How To Fight Disease

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How To Fight Disease

Thousands Downloaded Principles Proven & Tried

How To Fight Disease And Knock It Out For Good!

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Principles To Healthful Living Revised Version


Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved

So how are you doing these days? What has brought you to this publication. Are you sick and tired of being sick? Or do you have loved ones that just can not seem to fight off some annoying disease. Or have you come to this publication to build up your body in prevention, so that you can play the offensive in disease instead of being on the defensive. Or do you simply want to learn more about the diet and health to perhaps shed a few pounds here and there? Well what ever your reasons, we are glad you are here and would like to welcome you and hope that whatever you reasons are, that you will be the victor in this fight! Having worked in the healthcare field for 20 plus years, I have seen with my own eyes and felt with my own heart, the struggles many have had in clinging to life, and many could have been in a much better position had they just knew a nd followed simple health principles. I have a financial degree, but right after school i became interested in health and decided to test the waters just to get some experience under my belt and see if I would really like it. So now I have had a license in health for quite some time and have gotten to work with many patients on all levels. Also I have given many health classes and talks in various places around the states. After working with people, I would share a few healthful tips here and there, and finally decided to create a newsletter, that turned into this little booklet. I have had this little booklet on Facebook fan page in 2011 in the original form and over ten thousand have downloaded it, then I decided to create, a website and thousands more have downloaded it, and I have it on Scrid now and not sure how many downloads, but of all my books together, have over a thousand reads. Now I simply have it in my store. But seeing how so many people have benefited by it, decided to bring it to Amazon, where many more may be interested. I have used these principles personally. I have used them for others who have been suffering from cancer and other diseases. You can not combat disease successfully without including God in the picture. I will not apologize for this. The world ignores this, but I will not. I will not beat you over the head with this, simply stating the facts.


Introduction 3 The Healthy Body 7 What is Disease? 9 Fighting Disease 11 Law & Order 12 Exactness and Precision 15 Harmony 18 The field 21 Legacy 24 Brand New 27 The Eight Laws Of Health 33

Principle #1

Law Must Be Present or practiced for order to exist. Equally so the 8 laws must be present or practiced for order to exist in the body. Remember dis-ease is a dis-order of the body.

Exactness And Precision

For any law to be successful, there must be precision and exactness. And this must be present in every instance. For example, there is a law of the phone number that is so simple. For example, when you dial a number such as 555-555-5555, every number must be exact, there is no toleration of variation or mistake. If there is a specific, person you are trying to reach on the phone, you must dial their specific number. And it must be dial at every instance you desire to reach that particular person on the phone. If you dial just one wrong number, you will not get that person. No matter if you dialed that 1 wrong number all day long, you will never reach that person. The same holds true with the email address and the web address. The numbers and/or letters must be exact and precise. When you think of water H2O this formula must exist precisely at every instance in order to get water, just moving that formula around a little, you will end up with a hydrogen bomb. All laws demand exactness and precision and consistency. Laws demand perfection. When a law is not exact or precise this is when the desired result is not obtained, or in other cases, safety and harm may result. Back to our traffic example, even the traffic laws demand perfection. When even a simple mistake is made, safety is compromised and harm may result. This is why your city hires police officers to enforce the laws of the land, or seeking to help its citizens to obey the law more perfectly, by issuing tickets and citations or making arrest, to promote safety

The Field

Let me borrow your imagination for a moment, Think of an empty field. In this field, you can grow a garden. As you plant the seeds, after rain and sunshine and the like you will yeild a harvest. Think of it this way, every child that is born is given an empty field in health. The parents in a large degree are responsible for the early years of cultivating this field. When the child becomes a teen and sometimes earlier, they are presented with making decisions of how to care for their garden. If ignorance or carelessness exist, weeds began to grow, then shrubs, then trees, till the field becomes overgrown with years of neglect and recklessness. Disease is present because of the dis-order, but because of the youth of the victim, it may not manifest itself because the body is seeking to adjust and survive all the abuse until it gives in to disease. As the youth lives from day to day, he is not aware of any law and simply eats and lives according to his own perception and ideas, or what he received from his parents. Remember, this is almost like learning to drive as you are behind the wheel, you may or may not make a mistake, but the slightest mistake could be fatal, but if they were stopped by the police because they did not follow a traffic rule, and they tell the officer that they did not know, in many cases, they still will be ticketed for violation of the law. Or if a small child were crossing the street and was not aware that he/she needed to wait until the light turned green and began to cross

and was hit by an on coming car, does this child’s ignorance of the law prevent him from harm? I remember traveling from one state to another, and one day I found myself heading down a one way street. I was not aware until thankfully an officer stopped me and was ready to ticket me. I pleaded that I did not know and showed him my license from out of state. That officer did not ticket me that day, thankfully, and even more thankful there was not another car or truck on the road. But did my ignorance of the law protect me? No. But the law Officer was there to promote or enforce the law and this ended up being a protective barrier to me. If the Law Officer had not been present, my harm and safety would have been compromised greatly. Ignorance of the eight laws does not prevent diseased results. I do believe that God in his mercy spares many from their self destructing course in health. Education removes ignorance so that intelligent choices and better outcomes may result.

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How To Fight Disease

Fight back, and fight back successfully with the 8 laws

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