We’re on the Move to 150Age-AdvantageRedAngusBulls Calving Ease? theentiresaleoffering averagesinthetop20%ofthebreed 180SpringCalvingCommercialRedAngusFemales Sharing our Best! “Hand-Picked” females from the heart our Red Angus seedstock herd - to include some of our most prolific donor dams just entering their prime production. Red Angus Breeder since 1945 Sheridan, WY • becktonwyo@gmail.com307.674.6095 135Years combinedexperience servingtheRedAngusneedsofcommercialranchers We’re on the Move to 150Age-AdvantageRedAngusBulls Calving Ease? theentiresaleoffering averagesinthetop20%ofthebreed 180SpringCalvingCommercialRedAngusFemales Sharing our Best! “Hand-Picked” females from the heart our Red Angus seedstock herd - to include some of our most prolific donor dams just entering their prime production. Red Angus Breeder since 1945 Sheridan, WY • becktonwyo@gmail.com307.674.6095 135Years combinedexperience servingtheRedAngusneedsofcommercialranchers

Increase Rancher Profits! - Sale Feature20RegisteredRedAngusBredFemalestoinclude • Several ofourmost prolificdonordams •AIManytopperformingsiredreplacementsRedAngusSeedstockSuppliersince1964 Miles, Texas • 325.468.2390 LAND & LIVESTOCK Halfmann2022-Beckton ProfitthroughExperienceSale Wednesday, October 5, 2022 1 pm • at the ranch • Miles, TX

MagazineOfficial Publication of the Red Angus Association of America Volume 58, Number 7 18335 E 103rd Avenue, Suite 202 Commerce City, CO 80022 (940) 387-3502 • Fax (888) 829-6069 Publisher/Advertising Director Tracey Koester (701) 391-5440 • Editor Brandi Buzzard Frobose (785) 448-0239 • Subscriptions and Circulation Margaux Midas (940) 387-3502, Ext 7 • email: Affiliated with National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Beef Improvement Federation U.S. Beef Breed’s Council National Pedigreed Livestock Council GENERAL INFORMATION Published 10 times annually by the Red Angus Association of America at the national headquarters (18335 E. 103rd Ave., Suite 202, Commerce City, CO 80022). A non-political magazine dedi cated to the promotion and improvement of breeding, feeding and marketing Red Angus cattle. Subscription rate: U.S., 1 year - $30.00; 2 years - $55.00. Canada and Mexico, 1 year - $44.00, 2 years - $82.00 (Payable in U.S. Funds Only). International Air Mail, 1 year - $55.00; 2 years - $100.00 (Payable in U.S. Funds Only). These rates are based on Third Class Bulk mailed from Lubbock, Texas. Add $20.00 per year for First Class. EDITORIAL AND ADVERTISING POLICY Advertising and editorial content are not limited to any particular class of product or subject matter. However, we reserve the right to refuse publication of any material not within the bounds of high agricultural ethics. While we devote the utmost care to the preparation of each advertisement, we cannot be held responsible for ads received after the ad deadline. Furthermore, the accuracy and content of copy received over the telephone is entirely the re sponsibility of the advertiser. No adjustment for incorrect ad copy will be considered for ads that are received after the ad deadline or that are placed over the telephone. All unused reserved advertising space that is not canceled by the advertising deadline will be billed to the advertiser. ADVERTISING RATES – Full Color Annual Frequency Space 1X 5X 10X Full Page $995 $920 $870 1/2 Page $745 $685 $645 1/3 Page $630 $600 $580 1/4 Page $550 $525 $505 1/8 Page $450 $440 $430 Breeder Directory 1” Deep $295 per year 2 1/8” Deep $445 per year 3 1/4“ Deep $595 per year Black-and-White Black-and-White: Deduct $345 Black + 1 color: Deduct $200 Black + 2 colors: Deduct $100 4 RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022 Year in Review: Optimism Abounds .......................................... 22 Drought Aftermath: Long-term Decisions ................................. 30 Where Sustainability and Stewardship Just Come Natural .......... 48 Celebrating Half a Century of Canadian Red Roundup ................ 74 Articles Board Commentary 6 Association Commentary ................................................................................................................. 8 Marketing Update .......................................................................................................................... 14 Member Services Bulletin 18 Tracking Genetic Progress ............................................................................................................. 20 Fulmer and Johnson Join Member Services Staff ............................................................................. 64 Commercial Cattlemen’s Symposium Focused on Heifer Development ............................................. 70 NAJRAE Results............................................................................................................................. 77 Information Overload: 730,000 Cow-Calf Operations, 730,000 Calf Descriptions ........................... 82 Plan to Meet Weaning Challenges .................................................................................................. 83 Risk of Prussic Acid Toxicity Increases During Drought, After Rains ................................................. 83 Member News ............................................................................................................................... 84 New Members ............................................................................................................................... 86 Calendar of Events ........................................................................................................................ 96 Advertiser Index ............................................................................................................................ 98 Cover photo by NatalieNebraskaJones, 22 3074 Table of Contents – September 2022 Features Red Angus Association of America Group: Red Angus Association of AmericaStockyard, Feeder Fax and Marketplace Red Angus America redangusamerica 48

Semen Available Embryos from the pictured females… will sell on December 20th! CALVO FORAGER 57E BB 6021 GRAZER 6242 BB 5236 BBRED 6021 OCC RED GRAZER 610Z BB M740 BBRED 5382 OCC VANESSA 829S PCC COLORADO HOBO OCC VANESSA 768P OCC EASY RED OCC LINEBRED 801R SR JESSI 683A OCC VANESSA 829S SR MISS PRACTICAL 557 O C C PRACTICAL 841P RF JESSI 1277-3039-5227 #4056728 • Calved: 05-02-2017 • Category: A - 100% AR CED BW WW YW Milk ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 41 46 13 -2.0 60 99 28 3 12 5 15 0.46 0.13 33 0.03 0.02 ProS HB GM 87 87762 446th Ave., Bassett, NE 68714 Joe: 605-830-2210 | Rick: www.calvofamilyredangus.comemail:-calvorachael@yahoo.com402-760-1274 Calvo Pat 135Z #1745906 OCC Vanessa 630A #1732743 OCC Vanessa 858Z #1660647 OCC Vanessa 857C #3726123 SR Jessi 683A #1732731 Frager 57E Daughhter We have a selection of private treaty Pleaseavailable.bullscallformoreinformation! NEW SALE DATES: December 20, 2022 – 80+ coming two-year-old registered Red Angus bulls, along with a number of females, embryos and commercial heifers selling at the home place in Bassett, Neb. February 4, 2023 – 140+ coming two-year-old registered Red Angus bulls along with a number of 15-month old registered Red Angus bulls at the home place in Bassett, Neb.

At its origin, the word “create” means you must do something. According to Webster’s Dictionary, the following phrases describe the word “create:” • to bring into existence • to produce or bring about by a course of action or behavior
As you cheer on your favorite team this fall, think about your operation as a football team and plan how you can not only score a touchdown, but go for the extra points!
Now that you have seen some of the RAAA team playbook, I challenge you to ask yourself a question: are you as a producer driving offensive plays or are you sitting back simply trying to block what is thrown at you? As a producer, you have a whole playbook available for your implementation if you are willing to do the work. Every where you look, there are opportunities, badges and programs to add value to your product, including data submission, valued-added programs such as the Feeder Calf Certification Program, Premium Red Baldy, American Red, pre-conditioned, weaned and vaccinated, certified health, Natural, genetically verified – the list goes on and on.
Since the completion of the current strategic plan, RAAA staff and board have been relentless in our efforts to create new opportunities for our members and commercial producers. Efforts by the RAAA team have included the development of more demand for feeder calves, progress with packers to pull more Red Angus-influenced genetics into branded beef programs and pursuing more scientific ways to determine the value of feeder calves that, upon entering the supply chain, will be profitable for producers, feeders and packers alike. Stay tuned for more information from team RAAA on these endeavors and many others at this year’s convention in Kalispell, Montana.
This time of year, folks are thinking about football! So am I, War Eagle! My favorite part of the game is offense when my team tries to make a touchdown. Playing offense is more exciting than defense and trying to keep something from happening to us!
6 RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022
In my part of the country, I can visit local auction markets each week that are packed full of calves that been brought in straight off the cow, not weaned, no knowledge of what a feed bunk is and no health protocols whatsoever. These all represent lost yardage plays that a producer could have turned into a first down, only if they had been willing to do the work. I know that not every program is right for every produc er, but I am willing to bet that all of us could do a better job of playing offense and driving profitable plays into our operations with a little planning and effort. In playing offense, we probably will also realize some gains in other areas we had not even con sidered such as improved environmental conditions on our operations and helping the beef industry become more sustainable for future generations.
// Board Commentary PRESIDENT Steve Koester | Steele, North Dakota FIRST VICE PRESIDENT AREA 4 DIRECTOR - SOUTHWEST Tony Ballinger | Morgan Mills, Texas SECOND VICE PRESIDENT REGION C DIRECTOR Jeff Pettit | Sebree, jp@noashconstruction.comKentucky AREA 2 DIRECTOR - MONTANA BOARD SECRETARY Kay Klompien | Manhattan, Montana REGION A DIRECTOR Chuck Feddes | Manhattan, feddesredangus@gmail.comMontana REGION B DIRECTOR Craig Bieber | Leola, South Dakota AREA 1 DIRECTOR - WEST George Murdock | Pendleton, george.murdock@umatillacounty.netOregon AREA 3 DIRECTOR - ROCKY MOUNTAIN Aaron Kravig | Karval, akravig@kravigredangus.comColorado AREA 5 DIRECTOR - NORTHERN PLAINS Stephanie Jung | Mina, South Dakota AREA 6 DIRECTOR - GREAT PLAINS Jason Anderson | Oberlin, Kansas AREA 7 DIRECTOR - NORTHEAST Rob Hess | Hershey, hessfarm@verizon.netPennsylvania AREA 8 DIRECTOR - SOUTHEAST Jim Yance | Columbia, Alabama AREA 9 DIRECTOR - MIDWEST Stuart Gilbert | Stockport, redcowrelocators@gmail.comIowa Who Has Your Football? By Jeff Pettit, Region C Director RAAA Board of Directors
If we think in terms of football how can this apply to our own cattle operations? I am sure different producers would have different analogies to use but, for the purpose of this article, let’s focus on our marketing efforts. Critical Objective #1 of the 2021-2026 RAAA Strategic Plan for states, Create Market Demand – 20% of the U.S. beef cattle onventory will be Red Angus-influenced by 2030.
Don’t forget to call on your RAAA marketing staff to help you develop a winning play book for your operation.

® Office (605) 439-3628 • Craig (605) 216-8169 11450 353rd Ave. Leola, SD 57456 Bieber Fever FAll 2022 sAle schedule Questions? cAll us At (605) 439-3628 or visit our weBsite And join the mAiling list. BieBer Fever in the southeAst octoBer 13 • swAinsBoro, gA 50 coming two-YeAr-old Bulls 5 registered Bred heiFers 30 FAll Born open commerciAl heiFers BieBer Fever FAll FemAle sAle novemBer 10 • leolA, sd registered Bred heiFers registered Bred cows commerciAl Bred heiFers coming two-YeAr-old Bulls

When RAAA’s cow numbers grow, as they have in most of the past 25 years (chart below), members are increasing the size of their registered Red Angus cow herds, while new member herds are being added as well.
Drought remains a challenge in many parts of the U.S., yet Red Angus still man aged 1.6% net growth in the past year. During the past five years, our cow inven tories increased 11%. Breeders and the breed are doing a lot of things right and market share is expanding, as this growth will attest. CO 80022 829-6069
Association CommentaryRAAA National Office 18335 E. 103rd Ave., Suite 202 Commerce City,
(940) 387-3502 | FAX (888)
Association membership also deserves to be mentioned, as that too set records during the past fiscal year. Total members in RAAA grew 7% during the past year, from 4,471 to 4,804. Regular memberships (adult farm and ranch accounts) topped 3,000 for the first time, rising from 2,931 to 3,081 – up 5%. Junior Red Angus membership also experienced an excellent year-over-year growth rate of 14% with 1,349 members at the end of June versus 1,181 one year earlier. Associate member ships represent a smaller category, though it too grew from 359 to 374, up 4%. Contemplating the reasons for continued Red Angus growth causes us to recog nize the many people that have been at work over years and decades to keep the breed on the upswing. We have a strong foundation in Red Angus, both in the cattle themselves and in the approach to breeding improved beef cattle over time. The RAAA was founded by breeders who believed strongly in what we might today
The Red Angus Association of America finished its latest fiscal year on June 30, 2022, with a record-high cow inventory of 103,163 females. We consider this metric one of the most important gauges of the overall breed strength. Members pay a $20-per-cow Total Herd Reporting, or THR, fee to keep those females active in the REDSPro database. This active inventory represents the national registered breeding herd that supplies breeding stock into the commercial cow-calf sector.
8 RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022
Email: RAAA National Staff CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Tom Brink Ext. 4 | DIRECTOR OF BREED IMPROVEMENT Ryan Boldt Ext. 12 | BEEF CATTLE GENETICIST Dr. Lindsay Upperman Ext. 29 | EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Halla Pfeiff Ext. 10 | REDSPRO & REGISTRY SPECIALIST Kaitlyn Fulmer Ext. 6 | REDSPRO & REGISTRY SPECIALIST Stephanie Johnson Ext. 26 | MEMBER SERVICES & DNA SPECIALIST Ryan Starkey Ext. 5 | DNA DATA PROGRAMS COORDINATOR Alana Skelton Ext. 14 | DNA CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALIST Kai Ext.Miranda24| DATABASE AND REGISTRATION CONSULTANT Kenda Ponder Ext. 15 | DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION & JUNIOR PROGRAMS Dr. Kim Heller (515) 851-2019 | PUBLISHER & ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Tracey Koester (701) 391-5440 | EDITOR & DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS Brandi Buzzard Frobose (785) 448-0239 | COMMUNICATIONS SPECIALIST Lisa (405)Bryant766-8942 | SHOW SPECIALIST Erin (970)Dorsey396-5420 | ACCOUNTING DIRECTOR Janet Russell Ext. 11 | MEMBERSHIP AND RECEIVABLES SPECIALIST Margaux Midas Ext. 7 | RECEPTIONIST Marilyn Imthurn Ext. 3 | Commercial Marketing Team and Value-Added Programs staff is on page 12 Red Angus Record-HighReachesCowInventory
By Tom Brink, RAAA Chief Executive Officer

LELAND FUSION 5202-0245 LELAND GUNNER 131-4711LELAND BIG GENE 5469 Annual Production Sale Friday, March 10, 2023 1 p.m. MST • At the Ranch 41 mi. N of Beach, ND, or 34 mi. SE of Sidney, MT 200 Bulls • 60 Heifers Including age-advantaged bulls from Koester Red Angus Leland RED ANGUS RANCH Melvin & Luella Leland • (701) 565-2347 Todd & Carla Leland • (701) 565-2361 192 Hwy 16 N • Sidney, MT 59270 • Leland Red Angus ... Where cows in their work clothes are the cornerstone of our program. LELAND HIGH ROLLER 8607LELAND FRANKIE 018-9129 Bred for functional efficiency with carcass merit, fertility, disposition and structural correctness. Your next herd bull needs to come from mothers like these! Bred females available at private treaty this fall.

10 RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022 call “quantified cattle.” This was a rev olutionary thought in the mid-1950s. Most people at the time used appear ance-based selection and little else. Early Red Angus breeders collected objective measurements on their cattle, like birth weights and weaning weights. Data was gathered on more traits as time went on. If you study the first 20 or 30 years of Beef Improve ment Federation history, which was founded in 1968, you will find a sur prising number of Red Angus breeders in leadership roles. That is amazing given the relatively small size of the breed at the time. It was the alignment of philosophies between RAAA and BIF that made these two organizations fit so well together. Quantifying cattle with objective data was the common Moreelement.than 50 years later, we can say without hesitation that quantified cat tle selection has been an unparalleled success. We still use visual appraisal too, of course, but it is the long-term application of EPDs and, more recent ly, bio-economic indexes that created rapid genetic progress across a long list of important traits. Red Angus breeders have done an admirable job using the objective breeding tools we now have available, while staying focused on the female and traits that benefit downstream segments of the beef industry as well. Association Commentary:
Red Angus Reaches Record-High Cow Inventory
What’s more is that the future looks very bright indeed. With powerful, multi-trait selection tools like ProS, HerdBuilder and GridMaster, breed progress is certain to move along at a faster pace than ever before. Serving commercial farmers and ranchers is what Red Angus is all about, and the better the breed accomplishes this goal the more the breed will continue to grow in the years to come. // Despite drought challenges across the country, registered Red Angus female numbers continued to increase the past fiscal year, reaching a record-high cow herd inventory of 103,163 females.

Breed Changing Quality ■ Raising the bar on the highest Prime Quality Grade – Highest Marbling Animal in the Red Angus Database ■ PRIME PLUS is such an outlier that he will move breed average into the top 1% of the breed for marbling in one generation ■ Displays the look and physique of a true beef bull - Big bodied, bold sprung, shows base width and abundant muscle expression ■ Ranks in the top 2% for both of the Leachman $Profit and $Ranch indexes, maker of awesome daughters and profitable feeder cattle 29AR0284PRIME PLUS LSF SRR PRIME PLUS 0111H RAAA 4275705 LSF SRR RANCHER 7190E x LSF TAKEOVER 9943W 1.800.ABS.STUD | ABSBEEF.COM TRAIT CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT ProS HB GM EPD +11 -3.3 +65 +105 +.25+1.27 +31 +9 +17+6 +14+1.37 +.26 +22 +.01 +.08 +129 +48 +81ACC .43.48.46 .47 .47.25 .16 .11 .24.23 .29 .44 .37 .45.44 .38 % 23 28 29 32 8 2 1 5 1 TOP 35%EPDs as of 7/25/2022

IMI Global Efficiency
Tag and EID Options Available
Let’s take a few moments to go through essential topics to know when deciding which direction to take your Red Angus genetics and marketing program.
Update Understanding Your RAAA Value-Added Options
In response to concerns from both ranchers and feedlots, we have implemented a significant change regarding the ability to retag animals after leaving the ranch of origin with a program-compliant tag installed. After leaving the ranch, calves that lose either the dangle tag or EID and have a secondary identifier (management tag or matched pair set) can be retagged if the proper paperwork is submitted. It is as simple as contacting the tag department at Red Angus.
Datamars Dangle Tag Option Available
Retagging Procedure Update
We offer a visual dangle tag through Allflex at 99¢, a visual dangle tag through Datamars at $1.30, Allflex EID-only 982 or 840 options ($2), or a visual+EID tag ($3) provided by either company.
IMI Global offers multiple verification programs to boost cattle producers’ profit potential, including non-hormone treated cattle, verified natural and grass-fed beef, and its newest sustainability program, BeefCare.
Purchased from Another Source Program-compliant EIDs from external value-added programs, purchased person ally or through local or state veterinarians, are now allowed to be incorporated into the Red Angus program. Customers must fill out an enrollment form and pay a $1-per-EID enrollment fee. You must contact the Red Angus value-added depart ment to complete a five-minute enrollment process.
14 RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022 Options. An essential word for ranchers when preparing to market their calves.
Red Angus Commercial Marketing
The Red Angus Association of America has worked tirelessly to create opportuni ties for beef producers in every climate. Our goal is for you to be able to market your Red Angus genetics for a competitive bid in any venue with the best val ue-added programs that fit your operation’s methods.
By Chessie Mitchell, Assistant Director of Value-Added Programs Team and
Vaue Added Programs DIRECTOR OF COMMERCIAL MARKETING Harold Bertz (816) 661-2289 | ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF FIELD SERVICES Katie Martin Ext. 16 | COMMERCIAL MARKETING SPECIALIST Nolan Woodruff (805) 861-0996 | COMMERCIAL MARKETING SPECIALIST Rachael Oliver (406) 480-1569 | COMMERCIAL MARKETING SPECIALIST Cale (785)Hinrichsen456-3969 | ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF VALUE-ADDED PROGRAMS Chessie Mitchell Ext. 20 | VALUE-ADDED PROGRAMS SPECIALIST Jeananne Drouhard Ext. 18 | Weekly Email Marketing Service of Feeder and Finished Cattle To better serve Red Angus commercial cattlemen, RAAA has created a Red Angus show list for feedyards and packers looking for Red Angus-influenced cattle. Producers can market feeder or finished cattle through this free service when selling through a sale barn, video auction or private treaty. The show list is emailed out weekly to potential buyers through the Red Angus FeederFax email service. This free service is designed to inform feedyard managers, order buyers and other interested parties of cattle for sale. To upload information about cattle or to view cattle available, visit To receive the weekly FeederFax marketing service that will highlight that week’s show list, please email
Customers can now order dangle tags through Datamars Livestock. Datamars dan gle tag options are $1.30, and RAAA now has stock available in our office for fast and efficient shipping. Allflex will continue with an additional choice for dangle tags at a low cost of 99¢.
A new arrangement between RAAA and IMI Global, a division of Where Food Comes From, Inc., allows cattle producers to take advantage of Red Angus val ue-added programs to more efficiently use IMI Global verification services. Cattle producers who enroll in Red Angus value-added programs have the capability to start the application process for IMI Global claims on the same phone call, saving valuable time and streamlining the enrollment process.
Using EIDs

Visit ... for more information and to request your sale catalog Bob & Julie Morton Tom & Katie Morton • Jim Morton 2431 Logan Trident Road • Three Forks, MT 59752 (406) 580-0348 • Big Sky Elite Female Sale Wednesday, Dec. 7, 2022 GMRA Sale Facility • Logan, MT • 1 p.m. MST Annual Bull Sale Tuesday, March 21, 2023 GMRA Sale Facility • Logan, MT • 1 p.m. MDT The key to successful, progressive genetics ... The Mother Cow She is our foundation. She is our passion. She is our commitment. She is our future.

16 RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022 Marketing Update: Understanding Your RAAA Value-Added Options Email Marketing of Feeder and Finished Cattle To serve Red Angus commercial cattle men better, RAAA has created a show list for feedyards and packers looking for Red Angus-influenced cattle. Pro ducers can market feeder or finished cattle through this free service when selling through a sale barn, video auction or private treaty. The show list is emailed weekly to potential buyers through the Red An gus FeederFax email service. This free service is designed to inform feedyard managers, order buyers and other interested parties of cattle for sale. To upload information about cattle or to view available cattle, visit www. mar keting service that will highlight that week’s show list, please email tags@ Special FCCP Red Angus Feeder Calf Sale Calendar Date FCCP Sale Contact Phone Oct. 6 Bagley Livestock Billy Bushell 218-694-3701 Oct. 13 Billings Livestock Commission Ty Thompson 406-245-4151 Oct. 14 Crawford Livestock Jack Hunter 308-665-2220 Oct. 19 Torrington Livestock Lex Madden 307-532-3333 Oct. 21 Crawford Livestock Jack Hunter 308-665-2220 Oct. 25 Mobridge Livestock Jason Anderberg 800-658-3598 Oct. 25 Miles City Stockyards Bart Meged 800-755-5177 Oct. 26 Tri-County Stockyards Mitch Barthel 218-352-6546 Oct. 27 Ogallala Livestock Auction Market Jay Nordhausen 308-284-2071 Nov. 2 Hub City Livestock Glen Gaikowski 605-225-3273 Nov. 3 Bagley Livestock Billy Bushell 218-694-3701 Nov. 4 LaCrosse Livestock Market Frank Seidel 785-222-2586 Nov. 7 Faith Livestock Auction Dace Harper 605-967-2200 Nov. 11 Kirksville Livestock Chuck Ambrosia 660-665-9804 Nov. 14 Central Oregon Livestock Auction Market Trent Stewart 541-475-3851 Nov. 18 Bloomington Livestock Exchange Greg May 608-994-2020 Nov. 19 FT Scott Livestock Market Jim Martin 620-223-4600 Nov. 19 Buffalo Livestock Market Leon Casselman 417-345-8122 Nov. 28 Rugby Livestock Auction Cliff Mattson 701-776-6393 Dec. 1 Bagley Livestock Billy Bushell 218-694-3701 Dec. 1 Billings Livestock Commission Ty Thompson 406-245-4151 Dec. 1 Joplin Regional Stockyards Mark Harmon 417-548-2333 Dec. 13 Atkinson Livestock Market Wes Kilmury 402.340.4225 Jan. 5 Bagley Livestock Billy Bushell 218-694-3701 Jan. 6 Bloomington Livestock Exchange Greg May 608-994-2020 Jan. 20 LaCrosse Livestock Market Frank Seidel 785-222-2586 Feb. 15 Hub City Livestock Glen Gaikowski 605-225-3273 Feb. 20 Rugby Livestock Auction Cliff Mattson 701-776-6393 New Programs In addition to FCCP and Allied Access, Red Angus also offers two value-add ed programs designed for planned crossbreeding systems. Premium Red Baldy identifies genetically superior Red Angus x Hereford females, while American Red identifies genetically superior Red Angus x Santa Gertrudis calves. The RAAA has consistently promoted the use of crossbreeding in commercial herds and is proud to offer these additional options. //,generation!forREADYthenextFlorida660-4901–AmeliaCarreno(352)425-2346–SergioCarreno(352)789-8008–RanchPrivate Treaty Bull Sale Starting October 1 Call to schedule a visit or for more information on our private treaty offering. RED ANGUS BULLS F1 RED ANGUS X BRAHMAN BULLS BRAHMAN BULLS RedAmericanCattle.comCattleAmerican@Red50Red Angus Bulls – 18-24 months old 20 F1 Red Angus x Brahman Bulls – 20-24 months old 5 Red Brahman Bulls – 24 months old Genetics by these exciting sires! 3SCC DOMAIN A163 • BROWN ORACLE B112 • WFL PROFIT MAKER E7030 • WFL MERLIN 018A LEACHMAN PLEDGE A282Z • BIEBER DEEP END B597 • PVC B112-249C OMEGA 042G LEACHMAN OLD GLORY A008D • BROWN PACESETTER Y7170 • BROWN FANTASTIC C5959

Worried? Hopefully not! If you need to do some double checking, use the following instructions to see if you already have DNA on file or feel free to contact the DNA department at the RAAA office.
All sires and donor dams must have a DNA sample on file to register progeny and for progeny to not go on hold (Z status). True. Starting with the 2017 calf crop, all sires are required to have a DNA sample on file. Donor dams have always been required to have DNA on file.
False. We monitor defects solely on the mating of the an imal so while that sire might be compliant for a natural calf, they may not be compliant for AI or ET calves. An other issue is other members may be registering calves, but they are all going on Z status due to noncompliance with DNA. Always double check.
In the DNA department, there are some common miscon ceptions that can be addressed with a simple “true or false” approach.
1. True or False?
Upcoming Important Dates September 7 – Fall Herd Inventory Due September 14-16 – National Red Angus Convention The National Red Angus Convention is upon us so please make sure your account is in good standing and dues are paid. If not, you won’t be able to vote! You can settle your account online through REDSPro, via credit card over the phone
Frequently Asked
a check.
False. Just because you bought a bull, or it’s been trans ferred to you, does not mean it already has DNA on file.
3. True or False?
2. True or False?
Weexample.know that the fall is busy for everyone, RAAA included. With that, here are a few suggestions to help resolve or eliminate future issues. If you have an exclusion such as a sire exclusion, get those resolved quickly! The more atten tive you can be right away, the lesser the headache later. If you do not resolve these “B status” animals, you will not be able to register or transfer that animal or their progeny. You can help facilitate the resolution of these issues by emailing alternate options to the DNA department at DNA@redangus. org. Also, please make sure to submit your DNA as soon as possible! Give yourself plenty of time to deal with failed samples or exclusions. Need DNA kits? Give us a call!
You bought a bull so it already has DNA on file?
Other members have registered progeny from this dam or sire, so DNA must be current and in compliance.
DNA Questions and Dates
• Hair or blood kits – $1 per sample card Hair or blood kit shipping – Free (unless FedEx is requested, fees apply) TSU box of 10 – $23.80 TSU applicator – $40 TSU shipping – $20-$30 approximate All kits must be paid for upfront, so please call with a credit card ready. You can also tell if the animal has a genomic test on file by moving your eyes to the right of the parentage results to the Genomic Data. If GGP is listed, then the animal has been tested on a genomic panel. or by mailing
Member Services Bulletin
18 RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022
To find out if there is DNA on an animal, start by viewing its pedigree in REDSPro through the Animal Search tab. On the middle of the page under Genetic Detail Status, Par entage Test, if “Not on File,” is displayed, then the animal DOES NOT have DNA on file with us currently. If verbiage is displayed such as “Sire Qualified, Dam not on file,” then the animal DOES have DNA on file. See the figures below as an
By Alana Mauzy, DNA Data Programs Coordinator

LSFSRRCOVGIRLG9291J1021•#4456417 29MILK,18HP,10CEM,7ST,1.04MB,0.61RE, $30,721$PRO,$113$RAN 32MILK,16HP,13CEM,11ST,0.82MB,0.37RE, $23,397$PRO,$83$RAN DUEWITHAQUARTERBACKHEIFERCALFFEB23 27MILK,15HP,10CEM,11ST,0.82MB,0.11RE, 31MILK,18HP,6CEM,8ST,0.99MB,0.25RE, $22,319$PRO,$60$RAN DUEWITHAKINGARTHURBULLCALFFEB23
AUGUSTINEXNEXTEPISODEXCOMPLETE 161PRO,65HB,96GM,15CE,-2.6BW,79WW,123YW, 27MILK,17HP,9CEM,10ST,0.83MB,0.69RE, $25,057$PRO,$81$RAN 27MILK,20HP,10CEM,12ST,1.11MB,0.42RE,
$23,163$PRO,$72$RAN DUEWITHAKINGARTHURBULLCALFJAN23 LSFSRRLEONAF8954J1968•#4457127 AUGUSTINEX18KARATXFORCEFUL 184PRO,70HB,114GM,10CE,2.2BW,100WW, 156YW,21MILK,16HP,6CEM,11ST,0.83MB, 1.10RE,$27,411$PRO,$58$RAN DUEWITHAKINGARTHURBULLCALFFEB23 Establishedin1954 OrionBeefGroup PrimeTimeFemaleClassicSale October1,2022 BidsCloseat5pm LSFGeneticAdvancementCenter•Cushing,Iowa 40LotsofRedAngusandRedSimAngusGeneticsSell!SellingBredCows,Bred Heifers,HeiferCalves,EmbryosandMore! BiddingbeginsSeptember27,2022 ScheduleofEvents CattleAvailableforviewingatanytimeby appointmentandwillbeondisplayOctober1statthe LSFGeneticAdvancementCenter 5:00PM-SocialHour•7:00PM-PrimeTimePrimeRibDinner RSVPforDinnerto(406)223-8366RyanLudvigson 515-450-3124 ParkLudvigson KellenLudvigson Checkwebsitefor updatedphotos,videos andinformation

Tracking Genetic Progress
By Ryan Boldt, Director of Breed Improvement Sometimes, it is good to reflect and bythisAngusitprogress.appreciateWhencomestoRedseedstock,canbedoneexamining genetic trends. This is a metric that compares the differences in average genetic value over time. publishes genetic trends for each trait so that anyone can see the average genetic merit of animals at different points in time. These graphs help to show what traits breeders are working hard to improve. An observation is that when studying the RAAA genetic trends, it shows that almost all of the traits are moving in a favorable direction. This is no easy task to accomplish. As we look at these different trends, some traits can move at much more rapid paces than others. There are several reasons why this can occur. The biggest underlying factor is the heritability of the individual trait – the more heritable the trait, the faster genetic progress can be made in that trait. This is due to a larger portion of the phenotypes being controlled by ge netics versus the environment that the animal experiences. Another reason is the emphasis placed on the given trait by breeders. Growth traits have long been targeted as a high priority for improvement for many breeders, so it is not surprising that these traits have progressed over time. With the never-ending goal of im provement in mind, it is good to observe how much those genetics have changed over time. An easy way to gauge the influence of these decisions is by observing the genetic trend for the RAAA Profitability and Sustainabil ity index – ProS. This selection index economically weights traits from conception to harvest. It serves to look at the overall gain across all traits in the Red Angus population.
Figure 1. RAAA genetic trend for Profitability and Sustainability selection index from 2001 to 2021
20 RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022
Figure 1 contains the ProS genetic trend for all animals born from 2001 to 2021. In examining the graph, it shows a steady linear increase in the resulting index values over time. This increase is noteworthy, as it shows that over time, genetic progress is being made and the average genetic profile available is more profitable over time.
Digging in a little deeper, if we look at decade differences from 2001 to 2011, the average index value increased $10 per calf born. Yet, more importantly, during the most recent years from 2011 to 2021, the same trend shows a $20 Doingdifference.somequick math, if we take the $20 change and multiply that by a natural service sire having 25 calves, it amounts to a difference of $500. If we would extrapolate that out to all Red Angus bulls used in commer cial herds, we can imagine the large effect that this genetic improvement has on the beef industry. Although improvements like this come from many different factors, technological advances have allowed for more accu rate selection decisions which greatly influence these outcomes.

Establishedin1954 OrionBeefGroup HXCCHARTER6610D Nextgenerationsirewithlotsofphenotype! LSFSRRPRESIDENT8177F The"breakout"sirefromthespring saleseason! FallHerdbuilderBullSale October29,2022 120ComingTwoYearOldRedAngusBulls WeschenfelderDevelopmentCenter•Shepherd,MT•1:00MST $Profitisthesinglebestindextodetermineprofitabilityinthebeefindustry! ID RAAA# DOB ProSHBGMCEBWWWYWMMMEHPGCEMSTAYMarbREAdmppa$PRO$RAN$FEEDINTFGFert 1110J44557751/20/21141796219-5.9691203271712140.690.18102$24,543$115$12936.4-0.011.8 X-FACTORXGENUINEXPROSPECT•BigTime$Profitand$Ranchallinonepackage! 1157J44558691/27/2190335712-1.58513129-210 79 0.460.49100$24,535$66$199-43.3-0.061.7 MERLINXAUTHORITYXTYSON•Greatcombinationofgrowth,$ProfitandIntake! 1328J44562053/18/21130329812-1.578136291220 78 0.810.32103$24,345$85$17029.6-0.361.7 MAXIMUMXPLATINUMXP707•StackedforMarbling,$ProfitandFeedEfficiency! 1254J44560572/15/2179255416-5.67010934412 79 0.730.17103$23,978$79$1743.90.291.6 MERLINXTAKEOVERXROCKET•Awesomeblendofbreedgreatsandthedamhasa103MPPA! 1006J445557112/30/20124329212-1.8771333111148100.960.25100$22,432$64$17898.70.102.0 CHARTERXORACLEXP707•Newagegeneticsbalancedacrosstheboard! $RanchisthesinglebestindextodetermineprofitabilityfortheAmericanRancher! ID RAAA# DOB ProSHBGMCEBWWWYWMMMEHPGCEMSTAYMarbREAdmppa$PRO$RAN$FEEDINTFGFert 1244J44560372/13/211881256320-8.0641022401612221.15-0.0596$20,989$114$9113.00.472.3 STOCKMARKETXNICEANDEASYXVENTURE•OneofthemostinterestingprospectsintheofferingwithMarbling,STAYandFertilityoutofthisworld! 1151J44558571/27/2111050597-1.679120242106140.630.34106$21,999$112$10416.30.103.0 COMMANDERXPROFITBUILDERXCHARISMATIC•OneofthehighestFertilityEPD'sintheIndustry! 1302J44561533/2/21140716811-2.271115288137161.14-0.14100$22,840$111$11636.10.042.2 RANCHERXCONQUERORXPROSPECT•Superbcombinationofgrowth,STAY,marblingand$Ranch! 1135J44558251/24/21128567217-7.165109297179120.800.34104$19,529$106$8554.90.181.8 X-FACTORXBOURNEXCONQUEROR•Superiorcalvingeasesirewithtopofthebreed$Ranchanda104MPPAdam! 1101J44557591/19/2149311816-4.57211132 378 110.45-0.12103$16,987$91$777.20.152.0 MERLINXNICEANDEASYXCYCLONE•Outcrosspedigreeonthebottomsideandallkindsofupsideinthisprospect! CheckouttheseHerdbuildingProspectstobuildimpeccablecowherds! ID RAAA# DOB ProSHBGMCEBWWWYWMMMEHPGCEMSTAYMarbREAdmppa$PRO$RAN$FEEDINTFGFert 1259J44560672/17/211771027414-3.3781312511610170.760.45103$16,448$35$15159.6-0.271.1 STOCKMARKETXNIGHTCALVERXHERDBUILDER•Oneofthemostbalancedbullsintheentireoffering! 1300J44561493/1/211701135712-2.868111217258180.95-0.0498$16,620$76$9448.8-0.011.8 STOCKMARKETXPLATINUMXVENTURE•TopofthebreedforProSandHerdbuilderIndexes! 1272J44560932/21/21159718817-3.367113283198130.89-0.0299$21,949$70$162- KINGMAKERXTAKEOVERXBIGSKY•Outcrossbulltomuchofthebreedandastandout$Profitbulltoboot! 1162J44558791/28/2115581748-0.283126273177150.870.23103$12,732$34$11189.60.191.5 PRESIDENTXPROFITBUILDERXPROSPECT•ThePresident'sweretheexcitingsiregroupinourspringsaleandthefallsaletoo!! 1297J44561433/1/21150856560.56910725-4162200.850.24102$14,479$53$102109.20.121.8 COMMITMENTXPROSPECTXMEATPACKER•Extraordinarybalanceandcompletenessinthisherdbullprospect! PushthescalesdownwiththeseoutofthisWorldGrowthLeaders! ID RAAA# DOB ProSHBGMCEBWWWYWMMMEHPGCEMSTAYMarbREAdmppa$PRO$RAN$FEEDINTFGFert 1258J44560652/17/21102435916-1.894152365108110.440.31109$22,174$60$18047.2-0.411.7 MERLINXIMPECCABLEXEPIC•OneofthelargestspreadbullseveryproducedatLSF!! 1270J44560892/21/21924150110.78113636 986 140.320.46107$17,299$13$19256.7-0.421.0 MERLINXPROSPECTXEXT8628•UnbelievableGrowthandFeedEfficiencyinthisherdbull! 1321J44561913/12/21139518813-1.38013132111310120.900.32104$20,957$62$16451.40.031.9 GENUINEXPREMIERXCONQUEST•GrowthandMarblingcombinedintoaprofitablepackage! 1243J44560352/12/21134686660.386131243182150.940.22109$18,906$51$156- STOCKMARKETXBOURNEXCONQUEST•Thissolidherdbullhasa109MPPADam! 1334J44562173/23/21123507313-2.2751303012 87 160.69-0.07104$17,946$76$109102.9-0.222.4 RELIANCEXPROSPECTXCONQUEROR•Oneofthefewprogenyoutoftheextreme$ProfitRelianceherdsire! LSFMEWX-FACTOR6693D Fastbecomingoneofthe"goto"siresinthe RedAngusBreed! WFLMERLIN018A Breedlegendandthebulltoleavehis markonthebreed! RyanLudvigson 515-450-3124 ParkLudvigson 712-229-3431 KellenLudvigson 515-314-2883

by Harold Bertz, Director of Commercial Marketing
The 2021-22 fiscal year for the Red Angus Association of America was completed June 30 and saw the beef industry in a solid position moving into the second half of 2022 and the first half of 2023. The beef cow inventory continues to decline – demand is rising with some of the strongest exports and domestic demand in history. All of these factors aligning will likely create profitable prices for ranchers during the next few years.
22 RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022 ’21'19'16’13’09’05’01’97’93’89’85’81’77’73’69’65’61’58’18’16’14’12’10’08’06’04’02’00’98’96’22’21'20’19’18’17’16’15’14’13’12’11’10’09’08’07’06’05200,000150,000100,00050,0000020,00040,00060,00080,000100,000120,000’21’20’18’16’14’12’10’08’06’04’02’00’9805,00010,00015,00020,000’21'20018,00036,00054,00072,00090,000
Updates to the Red Angus Live Animal Specification, through the USDA, allow for Red Angus and Red Angus-in fluenced cattle to be included into Angus-labeled products throughout the industry. As many areas of the country rebuild from drought, the Red Angus female remains highly sought after as the industry’s most favored replacement.
Membership in the RAAA grew 5%, continuing a threeyear growth trend to encompass 3,081 regular members while the Junior Red Angus Association experienced a 14% increase with 1,349 members. The number of cows on THR inventory was 103,163, setting a new record as the largest number of cows on inventory in the history of Red Angus, while registrations were up 3% over last year. Both of these numbers speak to the resilience and acceptability of Red Angus as this impressive growth occurred during a contracting cycle of the U.S. cow herd. Commercial marketing team members were privileged to witness one of the strongest bull sale seasons in history. Our team observed 1,652 Red Angus bulls average $5,770 during the fall of 2021 and 7,442 Red Angus bulls average $5,125 during the spring of 2022. The data we collected indicated commercial producers con tinue to seek balanced-trait bulls that accomplish multiple improvements in their herds. Red Angus bulls continue to be the benchmark in crossbreeding scenarios to add both maternal and carcass stability and improvement. The Red Choice program was added to the Red Angus stable of value-added programs during the year. This heifer devel opment program focuses on health, breeding soundness and genetic protocols to develop industry-topping bred heifers.
Year in Review Optimism Abounds
Continued on page 26
The RAAA posted a year with growth in nearly every seg ment of the association. Work centering around the Red Angus Strategic Plan continues to open more marketing avenues and begins to change the industry’s attitude toward feeder calf differentiation.
Thank you to our all loyal customers! Chuck & Carol Feddes • 406-581-8826 Jake & Alyssa Feddes • 406-581-8157 2610 Churchill Rd • Manhattan, MT 59741 Craig & Taryn 406-282-9029DeBoer 4740 Churchill Rd • Manhattan, MT 59741 Big Sky Country Red Angus ... WhereMeetsPerformanceMaternal! Chuck and Carol Feddes Family Craig and Taryn DeBoer, Traig, Cayl and Trac We appreciate your continued support in our program and your confidence in our genetics! Big Sky Elite Female Sale Wednesday, Dec. 7, 2022 1 p.m. • GMRA Facility, Logan, MT Annual Production Sale Monday, March 13, 2023 1 p.m. • At the Ranch, Manhattan, MT Watch for offspring from these past sale toppers! C-T REPUTATION 0094 Reg. #4296453 ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW ADG DMI M ME HPG CEM ST MA YG CW REA FAT 107 46 62 14 -2.4 77 131 0.34 2.15 31 22 13 8 15 0.39 -0.07 48 0.62 -0.01 C-T Red Rock 5033 x PIE One Of A Kind 352 Reputation is a top-selling herdsire to Overmiller Red Angus, KS, and Niobrara Red Angus, NE. Sired by C-T Red Rock 5033 and stemming back to one of our top donor cows, C-T Linsey 0964. Big performer with 113 WR and YR, solid carcass with 101 Marb ratio and 106 REA ratio. WATCH for this young herdsire in the future! FEDDES BRUNSWICK D202 Reg. #3539689 ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW ADG DMI M ME HPG CEM ST MA YG CW REA FAT 128 62 66 12 -1.0 77 128 0.32 2.58 27 12 11 5 19 0.68 -0.17 38 1.06 0.02 Feddes Silver Bow B226 x Feddes Big Sky R9 He sired the top-selling group of bulls in our last two sales. His progeny have extra depth of rib, length of body and thickness that push the scale down at shipping time. He has a very elite EPD profile. Owned with Green Mountain Red Angus & Double D Red Angus.

24 RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022 Year in Review: Optimism Abounds Red Angus Top 10 (2021-22 Fiscal Year) Members by State Total number of members in 2021-22 Fiscal Year – 3,081 1. Texas 377 2. Missouri 205 3. Oklahoma 198 4. Nebraska .............. 165 5. Minnesota ............ 163 6. Kansas 157 7. Iowa 152 8. South Dakota 141 9. Montana ............... 130 10. North Dakota ........ 112 Transfers by State Number of bull transfers per each of the top 10 states 1. Montana 5291 2. Texas 2770 3. Nebraska 2633 4. Kansas ............... 2038 5. South Dakota ..... 1996 6. Missouri 1778 7. Oklahoma 1624 8. North Dakota 1490 9. Iowa ................... 1412 10. Minnesota .......... 1316 JRA Members by State Total number of members in 2021-22 Fiscal Year – 1,349 1. Texas 247 2. Oklahoma 154 3. Iowa 91 4. Missouri 81 5. Nebraska 68 6. Kansas 63 7. Indiana 50 8. Minnesota 48 9. Illinois 47 10. Oregon 41 Registrations by State Number of animals registered per each of the Top 10 states. 1. Montana 8953 2. Nebraska 6731 3. South Dakota 5229 4. Texas 5128 5. Kansas 5009 6. North Dakota 4891 7. Oklahoma 4107 8. Missouri 3531 9. Wyoming 2854 10. Minnesota 3745 Top 10 Registrations by Sire

NIO Bad Medicine 1126 Owned with Sunberry Valley Ranch of Sundre, AB& U2 Quality Seedstock of Coaldale,AB. NIO Masterpiece 0119 Owned with Castonguay Red Angus of Omega, OK NIO Start Up 1294 Owned with DK Red Angus of Grenora, ND. NIO Prestige 0130 Owned by JVM Cattle Company of Sully, IA and TLC Livestock Services of Peterson, MN NIO The Factor 1293 Owned with Beitia Livestock of Spring Creek, NV NIO Greeley 0074 Owned by Short Grass Genetics of Sharon Springs, KS

cow-calf production and cattle feeding seems to
26 RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022 Top 10 RAAA Members by Registrations 5 L Ranch, Montana .................................................987 Beckton Red Angus, Wyoming 949 LN Cattle Co., Montana ............................................872 Schuler-Olsen Ranches, Nebraska ...........................813 Silver Spur Ranches, Wyoming 770 Loosli Farms, Idaho .................................................766 Bieber Red Angus, South Dakota 749 Pieper Red Angus, Nebraska ....................................669 Calvo Family Red Angus, Nebraska 499 McEntire Red Angus, Oklahoma...............................492 Top 10 RAAA Members by Cow Inventory 5 L Ranch, Montana ..............................................1,516 Beckton Red Angus, Wyoming 1,132 Silver Spur Ranches, Wyoming ...............................996 L N Cattle Co., Montana ...........................................910 Schuler-Olsen Ranches, Nebraska 904 Pieper Red Angus, Nebraska ....................................858 Calvo Family Red Angus, Nebraska 800 Bieber Red Angus, South Dakota .............................772 Gill Red Angus, South Dakota 740 Wedel Red Angus, Kansas .......................................695 The Feeder Calf Certification and Allied Access programs have enrolled more than 3 million head since they began nearly 25 years ago. All of the value-added programs at Red Angus are designed to add value to Red Angus and Red Angus-influenced re placement heifers, feeder calves and finished cattle. Year in Review: Optimism Abounds
to being innovative and relentless in providing the tools necessary for cattle producers to be sustainable for future generations. //
beef industry are
The Red Angus Association of America and the in a great position for the future. A period of profitable be on the horizon for the Angus committed
industry. The Red
board, breeders and staff are

ProSHBGMCEBWWWYWMILKHPGCEMMARBCWREA EPD141726916-4.765105281510.7836.46 ACC . %RANK215410832302665294 ProSHBGMCEBWWWYWMILKHPGCEMMARBCWREA EPD1521005218-5.272117251012.9214.35 ACC . %RANK11173411115662118111 ®Your Success Our Passion. is a registered trademark of Select Sires Inc. EPDs as of 7/25/22

April 8th 2023 3rd Annual Bull and Female Sale At the Ranch - Hayes, SD 9-MILE LAKOTA 507-0378 WOODHILL BLUEPRINT x 5L LAKOTA 1715-507 Meet the Donor Cows of HanSine Ranch Females with the Phenotype and Genetics to make the next generation 2022 born ET bull calf PIE CAPTAIN 059 x 9 MILE LAKOTA 0378 0378 with her 2022 born natural calf PIE CAPTAIN 059 x 9-MILE LAKOTA 0378 9 MILE STONY 6227-8116 BECKTON LIKABLE C643 x 9 MILE STONY W928-6227 2021 natural born bull PIE YELLOWSTONE 8339 x 9 MILE STONY 8116 2022 born ET heifer calf COMPLETE 7000E x 9 MILE STONY 8116

HanSine Ranch - Pierre, SD Travis Shaffer (605) 280-0693 Brian Brigham (970) 481-5192 The 2022 calves are growing and look impressive! They’re on track to be the best group of bulls and heifers we’ve raised. Be sure to check out next month’s issue for more HanSine Ranch Donor Dams features HRP PRIMROSE 503B 823F HXC DECLARATION 5504C x BIEBER PRIMROSE 503B 2022 born ET bull calf PIE QUARTERBACK 789 x HRP PRIMROSE 823F 2022 born ET bull calf PIE QUARTERBACK 789 x HRP PRIMROSE 823F 2022 born ET heifer calf RED MRLA RESOURCE 137E x HRP PRIMROSE 823F 2021 natural born bull PIE YELLOWSTONE 8339 x HRP PRIMROSE 823F

“But,said. we are possibly a year away from record high prices, so you might be able to spend a few hundred dollars a head on hay and end up with a few thousand in a short time if you can make that work from a cash flow standpoint.”
“If you sell out all your cows in a drought and so do all your neighbors, you’re going to have to sell them at a discount and buy them back at a premium because that’s what every body else is doing,” Hatch said. He is anticipating higher cow prices, but a continued climb in interest rates. “If you’re going to lock yourself into a fiveyear fixed loan on cattle, I think you really need to look at what calves will be going for in the years forward and run an amortization calculator to make sure you understand what the interest is going to cost on those cows.”
By Lisa Bryant, Communications Specialist A drought can bring some tough decisions to your doorstep, and those choices can impact your operation for decades to come. Do you feed through it? Do you sell off? What does this mean for next year?
Drought Aftermath: Long-term Decisions Part 2: Drought Management
In the next couple of years where inventory is really declining, calf prices and bred cow prices are going to get pretty high, so we feel like this might be a drought where we could feed hay and it would be a good decision. Most of the time, trying to feed your way through a drought is not a good decision,” Hatch
Making difficult decisions in the wake of a drought
The decision to supplement your cattle can vary, Hatch said. “From an individual business standpoint, think about your financial position. If it’s really good and you have the cash, you can feed cows,” he said. However, with interest rates climbing, he cautions producers to be careful on how much they borrow.
Should I keep or cull?
We asked two cattlemen to help discuss the dilemma pro ducers face. On page 24 of the July/August issue, we began the dialogue with some issues impacting ranches during the drought. In this part of our Drought Management Series, we’ll consider options that will impact your operation for years to come and help you make good decisions to set yourself up for recovery. We asked Colorado rancher Joe Hatch and Nebraska feedlot owner and cattleman Craig Uden some pressing questions and they’ll share their advice below on drought recovery. If you are in a drought now, your grass is probably short, your hay supply may be low, feed prices are suffering from inflation and your options are becoming more limited as we set up for fall and winter. Most livestock experts say it never pays to feed through a drought, but is that the right deci sion in 2022? Do I feed through a drought?
Craig Uden Joe Hatch
A calf’s growth is dependent on cattle being managed on an inclining plane of nutrition, and if a drought disrupts that, cattle producers will not see calves that perform to their genetic potential and carcass results will often disappoint.
“We are willing to feed cows a little more than we would have been the past two or three years because of where we are sitting in the cattle market cycle.
30 RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022

Uden said growth is dependent on cattle being managed on an inclining plane of nutrition, and if a drought disrupts that, cattle producers will not see calves that perform to their genetic potential and carcass results will often disap way to avoid this is to wean early, he said. “It’s just as easy to wean it rather than haul feed out to the pasture.”
Drought Aftermath: Long-term Decisions
32 RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022
Uden has already seen disruptions in grading from the 2021 drought in the western United States. He explained why that has happened. “A calf is born with so much genetic potential and so much intramuscular fat. If that calf has to use its intramuscular fat to stay alive because it’s not getting enough nutrients from mom, it’s going to pull some intramuscular fat out of its system to stay alive.” And, that fat can’t be regenerated into marbling.
In addition to lower carcass grades, drought also brings reproductive repercussions.
How will a drought affect carcass traits and reproduction?
“In 2012, we had a really bad drought here,” Hatch said. “The heifers born in the spring of 2012 have the worst reproduction of any set of cows that we have. Drought isn’t a one-year thing. The effects of it can last 10 to 12 years. Those 2012 cows will have poor fertility for the rest of their lives.” How can I repair my forage?
Hatch said the biggest thing a producer should focus on during and after the drought is forage. “We are a for age-based business. Not all cow-calf operations are, but we
Uden has decided to keep the genetics built up in his cows this year. “The value of animals is worth a lot more than it was a year ago,” he said. “So, I think the main thing is to protect the factory. You must protect the cow. You’ve got too much invested in her right now not to continue moving that forward.”
In Hatch’s business plan, he culls yearlings first because he’s in an area where he can sell feeder cattle within 200 miles five days a week. “We knew we were going into a drought this year, so we intentionally stocked lighter and are ship ping yearlings 45 days earlier than initially planned,” he Oldersaid. cows that are lame or have other problems are the second to go. He also advises producers to evaluate nearby areas that are not currently in drought conditions. “If they are wanting to buy pairs, you might be able to sell younger pairs for quite a bit more money than an old, crippled cow.”

STEGALL est. 1995 SCC JUSTIFIED 1007J #4461913 SCC XPORTER 1024J #4461955 SCC JUMPSTART 1033J #4461953 Fall Bull Sale Sunday, September 18, 2022 At the Ranch | Colusa, CA | 1 p.m. PDT SCC JOCKO 1011J #4461861 SCC JEDI 1018J #4461779 SCC JAGGER 1005J #4461933 Interested in a catalog? Connect with us on Facebook and our website or contact us the old-fashioned way with an email or a phone call. STEGALL CATTLE CO. Todd Stegall: 530-713-8755 | 3455 Grover Ave, Colusa, CA, 95932 | Selling: 50 18-Month-Old Red Angus Bulls 30 Open Red Angus Heifers SCC MS FREAK K2013 #4607807 SCC ROBIN K2019 #4607819 SCC NEXA K2006 #4607741 A ampling of the open heifers ... SCC COUNTESS K2011 #4607705 All cattle are:

Both Hatch and Uden recommend delayed turnout after a drought to give grass a fighting chance to recoup. Uden used this practice this spring since his area was already in drought conditions after 2021. He turned out both cows and bulls on June 1 – a good two to three weeks later than Thisnormal.action gives spring growth extra time to recover and develop better root systems. Delaying turnout by one to two weeks can increase forage production 10% or more when soil moisture is limited, according to a University of Nebraska report written by Dr. Rick Rasby. Rasby suggested that producers could delay by feeding carryover hay, graz ing meadows, using alfalfa growth or grazing winter cereal grain Experiencepastures.can be the best teacher when it comes to sur viving a drought. If your area doesn’t regularly go through a drought, look for advice and reach out to producers that often do. After a drought, take notes and evaluate what works or doesn’t work in your operation. Then, take the time to develop long-range plans for managing your opera tion through the next drought. //
He advocates for intensive rotational grazing when grass is dry. With 7.17 inches of rain in northwestern Colorado the past year and an estimated 20%-30% drop in forage, he’s struggling to keep grass ahead of his herd, but he’s adapting his grazing strategy so forage doesn’t become a long-term year, the rest and recovery period of your pas tures during the growing season is really important,” Hatch said. He gives plants a long rest to regrow after grazing, which allows nutrients to be put back down into roots. Good ground cover helps to retain some moisture in the ground and helps to avoid evaporation. He said soil suffers without it. In times of drought, he said he’ll often get no rain for a long period, and then suddenly, a hard rain will cause soil capping, topsoil runoff and water erosion. Ground cover also helps this, plus reduces damage from wind ero Hatchsion. keeps track of both forage quality and quantity on each pasture annually. By doing so, it makes drought man agement significantly easier, he said. He also keeps a tight Long-term Decisions
34 RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022 are,” he said. “Our No. 1 goal is to protect our rangeland so we can still be productive years after the drought.”
Drought Aftermath:
rein on weed prevention so that already damaged pastures don’t become a weed problem for years to come.

Montana Red Angus Association's 39th Annual Prestigious NILE Red Angus Sale Preview 12 noon | Friday, October 21, 2022 | 1 p.m. MDT Metra Park, Billings, Montana Offering Elite Bred Heifers Fancy Open Heifers Select Semen and Embryo Packages All Selected from the Heart of the Herd Picks! Sponsored by the: Montana Red Angus Association President: Tena Ketchum –(406)ketchum@midrivers.com778-3819 Vice President: Ryan Clark – Secretary:Alli Lucht – Directors: Luke Larson –(406)lukelarson51@gmail.com207-6776 Tim Geib –(406)geibtimothy@yahoo.com480-5438 Kara Herbst –(406)kklompien@hotmail.com599-5334 For Catalogs and Information: Thomas Livestock Services Jeff 406-581-8859Thomas Email: Catalog and additional information will be available at Sale will be broadcast on

~ SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 ~ 10:00 AM JOIN US AT THE RANCH 416917 HWY 266 CHECOTAH, OKLAHOMA Guest Breeder: Massey Land & Cattle Thursday, September 29: All Day Viewing of Sale Offering with a 6:00 Social Gathering at the Sale Facility Friday, September 30: 10:00 Sale Start (Bulls will sell first) (Serving Brunch 9 AM & Lunch available all day) FOR MORE INFORMATION: JEFFRIES RED ANGUS Jerry & Tricia Jeffries (918) 638-3317 Kirk Breed, Manager (405) 830-5279 Contact in Mexico: Billy Estrada, Cell +52 618 815 1495 Mailing Address: 419526 East 1070 Road, Checotah, OK 74426 Sale Managed by Kyle Gilchrist Auction Co. (641) 919-1077 CATALOGONLINEFOUNDHERE!

HEAD400SELL! 29J H247 224J J115 J68 H324 K45 K66 K107

Thank you 2022 Junior Red Angus Association sponsors! Your support makes possible the Young Stockman Program, the National Junior Show at the North American Junior Red Angus Event, national contests and JRA Round-Up. Thank you for your support and investment in our youth. DIAMOND SPONSORS We also extend our thanks to the Red Angus Foundation Inc. for your continued support of junior programs! PLATINUM Heart River Ranch Kemen Farms Red Angus Lazy J Bar Ranch Milk Creek Reds R.A. Brown Ranch GOLD Andras Stock Farm Bieber Red Angus Coal Creek Cattle Grassy Meadow Ranch JYJ Red Angus Leland Red Angus Mushrush Red Angus Red Hill VitalixFarmsInc. SILVER Berg Family Red Angus Devin & Katie Martin JRBE Red Angus Lazy F NolanMurdockMathiasLivestockRanchCattleCo.&KellyWoodruffWedelRedAngusWoodV-XRanchBRONZE Mitchell VanderWal

SELLING 150 HEAD OF COMMERCIAL RED ANGUS BRED HEIFERS FROM HORSESHOE VALLEY FARM An intensive rotational grazing and grassfed beef program. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Sale Manager, Kyle Gilchrist (641) 919-1077 14075 120th St., Douds, IA 52551Total250Sellingwww.redcows.netredcowseller@yahoo.comHeadofREDANGUSFemales! of100FEATURINGHeadRegisteredFemalesCow/CalfPairsFall&SpringBredsFancyOpenHeifers

• Bred Cows • Bred Heifers • 1 Elite Open Heifer “You Pick’em Lot” • Elite Donor Prospect and Semen Package Fall Bred Female Sale October 1st, 2022 in Mill Hall, PA Lunch Time 12:00 noon • Sale Time 1:00 pm Cattle viewing all day Friday September 30th, dinner at 5:00 pm •Delivery ArrAngement AvAilAble • Jim Jones • New Kensington, PA • 724-882-9140 Dan & Erica Chappell Mill Hall, Chappellredangus.comPA 570-263-0410 Selling 40+ Lots Auctioneer: Kyle Gilchrist for Sale information or a catalog go to NOW Posted sale lot registration numbers at 3SCC CHERABEL G328 - # 4160514 Bred to HXC Dawson 7003E (3816299) AAHR LAKOTA 802F - # 3904769 AI bred to Bieber Blue Chip H302 (4303789) CHAPPELL MISS MOLLY C330 - # 3482524 Bred to Chappell General Custer J448 (4410653)

Fall Bred Female Sale October 1st, 2022 in Mill Hall, PA Lunch Time 12:00 noon • Sale Time 1:00 pm Cattle viewing all day Friday September 30th, dinner at 5:00 pm Dan & Erica Chappell Mill Hall, Chappellredangus.comPA570-263-0410 for Sale information or a catalog go to ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 140 85 55 14 -3.071 113 0.26 2.41 37 7 11 8 20 0.93 0.10 30 0.41 0.06 2% 9% 9% 21% 24% 9% 11% 18% 99% 1% 74% 48% 20% 10% 1% 72% 16% 5% 99% Small Herd Big Results CHAPPELL MISS MOLLY J440 # 4410633 AI bred to LSF PresidentSRR8177F(3925037) CHAPPELL MISS MOLLY C330 - # 3482524 Bred to Chappell General Custer J448 (4410653) TAMARACHAPPELLG399#4072104 Bred to HXC(3816299)7003EDawson PRIDEVANWYE340#4049892 Bred to HXC(3816299)7003EDawson TAMARACHAPPELLC329#3482518 AI bred to Bieber StockmarketCLE119(3751659) DonorProspectSellingOctober1st Damofthe$19,000ChappellHomeRunH418(4250075)

generations of the Frasier family currently live and work on the River Bend Ranch, including Ronny and Kelsey Pope and their children, Chisum and Conagher; Cindy and Joe Frasier; and Lindsay and Ryan Frasier and their children, Maelle, Tucker and Genevieve. Emily Frasier lives in Kansas, but has an interest in ranch activities and owns cattle that run with the family herd. Because of their strong grazing ability, Red Angus cattle thrive at River Bend Ranch, located at 5,500 to 5,600 feet elevation in semi-arid eastern Colorado.
River Bend Ranch: Where Sustainability and Stewardship Just Come Natural
“Our grazing rotations are important to our overall ranch philosophy and management system,” Frasier said.
The I-70 drive through semi-arid eastern Colorado could seem stark to some, but waiting on the west side of Limon is a hidden gem on the High Plains where surface water may be short but a love for the land and qual ity Red Angus genetics runs deep at River Bend Ranch. For nearly 40 years, Joe Frasier and his family have taken a holistic approach to managing their land resources. He and his two brothers realized early on that to be success ful in an area with only 14 inches of annual precipitation, they would need to operate in a way that encouraged good grass growth and allowed for necessary rest.
48 RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022Three
Cattle on the River Bend Ranch graze rangeland divided into 78 paddocks, some as small as 10 acres near work ing facilities but most ranging from 110 to 200 acres. Many are set up like wagon wheels, with a water source in the middle and fences serving as the spokes. Depending on current condi tions, cattle are moved every four to eight days to maximize the available nutrients, plant growth and biodiversi ty in each paddock.
By Macey Mueller for the Red Angus Magazine
“Not only have we been able to im prove the different species of grasses

1 Elanco Animal Health. Data on File. 2 Lawrence, J., Ibarburu, M. 2007. “Economic analysis of pharmaceutical technologies in modern beef production.” Proceedings, NCCC-134 Conference on Applied Commodity Price Analysis, Forecasting, and Market Risk Management; 10. 3 Suarez, V., Lifschitz, A., Sallovitz, J., et al. 2009. “Effects of faecal residues of moxidectin and doramectin on the activity of arthropods in cattle dung.” ScienceDiet.72 1551-1558. 4 Environmental Assessment. Cydectin® moxidectin 0.5% Pour-On for Cattle. Fort Dodge Animal Health, June 1997. Keep Cydectin Out of Reach of Children.
The #1 Pour-On dewormer in the industry doesn’t play games.1 Internal parasites can do a real number on your herd and your operation’s bottom line. Without dewormers, cow-calf producers can sacrifice more than $165 per head in lost returns.2 Settle the score before they cost you with Cydectin® (moxidectin) Pour-On or Cydectin® (moxidectin) Injectable. Cydectin delivers persistent control of costly parasites without posing a risk to environmentally beneficial dung beetles and earthworms.3,4 (moxidectin)
Cydectin, Elanco and the diagonal bar logo are trademarks of Elanco or its affiliates. ©2022 Elanco. 22-ELA-0656. PM-US-22-0389

O ur H Ome On tHe
“It really doesn’t take much for it to bounce back; it’s a challenge but it’s also a blessing that we can survive on so little.”
“We essentially want the cattle to take one bite off of a plant –basically giving it a haircut – and then move on to the next one to really help keep the grass at its best.” easily adapt to the sometimes chal lenging environmental conditions. Red Angus fit the bill.
“Red Angus cattle work really well here in our high-pasture area at 5,500 to 5,600 feet elevation,” Frasier r ange tHe g reat a merican P lains
“We essentially want the cattle to take one bite off of a plant – basically giving it a haircut – and then move on to the next one to really help keep the grass at its best,” she said. “Then when we get a couple inches of rain, everything greens up pretty fast.
In addition to learning how to prop erly manage their forage resources, the Frasiers set out to improve their genetics with a breed that would increase carcass merit and that could River Bend Ranch: Where Sustainability and Stewardship Just Come Natural said. “They are moderate-sized and are really good about going out and grazing. They’re not in an area with a lot of fescue or Bermuda that’s easy to graze; they have to go out and work it and they do that.”
50 RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022
that we have, but there’s also been several droughty years that we’ve been able to extend our grazing beyond what others have because we have stockpiles that we’ve been resting.”
Frasier’s daughter, Kelsey Pope, said the most recent ongoing drought has been especially tough, but her family’s history of forage management allows for a quicker recovery when the mois ture does come.
As a stocker and small commercial cow-calf operation, the family intro duced their first Red Angus genetics in the early 1980s. Over time, the Frasier brothers began operating independently, and today, Frasier and his wife, Cindy, run Red Angus cowcalf herds with their son, Ryan, his wife, Lindsay, Pope and her husband, Ronny, and five young grandchildren. Their daughter, Emily Frasier, works in the landscape design industry in Olathe, Kansas, but has an interest in ranch activities and owns cattle that run with the family herd. River Bend Ranch is managed in three herds – heifers, embryo recips and mature cows – and each group is arti ficially inseminated about two weeks
RED ANGUS September 2022
Y Our s Ource fOr P rairie -P rOven P erfOrmance s ince 1999 Lot Prefix ID HB HB% CED CED% BW BW% CEM CEM% STAY STAY% 2GIEFJ519932183-5.44105205 6GIEFJ5511101192-5.93112211 19GIEFJ589952201-6.81104211 30GIEFJ5441001191-6.02112213 39GIEFJ6151011211-7.41112212 HerdBuilders are Here! 70% of Bulls Selling in December are in the Top 5% for HerdBuilder! Bernie & Nishi (DVM) Giefer, Bernard, Helen, Sybil & Wyndom WaKeeney, Kansas • bullssampleHere’saofsellingDecember8,2022 sell,Heiferstoo!

Be the first to own part of this fire,breed changing powerhouse. Red Doc For breeding opportunities, contact: Scooter Sanchez 505-980-5093 Manny Casillas 530-559-7698 Danny Casillas 530-392-0152 Fuego 1032, 321fuego1032@gmail.comLLCLaChamisalLn.NW BW WW Scan 6072611163.6635ADGSC REAIMF CWTREA/ YGBF QG 12.927.631.160.211.65 PRIME BW WW YW MILK -1.63124-30.49MB ConversionFeed:Gain Cost of Gain per 4.82$0.87lb. balanced1101cow/calfterminal
II, 6012 (GS)
The Red Angus Association of America and Santa Gertrudis Breeders International’s American Red Program is the commercial cattleman’s best choice for producing the best replacement females and best feeder steers for today’s value-added segment of the beef industry. When breeding for the best American Reds, why not use the best? RED DOC FUEGO 1032 is a commercial cattleman’s dream with a BW EPD that ranks in the top 2% of the breed among non-parent animals and a WW EPD in the top 1%, ensuring no dollars are left on the table at weaning. His actual 7.63 IMF scan combined with a Backfat EPD in the top 1% indicate his feeders will hit the industry’s end-point targets. Factor in a SGBI Balanced Index in the top 1%, RED DOC FUEGO 1032 is the best choice for breeding American Reds. Why not the best for your American Red Program?
Red Doc Fuego 1032
Red Doc Trump’s 8511 Cherokee Doc ET CALos Ranchos, NM 87107
Spartan 16/194 (GD) Four J 15/301
8-6 (GS)Red Doc Trump 5127 (GD)Red
Fuego is Fire, all $160,000 of him! He is the definiton of curve bending genetics. He is the complete package. Fuego hits all the marks with calving ease, carcass, growth, marbling, feed efficiency and phenomenal phenotype. His spread from 60lb. birthweight to 726lb. weaning indicates his calves will come easily but leave no dollars on the table at weaning. Fuego offers all the beef traits plus the hardiness and heterosis of the Santa Gertrudis breed. This bull is of the highest tier of cattle worldwide. He’s so hot, he’s FUEGO.

To best utilize available forages and meet cows’ nutritional requirements throughout the year, calving at River Bend Ranch runs mid-April to midJune. Calves are placed on a VAC 45 pre-weaning vaccination program and then branded and fenceline weaned in WhileNovember.thefamily often retains own ership, calves are also enrolled in the Red Angus Feeder Calf Certification Program to provide flexibility in mar keting opportunities. They are back River Bend Ranch: Where Sustainability and Stewardship Just Come Natural grounded on the ranch and eventually sent to feedyards in eastern Colorado and western Kansas. Naturally produced fed cattle – those raised without injectable antibiotics or growth hormones – are marketed to Meyer Natural Foods and are required to live 75% of their lives outside of a confined pen and can only receive ba sic respiratory, clostridial and corona Meyervaccinations.adheres to the Global Animal Partnership sustainability and stew ardship program, commonly known as G.A.P., which requires an extensive audit of humane handling, herd health and nutrition protocols every 15 months. To help accommodate the au diting process and to improve overall management of their herds, the family uses a robust cloud-based record keep ing system to track calving and wean ing dates and weights, vaccinations and herd health records, breeding and pedigree records and sold animals.
“We initially went to all AI because we were a commercial test herd for Red Angus for about 10 years and provided our collected data on young bulls to help prove their genetic merit,” Pope said. “Although we are no longer a test herd, we saw the value in that process and use it to continue making genetic improvements to our herd.”
52 RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022 apart to help ease labor strain during calving season.
They have also started their own suc cessful branded beef program – Private Label Locker Beef – which Frasier said continues to grow by word-of-mouth
“We’readvertising.only an hour from Denver and had some friends there who originally approached us about selling our beef directly to them, and now the word just continues to spread,” he said. “We really look at it as an opportunity to talk with our urban customers about the whole beef cycle and have even invited some of them out to the ranch for “We’vetours.had visitors who were very interested in knowing about our an tibiotic usage and overall approach to caring for the animals, and our record keeping system made it pretty easy to show them it’s something we take very Withseriously.”acommitment to environmental stewardship and sound animal hus-

shipping@showmegen.com417.736.2125 $PROFIT $RANCH $FEEDER ProS Herdbuilder Gridmaster CED $21,905 $79 $150 140 85 56 15 0.80% 0.60% 2.5% 4% 7% 17% 23% $25/Straw…Volume Discounts Available! Owners: JYJ Red Angus • 3K Land & Cattle Rogers Cattle Co. & Lile Farms RA Brown Ranch • Pelton’s Red Angus #4141830 We Hold to the Truth that Not All Bulls are Created Equal... Brown PRA Patriot G6291 Endowed as structurally and genetically superior!

As the fifth generation of the Frasier family becomes active on the ranch, Pope said BQA principles are key in teaching proper handling techniques, where and when vaccinations and antibiotics should be given and how to best respect the animals.
“We feel very blessed to be living this lifestyle and want to ensure that we are sustainable enough for the next generation to have the same opportu nity.”
River Bend Ranch: Where Sustainability and Stewardship Just Come Natural bandry practices at the forefront of their operation, River Bend Ranch was recently awarded the distinguished 2022 Beef Quality Assurance Cow-Calf TheAward.recognition is a culmination of the low-stress handling techniques, cattle health management protocols and enhanced record keeping efforts that Frasier and Pope said come natu ral on their ranch.
“Most of our cows get to a point where they see us coming, and internally, they know it’s time to move to new grass,” he said. “Even when we’re lead ing them into a working facility, they know something is going to happen, but they remain calm.”
From the rotational paddock system that creates opportunities to handle the cattle more often, to the portable corral system complete with Bud Box and Silencer animal restraint device, Frasier said reducing animal stress is always the goal.
He also attributes much of his family’s success with BQA to having the same veterinarian for nearly 20 years.
54 RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022
“Our entire family is BQA-certified, and we have welfare practices in place because we think it’s the right thing to do,” she said. “It’s also important for our industry as a whole, espe cially to show consumers that this is something we do voluntarily to go a step above to care for our animals and produce safe and nutritious beef.
“A strong veterinarian relationship is an important step in BQA and has re ally helped our family establish certain criteria for administering antibiotics, and if there’s a treatment to be made, how to do it and document it correct ly,” he said.

Kniebel Cattle Co. & Downey Ranch present “Progress Through Performance Excellence” Selling145Red Angus, Angus and Red and Black Sim-Angus Bulls 70 Red Angus and Red Sim-Angus 75 Angus and Black Sim-Angus 75 Bred Commercial Heifers (optional live calf guarantee) Friday, November 4, 2022 n 12 PM CST At Downey Ranch Headquarters, 12 miles southeast of Manhattan, Kansas Cattle production in the U.S., from gate to plate, is massive, diverse and almost always volatile. In fact, recent data indicates nearly three-quarters of a million farms and ranches own beef cattle. As two distinct beef operations in the Kansas Flint Hills, it’s important to make certain our customers understand who we are. We want our customers to appreciate our best-practice principals of production and know we believe in earning trust by breeding, marketing and standing behind our products. The Kniebel and Downey synergies extend from personal friendships, to how we care for our animals, to the breeding decisions we make, to ensuring customers turn out bulls with reproductive efficiency, impeccable phenotype, genomic enhanced EPDs, calm temperament and docility. Mark your calendars and join us for “Progress Through Performance Excellence” Friday, November 4! Watch the sale and bid live online at CCi.Live U.S. Premium Beef Founding Members & Qualified Seedstock Suppliers Customer Services n First Breeding Season Fertility Guarantee n Bull Wintering Program (optional) n Live Calf Guarantee Available (commercial heifers) n Ask About Our Volume Discounts KNIEBEL CATTLE CO. Kevin & Mary Ann Kniebel • Ranch (785) 349-2821 Mobile (620) 767-2180 or (620) 767-2181 428 S. 2600 Road • White City, KS 66872 •

R.A. BRown RAnch 48th AnnuAl octoBeR SAle October 11 & 12, 2022 Ride For The Brand 550 Bulls (Angus, Red Angus, SimAngus™) 300 “Hand-Picked” Commercial Bred Heifers 150 Registered Red Angus Females 50 Registered Angus Females 25 Ranching Heritage Quarter RABrownRanch.comHorsesR. A. BRO W N RANCH CUSTOMER SERVICE • Intentional about adding value and promoting your calves NO SHORTCUTS • Birth, growth, carcass, reproductive, docility and feet evaluation on everything MAXIMUM RELIABILITY • All bulls DNA tested for utmost accuracy BETTER BOTTOM LINES • Huge selection of elite $Profit bulls NO CORN • Age Advantage bulls developed to stay in good condition while producing more calves GAIN EFFICIENCY • Feed to Gain (F:G) EPDs on every animal Catalog, sortable spreadsheets, videos, sale day streaming & bidding available online at: 48

DeSigneD foR eveloPeD foR Selling 75 Black Red Angus Selling 25 Ranching Heritage Quarter Horses •550 Bulls (Angus, Red Angus, SimAngus) •3 breeds with large selection •300 “Hand-Picked” Commercial Bred Heifers •1 Night of Live Entertainment •110+ Year old Chuckwagon serving you breakfast •150 Breed Impacting Registered Red Angus Females •4 generations of Brown Family to greet you •50 “Elite Profit” Registered Angus Females •25 Ranching Heritage Quarter Horses •$7.7 million returned to customers through the heifer sale •48 years of October Sales in Throckmorton, TX -2 Amazing Days - Over 1000 Head of Cattle - Over 2000 Meals Served•Over 4000 years of beef industry experience sitting on our bleachers •Countless happy, (but perhaps filthy) children playing in the sandpile

58 RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022 Use Red Choice to improve heifer development, increase marketing opportunities for Red Angus females and create reliable sources of high-quality replacement heifers for cattle producers. Red Choice Requirements •Heifers Enrolled in a Red Angus Value-Added Program •Vaccination Protocol •Pelvic Measurement/Tract Score •Phenotypic Assessment •Planned Mating to Eligible Sires •Pregnancy Exam Producers can put premium Red Choice females to work in their herd with the confidence these females have been managed and raised to the highest quality standards possible. To learn more about Red Choice and how to enroll RedAngus.orgheifers,visit.

60 RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022 Feeder Calf Certification Program •Traceability to at least 50% Red Angus •Sourcegeneticsverified to ranch of •Grouporigin age verified Eligible for Choice+ and G.O. Red grids No enrollment fee, 99¢/tag 840-compliant EIDs available upon request | 940-477-4593 RED ANGUS VALUE-ADDED PROGRAMS Allied Access •Source verified to ranch of origin •Group age verified Not eligible for Choice+ or G.O. Red grids No enrollment fee, 99¢/tag 840-compliant EIDs available upon request Premium Red Baldy •Females only •Red Angus or Hereford sired •Top 50% of breed for ProS or BMI$ Indexes •Red bodied with bald or brockle face Not a USDAProgramProcess-Verified No enrollment fee, 99¢/tag American Red •Females or steers sired by Red Angus bulls in the top 50% ProS Index or by Santa Gertrudis bulls in the top 50% Balanced Index •Breed percentages range from 25-75% Red Angus or 25-75% Santa Gertrudis •Dams of qualified calves must contain at least 50% of reciprocal breed Not a USDAProgramProcess-Verified Yearly $50 enrollment fee, $1.25/ tag, five-head minimum 840-compliant EIDs available upon request GENETICS | AGE | SOURCE AGE | SOURCE GENETICS GENETICS Get Results. 866-666-7626 | | Higher profits. Pound for pound. ICONTM is a highly palatable formulation that provides advanced nutrition for intensive management situations. When supplemented to cows with calves at side, calves gain on average an additional 30lbs at weaning. And that’s something you can take to the bank.

Keith C&J Red Angus Ranch For more information ... C&J Red Angus Ranch Look for our consignments at the Cattlemen’s Preferred Sale Saturday | October 29, 2022 All Breeds Bull & Female Sale 12 noon | Harrison, Arkansas View Cattle at Luke Mobley – (205) LukeMobley.com270-0999

62 RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022 Build a better cow herd with stronger selection tools By testing commercial females, cattlemen can make improved selection decisions, targeting performance and herd-quality goals. Red Navigator DNA test provides: •Parentage (if sire is DNA tested) •Genetic assessment (percentile rank) for each RAAA trait •Most accurate results on commercial females that are 75% or more Red Angus Take your herd to the next level: 1.Contact RAAA to order test kits. 2.Collect samples: Blood or tissue samples required for testing. 3.Submit DNA samples and payment to RAAA. 4.Call the DNA department for your custom results timeline. 5.Receive personal consultation on the DNA results with a member of the RAAA staff member. Order test kits by contacting the DNA Department: 940-387-3502, Ext. 14 • Private Treaty Fall Cows Selling 24 October-calving cows and heifers from the heart of our herd Steve & Tracey Koester Steele, (701)400-1611ND KoesterRedAngus.comcellkoester@bektel.comView online catalog with foot, udder and disposition scores. Daughters by: 3SCC Domain A163 • WFL Merlin 018A • Lorenzen Warrant 8273 Leland Marksman 6629 • VGW Megatron 403P It’s hard to sell these top-producers ... October-born calves don’t thrive in our brutal North Dakota winters so we are offering these top females for sale. View the complete online catalog by scanning the QR code or visiting our website or Facebook page. Information includes foot, udder and disposition scores, ultrasound calving data, complete pedigrees, EPDs and performance data.

“Their enthusiasm of being a part of the Association has been evident from the very beginning,” said Halla Pfeiff, director of office operations. “Both Kaitlyn and Stephanie come to RAAA with industry experience and will help RAAA and its members propel forward. Their desire to serve the Red Angus membership is at a high level, with meeting each member’s unique needs being a priority.”
Fulmer and Johnson Join Member Services Staff
Fulmer has worked as a National Western Stock Show mar keting intern, Black Hill Stock Show livestock intern and an Art of the Cowgirl intern. Aside from RAAA, Fulmer runs a solo photography business for livestock shows and sales. She hopes to start her own herd of beef cattle in the future.
The Red Angus Association of America welcomes Kaitlyn Fulmer and Stephanie Johnson to the member services department. Fulmer and Johnson will assist members with inventory management, registrations, transfers, REDSPro software use and data submissions of various types.
By Megan Underwood, Communications Intern
Stephanie Johnson Stephanie Johnson graduated from Colorado State Univer sity in 2020 with a degree in animal science and a minor in biomedical science. During college, she worked on several cow-calf operations in northern Colorado, at horse breeding facilities and veterinary clinics. Her first job after college was working on a cattle processing crew for several feedlots near Greeley, Colorado.
Kaitlyn Fulmer Fulmer graduated from Colorado State University in May of 2022 with degrees in agricultural business and animal science. While at CSU, she served as the College of Agricul tural Services Council President, a College of Agricultural Sciences Ambassador, and was a member of the 2021-2022 Seedstock Merchandising Team. Her team won division champion pen of three Hereford heifers at the 2022 National Western Stock Show and reached new high-selling records in the annual CSU bull and female sale.
64 RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022
Kaitlyn Fulmer Stephanie Johnson
Outside of her career pursuits, Johnson enjoys being out doors fly fishing, working cattle and spending time with family and friends. She and her husband live and work on a cow-calf operation.
“Working for a breed association is something I’ve want ed to do for years, and for it to happen right out of col lege was a dream come true. I’m looking forward to building connections within the Red Angus breed and throughout the cattle industry as a whole,” said Fulmer.
“I am extremely excited to be working for the Red Angus Association of America alongside producers to enhance the breed and contribute to improving the livestock industry as a whole,” expressed Johnson. “I am looking forward to building relationships and being able to assist our member ship in improving and recording their data.”

F eddes Red Angus has been in the cattle business over 75 years, breeding Red Angus for the past three decades. They use AI and ET technology using balanced-trait sires to build a great cow herd. They focus on raising bulls for their commercial customers that produce heavy-weaning calves and problem-free females. They believe their most important selection tool is a sharp knife. The Feddes family is honored to offer the 2022 RAFI Pick of the Herd opportunity. Feddes Brunswick D202 Feddes Coach Wooden 0237 C-T Red Rock 5033 C-T Reputation 0094 MRLA Resource 137E Feddes Treadstone 9352 Feddes Eight Ball 9231 Bieber CL Stockmarket E119 BJR Rambler 5162 Take your pick of the Feddes herd on THURSDAY, SEPT. 15 at 7:30 p.m. MDT Visit for more details on the “Pick of the Herd” For more information on supporting the Red Angus Foundation, Inc., visit represented:Sires Feddes Blockana R80 Feddes Lakina 310Feddes Blockana 9130 Main cow families: BlockanaLakinaSleekTina LarkabaOsceLass Chuck & Carol • 406-581-8826 Jake & Alyssa • www.FeddesRedAngus.com406-581-8157 or live on Thursday, Sept. 15 during the National Red Angus Convention Sept. 14-16 in Kalispell, Montana. Pick by Nov. 1, 2022! Bid online at: •••••••••••• ••••••••••••

At Sandhill Red Angus we take pride in producing high quality females. We focus on disposition, performance, efficiency, and reliability. Our females are throughly gone through each spring and fall and only the best are put out to pasture. When choosing Sandhill Red Angus genetics you can be confident you are getting reliable cattle that will thrive in any environment. Designed for Maternal Strengths SRJJ ROCKET B67 SRJJ VANESSA C96 SRJJ BRANDY F315 936 ECHO 2526 SRJJ ROBROY D83

The Red Angus Foundation Inc. will host their annual auction fundraiser headlined with the popular “Pick of the Herd” donated this year by Feddes Red Angus of Manhattan, Montana.
Thursday, Sept. 15 – Friday, Sept. 16 Register early! Reserve your room at the Hilton Garden Inn. Call 406-765-4500 to make your reservation using code: RED ANGUS
National Red Angus Convention, Trade Show and Banquet
September 14-16, 2022 Ka l ispel l, Montana
Wednesday, Sept. 14 Commercial Cattlemen’s Symposium Women’s Symposium
The fundraiser will take place on Thursday, Sept. 15.
Register for National
Support for RAFI ensures a strong future for the Red Angus breed by funding research and development as well as bolstering leadership development for juniors.
For 69 years, the National Red Angus Convention has been an opportunity for producers, breeders affiliates and industry partners to come together from across the country and celebrate the Red Angus breed. Red Angus Convention today at

Red Angus McCann Annual Bull Sale Monday, March 6, 2023 Billings Livestock Commission 2443 N Frontage Road Billings, MT 59101 Lori McCann: 208.743.5517 Jason Beck: 208.790.0646provenmccannredangus.comBullsandHeifersfromthefollowingsiresandmanymore U2 Badge Bieber Money Maker Crump Innovation 8185 Laso American Dream Crump Direct Affect 9861 Red ResourceU233G MegaCrump8849 Red ResourceMRLA137e Reg. #4099212 Reg. #2131812 Reg. #3867311 Reg. #3897537

The symposium will feature a heifer nutrition panel featuring Jeff Heidt, Ph.D., beef technical services lead and U.S. ruminant innovation lead with Micronutrients USA LLC, and Dr. Brain Fieser, nutrition support specialist for ADM Animal Nutrition discussing the “Pros and Cons of Low vs. High Input.”
to continue offering commercial cattlemen and women free educational events during the an nual National Red Angus Convention. As the Commercial Marketing Team, it is always exhilarating to bring so many commercial operations – our cus tomers – together for this event. Red Angus has always been focused on the cow, and with the release of our new Red Choice program, we are excited to share many of the aspects that go into heifer development during this year’s symposium,” said Nolan Woodruff, commercial marketing specialist.
A heifer marketing panel will provide the opportunities to collaborate and innovate with Dave Patterson, Ph.D., chancellor’s professor in the Division of Animal Sciences at the University of Missouri, and producers John Maddux and John Price.
Additionally, the popular ladies’ sym posium will once again be offered fea turing Terryn Drieling, Faith Family & Beef creator and certified Enneagram coach, which will begin at 1 p.m.
The symposium will conclude with a keynote address, “Genomic Technol ogies for Selection of Replacement Heifers,” from Jared Decker, Ph.D., Wurdack chair in animal genomics and an associate professor in the Uni versity of Missouri Division of Animal Science, Genetics Area Program.
“The Commercial Cattlemen’s Sym posium is one of Red Angus’ premier events every year, offering insightful information from the beef industry’s top thinkers. This year’s focus on heifer development, reproduction and marketing centered around the newly released Red Choice program should be especially timely for commercial producers as some areas of the coun try begin rebuilding the cowherd,” said Harold Bertz, RAAA director of commercial marketing.
The bustling ballrooms of Kalispell, Montana, will soon be filled with inno vative and forward-thinking cattlemen and women during the 69th annual National Red Angus Convention.
“The Importance of Good Heifer Nutrition” will be the keynote ad dress of John Hall, Ph.D., professor and Extension beef cattle specialist at the University of Idaho Nancy M. Cummings Research, Extension and Education Center where he also served as the station superintendent.
// 70 RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022
Commercial Cattlemen’s Symposium Focused on Heifer Development
The RAAA trade show will be open throughout the day and the sympo sium will conclude with a Montana social hour and dinner, followed by cowboy poet, Ryan Fritz. The educa tion program and lunch are both free and open to cattlemen and women from all breed interests, however registration is encouraged for accurate meal preparation. For more informa tion and to register for the event, visit
By Megan Underwood, RAAA Communications Intern
The Commercial Cattlemen’s Symposium, hosted by the Red Angus Association of America, is sure to be a highlight of the convention and will offer beef pro ducers the tools and knowledge they need to strengthen their operations and improve their profitability.
The symposium will kick-off with Jor dan Thomas, Ph.D., assistant professor and state beef reproduction specialist in the Division of Animal Sciences at the University of Missouri, with his keynote titled, “The Building Blocks of a Profitable Commercial Cow: What Do Heifers Need to Do?”
This year’s symposium, held at the Hilton Garden Inn in Kalispell on Wednesday, Sept. 14, will feature a diverse, experienced group of speakers guaranteed to offer valuable insight to “Weattendees.arethrilled

10:15 a.m. The Building Blocks of a Profitable Commercial Cow: What Do Females Need to Do?
2 p.m. Heifer Marketing Panel
6 p.m. Montana Social Hour courtesy of ABS Global 6:45 p.m. Dinner
ThomasBertz Hall PattersonFieser Price DeckerMaddux Emcee: Lane Nordlund
In conjunction with the National Red Angus Convention Sept. 14-16, Kalispell, Montana
8 a.m. to noon Convention Registration Open 10 a.m. Trade Show Opens
1 p.m. The Importance of Good Heifer Nutrition
Jordan Thomas, Ph.D., University of Missouri
Commercial Cattlemen’s Symposium sponsored by Neogen
2:45 p.m. Coffee Break courtesy of North Dakota Red Angus Association
4 to 4:30 p.m. Hide Color and the Future of the Cattle Market
Tom Brink, RAAA CEO, and Harold Bertz
11:15 a.m. Heifer Nutrition Panel — Pros and Cons of Low vs. High Input – Jeff Heldt and Brian Fieser, Ph.D. Noon Lunch
3 p.m. Genomic Technologies for Selection of Replacement Females – Jared Decker, Ph.D., University of Missouri
10 a.m. Welcome – Harold Bertz, RAAA Director of Commercial Marketing Emcee – Lane Nordlund
John Hall, Ph.D.
Dave Patterson, Ph.D.; John Maddux and John Price

Celebrating Half a Century of Canadian Red Roundup
The Canadian Red Angus Promotion al Society wanted to promote Red Angus cattle across Canada thus, the Canadian Red Roundup Sale series was established. The event focuses on the commerce of Red Angus genetics including cattle, semen, embryos and “ unique thing about this sale, every year for 50 years, is the animals are hand selected. The sale manage ment company has visited each indi vidual that has nominated their herd on an open-herd policy,” said Bryan Mackenzie, sale management team with First Class Cattle Marketing and Mackenzie Sales Management. Cattle are selected from coast to coast to maintain the quality of sale. This allows the sale management company to build relationships with the con signors and select animals that best represent their herd to other breeders.
A highlight of the event is the Red An gus Heifer Calf Extravaganza, centered around selected heifer calves from the sale consignments. There is a parade of calves with an announcer who announces the lot number of the calf, its pedigree, consignor and describes the best qualities of the animal. At the end of the parade, there is an auction to sell the right to show the heifer in the extravaganza show. The juniors who purchase the right to show will show the heifer calves to be awarded prize money. The top four placings will receive sale credit with the grand prize being a $9,000 sale credit. The sale credits are used to purchase either a heifer calf or bred heifer to qualify in the futurity show. The event would not be possible with out intense fundraising over the years. Last year, the promotional society gave away more than $145,000 in sale credit vouchers to 46 juniors. Each voucher was used, whether it was to
While the main event of the week is the sale, the event has incorporated shows over the years. The sales man agement understands the importance of youth to the future of the Red An gus breed and even elected for the sale to be held in a town with an agricul tural college to improve this element of the event.
By Megan Underwood, Communications Intern Going once, going twice, sold! The gavel drops at the 50th annual Cana dian Red Roundup Show and Sale on October 14-15, 2022, in Olds, Alberta, TheCanada.event features the finale of the Junior Heifer Futurity, gala banquet, frozen genetics auction, Junior Heifer Calf Extravaganza and concludes with the Red Roundup Sale.
74 RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022

P.O. BOX 76 Blocker, OK gibsonredangus@gmail.com74529-
Massive in every regard and the kind of flexibility the breed is looking for. His dam is a proven production donor female at Rainbow Red Angus for producing the right kind every time. Not to mention the incredible maternal value and udder quality he should transmit from both sides of his pedigree. When you study this massive ground pounder that’s loaded with red meat and rib shape, then read his actual real data of a birth weight of 78 lbs., weaning weight 861 lbs. and a yearling weight of 1,432 lbs. You realize the explosive growth and efficiency he brings to the table whether you are a registered or commercial breeder, Concorde 28H fits the mold! Now to his show career -Unbeatin in any division as well as the 2021 Canadian National Champion Red Angus Bull (Canadian Agribition Stock Show) and the Champion Red Angus Bull at the Olds Fall Classic. Curve bender, with the performance, mass and flexibility needed in today’s Red Angus cattle. RED ANGUS 918-470-8316

Celebrating Half a Century
76 RED ANGUS Magazine |
The sale has exemplified promotion of Red Angus cattle in one place, and it would not be possible without the per severance and passion of Red Angus
// of Red Roundup
The event has run a progressive futu rity show the last three years and will culminate this year. Junior Red Angus participants purchased a heifer calf in the Red Roundup Sale to show the first year. The juniors were eligible to show the same heifer each following year as a bred heifer or cow-calf pair. The juniors earn points each year for their showring success to be eligible for the grand prize this year. Last year, the futurity show saw a return of 75 head in the third leg.
Additionally, the top 10 females of the futurity must sell during the auction at the banquet. The success of the youth events would not be possible without the immense support of sponsors over the years.
The sale management is grateful for the many individuals who support the youth element of the event.
“We will give out over $300,000 to juniors this year at the event which is unprecedented,” said Mackenzie.
The history of the Canadian Red Roundup Show and Sale is remarkable as many consignment sales do not last this long or happen in such a consecu tive manner.
The sales management understands the importance of youth to the future of the Red Angus breed.
“’re going to attend one event in Canada, this is it. You will cross paths with every relevant breeder in this country and see some of the best ani mals bred and raised in our country,” explained Mackenzie. Make your plans to attend the grand event this fall and see the best of Ca nadian Red Angus.
Juniors who have bought a female every year will be eligible to compete in an Owner’s Herd Class. The juniors will show their 3-year-old cow-calf pair, 2-year-old cow-calf pair and the bred heifer. At the Gala Banquet, more than $140,000 in prize money will be given to point champion with the grand champion female over the past four years receiving a cash prize of $20,000.
September 2022 buy a heifer calf to show or to estab lish a “Thereherd.aremany stories where herds have started from very humble, small beginnings such as being given a heifer at an event or a sale voucher to buy a heifer calf. It’s amazing how that progresses into some breed-leading programs around the world. Our idea behind this program was to give a kid a hand-up to start their program,” explained Mackenzie.


Grand Champion Owned Female Morley Griffith, MHG Barcelona 107J, an April daughter of Mann Red Box x DAMAR Barcelona E067 Res. Grand Champion Owned Female Brett Pembrook, WLTR Scarlet 4J ET a Feb daughter of Mann Red Box x TC Primrose 70B Grand Champion Bred and Owned Female Morley Griffith, MHG Barcelona 107J, an April daughter of Mann Red Box x DAMAR Barcelona E067 Res Grand Champion Bred and Owned Female Zach Griffeth, 7KZG Havanna H298 a Jan 2020 daughter of Damar Power Eye C510 x Damar Robella D298 Grand Champion Percentage Female Haley Dodge, with Charlene a May daughter of Andras Fusion R236 Res Grand Champion Percentage Female Jillian Sherman, JMSC Boujee a May daughter of Rojas Eagle Ford 9106 Grand Champion Breeder’s Cup Futurity Female Olivia Naylor, KJHT Lets Dance 1160 a May daughter of WEBR Shameless 34G x KJHT Lets Cha Cha Res Champion Breeder’s Cup Futurity Female Brett Pembrook EEG Becca 1567 a Feb daughter of SLGN Stony’s Becca 4215 x SLGN Bojangles 479B STAND UP AND CHEER Active participants in the New HPS sponsored PeeWee Pride theme/parade/craft activity room. Big Little Program Sponsor Trademark Genetics reward ing the mentorship participants with scotch combs.

Grand Champion Bred and Owned Bull Madeline Ethington Cedar Ridge Hellcat 052H a son of Red U2 Dominion x Cedar Ridge Ferrari 833F Res Grand Champion Bred and Owned Bull Madison Fischer TG Suga Bear 115J an April son of Duff Red Bear 18154 x Rojas Suga Free 8115 Grand Champion 1A Steer Jensen Vandike, WDRST Oscar 121 a March steer out of OVER Dimension 028D x C-Bar Abigrace 7104E Res Grand Champion 1A Steer Grady Scheihing, 3 Amigos Mr Johnny Rose a June steer out of KRAA Fusion E103 x TLS Ms. Dodge 660 Grand Champion Percentage Steer Reba Prather, TC Quest a Feb steer out of HXC Conquest 4405P Res Grand Champion Percentage Steer Brett Sartin, PHC Bic Mack 012J an April steer out of MACK AF W273 Top Five Novice Showmanship (Left to Right) 5th Caddo Craft, 4th Allie Edwards, 3rd River Raymond, Res Champion Devyn Frost Champion Charleigh Barnes Top Five Junior Showmanship (Left to Right) 5th Cade Vow ell, 4th Kolby Sweeney, 3rd Kara Brooks, Res Champion Maci Weems, Champion Kyler Plugge Top Five Intermediate Showmanship (Left to Right) 5th Bell Watje, 4th Chase Boone, 3rd Alyssa Meier, Res Champion Tucker Bayer, Champion Jackson Bragg Top Five Senior Showmanship (Left to Right) 5th Morgan Jackson, 4th Gretta Rosenhagen, 3rd Lee Bjorklund, Res Champion Andrew Meier, Champion Paige VanDyke THE CHAMPIONS ARE HERE!

Livestock Judging Novice - Caddo Craft Junior - Brylie Cook Intermediate - Madison Fischer and Sydney Sanders Senior - Eva Hinrichsen Senior Interview 1st Emma Ahrendsen 2nd Brooke Rickey 3rd Shannon Jenkins 4th Walter Steely 5th Reba Prather
Herdsman Quiz Junior - Brayden Nieder
Servant Leaders- Sees leadership as an opportunity to serve others. Shares power & control to drive engagement. Measures success through growth & development. Listens. Understands it’s not about them. - John Maxwell
President - Garrett Knebel V.President - Kaye Gilbert Sec/Tres - Cheryl Johnson
Fitting ChampionsContest - ‘Top Guns’ Cooper Dorn, Cass Kleeman, Lee Bjorklund, Luke Bjorklund Res. Champions - ‘Buck Creek Crew’ Kade Sweeney, Katelyn Skiles, Tyler Abney, Avery McMurphy State Herdsmanship
Outstanding Junior Board
When you wakeup in the morning and get out of bed, pause a moment and remember not every child has the luxury of getting out of a bed. Some children don’t have a bed or pillow to lay their head on for a good night’s rest. This year’s NAJRAE Royalty Community Service Project under the direction of NAJRAE Queen Emma Ahrendsen and Princess Alyssa Meier, with the help of Oklahoma Red Angus Queen Raygan Krey, reached out to the Intervention Crisis and Advocacy Network in Chickasha to determine a need for the center. The group of volunteers headed by the ladies and Mason Krey were able to build four twin, four toddler beds and provide all the bedding for children in need. You don’t know how lucky you are until you deliver a fully dressed bed to someone who has never slept in a bed. Thank you to the donors, sponsors, Krey family and volunteers. Paying it forward and continuing to build an agriculture bridge in another community by showing up and leaving NAJRAE’s footprint.
Quiz Bowl Junior Division Champions - Blaine Frost, Jensen Vandike, Demi Schipper, Jacob Jung Res. Champions - ‘Red Angus Warriors’ Gage Kildow, Nathan Camp, Kyler Plugge, Trey Ladner Quiz Bowl Senior Division Champions - ‘Hawaiian Punch’ Amanda Watkins, Tiffany Watkins, Emma Rhoden, Mitchell Vanderwal Res. Champions - ‘The Blonde Squad’ Barrett Allen, Claire Janssen, Blake Janssen, Preston Dunn
SATELLITE EVENT WINNERS Public Speaking Junior - Reece McMurphy Intermediate - Claire Janssen Senior - Paige Van Dyke Sales Talk Novice - Devyn Frost Junior - Trey IntermediateLadner-Chase Boone Senior - Natalie Evans Photography Novice - Kolt Grinager Junior - Brandt Allen Intermediate - Hayden Stubbs Senior - Carter Holton Arts and Crafts Novice - Peyton Moore Junior - Mikka Jo Brumley Intermediate - Madeline Ethington Senior - Shannon Jenkins
Small State Arkansas Large State Missouri
Intermediate - Addison Green Russel Senior - Walter Steely
John BrianRyanJasonFischerBraggSweeneyShuter
Retiring Royalty Queen - Emma Ahrendsen Princess - Alyssa Meier
$10,000 in ScholarshipsNAJRAEawarded to$2500Blake Janssen, Dahlia Weber $1000Peyton Nagel, Mason Krey, Calley Stubbs, Tiffany Hediger, Walter Steely
‘More than just a show - NAJRAE gives back’
Dan Johnson Memorial Scholarship and Chair Reba Prather
Retiring Jr Board Directors Reba Prather, Nicki Adolph and Connor Hidlago who is joining the Marines.
2023 Sr Board Members
Member Gabbi Walters 2022-2023 Royalty Queen - Raygan Krey Princesses: Miss Carlee McCracken, OK; Miss Grace Ahrendsen, IA; Miss Ashbee Norman, AL

2022 Sweepstakes Top Ten left to right: (Left to right) 1st Avery McMurphy, 2nd Paige Van Dyke, 3rd Brayden Nieder, 4th Reece McMurphy (not pictured) 5th Hayden Stubbs, 6th Maddison Fischer, 7th Reba Prather, 8th Addison Green Russell, 9th Brock Montgomery, 10th Paige Wood. 2023 NAJRAE Royalty, Junior Board of Directors and Advisor Queen Raygan Krey, Tiffany Hediger - At Large, Dalia Weber - Membership Director, Mason Krey - Leadership Director, Morley Griffith - Communications Director, Greta Rosenhagen - At Large, Dr. Kris Nagel - Advisor, Gabbi Walters - President, Calley Stubbs - Vice President, Princess Grace Ahrendsen, Princess Carlee McCracken, Princess Ashbee Norman. NAJRAE Newsletter2023 NAJRAE JUNE 25- JULY 1, 2023 SWIFTEL CENTER Brookings, South Dakota Hotel blocks will be posted on the NAJRAE Website, Facebook Page and on Instagram. Stay up-to-date on NAJRAE happenings throughout the year. Go to and scroll down the page. We cannot add you! Watch for notices and links to the Newsletter on Facebook or Instagram. Check your promotions or trash files if you don’t see it in your inbox. Every single board meeting and financial report since 2019 have been posted. View them on the website by clicking on the About tab, then on Board Minutes under the Senior Board. Please reach out to any NAJRAE board member with questions. Garrett Knebel, Pres. 219-508-2657email - or 712-490-2956

Information Overload: Cow-Calf Operations, 730,000 Calf Descriptions
Let’s review a primary feedstuff in beef production using ob jective standards to describe what it is – yellow corn. Yellow corn, qualified by the USDA, is corn that is yellow-kernelled and contains not more than 5% of corn of other colors. Yel low kernels with a slight tinge of red are considered yellow corn. Yellow corn carries a minimum 56-pound test weight per bushel and cannot be more than 0.1% heat damaged, 2% broken corn and foreign material for a total limit of 3% damaged product. This is only the most recent standards for yellow corn, with the first standards being established in This1916.example demonstrates that as corn has gained more value, we established standards to provide purchasers and sellers a higher level of confidence in the grain’s value. Those who use corn know what they are getting so they will pay more for the product because of standards. The same attributes are found in the livestock industry, weight, quality, qualities that discount value, along with attributes that increase value. In my opinion, we must standardize our product’s value to stay competitive with other protein Settingsources.standards will be a difficult and controversial proj ect, just as it is with all agriculture products. However, the return on investment to the industry will be substantial for anyone selling feeder cattle and calves. For more informa tion, give me a call.
By Nate Smith, General Manager, Top Dollar Angus, Inc.
In sitting down to write this article for the commercial marketing issue, my brain returned to my submission from last year about the ins and outs of feeder cattle marketing. In retrospect, I now see that a year in the field can teach a person. Previously, I spoke to the feeder cattle descriptive details that cattle feeders felt carried more value to them versus less valuable pieces of information. While those pre vious attributes still hold importance, I felt something was still missing about how we approach feeder cattle market
mentor pointed out to me that we have too many variations in how we describe feeder calves when sell ing them. This problem would easily go unnoticed if not for improvements in promoting cattle on multiple marketing platforms. Using a standard method to describe feeder cattle and calves is imperative for industry success. Referencing my title, I acknowledge that 730,000 is a big number, but so is the number of calf descriptions.
Why do some cattle with the same operation, location, weight, sex, plus the same programs and attributes, except for one descriptor about breed type, bring $96 per head more than another? Neither of the two lots were black-hid ed, but one listing mentioned non-black hide color, while the other did not). Consistency is the one thing missing in this example. A standard format communicates what a particular set of feeder animals are in respect to weight, sex, breed type, location and third-party value-added programs.
// 82 RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022 Top Dollar Angus Team Nate Smith, General Manager • (620) 546-4839 $ ® Kaytlin Hokanson • (307) 461-7687 Andy Albrecht • (402) 922-1000
A good format focuses on objective information rather than subjective comments. Below is an example of how a stan dardized description in another agriculture product has been implemented after the need arose.

Roberts said there are steps one can take to try to prevent ruminants from ingesting too much Johnsongrass when it is in highly toxic stages.
By University of Missouri as published on
• If the cows are thin and body con dition needs to be added, the rate of body condition score increase is important. Adding one-fourth BCS per month, about 20 to 25 pounds of cow gain per month, requires the supplement feeding rate to increase to 7 pounds per head per day of the one-third commodity mix men tioned above.
Both summer and fall are important times for ranchers to keep an eye on cattle that graze where Johnsongrass is present, due to the risk of prussic acid
2. Don’t turn animals out to graze areas with Johnsongrass after mowing, haying or grazing when the plants are regrowing after stress from drought or freezing until the plants are at least 18 to 24 inches tall.
“That is not surprising based on the wet spring and subsequent delays in getting hay harvested,” Schmitz said. “His plan is to feed this to dry, spring-calving cows this Threewinter.”different feeding options were explored, based on the body condition score of the cows:
physically stresses Johnsongrass, such as drought in summer or freezing in the fall, can increase the amount of prussic acid in this invasive forage plant,” he said. “Secondly, with rain after drought, or warm temperatures after a frost, the fresh, green growth is one of the first things the cows will go after. That’s the danger, because those young leaves are higher in prussic acid.”
RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022 83
6. Watch your animals closely in each new grazing area. Symptoms of prussic acid poisoning can occur within 5 minutes of eating affect ed forage, and death can occur in 15 minutes. Clinical signs include muscle tremors, increased respira tion rate, excess salivation, stagger ing, convulsions and collapse.
Prussic acid, known as hydrocyanic acid or cyanide, can form in plants in the Sorghum genus in different con centrations, depending on the species. Johnsongrass, grain sorghum and sor ghum almum (Columbus grass) are all on the high end. As Roberts explained, the prussic acid, which can be fatal, is more concentrated in the leaves, espe cially younger leaves in the upper part of the plant, and more so during rapid regrowth after drought or frost injury.
Risk of Prussic Acid Toxicity Increases During Drought, After Rains
“Simply do not let BCS slip on the cows to the extent that extreme feeding measures are needed to correct the problem,” Schmitz said. //
“Pay very close attention to body condi tion score in September and be pre pared to wean, if necessary,” said Gene Schmitz, University of Missouri Exten sion livestock specialist in Sedalia. Schmitz recently worked through a feeding scenario for a producer that highlights some significant points. The producer provided a forage analysis of some rye hay. It was very low in protein (6.1%) and energy (47% total digestible nutrients).
• If the cows are in adequate body condition, BCS 5, the supplemental feed need for this hay is 4 pounds per head per day of a mix of onethird each corn gluten feed, soybean hull pellets and rolled corn to meet nutrient requirements of mid-gesta tion cows.
By Marilyn Cummins as published on
3. Be sure animals are not hungry when first grazing a new field with the potential of prussic acid inges tion. Turn them out in late after noon or feed some hay first.
Plan to Meet Weaning Challenges
4. Be aware that warm season cover crop mixes may contain sorghum, which also poses a prussic acid toxicity risk.
1. Grow and offer a diversity of forages.
• Assuming the cows need to add BCS at the rate of one-half BCS per month, approximately 40 to 50 pounds of gain per month, the sup plement rate jumps to 10 pounds per head per day of the one-third commodity mix.
7. Remove all cattle to a new pasture as soon as any herd mate shows signs of prussic acid toxicity and contact a veterinarian.
“It also helps to have diversity so the cattle can select other forages other than Johnsongrass to graze,” he said. “Plus, I can observe my animals every day and that’s going to be especially important this year.”
How can producers prevent getting themselves into this box?
Weaning spring calves may be more of a challenge this year because of short pasture supplies and the questionable nutritional value of this year’s hay crop.
Clarktoxicity.Roberts, manager of Noble Research Institute’s Coffey Ranch at Marietta, Oklahoma, said that drought conditions put him on high alert for two “Anythingreasons.that
Having pastures divided up into paddocks with temporary fencing is helpful, Roberts said, because it offers options for moving livestock quickly to manage timing and location of grazing.
5. Keep cattle away from roadsides or ditches that have fresh, ungrazed Johnsongrass growing.
Tim experienced life to the fullest –grace, love and mercy flowed in him and through him. There are really no words great enough to fully capture the essence of the man that was Tim Orr. Ironically though, no words are really needed. Tim’s life, love for Christ and love for others spoke for Histhemselves.strength was not his own but from His Creator: he simply chose to listen and follow – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness and self-control overflowed as a result. His greatest desire was for every person to find freedom in Christ.
Tim Orr fought the good fight, he fin ished the race, he remained faithful –and the prize awaited him. The crown of righteousness was placed on him.
84 RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022 In Memory Member News
Timothy John Orr: 1966-2022 “They’re wait ing on me, I’ve got to see,bern,Orr,Timothygo.”John56,ofNewTennesagoodand faithful servant, was welcomed home on Monday, July 18, 2022. His mis sion-filled, all-embracing life began on January 12, 1966, in Union City, Tennessee, immediately blessing the lives of his parents and older brother. Eighteen years later he made his way to Bethel College where he met his soulmate, Leah Funderburk Orr, in August of 1985.
To continue his mission – as best they can, Tim leaves on this earth his wife of 33 years, Leah Funderburk Orr of Newbern, Tennessee; one son, Tyler John Orr (Raney) of Newbern, Tennessee; one daughter, Elizabeth Ann Orr, DVM, of Pensacola, Florida; his parents, Melvin and Naomi Orr, of Newbern, Tennessee; one brother, Phil Orr (Jackie) of Memphis, Tennessee, and he was “Papa” to his granddaugh ter, Celia Cait Orr. The family asks that memorial contri butions be directed to the Reclaimed Project ( and Catch-A-Dream Foundation (www. to the family at johnsonwilliamsfuneral
Four years later they chose to become one, knowing that Christ and each other were all they would ever need in life. But their love overflowed, and in 1991 they welcomed a son, Tyler, into the world, and three years later a daughter, Beth. Tim chose every day to walk with Christ and live each day with purpose. He loved fiercely, gave relentlessly and led Outsidehumbly.ofhis most treasured roles as a son, brother, father, grandfa ther, husband and friend, he was a professional engineer, owner of TyBe Co. LLC, co-owner of Southern Contracting and owner-operator of TyBe Farms. Tim served in numerous religious, professional and community leadership roles including as an Elder at the Dyersburg Cumberland Presby terian Church, Chairman of the Board of the Memphis Theological Seminary and President of the Mississippi Valley Association of General Contractors.
George 1935-2022Cawlfield:Edward George Cawl field, 86, of Hel ena, bornGeorgeJulypassedMontana,awayon9,2022.wasDecember 11, 1935, in Dalhart, Texas, to Dave and Pearl Cawlfield. George and his family, which included younger sister Margaret, moved to Billings, Montana, when he was in the third grade. Two years later, they moved to Bozeman where George attended grade school and high school at Gallatin High School, graduating in 1953. He then attended Montana State College earn ing a Master’s Degree in Soil Physics. George married Janet Morgan of Billings on June 14, 1958. Two weeks later, George and Janet moved to Texas where George graduated from flight training school at James Connolly AFB in Waco, Texas. George flew as a navigator for the Air National Guard. He flew for seven years and retired as a Captain. Next George and Janet moved to Omaha, Nebraska, where George was a computer programmer. After seven years in Omaha, they returned to Montana where George worked for 25 years in IT for the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation in Helena, Montana. George loved to hunt and fish and spent many hours afield with family and friends. Later in life, George and Janet moved to a ranch in the North Helena Valley and spent their golden years raising registered Red Angus cattle and farming. George and Janet were the proud parents of Larry (Janna), Karen (Glen Raisland) and Lori (Brad Hampton). Grandchildren include Madison Cawl field of St. Louis, Missouri, Kyla (Zac Campbell) of Helena and great-grand children Logan, Dusty, Jack and Shane GeorgeCampbell.was preceded in death by his parents, his sister, Margaret and his grandson, Tyrel Raisland.

Mary 1926-2022Gilsdorf
Mary Lou Wil liams Gilsdorf, 96, of Shaw nee,
Williams and Vera Potter Williams on April 13, 1926, in Horton, Kansas. She met her husband, Kenneth Gils dorf, at Netawaka high school, where she graduated in 1943. They were married on March 31, 1944, just days before Ken left for World War II. Mary worked as a nurse in Horton during the war. They had six children and, in 1974, after the loss of their daughter Rita, they raised her two children Eric and Michelle as their own. Mary was a homemaker and excellent mother. Mary and Ken celebrated their 78th wedding anniversary in 2022. They al ways had people visiting them because they were a joy to be around. Mary is survived by her husband, Kenneth Gilsdorf, five children, 16 grandchil dren and 38 great grandchildren. Mike and Linda (Chastain) Gilsdorf of Sykesville, Maryland; Susan and Pru ente of Shawnee, Kansas; Dave and Pat (McCowan) Gilsdorf of Pleasant Hill, Missouri; Scott Gilsdorf of Tonganoxie, Kansans; MaryAnn and Kevin Kniebel of White City, Kansas; Eric and Shari Woster (Tauscher) of Olathe, Kansas; and Michelle and Rob Patterson of Shawnee, Kansas. Mary was buried at Resurrection Cem etery in Lenexa, Kansas. //
Email Member News and Sale Reports to to be included in the next Red Angus Magazine. Your sale report will also be posted online at
RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022 85 RANCH/FARM CONTACT PHONE EMAIL WEBSITE/FB ALABAMA JYJ Red Angus Jim Yance 334-726-7342 TEXAS Holton Cattle Co. Paul Holton 254-631-7632 La Encinada Ranch Lester Parrott 254-760-7045 FB: La Encinada Ranch Shieldknight Land and Cattle Quentin Shieldknight 806-570-7932 FB: Shieldknight Land and Cattle, Registered Red Angus The following operations host private treaty sales. Contact them for more information on their genetics. Would you like to be listed on this page? Submit your information online at: (or click the QR code). Magazine Advertising space reservations and ad copy submissions should be sent to Advertising Director Tracey Koester,, 701-391-5440. Visit for rates, deadlines and specs. Generations of Predictability 23 Bull and Female Sale – Jan. 23, 2023 at the Ranch RANCHBULLISCREEKBrawnerRob 88102 S Wood Lake Rd Wood Lake, NE 402-376-446569221


RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022 87 SAND DUNE CATTLE LLC Bull Sale on Jan. 17, 2023 - 12 noon CT Scott Svoboda • scottsvoboda@rocketmail.com308-215-0767 NEBRASKA RED ANGUS "Improving Our Herd to Benefit Yours!" Austin Schweitzer Schweitzer Red Angus Milford, NE 68405 • schweitzerredangus.com402-641-8275 FICK RED ANGUS Inman, NE • Visitors Welcome! ED (402) 394-5489 DOUG (402) 394-5486 (402) 340-9910 Balance from Start to Finish! Annual Bull Sale in March The Sieberts - Kim, Lindy, Samantha & Kendall 108 Road 3 • Henderson, NE 68371 (402) 723-4376 • Email: website: Mark and Deb Pieper (308) 638-4557 HC 70 Box 13 • Hay Springs, NE 69347 Red Angus with Performance!built-inRedPieperAngus Ross A & Lane Knott P.O. Box 43 • Petersburg, NE 68652 Home (402) 386-5411 Work (402) 386-5297 Cell (402) 843-8726 SCHULER red-angus RedAngus&CompositeSeedstock308.262.0306•Bridgeport, CHOATCattleCompanySt.Edward,NE Wayne & Jody Choat • 402-678-3439 Dave & Kathy Stodola • 402-981-1586 GENETICSANGUSRED RANCHBULLISCREEK 88102 S Wood Lake Rd Wood Lake, NE 69221 402-376-4465 • BrawnerRob Scott & www.crossdiamondcattle.comBertrand,308/991-2452FordKimNE68927 RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022 87 TERRA RUBRA FARMS WILLIAM MCGREW 1755 ELIZABETHKEYMAR,BRUCEVILLEKEYSVILLERDMD21757WERNETTE & DREW BORDNER 3552 9 MILE ROAD REMUS, MI SOUTH235LOUISREDENBACKNICHOLS,2061JACKLINDHORST49340FARMSLINDHORST-MOYERSBARRROADNY13812FARMSREDENBACKDANIELSRDPLYMOUTH,NY13844 Certified Fescue Raised Christopher 402-367-9679Polivka 1PF Bruno, Nebraska PEATS CREEK LIVESTOCK CANAAN OHLDE 284 LIBERTY ROAD PALMER, KS 66962 THE RED DRIVE JAMES DANEHEY 6041 PRINCESS MARGARET LINCOLN,DR. NE 68516 MUDDY WATER RANCH GARRETT FIEN 74027 T ROAD FUNK, NE 68940 BROOKS CATTLE CO. JAMES BROOKS 17545 HWY 66 WEST CALUMET, OK 73014 CROSS 312RONNIEFARMSCROSSSOUTH22ND STREET FREDERICK, OK 73542 KOY 54263KAIDYNGLENCOE,8104MOONENNCLAYRDOK74032THOMASSCOUNTYROAD 258 ISABELLA, OK 73747 DIAMOND R CATTLE CO. RHONDA WITHERS 26400 E 161ST ST S COWETA, OK 74429 Area 7 – Northeast Director – Rob Hess JACOB EASTRIDGE 3480 WEST JERICHO RD TASWELL, IN 47175 KOLISH BROS. RYAN KOLISH 343N WINAMAC,700WIN 46996 NIELSEN CATTKE WYATT NIELSEN 1250 N 1250 MEDARYVILLE,WIN 47957 ROLLING ACRES LIMOUSIN DAVID SELM 7213 HOLLAND RD BROOKVILLE, IN 47012 BRANCHLINE FARMS BRITTANY NEMETH 47256 STATE ROUTE 162 WELLINGTON, OH 44090 ANDREW WALKER 13942 WARREN RD NE PARIS, OH 44669 Area 8 – Southeast Director – Jim Yance BRADEN FARMS DEBBIE BRADEN 3328 PETTIBONE RD GREENVILLE, AL 36037 CRUISE CHAROLAIS ALAN CRUISE 380 CYPRESS ROAD DEATSVILLE, AL 36022 New Members

88 RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022 In Your RED ANGUS QUEST ... Look to THE WEST! Recently p chased Crump Red Angus H d Bull Sale - March 6, 2023 Billings, www.mccannredangus.comMontanaLoriMcCann•208-743-5517 TODD STEGALL 3455 Grover Ave Colusa, CA 95932 John & Jennifer Menke 10935 Quartz Valley Rd. (530) 468-5341 Ft. Jones, CA 96032 Leonard & Naomi Wood • (208) 263-5246 481649 Hwy 95 North • Sandpoint, ID 83864 • LORENZEN RANCHES P.O. Box 1519 Pendleton, OR (541)276-610897801LarryLorenzen RED ANGUS SINCE 1959 Doug and Betty Dunn 9498 NE 9th St • Terrebonne, Oregon 97760 (541)923-1705 LAUTENSCHLAGER & SONS RED ANGUS 1251 Cutler-Lautenschlage Rd Endicott, WA 99125 Ranch: (509) 657-3301 Cell: (509) LASOredangus@gmail.com595-8131 LAU T Red Angus Genetics for Seed Stock Producers & Commercial Cattlemen Veril & Barbie Nelson 10387 Driver Valley Rd Oakland, OR 97462 (541) n5redangus@yahoo.com643-9759 “Producing Balanced Trait Red Angus since 1993” Like us on Facebook! 88 RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022 HAYSEED RED ANGUS SCOTT MITCHELL 29893 HARVEST ROAD TONEY, AL 35773 JAYDEN PACK 48219 STATE HIGHWAY 79 BLOUNTSVILLE, AL 35031 PLAZEWSKI FARMS LLC WALTER PLAZEWSKI 32946 TYNDALL RD WESLEY CHAPEL, FL 33545 CHEROKEE CREEK FARM TAMMY EMMON 57 TWIN COVE DR HARTWELL, GA 30643 MADISON STILL 514 BROWN ROAD MCRAE, GA 31055 JORDAN WALDEN 160 SINCLAIR ROAD COLUMBIA, MS 39429 KRISTIN WALDEN 160 SINCLAIR ROAD COLUMBIA, MS 39429 Z HOLBROOK CATTLE ZACK HOLBROOK 354 VACATION WAY RUTLEDGE, TN 37861 TRILLIUM RIDGE FARM TRAVIS LOOPE 3236 OLD LOWES FERRY RD LOUISVILLE, TN 37777 BLP BRUCEFARMS&LESLIE PARSLEY 1293 BARNES MILL ROAD SMITHVILLE, TN 37166 WB SCOTTS9385BRIANFARMSWHITEHWY100HILL,TN 38374 Area 9 – Midwest Director – Stuart Gilbert JOLEIGH WALTER 2571 410TH AVENUE FARRAGUT, IA 51639 DYLAN CASAROTTO 8089 4H SUMNER,RDIL 62466 JEMMA DORSEY 18241 IRVING RD WITT, IL 62094 JOHN DREBES 854 N. 350TH PL QUINCY, IL 62305 KIRLIN CAMP2307GREGORYFARMSKIRLINN2300THPLPOINT,IL62320 ELLIOTT FAMILY CATTLE CO. LLC HEIDI ELLIOTT 543 EAST CHURCH RD CAMBRIDGE, WI 53523 OWEN ROZEBOOM 1141 US HWY 12 ROBERTS, WI 54023 E&S 144578EDWARDFARMSTANKOWSKICOUNTYROAD C MOSINEE, WI 54455 International MIS BUENOSECHEVERRIABENJAMINAMORESSCANLAN3361AIRES1430 LKT BRINKTOWN,38650BENJMAINSTOVER,10483GERALDTWENTERLONG145SETHSEYMOUR,2222NICKTWISTEDHEYWORTH,13681LAURENENTERPRISESTOOHILLIMPERIALRDIL61745CCATTLECO.COLLINSFINLEYFALLSROADMO65746ANDMEGANSTEWARTSTATEROADBLANE,MO65590FARMSTWENTERHAWCREEKROADMO65078VEASMANMARIESROAD610MO65443 Jonathan – 775-560-7779 • Dan – 775-777-5994 • Elko, Nevada Bulls, Females & FrozenPrivateAvailableGeneticsatTreaty New Members

RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022 89RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022 89 Southeast Red Angus Association • SERAA N OFFICERS Jeff Pettit - President - 270-836-2963 - Tom Bell - Vice President - 731-225-2490 - Michelle Pettit - Secretary/Treasurer - 270-836-1652 DIRECTORS Tim Orr • Andy Camp • Johnnie Cundiff • Cindy Cantrell • Josh Pierce • Dr. Davis Evans Mercer Farms Registered Red Angus Cattle since 1978 32237 Hwy 58 • Ten Mile, TN 37880 Sales: Steve Burnette – 865 mercerfarms@gmail.com804-8156 RedWhitleyAngus 1408 Co. Rd. 35 Horton, AL 35980 Breeding Red Angus since 1965! Henry, Jane, Jim, Kathy, Tim, James Ray & Natalie (205)466-7612 • Tim Cell (205) tim@whitleyredangus.com446-5090 FIVE OAKS FARM Registered Red Angus Travis & Gail Giffey travis@5oaks.farm931-260-1478 McLean Red Angus Jim & Alynda McLean 206 Morningside Drive Alma, GA 31510 (912) 632-7985 • (770) mcleanredangus@aol.com595-3542 - Registered Red Angus since 1970Osborn Red Angus 21053 AL HWY 251 Athens, Alabama (256) 679-6307 Email: Selling Red Angus and Sim-Genetics MORE THAN A BULL SALE Third Saturday in March BULLS & FEMALES OF FALL SALE Last Saturday in October Bart, Sarah & Ty Jones • (615) 666-3098 466 Red Hill Road, Lafayette, TN 37083 Gordon & Susan Jones • (270) 991-2663 12745 St. Rt. 181 N. Bremen, Kentucky (270) 525-3403 Registered 100% 1A Certied Herd David • Sandra Chris • davidandsandra65@bellsouth.netLaDonnaAngusJarvisRed Jim and Alvina Meeks, Owners 1986 Trinity Church Rd. • Gray Court, SC 29645 Raymond Prescott, Mgr. • (864) 981-2080 Visit our website at FARMSCREEKFLAT REGISTERED RED ANGUS 931-695-5575 email: Brian & Jessica Lance 1500 Walker Road Madison, GA jessica@ironwillcattle.com706-781-863930650 JEFF & MICHELLE PETTIT Sebree, Kentucky 270-836-2963 • RED ANGUS Magazine September 2022

90 RED ANGUS Magazine n December 2021 Building Better Beef MONTANA RED ASSOCIATIONANGUS email: Ken & Cheri Graves (307) 738-2247 2384 Barnum Rd. • Kaycee, WY 82639 Email: Luke Larson: (406) 207-6776 Amie & Teri Angelo: (406) angelocattleco@blackfoot.net207-4046 280 Angelo Lane • PO Box 361 • Drummond, MT 59832 FISCHER RED ANGUS Ron & Esther Fischer PO Box 2913 • Harlowton, MT 59036 406-632-5598 NEW Sale Date 3rd Friday of March Tim, Julie &ShickCash P.O. Box 311 Lodge Grass, MT 59050 (406) 639-9112 • Recently p chased Crump Red Angus H d Bull Sale - March 6, 2023 Billings, www.mccannredangus.comMontanaLoriMcCann•208-743-5517 Garrett & Katelyn Knebel 9969 River Rd. • Bozeman, MT 59718 Garrett - (219) 508-2657 • Katelyn - (406) 580-9565 • “Bulls For Sale at All Times!” Bob: 406-855-3614 Jenny: 406-740-2854 Chad: 406-740-0099 88 Redland Ranch Ln Hysham, MT 59038 Bob & Julie Morton • Tom & Katie Morton • Jim Morton 2431 Logan Trident Road • Three Forks, MT 59752 (406) 580-0348 • Annual Bull Sale Third Tuesday in March Big Sky Elite Female Sale First Wednesday in December Glacier Red Angus Harold, Pat & Chris Hughes 40126 Eli Gap Road • Polson, MT 59860 (406) 883-4654 • The Forbes Family 37 Beckton Dr. • Sheridan, WY 82801 (307) 674-6095 • Fax (307) 672-7281 Email: | September 2022

RED ANGUS Magazine n December 2021 91 in Big Sky Country! MTRAA Officers President: Tena Ketchum Vice President: Ryan Clark Secretary/Treasurer: Alli Lucht MTRAA Directors Kara Herbst Luke Larson - Tim Geib 1721 Plevna Rd. • Plevna, MT 59344 (406) 778-3819 • Dave & Kay Klompien & Family 8129 Amsterdam Rd. Manhattan, MT 59741 (406) 282-7537 • Cell: (406) 581-4043 Email: FRITZREDANGUS 1542 Fritz Ranch Ln Joe & Heidi Fritz Brady, MT 59416 (406)627-2374 Shepherdfritzra@3rivers.netRedAngusJim&GingerShepherd3631MapleLeafAve.Cody,Wyo.82414406-698-6657• We Focus on The FemaleVic & Shari WestphalRED ANGUSP.O. Box 72 Grass Range, MT 59032 • (406) 428-2179 ROCK CREEK RED ANGUS Box 396, Joliet, Mt 59041 "Females & Bulls For Sale Year Round" Charlie & Linda Lewis (406)962-3330 Norris Family Fort Shaw, MT 59443 406-799-5323 Red Angus sun RiveR LUCHT RED ANGUS ML Bozeman, MT • www.luchtredangus.comldlucht@gmail.com406-570-7300 Andrew Johnson McKenzieJohnson406-963-2200406-489-3773 5175 Road 1026 Froid, Mt sandhill_reds@yahoo.com59226 Annual Sale – Last Thursday In March, Glasgow Stockyards, Inc. Pat Gibbs Family – Jordan, MT www.gibbsredangus.com406.977.2852 RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022 91 SALLY SHORTRIDGE Box 333 Augusta, MT shocoranch@3rivers.net59410 (406) 235-0176 Facebook: shoco.ranch Contact us about our Private Treaty Bull Offering Join us Saturday Sept. 17, 2022, for the Montana Red Angus Tour. Flathead Valley, Missoula Valley & Flint Creek Valley RSVP or questions: Luke Larson: 406 207-6776

DirectoryBreederMagazineAngusRed 92 RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022 Emit & Jayme Valnes • Eden, South Dakota (605)698-6596 • Cell (605) valnesranch@hotmail.com228-8857 ANNUAL PRODUCTION SALE LAST SUNDAY IN MARCH Contact us today for more information! Arlan Dahlke • Bagley, Minnesota (218)694-6727 • (218) www.DahlkeRedAngus.com556-5896 DAHLKEREDANGUS AREA 3 - Rocky Mountain Utah • Colorado • Wyoming Aaron Kravig, Director AREA 5 - Northern Plains Minnesota •North Dakota • South Dakota Steve Koester, President Craig Bieber, Region B Director Stephanie Jung, Director AREA 1 - West Alaska • California • Hawaii Idaho • Nevada • Oregon Washington George Murdock, Director Western States Breeders can be found on page 88 AREA 2 - Montana Chuck Feddes, Region A Director Kay Klompien, Director Montana Breeders can be found on pages 90-91 Recently p chased Crump Red Angus H d Bull Sale - March 6, 2023 Billings, www.mccannredangus.comMontanaLoriMcCann•208-743-5517 Diamond C North Dakota Chase and Tiffany Furstenau Cavalier, chasefurstenau@gmail.com701-520-0671NDwww.diamondcnd.comAnnual Sale in March Dan Reardon Rocking R Red Angus Dan@RockingRRedAngus.comwww.RockingRRedAngus.com970-729-2571 High Altitude Registered Red Angus RED ANGUS Scott & Connie Kueffler Michala & Kirsti • Bonnie Kueffler Box 187 • Grenora, ND 58845 701-694-3620 (h) • 701-641-0519 (c) • KRAVIG RED ANGUS “Cattle Working for You” Sound Udders – Great Dispositions Moderate Frames – Calving Ease – Excellent Growth h1: 719-446-5355 • h2: 719-446-5391 Karval, Colorado AXTELL CATTLE COMPANY Brian and Jamie Jo Axtell PO Box 21 – Anton, CO 80801 970.383.2332 or www.axtellcattlecompany.com970.554.1132FollowusonFacebook! FLATIRON RED ANGUS 1A BULLS & HEIFERS MAINTENANCE/FEED EFFICIENCY EXPERTS Cory & Katy Johnson 5822 CR 23 • Veteran, WY 82243 Cory 307-575-0169 • Katy 307-575-2677 719-740-1124 • Joe, Cindy & Emily Frasier • 44600 Co. Road 118 • Limon, CO Ronny & Kelsey Pope • Ryan & Lindsay Frasier 701-464-5741 Jeremy & Jessica701-464-4893Bullinger Barenthsen 8815 81st St. NW, Powers Lake, ND BROKEN HEART RANCH 12523 245th Ave Firesteel, SD 57633 (605)850-9878 or (605) Female Sale First Saturday in December Bull Sale Second Saturday in April Gary, Elaine, Tory & Tyler Sonstegard (320) 269-7290 (320) SHEAMAN RANCH Kerry and Debbie Sheaman 400 East Douglas Road • Fort Collins, CO 80524 (970) 493-7346 • Maternal, Disposition, Calving Ease & Stayability Traits Edward, Jeanne, Carl, Craig and Caryn 16068 24 St. SE • Argusville, ND 58005 Phone/Fax (701) 484-5779 REDwww.olsonredpower.comANGUS"We Breed Excitement"The Olsons Robert and Kara • Robby 5096 Campbell Rd • McIntosh, SD 57641 www.campbellredangus.com701-422-3721 Producing Cattle That Perform For The Cattleman Forster Red AngusRaising 100% 1A Red Angus since 1967 Kenneth Forster & Family 8285 30th St, SW • Richardton, ND 58652 (701)974-2450 • Cell (701) 290-2450 GJ Gary & Val JACOBSON RED ANGUS Registered & Commercial Catttle Bulls & Heifers - Open & Bred 28280 75th Ave. N. (218) 962-3360 Hitterdal, MN 56552 Cell (701) 361-3189 www.Jacobson Jared and Lacey Namken Family • 605.881.3845 cell 45536 189th Street • Lake Norden, SD 57248 MinnesotaRedAngusAssociation Contact MNRAA President Tyler Sonstegard – (320) 226-2340 Check out our website www.mnredangus.comat: LAZY J BAR Ranch Red Angus John & Stephanie Jung Family Mina, SD • (605) www.lazyjbarranch.com380-1796 JI

DirectoryBreederMagazineAngusRed RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022 93 AREA 7 - Northeast Connecticut • Delaware • Indiana • Maine • Maryland Massachusetts • Michigan • New Hampshire New Jersey • New York • North Carolina Ohio • Pennsylvania • Rhode Island Vermont • Virginia • West Virginia Rob Hess, Director AREA 8 - Southeast Alabama • Arkansas • Florida • Georgia • Kentucky • Louisiana • Mississippi • Tennessee • South Carolina Jim Yance, Director • Jeff Pettit, Region C Director • SERAA Breeders can be found on page 89 AREA 6 - Great Plains Kansas • Nebraska • Oklahoma Nebraska Breeders can be found on page 87 Kansas Breeders can be found on page 95 Jason Anderson, Director AREA 9 - Midwest Iowa • Illinois • Missouri • Wisconsin • Stuart Gilbert, Director Missouri Breeders can be found on page 97 Annual Power of the Reds Sale Last Saturday of March President Randy Ostrom • (618) 250-2988 Vice Pres Bob Logterman • (618)972-8887 Secretary Kaye Gilbert • (319) 931-8127 Treas. Bill Embry • (309) 264-3192 RedBIMAngus Betty & Irvan Martin 58142 CR 260 • Okeene, OK 73763 (580) 822-5623 • email: MCMURPHY www.mcmurphyfarms.comFARMS Alva, Oklahoma ANGUS, RED ANGUS & COMMERCIAL RANDY & PAULA - (580) 829-3150 CODY & MEGAN - (405) 880-4587 CASEY & TRACY - (520) 906-8509 (918) 473-6723 J.L. Jeffries Cell: (918) 638-3317 419526 E. 1070 Rd. Fax (918) 610-0016 Checotah, OK 74426 Email: CEDAR HILL FARM Red Angus Performance Genetics • PRIME Maternal Production Sale second Saturday in November • Mountaineer Red Angus Classic Sale second Saturday in April • Cooperator bulls with RA Brown Ranch second Wednesday in March & October • Private treaty cattle, semen and embryos Dan & Alicia Stickel – (304) 545-7677 1404 Kincheloe Road, Jane Lew, WV cedarhillredangus@frontier.com26378 CHCedar Hill Farm Red Angus Ca le Tom Karr (740)985-3444 Day (740)591-9900 Cell 34740 State Route 7 Pomeroy, OH 45769 Registered Red Angus Bulls • Bred Heifers If you’re looking for Efficiency... Look under “R” for RED ANGUS! Steve & Amy crossroadscaEmma443-465-2959WeinreichKateFoster443-257-50615224FarawayDr.Felton, WRIGHTS MILL FARM REDStevenANGUSHarris, DVM 4720 Wrights Mill Road Trappe, MD spharrisdvm@yahoo.com410-924-390521673 Rob & Amy bowcreekbeef.com717-821-1782Hershey,HessPA Pasture to Plate Performance Tested Embryos, Semen and Cattle by Private Treaty JUDY LOONAN (641) 322-3921 • 1724 Holly Ave. • Corning, IA 50841 Located 75 mi. east of Omaha, NE, in the hills of Southwest Iowa Red Angus • Red Simmental • Red SimAngus Gene & Marita Rouse Dan Bormann • 515-520-7707 53966 290th St. • Huxley, IA ROUSE RED ANGUS Stuart & Kaye Gilbert 641-919-0196FamilyStockport,Iowa AREA 4 - Southwest Texas • New Mexico • Arizona Texas Breeders can be found on page 97 Tony Ballinger, Director Registered & Commercial Red AngusWill & P J Crockett • Hope, NM 575-703-5970 • www.crockett-ranch.com575-512-7225 Joe Max Freeman, DVM Charles R. Freeman, DVM (580)450-4708 Blair, Oklahoma Offering registered Red Angus bulls and replacement heifers at private treaty in the fall and spring Registered Red Angus Jacob•Somers,CT06071

DirectoryBreederMagazineAngusRed 94 RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022 Sales & Services Directory Digital Marketing – Graphic Design Websites/Social Media – Photography Videography – Advertising Sale Management – Event Planning Katrina Lautenschlager Joel Birdwell Auctioneer HC 64 Box 29 Kingfisher, OK 73750 Home (405) 375-6630 Mobile (405) 368-1058 ROGER JACOBS (406)Shepherd,P.O.AuctioneerBox270MT59079373-6124Home(406)698-7686Office(406)373-7387Fax CK Sonny Booth -AuctioneerP.O. Box 1172 Miami, OK 74355 Cell (918) smbooth_1995@yahoo.com533-5587 CK Sonny Booth “Always With the Best Cattle…Always” DEICHMANN LIVESTOCK BROKERAGE •SaleManagement•Auctioneer • Livestock Brokerage (406)423-5500 (406)799-5200DanHobson,DeichmannMT 59452 • ProductionBookingSales2019&BeyondPurebred & Commercial Livestock Auctioneer Purebred & Commercial Livestock Auctioneer 406-366-0472 Cody Lowderman -AuctioneerMacomb,309-313-2171IL61455 2021 World Auctioneer,LivestockWorldReserveReserveChampion Eric idahocattleauctioneer@gmail.com208-329-4808Drees 7 Rivers VideoCommercialCommissionLivestockandPurebredSalesandInternetSalesPC: Celeste Settrini Reach more stakeholdersRed12,500thanAngusmembersandeachissue! Download the Red Angus Media Kit at for complete pricing, specs, deadlines and other pertinent information. Reserve ad space at,TraceyKoester, MAGAZINECANADA’SANGUS Box 177 • Stavely, AB TOL 1Z0 Canada Phone: (403) 549-2234 • Fax (403) 549-2207 Email: Foreign Breeders Can your customers easily find you? Stay top-of-mind with a Breeder Directory ad for only $295 per year! Contact Tracey Koester at GILCHRIST AUCTION CO. Lisa & Kyle Gilchrist A production of Star G Ranch, Inc. 14075 120th St., Douds, IA 52551 redcowseller@yahoo.com641/919-1077

 Tim Flaming Ryan Flaming 620-382-4894 620-382-5107FLC FLAMING LIVESTOCK CO. REGISTERED RED ANGUS 465 170th • Hillsboro, KS 67063 620-367-8350 hm Pelton Simmental • SimAngus Red Angus Private Treaty Bulls Dustin Pelton 620-285-5465 Lynn PeltonBurdett,620-285-9934KS REDFAYLORANGUS SINCE 1975 • PRIVATE TREATY SALES Dwight (785) 298-3463 • Dale Faylor, Founder St. Francis, Kansas HARMS PLAINVIEW RANCH “Your Partner in Progress” Bulls, Females and Embryos by Private Treaty Mark and Kim Harms 2528 250th St. • Lincolnville, KS 66858 (620) 924-5544 • Red Angus - Angus - Charolais Registered & Commercial Red Angus Darryl & Susie Rhodes 3932 N. Sage Ct. Maize, KS 67101 Phone: (316) 722-6900 Cell: (316) 648-8310 18 mo.& 2 yr. old Registered Bulls No feed ration, range tested, hard ‘n ready Commercial Bred Heifers in the fall Rick Pflughoeft • Ellsworth, KS 785-472-3734 • 785-472-1033 HOFT RED ANGUS Ramsdale Reds “Red Angus since 1964” John & Dan Ramsdale 780 S.E. 130 Ave. • Murdock, KS 67111 (316) 542-3297 • (620) 532-6060 In the Flint Hills of Kansas 2346B N Road • Strong City, KS 66869 Joe Mushrush (620) 340-7461 • Daniel Mushrush (620) 340-9774 Annual Sale Third Friday in March Leoti, KS • 620-874-1437 • • Annual Bull & Comm. Sale – 2nd Tues. of March KEVIN & MARY ANN KNIEBEL 428 S. 2600 Road • White City, KS 66872 (785) 349-2821 • Fax (785) 349-2822 Email: Visit our website to locate a breeder near you! Morrowville, Kansas Ed Durst Mobile: (785) 541-0248 Jennifer Durst Mobile: (785) edjendurst@jbntelco.com541-0545 RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022 95

96 RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022 Calendar of Events Trusted Buyer, Growing Demand November 1 Final Ad Reservation/Editorial Deadline for December Red Angus Magazine 4 Kniebel Cattle Co. & Downey Ranch “Progress Through Performance Excellence” Sale, Manhattan, KS 5 “The Andras Kind” Female Sale, Manchester, IL 5 Brands Of Recognition Bull & Replacement Female Sale, Savannah, TN 10 Bieber Fever Fall Female Sale, Leola, SD 12 Rock Solid Reds - Females of Fall Red Angus Sale, Albany, WI 21 Lautenschlager & Sons Fall Female & Bull Sale, Othello, WA September 1 Final Ad Reservation/Editorial Deadline for October Red Angus Magazine 11 Ludvigson Stock Farms West Coast Bull Sale, Visalia, CA 14 National Red Angus Convention, Trade Show & Commercial Cattlemen’s Symposium, Kalispell, MT 15 National Red Angus Convention, Trade Show & RAFI Fundraiser, Kalispell, MT 16 National Red Angus Convention, Trade Show & Banquet, Kalispell, MT 17 Montana Red Angus Tour, Western Montana 18 Stegall Cattle Company Fall Bull Sale, Colusa, CA 24 McPhee Red Angus Bull & Female Sale, Lodi, CA 24 Shady Bottom Ranch, Crossville, TN 30 Jeffries Red Angus Complete Dispersal, Checotah, OK October 1 Final Ad Reservation/Editorial Deadline for November Red Angus Magazine 1 Buffalo Creek Red Angus, Wichita Falls, TX 1 Keystone Elite Fall Female Sale, Mill Hall, PA 1 Ludvisgon Prime Time Female Classic, Cushing, IA 4 Pieper Red Angus Fall Run, Buffalo, TX 5 Halfmann-Beckton “Profit Through Experience” Sale, Miles, TX 6 Bayou Creek Ranch, Jacksboro, TX 6 Watkins Cattle Co., Harrison, AR 8 Ponderosa Farms & Guest Bull & Commercial Female Sale, Taylorsville, MS 8 Star G Ranch & Friends, Douds, IA 11-12 R.A. Brown Ranch, Throckmorton, TX 12 Explosive Cattle Company’s Fall Bull Sale, 12 Harmony Hill “Flash & Function” Sale, 13 Bieber Fever in the Southeast, Swainsboro, GA 14-15 50th Anniversary Canadian Red Roundup Show & Sale, Olds, Alberta, CAN 16 Niobrara Red Angus “Redefined” Sale, Niobrara, NE 22 Flat Creek Farms Field Day, Shelbyville, TN 21 Prestigious NILE Red Angus Sale, Billings, MT 22 Lacy’s Red Angus, Drexel, MO 22 Pieper Red Angus Fall Run, Hay Springs, NE 29 Cattlemen’s Preferred Sale All Breed Bull & Commercial Female Sale, Harrison, AR 29 Ludvigson Stock Farms Fall Herdbuilder Bull Sale, Shepherd, MT 29 Red Hill Farms “Bulls & Females of Fall” Sale, Lafayette, TN For a complete listing of sales & events, visit Submit your sale date to be listed FREE at

RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022 97 TEXAS RED ANGUS www.TexasRedAngus.orgASSOCIATION Mark E. Harbin 3955 Co. Rd. 314 Jarrell, TX harbinredangus.com76537 Home: 254-527-4650 Mobile: 512-413-0384 Fax: 254-527-3475 CHIEFLINE RED ANGUS Mark & Celia Miller Rt. 1 Box 9 • Abernathy, TX 79311 (806) 328-5210 • Email: “Your source of foundation pure Chiefline Genetics” Justin, Texas • Judy Kay Ferguson judykay@3klandandcattle.com214-536-6902 Kyley DeVoe kyley@3klandandcattle.com940-367-4708 REGISTERED RED ANGUS & ANGUS PLUS Jim (361)Kolle550-5045 • KOLLE RED ANGUS 961 N. FM 444 Inez, TX 77968 Tim Head Bobbe McClure P.O Box 1380 Van Horn, TX 79855 (432) qgra@hughes.net284-9664REGISTEREDREDANGUS TRIPLE CREEK RANCH Bulls, Cows & Heifers – All Ages One of the largest herds in the South – Rockwall, TX Ty Davenport, DVM (972) Timtydavenportdvm@hotmail.com948-0332Salazar,Mgr.(254)644-8529 17133 NW Co Rd 701 • Archie, MO 64725 info@missouriredangus.com816-807-6606• Seedstock • Semen • Embryos • Show Heifers & Steers DENNIS ORY • Phone/Fax: 417-839-7205 E-mail: 328 Route U Rocky Comfort, MO 64861 Dan (913) Kay909-1912 (816) 657-4655 Balanced & Proven Genetics Scott Bachman • (660) 247-1112 17520 Hwy. JJ Chillicothe, MO 64601 Red Angus Bulls • Osborn,MOHeifers64474 25 E. St. Joseph on Hwy. 36 (816) 675-2503 Ken & Brenda Keesaman Balancing Performance with Maternal SPREUTELS FARM RED ANGUS Bulls & Females at Private Treaty Registered & Commercial 6371 CR 377 • Koshkonong, MO Wilbur, Elsie or Steve Spreutels (417)867-5695 • (417) 280-1551 RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022 97

98 RED ANGUS Magazine | September 2022 Advertiser Index 3K Land & Cattle Co. 97 5L Red Angus 91 701X 38, 94 Aberdeen Angus World 94 ABS 11 ADM Animal Nutrition 60 ADM Red Angus 90 Andras Stock Farm 98 Angelo Cattle Co. 90 Axtell Cattle Co. 92 Bachman Cattle Farms 97 Barenthsen-Bullinger Red Angus 92 Bayou Creek Ranch 36, 37 Beckton Red Angus 2-3, 90 Beitia Livestock 88 Bieber Red Angus 7 BIM Red Angus 93 Birdwell, Joel 94 Bola Red Angus 86, 97 Booth, CK Sonny 94 Bow Creek Farm & Cattle 93 Bowles J5 Reds 91 Brickhouse Farms 97 Brylor Ranch 94 Buffalo Creek Red Angus 59 Bull Hill Ranch 89 Bullis Creek Ranch 85, 87 C & J Red Angus Ranch 61 C-T Red Angus 23, 91 Calvo Family Red Angus 5 Campbell Red Angus 92 Canadian Red Roundup 72, 73 Cedar Hill Farm 93 Chappell Red Angus 46, 47, 93 Chiefline Red Angus 97 Choat Cattle Co. 87 Christensen Red Angus 91 Commercial Cattlemen’s Symposium 71 Crockett Ranch ......................................... 93 Cross Diamond Cattle Co. 87, 99 Crossroads Cattle Co. 93 D Cross Genetics 95 D&D Cattle Co. 87 Dahlke Red Angus 92 Daigger-Orr Red Angus 87 Deichmann Livestock Brokerage 94 Diamond C North Dakota 92 Diamond H Ranch 95 Diamond P Cattle 89 DK Red Angus 92 Double Eagle Ranch 88 Downey Ranch 55 Elanco-Cydectin 49 Eric Drees 94 Explosive Cattle Co. 54, 89 Faylor Red Angus 95 Feddes Red Angus 23 Fischer Red Angus 90 Five Oaks Farm 89 Flaming Livestock Co. 95 Flat Creek Farms 89 Flatiron Red Angus 92 Forster Red Angus 92 Freeman Red Angus 93 Fritz Red Angus 91 Gibbs Red Angus 91 Gibson Cattle Co. 89 Gibson Red Angus 75 Giefer Red Angus 50 Gilchrist, Kyle 94 Gill Red Angus 65 Glacier Red Angus 90 Graystone Cattle Co. 93 Green Mountain Red Angus 15, 90 Grussing Red Angus 92 H&F Red Angus Cattle 95 Halfmann Red Angus 2-3, 97 HanSine Ranch 28, 29 Harbin Red Angus 97 Harmony Hill 90 Harms Plainview Ranch 95 Hoft Red Angus 95 Hueftle Cattle Co. 58, 87 Illinois Red Angus Assn. 93 Iron Lorenzen Cattle Co. 31 Iron Will Cattle 89 Jacobs, Roger 94 Jacobson Red Angus ................................ 92 Jarvis Red Angus 89 Jeffries Land & Cattle 42, 43, 93 Junior Red Angus Association 44 Karr Farms 93 KK Farms 97 Klompien Red Angus 91 Kniebel Cattle Co. 55, 95 Koenig Ranch 90 Koester Red Angus 62 Kolle Red Angus 97 Kravig Red Angus 92 Lacy’s Red Angus 97 Laubach Red Angus 90 Lautenschlager & Sons 35, 88 Lazy J Bar Ranch 92 Leland Red Angus 9, 90 Loonan Stock Farm 93 Loosli Red Angus 88 Lorenzen Ranches 88 Lost Creek Red Angus 91 Lowderman, Cody 94 Lowery, Matt 94 Lucht Red Angus 91 Ludvigson Stock Farms 19, 21 Maple Oaks Red Angus 97 McCann Red Angus 69, 88, 90, 92 McLean Red Angus 89 McMurphy Farms 93 McPhee Red Angus 41, 88 Mercer Farms 89 Milk Creek Reds 91 Minnesota Red Angus Assn. 92 Mushrush Red Angus 95 NAJRAE 77-81 Namken Red Angus 92 National Red Angus Convention 68 Nelson Red Angus 88 Niobrara Red Angus 25 OHR Red Angus 92 Ory’s 07 Red Angus 97 Osborn Red Angus 89 Peacock Angus Ranch 86 Pederson’s Broken Heart Ranch 26, 92 Pelton’s Red Angus 95 Pieper Red Angus 12, 13, 87 Plain Jan’s 86 Pleasant View Farms 93 Polivka Farms Red Angus 87 Prestigious NILE Red Angus Sale ............. 40 Private Treaty Page 85 Quality Genetics Red Angus 97 Quartz Valley Red Angus 88 R.A. Brown Ranch 56, 57 RAFI 86 RAFI Pick of the Herd 66 Ramdsale Reds 95 Rancher Profiles 94 Red American Cattle 17 Red Angus Marketing Programs 60 Red Angus Society of Australia Inc. 94 Red Choice Program 58 Red Doc Farm 51 Red Fork Red Angus 90 Red Hill Farms 89, 100 Red Navigator 62 Redland Red Angus 90 Rhodes Red Angus LLC 95 Rock Creek Red Angus 91 Rocking Bar H Ranch 88 Rocking R Red Angus 92 Rogers Cattle Co. 53, 97 Rouse Red Angus 93 S Diamond Angus 87 Sand Dune Cattle LLC 87 Sandbur Ridge Red Angus 87 Sandhill Red Angus 67, 91 Schuler Red Angus 87 Schweitzer Red Angus 87 Select Sires 27 Shady Bottom Red Angus 39 Sheaman Ranch 92 Shepherd Red Angus 91 Shoal Creek Land & Cattle 97 Shobe, Kyle 94 Shoco Ranch 91 Solid Rock Red Angus 92 Sonstegard Cattle Co. LLC 52, 92 Spreutels Farm Red Angus 97 Star G Ranch & Friends 45 Stegall Cattle Co. 33, 88 Stout, Justin B. 94 Strauss Brands 96 Sun River Red Angus 91 Sutherlin Farms 90 T A Cattle 63 TJS Red Angus 90 Triple Creek Ranch 97 Valnes Ranch Red Angus .......................... 92 Veto Valley Farms 89 VitaFerm/Gain Smart 10 Vitalyx 34 Watkins Cattle Co. 32 Wedel Beef Genetics 95 Whitley Red Angus 89 Windrush Farm 97 Woods V Bar X Ranch 88 WRAZ Red Angus 94 Wrights Mill Farm Red Angus 93

Plan ahead to surround yourself with high quality Red Angus genetics… 250+ coming two-year-old ed ngus bulls and 350+commercial red heifers will sell! Annual Sale: Scott & Kim Ford (308) 991-2452 • bertrand, www.crossdiamondcattle.com68927M,Mb12,2022 Increase Rancher Profits! Plan ahead to surround yourself with high quality Red Angus genetics… 250+ coming two-year-old ed ngus bulls and 350+commercial red heifers will sell! Annual Sale: Scott & Kim Ford (308) 991-2452 • bertrand, www.crossdiamondcattle.com68927M,Mb12,2022 Increase Rancher Profits! Plan ahead to surround yourself with high quality Red Angus genetics… 250+ coming two-year-old ed ngus bulls and 350+commercial red heifers will sell! Annual Sale: Scott & Kim Ford (308) 991-2452 • bertrand, www.crossdiamondcattle.com68927M,Mb12,2022 Increase Rancher Profits! www.crossdiamondcattle.comFordM

Bart, Sarah & Ty Jones • (615) 666-3098 466 Red Hill Road, Lafayette, TN 37083 Gordon & Susan Jones • (270) 991-2663 VIIIBULLS & FEMALES OF FALL OCTOBERSATURDAY,29, 2022 11 a.m. CDT • At the Farm Visit for information about our sale and breeding program. Age-Advantaged Bulls from Red Hill Farms ... Where Maternal Matters. At Red Hill Farms, we focus on cows with: Longevity | Early Breed-ups | Calving Ease | Good Udders | Quiet Dispositions Heavy-Weaning Calves Without Creep Feed | Sound Feet and Legs Fertility | Moderate Cow Size | Forage Adaptability This fall, we are offering age-advantaged bulls from the top of our spring 2021 crop. We also offer a comprehensive data set in the catalog on each sale lot: Growth Traits | Carcass Ultrasound | GE EPDs | Disposition Scores Foot Scores | Cow Weights and BCS | Hair Scores224C208C258Z 30 Red Angus Bulls 20 SimGenetics Bulls 10 Charolais, Angus & Cross-Ty Bulls 20 Red Angus Bred Heifers 20 SimGenetics Bred Heifers 20 Red Angus Bred Cows 50 Red Hill-Influenced Bred Commercial Heifers Selling: Magazine Red Angus Association of America 18335 E. 103rd Ave., Suite 202 Commerce City, CO 80022 Reaching over 10,000 Red Angus Buyers evey issue! NON-PROFIT ORG. US LUBBOCKPAIDPOSTAGETXPERMIT#49 Bart, Sarah & Ty Jones • (615) 666-3098 466 Red Hill Road, Lafayette, TN 37083 Gordon & Susan Jones • (270) 991-2663 VIIIBULLS & FEMALES OF FALL OCTOBERSATURDAY,29, 2022 11 a.m. CDT • At the Farm Visit for information about our sale and breeding program. Age-Advantaged Bulls from Red Hill Farms ... Where Maternal Matters. At Red Hill Farms, we focus on cows with: Longevity | Early Breed-ups | Calving Ease | Good Udders | Quiet Dispositions Heavy-Weaning Calves Without Creep Feed | Sound Feet and Legs Fertility | Moderate Cow Size | Forage Adaptability This fall, we are offering age-advantaged bulls from the top of our spring 2021 crop. We also offer a comprehensive data set in the catalog on each sale lot: Growth Traits | Carcass Ultrasound | GE EPDs | Disposition Scores Foot Scores | Cow Weights and BCS | Hair Scores224C208C258Z 30 Red Angus Bulls 20 SimGenetics Bulls 10 Charolais, Angus & Cross-Ty Bulls 20 Red Angus Bred Heifers 20 SimGenetics Bred Heifers 20 Red Angus Bred Cows 50 Red Hill-Influenced Bred Commercial Heifers Selling: Magazine Red Angus Association of America 18335 E. 103rd Ave., Suite 202 Commerce City, CO 80022 Reaching over 10,000 Red Angus Buyers evey issue! NON-PROFIT ORG. US LUBBOCKPAIDPOSTAGETXPERMIT#49