Supplementing My Healthy Eating with 4X Pro-B Digestive Care - Andrea Green Gubser
30 Day Check-Up With 4X Pro-B Digestive Care Probiotic - Bri Radke
Get Your Digestive Care on Track with 4X Pro-B Digestive Care - Chrissy MacCarrick
Healthy Now to Healthy Later - Hali Ganhuyag
Improving Digestive Care with 4X Pro-B and Healthy Habits - Heather DiNuzzo
Improving My Digestive Health with 4X Pro-B! - Jeannette Fender
Another Step Toward A Healthier Me - Jennifer Burg
My Digestive Care - Jennifer Jamar
Taking Better Care of Myself in 2012 with 4X Pro-B Probiotics! - Jennifer Quillen
4X Pro-B probiotics; Are you taking care of your digestive system? - Jill Bender
Improving Your Digestive Health - Johanna Conser
Improving My Health and Digestion with 4X Pro-B! - Kat Balog
4x Pro-B - Kelly Brown
4 Tips to Improve Digestive Health - Kelly (Janet) Carpenter
How Yoga, Peppermint Tea, and Probiotics Keep Me Sane - Kim Tracy Prince
Keeping Digestion Running Smoothly with 4X Pro-B Probiotics - Maureen Fitzgerald
It’s All About Balance…Health, Wellness, and Digestive Care - Laura Franklin
Gettin’ Back in the Skinny Jeans - Meagan Paullin
Digestive Health and 4X Pro-B Probiotics - Melissa Pezza
Taking 4X Pro-B Daily - Michelle Price
Using 4X Pro-B Natural Probiotics - Nicole Lutzy
4X Pro-B, al cuidado de mi alimentación! - Natalia Carter
Getting Healthy With Costco's 4X Pro-B Digestive Care - Patricia Cook
A Month on 4X Pro-B Practicing #Digestive Care - Rosamaria (Mia) Sanchez Pellot
4X Pro-B Making a Difference - Stacie Connerty
Creating Digestive Health with 4X Pro-B from Costco - Stephanie Varner
What Pro-Biotics have Done for Me - Yolanda Machado
No More Excuses - Hannan Webster
Project Manager: Liz Longcrier Campaign Leader: Alicia Kirby publication design & layout by:
Supplementing My Healthy Eating with 4X Pro-B Digestive Care Andrea Green Gubser
In an effort to eat that healthy diet, I try to choose fruits and veggies of a variety of colors. And I strive to eat that healthy diet everyday. However, I know there are some areas where I fall short. Recently, I’ve added 4X Pro-B Digestive Care Natural Probiotics to my daily routine and have been taking them at breakfast for the last three weeks.
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30 Day Check-Up With 4X Pro-B Digestive Care Probiotic Bri Radke
I have to admit that since having Tates 2 years ago I have been a hot mess on my own health. I am very strict with my children’s health and strongly encourage my husband to make healthy choices. However, when it comes to my own health and wellness it’s the last thing on the list. With Tates being a copycat and T-Bone getting more independent I have really started to realize that it is very important to set a good example and take care of myself, and slowly but surely I am starting to be proud of my efforts and am seeing some results!
We are feeling better which has lead to having more energy for activities in this beautiful spring weather. Check out baby Tates new wheels! He adores going for his daily walks and happily climbs in his Joovy and is ready to go!
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Get Your Digestive Care on Track with 4X Pro-B Digestive Care
Chrissy MacCarrick
After researching what my body needs to thrive, and playing around with various forms of supplements {liquid vs. pill}, here is what my daily supplement intake looks like: Most recently, I added the 4X Pro-B Natural Probiotics to that list because I started reading about some powerful effects of proper Digestive Care–an area that I’ve always felt I could use more improvement with. I’ve read that, over time, your
digestive tract can naturally steer off course, and that adding good bacteria into your digestive tract can offer significant protection from the bad bacteria that causes you to feel “off.” After just 21 days, and a few small dietary changes, I can attest to the improvements in my digestive health and feel strongly that 4X Pro-B is responsible for these changes. read more here
Healthy Now to Healthy Later Hali Ganhuyag
I recently wrote about my experience when I started taking 4X Pro-B from, and wanted to give you all an update as I promised. So the steps I’ve taken have been to take 4X Pro-B everyday for digestive care. Also I exercise and eat right. I haven’t changed anything drastically in my diet, but I have stopped buying ice cream. as often as I used to. I make sure to drink lots of water and remember to eat. read more here
Improving Digestive Care with 4X Pro-B and Healthy Habits Heather DiNuzzo
As you may know, I’m in my third trimester of pregnancy. And I’ve been sick too many times to count. I’ve never had a great digestive system to begin with and in the past I’ve had to have an endoscopy procedure to investigate, resolve the problems, and heal, which involves avoiding certain foods and taking strong medications. No fun. After checking with my doctors, I began a digestive care regimen to try and improve my overall health and to keep things moving. Because those prenatals, while they’re great for the baby, wreak havoc on my digestive system. read more here
Improving My Digestive Health with 4X Pro-B! Jeannette Fender
As a busy mom, sometimes it is hard to take care of myself. I make sure the kids have healthy lunches packed and eat a good breakfast everyday. But I am often eating on the run and grabbing whatever is quick instead of what is good for me. And over time this has taken a toll on my digestive health. And I really didn’t think that there was much that I could do about that. But now I know that I was wrong. Because making small changes, including eating healthier, exercising and taking a Probiotic can really make a difference!read more here
Another Step Toward A Healthier Me Jennifer Burg
In general, we eat pretty healthy (except for my sweet tooth). But everyone in the family also takes a multivitamin as well to make sure we are getting anything that might be missing from our diet. Filling in with a supplement makes total sense to me. So I had no problem testing a probiotic to support my digestive health.
Along with taking a daily probiotic, now that the weather here is picture perfect we have been taking more evening family walks. My daughter has finally mastered riding her bike, which makes our family walks/ride much more enjoyable. We also regularly stop by K’s favorite hill, just to run up and down to her squeals of delight (who needs a gym?). read more here and here
My Digestive Care Jennifer Jamar
I started taking probiotics after Levi was born. He had a sensitivity to milk and soy protein, and since I was breast feeding, that meant I was suddenly on a dairy-free and soyfree diet. I knew I’d need a little help in the digestion department, so I took probiotics to help move things along. read more here and here
Taking Better Care of Myself in 2012 with 4X Pro-B Probiotics! Jennifer Quillen
2012 is going to be different! I’ve been watching what I eat and trying to maintain a healthier diet and lifestyle. One of the biggest changes I’ve made is how I eat – my fridge is stocked with veggies and fruits, which is a benefit not only to me, but to my entire family! I’ve made little changes that make a big difference too, like my taking 4X Pro-B probiotics that I purchased from read more here and here
4X Pro-B probiotics; Are you taking care of your digestive system? Jill Bender
I was begging for a chance to start over, to treat my body right because what I realized was that I was not taking care of my system. I was not eating smart and healthy foods, I was not exercising, and I was not getting the amount of sleep that my body requires. Taking care of your digestive system all starts on the inside with beneficial bacterias such as B Infantis. 4X Pro-B. read more here and here
Improving Your Digestive Health Johanna Conser
For the past month or so my husband and I have had the opportunity to try out the 4X Pro-B Digestive Care Natural Probiotic from Each pill comes individually wrapped in a little foil package with the day of the week printed on it to help you keep track. Easy-peasy! read more here and here
Improving My Health and Digestion with 4X Pro-B! Kat Balog
I am resolved to be better though and I have been. I posted recently that I just started Nutrisystem. I have also started taking better care of my health. I think people overlook how much their digestion has to do with their overall health. #Digestive Care is very important! I started taking 4X Pro-B Digestive Care almost a month ago and I feel great! Did you know that probiotics can help support immune system functions? 4X Pro-B contains 4 strains of natural, beneficial bacteria: Bifidobacterium infantis, Bifidobacterium lactis, Bifidobacterium longum, and Bifidobacterium bifidum. It also releases gradually so that the probiotics aren’t eaten up by stomach acids and have time to start working. When shopping for it, I noticed that it was compared to Align often. Here is the comparison chart. read more here and here
4x Pro-B Kelly Brown
And the pill isn’t too big either. Next to it is my fish oil pill. That sucker is huge! A Pro-B pill is only slightly larger than an aspirin capsule. read more here
4 Tips to Improve Digestive Health Kelly (Janet) Carpenter
1. Listen to your body and establish an eating routine. Routines are not just good for your children! Your body loves to have a regular schedule and receive nutrition at the same time every day. I recently saw a doctor interviewed and said that we can reduce inflammation in our bodies by eating on a schedule. 2. Eat a high-fiber diet with soluble and non-soluble fiber. Chew your food well and eat slowly. You find fiber in fruits, vegetables and legumes. Non-soluble fiber helps everything moving through your system and soluble fiber absorbs and holds water. Both are important. Drink plenty of water and avoid soda and coffee. Stay hydrated and avoid the caffeine and bubble found in soda! 3. Exercise! Regular exercise helps maintain a healthy weight and keeps things moving, from a digestive standpoint. 4. Introduce probiotics into your diet. Probiotics are “good bacteria� that your body needs to properly process the food that you eat. Different factors such as age, stress, or improper diet can reduce the amount of probiotics in your body. read more here and here
How Yoga, Peppermint Tea, and Probiotics Keep Me Sane Kim Tracy Prince
I was diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, which comes up a distant second to Irritable Uterus in the competition for most annoying diagnosis. With irritable uterus, there is a baby at stake. With IBS, it’s your own damn fault. A steady diet of bagels and Marie Callendar’s pot pies does not a regular GI system make. To treat my condition, the nurse practitioner subscribed a medication to relax the spasm in my colon, and told me to alter my diet. I’ve been taking the supplement for 21 days now. Here is the photo spread of how I acquired 4X Probiotic from Funny thing about probiotics is that even in the actual product packaging, nobody tells you exactly how they work, although some try. Here is my limited understanding: humans have friendly bacteria living in their colons that help them digest food. For whatever reason, diet and stress upset the balance in the colon and cause pain via impacted waste, trapped gas, etc. One can add more friendly bacteria into the mix in hopes that they will act as microscopic soldiers to help with digestion, like the Army National Guard of the lower GI. read more here
Keeping Digestion Running Smoothly with 4X Pro-B Probiotics Maureen Fitzgerald
I am all about good digestive health! There are a few things that, if they don’t work properly or are causing you pain, pretty much ruin your entire day. One of them is your back. I learned this the hard way when I pulled a muscle while we were at Disney last year. The other is your digestive health. Whether things aren’t coming out, are coming out too fast, or are exiting through the enter door (bet you never heard throwing up described like that before), when the system isn’t working, you pretty much don’t feel like doing anything! read more here and here
It’s All About Balance…Health, Wellness, and Digestive Care Laura Franklin
I mentioned at the beginning of the year that I am not a huge fan of New Year’s Resolutions. I need to lose weight, yes (a fact that I am painfully reminded of each time I look in the mirror or squeeze into a freshly washed pair of jeans). I need to incorporate more activity and exercise into my day, eat fewer sweet snacks and drink fewer Cokes. There are so many things that I should be doing (things that I know would be good for me). And it all comes back to my word-of-the-year: In addition to a few healthier lifestyle choices, I have been taking 4x Pro-B Digestive Care from this past month. In fact, I just finished my first 3 weeks taking the probiotic. read more here and here
Gettin’ Back in the Skinny Jeans Meagan Paullin
To reach your goals, you have to break them down into small steps. Since my goal is to get back into shape – a shape that will fit into those awesome jeans again – here are some of the smaller goals I’ve been working on: 1. Get more active. Abby got the coolest new trike – the Tricycoo from Joovy a few months ago. It’s such a fun way for her and I to go out for walks around the neighborhood – and she has so much fun looking and pointing and giggling, that she’s actually ready for a nap when we get home each afternoon. 2. Eat 5 servings of fruits and veggies each day. This surprised me – I felt like I was eating pretty good foods. But when you track your habits, most of us are not getting enough produce! 3. Find a diet plan that works. I recently started the Nutrisystem diet. I love it. I’ll be sharing more about it with you guys really soon – But it’s such an easy solution for me. The food portions are prepackaged, so it’s simple to follow. And it’s re-training my brain on what an appropriate portion size looks like. 4. Add some healthy supplements. I take a Multivitamin, fish oil tablets – and just added in a 4X Pro-B tablet each morning too. I have suffered from IBS for years, and while some changes to my diet, and doing my best to reduce stress, have helped – My doctor has been recommending that I add a probiotic to my diet too. This is a great choice if you’re looking to improve your digestive health too. read more here and here
Digestive Health and 4X Pro-B Probiotics Melissa Pezza
It is very simple to buy 4 X Pro-B Probiotics. Simply buy it online at Costco with the click of your mouse. It is so easy to do and so beneficial to your health. I love shopping online and nothing makes me happier than buying products that will help me now and in the future. read more here and here
Taking 4X Pro-B Daily
Michelle Price
As part of my effort to work on my digestive care, there are some things that I’m doing differently - or at least focusing on more than I was previously. I love projects like this that remind me of the things I should be doing already. read more here
Using 4X Pro-B Natural Probiotics
Nicole Lutzy
In our home we have been using 4X Pro-B Digestive Care Probiotics for over a month now. We purchased them from I had never purchased anything from them on-line before. I found the experience quite a pleasure. read more here and here
4X Pro-B, al cuidado de mi alimentación! Natalia Carter
Como suplemento, quice probar 4X Pro-B, que ayuda a la salud gastrointestinal y a balancear el sistema digestivo. Las pastillas están disponibles en, por lo que ordené mi pedido de una forma fácil y rápida. Dentro de la sección de Health and Beauty, podrán encontrar el producto. read more here and here
Getting Healthy With Costco's 4X Pro-B Digestive Care Patricia Cook
In an effort to get healthier, I have decided to begin taking probiotics. 4X Pro-B Digestive Care is available online at It comes in a 63 tablet size, which is a nine week supply. Good digestive health requires beneficial bacteria. 4X Pro-B contains four strains of natural, beneficial bacteria, including doctor-recommended B. Infantis. When taken daily, it helps maintain good digestive health with active probiotic bacteria. I was excited to receive my 4X Pro-B and begin taking it so that I can feel better and healthier. read more here and here
A Month on 4X Pro-B Practicing #Digestive Care
Rosamaria (Mia) Sanchez Pellot
The 4x Pro-B is a natural probiotic, “a live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit�, that has four strains of natural bacteria that is beneficial in stimulating a healthy digestive routine. In addition, taking probiotics also contributes to support immune system function. read more here and here
4X Pro-B Making a Difference
Stacie Connerty
Since I have been taking the 4X Pro-B for several weeks, I have noticed several things. First I feel more energetic. I take 4X Pro-B with a daily multi-vitamin. My energy level has definitely increased. We are grilling out much more. We love using our grill so much in fact that we have had to buy more propane and more wood chips (we grill both ways). We plan our meals out each week and are planning things that can really only be grilled out. read more here
Creating Digestive Health with 4X Pro-B from Costco Stephanie Varner
I can’t say enough good things about 4X Pro-B, and we will definitely continue to purchase them from read more here and here
What Pro-Biotics have Done for Me Yolanda Machado
I have now been taking the probiotics for just over 5 weeks and let me tell you, it has made a WORLD of difference. It hasn’t made me lose a bunch of weight or anything, but what it has done is make me feel less fatigued and lighter on the inside. My tummy issues are practically nonexistent and I go pretty regularly. read more here
No More Excuses Hannan Webster
Besides cutting out certain foods and drinking more water, I knew I needed to get more probiotics into my body; so I bought some Activia yogurt that contains live cultures. Probiotics are bacteria that help maintain a healthy digestive system. They contribute to a healthy microflora and support immune system function. I still continue to take my VitaFusion Prenatal Vitamins daily, but never thought about trying probiotics (in a pill form), until I heard of new 4X Pro-B Digestive Care Natural Probiotic, which promotes gastrointestinal health and helps balance your digestive system. read more here and here
Digestion congestion? The road to digestive health requires beneficial bacteria,* which can diminish with age. 4X Pro-B contains four strains of natural, beneficial bacteria, including doctorrecommended B. Infantis. When taken daily, 4X Pro-B helps maintain digestive health with active probiotic bacteria.*
Available at
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent disease.