I was born into the chaos of post war East Germany. Despite facing rejection, abandonment, sexual abuse, a life-threatening illness, poverty, the stifling restrictions of an Islamic marriage and masterminding a daring escape, I still managed to reach my goals and achieve success and recognition.
t was, and still is, an exceptionally challenging journey, which initially inspired me to start writing. My book(s) are based on my own life experiences, making the story all the more compelling in the overarching positive messages it presents to other women. The candid portrayal of myself draws readers into my inner psyche, as I go through the very best and worst of life. My story proves that adversity and setbacks shape us into who we become. There is strength in learning through the experiences of others and if I can help just a few people break through issues that appear insurmountable, then it is worth sharing my story, no matter how confronting. 36
\\ MAY 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine
By facing every imaginable adversity and setback in my own life head on, I am living proof that anything is possible through sheer hard work, focus and determination. Amongst my many achievements is reaching a place and status that allows me to devote myself to helping improve the lives of others. My life story has inspired countless women and men to find their own inner strength. Many of my readers and seminar attendees state that my resilience has had a deep impact on their lives. Reading my book(s) assisted them to get through their own dark times, as it demonstrated to them that everything happens for a reason and has an important purpose. Hundreds of women from all around the world have written to say that my story inspired them to be courageous and true to themselves. In the course of my professional life I worked with homeless and drug addicted adolescents, prisoners including detainees in an immigration detention centre, abused and traumatised people from all walks of life, and I learnt that there are too many people who are unhappy with their lives but are too scared to make changes or pursue what they really want. I say, never make excuses and take full responsibility for everything that happens in your life! I am always prepared to make changes and am not afraid to deal with the consequences. It is this mentality that is incredibly important to anyone’s personal growth. Suffering abuse and trauma can obviously, if you let it, completely destroy one’s life. There were numerous times in my life when I was battling with illness, feelings of isolation, mistreatment and depression, and I honestly didn’t see a reason for living, but eventually I realised that I was allowing other people and what they did to me define who I was as a person. This is one of the most important lesson that I want my readers to learn – to make sure that your own mental and emotional wellbeing must always come first. Whilst showing significant strength in order to live life on my own terms, I don’t hold back in www.spiritualeventsdirectory.com