Reddam House Primary School Newsletter Vol 22 Issue 38

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Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Although the final week of the year might have been shorter than usual, it was one packed with excitement and heightened emotions, especially as we bade farewell to the Year 6s. The Year 5 and 6 Prizegiving, held on Monday, reflected on a year well lived, during which the Year 6s packed much into all that they did. Their enthusiasm and leadership did much to add to the spirit of the school, which we all appreciated.

The end of a year often brings with it the challenges and open ended possibilities of change. This is certainly true for the Year 6s, as they move on to High School, just as it is for the Year 5s as they assume the mantle of leadership of the Primary School next year. However, as much as change might be daunting, so it is also the time in which we all develop the most.

We have no doubt that all the Year 6s will love their new environment and will continue to build on the solid foundations they have laid in the Primary School. We will certainly follow their progress with interest, and we thank them (and their parents and families) for all they have contributed during their time in the Primary School. We also wish the Year 5s everything of the best for their final year in the Primary School and we trust that they will make the most of all the opportunities available to them.

Grit and determination go a long way to determining success in life, and we have been pleased to see this among so many of our students this year. As such, the recent Prizegiving ceremonies were all the more meaningful, as they rewarded the students for their hard work and focus. We know that the

results came on the back of plenty of effort, and as such the awards they received were richly deserved.

One article makes the point that “Excellence sometimes seems like the result of natural talent. But no matter how gifted you are no matter how easily you climb up the learning curve you do need to do that climbing. There are no shortcuts. Grit predicts accomplishing challenging goals of personal significance.” We hope that the lessons learned during the year, along with the hard work which accompanied every success, will remain with our students throughout their schooling, and that they will continue to build on their successes.

Many of these successes have come as a combined effort of students and teachers working alongside each other. I am grateful to our teachers for the encouragement they have shown the students and for the personal interest they have taken in their lives. Their mentorship has, I believe, made the year all the more meaningful for the students, and for this they deserve our appreciation.

My thanks too to all the support staff, who have contributed countless hours to the smooth running of the school. The campus has looked wonderful, and their effective administration has allowed the teachers and students to arrive each morning to an environment conducive to learning. I know that much like the analogy of a serene swan on a lake, this has meant much frantic paddling under the water for our support staff. For all of this, I am most grateful.

We are indeed fortunate to have a supportive and involved parent body, who take a keen interest in all that happens at the school.

this edition • Prize Giving • Picnic Day • News from the Classrooms
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We have enjoyed seeing you at so many events and functions this year, and we really appreciate all your support, both for your sons and daughters, and for the school as a whole.

Finally, my thanks must go to the students, who have filled the school with a vibrancy and joy. It is they who are the heartbeat of the school and we have enjoyed watching them grow as individuals as they have involved themselves fully in the many activities on offer. We trust that they will look back on the year with many happy memories and that they will continue to expand their horizons in the years to come.

Congratulations to Felix Bootlis, who won the green ball top of ladder trophy at Maccabi Tennis last week. In addition, Felix and Charlie Malavich placed runners up in the green ball doubles competition. Definitely a great way to end the year!

Over the weekend, Eva Herson represented UNSW Water Polo Club at the Under 12s NSW festival in Coffs Harbour. Eva led her team to some outstanding results, including three big wins against some tough competition. She was instrumental in her team’s results, leading the way with her excellent attacking and leadership skills. Eva is congratulated for her dedication to her water polo this year.

Well done too to Ariana Hou, who recently received her AMEB Grade 3 Cello exam results, for which she received an A+. This was her first A+, and as a result she should feel justifiably proud.

In addition to the Year 5 and 6 Prizegiving, the final week of school also had a couple of excursions which the students enjoyed. The Year 1s had a thoroughly good time delving into the past at Vaucluse House on Tuesday, while the Year 6s made the most of their final excursion of their Primary School years, at Luna Park Then, today, all the year groups rounded off the year with a Picnic Day surely the best way to celebrate a successful year with their classmates and teachers.

As we celebrate this special time of the year, may you and your family enjoy many happy, relaxing moments together. The staff and I look forward to welcoming you back towards the end of January for what promises to be another action packed year in the Primary School.

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Would like to wish a very Happy Birthday


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Reddam House
Elise Allen, Angelique Hertz-Dyon, Lewis Ryou, Zoe Smythe, Nicholas Fasol, Leo Platkov, Evan Butler, Tsaatchi Schebesta, Antonis Pitsis, Ines Buck, Alameda Fung-Love, Amelia Price, Timothy Ryback, Mario Shao Who celebrated
their special day this week and over the weekend

Prize Giving

Luna Park

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3rd December 2022

Comets Competition Friday 9th Dec

Un16s Reddam Knicks v SGHS Slam punks 5.00

Un18s Reddam Suns v Reddam 1st V 5.55

Un18s Reddam 1st V v Reddam Suns 5.55

Perry Park Courts & Comets Stadium Saturday 10th Dec Boys

Un10s Reddam Lakers v Sydney Hoopstars Cooperheads 9.25am Ct 4

Un18s Reddam Heat v Pagewood Meerkats 2.00pm COMETS STADIUM

Reddam Rabbits V Reddam Roos 10.30am Lower Cooper 2 Reddam Rhinos V Easts Marlins 12.30pm Lough Field South

Sport Results


Un16s Reddam Knicks v SGHS Apple Pie 20 0

Un18s Reddam Suns v SGHS Scholar Sportswomen 15 14

Un18s Reddam 1st V v SGHS Beef Ballers 29 13

Un14s Reddam Sparks v Inner City Diamonds 14 24

Un 14s Reddam Mystics v KHY Astronauts 16 30 Boys

Un10s Reddam Lakers v Sydney HoopStars Boas 21 12 Un12s Reddam Raptors v 14 17 Un18s Reddam Heat v Manesis Strength 25 10

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Sport Fixtures
Primary – 5th December Reddam Taipans 10 Roosters Mixed 3 Reddam Cheetahs 6 Tornados 5 Reddam
Basketball Semi Finals Cricket Basketball—Semi Finals Touch Football Touch Football
Road Runners
Reddam Lions 1 Flying Arrows
Reddam Eagles 1 Clovelly Wolves
Reddam Rabbits 11/108
Reddam Roos 9/130 RJCC Royals 7/172 Reddam Rhinos 10/132 Easts Crocs 10/179


We can’t believe it is already time to say farewell to our beautiful Kindergarten community. This last week was packed with fun end of year traditions and taking time to reflect on all we have achieved this year.

On Monday, we completed our final swimming and ballet lessons as Kindergarteners; we are so proud of how much we have learned this term in the pool and on the stage. We also shared holiday traditions with one another and created beautiful ‘Last Day of School’ crowns to celebrate the end of the year.

On Wednesday, we had a brilliant picnic day at Manhattan Super Bowl as a reward for all our hard work and dedication throughout the year. We got to have exciting games of bowling with all our friends, and eat a delish lunch in the retro diner!

We are so grateful for all the memories we have made this year and all the valuable academic and social lessons we have learned. We wish the whole Kindergarten family a safe and happy school holidays!

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Year 1

The final week! It came around so quickly but when we reflect on all the happy memories of this academic year, we see that time has been well spent. The children wrote about the happy memories of Year 1 this week and they spanned from connecting with friends, Science experiments, excursions, school assemblies, sporting achievements and class pets meal worms! It certainly has been a year that has been cherished in many ways.

The children enjoyed their trip to Vaucluse House this week. It is a beautiful setting, where we explored the historic house and gardens. The children enjoyed discovering the edibles in the kitchen garden and playing historical games on the sprawling grounds. No better place to picnic than under a Jacaranda tree with close friends in the Sydney sunshine!

We completed the term with our Bowling Day. From disco dancing to strikes, excitement levels were high. The children had a well deserved reward and celebration for all of their efforts in 2022. We could not be prouder of the cohort and wish them the most enjoyable holidays ahead.

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Year 2

This final week of Year 2 was very busy, with lots of activities and merriment! The students consolidated work in all Key Learning Areas, through revision, quiz games and impromptu oral presentations on random topics covered this term. We looked over our workbooks and remembered just how much we have learned about life cycles, significant sites and landmarks, Indigenous historical figures, learning to develop our swimming skills, performing live and entertaining our family and friends. We felt a sense of pride and accomplishment.

Our special day out at Manhattan Bowl was just wonderful, as we enjoyed the thrill of bowling. The students displayed their best manners at all times and surprised themselves and each other when a strike was scored!!

We also reflected on the year that was, as the students shared their thoughts and feelings on their own journey at school this year. It was wonderful to hear the positive and honest reviews about each student’s time at school. Each one of us shared something we feel we have achieved and why we look forward to making new goals in the coming year. The practice of gratitude was highlighted, as we are so lucky to attend such a wonderfully inspiring school as Reddam House. We thanked our parents and caregivers for supporting us. It has been a wonderful time of learning, exploration, friendship and fun in Year 2 this year!

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Year 2

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Year 3

Wow, what a year we’ve had! 2022 has certainly been a whirlwind, but the Year 3 students and teachers are heading into the holidays with a heap of happy and rewarding memories to take away with them from the last twelve months.

This week, the students excitedly reminisced about some of their Year 3 highlights, shared their upcoming plans for their well deserved summer break, and, as Year 4 looms ever closer, reflected on what they are looking forward to next year.

Alexis Lee: ‘I have loved being able to do Media Arts this year. The Lion King production was also fantastic. I can’t wait to have some chill out time over the holidays and visit my grandparents. Next year, I’m super excited to get my pen licence and go away on school camp.’

Peter Chou: ‘A highlight for me during Year 3 was doing exams, as they were fun and we could leave school early. Over the holidays, I’m really looking forward to going to Taiwan, but I can’t wait for Year 4 to begin to meet my new classmates.’

Avi Hutensky: ‘I loved having extra subjects this year, including Public Speaking. The holidays will be fun as it’s my birthday and I always have a huge party at my house. I can’t wait to go to camp at the beginning of Year 4 and it’ll be

fun to bring my computer to school.’

Sam Pinski: ‘Picnic Day and visiting the zoo were definitely my favourite days. The sausage sizzle was delicious and we could just relax. I’m heading to Adelaide over the holidays for three weeks to meet with friends which will be great. In Year 4, I can’t wait to use my device and have different teachers.’

Ruby Zhang: ‘This year, I liked how all of the teachers and students in Year 3 were really nice. I’ll miss them over the holidays, but my grandparents are coming over from China who I haven’t seen in two years. Next year, I can’t wait to meet my new teachers and learn lots of new things.’

Well done, Year 3! Your teachers are so proud of all of your achievements and hard work this year. We wish you a relaxing and enjoyable holiday break and look forward to seeing you as Year 4s next year.

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Year 4

In what was a truncated final week of our fabulous time in Year 4, the students had loads of fun across all subjects. To cap off the learning in PDH about friendships, common interests and respect, the students worked in groups of four to create ‘sand mandalas.’ Originating thousands of years ago in Tibet, this collaborative artwork, made entirely of coloured sand, promotes mindfulness and teamwork (because how else does the dream work?). In each quarter, students created symbols of common interests that linked the quartet together and agreed upon the same border to encircle and unite the entire artwork. Over the course of days, the teams communicated and toiled to muster some truly magnificent pieces.

After exploring the concepts of sustainability, eco friendly practices and green energy in the Term 4 Geography unit of work, ‘The Earth’s Environment,’ the students created memes to express their ideas on the topic and their creative streaks. From dinosaurs questioning the use of fossil fuels to the personification of our ‘blue’ planet, many laughs were had amongst the provocation of thoughts.

Finally, the End of Year Picnic was a fantastic way to unwind and enjoy the sunshine. On top of all the activities and games, it was a perfect day to reflect on a year of academic successes and lots of friendships forged.

We, the Year 4 teachers, are so proud of all your efforts and we wish you a restful holiday.

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Year 5 and 6 English

Year 5 English

Year 5 English students ended the term completing their creative and thought provoking activities relating to the novel “The One and Only Ivan”. Students designed their own zoo, deciding which animals to house and care for, and how to best display the animals in a way that also secures their safety and wellbeing. The unit has certainly triggered student awareness of animal rights, and the impact of cruelty and caging on animal welfare.

The English department would like to congratulate all Year 5 students on their achievements at Prizegiving this week. It was wonderful to see them rewarded for their hard work. We wish you an enjoyable and well deserved break.

Summer holidays are the time to explore books about people, places and worlds you have never read about before. It is no secret that reading improves vocabulary, spelling, insight and creativity, but there are also many other benefits. Students who read find it easier to “put themselves in the shoes of others”, or in other words, to understand different perspectives and experience empathy for others. Thankfully, we already have a lot of avid readers at Reddam House. Happy reading, and see you in class next year!

Year 6 English

In Year 6 English, we ended the year with a study of comedy forms, including puns, slapstick, situational comedy, irony and black humour. In class, students cleverly manipulated language to create parodies of popular songs, or they acted out funny scenes from everyday life using principles of slapstick and mime.

Year 6 can be very proud of their hard work this year, particularly in learning the esoteric art of analytical writing. Don’t worry if you still have your training wheels on…. You will have plenty more opportunities in high school to practise this fundamental skill of subject English.

The English department would like to congratulate all Year 6 students on their achievements at Prizegiving this week. It was wonderful to see them rewarded for their hard work. We wish Year 6 students a happy holiday and all the best in their high school adventure next year.

Year 5 Public Speaking

Congratulations to all Year 5 students on their hard work in Public Speaking this year. We’ve had a lot of fun and all students can be proud of the courage they have shown in getting up front to present to their peers and teacher. The standard of presentations this term has been superb, showing just how much students have developed in their speaking and presenting skills.

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Year 5 and 6 Science

As the year drew to a close, Year 5 students completed their solar system models. Students worked extremely hard to create their models and surpassed all expectations with the quality produced! Some of the models will be used to make up a display for next year's cohort of students to study. Students have worked extremely hard over the course of the year covering topics in biology, Earth and space, chemistry and physics. Students should recharge over the holidays and prepare themselves for another busy year in 2023.

Year 6 students completed their fact files this week about a chosen natural disaster. The quality of work produced by the students was very impressive! The fact files provide so much information about a range of natural disasters, and they will be very useful for next year's cohort. Year 6 have worked extremely hard over the course of this year and should be very proud of their accomplishments. We wish all students the best of luck moving forward into Year 7 and hope their love of science continues to develop.

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Year 5 and 6 Mathematics

What a successful and stimulating year it has been! Fittingly, to cap it off, the Year 6 students visited Luna Park to ‘learn as they rode’. The day provided a fun filled opportunity to apply mathematical skills and knowledge.

Students were encouraged to think about The Ranger Ride and determined how many degrees a complete spin was; furthermore, they calculated the approximate height of the ranger when tilted at a 90 degree angle.

Mathematicians estimated how may light bulbs there were on the Ferris Wheel and Carousel and subsequently what fraction were orange.

The Tango Train was another ride which required their analysis. They explored the direction in which the Tango Train travelled, how many revolutions occurred with each ride and the average length of each ride.

On Coney Island, students investigated in which direction the Joy Wheel spun, and reasoned why there were two queues for this ride. They looked at how many sectors made up the spinning wheel, what the size of the angle at the centre of each sector was and they estimated the radius of the wheel. With this information, students were able to calculate the area and the circumference of the ring using the value of the diameter.

All in all, this was a worthwhile, successful and

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pleasurable day for both teachers and students.
We wish our mathematicians a safe, happy and well deserved summer holiday. It has been a pleasure working with them.

Music Performance

We ended the school year with various Prizegiving ceremonies, at which we were able to acknowledge students' performance in Music but also feature many talented performers. Particularly featured was our Primary School Jazz Band and our Brass Ensemble, who delightfully entertained hundreds of parents at our various ceremonies, both in pre ceremony performance sets, and with ceremonial procession/recessional music.

We would like to thank all of our Music students for their incredible work throughout the year. It is the first time our programme has been able to run in full since the pandemic, with every planned performance taking place, much to the delight of our students. We wish everybody a peaceful and musical break!

Year 5 6 Metal Percussion Ensemble

Clang, clang, clang went the Hand bells Ding, ding, ding the triangle Zing, zing, zing went the Glockenspiel From Week 1, we made an amazing sound

The Year 5 6 Metal Percussion Ensemble continues to refine students' skills and make glorious music. This term was all about ‘Riptide’ by Vance Joy. The students made their own special arrangement, including using the instrument cases as a hollow drum, along with some other metal based discovered objects to change the texture of the piece and keep it interesting to play and listen to. The students are extremely proud of their work and are hopefully going to be able to share the performance early next year. Students have grown as an ensemble, understanding the individual roles and working as a team. It’s a very special relationship that is developed making music together, and Mr Barton is very grateful to have next year to develop and explore even more.

Year K-1 Orff Percussion Ensemble

What a year the Kindergarten and Year 1 Orff Ensemble students had! To round out the term, the students had a chance to play through some of their favourite songs from throughout the year on the xylophone and other

percussion instruments. The students enjoyed adding new percussion instruments to the songs ‘Clocks’ and ‘Going on a lion hunt’, and especially adding the rain stick to ‘Rain on the green grass’. To finish off, the students had the chance to demonstrate their fantastic mallet technique by taking turns to play a solo for the class.

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What a term it has been in Music! The K 2 students spent this term singing, playing and moving to a variety of music and also learned how to create their own rhythmic compositions. In Years 3 to 6 the students trained their ears through melodic and rhythmic dictation and honed their analytical skills by analysing recordings using the Concepts of Music. What better way to finish such a busy term than by enjoying some performance practice parties?

The students throughout the Primary School enjoyed sharing their musical talents this week by performing for one another on their instruments. The standard of performances this term was extremely high, with the students having recently prepared performance pieces for their studio recitals. This made for some very well prepared students and a thoroughly enjoyable end to the term. There were also a few lucky classes in Kindergarten and Year 4 who had the opportunity to attend a Year 11 performance class during their Music lesson. This gave the Year 11s the opportunity to perform to an audience but also showed the Primary School students where their continued dedication on their chosen instrument could lead.

The Music staff hope everyone enjoys a well earned break (including some practising of course) and we look forward to hearing everyone’s musical progress when we return in Term 4!

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