No resolution yet in ambulance contract talks
Record-Journal report
MERIDEN In late June, the International Association of EMTs and Paramedics Local 294 warned its employees of a potential strike after it failed to reach a contract with Hunter’s Ambulance and parent company Hartford HealthCare. Negotiations regarding the contract for 215 unionized workers have been ongoing for a year and a half.
Hunter’s Ambulance management informed municipal leaders in its service area that it has a contingency plan should the paramedics and EMTs vote to strike.
“We are in a deadlock with Hartford HealthCare over its (mandatory overtime) policy, wages and safety,” said Peter Zera, an EMT and representative of the International Association of EMTs and Paramedics Local 294. “We’re just preparing our members for what to expect should we have to go down that road. We’re still bargaining. They (HHC) have the power to stop this.”
Hunter’s Ambulance services Meriden, Berlin, Middletown and Middlefield and provides mutual aid to Wallingford, Portland and Cromwell.
See Ambulance talks, A7
Recently, Durham Middlefield Youth and Family Services concluded a week-long STEM program for local youngsters. STEM is an umbrella term used to group together the distinct but related technical disciplines of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. “Thank you to the counselors for all your hard work and boundless energy and, of course, to the kids who participated in our FIRST Summer STEM Program Mess Mania!,” DMYS stated on social media. “We loved seeing your smiling faces all week, and we hope you had as much fun as we did.”

by Nicole Zappone, Town Times
Middlefield Connects’ Second Annual Golf Tournament, held June 24 at Indian Springs in Middlefield, generated funds for the Durham and Middlefield Girl and Cub Scouts program. Middlefield Connects was started by resident Michael Janis as a way to support local causes. Janis is pictured interviewing Scouts Carley and Alex Hansen at the 2023 golf outing. Asked what their favorite thing about scouting is, Alex loudly proclaimed, “Ice cream!” Read more about the Middlefield Connects’ golf tournament inside.

Visiting the vet is a tough experience for everyone
brow-if cats have eyebrowsat the dearth of food. Just played and played, without a care in the world.
Town of Durham, CT
Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of the Town of Durham that the Town Tax on the Grand List of October 1, 2022, is due and payable in two installments, July 1, 2023, and January 1, 2024. All Motor Vehicle Taxes and Taxes in the amount of $100 or less are due and payable in full July 1, 2023.
As of this writing I’m afraid I’m a bit of a train wreck. More than a bit, I would say. I dropped my little kitten, Sierra, off at the vet this morning to be spayed, and I am a very nervous mother. Now, I know this is no big deal for most people, but it’s a toughie for me. I keep thinking about what she is going through. Is she scared? Is she in pain? Does she feel sick? Does she know I will be coming back for her?
It’s a very long day for the both of us. Probably more for me. She’ll be out like a light for some of it. I wish I was. So I am watching the clock and trying really, really hard not to think about all of this.
It’s not working.
I’ve been counting down the days to Spay Day, with a feeling of dread hanging over my head non-stop. I have tried to look at the big picture. I really do get the big picture. She would have a miserable life indeed if we did not do this. She might get aggressive, she would want to get out of the house all the time, she would pine away for some Romeo to
come and swoop her away. I really do get it. It doesn’t help.
What I most worried about was not being able to feed her. She was not to eat after midnight the night before. And this little girl loves to eat! I leave dry food out for her and Shiloh, and she gets several snacks a day. (She looks a bit thin to me.) But even after a day of hearty eating she will beg me mercilessly for more goodies. So I did worry that on her Big Day she would be most vexed because the food was nowhere to be seen.
I get up at 5 a.m. and we were to leave at 8, so I figured I could look forward to three hours of whining and pitiful meowing and a very big guilt trip. She was rescued from the streets of Bridgeport, and I’m guessing she’s seen her fair share of lean days, so I could imagine she would be thinking, “No food again? How did this happen?!” I dreaded getting up this morning and disappointing her. But she was a trooper, this little girl. Much to my surprise, she did not raise so much as an eye-
Letters Policy
Email Letters to the Editor to
Letters are limited to 300 words. We reserve the right to edit letters. Letters must be signed and names will appear in print. In-
And then, of course, came the disagreeable task of swooping her up and putting her into her cat carrier for The Big Trip. She cried the whole way. And I kept apologizing.
I’ve always been like this. I couldn’t sleep the night before my kids got their shots. In my defense, Ryan didn’t make the whole affair easy. He screamed and cried, more than any other kid I think. Yeah, those were some sleepless nights. Obviously I am not cut out for a career in the medical field, or as a vet or a vet tech. I would always be crying and fretting so, wringing my hands and pacing. I would be of little comfort to the patient.
So in a few hours I will pick up my baby. My friend, who is a vet tech there, gave me a “onesie” they will put on her so that she will not lick her stitches. Better than a cone, is the thinking. And how cute will she look in a onesie!
Well, I’ve almost made it. I just have to hang on for a little bit longer. She’s probably doing a lot better than I am.
You can contact Diana Carr at 860-349-9542 or

clude a phone number so the paper can contact you for verification.
Letters must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Monday to be considered for publication that Friday.
If the first payment is not paid on or before August 1, 2023, interest must be charged from July 1, 2023, at a rate of 18% per annum (1.5% for each month or fraction thereof) with a minimum interest charge of $2.00 applied to each delinquent tax bill. No bill will be sent for the January 2024 installment.
Payments may be mailed to: Town of Durham, P.O. Box 428 Durham, CT 06422, or visit: to find other accepted forms of payment by clicking on “View & Pay Taxes”. Processing fees apply.
The Tax Collector’s office hours are Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30pm Martin French, CCMC Tax Collector, Town of Durham
Drainage & Installation of French Drains
Tree Removal Service
Storm Damage • Hardscapes
Land Clearing • Mulching • Sprinkler Systems
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Masonry • Install New Planting Beds
Full Lawn/Grass Installation • Retaining Walls
Stump Grinding • General Cleanup
Licenced & Insured. US-CT 2442603
Berlin, CT • 860.918.8806
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Or, you can call us at 203-634-3933 and we can mail you a postage paid postcard to fill out and return. Without the necessary requester information, delivery of your Town Times to your home or business, will end.
Women’s hikes
Join Women of the Woods (WoW) Saturday, July 8 at 9 a.m. or Monday, July 10 at 8:30 a.m. for a 3-to-4.5-mile hike to Bear Rock and Millers Pond State Park in Durham. The hike will include some steep and rocky ups and downs, but nothing sustained. For additional information, and to register, visit or email Lucy@
Green awards
The Rockfall Foundation is seeking nominations for its 2023 Environmental Champion Awards, which recog-
Garvis will be missed
Once again, I want to thank a longtime municipal employee, Kim Garvis, who is leaving Durham to go to Middlefield. Kim leaves in the middle of her term, after serving Durham as Town
In Brief
nize individuals, groups, organizations and businesses for environmental efforts that contribute to the quality of life in the Lower Connecticut River Valley. Nomination forms can be downloaded at Nomination forms must be received by Thursday, July 27.
HHW collection
The Lower Connecticut River Council of Governments will hold a free household hazardous waste collection event Saturday, July 22 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Woodside Intermediate School, 30 Woodside Road, Cromwell.
Letters to the Editor
Clerk and Assistant Town Clerk for over 25 years. Most town residents don’t realize the breadth of responsibility and the range of duties a Town Clerk performs. We have grown accustomed to dedicated, hard-working, fair and supportive town employees. Kim worked evenings and weekends, especially throughout COVID,
The collection is open to residents of the RiverCOG region which, includes Durham and Middlefield. No commercial or business waste allowed. For more information, visit
Middlefield Food Bank
The Middlefield Food Bank is in need of the following: peanut butter, jelly, jam, sandwich/freezer bags, coffee, tea, crackers, snacks, laundry detergent, dish soap, cleaning supplies, toothpaste, tooth brushes, pasta, pasta sauce, tuna, and grocery store gift cards.
Annual chip sealing project set to begin

Press Release
The Town of Durham Public Works Department will be starting the annual chip sealing project on several local roads Monday, July 10, weather permitting. The chip sealing process involves the laying of oil and stone and is expected to take approximately one week. Residents are reminded to adhere to the posted 15 miles per hour speed limit on freshly
sealed roads and to use alternate routes during working hours to avoid delays. The following roads are scheduled: Parmelee Hill Road, Boulder View Court, Arrowhead Court, Indian Lane, Cherry Hill Road (south of Higganum Road only) and Hellgate Road.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact the public works department at 860-349-1816.

William J. Witkowski, D.M.D.
to ensure our residents had what they needed. I witnessed her hard work through elections, when she would come in on evenings and weekends to help voters. We will miss her cheerful presence, competence and institutional knowledge, while wishing her the best of luck in her future endeavors.
Karen Cheyneywebsite:

CT State –

More Than a Name Change
On July 1, Connecticut’s 12 community colleges will merge to become Connecticut State Community College (CT State). Slowly, the new name will appear on campuses, web pages, forms and applications, merchandise and more, but the coming together of these schools is much more than just a name change. It is a reimagining of public higher education in Connecticut, and one of the most ambitious transformations of two-year colleges ever attempted.

One application will allow students to apply to any of the campuses. Using the new website,, prospective students and their families can explore associate degrees and certificates offered at each location and determine the best match for them. Easy access to all locations also means that students can find a course time and modality (on campus, online, or hybrid) that fits their lifestyle. While each student will still have a “home” campus –the place where they take most of their courses, meet with advisors and graduate from – the flexibility and ease of use that the new college offers will ease the overall journey to a degree or certificate.
The hands-on, personal attention that Connecticut’s community
CT State –Más Que Un Cambio de Nombre
college students are accustomed to will remain, both inside and outside of the classroom. The consolidation of campuses will result in a more cohesive experience for students, no matter which location they attend. A common calendar will make it easier for students to sync their classes and academic activities and know about cultural events and key dates at each location.
Students interested in attending CT State in the fall can apply now, and continuing students from each of the community colleges can register for their fall classes. All the information needed, including the full course catalog, can be found on All applicants are encouraged to complete the FAFSA at This is the first step for many in determining whether they may be eligible for free tuition.
This is a new way for Connecticut residents to access higher education; keeping the best of the community colleges that have benefited Connecticut residents for over 60 years, while adding all the advantages and enhancements offered through a single, statewide community college. CT State is positioned to help local students reach their goals and potential for many more years to come.
El 1 de julio, las 12 universidades comunitarias de Connecticut se unirán para volverse Connecticut State Community College (CT State). Gradualmente, el nuevo nombre aparecerá en los campus, sus páginas web, sus formularios y aplicaciones, su mercancía y más, pero la unión de estas escuelas es mucho más que un cambio de nombre. Es una reimaginación de la educación pública en Connecticut, y una de las transformaciones más ambiciosas jamás intentadas por una universidad de dos años.
Una aplicación le permitirá a los estudiantes aplicar para cualquier de sus campus. Usando el nuevo sitio web,, los futuros estudiantes y sus familias podrán explorar los títulos asociados y los certificados que se ofrecen en cada localidad, y determinar la mejor opción para ellos. El fácil acceso a cada localidad también significa que los estudiantes podrán conseguir el horario y el modo (presencial, en línea, o híbrido) de los cursos más convenientes para su estilo de vida. Aunque cada estudiante tendrá un campus “base” - el lugar donde tomará la mayoría de los cursos, se reunirá con su consejeros y donde se graduará - la flexibilidad y la facilidad de uso que ofrecerá la nueva universidad le aliviará el trayecto total hacia un título o certificado.
La atención práctica y personal a la cual los estudiantes de la universidad
comunitaria de Connecticut están acostumbrados continuará dentro y fuera del salón. La unión de los campus resultará en una experiencia más cohesiva para los estudiantes, no importa en qué localidad estén. Un calendario común permitirá que los estudiantes sincronicen sus clases y actividades académicas con más facilidad y que sepan acerca de las fechas importantes de cada localidad. Los estudiantes interesados en asistir a CT State en otoño pueden aplicar ahora, y los estudiantes que continuarán en cada universidad comunitaria pueden registrarse para sus clases de otoño. Toda la información necesaria, incluyendo el catálogo de cursos, está disponible en CTState. edu. Se recomienda que cada aplicante llene el FAFSA en StudentAid. gov . Este es el primer paso que muchos necesitan para determinar si serán elegibles para la matrícula gratuita.
Ésta es la nueva manera que los residentes de Connecticut pueden acceder la educación superior; manteniendo lo mejor de las universidades comunitarias, las cuales han beneficiado a los residentes de Connecticut por más de 60 años, mientras se añaden las ventajas y mejoras que ofrece una sola universidad comunitaria a nivel estatal. CT State está preparado para ayudar a los estudiantes locales a lograr sus metas y potenciales durante muchos años más.

After decades of helping to expand student horizons, we’re expanding ours.

Perfect day for Middlefield Connects golf

Middlefield Connects’ Second Annual Golf Tournament, held June 24 at Indian Springs, was a huge success. This year, the Middlefield Connects outing benefited the Middlefield and Durham Girl and Cub Scouts program, which inspires the next generation by connecting them to nature, and taking on conservation projects while having fun. The funding will go directly to the individual programs as a way of supporting scouting adventures and requirements.
The golf tournament organizers noted, “This was an exciting year out on the course. The weather could not have been more perfect for our players, and the generosity of our vendors and local businesses really helped to make this a memorable event. We really hope that this opens doors for all Scouts to engage in any events without financial barriers preventing participation.”
“This event was a real success, ” the planners added. “We love working with Indian Springs staff, and the food from Crostini’s made it a seamless event for our players.”
The top raffle prizes at the golf outing were a handmade quilt, a ride on a fire truck, a Yeti cooler, a paintball party from Powder Ridge, and passes to Lake Compounce.
The Scouts added a special marshmallow hitting contest on hole No. 4. The winner, coming in at 96 feet, was David Olszewski.
Plans for next year’s event are already in the works.
CRHS Fourth Quarter Honor Roll
Coginchaug Regional High School has named the following students to its honor roll for the fourth quarter.
Grade 9, high honors: Sophia Auger, Alexander Augustine, Spencer Babbitt, Madelyn Benbow, Jacqueline Bernard, Addisen Buckheit, Kaelyn Connell, Jacob Crocetto, Charles Dalles, Isabella DeRenzo, Regan Dills, Tea DiPietro, Abigail Dunnigan, Ariana Eddinger, Ava Ekblade, Ariana Evans, Scotland Forbush, Hope Giammatteo, Jacob Kosienski, Maggie Li, Andrew McDowell, Taylor Minogue, Julia Muro, Jacob O’Rourke, Hayden O’Sullivan, Tanyon Paganetti, John Parmelee, Ashlynn Pelletier, Ella Raney, Kate Roraback, Sydney Ross, Keirra Sartor, Mary
Taylor, Teighan Taylor, Thomas Wickwire, Eli Wiseman, Charlotte Young, Jenny Zaclli; honors: Addison Costa, Cameron Engelhardt, Ariana Fudge, Matthew Kobus, Quinn Kursawe, Gianna Mazzetta, Paul Oakley, Jonathan Turchi, Cole Wilson.
Grade 10 high honors: Emily Allen, Josephine Belisle, Hanah Bugai, Joseph Calamita, Gianna Caramanello, Ruby Cella, Colton Climie, William DeCarlo, Scarlett Doyle, Breanna Drzewi, Graham Eddinger, Sophie Farr, Liam Fitzpatrick, Etta Funke, Brianna Gerardi, Angelina Hanks, Marissa Inglis, Paige Kaliszewski, Ashley Kijewski, Hailey Kijewski, Brooke Konefal, Ethan Kowal, Sophie Kulas, Lauren Kurtin, Charlie Lisac, Annika Liss, Tessa Lussier, Addison Martin, Jack Martin, April Meneses, Ember Merrill,
Lily Montemurro, Hannah Nelson, Elizabeth Nick, Julia Palo, Hazel Palo-Mack, Emily Parmelee, Estella Perez, Luke Poturnicki, Alec Rodrigue, Claire Roraback, Jessica Rybak, Charity Skinner, Cailyn Smolley, Ryan Sullivan, Jack Tobin, Abigail Waterman, Isabelle Weissberg, Chase Willett, Cole Wright, Winifred Zhou; honors: Wasim Chater, Rachel Dills, Bradford Dragan, Alexandra McInvale, Nico Prifitera, Brooke Quincy, Liam Ullman.
Grade 11, high honors: Micah Ackerman, Henry Bugai, Hailey Carey, Katherine Colwell, Taylor Connell, Faith Corona, Joseph Cronk, Tiana DiLeone, Carter Fudge, Marlee Geyser, Grace Harkins, Natalie Hayward, Rachel Hayward, Norah Healy, Sofia Hurlbert, Kayla Kearns,
Serra LeDuc, Jason Letourneau, Lilliana Mach, Abigail Meliso, Claire Overton, Devan Patel, Diya Patel, Jake Raney, Piper Remillard, Sophia Reny, Roberto Rivera, Justin Rowe, Nicholas Smith, Sophia Stephan, Molly Stoetzle, Sawyer Stone, Allison Vigue, Ian Weissberg, Christos Wheatley, Clayton Wiseman, Alexandra Woznyk; honors: Riley
Biro, Paige Konopka, Nathaniel Pongetti, Drew Turner.
Grade 12, high honors: Lauren Acevedo, Alison Albanese, Anna Amendola, Caleb Baker, Chris Barrett, Dalton Bates, Holly Brunelle, Marina Chanthinith, Joseph DePaolo, Robert DePaolo, Jenna DePonte, Katherine Farr, Delilah Ferreira, Alyssa Ficara, Vanessa Ficara, Autumn Fisher, Serena Fournier, Grace Gaffey, Monica Garbacz, Colin
Glidden, Hayden Gonzales, Arianna Holahan, Tatum Hultgren, Braden Johnson, Ava Kelly, Jacqueline Kelly, Lauren Konefal, Kiyah Kulpik, Susan Meneses, Christa Messner, Samantha Miltenberger, Ryan Newberry, Alexandra Nick, Hannah Nielsen, Melana O’Sullivan, Gwynneth Palo-Mack, Jayson Penney, Nadia Piascik, Rachel Plaskett, Mia Poturnicki, Christian Quesnel, Allison Sambor, Emma Samperi, Blake Sartor, Adam Schaffer, Chloe Shafir, Julia Slight, Tyler Stagon, Allison Strang, Alyssa Szymaszek, Julia Talbert-Slagle, Catherine Taylor, Conor Ullman, Tyler Warner, Christine Waterman, Penelope Wickwire, Hope Wondolowski, Allyson Woodward; honors: Zoe Carpentino, Owen Lussier, Elizabeth Sorensen.
Ambulance talks

The ambulance service recently negotiated a contract with the town of Southington after its Town Council voted not to extend its contract with American Medical Response.
“Hunter’s Ambulance remains committed to reaching an agreement on a contract with the union,” Hunter’s President Gary Havican said in a statement. “We provided the union with an offer on June 15 that addressed all open issues and provides market-leading wages. Since then, the union has not accepted the offer or presented a formal counterproposal.
“While hopeful that the union will respond to our offer, and that service will not be disrupted. Hunter’s Ambulance will continue operations through contingency planning if a work stoppage should occur, ” according to the statement.

Local 294 said last week that negotiations with Hartford HealthCare had yet to adequately address concerns over short staffing, wages and safety risks. The safety concerns center on radio

communications in downtown Meriden, where service is spotty and calls for additional resources from dispatch can’t always be heard, union representatives said.

Hartford HealthCare bought Hunter’s Ambulance nearly three years ago and upgraded its communication capability.
But according to Zera, paramedics and EMTs can hear Glastonbury calls clearly, but downtown Meriden remains problematic.
The communication issue combined with stalled contract negotiations for more pay has union leadership concerned.

“This is the perfect storm for members of 294,” said IAEP National Director Philip Petit. “They are responding to calls day in and day out without the guarantee of radio communication with each other or their dispatchers, which creates a giant safety concern. At the same time, we’re fighting at the bargaining table to guarantee a fair wage and protect their current conditions from cuts.”

Team among nation’s top Realtors

The Huscher Team of William Raveis is thrilled to announce its recent achievements in the real estate industry.

According to rankings by RealTrends and Tom Ferry International, The Huscher Team has been named the No. 4 Small Team in Connecticut for home sales and the No. 1 team within the William Raveis family across eight states. This prestigious designation places The Huscher Team among the top 1.5 percent of the 1.6 million Realtors in the United States, highlighting their exceptional expertise, dedication, and outstanding results.
Securing the No. 4 spot in Connecticut for unit sales among small teams is a testament to The Huscher s exceptional performance. Their expertise and personalized approach have propelled them to achieve remarkable success, solidifying their position among the top real estate professionals in the country.

At the core of The Huscher Team’s success is their tagline, “Hustle & Heart Set Us Apart.” This motto reflects their unwavering commitment to going above and beyond for their clients, combining hard work, determination and genuine care to deliver exceptional service and results.
The Huscher Team extends their heartfelt appreciation to their incredible clients, without whom this success would not have been possible. They recognize that it is the trust and support of their clients that enables them to achieve such remarkable milestones and make a positive impact on the lives of buyers and sellers throughout central Connecticut and the shoreline.


The Middlefield Volunteer Fire Company seeks volunteers age 18-plus. No experience is required; the department provides the necessary training. To learn more, visit, email or stop by the firehouse Mondays before 7 p.m.

The department also has an Explorer program for youth ages 14 to 18.

Giving Garden
Help is welcomed and appreciated at the MiddlefieldDurham Giving Garden, located behind the Middlefield Community Center. For further information, contact Betsy St. John at 860-807-5242 or Jen Huddleston at 860-716-0464.

Cat Tales
Join a wonderful and dedicated group of people a few hours a week to help care for homeless cats at Cat Tales’ main shelter. The volunteer application can be found at
For more information, email:
Gift of sight

The Durham Lions Club’s recently-refurbished drop box is ready for your eyeglass donations at the Durham Pharmacy.
Lions have recognized the urgent need for corrective lenses and collect usable glasses in their communities to support the Lions Recycle For Sight Program.
Rally for animals
North Haven-based Bikers Against Animal Cruelty is a
nonprofit which advocates against animal cruelty and neglect, promotes responsible pet ownership and helps
provide the cost of emergency care for ownerless victims of animal cruelty and neglect. BAAC’s annual

fundraising rally will be held Saturday, July 29, noon to 5 p.m., at Town Center Park, 2761 Dixwell Ave., in Ham-
den. The event will include food trucks, vendors, bands, pet adoptions, and more. Admission is $5.

Screened Topsoil $30/ per yd; 2.5” screened gravel, $18 per yd; Sand$18 per yd; Millings-$22 per yd; Screened Millings $30 per yd; $100 minimum delivery. No pickup truck service. Minimum 16 yd pickup at our yard. Call Jim @ 860-9824819 for delivery
GRASSY HILL AUCTIONS, - an Estate Sale, Liquidation, Attic & Basement Cleanout Company is Always Buying and providing services all over Connecticut. These are just a FEW of the things we are looking for: Antiques, Collectibles, Old/ Vintage Toys, Musical Instruments (Saxophones, Trumpets, Violins, Flutes, Clarinets, Trombone & SO MUCH
ANTIQUES - Always buying old; Toys, military, jewelry, art, watches, musical instruments, signs, arcade games, cameras, pre 1970 sports memorabilia, plus more. One item or entire estate contents. Call 860718-5132.
$30/yard delivered,
3 yd, $100 min. delivery
Call Jim 860-982-4819

. Top Soil . Compost . . Wood Chips . FOR SALE. Catering to small deliveries. Call Bob (203) 415-0723

MORE) Advertising Items, Wristwatches (Broken or Not), Pocket Watches, Tools (Machinist, Woodworking, & MORE) Doorstops, Clocks, Oil Paintings, Old Signs, Old Photographs, Old Postcards, Brewery Items, Hunting & Fishing, PEZ Dispensers, Costume Jewelry, Broken Jewelry, Gold & Silver Jewelry, Gold & Silver Coins, Military Items, Swords & Bayonets, Helmets & Patches, Medals & Uniforms, Pocket Knives, Lighters & Pipes, Fountain Pens, Mechanical Pencils, Fraternal Order Items, Religious Items, Industrial Items, Winchester Items, Sikorsky Items, Pratt & Whitney Items, Colt Items, Native American Items, Vintage Electronics, Slot Cars, Toy Trucks, Matchbox & Hotwheels, Barbie’s, Folk Art, Statues, Bronzes, Trains, Cameras, Mid Century Modern Furniture, Straight Razors, Shaving Items, Political Items, Comic Books, Sports Cards & Autographs…& THE LIST GOES ON! So please give us a call at your earliest convenience. Grassy Hill Auctions 203-868-1816 - Grassy
A-1 SERVICE - Is what you will receive from me when purchasing your Old Costume & Fine Estate Jewelry. Napier, QVC, ETC, Jewelry Wanted! “I Pay Top Cash For Your Grandma’s Costume & Fine Jewelry Stash!” I’ll come to you. Julie, 203.443.9602.
ANTIQUES WANTEDComic books, toys, adv. signs, military items, motorcyles, mini bikes, etc. All items considered, appraisal & estate sale services, incl. clean-outs. 40 years exp. Call or text, Gary at 203-237-4124.
BUYING ALL - Costume Jewelry, Old Watches, Gold Jewelry, Silver Jewelry, Gold & Silver Coins, Sterling Flatware, In Any Condition. Please Call Jude M. Dichele @ (203) 8681816.
WANTED Individual firearms, collections & estates including military & related items.Federally licensed firearms dealer. Gunsmith, appraisals, Richard Pleines, (860) 663-2214.
The Town of Wallingford is seeking qualified applicants for Armed School Security Officer. The position pays $55,000 annually plus benefits and will follow the Wallingford Public Schools calendar. To view the position requirements and to register/apply, please go to: https:// Wallingford-CT-Po lice-Department/312/ by the registration/ application deadline of Monday, July 10, 2023. Registration for PoliceApp requires a fee of $35.00 that must be paid online to
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LLC - Spring CleanUps, we specialize in weeding all types of beds, mulching, top soil work, pruning hedges & shrubs, & all your landscape needs. Residential & commercial. Lic. #616311. Call today for free estimate, 203-213-6528.
OVER 35 YRS EXP Stonewalls, patios, sidewalks, chimneys, pool areas, fireplaces, fire pit steps. Free est. 860.274.4893.
MOBILE WASH Chemicals safe for house & plants. House wash, roof cleaning, decks. 25 yrs. exp. Sr Disc. #0656136 Ins. 860.538.5520
Low Rates Call Dennis 203.630.0008

Insurance claim.storm damage.roofing.siding. gutter.chimney flashing. Office:203.754.3071 Cell:203.510.3830 Stormshieldct@gmail. com HIC.0664452
Roof Repair or Replacement, Chimney Repair, Skylight Replacement. Free est. CT #0651199 (860) 877-3006


893 North Colony Rd. Wallingford, CT
893 North Colony Rd. Wallingford, CT
893 North Colony Rd. Wallingford, CT
Visit the Wallingford Pancheros location on Tuesday, July 11th between 5 PM & 8 PM to support the Latino Communities Reporting Lab! Simply present this flyer inrestaurant at purchasing and Pancheros will donate 30% of your sale during this time to the organization!
Visit the Wallingford Pancheros location on Tuesday, July 11th between 5 PM & 8 PM to support the Latino Communities Reporting Lab! Simply present this flyer inrestaurant at purchasing and Pancheros will donate 30% of your sale during this time to the organization!
Visit the Wallingford Pancheros location on Tuesday, July 11th between 5 PM & 8 PM to support the Latino Communities Reporting Lab! Simply mention this ad in-restaurant at purchasing, and Pancheros will DONATE 30% OF YOUR SALE to the organization during this time!

Visit the Wallingford Pancheros location on Tuesday, July 11th between 5 PM & 8 PM to support the Latino Communities Reporting Lab! Simply present this flyer inrestaurant at purchasing and Pancheros will donate 30% of your sale during this time to the organization!
SCOW School of Music’s Mariachi Los Laureles will play between 7:00 - 8:00 PM
SCOW School of Music’s Mariachi Los Laureles will play between 7:00 - 8:00 PM
SCOW School of Music’s Mariachi Los Laureles will play between 7:00 - 8:00 PM
SCOW School of Music’s Mariachi Los Laureles will play between