Reddam House High School Newsletter Vol 21 Issue 37

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IN THIS ISSUE:  Principal’s Letter  Student Achievements  Careers News

Reddam House High School Newsletter Volume 21 Issue 37 Friday 3rd December 2021

Dear Parents and Caregivers, The Year 12 Class of 2021 completed their last HSC Examination with Dance and Information Processes and Technology being written on Thursday. It is quite amazing that this set of examinations went ahead uninterrupted for our students, and as you can imagine every completed week was accompanied with a huge sigh

 Sports Results & Fixtures Plus much more...

I do remind parents that it is the process that is important and that students being actively engaged in the preparation for examinations is far more important than the results they achieve. Effort and application always precede results, which will follow, if students develop the growth mindset which is so important in all learning.

of relief from all involved in the process at our school.

Market Day on Wednesday was a big success, raising

Congratulations to all of our students on the fantastic

$780. This is a profit for them as they had to pay back

way that they managed a very difficult year, with goal-

the seed money loaned to them by the school. These

posts continually shifting and so much uncertainty sur-

Entrepreneurship students impressed their teachers with

rounding their assessments. I also share my apprecia-

their business proposals, marketing, advertising and im-

tion and thanks for their teachers who managed to

plementing of their strategic plan on the day. Much fun

keep them motivated, engaged and positive during

was had by all, but more importantly a way of thinking

the extended wait for the exams to begin. They felt

was developed which will set them apart one day. My

completely prepared and this is a testament to great

thanks to Ms Wolfson, Mr Ehrlich, and Mr Burnett for their

trust and collaboration between student and teacher.

hard work.

We look forward to welcoming the Year 12 cohort and their parents to the school on the 13th December for cocktails before they depart for their Formal. At last, a little normality and fun to celebrate this significant milestone in their lives. They will then have the agonising wait until 24th January for their results.

All the other year groups completed their exams this week and the feeling of pending holidays is in the air. Teachers have been furiously marking exams, giving feedback, and writing reports and have all commented on how pleased they are with their students' efforts during this period of assessment. @REDDAM—The Reddam House High School Newsletter

Volume 21, Issue 37

Friday 3rd December 2021

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@REDDAM—The Reddam House High School Newsletter

Volume 21, Issue 37

Friday 3rd December 2021

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The Reddam Public Speaking Competition was held

This week we received fantastic news about 2 of our

virtually this year with students submitting digital ver-

Brass students, Weston Budd and Haines Sayer. Both

sions of their speeches. These were then adjudicated

boys competed in the Sydney Eisteddfod Brass Solo 20

by external markers and I am pleased to announce the

years and Under category and received Highly Com-


mended. Year 7

Congratulations to both Weston and Haines for their fabulous performances and receiving such great re-

Winner - Jethro Jensen


Runner Up - Sonny Cyron

The orchestra students for next year's production of An-

Year 8

ything Goes began their rehearsals this term, and are

Winner - Marlena Pasvolsky

already doing a dazzling job interpreting this difficult and jazzy score. Students are working hard at prepar-

Runner Up - Maya Antonir

ing their individual parts before being joined by adult

Year 9

musicians closer to the performances, and we are very proud of their efforts. They are very excited to present

Winner - Jo Gilliat

this iconic show next March.

Runner Up - Devan Fuchs Congratulations to all the students




through as finalists and I have been told that the adjudicators had a tough time making their final decisions. Well done to the winners who




assembly today. My thanks to Mrs Karney who develops these valuable life skills within all the students at Reddam. Public Speaking Comp 2021 Jake Sher had a fantastic win last weekend, taking 1st place in the The Junior Light category in the Wollongong Go Kart Club’s final round of the Championship. This win projected him into overall 3rd place for the season. Great work Jake.

Next week is the last week of the 2021 Year and what a year it has been. Notifications of the activities have been sent home and I look forward to seeing all the students at their respective prize giving in their formal uniform. Parents are unfortunately not yet allowed to join these gatherings but the event will be filmed and shared, to be watched at leisure. This week’s Middle School assembly (1hr30min) can be watched using the link: Middle School Assembly Have a great weekend and week ahead, Dave Pitcairn

@REDDAM—The Reddam House High School Newsletter

Volume 21, Issue 37

Friday 3rd December 2021

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This Summer whether you are relaxing close to home, heading to the beach or a little further, do not forget to pack a great book! Reading can allow us to see a different view of the world, one outside of our own. Reading is a chance to live through the lives of others without stepping outside of our comfort zone or even travelling anywhere else. It’s a chance to live another life without even leaving your home. It will transport our imagination to places we’ve never been before, and perhaps never even knew existed. Reading can actually help you destress. A recent study found that a mere six minutes of reading was shown to reduce muscle tension, and slowed down the heart rates of readers as well. Overall, it reduced stress levels by an impressive 68%. Reading can help improve your vocabulary. Reading new words helps you better recall them and pick them up, making these new words part of your own daily vocabulary. If you do not love reading books yet, then perhaps you just have to find the genre for your own personal style. All students have access to the “Off the Shelf” Private Reading Scheme that includes a great variety of books available for borrowing from Room 4 2 and an online review of the books your fellow students feel you must not miss. Thanks go to Adi Alroy, Leo Chatonsky, Samson Tobias, Liam McMaster, Marlena Pasvolsy and Maria Keis for sharing their love of reading and their reviews of some great books.

@REDDAM—The Reddam House High School Newsletter

Volume 21, Issue 37

Friday 3rd December 2021

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Scholarships, pathways, and entry schemes Need help applying for scholarships? Try our Scholarship Builder


The Scholarship Builder provides a step-by-step guide

I am continuing to send you emails directly regarding

on how to craft application responses. For some inspi-

necessary and informative details regarding applica-

ration, students can also learn about the stories from

tion and the like. Please read these.

some of our current university students.

ATTENTION YEAR 11/12 2022:

Jim Wolfensohn Scholarship

As of Monday 8/11/21 you may email me for an appointment regarding Careers. Please note that any meetings for the remainder of the year will be online.

A range of scholarships are also available for students who have been disadvantaged through high school. Students can automatically be considered for some scholarships, like the Jim Wolfensohn Scholarship for


rural students who have faced financial hardship, val-

Educational Access Scheme - The Broadway Scheme

ued at $8000 for up to five years, through an eligible

EAS assists students who have experienced significant

for a range of circumstances.

educational disadvantage for usually at least six

EAS application. More equity scholarships are available

months in Year 11/12. The 'Broadway Scheme’ is our

Scholarships, pathways, and entry schemes

EAS offering. Students may receive up to 10 adjustment

Need help applying for scholarships? Try our Scholar-

factors depending on the course and severity of disad-

ship Builder

vantage. The requirements and categories of disad-

The Scholarship Builder provides a step-by-step guide

vantage are on the UAC website. Disruption due to

on how to craft application responses. For some inspi-

Covid-19 is Financial Hardship category F01K and in-

ration, students can also learn about the stories from

cludes JobKeeper, JobSaver, COVID-19 Disaster Pay-

some of our current university students.

ment and Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment. Applications are made through UAC and close 17 December.

USYD is holding Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students commencing Years 10-12 in 2022 to apply for the Gadalung


Summer Program, held at the University of Sydney from

USYD NEWS and opportunities-

Thursday 13 – Friday 14 January 2022.

News in December

Over two-days students will:

Mature-age students and non-recent school leavers webinar | Tue 7 December

6-6.45pm AEDT

This webinar is for prospective students who have taken

Explore campus and experience uni life Meet other students thinking about uni after school

a break between high school and starting their universi-

Discover the opportunities a university degree can pro-

ty studies, or who are looking to return to their Bache-

vide within their chosen area of interest

lor’s degree. We’ll cover the mature-age entry scheme, what to do if you don’t have a HSC, applying for credit and more. Register here for the 7th December session.

Connect with mob and find out about our mentoring and learning support programs Learn about scholarships, entry pathways and more!

Mature-age students and non-recent school leavers

The Summer Program is free of charge – the University

webinar | Tue 7 December

of Sydney covers meals and the on-campus experi-

6-6.45pm AEDT

This webinar is for prospective students who have taken

ence for each student. Travel support will be made

a break between high school and starting their universi-

available to those who need it, within 100km of the Uni-

ty studies, or who are looking to return to their Bache-

versity of Sydney campus.

lor’s degree. We’ll cover the mature-age entry scheme, what to do if you don’t have a HSC, applying for credit and more. Register here for the 7th December session.

@REDDAM—The Reddam House High School Newsletter

For more information, including Covid-19 safety measures: See the Gadalung Program Brochure or check out the information page for videos from previous programs. Volume 21, Issue 37

Friday 3rd December 2021

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YHousing Industry Association have carpentry and cabinet making apprenticeships available that could be

24 month Traineeship

ideal for a Year 11 or 12 leaving

Opportunity to become Assistant Store Manager

UAJust finished School or your HSC?

Work with various types of vehicles

Thinking of your options for next year?

Gain two sets of qualifications

Possibly University, Work, Study, a Combination of

Great job stability and career progression

these, or a Gap year? We have full-time and part-time Apprentices and Trainees and University students undertaking part- time Traineeships. There are flexible ways to work and study. Have you thought about an Apprenticeship or Traineeship in an area you are interested in? Apprenticeships or Traineeships give you the oppor-

For more information on this role click here or send your CV to your nominated recruiter News in December Architecture and Design Portfolio Admissions Pathway Round 2

tunity to work, get paid and study in your chosen field

Round 2 of the Portfolio Admissions Pathway opens on

and you gain valuable skills and experience. They can

2 Dec and closes on 16 Jan. Students can receive a 5-

also provide a pathway to University or further studies

point increase to their ATAR for our architecture or in-

or you can transfer these skills to other positions.

teractive design degrees. If they are passionate about

The good news is there are lots of Apprenticeships and Traineeships available at the moment! Or if you are not sure what you want to do we will be able to assist you to explore your options and discover what career pathway you may be interested in. Register for our Gateway Services, we have resources to help you with your career decision and support you when applying for Apprenticeships and Traineeships and we let you know when there are suitable positions!

design and expect to be within five points of the required ATAR for our degrees, we encourage them to review our portfolio advice and submit a portfolio. Extension for BVB/DVM Commitment Statement Deadline In recognition of the disruption to schooling and HSC exam dates in 2022, the University of Sydney has extended the commitment statement submission deadline for entry into the Bachelor of Veterinary Biology and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine to Sunday 5 De-

Scan the QR code or see attachments for more infor-

cember 2021. UAC applicants must upload their

mation and register;

'Commitment to Veterinary Science form' as a support-

Contact your students in their applications.

ing document via UAC.


Sydney College of the Arts portfolio reminder


Remember to submit a portfolio of your artwork

Kickstart your IT career with the Microsoft Traineeship

by midnight Tuesday 14 December AEDT 2021 to be


Certificate IV in IT with integrated Microsoft Azure Cer-

considered for entry into the Bachelor of Visual Arts or Bachelor of Visual Arts/Bachelor of Advanced Studies in 2022. Your portfolio, along with your academic results


is required for admission to these degrees.

The program enables pathways into a range of IT ca-

News in January


Deadline to submit a teacher education personal

Various host employers throughout SYD Metro area


24 months of working and studying whilst getting paid

All applicants to our undergraduate education degrees (except early childhood) will be required to com-

For more information on this role click here

plete a brief personal statement as part of their appli-

or send your CV to your nomi-

cation. Please remember to submit your statement via

nated recruiter

the UAC portal by midnight on 11 January to be con-


sidered for your degree in 2021.

WESTERN SUBURBS, SYD @REDDAM—The Reddam House High School Newsletter

Volume 21, Issue 37

Friday 3rd December 2021

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Prospective Students, Save the Date for Info Day

Dubbo Medical Program | Wednesday 2 March 4:30-

Students who are considering studying at the University

5pm AEDT

of Sydney in 2022 are invited to join us for Info Day.

Find out about our Doctor of Medicine delivered entire-

There will be an online Info Day event run on Thursday

ly at our Dubbo Campus. Learn why a regional and

20th January from 10am – 3pm, and an in-person event

rural medical career could be for you.

at our Camperdown Campus on Friday 21st January from 10am-3pm. Please visit our University of Sydney Events which will have more details in the near future. ATTENTION INTERESTED STUDENTS IN YEARS 9 TO 12- SYDNEY HACKATHON EVENT TO BE HELD IN JANUARY BY FORMER REDDAM STUDENTS- With digital skills becoming

Experience the Law | Wednesday 9 March 4-4:30pm AEDT Experience a day in the life of a law student and immerse yourself in an interactive case study. Life of a Veterinarian | Wednesday 23 March 4-4:30pm

ever more relevant in schools and universities, we are


organizing an in-person coding hackathon on the

Have you wondered what the day-to-day life of a vet-

weekend of January 22nd-23rd, 2022 for high school

erinarian is like? And how you would become one?

students to learn to code, together.

Join this session and learn about what veterinary medi-

Who: Year 9 - 12 students, aged over 15.

cine is about, what an average day of work might be like for a veterinarian and how you can pursue studies

When: January 22nd - 23rd, 9 - 6pm each day

towards becoming a vet yourself.

Where: Sydney CBD (location yet to be disclosed)

Life of a Psychologist | Wednesday 6 April 4-4:30pm

Expression of interest form:



Have you wondered what the day-to-day life of a psy-

Please email back if you’re interested! We would love to empower the students at Reddam House Macquarie University-EXPLORE YOUR OPTIONS

chologist is like? And what does it mean to be a psychologist? Join this session and learn about what psychology is about, what an average day of work might be like for the different types of psychologists and how

From Monday, 13 December to Thursday, 23 Decem-

you can pursue studies towards becoming one your-

ber 2021, Macquarie University’s friendly experts will be


available from 10am to 4pm to advise on all things Macquarie. Students will have the chance to speak to current students, find a pathway into uni, take a campus tour, or take the next step and enrol. University of Sydney Webinars February 2022 Webinars in 2022

During this interactive, one-hour session, we'll review six sample applicant profiles and walk you through the factors that went into their admissions decision. You're invited to take a behind-the-scenes look at the application review process at NYU. Through our virtual session, NYU Admissions Case Studies, you'll get an in-

Pathways to studying law at the University of Sydney |

sider's view on how our to help you support your stu-

Wednesday 16 February

dents in their applications.

4-4:30pm AEDT

During this interactive, one-hour session, we'll review six

Did you know, there are many pathways to studying

sample applicant profiles and walk you through the

law? Hear from our panel of current students who have

factors that went into their admissions decision

joined the law community at Sydney through alternate pathways, transferring or studying graduate entry law. New Pharmacy Degrees | Wednesday 23 February 44:30pm AEDT Find out more about the new Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours)/ Graduate Diploma in Pharmacy Practice and the Bachelor of Pharmacy and Management (Honours) and Graduate Diploma in Pharmacy Practice that includes the required internship training hours so you can graduate ready to be a practising pharma-

You're invited to take a behind-the-scenes look at the application review process at NYU. Through our virtual session, NYU Admissions Case Studies, you'll get an insider's view on how o candidates' fit for a variety of academic programs, and gain actionable insights to help you support your students in their applications. During this interactive, one-hour session, we'll review six sample applicant profiles and walk you through the factors that went into their admissions decision.

cist. @REDDAM—The Reddam House High School Newsletter

Volume 21, Issue 37

Friday 3rd December 2021

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Water Polo UNSW Friday evening Years 3 –7. 6.00pm until 7.15pm Years 8 – 12. 7.00pm – 8.15pm



Comets Competition - Friday


16R Girls v Coogee Crystals 4.45pm Comets Stadium – Bus leaving Woollahra at 3.45pm – return for 6.30pm

Under 10 Boys: Easts Lorikeets V Reddam Roos 12.30pm Lough Field North

1st V Girls v Inner City Fever 4.45pm Comets Stadium

Under 11 Boys: Reddam Rhinos V Easts Sixers 12.30pm Lough Field 2

18R Girls v BBB 5.35pm Comets Stadium - Bus leaving Woollahra at 3.45pm – return for 6.30pm Perry Park Courts & Comets Stadium Saturday Fixtures (Perry Park Courts are located behind the Comets stadium) Girls

Under 13 Girls: Easts Lightning V Reddam Redbacks 3.00pm Lower Cooper West Sunday Under 12 Boys: RJCC Ravens V Reddam Roosters 8.30am Booralee Park Oval 3

10 Reddam Reindeers v All Blacks 8.00am Perry Park Courts


12 Reddam Robins v Inner City Stars 12.10am Perry park Courts 14 Reddam R Girls v KHY Astronauts 1.50pm Perry Park Courts


14 Reddam Elks Girls v Newtown Storm 1.00pm Perry Park Courts

16R Girls v Newtown Phoenix – 21 – 49

Boys 10 Reddam Eagles v Newtown Rebels 8.00am Perry Park Courts 10 Reddam Ravens v Inner City Hurricanes 11.20am Perry Park Courts 12 Reddam Deers v Newtown Wombats 11,20am Comets Stadium

Comets Competition - Friday 1st V Girls v Inner City Lightning – 40 – 21 18R Girls v CYS – 14 – 35 Perry Park Courts & Comets Stadium Saturday Fixtures (Perry Park Courts are located behind the Comets stadium) 12 Reddam Deers v Sydney Hoopstars Vipers – 32 - 12 12 Reddam Eels v Newtown Rangers – 0 - 14

12 Reddam Eels v Inner City Rebels 10.30am Comets Stadium

12 Reddam Rabbits v Newtown Bunylips – 32 - 12

12 Reddam Rabbits v Inner City 15ers 11.20am Comets Stadium

14Boys Reddam Mambas v Newtown Lions – 12 - 22

14Boys Reddam Dolphins v Newtown Venom 5.10pm Comets Stadium

Marrickville Saturday Fixtures

14Boys Reddam Mambas v Newtown Raptors 1.00pm Comets Stadium

16R Boys v Inner City Pirates – 39 - 32

14Boys Reddam R v Accelerate Warriors Orange 5.10pm Perry Park Courts

16M Boys v Newtown Tigers – 23 – 14

14Boys Reddam E Boys v Maccabi Cavaliers 1.00pm Comets Stadium Marrickville Saturday Fixtures Boys 16R Boys v MVP Rockets 6.00pm MPCYC Ct 1 16E Boys v Newtown Bullets 1.30pm MPCYC Ct 2 16M Boys v Newtown Bears 3.35pm MPCYC Ct 3 Boys 1st V v Newtown Titans 2.15pm MPCYC Ct 1 18R Boys v Big Dream 2.15pm MPCYC Ct 3 18E Boys v Pagewood Meerkats 5.15pm MPCYC Ct 3 Easts Comp - Sunday Year 11R Boys v Triple Threat 18s 11.00am Sydney Boys High School Year 11R Girls v G5 Girls 8.00am Sydney Boys High School @REDDAM—The Reddam House High School Newsletter

14Boys Reddam Dolphins v Newtown Gorillas – 14 - 22 14Boys Reddam E Boys v Newtown Venom – 26 – 14 Boys 16E Boys v MPB – 20 – 18 Boys 1st V v Maccabi Wolfpack - 40 - 35 18R Boys v Newtown Slammers – 23 – 46 18E Boys v BYE Easts Comp - Sunday Year 11R Boys v LCS - 23 - 21 Year 11R Girls v Maccabi Wildcats - 19 - 21 Cricket Under 10 Boys: Reddam Roos V Easts Eagles ABANDONED Under 11 Boys: Easts Lions V Reddam Rhinos ABANDONED Under 13 Girls: Summer Hill V Reddam Redbacks ABANDONED Under 12 Boys: Easts Chargers 8/95 def Reddam Roosters 8/85

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Friday 3rd December 2021

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@REDDAM—The Reddam House High School Newsletter

Volume 21, Issue 37

Friday 3rd December 2021

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@REDDAM—The Reddam House High School Newsletter

Volume 21, Issue 37

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Volume 21, Issue 37

Friday 3rd December 2021

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Art in Paradise 2022! Hamilton Island Art Retreat 8th April – 12th April 2022 Limited Places Available

Hamilton Island Art Retreat is an exclusive Art Retreat which is open to Elective Art students or students who are passionate about art who may not currently study art as an elective subject. Hamilton Island is one of the most magnificent destinations in Australia and Reddam House students are fortunate to be able to have the opportunity to work with the artist in residence and attend a private art lesson in the studio space on the island. The students will be involved in a range of workshops daily at different vantage points around the island such as drawing, watercolour, environmental sculptural and photography. This is an unparalleled experience to be able to create artworks in such a tropical and lush environment. Students will receive their own extensive art kit, full of materials for the trip. Students will stay in beautiful accommodation with full access to the beach and water sports. This is a must do experience for all artists!

For more information, Itinerary and to Sign-up for an experience of a lifetime. contact:

@REDDAM—The Reddam House High School Newsletter

Volume 21, Issue 37

Friday 3rd December 2021

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@REDDAM—The Reddam House High School Newsletter

Volume 21, Issue 37

Friday 3rd December 2021

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