August 1945. Kwiintsuku ezintathu ezilandela olo, esesibini isiqhushumbisi saphoswa kwisixeko saseNagasaki.

“Passing on to younger generations the memories and the will of those who suffered the bombing is the most important step for humankind to survive in the 21st century.” “Om die herinneringe en die wil van diegene wat onder die bombardement gely het aan die jonger generasies oor te dra is die belangrikste stap vir die mensdom om in die 21ste eeu te oorleef.” “Ukudlulisela iinkumbulo kwisizukulwana esikhulayo nomyolelo wabo bakhubazekayo ziziqhushumbisi, linyathelo elibalulekileyo ukusindisa uluntu kwinkulungwane yama21.”

Tadatoshi Akiba (1942 —) Former Mayor of Hiroshima

Voormalige burgemeester van Hiroshima Inkulumbuso wosodolopu boxolo nosukuba ngusodolophu eHiroshima

Photo : Unbekannt / UNKNOWN

French nuclear test, Moruroa, French Polynesia 1970.

Franse kerntoets, Moruroa, Frans-Polenisië 1970.

France carried out some 40 atmospheric atomic tests in Polynesia between 1966–1974. Scientists have today established a link between France’s nuclear tests over the Pacific Ocean in the late 1960s and the high incidence of thyroid cancer in Polynesia.

Frankryk het tussen 1966 en 1974 sowat 40 kerntoetse in Polenisië uitgevoer. Wetenskaplikes vandag het ’n verband tussen Frankryk se kerntoetse oor die Stille Oseaan in die laat 1960s en die hoë voorkoms van skildklierkanker in Polenisië getref.

Uhlolo lwe nuclear eFrance, iMoruroa ne French Polynesia ngo1970. I-France yaphumeza ezinye iintlolo zeziqhushumbisi ezingama40 phakathi ko1966 ukuya ku1974. Iinzululwazi namhlanje zifumene umrhiba phakathi kohlolo lwe-nuclear lwase France ngaphezu kommandla we Pacific Ocean ukuya kuthi ga kwiminyaka yo1960, baza bafumanisa nochaphazeleko lohlobo lomhlaza obizwa ngokuba yi- thyroid cancer ePolynesia.

u An estimated 12,000 people, mainly women from the Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp, formed a human chain around the 9 mile (14 km) perimeter fence at Greenham Common US Airforce base, near Newbury, UK (12 December, 1982) to protest at British government plans to allow the stationing of 96 Cruise nuclear missiles at the base. At the time of this protest the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament had some 200,000 members. It continues its campaign to this day as part of a world-wide network of anti-nuclear advocates.

’n Geraamde 12,000 mense, hoofsaaklik vroue van die Greenham Common se vredeskamp vir vroue het ’n menslike ketting van ongeveer 9 myl (14km) om die VS Lugmagbasis in Greenham Common naby Newbury in die VK gevorm (12 Desember 1982) om te betoog teen die Britse regering se planne om 96 kruismissiele by die basis te stasioneer. Ten tyde van hierdie betoging het die Veldtog vir Kernontwapening 200,000 lede gehad. Dit gaan tot vandag toe voort met sy veldtog as deel van ’n wêreldwye netwerk van advokate wat teen kernwapens gekant is.

Inani eliqikelelwa kuma12,000 amawaka abantu, uninzi lwabo ingabasetyhini abasuka eGreenham Common Women’s Peace Camp, bakha ikhonco kumjikelo ophaya kwi14 km ngakwi -US Airforce base yaseGreenham, kufuphi ne Newbury, eUK ngomhla we12 December, 1982 beqhankqalazela isicwangciso sorhulumente wase Britani esasijolise ukuba kuvunyelwe iziqhushumbisi ezimalunga ne 96 ukuba zibe kweso sikhululo. Ngelo xesha umkhankaso wothintelo lokusetyenziswa kweziqhushumbisi ze nuclear wawunamalungu angama200,000. Waqhubekeka umkhankaso kwada kwanamhlanje uyinxalenye yetyathanga likazwe-lonke elithintela ukusetyenziswa kweziqhushumbisi ze nuclear.

Photo : David Caulkin

Photo : Ruby Washington

Sculpture entitled “Non-Violence” by Carl Fredrik Reutersward situated in front of the United Nations headquarters, New York.

Beeldhouwerk getiteld “Non-Violence” deur Carl Fredrik Reutersward voor die hoofkwartiere in New York.

Umfanekiso okroliweyo osihloko sithi -“Non-Violence” olwa ubundlobongela wabekwa phambi kwezakhiwo ze United Nations nguCarl Fredrik Reutersward phaya eNew York.

Nobelvredespryswenner, José Ramos Horta, van Timor Leste, kyk toe hoe handwapens verbrand word tydens die aanvang van die Konferensie oor die Beroep om Vrede in Den Haag op 11 Mei 1999. Dit was een van die grootste internasionale vredeskonferensies in die geskiedenis, met meer as 10 000 mense van meer as 100 lande bymekaar gebring het in reaksie op ’n beroep deur die Internasionale Vredesburo (IVB) en ander internasionale NROs.

UJosé Ramos Horta waseTimor Leste, ubukele izixhobo zitshiswa, ngethuba inkomfa yesibheno soxolo eHague iqhubekeka nge11 kaMay, ngo1999. Elo yaba linyathelo phakathi kwawona makhulu kwiinkomfa zehlabathi ezimbalini, kuhlanganisene abantu abangama10,000 kumazwe angama100 ngenxa yesibheno sesiphakamiso se -International Peace Bureau (IPB) neminye imibutho ezimeleyo yamazwe ngamazwe.

u Nobel Peace laureate José Ramos Horta from East Timor, watches small arms being burned, as The Hague Appeal for Peace conference gets under way in The Hague on 11 May,1999. This was among te largest international peace conferences in history, bringing together 10,000 people from over 100 countries in response to an appeal launched by the International Peace Bureau (IPB) and other international NGO's.

Photos : Fred Ernst

Photo : Paul Smith

Protestor against small arms during a peace demonstration in the Colombian city of Medellin, Antioquia, 2002.

Betoger teen handwapens tydens ’n vredesdemonstrasie in die Colombiaanse stad van Medellin, Antioquia, 2002.

The International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA), a global movement against gun violence estimate that 300,000 to half a million people around the world are killed by small arms each year.

Die Internasionale Aksienetwerk oor Handwapens (IANSA), ’n internasionale beweging teen vuurwapengeweld, raam dat 300,000 tot ’n halfmiljoen mense regoor die wêreld jaarliks as gevolg van handwapens sterf.

Umqhankqalazi ochasene nokusetyenziswa kwezixhobo ezincinci kumngcelele woxolo okwisixeko saseMedellin eColombia, Antioquia, ngo2002. I-(IANSA), -International Action Network on Small Arms yintshukumo kazwelonke elwa nokusetyenziswa kwemipu, iqikelela ukuba malunga ne 300,000 ukuya kwisiqingatha sesigidi sabantu kwihlabathi lonke libulewe ngemipu unyaka nonyaka.

Photo : Roger Lemoyne

A child soldier hands in his weapon to Moroccan United Nations soldiers and registers as part of the Demobilization program organised by MONUC (United Nations Peace Keeping Mission to the Congo), 2005.

’n Kindersoldaat oorhandig sy wapen aan Morokkaanse soldate van die Verenigde Nasies en registreer as deel van die demobiliseringsprogram wat deur MONUC (Verenigde Nasies se vredesmissie na die Kongo) georganiseer is, 2005.

Ijoni elikhulayo lingenisa linikezela ngesixhobo kwi United Nations yaseMorocco, labhalisela ukuzikhulula emkhosini. Langenelela lizibandakanya nombutho i-MONUC (United Nations Peace Keeping Mission to the Congo) umbutho wokugcina ucwangco eCongo, ngo2005.

Photo : Patrick Robert

Iraqi and Kurdish refugees abandon their weapons at the end of the Gulf War. Iraqi / Turkish border, 1991.

Irakse en Koerdiese vlugtelinge lĂŞ hul wapens neer met die einde van die Golfoorlog. Irakse / Turkse grens, 1991.

Abangcucalazi base Iraqi neKurdish balahla izixhobo ekupheleni kwemfazwe yasesiqithini -Gulf War. Kumda weTurkey, ngo1991.

Photo : Sean Sutton

Victims of landmines walking home. The presence of live minefields around major population centers are a legacy of more than 30 years of civil war. Kuito, Angola, 1995.

Slagoffers van landmyne stap huis toe. Die voorkoms van lewendige mynvelde in die omgewing van groot bevolkingsentrums is ’n nalatenskap van ’n burgeroorlog wat meer as 30 jaar geduur het. Kuito, Angola, 1995.

Amaxhoba eziqhushumbisi ayagoduka. Ubukho bemihlaba yeziqhushumbisi sisithethe sesithuba seminyaka engaphezulu kwama30 yemfazwe yobukhaya. Kuito, Angola, ngo1995.

“This world in arms is not spending its money alone — it is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children.” “Hierdie wêreld wat die wapen opneem betaal nie net met sy geld nie — dit betaal met die sweet van sy arbeiders, die talent van sy wetenskaplikes, die hoop van sy kinders.” “Eli lizwe alisebenzisi mali yalo kuphela kwizixhobo — lisebenzisa ukubila kwabasebenzi, ubulumko beenzululwazi, namathemba wabantwana balo.”

Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890 — 1969) American General and President

Amerikaanse Generaal en President Umphathi-mikhosi kwaneNkulumbuso yaseMelika

Photo : Sean Sutton

A Mines Advisory Group (MAG) technician carefully pins a bounding fragmentation mine in Zaren village, whilst other staff from MAG work with school children to make them aware of the dangers posed by the mines and unexploded ordnance (UXO) littering the surrounding area. Kurdistan/Iraq, 2003.

’n Tegnikus van ’n Raadgewende Myngroep (MAG) werk versigtig met ’n splinterbom in die dorpie van Zaren, terwyl ander personeellede van MAG met skoolkinders werk om hul bewus te maak van die gevare wat deur die myne en onontplofde artillerie ingehou word wat in die omliggende gebied voorkom. Koerdistan/Irak, 2003.

Iqela labacebisi ngebhombo i-Mines Advisory Group (MAG lihlola ngocoselelo isiqhushumbisi esinobungozi kwisixeko saseZaren xeshikweni elinye iqela leMAG lisebenza nabafundi libaxhobisa ngobungozi beziqhushumbisi ezifana ne -(UXO) ezithi zilahlwe kwiindawo ezingqongileyo. Kurdistan/Iraq, ngo2003.

Photo : Sean Sutton

Photo : Thomas Dworzak

Women cleaning the streets of Grozny at the end of the Chechnya War, 1996.

Vroue maak die strate van Grozny skoon aan die einde van die Tsjetsjeense Oorlog, 1996.

Abafazi abacoca izitalato eGrozny ekupheleni kwemfazwe yaseChechnya, ngo1996.

The number of deaths of Russian and Chechen soldiers is estimated at 20,000, the number of civilian deaths at between 30,000 and 100,000 and possibly over 200,000 injured, while more than 500,000 were displaced by the conflict, which left cities and villages across the republic in ruins.

Die getal sterftes van Russiese en Tsjetsjeense soldate word op 20,000 geraam, die getal burgerlike sterftes op tussen 30,000 en 100,000 en meer as 200,000 is moontlik beseer, terwyl meer as 500,000 deur die konflik, wat stede en dorpe regoor die republiek in puin gelaat het, verplaas is.

Inani lamajoni awafayo waseRussia naseChechnya liqikelelwa kuma20,000, ukanti inani elafela kwimfazwe yasekhaya laba phakathi kwama30,000 nama100,000; aze abe ngaphaya kwama200,000 amaxhoba anzakeleyo, xeshikweni bengaphaya kwama500,000 abasuswa ziimbambano kwindawo zabo ezathi zashiya izixeko nelali zonakele kwilizwe lonke.

During the night of 13 – 14 February, 1945, the city of Dresden (Germany) was the target of a massive carpet-bombing attack by Allied forces, killing more than 25,000 people, among them refugees in transit from the East.

Gedurende die nag van 13 – 14 Februarie 1945 was die stad Dresden (Duitsland) die teiken van ’n reuse bomaanval deur geallieerde magte wat gelei het tot die dood van 25,000 mense onder andere vlugtelinge wat uit die Ooste op pad was.

Ngobusuku bomhla we13 ne14 February, 1945, isixeko saseDresden (Germany) saba lixhoba lohlaselo lwebhombo lwemikhosi emanyaneyo i-Allied forces, yabulala ngaphezulu kwama25,000 yabantu, phakathi kwazo izimbacu zamazwe aseMpuma.

The city and Mayor of Dresden is today a member of the international network of Mayors for Peace who work for a world without weapons of mass destruction.

Die stad en die burgemeester van Dresden is vandag ’n lid van die internasionale netwerk van Burgemeesters vir Vrede wat streef na ’n wêreld sonder wapens van grootskaalse vernietiging.

Isixeko nosodolophu waseDresden namhla uyinxalenye nelungu letyathanga loosodolophu boxolo behlabathi abasebenza ngeenjongo zokupheliswa kwezixhobo zolahlekiso ehlabathini.


Photo : Walter Hahn

Photo : Jay Ullal

Just married, 23 years old Abed (Muslim groom) and 19 years old Arige (Christian bride) walk through the bombed ruins of Beirut, Lebanon, 1983.

Pasgetroud – die 23-jarige Abed (Moslembruidegom) en 19-jarige Arige (Christen-bruid) stap deur Beiroet, Libanon, wat deur bomme in puin gelê is, 1983.

UAbed oneminyaka engama23 osandula kutshata (umyeni oliMoslem) no Arige ominyaka ili19 (umtshakazi onguMkristu) bahamba benqumla kwingqushu yoqhushumbo eBeirut, Lebanon, ngo1983.

Photo : Andrew Stern

Protestor Cindy Sheehan is comforted by actor Martin Sheen in front of her son Casey’s cross at Camp Casey, the encampment she started in protest against the war in Iraq, outside former US President George W. Bush’s ranch in Texas, 2005. Casey was killed in combat while serving as a US soldier in Iraq. Cindy went on to deliver more than 1,000,000 signatures to Congressman John Conyers, appealing to him to begin impeachment proceedings against US President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, in Washington DC, USA, 2007.

Betoger Cindy Sheehan word getroos die akteur, Martin Sheen, voor haar seun se kruis by Camp Casey, die kamp wat sy in protes teen die oorlog in Irak buite voormalige VS President George W Bush se veeplaas in Texas begin het, 2005. Casey is dood terwyl hy diens gedoen het as ’n soldaat van die VS in Irak. Cindy het meer as 1,000,000 handtekeninge aan Kongreslid John Conyers in Washington DC, VSA oorhandig en hom gevra om aanklagte aanhangig te maak teen VS President George W Bush en Visepresident Dick Cheney. 2007.

Iqhawekazi lomzabalazo uCindy Sheehan lithuthuzelwa nguMartin Sheen ongumdlali kumboniso bhanyabhanya phambi konyana walo kwinkampu yakhe eyaziwa ngokuba yiCasey’s Camp, awayiqala ngomzabalazo ochasene nemfazwe yase Iraq, ngaphandle kwefama kamongameli wase US uGeorge W. Bush eTexas, ngo2005. UCasey wabulawa kumlo ngexesha awayesebenza njengejoni eIraq. UCindy waqhubeka wahambisa ngaphezu kwe1,000,000 lweentsayino kumphathi-ngqungquthela uJohn Conyers, esenza kuye isibheno ebeka izityholo umongameli wase US uGeorge W. Bush nesekela lakhe uDick Cheney, eWashington DC, USA, ngo2007.


Photo : Crispin Hughes

Brian Haw, carpenter turned peace activist led a 24/7 protest against war outside the Houses of Parliament in London for over 10 years (2001 – 2011).

Brian Haw, ’n timmerman wat ’n vredesaktivis geword het, het vir 10 jaar lank (2001 - 2011) ’n 24/7-betoging teen oorlog buite die Huise van die Parlement in Londen gelei.

Brian Haw ongumchweli, waguquka wazabalazela uxolo wakhokhela amaqhawe omzabalazo ngaphandle kwezakhiwo zepalamente zase London ngaphezu kweminyaka eyi10 ukususela ngo 2001 ukuya kuma ngo 2011.

Photo : Georges Gobet

Ivory Coast rebels threatening a loyalist fighter they have just captured on a patrol on the perimeter of occupied Bouake, 2002.

Rebelle van die Ivoorkus dreig ’n lojalistiese vegter wat hulle pas gevang het tydens hul patrollering van die grens van die geokkupeerde Bouake, 2002.

Abaqhankqalazi base Ivory Coast begrogrisa iqhawe loxolo abalifumana ligade kummandla weBouake, ngo2002.

Photo : Marc RibOud

Peace march against the Vietnam War, Washington DC, USA, 1967.

Vredesoptog teen die Viëtnamese Oorlog, Washington DC, VSA, 1967.

Umngcelele woxolo ochasene nemfazwe yaseVietnam, Washington DC, USA, ngo1967.

Photo : Patrick Robert

A Kamajor fighter carries a rifle and ammunition in a backpack with the words “Let’s Go To School”. The Kamajors were the only organised representatives of the civil population that fought against the rebels. They called themselves the CDF (Civil Defence Forces). Koidu Province, Sierra Leone, 2001.

’n Vegter van Kamajor dra ’n geweer en ammunisie in ’n rugsak met die woorde “Kom Ons Gaan Skool Toe”. Die Kamajors is die enigste georganiseerde verteenwoordigers van die burgerlike bevolking wat teen die rebelle geveg het. Hulle het hulself die CDF (Civil Defence Forces) genoem. Die provinsie van Koidu, Sierra Leone, 2001.

Isibhoja saseKamajo siphethe umpu neziqhushumbisi kwingxowa yaso exwaywayo enombhalo othi,“Masiye esikolweni”. AmaKamaja yayiliqela ekukuphela kwalo elalilsilwa nabagwiliki abalwa norhulumente. Babezibiza ngeCDF (Civil Defence Forces). EKoidu Province, Sierra Leone, ngo2001.

In Lima, Peru, ruil kinders plastiekwapens in vir meer kreatiewe speelgoed op ’n geleentheid wat deur Amnestie Internasionaal gereël is, 2007.

E-Lima, kwilizwe lasePeru, abantwana banikezela ngezixhobo zokudlala zeplastiki, banikwa ithoyizi zokudlala ezakhayo kwindibano eyayiququzelelwe yi- Amnesty International, ngo2007.

u In Lima, Peru, children exchange plastic weapons for more creative toys in an event organised by Amnesty International, 2007.

Photo : Pilar Olivares

Photo : Teun Voeten

Children in school uniform pose in front of a poster promoting peace and disarmament. Sierra Leone, 1999.

Kinders in skooluniforms poseer voor ’n plakkaat wat vrede en ontwapening aanmoedig. Sierra Leone, 1999.

Abantwana benxibe ityhuniki yesikolo bema phambi komfanekiso okhuthaza uxolo nobekophantsi lwezixhobo. ESierra Leone, ngo1999.

2. CONFLICT PREVENTION AND RESOLUTION KONFLIKVOORKOMING EN -OPLOSSING UTHINTELO LONGQUZULWANO NESISOMBULULO Conflicts are like diseases: prevention is best, which means addressing root causes. But if hostilities do break out, they need to be tackled with nonviolent means such as arbitration and reconciliation. If the post-conflict work is not effective, then the same social illness may reappear once again. After many centuries of wars, we now have at our disposal numerous positive experiences of how to transform these tensions in creative ways that respect fundamental values (tolerance, dialogue, equality etc.). The challenge is to apply this expertise, and to offer those best placed to intervene the necessary resources. Konflikte is soos siektes: voorkoming is die beste, omdat die oorsaak aangepak word. Indien oorloë wel uitbreek moet dit op geweldlose wyse aangepak word, soos deur arbitrasie en versoening. Indien die werk in hierdie verband nie doeltreffend is ná die konflik nie, kan dieselfde maatskaplike siekte weer sy kop uitsteek. Na baie eeue van oorloë het ons nou verskeie positiewe ervarings tot ons beskikking om hierdie spanning op kreatiewe wyse te transformeer wat fundamentele waardes (verdraagsaamheid, dialoog, gelykheid, ens) respekteer. Die uitdaging is om hierdie ervaring toe te pas en om diegene wat in die beste posisie is om in te gryp, van die nodige bronne te voorsien. Iimbambano zifana nezifo: uthintelo lolona lungcono, oko kutsho ukusombulula iingcambu ezingunobangela wembambano. Kodwa ukuba ubundlobongela buyagquba bufanelwe kukuqosheliswa ngendlela enobulali njengoxolelwaniso nolamlo. Ukuba uthintelo lwembambano alusebenzi ingulo ekuhlaleni ingaphinda ibekho. Emva kweenkulungwana ezininzi zeemfazwe ngoku sinentlaninge yamava okuguqula inkxalabo ngendlela ephucukileyo yokuhlonipha iziseko ezifana nokunyamezelana, uthethathethwano, umasilingane, nezinye. Umngeni kukulinda ukuze kunikezelwe ngokufanelekileyo iimfuno kwabo bangabaxolelanisi.

International Peace Bureau

Photo : Colin Archer

Photo : Micheline Pelletier

Photo : Micheline Pelletier

Photo : Micheline Pelletier

Betty Reardon

Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Dr. Oscar Arias Sánchez

Máiread Corrigan Maguire

(1929 —)

(1931 —)

(1940 —)

(1944 —)

A renowned pioneer in the fields of peace education and women’s rights. Reardon helped found a new inter-disciplinary field at a time when the political atmosphere was intensely hostile. She is a founder of the International Institute on Peace Education and of the Global Campaign for Peace Education. In 2009 the IPB awarded her the MacBride Peace Prize.

First black Anglican Archbishop of Cape Town and popular opponent of apartheid. Tutu chaired the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, established by the new South African government in 1995. The aim of the Commission was to help heal the country and bring about a reconciliation of its people by uncovering the truth about human rights violations that had occurred during the period of apartheid. Its emphasis was on gathering evidence and uncovering information—from both victims and perpetrators—and not on prosecuting individuals for past crimes. He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984.

Costa Rican politician who has twice been President of his country. He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1987 for his efforts to end civil wars. He is known for his active role in the Esquipulas Accords. a plan to promote democracy and peace in Central America. Arias has been outstanding among government leaders in his critique of excessive levels of military spending and the evils of the arms trade.

Betty Williams

’n Bekende pionier op die gebied van opvoeding ten opsigte van vrede en vroueregte. Reardon het gehelp om die nuwe inter-disiplinêre veld te vestig op ’n tyd toe die politiese atmosfeer baie vyandig was. Sy was ’n stigter van die Internasionale Instituut oor Vredesopvoeding en van die Internasionale Veldtog vir Vredesopvoeding. In 2009 het die IVB die MacBride-vredesprys aan haar toegeken.

Ijoni elilihlahla-ndlela elidumileyo kumabala weemfundiso zoxolo namalungelo wabafazi. UReardon wanceda ekufunyanweni kweendlela zokubuyisela ucwangco kwiindawo ezinobutshaba. Waseka isebe locwangco - International Institute on Peace Education kwakunye nomkhankaso kazweloke wemfundiso yoxolo. Ngo2009 iIPB yamwomga ngembasa yeMacBride Peace Prize.

Eerste swart Anglikaanse Aartsbiskop van Kaapstad en gewilde teenstander van apartheid. Tutu was die voorsitter van die Waarheid en Voorsieningskommissie wat in 1995 deur die nuwe regering ingestel is om die land te help genees en om sy mense te versoen deur die waarheid oor menseregteskendings wat gedurende apartheid plaasgevind het, te ontbloot. Die klem daarvan was op die insameling van bewyse en die ontbloting van die waarheid – van beide slagoffers sowel as oortreders - en nie op die vervolging van individue vir misdade wat in die verlede gepleeg is nie, wat een van die grootste verskille is van die Nürnberg-verhore waartydens Nazi’s na die Eerste Wêreldoorlog vervolg is. Hy het in 1984 die Nobelvredesprys ontvang.

Umbishophu wokuqala omnyama wase Kapa odume kunene ngokuchasa ucalucalulo. UTutu waba ngusihlalo wenkundla yoxolelwaniso eyasekwa ngo1995 ngurhulumente omtsha woMzantsi Afrika, ukunyanga ilizwe nabantu bakwazi ukuveza inyaniso nokungahlonitshwa kwamalungeo wabo okwadaleka ngexesha localucalulo. Yayigxininisa ekuphandeni, iqokelela ingcombolo kwixhoba nakumenzi wobubi, bemangalelwa ngamatyala adlulayo. Lowo ngumahluko phakathi kwayo neNürnberg eyamangalela iNazis emva kwemfazwe yesibini yehlabathi.Wafumana imbasa yeNobel Peace Prize ngo1984.

Costa Ricaanse politikus wat twee keer die President van sy land was. Hy het in 1987 die Nobelvredesprys ontvang vir sy pogings om burgeroorloë te beëindig. Hy is bekend vir die aktiewe rol wat hy gespeel het in die Esquipulasooreenkomste, ’n plan om demokrasie en vrede in Sentraal-Amerika te bevorder. Arias het uitgestaan onder regerinsgleiers danksy die kritiek wat hy uitgespreek het teenoor uitermatige vlakke van militêre besteding en die gevare wat wapenhandel inhou.

Usopolitiki wase Costa Rica okhe wayinkulumbuso izihlandlo ezibini kwilizwe lakhe. Wafumana imbasa ngo1987 ngeenzame zakhe zokuphelisa iimfazwe eziphakathi koluntu. Waziwa ngegalelo lakhe kwiEsquipulas Accords. Icebo lokunyusela inkululeko noxolo kuMntla weMelika. UArias wazibonakalisa phakathi kweenkokheli zaseburhulumenteni egxeka inkcitho-mali yasemkhosini kwanorhwebo olungcolileyo olubandakanya uthengiso lwezixhobo.

(1943 —) Co-founders, of the Community of Peace People, an organization which encouraged a peaceful resolution of the Troubles in Northern Ireland. They were co-recipients of the 1976 Nobel Peace Prize. Williams and Corrigan brought 35,000 people onto the streets of Belfast petitioning for peace. Corrigan in particular has been involved in many nonviolent efforts to promote peace, notably in the Middle East. Medestigters van die Community of Peace People, ’n organisasie wat ’n vreedsame oplossing van die probleme in Noord-Ierland aangemoedig het. Hulle was in 1976 die gesamentlike ontvangers van die Nobelvredesprys. Williams en Corrigan het 35 000 mense in die strate van Belfast bymekaar gebring om ’n beroep om vrede te doen. Veral Corrigan was betrokke by verskeie geweldlose pogings om vrede te bevorder, veral in die Midde-Ooste.

Abaseki ngokubambiseneyo kwibandla loxolo iPeace People, eyakhuthaza ucwangco nesisombululo seenkathazo kuMntla Ireland. Babengabamkeli bembasa yoxolo ngo1976. uWilliams no Corrigan bezisa i35,000 yabantu kwizitalato zase Belfast bebongoza isicelo soxolo. UCorrigan ngokukodwa wayebandakanyeka kwiinzame ezininzi zokuphuhlisa uxolo ngokuqaphelekayo kuMbindi Mpuma (eMiddle East).

Photo : Unbekannt / UNKNOWN

Several hundred thousand peace activists march past the United Nations building in New York in April 1967 demanding the withdrawal of US troops from Vietnam and an end to the war.

Honderde duisende vredesaktiviste stap verby die Verenigde Nasies se gebou in New York in April 1967 om aan te dring op die onttrekking van VS-troepe uit Viëtnam en die beëindiging van die oorlog.

Iqela lamawaka –angamakhulu labantu abazakuzela uxolo bangenela umzabalazo bedlula kwizakhiwo zeUnited Nations eNew York ngo April ka1967 bebanga ukurhoxiswa kwemikhosi ye US eVietnam kwanokuba kupheliswe iimfazwe.

“We must construct a new set of values and attitudes to replace the culture of war which, for centuries, has been influencing the course of civilization.” “Ons moet ’n nuwe stel waardes en benaderings saamstel om die kultuur van oorlog te vervang wat eeue lank die loop van die beskawing beïnvloed het.” “Simelwe kukwakha isidima esilixabiso kwaneenkolelo kubulungisa esikhundleni semveli yeemfazwe, ethe yachaphazela impucuko kwiinkulungwane ngeenkulungwane.”

Federico Mayor (1934 — ) Spanish politician and former Director General of UNESCO

Spaanse politikus en voormalige Direkteur-generaal van UNESCO Usopolotiki waseSpanish nowasukuba ngumongameli jikelele weUNESCO

Photo : Peter Turnley

Presidents George Bush Sr. of the United States and Mikhail Gorbachev of Russia, shake hands at the end of the peace summit in Moscow in 1991, during which they signed the START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty), the largest and most complex arms control treaty in history, whose final implementation in late 2001 resulted in the removal of about 80% of all strategic nuclear weapons then in existence.

Presidente George Bush Sr van die Verenigde State en Mikhail Gorbatsjof van Rusland skud hande aan die einde van die spitsberaad oor vrede in Moskou in 1991, waartydens hulle die START (Verdrag oor die Strategiese Vermindering van Wapens), die grootste en mees komplekse verdrag oor die beheer van wapens in die geskiedenis, onderteken het. Die finale inwerkingstelling daarvan in 2001 het gelei tot die verwydering van ongeveer 80% van alle strategiese kernwapens wat op daardie stadium bestaan het.

Inkulumbuso uGeorge Bush Sr. wase United States noMikhail Gorbachev waseRussia, baxhawulana ekupheleni kwengxoxo yoxolo eyayibanjelwe eMoscow ngo1991 ngexesha betyikitya iSTART (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty), esona sivumelwano sakha sasikhulu sokulawula usetyenziso lwezixhobo ezimbalini, ethe yaphetha ngokushenxisa ezikuma 80% ngempumelelo.

Israeliese Eerste Minister Menachem Begin en Egiptiese President Anwar Sadat omhels in die oostelike kamer van die Withuis, waar die spitsberaad van Camp David afgehandel is met die ondertekening van ’n “raamwerk vir vrede” in die Midde-Ooste. 17 September, 1978.

Uphathi wesizwe sakwaSirayeli Menachem Begin nenkulumbuso yase Yiphutha uAnwar Sadat banika isidima kwiEast Room yeWhite House, apho i-Camp David Summit yayiququnjelwa khona, kwatyikitywa iFramework yoxolo eMiddle East nge17 kaSeptember 1978.

u Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat embrace in the East Room of the White House, where the Camp David Summit was concluded with the signing of a “Framework for Peace” in the Middle East. September 17, 1978.

Photo : bettmann

Photo : Stuart Price

Officials of the United Nations African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) meeting with Arab nomads loyal to the rebel group Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) who had refused to take part in African Union- and UN-sponsored peace talks aimed at ending five years of violence in Darfur, where international observers say more than 200,000 people have died and over 2 million people have been displaced . Regel El-Kubri, Sudan, 2008.

Amptenare van die Verenigde Nasies en die Afrika-unie se gesamentlike missie na Darfur (UNAMID) se vergadering met Arabiese nomade wat lojaal is aan die rebellegroep, die Beweging vir Geregtigheid en Gelykheid, wat geweier het om deel te neem aan die vredesamesprekings wat deur die Afrika-unie en die VN geborg is en wat ten doel gehad het om vyf jaar van geweld in Darfur te beëindig. Internasionale waarnemers sê dat meer as 200,000 mense dood is en meer as 2 miljoen mense verplaas is. Regel El-Kubri, Soedan, 2008.

Amagosa wezizwe ezimanyeneyo i-United Nations kunye nawe African Union Mission eDarfur (UNAMID) ahlangene namaqela wezomthetho wamaArab nentshukumo kamayilinganwe(JEM) abathi bala ukuthabatha inxaxheba kwiAfrican Union- nakwiintetho zoxolo ezixhaswa yiUN ejolise ekupheliseni izixholoxholo kwiminyaka emihlanu eDarfur, apho iintlola zehlabathi zathi bangaphezu kwe200,000 abantu abafayo kwaza baba ngaphezu kwezigidi ezimbini zabantu ezasuswa kumakhaya azo. Regel El-Kubri, Sudan, ngo2008.

Eerste ontmoeting van die Verenigde Nasies se Algemene Vergadering in Londen se Methodist Central Hall met Eerste Minister Clement Attlee aan die woord. Die VN is in 1945 gestig en sy hooftaak is om “nageslagte van die verskrikking van oorlog te red. (Voorrede van die VN se handves).

Intlanganiso yokuqala yezizwe ezimanyaneyo eyayibanjelwe eLondon’s Methodist Central Hall nenkulumbuso uClement Attlee ethetha eqongeni. Kwasekwa ngo1945 owona msebenzi ungundoqo we UN omalunga “nokuhlangulwa kwesizukulwana esizayo kwishwangusha lemfazwe” (UN Charter preamble).

u First meeting of the United Nations General Assembly in London’s Methodist Central Hall with Prime Minister Clement Attlee speaking from the podium. Established in 1945 the primary task of the UN is “to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war” (UN Charter preamble).

Photo : David E. Scherman

Photo : Unbekannt / UNKNOWN

Soldiers stand guard during the Korean Peace Conference between the United Nations and the DPRK (North Korea) that took place in 1951 just north of the future Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). At the centre of the talks was the question of prisoners of war. The war between North Korea (supported by the People’s Republic of China and the Soviet Union) and South Korea (supported by the United Nations) continued until the armistice of 1953. However, the two countries are officially still at war with each other, as no peace treaty has ever been signed.

Soldate staan wag tydens die Koreaanse Vredeskonferensie tussen die Verenigde Nasies en die Demokratiese Volksrepubliek van Korea (Noord-Korea) wat in 1951 net noord van die toekomstige Gedemilitariseerde Sone (DMZ) plaasgevind het. Die belangrikste vraag tydens die gesprekvoerings was dié oor krygsgevangenes. Die oorlog tussen Noord-Korea (wat deur die Volksrepubliek van China en die Sowjet-Unie gesteun is) en Suid-Korea (wat deur die Verenigde Nasies gesteun is) het voortgeduur tot die wapenstilstand van 1953. Die twee lande is egter steeds amptelik in oorlog met mekaar gewikkel, en geen vredesooreenkoms is ooit onderteken nie.

Amajoni amile egadile ngexesha lenkomfa yoxolo yase Korea phakathi kweUnited Nations neDPRK (North Korea) eyaqala ngo1951 kanye kumntla weDemilitarized Zone (DMZ). Embindini weengxoxo kwabakho umbuzo wamabanjwa emfazwe. Imfazwe phakathi koMntla Korea (eyaxhaswa yiPeople’s Republic of China neSoviet Union) kunye noMzantsi Korea (owawuxhaswa yiUnited Nations) yaqhubeka kwada kwenziwa isivumelwano ngo1953. Noxa kunjalo, ezi zizwe zisalwa imfazwe, ngokunga azizange zityikitye isivemelwano soxolo.

Photo : Eric Feferberg

During the “Parade of Nations” at the opening ceremony of the 2000 Summer Olympics In Sydney, Australia, athletes from South and North Korea marched together under a unified Korean flag.

Gedurende die “Parade van Nasies” met die opening van die Somer-Olimpiese Spele in Sydney, Australië, het atlete van Suid- en Noord-Korea saamgestap onder ’n verenigde Koreaanse vlag.

Ngexesha lomngcelele wezizwe ngezizwe kuvulo msitho lwe -2000 Summer Olympics eSydney, eAustralia, iimbaleki zoMzantsi noMntla Korea zenza umngcelele kunye phantsi kwe-flagi yobumbano yase Korean.

Photo : Anne Van Der Stegen

Two boys run past a painted mural representing the bloody battles between Republican Catholics and the British Army, between 1969 and 1972, in the Catholic district of Bogside. Derry, Northern Ireland, 2003.

Twee seuns hardloop verby ’n geverfde muur wat die bloederige gevegte tussen Republikeinse Katolieke en die Britse weermag van 1969 tot 1972 in die Katolieke distrik van Bogside uitbeeld. Derry, Noord-Ierland, 2003.

On May 22 1998, more than two million people across Ireland voted for the Good Friday Agreement that finally brought an end to hostilities in Northern Ireland.

Op 22 Mei 1998 het meer as twee miljoen mense regoor Ierland gestem ten gunste van die Goeie Vrydag-ooreenkoms, wat uiteindelik ’n einde aan vyandighede in Noord-Ierland gemaak het.

Amakhwenkwe amabini adlula ebaleka kudonga oluzotywe umfanekiso omele amadabi abambisa umzimba phakathi kwamakatolika aseRepublic nomkhosi waseBritani, phakathi konyaka ka 1969 no 1972 kwisithili samakatiloka ase Bogside. Derry, kuMntla Ireland, ngo 2003. Ngomhla wama22 kuMay 1998, ngaphezulu kwezigidi ezibini zabantu kummandla we Ireland, bavotela isivumelano somhla wepasika esaba sesokugqibela ekupheliseni ubundlobongela kuMntla Ireland.

“I joined the army to avenge the deaths of my family and to survive, but I've come to learn that if I am going to take revenge, in that process I will kill another person whose family will want revenge; then revenge and revenge and revenge will never come to an end...” “Ek het by die weermag aangesluit om die dood van my familie te wreek en om te oorleef, maar ek het besef dat indien ek sou wraak neem, ek in die proses ’n ander person sou dood maak wie se familie wraak sal wil neem; gevolg deur wraak, wraak en wraak wat nooit tot ’n einde sal kom nie...” “Ndangenela umkhosi ngenjongo yokuphindezela ngenxa yokufa kwabantu basekhaya nangenjongo yokuzuza ubom, kodwa ndafikelela ekufundeni ukuba xa ndithembele ngempindezelo ndakubulala omnye umntu baze abakowabo bafune impindezelo; ngoko ke impindezelo nempindezelo nempindezelo ayisoze ifikelele esiphelweni.”

Ishmael Beah (1980 — ) Former child soldier, author and human rights activist

Voormalige kindersoldaat, skrywer en menseregteaktivis Owayesakuba lijoni elikhulayo, umbhali, itshantliziyo lamalungelo oluntu

Photo : Tom Pilston

Football match at the annual Twic Olympics in Twic County. Southern Sudan, 2008. Founded in 2000 by Sudan Production Aid (Supraid) the games offer a chance for thousands of people - and youths especially - previously caught up in conflict as child soldiers and slaves to integrate back into their communities by being part of a sporting team.

Sokkerwedstryd tydens die jaarlikse TwicOlimpiese Spele in die Twic-distrik. Suid-Soedan, 2008.

Umdlalo webhola ekhatywayo kwiTwic Olympics eyenzeka rhoqo ngonyaka eTwic County. EMzantsi Sudan, ngo2008.

Die Spele, wat in 2000 gestig is deur Sudan Production Aid (Supraid), bied ’n geleentheid aan duisende mense - en veral die jeug - wat voorheen in die konflik vasgevang was as kindersoldate en slawe - om hulle weer in hul gemeenskappe te integreer deur deel van ’n sportspan te wees.

Wasekwa ngo 2000 yi Sudan Production Aid (Supraid) imidlalo inikeza ithuba kumawakawaka wabantu kwanolutsha olwathi ngaphambili lwazibandakanya nezixholoxholo njengabantwana abangamajoni namakhoboka, bangenelele kuluntu lwase kuhlaleni njengenxalenye yabadlali.

Photo : Nick Ut

If there was one photograph that captured the horrific nature of the Vietnam war, it was the picture taken in 1972 of nine year old girl Kim Phuc, running naked down a road, screaming in agony after her village in the Central Highlands of Vietnam was sprayed with the chemical weapon napalm. Although the photographer Nick Ut helped save Kim Phuc’s life by taking her to hospital, it would take many years and several operations before she would be able to get on with life. Kim Phuc is today married with two children and lives with her husband in Toronto. Having become a UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador she encourages youth worldwide to get involved in peace making activities. “It seemed that picture didn't want to let me go. At first, I was very upset. And then a wonderful thing happened. I thought, 'If I can't escape that picture, I can work with it for peace.' I accepted it as a powerful gift for me.” Kim Phuc (1963 — )

As daar een foto is was die gruwelike aard van die Viëtnamese oorlog vasvang, is dit die foto wat in 1972 geneem is van die nege jarige meisie, Kim Phuc, wat kaal in ’n straat af hardloop en skreeu van die pyn nadat haar dorpie in die sentrale hoogland van Viëtnam met die chemiese wapen napalm gespuit is. Alhoewel die fotograaf, Nick Ut, gehelp het om Kim Phuc se lewe te red deur haar na die hospitaal te neem, het dit baie jare en verskeie operasies geduur voordat sy kon aangaan met haar lewe.

Ukuba kukho umfanekiso owakha wafotwa kwimfazwe ehlasilimsa umzimba yase Vietnam, yeyafotwa ngo1972 wentombazana eminyaka ilithoba (9) uKim Phuc, obaleka ngaze esihla ngendlela, emva kokuba ilali yakhe yase -Central Highlands of Vietnam yatshizwa ngesixhobo sekhemikhali i-napalm. Nangona umfoti uNick Ut wamnceda esindisa ubomi bukaKim Phuc ngokumsa esibhedlele, kwathabatha iminyaka notyando oluninzi ngaphambi kokuba abe uyaqhubekeka nobomi bakhe.

Kim Phuc is vandag getroud en het twee kinders, en woon saam met haar man in Toronto. As ’n welwillendheidsambassadeur van UNESCO moedig sy wêreldwyd die jeug aan om by vredesluitingsaktiwiteite betrokke te raak.

UKim Phuc namhlanje utshatile enabantwana ababini kwaye uhlala nomyeni wakhe eToronto. Waye wangunozakuzaku we -UNESCO ekhuthaza ulutsha kumhlaba jikelele ukuba luzibandakanye kumaphulo wokwenza uxolo.

“Dit was asof daardie foto my nie wou laat gaan nie. Ek was aanvanklik baie ontsteld. En toe gebeur ’n wonderlike ding. Ek het gedink: ‘Indien ek nie van daardie foto kan ontsnap nie, dan kan daarmee werk ten gunste van vrede.' Ek het dit aanvaar as ’n kragtige geskenk aan my.”

“Kwakunga loo mfanekiso awufuni kwahlukana nam. Ekuqaleni, ndandinxunguphele. Kwaye kwenzeka into engummangaliso. Ndacinga , “Ukuba ngaba andinako ukuqhwesha kuloo mfanekiso, ndingawusebenzisa ekwakheni uxolo.” Ndaye ndawamkela njengesiphiwo esinamandla.”

Kim Phuc (1963 — )

Kim Phuc (1963 — ) Photo : Joe McNally

Photo : Jon Jones

A Bosnian woman from Srebrenica pleads with a United Nations' Peacekeeper to help her. Bosnia-Herzegovina, 1995.

’n Bosniese vrou van Srebrenica pleit met ’n vredestigter van die VN om haar te help. BosniëHerzegovina, 1995.

Umfazi wase Bosnia eSrebrenica ucela umgcini -xolo we zizwe ezimanyeneyo i- United Nations ukuba amncede. Bosnia — Herzegovina, ngo1995.

Referred to today as the Srebrenica massacre, 7,000 men and boys were slaughtered in the so-called United Nations ''safe area'' after the Bosnian Muslim town was over-run by Serb soldiers.

Tydens na wat na vandag verwys word as die Srebrenica-slagting is 7000 mans en seuns doodgemaak in die sogenaamde “veilige gebied” van die VN nadat die Bosniese moslem-dorp deur Serwiese soldate oorval is.

A report released by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan declared that ''safe areas'' should never be established again without credible means of defence and that UN peacekeepers should never be deployed where no ceasefire or peace agreement has been agreed. BosnianSerb leader Radovan Karadzic has since been charged at the International Criminal Court with genocide and crimes against humanity.

’n Verslag wat deur die Sekretaris-generaal van die VN, Kofi Annan, vrygestel is, verklaar dat “veilige gebiede” nooit weer gevestig moet word sonder geloofwaardige wyses van verdediging nie en dat vredestigters van die VN nooit weer ontplooi moet word waar daar nie oor ’n skietstilstand of vredesooreenkoms ooreengekom is nie. Die Bosnies-Serwiese leier, Radovan Karadzic, is sedertdien van volksmoord en misdade teen die mensdom aangekla by die Internasionale Kriminele Hof.

Namhla ngokubhekiselele kwindyikityha yase Srebrenica, i7,000 yamadoda namakhwenkwe axhelwa kwindawo ekhusekileyo ye -United Nations emveni kohlaselo olugqithisileyo lwedolophu yamaMoslem ihlaselwa ngamajoni aseSerbia. Isibhengezo esaphuma kuKofi Annan ongunobhala jikelele we -UN sathi makungaze kubekho iindawo ezibizwa ngokuba zikhuselekile kungekho ziqiniseko zoko, kungaphinde kutyalwe kwakho abagcini-xolo apho kungekho sivumelwano soxolo esenziweyo. Inkokheli yamaSerb aseBosnia uRadovan Karadzic yabekwa ityala kwinkundla yamatyala yelizwe jikelele ngokufunyanwa ephembelele iindyikityha zokufa namanye amatyala angcungcuthekisa uluntu.

Photo : Sven Simon

German Chancellor Willy Brandt kneels in front of the Memorial of the Warsaw Ghetto’s Nazi victims during his official visit to Poland on the 7 December 1970.

Duitste kanselier, Willy Brandt, kniel voor die gedenkteken van die slagoffers van die Warskoughetto tydens sy amptelike besoek aan Pole op 7 Desember 1970.

Willy Brandt inkokheli yase Jamani iguqa phambi kwesikhumbuzo seWarsaw Ghetto’s ezinamaxhoba eNazi ngexesha lotyelelo lwakhe ePoland ngomhla wesi7 kuDecember 1970.

“Let us forgive each other — only then will we live in peace.” “Kom ons vergewe mekaar — slegs dan sal ons in vrede saam kan leef.” “Masixolelaneni — ngokwenza njalo siza kuhlala sinoxolo.”

Leo Tolstoy (1828 — 1910) Russian author, reformer and pacifist

Russiese skrywer, hervormer en pasifis Umbhali wase Russia , itshantliziyo nomxolelanisi

Photo : Abir Sultan

An ultra-orthodox Jew visiting Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem during Holocaust Remembrance Day on the 21 April 2009.

’n Ultra-ortodokse Jood besoek die Yad Vashem Holocaust-gedenkteken in Jerusalem tydens die Holocaust-herinneringsdag op 21 April 2009.

UmJuda owayetyelele iYad Vashem Holocaust Memorial eJerusalem ngexesha le -Holocaust Remembrance Day ngomhla we21 kuApril 2009.

Photo : Nic Dunlop

Photographs on the wall of Tuol Sleng Museum, formerly the S-21 Khmer Rouge detention centre, where over 16,000 inmates were killed between 1975 and 1979. The Khmer photographed every prisoner before they were killed. Phnom Penh, Cambodia. 2002.

Foto’s op die muur van die Tuol Slengmuseum, voorheen die S-21 Khmer Rouge-aanhoudingsentrum, waar meer as 16,000 ingehoudenes tussen 1975 en 1979 doodgemaak is. Die Khmer het elke gevangene afgeneem voordat hulle doodgemaak is. Phnom Penh, Kambodja. 2002.

Imifanekiso eseludongeni eTuol Sleng Museum, ngaphambili eyayiyi -S-21 Khmer Rouge eyindawo yembandezelo, apho kwabulawa ngaphezulu kwama16,000 amabanjwa phakathi ko1975 no1979. IKhmer yayifota ibanjwa ngalinye ngaphambi kokubulawa kwalo. Phnom Penh, Cambodia. 2002.

Hang Thai An hou ’n foto vas van sy pa, Kaing Guek Eav, ook bekend as Comrade Duch, hooflaksman van die Khmer Rouge. Duch is sedert 1999 opgesluit en in 2010 skuldig bevind aan misdade teen die mensdom deur Kambodja se oorlogtribunaal wat deur die VN gesteun is.

UHang Thai An ubamba umfanekiso kayise uKaing Guek Eav owaziwa ngoComrade Duch, owafunyaniswa enetyala ngokuchasene nobuntu ngo1999, ebanjwa yi Cambodia’s UN ngo2010.

u Hang Thai An holds up a photograph of his father Kaing Guek Eav also known as Comrade Duch, chief executioner of the Khmer Rouge. Imprisoned since 1999 Duch was found guilty of crimes against humanity by Cambodia's UN-backed war crimes tribunal in 2010.

Photo : Nic Dunlop

Photo : Roberto Schmidt

Palestinian boys walk past a mural painting on the 8 metre high Israeli separation wall that separates the southern Gaza Strip town of Khan Yunis from the former Jewish settlement of Neve Dekalim. 2005.

Palestynse seuns stap verby ’n muurskildery op die Israelse skeidingsmuur van 8 meter wat die dorp Khan Yunis in die suidelike Gaza-strook skei van die voormalige Joodse nedersetting van Neve Dekalim. 2005.

Amakhwenkwe asePalestina adlula kumzobo osedongeni olukuphakama buzi8m oluhlule idolophu iKhan Yunis eseMzantsi Gaza nendawo eyayisakuba yeyamaYuda i- Neve Dekalim. 2005.

Photo : Reza

A group of refugees construct a new building during the Rwandan genocide in 1994. Lake Cyohoha. Maza Camp. Burundi.

’n Groep vlugtelinge bou ’n nuwe gebou tydens die Rwandese volksmoord in 1994. Lake Cyohoha. Maza-kamp. Burundi.

Iqela labangcucalazi lakha isakhiwo esitsha ngexesha le ndyikityha yokufa yase Rwanda ngo1994, Lake Cyohaha Maza Camp, Burundi.

According to Human Rights Watch (HRW) an international non-governmental organisation (INGO) an estimated 800,000 people or 20% of the country's population were killed during the genocide.

Volgens Human Rights Watch (HRW), ’n internasionale nie-regeringsorganisasie (INRO), is ongeveer 800,000 mense of 20% van die land se bevolking tydens die volksmoord dood.

Ngokwengxelo yamalungelo abantu i-Human Rights Watch (HRW) umbutho wehlabathi ongekho phantsi korhulumente uqikelela ukuba bayi 800,000 abantu nama20% wabemi abafayo ngexesha lendyikityha yokufa.

Photo : Franck Guizio

The Old Bridge of Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 2004.

Die Ou Brug van Mostar, Bosnië-Herzegovina, 2004.

Ibhulorho endala yaseMostar, eBosnia – Herzegovina, ngo2004.

Built in 1556 by the Ottoman architect Mimar Hayruddin, the bridge was blown up during the bitter fighting between the city's Muslims and Croats in the Bosnian War in 1993. It was rebuilt in 2004 and is today a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Die brug is gebou in 1556 deur die Ottomaanse argitek, Mimar Hayruddin, en opgeblaas tydens die bitter gevegte tussen die stad se Moslems en Kroate in die Bosniese Oorlog in 1993. Dit is in 2004 herbou en is vandag ’n UNESCO-wêrelderfenisgebied.

Yakhiwa ngo1556 ngumakhi we Ottoman uMimar Hayruddin, ibhulorho yadilika xeshikweni kukho umlo omasikizi phakathi kwama Moslem esixeko kwakunye neCroats kwimfazwe yase Bosnia ka1993. Yokhiwa kabutsha ngo2004 kwaye namhlanje isisiza senkcubeko yehlabathi ye-UNESCO , i-UNESCO World Heritage Site.

3. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL JUSTICE EKONOMIESE EN MAATSKAPLIKE GEREGTIGHEID UBULUNGISA KWIMEKO YEZOQOQOSHO NEYOKUHLALA Much violence and conflict is caused by a sharply-felt sense of injustice. Hunger, unemployment, discrimination, exclusion: injustice comes in multiple forms. Many groups in society feel they do not get a fair deal — and are not even heard. Such people are easily manipulated by demagogues. So working for a socially-just world — and a world with much greater economic equality — is an important way of making peace. Achieving such justice (like all peace work) requires a whole range of skills and commitments. Baie geweld en konflik word veroorsaak deur ’n intense gevoel van ongeregtigheid. Hongersnood, werkloosheid, diskriminasie, uitsluiting: ongeregtigheid kom in baie vorms voor. Baie groepe in die samelewing voel dat hulle nie regverdig behandel word nie - en dat daar nie eens na hulle geluister word nie. Sulke mense word maklik deur opswepers gemanipuleer. Om te streef na ’n maatskaplik-regverdige wêreld - en ’n wêreld met ‘n groter mate van ekonomiese gelykheid - is ’n belangrike manier om vrede te maak. Die behaling van sodanige geregtigheid (soos alle vredeswerk) vereis ’n hele reeks vaardighede en verbintenisse. Uninzi lobundlobongela nongquzulwano lwenziwa lulwamvila lwentswela-bulungisa. Indlala, ukungabikho kwemisebenzi, ubandlululo, ukukhutshelwa ecaleni: intswelabulungisa iza ngeendlela ngendlela. Uninzi lwamaqela elizweni ayakhwina kwaye akukho bantu bamamele izikhalazo zabo. Abantu abanjalo kulula ukuba basetyenziswe kwaye baxhatshazwe ngoothixo basemhlabeni. Ke ngoko ukusebenzela intlalo entle- nobulungisa ehlabathini kwanokulingana kwezoqoqosho kwihlabathi jikelele yeyona ndlela ibalulekileyo enokudala uxolo ehlabathini. Ukuphumeza obo bulungisa (njengawo wonke umsebenzi woxolo) kudingeka iindidi ngeendidi zobuchule kwanokuzinikela.

International Peace Bureau

Photo : Unbekannt / UNKNOWN

Photo : Unbekannt / UNKNOWN

Photo : micheline pelletier

Photo : micheline pelletier

Jane Addams

Mohandas K. Gandhi

Professor Muhammad Yunus

Rigoberta Menchú Tum

(1869 — 1935)

(1869 — 1948)

(1940 — )

(1959 — )

US social worker and suffragist who was a founder of the U.S. Settlement House movement, and the second woman to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. In 1915 she was elected national chair of the Woman’s Peace Party and also President of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom. As the head of the International Woman’s Commission she was involved in World War I peace mediation, considered the first significant international effort by women against war.

Indian thinker, lawyer and nationalist leader. Gandhi not only led his own country to independence but has also inspired activists of many persuasions throughout the world. He was the pioneer of “satyagraha” — resistance to tyranny through mass civil disobedience, a philosophy founded upon total nonviolence. His birthday, 2 October, is commemorated worldwide as the International Day of Non-Violence.

Bangladeshi banker and economist. He previously was a professor of economics where he developed the concept of microcredit. These loans are given to entrepreneurs too poor to qualify for traditional bank loans. Yunus is also the founder of Grameen (village) Bank. In 2006, Yunus and the Bank were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Indigenous Guatemalan, of the K’iche’ Maya ethnic group. Menchú has dedicated her life to publicizing the plight of Guatemala’s indigenous peoples during and after the Guatemalan Civil War (1960 — 1996), and to promoting indigenous rights in the country. She is the recipient of the 1992 Nobel Peace Prize and a UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador.

Bankier en ekonoom van Bangladesj. Hy was voorheen ’n professor in ekonomie waar hy die konsep van mikrokrediet ontwikkel het. Hierdie lenings is aan entrepreneurs toegestaan wat te arm was om vir tradisionele banklenings te kwalifiseer. Yunus is ook die stigter van die Grameen-bank. In 2006 het Yunus en die Bank gesamentlik die Nobelvredesprys ontvang.

Inheemse Guatemalaan van die K’iche’ Mayaetniese groep. Menchú het haar lewe daaraan gewy om die lot van Guatemala se inheemse mense tydens en ná die Guatemalaanse burgeroorlog (1960 - 1996) bekend te maak en om inheemse regte in die land te bevorder. Sy het in 1992 die Nobelvredesprys ontvang en is ’n UNESCO-welwillendheidsambassadeur.

Usobhanki nenzululwazi kwezoqoqosho yaseBangladeshi. Ngaphambili wayenguprofesa wezoqoqosho owathi wasungula icebo le-microcredit (lokubolekisa ngemali encinci). Le mali-mboleko yanikezwa koosomashishini abahleleleke kakhulu kuba bengakwazi ukufumana imali mboleko kwiibhanki. UYunus ukwangumseki we Grameen (village) Bank. Kunyaka ka 2006, uYunus kunye neBhanki banikwa iwonga elinye le -Nobel Peace Prize.

Inzalelwane yaseGuatemala, yohlanga lamaK’iche’ Maya. UMenchú unikezele ngobomi bakhe epapasha ngentlungu yabantu abazinzalelwane zase Guatemala ngexesha leGuatemalan Civil War (1960 — 1996) nasemva kwayo, kwaye esasiza ngamalungelo abemi belo lizwe. Ngumfazi owathi wawongwa kunyaka1992 ngeNobel Peace Prize kunye nembasa yobumeli bobulungisa eyaziwa ngokuba yiUNESCO Goodwill Ambassador.

Maatskaplike werker van die VS en voorstander van stemreg vir vroue, ’n stigter van die US Settlement House-beweging en die tweede vrou wat die Nobelvredesprys ontvang het. In 1915 is sy verkies tot nasionale voorsitter van die Vroue-vredesparty en ook tot President van die Internasionale Vroueliga vir Vrede en Vryheid. As hoof van die Internasionale Kommissie vir Vroue was sy betrokke in vredesbemiddeling tydens die Eerste Wêreldoorlog, wat beskou is as die eerste wesenlike internasionale poging deur vroue teen oorlog.

Unontlalontle wase Melika nowaziwa njengesuffragist owathi wayila iU.S. Settlement House movement, nongumfazi wesibini owathi wawongwa ngembasa yoxolo i-Nobel Peace Prize. Ngonyaka ka1915 wonyulwa njengosihlalo kazwelonke we -Woman’s Peace Party waze waphinda waba ngumongameli we -Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom. Njengenkokheli ye-International Woman’s Commission wabandakanyeka kwimfazwe yokuqala yehlabathi njengomxolelwanisi, oko kwaziwa njengephulo elibalulekileyo elathatyathwayo ngumntu wasetyhini oluchasene nemfazwe.

Indiese denker, prokureur en nasionalistiese leier. Gandhi het nie net sy eie land na onafhanklikheid gelei nie, maar ook aktiviste van baie ander oortuigings regoor die wêreld. Hy was die pionier van “satyagraha” — weerstand teen tiranie deur grootskaalse burgerlike ongehoorsaamheid, ’n filosofie wat gegrond is op algehele geweldloosheid. Sy verjaarsdag, 2 Oktober, word wêreldwyd gevier as die Internasionale Dag van Geweldloosheid.

Isilumko saseIndia, igqwetha nenkokheli yombutho wama -National. UGandhi khange onele nje ngokukhokhelela ilizwe lakhe kwinkululeko kodwa wavuselela amatshantliziyo amaninzi kwihlabathi jikelele. Waba ngumseki we “satyagraha” — uchaso lwengqumbo nengcinezelo ngokubhikisha ngohlobo oluthozamileyo, ubunzululwazi obusekelwe phantsi kwenzolo nolulamo. Usuku lwakhe lokuzalwa umhla we 2 Oktobha, ubhiyozelwa kwihlabathi jikelele njengosuku lwe -International Day of Non-Violence.

Photo : Andreas Seibert

Homeless migrant worker. Guangzhou, Chine, 2006.

Hawelose trekarbeider. Guangzhou, Chine, 2006.

Abasebenzi abangenamakhaya abahamba kwiindawo ngeendawo. Guangzhou, Chine, 2006.

“Poverty is the absence of all human rights. The frustrations, hostility and anger generated by abject poverty cannot sustain peace in any society.” “Armoede is die afwesigheid van alle menseregte. Die frustrasies, vyandigheid en woede wat deur uiterste armoede geskep word kan nie vrede in enige samelewing handhaaf nie.” “Ukuhleleleka kukungabikho kwawo onke amalungelo abantu. Ukuxakaniseka, ingqumbo kwanomsindo obangelwa lulwamvila lokuhleleleka alunako ukugcina uxolo nakweliphi na ilizwe.”

Muhammad Yunus (1940 —) Bangladeshi economist, Nobel Peace laureate 2006

Ekonoom van Bangladesj, Nobelvredespryswenner, 2006 Usoqoqosho wase Bangladeshi, neNobel Peace Prize 2006

Photo : Nik Wheeler

Mother Teresa’s Home for the Dying, in Calcutta. The first Home for the Dying opened in 1952 and was a free hospice for the poor. Mother Teresa (1910 — 1997), the Roman Catholic, Albanian nun revered as India’s “Saint of the Slums”, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.

Moeder Teresa se Huis vir die Sterwendes in Calcutta. Die eerste Huis is in 1952 geopen en was ’n gratis hospice vir die armes. Moeder Teresa (1910 — 1997), die Rooms-Katolieke, Albanese non wat in Indië vereer is as die “Heilige van die Krotbuurte”, ontvang in 1979 die Nobelvredesprys.

I-Mother Teresa’s Home for the Dying, iseCalcutta. Likhaya lokuqala labantu abagulela ukufa elavulwa ngokusesikweni ngo1952 kwaye sisibhedlele sasimahla sabantu abahluphekayo. UMother Teresa (1910 — 1997), weRoman Catholic, unongendi waseAlbania ohlonitshwe e-India esaziwa ngokuba yi- “Saint of the Slums”, wawongwa ngembasa yoxolo i- Nobel Peace Prize ngo1979.

Photo : Jean Revilliard

A man-made shelter built in an area known as the “Jungle”, Calais, a stopover point for illegal immigrants travelling between France and Great Britain. 2008.

’n Mensgemaakte skuiling gebou in ’n gebied wat bekend staan as die “Oerwoud”, Calais, ’n oornagpunt vir onwettige immigrante wat reis tussen Frankryk en Groot-Brittanje. 2008.

Isakhiwo esinguzenzele esakhiwe kwindawo eyaziwa ukuba yi “Jungle”, Calais, apho kumiswa khona abangcucalazi abazama ukungena ngokungekho mthethweni kumazwe aseFrance neGreat Britain. 2008.

Abbé Pierre lê die eerste boublok van die Emmaus-behuisingprojek wat bestaan uit 190 behuisingseenhede vir diegene wat haweloos en ekonomies benadeel is. Argenteuil. Frankryk, 1954.

Abbé Pierre ubeka ilitye lokuqala lokwakha iEmmaus housing estate equlathe izindlu ezi- 190 ezakhelwe abantu abangenamakhaya nabahlelelekileyo. Argenteuil. France, 1954.

u Abbé Pierre lays the first building block for the Emmaus housing estate which comprises of 190 housing units for the homeless and economically disadvantaged. Argenteuil, France, 1954.

Photo : Unbekannt / UNKNOWN

Photo : Olivier Jobard

Young North African boys gaze across the narrow stretch of water separating them from Spain, a well-known route for “illegal aliens” hoping to better their prospects in Europe. Morocco, 2005.

Jong Noord-Amerikaanse seuns kyk uit oor die smal strook water wat hulle skei van Spanje, ’n bekende roete vir onwettige immigrante wat hoop om hul vooruitsigte in Europa te verbeter. Marokko, 2005.

Amakhwenkwe aselula aseMantla eAfrika ajonge amanzi anabileyo ohlula wona nelizwe lase Spain, ayindlela edume kunene “yabaphambukeli abangekho mthethweni” abanethemba lokufumana amadlelo aluhlaza eEurope. Morocco, 2005.

Photo : Hector Mata

A sign warning motorists to beware of humans crossing the road is seen on Interstate 5, just north of the US-Mexico border, considered one of the busiest points of entry into the United States. San Ysidro, California, 2006.

’n Teken op Interstate 5, net noord van die grens tussen die VS en Mexiko, wat motoriste waarsku om bewus te wees van mense wat die pad oorsteek en wat beskou word as een van die besigste ingangspunte na die VS. San Ysidro, Kalifornië, 2006.

Uphawu olulumnkisa abantu abanqumla indlela luyabonakala kwi -Interstate 5, emantla komda ophakathi kwe -US-neMexico. Le ndawo yaziwa njengendawo yokungena ephithizela engena eUnited States. San Ysidro, California, 2006.

Photo : Philippe Lopez

Chinese workers have lunch at a construction site in Shanghai on 5 February, 2010.

Chinese werkers geniet middagete by ’n bouperseel in Sjanghai op 5 Februarie, 2010.

According to the World Bank China's rapid economic and social development has lifted more than 500 million people out of poverty.

Volgens die Wêreldbank het China se vinnige ekonomiese en maatskaplike ontwikkelings meer as 500 miljoen mense uit armoede gelig.

Abasebenzi base China bonwabele isixhaso sasemini kwisiza sokwakha eShanghai ngomhla we 5 Februwari, 2010. Ngokwengxelo yeWorld Bank, uqoqosho olukhula ngamandla lwase China kwanokuphucuku kwesimo sentlalo salapho sincede ngaphezu kwezigidi eziyi 500 zabantu zibakhupha kwintlupheko.

Photo : Choo Youn-Kong

A porter reads the back of a flyer in the form of a large 10,000- won banknote, given out during a demonstration by elderly citizens against new pension laws. Seoul, South Korea, 1997.

’n Portier lees die agterkant van ’n pamflet in die vorm van ’n groot 10,000 won-banknoot wat uitgegee is tydens ’n demonstrasie deur bejaarde burgers teen die nuwe pensioenwette. Seoul, SuidKorea, 1997.

Umsebenzi wasehotele othutha iimpahla zabantu ufunda kumva wephetshana eliyiflaya umfuziselo wemali eliphepha exabisa 10,000 elanikezwa ngabantu abadala ngexesha lombikisho bechase imithetho emitsha yomhlala-phantsi. Seoul, South Korea, 1997.

“The trillions of dollars found overnight to bail out Western banks have shown us that the real issue we face in addressing this global crisis is not the availability of money, but of political will.” “Die biljoene rande wat oornag gevind is om Westerse banke te red wys ons dat die werklike kwessie wat ons moet aanpak met betrekking tot hierdie internasionale krisis nie die beskikbaarheid van geld is nie, maar die beskikbaarheid van politieke wil.” “Inkulungungwane zee randi ezathi zafunyanwa ngobusuku obunye khonukuze zihlangule iibhanka zase Ntshona zisibonisa ukuba owona mba sijongene nawo ekusombululeni iingxaki zika zwelonke ayikokufumaneka kwemali kodwa ziimfuno zopolitiko.”

Salil Shetty (1961— ) Indian human rights advocate, Secretary General, Amnesty international

Indiese advokaat vir menseregte, Sekretaris-generaal, Amnestie Internasionaal Igqwetha lamalungelo oluntu lwase India, unobhala jikelele we Amnesty international

Photo : timothy clary

A trader at the New York stock exchange helplessly looks-on as stocks take a sharp downward turn, resulting in what is now known as the Great Recession: blamed on risky loans from building societies and other financial institutions. 2008.

’n Handelaar by die New Yorkse aandelebeurs kyk toe hoe aandele skerp daal in wat nou bekend staan as die Groot Resessie: toegeskryf aan riskante lenings van bouverenigings en ander finansiële instellings. 2008.

Umrhwebi eNew York kwindawo eyaziwa ngokuba yi- stock exchange ujonge kalusizi ngethuba amandla emali esehla, nto leyo yadala intlupheko eyaziwa ngokuba yi -Great Recession: eyagxekwa ngokunikezela ngemali mboleko enobuzaza kumaqumrhu okwakha nakumaziko emali. 2008.

Photo : David Brody

Richard S. Fuld Jr., Chairman and CEO of Lehman Brothers investment bank testifies before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on Capitol Hill, as protesters from “Code Pink” wave signs reading “Shame”. Code Pink is a women- initiated grassroots peace and social justice movement. Washington DC, USA, 2008.

Richard S Fuld Jr, Voorsitter en HUB van die Lehman Brothers-beleggingsbank getuig voor die Komitee oor Oorsig en Regeringshervorming op Capitol Hill terwyl betogers van “Code Pink” plakkate met die woord “Shame” waai. Code Pink is ’n vredes- en maatskaplike geregtigheidsbeweging op die grondvlak wat deur vroue ingestel is. Washington DC, VSA, 2008.

Lehman Brothers filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on 15 September, 2008. The filing remains the largest bankruptcy filing in U.S. history, with Lehman holding over $600 billion in assets.

Lehman Brothers het op 15 September 2008 aansoek gedoen om Hoofstuk 11-bankrotbeskerming. Dit is steeds die grootste bankrotskap in die geskiedenis van die VS, met Lehman wat oor bates van meer as $600 miljard beskik het.

URichard S. Fuld Jr., usihlalo neCEO yebhanki iLehman Brothers investment unika ubungqina kwiHouse Oversight and Government Reform Committee eCapitol Hill, ngethuba abagwayimbi be “Code Pink” bebonisa ngemibhalo ethi “Shame”. I-Code Pink – iseke uxolo ekuhlaleni kwanephulo lezobulingisa. Washington DC, USA, 2008. ILehman Brothers yenza isicelo hlangulo mali ngaphantsi kweSahlaku11 esingumthetho ngomhla we 15 Septemba, 2008. Esi sicelo hlangulo mali sesona sakhe sasikhulu kwimbali yase Melika. ILehman yayixabisa ngaphezu kweenkulukwange ezingama 600.

Photo : Unbekannt / UNKNOWN

Thousands of unemployed gather in front of the Home Relief Bureau, Second Avenue waiting for a chance to register for city jobs. Manhattan, New York, USA. 1933.

Duisende werkloses het saamgekom voor die Home Relief Bureau in Tweede Laan om te wag op ’n kans om te registreer vir werksgeleenthede in die stad. Manhattan, New York, VSA. 1933.

Amawaka abantu abangaphangeliyo bahlangene phambi kwe Home Relief Bureau, Second Avenue belindele ithuba lokuba babhalisele imisebenzi yase dolophini. Manhattan, New York, USA. 1933.

Photo : Stefan Boness

Activists of ATTAC (Association for Taxation of financial Transactions and for Action by Citizens) with a model of the earth. Attached on a chain are the logos of banks which were involved in the worldwide banking crisis in 2009. Berlin, Germany.

Aktiviste van ATTAC (Vereniging vir die Belasting van Finansiële Transaksies en vir Optrede deur Burgers) met ’n model van die aarde. Aangeheg aan ’n ketting is die logos van banke wat betrokke was by die wêreldwye bankkrisis in 2009. Berlyn, Duitsland.

Itshantliziyo le ATTAC (Association for Taxation of financial Transactions and for Action by Citizens) liphethe umfuziselo wehlabathi. Iilogo zeebhanki ezazibandakanyeka kwiingxaki zeebhanki kwihlabathi jikelele ngo2009 zincanyathiselwe kwitsheyina. Berlin, Germany.

Photo : Chris Niedenthal

Lech Walesa addressing striking workers at the Lenin Shipyard in 1988. Gdansk, Poland.

Lech Walesa spreek stakende werkers toe by die Lenin-skeepswerf in 1988. Gdansk, Pole.

A former car mechanic, Walesa co-founded the Solidarity (Solidarność) movement: signing the Gdansk Agreement of August 31, 1980, gave workers the right to strike and to organise their own independent union. Walesa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1983, and served as President of Poland between 1990 and 1995.

Walesa, ’n voormalige motorwerktuigkundige, was die medestigter van die Solidariteitsbeweging: die ondertekening van die Gdansk-ooreenkoms van 31 Augustus 1980 het werkers die reg gegee om te staak en om hul eie onafhanklike vakbond te organiseer. Walesa ontvang in 1983 die Nobelvredesprys en het gedien as President van Pole tussen 1990 en 1995.

U-Lech walesa ethetha nabasebenzi abaqhankqalazayo e-Lenin Shipyard ngo1988. Gdansk, Poland. Owayesukuba ngumlungisi weemoto, uWalesa waseka inkqubo yobumbano i- Solidarity (Solidarność) movement: etyitikitya isivumelwano i- Gdansk Agreement ngomhla August 31, 1980. Wanika abasebenzi ilungelo lokuqhankqalaza kwanokuba bazisekele iyuniyoni yabo enguzimelegeqe. UWalesa wawongwa ngembasa yoxolo ngo1983, waba ngumongameli welizwe lase Poland phakathi konyaka 1990 kwakunye no 1995.

Photo : Unbekannt / UNKNOWN

Gandhi acknowledges the cheers of young women workers outside Greenfield Mill in Darwen, Lancashire as part of his study of labour conditions in the English cotton industry. UK, 1931.

Gandhi verleen erkenning aan die toejuiging van jong vroulike werkers buite die Greenfieldmeul in Darwen, Lancashire, as deel van sy studie van arbeidsomstandighede in die Engelse katoenbedryf. VK, 1931.

UGandhi ubulela esamnkela amantyontyelo enziwa ngamakhosikazi aselula phambi kwe -Greenfield Mill eDarwen, Lancashire njengenxalenye yezifundo zakhe zemeko zabasebenzi kumzi-mveliso womqhaphu eNgilane. UK, ngo1931.

Photo : Karen Kasmauski

Women meeting near Dhaka to repay micro-loans acknowledge the official from the Grameen Bank. Bangladesh, 2009.

Vroue wat saamkom naby Dhaka om mikrolenings terug te betaal gee erkenning aan die beampte van die Grameen-bank. Bangladesj, 2009.

The Grameen Bank was founded in 1976 by Muhammad Yunus, Professor of Economics, to help extend banking facilities to the poor; to eliminate exploitation by money lenders, and to create opportunities for selfemployment for the vast multitude of unemployed people in rural Bangladesh. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006.

Die Grameen-bank is in 1976 gestig deur Muhammad Yunus, Professor in Ekonomie, ten einde bankfasiliteite na die armes uit te brei, om uitbuiting deur geldskieters uit te wis en om geleenthede vir selfindiensneming te skep vir die menigte werklose mense in die landelike deel van Bangladesj. Hy ontvang die Nobelvredesprys in 2006.

Amakhosikazi adibene ngase Dhakar ukuza kubhatala amatyala awo amancinci aziwa ngokuba zii-microloans, amnkela ummeli ophuma kwiGrameen Bank. Bangladesh, 2009. I-Grameen Bank yasekwa ngo1976 nguMuhammad Yunus, uProfesa wezoqoqosho, enceda ukuba kwakhiwe amaziko ebhanki kumazwe ahluphekileyo; enciphisa ubuqhophololo obenziwa ngababolekisi bemali, kwaye evelisa amathuba okuba abantu abayinginginya baziqashe kwindawo yasemaphandleni phaya eBangladesh. Waye wawongwa ngembasa yoxolo ngo2006.

Photo : Karen Kasmauski

Photo : Sven Torfinn

Thanks to the “One Laptop per Child” (OLPC) project children at a school in Rwanda were able to learn to use a computer for the first time. Kigali, Rwanda, 2009.

Danksy die “Een Skootrekenaar per Kind” (OLPC)projek was kinders in ’n skool in Rwanda in staat om vir die eerste keer ’n rekenaar te gebruik. Kigali, Rwanda, 2009.

Enkosi kwiprojekthi “One Laptop per Child” (OLPC) okukuqala ebomini babo abantwana baye banako ukwenza izifundo zekhompuyutha kwesinye zesikolo zase Rwanda. Kigali, Rwanda, 2009.

Founded in In 2002 by Professor Nicholas Negroponte from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), OLPC aimed to provide each child in a developing country with a computer.

OLPC is in 2002 deur professor Nicholas Negroponte van MIT (Massachusetts-instituut van Tegnologie) gestig en het ten doel om elke kind in ’n ontwikkelende land van ’n rekenaar te voorsien.

Yasekwa ngo2002 nguProfesa Nicholas Negroponte ophuma eMIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), OLPC ineenjongo zokunika umntwana ngamnye ikhompuyutha kumazwe asakhasayo.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” “Onderwys is die kragtigste wapen wat jy kan gebruik om die wêreld te verander.” “Imfundo sesona sixhobo sibalulekileyo onokusisebenzisa ukuguqula ihlabathi.”

Nelson Mandela (1918 — 2013) South Africa's first democratic President, civil rights activist and Nobel Peace Laureate 1993

Suid-Afrika se eerste demokratiese President, burgerregteaktivis en Nobelvredespryswenner, 1993 UMongameli wokuqala wentando yesininzi emMzantsi Afrika, itshantliziyo lamalungelo oluntu nowawongwa ngeMbasa yoXolo 1993

4. HUMAN RIGHTS, LAW AND DEMOCRACY MENSEREGTE, DIE REG EN DEMOKRASIE AMALUNGELO ABANTU, UMTHETHO NENKULULEKO Respect for human rights, both political/civil and social/economic rights, is a vital source of harmony in society. These values are embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and further developed in the other international human rights Treaties and Covenants, which cover a variety of specific rights and issues. They need to be incorporated into national laws and policies and put into daily practice. Without a genuinely democratic system in which everyone’s opinions are taken into account, tensions tend to build up and can lead to social explosions and violence of all kinds. Respek vir menseregte, beide politieke/burgerlike en maatskaplike/ekonomiese regte, is ’n belangrike bron van harmonie in die samelewing. Hierdie waardes word vervat in die Universele Verklaring van Menseregte (1948) en het voorts in ander verdrae en verbonde oor internasionale menseregte ontwikkel, wat verskeie spesifieke regte en kwessies dek. Dit moet ingesluit word in nasionale wetgewing en beleide en moet daagliks toegepas word. Sonder ’n werklik demokratiese stelsel waarin almal se opinies in ag geneem word, neig spanning om op te bou en kan dit lei tot maatskaplike uitbarstings en enige vorm van geweld. Ukuhlonitshwa kwamalungelo abantu, ngokwezopolitiko/ ngokokuhlala /namalungelo oqoqosho, sesona siseko sibalulekileyo ekudaleni uzinzo elizweni. Onke lamanqanaba atyikitywe kwiUniversal Declaration of Human Rights ka(1948) yaze yaphuculwa kwakho kwesinye isivumelwano samalungelo ehlabathi, esiquke iindidi zamalungelo oluntu kwanemiba ethile. Kufuneka edityanisiwe ibe yintlanganisela yemithetho elizwe kwanemigaqo enokusetyenziswa ntsuku zonke. Ngaphandle kwenkqubo enyulu yenkululeko apho uluvo lomntu wonke lunikezwa ingqalelo, iinkxalabo ziye zidaleke ezinokukhokhelela kungquzulwano loluntu olungalawulekiyo kwaneentlobo-ntlobo zodushe.

International Peace Bureau

Photo : hans gedda

Photo : micheline pelletier

Photo : micheline pelletier

Photo : micheline pelletier

Nelson Mandela

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi

Shirin Ebadi

(1918 — 2013)

Tenzin Gyatso (1935 —)

(1945 —)

(1947 —)

Anti-apartheid activist who became President of South Africa between 1994 - 1999, the first to be elected in a fully democratic process. Mandela served 27 years in prison. Following his release in 1990, Mandela supported reconciliation and negotiation, and led the transition towards multi-racial democracy in South Africa. One of Mandela’s primary commitments in later years was the fight against AIDS. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993.

Head of the Tibetan government-in-exile based in India. He was proclaimed the reincarnation of the 13th Dalai Lama at the age of two. At fifteen, he became the region’s most important spiritual leader and political ruler. The Dalai Lama strives to preserve traditional Tibetan culture, and to reach a peaceful settlement with China. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989.

Opposition politician and General Secretary of the National League for Democracy. After years living and studying abroad Suu Kyi returned to Burma (Myanmar) only to find widespread slaughter of protesters rallying against the brutal rule of dictator U Ne Win. She spoke out against him and initiated a nonviolent movement toward achieving democracy and human rights. Despite winning a general election in 1990, Suu Kyi spent 15 of the next 21 years in custody. In 1991, her ongoing efforts won her the Nobel Prize for Peace, and she was finally released from house arrest in November 2010.

Iranian lawyer, (former) judge, human rights activist, feminist and founder of the Centre for the Defence of Human Rights in Iran. In 2003, Ebadi was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her significant and pioneering efforts for democracy and human rights, especially women’s, children’s, and refugee rights. She was the first ever Iranian, and the first Muslim woman, to have received the Prize.

Anti-apartheidsaktivis wat President was van SuidAfrika van 1994 - 1999, die eerste President wat in ’n demokratiese proses verkies is. Mandela het 27 jaar in die tronk uitgedien. Na afloop van sy vrylating in 1990 het Mandela versoening en onderhandeling gesteun en die oorgang na ’n veelrassige demokrasie in Suid-Afrika gelei. Een van Mandela se belangrikste verbintenisse in latere jare was die stryd teen Vigs. Hy ontvang in 1993 die Nobelvredesprys.

Itshantliziyo elalichasene nobandlululo, owaba ngumongameli waseMzantsi Afrika phakathi ko1994 - 1999, waba ngowokuqala ukunyulwa kwinkqubo yentando yesininzi. UMandela wahlala iminyaka eyi27 entolongweni. Emva kokukhululwa kwakhe ngo1990, UMandela waxhasa uxolelwaniso nothethathethwano, waze wakhokelela kutshintsho lwentando yesininzi olwaziwa ngokuba yi- multi-racial democracy eMzantsi Afrika. Olunye uxanduva awathi uMandela wazimisela ukululwa kwiminyaka eyalandelayo yaba yiAIDS. Wawongwa ngembasa yoxolo ngo1993.

Hoof van die Tibetaanse regering-in-ballingskap wat in Indië gebaseer is. Hy is op die ouderdom van twee verklaar as die reïnkarnasie van die 13de Dalai Lama. Op vyftien word hy die streek se belangrikste spirituele en politieke leier. Die Dalai Lama streef daarna om die tradisionele Tibetaanse kultuur te behou, en om ’n vreedsame skikking met China te bereik. Hy ontvang in 1989 die Nobelvredesprys.

Intloko yoburhulumente base Tibetaneselubhacweni eIndia. Watyunjwa njengomvuseleli we13th Dalai Lama eneminyaka emibini. Eneminyaka elishumi elinesihlanu, waba yeyona nkokheli ibalulekileyo kwezenkolo kwanobunkokheli kwezopolitiko. I-Dalai Lama izama ukonga inkcubeko yeTibetan, nokufikelela kwisivumelwano soxolo neChina. Waye wawongwa ngembasa yoxolo ngo1989.

Opposisie-politikus en Sekretaris-generaal van die Nasionale Liga vir Demokrasie. Nadat sy jare oorsee gewoon en studeer het keer Suu Kyi terug na Birma (Myanmar) net om af te kom op die wydverspreide slagting van betogers teen die wrede heerskappy van die diktator U Ne Win. Sy het uitgevaar teen hom en ’n geweldlose beweging ingestel ten einde demokrasie en menseregte te verwesenlik. Ten spyte daarvan dat sy ’n algemene verkiesing in 1990 gewen het, spandeer Suu Kyi 15 van die volgende 21 jaar in aanhouding. In 1991 wen sy die Nobelvredesprys vir haar voortgesette pogings en haar huisarres is uiteindelik in November 2010 opgehef.

Usopolitiki ochaseneyo nongunobhala jikelele we -National League for Democracy. Emva kweminyaka ehlala ekwafunda phesheya. USuu Kyi wabuyela eBurma (Myanmar) apho wafika kubulelwe intlaninge yabaqhankqalazi ababechase ulawulo olukhohlakaleyo luka -U Ne Win owayelawula ngegqudu. Wathetha ngokuphandle echase ulawulo lwakhe waze waseka i-nonviolent movement ngeenjongo zokulwela inkululeko namalungelo abantu. Noxa waphumelela unyulo luka zwelonke ngo1990, uSuu Kyi wachitha iminyaka eyi15 kwiminyaka eyi 21 eselugcinweni. Ngo1991, amalinge akhe angenamikhinkqi abangela ukuba aphumelele imbasa yoxolo iNobel Prize for Peace. Waye wakhululwa kugcino olusendlini ngoNovember 2010.

Iranse prokureur, (voormalige) regter, menseregteaktivis, feminis en stigter van die Sentrum vir die Verdediging van Menseregte in Iran. In 2003 ontvang Ebadi die Nobelvredesprys vir haar wesenlike en baanbrekerswerk ten opsigte van demokrasie en menseregte, veral vroue, kinders en vlugtelinge s’n. Sy is die eerste Iranse en eerste Moslemvrou wat die Prys ontvang.

Igqwetha lase Iran, (ngaphambili) umantyi, itshantliziyo lamalungelo abantu, ummeli wamakhosikazi “feminist” kwakunye nomseki wombutho wokhuseleko lwamalungela abantu -Centre for the Defence of Human Rights eIran. In 2003, U-Ebadi wawongwa ngeNobel Peace Prize ngenxa yegalelo lakhe elibalulekileyo ekudaleni inkululeko nokulwela mamalungela abantu, ingakumbi awamakhosikazi, abantwana, kwakunye namalungelo wabaphambukeli. Waba ngowokuqala eIran, nomntu wasetyhini wokuqala kuhlanga lwamaMoslem, owathi wafumana imbasa yoxolo.

Photo : Unbekannt / UNKNOWN

British campaigner Sylvia Pankhurst seen here in Australia speaking out for women’s rights on behalf of the Women’s Social and Political Union (popularly known as the Suffragettes).

Britse kampvegter, Sylvia Pankhurst, praat hier in Australië oor vroueregte namens die Maatskaplike en Politieke Unie vir Vroue (beter bekend as die Suffragettes).

This was a movement founded by her mother Emmeline in 1903, and in which her sister, Christabel, was also very active. She supported the Republicans in Spain, helped Jewish refugees fleeing from Nazi Germany and campaigned against the Italian occupation of Ethiopia, where she lived for the last four years of her life.

Die beweging is in 1903 deur haar ma, Emmeline, gestig, en haar suster, Christabel, was ook baie aktief in die beweging. Sy het die Republikeine in Spanje gesteun, het Joodse vlugtelinge gehelp om uit Nazi-Duitsland te ontsnap en het ’n veldtog gevoer teen die Italiaanse besetting van Ethiopië, waar sy vir die laaste vier haar van haar lewer gewoon het.

Umkhankasi waseBritani uSylvia Pankhurst ubonwa apha ese Australia ethetha ngokuphandle malunga namalungelo amanina emele i-Women’s Social and Political Union (eyaziwa sisininzi njengeSuffragettes). Le yaba yinkqubo eyasekwa ngunina uEmmeline ngo1903, udade wabo uChristabel wayekho, ethabatha inxaxheba. Waxhasa umbutho we -Republicans eSpain, encedisa abagcucalazi bamaJuda ababebaleka amaNazi aseJamani. Waye wakhankasa echase ukuthinjwa kweTiyopiya ngamaTaliyana, apho wahlala khona iminyaka emine yobomi bakhe.

“Where, after all, do universal human rights begin? In small places, close to home — so close and so small that they cannot be seen on any maps of the world... Such are the places where every man, woman and child seeks equal justice, equal opportunity, equal dignity without discrimination.” “Waar begin universele menseregte nou eintlik? In klein plekkies, naby die huis - so naby en so klein dat hulle nie op enige kaarte van die wêreld gesien kan word nie... Dit is die plekke waar elke man, vrou en kind soek na geregtigheid, gelyke geleenthede, en gelyke waardigheid sonder diskriminasie.” “Aqala phi kanene, amalungelo abantu kwihlabathi liphela? Kwiindawo ezincinci, ezikufuphi namakhaya, kwiindawo ezikufuphi nezincinci kangangokuba azibonakali nakweyiphi imephu yomhlaba... Ezo zindawo apho yonke indoda, umfazi kwakunye nomntwana befuna ubulungisa obulinganayo, amathuba alinganayo, isidima esilinganayo kungekho lucalucalulo.”

Eleanor Roosevelt (1884 — 1962) American author, politician, and reformer

Amerikaanse skrywer, politikus en hervormer Umbhali wase Melika, usopolitiki, netshantliziyo

Photo : Stephanie Sinclair

Portrait of 40 year old Faiz Mohammed and 11 year old Ghulam Haider in a rural village of Ghor province, Afghanistan, 2005. This photo was taken just before they were married. When asked how she felt on the day they were to be wed, Ghulam replied “I do not know this man, what am I supposed to feel?”

Portret van Faiz Mohammed (40) en Ghulam Haider (11) in ’n landelike dorpie in die Ghor-provinsie, Afganistan, 2005. Hierdie foto is geneem net voordat hulle getroud is. Toe sy op die dag waarop hulle sou trou gevra is hoe sy voel, het Ghulam geantwoord: “Ek ken nie hierdie man nie, hoe is ek veronderstel om te voel?”

Umfanekiso kaFaiz Mohammed oneminyaka eyi40 kunye noGhulam Haider ominyaka eyi11 kwilali esemaphandleni kwiphondo lase Ghor, Afghanistan, 2005. Eli foto lathatyathwa phambi kokuba batshate. Ngethuba ibuzwa le ntombazana ukuba iziva njani ngosuku ababeza kutshata ngalo, uGhulam waphendula wenjenje, “Andiyazi le ndoda, bekumele ndive njani?”

u Pakistani school student and blogger Malala Yousafzai campaigned for women's right to education before being brutally shot in the head by a Taliban gunman while returning home from school on 9 October 2012. Remarkably she survived the ordeal and today vows to continue her fight. Former British Prime Minister and current U.N. Special Envoy for Global Education Gordon Brown launched a United Nations petition in Yousafzai's name, using the slogan "I am Malala" and demanding that all children worldwide be in school by the end of 2015. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon has announced that 10 November will be celebrated as Malala Day. Malala Yousafzai was co-recipient of the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize along with Indian activist Kailash Satyarthi.

Pakistanse skoolstudent en blog-skrywer, Malala Yousafzai, het geveg vir vroue se reg op onderwys voordat sy wreed in die kop geskiet is deur ’n Talibanse skut toe sy op 9 Oktober 2012 van die skool af teruggekeer het. Sy het die aanval merkwaardig oorleef en het belowe om die stryd voort te sit. Voormalige Eerste Minister en huidige spesiale gesant van die VN vir Internasionale Onderwys, Gordon Brown, het ’n petisie van die VN in Yousafzai se naam geloods, met die slagspreuk "Ek is Malala", en wat daarop aandring dat alle kinders wêreldwyd teen die einde van 2015 in die skool is. Die VN se Sekretarisgeneraal, Ban Ki-Moon, het aangekondig dat 10 November gevier sal word as Malala-dag. Malala Yousafzai het saam met die Indiese aktivis, Kailash Satyarthi, die Nobelvredesprys vir 2014 ontvang.

Umfundi kwisikolo sasePakistani nokwayiblogger uMalala Yousafzai wayekhankasela amalungelo amanina kwimfundo phambi kokuba adutyulwe ngokumasikizi ngumdubuli wase Taliban ngethuba ebuyela ekhaya evela esikolweni ngomhla we9 Oktobha 2012. Ngesimangaliso wasinda kolo hlaselo kwaye nanamhlanje usafunga ukuba uza kuqhubekeka nedabi lakhe. Owayesukuba yinkulu-mbuso eBritani nongummeli eU.N kwimfundo yehlabathi -U.N. Special Envoy for Global Education uGordon Brown wafaka isicelo kwiUnited Nations phantsi kwegama lika Yousafzai, ememeza esenjenje, "Ndingu Malala" kwaye egunyazisa ukuba bonke abantwana kwihlabathi jikelele babe sesikolweni ekupheleni konyaka ka2015. Unobhala we U.N- uNjengele Ban Ki-Moon uchaze ukuba umhla we10 November uza kubhiyozelwa njengeMalala Day. UMalala Yousafzai kunye netshantliziyo lase India uKailash Satyarthi bathe bawongwa ngeMbasa yoXolo kunyaka ka2014.

Photo : Fabian Matzerath

Photo : Olivier Laban-Mattei

Iranian supporters of defeated presidential candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi march in Tehran as Iran faced growing international criticism over the validity of the 2009 election and the subsequent crackdown on opposition protests.

Iranse ondersteuners van die verslane presidensiĂŤle kandidaat, Mir Hossein Mousavi, marsjeer in Teheran terwyl Iran toenemende internasionale kritiek ervaar oor die geldigheid van die verkiesing in 2009 en die daaropvolgende onderdrukking van betogings deur die opposisie.

Abaxhasi bomongameli ongazange aphumelele kwisikhundlula sobumongameli eIran uMir Hossein Mousavi, baqhankqalaza eTehran nanjengokuba iIran ijongene nezigxeko kumazwe ehlabathi ngenxa yeziphumo ezikhwinisayo zonyulo luka 2009 kwanokuthintelwa kogwayimbo oluphikisayo.

Photo : Behrouz Mehri

An Iranian couple walk past mural paintings depicting scenes of the torture of Iraqi prisoners by U.S. soldiers at the Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad. The Farsi writing on the painting reads: “Iraq today”. Tehran, Iran, 2004.

’n Iranse paartjiese stap verby muurskilderye wat die martelingstonele van Irakse gevangenes deur soldate van die VS by die Abu Ghraib-tronk naby Bagdad uitbeeld. Die Farsi-geskrifte op die muur lees: “Irak vandag”. Teheran, Iran, 2004.

What became known as "the Abu Ghraib Scandal" came to public attention in the summer of 2003 beginning with reports from Amnesty International (AI) of human rights abuses. As a consequence eleven U.S. soldiers were court-martialed and sentenced to military prison.

Die skandaal wat nou bekend staan as die “Abu Ghraib-skandaal” het onder die publiek se aandag gekom in die somer van 2003 met berigte van Amnestie Internasionaal oor menseregteskendings. Gevolglik is 11 soldate voor ’n krygshof gedaag en tot militêre tronkstraf gevonnis.

Abantu abathandanayo base Iran bagqitha kumzobo osedongeni otolika imiboniso yokuthuthunjiswa kwamabanjwa ase Iraq ngamajoni ase U.S., ekwijele yaseAbu Ghraib prison ngaseBaghdad. Umbhalo kaFarsi kumzobo ufundeka ngolu hlobo: “I-Iraq namhlanje”. Tehran, Iran, 2004. Into eyaziwa njenge"The Abu Ghraib Scandal" yafikeleleka kuluntu ngexesha lasehlotyeni ngo2003 iqala ngeengxelo ephuma kwiAmnesty International (AI) ngokuxhatshazwa kwamalungelo abantu. Ngenxa yeziphumo, alishumi elinanye amajoni ase U.S athi afunyaniswa enetyala aze agwetywa evalelwa kwintolongo yomkhosi.

Photo : Unbekannt / UNKNOWN

Rear view of American civil rights leader and Baptist minister Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929 — 1968), dressed in black robes and holding out his hands towards the thousands of people who gathered to hear him speak in Washington, DC. 28 August 1963.

Die agterkant van die Amerikaanse burgerregteleier en Baptistepredikant, Martin Luther King, Jr (1929 - 1968), geklee in swart en met sy hande uitgestrek na die duisende mense wat saamgekom het om hom te hoor praat in Washington, DC. 28 Augustus 1963.

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin, but by the content of their character.”

“Ek het ’n droom dat my vier klein kindertjies eendag sal woon in ’n nasie waar hulle nie geoordeel word oor die kleur van hul vel nie, maar oor die inhoud van hul karakter.”

Umfanekiso wenkokheli yase Melika elwela amalungelo oluntu kwanongumfundisi webandla lase Baptisi uMartin Luther King, Jr. (1929 — 1968), enxibe iimpahla ezimnyama ephakamise isandla kumawakawaka abantu ababe hlangene khonukuze beve intetho yakhe eWashington, DC. 28 August ngo1963. “Ndinephupha lokuba abantwana bam abane bayakuthi ngenye imini bahlale kwilizwe apho bangasayi kuze bagxekwe ngenxa yebala labo, kodwa ngendlela abaziphethe ngayo.”

u 45 years later Barack Obama gives his victory speech to supporters during the election night gathering in Grant Park, Chicago, 4 November, 2008, becoming the first African-American U.S. President.

45 jaar later lewer Barack Obama sy oorwinningstoespraak gedurende die samekoms op die verkiesingsaand in Grant Park, Chicago, 4 November 2008, toe hy die eerste AfroAmerkaanse President van die VS geword het.

Emva kweminyaka engama45 uBarack Obama unika intetho yoloyiso lwakhe kubaxhasi ngobusuku bolonyulo lwakhe kwintlangano yaseGrant Park, Chicago, 4 November, 2008, esiba ngumongameli wase U.S wokuqala onguAfrika waseMelika.

Photo : Justin Sullivan

“Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding.” “Vrede kan nie deur geweld gehandhaaf word nie. Dit kan slegs behaal word deur verstandhouding.” “Uxolo alugcinwa ngokusetyenziswa kwezigalo. Lungaxhanyulwa kuphela ngemvisiswano.”

Albert Einstein (1879 — 1955) Swiss-American physicist, mathematician, philosopher

Switers-Amerikaanse fisikus, wiskundige, filosoof Ugqirha wotyando wase Melika nase Switzerland, ingcali kwizibalo, inzululwazi

Photo : Reza

A young boy peels off a poster of the Guinean President Ahmed Sekou Toure. Some 50,000 people are believed to have been killed during his presidency (1958 -1984).

’n Jong seun trek ’n plakkaat af van die President van Guinee, Ahmed Sekou Toure. Sowat 50,000 mense is glo dood tydens sy presidentskap (1958 -1984).

Inkwenkwana ixobula iposta kamongameli wase Guinea uAhmed Sekou Toure. Abantu abayi 50,000 kukholeleka ukuba babulawa ngethuba engumongameli (1958 -1984).

Photo : Stuart Franklin

A young unknown protestor forces a convoy of tanks to stop as they enter Changan Boulevard, Beijing, a day after the Tiananmen Square Massacre, which saw hundreds of protestors, many of them students, killed by Chinese soldiers. 5 June, 1989.

’n Jong onbekende betoger dwing ’n konvooi tenke om te stop soos wat hulle Changan-boulevard, Beijing, binnekom, ’n dag na die slagting van Tiananmen Square, waartydens honderde betogers, baie van hulle studente, deur Chinese soldate doodgemaak is. 5 Junie 1989.

Umqhankqalazi oselula ugunyazisa ukuba iinqwelo zomkhosi zime ngethuba zingena eChangan Boulevard, Beijing, emva nje kosuku lwempalalogazi eTiananmen Square, eyathi yasuba imiphefumlo yamakhulu-khulu abaqhankqalazi, uninzi kubo ingabafundi, abathi babulawa ngamajoni ase China ngomhla we5 June, 1989.

Photos : Manuel Bauer

Kelsang and his 6 year old daughter Yangdol escape from Tibet over the Himalayas to exile in India, a journey that took them 22 days at temperatures of –30 °C.

Kelsang en sy sesjarige dogter, Yangdol, vlug van Tibet oor die Himalayas na ballingskap in Indië, ’n reis wat hul 22 dae teen temperature van - 30°C geneem het.

Since establishing the Tibetan Government in Exile in India in 1959 His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama — the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people — opened Tibetan Children Villages (TCV) where Yangdol now lives and studies. TCV plays in important role in passing on the Tibetan culture and identity to the next generation of Tibetans living in exile.

Sedert die vestiging van die Tibetaanse regeringin-ballingskap in Indië in 1959 het Sy Heiligheid die 14de Dalai Lama - die geestelike leier van die Tibetaanse mense - Tibetaanse Kinderdorpies (TCV) geopen waar Yangdol nou woon en studeer. TCV speel ’n belangrike rol in die oordrag van die Tibetaanse kultuur en identiteit aan die volgende generasie Tibettane wat in ballingskap woon.

UKelsang kunye nentombi yakhe eneminyaka eyi6 ubudala uYangdol basinda cebetshu kwiTibet ngaphaya kweHimalayas bahamba baya kubhaca eIndia, uhambo lwathabatha iintsuku eziyi22 kumaqondo okubanda angaphantsi kwe – 30 °C. Emva kokusekwa korhulumente wase Tibetan elubhacweni eIndia ngo 1959, umthanjiswa we14th Dalai Lama- inkokheli yezenkolo yabemi baseTibetan yavula indawo eyabizwa ngokuba.yiTibetan Children Villages (TCV) apho uYangdol ahlala nafunda khona. I-TCV idlala indima enkulu ekugqithiseni ngemveli nangenkcubeko yamaTibetans kumaTibetans ahlala elubhacweni.

Photo : Adres Latif

Japanese videographer Kenji Nagal lies fatally wounded on the ground after being shot by police during a pro-democracy demonstration in Burma (Myanmar). 2007.

Japanese videograaf, Kenji Nagal, lê op die grond nadat hy deur polisie geskiet is tydens ’n pro-demokratiese demonstrasie in Birma (Myanmar). 2007.

Umfoti wevidiyo waseJapan uKenji Nagal uthe natya phantsi emva kokuba edutyulwe ngamapolisa ngethuba lombhikisho olukhuthaza inkululeko eBurma (Myanmar). 2007.

’n Birmese veiligheidswag lees die koerant Weekly Eleven. Die koerant is in Junie 2000 gestig en het in 2011 die “Media van die Jaar”-toekenning gewen van Reporters Without Borders vir sy opstand teen die junta en vir die gebruik van buitengewone vindingrykheid om deur die sensorskap te glip om die publiek in te lig.

Unogada wase Burma uzifundela iphephandaba iWeekly Eleven. Iphephandaba eli lathi lasekwa ngo2000 laze laphumelela kunyaka ka2011 linikwa iwonga lokuba yi "Media of the Year" ziintatheli ezaziwa ngokuba ziiReporters Without Borders, ngenxa yokuma phambi korhulumente, "lisebenzise ubulumko obungumangaliso lithubelezisa ingxelo eyayifihlwa ebantwini".

u A Burmese security guard reading the newspaper Weekly Eleven. Founded in June 2000 the newspaper won the "Media of the Year" award in 2011 from Reporters Without Borders, for standing up to the junta and for "using extraordinary ingenuity to slip through the censorship net to inform the public".

Photo : Soe Than Win

Photo : Peter Turnley

A man holds a Romanian flag with the communist symbol torn from its centre on a balcony overlooking the tanks, soldiers, and citizens filling Palace Square during the bloody revolution of December 1989, putting an end to 21 years of oppressive rule by Nicolae Ceausescu. Bucharest, 1989.

’n Man hou ’n Roemeense vlag vas waarvan die kommunistiese simbool uitgeskeer is op ’n balkon wat uitkyk oor die tenke, soldate en burgers wat in Palace Square saamkom tydens die bloedige revolusie van Desember 1989, wat ’n einde gemaak het aan 21 jaar van onderdrukking onder Nicolae Ceausescu. Boekarest, 1989.

Indoda imi kwi-bhalikhoni iphethe iflegi yase Roma, uphawu lobukomanisi lukrazukile embindini wayo. Le ndoda ijonge ngezantsi iinqwelo zemfazwe, amajoni, kwakunye nabemi begcwalise i-Palace Square ngexesha lobhukuqombuso olwalugxiza igazi kuDisemba ka1989, kupheliswa iminyaka engama 21 yengcinezelo kaNicolae Ceausescu. Bucharest, 1989.

Photo : Stephane Ruet

Former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milošević at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague, where he was accused of having committed war crimes in Yugoslavia, Bosnia and Croatia. Milošević died in his cell from a heart attack on 11 March 2006 just months before the verdict.

Voormalige Slawiese president, Slobodan Milošević, by die Internasionale Kriminele Tribunaal vir die voormalige Yugoslavia in Den Haag, waar hy aangekla is van oorlogsmisdade in Yugoslavia, Bosnië en Kroasië. Milošević is in sy sel dood aan ’n hartaanval op 11 Maart 2006, slegs maande voor die uitspraak.

Owayengumongameli waseYugoslav uSlobodan Milošević esenkundleni yehlabathi i- International Criminal Tribunal (ICTY) eHague, apho watyholwa kulwaphulo mthetho lokudala iimfazwe eYugoslavia, eBosnia naseCroatia. UMilošević wasweleka kwisisele sakhe ehlaselwa sisifo sentliziyo ngomhla we11 March ngo2006 kwinyanga nje ezimbalwa phambi kokuba kuwiswe isigwebo sakhe.

Hermann Goering, stigter van die Gestapo (geheime polisie) en voormalige hoof van die Luftwaffe (Duitse lugmag), getuig by die Nuremberg-oorlogsmisdaadverhore, met twee militêre offisiere weerskante van hom. Hy is skuldig bevind aan die misdade en is ter dood veroordeel, maar het selfmoord gepleeg met ’n verskuilde gifkapsule, slegs ure voordat hy gehang sou word. Duitsland, 1946.

UHermann Goering, umsunguli we Gestapo (amapolisa afihle iintloko) nosukuba yintloko ye Luftwaffe (umkhosi wasemoyeni waseJamani), enika ubungqina emkhumbini eNürnberg kumatyala emfazwe, uxhagwe ngamajoni amabini emfazwe. Wagwetyelwa ulwaphulo mthetho waze wanikwa isigwebo sentambo, wazibulala phambi nje kweeyure ezimbalwa phambi kokuba axhonywe ngokuthi asele ipilisi eyityhefu. Germany, 1946.

u Hermann Goering, founder of the Gestapo (secret police) and former head of the Luftwaffe (German air force), testifies from the witness stand at the Nuremberg war crimes trials, flanked by two military officers. He was convicted of crimes and sentenced to death, but killed himself with a concealed poison capsule just hours before he was to be hung. Germany, 1946.

Photo : Unbekannt / UNKNOWN

Photo : Robert Maass

In what East Germans generally call the “Peaceful Revolution”, over half a million people took to the streets of East Berlin to witness the fall of the Berlin Wall on 9 November, 1989. During its existence between 1961 - 1989, the Wall stopped almost all emigration and separated the communist controlled German Democratic Republic (GDR) from West Berlin. After its erection, around 5,000 people attempted to escape over the wall, with estimates of the resulting death toll varying between around 100 and 200 people.

In wat Oos-Duitsers oor die algemeen na verwys as die “Vreedsame Revolusie” het meer as ’n miljoen mense die strate van Oos-Berlyn ingeval om die val van die Berlynse muur op 9 November 1989 te besigtig. Gedurende sy bestaan tussen 1961 en 1989 het die muur byna alle emigrasie gestop en die Duitse Demokratiese Republiek, wat deur die kommuniste beheer is, geskei van Wes-Berlyn. Na sy oprigting het ongeveer 5 000 mense probeer om oor die muur te vlug, wat gelei het tot om en by 100 en 200 sterftes.

Kwiphulo le Mpuma Jamani elibizwa ngokuba “Lubhukuqo Olunoxolo”, ngaphezu kwesiqingatha sezigidi zabantu zathabatha inxaxheba kwizitalato zeMpuma Jamani ukuza kubona ukudilika kodonga lwase Berlin ngomhla we 9 November, 1989. Ngethuba likho phakathi konyaka ka1961 ukuya kuthi ga ngo1989, udonga lwathintela phantse lonke utyelelo lwaze lohlula ummandla olawulwa ngamakomanisi aseJamani iGerman Democratic Republic (GDR) kwi Ntshona Berlin. Emveni kolwakhiwo, baba malunga nama 5,000 abantu abathi bazama ukuqhwesha besebenzisa udonga, kuqikeleleka ukuba bangaphaya kwe100 ne 200 yabantu abathi basweleka ngenxa yokuzama ukuwela kolo donga.

Met paaie wat gesluit is tussen Oos- en Wes-Duitsland, en met die oprigting van die Berlynse Muur wat ’n aanvang geneem het, neem Konrad Schuman (19), ’n soldaat van die Duitse Demokratiese Republiek, sy kans waar en vlug na die Weste. Augustus 1961.

Nanjengoko iindlela zivaliwe phakathi kweMpuma neNtshona Jamani, kwaye nolwakhiwo lodonga lwase Berlin lusendleni, 19 year old uKonrad Schuman oneminyaka eli19, ijoni leGDR lathabatha ithuba laze laqhweshela kwiNtshona Jamani. August 1961.

u As roads are closed between East and West Germany, and construction of the Berlin Wall gets under way, 19 year old Conrad Schumann, a GDR soldier takes his chance and escapes to the West. August 1961.

Photo : Peter Leibing

5. ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE development DIE OMGEWING EN VOLHOUBARE ONTWIKKELING INDAWO ESIHLALA KUYO NOGCINO LOPHUHLISO Protecting our environment — and especially the struggle to cope with climate change — is now recognised as humanity’s greatest challenge. This requires adopting, and respecting, social and economic strategies based on sustainable development norms. War is the enemy of such norms, since it tends not only to destroy living beings but also wastes vast amounts of essential resources. There can be no lasting peace unless new ways are found to share the remaining resources on Planet Earth without destroying each other. Die beskerming van ons omgewing - en veral die stryd om klimaatsverandering aan te pak - word nou erken as die mensdom se grootste uitdaging. Dit noodsaak die aanvaarding van en respek vir maatskaplike en ekonomiese strategieë wat op die norme van volhoubare ontwikkeling gegrond is. Oorlog is ’n vyand van sodanige norme, aangesien dit nie net lewende wesens nie, maar ook ’n enorme getal noodsaaklike bronne vernietig. Daar kan geen blywende vrede wees tensy nuwe maniere gevind word om die oorblywende bronne op Planeet Aarde te deel sonder om mekaar te vernietig nie. Ukhuselo lommandla — ingakumbi iinzame zokumelana notshintsho lwemo yezulu — xa kungoku lukhangelwa njengmngomceli-mngeni omkhulu kuluntu. Oku kudinga ulwamnkelo nokuhlonitshwa kwamanqanaba oqoqosho nawokuhlala asekelwe kugcino phuhliso.Imfazwe lutshaba kulo manqanaba kuba ayoneli ngokutshabalalisa abantu kodwa iye yonakalise iintlaninge yezimbiwa ezingundoqo ebomini bethu. Alunako ubakho uxolo lwanaphakade ngaphandle kokuba kufunyanwe iindlela ezintsha zokwabelana ngezimbiwa kwiplanethi yethu eyaziwa ngokuba yiEarth kungekho kutshabalalisana.

International Peace Bureau

Photo : Sophie bassouls

Photo : Unbekannt / UNKNOWN

Photo : Adrian arbib

Photo : Manan vatsyayana

René Dumont

Rachel Carson

Wangari Maathai

Vandana Shiva

(1904 — 2001)

(1907 — 1964)

(1940 — 2011)

(1952 —)

French professor of agricultural sciences. Dumont was among the first to question the “green revolution” and its agricultural productivism. He endorsed the principles of demographic control, international cooperation to help developing nations, energy savings, and soil quality preservation and remediation. A pioneer in promoting the concept of sustainable development, he was the first ecologist candidate to run (in 1974) for President of France. Dumont is considered the forerunner of the European Green Parties.

American marine biologist and nature writer. Author of the famous study ‘Silent Spring’ (1962) which launched the first wave of the environmental movement. In the late 1950s, Carson turned her attention to conservation and environmental threats. ‘Silent Spring’ led to a nationwide ban on DDT and other pesticides, and the grassroots movement the book inspired led to the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency.

Kenyan environmental and political activist, educated at college in the USA and the Universities of Pittsburgh and Nairobi. In the 1970s, Maathai founded the Green Belt Movement, an environmental NGO focussing on the planting of trees, environmental conservation, and women’s rights. In 2004 she became the first African woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.

Indian scientist, philosopher and environmental activist. Shiva participated in the Chipko movement against de-forestation during the 1970s, and is now a leader in the ‘alter-globalization’ movement. Shiva argues for a sustainable agriculture system, based on an eco-feminist approach. She has also assisted grassroots campaigns against genetic engineering. In 1982, she founded the Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology.

Franse professor van landbouwetenskappe. Dumont was onder die eerstes om die “groen revolusie” en sy landboukundige produktiwiteit te bevraagteken. Hy het die beginsels van demografiese beheer en internasionale samewerking onderskryf om ontwikkelende nasies, energiebesparing en die bewaring van grondgehalte en -remediëring te help. Hy was ’n pionier betreffende die bevordering van die konsep van volhoubare ontwikkeling en hy was die eerste ekoloog wat homself beskikbaar gestel het as kandidaat vir die presidentskap van Frankryk (in 1974). Dumont word beskou as die voorloper van die Europese Groen Partye.

Uprofesa waseFrance wezolimo. UDumont waba ngomnye owabuza nge -“green revolution” nakwiphulo layo lemveliso kwezolimo. Wayikhuthaza ingcinga yolawulo lwemihlaba, intsebenziswano kuzwelonke khonukuze kuncedakale amazwe akhulayo, ulondolozo lwamandla kwanokugcina umhlaba ukwinqanaba eliphezulu ngokuthi ulondolozwe kwaye uvuselelwe. Usomakhwekhwetha ekukhuthazeni umba wolondolozo lophuhliso, waba ngumgqatswa wokuqala kwicandelo lolondolozo mhlaba owathi wangenela ugqatso lobunkulumbuso phaya eFrance ngo1974. UDumont waziwa njengomseki weEuropean Green Parties.

Amerikaanse marinebioloog en natuurskrywer. Skrywer van die bekende studie, “Silent Spring” (1962), wat die eerste fase van die omgewingsbeweging van stapel gestuur het. In die laat 1950’s het Carson haar aandag gevestig op natuurbewaring en bedreigings vir die omgewing. “Silent Spring” het gelei tot ’n landwye verbod op DDT en ander plaagdoders, en die beweging op die grondvlak wat tot die boek gelei het, het die stigting van die Omgewingsbewaringsagentskap geïnspireer.

Inzululwazi yezendalo yase Melika nekwangumbhali wezendalo. Umbhali wesifundo esidumileyo i “Silent Spring” (1962) eyathi yavuselele ifuthe lentshukumo yeemeko zendalo. Kunyaka ka1950, uCarson waguqula iminatha ejolisa amehlo akhe kulondolozo nakwimiba ebangela inkxalabo kwezobume.U- “Silent Spring” wakhokelela kukwayo lukazwelonke lweDDT nakumanye amachiza, le ncwadi yavuselela uninzi yaze yakhokelela ekusekweni kweEnvironmental Protection Agency.

Keniaanse omgewings- en politieke aktivis wat aan ’n kollege in die VSA en die Universiteite van Pittsburgh en Nairobi studeer het. In die 1970’s het Maathai die Green Belt-beweging begin, ’n NRO wat fokus op die plant van bome, omgewingsbewaring en vroueregte. In 2004 het sy die eerste Afrika-vrou geword wat die Nobelvredesprys ontvang het.

Itshantliziyo laseKenya lezendalo nezopolitiko, lafunda kwikholeji yase USA nakwii yunivesiti zase Pittsburgh nase Nairobi. Ngonyaka ka1970, uMaathai waseka inkqubo eyaziwa ngeGreen Belt Movement, iNGO yezendalo egxile kutyalo lwemithi, kulondolozo lwendalo, kwanakumalungelo amanina. Kunyaka ka 2004 waba yinkosazana yokuqala yase Afrika eyathi yawongwa ngembasa yoxolo.

Indiese wetenskaplike, filosoof en omgewingsaktivis. Shiva het in die 1970’s deelgeneem aan die Chipko-beweging teen ontbossing en is nou ’n leier in die “alterglobaliseringsbeweging”. Shiva is ’n voorstander van ’n volhoubare landboukundige stelsel, gegrond op ’n eko-feministiese benadering. Sy het ook gehelp met veldtogte teen genetiese ingenieurswese. In 1982 het sy die Navorsingstigting vir Wetenskap, Tegnologie en Ekologie gestig.

Ingcaphephe yase India, inzululwazi kwanetshantliziyo lezendalo. UShiva uthabathe inxaxheba kwiChipko movement eyayichase ukutshatyalaliswa kwamahlathi kuminyaka ye1970s, ngoku uyinkokheli kwinkqubo eyaziwa nge “alter-globalization”. UShiva ulwela inkqubo ezinzileyo yezolimo, esekelwe phantsi kwe- eco-feminist approach. Waye wancedisa nakwimikhankaso yasekuhlaleni echasene ne-genetic engineering. Kunyaka ka1982, waye waseka i-Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology.

Photo : Terry Evans

Backyard swimming pools, Will County, Chicago vicinity, Illinois, USA 2003.

Swembaddens in agterplase, Will-distrik, Chicago-gebied, VSA, 2003.

Iipuli zokuqubha ezisemva kwamakhaya, eWill County, kwindawo yase Chicago, USA, 2003.

“When the well is dry, we know the worth of water.” “Wanneer die put droog is, weet ons wat water werd is.” “Xa iqula lomile, siyalazi ixabiso lamanzi.”

Benjamin Franklin (1706 — 1790) American scientist and politician

Amerikaanse wetenskaplike en politikus Inzululwazi yaseMelika nosopolitiki

Photo : Marco Longari

A young girl waits for private water vendors to open the tap in the Kibera slum in Nairobi, Kenya. 2003.

’n Jong meisie wag vir private waterverkopers om die kraan oop te draai in die Kibera-krotbuurt in Nairobi, Kenia. 2003.

Intombazana ilinde abathengisi bamanzi babucala ukuba bavulele amanzi kwimpompo phaya kwindawo yoogobityholo eKibera eNairobi, Kenya. 2003.

Mense kom saam om water te kry uit ’n reuse put in die dorpie Natwarghad in die Wes-Indiese staat van Gujarat. 2003.

Abantu badibene ukuze bafumane amanzi kwiqula elikhulu kwilali yase Natwarghad kwisithili esiseNtshona yeIndia iGujarat. 2003.

u People gather to get water from a huge well in the village of Natwarghad in the western Indian state of Gujarat. 2003.

Photo : Amit Dave

Photo : Laurent Weyl

A woman cuts wood as her home succumbs to the rising sea-level in the Sundarbans, situated along the northeast coast of India and southwest coast of Bangladesh: 10,000 sq. km in size, the Sundarbans is home to 4.3 million and is designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 2005.

’n Vrou kap hout terwyl haar huis sink onder die stygende seevlakke in die Sundarbans wat langs die noordoostelike kus van Indië en suidwestelike kus van Bangladesj geleë is: die Sundarbans is 10,000 km2 in grootte, huisves 4,3 miljoen mense en is ’n Wêrelderfenisgebied van UNESCO. 2005.

Umfazi ugawula iinkuni nanjengokuba ikhaya lakhe lihlaselwa ngamanzi aphakamayo e- Sundarbans, ndawo leyo efumaneka kunxweme oluseMantla-Mpuma eIndia nakunxweme oluseMazantsi-Ntshona eBangladesh eyi10,000 sq. ububanzi. I-Sundarbans likhaya lezigidi eziyi 4.3 kwaye yatyunjwa yaba yi-UNESCO World Heritage Site. 2005.

Plaaslike opvoeder, Mannan Molla, bied ’n werkswinkel aan om mense te help om die gevolge van klimaatsverandering, met inbegrip van stygende water, die hoof te bied. Dorpie van Pankhali, Bangladesj, 2005.

Utitshala wasekuhlaleni uMannan Molla unika ucweyo enceda uluntu ukuze lumelane neziphumo zokuguquka kwemo yezulu, equka ukuphakama kwamanzi. Ilali yasePankhali, eBangladesh, 2005.

u Local educator Mannan Molla gives a workshop to help people cope with the consequences of climate change, including rising water. Pankhali Village, Bangladesh, 2005.

Photo : Laurent Weyl

Photo : Flip Nicklin

A polar bear tries to mount an ice-sheet. Without sea ice, polar bears cannot hunt seals, their main source of food. Wager Bay, Canada, 1998.

’n Ysbeer probeer om op ’n ysplaat te klim. Sonder ys van die see kan ysbere nie robbe - hul belangrikste voedselbron - jag nie. Wagerbaai, Kanada, 1998.

Ibhere lomkhenkce lizama ukunyusa uqweqwe lomkhenkce. Ngaphandle komkhenkce wolwandle, ibhere lomkhenkce alinako ukuzingela izinja zase lwandle, okona kutya kwazo eziphila ngako. Wager Bay, eCanada, ngo1998.

Die Gletserkundige, dr Jason Box, is deel van ’n span wetenskaplikes aan boord van die Greenpeace-skip, Arctic Sunrise, wat die uitwerking van klimaatsverandering op die Arktiese omgewing dokumenteer. Petermanngletser, Groenland, 2009.

Ugqirha wentlalo yase mkhenkceniU Jason Box uyinxalenye yeqela loosayenisi abakhwele kwinqanawa eyaziwa ngokuba yi-Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise, ushicilela iziphumo ezibangelwe kukuguquka kwemozulu kwindawo yaseArctic. Petermann Glacier, eGreenland, ngo2009.

u Glaciologist Dr. Jason Box, part of a team of scientists on board the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise documenting the effects of climate change. Petermann Glacier, Greenland, 2009.

Photo : Nick Cobbing

Photo : Ross White

Bombed hull of the Greenpeace flagship ‘Rainbow Warrior’, following its sabotage by the French secret service in the port of Auckland on 9 July 1985, to stop it from protesting against nuclear testing. Moruroa Atoll, French Pacific, New Zealand, 1985.

Die gebombardeerde romp van Greenpeace se vlagskip, “Rainbow Warrior”, nadat die Franse geheime diens dit op 9 Julie 1985 in die hawe van Auckland gesaboteer het om dit te verhoed om teen kerntoetse te betoog. Moruroa Atoll, Stille Oseaan, Nieu-Seeland, 1985.

Intsalela yenqanawa yomkhosi i-Greenpeace “Rainbow Warrior”, eyathi yaba kuqhambukodubulo emva kokuchaswa ngabemi abafihle iintloko eFrance kwiindawo yogcino zinqanawa eAuckland ngomhla we9 July ngo1985, bona babenqanda ukuba ingagwayimbi ngethuba ichasa uvavanyo lwe -nuclear. Moruroa Atoll, French Pacific, New Zealand, 1985.

Photo : Stephane Marc

Aerial view showing the stern section of the Maltese oil tanker Erika on 13 December, 1999, before it sank off the northwest coast of France.

Lugfoto van die agterkant van die Maltese olieboot, Erika, op 13 Desember 1999, voordat dit aan die noordwestelike kus van Frankryk gesink het.

In 2008, the Paris magistrates’ court found French oil giant Total liable for the wrecking of the oil tanker and for the first time ever in the history of such cases acknowledged the reality of “environmental damage”.

In 2008 het die Paryse landdroshof bevind dat die Franse oliereus, Total, verantwoordelik was vir die verwoesting van die olieboot, en vir die eerste keer in die geskiedenis van sodanige sake is die werklikheid van “omgewingskade” erken.

This decision was upheld in 2012 by France's highest court giving Total criminal responsibility over the spill of some 20,000 metric tonnes (22,046 tons) of crude oil. The court also ruled that Total had civil responsibility in the accident, which killed tens of thousands of sea birds and soiled some 400 km (250 miles) of coastline.

Hierdie beslissing is in 2012 gehandhaaf deur Frankryk se hoogste hof, wat bevind het dat Total krimineel verantwoordelik was vir die oliestorting van sowat 20,000 metrieke ton (22,046 ton) ruolie. Die hof het ook bevind dat Total ’n burgerlike verantwoordelikheid in die ongeluk gehad het, waarin tienduisende seëvoels dood is en sowat 400km se kuslyn (250 myl) besoedel is.

Umfanekiso efotwe phezulu obonisa inxenye yenqanawa iMaltese oil tanker, iErika ngomhla we13 Disemba, ngo1999, phambi kokuba izike kumntla mpuma kunxweme lwaseFrance. Ngonyaka ka2008 eFrance, inkundla yase Paris yafumanisa inkampani enkulu yeoli uTotal inoxanduva ngokuvuza kwetanki le oli kwaye ikokuqala kwimbali eyathi yaziwa njengentlekele echaphazele isimo sentlalo “environmental damage”. Esi sigqibo sathatyathwa ngo2012 yinkundla ephakamileyo yase France ibeka isimangalo kuTotal solwaphulo mthetho lweoli eyachithakalayo engange20,000 metric tonnes (22,046 tons) yeoli ekrwada. Inkundla yafikelela kwisigqibo sokuba inkampani yakwaTotal kufuneka ithabathe uxanduva kulentlekele, eyathi yabulala iintaka zase lwandle ezingamawaka alishumi yaze yangcolisa unxweme oluyi 400 km (250 zemayile) ubude.

u Thousands of volunteers clean up the beaches after the sinking of the Maltese oli tanker Erika. France, 2000.

Duisende vrywilligers het die strande skoongemaak nadat die Maltese olieboot, Erika, in 2000 in Frankryk gesink het.

Amawakawaka amavolontiya acoca unxweme emveni kokuzika kwenqanawa yeoli iMaltese Oil tanker, iErika. France, ngo2000.

Photo : Jean gaumy

Photo : Steve McCurry

A sea bird drenched in oil as a result of the destruction of oil wells during the Iraqi–Kuwait War in 1990. More than 600 Kuwaiti wells were set on fire by the Iraqi forces, causing massive environmental and economic damage.

’n Seëvoel is deurtrek met olie as gevolg van die verwoesting van olieputte tydens die oorlog tussen Irak en Koeweit in 1990. Meer as 600 Koeweitse putte is aan die brand gesteek deur die Irakse magte, wat massiewe omgewings- en ekonomiese skade aangerig het

Intaka yolwandle igxiza ioli ngenxa yokutshatyalaliswa kwamaqula eoli ngethuba lemfazwe eyayiphakathi kweIraqi neKuwait ngo1990. Angaphezu kwe 600 amaqula ase Kuwaiti athi atshiswa ngomlilo ngamaqela ohlaselo ase Iraqi, nto leyo yabangela ukonakala kobume bendalo nemeko yezoqoqosho.

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed.” “Die aarde bied genoeg om aan elke man se behoefte te voldoen, maar nie aan elke man se gulsigheid nie.” “Umhlaba uvelisa ngokwaneleyo usoneza zonke izidingo zomntu, kodwa awunako ukoneza ukunyoluka komntu.”

Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869 — 1948) Indian lawyer and political leader

Indiese prokureur en politieke leier Igqwetha laseIndia nenkokheli yopolitiko

Photo : Cyril Ruoso / Joël Halioua

Wood cutter. Cameroon. 2009.

Houtkapper, Kameroen. 2009.

Wood cutter. Cameroon. 2009.

The World Resources Institute estimates that only about 22% of the world's (old growth) original forest cover remains "intact". Most of the forested areas of Bangladesh, India, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and parts of Brazil's rain forest could be gone by the end of the century.

Die World Resources Institute raam dat slegs ongeveer 22% van die wêreld se oorspronklike woudbedekkings nog onaangeraak is. Die meeste van die woudgebiede van Bangladesj, Indië, die Filipyne, Sri Lanka en dele van Brasilië kan teen die einde van die eeu uitgewis wees.

I- World Resources Institute iqikelela ukuba ngama 22% kuphela amahlathi ehlabathini aseleyo “angekachukunyiswa” luluntu (azikhulelayo) . Uninzi lweendawo zamahlathi aseBangladesh, India, Philippines, Sri Lanka kwaneziphaluka zase Brazil ezinamahlathi emvula, zisenokutshabalala ukuphela kwenkulungwane.

’n Aktivis van Aarde Eerste hang in ’n antieke boom in ’n woud in Kalifornië wat afgekap gaan word, 1993.

Itshantliziyo lezendalo lityala umthi wemveli kwihlathi ekwakusele kucetywe ukuba ligawulwe emantla eCalifornia, ngo1993.

u An Earth First activist hangs in an ancient tree in a forest scheduled for logging in northern California, 1993.

Photo : Phil Schermeister

Photo : Luiz Vasconcelos

An indigenous woman and child together with 200 other members of the Landless Movement are expelled from privately-owned land. Manaus, Brazilian Amazon. 2008.

’n Inheemse vrou en kind saam met 200 ander lede van die Grondloosheidsbeweging word uitgesit van grond in private besit. Manaus, Brasiliaanse Amasone. 2008.

Umfazi oyinzalelwana nomntwana kunye namanye amalungu angama 200 e-Landless Movement agxothwa kumhlaba. Manaus, Brazilian Amazon. 2008.

Although recognized in 1996 by the Brazilian government as official Indigenous territory much of Western Brazil continues to be destroyed for use by private farmers and cattle breeders.

Alhoewel dit in 1996 deur die Brasiliaanse regering erken is as amptelike inheemse gebied, word groot dele van die westelike dele van BrasiliĂŤ steeds vernietig vir gebruik deur private boere en veeboere.

Nangona yachongwa ngo1996 ngurhulumente wase Brazili njengendawo esemthethweni yemvelo, uninzi lwase ntshona Brazil lusaqhubekeka lutshatyalaliswa ngamafama abucala kwanangabafuyi beenkomo.

Photo : Patrick Wallet

Mangrove replantation programme run by the Oceanium association. Casamance, Senegal, 2009.

Program vir die herplanting van mangliet wat deur die Oceanium-vereniging bestuur word. Casamance, Senegal, 2009.

Inkqubo yakutyala kabutsha i-Mangrove ilawulwa yiOceanium association. Casamance, eSenegal, 2009.

12.5 billion trees were planted over a five year period within the framework of the Billion Trees Campaign organised by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The campaign has now been handed over to the Plant-for-the-Planet Children Initiative started in 2007 by a nine year old German boy called Felix Finkbeiner.

12.5 miljard bome is oor ’n tydperk van vyf jaar geplant in die raamwerk van die Miljard Bomeveldtog wat deur die VN se Omgewingsprogram (UNEP) gereël is. Die veldtog is nou oorhandig aan die inisiatief vir kinders, Plant-vir-die-Planeet, wat in 2007 deur ’n negejarige Duitse seun, Felix Finkbeiner, begin is.

12.5 yee bhiliyoni zemithi zatyalwa phakathi kwesithuba seminyaka elihlanu ngenxa yephulo elaziwa ngeBillion Trees Campaign eliququzelelwa yiUnited Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Eli phulo ngoku linikezelwe kwi-Plant-forthe-Planet Children Initiative eyaqalwa ngo2007 yinkwenkwana eneminyaka elithoba yase Jamani egama linguFelix Finkbeiner.

Photo : Chris de Bode

Local resources were not able to provide energy to Bhutanese refugees living in southern Nepal. Tests carried out by the Netherlands Refugee Foundation were so successful that 2,500 solar cookers are now in use in the camps benefiting 30,000 refugees. Nepal, 2007.

Plaaslike bronne was nie in staat om energie te lewer aan Bhutanese vlugtelinge wat in die suide van Nepal woon nie. Danksy die Nederlandse Vlugtelingstigting word 2,500 sonoonde nou in die kampe gebruik, wat 30,000 vlugtelinge bevoordeel. Nepal, 2007.

Izimbiwa khange zibenako ukuvelisa amandla kubaphambukeli baseBhutanese abahlala kumazantsi eNepal. Enkosi kwiNetherlands Refugee Foundation. Ngoku ziyi 2,500 solar cookers ezisetyenziswa kwiinkampu zisonelisa abaphambukeli abayi 30,000. Nepal, 2007.

Die PS10-sonkragaanleg is die eerste kommersiële sonkragaanleg in die wêreld, wat elektrisiteit vir tot met 6,000 huise lewer. Met die hulp van die EU word nege soortgelyke aanlegte beplan, wat saam elektrisiteit aan ’n geraamde 180,000 huise sal lewer. Seville, Spanje, 2009.

I-PS10 solar power plant ngumzi mveliso wokuqala kwihlabathi jikelele osebenzisa ilanga ukuvelisa ngamandla athengiswayo, uvelisa umbane osetyenziswa kumakhaya angaphaya kwe 6,000. Ngoncedo lweEU, zilithoba izikhululo eziceba ukuba zidibane zize zinikeze ngombane kumakhaya aqikeleka kwi180,000. Seville, Spain, 2009.

u The PS10 solar power plant is the first commercial solar plant in the world, providing electricity for up to 6,000 homes. WIth EU help, nine similar plants are in planning that together will provide electricity for an estimated 180,000 homes. Seville, Spain, 2009.

Photo : Markel Redondo

Photo : Paul Landrock

An engineer attends to a wind turbine blade at the Angermuende Wind Farm in Germany. 2006. While Germany's wind capacity increased by 20% in 2012, its solar power plants produced 32 gigawatts of electricity, equal to 30 average nuclear power stations. The German government decided to abandon nuclear power after the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011, closing eight plants immediately and shutting down the remaining nine by 2022.

’n Ingenieur werk aan die lem van ’n windtirbune by die Angermuende-windplaas in Duitsland, 2006.

Injineli ihlola ibleyidi ye- turbine yomoya e Angermuende Wind Farm eJamani. 2006..

Duitsland se windkapasiteit het in 2012 met 20% toegeneem terwyl sy sonkragaanlegte 32 gigawatts elektrisiteit gelewer het, gelykstaande aan 30 gemiddelde kernkragaanlegte. Die Duitse regering het besluit om kernkrag te laat vaar ná die Fukushima-kernramp in 2011, en het agt aanlegte onmiddellik gesluit en die nege oorblywende aanlegte sal teen 2022 gesluit word.

Ngelixa iqondo lomoya lase Jamani linyuka nge 20% ngo2012, ngelixa izikhululo zamandla elanga zivelisa i32 gigawatts zombane, elinganiselwa nezikhululo eziyi 30 ze-nuclear. Urhulumente wase Jamani wagqiba kwelokuba ahlukane namandla e-nuclear power emva kwentlekele ye -nuclear ayaziwa nge-Fukushima nuclear disaster ka2011, yakhawuleza yavala ezisibhoza kwaye iza kuvala ezilithoba eziseleyo ngo2022.

Photo : Eric Feferberg

A UPC (Union of Congolese Patriots) fighter controls workers at a gold mine. Democratic Republic of Congo, 2003.

’n Vegter van die UPC (Unie van Kongolese Patriote) hou werkers dop by ’n goudmyn. Demokratiese Republiek van die Kongo, 2003.

I- UPC (Union of Congolese Patriots) fighter ilawula abasebenzi kumgodi wegolide. Democratic Republic of Congo, 2003.

According to a report published in 2012 by the Enough Project, Gold is now the primary source of income for armed groups in eastern Congo, and is ending up in jewelry stores across the world.

Volgens ’n verslag wat in 2012 deur die Enoughprojek gepubliseer is, is goud nou die hoofbron van inkomste vir gewapende groepe in die ooste van die Kongo. Dit eindig op in juwelierswinkels regoor die wêreld.

Ngokwengxelo eyashicelelwa ngo 2012 yiEnough Project, igolide is ngoku sesona sombiwa esingenisa imali kumaqela axhobileyo kwimpuma ye- Congo, kwaye iphelela kwiivenkile zobucwebe kwihlabathi jikelele.

Photo : Jim Xu

Once a rice farming community, Guiyu is now an enormous center for recycling and disposal of electronic waste. Guangdong, China, 2005

Guiyu was eens ’n gemeenskap van rysboere, maar is nou ’n enorme sentrum vir herwinning en die opruiming van elektroniese afval. Guangdong, China, 2005

According to the Basel Action Network only half the computers and electronic components are recycled; the rest are dumped locally contaminating local soil and water supplies with toxic lead, mercury and cadmium.

Volgens die Basel Action Network word slegs die helfte van rekenaars en elektroniese parte herwin; die res word plaaslik gestort, wat die plaaslike grond en waterbronne besoedel met giftige lood, kwik en kadmium.

Ngaphambili indawo yaseGuiyu yayidume ngokuvelisa irayisi kodwa xa kunamhlanje yindawo enkulu ngoku ekwenziwa kabutsha ubuxhakaxhaka obusele busetyenzisiwe kuze kwakho kulahlwe kwakuyo ubuxhakaxhaka obungenaxabiso. Guangdong, China, 2005 Ngokwengxelo ye -Basel Action Network, sisiqingatha seekhompuyutha kwanobuxhakaxhaka bazo obuye benziwe kabutsha; okunye kuyalahlwa ngokungekho mthethweni kuze konakalise umhlaba kwanamanzi ngelead, mercury kwakunye cadmium enobungozi.

Photo : Jim Xu

Photo : Ribeiro Antonio

At the 2 week Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 (held twenty years after the first global environment conference) the UN sought to help Governments rethink economic development and find ways to halt the destruction of irreplaceable natural resources and pollution of the planet. It resulted in the adoption of Agenda 21, a wide-ranging blueprint for action to achieve sustainable development worldwide.

Tydens die Aardespitsberaad wat in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro plaasgevind het en twee weke geduur het (twintig jaar na die eerste internasionale omgewingskonferensie) het die VN gepoog om regerings te help om weer te dink oor ekonomiese ontwikkeling en om maniere te vind om die verwoesting van onvervangbare natuurlike bronne en die besoedeling van die planeet te stop. Dit het gelei tot die aanvaarding van “Agenda 21”, ’n breë bloudruk vir optrede om volhoubare ontwikkeling wêreldwyd te verwesenlik.

Kwi Earth Summit yeveki ezimbini eyayibanjwe e Rio de Janeiro ngonyaka ka1992 (eyayibanjwe kumashumi amabini eminyaka emva kwengqungquthela kazwelonke yemeko yobumi) iUN yazama ukunceda oorhulumente bacinge kabutsha ngeendlela zokukhulisa uqoqosho kwaye baqulunqe ndlela zimbi zokunqanda ukutshatyalaliswa kwezimbiwa ezingenako ukuphinde zifumaneke kwanongcoliseko lwehlabathi. Elo phula lidale isivumelwano esabizwa ngokuba yi “Agenda 21”, esiquka intlaninge yamanyathelo anokuthatyathwa khonukuze kufikelelwe kuphuhliso oluzinzileyo kwihlabathi jikelele.

“The next generation will ask us one of two questions. Either they will ask: ‘What were you thinking; why didn’t you act?’ Or they will ask instead: ‘How did you find the moral courage to rise and successfully resolve a crisis that so many said was impossible to solve?’ ” “Die volgende generasie sal ons een van twee vrae vra. Hulle sal óf vra: ‘Wat het julle gedink, waarom het julle nie opgetree nie?’ Of hulle sal vra: ‘Hoe het julle die morele moed bymekaar geskraap om op te staan en ’n krisis wat baie ander gesê het onmoontlik sou wees om op te los, suksesvol aan te pak?’ ” “Isizukulwana esizayo siza kusibuza umbuzo kule mibini. Mhlawumbi baza kubuza: ‘Nanicinga ntoni; kutheni ningazanga nenze zinzame?’ Okanye mhlawumbi siza kubuza: ‘Nalifumana njani ifuthe lobulungisa lokuphakama nisombulula ngempumelelo ingxubakaxaka uninzi olwalusithi ayisayi kuze isombululeke?’ ”

Al Gore Jr. (1948 —) American politican and environmental activist, Nobel Peace laureate 2007 Amerikaanse politikus en omgewingsaktivis, Nobelvredespryswenner, 2007 Usopolitiki,itshantliziyo kubume obusingqongileyo- Nobel Peace laureate 2007


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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.