RAFI Auction Provides Trip of a Lifetime for Illinois Couple by Kathy Schierbaum, Tunnel Hill, Illinois Picture this: a cattle drive at the Beckton Ranch in Wyoming. When we saw the auction item listed in the 2020 Red Angus Foundation Inc. auction, it certainly piqued our interest to visit the home of the Red Angus breed’s foundation herd. My husband, Dale, said he would watch the bidding and see if he could buy it for us. Neither of us had ever been farther west than Kansas City, so we thought it would be a great adventure. On the night of the bidding, he called me at work to say we had been the top bidders! Nearly a year later, in September 2021, we were on our way to Wyoming. The drive through the Bighorn National Forest was both beautiful and nerve-racking as we wound our way around the mountainside. Soon, we were at the ranch and greeted warmly by ranch hands Randy Zier and Renee Morris.
The mountainside cattle drive to retrieve the Beckton Ranch herd from government grazing was both treacherous and beautiful. However, the opportunity to see a western ranch in action and to participate in a cattle drive left memories to last a lifetime.
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Dale and Kathy Schierbaum purchased a ranch experience on the historic Beckton Ranch in Wyoming in the 2020 RAFI fundraising auction. The couple from Tunnel Hill, Illinois, made the trip in September.