Rebirth Magazine November 2022

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Edition 16 \ November 2022 YOUR GUIDE TO CONSCIOUS AWAKENING Astrology Sherriden Sloan RECIPE Kim McCosker NUMEROLOGY Amanda E Burgess Taroscopes Missy Rivers SPECIAL FEATURE Kiani Mills From surviving to thriving: How embracing my spirituality helped me find success Rose Carter How to turn pain into power
Lea You were never broken




A Bite With Bron – The Truth About Trauma Healing with Bron Lea

12 noon-1pm

Name Readings with Jordie Janes

7.15pm-8.15pm Psychic Readings with Michelle R Price

8.30pm-9.30pm Human Design with Katie



Sitting with Spirit with Kerry

1pm-2pm Readings with The Psychic Pinup


Life & Love Guidance with Psychic Sam


The H.E.A.L. Show with Gwenda Smith

10.30pm-11.30pm Readings with Angelicness



Oracle cards with Sally Freestun –Soul Wellness Coach –Intuitive and Healer

12 noon-1pm Readings with Rachael

6pm-7pm Readings, Reiki and Cleansings with Tanja Spadijer


Connecting to your Inner Wisdom with Donna Drew 10.30am-11.30am Sitting with Spirit

2pm-3pm Psychic Readings with Kylie –Thrive Natural Wellness

THURSDAY (cont.)


Activate Your Courage with Kay Hamilton

12 noon-1pm

Psychic Angel Guidance with Michelle

1pm-2pm Readings with Mel


Readings and Healings with Missy Rivers

12 noon-1pm

Weekend Witchcraft with Priestess Alissandra Moon

6pm-7pm Personal Development Readings with Rose from Mystica Magick


The Hearts Journey Show with Vicki Haspels

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Channelled Message from Eddie

This channelled message comes from the famous Hawaiian surfer Eddie Aikau. The medicine from this painting and its accompanying message bring you the essence of courage, integrity and the understanding of the importance of your family and culture. Gaze upon the image and breathe in the magic of the hibiscus which brings healing to not only the blood that runs through your body; but also healing and clearing of negative family patterns that have and continue to keep your family in dysfunction and disharmony. Let this medicine painting and the spirit of Eddie show you how to overcome the gnarliest of emotions and situations by facing your fears, hurts and pains by taking full responsibility for them. He encourages you to open your heart and love who it is you want to love and allow yourself to be willing and open to be in family and/or community even within your differences. This is true courage.

Once you deal with some of your heavier emotions, you will have the capacity to get on your path of purpose and ride your biggest wave to love and success. Channelled by Rebecca-Lee

Vision and comments expressed by individuals do not necessarily represent those of the publishers and no legal responsibility can be accepted for the result of the use by readers of information or advice of any kind given in this publication, either in advertisements or editorials. No parts of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of Spiritual Events Directory. Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ NOVEMBER 2022 \\ 3 05 Gwenda Smith Self-mastery – the greatest gift of all 06-11 Special Feature – Kiani Mills From surviving to thriving: How embracing my spirituality helped me find success 12-13 Feature Interview – Kurek Ashley How would love respond? 14 Jacine Drummond Beauty is more than skin deep 15 Samantha Gillard 2023 energy forecast with Psychic Sam 16 Jo Worthy Self-Love Coach – love for YOU is all you need 18 Alissandra Moon The Wise Witch – there’s more to magick… 19 Kaz Field Anderson Will the troubled part please take a backseat! 20 Rose Carter How to turn pain into power 22 Adrianne Skye A holistic view of lifeschooling 23 Kim McCosker Spinach Cob 24 Victoria Cochrane Finding your inner channel 25 Bron Lea You were never broken 26 Lyndi MacRae Events tips for practitioners 30 Vicki Haspels It’s time to step up! The spiritual warrior emerging 32-33 Astrology – Sherriden Sloan 34-35 Tarotscopes – Missy Rivers 36-37 Jessica Beard Snake Medicine: How to embrace it 38-39 Merendi Leverett The art of self-care 40-41 Numerology – Amanda E Burgess 42-43 Classifieds
Please send all advertising, editoral and subscription PUBLISHER | Sarah Jayd Spiritual Events Directory JOURNALIST | Michelle R Price Michelle R Price The Lightworker DESIGNER | Ros Jackson Freelance Graphic DesignerBrought to you by Spiritual Events & Directory
Contributors Adrianne Skye Sherriden Sloan Missy Rivers Merendi Leverett Jessica Beard Amanda E Burgess www.aburgessauthor. Jacine Greenwood


We are taught to think of everything that is outside of ourselves. It begins when we learn what is acceptable in our family and through that we learn what we think is how to be loved, to feel loved. We learn how to be accepted through the regards we get for being ‘good’.

Then we go to school, all be it from a very young age these days, the impact of school is huge. We experience rejection, not fitting in, competition, and being accepted by our level of intelligence.

We soon find that a new handbag, pair of shoes, a wander at the shops or going to a movie is a way to feel good. Having our nails done, or a beautiful massage; all these activities are a form of self-care some might say selflove, but dare I say, these are the quick fix, feel good now activities that we take up hoping it will last. As we all know we go back again and again, and we treat ourselves with these activities but there is no true depth and long-lasting effect

To choose self-mastery as your daily dose of self-love is where we find the real lasting feel-good feel-great, it is the greatest gift you can give yourself.

Self-mastery brings to us abundance in harmony, love, peace, wellness, wealth, joy, and the magic of truly knowing who you are.

Self -mastery is a way of life, it’s not something you ‘do’ like the washing, driving a car, or idle gossip with coffee and cake G. The way to self-mastery is a wondrous path and it is a lifetime journey with no destination.

What I like about the choice of self-mastery is the magic of knowing who I truly am, to discover the treasures of my unique self. You see the way that we are taught to look at everything outside of ourselves distracts us from our mastery and the wisdom held within our hearts.

It is through self-mastery that we can leave all those distractions behind and align with our radiance and to our beautiful Guides, the Angels of the Almighty Divine, all who are there to help us to live a glorious loving and joyful life.


1. Observation of yourself. A powerful practice that opens us to know what is true to our soul and heart.

2. Choose one of your personal values and BE it, live it, all you do today.

3. Pause – breathe – choose. Choose your responses to everything that comes your way during the day.


1. Get creative – dance, sing, take up art or a musical instrument.

2. Body mapping – learn to hear what your soul is telling you through your body.

3. Journal – express your feelings from the heart. Make self-mastery your choice every day to live an enriched, glorious and free life.

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Gwenda Smith


Gwenda Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ NOVEMBER 2022 \\ 5
Smith GWEND A SMITH SPIRIT WOMAN Awaken the healer within, embrace the ways of living a soul-led life. Join Gwenda for live events every week, and receive simple, practical practices, tools, and guidance. +61 407 939 818 Join/Subscribe here:
community – a place where you can be supported on your spiritual and healing journey I WELCOME YOU TO SUBSCRIBE AND JOIN OUR – the greatest gift of all

I grew up in a broken home. I was one of six children. Throughout my life I have been bullied, beaten, stalked, threatened, humiliated, depressed and penniless. I was drugged and sexually assaulted at 14, suffered a miscarriage at 16 and I’m now a single mother of two. So I’m definitely no stranger to adversity.

At 16 years old, I moved out of my family home to live with my boyfriend at the time, working part-time just to pay the rent. But it was my first job in the legal profession that really turned things around. I le school and landed a job as a legal trainee, earning just $14,000/ year. I commuted every day from Frankston and

managed to a ord just a sausage roll from the local 7/11 for meals. It’s all my budget would allow. But I quickly fell in love with property law. And despite finding myself pregnant at 21, while working full-time as a paralegal, I continued to pursue my passion for property law and conveyancing.

How embracing my spirituality helped me find success
From Surviving to Thriving:

As my career skyrocketed, my personal life imploded and I found myself pregnant again with my daughter, who was later diagnosed with ADHD and Autism. I also discovered throughout those years that my boyfriend, and the father of my children, was leading a very di erent life behind the scenes which saw him serve time in prison. I was o en le heavily pregnant, or with young children, with no car, no money and unable to get to work or pay for groceries.

While the next few years were a constant struggle as I raised my kids, pursued my passion for property law and conveyancing as a Paralegal, paying the bills and navigating my relationship, I tried to rally as best as I could.

To kick me when I was down, despite working throughout my maternity leave with a newborn and a toddler, I was let go from my job when I o icially returned to the o ice. This workplace was my home, my safe place, where I could escape to and be who I wanted to be each and every day, from morning to evening. To say I was broken would be an understatement. I was devastated, exhausted and utterly spent.

With everything life dealt me, it would have been very easy to give up. Instead, I continued to pick up the pieces every time I was down.

I asked for a loan from my nana and turned $1,600 into a thriving business. Of course, it wasn’t an overnight success. At the beginning, clients would come to my home and sign documents on my kitchen bench. At the same time, I le my abusive relationship, became a single mother and accepted temporary o ice jobs to put food on the table, briefly returning to bartending from 5am to 3pm each Sunday while I built my conveyancing business during the day.

And that initial $1,600 eventually grew, through lots of hard work. Now, I run multiple successful businesses in property, and not only am I building my own empire, but I’m helping others build theirs.

How did I get here? I credit a lot of my success to how I’ve integrated spirituality into the culture of my business, and by extension, my life.

Spirituality taught me to take a birds eye view of major life events, helping me see the broader perspective. It helped me look at my behaviour, patterns, beliefs and consider whether there was a better way. For a long time, I believed that I was born a specific way, that I am who I am simply ‘because’. I didn’t realise that I had the power to change the narrative, to be who I wanted to be.

This process took time. And o en, it hurt.

I looked back through key defining moments and really dived into the circumstances surrounding and leading up to it, which may have aided in causing the event in the first place.

First, I looked at my attitude towards myself. I believed that I was unworthy of love, unsuccessful. That I was a burden. That I was better o alone and that life always ‘happens’ to me. I believed that I always had to try and fix people. And then, I looked at how these beliefs led to certain life events happening.

For example, when it came to the abusive relationship, I believed that I didn’t deserve any better, that I chose the relationship so I had to live with it. I didn’t think I could do things by myself so I had to have a partner, no matter how I was treated. I believed I was unworthy, not capable and worthless. When my children were diagnosed with ASD, I believed it was my fault – I must have done something wrong so I deserved it. The same went for when I was let go from the firm. I wasn’t good enough, smart enough, talented enough. I should have been better, worked harder and given more.

The reality, of course, is that none of this was true. I didn’t do anything to deserve the obstacles thrown my way. So, I changed my mindset. And looked at each situation on its own merit – what did it teach me? How am I the person I am today because of those events?

Spirituality taught me to take a birds eye view of major life events, helping me see the broader perspective. It helped me look at my behaviour, patterns, beliefs and consider whether there was a better way. Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ NOVEMBER 2022 \\ 7

what not to accept in the future. It taught me how to stand up for myself, to believe in myself and showed me the strength I had. It helped me see that I was worthy. That I did deserve love, I could be loved, and I didn’t have to settle for someone who not only wasn’t right for me, but was abusive mentally, physically and emotionally. When my children were diagnosed with ASD, I learnt that there are di erent ways to parent


erent children. I understood that I needed to give them strength, love them for who they are, not what they do or what I think they need to be. I also understood that I had a real chance to parent them the way they needed, rather than what I thought was correct.

This internal self-work isn’t for the faint hearted. It hurts, and it’s hard. But it is most definitely worth it. The hardest part is really looking at yourself and taking responsibility for your part in those events.

I refused to look at myself in certain ways, and instead blamed everyone else. Thinking I was innocent to it all, and this was happening to me. But by gosh was I naïve.

Each and every one of us are responsible for 50% of every situation that has ever happened in our lives. When you consider that I before, I wasn’t even willing to accept any responsibility, 50% is a pretty big load to take on.

But we all have to realise that bad things do happen, and while they seem to be out of our control, we need to remember that maybe they aren’t meant to hurt us. Rather, they are here to teach us.

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I was raped at 14 years old. It was my first sexual experience. I was desperate to fit in so I went to a party with much older kids, where there was alcohol, smoking and who knows what else. Yes, I put myself in a dangerous situation, but for a bit of background information, by all accounts I was a full-blown prude. My younger sister used to joke with me about it. So no, I definitely was not ‘asking for it’. But why did I put myself in this dangerous situation? I know now that it was because I wanted to be liked and was desperate to be part of the ‘it’ crowd. If going to a party would make it easier for me to fit in, then you better believe that I was going to that party.

Sure, if I hadn’t have gone, things may have been di erent. But I did go, and what happened did happen. I can’t change that. For a very long time I carried a lot of blame. But working through it, that pain and blame soon turned into shame. Shame of myself. I no longer blamed myself. And yes, there is a di erence. What happened to me when I was a teenager resulted in a lot of feelings, understandably. I struggled with self-love, self-worth and belief in myself. Which I can see now led me to choose the partners I chose, landing me in some very unfortunate situations.

So while I couldn’t stop it from happening, nor change the outcome, I did learn from it. And I was able to watch my life unfold as a direct result of the beliefs I created based on what I experienced. In a way, it’s the simple equation of cause and e ect.

So while I was living the life which I had created, I had created it unknowingly, I was following the path laid in front of me, and rolling with the punches along the way. This can sometimes be known as the fated life. The life we are given. By knowing these beliefs were there, and seeing what I did as a result of living by that set of beliefs, and taking full responsibility for my actions, I was able to change my future. Remember, the future doesn’t exist yet – you can literally change it in a heartbeat.

Realising that I couldn’t keep living the ‘victim’ life, or being a slave to my environment, I sought help to heal my past and create my future, on purpose. This is o en known as your destined life. The life of destiny which you choose.

Our beliefs create our experiences. The first thing we need to do is to identify what our core beliefs are. But the key is doing this honestly, because as humans, we are very good at tricking ourselves. We can then work on changing them. But again, the key here is being honest. Be honest in what you can achieve. And then live them. We need to live, feel and be our core beliefs. And this can be challenging.

There’s a GIF floating around that sums up this idea perfectly. In the GIF, there was a car driving in a straight line down a smooth concrete road; driving a long, comfortable, safe, familiar road. This is our current belief system. Then all of a sudden, we introduce a new belief or change a belief, and the car sharply steers o the road, down a dirt track in between trees and bushes. The

terrain becomes rough, bumpy and unfamiliar. The car tries so hard to pull us back onto the familiar and comfortable track of the road, but our new belief is strong. We remain on the unfamiliar path. But, in order to succeed along this ‘dirt track’, the belief needs support and conviction to keep going.

So, you have a choice. Keep going down the rough, bumpy and unfamiliar terrain, and forge a new way, creating a new belief for life, or veer back onto the safety of the concrete road. Stick to the new path, and you’ll soon find that you’re able to continue. Your experiences will change in line with your new beliefs.

It’s powerful, life-changing stu . The best part is that everything you need to do it is right there inside of you. You don’t need anyone or anything else. No gurus, coaches or teachers. You just need you. You need your mind, your heart and your self-belief.

Of course, if you’re a little impatient like me, the right team of people around you can help speed up the process. But believe that you can do this yourself. You can make the change on your own. The true core of spirituality isn’t to believe in something else or someone else, it is to believe in you.

No one knows you better than you know yourself. But, if you are like I was, you may not know yourself at all.

When I first started this work, and implementing it daily, I realised I had no idea who I was. This feeling even stemmed to what food I liked and what clothes I liked wearing. O en, I didn’t even know which emotions I was feeling.

Breaking down the walls of trauma brings with it a lot of ‘new’ experiences. I felt lonely for the first time. I felt real love for the first time. I felt envious for the first time.

The same goes for our businesses. No one knows them better than we do.

I will never forget when I called a very dear friend who is an amazing businessman – wealthy, intelligent and so much more – for some advice. I needed to know what to do next in my business. He listened, patiently I might

Looking at the abusive relationship, it taught me what not to accept in the future. It taught me how to stand up for myself, to believe in myself and showed me the strength I had. Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ NOVEMBER 2022 \\ 9

add, despite how worked up I can get. But when I was done, he politely said, “Kiani, you don’t need my help… You know all the answers. You know your business better than anyone will. So take some time and listen to yourself, feel what needs to happen next and follow your instincts. You made it this far, keep going.”

In that moment, I was disappointed. I had really been hoping for some miraculous revolution which would fast-track my business. I was hoping that someone would help me, that someone would give me the answers and tell me what to do. But my friend was right. He was absolutely 100% right. No one knew my business better than I did. All I needed to do was observe, listen and implement. So I did exactly what he said. It didn’t happen overnight. It took time. Searching, looking, feeling, exploring and finally landing on the answer. I just needed to take a beat. But I never would have done it unless someone else had told me to.

So there sits the reality, sometimes we can’t see what is right in front of us, but if we’re willing to listen, we may find it, even if it’s not what we expect or hope for, or even like. My tip for you here? Advice from someone you admire and respect should never be ignored. Follow your gut, be your own biggest champion, and know that you have the answers. At the very least, you have the answers for the next steps forward.

For me, once I knew the next step, I then knew who I needed to bring in to execute the plan. But until that point, until I understood what the next step was, I was useless to everyone, and to my business.

I started to become a human-being, not a humandoing.

I don’t know about you, but I have always had this internal drive to push myself and those around me. As the saying goes, “If you’re not growing your dying.”

But I took it over the top. I didn’t ever allow myself time to stop, slow down, or even breathe. I remember living in Albert Park, which is such a beautiful suburb, right near the beach, surrounded by parks, beautiful houses and serenity, but I couldn’t tell you much about the place I lived, because when I walked anywhere I was rushing and looking at the pavement (or at my phone), when I was driving I was anxious about getting to where I needed to go and then worried about what I had to do next, when I was home I was working or looking a er kids or getting stu done. That old saying of ‘stop and smell the roses’… well I needed to stop and look up. I needed to pay attention to my surroundings and appreciate the beautiful part of the world I lived in and was so blessed to be able to raise my kids in. I mean, who doesn’t want to live in Albert Park?!

This all formed part of my process of slowing down, something I thought I could never do. I would get angry at people when they told me to meditate or take a yoga class, thinking that they clearly had no idea how much I had to do, or how much I was carrying. How dare they suggest that? The thought was absolutely ridiculous to me. Already there weren’t enough hours in the day, and

you wanted me to waste a whole hour to do seemingly nothing. I thought they were all crazy.

My nervous system loved the chaos. This was where I thrived. And this is still where I thrive. I am a naturally born problem solver. But things have changed. Before it was my drug of choice, I created a need for it; if things were quiet or seeming a little slow, I would create stress and drama just so I could solve the problem. And all of this was happening without me even realising I was doing it.

And it wasn’t just the big things, it was the little chaos too. Sending ‘just one more’ email, knowing full well that I had to be on the other side of the city for a meeting shortly, or ‘accidentally’ confirming my attendance to two separate events only to realise they were on the same day, at the same time but at two very di erent locations. I really was running on smoke and fumes. But not knowing any di erent, it felt normal; it felt safe. This was just how it was meant to be done right? This was what life was meant to be like if you wanted to succeed?

There was a real element too of outsiders’ perspective, which was solidified when I allowed a girlfriend to work for me, doing phones and admin (side note, don’t do this; friendships should remain outside of working environment, especially at the young age I was, emotionally immature, eye on the prize and willing to do anything to succeed).

Keep in mind that when this was happening, I felt that I always needed to be ‘on’. I needed to be the one performing, being the best, working harder than anyone else. It was my way of proving that I am worthy, successful, friendly, helpful, kind and all of the other positive attributes everyone seeks to be. But one day, my friend got quite upset with me. While she was o ice-based, I was the one working in the ‘field’. I was performing all of the conveyancing, as well as business development work, networking, marketing. I was doing it all – small business owners will know what I am talking about. I was wearing all of the hats. Her remarks were

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simple. She said she was stuck in the o ice all day, doing all of the work while I was out gallivanting around, leaving her to hold down the fort. It hit me hard. Here I was thinking I was spinning all the plates, and finally had support and help from someone who saw how hard I was working and how hard I was trying, but actually, it was the opposite. She didn’t see that at all.

It was a really interesting time for me, because I woke up to what was going on. Suddenly, I questioned everything. It just goes to show that those closest to us have a way of a ecting us deeply.

Whilst I didn’t agree with her comments, I still took them on board, and looked at this particular working relationship and considered where things had gone so wrong. It was a huge realisation for me. By not slowing down, by not being aware of my surroundings, and not taking into account the emotions, energy and behaviour of those around me, I missed the signs. I totally missed that she was disheartened by her job and her role.

This became a really pivotal part of my journey as a boss, employer and mentor, things were bigger than me. It wasn’t all about me, definitely not any more. And it was my responsibility to be clear with the roles, responsibilities, expectations, direction and overall business structure so that this wouldn’t ever happen again. At the same time, I realised how this was playing out in my personal life too. Friends and family had a totally di erent view to me on how things were panning out.

This is, by no means, a blame game, if anything, it’s an opportunity to become more aware and understanding of what’s going on. We don’t know what people around us are thinking, we cannot control their behaviour, we shouldn’t assume. We need to slow down and consider the scenario from both sides.

I don’t see ‘conflict’ anymore, but when situations

I believe that we are all here, doing the best we can, wanting to be loved, wanting to give love, wanting to be happy, and searching for peace, love and joy. I believe we are doing this with the tools we hold at every particular stage of our lives.

like that may arise, I stop, slow down and consider, what of my actions have led to this disruption or upset? What could have been misunderstood or delivered incorrectly for this person to be upset at me right now? Sometimes, there will be ways in which you contributed, which you can apologise for. Other times, there won’t be. Sometimes, a di erence of opinions comes down to a di erent set of values and ethics. And in my world, values and ethics must align to the best of their ability for a friendship or relationship to work.

Through all of this, slowing down has really shown me a new appreciation. This appreciation starts with myself, for simply being able to consider all angels, perspectives and ideas. I have an appreciation for other people, for understanding that we all think and behave di erently.

I also have an appreciation that what is right and wrong to me, may not be right and wrong to those around me. That doesn’t mean others are wrong, it means we have a di erence in our beliefs, our values and our ethics. It is not personal.

I don’t carry hatred in my heart for any person in my entire life, no matter what their wrong doings.

I believe that we are all here, doing the best we can, wanting to be loved, wanting to give love, wanting to be happy, and searching for peace, love and joy. I believe we are doing this with the tools we hold at every particular stage of our lives. Some have more tools, better tools, some have less. We need to remember that it’s all a journey, at di erent stages, with di erent measuring tools, surrounded by di erent people.

It was a process to give my nervous system the support it needed to be able to slow down. It didn’t happen overnight. I still today practise constantly. My natural born thriving mode can be detrimental to my development, and especially to those around me.

I need to remember that when you are a certain way for so long, it will naturally take time to change these habits and patterns, and create new pathways for survival. So if you are heading down this path, please know you are on the right track. It won’t always feel like it, and you will go backwards to be able to go forwards, but know that you will always be starting again with more than you had before. Each down day will be surpassed with more happy days, each disrupt will be overcome with tools you didn’t have before. Each repeated situation will come with it awareness that you are repeating a pattern.

Life is a journey, there is no end. Life is not linear. Life is what we make of it!

Everything that life has thrown my way has been an opportunity to learn. And it was when I realised that life throws teachable moments, not bad luck, your way, and embraced this ideology in all areas of my life – including the workplace – that I really began not only to survive, but thrive. Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ NOVEMBER 2022 \\ 11

Kurek Ashley


How often have you found yourself in a sticky situation? Be it your involvement in a car accident or road rage incident or even a run-in with a family member or colleague? In those moments, how often would you say to yourself, “How would love respond?” And how would that change the situation you are facing? That happens to be the title of Success Coach, Kurek Ashley’s, book. And he is in the process of writing and publishing a second book. The world-class speaker shares some of his most incredible experiences and pivotal moments in life with us in this article, so sit back and enjoy the ride.

Kurek hails from Chicago in the US and moved to LA when he was 18. In 1997 Kurek found himself living on the streets in Gri ith, New South Wales when the Australian company he was working for didn’t pay him. He moved north to Brisbane where he knew some people. For the following eight weeks Kurek ran free seminars for the general public and o ered for those people to go on and do his paid seminar. It was at one of these events he happened to meet beach volleyballer, Natalie Cooke, who complained of only ever winning Bronze. A er working with Kurek, she went on to win Gold.

Kurek is known to many as The Transformer, as that is what he does to the people he works with, transforms their lives. His list of private clients includes; Hollywood film and TV stars, movie directors, producers and cinematographers, a quintuple platinum rock band, hit music composers, top business leaders, oil executives in Kuwait, Olympic Gold medallists, professional athletes and sports teams, and the list goes on.

For over 30 years, Fortune 500 companies and major corporations around the world, such as Apple, Seagate, Schwarzkopf, Westin Hotels, The Australian Royal Airforce and Carlton United Brewery, have hired

FEATURE INTERVIEW \\ NOVEMBER 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine www.spiritualeventsdirectory.com12

teach them tactical success strategies

A turning point in Kurek’s life occurred when he received a phone call from co-producer of Will Smith hit flick I, Robot, Steven R McGlothen, and Marty Weiss, a well-known writer, director and producer. Marty’s daughter had joined a Mexican gang who put a hit out on Marty’s life. Based on his experience, Marty spoke to Steven and then Kurek about potentially producing a TV series about a man, Kurek, who was changing the lives of young people. From there, producer Theresa Goss plans to produce a documentary for Netflix called The Transformer.

The documentary will be based on a high school Kurek was invited to speak at in Cincinnati, Ohio. Kurek recalls the drive there was quite eye-opening, “As we are driving there, the neighbourhood is steadily declining until pretty soon it’s crack dealers and gang members and prostitutes and burnt-out cars and buildings… it’s nothing like you’d see here in Australia.

“And so I get to the school and all of the school’s doors are chained and padlocked shut,” Kurek was thinking he was o the hook and wouldn’t have to address the students a er all, but one of the school’s administrators is called and unlocks the doors so they can enter. When Kurek asks if it is a fire hazard to chain the doors shut, the woman replies that gang members have entered their school and killed students in their seats. So, all students are locked in once the first bell rings each day.

Before speaking to the students, Kurek sat down with the Principal and asked about the drop-out rate. The Principal answered 100 per-cent, but Kurek thinks he has misunderstood his question, but when he repeats his question the answer is the same. The Principal clarified that no one had graduated from his high school in the past 20 years!!

Eventually Kurek finds himself in front of the students and as he’s reading what he’s prepared, he looks out at his audience and has a vision of all 850 students slumped over their chairs, dead. He realised in that moment that this was exactly the reality they were all facing. He turned to the students and said, “Look kids, obviously you don’t need flip charts today, what you need is action”… “I’ll create a program for you guys, I’ll fund it, I’ll put the coaches in place, I’ll send out the materials and everything.” But he also stressed to those 850 young people that they would have to complete his course outside of school hours and would have to complete 20 hours of community service a month, telling the students, “If you want value, you have to add value, that’s life.” The deal was that if a student was able to complete Kurek’s impromptu course and graduate from high school, Kurek himself would cover the cost of their university education for four years!! One child asked how many students would be allowed to do his course. Kurek said it would be available to anyone who wanted to do it and 30 students took up the challenge and all 30 graduated from high school. Although none of those students wanted to go to university, all decided they wanted to do a job which would allow them to help

other people. Some of the graduates wound up doing 50 hours of volunteer work a month, well above the 20 hours required.

Kurek wound up working with this school for several years, saying that some of the young people who graduated from his course actually remained in the school, mentoring other students to help them graduate too. How incredible is that! One of his students, a 12-year-old boy, was actually shot by someone who wanted to steal his $10. Kurek phoned the boy to ask him what he was going to do, to which he replied, “Well in the words of my mentor, which would be you, this is great motivation to get an education to get out of this neighbourhood.” He admitted that previously his response would be to seek retaliation.

When Kurek moved to Australia, he found himself at a school in Blacktown, Sydney. The administrators had told Kurek they thought around 20 students should do his course but Kurek aimed for all 117, and 116 wound up doing it, including a gang of boys. During a trip to the Sydney Convention Centre a couple of years later, Kurek was approached by a group of eight young men he didn’t recognise. They informed him that they were part of that gang from Blacktown and had gone on to study at university. They just wanted to say thank you.

Kurek continues to inspire with his latest course, ‘Stop With Stopping You’. The free course is a three-part masterclass which will inspire change. You can sign up for Kurek’s course or purchase his book, ‘How Would Love Respond’, by heading to his website:

Inner Sunshine Therapies

 Energetic and Crystal Healer  One-on-One Healings  Zoom and Phone Healings  Workshops Brisbane area 0429 264 344 /healingwithcrystalmagic /innersunshinetherapies/ Healer Michelle has been a’Crystal Dreaming™ Practitioner’ since 2012. Michelle believes Crystal Dreaming to be the most profound and exciting form of healing that she has experienced.
Kurek to
that have produced awe-inspiring results. Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ NOVEMBER 2022 \\ 13

Jacine Drummond

We have been lucky enough in this edition to sit down with a multi-million-dollar business owner and find out how she did it. Jacine Drummond, AKA the Fairy Godmother of Skin, is a successful Cosmetic Chemist and Beauty Therapist. In this article, she shares her wins as well as some of her hot tips for business success.

Jacine is passionate about all things skin-related, “At a basic level what I do is fix skin. I am a Cosmetic Chemist and Beauty Therapist so I have combined both fields of knowledge, which allows me to effectively laser target skin conditions that many have been unable to find a solution for.”

She was motivated by her own skin issues. “I had cystic acne as a teenager, which made me very self-conscious. I thought I would grow out of it, but that never happened. Acne plagued me through adulthood as well, and even now, I still need to manage my skin,” she explained.

“My children developed eczema as well, and this led to me developing products specifically for sensitive skins who suffer from atopic conditions. I couldn’t find anything on the market that worked, so I created something that did work.”

Jacine has also battled chronic pain. It forced her to close her beauty business because she could no longer hold a pair of tweezers. She admits, “It made me refocus on my future and where I was going. My chosen career was no longer an option. I had started my brand by this stage but had not been fully focusing on it. The spinal surgeries gave me no choice but to focus on it because it was the only way I could earn an income.”

Jacine believes there are always solutions. “When I was younger, I had endometriosis and had significant help from a naturopath. This led me to being interested in herbal medicines in particular. I then got exposed to energy healing and, although not formally trained, I know I have the ability to heal others with it. I also believe food is medicine,” she admitted.

Jacine created the brand Roccoco, “Specifically, we have laser focused on acne-prone skins and atopic skins that suffer extreme sensitivity and stinging. We also do acne scarring… without invasive and painful procedures. My clients will reach out to me to ask me if I can help them with unusual skin conditions,” she said.

Roccoco’s Ruby Crystal Cleanser recently won the Allē Awards which brings behind-the-scenes ingenuity in cosmetics and personal care R&D into the spotlight. The Allē honours the scientific discipline, formulating skills, resourcefulness and creativity of innovators. The winning product contains a blend of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory oils, essential fatty acids and real ruby extract.

Jacine’s main tip for growing a multi-million-dollar business is, “Absolutely be obsessed with what you do. If I won $100 million tomorrow, I would still go to work and do exactly what I do now. I love what I do, and it fulfils me on every level, emotionally and spiritually.”

She also recommends we learn how to market ourselves. “In my book Just Go For It, being launched in March 2023, I reveal how to be able to write in a way that emotionally connects with your audience so you are the obvious solution to their problems. This positions you as the expert,” she said.

Jacine also recommends being patient with growth. “Many entrepreneurs give up because they can’t see any fruit on the tree. Just keep going and work on your business every day. It cannot help but grow if you do this,” she said.

Roccoco will be launching in Canada mid-2023.

Visit us in Clinic to find out more.

\\ NOVEMBER 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine www.spiritualeventsdirectory.com14
INTERVIEW and ARTICLE MICHELLE R PRICE Beauty is more than skin deep –

energy forecast with Psychic Sam

The past few years have certainly been energetically dense and quite challenging to say the least! So as 2022 ushers to a close what can we expect in 2023?

The themes that prevailed universally in 2022 were centred on relationships, family, health, finances, healing and duty; a year that highlighted the need for change, boundaries and compassion.

The energy shift into 2023 has already begun and will peak in intensity between March and September. Universally speaking, 2023 will be a year of learning and indeed soul searching for us all.

In 2023 the world will be seeking truth, wisdom, dignity and fulfilment, and so will you. It is important to note that in addition to the universal energy, we each have our individual energy cycles as well.

2023 is all about delving inward. This is a time where you’ll be heavily involved in deep inner work. It’s a spiritual year – meaning, you’ll have many opportunities to evolve spiritually and personally. This can be a valuable time to evaluate your sense of independence and how you’ve chosen to take the lead or perhaps the back seat in your life. It is a year that will see you on a voyage of selfdiscovery and in search of deeper meaning and what I call your soul purpose (the reason you were born).

In fact, the past few years have been preparing you and stirring the inner depths of your heart and soul for 2023. It may be that what used to fulfil you is no longer enough. It is also the year where it may at first appear that you may have more questions than answers, leaving you feeling a little lost. Feeling lost may be the only way to find out where you are – which is exactly where you are meant to be. You are on schedule! Lost is simply an adventure to a new destination and remember because this is the universal energy, you are not alone, the majority of us will be feeling the same way.

Because 2023 is an introspective year, themes around the bigger questions about life and death and everything in between. Intuition, learning, wisdom and faith will be the stars of the show. This is a great year to grow your intuitive abilities, take your spirituality and gifts to the next level. Due to the insular nature of the energy, be aware not to withdraw or seclude yourself by cave dwelling alone. As appealing as it may be to head for the hills and live in that

inner cave, connection is so important if you are to truly grasp the deeper meaning and gifts of 2023.

Remember, everything, whether we judge it as good or bad, happens for us, not to us. There is a gift even in the darkest of spaces. If you would like to know more about your individual cycle of energy for 2023 and what is on the cards for you, then why not book a 12-month energy forecast with me?

Blessings and love.

Samantha Gillard is a Psychic Medium, Healer, Teacher and Mentor. Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ NOVEMBER 2022 \\ 15

Love for YOU is all you need – Self-Love Coach


At school we learnt about the three Rs – Reading, (W)riting and (A)rithmetic. Self-Love Coach, Jo Worthy, talks about the three Ws – Worthiness, Wealth and Wisdom. I’ve got to be honest, the three Ws interests me a whole lot more.

Looking back on where she has come from, Jo admits that being a self-love coach, motivational speaker and author was always part of her destiny. She has previously worked in the corporate sector and, “I think I got to a stage in my life where I just knew there was more and that there was a stronger calling towards my true purpose.

“I started my business eight years ago and I finally started listening to my intuition and my inner calling. I stepped more and more into my courage and now my business has completely evolved and where it is meant to be,” she said.

Jo’s book title is Love Worthy – 21 Lessons in Creating a Deliciously Divine Life. She explained that everything in life comes back to self-love, “Because when we really don’t have self-love we don’t follow our true path, we don’t listen to our intuition and we tend to sit in that suffering… and whether you call it self-love, whether you call it your inner power, whether you call it your Queen or your Goddess energy, you’re basically living a mediocre life until you’re able to connect into that… inner power… and continue to work on your self-love journey.” Love Worthy is a memoir and as Jo candidly writes about her life, you realise that she only teaches what she has personally experienced from deep trauma, betrayal and overcoming a lot of adversity to create her most magnificent life. The book is also a handy self-help guide as Jo outlines the exact fundamentals that help turn her life around.

Jo admits it has taken her to get to the age of 57 to get to the absolute feeling of freedom to now adopt the attitude, “Either you like me, or you don’t.” She stressed that most of the women she works with are people pleasers and through her mentoring she is able to help them to also feel this way.

Jo is also the creator of Bali Bliss retreats and her next one is happening 17-25 June, 2023 in tranquil Ubud. There is no better form of self-care than to escape to a retreat for 7 absolute days of bliss and is one of the best gifts of selflove.

Jo is also the creator of the Worthy Wealthy Wise Woman event, which is happening on the Gold Coast from 11-12 March, 2023. The Worthy Wealthy Wise Woman event is Jo’s biggest, boldest and bravest project yet and is first event of its kind that Jo has created. She refers to herself as an introvert, which is surprisingly to some, so organising big events like this is totally out of her comfort zone, however her motto is, “Feel the fear and do it scared regardless!”.

Jo said, “I totally love retreats and events… and I have spent my adult life attending them and now extremely proud that I run my own. Stepping into my courage has been a huge part of my own personal development journey. Now I have got to the point I am so very passionate about teaching other women all the life lessons I have learnt.” She also knows so much magic can happen when women gather in a high-vibrational space.

Jo said, “This will be a unique event that mixes business with pleasure, added with a beautiful mixture of spirituality, fun and heart-warming connections.”

The themes for the Worthy Wealthy Wise Woman event are Worthiness, Wealth and Wisdom. Jo wants this event to be more than just an event but a whole experience where women feel celebrated and inspired to live their best life and reconnect back to their inner-power. This includes being unapologetically and authentically themselves.

One of the keynote speakers is She D’Montford, who is a gifted psychic medium, author and Queensland Businesswoman of the Year and Australian of the Year nominee. Jo said, “She is going to be doing some beautiful work on the inner goddess and [talk about] how we all deserve love and abundance.”

Another keynote speaker is the creator of the Pillar Code, Patti-Jane Ashley, who will be speaking about purpose, passion and Mojo. There are nine other incredible women speaking as well, combined with the soulful tunes of Lou Van Stone to open up the event and other vibrant performances. Jo said the event will have a real focus on personal development and spirituality, however will assist ALL areas of your life, including if you run a business. In true Jo style she describes the event as “deliciously divine” and she cannot wait to celebrate with you and share these two incredible days with you.

\\ NOVEMBER 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine www.spiritualeventsdirectory.com16 FACEBOOK: /joloveworthy /groups/worthywealthywisewoman2023 /groups/baliblisstworthywealthywisewomanretreats INSTAGRAM: /joworthyinspirationalauthor
Welcome to the Temple of Beauty, Reconnect to all the amazing power within and celebrate you as the incredible woman that you are. Inspire, Motivate Celebrate YOU –Mixing Business with Pleasure WORTHY WEALTHY This is a full 2-day weekend event where you will experience wisdom exchanged, enlightenment and inspiration. It’s an event that will help awaken your senses and is a unique mix of business, pleasure and spirituality! As a woman it’s so important to take the time to honour, nurture and nourish yourself. When you surround yourself with a group of other inspiring, motivational and wise women in a beautiful sacred space, huge shifts and healing can happen. SECURE YOUR TICKET HERE: This two-day transformational experience is about taking time to return to self and connecting with all parts of YOU. GOLD COAST 11-12 March 2023 WISE WOMAN Spiritual Events & Directory YOUR GUIDE TO CONSCIOUS AWAKENING Proudly sponsored by:

There’s More to Magick…

itchcraft is widely accepted now, which is wonderful but be very careful to not get carried away when it comes to watching all these ‘insta-witches’ on TikTok and social media. That is NOT the way to learn magick or

People talk so much shit about the danger of magick and bad things happening due to evil or offended spirits, curses, the ‘rule of 3’, demonic possession, etc, and sure, that can occasionally happen; but, the biggest and most common danger comes from people not knowing wtf they are doing and using magic in unskilled, counterproductive and plain ignorant ways.

If you are serious about spiritual development, especially Witchcraft and Magick, learn it properly with an experienced mentor and rush into spell work.

For magick to work, your life needs to be enchantable. If you do not have your life set up in a way whereby you can achieve what you want through mundane means, you’re

If you were in control of your own destiny and could shape your reality at will, what would you change?

Join Priestess Alissandra Moon in her Groundbreaking new program “The Witches Path” and discover how you can create the life of your dreams.

Claim your power, live your purpose and shape your reality whilst walking the path of the Witch.

DM “JOIN” to invite Magick, deep healing and transformation into your life today.

almost certainly not going to be successful in your magick. You also need to make room for the new things to manifest by releasing the old.

Magick is an INFLUENCE. Not a sole cause. It influences change to occur, lines things up, increases the odds, levels the playing field and brings people together, etc…

It takes the path of least resistance and will always manifest through mundane means that have seemingly ‘logical explanations’. The spell will have influenced all those events and guided you to be in the right place at the right time.

You need to make it possible for the magick to manifest. Money (for example) will not just fall from the sky and land in your lap.

Follow up with mundane actions. Go out to places you enjoy, dress, and look appropriate, behave right, adjust your vibrational frequency and mindset. Be aware of who you hang out with – you are the equivalent of the 5 people you spend most time with and they too will affect your results.

Magickal mishaps, failed spells and inconvenient results generally occur for 1 of 2 reasons:

1. The person did not know how to properly do magick. Usually, they were not even taught the foundations (which are usually neglected in the majority of books and courses), INCLUDING all the inner work which absolutely MUST come first! Or

2. Their lives were not set up to manifest those results in a convenient, smooth, practical way, or at all. This also includes people not doing their self-discovery work and therefore going AGAINST what is actually needed or truly wanted.

It’s not that the Gods hate them or that they are being punished… It’s not that magick is evil, or any other excuse they can come up with. It simply comes down to ‘user error’. When you try to force magick to happen, in impossible circumstances, “It doesn’t just backfire, it’s like shooting a bullet into a small bullet-proof room, where it ricochets 100 times!”– as Jason Miller says.

I wish I could teach you all you need to know, right here but, sadly I can’t. The fact that you are taking the time to read this – puts you ahead of the rest though, and if you are being called to walk the Witch’s path, get in touch. I have free resources as well as in-depth programs to help you become an empowered Wise Witch in a fraction of the time!

\\ NOVEMBER 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine www.spiritualeventsdirectory.com18 Getting started on a spiritual path these days is easier than ever. We have a world of information at our fingertips and can connect with like-minded people from all over the globe! ALISSANDRA MOON The Wise Witch –

Take A Backseat!

Have you been trying to shed excess weight, only to sabotage yourself with that late night chocolate binge?

Does public speaking or public performances leave you with such performance anxiety that it robs you of any enjoyment?

OCD anyone?

Is procrastination holding you back?

Here is the good news for any of these issues and so much more… it’s a rogue part that is the culprit! We look at ourselves as being whole, and although that is true, the whole is made up of many different parts. Each part has its own capabilities, talents and agendas.

We have a part that experiences joy, parts that experience sadness, parts that experience learning, parts that are worker parts, parts for relaxation, parts for anger… and yes even rebel parts and addiction parts. Up to 25 different parts can be at play here.

Each part has a perfect function and believes it is doing the very best for their human. Sometimes the wrong part is playing the lead role in the conscious, we may experience chaos, confusion, anger, addictions and much more.

Let’s take the anxious performer for example. You love to perform or carry out public speaking, however when you do, you experience such performance anxiety, that it robs of you any joy, as mentioned earlier. What this means is the wrong part is in the lead conscious role for performing. So what we would do is speak directly to that part… who really does NOT want to be in the lead role, and ask it if it wants to be doing what it loves way up the back in subconscious. Of course, the answer is always yes. We then, through certain techniques, find the ‘performer part’ to take the role. No more anxiety! Problem solved.

The same goes with any unwanted behaviour. When it comes to addictions, there is obviously a traumatised part that needs to be given a voice, be seen, be heard and be given a support part and taken out of the lead role and sent up the back to the subconscious with their support part, and bring into the lead role a part that is mature, strong, capable and able to say no.

When we feel totally broken, it is a real comfort to know that it is only a part of us that is broken, and when we tend to that part lovingly and give it support, we can experience normality again (if there even is such a thing).

Of course, it sounds very simple, and it is, however there is an entire process that happens to make sure we uncover the initial trauma/issue, and really support that part that

experienced the trauma/event and make sure it is truly heard.

With weight reduction, we need to speak to the sabotaging part and ask what it needs to allow their human to shed the excess weight, send it up the back and bring in a strong, mature part and success will follow.

With procrastination, there is usually a fear of success or failure. So we speak to that part, give it the support it needs and send it up the back.

So, the next time you find yourself getting annoyed at yourself for a particular behaviour or avoidance, ask yourself, “Which part of me is doing this behaviour?”.

Find yourself a good Resource Therapist from to help you and you won’t look back. It’s the easiest form of therapy and so empowering.

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HTA is No. 1 in Australia for good reason –Clinical Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, Resource Therapy and Trauma, all in one Diploma!

Now more than ever, people have old wounds and battle scars needing to be healed.

Anxiety and Panic Attacks are at epidemic levels, fear is paramount, and Situational PTSD is on the rise.

seems that in our fast-paced world and busy lives, we’ve forgotten how to slow down

take a breath and look after

others around us.

Hypnotherapy Training Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ NOVEMBER 2022 \\ 19
Do you ever catch yourself doing something you don’t like? I am sure we have all had moments where we think, “I hate it when I do that!” ARTICLE KAZ FIELD ANDERSON
AUSTRALIA The Marilyn Newman Method Kaz Field Anderson Director of Training Hypnotherapy Training Australia
ourselves and Phone: 0466 043 611 Photo by JAYDON DALY Will the troubled part Please

How to turn Pain into Power

We are all faced with painful and difficult experiences in life but it is how we respond that defines us.

hen met with life’s challenges how do you respond? Do you explode into a fit of anger or do you retreat into submission? Or are you able to pause, acknowledge how you feel and then rise above your feelings and circumstances?

The thing is about negative and painful experiences is that they force us to grow, they refuse to allow us to stay the same.

Even if we wanted to stay the same, the old version of us no longer exists after a negative experience. We are changed, forcing us forward into a new version of ourselves.

Each time we are met with a painful experience we get to know ourselves a little better.

Something we need to be aware of is that after a negative experience, positive growth is not an automatic outcome. Whether you move forwards or backwards depends on you consciously choosing which direction you will go.

It is essential that we consciously choose not to be defeated and not to allow this experience to define us in a negative way. If we don’t we sentence ourselves to a lifetime of pain with the waves of life continuously crashing

over us. When we decide to turn our pain into power, it almost gives us superpowers.

It creates a ferocious resilience that keeps growing.

We all have the choice in life whether to be defeated or whether to choose to rise and I always choose to rise!

We all need to love and value ourselves enough that we will not allow any circumstantial event to break us, we must never stop trying because we know and believe deeply we are worth it.

So how can you begin to turn pain into power?

Firstly when life gets you down, consciously say to yourself, “Not me, not today! I will not allow these negative thoughts or feelings to defeat me!”

Always affirm worthiness.

Find three things to be grateful for and three things you have learned in regards to this event.

Also acknowledge the things that can no longer stay the same now and what new benefits this has for you.

Practise gratitude even if it hurts currently, trust the universe has thrown you this curve ball for a higher purpose, to redirect your life.

Know that everything will turn out okay in the end and if it’s not okay, it’s not the end.


During a Full Moon, run yourself a bath or warm the shower water.

Mystica Magick is run and owned by Rose, a modern Witch Mentor.

Located on the Gold Coast and servicing globally.

She helps women achieve red hot and aligned lives. She o ers a range of ritual boxes that have been locally sourced and lovingly chosen.

Rose helps women re-design their lives using modern intuitive mentoring to get fast-tracked and long-lasting results.

Her clients achieve emotional and personal freedom and they have more time, more money, more fun and more vibrancy.

She believes that the rules for spirituality need to be rewritten to include real, grounded advice and techniques whilst preserving feminine connection and flow.

If you’re ready to be part of this movement then claim your complimentary personal freedom call via the website.

Place the Full Moon herb blend in the provided calico bag and allow the herbs to infuse into the water. (These can be purchased from

Light your ritual candle and invite in your guides.

Write down everything you wish to let go of on a piece of paper.

Get a heat proof dish and burn your list, light it on your candle and let it burn in the bowl.

Then get into the bath or shower and physically envisage yourself washing away all of these negative thoughts and feelings, replacing them with pure love. Whether you envisage loving coloured light filling you up or surrounding you or whether you prefer to reframe your negatives into positive and loving quotes this is up to you.

Bask in your water and herbs for as long as you like.

When finished, envisage all of those negative things you washed away going down the drain.

Blow out your candle and thank your guides.

Ensure you drink plenty of water.



To book one of Rose’s unique personal development readings, visit: @mysticamagick
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A holistic view of Lifeschooling

Lifeschooling was not a term I grew up with. Growing up in a loving family, playing many sports, family holidays and was definitely encouraged to do what made me happy EXCEPT the school part…attendance was non-negotiable to my dismay! I truly disliked school for how it made me feel as a learner although enjoyed it for the social life, dreaming of growing up to live life wild and free however it looked!

Iventured from school to uni, somehow at some stage it was ingrained in me, to be a successful person I needed a degree. I chose teaching as I have always been able to connect to others, my EQ high and ability to sense emotions in others, way before I understood my soul contract. As my desires to be a chef were diminished by the prospect of working weekends taking out my social life… yes a common theme emerging here, my interest in teaching was born from a desire to engage learners as I was a reluctant learner, often failing and struggling to make sense of the learning. Many years later were to realise, I have my own learning disabilities after the diagnosis of dyslexia and dysgraphia with not one but two of our three sons, the coincidences of their exact same traits as my own were all too similar.

I soared in my teaching career heading into leadership at a rare young age due to my alternative teaching methodologies, passion for student voice and high engagement within low socio-economic student groups. My mission; to be that one teacher who makes a difference by igniting passion for learning and to love our unique selves. It was during these years I started to wake up to a common theme emerging amongst the standard education schooling system, a need to ‘fill’ students’ heads to become functional in society, regardless of students and adults voicing concerns of rising anxiety in children, due to unrealistic educational expectations.

Wow, literally the first time I have finally written in words one of the core reasons I resigned earlier 2022 after 23 years in SA education department. Surreal to see it now for public eyes, now unafraid to stand up with a voice for the collective damage to our children is too obvious to ignore. I can only speak of my experience here in SA however with a national curriculum, I know pressures are national from mentoring homeschooling families. With growing rates of learning and behavioural diagnosis and more parents with similar frustrations at the system failing their children, lifeschooling is a term we need to speak loudly and proudly about.

Lifeschooling is the very essence our our life journey… living and learning about our unique selves, talents, loves, dislikes and at the core learning about what we desire which will often open doors to our future careers! Yet, we are not taught this at school or a cellular level. We are not taught to harness our talent from a young age and explore

our own wonderings in entirety that will absolutely meet the curriculum, just in diverse ways from fellow peers.

Not for one moment do I feel that teachers are in the wrong. I speak from an ‘on the fence’ perspective. I literally have a view from both sides. The pressures in teaching to meet outcomes and reviewed constantly on our professional standards is of concern. To the distraught parent nursing a crying child at night to sleep, for fear the following day they will be singled out, felt dumb and isolated from their peers in order to be ‘forced’ to learn is where I view schooling on the flip side.

Brains are wired differently, we all know we are unique yet we ‘clump’ children together due to age and force the ‘same’ outcomes on spirited souls. The only outcome is extinguishing the light within many, as only a small percentage of learners are perfect for the outcomes being taught in that moment.

I always explain standard education is like expecting the world to like and dislike the exact same foods or weather or locations. It will never happen. Our minds are powerful. Our minds are wondrous. Educators need to be reassured that we are facilitators in MENTORING our youth in ways to bring out our creative, venture outside, explore our world around us, igniting passion for learning rather than force learning from top down pressure of outcomes and expectations.

So instead of being ‘that’ ex-teacher disgruntled with the system, I now stand proud of my teaching career, seeing life on the inside and pleased I was able to make a massive impression on students I taught. I am fortunate to now desire to take my teaching outside the classroom. I love my life now, supporting families and educators through ‘Gratefully Natured’ lifeschooling methodology. We are a Lifeschooling family, currently homeschooling, once upon a time in mainstream education and lifeschooling travelling around Australia. I view our schooling journey as eclectic, it has been a little bit of everything, truly ticking it all off our bucket list! It is us, the parents, who although happen to be both qualified and experienced teachers ‘mentoring’ our three sons by showing them first-hand of our own lifeschooling, are continually astounded and impressed at being mentored by our sons as they share their daily wonderings, explorations and findings.

I believe there can be immediate change… to be continued in the next edition of REBIRTH!

\\ NOVEMBER 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine www.spiritualeventsdirectory.com22

Spinach Cob

Preheat the oven to 180°C.

Squeeze as much liquid from the spinach as possible and place in a large bowl. Add the sour cream and soup and stir to combine.

Cut the lid from the loaf and break into pieces. Scoop out two-thirds of the filling (break into pieces) leaving a soft plump wall, approx 2cm thick. Pour the mixture into the cob and place on a baking tray. Bake for 15 minutes or until lightly golden. Remove from oven and scatter the lid and bread pieces onto the baking tray. Return to the oven and bake for another 10 minutes, or until just golden and crispy.

Serve on a platter using the ‘toast’ to dip.

Optional: Add ½ cup (50g) grated mozzarella.

SERVES 8 Ingredients: • 500g frozen spinach, thawed • 500g tub sour cream • 35g packet spring vegetable soup mix • 1 cob loaf (round country or boule)
RECIPE KIM McCOSKER – Author of ‘4 Ingredients’ cookbooks
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Finding your Inner Channel


psychic channel


is worth sharing again purely for the fact that



Iwas awakened to my inner channel by my deceased grandfather. Now that’s not a statement you hear every day!

I was smelling cigarette smoke (Pa died of emphysema and never could give smoking up) when other people couldn’t, which became really frustrating and more and more mysterious. In the end, a psychic unlocked who it was for me, and Pa and I connected.

I had no idea what I was doing! However, I took myself off to the botanic gardens with a pen and paper and cleared my mind. I just wrote what came into my mind; it was just words and phrases, but it was about salary sacrificing which made perfect sense because Pa had been



take notice of the signs, no matter how insignificant they may seem.

a chartered accountant! What I was doing, unbeknownst to me, was automatic writing.

Channelling is a gift of clairaudience and is where the mind receives messages outside one’s own thoughts. It can happen if you have asked a question in your mind, or thoughts may just come in randomly without you ever having thought them. Some people do hear voices as well.

I’m a firm believer that psychic gifts are innate within us and just need unlocking through belief, trust and practice. Even if one clair is stronger than another, I have found that working on that strongest clair will help to unlock others.

The best way to start channelling, in my view, is to do what I did and try automatic writing. Before you do, here are a few tips:

Know who you are talking to. Messages from the spirit world are much less trustworthy than those from a Master or an Archangel. Intend that the Archangel who is working with you give you a message or call in my go-to, Archangel Michael.

Make sure you are grounded and hydrated.

Ask for any messages received be for your highest and best, not just the greater good. What is for the greater good is not always the best for us!

Clear your mind and let the message come in – if you start over-thinking it, stop and start again.

Be specific in your questioning and clear in your intentions.

Work on clearing your mind through meditation and breath work.

Trust that you can do it.

Keep practising.

The same tips can be applied to the use of tarot or oracle cards and pendulums.

TRUST is the key word in any type of spiritual or psychic work. If we don’t trust our connection, our abilities or our work, then the messages won’t be trustworthy.

believe in you!

\\ NOVEMBER 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine www.spiritualeventsdirectory.com24 Victoria
I Even though I have
the story of how I came to be a


What if, instead of feeling like a lost sock in the spin cycle of a ruthless existential clothes dryer called life, you became a powerful super conscious creator; directing YOUR story the way YOU desire it to go? Nobody else.

Here’s the thing I really want you to know: when you tap into the well-spring of super consciousness within, you don’t need anyone else to ‘show you the way’, or tell your future, or ‘fix you’. You are not and never were BROKEN!

You don’t need to be ‘repaired’, you need to be REVIVED! Or rather, the connection with your super conscious requires a jumpstart!


Most people end up existing by default, without really being fully aware of why they make the choices they make and take the actions they take.

Ninety-five percent of everything we do occurs in the unconscious mind. That means, 95% of all your choices, actions and ways you engage with people arise from an intention and agenda you’re not even consciously aware of.

Your unconscious mind is only interested in your safety and survival. Hence, most people experience life, making all their choices and taking action, based on, “How do I stay safe and survive?” Rather than, “How do I create a life in which I THRIVE?”

But what if you could reprogram your unconscious mind AND tap into the most powerful creative consciousness that resides inside of you; your super conscious? In a very aware, conscious and intentional way?

What if, instead of being one of the 95 percent of people existing by default, you could effectively reprogram yourself to become a unique way-shower, living by divine design? A design of your creation?

Not at the mercy or control of friends, family, bosses, colleagues or anyone else for that matter. Not having to meditate for hours, or journal ’til your hand cramps. But by following your own intuitive path, every step of the way, every single day? As your new ‘normal’!

It is totally possible! We see our clients achieve this transformation every single time, as this is what happens when you let STARR light your path to recovery and revival, so you can plug back into the power that’s been yours all along!

Our proven pathways literally work with and favourably alter your neurological and cellular pathways; amplifying your intuitive knowledge exponentially, giving you the confidence to set boundaries like a boss and putting you in the driver’s seat as the magical creatrix of your own fabulous AF life!


Applications are now open to secure your spot as one of 8 intrepid heroes; we’re taking on our next transformative adventure – embarking on 5th December!

The 12-week Hero’s Journey to Self Mastery (Power of 8!) Program (with 3 BONUS Calm Your Christmas Sessions to prep you for the festive season and family gatherings!), is a powerful immersion into your own shadows and psyche!

You’ll be guided to the depths of your ancestral stories, uncovering the root cause of painful patterns that keep repeating in your life and accessing the ‘beginning of time’ universal wisdom, housed in your very own unique soul’s library. Here, you will get a deeper insight than ever before into what makes you tick, and the limitless potential of your own healing power.

Are you ready to go deep into the shadows, so you can uncover the true extent of your light?

Bron Lea is a Complex Trauma Specialist, Soul Alchemist and Founder and Creator of STARR Collective Institute of Healing®️ and STARR Method™️. Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ NOVEMBER 2022 \\ 25
ARTICLE BRON LEA Are you tired of inconsistent cashflow and the nagging uncertainty of where your next booking is coming from? Want to fill your appointment calendar with raving fan clients and word-of-mouth referrals? Learn advanced, innovative hypnotherapy techniques, processes and tools to help your clients overcome symptoms of complex childhood and ancestral trauma, quickly, safely and permanently. • Work virtually from home • Determine your own hours • Enjoy consistent, passive and recurring income with our unique range of programs • Scale without stress and burnout, with options to increase your impact AND income, without having to add more client contact hours to your days COACHES, HEALERS, LIGHTWORKERS, COUNSELLORS… To secure your complimentary call with STARR Founder Bron Lea, visit: Payment plans and full business support available You were Never Broken

Events Tips for Practitioners

ake this the last time you worry about no

• Why events are important for marketers

• Combining virtual and in-person strategies

• Ways to make your events more inclusive ategies to launch, manage, and measure the success

• Tactics for scaling your event strategies


When you run an online or offline event, there’s plenty of steps you take to get you to the end result.

If you’ve been running events, you are already thinking about them and if you don’t, you might be thinking, “What, tell me the steps.” However, for this article, I wanted to share with you what is the biggest gap practitioners have when it comes to running events… and that’s follow-up.

Marketing is not only done for lead generation, you need it to connect and communicate effectively and efficiently with your community when they interact with you, so in the initial stage, it’s on their terms. Allow them to binge on your content, deliver and give them solutions that give a transformative result that will then lead them towards your product or service – or at minimum, it builds the relationship and they work out if they like you enough to want to get to know you more…

Relationships with prospects and customers are important no matter what your business is, however in the healing space, a personal connection holds a deeper meaning for the end user. One of Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs has a basic human need to feel love and belonging – what I refer to in my coaching and training calls, acknowledged or heard.

Marketing lead generation example: When a person fills in a form, you have a thank you page – the thank you page is a neglected space and sometimes a void where your new connection drops off. This is the page to give clear instructions as your new community member has a strong desire to become the most they can be and they’re interested in your services… so give it to them.

The beauty of setting up a thank you page follow-up is you ‘do it once’. Read that again!

When you can do something once, it gifts you time back, it gives you freedom and you know that each and every

one of your community members will get the same level of experience with you. So you give your very best to all who come through your ‘funnel’.

You’ve finally done it! The event is over and everyone has gone home, you’ve cleaned up, packed away and now you need to follow everyone up… “I’ll do that later,” is the most common thought here.

What if you reached this point and you knew that each and every person that attended your event had already got an email from you asking for feedback and a review/ testimonial?

What if…

How would that feel?

I know 100% by using business operating success systems you’ll be able to follow-up easily, you’ll add more value while doing less and you’ll never neglect your community who love you again.

You’ve taken care of the physiological needs at your event (online or offline), you’ve ensured their safety, you want to continue to ensure they feel loved and belong, and your goal is the support them to build their self esteem and strength to become the most that one can be.

Do this and you’ll be loved, use smart client management in your business and you’ll love the time freedom and know you’re making it easier to do business with you online. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. How will you ensure you can connect and communicate effectively with your community without added stress and manual, copy paste follow-up… choose a set and forget method so you can focus on other event needs.


FUNNEL – A term used to describe a series of stages you take your prospect on. It’s a customer journey from the thought to completion of purchase, delivery and follow-up.

CUSTOMER JOURNEY – 3 stages of a customer journey:

Collection of leads

Convert to client

Create raving fans

Lyndi is passionate about empowering entrepreneurial business owners to be set up for success as a systems integration specialist. For more information on how Lyndi can help you discover how marketing automation can support your business on the web, she can be reached at:

\\ NOVEMBER 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine www.spiritualeventsdirectory.com26


Journal LEARN HOW TO GIVE AND RECEIVE PROSPERITY IN A CONTINUOUS FLOW OF LOVE AND ABUNDANCE Published by SPIRITUAL EVENTS DIRECTORY I Love THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND GENERALLY REQUIRES BETWEEN 22 AND 66 DAYS TO BE REPROGRAMMED The I Love Money Journal is a 60-day mindset journal to positively help you shift how you think, act, and feel about your money. Journalling for just 15 minutes daily allows you to rewire your subconscious thoughts, get honest with your feelings, become mindful about your money and happily track your progress. Available through: OUT NOW SECURE YOUR JOURNAL TODAY!

CREATE YOUR DESIRE Imagine Your Desire

Write down what it is you want to attract into your life –be specific. Example, rather than just say, a new house, describe what the house looks like inside and out, and how you would feel living in it.

28 \\ I Love Money Journal
Pagesfrom ‘ILoveMoneyJournal’

Take a photo and place it here, or cut out a picture in a magazine that represents what you want to attract into your life.

I Love Money Journal \\ 29

time to step up!

The Spiritual Warrior Emerging


any painful truths had to be acknowledged. It sounds very dramatic and terrible… and it was. The lie I lived was exposed to find my Divine spark. I’m not going to sugarcoat it, the Spiritual path was cruel, devastating, rewarding and peaceful. All the wonderful and terrible things at once and I would not change a thing.

I found myself anxious, depressed, challenged by external influences, challenged by my own physical body, challenged by my own mental processes, anything that pushed me out of my comfort zone. I transformed that energy into healing. No-one did it for me. I wanted them to. I was angry and I wanted the teachers and healers to take it all away like they said they could. I was living as the victim and had to transform to the warrior.

You are your own healer. You have the power. You have the power to make the changes. You have the power to decide you want something better than what you have. You have the power to decide what is best for you. You have the power to make mistakes and amazing discoveries.

It’s not about working it out all at once. Decide! Decide that life has to be better than this. Tap into the power of the Spirit through meditation, tarot, reiki for example. Use the feeling you have in those moments to focus on your ‘Big Picture’. This is how I learned to trust my intuition, my guides and my Spiritual path.

Be prepared to change course! Using your Big Picture

the worst

focus you have a sense of what is possible. You will get stuck, you will be confused, you will be stubborn. Be flexible. I always sat in the FEELING of my Big Picture when I was confused. What it LOOKS like will change as you go with the flow. The FEELING is important, it is your ANCHOR.

And you know what? I began to heal… I healed my Soul and I healed my life. My body still carries the arthritis. I don’t like it but I understand its true purpose.

Teachers, healers and gurus are there for guidance and support. They work beside you to find your personal relationship with your Body, Mind and Spirit. You will encounter loving and not so loving people. Each and every one of them are support, cheerleaders, or motivation.

Self awareness is the greatest gift you can give to yourself. Knowing yourself and being honest with yourself is the only way to break those old patterns and begin to live your best life.

My new program The Conscious Mystic Collective provides the perfect space to explore your personal relationship with Spirit.

It’s time to become The Warrior.

Join Vicki each Thursday for regular meditation practice.

has been leading groups since 2001. Use coupon

free sitting.

The Conscious Mystic

Exciting news for 2022: The Conscious Mystic Community. “Mentoring, Guidance and Healing” a portal for education and support. Visit for details
code FREETRIAL for one I’ve had chronic arthritis since I was 19 years old. The arthritis was bad in my
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Your Stars 2023

There is a lot going on, astrologically speaking, in 2023!

Two major planetary impacts occur this year: Jupiter, Chiron and the North Node in Aries; and in March and April 2023, the Sun, New Moon, Mercury and Venus in Aries. Both alignments will profoundly a ect each sun sign and be a wonderful fresh start in multiple areas of life.

A major focus for the year is on the North Node in Aries. This is sometimes called the ‘Dragon’s Head’. On the opposite end, is the ‘Dragon’s Tail’ or, the South Node which is in Libra. Aries rules all things war-related, and Libra rules allies but also, enemies. This cycle was last seen in 1939-1940 with the reverse South Node in Aries and North Node in Libra. The outcome of this duo will be many ‘Us against Them’ scenarios. On a more personal level, you might see some situations repeating now that occurred 18 or 19 years ago.

Financially, we are unlikely to get any relief from the rising costs of living until Jupiter enters Taurus in mid-May and the strain of recession will stick until the lunar node cycle ends in Taurus and Scorpio in midJuly. As we know, ‘War’ and ‘Recession’ are inextricably linked. Where there is one, there is the other. If we look on the positive side, the past has shown that the other side of an economic resetting is a world completely transformed. By the time this cycle ends in mid-2026, the Age of Aquarius will truly be upon us, and we can expect a much more forward-thinking environmentally-minded global society.

What does 2023 look like for you?


It is an excellent time to initiate change, Aries. Many new endeavours will bring success. It’s a great year for romance if you’re willing to open up and let love in. This goes for both single folk and couples. The time is ripe to explore or start something new. The lack of focus in the second half of the year could bring a few stressful situations, so keep your eye of the prize.


There is big energy in your sign right from the getgo in 2023. It will translate well in all areas of your life, especially communication which will be the basis of your success. The increase in self-confidence in turn, brings more positivity and fulfilment. It’s a great year for singles to be on the look-out. Overall, the more activities and projects you embrace, the more likely chance you will experience joy and a sense of accomplishment.


It looks to be a social year for Gemini folk. The opportunities are there for the taking. Mid-year will be especially good for the single amongst you. The rosecoloured glasses are unlikely to sit comfortably this year though, so any friendship or relationship that relied upon them is unlikely to continue. You are more likely to see any gains in personal goals or projects until the end of the year, so stay positive and a happy ending to 2023 will be in the bag.


There’s no need to search out your comfy hiding spots this year, little Cancer Crabs! The planetary alignments are on your side. Now is the time to push past your boundaries and give those dreams a go. Give your all to the endeavour at hand and your e orts will be well-rewarded. There will be a few particularly grim days but I encourage you to keep up that energy. Have faith! You will see results.


Even though you may have a few obstacles thrown in your path in 2023 Leo, your year is looking to be pretty successful. Relationships and the role each person plays in your life will be at the forefront of your mind. Taking stock of what you have and finding contentment in that will bring about the fulfilment you crave. The planets are aligned to assist you in whatever you set out to achieve but your input will be the deciding factor in your success.

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Stay on the lookout this year, Virgo – don’t jump to conclusions, don’t race ahead to the last page of the book. Not everything is going to go as planned and you might be compelled to rush to the most logical finish you can imagine – my advice to you is wait and see! You won’t jeopardise your success by reigning in your natural inclination to organise and make order. Just enjoy the highs and know the lows don’t last forever.


Libra, I hope you have your money a airs in order. If not, hop to it. In order to take advantage of the upcoming monetary cosmic alignments, you need to have some plans in place. You will more than likely need to reach out for assistance this year in your general dayto-day life – be prepared for a lot of to-ing and fro-ing to keep those Libran scales balanced.


It’s one of those ‘slow and steady wins the race’ kind of years for you, Scorpio. Especially in the finance and career section of life. Make sure you work consistently on your goals if you’re looking for successes in 2023. Keeping productive is the way to attract the winning energies swirling around when Jupiter comes calling.


You took a bit of a hit in the last few months of 2022, Sag but this year promises to make up for it. You have planetary alignments lining up to court you! It is going to be a bumper year in all areas of life – especially on the romantic front. There are so many avenues, paths, opportunities and choices. My only word of warning is

to not participate in anything ‘too’ risky. It’s where the twists and turns might be your undoing.


Capricorns are known for staying the course and standing strong in their ethical ways. This will definitely be your key to success this year. You know how to be yourself, stand your ground and fight for what you want. There are no shortcuts to victory and this tenet will not only assist you in earning the money, status, financial gain or anything else you have your sights on – it will also ensure the seeds you planted last year come to fruition.


Your theme this year is YOU. While working for the ‘greater good’ or your fellow man is important, 2023 will glow for Aquarian folk when they shine that spotlight on their own needs and desires. My advice to you this year is take that exercise class, learn that skill, call that doctor or spend that time on yourself. There are lots of ways to put o confronting hard truths about ourselves and Aquarians know them all intimately. This year, success will come when you are nourished and attended to.


Deciding what you want is key in 2023. Make sure you direct your energy to those ideas that have the potential to benefit you. It’s time to discard the ‘whatif’ and ‘maybe’ dreams that are draining your time and attention. Any decisions made in the first few months of the year are likely to have a strong impact on the remaining months so pay attention and focus on what it is you want to achieve both this year and long term.

Mark Anthony Hamilton

Subscribe NOW to Mark’s newsletter and get 3 chapters FREE Take a look at Mark’s website and link to his YouTube channel for more details and bookings: /groups/SoulMediumarkAnthonyHamilton /channel/UCe3rEmOCV17wx3U--nkcyDg
SOUL MEDIUM & AUTHOR When you are ready to move forward in life and yet blocked or stuck with what is going on, a Soul reading/healing can provide you with what’s going on from your present life and/or past lives. Just knowing that small incident from your past can change everything for you to move forward. Mark also offers a range of services tailored to each individual to assist in moving from life’s rollercoaster to an empowered life. BOOK A SESSION ONLINE TODAY Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ NOVEMBER 2022 \\ 33


For this issue I’m using the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck.

Global! Economic! Crisis! You've been feeling the warmth and pressure build for the past months, wondering is it just me? Or is everything getting more expensive? Why is the old wallet not stretching as far as it once did? Well, you've felt the warmth, now prepare for the heat! Expect stress in the financial area collectively, as things change on a global scale.

This may cause you to feel powerless – but remember what you have control over and take action on that. Small steps in the right direction will make a big di erence in the long run. Trust that feeling to watch spending habits and don't stress too much about what's not in your realm of control.


They say it's darkest just before dawn and you find what you're looking for the moment you stop searching for it. It's time to allow yourself to open up to a greater level of love and commitment.

A blessed loving energy will be about in early to mid November especially, but the entire month brings with it an opportunity to embrace more emotional depth with a close connection. New a ections will be on the rise, ushering in new developments with communication and personal growth. Those who are attached already will be upgrading the extent of their commitment with more time and energy towards what brings in happiness. Those who are searching for the missing piece, don't despair, there's something right around the corner when you least expect it.

This is truly a breath of fresh air for the heart and soul –breathe it in and enjoy!


Remember the old stories from your parents and grandparents about how simple life used to be and how they passed the time? Well, those stories may become your very own soon enough.

With an energy pushing you to simplify everything in your life, especially how you're spending your time, there is new found wisdom in old words. Feeling a compulsion to have long, slow days that nourish your mind, body and soul will become addictive. Perfecting the art of balancing social BBQs in the park with friends as the sun sets, and the

ourselves facing a push/pull choice to make in the area of work. The first thing to ask yourself, at this turning point is, are you happy in your current workplace? The second is, what boundaries are you needing to implement in order for you to have a healthy and happy work/life balance?

When you make the choice that honours and respects your future, there will be a supportive energy accompanying it, an almost 'pep in your step'. This is your chance to push forward with a long awaited change that will enliven your perspective and reawaken your ambition on the career front. Working smarter, not harder, because quality is ALWAYS better than quantity.


An intense month for sure, I wouldn't expect anything less in Scorpio season. With big questions arising on everyone's mind this is a great time to ask, are you taking care of yourself? Have the choices you've made for your health and wellbeing worked in your favour? Is your body talking to you about what it needs? With the Hierophant indicating a sense of conformity, a question will need to be posed to the future you… What will I do for my body if…? Not fitting the 'mold' might in turn be quite a rewarding feat. Think short-term sacrifices equals long-term gain.

Just like you would with a large financial investment you'd naturally employ the wisdom of not just one but multiple experts before engaging and committing to the 'deal', so when you cast the net wide and explore many options for what really is your one and truly biggest asset and investment a.k.a. YOUR BODY you value it and make the best choice possible. Expect a strain to be on the health systems in large as we end this year, you have a big choice before you – to be dependent or empowered. Listen to your body, it knows best.

December 2022 Reading


Continuing the seemingly themed end to our year, there will be a trend being observed all around and this trend will be driven by the need to recharge and revive

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financial systems. Consider your bank account, consider how you use your money and how it works or in some cases does not work for you. This month the happenings for the general energy will be a timely reminder to pull back, manage and moderate your future with intention. Keep in mind, money is energy, when you have managed your energy well, it's reflective of your financial status – it's okay for you to have selfish moments as we farewell the big bang of 2022. Take your time and be true to yourself.


If this month's love and romance energy had a title it would be: empowered and ready to thrive! What a wonderful time to finally feel comfortable in your own skin. This is perfectly timed for finding your feet in more than one way. Finding yourself is truly the best connection of all, but… having your cake and eating it too is even better. Expect a thriving vibrancy of attention and admiration heading your way. It's your time to enjoy the lighter, more joyous things in life and let your hair down. When you feel like the best version of yourself it shows and shines through drawing people to you like a magnet. New connections will be in the plenty and old ones will be reignited. Enjoy, it's your life.


We all want to ensure our home and domestic life is the best it can be but be sure not to bite o more than you can chew in December 2022. There will be an opportunity fall at your feet to change, upgrade, renovate, refinance or sign on the dotted line for a level of improvement to your circumstances. This will be tempting, especially for something you've been wanting for a while, but be sure to do your due diligence and research all possibilities and

'what ifs'. Consider what resources you have available to you for the specific situation that unfolds to keep you supported and not overwhelmed with burden.


Wow! The snooze button is no longer available for your work and career front in December I'm afraid. Do your best to look at all options and feel what's really right for you. What will follow this major life-changing move to either stay or go on your current path, will usher in an entire new phase of your work life, so choose well. This is no small energy by any measure, but it doesn't have to be a stressful experience, there is an abundance of prosperity on its way as you honour your unique journey. Some may crave structure and security and others will desire the need to be more independent with the will to start self-employment ventures – which one are you?


Repeat a er me… "I will endeavor to have Rest, Recharge and Recuperation in my life." Those who do not make time for self-care on the physical level this month will find themselves in a pickle. We can only do so much and go so far before we have the need to recharge our body's batteries and go again. In this increasingly busy world we find ourselves in, if we don't manage our energy and time, it will manage us. There will be an increase in hospital dependency this month by the looks of things. How many illnesses can be avoided by the simple act of self-care and relaxing yourself well before burnout happens? It's now or never to Rest and Reboot.

Missy Rivers is a Spiritual Psychic Medium and Teacher. Meet Missy Rivers, Psychic Medium who predicted the Coronavirus, the stock market crash, Trump’s Impeachment process and more... Readings Healings Psychic Development Past Lives All your Metaphysical Needs 0422 144 156 /missyriverspsychic /missyriverspsychic/ /channel/UCR7sESm9dJ_GdfI6BgF1z2g EMPOWERING YOUR FUTURE Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ NOVEMBER 2022 \\ 35

Snake Medicine:

How to embrace it

When working with the symbology of animals and their meanings it is important to know there is Animal Messengers and then there is Animal Totems.

Totem Animals refer to those animals who play a huge part in our lives, they keep coming back as messengers during key moments and on a regular basis.

They can provide comfort, warnings, set you on your path, encourage you or just fill you with the deep knowing that you are not alone. They are there to guide you.

An Animal Messenger is usually just coming in to give you a one-o message and work with you temporarily before they leave and you don’t see them for a long time.

You can also have an animal work with you without you seeing it in person. What happens is people start talking about an animal, you might get random photos all from di erent people, you turn on the television and there is that animal.

You can see them on Facebook and then walk past people talking about that animal in the supermarket. You can dream of them.

If an Animal Messenger is trying to share its medicine with you, there is no hiding, it becomes really obvious.

Scott Alexander King’s amazing book, Animal Messengers explains that snakes represent transmutation… the literal shedding of skin; the complete change from something old into something new.

Snake Medicine can firstly be a warning just before you are about to go on an archetypal journey in the underworld, or secondly it can mean you are just coming out of the underworld.

If you are seeing or experiencing Snake Messengers and your life is going great or okay… then it usually means that some shadow work is coming.

The snake is here to warn you.

You are about to descend into your psyche, face old wounds or patterns needing healing. We do this when our soul is ready for change or an upgrade.

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O en, we activate this shadow journey into the underworld when we want to manifest something, or wished we were di erent. Sometimes we say, “I would do anything to stop feeling this way,” etc.

The snake is letting you know that you are about to get your wish and a complete change of self is coming.

The second way to see or experience Snake Messengers is when you have been going through a lot of change and transformation. You have been in your psyche, healing and wrestling with your old programs.

Everyone reading this will know what it’s like to completely let go of an old version of yourself. You o en feel out of control, deeply lost, uncomfortable and like the universe has slapped you across the face.

When you start to come out of the shadow work and understand the lessons learned, that is when the Snake Messenger will appear.

The snake is telling you, prepare yourself because you are not the same person.

You have completely shed that old pattern, program, limiting belief, habit or core belief about yourself and the world.

To consciously work with Snake Medicine you have to understand more about the snakes themselves. So, you get a full understanding of their medicine.

The incredible Jill Zimmerman of Wild Spirit Snakes on the Gold Coast taught me something fascinating about snakes.

When a snake sheds its skin, it can do it in two di erent ways… the easy way or the hard.

If a snake looks a er itself and has a good feed and then hydrates itself before shedding, it starts to secrete a white milk-like substance between the old and new skin.

Even the lens of the eye is shed, so during this phase the snake can look almost blind.

The more the snake is able to look a er itself, the more lubrication it makes and when it sheds, the skin comes o incredibly easy and o en fast.

However, if a snake is not able to find food and water to nurture itself before the shed, then the skin peels slowly o in patches. It is di icult with bits of skin and scales le all over the place.

If Snake Medicine is here for you, then you must do your best to nurture yourself so your transmutation from the old you into the new you is easy.

Do all the things which you know help you. Eat healthier, meditate more, go get a massage, book yourself in for healing, do things that bring you comfort.

You also surrender to the Snake Medicine with gratitude.

You say a irmations and prayers, you tell the snake and the universe that you are willing to surrender and let go of the old versions of yourself.

Just like the snake is nearly blind with milk-like substance – it is vulnerable. Just like you need to be when willing to step into the new you.

You have to be willing to let go of old habits,

frequencies and codes and step blindly into the upgraded new reality and version of you.

Remember the snake even shed its eyelid, so how you see yourself and the world can o en go through a radical change when Snake Medicine is working with you.

If you do not stop and allow yourself to be gentle and nurturing to yourself, then you are going to shed your skin slowly. Inch by inch and scale by scale, with discomfort and much grumpiness.

This is what the snake is trying to warn you about.

If you are starting to see Snake Messengers a er a rough dark time of it, I want you to prepare yourself for radical change.

Your life might seem the same but you are di erent, you have shed your skin and the old lens of yourself.

It is times like this that you start businesses, move, travel, activate new gi s or enhance current ones.

It can even be like you have changed timelines completely and you are a whole new person on every level.

So, if you are seeing lots of snakes, don’t be afraid. Embrace them for the incredible healers they are. There is a reason doctors have them on the Caduceus and they are respected and revered in so many cultures.


Michelle is passionate about all things spiritual and has been seeing and communicating with



Michelle has a knack for getting to the root of a concern, particularly for health – and bringing through confirmation from the spirit world.

intention is to help the people she reads for, and

how to live their best life possible.

Michelle R Price
spirit since
figure out
• Angel Card/Intuitive Readings • Mediumship • Past Life Connections • Pranic Energy Healer • Reiki Master • Mentorship P 0408 984 219 | FB michellerprice76 E Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ NOVEMBER 2022 \\ 37

The art of self-care –

What is Self-Care?

The World Health Organization defines self-care as: 'The ability of individuals, families, and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and to cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a healthcare provider.'

• It is not associated with self-indulgence or being selfish.

• It refers to taking care of yourself so that you can be healthy, mentally well, you can do your job, you can help and care for others, and you can do all the things you need to do and want to accomplish in your day or week.

• Is about taking steps to take care of your physical and emotional health needs so that you can be your best version of your self.

• Helps to reduce stress and anxiety.

• Self-care includes everything related to staying physically healthy — including hygiene, nutrition, and seeking medical care when needed. It’s all the steps an individual can take to manage stressors in his or her life and take care of his or her own health and well-being.

• Self-care is anything that you do for yourself that feels nourishing and happy.


When self-care is practised regularly, the benefits are many and have been linked to positive health outcomes such as:

• Reduced stress

• Improved immune system

• Increased productivity

• Improved self-esteem

• Reduced resting heart rate

• Reduction in blood pressure


She is a certified member of the International Psychics’ Directory and is a regular writer for Rebirth Vade Mecum on Spiritual Events and Directory’s Facebook page.

A psychic channel, medium, energy reader, spiritual healer and tutor, Victoria is available via appointment in person in Wynyard, Tasmania, via phone or video call. She is also available as an inspirational speaker and workshop presenter.


According to Google trends, the number of searches for 'self-care' has more than doubled since 2015! In today’s society, anxiety and depression is at an all-time high! With COVID-19 being present for the past 2 years ‘stressors’ and ‘stress’ have also sky-rocketed! In 2019 researchers published a self-care framework in The BMJ to specifically point out that in addition to selfcare being the activities individuals do on their own to promote physical and emotional health, it also includes the ways that individuals interact with clinicians and healthcare systems to tend to physical and emotional health. There are a lot of people and factors that bear on any one individual’s ability to engage in self-care. Selfcare has also become more mainstream.


Self-care requires checking in with yourself and:

• Asking yourself how you’re doing?

• How are you feeling?

• What is your body asking for or needing right now?

Some people use self-care practice to deal with difficult news stories, work stress or personal issues. Others use it to maintain their happiness day to day and to keep their ‘buckets full’. Self-care does not mean the same thing for everyone. Everyone has their own ‘go to’ self-care practices, and even your own definition might

\\ NOVEMBER 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine www.spiritualeventsdirectory.com38

change over time depending on your needs or stressors in your life. Engaging in self-care regularly can help you better prepare for the day and minimise your reaction to stressful events.


Emotional self-care – self-talk, weekly bubble baths, saying “No” to things that cause unnecessary stress, giving yourself permission to take a break, or weekly coffee date with a friend.

Physical self-care – prioritizing sleep, adopting an exercise routine, choosing healthy and nourishing foods over highly processed ones, regular massage or facial.

Spiritual self-care – attending a religious service, spending time in nature, meditating, incorporating regular acts of kindness into your day, keeping a gratitude journal or volunteer work.

Temporary – e.g. going out to dinner with a friend. You’ll benefit from the social connection, but it won’t last for very long after you part ways.

Enduring – has more long term effects. e.g. practising mindfulness regularly can lead to positive changes within the brain such as improvement in memory processes and regulations of emotions.

Self-care activities can be anything that floats your boat, puts a smile on your face or brings you joy.

I have listed below some examples of self-care activities:

• Write in a journal and reflect on what you’re grateful for each night before you go to sleep.

• Start each day by paying attention to your breath for five minutes.

• Set positive intentions for the day.

• Eat breakfast.

• Put your phone on airplane mode for an half hour each night and release yourself from the flurry of notifications.

• Call a friend just to say hello.

• Take up a relaxing hobby.

• Pick a bedtime and stick to it.

• Exercise daily even if it is only 15-20 minutes – you will feel good for doing it.

• Read a book in a peaceful spot in the garden.

• Make a cup of tea and drink it quietly with no distractions from technology or other people.

• Take up a new hobby or art and craft activity.


1. Determine which activities bring you joy, rejuvenate your energy, and restore your inner balance.

2. Start small by choosing one activity you would like to incorporate into your daily routine in the next week.

3. Build up to practising that activity every day for one week.

4. Reflect on how you feel – journal your thoughts, feelings.

5. Add additional activities when you feel ready.

6. Get support from professionals such as a life coach, counsellor, dietitian, therapist, exercise professional, etc, if you are trying a new activity such as meditation, changing meal plan, or starting exercise. Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ NOVEMBER 2022 \\ 39
Healer Accredited Crystal Healer Numerologist Certified SoulLife® Regression Therapist Certified Women and Teens Circle Facilitator WWW.LINKTR.EE/MERENDICRYSTALHEALER SCAN HERE TO JOIN MY MAILING LIST Join my mailing list and receive a downloadable Reiki Crystal & Numerology Reference chart (valued at $19) SCAN HERE TO BOOK A ON SALE NOW Kim McCosker’s FREE postage Australia-wide NOW ONLY $24

lower denomination, number two – to work out the vibration of November, I prefer to add the number eleven as a whole number to the current year.

Responsibilities around business, real estate and finances come under this vibration. This month is a good opportunity to speak to your bank, especially where interest rates are concerned, and shop around for a better deal that you can lock in. Use good judgment and

If you feel a little worse for wear, this month is the opportune time to see your doctor or get a referral to see a specialist. Dental work may be on the cards for many of you during November; do not delay making an appointment to have your teeth checked. Keep a close eye on stress levels and don’t let your mind run away from you. Allow for some downtime to relax. A irmations can be energetically powerful now so use this to benefit your purposes.

The vibration of this universal month is associated with electricity, so if you have been contemplating getting solar panels for your home or you have had a recent bill shock, spend time comparing your electricity company with others, this should be a priority.

Stick to the law, especially if you become engaged in negotiations or participate in matters related to signing or preparing contracts. Old wounds can crop up during this period, so if this is the case, use it as an opportunity to examine that area of your life. No matter what is going on in your life throughout November, it’s necessary you’re honest with yourself and others. Try to face obstacles, obligations, and fears, past and present, with a healthy attitude. Balance of your emotions and time and your ability to draw on inner strength will be key factors in how well you can manage whatever tests you face.

NUMEROLOGY ARTICLE AMANDA E BURGESS Transforming lives by resolving and releasing your ancestral lineage from trauma and inherited patterns. Kuve has created an effective and powerful fusion of energetic services that combines energy and emotional healing techniques. The Emotion Code, Reiki, Seichim, Hypnosis and Coaching Kuve has helped her clients from around the world to live healthier and happier lives. She has supported her clients to successfully address stress, anxiety, abundance blocks, worthiness and other emotional conditions. E: // P: +61 434 005 205 Kuve Jansky Bradley Specialising in resolving ANCESTRAL PATTERNS and TRAUMA Media | Advertising Promotions 0423 402 715 SpiritualEventsDirectory Spiritual Events & Directory \\ NOVEMBER 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine www.spiritualeventsdirectory.com40

December Forecast

The Universal month is calculated by adding the current month to the current calendar year. December is the 12th month, and the year is 2022, so we add those numbers together 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 which equals 9.

Out with the old and in with the new is the theme for this month. Take a good look at di icult relationships, particularly where you may be struggling with communication and see if they can be salvaged – if you are unable to turn things around, this is the month where you can finally say goodbye or put firm boundaries in place. Also, use this cycle to remove or donate items you no longer use or want because it will help you to enter the new year on a fresh note. Go through paperwork, your iPhone, and your computer files, and delete any irrelevant material.

Spend time socialising with friends and family who make you feel happy and avoid getting into debates, trivial arguments, or gossip. If you’re wanting to kick back and relax, December will be a fabulous opportunity to catch up on movies, read books, listen to podcasts, watch YouTube, or journal. Now would also be a good time to check out museums, art galleries, stage productions or see your favourite bands.

Humanitarian activities can be rewarding and can bring good kismet, so if you are someone who enjoys the act of giving, there’s no better time to give than with Christmas just around the corner. You might decide to buy a gi for a child to place under the tree at a department store, purchase a cup of co ee for someone, spend time listening to an elderly person, or volunteer

to help feed the needy – a small act of kindness can go a long way.

When buying Christmas gi s, consider items such as books, engraved personal objects, arts, and cra -related paraphernalia, a diary or journal, anything encouraging the law of attraction and positive thinking, gi cards, speakers, music, a food hamper, essential oils, magazine subscriptions, organic products, air purifier, colourful plants or flowers, beauty, massage or workshop vouchers, a comedic item that will make the recipient laugh, bathroom items, a unique product, a pamper pack, or something that promotes well-being.

Start planning for the year ahead. What are your goals? What do you wish to achieve? Education should be a big consideration, particularly in occupations related to health care, specialised fields involving law, calculation, analysis, or anything associated to the metaphysical. If you are interested in becoming an author, focus your attention on realising that dream in 2023.

Consider doing yoga, going for walks, drinking plenty of water, watching your intake of alcohol, eating clean leading up to Christmas Day, and avoiding using environmentally unfriendly items. It’s di icult enough to get back on track a er the holiday season without doing the wrong thing leading up to the festivities. Lastly, I’d like to personally wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year!

Amanda E Burgess is the author of Numerology & Your House.



message with all the event details, reminders to show up and get any pre-attendance workshop materials Let’s chat about how this could work Lyndi MacRae BUSINESS STRATEGIST and BUSINESS AUTOMATION SPECIALIST SOUL MENDER Car a Werth
| SOUL WHISPERER | SPIRITUAL ARTIST Carola connects and receives messages from Spirit and Spirit Animals – over 30 years’ experience Designer of the Soul Mender Oracle Deck which will be published mid-year, one of her gifts is channelling Light Beings and Ascendant Masters and working with Merlin Energy and Archangel Michael. Phone: 0449 732 952 \\ Email: AVAILABLE BY APPOINTMENT: • Oracle and Tarot Card Readings • Mediumship • Private Readings • Couple Readings • Chakra Balancing • Soul Mending • Angelic Reiki • Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki • Soul Unhooking • Vortex Energy Drawings Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ NOVEMBER 2022 \\ 41

Jess Beard – Inner Alchemist

It is my greatest passion to teach people how to use archetypes to understand their sabotaging patterns and to re-language them. When we understand our archetypes we can completely transform our lives and also those around us. It’s incredibly powerful.

Carmel Anne – Soulfully Guided

Tarot and Oracle Readings

Soulfully Guided provides a spiritual analysis and exploration into oneself using Intuition and Tarot and Oracle Cards. My goal is to work with you to answer any of those questions on your mind. People from all walks of life are welcome.

Jacine Greenwood-Drummond

Founder of Roccoco Botanicals, Anticity, The Skin Herbalists and Educated Therapist

Jacine is an award-winning Cosmetic Chemist and is the founder of the fastest growing beauty brand in the Asia-Pacific, winning many awards for her formulas and business growth. Jacine is intuitively guided with her formulas and has a love of natural ingredients.

Vicki Haspels

Psychic Readings, Reiki Mas ter Healings, Past Life Regres sion Therapy, Coaching, Eso teric Counselling, Education

Victoria Cochrane Psychic Communicator and Spiritual Healer

Accurate, Passionate, Life Changing

Victoria for accurate psychic readings and healings that will remove past traumas and cleanse negativity from your belief systems and energy fields.

My mission, as a teacher of Tarot and the psychic arts, is to break down any preconceived ideas and fears around readings that is holding the reader back from realising their own dream of becoming a confident, successful Vicki 0421 649 841

Zahra Jones – Heartcore Living

Heartcore Living is the Creation of Master Healer, Medicine Woman and Medical Intuitive, Zahra Jones

Zahra has been studying and practising the healing modalities and philosophies of many ancient cultures since 1990.

Kim McCosker

Kim is a well-known presenter and much loved for her easy, informative and funny storytelling. Her ability to talk, cook and serve all at the same time is VERY ENTERTAINING! To book Kim for your next function or event as a keynote speaker or MC please contact Melinda:

Zahra’s unique approach combines her own psychic abilities with ancient Shamanic healing, Reiki, Theta, and other modalities including sound and crystalline frequencies.

Special Events & Directory

SED is a Global Media Company specialising in showcasing conscious solopreneurs through various media platforms, for people seeking information or education about spiritual wellbeing.

Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine
P 0423 402 715 | FB /spiritualeventsdirectory W /soulfullyguidedcarmelanne
P 0417 581 107 | W E FB /victoriacochranepsychiccommunicator YT /channel/UCUXFZoWohlk5Ywi3om65Afg

Kuve Jansky Bradley

identifying and


Helping transform the lives of adults, children and future


Michelle R Price

Michelle is passionate about all things spiritual and has been seeing and communicating with spirit since she can remember.

Angel Card/Intuitive Readings


Past Life Connections

Pranic Energy Healer

Michelle has a knack for getting to the root of a concern, particularly for health – and bringing through confirmation from the spirit world.

P 0408 984 219 | FB /michellerprice76


Missy Rivers


Gwenda Smith

Spirit Medicine Woman and Mentor

If you’re looking for simple practical ways of living a peaceful, free abundant life, then I invite you to call me for a chat to see how I can make that happen for you.


Sage Drums Tasmania

has been lovingly created by Medicine Woman Jane Anderson who has been training and offering drum making and drumming for over 22 years. Jane completed an Advanced Diploma in Sacred Arts from 2007-2009 with the School of The Feminine Divine NZ. She offers an online course called Awareness Studies ( The course includes mentorship, 48 weekly worksheets of nature-based teachings, audio and video content and meditations which are designed to bring healing, plus a 6-month Earth Medicine Course and 12-month Teacher Training Course. Details can be found here: W

Soul Star Skin & Body

/rebirthmag/ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ NOVEMBER 2022 \\ 43
and Astrologist Missy Rivers is a Psychic Medium and Energy Healer, offering authentic guidance, support and useful, satisfying information along with many other services. W E FB /missyriverspsychic IG /missyriverspsychic
‘RADIANTE’ – Amazon # 1 International Best-Selling Author Kuve specialises in
resolving Ancestral Patterns
generations to
from within. • THE EMOTION CODE • REIKI • SEICHIM • HYPNOSIS • COACHING W P 0434 005 205 | FB /kuvejanskybradley E



Rebirth engages spiritual leaders and innovators to inspire readers and encourage them to expand their awareness and make inspirational changes in their own lives.

contributor is encouraged to provide tips and tricks to help readers learn how to follow their heart’s desires; covering everything from heart and mind meditation to Blessing Way ceremonies

mums-to-be, astrology and delicious mouthwatering recipes provided by 4 Ingredients celebrity cook and regular contributor, Kim McCosker.


Bron Lea

Jordie Janes

Michelle R Price

Katie Bateman

Kerry Lindsay

Lynda Lou Samantha Gillard

Gwenda Smith Ness Tomlinson

Sally Freestun

Rachael Robinson

Tanja Spadijer

Donna Drew

Kylie Arndt

Kay Hamilton Michelle Conway

Melissa Paris

Missy Rivers

Alissandra Moon

Rose Carter

Vicki Haspels
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