Reddam Early Learning School Woollahra Newsletter Vol 22 Issue 01

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Dear Parents and Caregivers, The staff and I are really happy to welcome you back to another year in the ELS. To those who have already been part of the Reddam House ELS family, we hope that the happy moments of the past will continue and be built upon during 2022. We trust that you will continue to involve yourself fully in the life of the school, all to the benefit of your special son or daughter. Then, a very warm welcome to those families who join us for the first time. While there might have been a few tears during the week, we know that it won’t be long before the children feel at ease in their new surroundings. The smiles of their new friends and the reassurance of the teachers will soon let them know that they are in a happy space, where they can feel loved and affirmed. Ours is a community in which we try to ensure that every person is valued. We know only too well that for the children to be happy, they must sense that the significant

adults in their lives are there for them, supporting them through the sometimesdaunting challenges of growing up. As such, we encourage parents and teachers to keep communicating throughout the year, so that the children have the support they need from both groups of adults. As the Early Years Learning Framework reminds us, children should be active participants in their learning and in their lives. We can also support and encourage them to gain their own individual ‘voices’ by providing an environment which is nurturing and caring, in which they feel safe to express their opinions and needs. This has been one of the very special aspects of our school and I trust that the children will continue to grow in the individuality and uniqueness. During the year, there will be opportunities for parents and family members to join us as we celebrate special events together or reflect on the beautiful art which the children have created. We would love you




reflect on the beautiful art which the children have created. We would love you to join us for these events, but also to maintain communication between yourself and your child’s teacher throughout the year. The children really do value your involvement and we know that there is a huge benefit when parents and teachers work closely to enhance the enjoyment and learning which takes place in the ELS.

online Uniform Shop. Have a happy weekend! Dee Pitcairn Principal

I am grateful to those who contributed to the Holiday Care programme. It was a very special time for the children, as evidenced by the happy sounds which rang out through the school. Each day was filled with interesting activities and presentations, and I have no doubt that the children went home in the afternoons bursting with news of what they had done each day. I know that more creative and exciting activities await them in the weeks and months to come and we can’t wait to see the beautiful art and fascinating creations which the children come up with. Please also follow this link to access our REDDAM EARLY LEARNING SCHOOL | WOOLLAHRA NEWSLETTER


The Nest (1R)

Kiri Winders, Helena Zhang, Hannah Corrigan and Min Pattarasiritanarat

It was a lovely peaceful week in the Nest room. Our new children amazed us with their resilience as they navigated a new world, a different environment, new teachers, and other children. For some, it was their first time separating from their parents and being left in the care of others. This has been a big transition for them, so to help with this, the Nest educators focussed on developing a bonded relationship with each of the children. The time allowed us to spend lots of one-on-one quality time together, with cuddles, singing nursery rhymes, reading books and talking with them while they played. Building secure relationships with our children, in which they feel supported, is a key aspect of our Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) Outcome1: Children have a strong sense of identity. We noticed that many of the children love to play at the toy kitchen, taking things out of the containers, and putting them back in. This week we created a sensory activity with feathers in the bottles that they could pull out and put in again. Many of the children loved this as they explored the texture of the feathers as well as practising their hand-eye coordination skills. This week we celebrated Australia Day by introducing the children to some animals native to Australia. We set up a provocation table with eucalyptus branches and little kangaroos, koalas and wombats. It was a popular area to play and talk about the animals with the children. Teacher Helena created a picture board with the animals to allow the children to pull them off and stick them back on again. The children also created some kangaroo art that is on display in our foyer for the parents to see their work. We look forward to further exploring our new environment, getting to know one another, and having lots of fun activities next week!



The Nest (1R)



Fledglings (1E)

By Tatiana Botrel, Jane Teh, Marina Moliboga and Nadia Breus

It is amazing to watch the children starting a new journey in the Fledglings, as they join the school community. This is a big step in their young lives, and we are honoured to participate in this process. In the past weeks, the children have been introduced to the new teachers, resources and environment that will be a part of their daily routine. Our day in the Fledglings starts with greeting families and children, and inviting them to choose something of their interest to play. Self-selective play is important to encourage the children to learn how to make choices independently. At this time, they are also invited to join a special activity in the Atelier, which it is usually related to the Provocation of the term. For example, this week, the children participated in playdough activity, making echidnas. They used little wooden sticks to copy their spiky skin. They also created the Australian flags, by sticking stripes of paper on blue paper. Once most of the children arrive it is time to sit in the circle and sing our morning songs, saying hello to everyone, and acknowledge our land. Straight after, we wash our hands and get ready for morning tea. As the children finish eating, we get them ready to go to the deck, where they engage in physical activities, such as obstacle course, sandpit, running, riding bikes, and more. It is also a time to look after our garden by watering the plants and observing how beautifully they are growing. Next, we transition back indoors and participate in another group time so we can also get ready for lunch, followed by sleep time. In the afternoons, the children are invited to participate in After Care activities once they finish their afternoon tea. It is usually the time to join activities such as dancing and music



Fledglings (1E)

By Tatiana Botrel, Jane Teh, Marina Moliboga and Nadia Breus

time, puzzles, blocks, stories and more. Throughout the routine, the children are encouraged to express their interests, and this is all taken into consideration when the teachers plan the activities in the classroom. We are looking forward to having the best time with the Fledglings 2022 class! Outcome 1: Children have a strong sense of identity. Children feel safe, secure, and supported. Children develop their emerging autonomy, inter-dependence, resilience and sense of agency. EYLF, 2009. Outcome 2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world. Children develop a sense of belonging to groups and communities and 29 an understanding of the reciprocal rights and responsibilities necessa ry for active com munity participation. EYLF, 2009.



Stage 2

By Daniella Gosty, Shauna Corry, Sarah Noone, Roberta Sokame and Joyce Matsui

Our journey through Stage Two has just begun. The children start their day outside and while it is difficult to say goodbye to our parents, the children are happy to explore our environment once that initial feeling has passed. Our outdoor area is made of many sections to extend the children’s learning along with supporting their curiosity for the world around them. Each morning some of our friends have begun their own routine, Halle and James M loves to make her way to the sandpit while James L enjoys construction. We are fortunate to have many opportunities to extend our play outside and begin some spontaneous activities, such as Luis enjoying a game of football.

places as they move the transport objects along with the people to new destinations. As the children extend their gross motor skills, we can watch them grow in confidence as they attempt to manoeuvre their bodies across the many challenges that the climbing frame arises for them. The wooden boxes are popular for jumping and Teddy, Luis and Cosmo have been showing off their skills. Mila and Halle have shown a keen interest in the hula hoops and have even created their own game to jump in the middle of the hoops as they place them in formation on the ground. It’s been a wonderful start to the year and we are looking forward to many more adventures.

As our friends spread out to see what the area has for us, many enjoy making a morning coffee in the kitchen and social play is observed as Isabella helps Lyla to make some toast. It is wonderful to hear the children chattering to each other as they follow their imaginations into their own creative worlds. Saxon, Brooklyn, and many of our friends are keen gardeners, with their first task of the day to water the plants. Saxon also enjoys raking some of the leaves from the trees. As some of the children show their sensory interest, they can further extend this fun by ‘painting’ the castle using paint brushes and water to change the colour of the wood and then watch it return to its original colour as the sun dries the water. Our creative corner is where many create that all important drawing for mummy or daddy. Frankie, Coby, Mila, and Maeve like to start with a drawing. The puzzles and magnetic games are a great quiet activity for those that would like to ease their way into the day. This area also includes our small world play. This is where the children show their knowledge and views of the world around them. The current small world set-up is that of some train tracks and cars which allow the children to imagine they are going REDDAM EARLY LEARNING SCHOOL | WOOLLAHRA NEWSLETTER


Stage 2



Stage 3

By Christina Mandalidis, Susan Casey, Jason Corrigan, and Sarah Garderner – Ventura

What an incredible beginning to our new year in Stage Three. Most of our children have seamlessly transitioned from Stage Two and we have also welcomed many new children to our Reddam community. As we delve into Term One 2022, it is most important for us as teachers to assist the children in creating a strong sense of identity within the group, while also developing meaningful relationships and inspiring the children to develop a love of learning early on in their educational journey. As you may know, we take a Reggio Emilia inspired approach to our teaching in the ELS, which promotes open-ended learning, inspired by what are called ‘provocations’. Each term the teacher will introduce a new provocation, which is intended to do just what the term suggests – provoke the children to explore, create and delve deeper into that topic. The children have happily expressed their excitement about being in a new stage and having a new class, exploring new resources, areas, and books. Our provocation in Stage 3D this term is called; ‘Our Story Begins’. This provocation not only reflects a new chapter on the children’s learning journey but also encompasses their shared interest in books and storytelling. This provocation will allow us to plan activities around the children’s growing interests and curiosities. This term also includes some important celebrations such as Australia Day, Chinese New Year, Valentine’s Day, and St. Patrick’s Day. Throughout the term the children will delve into exploring and discovering their new environment. Using a range of information gathering techniques, such as books, computers and walks around our school outdoors, the children will expand their knowledge and growing curiosities. Loris Malaguzzi said: “stand aside for a while and leave room for learning, observe carefully what children do, and then, if you have REDDAM EARLY LEARNING SCHOOL | WOOLLAHRA NEWSLETTER


Stage 3

By Christina Mandalidis, Susan Casey, Jason Corrigan and Sarah Garderner – Ventura

carefully what children do, and then, if you have understood well, perhaps teaching will be different from before.” We look forward to getting to know you better in the coming weeks and months and we trust that you and your child will have a truly memorable, happy year.



Stage 3



Stage 4

By Jane Pledger, Sandra Carberry, Nina Bergel, Yuliya Ginis, Kristina Rocchi and Bri Rees

Celebrating Australia Day through Literature

outside our learning space.

Welcome to Stage Four! Our focus during the first few weeks of Stage Four is to support the settling in process for our children, as families and teachers build relationships with one another, and the children fit into their new peer groups. Since some of our children are new to Reddam, while others have transitioned from Stage Three, it is important to ensure that all children have a strong sense of ‘belonging, being and becoming’ (Early Years Learning Framework) within their learning environments. Experiencing Belonging – knowing where and with whom you belong – is integral to human existence. Children belong first to a family, a cultural group, a neighbourhood and a wider community. In early childhood, and throughout life, relationships are crucial to a sense of belonging. Belonging is central to being and becoming in that it shapes who children are and who they can become. Our new group are in love with books and ask to be read to throughout the day. For our first project, in conjunction with Australia Day, we wanted to explore our home-grown authors, along with various forms of children’s literature. Our favourite story from day one was ‘Wombat Stew’, written by Marcia Vaughan and Pamela Lofts. This picture book has delightful illustrations, a theme of friendship, and fabulous suspense to engage our young listeners and readers. A very clever dingo catches a wombat and decides to make yummy wombat stew. Each of wombat's friends suggests an ingredient to add to the stew (mud, feathers, flies and trust a koala to think of gumnuts.) After reading the story, the children were invited to make a character from the book using collage materials such as bark, feathers, and sheep's wool, along with markers and watercolour paints. These art works will be our first wall documentation, and are currently on display in the hallway REDDAM EARLY LEARNING SCHOOL | WOOLLAHRA NEWSLETTER


Stage 4



Reddam Early Learning would like to wish a very happy birthday to Bobbie Caon who celebrates his special day this week We hope you have a fabulous day!



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