Rebirth Magazine May 2022

Page 30

Magical Garden Herbs ARTICLE CHIARA

Mother Nature is truly remarkable. She has provided us with everything we need; we just have to take a look around us. Each and every herb, plant, tree or shrub has something magical inside of it. For centuries, almost everything grown from the soil was recognised as having a medicinal, healing or magical property.


erbs are perhaps the most recognisable form of magical plant in today’s world and we still have an absolute abundance available to us, foraged from our surroundings. Take a look outside and investigate your surroundings, you may have something growing in your garden already! If there’s nothing to hand, embrace your green fingers; growing herbs is oftentimes simple, but very rewarding. You can grow them from seeds, or buy an established plant. Both will be fine for spellwork and rituals. Finally, if you don’t fancy growing them, you can simply buy ground herbs or fresh bags of herbs from any good spiritual shop, or even your local supermarket. It all works just as well. However you acquire your herbs, get ready, because they can bring about some powerful stuff. Adding a little bit of magic to your daily life is really easy. Simply choose which herb(s) you wish to use, set your intentions firmly in your mind (very important) and then gently add the herb to your food or beverage, with love and light in your heart, keeping your intention set firm in your mind. If you are into arts and crafts, why not add a sprinkle of magical dried herbs to whatever you’re making. I make my own soy wax candles as gifts for friends/family and I always add some home-grown dried herbs to help them with whatever they need a little boost of! Some people like to store some dried herbs in a small mesh pouch and carry them around with them, like many do with crystals. Next time you have a job interview, try bringing a small pouch filled with a mix of ginger, mint and thyme. It might be just the confidence boosting recipe needed to give you a little more sparkle (on top of your existing sparkle of course!) You can even add herbs into a bath or shower for cleansing, magical healing, as well as the lovely aroma! With herbal magic the possibilities are endless! 30

\\ MAY 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine

Here are a few easily accessible herbs and their magical properties to get you started: HERB MAGICAL PROPERTIES – BEST DAY TO USE HERB DUE TO PLANETARY RULER

Allspice: Money, luck, healing – Tuesday – Mars Basil: Wealth, love, romance, protection – Tuesday – Mars Bay: Clairvoyance, purification, psychic shielding and protection, memory aid – Sunday – Sun Cardamom: Love, lust, romance – Friday – Venus Chamomile: Sleep, love, protection, calmness – Sunday – Sun Coriander: Love, lust, health, healing – Tuesday – Mars Cumin: Protection, fidelity, keeping negativity away – Tuesday – Mars Ginger: Love, money, success, power, confidence, self belief – Tuesday – Mars Lavender: Love, protection, calmness, sleep, purification, happiness, peace – Wednesday – Mercury Lemon Balm: Love, success, healing – Monday – Moon Mint: Finances, prosperity, lust, protection, good luck – Wednesday – Mercury Oregano: Courage, happiness, prophetic dreams, aid with letting go of emotional ties – Tuesday/ Friday – Mercury/Venus Rosemary: Protection, love, healing, purification, mental strength, psychic protection – Sunday – Sun Sage: Wisdom, spiritual development, psychic awareness, wishes, protection – Thursday – Jupiter Star Anise: Psychic power, luck, personal power – Thursday – Jupiter Thyme: Courage, health, healing, love, psychic power – Friday – Venus Turmeric: Purification, chakra healing, protection – Saturday – Saturn

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Articles inside


pages 42-43

Belinda Smith Tips and tricks from Attuned Healing

page 39

Special Feature – Anna Morten Healing naturally

pages 36-38

Tarotscopes – Missy Rivers

pages 34-35

Astrology – Sherriden Sloan

pages 32-33

Jacine Greenwood-Drummond

page 31

Chiara Magical garden herbs

page 30

Vicki Haspels

page 28

Marina Lovasz

pages 26-27

Bron Lea Can’t say no?

page 25

Irene Klepec How to keep your vibrations high during chaotic global events

page 29

Victoria Cochrane

page 24

Kim Tennant Astrological days of the week

page 22

Inna Segal Heal yourself of stress and worry

page 19

Gwenda Smith

pages 20-21

Jessica Beard Embracing the void

pages 14-15

Alissandra Moon

pages 16-17

Adrianne Skye Encouraging children opportunities to connect with their intuition

page 5

Feature Interview – Hayley De Angelis

pages 12-13

Special Feature – Adrianne Skye

pages 6-11

Rebecca-Lee Do you have good friends?

page 18
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