Reddam ELS St Leonards Newsletter 20 October 2023

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Reddam ELS St Leonards 20th October 2023

Principal’s Message by Mrs Vicki Bakes I have had the most fabulous first week at St Leonards Reddam Early Learning School. The whole community have welcomed me with open arms and for that, I am extremely grateful. My first, overarching impression when walking around the school has been one of connection. The connections the children have with one another, their teachers, and environment are visibly strong. Connection is the key that unlocks a child’s eagerness to learn, grow, and develop into confident individuals. We know as adults that when we feel secure and valued our minds are open for exploration and knowledge. Our school is abuzz with countless experiences. All spaces are well-planned and provide opportunities for countless multi-sensory activities. From children running enthusiastically towards the soccer area wanting to arrange teams and positions to some children choosing a quieter explorative experience such as investigating our garden boxes. Put simply, it is a happy place, and the way in which the children arrive each morning and conduct themselves during the day makes that abundantly clear. As our final term begins, the children will experience exciting new provocations and projects over the next 9 weeks. I am looking forward to watching the many skills and concepts evolve across all stages as the term progresses, and the children’s interests lead to learning journeys. I will approach Term 4 with mixed feelings as the children prepare for our year-end celebrations and we prepare to farewell our 2023 graduates. A quick reminder of the upcoming dates and times for our End of Year Celebrations: Monday 4th December Stage 1R- 3:00-3:00pm Stage 1E 3:30-4:00pm Stage 1D- 4:00-4:30pm Tuesday 5th December Stage 2R-3:00-3:30pm Stage 2E 3:30-4:00pm Stage 2/3- 4:00-4:30pm Stage 3R- 4:30-5:00pm Wednesday 6th December Stage 3E - 3:00-3:30pm Stage 3/4 - 3:30-4:00pm Thursday 7th December Stage 4R- 2:30-3:00pm Stage 4E 3:00-3:30pm Stage 4D- 3:30-4:00pm

GRADUATION: 4:00-4.45pm Further details will be made available as we get closer to the dates. I look forward to meeting more of you over the next few weeks and hope that you and your beautiful children have a happy and healthy weekend.

Stage 4R

Moving On Up … to Bigger Things by Ms Riina Andrews Welcome back to Term 4. What a wonderful Vacation Care program we enjoyed over the holiday time! This term we are exploring our transition to kindergarten and the exciting times ahead. We started off with a group discussion surrounding what skills we will practise before heading off to our new schools. Kyson – ‘ how to look after your belongings’ Ethan – ‘putting your hand up if you have a question’ Hazel – ‘how to make new friends’ Noah – ‘how to sit at grouptime’ Franco – ‘focus on your activities’ Ella – ‘how to open your lunchbox’ Risa – ‘listen to the teacher’ Sophie – ‘always listen to your class teacher’ Morgan – ‘knowing how to share with others’ Finn – ‘always pack a healthy lunchbox’ Aneilia – ‘showing care for others’ Summer – ‘making friends with new children’ Karthik – ‘playing new games’

Oliver – ‘learning new activities’ Each child had their own way of expressing themselves and explaining the skill that they would like to practise. We will have time over the next few weeks to explore these areas and extend the children’s knowledge surrounding these topics. At the numeracy table the children had the opportunity to practise number recognition and writing these numbers on a chalkboard. We also practised simple addition and subtraction using the numeracy flash cards, working in pairs and individually, to complete a mathematical sum. The use of whiteboards and markers at the literacy table, kept our interest as we chose letter flash cards to copy. We also joined some of the letters together to make CVC words and wrote those words on our whiteboards as well. The final two experiences were number games, where the children practised turn-taking and cognitive skills. The first game was Uno, a coloured card numbers game, played in small groups to match colours and numbers. The second game was Connect Four. This game consisted of two players using coloured discs to slide into a frame. The aim of the game is to have four of the same coloured discs line up in a row. After the rules and aim of the game were explained to the children, each child had the opportunity to play against each other. Some children revisited this game over and over during the week! Lastly, I wish to update you on the Christmas Concert which will be held on Thursday 7th December at 2.30 pm, upstairs in the greenspace outside our classroom. The children will perform songs (which they have already been practising!) followed by a graduation ceremony. It promises to be a fantastic show. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Stage 4E

How We Express Ourselves by Ms Emily Brazel Getting Ready for Kindergarten This term the children will be participating in a number of activites that will get them ready for big school. Our over aching theme will be “How we express ourselves”, and with that the children will engage in a number of experiences that are inline with school readiness. This will involve a number of activities involving creativity and imagination. Beginning school is a huge step for young children and assisting them with transition to school is essential in their journey to continue to be successful, confident and, independent learners. Knowing what to expect in the school environment helps to create a smooth transition for children. As Stage 4 are going to school in the new year we have made School Readiness the main point of the children’s learning during Term 4. Our School Readiness program at Reddam seeks to equip children with the skills necessary for beginning school. The skills relate to social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development. Stage 4 is extremely excited to begin their new journey at Primary School and have been eager to learn about the experiences they will have when they go to their new schools. My Goal for Kindergarten! As we are going into Term 4 this week we asked the children to write down some important information about themselves. This included their name, how old they are and what their goal is for kindergarten next year. This individual experience not only allowed teachers to understand each child's writing and literacy ability but also encouraged them to practise their tripod grip, hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. Once the children had finished writing down all their information on one side of the paper, they were asked to draw their beautiful faces on the other side using a

black marker and water colours. Come and have a look on the wall for some of their exciting artworks on the walls! CVC Sensory Bin This week the children engaged in a variety of activities that allowed them to focus on developing their phonological awareness. A sensory bin was set up with a variety of CVC words inside a container of rice for the children to find using their sense of touch. A range of CVC words were set up along the table for the children to use as visual stimuli. The children were asked to create various CVC words, writing their findings down on paper. Teachers sat with the children, asking them to recognise each letter and sound before making the word. Once the word was made the child sounded out letters one by one allowing them to successfully say the word. This was a great opportunity for the children to focus on their literacy skills such as their tripod grip, letter formation and word structure, and letter-sound relationships. Each child in the group had an opportunity for their voice to be heard and inform their teacher of what word they created. Housekeeping Stage 4E's Christmas concert will be held on Thursday 7th December in the upstairs greenspace. The time is to be confirmed. I will send an email at a later date to notify you of the time and what the children need to wear.

Stage 4D

Ocean Life Study by Ms Sarah Ross In Term 4 we will be continuing to focus on preparing your children for their transition to primary school through a meaningful and interest based educational programme that focuses on developing skills and strategies in a range of areas including literacy and numeracy, social and emotional, physical education and healthy lifestyles, science, and the arts.

Through numerous discussions with the children throughout the past few weeks and even in Term 3 the children have shared their desire to learn about life in the ocean! This has been brought about by the children bringing these interests to school in the form of news presentations, free play in and outside of the classroom and conversations with peers and teachers where the children have shared their curiosities and questions. Throughout the Term we will continue to embed our school readiness program into our interestbased learning experiences. Octopus Art and rock pool investigations To begin our provocation the children gathered to read about and discuss what they know about octopuses. The children listened intently and were in awe as they discovered how octopuses live and behave in their natural habitats. As an extension of this the children were invited to engage in a creative arts experience where they made their own representations of octopuses using permanent markers to draw and watercolours to design bright backgrounds and ocean scenery. From this experience the children demonstrated their ability to observe, imagine and represent. As the children worked on their art pieces they discussed and demonstrated their knowledge and awareness of how animals survive in different habitats. Socio-dramatic play with numbers All the children were invited to engage in an explorative small-world play using loose parts and other pieces to represent sea creatures that live in and around rock pools including octopuses, crabs, and starfish! In addition to this, the children were provided with wooden numbers and counting boards. The use of concrete maths resources added a different element to the children’s play as they sorted items, used one-to-one correspondence, and created beautiful representations of rock pools and their rich eco-systems. From this learning experience the children demonstrated their eagerness to incorporate mathematical thinking into their play, learning, and investigations. “Encouraging children’s positive attitudes and competencies in literacy and numeracy are essential for all children’s successful learning” – The Early Years Learning Framework. Deep sea shadows During our quiet and relaxation session the children were invited to explore the sensory and creative possibilities light can afford in play. The children made different shapes and poses with their hands and bodies to create shadows in front of a blue light. Playing with light and shadows supports children in developing their spatial awareness and investigate numeracy concepts as they explore shapes, sizes, and dimensions. Important Dates coming up! Christmas Concert and Graduation Ceremony Our Christmas Concert and Graduation Ceremony will be held on Thursday the 7th of December. This is held as one event at the school and is a very special opportunity for you and your child to celebrate their achievements throughout their time at Reddam. Class Photo Day Our class photo day will be on Friday the 3rd of November at 10 am sharp.

Stage 3/4

Expressing Me by Ms Emily Chacon “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” Pablo Picasso

Throughout our final term of the year, the children are exploring creativity and building confidence through our provocation of ‘Expressing Me’. Children are encouraged to put themselves in new environments and experiences through music and movement, creativity-based art, cultural diversity, and freedom to express their true selves. Engaging in unstructured play and art allows children the freedom to explore, create, experiment, and discover new things in the world around them. It supports their curiosity and helps them make sense of their surroundings. During group time the children were introduced to a poem by Pamela Susan, that will be reciting each morning: I look in the mirror And what do I see, I see the me No one else can be. I am precious, I am glad to be me, My hair, my face, My personality. My size, my shape, The colour of my skin, All make up me Outside and in. Reading this with the children allows us to help infuse their world with positive messages about themselves. Helping young children learn high self-esteem and confidence is an important aspect of development. A printout of the poem is located on top of the outdoor lockers for you to take home and share with your family. As we begin our exploration of creativity and ways, we can express ourselves, the children were invited to come and play in colourful light. The children loved waving their hands in the air and creating shapes with their bodies and hands. It was amazing to see how much joy it brought to the children and how they communicated throughout their play. Throughout this experience, the children were able to freely explore their shadows and build on their self-confidence and balance within them. It was a great skill-building experience that allowed the children to follow their interests and build on their own ideas through movement and play. By playing with light and shadows, children develop their spatial awareness, learning about shapes, sizes, and dimensions. They also learn about cause and effect, discovering how moving an object in front of a light source changes the shadow it creates

During this term the children are exploring ways that they can truly express themselves and the emotions and creativity that they have inside them. Each child’s photo was first taken, printed in black and white, and then pasted onto a plain white piece of paper. The children were then asked to close their eyes and picture what colours they feel are within them. What does creativity look like inside you? The children were then given free use of the watercolour paints and it was truly amazing to see the different colours and patterns each child made. Throughout this experience, the children explored colours, patterns and further developed their creativity, sense of wonder and motor skills. It was amazing to see the children gain so much joy from expressing themselves and the creativity in them. Update Our Christmas Concert dates have been finalised. Wednesday 6th December 3:30pm – 4:00pm Greenspace Stage

Stage 3E

Exploring Nature by Ms Carolina Machado Welcome to Week 1 of Term 4! During Vacation Care, our children expressed their interests for this term, including dinosaurs, flowers, spring, clouds, and more. We've chosen 'Nature' as our theme, encompassing all these elements.

We're starting off by exploring various aspects of nature, from leaves to rocks and everything in between. In the coming weeks, we'll delve into topics such as Dinosaurs, Wildlife, Forests, Seasons, and more. Literacy - Spelling 'Nature' In Stage 3E, our children continue to build their literacy skills by spelling words and connecting them to their corresponding sounds. This activity helps children to interact verbally for a range or purposes. Numeracy - Nature Mandalas Using sticks, leaves, and rocks, children are recreating forest and flower landscapes while practicing counting. This activity explores how children become socially responsible and show respect for the environment. Sensory - Nature Faces With natural resources, children are creating human faces with various expressions, from smiles to eyebrows and hair. This activity explores curiosity, confidence, creativity, imagination, and reflexivity. Artwork - Nature Prints This week's creative activity involves making nature prints using pencils, crayons, and watercolours. The finished designs, inspired by leaves, will be displayed on our wall, symbolizing the changing seasons. Important Updates Christmas Concert - New Date & Time Our Christmas Concert is now scheduled for Wednesday, December 6th, at 3 pm. More details will be shared soon. Halloween Dress-Up - October 31st On October 31st (Tuesday), we'll celebrate Halloween with 'trick-or-treating.' Children will receive lollies, and for those with dietary restrictions, we'll provide coated yoghurt sultanas. If your child should not have these, kindly inform us by early next week at Wishing everyone a fantastic weekend!

Stage 2/3 & 3R

What a Wonderful World by Ms Gabriela Guimarães Welcome to the Term 4!

It's hard to believe that we've already entered the final term of the year! The past three terms have been filled with remarkable learning experiences, and we're excited to kick off Term 4 with an exploration of our "What a Wonderful World". As we delve into the "What a Wonderful World" provocation this term, our main goal is to instil a deep sense of wonder and appreciation for the world around us. We believe that nurturing this connection to the natural world and the diverse cultures that inhabit it is essential for our children’s holistic development. On the first week back to term we introduced the children to the diverse and beautiful culture of India. We believe that teaching children about different countries and their cultures is a fantastic way to promote understanding, tolerance, and global awareness from a young age. The children had the opportunity to explore various aspects of India, from its art and music to its traditions and cuisine. The Indian provocation was an opportunity for the children to immerse themselves in the culture, traditions, and values of India. By wearing traditional Indian attire, they were able to connect with the culture on a more personal level. This hands-on experience has enriched their understanding and appreciation of a diverse and vibrant part of our global community. We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Ari Nathani and Tesni Praven’s family for your wonderful support and contributions during our recent Indian provocation. Your willingness to provide costumes for the children has made a significant and positive impact on the learning experience. On our second week of the term, we explored of one of the biggest countries in the world: China. The children had the opportunity to explore and discover a little bit more about this very distinctive culture. Throughout the week the children were exposed to many enriching activities. We learned about the Chinese national costumes, beliefs, and traditions. We went to the capital Beijing to visit the Great Wall of China, there was a lot of discussion about this spectacular architecture. During our conversations, we talked about how this is a very long wall that covers much of the northern border of China. The wall was built to help keep out the enemies from the other countries. The teachers explained that the Great Wall was built with all resources that were available nearby such as dirt, stones, and bricks. After sharing the history of the Great Wall the children were invited to build their own great wall. During our week in China, we discussed what language Chinese people speak and we learned a few words with some help from our Chinese teacher Fion. The children painted a beautiful frame to display their Chinese name. Yum Cha Brunch We would like to thank all the parents for taking the time to help with our Chinese provocation. Your share plates added a delightful and communal element to this cultural exploration, making it a memorable and enriching event for our students. The Yum Cha experience was not just about eating; it was an opportunity for our children to learn about the customs and rituals associated with this dining tradition. Your share plates played an essential role in creating an authentic Yum Cha atmosphere, and we appreciate your efforts in bringing the flavours of this unique cultural experience to our school. Your support and active involvement in our school community make a significant difference in the quality of our educational programs. It shows our children that we value their cultural experiences

and seek to broaden their horizons. It also reinforces the importance of sharing and coming together, which are valuable life lessons. Once again, thank you for your contributions to our Yum Cha event. Your generosity and willingness to share your culinary skills and cultural knowledge are deeply appreciated. We look forward to more opportunities to learn and celebrate together in the future. Update Christmas Concert Date: 5th of December Stage 2/3- 4:00 - 4:30pm Stage 3R - 4:30 - 5pm

Stage 2E

Belonging, Being, Becoming by Ms Madeleine Grant Welcome to term four! This year has flown by, and it is hard to believe we are coming to the end of our time together as Stage 2E! For our final term, the learning will be inspired by the core elements of the Early Years Learning Framework; Belonging, Being, and Becoming. Each week we will explore

different aspects of the children’s ever-emerging identities, reflect on the year of learning we have had, and build skills to assist them transition to preschool next year. This week was all about Healthy Eating! As we discuss with the class what they will need in order to grow, we started with the basics - healthy, yummy, nutritious food to help our bodies grow big and strong. Making Healthy Pizzas The children were very excited by the idea of making our own healthy pizzas at school. As a class, we brainstormed what ingredients belong on a pizza. Popular suggestions were tomatoes, cheese, capsicum, mushrooms, even olives, as well as some silly answers like chocolate, marshmallows and ice cream! Miss Noemi helped us think of more traditional toppings, teaching the children the names of the vegetables in Italian and sharing the names of some traditional pizzas. Before afternoon tea we called the children to make their own healthy, veggie-loaded pizzas. They were shown how to spread the tomato paste over the base, sprinkle cheese, and asked how many of each vegetable they wanted. As they placed each topping we asked them to practice their mathematical skills by grouping and counting what they had. Once they were done we put the pizzas in the oven, and once the children had eaten their afternoon tea fruit they were ready to enjoy their delicious homemade pizzas! Eat the Rainbow During class discussion, we would talk about all the yummy healthy foods there were, and often someone would say they didn’t really like certain fruits or vegetables. This is okay, as most people don’t like every food out there. We taught the children that it was still important to have a go of foods they weren’t too keen on, as fruits and vegetables have lots of important nutrients, and sometimes when we try things we realise we do like them after all! To help them get excited to try new things we played a game called ‘eat the rainbow’, where they were given a large coloured dice and bowls of fruits and vegetables in all colours of the rainbow. The rules were simple - whichever colour their dice landed on, they had to choose a food of that colour and eat a piece. They all did so well having a go, and once we were done everyone was given a bowl of rainbow fruits to enjoy. Still Life Fruit Artworks Our art activity saw the children creating a still-life scene using a bowl of fruit as inspiration. They sat around the table and were given a range of oil pastels, and asked to identify the fruits they could see. They were asked to closely observe the fruits, thinking about the colours, shapes, sizes, and amounts of each piece in the bowl. They then replicated this on their paper. Some focused on drawing each fruit in a row across the page, some drew each on top of the other, some paid attention to the shapes or sizes, and some drew a jumbled-up fruit salad! Reminders The class photo is scheduled for Wednesday 1st November at 9:30 am sharp! Our End of Year Concert will be held on Tuesday 5th December at 3:30 pm. More details to come closer to the date.

Stage 2R

Celebrating Myself by Ms Malini Joseph Throughout our exploration of "Celebrating Myself," the children enthusiastically participated in a diverse range of enriching activities that served to cultivate self-awareness and encourage personal expression.

Family and Friends Finger Family Art A standout feature of this journey was the creation of distinct finger family art. Each child meticulously decorated handprints, symbolizing their cherished family members, thus forming a special 'Belonging Tree' within our dedicated learning space in the room. This creative endeavour not only inspired children to appreciate and celebrate the significance of their family and friends but also fostered a sense of interconnectedness among them. Likes and Dislikes To gain deeper insights into their individual preferences, children actively engaged in discussions about their favourite fruits, toys, colours, hobbies, and foods. These conversations not only promoted effective communication and social interaction but also allowed children to gain an understanding of their own interests while learning about their peers' and educators' preferences. This also served as a platform for them to discuss the importance of healthy eating and its role in their lives, leading to cooking experiences making pizza. Self-Portraits with Playdough Children harnessed their creative abilities by fashioning self-portraits using playdough. This artistic medium enabled them to express their emotions and uniqueness, ultimately contributing to a profound sense of self-identity. Body Awareness In an engaging and educational exercise, children affixed dot stickers to various body parts, both on themselves and on baby dolls. This tactile activity heightened their awareness of their bodies and broadened their knowledge of human anatomy, further strengthening their self-concept. Under the theme of "Celebrating Myself," these diverse and multifaceted experiences empowered our Stage 2R children to embrace their individuality, forge meaningful connections with their environment, and foster a deeper appreciation for their own uniqueness. Upcoming Events Next Week's Program In the forthcoming week, we will continue our celebration by focusing on "My Culture and Children's Day." We encourage parents to have their children dressed in their preferred attire, whether it be their favourite clothing or cultural clothing. Christmas Concert The much-anticipated Christmas Concert is scheduled for December 5th. Stage 2R is set to deliver their performance on December 5, 2023, at 3:00 PM. Following the concert, there will be refreshments provided. Hope you have great weekend!

Stage 1D

All About Me by Ms Pamela Dela Cruz Stage 1D started the Term 4 by exploring, discovering, and learning more about themselves! We had prepared activities to create a positive classroom environment that will encourage children to express their unique personalities, preferences, and characteristics.

During our group time, we had a discussion about each one's interests and favorite activities they do with families and friends. Children learn a new song, "This is a happy face" which they all loved and they had fun making different emotions such as happy, silly, sad, nervous, sleepy, excited, and surprised while singing. For our first activity, children participated in exploring an emotion sensory bin inspired by the insightful book "The colour monster" which assigns the colour to each emotion. Yellow for happiness, red for anger, blue for sadness, and green for calm. This activity creates many opportunities for talking and leading discussions about the different feelings the monsters are showing. Additionally, opportunities for color sorting practice occur as the pompoms are matched to the containers. The next provocation was talking about their likes and dislikes which led us to do another sensory activity. Using different fruits that we prepare each one got the opportunity to feel, touch, and smell them. Children were able to name the fruits available in the basket and while exploring, they shared which one was their favorite and were encouraged to describe its taste, texture, shape, and color. Lastly, children take part in doing the "Put a sticker on the body part" activity. This body awareness activity was enjoyed by the children and were able to showcase how much they know about the names of the body parts. Peeling and placing stickers is one way of helping children to develop their fine motor skills and it is perfect for practicing pincer grip and hand-eye coordination. This week's activities focused on self-awareness and helping children to develop healthy self-esteem since every child's capacity to learn and interact with their environment successfully depends on developing a good self-view. Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!

Stage 1E

Hands on Nature: Exploring Flowers Welcome to our last term of the year. I wanted to take a moment to share with you the exciting and enriching experiences our children have been enjoying this week as part of our "Hands on Nature" provocation. Our focus has been on exploring the beauty and wonder of flowers and leaves, and I

would like to share some of the highlights of our activities and the valuable learning experiences they have provided for your child. Throughout the week, the children have had the opportunity to engage with nature in a hands-on and immersive way. They have been exploring the colours, shapes, and textures of various flowers and leaves. This hands-on experience has not only sparked their curiosity but also allowed them to connect with the natural world on a deeper level. The benefits of this provocation go far beyond what may initially meet the eye. Here are some of the key aspects of our "Hands on Nature" provocation: Sensory Learning: By touching, smelling, and feeling the different textures and scents of the flowers and leaves, your child has been engaging in sensory learning. This kind of tactile experience is essential for their cognitive and sensory development. Creativity and Art: We've integrated this provocation into various art and craft activities. The children created beautiful artwork by using leaves and flowers as tools, encouraging their artistic expression and imagination. Science and Observation: We've discussed how plants grow, their life cycles, and the role of leaves and flowers in the plant's survival. This provocation has sparked your child's interest in the natural sciences. I encourage you to continue this exploration of nature at home with your child. You can take nature walks, visit local parks, or even have a mini-garden at home to continue fostering their love for the natural world. Thank you for your ongoing support and trust in our educational approach. We look forward to many more exciting learning experiences with your child in the weeks to come.

Stage 1R

Hands on Nature by Ms Amanda Felton Welcome back from Vacation Care! We hope you all had a relaxing break and are ready for another term of fun and learning. This term the children will be focusing on hands on nature as we look at nature and all the wonderful things it has to offer us. We will be exploring rocks, dirt, plants, water, and other organic materials we can find. Throughout this term, our aim is to further develop children’s sense of wonder about their natural world. Natural materials have a sensory benefit for young children as they have different sizes, textures, colours and smells. They provide more tactile stimulation to help children improve their hand-eye coordination and awareness. We invite families to explore with their little ones over the week and if you find anything that you would like to share, we have a box available. As the box is filled the children will have access to various natural resources found by you! Throughout our first week, the children were invited to explore and investigate rocks and pebbles. It was amazing to see the children gain an interest in such a natural resource. As they held the rock in their hands, they brought it closer to their faces, looking intently at each of the grooves and feeling the texture. As the children explored, they gained development in their sense of touch and grip. Some children seemed interested in the weight of each rock and the difference in sizes and textures of each one. During our outdoor exploration and play, we were visited by a Currawong bird. The children were very excited as he began to sing and fly around the children. It was a very interesting and spontaneous experience as the children hadn’t seen a bird at school before.

The children were given a challenge this week in their rock stacking activity. Each child was encouraged to try stacking the rocks, one on top of the other, to see how high they could build. This activity was not easy, but the children found so much joy in watching the rocks fall and participate in trying to build them again. Throughout this experience the children further developed their fine motor skills as well as built on their social/emotional skills. For art the children were provided a fun stamping activity. Using various coloured paints, the children were invited to get messy as they stamped rocks onto paper. It was amazing to see the different coloured shapes and patterns each rock left behind. Housekeeping Please remember to label all pieces of clothing. As we change the children’s clothes throughout the day, it makes it easier for us to locate each item of clothing. Please remember to bring in your child’s water bottle, clearly labelled and place it on the correct 1R trolley.



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