Principal’s Message
Dear Parents,
By Mrs Simone CookeWhat a fabulous term of learning and discovery our children have enjoyed with their diverse provocations. Across the school these past weeks the children’s learning has reflected the interests of our curious children. From Geology to Ocean Sustainability, Community workers and Fairy tales from across the world, the teachers have planned activities that respond directly to their specific classes interests and encourages an active engagement and co-operation in our children.
Collaboration is at the heart of the Reggio Emilia approach to learning that we embrace here at Reddam and ensures that our children’s voices are heard and supported in their learning. Our children are encouraged to collaborate with each other in shared problem-solving through dialogue, negotiation and comparison. This builds both interpersonal skills and teamwork. Working together with others on projects encourages collaborative discussions and allows them to see similarities and differences and build respect and understanding of others.
Encouraging children to work with others not only increases engagement and motivation but builds their social skills. This is very important for young children as it helps them to understand different perspectives, feel a sense of belonging and support one another. Building teamwork from a young age means that our children learn to work together for a common goal. When children work with one another to solve a challenge, everyone in the group benefits and feels a sense of achievement. Through co-operation the children are given an opportunity to practice being a team leader, researcher and develop a sense of confidence in their own abilities, which in turn creates a strong sense of belonging. This provides them with solid foundations that will stand them in good stead in the years ahead.
Principal’s Message Continued…
Over the next two weeks the children will take a break from their regular routines and we are looking forward to a “Magical” Vacation period. These holidays we will explore the magic of light and shadow play, enjoy STEM Magic and even have a visit from a real Magician whilst holding our very own Magical Talent Show and Neon dance party. It promises to be a lot of fun! Please check your emails as I will be sending out our detailed Spring Vacation Programme so that you can see our daily activities and can plan for any dress up days.
Have a lovely weekend.
Making a number wall
Over the past couple of weeks, the children have been practising subitising. Subitising is an important skill where children use reasoning to immediately identify an amount. This began with recognising amounts of dots in familiar patterns such as on dominoes and dice and then moving onto unfamiliar patterns of dots in different arrangements which many of the children were quickly successful at.
Following on from this exciting numeracy game the children were invited to create a number wall which will aim to further extend their subitising abilities and identify written numerals. Each child chose a number which they wrote at the top of their paper and then used paint and pompoms to create an arrangement of dots to symbolise the number they had written. All the children’s work has been presented in the classroom for the children to refer back to during numeracy play and future learning experiences.
Following a recipe and fractions
Mathematics skills and knowledge are often used on a daily basis during everyday activities. To demonstrate this the children were invited to engage in a cooking experience where they followed a recipe to create fairy bread! As a class we discussed the importance of following the cooking method in order and we incorporated the use of ordinal numbers to support the children in sequencing the events in appropriate
Four children demonstrated great enthusiasm throughout and once they had finished making their fairy bread the children were asked whether they would like their bread cut into halves, quarters or just left whole. Overall, this was an excellent experience for the children to learn and practice vocabulary relating to numeracy and it was lovely to see such delighted faces while learning mathematics!
Volume and capacity
Throughout the week the children have been exploring the concept of volume and capacity through three lovely stories written and illustrated by popular children’s author Pamela Allen; Alexander’s Outing, Mr Archimedes’ Bath, and Who Sank the Boat?. Each story incorporates ideas and understandings surrounding the concept of volume and capacity represented using everyday language.
Afterwards, the children engaged in a discussion about how to describe the level of capacity a container is holding where we used words such as; empty, full, nearly full, half full. We then represented this in our play with a lovely water play invitation where the children poured coloured water and counters into different sized containers.
Deep Blue
Last week the children engaged in research on how to help the ocean and our environment, and this week we continued this research and how we can implement these ideas into our community.
As we had previously made recycled shopping bags, using old t-shirts. I created a grocery store for the children to use their bags and collect their groceries. Practicing sustainability empowers children to construct knowledge, explore values and develop an appreciation of the environment and its relationship to their worlds. It was wonderful to see the children recognising their contribution and understanding their impact. This lays the foundations for an environmentally responsible adulthood.
As the weather has slowly begun to warm up, the children have been enjoying their outdoor play. Outdoor experiences can provide an opportunity to explore, discover and appreciate the natural world.
Another fundamental reason why outdoor play is critical for young children in an early childhood program, is that many of the developmental tasks that children must achieve, exploring, risk-taking, fine, and gross motor development and the absorption of vast amounts of basic knowledge, can be most effectively learned through outdoor play. Time spent outdoors is an important part of our daily program for all children.
It’s with saddened hearts that we say goodbye to our Nicholas. Nicholas has been a part of the Reddam family for many years, and along the way he has grown alongside his friends. We will miss you and your family very much, but we know that you will have an amazing time overseas!
Thank you to all families for another wonderful term. The children are growing SO quickly and I am savouring every moment with your not so little ones.
Please don’t forget that we have Harry Potter week next week, Monday 26th –Friday 29th.
On Tuesday 27th and Thursday 29th we have a Hogwarts feast. Please bring in anything to share, ensure that there are NO NUTS or SESAME present. Thank you!
Stage Store Role Play
Stage Sustainability
Stage Term 3 Reflection
Stage Term 3 Reflection
The Prehistoric World
This week, we recapped the current provocation and discussed our favourite parts. Following is a transcript of the children’s answers:
Annabelle S: I liked learning about the meat eaters and the plant eaters
Lucas: I liked all the dinosaur pasta and putting it on the stick Megan: The t-rex can scare everybody! Rohan: The bird dinosaurs that fly in the tree tops
Leo Z: I liked the long neck one James: The t-rex is shorter
Emma: The t-rex has big teeth
Leo G: I liked the t-rex because he is big and he can eat persons (sic) Lucien: I liked the sounds of t-rex Ashton T: Big t-rex Mark: I like the t-rex cause they car roar so loud! Hugo: It opens its teeth and it roars Patrick: Triceratops tale is strong Jack: I like the t-rex because he has big feet and little hands Sarah: I liked making the pasta necklace cause I like making things Linda: I liked talking about the t-rex because they are meat eaters
Valentina: I love them cause they stomp Matthias: I like it when they stomp Marcus: I like how they walk Jane: I like digging for dinosaur bones in the sand Junso: Finding bones
Ashton W: I like the t-rex because it has big teeth Elizabeth L: Some dinosaurs like feeding leaves Annabelle B: Dinosaurs like to eat cookies Wesley: I like how they eat meat Tianze: I liked cutting out dinosaur shapes
This discussion led us to complete our dinosaur habitat art work by adding another layer to the work. The children we encouraged to choose a dinosaur and paint the footprints on the landscape that they had drawn. We had some wonderful art pieces that are on display for all to see!
We also made some lovely dinosaur necklaces from dinosaur shaped pasta. Choosing a brown or white string, the children carefully chose a pasta shape to thread. Some children preferred to thread quickly and others took their time and chose each shape so they could make a pattern with their pasta. Each child chose to wear their creation for the day!
For the next two weeks, we will enjoy Vacation Care activities (program to follow). Looking forward to two fun filled weeks of Magic!!
Stage Reflection
This week brings us to the exciting element of “WATER”. We were reading the book “The Waterhole” by Graeme Base and a visual representation of “Watch Over Our Water” by Lisa Bullard. The stories offered opportunity to extend children’s knowledge of water. The Waterhole focuses on animals and their need for water to drink and wash with. The book also shows children that water can disappear and will reappear after rain. “Watch over our water” opened children’s minds to the careful use of water and what we can do to help.
Where can we find water?
Owen “I can find water in the ocean”
Henry “Water is around. We also can carry water in our water bottles”
Chelsea “In the sea”
Ella “You can go to the beach and see the ocean”
Finn “I’ve been to the beach also and I see water”
Joseph “I went to the beach”
Claire “You can see water in the ocean and also when is raining, the water falls from the sky”
Caelie “When is raining you get wet because is water falling on you”
Ethan Chen “We can not swim when is raining, we need to go to the beach or to the swimming pool. I’m going to the swimming class”
Risa “I am going to the swimming class”
Stella “You can also find water when you are taking a bath”
Morgan “You know, you can find water in many places. Once I’ve swum in the ocean and the water was salty”
Charles “You cannot swallow the water when you are swimming because you can get
our brainstorm about where we can find water, we decided to make a rain experiment during our group time. Using cotton wool balls and blue food colouring the children created rain from clouds. The children were asked to place 8-9 cotton balls into a plastic cup with small holes in the bottom, then place the cup over the top of a glass jar and squirt blue coloured water into the cup of cotton balls. The children were then explained this is how clouds make rain, when they get too full of water and become heavy. As the children watched the cotton balls fill with water. New vocabulary included “precipitation”, “saturated”, and concepts such as “gravity”.
To expand children’s knowledge about water we set up a float and sink thinking table. This activity encouraged thinking about what might float and what might sink and to record it onto the appropriate clipboard. The use of words and representing them with meaning, also recording and grouping items, offered children an introduction to early literacy and mathematical concepts.
Please continue to bring your child to school with sunscreen on, as it is advised to apply sunscreen 20 minutes prior to sun exposure. Staff will reapply as needed during the day and will encourage children to wear their hats and drink water. Don’t forget to bring your hats and your clothes properly labelled.
Term 3 Reflection
We reached the end of term 3 and what a term we had. Packed with fun activities and lots of learning opportunities the children learned all about animal habitats and how they live in those environments. We took some time to look back on a term filled with new experiences and happy moments.
This week the children had the chance to revisit some of their favourite animal habitats and we also did some animal habitat sorting games. It was impressive to see all the knowledge acquired throughout this term. We asked the children which habitat was their favourite and why, and here are some of the answers:
Charlie Partika: “ I love the Rainforest because I love big animals”
Mara Kandikara-White: “My favourite animal is the penguin cause I love to do penguin walk”
Matilda Hogarth: “The ocean is so beautiful and full of colourful fishes”
Harrison Yu: “Desert was my favourite, we saw cactus”
Arush Graham: “Elephants in the rainforest”
Brandon Yuen: “I love snakes and scary animals in the forest”
We also celebrated the end of the term by having a Dress Up party and a Face Painting day. These activities allow children to dream, hope, and use their imagination. It gives children permission to pretend to be someone or something different and extraordinary that reflects their personality and current interests and promotes independence by allowing children to practice self-care skills.
Throughout the year the children have been making connections and straightening their friendships. We have been talking about the importance of using gentle hands and kind words to our friends. Having friends boosts happiness, well-being and selfconfidence, and promotes a positive outlook on life.
The ability to enjoy relationships and work together is very important. Our aim at Reddam is for the children to enjoy being in school and the interactions that take place here.
“Our goal is to build an amiable school, where children, teachers and families feel at home. Such a school requires careful thinking and planning concerning procedures, motivations and interests. It must embody ways of getting along together, of intensifying relationships.”
The Hundred Languages of Children (Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1993).
How The Birds Got Their Colours
We have reached the end of term three, and the conclusion of our exploration of fairytales and folklore from around the world. For our final topic we chose the Dreamtime story How The Birds Got Their Colours. This is a beautiful story from the Bardi people of northern Western Australia, retold and illustrated in a lovely book by Mary Albert and Pamela Lofts.
It tells of a time long ago when all the birds were black and white. One day a dove landed on a stick and got a splinter in his foot, and the other birds gathered to help him, except for the mean crow who stayed away when the dove needed help. The the birds helped the dove and when they pulled out the splinter, out burst all the colours of the rainbow which covered the birds and gave them their brilliant plumages that we know Intoday.ourgroup
times we retold the story, asking the children to elaborate on all the possible colours that were given to the birds. We asked them about birds they knew of, and what colours they were. Harry told us about the galahs he saw that were pink, and Reyansh remembered the bird in Room on the Broom that was green. We also connected the story to our good and poor choices, and asked the children to identify the choices made in the story. The children were reminded that because of the birds’ good choices, they became the beautifully colourful, but the crow made a poor choice and as a result he got none.
Our first table activity was building a nest for the birds. The children were given a range of natural objects; sticks, leaves, twigs and pinecones, as well as colourful feathers, The assembled the items under or around the toy birds, making a comfortable nest, bed, or house for their birds. They also picked up the feathers and placed them on top of the toy chicken, giving him a beautiful colourful plumage like the birds in the story!
Our second activity was sensory bins inspired by the story. Here the children found bird seed mix and more colourful feathers. They loved the feel of the soft feather against their skin, and were soon tickling each other and putting the feathers in their hair! They were also fascinated by the bird seed, feeling it run between their fingers and examining the different sizes, shapes and colours. They noticed the corn pieces were much larger than the rest of the seeds, and many chose to pick those out and arrange them on their placemats in lines or patterns.
After a fun and busy term we are looking forward to a magical vacation care, and preparing for our final term together as Stage 2R!
Stage Nests
They say time flies when you are having fun, and this term certainly has. The children have had the most exciting term, learning all about “community helpers''. We covered many occupations throughout the term and the children loved every sensory activity and dramatic play setup along the way.
During this last week we finished up our provocation focusing on aviation. The classroom was transformed into a magical "Airport" space where the children could play with aeroplanes, runways, and aviation gadgets. During our provocation group times, we sang a variety of songs about aeroplanes, flying and the airport and we read a few books that involved going on a holiday and boarding an
each had the opportunity to board our very own Stage 1E aircraft in groups of four. We asked the children where they would like to go and mentioned destinations that we know they have been to or where family is from. Just prior to our take off we played a clip of an actual aeroplane taking off and encouraged the children to wave goodbye as they took off on their adventure. All the children absolutely loved this dramatic play activity and had so much fun participating in this. Dramatic play is so important at this age as it helps the children learn conflict resolution and creative problem solving alongside their peers. The children had to take turns and many wanted to sit in the front chair, with help from their educators we taught them how to manage these social situations through exploring selfempowerment and allowing the children to make positive choices.
Our second activity this week was a sensory based activity , where the children each had a chance to explore an aeroplane scene in our sensory tubs. We used blue sand and white cotton balls to resemble the sky and clouds and added a number of aircrafts to the tub. The children loved zooming the planes around and enjoyed the texture of both the blue sand and cotton ball white clouds. This activity was great for hand-eye coordination, texture exploration and developing vocabulary as they named the different items in our sensory tub.
For our final creative art activity this week we explored and created some beautiful aeroplane and cloud artwork. We used a stamping method and the children each had the opportunity to create clouds using cotton balls on a peg dipped in white paint. Once the paint dried a little the children then used a sponge cut into an aeroplane to stamp their own aeroplane on the clouds.
We look forward to enjoying a great vacation care program with the children and are also very excited for all the upcoming events taking place in term 4.
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
- Eleanor Roosevelt
By Ms Amanda FeltonLooking for the Sloth in the Canopy
We have made it through another term and it has been a wonderful journey of learning about animals and what they do. This time we go looking for the sloth in the canopy. Can we find the sloth?
We have very enthusiastic learners no one could wait to do this experience and with lots of chatting from the teachers about the sloth and how they love to live up high in the canopy of the forest. The investigation was a hit! Touching and feeling leaves and finding the sloth was a great fun for everyone.
We had fun trying to find the sloth in the forest canopy as they are very shy animals, but hey! We found them in the end. Everyone enjoyed this experience and was then transferred over I their artworks by doing finger painting of their sloth’s, and with wonderful demonstrate on how well they can all use their find motor skills.
Lots playing and social skills have been flourishing in our Baby room as lot of the Babies are learning how to socially interact with each other during free play. Lots of smiles and laughter as they share and explore the different toys around the room. Really exciting to see how fast Babies can develop in a short time.
By Ms Laura HudsonThis week in drama we all learned about the fairytale "Jack and the Beanstalk". Stage 3 and 4 began with the storybook of "Jack and the Beanstalk". I asked the children what they could see from the cover of the story. Farris said a cow, Annabelle said a beanstalk, and Jack said Me!! I prompted other questions including, Where is he? Where is he going? And the children answered.
I then introduced the picture cards. Each character was on a card. The children had to make up a movement or gesture for each character with no sounds or voices eg- mum was angry, Daisy said for the beanstalk we could stand as tall as we can on our tippy toes. Emily remembered this technique was called Mime, well done!
In Stage 3 we played a bean association game. I brought in jelly beans, edamame beans, green beans, and baked beans. The children came up with an action for each bean, every time I held up one of the beans they did that action. I tried to go fast and trick them but they were too quick and clever! Well done to Sophie for being so creative in her gestures and movements.
We then told the story of Jack and the Beanstalk together using picture cards. Every time a card was held up the children had to name the character and show their action or movement. Everytime, I said the wrong thing or held up the wrong card the children had to say "No" and help tell the story. We also explored how the characters feel. We discovered the Giant was lonely and maybe wanted to be friends with Jack. Working together we created a new ending where we helped the Giant and Ella suggested we help him! Giselle suggested we call an ambulance and Hugo told us the number was
4 we played a game of "I spy". Miss Kat used different B words. Kingsley in Stage 4 and Flynn in 3/4 both correctly guessed beans! Stage 4 also told the story but the picture cards were in the wrong order. So we had to tell the story together and work out what came next and put them in the correct order. We still did the actions and movements for each character. We also decided to change the story to make it a bit nicer. Aiden said we shouldn't steal things. Seraphina suggested we ask the Giant for the egg and say please. Ava suggested we trade/swap something for the egg and explained to the class what trade meant.
Stage 1 and 2 had to look around the room and find something that starts with the letter B. I showed the children some pictures of Beans and we danced and played the movement association game. We wobbled like jelly jeans, broad beans stand tall with their arms in the air and walk around the room. We discussed bean stalks and had to make our bodies as small as we could then grow to the music and be big! Next, we marched around the room like Giants, I used my shaker for a rhythm.
Stage 1/babies had a visit from Miss Muffet. We sang and did the actions to the song. I brought in little spiders and we all used them for the song. I also showed them the story of "Jack and the Beanstalk". I showed them the picture cards of beans and we also did the movement association game.
Well done everyone, another wonderful term of drama!
By Mr Alan TangThis week is the last week before the holiday care period. Stage 2/3 and 3R were the superstars this week. A number of them managed to play the first part of "Minuet in G" nicely. All stages were singing along to "Bingo" for fun to start the lesson, and some of them also enjoyed a Ukulele's song "Somewhere Over the Rainbow".
Stage 4, 3/4 and 3E were looking into reviewing "Baby Shark" and learnt "Jingle Bells". Some of them started looking into "Minuet in G" as well. They were also delighted to hear Jingle bell in a minor tonality.
Stages 1 and 2 were enjoying a concert with both piano and guitar. Their eyes lit up when they heard the ukulele this week. They are extremely adorable. Thank you and see you all next week :)