Rebirth Magazine January 2023

Page 17

Edition 17 \ January 2023 YOUR GUIDE TO CONSCIOUS AWAKENING Adrianne Skye A holistic view of 'Lifeschooling' Astrology Georgina Sierra RECIPE Kim McCosker NUMEROLOGY Amanda E Burgess Taroscopes Missy Rivers SPECIAL FEATURE Kuve Jansky Bradley Intuition and listening to my gut feeling got me where I am today! Vicki Haspels Embracing the power within to bring your dreams to life

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favourite show – all shows are AEDT MONDAY TUESDAY (cont.)THURSDAY (cont.)


A Bite With Bron – The Truth About Trauma Healing with Bron Lea

12 noon-1pm

Name Readings with Jordie Janes

7.15pm-8.15pm Psychic Readings with Michelle R Price

8.30pm-9.30pm Human Design with Katie



Sitting with Spirit with Kerry

1pm-2pm Readings with The Psychic Pinup

7.15pm-8.15pm Life & Love Guidance with Psychic Sam

10.30pm-11.30pm Readings with Angelicness


9.30am-10.30am Oracle cards with Sally Freestun –Soul Wellness Coach –Intuitive and Healer


10.30am-11.30am Sitting with Spirit with Kerry


Activate Your Courage with Kay Hamilton


Soul Song Readings with Honey 12 noon-1pm Psychic Angel Guidance with Michelle

1pm-2pm Readings with Mel 6pm-7pm Readings and Healings with Missy Rivers



The Hearts Journey Show with Vicki Haspels

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05 Dwana Dorrington Happy new adventure! You get to choose 06-11 Special Feature – Kuve Jansky Bradley Intuition and listening to my gut feeling got me where I am today! 12-13 Feature Interview – Melanie Brandt From burnout to six-figure success 14 Rose Davidson 4 key reasons why business owners MUST have a podcast 16 Kaz Field Anderson Christmas and family scarred me –HELP! I need boundaries NOW!

Trish Rock 3 tips for inner peace you can’t afford to miss 18 Alissandra Moon The Wise Witch – Learning Witchcraft, where do I start? 20 Rose Carter The dark night of the soul and what it possibly means for you 21 Nessa Lovell The magic of purpose 22 Adrianne Skye A holistic view of ‘Lifeschooling’ 23 Kim McCosker Chunky Dip Quiche 24 Victoria Cochrane A clearing a day keeps the spirits away 26 Julie Medeiros Need to master your mindset? Follow these 6 tips 27 Gwenda Smith Connection 28-29 Kathy Lather Karma equals power 30 Vicki Haspels Embracing the power within to bring your dreams to life 32-33 Astrology – Georgina Sierra 34-35 Tarotscopes – Missy Rivers 36-37 Bracha Goetz Are you starving for spiritual nourishment? Overcoming overeating joyfully 38-39 Merendi Leverett How to heal your own chakras

Ancient Magic I call upon my ancient magic. I call on the mysteries of the ages. I am that which cannot be expressed, yet resides in all creation. I am one. We are one. All is one.

Infused with Egyptian Gold and Higher Unity essential oil blends from Young Living, this A3 sized artwork has come through for a brother or sister who works with energy, magic and ritual. The more we work within the energetic space, the more we come to understand that all is connected, and find comfort in the signs and synchronicities that abound. This piece would be perfect for a healing space, to call in the ancient knowledge. Need this piece? Message Nessa. Nessa Lovell ARTIST. INTUITIVE. HEALER. GUIDE. Phone: 0488 032 479

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40-41 Numerology – Amanda E Burgess 42-43 Classifieds Contents
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Amanda E Burgess www.aburgessauthor.

Missy Rivers

Adrianne Skye

‘Happy New Year’ is an interesting concept, in a reality where time seems, more and more, to be an illusion… Even those who believe in the essence of time, must surely be noticing that it seems to be speeding up?

Our souls are infinite, and eternal. The timelines that exist, are also infinite, and eternal. Entering a ‘New Year’, and all of the celebrations that come with it, seem rather trivial, when you consider the vastness of this knowing.

OK, maybe I’m being a tad melodramatic here. After all, we chose to be a human, and come to this planet, and New Year’s celebrations CAN be fun! The dichotomy of “If time is an illusion, then why am I celebrating a fake new year?”, and, “Hey! I CHOSE to be here; I should enjoy this human experience!” is REAL.

Real, and ongoing… and, truthfully, there’s no wrong way to do it!

The ‘New Age Spirituality’ mindset has caused some of us to take this (and, ourselves), far too seriously! Can we not, simultaneously, agree that time does not exist, AND come to enjoy celebrations based on time? And, can we NOT over-think it, in the process?

Life is this moment. Now. Not in the past, not in the future (as they all run parallel, anyways).

Your life is happening Now.

That means you get to choose each moment! Every single second of every single day is YOURS to create! That makes the possibilities absolutely endless; a forever ‘Choose Your Own Adventure!’

We can extend this way of thinking, of BEing, to every single occasion, too. You can make every celebration, even the ones you don’t especially believe in, whatever you want them to be. Our reality is created by US, always. So, for those of us, living in 3D, while consciously shifting into 5D (and, beyond), can participate in these ‘timely’ festivities (hello, birthdays!), without the over-thinking, or questioning that is so easy to slip into.

Just enjoy! Do whatever feels right for your SOUL!

CREATE whatever feels right for your soul!

Come to think of it, maybe the New Year is the perfect time to do just that…

So, whatever you believe this Time to be (if anything, at all), enjoy it!

Pause. Take a deep breath. And, smile. However you are choosing to ‘human’ right now, is perfectly OK.

That’s something to celebrate.

Dwana Dorrington is an apprentice STARR Collective Practitioner and Alchemist, trained in the art of interpreting the residual whispers of a person’s trauma. Find her at: Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ JANUARY 2023 \\ 5
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SPECIAL FEATURE \\ JANUARY 2023 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine 6

Intuition and Listening to my Gut Feeling

Iwas born in the Czech Republic during its time of communist rule. My parents escaped from the Czech Republic when I was only nine. I had no idea at the time that I was involved in escaping the Czech Republic; I just thought I was going on holiday to visit my relatives in Cannes, in the south of France. From there we moved to Germany and a few years later we finally settled in Australia where my parents were seeking a better life for my brother and me. I learnt English first in my family. It was up to me, in the main, to take control in the initial years and help my parents with the necessities. I am so grateful that my parents had the foresight and courage to leave their home, everything they owned, their friends and family for an unknown future. Maybe I got that ‘follow your gut’ attitude from them.

I have always been an independent person, even at a very early age. I’ve always listened and followed my gut as to how and what I should and shouldn’t do.

I was eleven when we landed in Australia. I spoke three languages and was about to take on another. My real name is ‘Kvetuse’ but when I attended school in Australia all my friends said, “No, we don’t think so. We can’t even pronounce that,” and there and then I became ‘Kuve’. Yes, light and bubbly just like the champagne and that has never changed.

I don’t remember too much about daily life, just that I did what needed to be done and got on with life. What I do remember as I got older was that I had a dream and a strong desire and a gut feeling that I wanted to go back to Europe and live there as an adult.

Who would have thought that as time went on, and life progressed, that the travel dream was still inside of me sitting there in the filing cabinet of my mind, in my dream box? Can’t blame me – the travel bug started early within me when my parents took me to Cannes in France at the age of seven and there and then I was hooked.

I o en think about how my life has progressed and

where my personal road has taken me. It reminds me of the book I read many, many years ago called The Path of Least Resistance. The book was all about ‘going with the flow’. When we force things to happen, life tends to make the road a bit harder for us. When we let go and go with the flow, things have a way of working themselves out.

I knew early on in my twenties that I was connected to something, but I was unaware of what it was. When I put my hands on people’s shoulders they would say to me, “What are you doing? I can feel something. It feels warm.” And I would very sheepishly and innocently smile and reply, “Oh nothing.”

It was at this time that I knew I was doing something unique that other people around me could not do. When I placed my hands on their body, a er a while they would feel better and calmer as a result. I had absolutely no idea that I was connecting to the universal energy that constantly moves through and around us.

In my early thirties an opportunity presented itself. I went with the flow and said yes and before I knew it, I was on my way to San Francisco to live. It was here that my life really took on a holistic focus. San Francisco was so di erent and alive and my time there was lifechanging.

During my time in San Francisco, I attended numerous events on the di erent modalities in regard to energy healing. This opened my awareness to the discovery of MY connection to energy force. I realised I could help myself and others to balance their mind, body, and spirit. During one of the courses, I met my first mentor and teacher who introduced me to Reiki. Over several years of study, I became a Reiki Master and started to work at a holistic centre, and there my journey in energy healing began.

Reiki is a Japanese form of alternative therapy that is commonly referred to as energy healing. Reiki practitioners use a technique called hands-on healing through which ‘universal life-force energy’ is transferred

“Intuition is real. Energy is real. Tune in and listen to what your body is trying to tell you. Your body never lies.”
got me where I am today! Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ JANUARY 2023 \\ 7

through the palms of the practitioner to the patient in order to encourage and assist in emotional or physical healing.

As time went on, one door closed again, and a new direction presented itself. This journey took me to Prague in the Czech Republic. Did you know that Prague is one of the most beautiful cities in the world? Well, that’s my opinion. You can’t blame me. I was born there, and I am somewhat biased. If you have an opportunity to visit Prague, you must. The history, the culture, the food and may I say the best beer in the world. You will love the history and the energy when you walk on the cobblestone roads that were built over one thousand years ago.

I had totally forgotten that the little girl inside of me, who had a dream to live in Europe, had succeeded in that dream. There I was in my mid-thirties, living my dream. What a journey and what a ride. It was just amazing and an eye-opening experience. Who would have ever imagined that I had to live in the US in order to be able to live in Europe? The road has a strange way of directing you in the path that you want or need to go in. Sometimes we find ourselves travelling along with lots of curves and even a few side roads without us even knowing it.

During my time in Prague, I came to realise that Europeans are much more open to holistic healing when they have a health issue. They were more traditional in their views toward health and healing. This was a pleasant surprise, as my experience in Australia was vastly di erent.

In reflection, I now understand why I had a strong connection and desire to move back to Europe. I wanted to live and experience life where I was born and reconnect with my relatives and understand my heritage. I was finally living a bohemian lifestyle in Prague. I felt alive and I felt at home. Then the realisation finally clicked within me, just like a light bulb moment. “Can you see it?” Wow, I am here, and I am living and experiencing my dream and what I wanted to do so long ago. I just had to go a di erent way to get here. I allowed myself to go with the flow and followed my gut.

While living in Prague, I was working full-time in a mainstream job and only practising my holistic healing in my spare hours. I continued my education in holistic techniques but had some small issues with my Czech language. My relatives would look at me strangely and laugh whenever I spoke to them in Czech. When I asked, “What did I say?” they would laugh and roll around on the floor and say, “It’s not WHAT you said but HOW you said it.” I was speaking Czech in an Australian accent like a child, and it sounded “Czechlish.” I don’t think a word like that exists but it was funny at the time.

I didn’t speak formal Czech as my parents le when I was only nine. We lived in France and then in Germany for several years before moving to Australia, so you can imagine my head was full of languages going from one to another.

When you are trying to express what needs to be said in Czech, it was hard to communicate when all the courses I was doing were in English. It was hard to translate to other languages and even harder when, in my head, I would translate English to Czech then to German. But I did it.

In 1999, I decided my time in Prague was coming to a close. My parents were quite elderly, and I decided the best thing for me was to move back to Australia. This was one of the hardest choices I had to make, and it didn’t come easy, as I had built a life for myself in Europe. For the first time, I made a decision that took a lot of thinking and planning. Yes, can you believe it? Me who just jumps and follows my gut and goes, “Next.” I knew in my heart it was time for me to leave and return to Sydney.

It was divine timing that the Olympics were being held in Sydney in 2000 so why not make the move now? I arrived back in Sydney in time for the 2000 New Year’s fireworks celebration. I love fireworks and these did not disappoint. I was standing right under the Sydney Harbour Bridge amongst the energy generated by all the people. What a buzz; it was amazing. It was something I needed to do to fill my cup as it was really hard to be back a er almost nine years of living abroad.

The road to finding a job when I returned was di icult, and I didn’t share my sadness and disappointments with anyone. Even the best CV didn’t do anything for me with all the amazing experience I had from Europe. So I decided to start working as a casual and that was the best decision I ever made. Again I

\\ JANUARY 2023 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine 8

listened to that inner voice within me and went with the flow.

I loved living on the North Shore where I grew up, so I decided that was where I would live again. I was used to walking everywhere when I lived in Prague, so it just made sense to be close to all the action.

When I settled back in Australia, new mentors and new teachers presented themselves to me and I started to continue my education in holistic and spiritual practices. There is a saying, “When a student is ready a teacher appears.” I was ready for expansion and learning, and some great mentors became my dear lifelong friends.

When the universe is trying to teach us something, sometimes it keeps repeating life’s lessons until we learn what we are meant to. If we do not learn the lesson, it keeps coming back like a bad smell over and over and over again until you get it (“Doh”). Trust me on this one. I am speaking from experience as it absolutely happened to me many times.

Here’s a quick story: I worked for a number of companies and held those jobs for a few years before the company either folded, downsized, or restructured and my role was made redundant. This happened again and again and again. You would think that I would listen to the universe and what it was trying to tell me, but I kept missing the message. I just didn’t get it. Sometimes we cannot see the forest for the trees, and you might relate to that. I was so used to change I didn’t worry about it. I just got up and dusted myself o and said, “NEXT,” and went into automatic and looked for another job. I thought I was being resilient, flexible, and able to go with the flow just like the book The Path of Least Resistance that I read so many years ago.

I married late in 2010, to my now husband and when I was made redundant once again due to my company being bought, he was the one who said to me, “You are great at what you do, and you have helped so many people. Why don’t you do what you love doing and work for yourself as a holistic practitioner full time?” It was like a light bulb moment, and I have never looked back. That being said, the road to running your own business is not always easy. But it has been personally a rewarding one.

I continued my studies, and I grew as a practitioner. It’s a never-ending learning process for those of us who are in the holistic field. We are always awakening what is hidden and locked inside of us. By expanding and understanding myself, I knew I could help others, so I went on to study and complete my master level in Seichim Natural Healing.

Reiki and Seichim are standalone healing systems that until recently have been taught and applied separately. When I began combining both Reiki and Seichim with my clients, I was amazed at how well they complemented each other and helped to balance a person’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies.

In July 2014, I completed my qualification in a new and innovative way of releasing emotional blocks and trauma from the body called The Emotion Code. This innovative technique helps us to identify and release trapped emotions from the body in a loving and gentle way. Releasing trapped emotions makes conditions right for the body to self-heal. I feel blessed that I found this wonderful and innovative modality or should I say it has found me. Whether we realise it or not, our emotions control what we do and how we react in all aspects of our lives.

The Emotion Code works for adults, children, and even animals. I have had some amazing success with dogs and horses. They are great to work with and are so in tune with energy. Did you know that animals also su er from trauma? I have had success assisting animals, in regard to aggression, anxiety, hoof imbalance, trauma, knee problems and of late a horse with ovary irregularities.

Hypnotherapy was something that I had always heard of and was curious about, so I decided to become a clinical hypnotherapist in 2020. Hypnotherapy adds a new depth with personalised scripts to assist my clients with positive a irmations to communicate with the subconscious mind on a deeper level and bypass the ego, the conscious mind.

My process of providing energy healing now consists of a combination of all these modalities. They all have their place and work together to provide a wonderful healing process. It works face-to-face, via Zoom or remotely, no matter where you are in the world. Today 98 percent of my clients are remote clients. I connect to their body via proxy and the process works just as well as if they were sitting next to me.

I have an instinctive ‘knowing’ of what I do. There is Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ JANUARY 2023 \\ 9
I realised I could help myself and others to balance their mind, body, and spirit. During one of the courses, I met my first mentor and teacher who introduced me to Reiki. Over several years of study, I became a Reiki Master and started to work at a holistic centre, and there my journey in energy healing began.

no explanation. Simply a knowing in my heart that what I am doing is helping others.

My clients’ testimonials give me satisfaction and a knowing that I am truly providing them with the support and assistance they needed.

I honestly believe everyone can benefit from having a healing, in whatever form, with a holistic practitioner. When you own a car, you have to get it serviced regularly. If you do nothing, the car will eventually stop, the lights on the dash will light up, and you know something is not right.

It’s the same with our body. When we don’t take care of it and we let the emotions overtake our mind, the body su ers. It may show up as pain or disease in other areas of our body and sometimes even worse. If we don’t listen to the signals our body is sending us, and we just choose to ignore it and then we ask ourselves, “What is going on? Why am I not well?” then we need to think about how long we have been ignoring the signals. But if we just took our body and gave it a service (like yoga, Pilates, emotional release, Reiki, acupuncture, or meditation) regularly, then we would be in a much healthier emotional and physical state.

Over the last nine years, since practising full-time as a holistic practitioner, I have had an incredible journey. I have found that my clients have had success with many di erent and varied symptoms and issues. An example of some of those issues are anxiety, panic attacks, anger, eye problems, fear of loss, hyperactivity, headaches, heart wall, lack of belief, money blocks, nail biting, pain, prostate, stomach issues, worthiness, inherited trauma and many more.

More recently, I was guided to create a program called Calm Conception. Through the Calm Conception program, I support couples or individuals who are on their fertility journey and assist them in how to bring

peace, harmony, and balance to their life. To show them how they can navigate through the stress and understand that they are not alone and that there is a process to follow that can help them on this extremely sensitive and daunting journey. This program is designed to help couples who have been struggling to fall pregnant, to have a child naturally, without medical intervention.

There are many possible causes of infertility, and fertility problems can a ect either partner. In many cases, it is di icult to identify the cause and in fact, between 10-30 percent of couples trying to get pregnant never find out why they cannot get pregnant.

Over the years I have specialised in helping people to release trapped emotional blockages due to health, stress, and/or past trauma. These trapped emotions have impeded their lives in di erent ways and releasing them from their body has helped them live a more fulfilled and stress-free life.

Trapped emotions are made of energy, just like the rest of the body, and they can exert an influence on the physical tissues, creating discomfort and problems. You’ve heard the term ‘mind over matter’? Well, this is in essence what I am talking about although it’s more like ‘emotions over matter’. Releasing trapped and negative emotions makes conditions right for the body to heal itself, so physical and emotional di iculties o en disappear or become much more manageable.

This, I believe, is also true for couples experiencing di iculty in conceiving. There could well be emotions, fears, or anxieties, conscious or unconscious, that are causing either partner to be at their least optimal and to be able to participate e ectively in the conception process.

I also focus on the heart and how our emotions a ect how we respond and live our lives. Clearing our emotional trash from our hearts is so important to how our brain will respond. You might not realise just how deeply our hearts control what we desire to do in life. Our heart feels and our brain is the controller. So, think back to your own life when you were emotional. Did you hold your head, or did you put your hands on your heart? Where in your body is that feeling?

The ego loves to have a discussion and wants to control our decision, but our heart is our inner wisdom. What do you listen to? Think about it. It is widely studied and documented that our heart is what makes us feel the joy in life. The happiness and the excitement are generated from the heart. However, our brain tends to want to control us. It’s that chatter on your shoulder that is continuously telling you stu that is negative and not really true.

The objective of the Calm Conception program is to help each partner within a participating couple, or indeed an individual seeking to get pregnant, to identify and then release any emotions or stress that may be hindering their ability to conceive. Additionally, to bring harmony to the partnership and provide the natural

\\ JANUARY 2023 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine 10
When the universe is trying to teach us something, sometimes it keeps repeating life’s lessons until we learn what we are meant to. If we do not learn the lesson, it keeps coming back like a bad smell over and over and over again until you get it (“Doh”).

environment that will allow conception to occur. When our state of mind is in harmony with our body, only then can our body heal itself. Calm mind, calm body, Calm Conception.

Like so many women, I too have been through the process of losing a child early in my pregnancy. I understand that this is a traumatic time and a very delicate journey to be on.

Through my own experiences dealing with personal blocked trauma and emotions, I know first-hand how revitalising you feel and how relaxed, comfortable and burden-free your life can be a er releasing and letting them go. You truly feel a lot lighter and happier. I have also seen the transformation that many of my clients have been through once we delved into the real emotional issues driving their distress or feelings of imbalance. And that is the point. It doesn’t have to be a real physical issue. It may just be an imbalance in you.

It is such a delight to work with clients and very rewarding and the reason why I continue and will always do what I am doing. There is such satisfaction when you have helped another person and they are happy and relieved and just feeling like they can float when our session is completed. I know my work is changing lives all around the world.

I only hope that all my readers can come and join me in discovering how they too can tap into their true inner wisdom with the understanding that they can live a life with an open heart that is in harmony to achieve


balance in their overall wellbeing while walking on their individual journey.

Life happens while we make other plans and on the whole my life has followed a not-so-straight but very curvy, colourful, exciting and happy path. May my story enrich your life and make you think about how you follow that inner wisdom or gut to a path of least resistance.

Now you have to ask yourself do I follow my gut or do I fight the current of life and all you have to do is stop, breathe and listen?

Kuve (Kvetuse) Jansky Bradley is an international wellness consultant. Over the last 30 years she has practised energetic healing in San Francisco, Czech Republic and now resides and practises on the Gold Coast in Qld, Australia. Kuve has spent years specialising in releasing ancestral emotional blocks and trauma, helping clients su ering from stress, depression, physical illnesses and many more. This work has led her to create a program called ‘Calm Conception’. This program is a powerful fusion of both energetic healing and emotional release techniques that focuses on the wellness during the client’s fertility journey. Facebook: Instagram: Linked In: Email: Mobile: +61 434 005 205


Kuve has created an effective and powerful fusion of energetic services that combines energy and emotional healing techniques. The Emotion Code, Reiki, Seichim, Hypnosis and Coaching

Kuve has helped her clients from around the world to live healthier and happier lives. She has supported her clients to successfully address stress, anxiety, abundance blocks, worthiness and other emotional conditions.

E: // P: +61 434 005 205
Specialising in Resolving Ancestral Patterns and Trauma Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ JANUARY 2023 \\ 11

Mto become a highly successful business coach. And that’s with two young children in tow. A er she le that relationship, she founded her own business, building a big team quickly with little to no strategy, structure or systems in place. She admitted that she started her business because she wanted more ‘time freedom’ but

much burn-out. “I had this idea of what success looked like and I went o to get it and when I got there, the view looked exactly the same from the top,” she said. Melanie admitted she also felt resentment because it didn’t feel right, and it felt hard. She made the di icult decision to shut that business down and move on.

FEATURE INTERVIEW \\ JANUARY 2023 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine 12

From there she moved into marketing, saying we’ve entered a new age of marketing, but she finds many business clients who are stuck in the old ways and aren’t sure how to market themselves and aren’t getting the results they’re chasing. She was asked by a friend to have a look at their business and admits that everything kind of took o from there.

Her working title is Eco System Automation Specialist. What that means is she shows business owners how to simplify their operations. Melanie talks businesses through getting rid of website hosting sites and email managing sites and instead, keeping all their assets in one place.

Melanie’s concept is a six-month container, whereby she walks owners through the process of managing their businesses for success. She looks at their current marketing strategy as well as their assets and shi them all over. “The website building is done for them and the rest of it is done with them, so we work alongside the business and say, ‘this is what you’ve currently got’,” she said.

“A lot of the time we’re able to find them $10,000 or more that’s been le on the table, where we’re able to create subscriptions from the business you already have,” she said.

Recently Melanie said she helped a business owner uncover $65K. She explained that she points clients in the right direction, “It’s kind of like a BFF running alongside of you, looking at your business with a di erent set of lenses.” She said her clients are o en too close to their own business and are too emotionally invested to see everything clearly.

Melanie also assists business owners to create a plan looking five to ten years ahead. She likes to know if they are planning to retire into their business and allow it to

run itself? Or are they planning to sell it and retire? She said the systems and structures she is able to put in place mean the business is able to sustain the growth.

Laughing, she admitted that back in the day she never believed people who said they wanted to earn more and work less because she was still in that mindset of you have to work harder to earn more. But, “I was able to crack the code on working less and earning more because I was working higher not harder”. From there she has been approached by business a er business asking for help. She makes it her endeavour to stress the importance of ecosystem automation in achieving ‘time freedom’. Melanie’s company will manage around 25 companies at any one time saying she has worked with a giant of the business world, an entire a iliate program, which is an online academy. She said they learn how to launch their business online and build online brands.

Melanie said this big business is changing hundreds of lives a month and is now able to issue a iliate payments. She said she really helped them expand their vision and save time in the process.

Melanie admits it was di icult in the start, investing dollars in various programs so she could learn her cra . She also hired several coaches. She said it was a sink or swim moment and she is a swimmer not a sinker. Over the first seven months of launching her current business she was ‘head down and bum up’, working day and night and not sleeping much. But when she started running workshops they sold out and made 200K, surprising even herself.

When she launched her first business, Melanie realised it would have cost her hundreds of thousands of dollars to hire all the experts and coaches she felt she would need. So, she became a jack of all trades, saying she has everything covered. She has experience in marketing, sales, lead generation, team building, leadership, speaking, closing sales and social media. She feels like she may be the only coach in the world with her amount of experience and shares all of that knowledge with her clients over a period of six months so all they have to do is show up and action those steps every day.

Mel’s kids are following in her footsteps too. Recently her 12-year-old asked if she could stay home from school and learn how to make $1 million!! Mel of course told her daughter she had to go to school. The same daughter began her entrepreneurial journey at the age of six. She made a stack of canvas tote bags to help save the turtles. The six-year-old leveraged mum’s Facebook page and filmed a live video telling viewers about her product and how it would impact the ecosystem. That same little girl sold all her bags to customers worldwide overnight!! They say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree and there’s proof. Today, her daughter has taken over mum’s whiteboard, writing down all her ideas. She’s also taking photographs for her mum’s business.

If you’d like to learn more, visit Mel’s website: Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ JANUARY 2023 \\ 13

4 key reasons why business owners MUST Have A Podcast

If you’re thinking about starting a podcast for your business but aren’t sure if it’s worth the investment, Rose Davidson, a podcast consultant, breaks down the ROI of podcasting and how it can attract new customers. She also explains how podcasts can be used to repurpose other content and introduce your business to a new audience.

1. Podcasting has a healthy ROI and can attract new prospects.

2. Podcasting is a low-cost way to build trust with your audience.

3. Customers are listening to podcasts, so this is a fantastic opportunity to get your business in front of them.

4. You can use a podcast to give new life to other forms of content and introduce your business to a new audience.


There are more than 2,500,000 podcasts and over 48 million episodes worldwide (Podcast Insights, 2021) – what an awesome opportunity for you to get your business in front of people.

Let’s look at the 4 key reasons why business owners MUST have a podcast.


Something happens when you share information with your audience. Trust forms. If you’re giving away great information or entertainment to your listeners through this very intimate medium of podcasting and your audience finds that information useful or interesting or worthwhile, then they come back for more.

By sharing good information, freely, and by doing so without beating the audience over the head with a ‘hard sell’ message, you will build trust that will pay dividends later.


Over a third of SME owners are listening to podcasts. Nearly two-thirds of those people are listening to at least one podcast a week.

This is a fantastic opportunity for anyone in business. There’s a real opportunity to leverage the kudos you get from hosting a successful podcast – and that can be extremely good for business.


Having a podcast is an excellent platform to leverage those other forms of content, build on them, give them new life and introduce them to a whole new audience.

That way you might well pick up new subscribers across your various platforms.


Some podcasts have very slick sound production. Others have pretty much been recorded around a smartphone. No matter what level of investment has gone into producing a podcast, those with great content quickly find loyal audiences.

The fact is it doesn’t need to cost an arm and a leg to create a great podcast.

Whether or not a podcast will be profitable for a business depends on the quality of content and how well it is promoted. I have helped many businesses create successful podcasts, and I offer a free 15-minute consultation to discuss how I can help you do the same.

Rose Davidson, a podcast consultant, is a one-woman army with an eye for creativity and compassion in all things and is the founder of an online experience creation service that helps business owners create unforgettable events. With over 35 years’ administrative experience under her belt, she brings this passion to life through videos which give people more success at work or home – whichever way you need it! Rose hosts her podcast ‘Talking with the Experts’ which features entrepreneurs talking about diverse topics including marketing strategies yet still focused primarily on business operations and entrepreneurship. With over 400 recorded episodes and recently ranked 17th in New Zealand and 84th in Australia for marketing podcasts in June 2022, Rose hopes to provide listeners with actionable advice and encouragement as they pursue their own entrepreneurial dreams.

\\ JANUARY 2023 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine 14




• Research has shown that it takes between three to five minutes of audio editing for each minute of an episode.

• I do twelve 30-minute interviews per week and spend around two hours on audio and video editing each episode. That’s 24 hours that I could spend with my friends and family or on my business.

• Editing doesn’t have to be a chore.

• Most podcasters understand the outcomes of podcast editing (a clear podcast with a natural sound and content flow). For many podcasters, editing is the least appealing part of making the podcast.

• If you want to sound authentic and distinct, editing is essential. It removes mistakes and awkward pauses. Without editing, unwanted sounds and repetitive sentences may distract the listener’s attention from where it is desired.

• For complete beginners, it can be an intimidating barrier to launching a show. Many aspiring podcasters procrastinate, worrying about how they’ll edit their podcast episodes before publishing them.

• We partner with podcasters who need help with audio and content editing. We can also provide custom packages that include show notes, cover art, or transcription services when required.

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO KNOW MORE, CONTACT ME, ROSE DAVIDSON: and let’s talk about how I can help you get your time back.

Christmas and Family Scarred Me

For some, Christmas was very beautiful, filled with wonderful memories, delicious food, alcohol, joyful decorations, alcohol, celebrations, prezzies, stuffed bellies, seeing family, alcohol, travel... oh, did I

or others, holiday gatherings may have come with a huge serving of anxiety, panic and dread.

I know as a therapist, my bookings skyrocket after Christmas and Easter, with many a button being pushed by family members. You are not alone here.

It was all fun and games until someone had one drink too many and decided to have a poke… at your expense. They thought they were being hilarious, and you were left feeling embarrassed and shamed.

Families are renowned for their inner system dysfunction at Christmas, Easter and any other family holiday and when we were younger, we put up with it right?

We all have an Uncle Ted, who always gets obnoxiously drunk and becomes the expert on everyone’s lives and gives copious amounts of unwanted advice, coming straight from the bottom of his empty glass, as he licks the alcohol from his lips and takes a deep breath and lets rip a big burp.

Then there is the heckler… the family catalyst, let’s call her Karen. Karen thinks it’s ok to bring up every mistake

you and everyone else has ever made, as she sits there holier-than-thou on her ivory thrown, cackling like a chook on heat. When challenged, she will say things like, “I was only kidding, can’t you take a joke… jeez, lighten up it’s Christmas!”. That is when you wish her thrown would open up and swallow her whole and send her straight to hell!

Here’s the good news!

You are an adult now, and guess what? You DON’T have to put up with feeling bad at every family gathering in the future… if you put some serious boundaries in place. People may be taken aback when you first begin to put boundaries in place, and some may not give two hoots about your boundaries, and they don’t have to agree, because the boundaries are for you, not them! Boundaries can also begin to give other family members the permission they need to do it as well, usually you are not alone in this angst, so by you setting firm boundaries, your courage can eventually lead to a change in family dynamics. Who says boundaries have to boring? They can be filled with wisdom and a slap upside the head! Here is what that may look like: Not a boundary: “Uncle Ted you can’t speak to me like that!”

“Uncle Ted, if I want advice, I will seek an expert. Did you know that humans live their life 97% in projection? That means we project our own unacknowledged issues onto others, so before you expose yourself any further, perhaps write all that stuff down so

HTA is No. 1 in Australia for good reason –Clinical Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, Resource Therapy and Trauma, all in one Diploma!

Now more than ever, people have old wounds and battle scars needing to be healed.

PTSD/C-PTSD, Anxiety and Panic Attacks are at epidemic levels, fear is paramount, and Situational PTSD is on the rise.

It seems that in our fast-paced world and busy lives, we’ve forgotten how to slow down and take a breath and look after ourselves and others around us.

Karen you are so bitchy, you need to Karen, I appreciate you are very perfect, and we all aspire to be like you one day. However, for the moment, we understand that mistakes are how we learn and grow. With each mistake, we learn how NOT to do it and do better next time. When we can forgive our own mistakes, and work hard at trying not to criticise our mistakes, we tend not to notice or be judgmental over others’ mistakes. You MUST try it Karen, as I see you notice

So, next Easter, Christmas and for our US friends, Thanksgiving and Halloween, take your boundaries with you and breathe! No one has any power over us, except the power we give them. It’s mind over matter… if you don’t

Kaz Field Anderson is a Trainer in Transpersonal Psychotherapy, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Trauma & Clinical Resource Therapy at Hypnotherapy Training Australia.

\\ JANUARY 2023 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine 16
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If you had asked me a decade ago what my main aim was each day, it would have been the opposite of peace.


was driven to succeed, to create a new life for myself, to create a new business that would give me the freedom and financial stability I desired. In truth though, and I can see it as I ponder back to those years, I was caught in a hamster wheel of struggle, of hurt, of pain, of unworthiness and I was as far from inner peace as I could get most of the time!

Like many people I come across, if you had asked me to invest my time and energy into peace, I would have laughed and told you – I don’t have time for peace!

My focus was on more money, love, time, opportunities etc, etc, not peace.

Now, a decade on, I understand that everything I desire begins with peace. It’s not an option.

1. Inner peace daily

2. Finding peace with the past and present

3. Finding peace with the areas of life that are still chaotic and in conflict

4. Finding peace with who I am And everything you desire also begins with peace.

How can you find that peaceful place within, and start to bring it out into the experience around you, without having to spend too much time and effort though?

And why will a peaceful energy help at all?


1. Non-Reactivity

When you are in a state of peace and calm, you tend not to react to the people or situations around you.

TIP: When you sense yourself being triggered by someone or the situation, breathe, walk away for a moment if you need to, become centred and then, act from a place of stability and calm, rather than reacting from the old emotion that was triggered.

2. Self-Enquiry

Self-enquiry rather than stepping into blame, will help you return to the present, and to peace and calm.

TIP: If you find yourself in a situation where you are about to blame a person or situation for you not feeling good in that moment, ask this to yourself instead: Why did this trigger me? This self-enquiry will bring more peace to

you, faster, and will help you find the expansion you are experiencing.

3. Self-Acceptance

Self-acceptance and the acceptance of what is, is one the fastest ways to inner peace yet often one of the most challenging.

TIP: Acceptance is not denial or absolution of things that have happened in your life. It is the present moment awareness of why it all happened and how it has expanded you in divine ways. It brings deep peace.

Inner peace will bring you so many gifts in your life, body, mind, and energy.

It’s a state worth the effort to be.
Michelle R Price THE LIGHTWORKER Michelle is passionate about all things spiritual and has been seeing and communicating with spirit since she can remember. Michelle has a knack for getting to the root of a concern, particularly for health – and bringing through confirmation from the spirit world. Michelle’s intention is to help the people she reads for, and figure out how to live their best life possible. • Angel Card/Intuitive Readings • Mediumship • Past Life Connections • Pranic Energy Healer • Reiki Master • Mentorship P 0408 984 219 | FB michellerprice76 E you can’t afford to miss 3 Tips for Inner Peace

The Wise Witch –

Learning Witchcraft,

where do I start?

Learning Witchcraft these days, one would think, is so much easier than it used to be before the internet.

That is true in many ways, however, the misinformation and lack of depth means that people are NOT learning properly themselves, then going on to ‘teach’ others with incompetence or simply teaching the wrong things. I’m not saying it’s all wrong, in fact there are some fabulous authors out there. Unfortunately, you need to read 10-20 books in order to find the one that teaches necessary foundational skills and the information one truly needs to get started on the path.

It has become fashionable to fill books with the same old fluff and seems to be what publishers want, meaning that the real knowledge and ‘Gold’ is being diluted and lost.

So, what DOES one need to learn in order to be the best Witch possible? Everything you possibly can, and never stop learning!

But first things first, here are my recommendations on where to start and what to focus on learning first:

1. Know Thyself: This one is absolutely imperative! You must get to know yourself in all your parts. If you don’t know who you truly are, what you want/don’t want, your feelings and thoughts etc… you will not be able to control your mind or direct your thoughts, which is necessary for Magick.

2. Meditation (various forms): This is how you learn to not only gain control of your own mind, thoughts, feelings and body, but it also opens you up to receive communications from other beings and to be able to sense different energies.

3. Energy: Learn all about energy – what it is, how it works, how to sense, build, manipulate and direct it. Magick is energy, as is EVERYTHING else. This is where it all starts and ends.

4. Foundational Skills of Magick: This actually ties in with the top three. When you know the skills, you can perform successful spells, rituals and any Magick, anywhere, anytime with nothing but yourself and your own mind.

5. Grounding, Centring and Protection: These will often fall under ‘Energy’ or ‘Foundational Skills’ as they are 3 things that one must be able to do with ease before performing any rituals, spells or magickal acts.

6. Cleansing Space and Self: You need to ensure that your space and energy field are clear of harmful and unhelpful energies as well as that which does not belong to you.

7. Theory: Learn the history of Witchcraft, different types of magickal practices, the difference between Witchcraft and Wicca (coming in next issue) and the various beliefs of those who practise.

8. REMEMBER – Your Beliefs are Your Own Though, so don’t take anything as absolute truth until you test it for yourself. We as Witches do not believe anything blindly. We do not follow dogmatic traditions or believe things ‘because it is written’. We experience for ourselves and tune into our own soul’s truth. Beliefs can and do evolve over time as we grow.

9. Nature’s Cycles: Moon cycles and what they influence, seasonal cycles and what happens in YOUR local area; it is important to get to know your land. Most books work with seasons and the wheel of the year as was written many decades ago, relating to the climate in the UK at the time. Learn about your own home, the plants and animals, what their powers are and how you can live in tune with them.

I would love to go deeper into this for you, as there is so much more to learn. This is just a starting point for you. I will leave you with two very important things to remember though. First, you do NOT need fancy tools or items to do Magick. When you learn properly, the only thing you need is yourself. Secondly, intention IS NOT EVERYTHING!! It is important but is only ONE of many things. Check my article on the essential components of Magick for more on that.

If you are serious about mastering your craft and becoming an initiate of the mysteries, get in touch via messenger: or email: Mention this article for 10% off any program or course.

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Wise Woman event' being held on the gorgeous GOLD COAST, Australia Reconnect with your amazing inner-goddess within and celebrate yourself as the incredible woman that you are. Re-ignite your Passion Business, Self-Love, and LIFE WORTHY WEALTHY As a woman it’s so important to take the time to honour, nurture and nourish yourself. This two-day transformational experience is about taking time to return to self and connecting with all parts of YOU. GOLD COAST 11-12 March 2023 WISE WOMAN Spiritual Events & Directory YOUR GUIDE TO CONSCIOUS AWAKENING Proudly sponsored by:

means for you The Dark Night of the Soul


hat happens if we seem unable to regain balance?

What if we feel as though we are slipping into darkness? Our old selves no longer exist and we feel as though we are in a void. We are no longer a caterpillar but we are not yet a butterfly.

The dark night of the soul is no ordinary sadness, it

is much deeper than this. It could be called a sickness of your spirit and in my opinion it originates from a deep and consistent misaligned life.

Living in misalignment for extended periods of time crushes our spirit and eats away at our vibrancy.

In fact, this period of the dark night of the soul is actually a sign of a higher calling and the key is finding the gift in the darkness.

You need to acknowledge your darkness but also revitalise your joy and love of life.

Mystica Magick is run and owned by Rose, a modern Witch Mentor.

Located on the Gold Coast and servicing globally. She helps women achieve red hot and aligned lives. She o ers a range of ritual boxes that have been locally sourced and lovingly chosen.

Rose helps women re-design their lives using modern intuitive mentoring to get fast-tracked and long-lasting results.

Her clients achieve emotional and personal freedom and they have more time, more money, more fun and more vibrancy.

She believes that the rules for spirituality need to be rewritten to include real, grounded advice and techniques whilst preserving feminine connection and flow.

If you’re ready to be part of this movement then claim your complimentary personal freedom call via the website. @mysticamagick LEAD WITH ENERGETICS – LOVE YOURSELF FIRST – TURN YOUR LIFE ON

The dark night of the soul is a spiritual process where our vibrant spirits are buried within the soil of suffering, this is the beginning of the death and rebirth process. It can be exhausting but show yourself lots of empathy and kindness.

It is a sign to find true inner happiness and purpose. To revitalise those dusty dreams inside you and to connect to your spirit and to nature.

Find a deeper meaning in your life and return back to a place of balance.

Sit with your darkness and ask it what it needs, feel into what you are yearning for.

In today’s society a majority of people live their lives on autopilot and never really feel into their consciousness. This experience is a sharp shock to wake up.

It anchors you to explore your own self-awareness and a new appreciation for your awakened consciousness. You really start to see and feel what is truly important.

Give yourself permission to slow down, surround yourself in empathy and love.


Know that this too shall pass, you just have to surrender.

To book one of Rose’s unique personal development readings, visit:
We all go through periods of sadness and discouragement but mostly we are able to ride the waves of these emotions and return back to our inner balance. ARTICLE
what it possibly

The Magic of Purpose

Ican identify certain pivotal moments when I made a decision – “I want to work with the mind” (age 14) or “I want to be an artist” that have kept me on task and following the proverbial breadcrumbs. At the time though, I had no idea where those thoughts would take me.

For as long as I can remember I have felt that I was here for a reason, yet wasn’t sure what that was. In my 20s I had a lagging sense of frustration and failure because I felt like I was wasting my time, but didn’t know what exactly I was supposed to be doing. In my 30s I realised that my ‘life purpose’ is not a specific career that I would do forever, but a way of being that could be utilised in any situation. THAT was a relief, and allowed me to explore life rather than trying to force some amorphous ‘purpose’ without a platform to express it.

Had you asked me as a teenager what I wanted to do when I grew up, I would have said one of these, depending on the year – a writer, ‘something creative’, a hypnotherapist, a medium, a psychic, a healer, or ‘someone that helps people’. My bedroom walls were plastered with my own drawings and paintings, as well as a collage of interesting artworks and beautiful nature photos clipped from magazines. I would go to all the psychic expos and fairs I could get to, and soak up the workshops like a sponge. I read fantasy novels and anything I could find to do with the supernatural, paranormal, unexplained, energy healing, essential oils, or psychics and mediums. I had my first past-life regression at age 18, because I wanted to know what hypnosis felt like. I was fascinated with the Celts, the Ancient Egyptians, the Arthurian Legends, Atlantis. I was (and still am) on a treasure hunt for magic, wonder and transformation.

Now nearly 30 years later, I’m a little bit mind-blown. All of these interests have managed to weave themselves together in a fascinating way that I never would have predicted. My need to create led to my daily art practice. My fascination with colour and healing pulled me towards a Diploma in Colour Therapy. As I created artworks for friends going through tough times I started to infuse my artworks with intentions and oils, and found myself receiving messages for them. My Energy Imprint artworks, readings and 1:1 sessions combine colour, intuition, energy, essential oils, intention, healing, inner work and writing. I’ve co-authored a book which is an international best seller and created my own card deck. I’m doing ALL the things on my teenage list.

We all have a different journey, but know this – YOU create your life from the actions you take. We don’t all need to run our own business or be Oprah to make a difference in the world, we just need to do the things that light us up. So if YOU are wondering what your purpose is, start by doing the things you love, and see what magic happens. Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ JANUARY 2023 \\ 21
When I look back on my life (I’m 43), there are certain themes that have stuck with me throughout. My inner magnet has always kept me aligned with spiritual subjects, a need to create and a fascination with alternative healing and human behaviour.
Media | Advertising Promotions 0423 402 715 SpiritualEventsDirectory Spiritual Events & Directory
She is a certified member of the International Psychics’ Directory and is a regular writer for Rebirth Vade Mecum on Spiritual Events and Directory’s Facebook page.
THE YEAR A psychic channel, medium, energy reader, spiritual healer and tutor, Victoria is available via appointment in person in Wynyard, Tasmania, via phone or video call. She is also available as an inspirational speaker and workshop presenter.

A holistic view of ‘Lifeschooling’

I believe there can be immediate change… continued from November 2022 edition p22.

We can tweak our education system (ok being honest it’s an ‘overhaul’ gig), however, great change is rather simple in small footsteps, simply a change of perspective. A change of what has been ingrained in us by society. Change is essential to move with our evolving society, especially our effervescent young souls of today.

To think of how society has evolved in the last 100 years, we have gone from: horse and cart to the amazing vehicles of today; candlestick phones to rotary phones to mobile phones/facetime across the globe; or even the fact we now have multiple bathrooms per house that even one bathroom per house was uncommon beginning of last century!

YET our ancestors sat in lines and rows being drummed information that ‘higher up’ decided was pertinent for a well-rounded successful individual or receive an ‘F’. Compare that to today, children are still often sat in lines and rows, drummed information from a set national curriculum that must be achieved in order to be a wellrounded individual OR receive an ‘F’.

Don’t get me wrong, I believe in being literate and numerate however the overflowing curriculum doesn’t even hold a candle to the extent of valuable learning in the world today! Sadly the curriculum became so overwhelming that life lessons were lost, student-led enquiries were only words on paper and grades became oppressive. Not to mention poor teachers stretched to their limits by unrealistic expectations.

The statistics of engagement don’t lie. The word on the street doesn’t lie. So many families are dealing with disengaged children/youth, with my own family a statistic. So rather than remain a statistic with disengaged children, my journey in understanding the importance of lifeschooling grew as my children grew. We were an eclectic family of school attendance due to learning complexities, until 2017 when we travelled Oz and this was the first official time we ‘schooled’ for an extended period outside of mainstream education.

We truly were wild and free to school how we chose, yet we still continued with our passion for reading our family novel to the boys each day, journalling our travels, singing our times tables in the car between Bungle Bungle Ranges and Broome, yet everything else was in the moment and challenging beliefs. The moment of visiting a sacred site with the desire to learn more evolving from the experience.

Or the moment of visiting the oil tunnels in Darwin with further wonderings about the war, linking this to their own great-grandfather who served/injured in WWII, never speaking of this to the boys which then provoked further wonderings of mental health of veterans. Or the moment of planning the week ‘off the grid’ menu, shopping, budgeting, perishable foods which led to survival skills in the outback investigations.

THIS IS LIFESCHOOLING! Learning IN the moment, what sparks interest and when guided to follow their nose, explore wonderings, the curriculum ALWAYS is apparent. It isn’t definitive. It isn’t linear. Education needs to provide space for wonderings and support investigations. Unforgettable learning is quintessential for modern day education.

The boys lit up day after day, like sponges absorbing more information from rolling investigations, learning IN the moment not ‘what’ outcomes must be attained. The wonderings they had were off the scale amazing. It opened my eyes to a system I knew so well from the inside, yet from the outside as a parent, was crushing the souls of my children. I climb mountains to ensure they remain happy/ healthy and thus after exhausting mainstream secondary education (short lived), we now happily lifeschool at home as registered ‘homeschoolers’!

Lifeschooling our boys, mentoring schools and homeschooling families with individualised learning journeys, I have witnessed greater engagement, immense intrinsic motivation, increased percentage of student reengagement. Regardless of mainstream, homeschool, distance education or alternative learning, we can ALL lifeschool. My dream is to hear constant stories of reduced anxiety, harnessing our amazing selves and overall, never having to explain ourselves other than ‘this is my zezzwah’.

Lifeschooling is life-long learning.

Lifeschooling is about challenging our own thinking by reflecting on varying beliefs and opinions of others, which in turn teaches respect and empathy for others, building emotional intelligence (EQ).

Lifeschooling is investigating life. It’s not about what one career we need to choose, it’s about writing a list of dreams and asking ourselves which one to explore first!

Lifeschooling is limitless, ageless and lasts a lifetime!

And to think, it all started many years ago when I wrote one quote in a mental health essay for uni that forever stuck with me… by John Dewey “Education is Life Itself’.

\\ JANUARY 2023 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine 22

Preheat oven to 180°C. Line a 22cm quiche dish with baking paper and cover with pastry. In a bowl, beat the eggs well. Stir in the dip and half the cheese, season with cracked pepper. Pour the filling into the quiche dish and sprinkle with remaining cheese. Bake for 30 minutes or until set.

Optional: Before baking add 50g fresh baby spinach to the mix, or whatever other veggies you have. Corn, capsicum and shallots would be lovely.

SERVES 6 Ingredients: • 1 sheet puff pastry • 5 eggs • 150g chunky dip of choice (Basil and Cashew, Red Capsicum, Cashews and Parmesan etc.) • 1 cup (100g) grated cheese
Dip Quiche RECIPE KIM McCOSKER – Author of ‘4 Ingredients’ cookbooks
Recipe supplied from 4 Ingredients The Easiest One Pot Cookbook Ever! Now available for just $24.00 including FREE POSTAGE Australia wide.

A clearing a day Keeps the Spirits Away

I have a friend whose husband continuously attracts wayward spirits or murky energy. She always knows because he becomes extremely grumpy and moody and unbearable to live with! Because I can see energy around a person, this kind of energy looks dark and misty and often covers the person so much I can’t see them!

The aura is our protection from absorbing lower energies, but it can be compromised and weakened in several ways. These include getting stressed and upset, extreme anger, excessive use of alcohol or drugs, being in lower vibrational places like pubs or hospitals or around people who are angry or upset in some way. If we haven’t protected our aura in situations like these and are tired, sick or emotional, it can be quite easy to take on energy that is not ours. In addition, if we are unaware, our lower

vibrations can then attract spirit energy that feeds off ours, perpetuating bad moods and depressed feelings. It’s not life-threatening, but if left uncleared can make life unpleasant for us and the people around us!

When I get the call to clear my friend’s hubby, I call in Archangel (AA) Michael straight away to not only clear him but the house, plants and pets as well. I bring up the Violet Flame of Transmutation for Michael to whizz through the house. It only takes a few minutes and the transformation is immediate, much to the relief of my friend.

Living or working in an apartment building or office block can really increase the chances of picking up lower vibrational energy merely due to the cacophony of energy that is emitted by a large number of people experiencing a varying array of emotions in a confined area. It makes a lot of sense, then, to be practising energy protection measures every day, particularly if you are an empath or particularly sensitive to intense or lower vibrations.

I recommend grounding your energy and zipping up your aura as soon as your feet hit the floor in the morning. Call in AA Michael and ask him to clear and ground your energy and to put a shield of protection around you. Grounding is a way of being present and centred in your energy and is an essential tool for keeping your aura sealed and protected. At the end of the day, consciously break your energy from people you have interacted with and clear it all from your space either through intention, having a shower, putting some essential oils through your aura or physically wiping your energy from your aura with your hands. Then zip your aura up, intentionally ground your energy (feel your feet on the floor or walk barefoot on the grass or sand) and imagine white light coming around you. If you still don’t feel right, ask AA Michael to clear any wayward spirit energy from your aura and close off lower dimensional energy around you.

Love and blessings to you!

\\ JANUARY 2023 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine 24 OR ALL ONLINE BOOK SELLERS ORDER YOUR COPY NOW! ONLY $24.00
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Too often we may think that we are alone. However, there are many stories published by people with similar life experiences who can demonstrate that changing a mindset is the first step towards re-discovering happiness. Look for books or online publications about people whose stories resonate with yours. It is one of the most powerful tools to inspire you to think differently.


It may be worth to think about your childhood and find out how exactly your mindset has been shaped through the formative years. For instance, you may like to achieve excellence in everything you do. But is it your true aspiration or is it because your parents/grandparents raised you to become an achiever? Divide your true inner feelings from those that are not yours, yet they are a part of your mindset.


This is another helpful tool to attract people with positive mindsets into your life. Perhaps, you’ll need to get out of your comfort zone and get to know those who create their life day in day out instead of being negative and conforming to circumstances.


Our mindset relies a lot on the quality of our thoughts and feelings. They are like food that nourishes our behaviour that results from the particular way we think. Ask yourself questions why things make you think, feel or react the way they do, and link it to what’s important in your life.


Exercise may not be for everyone but active lifestyle, such as stretching, frequent breaks, walks outside or gardening is something that may fuel your mindset with new ideas and give it well-deserved rest if it is under pressure. Do what you can, a small step at a time, to create a healthy and resourceful mindset.


Finally, if you caught yourself thinking that you want to live a better life, rest assured – you can. Take time to find out what is wrong and what you would like to change. Perhaps, you want to visualise your ideal day, month, weekend, year… And then commit with all your might to make that picture come alive. And this shift in your mindset will be the beginning of amazing changes you’ll never regret!

Julie Medeiros is the Founder of Miss M Online Classes.

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tips: Need to Master your
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Feeling connected to others is an important part of our lives, connections are how we can find support, feel worthy, valued, loved, and cared for. We are not solo beings, we are like most living creatures, be it mammals or animals, requiring family groups, peer groups and social groups for our ongoing survival. It is also the way we can experience the many different and amazing thing that life shows us.

But the widening of being separated begins from when we are born and we enter our first environment of life, our home. And this is in no way an issue of blame; people only know what they know and do what they know to do.

We lose our own sense of identity and who we really are in our formative years as we blunder through other people’s demands, expectations and then we enter the education system, where again we are put into systemisation that has no room for our unique independence or personality.

As we go into teen years, we look for groups that will accept us, where we feel we fit in, to belong all the while still trying to belong in a way that others accept rather than knowing how to just BE ourselves. For some, love comes our way and we marry, and here we start another cycle of seeking to be accepted, to please, to feel and be wanted. All the while becoming more and more separate from our authentic self.

Over time pain and ongoing health issues come up more and more regularly or a diagnosis of a chronic illness such as fibromyalgia, IBS, Crohn’s disease, migraines, arthritis, even cancer. The list is long.

Now the pendulum has swung far, far to the other side and here we find ourselves sitting thinking, “How did this happen, where did I become so separated from everyone and from myself?”

The flurry and rush to find a cure to be well begins… or does it? Perhaps the quietness, the stillness, becomes a knowing that this is what is needed, to simply be in the moment to acknowledge there is more to knowing oneself than seeking to be of importance, to look for worthiness by way of what we do or for someone else to say we are worthy. And the mighty want to look a certain way for admiration and physical beauty (which is after all in the eye of the beholder). It is not a failing in one’s life to go through any of this story; it is only a failing when we don’t recognise that we can live a glorious life and take action to put simple practices into our lives every day.

Here are some simple practices you can begin today to embrace a glorious life; these practices will pave the way for you to be more deeply connected to your heart which brings inner peace, to your higher consciousness which brings ease in everyday living, to your soul which has the wisdom for you to use the innate ability to self-heal and to know how to quieten the chatter of the mind which brings harmony and peace mentally, emotionally and physically.

Begin your day with feeling into your body and noticing where there is tension. Take 5 long slow breaths in and out and with each breath allow that tension to dissipate from

the body. Take a few minutes to quieten the mind, address its chatter as if filing unnecessary papers into the bin and acknowledging what is needed to be seen to as the day goes by.

Eat for nourishment not convenience. Move for releasing tension and stiffness in the mind and body at least 30 minutes of walking a day will do it! Drink water, your cells of every organ in the body need water…not coffee, not tea, not juice WATER, filtered spring water is ideal.

And here is the BIG one that is a must-do every day –be HONEST with yourself, don’t say yes when you know you want to say no. Be honest about relationships, work environment and decide to change something every day until you can make the necessary change that your heart yearns for. Enjoy a glorious life. It is yours to live everyday.

To be a master manifestor come on over and join the H.E.A.L. community:



H.E.A.L community – a place where you can be supported on your spiritual and healing journey

Join Gwenda for live events every week, and receive simple, practical practices, tools, and guidance.

Awaken the healer within, embrace the ways of living a soul-led life.

Gwenda Smith

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Karma Equals Power

So many people put their wishes into Karma coming back onto a person that has upset or hurt them. The Oxford Dictionary’s definition of Karma is the following: (in Hinduism and Buddhism) the sum of a person’s actions in this and previous states of existence viewed as deciding their fate in future existences.

Or another way to see it as good or bad luck is viewed as resulting from one’s actions.

Karma is energy. Karma means action. We have all heard that with every action there is a reaction.

Karma is not good or bad energy; it is simply energy that has been created by action and it will be returned to that person. We can look back at many old sayings that

we have heard and understand that they may not have called this energy Karma, but they understood it.

Who remembers being told, “Treat people the way you want to be treated.” Or another good one is, “You reap what you sow!”

I can always remember my father asking people who had a run of bad luck or had a horrible illness, “How many men did you kill in your past life?” Such a horrible statement, but this brings us back to the fact that our ancestors also believe that if you are reincarnated you might come back in this life with a Karmic debt that had to be repaid. Hence what did you do in your past life for such bad luck?

We have all heard the word Karma. My question is how many of us really understood about Karma and how we should be using Karma?
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This is the way that people could understand or justify why good people had horrible things occur in their life. My grandmother always spoke of our Karmic debt. How everything we did and everyone we met had a Karmic significance or as she would say it, “Everything happens for a reason.” “There is no luck, only fate.”

I see and understand Karma as your own power. Many people do the same thing day a er day and see it as their Karmic debt. They do not feel they have any choice, but to continue with that job or stay in the relationship. Too many of us give away our power. Too many of us allow others to make our choices for us.

As many of us understand energy and how Karma is energy, we can then go one step further and understand how Karma is also our power. Do you act and use the free will we all came here to experience, or do we stick in the same actions, the same energy day in and day out? By doing the same actions we are not moving forward or backward in our spiritual life.

We have the power to choose to break from these ideas. We can use our power to remove all the negative thoughts about Karmic debt and start to become aware of our own strong power. Our energy. Our choices. Understand that with every action we do there will be a reaction. It might be a negative or a positive one. It is up to us, in our own power to make these choices.

Of course, we aren’t on this journey alone. We have chosen our family and friends around us. We have made decisions on our beliefs and how we chose to live and where, as well as how we treat people. We do however have the POWER to choose how we might think, act, and decide to move forward in this lifetime, even if that hurts the people around us and the ones we love.

Each day, every moment of time, we are doing actions, thoughts, and the way we speak and treat other living creatures, our habits and lifestyle choices, all will create a reaction… our Karma.

Our Karma is stored in our chakras. Which makes sense as they are the energy centres within our body.

Connecting with your Angels and Guides to bring happiness, love and security to your life IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO LEARN MORE PLEASE VISIT:


• The Karma we come into this lifetime with

• The Karma that will be with us for our next lifetime

• The Karma we create in this existence

When we take care of self, cleanse and clear our energy centres, so we can easily see and understand who and what we are here to do, our life purpose if you like, we start to release our Karma.

By making an e ort to be grateful, show compassion, forgiving yourself and others, to send out high loving energy to each other you will receive this action back. If you sit in a negative energy, one of anger, resentment and jealousy, guess what will be in your life each day.

When you make good choices It will also help you to clear any Karma within you and step out of any illusions you may have had about yourself or your life for a more positive experience.

By taking the time to make good choices you will find that the energy coming back to you – your Karma will be of positive energy. Instead of being stuck in a tra ic pile-up for 4 hours, you may find that you are delayed by 10 minutes so you miss the accident and can then take another way home.

So all the years I heard my parents and teachers tell me, “Make good choices,” I had no idea how enlightened they truly were. So please be kind to yourself and others. Make good choices in your life and experience good positive actions in your world. Create your Karma. Create your own Power.

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power within to Bring Your Dreams to Life

t was 2002 and I was working at a festival with a friend, doing readings and loving the vibe of the music around me. I loved it!! After some initial nerves I was right into the swing of it and Spirit was with me constantly. I decided on that very weekend that I when I retired I would get a campervan, travel the country, and do this full-time. It was one of those bliss moments I never forgot. I was still a long way from retirement and I had a family to look after. I didn’t abandon the dream, I knew one day it would be a reality. What I didn’t realise at the time was that every micro/macro decision from that moment was to fulfil the dream.

Fast forward many years and much water under the

flow. I was shut down, knocked over and stuck. When this happened I would pause, take a breath and wait. In the stillness I recognised the signs from spirit, when to act and when to be patient. The power of spirit prepared me to step through the door when the opportunity arrives, fearlessly.

I eventually found the campervan of my dreams and began the life I knew would give me purpose. I felt alive for the first time in my whole adult life.

This power is available to everybody!

Sometimes it’s not easy following your heart. It requires giving up what you think you know and surrendering to the flow of the Universe. It requires self awareness so that you can discern when and what is your TRUTH.

I’d like to share with you the wonderful story of how I ended up travelling and how keeping focused on your dreams does actually work.
The Conscious Mystic Exciting news for 2022: The Conscious Mystic Community. “Mentoring, Guidance and Healing” a portal for education and support. Visit for details


Your Stars for January & February 2023

Welcome to 2023! The year begins with a sense of detachment and frazzle as Uranus, Mars, and Mercury appear to trek backward through our skies. We may feel frustrated with our plans not working out. Yet the planets are urging us to slow down, rest and reassess the lessons learned so far. The Universe has a better plan for us. And by the end of January, we will know what that plan is. The planets will be all in direct motion then, and with Jupiter in Aries, a new cycle has begun. This boosted period of forward progression and opportunities will last until May. So grab those opportunities with both hands and hold on tight!

When Valentine’s Day comes around, there may be a disconnect with others, making the day tricky. Mercury in Aquarius and Venus in Pisces brings a feeling of wanting to be close but not so close. Some may want to hear sweet nothings. Yet all they will hear is if they put the kettle on. We will find that even though we want to pamper and nurture our beloved, we need to nurture ourselves first. Remember that this day is a commercial construct. It is a lovely idea but be mindful to look a er yourself and your loved ones every day of the year.

Also during the first two months of the year, we will be invited to maintain our health and look at life from a di erent point of view. Listen to what your body is saying to you. Ask that pain why it is hurting. Ask that niggle why it is there, and listen to your body. Is there something from the past (or past lives) that keeps coming back that needs resolution? The answer is outside of your comfort zone. Grab those opportunities to heal these wounds once and for all!

What do January and February look like for you? Check out your Sun and Rising sign below for more details.


The year starts with focusing on your home, and how you nurture yourself and your loved ones. There is a focus on your self-worth and self-esteem. If your ego has taken a beating, be kind to yourself. Tap into your intuition, meditate more and if you have a creative project or outlet, explore that more.


Short trips before the year kicks o for good are well highlighted. Take the time out with loved ones and rejuvenate your home space. The sales are a perfect time to get those pillows and throws to update your living room look. There will also be a focus on your professional life and how you fit in. The key is to be yourself. No one does you better than you.


Is there a dream destination on your mind or a course you want to study? You may feel that you lack the funds or aren’t ready to do it. The truth is that you are ready, and the funds are there! The Universe always provides at the right time. Look to your connections in your community or workplace. Have those conversations because there are some opportunities out there. As the saying goes, “All roads lead to… (and it is up to you to fill in the dream destination/goal)”.


The focus is on your sense of self. You will also notice your power in your relationships and what you have or have given away. There may be a sense of unbalance in your life. To restore that balance, don’t let your pride interfere, and ensure you look a er yourself. The balance will be restored by one thing… having faith in yourself.

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There may have been a disconnect with what is going around you recently. You may have felt di erent or not clicked with others as you may have liked. Take the time to meditate and ground yourself more. It will bring your energy back into your body. Once you feel like yourself again, you will shine on the world stage and with your loved ones.


In astrological circles, they say if you want things to be in order, hire a Virgo! You shine when things are in order. You may have felt out of place in your work and relationships. Don’t over-analyse or overthink it. The key is to have faith in yourself. Do what is right for you. Take the time out every day to meditate and connect with your higher self. You may need to declutter, ground your energy, and put things into their place. It may take you out of your comfort zone but at least you’ll know where you stand.


Your career is the focus at the start of the year dear Libra. You may feel a need to belong yet there may also be a need to move on. Lack of progress of late may have sent your scales into a spinning cycle of confusion. You may wonder if there is light at the end of the tunnel. There is, but not by going at it alone. It is time to find and collaborate with your tribe and kindred spirits.


There is a need for a creative outlook in your life when it comes to balancing your personal and public life. The same goes for family and work. Look for inspiration from like-minded people who have travelled from afar. Travel, children, pets, and younger family members are well highlighted. And if there is a creative hobby you love that you have le behind, it is time to revisit it to find that balance you seek.


How you communicate with others in your life, especially in your workplace comes under the spotlight. You want to help others but tact is not your middle name. Honesty is. As hard as it sounds, add some diplomacy in your interactions as it delivers a message that needs to be heard with a much-needed velvet glove. By the end of February, there will be a need to stay home to ground frazzled energy before setting your sights on the horizon for your next adventure.


If you feel you have lost your mojo or aren’t feeling like yourself lately, it is time to be honest with yourself first about why you’re feeling this way. Confide with those who are trustworthy and close to you. You may need a reminder that you are still fabulous as you always are. It could be that negative self-talk needs to be turned around to the positive! Talk to loved ones. Connect to your creativity. Capricorns are dependable and steadfast yet even the strong ones need some R&R. Take that time out to rest and play!


Your sense of identity in your relationships and work life is quite prominent as the year begins. It hasn’t been an easy two and a half years for you, yet I bet you are a better superstar than you were before, all thanks to Saturn. The focus will also be on your home life and where you have come from. Look at those issues that need healing from your past. Saturn will ensure you take that time out to add the balsam.


Your ability to dream allows you to tap into your intuition and bring great insight to others. As the year begins, it is time to listen to that insight. Be honest with yourself. Write in your journal or chat with those closest to you. It is time to make those changes to your work, creativity, and health routines to bring balance. Leave work at 5pm to get to the salsa class you’ve always wanted to take (or another creative outlet). Start the year by doing what inspires your soul! You will feel more like yourself than you ever have before.

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you from 2022. This is your chance for a clean slate in so many areas of your life. Embrace new perspectives and exciting projects to sink your teeth into, if you move forward into this energy with a head-down, bum-up approach, the big planning and motivation coupled with your bright spark of mind will be an unstoppable and blessed combination. You will have a heightened level of discernment with those around you who may try to pull the wool over your eyes or attempt to pass 'half truths', you'll easily see through these and take swi and appropriate action. Happy New Year indeed!


Many love connections have been through a challenging time with communication in the last quarter of 2022, and now with the new year arriving that energy will decrease in confusion but increase with intensity. Any unfinished business supposedly 'swept under the rug' will be brought back into the limelight for discussion and conclusion. This will be a heated time in relationships with the so love and romance taking a back seat to forthright and somewhat heavy home truths. Be sure to pick your battles and rise above any pettiness that may rear its head. This is a time for clear and honest communication in your connection in order to get on the same page and create a level of understanding and resolve. Be clear and gentle as can be.


I have three words for you – "Stick to budget." The new calendar year and Capricorn season promotes a wonderful energy portal to create a budget for the year. Once this is created and agreed upon, all members of the house must be in agreement to adhere to it, otherwise you risk all the work being undone and causing more harm than good. Attention to detail will be rewarded. On another note, keep your wits about you for any triggers on the home front, avoid anyone making mountains out of molehills. Do your best to be patient as the home life becomes what you want it to be, it won't happen overnight but bit by bit it shows promise with some intentional planning.

For this issue I’m using the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck.

who have been pondering about their own business ventures, this is also blessed with a magic wand this month. A conducive time to back yourself and have fun doing it. Gone are the days where work life has to be a drag, it's time to do what you want and fill in the gaps to suit your life. Your career is now yours for the making!


Just like this gorgeous one-of-a-kind magazine, it's time for a REBIRTH of sorts to take place, expect to feel a nudge to nurture and care for yourself. On a collective scale the universe has pushed for people to become more accountable for their own health and wellbeing, this forces your hand to take your self-care seriously or abdicate it completely – the choice is yours.

Taking the time to create a healthy and well-balanced routine will be very rewarded. Get to know what fills your cup and what drains it, simply do more of the former and much less of that latter. Rediscovering your body through movement will lay a fantastic foundation, followed up closely by increasing the quality of your sleep/rest time and hydration.

When we meet our body's needs our body will always meet ours.

February 2023 Reading


Pop the bubbly, it's time to celebrate. Finally there is not just movement but highly sought-a er acknowledgment coming your way. All of your e orts will be paying o in many ways. This month brings with it a chance for you to capitalize on your leadership roles and create new opportunities for one and all. There will be good vibes all round with a true sense of things being right in the world for any injustice you recently felt. Now is the time to build your profile and step into the spotlight. You'll find supportive networks and partnerships available or even in some cases saving you all the leg work and seeking you out for collaboration. This time is promising for team work, unity and common goals.

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On the back of last month's energy being heated and somewhat harsh, this is a breath of fresh air for close relationships. A time for building new foundations, pushing forward with what you're a er in your connection and working as a team to make magic happen. Do your best to not cry of spilt milk and be active with counting the blessings of a situation close to you. Think marathon, not sprint, with your new-found relationship goals and you'll be just fine. New love will blossom in unexpected circumstances, be open to receiving o ers and avoid judging a book by its cover.

Existing relationships have weathered a somewhat storm and are now in recovery mode – jump back into the positive swing of things and find the spark again. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.


Time to take matters in your own hands and change what isn't working for you. In amongst all of the hoopla of the new year and focusing on many areas of your life, it's easy to overlook the home and domestic situation. No longer will this area of your life lay dormant, there will be a push to leave or change things so your home life matches the new you. Feeling the powerful urge to declutter, move furniture around, or move location will be avoidable. There may be extra pressure on the family's financial situation during this month, but being proactive with making these changes will help ease the pinch and create a beautiful new space. Home should be a hug as soon as you walk in. Keep things quality over quantity for a happy result.


Exciting new energy is about providing new networks, partnerships and collaborations. This ushers in positive new results that create mutual benefits. Working smarter not harder is the theme this month, in addition to, work once and get paid many times. Teamwork will get things over the line with everyone equally contributing and supporting the overall goals. A thirst will also be quenched with the chance to sink your teeth into a project you will believe in. You can bank on a feeling of hard work followed by happy satisfaction. You're encouraged to embrace new ideas for new and old problems alike. If you're self-employed, be sure to vet all connections to see if a particular product or service is still the right fit for your business.


An overall sense of feeling drained and fatigued will remain unfortunately. The battle for health and wellbeing empowerment on a collective scale seems to still be in the works. Are you responding to your body's messages to rest and rejuvenate? Are you prioritizing your self-care? The good news is, there is positive movement in this area of life, but it doesn't seem to be consistent. Do your best to actively care for yourself in these draining times. Your mind, body and soul will thank you for any e ort put back into yourself. Be weary of any old or chronic injuries making a comeback –hold them at bay and pave the way forward to a wellbalanced lifestyle.

Missy Rivers is a Spiritual Psychic Medium and Teacher.

Meet Missy Rivers, Psychic Medium who predicted the Coronavirus, the stock market crash, Trump’s Impeachment process and more... Readings Healings Psychic Development Past Lives All your Metaphysical Needs 0422 144 156 /missyriverspsychic /missyriverspsychic/ /channel/UCR7sESm9dJ_GdfI6BgF1z2g EMPOWERING YOUR FUTURE Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ JANUARY 2023 \\ 35

Are you starving for spiritual nourishment?

Overcoming Overeating Joyfully

The awareness that something was missing in my life began in adolescence. But I did not know what it was I was lacking.

Igrew up in a warm and modest family, with all of my basic human needs being lovingly met. But yet I felt as though something was missing.

As the years went on, I started searching more and more desperately, trying to find what was missing. I searched in a number of di erent religions, in environmentalism, in social justice movements, in highlevel academics, in relationships, and each provided me with some fascinating clues, but my soul was still craving more.

Food addictions developed along the way, but I did not understand that they were messages calling out to me. It was not until I began to learn in-depth about the ancient mystical wisdom in my own heritage and its guidelines for living life with the greatest pleasure possible, that my soul began to feel nourished.

We hear about learning to listen to our bodies, which is great. We hear about becoming aware of when we are eating emotionally, and that’s helpful too. But what goes straight to the core of addictions is becoming aware of our souls and listening to them.

That addictions result from a spiritual craving, does not seem to be generally accepted, and yet it is the reason that resilience can manage, with great di iculty, to take place – even a er years of abuse. Therapeutic intervention is o en needed for spiritual nourishment to be able to be integrated into the soul if a person has

experienced significant trauma. But it’s vital to recognise that the highest levels of the soul still remain pure because they are the only places within us where trauma isn’t able to reach.

When our true essence can receive the nourishment it needs, the most profound and joyful healing can emerge. It’s also helpful to know that we need to nourish our souls throughout each day, just as we need to nourish our physical bodies, in which our souls are housed, each day in order to thrive in life.

Addictions are widespread, and food addictions are the most common of all. Next time you feel like overeating, ask yourself this question, “Is it my body that is hungry – or my soul?” Then discover the abundance of greater and more lasting pleasures that were created for us to enjoy. That’s how our hungry souls can find the fulfillment we are genuinely craving.

When we don’t know what we are living for, and you don’t feel like doing anything anymore, addictions o en develop to fill the gnawing emptiness inside. But what we desperately need is lasting pleasure. That is the only thing that fills the void within.

To get a sense of the abundance of pleasures readily available to us, we can learn about the five rungs on The Pleasure Ladder. These correspond to the five levels in the human soul according to the ancient mystical wisdom of Kaballah.

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Many people remain stuck seeking the lowest level of pleasure – which is the physical type of pleasures available to us in the world. Addiction is an indication that a large number of people have become stuck on this rung.

People want more pleasure in their lives, and it’s very easy to overeat, for instance, because food brings immediate satisfaction. And because we want the satisfaction to continue – we overeat. Recognising that many other physical pleasures can be subbed in for food – like spending time in nature or dancing to great music – is freeing.

It is amazing to discover that all the natural physical pleasures were actually designed to upli our souls. When we forget that we are spiritual beings, though, we also forget the spiritual purpose of all the pleasures we have been blessed with in life.

On the second line of The Pleasure Ladder is love. People don’t have to ever wait or long for love. They can bring the pleasure of love into their lives at any moment by calling or texting someone lonely or appreciating someone. This is an empowering understanding of love because it is not dependent on anyone else. It Is totally within your power to experience at any time.

On the third rung on The Pleasure Ladder is meaning. Engaging in meaningful pursuits that make a di erence, brings an even greater level of pleasure into our lives.

The fourth level of the ladder is creativity. It is when we tap into the creative flow of the Universe. We don’t

feel like eating – or even sleeping sometimes when we are in the midst of this pleasure zone.

The fi h and strongest level of pleasure is transcendence – the experience of connecting with everyone and everything. It’s when the illusion of estrangement clearly dissolves.

Each level up The Pleasure Ladder brings more expansive realms of connection into our lives, moving us away from the feeling of isolation that leads to addictions, including food addictions. When we overeat, we are trying to fill inner emptiness by continuing to eat, which brings immediate, though fleeting pleasure. But the inner emptiness is a spiritual one, so no amount of food can fill it up.

Yo-yo dieting continues because people try to cease overeating through short-termed physical means, a multitude of diets.

We have been trying to fix a spiritual deficit through physical means – which is impossible when it is only spiritual nourishment that hits the spot. And the ticket to enjoying pleasure on every level is gratitude, not taking any gi in life for granted.

Instead of feeling “of course” we can connect to the source. And when we connect to our source, we naturally get re-energized.

Bracha Goetz is the Harvard-educated author of 42 books that help souls shine. You can meet her books here and download a free Pleasure Ladder chart here:

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Designer of the Soul Mender Oracle Deck which will be published mid-year, one of her gifts is channelling Light Beings and Ascendant Masters and working with Merlin Energy and Archangel Michael.

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Heal Your Own Chakras

Chakras are the centres of our soul energy and consciousness within our physical body. They help balance our spiritual, emotional, and physical senses. The chakras are where the energy of the body concentrates and the concept of chakras comes from the idea that all life is made up of both a physical and an energetic body. There are 7 main chakras that line up along the spine from the base of your pelvis to the top of the head.

aving balanced chakras means you are free from energetic blockages, which allows the energy to flow through easily through the body, leading to a harmonious and balanced life.



• Root/Base – foundation, grounding


• Sacral – emotions, creativity, sexual energy

• Solar Plexus – ability to be confident, control of life, express your true self

• Heart – bridge between the lower chakras (materiality) and the upper chakras (spirituality), deep compassion and empathy

• Throat – gives you your voice, personal power, expression

• 3rd Eye – big picture, intuition, eye of the soul

• Crown – fully connected spiritually, higher consciousness


• Root/Base – red, brown black (Earth)

• Sacral – orange (Water)

• Solar Plexus – yellow (Fire)

• Heart – green/pink (Air)

• Throat – light blue/turquoise (Sound)

• 3rd Eye – dark blue/purple (Light)

• Crown – violet/white

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• Root/Base (1)

- Strong will, positivity, pure energy, purity, aggression, ambition, creation, motivation.

• Sacral (2)

- Kindness, balance, tact, equalisation, quiet power of judgment, communication.

• Solar Plexus (3)

- Magic, intuition, fertility, expression, versatility, joy of creativity.

• Heart (4)

- Stability, grounding, four seasons, four directions, four elements – all these amazingly powerful essences wrapped up in the nice square package of Four. Fours represent solidity, calmness, and home.

• Throat (5)

- Motion, instability and unpredictability, wild vibrations: primitive, erratic, action, expansion, adventure.

• 3rd Eye (6)

- Harmony, balance, sincerity, love, truth, enlightenment.

• Crown (7)

- Magical forces, mystery, activation of imagination and manifestation.


• Dizziness

• Light headiness

• Stomach aches

• Bowel issues

• Unsteady on feet/tripping over feet

• Headaches

• Anxiousness/nervousness

• Heart palpitations

• Sore throat

• Hoarse throat

• Losing your voice

Listen to your intuition and your body and they will tell you if any signs or symptoms you are experiencing are the result of unbalanced chakras.

Your chakras are also associated with many di erent crystals due the colours they are linked to. Don’t overthink what crystal to use with what chakra when balancing your chakras, again listen to your intuition when choosing your crystals.


• Root/Base – Hematite, Black Onxy or any red, brown or black crystal

• Sacral – Tiger’s Eye or any orange crystal

• Solar Plexus – Amber, Citrine or any yellow crystal

• Heart – Rose Quartz, Aventurine or any green or pink crystal

• Throat – Aquamarine or any light blue crystal

• 3rd Eye – Amethyst or any dark blue or purple crystal

• Crown – Clear Quartz

Once you have chosen your crystals it is quite easy to balance your chakras. There are a number of ways you can do this. The first way is to just sit quietly with all 7 crystals in your hands and meditate. Another way is to lie down and place a crystal on each chakra that is associated with that particular chakra and again meditate or sit quietly. You can also visualise each of the colours of the chakra to add some extra healing to all the chakras. I have had clients carry a small organza bag with all 7 crystals in their pocket for constant and regular healing.

Remember it is important after performing a selfhealing of your chakras that you need to cleanse and clear your crystals. Do not over-think the cleansing of your crystals. There are simple methods you can use such as place them on a windowsill in the sun, using bells/chimes or simply clapping loudly to clear the energy absorbed by the crystals. You can also use water to cleanse them, but make sure that your crystals are not water soluble (e.g. kyanite) as they will dissolve in the water.

Reiki Healer Accredited Crystal Healer
WWW.LINKTR.EE/MERENDICRYSTALHEALER SCAN HERE TO JOIN MY MAILING LIST Join my mailing list and receive a downloadable Reiki Crystal & Numerology Reference chart (valued at $19) SCAN HERE TO BOOK A SESSION
Numerologist Certified SoulLife® Regression Therapist Certified Women and Teens Circle Facilitator Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ JANUARY 2023 \\ 39

January 2023 Forecast

The Universal month is calculated by adding the current month to the current calendar year. January is the 1st month, and the year is 2023, so we add those numbers together 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 which equals 8. So, this month, we will be under the influence of the number eight.

Happy New Year!

Here is a quick overview of 2023, a number-seven year. You can expect this year to be one of asking questions, self-exploration, self-development and discovery. During this cycle, it’s normal to withdraw and to want more time for yourself. You might be inclined to broaden your knowledge in areas that can help you achieve your goals, Uni, workshops, short courses, and mentoring are all possible scenarios under this vibration. Religion and metaphysical practices are relevant, so, don’t be surprised if you find yourself questioning your spiritual faith or exploring di erent pathways that appeal. Cruises, islands, and places where you’re surrounded by water, or where water is a central theme are locations to consider for a holiday.

Looking at January, time management will be important. Organise your finances, pay o debt, and actively take care of any health matters (including dental). Implement a plan for what you want to get out of the year ahead – be sure to consider the spiritual aspects of life as well. Think about what your objectives are and how you might realistically achieve your goals because having sensible motivational strategies in place

will give you a greater opportunity to fulfil them. Writing and publication associated with magazines, news and online presence are featured under this vibration so tackle commitments or desires connected to these areas.

If you have concerns associated with an unhealthy relationship from last year or have negative residue le over from a toxic encounter, you should address it so that you can release any karmic ties. If you’re unable to completely remove yourself from the situation, you should look for ways to live a life involving the least amount of confrontation and stress. Those involved in custody battles should tread lightly. Stand in your power, but don’t be aggressive. Be mindful of your actions during January, expectations and irrational thoughts can create disruption and, in some cases, arguments. Watch your intake of alcohol, and toxic substances and control damaging and impulsive desires.

Businesses, real estate, and large corporations such as banking institutions and law firms can apply during this period, so if this pertains to you, ask questions and look closely at the fine print before signing on the dotted line. Don’t be swayed by emotions, rather, rely on analysis when making important decisions.

It’s the perfect month to run with a unique idea or a tried-and-true concept. Connect with water and nature if you su er from anxiety or become uptight and stressed. Swimming and being active should be a priority to keep your circulation flowing and your mental health happy. If you have young children education and sport is highlighted.

\\ JANUARY 2023 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine 40

February 2023 Forecast

Again, we add the Universal month to the current calendar year. February is the second month, and the year is 2023, so we add those numbers together 2 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 which equals 9. So, this month, we will be under the influence of the number nine.

Where last month speaks of the written word and publishing, this month focuses on similar, but in a di erent area, writing and publishing books, or to a lesser extent, journalling. If writing isn’t your thing, reading books might interest you. This month is a great time to strengthen your knowledge in areas of the occult or learn di erent philosophies that might attract you. Bursts of inspiration can help those of you who enjoy the creative fields.

Under this vibration, culling should be a precedence. This can mean going through clothing and items, cleaning your home or a room from top to bottom, dealing with unhealthy relationships head-on, and committing to implementing solutions where bad habits and negative circumstances are needing your attention. Don’t play the blame game this month, keep notes and talk to those you trust so that you can stay motivated and accountable. Finalising projects should be prioritised in February because it will free you up for next month. It’s always nice to enter a new cycle unrestricted.

You can expect your intuition to be heightened under this vibration, so, watch for signs and listen to your inner voice. Endings can occur around relationships and

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partnerships, your work, and plans or obligations you may need to let go of. If you are experiencing a di icult cycle, it’s important to remember that these conditions aren’t always forever, sometimes they’re only temporary so that valuable lessons are taught in the present moment to help aid you down the track. Whatever your circumstance, it’s a chance to learn, an opportunity for redirection and a favourable time to start a brand-new path going forward. It’s essential to take stock of how you’re feeling and to live without regret, anger, or allow yourself to become stuck in negativity – breathe, let go, and keep moving onward. If people from your past make a reappearance, it’s up to you whether you want to rekindle the relationship or enjoy it temporarily, but if you do decide to welcome people from your past back into your life, do it on your terms. Remember how it was and why the relationship broke down in the first place.

Charities and philanthropic projects come under this vibration. Starting humanitarian endeavours, donating items or funds, or giving your time are all worthy of this energy. Use motivational strategies, natural therapies, music, and colour to li the mood and be guided by the law of attraction principles. Need to make an appointment for a beauty treatment or have your hair done? Go for it!

Amanda E Burgess is the author of Numerology & Your House.

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Let’s chat about how this could work for you…

Or text: 0416 026 803

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Jess Beard – Inner Alchemist

It is my greatest passion to teach people how to use archetypes to understand their sabotaging patterns and to re-language them. When we understand our archetypes we can completely transform our lives and also those around us. It’s incredibly powerful. W

Carmel Anne – Soulfully Guided

Tarot and Oracle Readings

Soulfully Guided provides a spiritual analysis and exploration into oneself using Intuition and Tarot and Oracle Cards. My goal is to work with you to answer any of those questions on your mind. People from all walks of life are welcome. /soulfullyguidedcarmelanne

Victoria Cochrane

Psychic Communicator and Spiritual Healer

Accurate, Passionate, Life Changing Contact Victoria for accurate psychic readings and healings that will remove past traumas and cleanse negativity from your belief systems and energy fields. P 0417 581 107 | W

Jacine Greenwood-Drummond

Founder of Roccoco Botanicals, Anticity, The Skin Herbalists and Educated Therapist

Jacine is an award-winning Cosmetic Chemist and is the founder of the fastest growing beauty brand in the Asia-Pacific, winning many awards for her formulas and business growth. Jacine is intuitively guided with her formulas and has a love of natural ingredients.



Vicki Haspels

Psychic Readings, Reiki Master Healings, Past Life Regression Therapy, Coaching, Esoteric Counselling, Education

My mission, as a teacher of Tarot and the psychic arts, is to break down any preconceived ideas and fears around readings that is holding the reader back from realising their own dream of becoming a confident, successful

Vicki 0421 649 841

Zahra Jones – Heartcore Living

Heartcore Living is the Creation of Master Healer, Medicine Woman and Medical Intuitive, Zahra Jones

Zahra has been studying and practising the healing modalities and philosophies of many ancient cultures since 1990.

Kim McCosker

Kim is a well-known presenter and much loved for her easy, informative and funny storytelling. Her ability to talk, cook and serve all at the same time is VERY ENTERTAINING! To book Kim for your next function or event as a keynote speaker or MC please contact Melinda: E

Zahra’s unique approach combines her own psychic abilities with ancient Shamanic healing, Reiki, Theta, and other modalities including sound and crystalline frequencies.


Special Events & Directory

SED is a Global Media Company specialising in showcasing conscious solopreneurs through various media platforms, for people seeking information or education about spiritual wellbeing.

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E FB /victoriacochranepsychiccommunicator YT /channel/UCUXFZoWohlk5Ywi3om65Afg

Kuve Jansky Bradley

Sage Drums Tasmania

has been lovingly created by Medicine Woman Jane Anderson who has been training and offering drum making and drumming for over 22 years. Jane completed an Advanced Diploma in Sacred Arts from 2007-2009 with the School of The Feminine Divine NZ.

She offers an online course called Awareness Studies ( The course includes mentorship, 48 weekly worksheets of nature-based teachings, audio and video content and meditations which are designed to bring healing, plus a 6-month Earth Medicine Course and 12-month Teacher Training Course. Details can be found here: W

Michelle R Price

Michelle is passionate about all things spiritual and has been seeing and communicating with spirit since she can remember.

Angel Card/Intuitive Readings Mediumship Past Life Connections Pranic Energy Healer

Michelle has a knack for getting to the root of a concern, particularly for health – and bringing through confirmation from the spirit world.

P 0408 984 219 | FB /michellerprice76


Soul Star Skin & Body

Gwenda Smith

Spirit Medicine Woman and Mentor

If you’re looking for simple practical ways of living a peaceful, free abundant life, then I invite you to call me for a chat to see how I can make that happen for you.

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Psychic Medium and Astrologist Missy Rivers is a Psychic Medium and Energy Healer, offering authentic guidance, support and useful, satisfying information along with many other services. W E FB /missyriverspsychic IG /missyriverspsychic
‘RADIANTE’ – Amazon # 1 International Best-Selling Author Kuve specialises in identifying and resolving Ancestral Patterns and Trauma. Helping transform the lives of adults, children and future generations to blossom from within. • THE EMOTION CODE • REIKI • SEICHIM • HYPNOSIS • COACHING W P 0434 005 205 | FB /kuvejanskybradley E
Missy Rivers



Rebirth engages spiritual leaders and innovators to inspire readers and encourage them to expand their awareness and make inspirational changes in their own lives.

Each contributor is encouraged to provide tips and tricks to help readers learn how to follow their heart’s desires; covering everything from heart and mind meditation to Blessing Way ceremonies for mums-to-be, astrology and delicious mouthwatering recipes provided by 4 Ingredients celebrity cook and regular contributor, Kim McCosker.


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