Qingdao Family March & April 2016

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红星时代广告DM 青岛红星时代文化传播有限公司 8388-2269 青岛市南京路100号3-401 登记证号:青工商广固印登字2012-0014号

CREATIVE TEAM 黄晓梅 Xiaomei Huang is a Chinese


Australia and has spent the last 12 years in China. She and her husband have three boys. They love their international life here in Qingdao. Natasha is the moderator of the Qingdao Mamas Group, a member of the Qingdao Expat Charity Group and runs the ISQ Bright Start Playgroup twice a week. Natasha来自澳大利亚,旅居中国已12年。她和她的丈夫有3 个孩子。他们很喜欢青岛的国际生活。Natasha是青岛妈妈联 盟的策划人,还是青岛外籍慈善组织的成员。此外她还每周两 次主持青岛MTI国际学校幼教中心的活动。

working mum who is living with her Korean husband in Chengyang. They have 2 beautiful boys - Alex (7) and Ken (4). Xiaomei loves cooking, gardening, and travelling in her spare time.

黄晓梅是一位在外企工作多年的中国妈 妈。她和来自韩国的老公住在城阳。有两 个可爱的儿子,Alex和Ken。闲暇时,晓梅喜 欢做饭,种花儿以及和家人一起旅游。

RUTH GREENE came to Chi-

na with her husband in 2008 as an art teacher for ISQ. Seven years and two children later she’s transitioned into raising her children while still studying Chinese and teaching part time. Her idea of a day off includes a coffee with her husband, a good book and a foot massage.


Canadian mother of five fun little people, two girls and three boys. She has lived in Qingdao for 3 years and loves the people, the mountains and the sea (in that order). She has a great sense of humour and a lot of interesting ideas.

Olga来自加拿大,是5个孩子(3个儿子和2 个女儿)的母亲。她居于青岛已有3年,深深爱 着这里的人,这里的山,还有这里的海(喜好程度也按此顺 序)。她是个可爱的妈妈,有着无尽的趣味点子和想法。

Ruth于2008年随丈夫来到中国,在青岛MTI国际 学校担任艺术课老师。七年后的今天,Ruth已是一位有两个孩 子的妈妈,生活重心也转到了教育孩子和学习汉语方面,偶尔 还会兼职教一些课。在她看来,休一天假意味着和丈夫喝一杯 咖啡,看一本好书和做一次足疗。

JANA LINHART has two beau-

tiful boys, Gabriel, 8, and Lukas, 6. She was a physical therapist before she moved to China with her husband 5 years ago. Now she is a homemaker and Qingdao Family contributor.


American freelance writer and English teacher, came to China 3 years ago. He and his wife, Doris, a Qingdao local, welcomed their first son, Jayden, last year.

Jordan是一位来自美国的自由撰稿人和 英语老师,旅居中国已有三年。他的妻子 Doris则是地地道道的青岛姑娘,去年,他 们迎来了自己的第一个儿子,名叫Jayden。



Jana来自斯洛伐克,她家有两个活泼可 爱的小男孩(分别是8岁的Gabriel和6岁的 Lukas)。她一家已在中国生活了将近五年。 她以前是一位物理治疗师,现在做主妇,偶尔会 帮朋友们做些物理治疗。

Do you have a creative spark in you? Interested in writing for QDF? Do you want to develop your idea into an article and get it published in our magazine? If the answer is yes, please send your info to our email: editorial@redstarworks.com.

《青岛家庭》招募撰稿人! 想加入《青岛家庭》的编辑团队,结识更多人吗?你想把自己 的想法变成文章并发表在杂志上吗?如果答案是肯定的,那 么就请发送您的信息至邮箱:editorial@redstarworks.com。


REDSTAR Creative Team 策划团队 Ian Burns, Jasper Zhai, Christina Cao, Ashley Fornaro, David Chen, Mika Wang, Zoe Zheng, Bobby Quan, Michelle Lu, Teodora Lazarova, Carolina Martins, Timothy Ulrich, Yue Zhou.

Use your WeChat QR scanner to scan this code to follow Qingdao Family's Official WeChat, 关注青岛家庭官方微信账

Advertising Enquiries 广告征订 (+86 532) 8097-0521 8388-2269

Use your WeChat QR scanner to scan this code to follow REDSTAR's Official WeChat, 关注红星官方微信账号,


Publication Enquiries 出版物咨询 info@redstarworks.com

Creative 100 Industry Park, Room 401, Building 3, 100 Nanjing Lu, Qingdao 266071 青岛市南京路100号 创意100产业园3-401


What’s your funniest April Fools’ Day story? 最有趣的愚人节整蛊故事

How to Buy Cheap Movie Tickets 如何购买低价电影票?

Hot Mum Makeover 辣妈变身记——眉飞色舞春日新妆

Spring Outings 春日出游指南

Easter Around the World 世界各地复活节习俗一览

Craft: Bubble Snake 手工制作泡泡蛇

Where to Board Your Pets 宠物寄养哪家强


三月 / 四月



Meal Prep Hacks for Effortlessly Healthy Cooking


Kids Cooking: Easter Biscuits

12 14



Easter Brunch 复活节早午餐

32 34 36


16 27 30 Alleviate Back Pain with Jana 和Jana一起学习如何为背部“减压”


Anesthesia 101 “麻醉”知多少?

24 26

EDUCATION YCIS Students Go Behind the Scenes at REDSTAR



Meet Molly and Yao Yao Molly和瑶瑶的故事

Learn how to make history fun with Lawanda Jones and her family in Prague 和Lawanda一家去布拉格享受快乐假期



LISTINGS Sights / Shopping / Education / Medical 旅游景点 / 购物 / 教育 / 医疗


COMMUNITY & EVENTS formal attire is required. Like the stars they are, the kids will dress up like Oscar nominees, walk down a red carpet, and pose for pictures. There will be performances, games, cooking classes, and a lucky draw! Don’t miss the chance to witness all this adorableness. Price (lunch buffet included): 200 RMB for adults and kids over 1.4m; 100RMB for kids between 1.2m-1.4m; 50RMB for kids under 1.2m. For more information, please join the Qingdao Lama Group on QQ: 318863241, or search “thjzdx” on WeChat to follow their WeChat account “ 嘉庭学园 ”.

The Little Oscars 小小奥斯卡

9 April // 10am // Holiday Inn Qingdao Expo 4月9日 // 早10点 // 青岛世园假日酒店

Glamour and opulence are no longer limited to the wealthy and famous. On 9 April, the Qingdao LaMa Group will be we hosting a “Little Oscars” event at Holiday Inn Qingdao Expo. Children will be performing in front of a crowd and rewarded for their reading skills. The event will be catered and

谁说只有明星们才能享受耀眼的镁光 灯和华丽的霓裳? 4 月 9 日,嘉庭学园 辣妈自助群将在青岛世园假日酒店举办一 场“我的奥斯卡”颁奖典礼。届时,孩子 们将盛装出席,在家长和亲友面前朗诵英 文作品,评委们会根据表演评选出最佳朗 读奖,最佳领读奖,最佳配音奖等各大奖 项并颁发奖品。像出席奥斯卡颁奖礼的明 星那样,现场还有红毯走秀环节,有专业 摄影师为孩子们拍照。该活动内容丰富, 有现场表演、游戏竞猜、手工制作饼干, 还有抽奖等活动。千万不要错过见证这些 小可爱们华丽转身的精彩瞬间!票价(含 自助午餐):成人及 1.4 米以上儿童 200 元 / 人,1.2 米 -1.4 米儿童 100 元 / 人,1.2 米以下儿童 50/ 人。欲了解更多详情,请 加入辣妈自助群 (QQ: 318863241) 或直 接在微信搜索“thjzdx”关注“嘉庭学园” 公共微信账号。 Address: 2 Tianshui Lu, Laoshan District 地址:崂山区天水路 2 号 Phone 电话:6675-7888

Upcoming Shows at the Qingdao Grand Theatre 青岛大剧院 3 月 & 4 月演出一览 DATE 演出日期

SHOW 演出内容


20 March / 3月20日

The Fire Box 《打火匣》


3 April / 4月3日

My Shakespeare 《一个人的莎士比亚》


9 April / 4月9日

Little Mermaid 《美人鱼》


22-23 April / 4月22-23日

National Theatre Live - King Lear


23 April / 4月23日

National Theatre Live - Hamlet


24 April / 4月24日

National Theatre Live - Othello


30 April / 4月30日

Belly Dance Show - Alice in Wonderland 肚皮舞秀 ——《爱丽丝漫游仙境》



Snow White: The Musical

3D音乐剧 《白雪公主》 2 May // 10:30am // Qingdao Grand Theatre 5月2日 // 早10点半 // 青岛大剧院

An age-old tale with a very modern twist, this rendition of the classic story Snow White will be performed as a multimedia musical. Featuring an innovative 3D screen, the show mixes traditional acting with special effects to create a unique viewing experience. Both entertaining and educational, the show is ideal for children learning a second language as it will be performed in both Chinese and English. Ticket prices range from 100RMB to 380 RMB and can be purchased online at www.qingdaograndtheatre.com/ ticket/1642 or at the door. 家喻户晓的《白雪公主》再度被 搬上舞台,演绎一出现代版的童话故 事。此次舞台版的《白雪公主》音乐 剧将采用 3D 投影技术,舞台虚实结 合,为观众呈现一处精彩的视觉和听 觉 盛 宴。 此 外, 本 场 演 出 将 由 中 英 双语演出,娱乐的同时帮助小朋友 学习外语。票价 100 元至 380 元不 等, 可 以 在 现 场 购 票, 也 可 登 陆 网 址 www.qingdaograndtheatre.com/ ticket/1642 在线购买。 Address:5 Yunling Lu, Laoshan District 地址:崂山区云岭路 5 号 ( 香港东路北侧 )

Phone 电话:8066-5555


What is your funniest April Fools’ Day story?

愚人?还是被愚? 最爆笑的愚人节故事!

Caroline Maul QISS, Grade 3 One April Fools’ Day when I was 5 years old, I went to the kitchen table to eat breakfast and when I asked for milk, it was blue! I couldn’t believe my eyes!

Noah Hathout QISS, Grade 7 Last year I ate a chocolate bar without ruining the wrapper. Then I closed the wrapper to make it look new again and gave it to my best friend.

Parth Mehta QAIS, Grade 5 One year I wrapped up some toothpicks to look like a pencil and gave it to a kid in my class. I felt horrible though, because she tried to use it, and it ripped her paper.

Paul GISQ, Grade 11 Last year, our science teacher said that we would have a quiz, which was totally unexpected. We thought he was lying, but he was serious.

Caroline Maul 山东省青岛第一国际学校, 3 年级 5 岁的时候,我在愚人节早上 去厨房吃早餐,我要了杯牛奶, 结果发现它竟然是蓝色的!我 简直不敢相信我的眼睛!

Noah Hathout 山东省青岛第一国际学校, 7 年级 去年,我吃了一个巧克力棒后, 把包装纸包好,把它伪装成一 个没有拆过的巧克力棒,递给 了我最好的朋友!

Parth Mehta 青岛美亚国际学校,5 年级 去年,我把一捆牙签包成一支 铅笔的样子给了我们班上的一 个同学,事后我很后悔,因为 当她试图用那支笔写字的时 候,不小心把纸给划破了。

Paul 青岛国开中学国际部,11 年级 去年,我们科学老师在愚人节 那天说要考试,我们都以为老 师在开玩笑。悲剧的是,他真 没开玩笑,我们真的考试了。

Lydia ISQ, Grade 8 When we were taking our class photo outside, our teacher spilled a bucket of water on us from the 2nd floor.

Sean Pack QAIS, Grade 5 Last year, our class planned a big prank, but our teacher convinced us that April Fools’ Day was on 5th April — so the joke was on us!

Ricky Wisbaby, Age 5 It was funny when I tricked my father in hide and seek!

Benjamin ISQ, Grade 2 Last year my mom convinced my dad that she was pregnant again as an April Fools’ joke!

Lydia 青岛 MTI 国际学校,8 年级 愚人节的时候我们在外面准备 拍集体照,我们的老师从二楼 浇了一桶水下来!

Sean Pack 青岛美亚国际学校,5 年级 去年,我们全班同学策划了一 个愚人节大计划,但我们的老 师却告诉我们愚人节是 4 月 5 号——结果是我们被骗了!

Ricky 西华宝贝国际幼儿园,5 岁 上次愚人节我骗我爸爸和我玩 躲猫猫,还挺搞笑的!

Benjamin 青岛 MTI 国际学校,2 年级 去年愚人节,我妈妈告诉我爸 爸她又怀孕了!




By Natasha Tapley

The Widmer Family

How long did you live in China? Where are you now? We lived in China for 10 years, including one and a half years in Qingdao. We left Qingdao last December, and now we are in Bern, Switzerland.

What do you miss about Qingdao? We miss the nice beach, different kinds of food— Sichuan food, Qingdao food, Shanxi noodles— and our dear friends there!

What do you like about your new place? Bern is a beautiful city. We love the fresh air, high

mountains with white snow, the historical old town, and our family here.

Any recommendations for new people in Qingdao? I highly recommend the Qingdao Mama’s Forum. Don't be shy to ask for help. Send an email to qingdaomamas@ yahoogroups.com for lots of tips and to join their newsletter and monthly lunch group. The mamas are super friendly and helpful!

你在中国待了多久了?你现 在在哪里? 我们在中国生活 10 年了,在青 岛生活了一年半。我们去年 12 月离 开青岛,现在生活在瑞士的伯尔尼。

你最想念青岛的什么? 我们想念青岛魅力的海滩, 和各种各样的中国美食——像四 川菜、青岛菜、陕西菜等等,还 有我们的好朋友!

新家感觉怎么样? 伯尔尼是个美丽的城市,我 们喜欢这里新鲜的空气,高山和 白雪,以及有历史感的老城,还 有我们的家人。

你对初到青岛的人有什么 建议 ? 我强烈推荐青岛妈妈论坛, 不要不好意思寻求帮助,你只需 要 发 邮 件 到 qingdaomamas@ yahoogroup.com, 就 可 以 加 入 她们,向其他的青岛外籍妈妈们 取经。还可以参加他们每月举办 的午餐会活动,这些妈妈都非常 的友善,乐于助人。

MEET THE NEW FAMILY 岛城社区新成员! What brought your family to China? Our family arrived in Qingdao last September from Sydney. We are here for Morgan’s job. He is involved in the development of Wanda Studios Qingdao.

How are you adjusting to life in Qingdao? Qingdao has a great mix of old and new. The local community is always on the go, organising new activities and creating opportunities to meet friends and discover something new.


We love to spend time outdoors and explore new places. Now that we are in Qingdao, we are also keen to learn more about Chinese culture, particularly as Theodore (4) and Oscar (3) are part Chinese. We are learning Chinese and hope that through this, we will be able to immerse ourselves more fully into the local scene, especially with summer around the corner!

你们为什么来到青岛? 我们一家人是去年 9 月从悉 尼来到青岛的。我们搬到青岛是

因为我丈夫 Morgan 的工作,他 参与了东方影都青岛影视产业园 的建设项目。

在青岛还生活得惯吗? 青岛是一个宜古宜今的城 市。岛城社区每天都有很多新鲜 事儿发生,有新社交活动,有很 多认识朋友的机会。我们一家人 喜欢出门到处走走看看,去不同 的地方逛逛。既然来了青岛,我 们自然对学习中文十分感兴趣, 尤其是我的两个小朋友——4 岁 的 Theodore 和 3 岁 的 Oscar, 他们都有些中国血统。我们都希 望通过学习中文,我们能够更加融 入青岛的生活,尤其是夏天来了, 我们肯定会在沙滩上遇到很多人!

The Hunwicks Family

THE HEDRICK FAMILY Best Movie Theatre 最佳电影院 Broadway Cinema in Marina City. 百丽广场的百老汇 影城。

Favourite Family Restaurant 最喜爱的家庭餐厅 Tang Jia Lao Yuan Zi 18 Minjiang San Lu, Shinan District 唐家老院子 市南区闽江三路 18 号

Favourite Snack 最爱的小吃 We prefer homemade baked goods. My kids especially love my blueberry, banana, apple, and oatmeal muffins. 我们喜欢自己在家烤些零食。我的 孩子们喜欢我做的各种口味的松 饼——蓝莓、香蕉、苹果、 和燕麦味,什么口味他 们都喜欢。

Blake and Marivic came to China in 1996 to help open the International School of Qingdao (ISQ). This American-Filipino family has 2 children— Aaron (15 years old) and Sophia (12). Although they have been through a lot of challenges and difficulties living overseas, they have also witnessed tremendous changes in Qingdao in the past two decades— all for the better. Favourite Spring Outing 最喜欢的春游地 Climbing Fushan Mountain. We love having a picnic with friends while enjoying the ocean views. 爬浮山,我们喜欢和朋友们一 起在浮山上吃野餐,同时 在山上欣赏着海景。

Best Places to Take Your Kids 最佳带孩子游玩地 My kids enjoy the Airpark and places where they can play basketball and soccer with other kids. 我的孩子们喜欢爱尔城,还喜欢 可以和小伙伴们一起打篮球 或是踢足球的地方。

Blake( 来 自 美 国) 和 Marivic( 来 自 菲 律 宾) 在 1996 年来到中国,帮助青 岛 MTI 国 际 学 校 建 校。 这 个美菲家庭有两个孩子,儿 子 Aaron 今年 15 岁,女儿 Sophia 今 年 12 岁。 在 华 二十载,他们有过各种挑战 和磨难,也见证了青岛日新 月异的巨大变化。

Favourite Travel Destination 最佳旅行地 We haven’t done any major traveling in China in the past two years. My children are looking forward to some international trips in the future. They’d really like to go back to the Philippines and Australia. 近两年我们都没怎么在中国玩儿。 孩子们将来想多出国玩玩,我们 计划回趟菲律宾,或者去 澳大利亚看看。

Best Place to Celebrate a Birthday 最佳庆生场所 The dinner buffet at Shangri-La Hotel. 香格里拉大酒店的自 助晚餐

Photo by Baiying Photography Studio Building B, 30F, Shenye Centre Mansion, 9 Shandong Lu 山东路 9 号深业中心大厦 B 座 30 层 Phone 电话:185 6150-5698


How to Buy Cheap Movie Tickets Jasper Zhai shares how foreigners can conveniently and cheaply buy movie tickets in Qingdao, even without knowing Chinese!

Chinese Group Buying Apps

Dazhongdianping ( 大众点评 ), Nuomi ( 糯米 ), and Meituan ( 美团 ) are the most widely used group buying apps in China. These apps offer significant discounts, but unfortunately, they require some knowledge of Chinese characters— until now! Follow these simple instructions to purchase your discounted tickets on Dazhongdianping ( 大众点评 ) before the show:



Open Dianping. From the homepage click on the movie icon “ 电影 ”.

Click on the movie reel icon that reads “ 影片 ”.


Select which movie you want to see from the list, then press the orange “ 选座购票 ” button at the bottom.

Choose which cinema you want to go to and the day you want to see the movie. After that a timetable will display. Along with the time, they will tell you whether or not the movie has English subtitles ( 英语 ) or is Chinese only ( 国语 ) and options for 2D/3D when available. Choose the time.


NIHAO is a newly launched app catering to expats in China. Download the app and register to begin. All cinemas in Qingdao are listed on NIHAO and all information is in English. You can also choose your seats online. Tickets on NIHAO are usually half-priced, but you have to pay a small service fee per ticket. Pay using WeChat Pay, Paypal, or Unionpay.





Visit "Mr. Who"

If these online buying processes are driving you crazy, go to see “Mr. Who” to buy discounted movie tickets. In the underpass between Jusco and Taigu Square, there are a number of small vendors who sell cheap movie tickets, just look for the characters “ 电影 ”. For 30 RMB, you can buy a ticket for Broadway Cinema at Marina City. Other cinemas are also available. Tickets are not for a particular movie, but can be used for any movie at the theatre, although you may need to pay an extra 10 RMB at the cinema for 3D films.


Select your seats on the map, input your phone number at the bottom & push the orange button to continue.


Enter your phone number again & enter a security code that will be sent to your mobile via SMS. Enter the code and click “ 登录 ”.

Choose Alipay, WeChat Pay, or your online bank account to finalise the purchase. Finally, click “ 确认支付 ”.

After you pay, you’ll receive a text message from Dianping confirming your tickets. Show the movie theatre attendant this message when you arrive at the theatre.



s part of their Gifted and Talented English Programme, four students from YCIS visited REDSTAR's office on 19 January to learn more about journalism. By meeting with the editorial team at REDSTAR, students went behind the scenes to gain hands-on experience and a deeper understanding of how a magazine works. After all their hard work, the students shared a pizza lunch, donated by Luigi’s Pizzeria, with the REDSTAR team. Here the students share their experience in their own words.

d e t n e l a T & d e YCIS’s Gift R A T S D E R t i s i V Students

行 之 室 公 办 星 的红 青岛耀中学生 Constance Three other students and I were invited to the REDSTAR office for a visit. We had to pitch an idea for an article and present our idea in a mock editorial meeting. My expectations were far from reality, as I sort of expected a pristine office, where the staff wear suits and ties and keep to themselves. To my astonishment, the REDSTAR office was the complete opposite. The staff was supportive and gave us some writing tips. I was very nervous at the beginning, but once we got there my nerves disappeared. 我和三名其他的学生受邀去红星办公室走了参观了一趟, 我们在“模拟报题会”上分享了自己对撰稿的想法。这次参 观经历和我的想象中的完全不一样,因为我以为我会看到一 个整洁的办公室,每个人穿着西装打着领带,精神抖擞地来 上班。但红星显然和我的想象截然相反。红星的编辑们非常 友善,他们给我们了一些写作建议,一开始我很紧张,但没 过多久,我就一点不紧张了。


月 19 日,四位来自青岛耀中国 际学校的优秀学生参观了红星编 辑部,了解真实的杂志写作环境。 在红星办公室,他们和红星的编辑一 起模拟了杂志的完成过程,亲身了解 了杂志是如何做成的。参观结束之后, 学生们和编辑们一起享用了路易基披 萨赞助的美味披萨作为午餐。以下是 四位学生对此次红星办公室之行的想 法,一起看看吧。

June We were invited to write an article for REDSTAR magazine so we had a mock editorial meeting with the staff. We went to a table and sat down to discuss our ideas. One by one, we pitched our ideas for articles and they gave us some advice on our writing. After that, they showed us some of the previous covers for the magazines and explained further about what putting together a magazine is really about. 我们受邀到来到红星办公室,商量为杂志撰写一篇文章, 抱着这样的想法,我们和杂志社的编辑们坐下来开了一场“模 拟报题会”。我们围着桌子,在沙发上坐下,一个一个地发 表我们对文章的想法。开完“报题会”后,他们给我们展示 了几个杂志封面,告诉我们杂志封面的选择技巧,跟我们分 享了如何一些制作杂志的细节。



Anna One might think a magazine office would be very uptight, but this one was different. There were lots of paintings hung up on the walls, making the office not only interesting but also artistic. It had a vintage look to it. I enjoyed talking to the editors and writers because they gave all of us some tips for our articles. It was a thoroughly enjoyable experience. 有的人可能会觉得杂志社的氛围应该很 紧张,但红星杂志社却并非如此。杂志社的 墙上挂满了画,充满了艺术气息。整个红星 办公室看起复古味十足,我跟编辑们聊得很 开心,因为他们给了我们很多写作的建议, 整个过程十分愉快。

Audrey Visiting REDSTAR was an eyeopening experience. It was exciting how we got to speak freely and share our ideas for individual articles. All the writers and editors were able to support and encourage us, challenging and pushing us to improve. “Show, don’t tell,” was one piece of advice one of the writers in the office gave us. It’s a simple idea, but very memorable and helpful at the same time. Writing is something that I love, and it was such a pleasure to meet others who have a passion for literature as well. 红星办公室参观之行是一个眼界大开的 体验。我们每个人都自由地表达自己对文章 的想法。杂志社的撰稿人和编辑们非常支持 和鼓励我们,给了我们很多写作建议。其中, “写作是用文字表现出来,而不只是告诉别 人一件事。”这个建议让我觉得非常有用, 也十分难忘。我爱写作,所以能遇到和我一 样热爱写作的人,是件非常开心的事情。


Horseback Riding Stable 小马哥马术训练营 Anna, a student at YCIS, shares a hidden gem with us: a local stable where you and your whole family can spend an enjoyable afternoon horseback riding.

Editors ’ Pick

来自青岛耀中国际学校的 Anna 为我们分享青岛一家马术训练场,您可 以在此地和家人一起共享马背上的午后时光。


iao Ma Ge Ma Shu ( 小马哥 马术 ) is the perfect place to learn how to ride a horse. Although the instructors speak very little English, you can get through a lesson with basic Chinese. Even the horses understand a few words. For example, when you are riding and you want to stop say “ole!” and when you want to trot or go faster say “dan!” In most countries, if you go to a riding stable, they will have words that tell the horse to go faster and stop.

with an instructor watching you, telling you how to perfect your riding. Horses have their own unique personality so it is never a boring ride.

If you don’t feel totally comfortable and safe on your horse, slow the horse down to a walk. Do this by relaxing your hands on the reins. Don’t pull too hard, but don’t let go completely either. Keep a firm grip on the horse so he knows who’s the boss. If you still don’t feel safe, pull your horse to a stop and stay still for a few seconds. Then walk I strongly suggest starting with an slowly around the arena a few times before you go any faster. instructor, this way you can get used to your horse’s behaviour If you’re worried about falling and gait. First, the instructor will teach you how to trot. When you off the horse, you can go to (and the instructor) think you are the stable’s handy riding shop where you can buy some riding confident enough, you will be equipment such as padded jackets allowed to trot around the arena

COMMUNITY & EVENTS to keep you out of harm’s way. Until now, I’ve never seen anyone fall off a horse, so I wouldn’t be too concerned. Even if you don’t feel like riding, there is still plenty to do! The stables are home to many cute, friendly animals such as alpacas, a goat, three dogs, and many more animals. Always ask the owners if it is okay to touch the animals before petting them. I asked the owner of Xiao Ma Ge Ma Shu why he decided to open a stable in Qingdao. He said he always enjoyed riding when he was younger. When he got older, he went to Mongolia to gain more experience. Consequently, he now gets his horses from Mongolia. He explained that you have to study equestrian skills, instruction, and some animal science if you want to open your own stable. Finally, the owner told me that the stables get packed with tourists during national holidays, so avoid visiting during public holidays. Going to the stables is quite the trip, so it is a good idea to bring your own lunch or stop for a bite to eat before you go.

Address: Intersection of Liaoyang Lu & Songling Lu 辽阳东路与松岭路 Phone: 138 6421-2627

Stray Animal Adoption Centre 流浪动物领养所

Editors ’ Pick

To many people, their furry friends are like family, so seeing stray animals on the street makes their pet-loving hearts sink. Constance, a student at YCIS, wanted to know who is helping these animals, what their prospects were of finding a home, and how she could pitch in. Here’s what she learned.

对很多人来说,毛茸茸的小动物像我们家人一样,所以看到流浪街头的小动物,爱动物的人 士不免会觉得十分难过。青岛耀中国际学校的学生 Constance 想知道如何帮助这些流浪动物, 怎么帮它们找个新家,以及她能为他们做些什么。为此,她走访了青岛一些流浪动物救助站, 得到了第一手的资料。

What organisations are helping animals in Qingdao? The Qingdao Stray Dog Adoption Station and Qingdao Free Cat Adoption Centre are two places in town that rescue street animals. At these shelters, all animals are welcomed with open arms and given places to stay so they are taken off the streets; pets are never put to sleep or abandoned. It is hard for animal shelters to stay open. There is no government assistance nor are there many people who know that they even exist. Even though it is difficult, the good intentions of volunteers at these nonprofit centres have taken hundreds of dogs and cats off the streets.

Why are some animals maltreated & abandoned? During an interview, the owner of the dog adoption centre, Ms. Yun Jun(于 君)told us that China doesn’t have any laws against animal cruelty or the act of abandoning a pet, unlike many Western countries. “There is nothing stopping people from hurting their pets. This leaves dogs and cats all over China very vulnerable,” she told us. In many cases, a puppy or kitten grows into a less-cute, bigger, fully-grown dog or cat and people simply do not want it anymore. The Qingdao Stray Dog Adoption Station rescues most of its dogs from people who call in.

Sometimes there are calls reporting a stray, but mostly people call to ask the centre to take away their pet because they don’t want it anymore.

What can I do to help? There are a few ways that you can help. The first one is obvious: you can adopt a dog or cat. Instead of going to a fancy pet store and paying thousands of RMB for a pedigree pet, you can go to an adoption centre and change an animal’s life for the better. Getting a pet is a big commitment, so if you’re can’t handle it, there are other ways to help stray animals. An easier way to help out is to volunteer. The Stray Dog Adoption Station has one person who looks after and cares for over 180 puppies and dogs so it is a daily struggle. If you want to volunteer, call the owner, Ms. Jun on 158 66888960. If you don’t have the time or the energy, donations are always appreciated, whether it’s dog food, a cat toy, or even the loose change in your bag. Donations of all kinds are always, always appreciated. ••Qingdao Stray Dog Adoption Station

青岛流浪狗收养站 WeChat: dogjiuzhu Phone: 158 6688 8960 ••Qingdao Free Cat Adoption Phone: 137 9198-7701



As she prepares to go back to work, mother of two, Katie Fullerton gets a well-deserved makeover, complete with deep conditioning, ombre highlights, and edgy makeup. Qingdao Family writer Carolina Martins accompanied Katie on her day of pampering.

身为两个孩子的妈妈的 Katie,目前正在 为重返职场做准备。为此,《青岛家庭》编 辑部特别为她安排了这个“变身计划”,让 她的发型和妆容都焕然一新! Carolina 带你 见证她的变身过程。




s it does for most mums, Katie’s life revolves around her kids, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. There is never a boring moment when you have a two-year-old and a threemonth-old! Since her days revolve around her children, we decided to make today about Katie.

像其他的妈妈一样,Katie 的日 子都是围着孩子转的。她说,如 果你像她一样有一个两岁的孩子 和一个三个月大的婴儿,你的生活是绝对 不会无聊的。每天,Katie 生活的主角都 是孩子;今天,我们决定把她变成主角。

Hot Mum


辣妈变身记 Photo © Mango_Junlin




With two children at a hair-pulling age, Katie naturally chooses a ponytail as her go-to look. With this in mind, the hairstylists at Dong planned to give her a practical, low-maintenance hairdo without compromising stylishness. The hairdresser, Eric decided to colour her strands a warm caramel hue and lighten her tips, creating a subtle ombre look. To give her hair movement, he highlighted her hair and trimmed off a few inches but kept her hair long enough for a ponytail. 由于孩子们正处在会时常抓头发的年纪, 所以 Katie 习惯性地把头发扎成马尾。了解 Katie 的生活习惯后,东美发沙龙的发型师们 为她设计了一款方便打理的发型。首先,发 型师 Eric 将 Katie 的头发的主体部分染成接 近她发色的金棕色,而发梢部分则是专门染 成了金色来提亮整个造型效果。为了营造飘 逸的造型效果,Eric 将头发做了些片状挑染, 并剪短了几寸,剪短的同时保留了头发的整 体长度,方便 Katie 随时把头发扎起来。

The Makeup


Since having children, Katie has rarely gotten to wear makeup, so makeup artist Jerry set out to make her really feel beautiful. He gave Katie a soft, smoky eye by using a combination of bronze and grey shadows and, to top it off, lined her eyes with dark coal liner and added a few individual fake eyelashes. To pull the look together, a bright lipstick was applied. The result was fantastic and, most importantly, Katie loved it. 自从有了小孩之后,Katie 便鲜少化妆了, 因此,化妆师 Jerry 特意为她画了一个美美 的妆。他把棕色的粉底和灰色的眼影相结合, 给 Katie 画了个柔和的烟熏妆,配上黑色的 眼线和假睫毛,瞬间眼睛电力十足。为了和 眼妆相得益彰,Jerry 为她选择了亮粉色的唇 彩,整体妆容效果魅力十足,Katie 十分满意。

3-Minute Makeup

Routine for Busy Mums


Whether you are getting ready for work or dropping the kids off at school, taking just a few minutes to put on makeup can help you feel refreshed and ready to face the day. We know moms have the most demanding jobs, so here’s how to get your makeup on fast. 25 seconds Apply moisturiser on a clean face to keep your skin nourished and help even out your skin tone. 40 seconds Apply concealer wherever you need it, with special attention to the under-eye area and on the eyelids. This will brighten up your whole face and camouflage blemishes. 35 seconds Comb through your eyebrows

and fill them in with a brow pencil.

30 seconds Coat lashes with mascara. 30 seconds Blend in some blush on the apples of the cheeks. 20 seconds Apply a neutral lipstick or lip


不管你是一早准备去上班,还是要送孩子们上学,花 几分钟打扮一下都会让你看起来精神抖擞,准备好迎 接新的一天。我知道妈妈们都很忙,所以给大家总结 了三分钟快速化妆的方法:

25 秒:洗完脸后,在脸上涂上润肤霜,保证皮肤 滋润,一整天都不脱妆。

40 秒:在需要遮瑕的地方,用手指轻轻将遮瑕膏 涂上,尤其注意眼窝和眼睑部分。结合粉饼使用,提 亮整张脸的气色。

35 秒:用眉梳把眉毛梳理整齐,用棕色眉笔填色。 30 秒:在眼睫毛上刷上睫毛膏。想要睫毛看起来 Makeover at 变身地点:DONG Hairdressing (formerly Tony&Guy) 6F, Zhonghangxiangtong Yacht, 12 Xinhui Lu (5897-5222) 东美发沙龙 ( 前汤尼英盖 ) 新会路 12 号 中航翔通游艇会 6 层 (5897-5222) Hairstylists Eric Fu, Xu Jian Makeup Artist Jerry, Yingying, Yinghua Makeup Studio 美发师:付雄、许健 美妆师:于传勇、王海莹 ( 滢桦造型 )

浓密的话,等第一次刷上的睫毛膏干掉之后,再涂上 一层睫毛膏。

30 秒:在脸颊的苹果肌处涂上腮红。另外,还可 以在脸颊、眉骨或是内眼窝里刷上一层白色的眼影提 亮五官。

20 秒:在嘴唇上涂上自然色的唇膏,完成妆容。 13



Pack a picnic lunch and join Connie Li for a lovely spring afternoon. Plum Blossoms in Shi Mei An ( 十梅庵 ) Shi Mei An is located north of Qingdao. The name of the park literally translates as “Ten Plum Trees Convent”. Every year between March and April there is a grand plum blossom festival held in Shi Mei An Plum Garden where 10,000 plum trees of various kinds present their splendid beauty. Regarded by Chinese people as one of the "Three Friends of Winter" — along with bamboo and pine trees — plum trees are commonly depicted in traditional Chinese art. There are a few hills in the garden, so if you venture far enough you can find plenty of quiet places for a picnic. However, you should be prepared for busloads of tourists as it is a popular destination during the springtime.


Location: North Qingdao Address: Loushan, Licang District (North of Laohu Mountain and South of Shimeian Village 老虎山北麓,李沧区楼山 办事处十梅庵村东南 )

Best time: 20 March to 15 April Bus routes: No.105, 116,117, 122, 213, 306, 327, 364, 373, 374, 605, 606, 608, 636, 763, 935. Get off at “Shi Mei An Park” or “Shi Mei An” stop ( 十梅庵公园 / 十梅庵 )

Taxi: Around 45RMB from Jusco Admission: 30RMB Cherry Blossoms in Zhongshan Park ( 中山公园 )

Qingdao’s cherry blossoms are extremely famous throughout China. I receive messages from friends as far away as Fujian asking when the blossom season will begin so they can plan their visit.

There are two kinds of cherry trees in Zhongshan Park: One is called danying, which means the blossom has a single layer of petals. The other kind is called shuangying, which means the blossom has multiple layers of petals. Danying trees bloom about 10 days earlier than shuangying trees. Zhongshan Park was founded by German settlers as a trial garden where they planted many different varieties of European plants. There are many rare species of trees and bushes trimmed into different shapes throughout the park. Location: North of Qingdao No. 1 Bathing Beach(第一海水浴场) Address: 28 Wendeng Lu, Shinan District ( 青岛市南区文登路 28 号中山公园 )

Best time: 10 April to 5 May Bus Routes: No.1, 6, 15, 26, 31, 202, 206, 214, 219, 223, 228, 231, 302, 304, 311, 312, 316, 317, 321, 370, 411, 468,

FEATURES 501, 604, 605 Taxi: Around 17RMB from Jusco Admission: Free Hours: 9:00-21:00

带上野餐和 Connie 一起开启美好的午 后春日之旅。

瓣。另一种名为“双樱”,这种樱花有多 层花瓣,比单樱开花要晚十天左右。


公园最初由德国殖民者建立,作为试 验园,德国人在园内种植了各种各样的欧 洲植物。如今漫步其中,多种稀有树种和 形状各异的灌木丛随处可见,带给你非凡 的视觉盛宴。

Sculpture Park ( 雕塑园 ) The Sculpture Park includes many sculptures scattered about the open grounds and a sculpture museum. Designed in a European style of squares with water pools, there are many pathways for casual strolls and shady places to picnic. In my opinion, the Sculpture Park is one of the most beautiful places in Qingdao as it is spacious yet quiet and culturally rich— not to mention the stunning ocean views.

十梅庵,顾名思义即“长有十株梅树 的草庵”,但其中梅树远不止十株。每年 3 月中旬到 4 月初,十梅庵公园会迎来盛 大的梅花节,上万种品种各异的株梅花芬 芳吐蕊,分外壮观。梅花为“岁寒三友” 之一,在中国传统艺术里占有重要地位。 公园里小山坡随处可见,只要乐于探 索,很容易就能找到安静雅致的地方开始 美味的野餐。不过你得做好心理准备,十 梅庵是春游的热门景点,所以你难免要在 摩肩接踵的游客中拥挤一番。

Bus routes: No.102, 104, 125, 301, 304, 311, 321, 382, 501, 632. Get off at “Haichuan Lu” or “Haiqing Lu” stop Taxi: Around 13RMB from Jusco Admission: Free

方位:青岛北部 地址:老虎山北麓,李沧区楼山办事处十 梅庵村东南 最佳观赏时间:3 月 20 日—4 月 15 日 公 交 指 南: 乘 No.105, 116,117, 122, 213, 306, 327, 364, 373, 374, 605, 606, 608, 636, 763, 935 路到“十梅庵 公园 / 十梅庵” 站下车 打车费用:从佳世客出发约 45 元 门票:30 元 / 人

Baihua Yuan ( 百花苑 )


Baihua Yuan is famous for its quiet and delicate landscape design. There are ponds, tall trees, streams, graceful statues, and large green meadows. As an added bonus, there are swings and play areas for children.

青岛的樱花享誉全国。甚至远在福建 的朋友都计划来青岛赏樱花,发信息寻问 我青岛何时迎来樱花季。

Location: Along the beach between Shilaoren Beach and Polar Ocean World Address: Haikou Road 海口路从海宁 路口到海江路口

Location: Located between China Ocean University and Zhongshan Park Address: 55 Yan’anyi Road 延安一路 55 号 Best time: 15 April to 15 October Bus routes: No.15, 219, 220, 302, 306, 368, 370, 468, 604. Get off at the “Xiaoxihu” stop ( 小西湖). Taxi: Around 15RMB from Jusco Park Hours: 6:00-21:30 Admission: 5RMB

中山公园里有两种樱花树:一种叫做 “ 单 樱”, 意 为 只有一 层 花

方位:青岛第一海水浴场 地址:青岛市南区文登路 28 号中山公园 最佳观赏时间:4 月 10 日—5 月 5 日 公交指南:乘 1, 6, 15, 26, 31, 202, 206, 214, 219, 223, 228, 231, 302, 304, 311, 312, 316, 317, 321, 370, 411, 468, 501, 604, 605 路到 " 中山公园 " 站 下车 打车费用:从佳世客出发约 17 元 门票:免费 开放时间:9:00-21:00 雕塑园 青岛雕塑园由室内雕塑艺术馆和室外 雕塑公园两部分组成,雕塑作品繁多。水 池广场充分体现了欧式造园手法,人们可 以沿着蜿蜒的小径悠闲地散步,在树阴下 静静享受野餐。广阔宁静的雕塑园富含人 文气息,与美丽的海景交相辉映,无疑是 青岛最美的景点之一。 方位:从石老人海滩沿岸到极地海洋世界 地址:海口路,从海宁路口到海江路口 公 交 指 南: 乘 102, 104, 125, 301, 304, 311, 321, 382, 501, 632 路到“海川路” 站或“海清路”站下车 打车费用:从佳世客出发约 13 元 门票:免费 百花苑 百花苑以其宁静雅致的自然景观闻名 全国,这里有清澈的池塘、高耸的树木、 涓涓的溪流、优雅的雕塑和大片绿油油的 草地。更为惊喜的是,孩子们可以在这里 嬉戏玩耍、荡秋千。 方位:中国海洋大学和中山公园之间 地址:延安一路 55 号 最佳观赏时间:4 月 15 日—10 月 15 日 公交指南:乘 15, 219, 220, 302, 306, 368, 370, 468, 604 路到“小西湖”站下车 打车费用:从佳世客出发约 15 元 开放时间:6:00-21:30 门票:5 元 / 人




世界复活节风俗大盘点 Easter is the most important Christian holiday. Basia Wardak asks friends from around the world how they celebrate this holy day in their home countries.

Renee, USA Americans decorate eggs with dye and paint. We also hide plastic eggs filled with candy and money for the kids to search for. On Sunday morning, children wake up to find a special Easter basket filled with candy that the Easter bunny hid the night before. Later in the day we have a big brunch. We eat egg casserole, ham, fruit salad, and a cake shaped like a lamb covered in coconut. Renee,美国 美国人一般会用颜料装饰彩蛋。 另外,还会把塑料彩蛋装满糖果和钱, 让孩子们“寻宝”。周日早上,孩子 们一醒来就会看到由“复活节兔子” 准备的塞满巧克力和糖果的复活节篮 子。之后,会有一个比较盛大的早午 餐,吃一些鸡蛋砂锅、火腿、水果沙拉, 还有一个用椰浆盖满的做成羊的形状 的蛋糕。

Aurelie, France In France, we have a chocolate Easter egg hunt in the garden. Catholic churches do not ring their bells starting on Holy Thursday to have a time of silence to respect Jesus’ death. Traditionally, we tell the kids that the church bells are on their way to Rome in order to be blessed by the Pope, and they will be back on


复 活 节 对 于 基 督 徒 们 来 说 意 义 非 凡。 Basia 和来自世界各地的朋友们聊了聊不 同的复活节风俗,一起来开开眼吧!

Hiliana, Mexico Easter in Mexico is celebrated as a combination of two separate, important observances— Semana Santa and Pascua. Semana Santa celebrates the last days of Christ's life while Pascua is the celebration of Christ's resurrection. Easter also marks the end of the sacrifices people make for Lent. During Lent some people only eat white meat as red meat is not permitted, or abstain from meat entirely or only on Fridays. Hiliana, 墨西哥 在墨西哥,复活节是两个重大节 日的结合:Semana Snta( 圣周 ) 和 Pascua( 复活节 )。圣周纪念的是耶 稣基督死前的最后一段日子,而复活 节庆祝的是耶稣基督的复活。另外, 复活节还标志着大斋节的结束。在大 斋节期间或者只在周五,人们只能吃 白肉,不能吃红肉,或者不能吃肉。

Easter Day, bringing eggs with them on their way back! So when you wake up on Sunday morning, your garden is full of hidden chocolate eggs just waiting to be found. I love this tradition! Aurelie, 法国 在法国,我们会有一个在花园中找巧克 力复活节蛋的传统。天主教堂在复活节前的

Christiane, Germany For Easter, Germans put twigs in their living rooms and decorate them with coloured Easter eggs and little ornaments. In the region where I come from, villages decorate their wells with Easter eggs. There are also competitions between villages about who has the most beautiful Easter well. On Easter Monday, people like to walk from village to village to look at the wells. The Thursday before Easter is called “Gründonnerstag" (Green Thursday). Some people will have "green" food that day, for example spinach and herbs. Christiane, 德国 在德国,一到复活节,人们便会在客 厅摆上嫩枝条儿,并用彩蛋和其它东西装 饰一番。我家乡的村民们还会用彩蛋装饰 水井。当天,人们会把从一个村子到一个 村子走动,看哪个村子的水井装饰得最漂 亮。 复活节前的周四在德语里被叫做 “Gründonnerstag"(绿色星期四)。这 一天,人们一般会吃绿色的食物,如菠菜、 香草等。

周四开始直到复活节都不会敲钟,用肃静来 缅怀耶稣基督的离世。按照传统,我们会跟 孩子们解释,教堂里的钟被送到罗马去接受 教皇的祝福,并会在复活节这天连同彩蛋一 起送回来。所以,当周日复活节来临的那天, 孩子们便会冲到院子里去寻找巧克力彩蛋。 我超爱这个传统!


Nicoletta, Romania In our country, the symbol of this celebration is the Easter egg. The Easter meal consists of red eggs, lamb, cheese, lots of vegetables, and the traditional Romanian cake of this celebration – pasca – which is a type of sponge cake filled with cheese, eggs, and raisins. We also have a dish made of lamb organs and spring onion called drob. Easter and Christmas are the most important celebrations in Romania. On the night before Easter, Romanians put on new clothes and go to church. At midnight, everyone lights a candle from the priest’s candle. The light from these candles symbolises the return of Jesus from the dead. It’s a very special moment, and the sight of hundreds of candles in the night takes your breath away. Nicoletta, 罗马尼亚 在我们国家,复活节的象征就是鸡蛋。 复活节大餐包括红鸡蛋、羊肉、奶酪、各 种各样的蔬菜,以及传统的罗巴尼亚蛋糕 帕斯卡。帕斯卡属于海绵蛋糕,里面会放 入奶酪、鸡蛋,以及葡萄干。另外,我们 国家还有一种特殊的庆祝复活节的菜肴, 叫 drob, 用羊的内脏和洋葱制作而成。在 罗马尼亚,复活节和圣诞节是最重要的两 个节日。 在复活节前夜,罗马人会穿上新衣服 去教堂。午夜时分,人们会用牧师手中的 蜡烛点亮一根蜡烛。这些被点燃的蜡烛的 光芒象征着耶稣基督的复活。这是一个意 义非凡的时刻,另外,夜空里的烛光也有 种让人惊叹的美丽。

Jana, Slovakia In Slovakia, there are two unique traditions called “oblievacka” (water pouring) and “sibacka” (whipping). Boys and men visit their female relatives and splash water on them to bring them health and beauty.

Ruta, Lithuania In Lithuania, the Easter Granny (Velykų Senelė) delivers Easter eggs and treats to children. Children often prepare for the Easter Granny by leaving empty homemade nests outside their homes in gardens and shrubs. On Easter morning, they wake up to search for their hidden treasures. The Lithuanian Easter buffet is a huge contrast to the meatless Lenten fast. Opulent displays of roasted pork, baked ham, lamb, veal, sausages, roasted duck, and roasted chicken abound. If lamb is not served, then butter or cheese is moulded into the shape of a lamb and served to symbolise Easter. Before everyone indulges in the Velykos feast, the host slices a hard-boiled egg into as many pieces as there are guests and passes the plate around the table to share this one egg with everyone. This sharing of the egg is believed to bring harmony and unity to the household. Ruta, 立陶宛 在 立 陶 宛,“ 复 活 节 奶 奶”(Velykų Senelė)会给孩子们分发复活节彩蛋和水果。 因此,孩子们都会把自制的“鸟巢”提前放 到家里的花园中或者灌木丛中,第二天一睁 眼便去“鸟巢”里看看自己得到了什么宝贝。 相比素食为主的四旬斋,立陶宛的复活 节自助盛宴可是要丰盛多了。烤鸡、烤鸭、 烤猪肉、烤火腿、羊肉、香肠、小牛肉,应 有尽有。如果没有羊肉的话,人们通常会把 黄油或者芝士做成羊的形状,来作为复活节 的象征。在饕餮盛宴开始之前,宴会的主人 会准备一个煮了很久的鸡蛋,然后尽可能的 把它切成更多的小片儿,以保证每个客人都 能吃到一片。人们相信,这种吃法可以带来 好运。

They also lightly whip them with specially made whips. In the villages, people still dress in traditional clothing and observe folklore traditions during Easter time.

Jola, Poland We bake colourful cakes called Mazurki. We eat lots of raw herring, specially preserved with salt and onion. We share pieces of eggs with each other during Easter breakfast. We prepare Święconka (special Easter baskets), which include sausage, bread, and sheep-shaped sweets. We take the baskets to church to have them blessed by the priest. Traditionally, we cannot eat anything until the basket is blessed. We also celebrate “Wet Monday" when people of all ages act like kids and splash water on each other! Jola, 波兰 我们会做一种叫做 Mazurki 的 彩 色 蛋 糕 , 还 会吃用盐和洋葱腌制过的 青鱼。吃复活节早餐时, 我们会分享一个鸡蛋。另 外,我们还会准备特制的 复活节篮子,里面放上香 肠、面包、以及做成羊型 的糖果。之后,我们把篮 子拿到教堂接受牧师的洗 礼。按照传统,在篮子接 受牧师洗礼前 , 人们是不 能进食的。另外,我们还 有一个“泼水周一”的活动, 当天,男女老少都会互相 泼水庆祝复活节!

Jana, 斯洛伐克 在斯洛伐克,有两个复活节的风俗—— “oblievacka”(泼水)和“sibacka”(抽 鞭)。男性会到访女性亲戚的家中,并向她 们身上泼水以带给她们健康与好运。他们还 会用特制的鞭子轻轻抽打她们。另外,村子 里的人还会穿上传统服装来庆祝节日。




Ashley Stern, mother of five, shares her birthing experience and why she chose to use a doula. 身为五个孩子母亲的 Ashley Stern 向我们分享她和她的导乐师一起经历的生产经历。

What is a doula?

A doula is defined as a trained professional who serves a mother before, during, and after birth. Different from a midwife, they do not perform the medical duties of birth but care for the woman’s physical, mental, and emotional needs. Studies show that when a doula is present labours are shorter, have fewer complications, babies are healthier, and they breastfeed more easily.

什么是导乐师? 导乐师是为妈妈们在生产前、生产时、 生产后进行服务的训练有素的生产服务专家。 与接生婆不同,她们不接生,而是前前后后 关心准妈妈们的身体、心里以及情感需求。 研究表明,导乐师的帮助能缩短生产过程, 减少病发症,宝宝们会更加健康也更容易哺 乳喂养。


irthing a baby is one of those intensely rare and highly anticipated moments in a woman’s life. There is only one opportunity to enjoy the highlights of the pregnancy and delivery, as well as those first fragile moments of your newborn’s life when he or she is perfectly new, tiny, and miraculous. I’ve given birth in two different states in the U.S. and three different countries in Asia. I didn’t set out to do so, but, looking back, giving birth in different countries has given me a


wide variety of birthing experiences and taught me a lot about women in different cultures. My first three children were born with the assistance of midwives in our home without any medical intervention (read: no pain management!). I had a trained doula at my first birth, and I pleaded with my sister and mother to bring themselves —however jet-lagged— to the subsequent ones. I wanted them there if not to support me, then at least to lend moral support to the father and the other children

be delivering in, and Ruth described options that I would not have known about otherwise.

now running around. Giving birth in a foreign country can be quite daunting. When I first moved to China in 2004, I heard stories of deliveries in Chinese hospitals and was thankful that I had delivered three of my children in places where home birth was an option and medical standards were quite high. Fast-forward 11 years, I moved back to China to discover I was 4 months pregnant and knew nothing about the medical options available to me. As if an act of providence, one of my first encounters was with Ruth Greene, a person with a passion for caring for women during pregnancy. She also recently finished her studies for doula certification. Making her even more qualified to assist with giving birth in China, Ruth speaks Chinese (including all the tricky medical terms) and delivered her two children in the same hospital that I chose— Qingdao Fu Yin Yi Yuan. Having a doula made a difference in the little things— and in birth, there are a whole lot of little things that add up to make the experience memorable. Before giving birth, my husband and I sat down with Ruth to plan everything out. Ruth asked questions I had not thought about in 16 years and got a clear idea of my and my husband’s expectations for the birth. Ruth attended an appointment with my OBGYN and got to know the doctor with me. Together we visited the ward I would

As my doula, Ruth accompanied me when I was admitted to the hospital and spent the night after the birth at the hospital with me, walking around with the baby when she refused to sleep. When a nurse was not responsive to my questions and concerns I had someone to chat about it with and decide whether to continue communicating with the nurse or to find the doctor. Ruth reminded me to stay hydrated and wellfed during labor, helped to monitor contractions and progress, and let me know what was being said when I didn’t feel like thinking in Chinese any longer. We laughed and talked for hours and most importantly: I learned the Chinese word for ‘push’ in labor is not tuī ( 推 )! This was my last child, but if I were to give birth again I would choose a doula with as much care as I choose my OBGYN or midwife. Giving birth is a wonderful experience, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t sometimes scary or overwhelming. Things may go wrong, medical practitioners or friends may say things that are hurtful, but the coaching attitude of a doula can turn those moments of crisis around as she explains and normalises the process. Doulas allow the family to focus on the newborn and give everyone involved in the birth the extra energy needed to really enjoy the process and the amazing miracle of a new child.

娩是女人一生中最紧张 和期待的时刻。怀胎十 月,分娩的那一刻可以 最让人激动。因为在那一瞬间, 你迎来了你那娇嫩可爱的小宝贝 的出生。 我曾在美国的两个洲以及亚 洲的三个国家诞下了我的宝宝们, 虽然这些并不在计划之内,但它 们确实让我体会到了不同的生产 经历,也让我了解了不同文化中 的女人们的生产习俗。 我家的前三个孩子都是在我 家里请接生婆接生的。我在没有 借助任何药物的情况下(换言之, 我没有用过任何止痛剂),生下 了他们。生我家老大的时候,我 请过一个导乐师给我提供帮助, 所以我真心希望我的姐姐和妈妈 能够在我生其他几个孩子时候在 我身边,就算不能给我助产,至 少也能也能给孩子的父亲,以及 在房间里到处乱跑的孩子们一些 精神支持。 在异国生产是很需要勇气的。 2004 年, 我 初 到 中 国, 听 到 了 很多关于中国医院生产的传闻, 那时我就觉得我能在允许家庭生 产,且医疗水平较高的地方生下 我的三个孩子是一件多么值得感 恩的事。11 年后,我再次来到中 国,发现自己已经怀胎四月,却 对中国的医疗服务一无所知。 也 许 是 天 意 吧, 我 认 识 了 Ruth,她对照顾准妈妈颇有热情, 不久前还拿到了她的导乐师资格 证。此外,她还会说中文(甚至 是那些拗口的医疗术语),并且 还在我选择生产的医院——青岛 妇婴医院生下过她的两个孩子, 选择她做我的导乐师,着实让我 放心不少。 无论是日常琐事,还是在分 娩的关键时刻,有导乐师的帮助 都让一切变得十分容易。我们一 起经历的大大小小的事情加在一 起,都让这段生产经历分外难忘。 生产之前,我和丈夫与 Ruth 来了 一次促膝长谈,对所有的注意事 项都做了一个详尽的安排。Ruth 问了一些我做母亲 16 年来我都 不曾注意到的一些问题,也清楚

地了解到了我和丈夫对生产都有 些什么样的期望。此外,Ruth 还 陪同我一起去看产科医生,同他 交流了解生产详情,我们又一起 去看了生产用的病房,Ruth 还给 了我一些选择病房的建议,要不 是她我到现在可能都不还知道这 些东西呢。 作 为 我 的 导 乐 师,Ruth 不 仅在我入院的时候一直陪着我, 就连生产之后的每晚也是,她抱 着我的孩子边走边哄她入眠。当 护士对我的问题和担心没有回应 时,她也会和我商量看要不要继 续跟护士沟通或者直接找医生商 量。Ruth 还提醒我分娩之前要喝 足水吃饱肚子,指导我宫缩,又 教我一些跟分娩有关的常用中文 表达。我们愉快地聊了好几个小 时,我才知道,原来中文里表达 分娩时“push”的词不是“推”! 虽然我已经不打算再生小 孩,但如果再有机会,我一定会 像选择我的产科医生和接生婆一 样,认真选择我的导乐师。生产 是一个神奇的过程,但它有时也 会让你害怕,让你不知所措。任 何一环节都有可能出岔子,医疗 人员还有你的朋友也会说一些泄 气的话,但你的导乐师的指导和 帮助总会化解各种危机,她们会 给你解释,让你不再害怕这个过 程。导乐师能使全家人的注意都 放在家里的新生儿上,也让为生 产忙前忙后的家人们有充足的精 力去享受这个过程,以及新生儿 带来的美妙。


FEATURES It’s humbling to realise that your children are smarter than you, especially when your kids can’t even form complete sentences or tie their shoes yet, like Olga’s two youngest children, twoyear-old Judah and fouryear-old Teo. Here are some of the ways Olga’s two little life-coaches have impressed her with their wisdom.


Pre-schoolers obey the call of nature in a timely fashion— anytime, anywhere. There is none of this trying to fit one more thing in before going to the washroom and barely making it (not that I am speaking from experience or anything).


My young sons get more sleep than I do and don’t apologise for it. Nor do they see it as a sign of weakness. Teo will say to me at nap time, “Mom, can you put me to bed?” Isn’t that wise? I am guilty of staying up late when I should really be putting myself to bed, and I do it over and over again. Not only do they get more sleep, they can also sleep anywhere: They sleep in transit, when they’re bored, too hot, or when they are

承认你的“熊孩子”比你聪明的 确需要经历一番“心理挣扎”, 尤其是当他们还不太会说话或者 连鞋带都不会系的时候,承认这 一点更是会让你感觉脸面全无。 Olga 的 两 个 最 小 的 孩 子 Judah 和 Teo,一个 2 岁,一个 4 岁, 别看他们年纪尚小 , 可是古灵精 怪 得 很。 接 下 来, 就 让 Olga 和 大家分享下他们的小小“智慧”。




just plain tired. Imagine the increased creativity and improved health that could be mine!




Kids know that nutritious food, rest, or physical contact can solve most problems. In kidspeak that is either: a snack, a nap, or a hug. In contrast, I often spin my wheels searching for complex solutions to my problems. I would do far better to stop, take care of myself, and have a meaningful conversation with my husband.


Toddlers understand that Band-Aids are not just for cuts and scratches. Hurray for skin stickers! Because BandAids are so entertaining and diverting, pain and discomfort are quickly forgotten.


My children are much, much less concerned about personal appearance and choose comfort and practicality over fashion every time they get dressed, yet they still look adorable. I spend more time on my appearance than my boys do, but the results always leave something to be desired. As for hair, have you ever seen a kid under the age of four with bad hair? Even if a child’s haircut is atrocious, he is still most assuredly in the “cute” category.


Children don’t question their ability to sing and dance. They are not self-conscious. They just groove to the music and make loud utterances somewhat in line with the songs. When did I get all self-conscious and inhibited? This “trying to be cool” thing has really robbed me of a lot of joy.


Young children know that getting out of the house before nine o’clock is a healthy (if not a mandatory) thing to do. Just going outside, without a particular destination in mind, is enough. They know that they need to move their bodies in an outdoor setting and they don’t care what the weather or temperature is.


FEATURES As a result, “Out before nine, and everything’s fine” is a maxim that I try to live by. Otherwise we all start whining and losing our minds.


Little ones don’t edit their emotions. Anger, Sadness, Joy, Disgust, Fear … all the characters from Inside Out are present in full colour. I never have to plead with Judah, “Tell me how you really feel!” Whereas I definitely deny, mask, or am just plain ignorant of my own feelings at times. In fact, I am often not even sure what I am feeling, and it takes time to figure it out.


Kids know what they want, and they are not afraid to go after it. They show purposeful action and determination. On the other hand, I generally have difficulty discerning what I really want. I need time to reflect, to look for hidden themes in my desires and discontent. Teo, and especially Judah, know what they want, even if they have to scream, pry it out of someone else’s hands or bop someone else on the head to get it (not that I am endorsing those particular methods).


人有三急,孩子们可不管什么时间、 什么场合,“三急”一来,定是要立 马“解决问题”的。什么事情也阻止 不了他们面对“三急”的态度,那就是—— 马上去卫生间!


孩子们睡的比我多,却从不为此感到 难为情。而且他们并不觉得这是一种 脆弱的表现。Teo 到了午休时间就会 问我:“妈咪,能把我抱到床上睡会儿吗?”, 把它搞得跟理所应当一样,而我却每天严重 睡眠不足。真是一个“狡猾”的小东西。 他们不仅仅睡得比我多,而且在哪都能睡着, 比如在车上、无聊的时候、太热的时候,或 者太舒服的时候。设想一下,如果我也能睡 这么多,那我的创造力和健康水平那肯定是 要蹭蹭地往上涨啊。

却总觉得“输”给了他们。比如头发,我花 了好多时间来打理,但孩子们无论什么发型, 总是看起来那么可爱。为了证明这一点,我 故意给 Teo 理了一个不好看的发型。Teo, 对 不起咯。



他们对于自己的舞姿和唱功永远充满 自信。他们没有自我意识,只是跟着 音乐的节奏摆动身体而已。每当这时 我就会问自己,我什么时候开始拥有自我意 识的呢?“我一定要逼格满满”的想法,的 确剥夺了我好多乐趣。


他们知道早上 9 点之前去户外活动对 身体好,他们要求的不多,只是出去 溜达溜达就够了。对于他们来说,不 管天气是阴是晴,温度是高是低,都要出去“放 放风”。我也受到他们的影响,把“九点出门, 一切无忧”作为我的生活座右铭,如果不出 去的话,我们都会觉得无聊透顶。

孩子们深深地知道,大部分生活中的 问题都可以通过食物、休息和情感关 怀来解决。这些他们眼里其实更简单, 无非就是三样东西:小吃、午休和抱抱。相 反,我需要解决问题的时候却要费上一番工 夫,比如停下来,好好安抚一下自己的情绪, 然后和丈夫来上一场深度对话。

他们觉得创可贴不仅仅可以治愈伤 口,还是个不错的“玩具”,他们 所有的痛苦和不适都可以在创可贴 贴上的那一刹那烟消云散。


他们一点儿都不会注重个人形象问 题,“舒服”是他们穿衣打扮的唯一 标准,但却“无心插柳柳成荫”,无 意中形成了自己的时尚风格。我花在穿衣打 扮上的时间比这些孩子们可是要多多了,但



他们不会抑制自己的情绪。气愤、伤 心、快乐、厌恶、恐惧,所有这些 情绪在孩子身上都是百分百地表现出 来。我从来不需要向 Judah 询问他最真实的 想法,因为不像我,总会戴着一张“面具”, 把自己的情绪隐藏起来,他们的心情全都写 在脸上,没有任何的掩饰。


他们知道自己想要的是什么,并会全 力以赴去争取。他们会表现出明显的 目标性并会付诸行动。而我却不太清 楚自己想要的到底是什么。我需要不断地去 反思,寻找自己内心深处所隐藏着的欲望和 不满。Teo 和 Judah 知道他们想要的是什么, 并且会不遗余力地去争取,比如大哭大闹, 从别人手中抢,或者直接诉诸武力,给别人 脑门儿一击,只为“得尝所愿”。



CZECH OUT THEIR FAMILY HOLIDAY 一家人的捷克假期 Over Chinese New Year the Jones Family had the opportunity to visit friends in Prague, Czech Republic. Creative mom Lawanda shares how she sparked her children’s imaginations and kept them interested in this historic European city.

春 节 期 间, Jones 一 家 去 了 捷 克共和国的首部布拉格。下面, 让创意十足的辣妈 Lawanda 告 诉你,她是如何启发孩子们的创 意,让他们兴趣盎然地探索这座 欧洲古都。

In a small village in Bohemia, my kids felt as though they were walking towards Hogwarts as we approached this 14th century cathedral. Connecting the amazing architecture we visited in Prague to something the kids could relate to (Harry Potter) made it even more magical for them. 在波西米亚的小村子里,我们一起走向建于 14 世纪的老教堂,孩子们感觉自己像是“穿 越”到了《哈利·波特》里的霍格沃兹魔法学校。对他们来说,一切都好像魔法一般神奇。

The castles, cathedrals, and cobblestone streets provided a stunning new perspective at every corner. My husband and I love history, but how do you keep a 12-year-old and 6-year-old interested in historical landmarks at a Disney age? 城堡、教堂、和鹅卵石铺成的街道, 让布拉格的每个角落都充满新奇。我的 丈夫和我都热爱历史,但如何让我们满 脑子都是迪士尼的小朋友们(一个 12 岁, 一个 6 岁)也对这些古迹充满兴趣呢? 这是我们一路上都在思考的问题。


Street gymnastics for the camera gave our son something to do and helped him burn off some of that extra energy that none of the rest of us seemed to have. We also learned some fun trivia: Before building numbers, buildings were known by the sculptures above the gate entrance. This one, for example, is “crown gate”. 旅行时,我们一直让孩子们在镜头 前做些“高难度”体操动作,也借此让 他们释放过剩的精力。另外,我们还想 出了一些不同的点子:比如让孩子们在 建筑物的数字前、雕塑前做有趣的动作, 给他们拍照。比如这一张照片,儿子就 在“皇冠门”做了“倒立”的动作。

TRAVEL Looking up the history of the landmarks on the Internet made the vacation very educational for all us. We learned that the historic Charles Bridge was once the only passageway from Prague Castle to Old Town over the Vltava River. Commissioned by King Charles IV in 1357, the bridge spans 16 arches and is lined with 30 baroque statues of religious figures. We were nearing the bridge at dusk after a day of castle exploring; it was incredibly breathtaking. 利用网络查询历史地标的信息,让我们这 一趟旅行颇有教育意义。通过查阅资料,我们 知道了横跨伏尔塔瓦河的查理大桥曾经是连接 布拉格城堡和旧城区唯一的通道。1357 年, 查理四世命人修建了这座桥,桥身共有 16 座 桥墩,桥上有 30 尊圣者雕像。在布拉格城堡 游玩一天之后,我们走到了查理大桥附近,在 落日的余晖下,这座桥美得动人心魄。

One of the highlights for our daughter was visiting the Bone Church, which she had read about in the book series The 39 Clues. 旅行途中,最让我我女儿兴奋的, 便是亲眼看到人骨教堂了!因为她曾经 在小说《39 条线索》时读到过这座教堂。

We went on a family scavenger hunt and searched the architecture for the letters in our family name, which left us with some great memories of a fun-filled day. The best part is we have a new picture for our wall that will always remind us of our adventure in Prague! 旅行期间,我们全家还一起玩了一场“寻宝游戏”,在布拉格的古建筑上寻找家人 的名字,这让我们那一天过得十分充实有趣。对我们一家人来说,此次旅行最大的收获, 就是家里的墙上又多了一堆新的旅行照片,纪念着我们这次难忘的家庭之旅。

Seeing old friends was the biggest treat for us. Our friend’s children and our kids played well together while we hiked up a mountain to see panoramic views of the city. 旅途中和老朋友见面也是意义非 凡。在我们四个大人爬山欣赏美景的同 时,两家的小朋友们也一起度过了美好 的时光。



"BACK SCHOOL" IN SESSION “背部治疗”身体力行 The “back school” is an educational program that teaches people how to care for their back and avoid longterm back pain through better posture, back care, back exercises, and body mechanics. Back pain can be extremely debilitating, but the good news is, the most effective solutions to back pain are easy stretches and changes to your everyday body positions. Physical therapist Jana Linhart gives us our first lesson as she demonstrates some easy ways to alleviate back pain. These are the most common postures that result in back pain and the correct posture that should be assumed to alleviate back pain:

Now that you know what positions to avoid, here are some simple poses to stretch your muscles and joints in a balanced way to prevent injuries and strains. These exercises should be done every morning for about 5 to 10 minutes. The back school method is an important part of a holistic treatment which also includes healthy eating and exercise. 1


Deep lunges stretch muscles in front of the thighs and also the abdomen. Kneel on one knee, the other foot in front. Make sure your front knee does not go past your toes. Hold for 5 to 10 seconds for each leg.


Start on all fours with your arms and legs shoulder width apart. Twist your upper torso, lifting one of your

Stretch your buttocks and upper leg muscles by laying on the floor with your legs bent and arms stretched outward. Squeeze your buttocks and raise your pelvis upwards. Do not arch your back. Repeat 5 times.

nn Don’t reach down to put on your socks but rather raise your leg and foot to ease the stress on your lumbar.

nn Avoid slouching and rounding your shoulders when in a seated position. Erect posture is essential to good back health.


nn Hunching over a low table or counter for long periods of time is detrimental to back health. Instead, use a small stool, rotating legs to ensure you stand up straight and don't put too much pressure on your lower back.



5 3

2 arms up into the air. Keep your arm straight and look upwards. This twisting motion loosens the muscles along your spine and opens your chest. 4

look back at your feet at the same time. Repeat on the right side. 5

Starting again on all fours, this time keep your legs together. Lift your feet off the floor and twist your legs to the left side, turning your neck to

“背部治疗”一种教育课程,旨在教导人们 如何照顾背部,通过一些有益背部的姿势, 强健背部机能,避免人们遭受因不良姿势造 成的长期背痛的折磨。背部疼痛疼起来要人 命,但其实,只需要做几次背部拉伸和变换 身体姿势,就能极大地缓解背部疼痛。以下 是理疗师 Jana 给大家带来的一节背部理疗入 门课。



肩部平躺在地面上,打开双臂和身体呈 90


单腿跪放在瑜伽垫上,另一条腿的大腿与 瑜伽垫平行,注意膝盖不要超过脚趾。 保持该动作 5 至 10 秒后两腿交换做另一 组。该动作能够拉伸大腿前侧和腹部的 肌肉。


Like the earlier pose, lay flat on your back with your knees bent, but this time keep your legs shoulder width apart. Twist your knees towards the ground, moving both legs in the same direction, while keeping your arms and upper back flat on the ground. In addition to stretching your lower back, this also stretches your hips.

开胸腔,放松脊柱两边的肌肉。 4

膝盖直立趴在瑜伽垫上,双腿并拢,胳膊 直立撑住身体,抬起双腿,最大限度地向 左扭动身体,回头,眼睛看向抬起的双脚 的脚尖方向。反方向同理,身体向右扭动。


度,夹紧臀部,用背部的力量将身体托举 在空中,额头、跨步和腿部呈一条直线, 注意不要拱起背部。重复该动作 5 次。

nn 坐姿:坐在椅子上工作或学习时,避免弯 曲肩膀,身体前倾,注意保持背部直立状态。 nn 长期弯腰做饭或洗碗对背部健康同样容易 导致背痛。建议把腿放在辅助凳上,保持 上身直立状态,减少腰背的压力。


Lie on your back with your arms stretched out straight. Keeping your legs together, bend your knees and roll them slowly to one side keeping your feet on the floor. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat 3 times on each side.

现在,你知道哪些姿势需要避免,以下 是一些简单的背部拉伸姿势,帮您拉伸背部 肌肉和关节,避免背部疲劳受损。建议每天 早上花上 5 至 10 分钟的时间,做几组以下姿 势,加强背部保健。另外,配合健康饮食和 定期有氧运动效果更佳。

左图是几个最常见的导致背部疼痛的姿 势,以及对应的正确姿势: nn 穿袜子:不要弯着腰去穿袜子,尽量挺直 背部,抬起腿和脚,来环节腰部的压力。


平躺在瑜伽垫上,胳膊和身体垂直打开。 双腿弯曲并拢,上半身保持不动,下半身 向左扭动,靠近地面。保持姿势 10 秒钟, 左右各做三次。


平躺在瑜伽垫上,胳膊和身体垂直打开。 双腿打开,弯曲膝盖,保持肩部和手臂贴 近瑜伽垫不动,扭动腰部,双腿向左边地 面靠近。除了能延展腰背肌肉外,该姿势 还能延展你的臀部肌肉。

膝盖直立趴在瑜伽垫上,分开双臂,分别 举起其中一条手臂,延伸,和另一手臂呈 直线,眼睛向上看。这个动作能帮助你打



• Administers anesthesia. • Stays with you during the entire surgery. • Carefully monitors your breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure. • Supervises your recovery from anesthesia and your initial pain control after your operation. • Answers any and all questions as well as openly discusses concerns you have may have about your anesthetic.

How can I prepare for my operation? • Improving your general physical condition can help you heal faster after an operation. • If you smoke, consider switching to patches or another alternative for at least 6 weeks prior to your operation. This will help your blood circulate more oxygen, helping you heal quicker. • No alcohol for at least 24 hours leading up to your surgery, as well as after. • Refrain from using recreational drugs for as long as possible. • If overweight, try to reduce your weight prior to surgery. • Confirm any long-standing medical conditions are stable. • Remove all jewellery prior to admission, including any nose or mouth piercings. • Remove nail polish from fingers and toes. • You will receive further instructions regarding your regular medications on the day of your surgery. • Strictly follow the food and drink restrictions given during preadmission. Fasting guidelines are important for your safety. • Your surgery may be cancelled if you fail to follow these instructions!



Anesthesia is the insensitivity to pain, induced by the administration of drugs before surgical operations.


关于麻醉,您知多少? What does your anesthesiologist do?

麻 HESIA? 醉是什 么


Anesthesia 101


麻醉是指在为您给药或麻 醉气体后,让您不 再感受到疼痛。

What happens after my surgery? • Pain medication will be dispensed. • You will be taken to the Post Anesthetic Care Unit (PACU), otherwise known as the recovery room, your hospital room if you are being admitted to the hospital, or the Day Surgery Unit if you’re an outpatient. • A PACU nurse will assess you and provide you with appropriate care. • You should not drive, operate any machinery, or make important decisions for at least 24 hours after leaving the PACU.

What are the different types of anesthesia? • Your anesthesiologist will discuss different anesthetic methods that are appropriate for your surgery. Anesthetic choices are based on your surgery, your overall health, and your personal preference. • Types of anesthesia include local anesthesia, regional anesthesia, general anesthesia, and sedation.

麻醉医生可为您做什么? ••为您提供麻醉。 ••在整个手术期间陪伴您。 ••严密观察您的呼吸、心率和血压状况。 ••监护您从麻醉中醒来后的恢复情况,并指导 手术后的首次疼痛管理。 ••麻醉医生将乐意回答或和您探讨与麻醉相关 的任何问题。


Qingdao United Family Hospital 青岛和睦家医院 www.ufh.com.cn 4008-919191

Rujin Zhang 张汝金 Chair of Anesthesiology, Anesthesiologist MD, MS, PhD 麻醉科医生、麻醉科兼外科主任、医学博士

••如果您体重过重,您可在术前改善全身状况, 尝试减轻体重。 ••确保您所患的慢性病处于稳定状态。 ••为了您的安全,进入手术室前请将所有的首 饰摘掉,包括鼻腔或口腔内的饰物,以免其 进入胃或肺部。 ••卸除手指和脚趾的指甲油和美甲饰物。 ••我们还会在您手术当天为您进行常规药物的 服用指导。 ••如果您不能遵守术前指导或要求,出于安全 的考虑,您的手术有可能会被推迟或取消!

手术结束后会发生什么? ••将给您止疼药。 ••您将被送至麻醉后恢复室。 ••恢复室护士会评估您的术后情况并给予适当 的护理,通常观察 1 小时左右。 ••如果您手术前已住院,医院工作人员会再护 送您回病房。 ••如果您是当日手术患者,您将再被送至当日 手术病房,直至出院。 ••您离开恢复室后至少 24 小时内不能驾车, 不能操控机械装置,或者做出重大的决定。


•• 尽量改善自己的身体状况有助于术后尽快康复。 ••麻醉医生将在术前或麻醉门诊咨询时与您探讨 ••如果您吸烟,请您尝试戒烟 6 周或尽量减少 不同的麻醉方法,为您选择合适的麻醉方式。 吸烟的量,这样有利于血液运输更多的氧气, 麻醉类型的选择将根据您的手术种类、您整 促进术后更早康复。 体的健康状况和您的个人意愿来综合决定。 ••尽量少饮酒。术前术后 24 小时请勿饮酒。 ••麻醉的类型有局麻、区域麻醉、全身麻醉、 ••尽可能暂停服用兴奋剂。 镇静麻醉四种。


Craft: Bubble Snake 手工制作泡泡蛇

TIPS 小贴士

With Earth Day just around the corner, Catherine wanted to share one of her favourite, environmentallyfriendly activities: making bubble snakes with her kids. A simple contraption that produces cool results, the bubble snake keeps her two boys entertained for hours. The bubble snake is easy to make with things you already have around your home. An added bonus is that you can talk about Earth Day and the importance of reduce-reuse-recycle with your children!

国际地球日即将到 来,为了节能环保, Catherine 给 大 家 分享她最爱的亲 子手工活动——泡 泡 蛇。 这 个 手 工 制 作过程十分简单,容易 操作,而且深受小朋友们喜欢, 她的两个儿子就对此爱不释手。 制作手工的材料可以轻易在家里 找到,十分方便。另外,做手工 的时候,你还能给孩子讲些环保 知识。

What do you need? • 18 oz. plastic water bottle • One sock (or wash cloth) • Rubber band (or strong tape) • Sharp scissors • Dishwashing liquid • One bowl • Optional: food colouring

所需材料 : •• 18 盎司的塑料瓶 •• 1 只袜子(或浴巾布) •• 橡皮筋(或强力胶布) •• 锋利的剪刀 •• 洗洁精 •• 一只碗 •• 可选:食用色素

How to make a bubble snake: 1. Cut off the bottom of the water bottle. 2. Put the sock over the bottom of the water bottle. 3. Secure the sock with a rubber band.

制作过程: 1. 将塑料水瓶的底剪开。 2. 用袜子(毛巾布)将剪 后的水瓶底部罩住。 3. 用橡皮筋把袜子(毛巾 布)固定住。

How to make your own bubble mixture: • In a small plastic bowl, combine two parts regular dishwashing liquid to one part water. (Tip: Do not use automatic dishwashing soap.) • Use warm or cold water. • Consider using small individual plastic bowls for each child (this lessens any chance of

arguments to get to the bubble bowl).

• Remind children to blow outward and • Blow bubbles in a grassy area or to not inhale. Inhaling may send soapy somewhere non-slippery to avoid a slip and fall hazard. water down the child’s throat (yuk!).

如何制作混合泡泡液: •• 在小塑料碗中将洗洁精 和水按 2:1 的比例混合 (注意:避免使用自动 起泡洗碗皂) •• 使用温水或冷水 •• 每个小朋友使用不同的 塑料碗(避免孩子争抢)

Blowing your bubble snake: • Dip the fabric end of the bubble maker into the soapy water. • Blow on the other end of the bottle (the mouth) and watch the bubble snake emerge. • Instruct children to gently blow in a steady stream to achieve a constant, consistent flow of bubbles. 如何吹出泡泡蛇: •• 将缠着布料的塑料瓶底部蘸 着混合泡泡液。 •• 用嘴吹着塑料瓶的瓶嘴,吹 出泡泡蛇。 •• 指导小朋友慢慢吹出一个长 长的泡泡蛇。

•• 提醒小朋友通过向塑料瓶吹 •• 吹泡泡蛇时,最好选在草坪 气,而不能吸气,吸气会造 上或是其他不易滑倒的区域, 避免因泡泡水而滑倒。 成他们不小心吸入气泡水。



Meet Molly and Yao Yao Molly 和瑶瑶的故事 Ashley Fornaro sat down with Molly Morrison, an American author and illustrator, to learn more about her passion for philanthropy and education.


hile living in Burkina Faso, Molly Morrison learned the importance of localisation. Molly explained that many children in this West African,


francophone country couldn’t relate to the French books at their local library, because they depicted things like mountains and snow. As a Peace Corps volunteer at a nonprofit organisation called Friends of African Village Libraries (FAVL), Molly worked with local authors and illustrators in Burkina Faso to write books with storylines and pictures that reflected the experience of local children.

Molly applied the same concept of localisation to her own book, Yao Yao and the Dragon Kite. This story, about a young Chinese girl who reluctantly visits her grandparents in the countryside, resonates deeply with young Chinese readers and their parents as it captures the current struggle in Chinese culture between modern (materialism and technology) and traditional values. Although she

EDUCATION has only lived in China for a year, Molly has shown a keen attention to detail and a deep understanding of Chinese culture in her book, such as the names of the characters to what they eat for breakfast. The details of Yao Yao’s story make it accessible to Chinese children. In a market that is already saturated with English schools and textbooks, Molly stands out for her genuineness. Not only are the themes in the book relatable, but she has also carefully considered how Chinese parents will use her book. For example, she has dedicated a lot of time to providing supplemental materials to her readers, from videos on youku.com to her very own WeChat channel where she shares voice recordings of her book and other content featuring her puppet version of Yao Yao (Follow her WeChat account by scanning the QR code at the end of the article). Molly divulged that she considered creating a full-length cartoon with a higher production value to attract readers, but opted for a puppet to encourage

children to use their imaginations. Yao Yao will be having more adventures in the future, too, as Molly plans to take Yao Yao to Europe in a followup book. In addition to her focus on localising educational materials, Molly is also unique for her philanthropic work. In her bid to maintain her connection to Burkina Faso, Molly is donating thirty

Molly has created a workshop around her book that has been successful with her young readership. At the workshop, Molly and the students read her book and play educational games together. If you’re interested in getting a copy of Yao Yao and the Dragon Kite for your young bookworm or sponsoring Molly’s workshop at your school, please contact her on WeChat: mollyannmorrison.

瑶瑶的人偶形象等。Molly 还提到,之前她想 过把这本书做成动画来吸引更多的人,但是 后来决定还是用人偶,因为这样可以更好地 激发孩子们的想象力。瑶瑶的旅途并未停止, 在将来 Molly 还打算带她去欧洲“玩”一趟, 这些内容都会在她接下来要出版的第二本书 中看到。

Ashley 坐下来和美国作家兼插画师 Molly 聊 了聊,一起来看看这个美国姑娘在慈善和教 育事业上的无限热情。

布基纳法索居住的那段日子,让 Molly 深深意识到了教育本地化 的重要性。布基纳法索位于西非, 属于法语区。然而她却发现,这 里的孩子却对那些法语书提不起什么兴致, 因为书中描述的都是些高山、白雪等在布基 纳法索看不到的东西。当时,Molly 在一家叫 作非洲乡村图书馆的非盈利机构做维和志愿 者,和当地的作家及插画师们一起创作能够 和当地孩子产生共鸣的图书作品。 有了“本地化”的理念之后,Molly 在中 国也开始了她的“本地化”作品——《瑶瑶 和龙风筝》的创作。书中讲述了一个中国小 女孩不情愿地从城市到农村,在爷爷奶奶家 发生的故事。这个故事设定会让很多中国家 长和孩子产生共鸣,因为它讲诉了一种现代 都市社会的物质主义和农村传统文化及价值 观的碰撞。尽管 Molly 在中国只待了一年多 的时间,但你从书中却可以看出她对中国文 化的关注和理解,比如书中人物的名字和他 们吃的早餐等,都极具中国特色。瑶瑶的故

percent of the revenue from her book to FAVL, the organisation where she volunteered. At first, Molly told me, she was concerned that Chinese people might not be interested in learning about Burkina Faso or Africa in general, so she has been astonished by the number of questions she receives from children and adults about Africa. There are generally a lot of misconceptions in China about African countries and culture, so Molly hopes she can facilitate cross-cultural understanding through her book and charity, as well as inspire others to give back.

事讲得十分细致,贴合实际,很容易让中国 孩子产生共鸣。 在英语培训学校和各种英语教学书充斥 的英语学习市场,Molly 另辟蹊径,用自己的 一双巧手和丰富的想象力,完成了这本书。 书中的主题不仅关联度很高,而且 Molly 还 充分考虑了中国父母的用书习惯。例如,她 曾 花 费 了 很 长 时 间 为 本 书 添 加 辅 导 材 料, 还在优酷上找了很多视频。另外,她还会在 自己的微信号(扫描本文最后的二维码关注 Molly 的微信)上发送这本书的语音录音以及

除了积极投身到教育材料的本地化工作 之外,Molly 还一直心系慈善事业。这本书收 入的 30% 都会捐入她之前在非洲待过的非洲 乡村图书馆机构。Molly 告诉我说,她之前认 为中国的家长和孩子应该不会对非洲有多大 兴趣,但却出乎她意料地收到了好多关于非 洲的询问。而且她发现,中国人对非洲及非 洲文化存在很多误解,因此,她想通过自己 的书来起到一种文化桥梁的作用,让双方消 除对彼此的偏见。 Molly 创办了一个关于《瑶瑶和龙风筝》 的研讨会,在她的小读者们之中很受欢迎。 在研讨会中,Molly 会和孩子们一起读书,一 起做游戏。如果你也想给自 己的孩子买一本《瑶瑶和龙 风筝》,或者想支持一下她 的研讨会,请添加她的微信: mollyannmorrison。



Boarding Pets in Qingdao 青岛宠物寄养哪家强?

ANI(爱妮宠物医院) The vets and staff at ANI have Qingdao in their best interests. In addition to being a full-service vet clinic and kennel, they also cater to the most unfortunate of animals— stray dogs. Every month, the pet hospital provides two spaying and neutering operations to strays who are brought in free of charge. Moreover, anyone who is willing to take in a stray is offered a significantly discounted spraying or neutering operation for their new pet. Located at the intersectionof Haier Lu and Liaoyang Dong Lu in Laoshan, it is the perfect place for anyone who lives in northeast Laoshan to take their pets to board or for a vet visit. The head vet is highly experienced— as his 2012 Vet of the Year award shows— and used to work at another vet hospital which catered to foreigners.

Finding a reliable place to board your pet can be a struggle, so Jasper Zhai and Timothy Ulrich visited three kennels in Qingdao to find which one is the best for your furry family member.

有时候你不得不和自己心爱的宠 物短暂分别,而为它找个可信赖 的 寄 养 地 并 非 易 事。Jasper 与 Timothy 考察了青岛周边 3 家可 以提供寄养服务的宠物医院,为 您“毛茸茸”的家庭成员找到了 温暖的临时“客栈”。

VINI (维尼宠物医院) Like ANI Pet hospital, VINI is a full-service vet hospital as well as a boarding kennel for animals. Their staff is welltrained, and they provide the utmost care for your pets, with special attention to the boarding facilities. Their central location is a plus for anyone downtown looking for a pet hospital and boarding kennel. Located on Ningxia Lu, VINI offers a one-stop-shop for all your pet related needs. There’s even a bathing station so your dog can be washed before returning home. If your dog is boarded for more than 7 days, they throw in the bath for free!

像爱妮一样,维尼宠物医院也可以为您的宠物寄养提供全方位 的服务。医院员工所具备的专业素养以及医院完善的硬件条件确保了 您的各类宠物可以得到很好的照顾。维尼宠物医院位于市中心宁夏路 上,地理位置优越、交通便利,为您提供一站式服务。先进的宠物洗 青岛的爱妮宠物医院有一个充满激情与爱心的团队。爱妮宠物医 浴设施可以为每一个寄养宠物提供返家前的洗浴服务。值得一提的是, 院不仅是一个综合性的宠物诊所和犬舍,他们也为那些不幸的流浪狗 如果您的宠物寄养时间超过 7 天,便可以免费获赠这里提供的一次洗 提供服务。每个月,爱妮都会提供两次免费的流浪动物绝育手术服务, 浴服务。 对于热心人士带来的其他被救助宠物,他们也只收取七五折的手术费 用。此外,他们也对任何愿意领养流浪动物的人脉提供优惠的动物绝 育手术。医院位于崂山区的海尔路与辽阳东路路口。对于生活在崂山 东北部的人来说,如果宠物如果需要寄存或者就医,这里便是最佳的 选择。 这里的首席医师具有丰富的从业经验,2012 年他曾供职于一 所国际宠物医院,高超的医术与服务为他赢得了众多奖项。

Address 地址 : 29 Haier Lu 海尔路 29 号 Phone 电话:8891-3320


Address 地址 : 271A Ningxia Lu 宁夏路 271 甲 Phone 电话:8578-0008

ARTS & CULTURE 前面介绍的两家宠物寄养所同时还是宠物医院。而天福宝宝宠物 则只是一家宠物寄养所,提供专业的宠物寄养服务。色彩斑斓的装修 让这里看起来十分温馨。此外,这里还有一个空间很大的猫咪 VIP 活 动室,简直就是小宠物们的避风港。虽然前面两家有兽医为您的宠物 “保驾护航”,但不管是寄养环境以及细致体贴的照料,天福宝宝绝 对是没得说。例如,寄养在这里的宠物狗除了会到室外玩之外,还能 在一个小区域内玩耍,不会整天待在寄养笼里。猫咪则“待遇”更高 一些,有很多玩具和 VIP 房间享受特殊待遇。

Tian Fu Baobao (天福宝宝宠物) Unlike the other two pet hospitals, Tian Fu Baobao is only a kennel and pet shop. With the eager dogs and cats awaiting new owners, the colourful décor and kennels, and the VIP cat room, this kennel stands out as a pet haven. The previous two kennels have the added bonus of having veterinarians on hand, but don’t think that means this kennel is any less capable of providing your animal with excellent care. For example, the dogs are allowed outside time as well as time in an indoor dog run, and the cats are allowed to spend time in a special room where they can frolic on the various cat furniture installations.


Address: 69-5 Xianggang Dong Lu 地址:香港东路 69-5 Phone 电话 : 6778-9670


Tian Fu Baobao

( 爱妮宠物医院 )






80RMB – 100RMB/day


150RMB/day (including VIP cats)

Animals boarded 可寄养动物

Dogs & cats 狗、猫

Dogs, cats, rabbits, turtles & tortoises 狗、猫、兔子、乌龟

Dogs & cats 狗、猫

Frequency of outdoor activity 室外遛狗频率

Twice a day 一天两次

Twice a day 一天两次

Three times a day 一天三次

Frequency of kennel cleaning 笼舍打扫频率

Twice a day 一天两次

Twice a day 一天两次

Three times a day 一天三次

Staff that speak English 是否提供英语服务

Minimal 简单英语服务

Minimal 简单英语服务

Minimal 简单英语服务

Advanced booking time (suggested) 高峰期寄养预定时间

1 week 提前一周

3-7 days 提前 3-7 天

One month 提前一个月

Vets on call 24/7 兽医全天候电话接听服务

Vets on call 24/7 兽医全天候电话接听服务

Kennels have circulating air filtration systems 笼舍设有空气循环系统

Cost for small animals 小型 * Cost for large dogs 大型 *

Special Features 优势

*Food not included in cost 不含宠物粮




几招准备动作, 教您做菜不费吹灰之力 Eating healthy is challenging, especially in China, but always having healthy food prepared in the fridge and freezer makes it so much easier to eat consistently healthy food throughout the week. This is where meal prep is key. Whenever hunger strikes there’s no need to order in or go to the greasy noodle shop around the corner; the fridge is already filled with healthy food prepped to feed your cravings. Check out Marte van Os’ meal prep basics below to ensure your fridge is filled with healthy foods throughout the week.

 Plan Plan your dishes ahead. It might seem like you are cooking up a storm, but it actually might only get you through the first two days of the week. This is especially the case if you have an entire family to feed. Make a list of all the meals you would like to eat during the upcoming days and make a grocery list of all the ingredients and amounts you will need to prepare them.


 Shop By having your grocery list ready before you go out, you will save time and also money as it reduces the risk of impulse purchases.  Mise en place (Putting in place) Many recipes require preparation of the same core ingredients. Chopping onions and garlic is almost always part of the deal. Speed up the process by

chopping up all the ingredients for the dishes you plan to make before you start— in one go— and use the amount you need for each recipe.  Multitask Preparing meals in the right order can cut back on time immensely. Some recipes need more time chopping while others barely need any prep time, but they need a long time in the


Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. oven. For example, start with getting a stew on the stove, and while that’s simmering away you can prepare other dishes that take less time.  Cook in bulk There’s a big chance you’re already doing this if you have a whole family to take care of. When you’re going through the effort of grocery shopping, chopping up veggies, cooking delicious food and cleaning up all those dirty dishes, you might as well make full use of it. Instead of making one recipe portion, see if you can double, or even triple the batch. By cooking a lot of food all at once, you’ll only have to do

在中国,要做到健康饮食着 实不易。但如果冰箱里时常 备有健康食物的话,想要吃 的健康也并非难事。这也是 为什么食物的准备过程尤为 重要。准备充分的话,每当 饥饿来袭的时候,你都能随 时从冰箱拿出食材,很快做 好 健 康 食 物, 而 不 用 订 外 卖,或是走到街角去吃油腻 腻的面条了。健康饮食专家 Marte 教大家简单几个准备 步骤,让你每天都能吃到健 康食品。

 提前计划 提前计划接下来一周的菜单。虽然看起 来你好像准备了一堆吃的,但实际上你可能 只准备了前两天的食物。尤其是要为一家人 准备饭菜的话,提前准备更是非常必要。将 接下来一周你想准备的菜品列个表,根据菜 品来制作购物清单,将食材的种类和数量写 在购物单上。

 按“单”购物 按照提前准备好所需食材的购物清单买 菜,不仅能帮你节省时间,还能省钱,避免“冲 动购物”。

prepped my food for the upcoming week it took a long time to figure out the market, the ingredients, my kitchen, different recipes, etc. However, after a couple of times, I got the hang of it, and I was able to get it all done in only a fraction of the time.

all of these things once or twice during the week, and your fridge will always be stocked with tasty and nutritious food.

Even the littlest bit of meal prep makes a difference.

 Delegate I don’t mean getting your kids to help you out (although that’s not a bad idea either). Rather it’s about letting your kitchen do all the work for you. Although I spend quite some time cooking, my oven does most of the real work and the food processor produces delicious magic like pesto, almond cookies, and nut butter.

Normally I prep meals for the entire week, but sometimes I only have time to prepare breakfast or a healthy snack. Even though it’s not ideal, it still makes For more a huge meal prep tips and difference. resources, and easy, healthy recipes, check out fingerlickingfit.com 欲了解更多食物准备小 贴士,或是查询简单易做 的健康菜谱,请登录 fingerlickingfit.com

 Practice makes perfect The first couple of times I meal

 按需分配 很多菜品都 会用到同样的食 材, 洋 葱 和 大 蒜 基本上的每道菜 的必需品。因此, 提前将此类必需 的食材一次性切 好, 做 菜 时 再 按 量取用。

 一心多用 按正确顺序 来准备菜品能节 省大量的烹饪时 间。 有 些 菜 需 要 在切菜上花费很 长时间,而有些菜不太需要准备,却需要很 长时间的烹煮。可以的话,先准备需要烹煮 的菜,在烹煮的同时,准备下一道菜,这样 一来,时间也不会浪费在等待中。

 一次多做 照顾一家人饮食的主妇,多半可能已经 在这样做了。试想一下,你花那么多时间和 精力,从买菜、洗菜、切菜到做菜和刷碗, 既然已经花了那么大的工夫,不如一次多做 点,充分把时间利用起来。与其一次只做一 顿饭的量,不如一次做两顿,或是三顿的量。 一次多做点的话,下次做饭时你就可以直接

没有准备, 就准备失败吧! 热热就好,不用每次都要花大时间做饭,而且 冰箱里始终都有美味的健康食品储存着。

 找个帮手 我并不是主张让你的孩子帮忙做饭(虽然 这主意也不错)。找个帮手意思是让厨房里的 工具动起来,虽然我家厨房主要是我在忙活, 但其实大部分的活儿都是我的“助手”们—— 烤箱、搅拌机等做的。可别小看它们,我的很 多酱料和饼干,可都是它们的功劳。

 熟能生巧 一开始像这样提前计划,准备接下来一周 的菜品的时候,我花了不少时间去了解市场, 了解食材,了解菜谱,和厨房里的工具磨合。 但很快,几次之后,我就适应了这样的节奏, 可以在很短的时间内完成料理任务了。

 提前准备,事半功倍 通常,我都是提前准备好接下来一周的食 物,但有时候,我只有时间准备好健康的早餐 食材。虽然不能准备全天的健康食物,但能每 天都吃到健康的营养早餐,也同样对健康生活 作用不小。




















1 pinch of salt

1 小撮盐



Sugar Water Food colouring

50g 1 tbsp 1 汤匙

糖 水 食用色素

To celebrate Easter, Cecilia, an Italian pastry chef from the bakery Cecilia's Sweets, and 5-year-old Vincent teach us how to make our own Easter biscuits! DIRECTIONS: 1. In a bowl, mix together the flour, sugar, and salt. 2. Add the diced butter to the flour mix. Pinch the flour and butter together with your hands until the mixture looks like bread crumbs. 3. Add one egg and mix thoroughly until the mixture comes together in a big ball of dough. Put the dough in the fridge for around 30 minutes.

4. After 30 minutes, take the dough out of the fridge and roll it out onto a floured surface. When the dough reaches a thickness of 3-5mm, start cutting it into shapes. 5. Use a cookie cutter to make egg shaped biscuits. For the bunny and chick, make your own cookie cutters out of cardboard and a small knife. 6. Bake the biscuits for 8-10 minutes at 180°C.


7. Add 1 tablespoon of water to the sugar and mix together to make the glaze. 8. Divide the glaze into separate bowls and mix in the food colouring. 9. Remove biscuits from the oven and let them cool for 10 minutes. Then start decorating the biscuits with the glaze. 10. When you are done decorating the biscuits, put them in the fridge for a few hours before eating them in order to let the glaze set.


复 活 节 马 上 就 要 到 了, 为 了 庆 祝 这 个 节 日, 来 自 Cecilia's Sweets 的 Cecilia 和 5 岁 半 的 Vincent 将 教 给 大家如何做复活节饼干。 制作过程 : 1. 把面粉、糖以及盐混合 均匀。 2. 把切片的黄油块放到面 粉混合物中,并用手把 黄油块捏碎,直到看起 来像面包碎一样。 3. 在面粉混合物中加入鸡 蛋搅匀,揉成面团,放 入冰箱约 30 分钟。





4. 30 分钟后,取出面团, 在洒满面粉的案板上把 面团擀成 3-5 毫米厚的 饼状。 5. 把面饼切成想要的形状。 用饼干模具切出鸡蛋的 形状,用小刀沿提前准 备好的绘有图案的纸张 切出兔子头和破壳而出 的小鸡的形状。 6. 饼干切完之后,将烤箱 调至 180°,烘烤约 8-10 分钟。

6 9

7. 将一汤匙水加入白糖, 并搅拌均匀备用。 8. 把白糖和水的混合物倒 入不同的小碗里,各自 加入你想要调制的食用 色素。


9. 饼干烤制好了之后,放 置约 10 分钟冷却后,便 可以用调好的颜料装饰 它们了。

Photo © 徐子墨

Address地址: Intersection of Zhangzhou Er Lu and Quanzhou Lu ( inside YOYO, next to McDonald’s) 漳州二路与泉州路交叉口YOYO店内(麦当劳旁边) WeChat微信:ceciliacampaner

10. 将装饰完的饼干放置到 冰箱里几小时等待颜料 凝固。





Jasper shares with us Qingdao’s best hotel buffets where you can enjoy a special Easter brunch with your family. Jasper 做了一下功课,为大家精选了几个去 吃复活节早午餐的地方,一起来看看吧!





Hyatt Regency Qingdao 青岛鲁商凯悦酒店 88 Donghai Dong Lu 东海东路88号 / 8612-1234

Easter egg hunts and more 寻找复活节彩蛋和菜单涂鸦等活动

Lunch午餐: 208RMB* Dinner晚餐: 218RMB*

Lunch午餐: 11:30am-2:30pm Dinner晚餐: 5:30pm-9:30pm

The Westin Qingdao 青岛威斯汀酒店 8 Xianggang Zhong Lu 香港中路8号 / 6777-1534

Food corner and games for kids 儿童专属美食角和趣味活动

178RMB* (Unlimited beer, please book 24 hours in advance 啤酒无限畅饮,需提前24小时预订); 298RMB* (Unlimited wine and sparkling wine 葡萄酒、香槟起泡 酒无限畅饮)


Wyndham Grand Qingdao 青岛银沙滩温德姆至尊 178 Yinshatan Lu, Huangdao 黄岛银沙滩路178号 / 5888-6666

DIY Easter eggs and an Easter bunny dance class DIY彩蛋,教孩子跳兔子舞

138RMB* (Adults成人) 60RMB* (Children儿童)


Crowne Plaza Qingdao 青岛颐中皇冠假日酒店 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu 香港中路76号 / 8571-8888

Easter egg painting 画复活节彩蛋

388RMB* (Two adults and one child under 12 家庭套餐,含两个大 人和一名12岁以下小孩) 298RMB* (If you RSVP 2 days in advance 需提前两天预定)


Hilton Qingdao Golden Beach 青岛金沙滩希尔顿酒店 1 Jialingjiang Dong Lu, Huangdao 黄岛嘉陵江东路1号 / 8315-0000

Easter egg painting, a treasure hunt, and other family activities 画彩蛋、儿童寻宝游戏, 家庭趣味活动



Holiday Inn Qingdao Parkview 青岛景园假日酒店 306 Xingyang Lu, Chengyang 城阳区兴阳路306号 / 8096-6888

Boiled egg competition with surprising awards 煎蛋比赛以及丰厚奖品



DoubleTree by Hilton Qingdao-Jimo 青岛即墨希尔顿逸林酒店 79 Xinxing Lu, Jimo 即墨新兴路79号 / 8850-8888

Easter egg hunt and Easter egg painting 找彩蛋及绘彩蛋等趣味活动



Le Meridien Qingdao 青岛万达艾美酒店 112 Yanji Lu 延吉路112号 / 5557-0162

Easter egg hunt and Easter egg painting 寻找复活节彩蛋及彩蛋涂鸦等




* Price need to add 15% service fee 需另加收15%的服务费




Shang Palace (xiāng gōng) 1F, City Wing, Shangri-La Hotel, 9 Xianggang Zhong Lu (83883838 ext.6459) 香宫 香港中路9号香格里拉大酒



Sichuan & Hunan 川菜&湘菜

Beijing 京味

TOP Family Places This guide represents our readers’ and editors’ top picks and includes some Qingdao Family advertisers. Want to have a say in picking the TOP Family Places? To voice your opinion and get involved, send us your name, review, and the location of your favourite place to Qingdao Family WeChat account via WeChat message. 岛城最佳家庭餐厅 青岛家庭最佳家庭餐厅汇集 了青岛家庭编辑们的热心推 荐、青岛家庭的固定广告 商、以及最重要的,青岛家 庭的忠实读者们的想法!想 让你心仪的餐厅上榜,就为 它写推荐吧!请将您的餐厅 推荐信息(餐厅名、餐厅地 址及推荐理由)发送至青岛 家庭微信平台,助你心爱的 餐厅上榜吧!(扫二维码轻 松关注青岛家庭微信)

Lao Zhuan Cun (lǎo zhuàn cūn) 158 Minjiang Lu (8577-2776) 老转村 闽江路158号

Quan Ju De Beijing Roasted Duck (quán jùdéběi jīng kǎo yādiàn) 1-2F, Bldg. A, Fenghe Square, 12 Xianggang Zhong Lu (66777308) 全聚德北京烤鸭店 香港中路12号丰合广

South Beauty (qiào jiāng nán) 2F, Darling Habour, 1 Yan’erdao Lu (6867-8555) 俏江南 燕儿岛



Cantonese & Dim Sum

Yunnan 云南菜


Din Tai Fung (dǐng tài fēng) Din Tai Fung specialises in delicious gourmet steamed dumplings. Stylishly upmarket with a touch of class, it’s a great place to take important out of town visitors or that special someone. You can even view the kitchen staff making dumplings through a transparent window. 118, Marina City, 88 Ao’men Lu (6606-1319) 鼎泰丰 澳门路88号奥帆 中心百丽广场118

Dong Hai 88 (dōng hǎi 88 sīfáng cài ) 2F, Hyatt Regency Qingdao, 88 Donghai Dong Lu (8612-1234 ext.6332) 东海88私房菜 东海东路88 号 青岛鲁商凯悦酒店2层

Five Sen5es (zhōng guóyuán sù) 6F, The Westin Hotel, 8 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6777-1888) 中国元素 香港中路8号青岛威斯汀酒店6层

Le Mei (lèměi zhōng cāntīng) 2F, Le Meridien Qingdao, 112 Yanji Lu (5556-3888 ext. 0164) 乐美中餐厅 延吉路112号 青岛万达艾美


YUE (yuè cāntīng) 24F, Qingdao Farglory Hotel, 26 Xianggang Zhong Lu (5571-7106) 悦餐厅 香港中路26号青岛远雄悦来酒店24层

Dumplings 水饺 Chuange Fish Dumplings (chuān gē yǘ shǔi jiǎo) 57 Minjiang Er Lu (8077-8001) 船歌鱼水饺闽


San He Yuan Dumplings (sān héyuán shuĭjiăo) 39 Zhangzhou Er Lu (8593-2008) 三合园

水饺 漳州二路39号

(原达芬奇意大利餐厅) 香港中路9号香格里拉大 酒店盛世阁3层

Wildfire Steakhouse & Grill (míng yàn xīcān tīng) 1F, InterContinental Qingdao, 98 Ao’men Lu (6656-6666 ext.1566) 明焰西餐厅 澳门

Casual Western 西式简餐


138 Art (138 yìshù xī cāntīng) 138 Art is a big multi-purpose space with Strong Ale Works beer on tap, a stage for performances and its very own ukulele shop! Close to Book City and Old Jack’s, located on the second floor on the corner of Yan’erdao Lu and Zhangzhou Lu. 17 Yan'erdao Lu (0532 8588-8390) 138艺术西餐厅 燕儿岛路17号

Eiffel Restaurant (Āifēi'ěr fàguó liàolǐ) Cosy, locally-owned restaurant with authentic French cuisine, nice decor and good pastas etc. Close to Jiangxi Lu and Mykal.16-5 Gutian Lu (8587-3686)

7 Senses Located in the popular Tai Gu Square, 7 Senses is a modern three story bakery that actively tries to make café dining in Qingdao a classy experience. Their baked goods stand out from the standard fare. 136 Zhangzhou Lu (82838283) 漳州路136号 B1 Hisense PLaza (8282-0088)

French 法餐

埃菲尔法国料理 古田路16号- 5

La Villa (lāwéilā) Unique spot in Qingdao, French food (and so much more) hosted in an old German style villa. Also Strong Ale Works brewery on-site. 300m West of the Shangri-La. 5 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8388-6833) 拉维拉法国餐 厅 香港中路5号

Delicious Hotpot (qiān wèi shuàn) L470, MIXc, 10 Shandong Lu (5557-5982) 千味涮 山东路10号 万象城L470

Doulao Fang Hotpot (dòu lāo fǎng huǒguō) B1, Marina City, 88 Ao'men Lu (8261-7777) 豆捞坊

Zur Bierstube (bǎi sītú) 10-1 Yunling Lu (8889-7600) 柏斯图 云岭路10-1号 Guantao Lu (8099-2739) 馆陶路2号

Bagan Café (púgān) 9F, Unit2, Donghai Shijia, 41 Donghai Xi Lu (8572-8285) 蒲甘 东海西路41号东

Global Cuisine 无国籍料理


Baker & Spice Located within the new MixC shopping mall on Shandong Lu, this is a Danish style bakery that offers an impressive choice of bread and pastries, plus healthy salads and fresh juice. 20% discount on select bread after 7pm. LG138 MixC, 10 Shandong Lu (5557-5738) The Canvas (fānbù xī cāntīng) Family-run, family-friendly restaurant serving hearty and delicious American comfort foods and international fusion dishes since 2010. A great place to enjoy a huge selection of fine wines, cafe drinks, and classic cocktails in a comfortable and stylish atmosphere. 63 B, Zhangzhou Lu (85655688) 帆布西餐厅 漳州路63号B 东100米 Café Roland (lǎng yuán jiǔbā) This café is set in the grounds of what could well be an old manor house. Sit outside in the summer and enjoy a delicious sandwich while watching the beach goers come and go. 6 Zhanshan Wu Lu (8387-5734) 朗园 湛山五路6号 87 (Jia) Zhangzhou Lu (85775398) 漳州路87号甲

San Bao (sān bǎo zhōu diàn) 158 Minjiang Lu (8577-0119) 三宝粥店 闽江路158号

Déjà Vu Perhaps the most popular spot on the east side of the city, Deja Vu is the perfect homestyle restaurant to enjoy a variety of delicious choices, such as burgers, sandwiches, hot dogs and spaghetti. Their menu also includes a list of coffee, juices, cocktails, wine and draft beer. 10-3 Yunling Lu, near Sophia Hotel (188 66268950) 云岭路10-3

Tian Xia Yi Pin (tiān xiàyīpǐn shàng shàn míng fāng zhōng cāntīng ) 2F, InterContinental Qingdao, 98 Ao'men Lu (6656-6666 ext.1588) 天

The Diner | Spark Brewcafe (dān níměi shì cāntīng | SPARK kāfēi héniàng jiǔfāng) 35 Donghai Xi Lu (8577-2051) 丹尼美式餐厅|


下一品尚膳·茗坊中餐厅 澳门路98号青岛海尔 洲际酒店2层

SPARK咖啡和酿酒坊 东海西路35号

Zhou Quan Zhou Dao (zhōu quán zhōu dào) 149 Minjiang Lu (8577-1568) 粥全粥到 闽江路149 号111 Yanji Lu (8501-6818) 延吉路111号97 Jiangxi Lu (8577-2056) 江西路97号

Shanghai & Regions 杭帮菜 Grandma's Home (wài pójiā) L515, MixC, 10 Shandong Lu (5557-5377) 外婆家 山东路10号万 象城L515

=english menu


Rats Keller (āzīkǎi lèxī cāntīng) 26 Longshan Lu (8869-1111-8853) 阿兹凯乐西餐厅 龙山路26

吉丽娜咖啡酒吧 澳门路136号

Baker&Spice 山东路10号万象城LG138

Hotpot 火锅

China Gongshe (zhōngguó gōngshè) 8 Minjiang San Lu (8077-6776) 中国公社 闽江三


The Flying Catch Yuyue (dáfēnqí yìdàlì cāntīng) 3F, Valley Wing, Shangri-La Hotel, 9 Xianggang Zhong lu (8388-3838 ext. 6900) 鱼跃


Shandong 鲁菜

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Angelina’s (ānjílìnà kāfēi jiǔba) Looking for a late night feed of authentic Western food? Come to Angelina’s at the main gate of Yandao Mansion on Aomen Lu, Shinan District where food is served until 3am. 136 Ao’men Lu (6872-7999) 安


Find ALL of Qingdao’s restaurants and listings online at the REDSTAR红星 WeChat account!

Contemporary Western


Weishuwu (wèi shǔwú) L557, MixC, 10 Shandong Lu (137 0895-9828) 味蜀吾 山东路10号万象城


Sunset Café (rìluò kāfēi) 21 Guanxiang Er Lu (186 6394-2253) 日落咖啡 观象二路21号

The Castle (yíbǎo zhōng cāntīng) 26 Longshan Lu (8288-5801) 怡堡中餐厅 龙山路26号南门怡堡


* 星号为2015红星吃饭大奖


German 德餐

Le Yu Le Ke Fish Speciality Restaurant (lè yú lè kè) 4F, Xinjiang Dongfangcheng, 2001 Heilongjiang Zhong, Chengyang District Lu (6776-6831) 乐鱼乐客 城阳区黑龙江中路2001号



Qingdao University International Cuisine & Lounge (qīngdǎo dàxué guójì xī cāntīng) The first Floor, Bldg Minxing, Qingdao University (8871-0080) 青岛大学国际西餐厅 青岛大学西院


火锅 澳门路88号 百丽广场负1层

Legend: Means winner of a 2015 Chifan Award!

Impression (yìn xiàng fēng shàng yún nán cài) Rm. 307, 3F, Bldg. A, Top Yihe, 10 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8502-8706, 8502-8708) 印象 风尚云南菜 香港中路10号颐和国际A座3层307 3F, CBD Wanda, 112 Yanji Lu (5556-3631, 5556-3632) 延

9201-6559) 奇异咖啡厅 漳州二路127号

The Diner 22 (èr shíèr hào kāfēi tīng) 19 Zhangzhou Er Lu (Central Plaza) (8577-1222) 贰 拾贰号咖啡厅 漳州二路19号 (中环广场)

KiWi Café (qíyì kāfēi tīng) Owner, chef and barista Danny Qian has 15 years experience in New Zealand and a strong passion for cooking and pleasing his customers with the best brunches and homemade desserts imported from New Zealand or Australia. 127 Zhangzhou Er Lu (8588-9986, 151

Asia Table (yàzhōu tǔdì) L422, MixC, 10 Shandong Lu (5557-5077) 亚洲土地 山东路10号 万象城L422

Cafe Asia (yàzhōu kāfēi) 2F, Crowne Plaza Hotel Qingdao, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888) 亚洲咖啡 香港中路76号青岛颐中皇 冠假日酒店2层

Café Yum (yīpǐn táng zìzhù cāntīng) 1F, Valley Wing, Shangri-La Hotel, 9 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8388-3838 ext. 6008) 一品堂自助餐厅香港中路9 号香格里拉大酒店盛世阁1层

Central Grill (CG xī cāntīng) 1F, Copthorne Hotel Qingdao, 28 Xianggang Zhong Lu (86681688 ext. 8300) CG西餐厅 香港中路28号青岛国 敦大酒店1层

Flavours (pǐn xiāng yuàn quán rì cāntīng) 3F, InterContinental Qingdao, 98 Aomen Lu (66566666 ext.1555) 品香苑全日餐厅 澳门路98号青岛 海尔洲际酒店3层

Happy Valley (xiǎo quèxìng) Seaview branch, Rm.2102, 1 Unit, Donghai Shijia, 41 Donghai Xi Lu (0532 8573-9008) 小确幸(海景店) 东海西路41号 东海世家一单元2102室

Latest Recipe (xīn shípǔ cāntīng) 1F, Le Meridien Qingdao, 112 Yanji Lu (5557-0162) 新食谱 餐厅 延吉路112号青岛万达艾美酒店1层

Le Living (lè zī shēng huó) L456, MixC, 10 Shandong Lu (5557-5699) 乐姿生活西餐厅 山东路 10号万象城L456

Market Café (kāfēi tīng) all-day-dining restaurant, Lower Lobby Level, Hyatt Regency Qingdao, 88 Donghai Dong Lu (8612-1234 ext. 6323) 咖啡厅全日自助餐厅 东海东路88号青岛鲁 商凯悦酒店底层大堂

Ocean Café (bìhǎi kāfēi tīng) 1F, Holiday Inn Qingdao City Centre, 1 Xuzhou Lu (6809-0311) 碧 海咖啡厅 徐州路1号青岛中心假日酒店1层

Seasonal Tastes (zhīwèi biāozhì cāntīng) 5F, The Westin Hotel, 8 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6777-1888) 知味标帜餐厅 香港中路8号青岛威 斯汀酒店5层

Shangjing (jīng shàng jǐng) 2F, Daling Harbor, Olympic Marina,1 Yan’erdao Lu (6867-8839, 68678699) 尚井 燕儿岛路1号奥帆基地内心海广场2层

* Means winner of a 2015 Chi Fan award! Check myredstar.com for menu, images and more...

LISTINGS Sunshine Grill (yáng guāng xī cāntīng) 2F, Sunshine Dept. Store, 38 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8667-7190) 阳光西餐厅 香港中路38号阳光百 货2层

Tampa (tǎn pà) 158 (wu) Jiangxi Lu (8587-0772) 坦帕 江西路158号戊 Z1 (Z1 cāntīng) A la carte menu and buffet. 1F, Himalayas Qingdao Hotel, 880 Tong'an Lu (6672-9999) Z1餐厅 同安路880号青岛证大喜玛 拉雅酒店1层

Indian 印度菜 Fatema (fădìmă yìndù cāntīng) 10 Gutian Lu (137 3099-4178) 法蒂玛印度餐厅 古田路10号丁 Ganges Indian Restaurant (gān jí sī zhèngzōng yìndù gālí liàolǐ ) 4F, Rock City, 1 Xiazhuang Lu 甘吉斯正宗印度咖喱料理 夏庄路1 号伟东乐客城4楼

No. 3 Bathing Beach (dì sān hǎi shuǐ yù chǎng) 6 Taiping Jiao Lu 第三海水浴场 太平角 路6号

Shilaoren Beach (shí lǎo rén hǎi shuǐ yù chǎng) Haikou Lu 石老人海水浴场 海口路

Churches & Temples

Trattoria Verde (běi lǜdǎo xī cāntīng) Trattoria Verde produces what is arguably the best authentic Italian food in town. Although a little pricier than other restaurants, the food quality is second to none. They also have an impressive selection of imported wines to choose from. 67 (Jia) Zhangzhou Lu (8589-8530) 北绿岛西餐厅 漳 州路67号甲

San Marco Italian Doc (shèng mǎ kě yì dà l ì jiŭ ba xī cān tīng) 2F,Haiqing Hotel, 11 Donghai Zhong Lu (8589-0526) 圣马可意大利酒吧西餐厅 东海中 路11号海情大酒店A座2层

Korean 韩国料理 KR - Fine Korean & Japanese Cuisine (hán cān tīng) 2F, Holiday Inn Parkview Qingdao, 306 Xingyang Lu, Chengyang District (8096-6888 ext.8218) 韩餐厅 城阳区兴阳路306号 青岛景园

Mingren, Minjiang Er Lu (8090-2281) 体验店 闽江 二路泛海名人广场5#102 Factory: 35 Zhangzhou Yi Lu (139 5325-3732) 工厂 漳州一路35号

Qingdao Guest House (qīng dǎo yíng bīn guǎn) 26 Longshan Lu (8288-9888) 青岛迎宾馆

RT Mart (dà rùn fā) 162 Ningxia Lu (8578-0529)



Qingdao Polar Ocean World (qīng dǎo jí dì hǎi yáng shì jiè) 60 Donghai Dong Lu (8590-9999) 青 岛极地海洋世界 东海东路60号

Lutheran Church (jī dū jiào táng) 15 Jiangsu Lu (8286-5970) 基督教堂 江苏路15号

Qingdao TV Tower (qīng dǎo diàn shì tǎ) 1 Taiping Shan Lu (8365-4020) 青岛电视塔 太平

St. Michael’s Cathedral (tiān zhǔ jiào táng) 15 Zhejiang Lu (8286-5960) 天主教堂 浙江路15号


Taiqing Palace (tài qīng gōng) Inside Laoshan (8288-9888) 太清宫 崂山内 Zhanshan Temple (zhàn shān sì) 2 Zhiquan Lu (8386-2038) 湛山寺 芝泉路2号

Qingdao Underwater World (qīng dǎo hǎi dǐ shì jiè) 1 Laiyang Lu (8287-8218) 青岛海底世 界 莱阳路1号 Seashore Sidewalk (bīn hǎi bù xíng dào) The route runs from Tuandao (Old Town) via Badaguan to Shilaoren in the east. 滨海步行道 从太平路



Laoshan Tea Culture Museum (láo shān chá wén huà bó wù guǎn) Xiaowang Living Area, Wanggezhuang Street Scene, Laoshan District (8791-5676) 崂山茶文化博物馆 崂山区王哥庄街

Zhan Qiao Pier (zhàn qiáo) 12 Taiping Lu (82868575) 栈桥 太平路12号

Peek-a-Boo (bǔ kāng fù yù yīng zhuān mài diàn) 31 Yan’erdao Lu (8593-1283) 哺康富育婴专卖


Kids for Fun 儿童乐园


Qingdao German-style Prison Site Museum (qīng dǎo dé guó jiān yù jiù zhǐ bó wù guǎn) 21 Changzhou Lu (8286-8820) 青岛德国监狱旧址博


物馆 常州路21号

Art 艺术

Qingdao Municipal Gallery (qīng dǎo shì měi shù guǎn) 7 Daxue Lu (8288-9996) 青岛市美术 馆 大学路7号 Qingdao Municipal Museum (qīng dǎo shì bó wù guǎn) 51 Meiling Dong Lu (8889-6286) 青岛市 博物馆 梅岭东路51号

Van Gogh Paint Café (fàn gāo yì huì kā fēi) 5 Juxian Lu (185 5322-6953) 梵高艺绘咖啡 莒县路5 号 (近邮电博物馆旁斜上坡)

Sculpture Art Museum (diāo sù yì shù guǎn) Donghai Dong Lu (8287-0471) 雕塑艺术馆 崂山 区东海东路

Xin Mapu (xīn má pú) 55 Zhangzhou Er Lu (85927222) 新麻蒲 青岛市市南区漳州二路55号

Tsingtao Brewery Museum (qīng dǎo pí jiǔ bó wù guǎn) 56 Dengzhou Lu (8383-3437) 青岛啤酒

Thai 泰国菜

博物馆 登州路56号

Parks & Gardens 公园 Baihua Park (bǎi huā yuàn) 11 Jingshan Lu (8286-0584) 百花苑 京山路11号 Botanical Park (zhí wù yuán) 33 Yunyang Lu (8386-1179) 植物园 郧阳路33号 Little Fish Hill Park (xiǎo yú shān gōng yuán) 24 Fushan Zhi Lu 小鱼山公园 福山支路24号


Lu Xun Park (lǔ xùn gōng yuán) 1 Qinyu Lu (8286-8479) 鲁迅公园 琴屿路1号

Vietnamese 越南菜

Shilaoren Sightseeing Garden (shí lǎo rén guān guāng yuán) 1 Laoshan Lu (8883-2599) 石老

AnNam (ān nán) L312, MixC, 6 Shandong Lu (5576-8625) 安南 山东路6号万象城L312


Almighty (qīng dǎo ào mài tǐ tǐ cāo yùn dòng jù lè bù) F1, District D, Qingdao International Trade Mall, 555 Dunhua Lu.(6698- 2829) 青岛奥麦体体操 运动俱乐部 敦化路 555号 青岛外贸城D区一楼

Books 书籍 Momicafe (māo de tiān kōng zhī chéng) B151, MIXc, 10 Shandong Lu (5557-5360) 猫的天空之城 山东路10号万象城B151

Sobook (rú shì shū diàn) 1Floor, East Squire of Guoxin Stadium, 3 Yinchuan Dong Lu (8272-5567) 如是书店 银川东路3号 国信体育场东广场M区1层

SONO SPACE (bú shì shū diàn) 1F Bldg 3, Creative 100, 100 Nanjing Lu (8080-9565) 不是书店 南京路100号创意100产业园3号楼1层

人观光园 崂山路1号

Electronics 数码产品

Signal Hill (xìn hào shān gōng yuán) 18 Longshan Lu (8279-4141) 信号山公园 龙山路18号

Apple Store (pín guǒ qí jiàn diàn) 36B Ningxia Lu (Zhenjiang Lu intersection) (8366-9605) 苹果旗

Lisa’s Pizzeria (lìsà bǐsà) Established for over 10 years, Lisa’s has won a great reputation among its patrons. Specialties include pizza, Spanish paella and ribs. 8 Chenghai Yi Lu (85888839) 力萨地中海 澄海一路8号

Zhong Shan Park (zhōng shān gōng yuán) 28 Wendeng Lu (8287-0564) 中山公园 文登路28号

舰店 宁夏路36B

Sorrento Pizza (sà lái duō bǐ sà) 216 Changcheng Lu, Chengyang District (8772-4221)

关 武胜关路

Pizza 披萨

萨来多比萨 城阳区长城路216号

Lisa’s Pizzeria (lìsà bǐsà) Established for over 10 years, Lisa’s has won a great reputation among its patrons. Specialties include pizza, Spanish paella and ribs. 8 Chenghai Yi Lu (85888839) 力萨地中海 澄海一路8号


Various Attractions 文化景点 Badaguan (bā dà guān) Wushengguan Lu 八大 Fantawild Dreamland (qīng dǎo fāng tè mèng huàn wáng guó) Huaqiang Cultural Industrial Base, Hongdao Street, Aodong Nan Lu, Chengyang District 青岛方特梦幻王国 城阳区红岛街道岙东南 路华强文化产业基地内

Haiyun Taoist Temple of Qingdao (qīng dǎo hǎi yún ān) 1 Haiyun Street, Sifang District (0532 8373-8617) 青岛海云庵 青岛四方区海云街1号 Hua Shi Villa (huā shí lóu) 18 Huanghai Lu (8387-2168) 花石楼 黄海路18号


Laoshan Scenic Area (láo shān fēng jǐng míng shèng qū) (8889-5695) 崂山风景名胜区

Beaches 海水浴场 No. 1 Bathing Beach (dì yī hǎi shuǐ yù chǎng) 14 Nanhai Lu (8286-6305) 第一海水浴场 南海

Little Qingdao Island (xiăo qīng dǎo) 26 Qinyu Lu (8286-3944) 小青岛 琴屿路26号


May 4th Square (wǔ sì guǎng chǎng) 35 Donghai Xi Lu 五四广场 东海西路35号

No. 2 Bathing Beach (dì èr hǎi shuǐ yù chǎng) Inside Taiping Bay (East of Huiquan Bay) 第二海水

Music Square (yīn yuè guǎng chǎng) Ao'men Lu 音乐广场 澳门路

浴场 汇泉湾东侧太平湾内

=english menu


店 燕儿岛路31号

MIHO Mart (ér tóng lè yuán) 2F, Weifeng Supermarket, Fuqing Lu (8866-5638) 儿童乐园 福 清路味丰超市2层

Artistic Gymnastics 体操

Mango Tree (mángguǒ shù) L356, MixC, 10 Shandong Lu (5557-5676) 芒果树 山东路10号

Mothercare 1st floor, Damuzhi Square, 880 Tongan Lu, Laoshan District (0532-67786826) 崂山 Mikkaworks (MikMik yǒu jī bǎo bǎo) 97 Bing Nanjing Lu (8587-5751) MikMik有机宝宝 南京

Tianhou Palace (tiān hòu gōng) 19 Taiping Lu (8287-7656) 天后宫 太平路19号

Thai Me Up泰国餐厅 燕儿岛路20-6号


For Kids 儿童

Haier Technology Musemun( hăi'ěr kē jì guăn) 10 Miao Ling Lu 海尔科技馆 崂山区苗岭路10号


Thai Me Up Authentic dishes such as Pad Thai, Spring Rolls and Green Curry (vegetarian version also available) plus Thai Singha bottled beer and Tsingtao on tap. Nice duplex interior and decent service. Located across the street from Trattoria Verde. 20-6, Yan’erdao Lu (8503-8579)

ORCAFFE Ltd (ōu kǎ kā fēi yǒu xiàn gōng sī) 100 meters east from intersection of Meiling Dong Lu and Songling Lu (8380-1399) orcaffe@hotmail. com (400-600-5751)梅岭路与松岭路交叉口


ZAN Art Museum (zàn yī měi shù guǎn) 1F,bldg.3, 100 Nanjing Lu (8310-1989) 赞一美术馆

Neolithic Barbecue (xīn shíqìkǎo ròu) B246, MIXc, 10 Shandong Lu (5576-8720) 新石器烤肉 山

Silver Garden Grocery Shop (yín dū huā yuán gòu wù shāng chǎng) 1A Cuibaige, Bldg. 12, Yindu Garden, 1 Zhanghua Lu (8589-7732) 银都花 园购物商场 彰化路1号 银都花园12号翠柏阁1A


Qingdao Sculpture Museum (qīng dǎo shì diāo sù yì shù guǎn) 66 Donghai Dong Lu (86783547) 青岛市雕塑艺术馆 东海东路66号


大润发 宁夏路162号

Tian Mu City (tiān mù chéng) Between Dengzhou Lu and Liaoning Lu 天幕城 登州路和

Museums 博物馆

Italian 意大利菜

Qingdao Century Park (qīng dǎo shì jì gōng yuán) 318 Xingyang Lu, Chengyang District (87757733) 青岛世纪公园 城阳区兴阳路318号

Computer City (diàn zǐ xìn xī chéng) 226 Liaoning Lu (8382-2536) 电子信息城 辽宁路226号

Food & Beverage 食品 Casa-Mia Gourmet Shop (kă sà mĭ yà shí pĭn zhuān yíng diàn) 卡萨米亚食品专营店 Search on Tmall for卡萨米亚食品专营店 DEFA Inside Hisense Plaza, 50 Donghai Xi Lu (8253-0686) 东海西路50号 海信广场内 Hanbur German Bakery (hàn bǎi mài xiāng). Supermaket, B1, Hisense Plaza, 50 Donghai Xi Lu (8572-6865) 汉柏麦香 东海西路50号 海信广场 负1层超市

JUSCO (jiā shì kè) 72 Xianggang Zhong Lu (85719600) 佳世客 香港中路72号 B1, CBD Wanda, 116 Yanji Lu (6606-7878) 佳世客 延吉路116号 万达CBD广场负1层 419 Changjiang Zhong Lu, Huangdao District (8699-0666) 佳世客 黄岛区长 江中路419号

Metro (mài dé lóng) 116 Chongqing Nan Lu (8566-8888, EN 8089-9880) 麦德龙 重庆南路116 号 1517 Wutaishan Lu, Huangdao District (86028888) 麦德龙黄岛商场 黄岛区五台山路1517号

Family Box ( jiā hé zi) L476, MICX, Intersection of Shandong Lu and Xianggang Zhong Lu (55575673) 家盒子 万象城4层476 山东路与香港中 路交界

Fun Club (fēng wán ér ér tóng jù lè bù) 1st floor, Darling Harbour, Yanerdao Lu (6867-8900) 峰玩儿 儿童俱乐部燕儿岛路1号心海广场1层

The little Gym (xiǎo xiǎo yùn dòng guǎn) L402, MICX, Intersection of Shandong Lu and Xianggang Zhong Lu 小小运动馆 万象城4层402 山东路与 香港中路交界

Toys “R” Us (wán jù fǎn dòu chéng)L475, MICX, Intersection of Shandong Lu and Xianggang Zhong Lu 玩具反斗城 万象城4层475 山东路与 香港中路交界

Fashion 时尚 0532Cons (0532 zhèng pǐn zá huò pù) 1F, IGo Shopping Centre, 18 Gutian Lu (186 5327-3003) http://0532cons.taobao.com/ 0532 正品杂货铺 古 田路18号爱购一层

MUJI (wú yìn liáng pǐn) F2-0203, Marina City, 88 Ao'men Lu (6606-1388) 无印良品 澳门路88号百 丽广场2楼0203

Home Goods 家居 B&Q (bǎi ān jū) 38 Shandong Lu (8580-6611) 百安 居 山东路38号 188 Liaoyang Xi Lu (8566-1000) 辽 阳西路188号 138 jia Haier Lu (8891-6611) 百安居 海尔路138号甲 BM Ultra Top quality mattress with affordable price (English - Cathy 132 5555-6553, Korean Song 186 7890-0384, Chinese - Lee 156 0542-6234) www.rummel.co.kr Fit -all natural, antibacterial, fruit & vegetable cleaner (shuǐ guǒ shū cài qīng jié jì) (159 0071-5180) Fit-水果蔬菜清洁剂 tryfitchina@ yahoo.com Haibo Furniture Market (hǎi bó jiā jū chāo shì) 28 Dunhua Lu (8308-5739) 海博家居超市 敦 化路28号 Plus Tree (qīng dǎo mù zhī jiā shāng mào yǒu xiàn gōng sī) 1-1 Hai’an Lu, Laoshan District (8870-7512) 青岛木之家商贸有限公司 崂山区海 安路1-1

Hairdressers 美发 FRANCK PROVOST (ruì shì ruì mù shí pǐn) L320, MixC, 10 Shangdong Lu (5576-8528) 梵珀巴黎法式 发艺 山东路10号万象城L320

TouchHair (yí zūn měi fà) 3F Le Meridien Qingdao Hotel, 112 Yanji Lu (5557-0403 Suki 186 6028-9276) 延吉路112号 青岛万达艾美酒店3层 Leekaja Hair Biz (lǐ jiā zǐ xíng xiàng shè jì zhōng xīn) 1 (Jia) Xianxia Ling Lu 李嘉子形象设计

中心 仙霞岭路1号甲

Mission Coffee Roasting (mài sēn kā fēi) Exclusive store: 49 Donghai Xi Lu (8572-8539) 迈森 咖啡 专卖店 东海西路49号 Taste: 5#102, Fanhai

* Means winner of a 2015 Chi Fan award! Check myredstar.com for menu, images and more...



Crooked Teeth and Misaligned Bite 关于歪牙和咬合 错乱的健康问题

Golf 高尔夫 Big5 (dà wǔ gāo ěr fū liàn xí chǎng) 123 Zhangzhou Er Lu (8588-2075, 8588-7075) 大伍高尔 夫练习场 漳州二路123号

Dr. Olive @ Gentle Dental

Here’s an example of an eight-year-old boy who has a scissor bite on both sides of his mouth. This type of misaligned bite causes underdevelopment of the bottom jaw, a “gummy smile”, and may also adversely affect the development of the spine and posture. The American Dental Association recommends that children receive an orthodontic check up at the age of seven. This is the optimal age to intercept development of newly growing teeth and deviations. Orthodontists recommend that dental problems are corrected while the child is still growing. Once children stop growing, treatment may take longer and require more extensive work. This boy arrived one year after the optimal age, but after starting proper orthodontic treatment, his situation has already greatly improved after just six months. The upper teeth don’t protrude far past the bottom teeth anymore, and his lower jaw is free to grow and develop properly. His face profile has changed too. These two pictures illustrate the difference between when the boy first came to the orthodontic clinic and 6 months later. If you have a closer look you can see that his back teeth are aligning properly. 我们举一个8岁男孩的例子。他的两侧牙齿出现了剪刀型 咬合。这种歪曲的咬合导致了下颚底部的发育迟缓,甚至出 现了露龈笑,可能影响他的脊椎和姿势。美国牙科协会建议 孩子7岁起找畸形医生检查。那是干预错颌和颌骨发育的最佳 时期。正畸牙医们推荐在你的孩子的牙齿发育的时候来进行 牙齿矫正问题。一旦牙齿停止了生长,可能会需要更长时间 的治疗和更多的工作。 这个男孩已经治疗了一年了,他的最先的正确的牙齿矫 正大约在6个月后改变了他的咬合情况。上牙不再咬合在下牙 外面,他的下颚也能自由生长并开始以正确的方式发育。这 也改变了他的面部轮廓。 这两幅图显示了这个孩子刚来到齿科进行矫正时和半年 之后的巨大不同牙齿情况。如果你仔细观察,你可以看到他 的后部的牙齿已能够正确的咬合上了。


Raphael Perrier (lā fěi pài ruì) Yamai Shanzhuang, 81 Xianggang Dong Lu (6688-5678) 拉斐派瑞 香港东路81号亚麦山庄 Zhanghua Lu (8587-6161) 彰化路1号甲

Huashan International Country Club (huá shān guó jì xiāng cūn jù lè bù) Huashan Township, Jimo City (8456-0888) drew_821132@ hotmail.com 华山国际乡村俱乐部 即墨市华山 镇烟青路

Qingdao International Golf Club (qīng dǎo guó jì gāo ěr fū jù lè bù) Hi-Tech Industrial Park, 118 Songling Lu (8896-0001) golf@public.qd.sd. cn 青岛国际高尔夫俱乐部 松岭路118号 高科技 工业园

Musical Instruments 乐器 Baldwin Musical Instruments (bào dé wēn gāng qín zhuān mài diàn) 91 (Yi) Jiangxi Lu (8573-4599) 鲍德温钢琴专卖店 江西路91号乙 Bird’s Instruments (kuí lǎo shī yuè qì háng) Want to buy the best higher cost-efficiency piano, guitar etc? Call Bird up. He will supply you with the best consultancy. 139 6396 1061. 想买最经济实惠

Yew Chung International School of Qingdao (qīng dǎo yào zhōng guó jì xué xiào) Huangdao Campus, 72 Taihangshan Lu, Huangdao District (8699-5551) 青岛耀中国际学校 青岛经济技术开 发区太行山路72号 Admission Office, Bldg.7, 36 Laoshan Lu, Laoshan District (8880-0003) 青岛招 生办公室 崂山区崂山路36号好望角7号楼

Chinese Language 汉语 Akiyama Chinese Classroom (qiū shān zhōng guó yǔ jiāo shì) Basic Chinese, Oral Chinese, HSK and Chinese Culture Rm. 2404, Bldg. 1, Maidao Jiayuan, 33 Haikou Lu (158 6309-0439) 秋山中国语 教室 海口路33号麦岛家园1号楼2404室 Chinese Language Centre - Qingdao New

Global School (Tianyan) (tiān yán hàn yǔ yán zhōng xīn - qīng dǎo xīn huán qiú xué xiào) Rm.1606, Bldg.A, Central International (Zhonghuan) Plaza, 19 Zhangzhou Er Lu (Bank of China’s upstairs) (135 8927-8775) www.0532study. com 天言汉语言中心-青岛新环球学校 漳州二路 19号中环国际广场A座1606室

Han Xing Chinese College (hàn xing shū yuàn) F11, Bldg 6, Software Park, 288 Ningxia Lu (136 5532-6948, 178 6421-5383) (Eng) chaxiangyinyun@163.com WeChat: chaxiang_ yinyun 汉兴书院 宁夏路288号 市南软件园6号楼 11层(近宁德路门)

的钢琴、吉他或是其他乐曲吗?给隗老师打电话 吧。他会给你最贴心的咨询服务,帮您轻松选择理 想乐器。电话:139 6396 1061。

OK! Language Training College (OK! yǔ yán péi xùn xué yuàn) Rm. 301, Unit 1, Bldg.3, 66 Xianggang Dong Lu (8090-4049, 133 5687-9239)

Rolling Stone Instruments (gǔn shí qín háng) 38-5 Daming Lu (8383-1385) 滚石琴行 大名路

OK!语言培训学院 香港东路66号3号楼1单元 301室


Xin Yi Zhou Instruments (xīn yì zhōu qín háng) 74 Yan An San Lu (8365-4582) 馨艺洲琴行 延安三路74号

Pets 宠物 Petdog Health and Well-Being (pài duō gé chǒng wù shēng huó huì guǎn) Rm.19 Hua Hao Yue Yuan,138 Shandong Lu (186 6198-8205/130 7087-7963) 派多格宠物生活会馆 山东路138号花 好月圆19号网点

Qingdao Free Cat Adoption (137 9198-7701) qdcats@126.com, www.qdcats.com True Friend Animal Hospital (zhēn péng yǒu dòng wù yī yuàn) 65 Xianggang Zhong Lu (west of Book City) (8578-0365) 真朋友动物医院 香港中 路65号(书城西侧)



International Schools 国际学校

Guokai International Department (guó kāi zhōng xué guó jì bù) 1 Tianhe Lu, Chengyang District (8471-6288, 137 9323-3392, 187 6425-8880) www.ivygk.com Wechat 官方微 信:guokaiguojibu 国开中学国际部 城阳区天河 路1号 www.ivygk.com

International Department of Qingdao Galaxy School (qīng dǎo yín hé xué xiào guó jì bù) 47 Tongchuan Lu, Licang District (8880-8315) 青岛银河学校国际部 李沧区铜川路47号

International School of Qingdao (mti) (qīng dǎo MTI guó jì xué xiào) Baishan Compus, Dong Jiang, Sha Zi Kou, Laoshan District (8881-5668) www. isqchina.com 青岛MTI国际学校 崂山区沙子 口东姜白珊校园内

Korean International School of Qingdao (qīng dǎo hán guó guó jì xué xiào) 16 Haiqing Lu, Laoshan District (8801-5765) 青岛韩国国际学

Qing Zhi Zijin Chinese Language Training

Centre (qīng zhī zǐ jīn hàn yǔ péi xùn zhōng xīn) Rm.1112, Bldg.A, Hongkong Garden, Quanzhou Lu (135 8322-4253) 青之子衿汉语培训中 心 泉州路3号香港花园A座1112室 Nichibi Foreign Language School of Qingdao (rì měi wài yǔ zhuān xiū xué xiào) Rm.1206, F12, Bldg. A, Zhonghuan Plaza, 19 Zhangzhou Er Lu (8570-8571, English: 8570-8130) 日美外语专修学 校 漳州二路19号 中环国际广 场A座12层1206

English Language 英语 Gnlight of Mine English Training (qīng dǎo lù guāng měi yīn wài yǔ péi xùn xué xiào) 3F, Xutai Garden4, 20 Yan’er Dao Lu http://www.glmine. com/ (400 6018-133/6677-5122) 青岛绿光美音外语 培训学校 燕儿岛路20号旭泰花园4号楼3层

Joy Children’s English School (jiā yīn yīng yǔ) F1-2, 130 Zhangzhou Lu www.joyfamily.com. cn (8571-5991, 8572-6752) 佳音英语 漳州路130 号1-2层

Qingdao International Language Institute (Global IELTS) (qīng dǎo guó jiāo wài yǔ péi xùn xué xiào (huán qiú yǎ sī)) Bldg.6, 35 Jiangxi Lu (8581-9871) 青岛国交外语培训学校(环球雅 思)江西路35号6号楼

Wall Street English (huá ěr jiē yīng yǔ) 2F, Golden Plaza, 20 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8502-5469 ) 华尔街英语 香港中路20号 黄金广场2层 Rm. 19, 1F, Zhonghuan Plaza, 79 Zhangzhou Lu (6677-5858) 华尔街英语 漳州路79号 中环国际 广场1层19号

French Language 法语

Alliance Francaise (qīng dǎo fǎ yǔ lián méng) 3F, Zone H, 23 Xianggang Dong Lu (Ocean Uni) (8590-6232) www.afshandong.com 青岛法语联盟 香港东路23号中国海洋大学H区3层

Qingdao New Global School (qīng dǎo xīn huán qiú xué xiào fǎ yǔ bù) Rm. 1606, Bldg. A, 19 Zhangzhou Er Lu (8589-9336) fr.xhqschool.com 青 岛新环球学校法语部 漳州二路19号A座1606室

校 崂山区海青路16号

International Academy School 国际公学

Qingdao Amerasia International School (qīng dǎo měi yà guó jì xué xiào) 68 Shandongtou Lu (8388-9900) info@QingdaoAmerasia. org, www. QingdaoAmerasia.org 青岛美亚国际学校 山东

Malvern College Qingdao (qīng dǎo mò ěr wén zhōng xué ) 77 Tieqi Shan Lu, Xifu Town, Chengyang District (5865-9999) www. malverncollege.cn 青岛墨尔文中学 城阳区惜福镇


Qingdao Chungwoon Korean School (qīng dǎo qīng yún hán guó xué xiào) 1 Tianhe Lu, Chengyang District (0532 6696-8686) 青岛青云韩 国学校 城阳区天河路1号

Qingdao No.1 International School of Shandong Province (shān dōng shěng qīng dǎo dì yī guó jì xué xiào) 232 Songling Lu (68898888) 山东省青岛第一国际学校 松岭路232号


Qingdao Oxford International College (niú jīn gōng xué) 232 Songling Lu (6889-8000) 牛津公 学 松岭路232号

Okma International Academy Qingdao (hàn měi gōng xué) Crossing of Jialingjiang Dong Lu and Changjiang Lu, Huangdao District 瀚美公学 黄 岛开发区嘉陵江东路与长江路交叉口

LISTINGS German Language 德语 Goethe Sprachlernzentrum an der Qingdao Universität (qīng dǎo dà xué gē dé yǔ yán zhōng xīn) 1F, Minxing Building, Qingdao University, 308 Ningxia Lu (8378-0778) www. qdgoethe.net 青岛大学歌德语言中心 宁夏路308 号青岛大学敏行楼1层

Preschool 幼教 Bojia robot club (bó jiā jī qì rén jù lè bù ) 3F, Book City, 67 Xianggang Zhong Lu, Shinan District (8588-5068) 博佳机器人俱乐部 香港中路67号

Montessori Children’s House at QAIS (qīng dǎo měi yà guó jì xué xiào méng tè suǒ lì ér tong zhī jiā) 68 Shandongtou Lu (8388-9900) Info@QingdaoAmerasia.org, www. QingdaoAmerasia.org 青岛美亚国际学校 蒙特梭 利儿童之家 山东头路68号

PKU College Qingdao Tianxi International Perschool (běi dà gōng xué qīng dǎo tiān xǐ guó jì yòu ér yuán) 1 Donghai Dong Lu (05326806277) 北大公学青岛天玺国际幼儿园 东海 东路1号

Kindyroo International Early Childhood Development Academy KindyROO (qīn qīn daì shǔ guó jì zǎo jìao zhōng xīn) 7F Mykal, 69 Xianggang Zhong Lu ( 6670-0788) 亲亲袋鼠国际

Qingdao WISBABY International Preschool (Xī huá bǎobèi yòu'éryuán) Accepting applications now! Fully qualified teaching staff, 2 male international teachers and a choice of bilingual, international and school holiday programmes! Contact us to come and take a look! Be in quick to receive a special discount for our international class! 87 Laoshan Road, Laoshan District (+86 532 8801 9050; 86 155 5424 6662) management.wisbaby@outlook.com 西华宝贝幼

早教中心 香港中路69号麦凯乐7层

儿园 崂山区崂山路87号

My Gym Qingdao Center (meǐ jí mǔ zǎo jìao zhōng xīn) 8 Nanjing Lu (400 029-0997 ext. 6238)



Gymboree (jīn bǎo bèi) 2F, Century Tower, 39 Donghai Xi Lu (8907-0606) www.gymboree.com. cn 金宝贝 东海西路39号世纪大厦2层

青岛美吉姆早教中心 南京路8号

Private schools 私立学校 Baishan School (bái shān xué xiào) Dong Jiang, Sha Zi Kou, Laoshan District (8881-5851) www.baishanschool.cn 白珊学校 崂山区沙子 口东姜

Yinhai School (yín hǎi xué xiào) 16 Donghai Dong Lu (8668-5819) 银海学校 东海东路16号

Kindergartens 幼儿园 Bright Start Early Childhood Center (qǐng míng xīng zǎo jiào zhōng xīn) 1st Floor, Building 15,Yamai Shan Cheng, Qingdasan Lu, Laoshan District (86 532) 6865 2268 admissions@isqchina.com 青岛MTI国际学校幼 教中心 崂山区青大三路 亚麦山城15号楼1层

Big Apple Sino-America Bilingual Preschool (zhōng měi hé zuò qīng dǎo dà pín guǒ shuāng yǔ yòu ér yuán) 中美合作青岛大苹果双 语幼儿园 Laoshan branch: inside Yihe Xingyuan, 87 (Geng) Laoshan Lu (8801-6811) 崂山分园:崂 山路87号庚颐和星苑小区内 Huangdao branch: inside Mingjia Cheng, Changjiang Xi Lu (86993527) 黄岛分园:长江西路名嘉城小区内 CHERIE HEARTS No.1 International Kindergarten of Qingdao (xīn jiā pō tóng xīn guó jì qīng dǎo dì yī yòu ér yuán tóng xīn guó jì) 232 Songling Lu, Laoshan District (Inside Qingdao Chengtou International Education Park) (6889-8555 / 8889) www.cheriehearts-china.com 新加坡童心国际青岛第一幼儿园童心国际 青岛市 崂山区 松岭路232号 青岛城投教育园


Cham Shan Int’l Medical Centre (zhàn shān guó jì yī liáo zhōng xīn) Rm.102, Bldg.C, 25

整形); 8077-8666, Dental(牙科) 青岛永缘韩美整形 香港东路137号(韩国领事馆东200米)

Donghai 1 Lu (inside Cham Shan Sanatorium) (131 6501-3251 EN/JP, 136 2639-9601) 湛山国际医疗中 心 东海一路25号C楼102室

Tian Bei Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery (tián bèi měi róng yī xué zhōng xīn) 203 Minjiang Lu (8077-7792) 田蓓美容医学中心 闽江路203号

International Clinic of Qingdao Municipal Hospital (East) (shì lì yī yuàn dōng yuàn qū guó jì mén zhěn) Not open on Sundays, 5 Donghai Zhong Lu (8593-7690 ext.2266) 市立医院


东院区国际门诊 东海西路5号

Qingdao United Family Hospital (qīng dǎo hé mù jiā yī yuàn) Shilaoren Community, 319 Hongkong East Road, Laoshan District (4008-919191, www. ufh.com.cn) Our hospital delivers comprehensive international-standard healthcare including Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Eye Clinic, and ENT services, as well as other specialties. Qingdao United Family Hospital is staffed by an international team of physicians who serve the city’s multinational patients with experience, compassion, and dedication. Our mission is to provide high-quality medical and healthcare services to the expatriate and Chinese populations throughout Qingdao and Shandong province. 设 置全科、内科、外科、妇产科、儿科、

Dental Clinics 齿科

眼科、耳鼻喉科、口腔科等门诊及住院服务。经验 丰富的国际医护团队将为居住和工作在青岛的多元 文化患者提供悉心优质的医疗及保健服务。青岛和 睦家医院 崂山区香港东路319号石老人社区

David Dental Clinic (dài wèi chĭ kē) Kaixuan Jiayuan, 1-20 Xianxialing Lu (Behind Beer City) (8896-0913) 戴卫齿科 仙霞岭路1-20号 凯旋家园 F3-1A Binhai Garden (May 4th Square) (8572-1822)

Qingdao Women & Infants Hospital Int'l Medical Center (qīng dǎo fù yīng yī yuàn guó jì yī liáo zhōng xīn) 19 Zhongshan Lu (183 06486522) 青岛妇婴医院国际医疗中心 中山路19号


Fu-Jen Dental Group (qīng hé kǒu qiāng mén zhěn bù) 15 Jintai, 109 Shandong Lu (next to Ping-an Bank) (8091-3950) 青合口腔门诊部 山东路


Qi Lu Hospital (qí lǔ yī yuàn ) 758 Hefei Lu (96599) 齐鲁医院 合肥路758号


Qingdao Yongyuanhanmei Medical Group (qīng dǎo yǒng yuán hán měi zhěng xíng) 137 Xianggang Dong Lu, (6778-5190, Plastic Surgery ( 整形); 8077-8666, Dental(牙科) 青岛永缘韩美整形 崂山区香港东路137号

Hospitals 医院 Bellaire Medical Centre (bèi lì ěr yī liáo zhōng xīn) Bldg. 49, Silver Garden, 1 Zhanghua Lu (81117118) 贝利尔医疗中心 彰化路1号 银都花园49座


Car Rental 租车 Qingdao Expat Service Centre - One Stop Service (8080-6832, 136 8769-7428 24Hr) Email: Sales@teamwill.com.cn www.teamwill.com.cn, www.qingdaoexpathome.com

Legal 法律 Shandong Hsinten Law Firm (shān dōng xīng tián lǜ shī shì wù suǒ) 9F, New World Plaza, 9 Fuzhou Nan Lu (8587-8469) www.lawyer.sd.cn 山 东兴田律师事务所 福州南路9号新世界大厦9层

Hongkong East Road, Laoshan District (4008919191, www. ufh.com.cn) 崂山区香港东路319

Gentle Dental (zhēn zǐ chǐ kē) 3-10 Maidao Lu (8860-2820, 8588-1055, 138 5423-2410 EN) www. qddentist.com, olive_cn2007@aliyun.com 真予齿 Leaders Dental Clinic (ruì dé kǒu qiāng) 4 Donghai Zhong Lu, intersecting Yan’er Dao Lu (8069-0275/8077-8666) 瑞德口腔 东海中路4号 明

Automotive Services 汽修 Grease Monkey (yóu hóu qì chē kuài xiū) 136 Yinchuan Xi Lu, Qingdao(8501-9111) 青岛市银 川西路136号 369 Hefei Lu, Qingdao(8598-1916) 青岛市合肥路369号 Haibin Nan Lu, Economic development area, Weihai (0631-5967686) 威海 市经济开发区海滨南路 Guanhai Lu (opp.AEON), Laishan District, Yantai (0535-6883711) 烟台市莱山

Qingdao United Family Hospital (qīng dǎo hé mù jiā yī yuàn) Shilaoren Community, 319


科 麦岛路3-10号


Waiter Medic (wéi tè ěr yī liáo) Rm.109, bldg.3, 63 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8577-1199) 维特尔医疗 香港中路63号3号楼109室

Surgery Clinics 医学美容 Evercare Qingdao Cosmetic Surgery Hospital

(qīng dǎo yī měi ěr zhěng xíng yī yuàn) 20 Xianggang Xi Lu (8378-6188) 青岛伊美尔整形医 院 香港西路20号

Qingdao LORD hospital (qīng dǎo nuò dé zhěng xíng měi róng yī yuàn) 69 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8801-0022) 青岛诺德整形美容医院 香 港东路69号凯旋山庄35栋

Qingdao Yongyuanhanmei Medical Group (qīng dǎo yǒng yuán hán měi zhěng xíng) 137 Xianggang Dong Lu, (6778-5190, Plastic Surgery (

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