It’s been a little while longer in the making, but the third edition of The Stag newspaper is out and ready! Over a long week of ski camp, we ’ ve moved in a constant flux between warm beds, cool slopes, and uncomfortably tepid pools What better way to settle back into things, then, than to grab a seat, get nice and snug, and take a read through your favourite high school publication? On a different note, pickings for articles have been scarce this week, as I’m currently in France, unable to keep my writers busy and in line Regardless, the editing grind never stops, and I can assure you that there has been no drop in quality. With all that in mind, I hope you enjoy this week's edition!
My precious unborn fawns, this week we are in mourning. In mourning for the state of art itself To quote an amateur correspondent who wishes to remain anonymous (my father), “Uh, well, Warhol died a few decades ago, and then the art world ceased to exist Seriously, no one made art after that.” Now this was news to me and held several dire implications for a lowly columnist dealing chiefly in artistic goings-on I will be holding a solemn commemoration for my reporting career in C1 this Wednesday, I expect all my readers to be there. (Jk guys, Ms Vince’ll have words for me.) Now, while art itself is hopefully still alive and well, the son of one of its greats is somewhat less so. Yes darlings, the real tragedy this week is the death of one of Picasso’s many, many children. Answering to the name of Claude Picasso (Claude is one of the painter’s luckier illegitimate children, who ended up getting legally recognised), the man responsible for selling his father’s signature to the Citroen automobile label passed away last Thursday at the age of 76 One of the more divisive figures in Picasso’s family tree (ignoring the great artist himself), Claude was the son of Fraçoise Gilot, a French painter, ceramicist, and author of the controversial “Life with Picasso”, who also passed away in June of this year, at the age of 101
She was also the only one of Picasso’s m a n y mistresses to leave him Claude became the chief manager of his father's estate, after several years as a photojournalist, and wound up in several legal battles, at one point asserting he was “perfectly entitled to exploit the Picasso brand name ” Yay, capitalism. He did however show concern over how frequently the Musée Picasso in Paris lent out his father’s delicate works, so perhaps some family loyalties remained intact Gilot on the other hand went on to pilot (guys I promise that was almost a pun if you try really hard) a successful career in painting, an interest which Picasso seemed to encourage and suppress. Now speaking of suppressing things, that’s all for this week darlings Should you ever find yourself selling famous signatures to corporations, you know whose ghost you ’ re host to.
After only 14 months of marriage, Britney Spears and Sam Asghari have divorced The two met back in 2016 on the set of Britney’s ‘Slumber Party’ music video, and the following year it was revealed to Instagram that they were dating With Britney under conservatorship conducted by her father, the pair could not make it official until it was certain she would be freed. Thankfully, it went through, and they announced their engagement in September 2021 It was at her home in Los Angeles, on June 9th of last year, where Britney walked down the aisle to Elvis Presley’s ‘Can’t Help Falling In Love’ and then tied the knot. This was Asghari’s first marriage and Spears’ third (oop). Although it was a modest ceremony with only 60 people in attendance, the guest list was celebrityrich, including names such as Madonna, Paris Hilton, and Selena Gomez
Alas, after months of speculation about marital issues, it was confirmed on August 16, 2023, that Asghari had filed for divorce. The court documentation has been revealed to site ‘irreconcilable differences’ as the reasoning behind the separation, and that spousal support, such as financial aid for the cost of lawyers, has been requested by Asghari. On August 17th, Asghari interrupted the awkward silence, posting on Instagram that ‘After 6 years of love and commitment to each other my wife and I have decided to end our journey together.’ Claims were made by the press suggesting that Asghari was threatening to release exploitative videos of Britney unless changes were made to their prenup agreement, yet a statement to the Hollywood Report made on behalf of Asghari, denied these allegations Asghari’s representative stated, ' Sam has always and will always support her.’ Although Britney has yet to publicly address their separation, following the day her ex-husband filed for divorce, she posted on Instagram letting her fans know she would be ‘buying a horse soon ’
Concerning the recent freeing of Britney from her father’s conservatorship, I hope this situation won’t be too devastating for her, and that she receives all the love and support she so greatly deserves
On August 3rd, 2023 Rhianna and her husband, A$AP Rocky, welcomed their new baby boy into the world 2023 has already been a mega year for Rhianna, including a stunning performance at the Super Bowl halftime show. With hundreds of millions of people watching, she revealed her baby bump to the audience, causing fan mania worldwide. Pregnant and performing, she truly is a superstar.
The big question being asked is about the name of this new baby Although the name is still yet to be confirmed, TMZ has reported that it begins with the letter ‘R’ With Rhianna's real name being Robyn Rhianna Fenty, A$AP’s being Rakim Athelaston, and their firstborns being RZA, this would be very fitting seeming as all members of the family would have names begin with an ‘R’
Being born into one of the most iconic families, I’m sure we will be seeing a lot of this newborn and I personally can’t wait to watch as he grows up
We are all Very Much Anticipating MTV’s Video Music Awards (VMAs) which will be held on September 12 at the Prudential Centre in New Jersey. Luckily, the VMAs will be broadcast live on MTV and other streaming platforms at 8 p.m. (EST). The VMAS is an awards ceremony held annually to recognise the best in the music video medium and is an alternative event to the GRAMMY awards The night is sure to be a great one, with accomplished artists such as Demi Lovato, KAROL G, Maneskin, and Stray Kids all performing live at the ceremony.
Certainly, this year is going to be one for the history books, as all the nominees for ‘Artist of the Year’ are! The six nominees are Beyoncé, Doja Cat, KAROL G, Nicki Minaj, Shakira, and Taylor Swift categories have been reliant on the votes of the general public, which can be done through the system on MTV’s website Alternatively, the winners of the technical categories are determined by a jury. Voting for the major categories including ‘Song of the Year’ and ‘Video of the Year’ are still open so be sure to head to MTV’s website and support your favourite artists
Oh baby baby, how was she supposed to know...
One of the film’s most crucial aspects is its pacing. The beginning allows enough time to build up a trust and appreciation of the characters, and lures the viewer into emotional attachment By the halfway mark, the film seems to reach full steam, and it’s all too easy to root for Marion and her struggle. Then, on swift wings, Hitchcock delivers the first kill By allowing time to build up tension and emotion throughout the beginning, the death feels all the more terrifying The start is long and winding, but it feels all the more justified with the way it heightens the impact of the murder.
It’s not a stretch to claim that Psycho is one of the most significant films of all time. Hitchcock’s 1960 masterpiece marks a pivotal point in the development of the horror genre itself, and the effects are still noticeable today Through its calculated pacing, thrilling score, and provocative cinematography, Psycho marks itself as a timeless classic that changed the film scene forever.
Psycho follows a story started by Marion Crane, a secretary who spends the night in a run-down motel after stealing a large sum of cash from a client. During her stay, she encounters and allures the erratic proprietor Norman Bates That night, Marion is murdered in her hotel room shower The later events follow the search for Marion, and the investigation of the strange ongoings of the Bates Motel
This tension mounts alongside the incredible score, composed by Bernard Herrman As the events progress, the soundtrack moves from the subtle sweeping classical of the of the bustling city to the creeping, lulling horn of the motel Eventually, it reaches a crescendo during the shower scene, where the piece “The Murder” escalates the vicious scene With its harsh, loud and screeching repetition of the high pitched violin strokes, the piercing sound acts in tandem with the screams, and creates a terrifying break to the masterfully built tension. This has made the score one of the most memorable pieces in film, and it has been used countless times afterwards in callbacks and cliches
Besides the obvious techniques, all other elements fall perfectly into place under Hitchcock’s guiding hand. In an age where film dialogue feels robotic and formulaic, it’s refreshing to watch some masterful scriptwriting Every conversation feels natural, characterised and fantastically realistic. From the first moment, the character interaction is lively and highly enjoyable, even during moments of exposition The casting and acting is phenomenal. Norman Bates is fantastically portrayed, switching incredibly between moments of childish innocence and mad violence
Undoubtedly, Psycho is one of the most impactful films in the history of horror. Anyone with an interest in understanding the genre must certainly have an understanding of Psycho. Alongside The Shining, The Thing, and Silence of the Lambs, it takes a prime place as one of the most important watches for horror enjoyers. An incredible film with a masterful composition, it beautifully weaves metaphorical imagery, chilling soundscape and engaging dialogue to create a timeless artwork of film.
“We all go a little mad sometimes”
The new EP, Lost Petals, follows d4vd’s distinct style of spacey, melancholy piano chords. D4vd loads a spoonful of reverb on each of his tracks, and this is no exception
The album's beginning takes me by the hand and leads me into ‘Notes from a Wrist ’ The first few seconds are incredibly promising - they really are Beautiful chords sweep in and out in a lulling pattern Then the vocals come in
Overall, the ‘Notes From A Wrist’ is reminiscent of d4vd and his beautiful vocals and piano skills merged with a 2016-era XXXTENTACION refrain I did not love it
I sacrifice my ears regularly for the sake of finding new music to deliver to you, hot and steaming. Luckily this week, I didn’t have to look far, with September 8 seeing an entire new release from D4vd.
If the name doesn’t ring a bell, D4vdor David Anthony Burke - is the 18year-old singer/songwriter behind ‘Romantic Homicide’ and ‘Here With Me’, both of which reached International chart success
Surprisingly, he originally rose to fame through posting Fortnite montages with his homemade music to avoid copyright strikes - and has subsequently enjoyed a largely successful but quiet career.
Don’t get me wrong - I adore d4vd’s vocals. It’s a perfect balance of smooth and fried, reminiscent of Shiloh Dynasty but with a wider range of expression, allowing it to reach deeper down into that indie singer/songwriter feel Beautiful pitch control and a tiny bit of vintage infusion of a nasal tone make ‘Here With Me’ such an addictive and popular song Notes From A Wrist’ takes a lazier approach, with d4vd’s voice more closely resembling the mumbly quality of so many independent artists nowadays
To be honest, it can be said to be ‘whiny’. I know that’s disgustingly rich coming from an enjoyer of the most atrocious emo music known to mankind, but there’s something to be said about artists finding a way to convey heartbreak /desolation /hopelessness/depression/ [insert negative angsty emotion here] while keeping variety and depth in the vocals While the mumbly, closed-mouth sound is an entirely valid artistic choice, it is an artistic choice I heavily dislike - and I’m the guy writing the article, so what I say goes
‘Hollow Prayers’ is a stunning return to the stripped-back essence of D4vd - a lack of heavy reverb is immediately noticeable, as are soothing acoustic arpeggios. To be fully honest with you all (because this is the biggest responsibility I have ever been awarded so I take it seriously), I fell asleep to this song Flat out - head smashed on keyboard, woke up with sheet crinkles on my arm, not knowing what time or day it was kind of asleep
Unfortunately - or fortunately, depending on whether you ’ re a glass-half-full kind of person or not - I was awoken by the beginning of ‘Rehab’ While D4vd samples multiple genres throughout his discography, it’s rare to find anything even remotely slightly more on the ‘heavy’ side. In saying that, I was surprised to hear this track start with upbeat drums. This song was far more interesting than the first two in phrasing and lyricism - moving away from the ‘ woe is me ’ , equally divided sound and into a more rock-inspired persona, complete with time signature changes, raspy vocals, and rich bass Out of all the tracks on the album, this was easily the most interesting and drew me in within the first few seconds just because of the heavy contrast
‘Once More’ introduces bare layers of funky, distorted guitar chords and dreamy synths. Laidback, this deceivingly short and sweet (at only 2:00 minutes long!) song carries the same sentiment as every other song on the EP - heartbreak Nothing too memorable can be said, unfortunately - but it’s a decent song regardless
The downfall of this EP is that every song is practically identical in theme Not a single line, verse, or chorus deviates from the central idea of ‘ a girl left me, and it has made me utterly miserable ’ D4vd is objectively a good songwriter - and could be even better if he chose, just for one song, to focus his vision outside of failed relationships. While a totally valid source of inspiration for many of the world’s songs and albums (see: Billy Corgan), Lost Petals reads like the diary of a teenage boy who has been dumped for the first time.
The verdict; D4vd is a great singer and songwriter. Unfortunately, he has much more to develop before he can create an album full of angst toward a relationship and make each track uniquely interesting Despite this, the EP is so lovely in its tone and mixing, so don’t be afraid to connect your headphones and plunge into the angst!
Happy Listening, Your Loyal Music Guinea Pig.
I didn’t love doing this. I also didn’t hate it, but I didn’t love it.
An inclusive one that all Australians can celebrate. It should be able to be enjoyed by indigenous and nonindigenous people alike This one can be a cause for laughter, cheer and drinks at the pub On this day, we will be connected and feel pride for being Australian whilst acknowledging and repenting for the past and striving towards a new future
I know I sure do Every year, it’s a blast to go over to my cousins' house for a sausage sizzle, have a swim at Clovelly, and get some tacky, bogan temporary tattoos.
Australia Day started on 26 January 1788, when the commander of the first fleet, Captain Arthur Phillip, sailed into Port Jackson (Sydney Harbour). For the next 2 centuries, this event was lauded as the beginning of Australia as we know it. The first recorded celebration of January 26th was in 1808, and as the colony grew to become a nation, the date took on more and more significance It formed what we now know as Australia Day. A day which commemorates new beginnings, hope and freedom
Many, however, view January 26 1788 very differently, through a lens that is darker, more sinister and in many ways, more honest. To them, it marked the most tragic chapter of the oldest continuous culture in the world
The way they see it, 26th January 1788 is a day that marks the invasion of Aboriginal lands. The British settlers brought disease, violence, destruction, alcohol, vermin and invasive species, eradicating the way of life for many aboriginal people This cultural genocide continued in various forms over hundreds of years as white Australians took lands, took their children, took their rights and failed to recognise or respect them as people. 26th January marked the beginning of the end of the life Indigenous Australians knew
Recently there has been a bill proposed by Henry Pike called the ‘Australia Day Bill’ It seeks to enshrine Australia’s National Day in federal law as, and this surprised me a lot, it is not currently formally recognised by the government. There is nothing inherently wrong with the bill, in fact, the provisions in this Bill are the same as those used to enshrine ANZAC Day as a National Day of Commemoration. All it truly means is that it ensures that Australia Day must remain a National Day and cannot be abolished by the actions of the government
I am very conflicted about this bill, as I do think it is important to celebrate who we are as a country and the multicultural, open-minded society we live in But is a day so heavily associated with such horrors an appropriate one? For these reasons, I believe we should create another day entirely. A sort of NEW Australia Day
I understand that the change might be an adjustment for all of us, but it doesn't cost us money, resources or effort, and the impact will be astronomical. Surely, this is only a small consideration we as the Australian people can make to make amends to our indigenous people. My feelings on this are best summarised by Paul Keating's words in his famous 1993 Redfern Speech “ We simply cannot sweep injustice aside. Even if our own conscience allowed us to, I am sure, that in due course, the world and the people of our region would not ”
As always if you disagree, feel free to email me at au and strike up a conversation! My word is not final, and everyone, ProAustralia Day or Anti-Australia Day, Liberal or Labor, deserves to have their point of view heard and understood