Shandong Education Guide 2015-2016

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2015 2016

The best of international education in Shandong 山东最杰出的国际教育机构


学校师资一览 1


16 A Unique Educational Journey 独特的教育旅程

04 Skilled Learners 会学习的人

10 Young Artists in QD 青岛小艺术家

22 Do You Wear A Uniform?

36 A German Exchange Student in Qingdao 青岛的德国交换生

42 Over the MUN 我的模拟联合国之梦


32 Guten Tag 大嫚儿

34 Cracking the SAT Exam

46 Math Quest & Cube 数学及魔方竞技大赛

50 School Info


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Universities Want Skilled Learners - Not ‘People Who Know Things’ Mark Brierley, Middle Years Programme Coordinator at Qingdao Amerasia International School tells how universities want students with skills like creativity, communication, integrity, and collaboration.


arvard says that, “Success in an International Baccalaureate (IB) program correlates well with success at Harvard”, while Michigan State University praises the IB further: “The challenge of completing an IB diploma means that a student has engaged in the kind of rigorous work that is likely to help them become not just an outstanding college student and citizen of the world, but an exceptional one”. What is it about the IB programme that evokes this kind of praise from otherwise stone-faced admissions directors? After 30 years in education around the world, I am constantly being reminded that the best education is one that promotes lifelong learning. My understanding is clearly not unique: thousands of years ago, Socrates proclaimed that, “Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel”. You only have to spend some time in a Kindergarten or Elementary school to see that children are intrinsically motivated to explore their environment and are natural inquirers. They show joy in learning about their world. They are best served by teachers who empower them with the skills that feed that hunger for exploration; skills like creativity, self-management, communication, perseverance, integrity, and collaboration. Indeed, universities now heavily recruit students who demonstrate these skills, and they are the very skills


that organizations hire for. They are one of the unique strengths of the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme, at ages 11-16. The Skills The MYP is an age-appropriate, student-centered, inquiry driven programme that fosters both disciplinary and inter-disciplinary learning. Inclusive by design, the MYP promotes international-mindedness and all aspects of the curriculum are delivered through ‘Approaches to Learning’ (ATL) skills. ATL skills can be thought of as study skills, but unlike study skills (that are usually taught haphazardly in schools, and without specific learning objectives), ATL skills in the MYP are a unifying thread throughout all subjects, providing a firm foundation for independent learning and encouraging the development of a student’s knowledge and skills in unfamiliar contexts. In short, ATL skills teach students how to learn. ATL skills break down into social skills (collaborating), thinking skills (creativity and critical thinking), research (information and media literacy), communication (confident and clear expression to different audiences) and self-management (managing tasks and timing effectively). This last set of skills is particularly important for young adolescents, as it includes a range of effective skills such as mindfulness, perseverance and resilience. The Results ATL skills also make both long and short-term goals easier to manage and achieve. Colleges and employers know this. In the US, colleges are now looking for students that match the KSUS (Knowledge and Skills for University Success) standards. MYP ATL skills match these standards and go beyond them, which is just one of the reasons that US college admission offices have a very high respect for IB graduates, not in the least because the ATL skills developed in the MYP continue through the IB Diploma Programme.

Students are best served by teachers who empower them with the skills that feed a hunger for exploration. ATL skills also set students up for success as lifelong learners. Unsurprisingly, businesses place skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, communication, attitude, and integrity as their top priorities in new hires; these same employers put references, experience, and ‘education’ near the bottom of the list. Success, joy, and fulfilment are not determined by how many facts you know. More and more, the world’s top universities are ignoring students with the highest academic achievements and, to the annoyance of thousands of soccer moms, passing over students with vast extra-curricular portfolios. Admissions officers are very much

aware that results on standardised tests such as SATs and Advanced Placement, where regurgitation is more important than understanding, do not correlate with (let alone cause) success at college. Likewise, participation in a wide range of extra-curricular activities is not necessarily an indication of the love of learning. Bulging portfolios of achievements sometimes say little about a student, and more about their parents. I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have discovered and taught IB programmes for the last 20 years. The experience has been uplifting to say the least. Developing lifelong learners is at the very heart of IB programmes. IB schools gravitate around the learner, bringing together the student, teacher, parents, within their community, anywhere in the world. While I have been involved with all three IB academic programmes, I have a particular fondness for the MYP because I believe that the 11–16 year old age range is a crucial learning period. This is where adolescence begins, and where self-worth, well-being, and balance are vital in laying the groundwork for a lifelong love of learning.




Winning Diversity's Rewards The IB Primary Years Programme at QAIS Eric Blocher, Patrick Campbell and Dr. Chris Vicari inform us about the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme at QAIS.


ecently, a Grade 5 student at QAIS was developing a unit under the theme of Sharing the Planet. He had chosen the topic of Faith, and wanted to examine why there are problems between different sets of believers. As he endeavored to come up with a central idea for his inquiry, he worked and re-worked and finally arrived at the following thought: “There is more that unites us than divides us.” This certainly holds true for the community of learners that make up the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (PYP) at Qingdao Amerasia International School. With students from 20 countries, we believe that such harmonious cooperation is the foundation for a future generation of adults who see their differences as strengths, their diversity as an opportunity to learn, and their commonalities as being far more deeply significant than their divisions. But how do we ensure that diversity is a garden where every flower blooms, and not just a description of the school’s demographics? This begins with our excellent teachers, and their rich experience in a few crucial practices:


Make learning relevant to everybody PYP Units of Inquiry give a platform for sharing perspectives from every continent, as students explore topics governed by themes that are relevant to all cultures. The goal of each unit is to foster a deep, enduring understanding of a central idea, while building relevant skills (communication, self-management, research, reflection) and awareness of key concepts like form, function, causation, responsibility, and perspective, that have meaning in every human context. The central ideas of all units are relevant to every background, and often directly relate to each student’s lived experience. Do you think a foreign third grader in Qingdao has experience of how “human migration is a response to challenges, tasks, and opportunities”? Or might second graders be interested in how “changes in Earth and its atmosphere impact plant and animal life locally and globally”? Absolutely. Their individual experiences drive their inquiry, and their class discussions are enriched by every perspective. Teach language through concepts... Around the world, many students

start PYP with little or no experience in their new school’s language of instruction. They may be very quick to grasp a concept, even if they don’t know the English word for that concept. PYP teachers are trained to develop sensory-rich lessons, which let students connect new vocabulary directly to a sensory experience. There is a time for intensive work on English skills, but lack of experience with the language should not be a barrier to participation in learning activities. At the same time, assessments in the PYP call on students to take action that demonstrates their understanding – creation of songs, dialogues, posters, PowerPoint presentations, puppet shows, and other methods that connect with the student’s individual abilities and interests. ... And reinforce each student’s mother tongue We don’t just tolerate native speakers – in every unit our students complete an assignment or reflection in their mother tongue, and they regularly bring their own culture into discussions. A morning meeting might take place in as many as six, or more, languages, as students greet each other in their mother tongue, while teaching each other common greetings

and phrases. Language contributes to the structure of our understanding, and being able to express their understanding of a concept in their own language can help students to own what they know, and then work toward expressing in English (if necessary). Research shows time and again that multiplying a student’s language resources does far more good than harm. English fluency is a desired outcome, but not at the expense of any student’s confidence, conceptual understanding, or love of learning. While this approach helps to keep mother tongue vocabulary current, it is also a constant reminder that every child’s mother tongue has a valuable contribution to make. Put the student at the centre. We hear a lot of talk about ‘studentcentered’ education, but what does it mean? It means that learning is driven by each student’s interests, experiences, and skills, with the objective of unlocking that student’s potential.

There is more that unites us than divides us.

These experiences are characterised by sensory-rich, experiential learning, where an assessment is more likely to be a reflection response than a multiple-choice quiz. Do you wish your child cared more about school? Does the teacher ask her what she would like to learn about, or how she would like to demonstrate her new understanding? The diversity of nations, culture, and perspectives comes into bloom when we provoke with ideas that are universally engaging; when we provide opportunities to safely express and interrogate their differences; and when we let children choose how to show what they know. This is the way to develop self-actualized, global citizens who will embrace the diversity of the human race, transform themselves into agents of peace, "penetrate life's secrets, and win its rewards, not only for themselves but for all" (Maria Montessori).




The Vision of Okma International Academy· Qingdao 瀚美公学·青岛的国际视野 Lambert Okma introduces the Qingdao International Academy and shares the school's global ideology. 瀚美公学·青岛总校长Okma先生分享他的国际学校办学理念和他来青岛办学的缘由。


n a cold, crisp day in the autumn of 1991, I left my home in Bloomfield Hills Michigan to teach history and economics classes. Although that day started out like many others, all that changed very quickly at my afternoon appointment with our school district assistant superintendent. I walked into his office with two humble pages of text, and a big idea. I had a vision for the students of my county that would change thousands of lives and bring me to an educational standing I could not have anticipated. It was a vision that grasped the needs of 21st century students, saw the changes transforming both Detroit and the international landscape and pointed the way forward for our community.


Six schools and 24 years later, the country is different; there is no struggling automobile industry, but there is still much in common. What the International Academy did for the students and families of Oakland County, Michigan I also see Qingdao International Academy doing for the students of Qingdao, China. IA has transformed the lives of thousands of students, offered them unlimited opportunities, empowered them to achieve their goals, and inspired them to meet the needs of their community. Although the time and place are different, our vision is the same. Today Qingdao International Academy offers its students the same high quality teaching resources that have been

developed over these years. Our sister school, International Academy, is the third largest IB Diploma granting school in the world, with an IB Diploma acquisition rate of 95%. Its students are accepted at the most prestigious universities throughout the US, and it has the highest acceptance rate to the University of Michigan of any school in the world. It has been consistently recognized as one of the top 10 public high schools in the US. Its students study, learn, and serve their community with inspiration and enthusiasm. They work hard with high degree of satisfaction and engagement. This is QIA’s Sister School, our partner, our model, our teacher, and the site for teacher and student exchanges. The achievements

of the IA will be QIA’s achievements. The vision of 1991 that created the IA included the world-recognized standard for international education, the International Baccalaureate. Founded in 1967 the IB has consistently set a rigorous standard of achievement, offered an innovative curriculum, and inspired devotion to community. The IA’s mission, the IB’s mission and now the QIA’s are the same. QIA is pursuing IB authorization and once achieved will offer to its students the IB’s uniquely demanding, inspiring and personally satisfying education experience. The pursuit of knowledge and understanding in six academic areas, the achievement of personal research through the Extended Essay and holistic development through Creativity, Activity and Service put the IB at the forefront of education worldwide. To bring this opportunity to Qingdao, QIA offers the same vision, the same purpose driven resources, the same innovative curriculum, the same school plan, and the same experienced school leader, complemented by Chinese colleagues. As the School Founder and School Director, I want to bring over 40 years of educational experience, achievement and commitment to QIA. My dream for the student’s of Michigan that created the International Academy, embraced the International Baccalaureate, and brought together six world class campuses of inspiring educators, is now offered to the stu-

dents and families of China. The dream that became the IA is now the QIA’s dream. I stand here today, as I stood in Michigan in 1991 to share that dream.


991年,密歇根州布隆菲尔德的 的冬季,一个明媚而又寒冷的早 晨,像平常一样,我离开家前往 我任教的学校,去教授孩子们历 史和经济学。然而,正是在这一天下 午,我带着一个远大的理想和准备好的 两页文稿,走进了我所在学区主任助理 的办公室。由此,我的教育生涯发生了 巨大的改变。我有一个新的学生培养计 划,它可以改变我们郡成千上万人的生 活,同时也将带给我一个从未预想过的 教育平台。这个想法就是,帮助学生实 现21世纪的发展需求,它经历过汽车 资本时代的变革和世界变迁,为我们的 未来指明了方向。 24年后的今天,我们已经在中国 建成了6所这样的学校,虽然中国的汽 车产业不再苦苦挣扎,但还是有很多地 方和当年的密歇根一样。我希望QIA为 中国青岛的孩子们所做出的贡献就像 IA为密歇根奥克兰郡的孩子们所做的一 样,IA改变了成千上万学生的生活,给 予了他们多种多样的学习资源,鼓励他 们去达成自己的目标,激励他们为社会 做出贡献。 时代不一样了,虽然我们的学校 建在了不一样的社区之中,但是我们 的目标还是一样的。2015年,瀚美公 学·青岛也将把同样的优质教育资源带 给孩子们。 我们的姐妹学校IA是世界上第三 大IB文凭高中,IA学生IB文凭获取率高

达95%。IA学生被全美最负盛名的大学 所录取,同时IA是世界上被密歇根大学 录取比率最高的学校,也在全美连续评 为前十名的最佳公立高中。IA学生总会 带着对学习的热情和服务社会的动力去 努力达成目标,融入社会。这是QIA的 姊妹学校,我们的合作伙伴,我们的榜 样,我们的老师,也是我们教师和学生 交换项目的场所。IA的成就定会铸造未 来QIA的成功。 1991年,我创办IA的目的,是为 了探索并开展国际教育,因而采用了IB 教育体系。IB创立于1967年,从始至 终强调学术的严谨性,提供一套创新 型的课程体系,鼓励学生为社区做出贡 献。这就是现在IA、IB和QIA所共同追 求的目标。QIA正在申请IB认证,一旦 认证成功,将会提供给学生们一个非同 寻常、充满激励和满足个性化需求的教 育体验。6个学科领域的深入学习、拓 展性论文的个人研究成果、“创造力、 行动、服务”的全方位个人提升,使得 IB教育走在了世界最前沿。 为了将优质教育资源带到青 岛,QIA设立同样的目标,拥有同样的 资源,开设同样的课程,使用同样的建 校方针,拥有同样的校长,以及经验丰 富的中方教职人员,最终扎根于中国 文化。作为学校创始人兼校长Lambert Okma,我为QIA带来了自己长达40多 年的教学经验、成就和承诺。我的梦 想是将曾经为密歇根学生们服务的IA和 IB课程以及6所世界级学校的优质教师 资源带到中国的学生和家长面前,现 在QIA的梦想就是成为IA。我今天站在 这里,就如同我1991年站在密歇根一 样,不同的是我在和中国青岛的学生以 及整个社区分享我的梦想。


Arthur NG, Year 10, Australian, YCIS

Young Artists in QD 青岛小艺术家 We have a selection of works from the talented students that call Qingdao their home. We are proud to present these unique and special artworks.

Jason Jang, Grade 9, Korean, ISQ Ariel Kim, Grade 9, Korean, QISS

Stephanie Soh, Grade 12, Singapore American, ISQ

Mermaid, Big Art Group, Elementary, QAIS

Wang Ya Lin, Year 10, Singaporean, YCIS

Orfee De Corte, Year 8, Belgian, YCIS Chloe, Year 9, Korean, YCIS Anna, Grade 11, American, ISQ

Jolie Kim, Subin Jee, Julie Yun, Grade 10, QISS

Joshua Kwon, Grade 6, Korean American, ISQ

Fred (朴柱安) Grade 4, Korean, GID

The Zoo, Big Art Group, Elementary, QAIS

Chandelier, Early Childhood, QAIS Anna, Grade 11, American, ISQ

Selena Hong, Grade 9, Korean, ISQ

Chandelier, Grade 1, QAIS

Chen Rachael, Year 10, Canadian, YCIS

Stephanie Soh, Grade 12, Singapore American, ISQ

Self Portraits, Andee Ashelman, American (left) and Rania Lee, Korean (right), QAIS

Chandelier, Grade 2, QAIS Self Portrait, Jake Sabatino (left) Grade 10, and Eric Liu, American (right), Grade 9, QAIS

Justine King, Grade 8, Australian, QISS

Anna, Grade 11, American, ISQ

Arthur NG, Year 10, Australian, YCIS

Christina(朴书镇), Grade 3, Korean, GID


Stephanie Soh, Grade 12, Singapore American, ISQ




YCIS students enjoy a unique educational journey. Our Eastern and Western teaching staff, all of whom have rich and extensive experience in the classroom, are managed by Eastern and Western principals.

A Unique Educational Journey Shandong Education takes a look at YCIS's educational principles and how they help give children a leg up in this quickly changing world.


ew Chung International School was first opened in 1932 in Hong Kong thanks to Madam Tsang Chorhang, and for the past 83 years has been single minded in its devotion to providing students with the highest quality bilingual learning environment possible. Since the 1970s, Madam Tsang Chor-hang’s daughter, Dr. Betty Chan Po-king, has guided Yew Chung to continue its development and growth. YCIS has schools


in Qingdao, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Chongqing, and Silicon Valley in the United States, all providing kindergarten (ECE), primary, and secondary education. Today’s world is changing quickly due to globalization. Following science and technology’s unending progress, the society we were familiar with is changing at an unprecedented speed. This may cause many parents to worry, given the fierce competition

and unforeseen challenges of the 21st century. As parents, how can we choose the best school for our children? How can we help our children to face the future as it changes so quickly? At YCIS, we wish to approach these challenges together with parents, because we believe that children’s growth is influenced by both their parents and their learning environment - teachers and parents play

equally important roles. In YCIS we prioritize teaching both curriculum content and character education, while continuously evolving our strategies to keep up to date with the changing world. YCIS students enjoy a unique educational journey. Our Eastern and Western teaching staff, all of whom have rich and extensive experience in the classroom, are managed by Eastern and Western principals. This creates a bilingual learning environment that is unique throughout China. Within our kindergarten and primary classrooms, co-teachers together plan and teach their lessons to help students improve their Chinese and English in a balanced way. Through diligent preparation and close cooperation, our specialized co-teaching model leads students to appreciate and respect different cultures. No matter the nationality and back-

ground of our students, they learn to understand, communicate with, and self-confidently navigate both Eastern and Western cultures. Under the guidance of Dr. Chan, YCIS is also committed to providing students a holistic education, nurturing the whole student and preparing them academically, socially, and mentally for the world that awaits them. We put an emphasis on skills of obtaining knowledge, bilingualism, and reaching success in the globalized world. Meanwhile, we create a school life that is full of love and communal support, instilling in our students a sense of responsibility and the hope to benefit the society. In addition to global education, we also uphold moral and spiritual values so that our students can show good character, sincerity, charity and selfconfidence.

YCIS Qingdao has provided an international education to foreign children in Qingdao since 2006. Our two campuses, located separately in Huangdao and Laoshan, are both serene and beautiful learning environments. Our research-based curriculum is modeled on the National Curriculum of England and is administered by fully certified and experienced teachers. We also incorporate field trips into the curriculum so that students can explore how to integrate their own practice into the world environment. YCIS Qingdao also focuses on the development of multiple intelligences and uses differentiated learning methods to best address the needs of individual students. At YCIS Qingdao we also offer English as Additional Language (EAL) support for students who do not speak English as a first language. Our programs are designed to match the interests of the students with clearly defined learning objectives. We invite you and your children to join us in this unique educational journey, and that we can together step towards the future.

If you are interested in YCIS, please visit our website below: http: // Huangdao Campus: 72 Taihangshan Lu, Huangdao District (8699-5551) Qingdao Campus: Admission Office, Bldg.7, 36 Laoshan Lu, Laoshan District (8880-0003) 如果您和孩子对青岛耀中感兴趣, 欢迎参阅青岛耀中网站: 黄岛校区:中国山东省青岛市经济技 术开发区太行山路72号 266555 电话: 8699-5551 青岛校区:中国山东省青岛市崂山区 崂山路36号好望角7号楼266100 电话:8880-0003




独特的教育旅程 《山东教育》为您介绍青岛耀中国际学校的教育理念。在瞬 息万变的国际大环境下,学校如何帮助学生们适应这种变化?


932年,曾楚珩女士在香港创办了第 一所耀中国际学校(耀中)。83年 以来,耀中一直专注为学生提供 优质的双语教育。80年代后,在 校监陈保琼博士(曾女士的女儿)的带 领下,耀中不断地发展和壮大。耀中的 学校分布在中国的青岛、香港、上海、 北京、重庆及美国硅谷,为学生提供幼 儿、小学至中学课程。 当今世界瞬息万变,全球化的发 展导致世界越来越小,随着科技不断进 步,我们所熟悉的社会也以前所未有的 速度在变化,让人应接不暇。很多家长 都有这样的疑惑:在这样一个不断发展 变化的社会,未来种种的挑战不可预 测。作为家长,该如何为孩子选择一所 好学校?而学校又该如何帮助孩子去面 对风云变幻的未来呢? 耀中愿意与家长携手走过这段教 育旅程。因为他们相信,孩子的成长受 到家长和学习环境的双重影响,教师和 家长的角色同等重要。耀中以教学内容 和素质教育为先,不断推陈出新。耀中


的学生正在享受不一样的教育旅程:来 自中西方的校长携手管理学校的学术工 作,相辅相成;他们协力带领经验丰富 的中西方教师,为孩子们创造优质的双 语环境。 在课堂里,中文和英文教师共同 授课,协助学生平衡发展中文和英文, 通过课前严谨的准备与课堂上紧密的合 作,引导学生尊重和欣赏不同的文化。 不论学生来自哪里,背景如何,他们都 能毫不费力地游走于东西方风化之间, 自信应对与沟通。 在校监陈保琼博士的指导下,耀 中一直致力于环球教育,为学生提供学 术、社会和心灵等全面发展的教育,重 点强调学术的掌握,双语的习得以及在 全球化中获取成功的技能。同时,学校 致力打造互相关爱和互相支持的校园生 活,把学生培养成为自信、优秀、富有 责任感的社会栋梁。 除了对环球教育的承诺,耀中人 还秉持着一个愿望:提升学生的内在

道德操守。两者相辅相成,让学生在面 向复杂的世界时,能够为自己的心灵掌 舵,展现美德、真诚、慈爱和自信。 青岛耀中国际学校(青岛耀中)自 2006年起开始为居住在青岛的外籍人 士子女提供丰富多元的双语课程,学校 有2个校区,分别位于美丽的黄岛以及 崂山区,校园环境十分优美宁静。 青岛耀中的课程以英格兰国家课程 为依据。该课程以研究为基础,它的高 水准使学生能够自由衔接不同国家的课 程。此外,青岛耀中还提供了一套设计 独特、丰富多元的环球教育,来自世界 各地的教师团队让学生置身于一个世界 教室,教育并不局限于教室内,而是与 外出实践和考察相结合,学生们通过自 己走向世界,学习探索如何融入到世界 环境中。 青岛耀中也非常注重对学生多元智 慧的培养,针对不同的学生采取不同的 教育方法,注重培养每位学生的才智, 艺术,社交,思想以及体能的全面均衡 教育。青岛耀中还为母语非英文的学 生提供了第二语言课程,课程采用英国 剑桥大学考试委员会(ESOL)的课程设 置,围绕兴趣学习,鼓励学生努力学习 取得进步,每个课程都明确设有学生行 为目标和学习目标。 青岛耀中欢迎您和您的孩子一起 加入这段非凡的教育旅程,共同迈出新 步伐。




Now Yew Chung is making a strong commitment to help build schools in areas of need throughout China. 现在,耀中承诺要为 中国有需要的地方援 建学校。

希望种子 青岛耀中国际学校“希望种子”项目一直致力于为贫困地区援建学 校。这同时也印证了耀中国际学校一贯的教育哲学:让学生用国际 化的视角审视世界,关爱他人。

YCIS Seeds of Hope Yew Chung International School (YCIS) discusses their charity organization ‘Seeds of Hope’ and how it helps build schools in areas of need. The charity supports their philosophy of teaching students to be global-minded individuals and caring citizens of the world.


he annual YCIS Seeds of Hope Concert was held this year in Chongqing, continuing the project born from the tragedy of the Sichuan Earthquake. Among several charity projects that YCIS undertakes, Seeds of Hope is the largest and well exemplifies the YCIS philosophy of combining the East and West while transforming our students’ inner lives. It is often more difficult to continue a project than it is to begin one. Good intentions do not always provide enough momentum to see a project through. That is why we are very proud that the YCIS Seeds of Hope project continues to achieve the ends set out by our director, Dr. Betty Chan


Po-king, in the project’s mission statement from 2008: “I am thrilled to launch project ‘Seeds of Hope’, a concept that was born out of the overwhelming tragedy of the Sichuan earthquake in 2008. Yew Chung students responded wholeheartedly to the humanitarian needs resulting from that devastating earthquake. With the funds collected by our students from all Yew Chung International School (YCIS) campuses, we created Sichuan Earthquake Educational Development (SEED) to channel the funds to support the restoration of a school in Anyue, Sichuan Province. “These natural calamities show us how fragile and precarious life can be.

One day, students can be studying in school, and the next day the school is in ruins and the hopes and dreams of the young are shattered, their lives changed forever. We learn how vital medical services are, how precious water is, and that rice, indeed, can mean life. With a sense of earnestness and purpose, our students raised funds to make it possible to rebuild and restore a school in Sichuan large enough for 300 students. This was not the first time. After an earthquake in Yunnan Province several years ago, Yew Chung students helped restore a school in Lijiang. The funds they raised went to Lijiang to lay bricks, cultivate the gardens, and teach children English. “Now Yew Chung is making a com-

mitment to help build schools in areas of need in China, one school annually in every province where there is a YCIS campus. Seeds of Hope is a system-wide Yew Chung charitable endeavor; all schools and students will focus on this singular charitable drive. Fundraising goals will be set. Money earned from tickets to concerts, the sale of student artworks, sports competitions, bake sales, souvenir sales, etc., will be channeled to help achieve this annual goal. We will all be focused on a single project to build schools in China. “In this way our students will be able to implement the school motto of aligning themselves with love and charity. YCIS will develop a relationship with these sister schools and will foster lifelong ties of friendship. We will be planting seeds of hope for the future — from Yunnan to Sichuan to Shandong and beyond. This opens a new chapter in the unfolding development of Yew Chung.”

年一度的耀中国际学校(耀 中)“希望种子”音乐会 今年成功在重庆落下帷幕。 至今,“希望种子”音乐 会已经连续举办了7届。在耀中国际学 校众多的慈善项目中,“希望种子”项 目最好地展示了耀中国际学校的教育理 念,耀中系统中所有的学校和学生都参 与了这个慈善项目,并将继续把希望和 爱传播到更多需要的地方。 “春种一粒粟,秋收万颗籽”, 参天大树也是由一粒种子发育而来。耀 中国际学校在灾民最需要帮助时及时伸 出援手,埋下了“希望种子”。经过7 年坚持不懈的努力,“希望种子”项目 已经成功帮助了众多在灾难中受损的学 校,让无数孩子重返课堂。 校监陈保琼博士在2008年项目启 动时说,启动“希望种子”这个项目, 我的心情十分激动。“希望种子”这个 项目源于2008年发生的四川大地震。 耀中全体师生都竭力为震区人民提供 人道援助,并创设了“四川教育重建行 动”(英文简称SEED),利用耀中所 有校区的学生捐款,帮助四川省安岳县 重建了一所学校。自然灾难向我们揭示 了生命的脆弱和无常。前一天,学生还 可以在学校学习,第二天,学校就变成 了废墟,孩子们的希望和梦想化为了碎

片,他们的命运也永远地改写了。我们 还意识到了医疗服务的重要性,水是多 么的珍贵,而米粮则直接关系到生命的 存亡。怀着强烈的使命感,耀中学生为 灾区捐款,在四川重建起了一所可以容 纳300名学生的校舍。这样的善举在耀 中已经不是第一次了,几年前,为了帮 助云南地震的受灾群众,耀中的学生在 丽江也援建了一所学校。学生不仅捐 款,还亲自到丽江为学校的重建砌砖垒 瓦,修建花园,还教孩子学习英语。 现在,耀中承诺要为中国有需要 的地方援建学校。每年,耀中将在每一 所学校所在的省份援建一所学校。“希 望种子”是耀中系统性的慈善项目,所 有学校和学生都将专注于这一善举。学 校设定捐款目标,所有的音乐会门票所 得,学生艺术作品出售所得,竞技比赛 所得,纪念品销售所得等等,都将用作 达成捐款目标。我们将把所有慈善活动 倾注在“希望种子”,为中国援建更多 充满希望的学校。 这个项目将使耀中的学生亲自实 践校训,与仁爱结盟。耀中各学校将与 他们所在省份的援建学校建立长久而友 好的姐妹学校关系。我们为未来种下希 望的种子,从云南到四川,到山东,再 到全国每一个地方。耀中的发展之路从 此开启了新篇章。”





青岛国开学校国际部 Name: Kim Hyun-jung Age:15 Year: G10 Nationality: Korean

Do You Wear A Uniform?

校服穿不穿? When considering and comparing different schools, it’s important not to forget the students’ own perspective. Some students now are about to share their school experience, dress code, and traditions. 在比较学校之间的不同时,学生的观点非常重要。 现在我们就和大家分享青岛几所国际学校的 学生对于学校着装要求、校园传统, 以及学校本身的喜爱。

Does the school require uniforms and if not is there a dress code? Yes, there is a uniform and students are quite satisfied with its quality. What do you like about your school? There are many benefits that come from attending this school. First, I can learn about different cultures in various ways. In addition, it is clear that in our school the relationship between students and teachers is the best among the schools in Qingdao. Moreover, I like the fact that we have many activities, at least once a month! What are some of the school's special traditions? First, we have many activities that are based on both western and eastern cultures, such as Halloween and Christmas shows and Chinese talent shows. In addition, the relationships between students are really good. This lovely atmosphere between students is now one of the biggest traditions. Furthermore, a special tradition in our school is that teachers greatly respect their students’ different characteristics.

姓名:金玄淳 年龄:15 年级:十年级 国籍:韩国

你们学校是否要求学生穿校服,若没有校 服,在着装上是否有特殊要求? 是的,我们学校给学生们配置成套的 校服,学生们都很满意我们的校服。

你们学校哪一点最吸引你? 在这所学校里,我受益良多。通过接 触身边的同学,我有机会了解不同文化, 感受文化的多样性。我可以骄傲地说,在 青岛的所有学校中,我校师生间的关系是 最和谐、最融洽的。此外,学校至少每个 月都会举办一次活动,充分丰富了我们的 文化生活。

你们学校有什么特殊传统吗? 首先,我们举办的活动独具包容性, 中、西方文化均有所体现。我们不仅举办 过万圣节、圣诞节活动,更举办过中国达 人秀。此外,学生间的关系非常融洽,正 是在这种良好的气氛中逐渐形成了属于我 们自己的文化传统。不仅如此,教师们也 非常尊重学生的个性。






青岛美亚国际学校 Name: Ruth Sheela Kumar Age: 16 Grade: G10 Nationality: Indian Does the school require uniforms and if not is there a dress code? QAIS has a few uniform varieties; there are a few different skirts and trousers, blouses, polo shirts, and sport uniform. We can mix and match the different parts, which makes it a little more individual. We don’t have to wear uniforms on Fridays, but a lot of people do anyway.


青岛耀中国际学校 Name: Daniel Gakes AGE: 9 YEAR: G5 Nationality: British Does the school require uniforms and if not is there a dress code? The Yew Chung Schools firmly believe that a neat outward appearance is important, helping to unite children and build a sense of pride in oneself and in our school. All students must wear the correct uniform to school everyday. There is a range of uniforms designed for Summer, Winter and sports wear. The Primary uniforms differ slightly to the Secondary uniforms. What do you like about you r school? I like my school because we go on field trips and learn things outside the classroom. The teachers are really nice and are always looking out for us. I also like school because there are many children from all over the world and I have made a lot of friends.


What are some of the school's special traditions? We celebrate Founders Day each year. This is important to our school because we acknowledge the fact that YCIS has been going for over 80 years! Each year we celebrate International Day, Chinese Culture day, Easter and Christmas. Book Week is an important Annual event where we invite an International Author from Overseas to come and speak to the students. 姓名:Daniel Gakes 年龄:9 年级:五年级 国籍:英国

你们学校是否要求学生穿 校服,若没有校服,在着 装上是否有特殊要求? 青岛耀中国际学校始终 坚信拥有干净整洁的外表对学 生而言非常重要,穿校服有助 于把学生们凝聚起来,使学生 们建立起对学校的归属感和 对个人身份的自豪感。 学校要求所有学生必须 每天着规定校服,因此学校专 门为学生设计了不同季节的校 服,包括夏装、冬装以及运动 装。不同年级的校服在设计上会 有轻微的差异。

What do you like about your school? One thing I really like about this school is the community. We have a fairly small student body, and we all know each other - everyone knows every teacher, student, and staff all throughout the school. We also have community meeting time, to work together more closely and get to know one another even more. When I first came to this school, there were immediately opportunities to make friends, and I’ve seen more and more people benefit from that over the past three years. This is also what I think makes QAIS special.

你们学校哪一点最吸引你? 学校有专门的实地考察课程,希望学 生“走出教室学知识”。另外,老师们都 很平易近人,也很关心我们的生活。学校 有来自世界各地的学生,使我能够广交朋 友、增长见识。

你们学校有什么特殊传统吗? 每年,我们都会有校庆,学校至今已 有80年的历史,所以,维持这一传统对 于我们来说尤为重要。不仅如此,我们每 年还会庆祝“国际日”、“中国文化日” 以及复活节和圣诞节。每年,学校还会举 办“读书周”,邀请海外知名作家开讲。

姓名:Ruth 年龄:16 年级:十年级 国籍:印度

你们学校是否要求学生穿校服,若没有校 服,在着装上是否有特殊要求? 我们学校有几种不同的校服:不同款 式的T恤、长裤、宽松衬衫、POLO衫和 运动服。将这些不同款式的校服搭配起来 还可以有更多个性化的服装。虽然周五学 校没有规定穿校服,但好多同学还是会穿 着他们美美的校服上学。


我特别喜欢这所学校浓浓的社区感。 由于学校人数不是很多,我们彼此之间都 非常熟悉——认识每一位教师、每位同学 以及每一位工作人员。我们有可以让大家 相识相知的社区聚会时间,可以让你一入 学就可以交到很多朋友。过去三年我从这 种聚会中获益良多,或许就是这让美亚变 得与众不同。

What are some of the school's special traditions? We hike on Fushan, we go skiing every Winter, we have community meetings every Friday, and brilliant performances twice each year. Peace Day is our first school-wide celebration every year, where all of the students reflect on what it means to be agents of peace, and we share what we have prepared with the whole school.

你们学校有什么特殊传统吗? 我们会去浮山远足,每年冬天去滑 雪,每周五都有社区聚会,每年有两次盛 大的表演活动。每年一次的和平日是最重 要的校级活动,在这一天所有同学都会反 思成为和平大使意味着什么,并且和全校 师生分享他们的心得体会。





青岛MTI国际学校 Name: Ethan Age: 14 Grade: G8 Nationality: American Does the school require uniforms and if not is there a dress code? ISQ does not have a set uniform. However, boys are required to wear shirts with a collar throughout the year. What do you like about your school? Teachers and staff are very caring and it is very easy to make good friends here. What are some of the school's special traditions? ISQ holds an Olympics games every year; it is lots of fun for all students. I especially like it because I am a sporty guy. Also, on the last Friday of every month we have Fantastic Friday. On Fantastic Friday we do not have to wear collars and can even come to school in our sweatpants!

姓名:Ethan 年龄:14 年级:八年级 国籍:美国

教职工对学生关怀有加,为学生们提 供了一个良好的交友环境。

学校是否要求学生穿校服,若没有统一 校服,在着装上是否有特殊要求?

ISQ每年都会举办小型“奥运会”, 每个人都能在这一天收获快乐。我尤其喜 欢这个活动,因为我平日里就是个“运 动小子”。此外,每月的最后一个星期五 是“惊喜星期五”,在这一天,我们不必 穿规定衬衫,哪怕穿运动裤去学校也没有 人会在意。

ISQ没有固定校服,但要求男生常年 着有领衬衫。





姓名:Verla 年龄:9 年级:四年级 国籍:芬兰

Name: Verla Age: 9 Grade: G4 Nationality: Finnish

学校是否要求学生穿校服,若没有统一 校服,在着装上是否有特殊要求?

Does the school require unforms and if not is there a dress code? No, our school does not have school uniforms. We do have rules for dressing.


What do you like about your school? I like that all grades are invited to attend school celebrations. What are some of the school's special traditions? At Halloween we carve pumpkins, go trick-or-treating and have performances. On International day we have a flag parade to display our different cultures.


不,我们学校没有校服。但是,我们 有一定的着装标准。

学校每当庆祝活动的时候,所有年级 都会参加,我非常喜欢这一点。

你们学校有什么特殊传统吗? 有的。万圣节的时候我们会刻南瓜, 玩“不给糖,就捣乱”的游戏,还有很多 其它的活动。举个例子吧,国际日的时 候,我们还会有旗帜方阵游行,宣扬我们 各自国家的文化。


EDU GUIDE 2015 learn it by heart! However, no matter what language one learns, vocabulary has to be memorised. Learning the gender of the word is just adds little extra to the process. Also, long and heavy vocabulary lists have a tendency to disappear in the modern approach of teaching French. Words and expression are learned progressively and always contextualised (used in sentences and linked to a concrete situation). The knowledge of some Latin languages such as Spanish, Italian, Portuguese or even Romanian is a very good base to learn French. Also 50% of the current English vocabulary is derived from French!

Also, in teaching the focus is laid on the ability to communicate in French and not on the knowledge of a perfect grammar. Hence, in French language diplomas there are no pure grammar exercises.

Throughout the years, the teaching of grammar has evolved from a deductive approach mainly using tables and explicit rules to a more efficient, inductive approach…

Excuse My French As the world is becoming smaller due to globalisation, it is more important than ever to know one or two foreign languages. Aissata Diallo is here to tell you how to speak French in practice.

An oral and communicationbased method Students are often amazed by the fact that after just a few hours of French lessons, and they can already manage a few everyday life situations in French. They would be even more surprised if they knew that they were already using forms conditionals and even subjunctives. Why? Because learning French does not mean only learning its grammar


and vocabulary. Of course, these elements are essential parts of mastering the language, but the main goal is to attain the skills to communicate effectively. How? By using concrete communication situations - that one may come across very quickly during a trip to a French-speaking country - as the starting point of French lessons. For instance, ordering a meal in a restaurant, asking for directions or looking for accommodation. This contextuali-

sation - the integration of speech acts in actual context – puts the learner in a situation in which he will have to interact by calling up not only his knowledge (grammar, vocabulary, etc.) but also his savoir-faire (greeting someone, asking for information…) and his interpersonal skills (behaviours). The gender of nouns in French How do we know if that word is feminine or masculine? Well, the answer to that question is disappointing…we

The bad reputation of French grammar! “They are too many exceptions! Too many tenses! Too many pronouns!” Yes, but French grammar is, as all grammars, mainly made of regularities and patterns. Also, students tend to become very sensitive to that particular aspect of the language and in that manner, very good at spotting exceptions. How can students learn grammar? Throughout the years, the teaching of grammar has evolved from a deductive approach mainly using tables and explicit rules to a more efficient, inductive approach in which the students are exposed to instances of language use, from which they formulate for themselves and then verbalise the underlying pattern. By being active in the process, the students are involved in the creation of the grammar rule.

Why learn French?

After English and German, French is the third most used language on the Internet, ahead of Spanish. French is a good starting point for learning other languages, especially Latin languages as well as English. French is both a working language and an official language of the United Nations, the European Union, UNESCO, NATO, the International Red Cross, and international courts. What the students of the Alliance française say about French! - “Conjugations are not complicated, you just have to memorise them.” Michelle, 23, 4 months study - “French is not very hard nor very easy, it is just different from Chinese.” Anne, 22, 4 months study - “I am going to study fashion in Lyon in September. I am glad that I can already read magazines about fashion in French.” Charlotte, 26, 6 months study - “For me, pronunciation is not difficult.” Lucas, 23, 6 months study For more info about learning French visit or add its WeChat: afqingdao_2013.

抱歉, 法语 有点难

在世界经济全球化的今天,学会 一两门外语变得比以往任何时候 都更加重要。Aissata Diallo用实 际情况告诉你,如何学好法语。 以口语和交流为基础的教学法 学法语的时候,学生往往很吃 惊为什么仅仅上了几堂法语课,他们 就已经可以用法语进行日常对话了。 要是他们知道,他们已经在使用条件 式,甚至是虚拟语气,他们也许会更 加惊讶! 为什么呢?因为学习法语并不仅 仅意味着学习语法和词汇。当然,语 法和词汇是语言的基本组成部分,但 是,人们学习一门语言,主要的目标 还是与他人交流。 怎样做到有效的交流呢?通过具 体的对话场景。首先,学习法语的第 一课,你可以假设你去了一个讲法语 的国家旅行。例如,你可以设想如何 在餐厅点餐,街边问路或寻找住宿。 这种语境化的学习方法,把学习者放 在一种特定的情境中,他将不得不调 用他的知识储备(语法,词汇等), 他的语言组织能力(寒暄、咨询信息 等)和人际交往能力来表达自己。 法语中的阴阳性 怎么知道一个词是阴性还是阳性 的?这个问题的答案恐怕要令你失望 了......只能死记硬背地记住它! 但是,不管学什么语言,词汇是 必须要记的。学习这个词的性别只是 一点点额外的补充罢了。


Language 语言


此外,现代的法语教学已经不再 倾向于教授那些又长又繁琐的词汇表。 人们更加倾向于在情境中学习这些单词 和短语。还有些拉丁语系的语言,如西 班牙语,意大利语,葡萄牙语,甚至罗 马尼亚语都是学习法语的一个非常好的 基础。目前的英语词汇的50%都来自 法语! 法语语法的“坏名声” “它们有太多的例外!太多的时 态!太多的代词!” 是的,像所有的语法那样,法语 语法也有自己的规律和模式。此外,学 生往往会对语言的某些方面非常敏感, 也很善于发现语法中的例外。

此外,现代的 法语教学已经 不再倾向于教授们教 授的那些又长又繁琐 词汇表了。人们更加 倾向于在情境中学习 这些单词和短语。

如何学习语法? 这些年来,语法教学已经从主要 利用表格和明确的规则演绎为了另一种 更有效的方式。用这种方式教学,学生 能够置身真实的语言环境中,用自己学 习的语言表达自己的观点。在这个交互 的环境下,学生会到受激发并参与到语 法规则的创作中来。

继英语和德语之后,法语领先西 班牙语,成为互联网上的第三个最常用 语言。想要学习一门外语,如拉丁语或 英语,最好先学法语。法语既是联合 国、欧盟、联合国教科文组织、北约、 国际奥委会、国际红十字会和国际法庭 等国际组织的工作语言,也是它们的官 方语言。 法语联盟学员眼中的法语

此外,请记住,学习法语的重点 是交流而不是应用语法。因此,在法语 资格证书里也有没有纯粹的语法练习。

“变位并不复杂,你只需要记住它 们。”—米歇尔,23岁,在法盟学习 约4个月




文不同。”—安妮,22岁,在法盟学 习约4个月 “我今年九月份要去里昂学习时尚。我 很高兴,我已经可以用法语阅读时尚杂 志。”—夏洛特,26岁,在法盟学习 约6个月 “对于我,发音不难。”—卢卡斯,23 岁,在法盟学习6个月 了解更多学习法语或 法语活动信息请登陆青岛法 语联盟网站:http://qingdao.afchine.org或者关注法 盟微信afqingdao_2013。


Language 语言


Guten Tag



ocal Qingdaonese still feel somehow connected to Germany and if you take a trip to the beautiful old town and walk through the historic streets you can see that the Germans left a distinct mark on Qingdao’s architecture. Even today this makes Germans feel strangely at home. In Qingdao, where the 1903 founded Germania-Brauerei (Germania Brewery) later became the world famous Tsingtao beer brewery, Germans are also quite often asked how many bottles of beer they can drink. But only few people know, that also within the Qingdao dialect you can find some German words like “Guli” 古力 or “Dame” 大嫚. Traveling to German-speaking countries has become very popular and the Chinese are very interested to learn more about Germany, with its diverse cultural and historical background that goes beyond Bier and Weißwurst. They want to visit King Ludwig’s castles in Bavaria, explore the Austrian and Swiss Alps, or experience the energetic nightlife of Berlin. Learning German and questioning stereotypes Learning a language is an important key to understand another culture and German as a second language has become very attractive in China. It doesn’t matter if you want to study, work, or travel in Germany, speaking and understanding German gives you better chance to discover the country and question stereotypically clichés. For example, if you still think Germans can’t be funny you obviously have never seen or understood ‘Loriot’ or ‘Stromberg’, let alone the German sitcom ‘Knallerfrauen’ (屌丝女士), which is very popular in China.


Germany has been one of the most important destination countries for international students, especially from China, with nearly 250,000 students from abroad studying in Germany each year—over 10 percent of the total student population. The German education system has a very long tradition and a good international reputation. Language games make learning more colourful Learning another language can certainly be a challenge but it can also be a very rewarding experience – if done correctly. In China people often make the mistake of going to language schools that only try to prepare them to pass specific test, like TestDaF, for examples, which is required to study in Germany. But outside school they are not even able to order something to drink, nor did they learn anything about German culture. This is, of course, a very frustrating experience for learners. ‘Learning a language needs its time’, explains Oliver Müller, project leader of the Goethe-Language Centre at Qingdao University, ‘you have to understand that not the quantity but the quality of the language courses is essential. Especially when you want to study or live in Germany’. The Goethe-Language Centre at Qingdao University, which was founded 2010 as cooperation project between Qingdao University and the Goethe-Institut, follows the guidelines of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)and offers lessons from level A1 to C2.They are specifically designed to enhance communication during the lessons and enable modern teaching methods with

highly qualified teachers. ‘We simulate daily routines and put the students in realistic situations where they need to use actively the German language’, Oliver Müller added, ‘the lessons are action-oriented and with the use of language games and multimedia materials, lessons become more vivid and colourful’. Feng Shuo has studied German at the Goethe-Language Centre for four weeks and for her it was a completely new learning experience, ‘Before this class I was only used to repeating sentences that were written in the book or given by my teachers, but now I am an active part of the classroom and playfully learn how to use the language while speaking German with my classmates or the teachers all the time’. ‘Our students not only want to understand German, they also want to understand the Germans’, explains Oliver Müller, ‘on Thursdays we welcome everyone to participate in our weekly activity “Deutsch Erleben” to experience German beyond the language’. Furthermore, with the support of the Goethe-Institut China they also invited the German writer Larissa Boehning on the 22th of May to Qingdao. Mrs. Boehning will hold a creative writing lesson for the students at the Qingdao University and will also give a public reading from her latest book at the So Book Bookstore during the Nihao Europe Festival. For more information about learning German or German events visit the website of the Goethe-Language Centre or add its WeChat: qd_goetheslz.

知为何,青岛人始终觉得自 己与德国有着某种联系。穿 梭在美丽的老城区,漫步在 充满历史感的街道上,你可 以看到德国人在青岛建筑上留下的明显 印记,这甚至使德国人都觉得仿佛置身 自己的国家一般。1903年在青岛建立 的日耳曼啤酒厂后来成了驰名中外的青 岛啤酒公司,以致于后来人们经常问在 青的德国人能喝多少瓶啤酒。但只有少 数人知道,其实,青岛的方言中还存 在一些德语词,比如“古力”(Guli)和 “大嫚儿”(Dame)。 在中国,人们越来越喜欢到德语 国家旅游。除了啤酒和白肠,中国人也 对德国的多样文化以及历史越来越感兴 趣。他们想去参观位于巴伐利亚州的德 维希皇帝城堡;想去体验奥地利瑞士的 阿尔卑斯山;或者感受柏林充满活力的 夜生活。 学习语言是了解另一种文化的关键 在中国,德语作为第二语言也 变得越来越有吸引力。无论你想去 德国学习、工作还是旅游,能够听懂 德语都会更容易让你了解这个国家 并对老一套的想法提出质疑。比如, 如果你始终认为德国人缺乏幽默感, 你显然从来没见过“Loriot”(德国泰斗级 幽默大师)、 “Stromberg”(德国喜剧),

更不用说在中国很火的德国情景喜 剧“Knnallerfrauen”(屌丝女士)了。 德国已经成为外国留学生,尤其是 中国留学生重要的留学地之一。每年都 有约25万名外国留学生在德国求学,这 个数字超过了德国学生总数的10%。德 国的教育制度有着悠久的历史传统,在 国际上享有良好的声誉。 趣味的语言游戏使外语学习丰富多彩 学习一门外语固然充满挑战,但 却也是一段有益的经历——当然,这是 在正常学习的情况下。在中国,人们经 常错误地选择就读那些只令他们通过某 种特定考试的语言学校,比如要想去德 国留学必须要通过德福考试。但是在校 外,他们甚至不能用德语点喝的,或者 根本不了解德国文化。对学习者来说, 这当然是一个令人懊恼的经历。 “学习一门外语需要花时间”,青 岛大学歌德语言中心的项目主管Oliver Müller (慕敖力)先生说道,“你必须意 识到重要的是语言课程的质量而不是数 量,尤其对要去德国留学或生活的人来 说。”青岛大学歌德语言中心是德国歌 德学院与青岛大学于2010年正式成立 的合作项目。该语言中心提供基于欧洲 语言共同参照标准的A1至C2等级的课 程。课程经由特殊设计,配有现代教学

方式及高质量的师资,旨在通过教学提 高交际能力。“我们在课堂中模拟日常 生活,将学生置身于现实情境中,让他 们积极说德语”,Oliver补充道,“我 们的课程以活动为重点。通过语言游戏 以及多媒体材料,课堂变得十分生动活 泼。”冯硕已经在歌德语言中心学习了 四个周的德语。对她来说,这是一段全 新的学习体验。“在上这个班之前,我 只是习惯重复课本上或者是老师给的句 子。但现在我成了课堂上活跃的一员, 并在娱乐中通过用德语与同学和老师对 话来学习使用语言。” “我们的学生不仅想学习德语, 也想了解德国人”,Oliver 说,“每周 四,我们都会邀请大家来参与‘体验 德国’活动,以此来感受语言外的德 国。”此外,在中国歌德学院的支持 下,歌德语言中心也会在5月22日邀请 德国作家Larissa Boehning(拉里萨·博 宁)来青岛。在“你好,欧洲”文化节 期间,博宁女士将会为青岛大学的学生 举办一场别开生面的写作研讨会,同时 也会在如是书店举办一场关于她最新作 品的公众读书会。 了解更多学习德语或 德语活动信息请登陆歌德语 言中心网站:http://qingdao. goetheslz.com或者添加微信 qd_goetheslz为微信好友。

study abroad 留学



Cracking the SAT Exam

SAT考试对于本土和海外学生都是件头疼事儿。来自Globe to Students学校的Daisy支招,助您SAT考试一臂之力。

Unless you are looking to earn a perfect 2400, you do not need to answer every question.

The SAT exam can be a huge headache for students, both native and non-native speakers. Daisy Liu from the Globe to Students gives us some tips on how to do well on the SAT.


aking tests likely ranks at the bottom of your list of things you would like to do with your free-time alongside waiting in line at China Mobile to get a phone card and trying to find where the stench from your bathroom is originating. Focused preparation will make an examination less painful while helping out your score. Each type of standardised test is set up with its own set of rules. The SAT has its own set of rules that you, when preparing, must know to get a desirable score. Here are some tips for those who have several months to conquer the SAT. Familiarise yourself with the rules for the three parts of the test Take the grammar section for example. Familiarise yourself with grammar. Some rules to know involve run-on sentences & fragments, pronouns, modifications and comparisons. You need to be aware of what is going to be covered and how it is presented on the exam. Take Parallelism for example. It is tested on the SAT in a series of phrases


or items in a list. Ex: A student needs preparation, diligence and making an appointment to take the test for SAT success. • and making an appointment • and a made appointment • with an appointment • and to make an appointment • and an appointment Parallelism can be tested with a number of parts of speech: nouns, verbs and prepositions. Being aware of variations in the way content is covered will help you avoid being caught off guard. Know your preparation timeframe and focus accordingly Most Chinese students who have taken the SAT realise after the fact that they should have prepared more for the Critical Reading sections. To improve scores on this section in a short period is not as easy as boosting scores in the math or grammar sections. The level the reading comprehension requires a long time to develop—months and even years. Crammers looking to boost their composite score in the least amount

除非你想要拿满分2400 分,否则你不需要每个问 题都回答。 of time—weeks and months-- should focus on math and grammar. This varies from student to student.

all. Therefore, if you’re completely clueless with a multiple-choice question, skip it.

Choose which questions to answer first Each SAT section is timed and questions are ordered by difficulty. Generally speaking, the test begins with an easy question and progressively gets more difficult. However, it does not mean that the first questions are going to be easy for you. During your preparation, go through the practice tests and identify your weaknesses. Do the questions in your own order of difficulty. Spend your time answering questions that you are good at first; it will help increase your chances for a high score.

Look for the wrong answers The SAT is mostly a multiplechoice test. The advantage of a multiple-choice test is that one of the five options must be correct. The problem is that the probability for guessing the right one is only 20%. Conversely, there is an initial 80% chance of guessing a wrong answer. Eliminate the obviously incorrect answers to boost your probability of being correct up to 50%. This technique not only helps you get the right answers, but also boosts your confidence during the tests.

Skip the questions that are impossible Unless you are looking to earn a perfect 2400, you do not need to answer every question. In fact, doing so will hurt you rather than help you. For multiple-choice questions on the SAT, you will be penalised more for a wrong answer than no answer at

Good luck! If you have further questions about SAT, you could contact Daisy by email: or directly call her on 185 6067-5285.

去中国移动排队领一张电话 卡,和发现卫生间发臭的原 因相比,考试可能是你闲暇 时最不想做的事情了。集中 性地为考试做准备,在帮你取得较高综 合成绩的同时,也使考试没那么痛苦。 每一种标准化考试都有其规则,SAT也 不例外。所以了解、掌握这些规则对于 取得令人满意的成绩很重要。以下是一 些可以在几个月里征服SAT的小窍门。 熟悉考试三个部分的规则 以语法部分为例,你需要了解隐藏 的一些固定考点。有些涉及断句处理与 分段、代词、修饰词和比较级。你需要 意识到被掩盖的知识点将会以什么样的 形式出现在考试里。我们来看一个平行 结构的例子,平行结构经常出现在考试 中,有时以名词词组的形式出现,有时 以动词短语的形式出现。例句: A student needs preparation, diligence and making an appointment to take the test for SAT success. and making an appointment and a made appointment with an appointment and to make an appointment and an appointment 平行结构可与名词,动词、介词一

起出现。懂得这些可能出现的变化,你 便不会有不知所措的感觉了。 知道你的准备时限,集中攻破 大部分参加过SAT考试的中国学生 很晚才意识到他们应该为批判性阅读准 备更长时间。短期内提高阅读部分的分 数,不像提高数学和语法部分的分数那 么简单。阅读理解水平的增长需要很长 的时间——几个月甚至几年。老师们如 果想要在短期内(几周或几个月)提高他 们的综合分数则需要把重点放在数学和 语法上。但这些要因人而异。 选择首先要回答的问题 每个SAT部分都是定时的,而且问 题是由难易程度进行排列的。一般来 说,考试以一个简单的问题开始然后逐 步变难。但是这并不意味着第一个题对 你来说就比较简单。在你准备的过程 中,你要通过平时练习,来确定你的薄 弱环节。按照你自己难易程度的排列来 做题。首先花时间去做你擅长的部分将 会增加你得高分的机会。 跳过不会做的题目 除非你想要拿满分2400分,否则 你不需要每个问题都回答。事实上,全 部做完不仅不会帮助你反而会害了你。 对于SAT的选择题来说,答错了扣的分 将会比不答扣的分要多。因此,如果你 对不会做某个选择题,不做就可以了。 找到错误的答案 SAT考试大部分都是选择题。选择 题优势在于五个选项中肯定有一个是对 的。问题在于蒙对的机率只有20%。相 反,最初猜错的机率有80%。消除两个 明显错误的选项将会将你的正确率提高 到50%。这个技巧不仅能帮你得到正确 的答案还能在考试时加强你的自信心。 祝你好运! 如果你对SAT考试有其它疑问,可以发 送邮件至,或者直接致电 Daisy:185 6067-5285。


study abroad 留学


Studying abroad is a worthwhile adventure, and I would very much encourage every student to give it a try. 出国留学是件值得挑战 的事情,我鼓励学生 们都去试一试。留学的 经历会改变你,让你成 长,认识来自世界各地 的朋友。

A German Exchange Student in Qingdao Exploring different countries gives us a taste of life beyond our normal experience. After the first adventure, life can seem a bit mundane until the next destination. Elli Pillau shares her love for adventurous travel. 36


ome travellers prefer brief touristy stops in far off lands, but that is not for me. I love to see the world, immerse myself in different cultures, and learn from incredible people wherever I go. My love for adventure began when I was little, and has continued to grow over the years. Whilst at schoolm I visited other European countries, Russia, Egypt, and Asia. After graduation, I wanted to see the world. When my classmates in Germany were applying to local universities, I spent hours researching programs that would allow me to study abroad. Hong Kong, Canada, and Qingdao all had programs that allowed me to do just what I wanted. While some people feel anxious when they leave home, I always felt

curious and excited to start a new adventure. The transition period of living and studying in your new place will require some time. You have to adapt to the food, the language, the climate, the style of education, and how to interact with the locals. Sometimes a few aspects of the place where you study will be familiar to you and can help you adapt. For instance, when I arrived at the university in Hong Kong things outside of school were all new, but the teaching style there was similar to what I had experienced in Germany. In Qingdao, it only took a few weeks to familiarize with the city and meet new friends. This is because I knew some Chinese, but the teaching style was different and it forced me to study and prepare for lessons more than I had previously. Embrace the fact that it will take some time to get comfortable with your new surrounding and work to build relationships with the people you meet. Studying abroad is a worthwhile adventure, and I would very much encourage every student to give it a try. The experience will change you, it will stretch you, and it will allow you to meet many different kinds of people from all over the world. Plus, even when you return to your home country (if you do) the unique experiences you will have will always be part of your life. I hope you have a wonderful adventure! Advice for studying abroad: Save up enough money before you go: While travelling abroad it is very important to manage your budget, but do not let your budget force you to stay at home. Plan in advanced how much money you might need and add a bit of extra for unexpected events and unplanned adventures.

Lower your expectations: This doesn’t mean that you are not supposed to be excited, but if you have very high expectations, you might get disappointed. Try out everything you can even if it is outside of your comfort zone: Be adventurous! When it comes to food: even if some food looks, smells, or tastes different; I would always recommend trying it. Even if you do not like it, it may make a great story. When it comes to any other kind of activities, I would recommend the same thing! Go bungee jumping, climb the highest mountain, or swim in the coldest water: just try it out and make your own experience. Make a schedule to bring a bit of control back into your life: Whenever I felt a little home sick or had to deal with culture shock, it always helped me to make a schedule. Not necessarily for every single day, but maybe choose one or two days a week, where you do one hour of sports, go out for dinner with a friend or call your parents. It really helps to give you some control over the very overwhelming life abroad. Stay in touch with home Even if you do not feel home sick and do not feel the need to call your family, you should always make some time to contact them. They will be very happy to hear your voice and dying to learn more about your new life. It also helps you to think about what you have seen, experienced and achieved.

青岛的 德国交换生 探索不同国家给我们带来一 种新鲜感, 给平淡的生活注 入活力。很多时候, 仿佛只 有再次启程方能帮助我们摆 脱日常的琐碎。有多国旅行 经验的Elli给大家分享她的 海外求学之旅。

些爱旅游的小伙伴总喜 欢去遥远的旅游胜地短暂 地待上几天,但我却并非 如此。我对这世界充满向 往,愿意去体验不同的文化,不管我 去哪里,我都希望从那些遇到的人们 身上学到点东西。 从小,我就喜欢冒险。随着时 间的推移,我对未知世界的好奇只增 未减。求学期间,我曾经去过很多国 家,除了游历欧洲外,我还去过俄罗 斯、埃及、亚洲的好多地方。高中毕 业后,我想多出去看看这个世界。其 他同学都忙着申请德国的大学的时 候,我忙着搜集资料,申请境外的大 学。据我了解,香港、加拿大、青岛 都有非常适合我的项目。虽然大部分 的人都不愿离家,但我却对新的旅程 充满了好奇和兴奋。 换个地方学习和生活总需要一段 时间来适应。你不得不习惯当地的食 物、语言、气候,以及不同的教育风 格,而且还要学会和当地人交往。有


study abroad 留学


Elli is working as a marketing intern at the International School of Qingdao Elli目前正在青岛MTI国际学校市场部实习 些时候,那些新环境中与原来相似的地 方会帮助你适应新的生活。


存好旅费后再出发 举个例子,我在香港读书的时 候,生活上的种种事情对我来说都很新 鲜,但是老师们的教育方式却和德国的 老师们很相似。在青岛,因为我会说汉 语的缘故,我只花了几周时间就适应了 这里的生活,很快便交了新朋友。但 是,这里的教学风格却十分不同,这也 就迫使我不得不预习课程,而且比以往 任何时候都要认真地学习。任何时候, 你一定要怀着开放的心情来面对新生 活,因为适应新环境和交新朋友都需要 时间。 出国留学是件值得挑战的事情, 我鼓励学生们都去试一试。留学的经历 会改变你,让你成长,认识来自世界各 地的朋友。另外,即使你回国之后(如 果你回国的话),这个独特的出国经 历还是会给你的生活带来积极的影响。 希望你也能有段难忘的海外求学 经历!


准备前往海外留学的话,金钱的 管理尤为重要。不过也不要被学费的压 力所累,被迫留在家里。最好能提前做 好预算,一方面要清楚自己需要花的钱 有多少,一方面还要多准备点钱以备不 时之需。

降低你的期望值 我这么说,不是说让你不要对出 国感到兴奋,而是说,如果你的期望越 高,可能到时候失望也就越大。

勇于走出自己的“舒适区”,尝试新 事物 去冒险吧!不管那些吃的看起 来、闻起来、尝起来有多奇怪,我都建 议你去大胆尝试下! 不管你喜不喜欢, 试吃的过程都会挺有意思,说不定还能 成为日后跟别人聊起来的好故事。除

了吃以外,我还推荐你去试试其它的活 动,如蹦极、爬山、冬泳等。试一试的 话,你肯定会有新的发现。

做好计划,规划好自己的生活 初到异地,不管是想家还是应对 文化冲击,提前做好计划的话,遇到什 么事情都会容易些。当然,你不用每天 都做计划,只要一周抽出一天或两天做 计划就可以了。这个计划可以包括做一 小时运动,和朋友出去吃饭,或是和父 母打电话等。这样做很有用,能够帮助 你有效地规划繁忙的海外生活。

常和家里人联系 就算不是特别想家,或者没有什 么特别的事情,也多跟家里人联系联系 吧。他们会很高兴听到你的声音,听你 讲讲你的新生活。这样做同样能让他们 对你的所见所闻有所了解,从而更加理 解你的想法。



EDU GUIDE 2015 ever they find themselves. The class of 2015 have already been accepted to universities all over the world that include the University of Edinburgh, Kings College London, Seoul National University, Korea University, New York University, Temple University, Penn State University, Wheaton College, and the University of Virginia. Our alumni have gone on to be successful visual artists, professional actors, nuclear researchers, engineers, UN employees, doctors, accomplished business professionals, and more.

What Do You Know About ISQ? 你对青岛MTI国际学校了解多少?


he International School of Qingdao (ISQ) exists to provide complete world-class education that integrates faith and learning. We offer admission for children from early childhood through high school, and our goal is to prepare students to realise their full potential: emotionally, physically, spiritually, intellectually, and socially. As we invest in our students, we seek to fully partner with parents to cultivate the virtues of strong moral character, a love for academic rigor, and an unwavering leadership based on ethical principles. In our ever-complex globalised world, we find that intentional development of these qualities are needed to fully prepare individuals to meet the challenges of life.


We Seek to Provide a Safe Environment Our staff members undergo a rigorous application process and continual professional training to ensure children are in the best learning environment. In addition to educational professional development, each and every staff member, annually, goes through the Child Safety and Protection Network’s training to protect those in our care. Development of Character ISQ believes that we have a unique opportunity to partner with parents as we both work to develop the child’s character. We start with sound

岛MTI国际学校(ISQ)致力 于为学生们提供全方位发 展的、信念与学习理念相 融合的优质教育服务。

ISQ开放幼教至高中部所有课程。 学校的目标是帮助学生充分认识其在 情感、心理、精神、智力与社交方面 的潜能。教育您孩子的同时,我们寻 求家长们全方位的合作,旨在培养孩 子拥有高品质的道德素养、追求学术 严谨,坚持原则,具有领导能力。我 们发现,在这个日益复杂的全球化社 会,培养上述品质能够帮助学生做好 充分准备,迎接来自生活各个方面的 挑战,让他们成为有价值的人。 ISQ为学生提供安全的学习环境

principles, set examples for children, and then provide students with many different opportunities to live out lives full of integrity. Professional Qualifications Our staff members are highly qualified and have a passion for teaching your children. Over 50% of our foreign staff members hold a Master’s degree or higher, and our national staff all hold Bachelor’s degree or above. Educational training professionals hone our teachers’ skills every year. Prepared for Life after ISQ Our students achieve academically and are prepared to succeed wher-

每位ISQ员工在入职前都需要通过一 系列严格的申请程序,入职后也需要参 加个人能力发展培训,以确保为学生 提供最优秀的学习环境。除此之外, 每位员工每年还需要参加儿童安全与 保护培训,以保护的学生人身安全。 个性的发展 ISQ相信,学校能够与家长一起共 同协作来培养孩子们的个性。通过合 理的校规和以身作则的行动,学校鼓 励孩子们活出自我。 专业资格 ISQ员工们受教育程度普遍较高, 且对教育孩子充满了热情。50%以 上的外籍员工拥有相关硕士或博士学

位,所有中方员工都有学士及以上学 位。所有员工每年至少接受一次教育 职业技能发展培训来提高自己的教学 技巧。 为学生进入社会做准备 青岛MTI国际学校的学生有成功 的学业并且能够为将来的生活做好准 备。学校的2015届毕业生已经被全球 各地的多所大学录取,包括爱丁堡大 学、伦敦国王学院、韩国国立首尔大

学、高丽大学、纽约大学、美国坦普 大学、宾夕法尼亚州立大学、惠顿学 院和弗吉尼亚大学等。 从ISQ毕业的学生在社会的各个方 面均有所成就,包括艺术、演员、核 研究、工程师、联合国职员、医生、 商务专业等领域。



EDU GUIDE 2015 Secretary General of MUNiSC 2015. The role as the Secretary- General was rewarding not only because I was able to lead a group of such talented students, but because I learned to act as a team player, and that sometimes what I believe to be the right decision may not be as valuable as listening to other people’s ideas.

one senior from my school sent me a note… it said, "Don’t worry, because you will become a better delegate than all of the people here.

Over the MUN 我的模拟联合国之梦

Secretary-General of MUNiSC and student of ISQ, Paul Moon, tells about how the MUN ignited his passion for international affairs. 中国国际学校联盟模拟联合国秘书长,同时也是青岛MTI国际学校在校学生的Paul Moon, 跟大家 分享他对国际事务的无限热情。


omeone cried out in the ISQ hallways, “Tteokbboki, triangle kimbob for 10 kuai each”! Then I noticed a poster hanging next to the staircase, which read, ‘MUN club selling food during tea break’. After tasting the delicious morsels, I thought that MUN must be some cooking club. However, I later found out that MUN was far from a club that sells food: it was a place where I could have exciting intellectual discussions and debates. This sparked my interest and became the beginning of my high school passion.

debates, and the realization that I am involved in real pressing issues around the globe that affect real people. Every conference made my heart beat faster with excitement and anticipation, with the extra benefits of travelling to other cities in China or even to other countries like Singapore and South Korea. I spent hours researching the issues, and during days just before conferences, I couldn’t do anything except imagine what the conference would be like. I was so absorbed by MUN that my parents told me many times to stop; but I just couldn’t.

I joined the Model United Nations in 8th grade at ISQ, and it has been one of the central pursuits of my high school career. I remember the first conference that I attended, and I literally became infatuated with all aspects of MUN: its formality, the fierce

MUNiSC (Model United Nations International Schools of China) is a conference hosted by my school, the International School of Qingdao. In MUNiSC 2011, my second conference, I was the delegate of Austria in the Security Council. In this relatively


small committee of 15, I was the novice delegate of MUN. Being naïve and eager to achieve MUN glory, I dared to submit 8 clauses, which is ambitious to say the least. The learning curve was steep as I was brutally bashed down by many of my peers. However, the experience still helped me grow because one senior from my school sent me a note (which I still keep). In that note it said, “Don’t worry, because you will become a better delegate than all of the people here”. That one student’s words and the support of my peers, who voted for me to be the 2011, “Most Likely to Become the Secretary General” fueled my passion and drive for MUN. Every conference that I attended became a learning experience for me, and eventually, after 5 years of relentless pursuit, I was able to serve as the

ISQ一位12年级学生在会 后送给我一张纸条,上 面写着“不要担心,因为 你会成为比这里所有人都 要优秀的代表。 I love MUN. In fact, my previous principal told me to marry it. Why do I love MUN? In the end, isn’t it just one extravagant show to add on my transcript? All of that is true. MUN is in a sense a “show”, and yes, it does look good on my transcript. However, MUN means much more than that to me. It means hours of effort to figure out a solution to an environmental issue, it means finding the joy of discussion, and it means developing valuable assets through experiences that cannot be attained anywhere else. My burning love for MUN has led me to choose international relations as my future major, and I hope to become a real diplomat to work for my country with the same passion and desire. Then, all of my effort will have truly paid off.

菜包饭,10元一个!”有 人在ISQ走廊里喊着。然后 我便注意到了楼梯旁边一 个写着“MUN社团茶点休 息时间售卖食物”的海报。品尝了一小 块儿美味的食物后,新入学的我想当然 地认为MUN一定是个与食物制作有关 的社团。不久后我才发现,MUN不仅 仅是售卖食物的社团而已。在这个社团 里,我可以充分发挥自己的才智,与其 他团员讨论各种话题。这一切引起了我 的兴趣,成为我高中生活热情的起点。

8年级时,我开始加入模拟联合国 (MUN)社团,此后它便成为了我高中生 涯的主要追求。我依然记得,在我第一 次参加正式会议时,我便对MUN的各 个方面都深深着迷:它的组织形式、激 烈的辩论,还有对有世界影响力的国际 话题的深刻认知。每次参加会议时,我 都会因为兴奋、期望还有前往中国其它 城市甚至其它国家而心跳加速。我曾去 过新加坡和和韩国,它们都是对我而言 难得的经历。



I hope to become a real diplomat to work for my country with the same passion and desire. Then, all of my effort will have truly paid off.


中国国际学校联盟模拟联合国 (MUNiSC)是一个由我的母校——青岛 MTI国际学校(ISQ)主办的大型会议活 动。2011年的MUNiSC,是我第二次参 加会议。当时的我是奥地利安全理事会 的代表。在这个相对较小、仅有15人的 委员会中,我算是参加MUN的新手。 带着新手的天真与获得MUN荣誉的渴 望,我雄心壮志地提交了8条条款。当 然,学习过程是残酷的。我的条款很快 被高年级参会人员残酷地否定了。

我希望能够成为一名外 交官,以同样的热情来 报效我的国家。我坚 信,我所有的努力终将 得到回报。

但是,这次参加会议的经验还是给 了我极大的帮助,ISQ一位12年级学生 在会后送给我一张纸条(这张纸条我现 在还留着),上面写着“不要担心,因 为你会成为比这里所有人都要优秀的代 表”。这位学长也为我的2011年“最具 潜力成为联合国秘书长”资格投了票。 所有这些鼓励和支持都让我对MUN更 加热心。

我曾花费数小时研究国际话题,正 式会议前的几天里我都会不断地设想会 议中的各样情况。我深深沉浸在MUN 的世界里,以至于我的父母多次告诉我 不能那么沉迷,但我就是情不自禁。

随后的每次会议都成为了我学习 进步的好机会,经过5年坚持不懈的努 力,终于在2015年,我开始在MUNiSC 里担任联合国秘书长的职位。MUN组 委决定我成为本届秘书长的原因,不仅 仅是我带出了一组优秀的学生,最主要


的是我在领导他们的同时也学习成为一 位队员。因为有时贯彻执行你自己所认 为最正确决定,远不如听从别人的意见 来得更有价值。 我爱MUN。实际上,我的上任校 长曾经开玩笑说我应该和MUN结婚。 是什么让我如此得热爱这个活动?在 高中生涯的尾声,这难道不是一个可 以展示在你过往的漂亮成绩单吗?当 然,MUN的确能为我的履历添色不 少。但是对我来说,MUN的意义却不 仅仅如此。它意味着我为了寻找一个环 境问题的治理方案,而花费的数小时努 力,意味着激烈辩论所带来的喜悦,同 时也意味着不断地成长,而这些成长是 你在其它任何地方都不能得到的最宝贵 的人生财富。 我对于MUN源源不断的爱也帮助 我选择并坚定我将来的大学专业——国 际关系。我希望能够成为一位外交官, 以同样的热情来报效我的国家。我坚 信,我所有的努力终将得到回报。



EDU GUIDE 2015 promoting a disposition as it is about doing math or solving the cube. It is because of this, as enacted in the safe environment of school and with trusted colleagues, that the experience is so fruitful. Next year’s event is slated for Friday the 15th of April, 2016. It is the fervent wish of QISS that as many schools as possible, especially neighboring ones, will be able to join us for this highly fulfilling day together. Early expressions of interest, as well as registrations, should begin this coming October.

This feat entailed very quick thinking, utilizing considerable spatial and analytical reasoning skills on behalf of the participants.

Math Quest & Cube: Finding the Genius Within 数学及魔方竞技大赛:开发大脑潜能


t the beginning of April, Qingdao NO.1 International School of Shandong Province held its Second Annual Math Quest and Rubik’s Cube competition. It was conducted with the sanction of the umbrella organization known as ACAMIS, or Association of Chinese and Mongolian International Schools. The competition brought together four international schools, both locally and afar, for a math Olympiad style competition and a Rubik’s Cube speed trial challenge. In attendance were the Shanghai Community International School, the Suzhou Singapore International School, the International School of Qingdao, and the host Qingdao NO.1 International School. The Rubik’s Cube speed trials were


very exciting. Students raced against each other as to who was able to solve the famous puzzle cube the fastest. This feat entailed very quick thinking, utilizing considerable spatial and analytical reasoning skills for all of the participants. It was not uncommon for students to have recorded speeds of thirty to forty seconds. After a suspenseful race, Suzhou Singapore International School came in first and Qingdao No.1 International School came in a very close second. The results were the same for the final “Head-to-Head” Rubik’s activity where two students competed face to face for the fastest time. The bulk of the event, however, comprised the maths Olympiad portion. This required individual and team

competition to solve fairly common mathematical word problems. In a thirty-minute time frame, students in the individual competition had to solve ten problems. The participating students had to rely on their own confidence to think analytically in the heat of the moment. Time has to be managed well and answers must be correct. The exercise is a good because students have to draw upon their quick thinking mathematical skills. It shows the students that they are much better at, and know more, math than they may have previously thought. Participants from Qingdao No.1 International School garnered the most points in this category.

In the team portion of the Olympiad, students were divided into groups to from their own schools. The emphasis was on problem solving as a collective endeavor, where many minds tackle a mathematical puzzle. Here, students learn that collective minds working together can be an extra powerful tool in solving a problem. Teams become little communities of inquiry, just the way mathematicians always practice when together, where headway is made from the groups effort. Dialogical reasoning is cultivated thereby, serving to strengthen viable approaches to solving a problem. In this category, Suzhou Singapore International School (SISS) took the first five places. Suzhou Singapore was well represented at the event with thirty students participating from the

school and with a total number of seven teams. As one SISS student put it, she never had so much fun and enjoyment doing mathematics. What is gleaned from the event is a very evident acquiring of self-confidence. Above all else, the Math Quest and Rubik’s Cube Competition teaches the participant the benefits and value of persistence. Quietly approaching a problem, coupled with the anticipation that a solution can readily be at hand, is a thrilling endeavor that reinforces the assurance that any problem, either big or small, both academic and in life, can be tackled. The Math Quest and Rubik’s Cube Competition is as much about

这场精彩的比赛需要选 手快速地思考,运用空 间思维能力以及分析推 理能力。

月初,山东省青岛第一国际 学校举行了第二届年度数学 及魔方竞技大赛。在中蒙国 际学校的联合组织下,四所 来自青岛和其它地区的国际学校共同参 与了这场数学奥林匹克与魔方速度比拼 大赛。这四所国际学校分别为:上海长 宁国际学校,苏州新加坡国际学校,青 岛国际学校以及主办方山东省青岛第一 国际学校。 魔方速度比拼大赛非常激动人 心。学生们为了角逐出最快解决魔方难 题的优胜者,进行了异常激烈的比拼。 这场精彩的比赛需要选手结合快速的思



考,利用广阔的空间思维并运用分析推 理的技巧。大赛的学生们通常可以在30 到40秒之内完成比赛。为了还原魔方, 大赛的过程扣人心弦并充满各种悬念。 最终,苏州新加坡国际学校获得冠军, 青岛第一国际学校以微弱的差距荣获第 二名。同样的比赛结果出现在当日最后 一个项目——双人魔方比赛中,在这项 比赛里,两名学生需要面对面地挑战以 最快速度复原魔方。 这次数学竞赛活动的主体是数学 奥赛。个人和小组奥赛都需要学生解答 一些常见的数学应用题。在30分钟内, 参加个人比赛的选手需要解答10道问 题。学生需要运用数学技巧思考并迅速 而自信地解答问题。合理利用时间并给 出正确的答案非常关键。这种数学活动 对学生非常有益,因为他们必须运用自 己的数学直觉对问题做出解答。同时也 让学生了解到他们在数学领域已经进步 良多。在这个级别的比赛里,来自青岛 第一国际学校的学生们获得了最高分。 在团体数学奥赛中,学生们按学校 进行分组。比赛侧重于团队合作解决数 学难题,旨在发掘合作解题的重要性。 在此过程中,学生们明白了才智的汇聚 具有强大的力量,难题也会迎刃而解。



Teams become little communities of inquiry, just the way mathematicians always practice when together, where headway is made from the efforts of a group. 我们各个团队变成了一 个个的探究小组,数学 家们通常也以这样的方 式在一起钻研数学,利 用群体智慧来解决数学 难题。

我们各个团队变成了一个个探究小 组,数学家们通常也以这样的方式在一 起钻研数学,利用群体智慧来解决数学 难题。同时,对话式的数学推理得到了 大量的运用,由此汇总出可行、有效的 方案。来自苏州新加坡国际学校的学生 获得了这场比赛的前五名。苏州新加坡 国际学校对此次比赛极为重视,派出了 30名学生代表,组成了7支队伍参加了 各项比赛。正如其中一名学生所言,她 在这场数学比赛上体会到极大的乐趣。 本次赛事也增强了学生们的自信。 最重要的是,本次数学及魔方竞技 大赛培养了选手坚持不懈的信念。默默 地审视问题,积极的参与研究问题,这 样一来,所有的问题将很快得到解决。 在学习和生活上,无论问题是大是小, 都需要用这种方式来解决。本次大赛对 学生性格塑造也大有裨益。 因为如此,我们把比赛放在了一个 安全的校园环境里,配备了精干可信的 大赛组委会人员,从而收获了宝贵的经 验。明年这项赛事计划在2016年4月15 日周六举行。我们热诚地希望更多的学 校参加进来,尤其是青岛本地的学校, 再次打造一次成功的比赛。初期的意向 及报名将于今年10月开始启动。


school information 学校信息

Qingdao No.1 International School Of Shandong Province 山东省青岛第一国际学校

school information 学 校 信 息 Address

232 Songling Lu, LaoShan District, Qingdao


Year Opened



Kindergarten / Preschool Primary School Middle School High School





Crossing of East Jia ling jiang Rd and Chang Jiang Rd, Huang dao district, Qingdao, China 青岛市黄岛开发区嘉陵江东路与长江路 交叉口


Year Opened



High School

Number of Students


Size of Teaching Faculty


Student : Teacher Ratio


Language of Instruction

English & Chinese



Curriculum Synopsis


Number of Students


Size of Teaching Faculty


Student : Teacher Ratio


Language of Instruction




Curriculum Synopsis


School Meals

Chinese & Western

School Bus

Yes, with seatbelts and child safety seats

Term Dates

August to June

Outdoor Facilities

5 full-size basketball courts, volleyball courts, all weather track, tennis courts, playground equipment such as monkey bars, heated indoor swimming pool.

School Meals

Western & Chinese

School Bus


Boarding facilities


Extracurricular Activities


Term Dates

September 2015

Field Trips


Outdoor Facilities

Parent-Teacher Association



The QISS campus is spacious and well maintained and enjoys views of the mountains. In addition to the athletic fields and equipment, there is also an outdoor theatre. Campus is secured by three gates.

Indoor and outdoor gymnasium, athletics track and field, soccer pitch, basketball court, indoor swimming pool, ping-pong room, badminton court

Extracurricular Activities

Indoor and outdoor sports, arts, music, choir, drama, Students Council

Field Trips

Qingdao Experiencing trips like camping, hiking, snorkeling, horseback riding, rock-climbing, bicycle touring; World Travel immersions to places like Alaska, Indonesia, Tibet, California

Parent-Teacher Association



Located on Huang dao Yucai Middle school, with independent teaching building and dorm room. All sports facilities, library and specialist room are shared with Yucai. Independent campus will open on Sep 2016.

Tuition Fees


Other Fees


Admission Procedures

Application form submitted with school transcript and teacher's recommendation letter. Writing test includes Math and English, a face to face interview is also required.

Admission Contact

Tel: (+86 532) 8675-3277

Tuition Fees

Located in the city of Qingdao, QISS is situated in an area of natural beauty. QISS offers a strong inquiry-based, college preparatory academic program that includes AP classes, Master’s level teachers, WASC Accreditation, and values development and community service. QISS provides students with rigorous academics, a relevant curriculum and meaningful character enrichment.

Okma International Academy • Qingdao

Total fees for a new student (includes registration, tuition, insurance, consumables, bus & lunch fee) Half-Day PreK: ¥113,700 PreK-KDG: ¥142,700 Grades 1 - 5: ¥162,700 Grades 6 - 8: ¥172,700 Grades 9 - 11: ¥183,700 Grade 12: ¥195,700

Other Fees

Application Fee Optional Bus, Nutrition Fees

Admission Procedures

Application packet: 1 application, 2 passport size photos, copies of applicant’s and both parents' passports, school records for the previous 2 years (translated into English and submitted with the original records), and the Application Processing Fee of 2,000 RMB. Admissions testing consists of a computer-based English comprehension and math test, writing prompt, and a face-to-face interview with the Head of Admissions.

Admission Contact

The Okma International Academy • Qingdao (QIA) is a four year boarding school. Founded by outstanding American educators and Chinese entrepreneurs. The school is modeled after the International Academy (IA), Michigan, USA, one of the biggest IB schools in the world. It has also been recognized as one of the best American public high schools by U.S. News and World Report. The Director of QIA is the famous IB educator and Founder of the original IA - Mr. Lambert Okma.

Tel: (+86 532) 6889-8299


school information 学校信息

school information 学 校 信 息

Qingdao Amerasia International School


68 Shandongtou Lu, Laoshan District, Qingdao


Year Opened



Montessori Toddler and Early Childhood, IB Primary Years, Middle Years, IB Diploma

Number of Students



Size of Teaching Faculty


Student : Teacher Ratio


Language of Instruction



Montessori and International Baccalaureate

Curriculum Synopsis

An International Baccalaureate World School. Accredited Montessori Toddler and Early Childhood. IB Primary Years Programme ages 3-12; Middle Years Programme 12-16; IB Diploma Programme 16-18.

QAIS is the first IB World School in Shandong, and the first Pre-K in Asia to be accredited by the American Montessori Society. We offer inquiry-based programs of the highest standard from Toddler to Grade 12. We welcome international families to see how we prepare children to be global citizens. QAIS teachers excel in their field. Coming from the United States, Canada, Australia, South Africa, Malaysia, and the United Kingdom, all teachers from Early Childhood to Grade 12 have IB certification in their grade/subject, and 70% possess a master’s degree or higher (there are five PhDs on staff ). All Toddler and Early Childhood teachers are certified by the American Montessori Society or Association Montessori International.



Yew Chung International School of Qingdao 青岛耀中国际学校


Huangdao Campus: 72 Tai Hang Shan Lu, Economic & Technology Development Zone 黄岛校区:青岛市经济技术开发区太行 山路72号

Qingdao Campus: Bld. 7, 36 Laoshan Lu, Laoshan District, Qingdao 青岛校区:青岛市崂山区崂山路36号好 望角7号楼


Year Opened



Through train education from age 3 to age 18

Number of Students


Size of Teaching Faculty


Student : Teacher Ratio

ECE (Kindergarten) 18:2 Primary 20:2 Secondary 20:2

Language of Instruction

English & Chinese


International curriculum

Curriculum Synopsis

International curriculum based on the National Curriculum for England. Students progress towards IGCSE and A Level external examinations.

School Meals

Western & Chinese style

School Bus

Yes. Special safety seat provided for students below the age of 5

School Meals

Chinese and Western; salad bar, soup, and fresh fruit served daily.

School Bus

Yes with seatbelts and child safety seats

Term Dates

Semester 1: Aug 24 - Jan 21 Semester 2: Jan 25 - Jun 17

Boarding facilities


Outdoor Facilities

Enclosed playground, basketball court, volleyball, badminton, 50m track.

Term Dates

Semester 1: August to December Semester 2: January to June

Extracurricular Activities

Football, Taekwondo, Lego Robotics, Basketball, Performance, MUN, Service, Student Council, Zumba

Outdoor Facilities

Field Trips

At least once per unit. Annual international trips for secondary students.

Huangdao: sports track, soccer field, indoor gymnastics and ECE play area Qingdao: ECE play area, soccer field and basketball court

Extracurricular Activities


Parent-Teacher Association


Field Trips



Beautiful, bright classrooms equipped with IQ Air and Phillips air purifiers. Art studio, design studio, kiln, fully equipped science lab, library, cafeteria, and auditorium. Conveniently located adjacent to Hai’er Lu, near Shilaoren Beach.

Parent-Teacher Association



Both campuses are fully operational with specialist rooms and sports facilities.

Tuition Fees

Kindergarten (half day): Annual amount: ¥67,000 Kindergarten (full day): Annual amount: ¥127,000 Primary (Year 1 to Year 4): Annual amount: ¥162,000 Primary (Year 5 to Year 6): Annual amount: ¥165,000 Secondary (Year 7 to Year 9): Annual amount: ¥172,000 Secondary (Year 10 to Year 13): Annual amount: ¥178,000

Other Fees


Admission Procedures


Admission Contact

QD campus: (+86 532) 8880-0003 HD campus: (+86 532) 8699-5551

Tuition Fees

Toddler (18 mos-age 3) ¥65,000/half year Early Childhood (age 3-6) ¥119,000/year Grades 1-6 (age 6-12) ¥136,600/year Grades 7-10 (age 12-16) ¥149,900 IB Diploma Programme (age 16-18) ¥166,000

Other Fees

Application Fee Optional Bus, Nutrition Fees

Admission Procedures

Visit or Email

Admission Contact

Tel: (+86 532) 8388-9900

Yew Chung International School of Qingdao (YCIS Qingdao) was established in 2006 to meet the educational needs of the growing community of expatriates in Qingdao. YCIS offers the unique richness and diversity of both Eastern and Western cultures that equip children to be bilingual, globalminded, competitive, appreciative and caring global citizens. Students are nurtured in a multicultural environment with a fully rounded and balanced education, transforming them into globally minded individuals. Founded in 1932, Yew Chung has been providing a quality bilingual learning environment for over 80 years. Yew Chung International Schools are a network of schools in Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Qingdao and Silicon Valley in the USA. YCIS Qingdao offers educational programmes from early childhood to secondary, aged 3 to 18. All new foreign teachers are recruited through YCIS Hong Kong Human Resource Division. They should be native English speakers and must have either a Bachelor’s Degree in Education or Post Graduate Certificate with a specialisation in education. They must also have at least 2 years full-time teaching experience.


school information 学校信息

International School of Qingdao MTI (ISQ) 青岛MTI国际学校

school information 学 校 信 息 Address

青岛市 崂山区青大三路 亚麦山城15号 楼1楼

Main Campus : Baishan Campus, Dongjiang, Shazikou Laoshan District, Qingdao, Shandong 青岛市 崂山区沙子口东姜 白珊校园内


Year Opened



Kindergarten / Preschool / Toddler / Nursery Primary School / Elementary School Middle School / Lower School High School / Upper School



1 Tianhe Rd, Chengyang District, Qingdao 青岛市城阳区天河路1号


Year Opened



Kindergarten / Preschool Primary School Middle School High School

Number of Students


Size of Teaching Faculty


Student : Teacher Ratio


Language of Instruction

50/50 English and Chinese


California State Standards and Ministry of Education Government Standard


Size of Teaching Faculty


Student : Teacher Ratio


Curriculum Synopsis

Bilingual Chinese/English immersion

Language of Instruction


Teacher Standard



Bachelor degree or above with teacher qualification certificate

Curriculum Synopsis


School Meals

Chinese & Western

School Meals

Chinese & Western

School Bus


School Bus

Yes (with seatbelts)

Term Dates

Semester 1 August 11: Quarter 1 Begins October 19: Quarter 2 Begins Semester 2 January 5: Quarter 3 Begins March 21: Quarter 4 Begins

Boarding facilities

Three students in one room with beds cabinets and bathroom

Term Dates

18 August to December 31 March


Basketball court, mini-football field, student's lounge,science and computer laboratory, and yoga room.

Outdoor Facilities

Table tennis court and basketball court

Extracurricular Activities


Field Trips


Parent-Teacher Association


Tuition Fees

Primary school: ¥39000 Middle school:¥48000 High school:¥58000

Other Fees

Bus fee Chengyang: ¥2,200/year Tiantai: ¥2,500/year Licun: ¥3,200/year Shinan/Shibei: ¥5,000/year Luch fees: ¥3,000/year Uniform fees : ¥1,500

Admission Procedures

1. Fill application forms 2. Take placement test 3. Submit the materials 4. Fill and sign GISQ Agreement Form

Admission Contact

contact Ivy or Helen Email: Tel: (+86 532) 8471- 6288 (+86 532) 8471- 6277

Outdoor Facilities

Two outdoor basketball courts, full track, and football field.


Full gymnasium, weight room, dance hall, choir room, band room, musical practice room, video broadcasting facilities, art studio, three libraries, fully equipped science lab, cafeteria, and large auditorium.

The International School of Qingdao - MTI (ISQ) has proudly been Qingdao’s number one school of choice for expatriate families since opening in 1996. With almost 400 students representing 17 different nationalities, ISQ is the largest English instruction international school in Qingdao.

National staff, depending upon the position, are only considered if they hold a Bachelor degree and some relevant experience. In some cases, English fluency/proficiency is required. Some of the National staff hold advanced degrees.

International Department of Guokai School


Number of Students

Tuition Fees

Foreign teachers must hold a Bachelor degree with two years working experience in their course content area or a Master degree. All foreign staff pass a rigorous application process with references, background checks, psychological exams, and multiple interviews before being hired at ISQ.

ECC : 1st Floor, Building 15, Yamai Shan Cheng,Qing Da San Lu, Laoshan District

Bright Start Early Childhood Center (Age 2 - Kindergarten) ½ Days 3 half-days - Y46,091 5 half-days - Y68,338 Full Days 3 day - Y66,316 5 day - Y102,046 Elementary School (Grades 1-5) ¥179,776 Middle School (Grades 6-8) ¥188,315 High School (Grades 9-12) ¥192,012

Other Fees

Registration ¥10,000 (¥3,000 for returning students) Lunch Fees (Optional) Annual bus fees (Optional) ¥5,400 (more than 20KM: ¥6,400)

Admission Procedures

Visit and then follow the admissions procedures

Admission Contact

Main campus: (+86 532) 8881-5668 Bright Start ECC: (+86 532) 6865-2268

Guokai International School Qingdao emphasizes excellence in academics, sport and the arts, and fosters in every child a sense of the importance of community service. We foster a school climate that is safe and supportive of individual students, enabling them to succeed in our ever-changing world. Our teachers , foreign and locals, are passionate professionals and leaders in language immersion education who inspire our children and create a safe and nurturing environment for all learners to succeed and achieve excellence where each and every child is treated with dignity and respect.


2015 - 2016 Qingdao International School Comparison Table Okma International Academy · Qingdao 瀚美公学·青岛

Qingdao Amerasia International School 青岛美亚国际学校

Qingdao No.1 International School Of Shandong Province (QISS) 山东省青岛第一国际学校

International School of Qingdao mti (ISQ) 青岛MTI国际学校

Yew Chung International School of Qingdao 青岛耀中国际学校

International Department of Guokai School 青岛国开学校国际部

Crossing of East Jia ling jiang Rd and Chang Jiang Rd, Hungdao Distric, Qingdao, China 青岛市黄岛开发区嘉陵江东路与长 江路交叉口

68 Shandongtou Lu, Laoshan District, Qingdao 青岛市崂山区山东头路68号

232 Songling Lu, LaoShan District, Qingdao 青岛市崂山区松岭路232号

BS ECC : 1st Floor, Building 15, Yamai Shan Cheng,Qing Da San Lu, Laoshan District 青岛市 崂山区青大三路 亚麦山城15号楼1楼

Qingdao Campus: Bld. 7, 36 Laoshan Lu, Laoshan District, Qingdao 青岛校区:青岛市崂山区崂山路36号好望角7号楼

1 Tianhe Rd, Chengyang District, Qingdao 青岛市城阳区天河路1号

Main Campus : Baishan Campus, Dongjiang, Shazikou Laoshan District, Qingdao, Shandong 青岛市 崂山区沙子口东姜 白珊校园内

Huangdao Campus: 72 Tai Hang Shan Lu, Economic & Technology Development Zone 黄岛校区:青岛市经济技术开发区太行山路72号

Website 学校网站

Year opened 创办年份







ProgramME 教学范围

High School

Kindergarten / Preschool Elementary School Middle School High School

Kindergarten / Preschool Primary School Middle School High School

Kindergarten / Preschool Primary School Middle school / Lower School High School / Upper School

Kindergarten / Preschool Primary School Middle School High School

Kindergarten / Preschool Primary School Middle School High School

NO. of Students 学生数量







Total size of teaching faculty 教师规模




62 foreign/western teachers



Student : Teacher Ratio 学生与教师比例





ECE (Kindergarten) 18:2

Language of Instruction 授课语言

English & Chinese




English & Chinese

50/50 English and Chinese

Curriculum 学校课程类别


Montessori and International Baccalaureate



See school info on page 53

California State Standards and Ministry of Education Government Standard

Curriculum synopsis 课程体系


See school info on page 52




Bilingual Chinese/English immersion

School Meals 是否提供学校午餐

Chinese & Western

Chinese & Western

Chinese & Western

Chinese & Western

Chinese & Western

Chinese & Western

School Bus 是否提供校车


Yes (with Seatbelts).

Yes (with Seatbelts)

Yes (with Seatbelts).

Yes (for more info see page 53)

Yes (with Seatbelts)

Boarding facilities 住宿设施?

Three students in one room with beds cabinets and bathroom






Term Dates 开学&放假日期

September 2015

Semester 1: Aug 24 - Jan 21 Semester 2: Jan 25 - Jun 17

August to June

Semester 2 Semester 1 August 12: Quarter 1 Begins January 6: Quarter 3 Begins October 20: Quarter 2 Begins March 23: Quarter 4 Begins

Semester 1: August to December

Outdoor Facilities 室外活动设施

Indoor and outdoor gymnasium, athletics track and field, soccer pitch, basketball court, indoor swimming pool, ping-pong room, badminton court

Enclosed playground, basketball court, volleyball, badminton, 50m track.

5 full-size basketball courts, volleyball courts, all weather track, tennis courts, playground equipment such as monkey bars

See school info on page 54

Huangdao: specialist rooms & sports facilities, large playground & field Qingdao: playground & soccer field

Table tennis court and basketball court

Tuition Fees 学费


Toddlers (18mos - age 3) ¥65,000/half-year Early Childhood (age 3-6) ¥119,000/year Primary Years (age 6-12) ¥136,600/year Middle Years (age 12-16) ¥149,900/year Diploma Program (age 16-18) ¥166,000/year

Total Cost fees for a new student (includes registration, tuition, insurance, consumables, bus and lunch fee)

Kindergarten (half day): Annual amount: ¥46,091- ¥68,338 Kindergarten (full day): Annual amount: ¥66,316 - ¥102,046 Elementary School (Grades 1-5) ¥179,776 Middle School (Grades 6-8) ¥188,315 High School (Grades 9-12) ¥192,012

Kindergarten (half day): Annual amount: ¥67,000 Kindergarten (full day): Annual amount: ¥127,000 Primary (Year 1 to Year 4): Annual amount: ¥162,000 Primary (Year 5 to Year 6): Annual amount: ¥165,000 Secondary (Year 7 to Year 9): Annual amount: ¥172,000 Secondary (Year 10 to Year 13): Annual amount: ¥178,000

Primary school: ¥39000

Address 地址

Half-Day PreK: ¥113,700 PreK-KDG: ¥142,700 Grades 1 - 5: ¥162,700 Grades 6 - 8: ¥172,700 Grades 9 - 11: ¥183,700 Grade 12: ¥195,700

Primary 20:2

Secondary 20:2

Semester 2: January to June


August 18 to December 31

Middle school: ¥48000 High school: ¥58000

Other Fees 其他费用

¥20, 000/year

¥3,000 registration fee

See above

See school info on page 54

¥3,000 registration fee

Bus fee: ¥2,200 - ¥5,000/year Luch fees: ¥3,000/year Uniform fees: ¥1,500

Admission Procedures 入学手续

Application form submitted with school transcript and teacher's recommendation letter. Writing test includes Math and English, a face to face interview is also required

Visit or email

See school info on page 51

Visit and then follow the admissions procedures

Please submit the application through online platform: http://admission.ycis-qd. com/

Fill in registration form-take the entrance exam and interview-fill in enrollment contract and complete payment.

Admission Contact 入学咨询联系方式

Tel: (+86 532) 8675-3277

0532 8388-9900 Eric Blocher, Communications Director (EN)

Michelene Kennedy-Teston School Development Office/ Admissions Admissions: 0532 6889-8299 Main Office: 0532 6889-8888, 0532 8890-9802

Admissions Email: Main Campus:(+86 532) 8881-5668 Jenny-lea Blanks: Ext 2100 (English) Nancy Duan: Ext 2145 (English & Chinese) Vickie Lee: Ext 2435 (English & Korean) Bright Start ECC: (+86 532) 6865-2268

Qingdao Campus 0532 8880-0003 Huangdao Campus 0532 8699-5551

0532 8471-6288

18661983118 Administrative Coordinator (ZH)


156 2100-6088 (Chinese) 156 2100-6077 (English & Korean)


LISTINGS 信息 Essential Numbers 必备号码

LISTINGS 信 息 票代售点 南京路33号(浮山湾宾馆内) 5元 booking fee per ticket.

China Mobile Service Hotline (yí dòng tōng xùn fú wù diàn huà) (10086) 移动通讯服务电话

Qingdao North Railway Station (qīng dǎo huǒ chē běi zhàn) East of Huanwan Lu, West of Siliu Zhong Lu 青岛火 车北站 李沧区环湾大道以东,四流中路以西

China Telecom (diàn xìn zōng hé fú wù diàn huà) (10000) 电信综合服务电话

Qingdao Railway Station (qīng dǎo huǒ chē zhàn) 2 Tai An Lu (9510-5175) 青岛火车站 泰安路2号

China Unicom Service Hotline (lián tōng zōng hé fú wù diàn huà) (10010) 联通综合服务电话 China Post Service (zhōng guó yóu zhèng kè hù fú wù) (11185) 中国邮政客户服务 Directory Inquiries (diàn huà hào mǎ chá xún) (114/116114) 电话号码查询 Electricity Help (gòng diàn jí xiū) (800-8601188) 供 电急修 Fire (huǒ jǐng) (119) 火警 First Aid Centre (jí jiù zhōng xīn) (120) 急救中心 Industry and commerce complaints hotline (gōng shāng tóu sù rè xiàn) (12315) 工商投诉热线

Police (bào jǐng) (110) 报警 Publice Service Hotline (gōng yòng fú wù rè xiàn) (12319) 24 hour. Including water, gas, heating etc 公用 服务热线 Qingdao Cable Networking (qīng dăo yŏu xiàn diàn shì) (96566) 青岛有线电视 Red Cross (hóng shí zì huì) (95598) 红十字会 Taxi Help (chū zū chē tóu sù) (12328) 出租车投诉 Taxi Reservation Hotline (chū zū chē yù yuē rè xiàn) (9600-9797) 出租车预约热线 Tourist Help (lǚ yóu tóu sù zhōng xīn) (8591-2000) 旅 游投诉中心 Traffic Accidents (jiāo tōng shì gù) (122) 交通事故 Wanneng Locksmith Services (qīng dǎo shì wàn néng kāi suǒ zhōng xīn) (8868-7772) 青岛市万能开锁中心

Getting Around 出行 Air 航空 All Ways Air Tourist Agency (quán chéng háng kōng lǚ yóu fú wù yǒu xiàn gōng sī) Rm. 307, 17 Nanjing Lu (8577-9035) 全程航空旅游服务有限公司 南京路17 号307室 Asiana Airlines (hán yà háng kōng) 6F, Crowne Plaza, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8597-7171) 韩亚航空 香港中路76 号 青岛颐中皇冠假日酒店6层 CAAC Air Tickets Booking office (qīng dǎo mín háng chéng shì hòu jī lóu shòu piào zhōng xīn) 1F, Minhang Mansion, 30 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8210-0000 for international flights, 8581-5858 for domestic flights) 青岛 民航城市候机楼售票中心 香港中路30号 Dragonair (gǎng lóng háng kōng) 1F, Copthorne Hotel Qingdao, 28 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8577-6302) www. 港龙航空 香港中路28号 青岛国敦大 酒店大堂 Qingdao International Airport (qīng dǎo guó jì fēi jī chǎng) 8471-1877, 96567 青岛国际飞机场 · 40 minutes drive from CBD (¥80-100) · 13 international destinations · 7.87 million passengers p.a. · 116,000 tons of cargo p.a.

Rail 铁路 Train Tickets Agency (huǒ chē piào dài shòu diǎn) 33 Nanjing Lu (inside Fushan Bay Hotel) (8069-0077) 火车

Road 公路

Sea 轮渡 Qingdao Ferry (qīng dǎo lún dù) 21 Sichuan Lu (82619279) 青岛轮渡 四川路21号

Where to Stay 住宿

Ariva Qingdao Hotel & Serviced Apartments (qīng dǎo ài lì huá jiǔ diàn jí fú wù gōng yù) 135 Yan’an San Lu (8197-8777) 青岛艾丽华酒店及服务公寓 延安三路135号 Blue Horizon Hotel Qingdao (lán hǎi dà fàn diàn) 18 Qinling Lu (West of Municipal Exhibition Centre) (88996666) 蓝海大饭店 秦岭路18号 (会展中心西邻) Copthorne Hotel Qingdao (qīng dǎo guó dūn dà jiǔ 28 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8668-1688) 青岛国敦 diàn) 大酒店 香港中路28号 Hai Qing Hotel (hǎi qíng dà jiǔ diàn) 11 Donghai Zhong Lu (8596-9888) 海情大酒店 东海中路11号

5 Star 五星 Crowne Plaza Qingdao (qīng dǎo yí zhōng huáng guàn 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888) 青岛颐中皇冠假日酒店 香港 中路76号

jià rì jiŭ diàn)

110 Grand Regency Hotel (lì jīng dà jiǔ diàn) Xianggang Zhong Lu (8588-1818) 丽晶大酒店 香港中 路110号 Himalayas Qingdao Hotel (qīng dǎo zhèng dà xǐ mǎ 880 Tong’an Lu (6672-9999) www. lā yǎ jiǔ diàn) 青岛证大喜玛拉雅酒店 同安路 880号 2 Holiday Inn Expo (qīng dǎo shì yuán jiǎ rì jiǔ diàn) Tianshui Lu, Laoshan District (6675-7888) www.holidayinn. com 青岛世园假日酒店 崂山区天水路2号 Holiday Inn Qingdao City Centre (qīng dǎo zhōng xīn 1 Xuzhou Lu (6670-8888) 青岛中心假 jiǎ rì jiǔ diàn) 日酒店 徐州路1号 Housing International Hotel (háo sēn fǔ dǐ guó jì jiǔ Top Yihe Building, 10 Xianggang Zhong Lu (85030909) 豪森府邸国际酒店 香港中路10号 颐和国际


Huiquan Dynasty Hotel (huì quán wáng cháo dà jiǔ 9 Nanhai Lu (8299-9888) 汇泉王朝大酒店 南 diàn) 海路9号 Hyatt Regency Qingdao (qīng dǎo lǔ shāng kǎi yuè jiǔ 88 Donghai Dong Lu (8612-1234) www.qingdao. diàn) 青岛鲁商凯悦酒店 东海东路88号 InterContinental Qingdao (qīng dǎo hǎi ěr zhōu jì jiǔ 98 Ao’men Lu (6656-6666) www.intercontinental. diàn) com 青岛海尔洲际酒店 澳门路98号 Le Meridien Qingdao (qīng dǎo wàn dá ài měi jiǔ 112 Yanji Lu (5556-3888) diàn) qingdao 青岛万达艾美酒店 延吉路112号 Qingdao Grand Metropark Hotel (qīng dǎo hǎi quán 2 Heshan Dong Lu, wān wéi jǐng guó jì dà jiǔ diàn) Aoshanwei Town, Jimo (8906-8888) 青岛海泉湾维景国 际大酒店 即墨鳌山卫镇 鹤山东路2号 Sea View Garden Hotel (hǎi jǐng huā yuán dà jiǔ diàn) 2 Zhanghua Lu (8587-5777) 海景花园大酒店 彰 化路2号 Shangri-La Hotel Qingdao (qīng dǎo xiāng gé lǐ lā dà 9 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8388-3838) www. jiǔ diàn) 青岛香格里拉大酒店 香港中路9号 Sheraton Qingdao Jiaozhou Hotel (qīng dǎo jiāo zhōu 271 Beijing Dong Lu, Jiaozhou New Distinct (8228-9999) 青岛胶州绿城喜来登 酒店 胶州新城区北京东路271号 lǜ chéng xǐ lái dēng jiǔ diàn)

=english menu


The Westin Qingdao (qīng dǎo wēi sī tīng jiǔ diàn) 8 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6777-1888) qingdao 青岛威斯汀酒店 香港中路8号

4 Star 四星

Qingdao Long Distance Bus Station (qīng dǎo cháng tú qì chē zhàn) 2 Wenzhou Lu (8371-8060) 青岛长途 汽车站 温州路2号 163 Shenzhen Lu 深圳路163号 513 Chongqing Zhong Lu (8765-6379) 重庆中路513号 59 Chongqing Bei Lu (6691-1234) 重庆北路59号 1 Danxian Zhi Lu (8371-8901) 单县支路1号

Labor security policy advice (láo dòng bǎo zhàng zī xún) (12333) 劳动保障咨询

Sheraton Qingdao Licang Hotel (qīng dǎo lǐ cāng lǜ 678 Jinshui Lu (close to chéng xǐ lái dēng jiǔ diàn) Yanchuan Lu), Licang District (8813-8888) 青岛李沧绿城 喜来登酒店 李沧区金水路678号(靠近延川路)

Milan Fashion Hotel (mǐ lán fēng shàng jiǔ diàn) 18 Anqing Lu (8099-0888) 米兰风尚酒店 安庆路18号 Ming Du Gloria Plaza Hotel Qingdao (qīng dǎo míng dū kǎi lái jiǔ diàn) 1577 Jinshui Lu, Licang District (84818888) 青岛名都凯莱酒店 李沧区金水路1577号 Oceanwide Elite Hotel (fàn hǎi míng rén jiǔ diàn) 29 Taiping Lu (8299-6699) 泛海名人酒店 太平路29号 Oriental Hotel (dōng fāng fàn diàn) 4 Daxue Lu (82865888) 东方饭店 大学路4号 Sanfod Hotel (shān fú dà jiǔ diàn) 96 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8399-3888) 山孚大酒店 香港中路96号

3 Star 三星 Fuxin Mansion (fǔ xīn dà shà) 5 Minjiang Lu (85911009) 府新大厦 闽江路5号 IZunco Inn (ài zūn kè lián suǒ jiǔ diàn) 12 Fuzhou Nan Lu (8601-8888) 爱尊客连锁酒店 福州南路12号 108 Xianggang Zhong Lu 爱尊客连锁酒店 香港中路108号 Jinjiang Inn (jǐn jiāng zhī xīng) 100 Nanjing Lu (83107999) 锦江之星 南京路100号 Overseas Chinese International Hotel (huá qiáo guó jì fàn diàn) 41 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8572-5666) 华侨国 际饭店 香港中路41号 Orange Hotel (jú zi jīng xuǎn jiǔ diàn) 32 Donghai Xi Lu (8573-6161) 桔子精选酒店 东海西路32号 Qingdao City Home Business Hotel (qīng dǎo chéng shì jiā shāng wù jiǔ diàn) 7 Xianxia Ling Lu (8870-0888) 青岛城市家园商务酒店 仙霞岭路7号 Qingdao Hotel (qīng dǎo fàn diàn) 66 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8578-1888) 青岛饭店 香港中路66号 Qingdao Renjia Business Hotel (qīng dăo rén jiā shāng wù jiǔ diàn) 99 Nanjing Lu (8610-2222) 青岛人家 商务酒店 南京路99号 Shanglin River View Hotel (shàng lín háo jǐng shāng wù jiǔ diàn) 228 Yan’an San Lu (8090-3333) 上林濠景商 务酒店 延安三路228号

Hostels 青年旅馆 YHA Old Observatory (qīng dǎo ào bó wéi tè guó jì qīng nián lǚ shè)Hostel: 0532 8282 2626, Cafe: 188 5429 2236青岛奥博维特国际青年旅舍 观象二路21号 Big Brother Guest House (bēn zhī lǚ qīng nián lǚ guǎn) Two locations in Qingdao - all mod cons for budget or mid range travellers. 31 Jiangxi Lu (8287-3888) 奔之旅青年旅馆 江西路31 号 6 Baoding Lu (8280-2212) 10 mins walk from train =wifi Check for menu, images, qr code, social networks and more...

station. Cosy, clean and affordable. 奔之旅青年旅馆 保 定路6号 Nordic Osheania Youth Hostel (cháo chéng qīng nián lǚ shè) 28 Guantao Lu (8282-5198) 巢城青年旅舍 馆

TenTimes Golf & Hotspring Resort (tiān tài wēn quán gāo ěr fū jù lè bù) Hot spring Resort Village, Jimo (86579888) 天泰温泉高尔夫俱乐部 即墨市温泉旅游度假区

Sights 景点

陶路28号 Qingdao Kaiyue Youth Hostel (qīng dǎo kǎi yuè guó jì qīng nián lǚ guǎn) 31 Jining Lu (8284-5450) 青岛凯越国际青年旅馆 济宁 路31号 Qingdao 960 Youth hostel (qīng dǎo jiǔ liù líng qīng nián lǚ shě) May Fourth Square Branch, 32 Donghai Xi Lu (6667-9733) 青岛960青年旅舍 五四广场店 东海 西路32号 Badaguan Auditorium Building Branch, 49 Rongcheng Lu, The Youth Hostel is on the east side of Badaguan Auditorium Building (6667-9733) 青岛960青 年旅舍八大关写生基地店 荣城路49号 八大关小礼 堂东侧 The Hidden Dawn (qī xiá xiǎo yǐn) 6(Yi) Qixia Lu (139 5324-6661) 栖霞小隐 栖霞路6号乙

Apartel 复式/酒店公寓 Qingdao Farglory Hotel (qīng dǎo yuǎn xióng yuè lái jiǔ diàn) 26 Xianggang Zhong Lu (5571-7177)青岛远雄悦 来酒店 香港中路26号 Thumb Plaza Apartel Qingdao Sunland (qīng dǎo dà mǔ zhǐ guǎng chǎng shēn lán fù shì gōng yù) Building No. 1, Sunland, 880 Tongan Lu (156-1005-6188) 青岛大拇 指广场深蓝复式公寓 同安路880号深蓝公寓1号楼

Boutique Hotel 艺术酒店 Laozhuancun China Community Art and Culture Hotel (lǎo zhuàn cūn china gōng shè wén huà yì shù jiǔ diàn) 8 Minjiang San Lu (8576-8776) 老转村China公社 文化艺术酒店 闽江三路8号 Pearl Harbor Grand Hotel (míng zhū hǎi gǎng dà jiǔ diàn) 76 Hunan Lu (8288-7777) 明珠海港大酒店 湖南 路76号 Studio 52 (wǔ shí èr píng fāng guó jì gōng yù) 10 Haifeng Lu (8667-8818 ext.157, 8325-3975) 52平方国际 公寓 海丰路10号 The Castle Boutique Hotel (qīng dǎo yí bǎo jīng pǐn jiǔ diàn) 26 Longshan Lu (8869-1111) 青岛怡堡精品酒店 龙 山路26号 德国总督府院内 Walk Inn (guó jì xīn wén zhōng xīn) 4F, International News Centre, 50 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8077-9757) 国际新 闻中心 香港中路50号 青岛国际新闻中心4层

Resort 度假村 Ariva Qingdao Hot Spring Resort (chéng tóu • ài lì huá wēn quán dù jià jiǔ diàn) 2997 Datian Lu, Jimo (8656-1058) 城投·艾丽华温泉度假酒店 即墨大田 路2997号 Asana Executive Apartments (qīng dǎo jiā shàng huī tíng xíng zhèng gōng yù) 15 (Yi) Donghai Xi Lu (The Sail @ Olympic Bay Apartment B) (8091-5151) 青岛嘉尚辉庭行 政公寓 东海西路15号乙 (东海路9号B栋) Kunlun Gloria Seaview Resort Qingdao (qīng dǎo kūn lún kǎi lái hǎi jǐng dù jià jiǔ diàn) 6 Jinwan Lu (6656-6868) 青岛崑崙凯莱海景度假酒店 金湾路6号 Latour Laguens International Resort Hotel (lā tú lā gān guó jì dù jià jiǔ diàn) 316 Xianggang Dong Lu (88966969) 拉图拉甘国际度假酒店 香港东路316号 Q&X Hot Spring Resort (xiāng gēn wēn quán dù jiǎ jiǔ diàn) 377 Laiqing Lu, Wenquan Town, Jimo (6802-0333) 香 根温泉度假酒店 即墨市温泉镇莱青路377号 Sound of Ocean Hotel (tīng hǎi shí guāng jiǔ diàn) Wanggezhuang Community, Laoshan District (8791-9789) 听海时光酒店 崂山区王哥庄会场社区 SPR Resort (SPR nòng hǎi yuán jiǔ diàn) 316 Xianggang Dong Lu (8889-3422, 8889-0394) 青岛SPR弄 海园酒店 香港东路316号 =english menu

Beaches 海水浴场 No. 1 Bathing Beach (dì yī hǎi shuǐ yù chǎng) 14 Nanhai Lu (8286-6305) 第一海水浴场 南海路14号 No. 2 Bathing Beach (dì èr hǎi shuǐ yù chǎng) Inside Taiping Bay (East of Huiquan Bay) 第二海水浴场 汇泉湾 东侧太平湾内 No. 3 Bathing Beach (dì sān hǎi shuǐ yù chǎng) 6 Taiping Jiao Lu 第三海水浴场 太平角路6号 Shilaoren Beach (shí lǎo rén hǎi shuǐ yù chǎng) Haikou Lu 石老人海水浴场 海口路 Golden Beach (jīn shā tān ) Lijiang Lu 金沙滩 漓江路

Churches & Temples 教堂&寺庙 Lutheran Church (jī dū jiào táng) 15 Jiangsu Lu (82865970) 基督教堂 江苏路15号 St. Michael’s Cathedral (tiān zhǔ jiào táng) 15 Zhejiang Lu (8286-5960) 天主教堂 浙江路15号 Taiqing Palace (tài qīng gōng) Inside Laoshan (82889888) 太清宫 崂山内 Zhanshan Temple (zhàn shān sì) 2 Zhiquan Lu (83862038) 湛山寺 芝泉路2号 Silver Beach (yín shā tān) Southwest of Phoenix Island Tourism Resort (8698-8530) 银沙滩 凤凰岛旅游度假 区西南侧

Museums 博物馆 Haier Technology Musemun( hăi’ěr kē jì guăn) 10 Miao Ling Lu 海尔科技馆 崂山区苗岭路10号 Laoshan Tea Culture Museum (láo shān chá wén huà bó wù guǎn) Xiaowang Living Area, Wanggezhuang Street Scene, Laoshan District (8791-5676) 崂山茶文化博 物馆 崂山区王哥庄街道晓望社区 Qingdao German-style Prison Site Museum (qīng dǎo dé guó jiān yù jiù zhǐ bó wù guǎn) 21 Changzhou Lu (8286-8820) 青岛德国监狱旧址博物馆 常州路21号

鲁迅公园 琴屿路1号 Shilaoren Sightseeing Garden (shí lǎo rén guān guāng yuán) 1 Laoshan Lu (8883-2599) 石老人观光园 崂山路1号 Signal Hill (xìn hào shān gōng yuán) 18 Longshan Lu (8279-4141) 信号山公园 龙山路18号 Zhong Shan Park (zhōng shān gōng yuán) 28 Wendeng Lu (8287-0564) 中山公园 文登路28号 Dazhu Mountain Scenic Zone (dà zhū shān fēng jǐng qū ) 1km South of Binhai Lu (8412-3456) 大珠山风景区 滨海街道南1公里 Ling Mountain Resort (líng shān dǎo hǎi bīn fēng jǐng qū )灵山岛海滨风景区 胶州市区东部 Qingdao Animal Park (qīng dǎo sēn lín yě shēng dòng wù yuán) Linzhu Shan, inside of Xiaozhu Mountain (86835555) 青岛森林野生动物园 灵珠山街道小珠山风景区 Tang Island (táng dǎo wān gōng yuán) South of Binhai Lu 唐岛湾公园 滨海大道南段 Qingdao Century Park (qīng dǎo shì jì gōng yuán) 318 Xingyang Lu (8775-7733) 青岛世纪公园 兴阳路318号 Fantawild Dreamland (qīng dǎo fāng tè mèng huàn wáng guó) Huaqiang Cultural Industrial Base, Hongdao Street, Aodong Nan Lu 青岛方特梦幻王国 红岛街道岙 东南路华强文化产业基地内

Various Attractions 文化景点 1388 Culture Street (1388 wén huà jiē) Minjiang San Lu 1388文化街 闽江三路 Badaguan (bā dà guān) Wushengguan Lu 八大关 武 胜关路 Haiyun Taoist Temple of Qingdao (qīng dǎo hǎi yún ān) 1 Haiyun Street, Sifang District (0532 8373-8617) 青岛 海云庵 青岛四方区海云街1号 Hua Shi Villa (huā shí lóu) 18 Huanghai Lu (8387-2168) 花石楼 黄海路18号 Huadong Winery (huá dōng bǎi lì jiǔ zhuāng) Long Kou (8881-7878) 华东百利酒庄 南龙口


Laoshan Scenic Area (láo shān fēng jǐng míng shèng qū) (8889-5695) 崂山风景名胜区 Little Qingdao Island (xiăo qīng dǎo) 26 Qinyu Lu (8286-3944) 小青岛 琴屿路26号

Qingdao Library (qīng dǎo shì tú shū guǎn) 109 Yanji Lu (8501-2112) 青岛市图书馆 延吉路109号

May 4th Square (wǔ sì guǎng chǎng) 35 Donghai Xi Lu 五四广场 东海西路35号

Qingdao Municipal Gallery (qīng dǎo shì měi shù guǎn) 7 Daxue Lu (8288-9996) 青岛市美术馆 大学路

Music Square (yīn yuè guǎng chǎng) Ao’men Lu 音乐 广场 澳门路


Qingdao Guest House (qīng dǎo yíng bīn guǎn) 26 Longshan Lu (8288-9888) 青岛迎宾馆 龙山路26号

Qingdao Municipal Museum (qīng dǎo shì bó wù guǎn) 51 Meiling Dong Lu (8889-6286) 青岛市博物馆 梅 岭东路51号 Qingdao Sculpture Museum (qīng dǎo shì diāo sù yì shù guǎn) 66 Donghai Dong Lu (8678-3547) 青岛市雕塑

Qingdao Polar Ocean World (qīng dǎo jí dì hǎi yáng shì jiè) 60 Donghai Dong Lu (8590-9999) 青岛极地海洋 世界 东海东路60号

艺术馆 东海东路66号

Qingdao TV Tower (qīng dǎo diàn shì tǎ) 1 Taiping Shan Lu (8365-4020) 青岛电视塔 太平山路1号

Tianhou Palace (tiān hòu gōng) 19 Taiping Lu (82877656) 天后宫 太平路19号

Qingdao Underwater World (qīng dǎo hǎi dǐ shì jiè) 1 Laiyang Lu (8287-8218) 青岛海底世界 莱阳路1号

Tsingtao Brewery Museum (qīng dǎo pí jiǔ bó wù guǎn) 56 Dengzhou Lu (8383-3437) 青岛啤酒博物馆 登

Qingdao Zoo (qīng dǎo dòng wù yuán) 102 Yan’an Yi Lu (8287-2970) 青岛动物园 延安一路102号


Seashore Sidewalk (bīn hǎi bù xíng dào) The route runs from Tuandao (Old Town) via Badaguan to Shilaoren in the east. 滨海步行道 从太平路到东海路

Parks & Gardens 公园 Baihua Park (bǎi huā yuàn) 11 Jingshan Lu (8286-0584) 百花苑 京山路11号 Botanical Park (zhí wù yuán) 33 Yunyang Lu (83861179) 植物园 郧阳路33号

Chengyang Buddhism Culture Museum (chéng yáng qū fó jiào wén huà yì shù zhǎn lǎn guǎn) Yuantou Community, Xiazhuang Street 佛教文化艺术展览馆 夏 庄街道源头社区

Little Fish Hill Park (xiǎo yú shān gōng yuán) 24 Fushan Zhi Lu 小鱼山公园 福山支路24号

Tian Mu City (tiān mù chéng) Between Dengzhou Lu and Liaoning Lu 天幕城 登州路和辽宁路间

Lu Xun Park (lǔ xùn gōng yuán) 1 Qinyu Lu (8286-8479)

Zhan Qiao Pier (zhàn qiáo) 12 Taiping Lu (8286-8575) 栈 桥 太平路12号

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LISTINGS 信息 Huangdao Traditional Culture Museum (huáng dǎo qū mín sú zhǎn lǎn guǎn) 1001 Zhujiang Lu (8698-9029) 民俗展览馆 珠江路1001号

Chinese Dining 中式餐饮 BBQ 烧烤 HBR (hǎi biān rén) 8 Haimen Lu (8388-8711) 海边人音乐 厨房 海门路8号 2F, CBD Wanda, 185 Xuzhou Lu (55563871) 徐州路185号万达CBD广场2层 41 Minjiang Er Lu (8571-4289) 闽江二路41号 6 Jinwan Lu (8577-0997) 金湾路6号

Beijing 北京 Ping’s Beijing Duck (xiǎo wáng fǔ fàn diàn) 20 Yan’erdao Lu (8575-0208) 小王府饭店 燕儿岛路20号 Quan Ju De Beijing Roased Duck (quán jù dé běi jīng kǎo yā diàn) 1-2F, Bldg. A, Fenghe Square, 12 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6677-7308) 全聚德北京烤鸭店 香港中路12 号丰合广场A区1-2层

Cantonese 粤菜 Dong Hai 88 Private Dining (dōng hǎi 88 sī fáng cài 2F, Hyatt Regency Qingdao, 88 Donghai Dong Lu ) (8612-1234 ext.6332) 东海88私房菜 东海东路88号 青 岛鲁商凯悦酒店2层 Five Senses (zhōng guó yuán sù) 6F, The Westin Hotel, 8 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6777-1888) 中国元素 香港中路8 号 青岛威斯汀酒店6层 Hirun Old Restaurant (hǎi rùn lăo fàn diàn) 43 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8597-8868) 海润港岛老饭店 香 港中路43号 Kowloon Tong (jiǔ lóng táng guǎng dōng cài guǎn) 116 Zhangzhou Lu (8578-0198) 九龙塘粥品店 漳州路 116号 2F, Le Meridien Le Mei (lè měi zhōng cān tīng) Qingdao, 112 Yanji Lu (5556-3888 ext. 0164) 乐美中餐厅 延吉路112号 青岛万达艾美酒店2层 The Castle (yí bǎo zhōng cān tīng) 26 Longshan Lu (8288-5801) 怡堡中餐厅 龙山路26号南门怡堡酒店( 原德国总督府院内) The Legendary (fēi hóng lóu zhōng cān tīng) 2F, Copthorne Hotel Qingdao, 28 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8597-7997) 飞鸿楼中餐厅 香港中路28号 青岛国敦 大酒店2层

Dumplings (jiaozi) 饺子 Chuange Fish Dumplings (chuān gē yǘ shǔi jiǎo) 57 Minjiang Er Lu (8077-8001) 船歌鱼水饺 闽江二路57号 Da Qing Hua Dumplings (dà qīng huā jiǎo zi) 56 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8575-3697) 大清花饺子 香港中 路56号 Laobian (lǎo biān jiǎo zi guǎn) 39 Nanjing Lu (85779938) 老边饺子馆 南京路39号 San He Yuan Dumplings (sān hé yuán shuĭ jiăo) 39 Zhangzhou Er Lu (8593-2008) 三合园水饺 漳州二路 39号

Huaiyang 淮扬菜 Fu Gui Ren Sheng Restaurant (fù guì rén shēng dà jiǔ lóu) 135 Yan’an San Lu (8197-8877) 富贵人生大酒楼 延 安三路135号 Shang Palace (xiāng gōng) 1F, City Wing, ShangriLa Hotel, 9 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8388-3838 ext.6459) 香 宫 香港中路9号 香格里拉大酒店 青香阁 1层

Homestyle 家常菜 Ju Xiang Ju (jù xiāng jū jiā cháng cài guǎn) 10 Chenghai Yi Lu (8589-8217) 聚香居家常菜馆 澄海一 路10号

LISTINGS 信 息 Le Tai Yuan (lè tài yuán kuài cān diàn) 45 Zhangzhou Er Lu (8588-7135) 乐泰园快餐店 漳州二路45号

jiǔ diàn) 316 Xianggang Dong Lu (8889-6835) 广开海味 大酒店 香港东路316号

Yucong (yù cōng jiā cháng cài guăn) 147 Minjiang Lu (8577-0222) 毓聪家常菜馆 闽江路147号

Haidao Seafood Restaurant (hǎi dǎo yú cūn dà jiǔ diàn) 40 Yunxiao Lu (8572-0846) 海岛渔村大酒店 云 霄路40号

Zhou Quan Zhou Dao (zhōu quán zhōu dào cài guăn) 120 Minjiang Lu (8577-8656) 粥全粥到菜馆 闽江路 120号 A Tofu Chinese Restaurant (yī kuài dòu fǔ) 610 Wuyishan Lu(8688-3986) 一块豆腐 武夷山路610号 Chinese Restaurant (dà táng gōng tíng yàn) 2F, Wyndham Grand Qingdao, 178 Yinshatan Lu (5875-8856) 大唐宫廷宴 银沙滩路178号 青岛银沙滩温德姆至 尊酒店2层 Hongyun Seaside Kitchen (hóng yùn hǎi biān chú fáng) 778-2 Jinshatan Lu (8670-8888) 宏运海边厨房 金沙滩 778-2号

Yijinglou (yí jǐng lóu) 6 Taiwan Lu (8596-9111) 怡景 楼 台湾路6号 90 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8592-9138) 香 港中路90号 Yiqinglou (yí qíng lóu hǎi xiān) 80 Ningxia Lu (85825888) 怡情楼海鲜 宁夏路80号 Yu Ma Tou Seafood Restaurant (yú mǎ tóu hǎi xiān fǎng) 24 Yunxiao Lu (8573-3583) 渔码头海鲜舫 云霄 路24号

Shandong 鲁菜

Hotpot 火锅 Donglaishun (dōng lái shùn) Polar Ocean World, 60 Donghai Dong Lu (6688-9227) 东来顺 东海东路60号极 地海底世界院内 Dou Lai Shun (dōu lái shùn fàn diàn) 232 Minjiang Lu (8571-7676) 都来顺饭店 闽江路232号 Doulao Fang Hotpot (dòu lāo fǎng huǒ guō) B1, Marina City, 88 Ao’men Lu (8261-7777) 豆捞坊火锅 澳门路88 号 百丽广场负1层(溜冰场旁)Zhonglian Plaza, 122 Nanjing Lu (8266-7777) 南京路122号中联广场A座 Haidilao Hotpot (hǎi dǐ lāo) 2F, Darling Habour, 1 Yan’erdao Lu (6867-8631)海底捞火锅 燕儿岛路1号心 海广场2层 Tanyutou Hotpot (tán yú tóu huŏ guō) 14 Minjiang Lu (8582-1296) 谭鱼头火锅 闽江路14号 Yaoyao Hotpot (yáo yáo huǒ guō) 55 Furong Lu (83638118) 瑶瑶火锅 芙蓉路55号 Hongan Beef Hotpot (hóng ān féi niú ) 167 Wuyishan Lu (8699-3366) 鸿安肥牛 武夷山路167号 Xiaofeiyang Hotpot (xiǎo féi yáng) 136 Zhengyang Lu (5871-3055) 小肥羊 正阳路136号 Yuelan Ting Hotpot (yuè lán tíng ào mén dòu lāo) 93-2 Changcheng Lu (8771-9333) 悦兰亭澳门豆捞 长城路 93-2号 Lijiang Longji Fish Hotpot (lì jiāng lóng jì bān yú zhuāng) 368 Huacheng Lu (6800-0877) 丽江龙记斑鱼 庄 华城路368号

Porridge 粥

Characterised by the use of vinegar and strong aromatics, Shandong cuisine is one of China’s most famous varieties and is particularly prominent here in Qingdao. China Gongshe (zhōng guó gōng shè) 8 Minjiang San Lu (8077-6776) 中国公社 闽江三路8号 Dong Hai 88 (dōng hǎi 88 fēng wèi cān tīng) Lobby Level, Hyatt Regency Qingdao, 88 Donghai Dong Lu (8612-1234 ext.6359) 东海88风味餐厅 东海东路88号 青岛鲁商凯悦酒店1层 Dong Hai 88 Private Dining (dōng hǎi 88 sī fáng cài 2F, Hyatt Regency Qingdao, 88 Donghai Dong Lu ) (8612-1234 ext.6332) 东海88私房菜 东海东路88号 青 岛鲁商凯悦酒店2层 ESPN Restaurant & Bar (ESPN yùn dòng zhǔ tí cān bā) Bldg. E 103 Zhonglian Plaza, 122 Nanjing Lu (6965-8581) ESPN运动主题餐吧 南京路122号中联广场内E栋 103 Lao Zhuan Cun (lǎo zhuàn cūn shān dōng cài guǎn) 112 Minjiang Lu (8575-3776) 老转村山东菜馆 闽江路 112号 Steven Gao’s Restaurant (gāo shì sī fáng cài) 20 Zhuhai Lu (8589-3899) 高氏私房菜 珠海路20号 Tian Xia Yi Pin Chinese Restaurant (tiān xià yī 2F, pǐn shàng shàn míng fāng zhōng cān tīng ) InterContinental Qingdao, 98 Ao’men Lu (6656-6666 ext.1588) 天下一品尚膳·茗坊中餐厅 澳门路98号 青 岛海尔洲际酒店2层 Yuansheng Haigang Haorizi (yuán shèng hǎi gǎng hǎo rì zǐ fàn diàn) 5 Yunxiao Lu (85732-6135) 源盛海港 好日子饭店 云霄路5号

Lao Man Ke (lǎo mǎn kè zhōu diàn) 43 Minjiang Lu (8576-8625) 老满客粥店 闽江路43号 San Bao (sān bǎo zhōu diàn) 158 Minjiang Lu (85770119) 三宝粥店 闽江路158号

Yue (cǎi yuè xuān) 3F, Sheraton Qingdao Jiaozhou Hotel, 271 Beijing Dong Lu, Jiaozhou Distinct (8228-9999 ext.6888) 采悦轩 青岛市胶州新城区北京东路271号 青岛胶州绿城喜来登酒店3层

Zhou Quan Zhou Dao (zhōu quán zhōu dào) 149 Minjiang Lu (8577-1568) 粥全粥到 闽江路149号 111 Yanji Lu (8501-6818) 延吉路111号 97 Jiangxi Lu (85772056) 江西路97号

Jiao Ao Chinese Restaurant (jiāo ào zhōng cān tīng) 2F, Hilton Qingdao Golden Beach, 1 Jialingjiang Dong Lu (8315-0000) 胶澳中餐厅 嘉陵江东路1号 青岛金沙滩 希尔顿酒店2层

Seafood 海鲜 Ah Yat Abalone Restaurant (ā yī bào yú jiǔ jiā) 2F, Crowne Plaza Hotel, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888 ext.8659) 阿一鲍鱼酒家 香港中路76号 青岛颐中皇 冠假日酒店2层 Dunhuang (dūn huáng hǎi xiān jiǔ lóu) 106 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8588-7556) 敦煌海鲜酒楼 香港中路106号 Four Season Restaurant (sì jì zhōng cān tīng) 26 Longshan Lu (8288-5308, 8288-5801) 四季中餐厅 龙山路 26号德国总督府院内 Golden Sea Corner (jīn hǎi jiǎo dù jià cūn) 27 Taiping Jiao Yi Lu (8386-0188) 金海角度假村 太平角一路27号 Guang Kai Seafood Restaurant (guǎng kāi hǎi wèi dà =english menu


Jinmeng Restaurant (jīn mèng dà jiǔ diàn) 316 Xianggang Dong Lu (oppo. Kilin Crown Hotel) (8889-0083) 金梦大酒店 香港东路316号

Sichuan 川菜 Boiling Fish Township (fèi téng yú xiāng) 1F, C Tower, World Trade Centre, 6 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8591-9917) 沸 腾鱼乡 香港中路6号世贸中心C座1层 Lao Zhuan Cun (lǎo zhuàn cūn) 158 Minjiang Lu (85772776) 老转村 闽江路158号 Shan Cheng Chilli Pepper (shān chéng hóng là jiāo) 109 Minjiang Lu (8578-5049) 山城红辣椒 闽江路109号 South Beauty (qiào jiāng nán) 2F, Darling Habour, 1 Yan’erdao Lu (6867-8555) 俏江南 燕儿岛路1号心海 广场2层 Tian Lu Yuan (tiān lù yuán dà jiǔ diàn) 20-24 Yan’erdao Lu (8577-9879) 天禄园大酒店 燕儿岛路20-24号 Youmayoula (yòu má yòu là) 158 (Jia) Minjiang Lu (8577-6789) 诱麻诱辣 闽江路158号甲 4F, Rock City, 1 Xiazhuang Lu, Licang District 李沧区夏庄路1号乐客 城4层 QIN (qín) 2F, Holiday Inn Parkview Qingdao, 306 Xingyang Lu (8096-6888 ext.8226) 秦 兴阳路306号 青 岛景园假日酒店2层

Taiwan 台湾

Dozo Gourmet Food Gallery (dozo liào lǐ měi shù guǎn) Polar Ocean World Venue: 60 Donghai Dong Lu (89095999) dozo料理美术馆 极地店:东海东路60号

all-day-dining restaurant, Market Café (kā fēi tīng) Lower Lobby Level, Hyatt Regency Qingdao, 88 Donghai Dong Lu (8612-1234 ext. 6323) 咖啡厅全日自助餐厅 东 海东路88号 青岛鲁商凯悦酒店底层大堂

Fuegoo (rè yàn) Rm303, F4, Wanda Shopping Plaza, 178 Jufeng Lu (8766-8822) 热焰 李沧区巨峰路178号万达 购物广场4层303室

No. 1 Zhongshan Road International Gourmet (zhōng shān lù yī hào guó jì měi shí) 1 Zhongshan Lu (82960001) 中山路壹号国际美食 中山路1号 Party 9 Asian dining & cafe bar (Party9 wú guó jí liào lǐ) Zhangzhou Lu 132 (6656-0673) Party9无国籍料理 漳 州路132号 Shanging Restaurant (jīng shàng jǐng) 2F, Daling Harbor, Olympic Marina,1 Yan’erdao Lu (6867-8839, 68678699) 京上井 (尚井) 燕儿岛路1号 奥帆基地内 心海 广场2层 Seasonal Tastes (zhī wèi biāo zhì cān tīng) 5F, The Westin Hotel, 8 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6777-1888) 知味标 帜餐厅 香港中路8号 青岛威斯汀酒店5层

Jizao Japanese Restaurant (jí zhào jīng zhì rì shì liào lǐ) 3F, Block B, 88 Donghai Dong Lu (8593-0333) 吉兆精致日 式料理 东海东路88号 嶺海公馆B座三层 2F, Honghua Village (hóng huā xiāng gǔ) Copthorne Hotel Qingdao, 28 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8668-1688 ext. 8700) 红花香谷 香港中路28号 青岛国 敦大酒店2层 Isari Sushi (yú shòu sī) Some of the best sushi in Qingdao. 2F, Darling Harbour in the Olympic Marina 2F, Darling Harbour, Olympic Sailing Centre, 1 Yan’erdao Lu (6867-8570) 渔寿司 燕儿岛路1号奥帆中心心海广 场2层 Niu Dao (niú dào) 2F, Marina City, 88 Ao’men Lu (66061729) 新快牛道红花牛馆 澳门路88号百丽广场2层 Noburo Barbeque (shēng jiā tàn shāo jì) G106A Zhonglian Plaza, 122 Nanjing Lu (138 5322-3397, 68658688) 昇家炭烧季 南京路122号中联广场G106A

Din Tai Fung (dǐng tài fēng) 118, Marina City, 88 Ao’men Lu (6606-1319) 鼎泰丰 澳门路88号 奥帆中心 百丽广场118

1F, Howard Café Riviera (háo shēng xī cān tīng) Johnson Kangda Plaza Qingdao, 159 Changjiang Xi Lu (5571-0888) 豪生西餐厅 长江西路159号 青岛康大豪 生大酒店1层

Qian Shi (qiān shí) 7 Taiwan Lu (8590-0966) 千石 台 湾路7号

Xianghetong (dǐng tài fēng) 5 Minjiang Er Lu (8577-9515) 祥和通台湾小吃 闽江二路5号

Yunnan 云南 Impression (yìn xiàng fēng shàng yún nán cài) Rm. 307, 3F, Bldg. A, Top Yihe, 10 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8502-8706, 8502-8708) 印象风尚云南菜 香港中路10号颐和国际A 座3层307 3F, CBD Wanda, 112 Yanji Lu (5556-3631, 55563632) 延吉路112号青岛CBD万达广场3层

1F, Elements Restaurant (yuán sù xī cān tīng) Wyndham Grand Qingdao, 178 Yinshatan Lu (5888-6666 ext. 2366) 元素西餐厅 黄岛银沙滩路178号 青岛银沙 滩温德姆至尊酒店1层 Strand (jīn shā tān quán rì zhì cān tīng) 1F, Hilton Qingdao Golden Beach, 1 Jialingjiang Dong Lu (8315-0000) 金沙滩全日制餐厅 嘉陵江东路1号 青岛金沙滩希尔 顿酒店1层

Qing Shui Hai (qīng shuǐ hǎi) 2 floor, Lijing Hotel, 110 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8593-3988) 清水海 香港中路110 号 丽晶大酒店2层 Shengshan Japanese Restaurant (shèng shān rì běn liào lǐ) 6 Chenghai San Lu 胜山日本料理 澄海三路6号 Takewaga Japanese Restaurant (zhú ruò rì běn liào 4F, Crowne Plaza Hotel, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888 ext. 8680) 竹若日本料理 香港中路76号 青 岛颐中皇冠假日酒店4层


Tuna Mingjia (míng jiā dú dǎo jīn qiāng yú liào lǐ) (8776-6447) A-12, Qingdao Polar Ocean Park, Donghai Dong Lu 名家独岛金枪鱼料理 东海东路60号极地海 洋世界A-12号

Jingyan (jīng yàn fēng shàng yún nán cài) 3F, Thumb Plaza, 880 Tong’an Lu (6778-6822) 京焰风尚云南菜 同安 路880号大拇指广场3层

The Oriental Express 126 Lushan Lu (134 6829-9634) 庐 山路126号

Asian Dining 亚洲餐饮

Cafe Asia (yà zhōu kā fēi) 2F, Crowne Plaza Hotel Qingdao, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888) 亚洲咖啡 香港中路76号 青岛颐中皇冠假日酒店2层

50 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8077-9757) 花园日本料理专门 店 香港中路50号青岛国际新闻中心4层

Fatema Indian Restaurant (fă dì mă yìn dù cān tīng) 10 Gutian Lu (137 3099-4178) 法蒂玛印度餐厅 古田 路10号丁

Yu Quan Qi We Teppanyaki (yù quán qī wèi tiě bǎn shāo) Bldg. 5, 58 Donghai Dong Lu (5571-9377) 御泉七味 铁板烧 东海东路58号5号楼

Fusion 无国界料理 2F, Crowne Plaza Hotel Cafe Asia (yà zhōu kā fēi) Qingdao, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888) 亚洲咖啡 香港中路76号 青岛颐中皇冠假日酒店2层 1F, Valley Café Yum (yī pǐn táng zì zhù cān tīng) Wing, Shangri-La Hotel, 9 Xianggang Zhong Lu(8388-3838 ext. 6008) 一品堂自助餐厅 香港中路9号 香格里拉大 酒店 盛世阁1层 Fatty Q (táng gé xī cān tīng) 191 Marina City West Zone, 86 Ao’men Lu (6606-1789)唐阁西餐厅 澳门路86号 百 丽广场西区191号

1F, Four Points by China Spice (jù wèi xuān) Sheraton Qingdao, 271 Wenyang Lu (6696-8888 ext. 6988) 聚味轩 文阳路271号 青岛宝龙福朋酒店1层

Flavours All Day Dining (pǐn xiāng yuàn quán rì cān 3F, InterContinental Qingdao, 98 Aomen Lu tīng) (6656-6666 ext.1555) 品香苑全日餐厅 澳门路98号 青 岛海尔洲际酒店3层

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Liang You Catering (liáng yǒu guó yàn chú fáng) 18 Ninghai Lu (Beer Street) (8380-9888) 良友国宴厨房 宁 海路18号

Z1 Restaurant (Z1 cān tīng) 1F, Himalayas Qingdao Hotel, 880 Tong’an Lu (6672-9999) Z1餐厅 同安路880号 青岛证大喜玛拉雅酒店1层

Feast (shèng yàn xī cān tīng) 1F, Sheraton Qingdao Jiaozhou Hotel 271 Beijing Dong Lu, Jiaozhou New District (8228-9999 ext ) 盛宴西餐厅 胶州新城区北京东路271 号 青岛胶州绿城喜来登酒店1层

Xiao Yu Zhou Sichuan Restaurant (xiǎo yú zhōu) 76-1 Zhengyang Lu (8796-1777) 小渝舟 正阳路76-1号

大渔铁板烧 东海东路58号E座201极地金岸娱乐港 1F, Darling Harbour Qingdao, 1 Yan’erdao Lu (6867-8585, 6867-8586) 燕儿岛路1号奥帆中心心海广场1层

Autumn Town (qiū tiān xiǎo zhèn) 27 Dayao Er Lu (8578-8349) 秋天小镇 大尧二路27号

Phoenix Chinese Restaurant (fèng huáng lóu zhōng cān tīng) 2F, Howard Johnson Kangda Plaza Qingdao, 159 Changjiang Xi Lu (5571-0888) 凤凰楼中餐厅 长江西路 159号 青岛康大豪生大酒店2层

Harbor Seafood Chinese Restaurant (huá rùn hǎi gǎng 1F, DoubleTree by Hilton Qingdao, zhōng cān tīng) 220, 308 National Road (8098-8888 ext.2241) 华润海港 中餐厅 青岛308国道城阳段220号 青岛鑫江希尔顿 逸林酒店1层

Latest Recipe (xīn shí pǔ cān tīng) 1F, Le Meridien Qingdao, 112 Yanji Lu (5557-0162) 新食谱餐厅 延吉路 112号 青岛万达艾美酒店1层

Hillside Cafe (yōu shān chuàng yì cān tīng) 3F Holiday Inn Qingdao Expo, No.2 Tianshui Lu 6675-7888 ext.8600 优 山创意餐厅 青岛世园假日酒店三层 崂山区天水路2 号(近滨海大道) Hong Kong 97 VIP (xiāng gǎng jiǔ qī VIP) 1-2F, Huanhai Apartment, 22 Yan’erdao Lu (8597-1112) 香港 97VIP店 燕儿岛路22号 环海公寓1-2层 =english menu

Indian 印度

Japanese 日本 Ajisen Noodle (wèi qiān lā miàn) 1F, Carrefour, 21 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8580-6375) 味千拉面 香港中路21 号 家乐福1层 2F, AEON, 72 Xianggang Zhong Lu (85973351) 香港中路72号 永旺2层 Aoyagi Kaiseki (qīng liǔ huái shí rì běn liào lǐ) 2F, Overseas Chinese Hotel, 41 Xianggang Zhong Lu (85739196) 青柳怀石日本料理 香港中路41号 华侨国际 饭店2层 Azile (ā zī lè xīn gài niàn rì běn liào lǐ) 26 Longshan Lu (8288-5690) 阿兹乐新概念日本料理 龙山路26号 (德 国总督府官邸院内)

Walk Inn Garden Japanese Restaurant (huā yuán rì běn liào lǐ zhuān mén diàn) 4F, International News Centre,

Korean 韩国 With up to 100,000 Koreans calling Qingdao home, Korean restaurants abound throughout Hong Kong Garden and other neighbourhoods. Some great dishes include: •p ào cài 泡菜 (kimchi) - spicy pickled vegetables, often an appetizer • tǔ dòu bǐng 土豆饼 - potato pancake with onion • bàn fàn 拌饭 (bebimbap) - bowl of rice with vegetables, egg and usually meat • hán guó shāo kǎo 韩国烧烤 - Korean barbecue An Shi Stove (ān shì huǒ lú) 82 Zhangzhou Er Lu (8593-6869) 安氏火炉 漳州二路82号 165 Minjiang Lu (8575-9429) 二店 闽江路165号

AKAKARA (chì táng guō) 14 Gutian Lu (8587-7708) 赤唐 锅 古田路14号

Don Korea (dōng gǔ lái) 87 Donghai Dong Lu (80978899) 东古来 东海东路87号

Lunch: 11:30 am Akebono (shǔ rì běn cān tīng) – 2:30 pm, Dinner: 6:00 pm – 11:00 pm 2F, Le Meridien Qingdao, 112 Yanji Lu (5556-3888 ext.0166) 曙日本餐厅 延吉路112号 青岛万达艾美酒店2层

Hamheaung Korean Cold Noodles (zhèng ān yī wèi) 10 Gutian Lu (8589-2055) 正安一味 古田路10号

Daochuan/Inagawa (dào chuān rì běn liào lǐ)10 (Jia) Gutian Lu (8589-5418) 稻川日本料理 古田路10号甲 Tairyo (dà yú tiě bǎn shāo quán guó lián suǒ cān tīng) 201, Bldg. E, 58 Donghai Dong Lu (6688-9366, 6688-9368)

Hengbo Restaurant (hēng bó míng jiā) 12 Jianfei Garden, 87 Xianggang Dong Lu (8801-1080) 亨伯名家 香 港东路87号 建飞花园12号 Huo Lu Qing Charcoal BBQ House (huǒ lú qíng tàn huǒ shāo kǎo wū) 14 Gutian Lu (8588-6773) 火炉情炭

=wifi Check for menu, images, qr code, social networks and more...


LISTINGS 信息 火烧烤屋 古田路14号 Jingfugong (jǐng fú gōng) 43 Xianggang Xi Lu (83862449) 景福宫 香港西路43号 Meiyi Hui Guan (meĭ yì huì guǎn) 7(Bing) Jilong Lu (8587-3281) 美益会馆 基隆路7号丙 Meng Family Korean Restaurant (mèng jiā hán guó cān tīng) 1F, Kaixuan Garden, 1-4 Xianxia Ling Lu (88963382) 孟家韩国餐厅 仙霞岭路1-4 凯旋家园 Qing Song Guan (qīng sōng guǎn) 2F, AEON, 72 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8575-9986) 青松馆 香港中路72 号永旺2层 Xiao Ben Jia (xiǎo běn jiā) 58 Shanghang Lu (8596-8752) 小本家 上杭路58号 49 Zhangzhou Er Lu (6887-2728) 漳 州二路49号 Xinhua Mingjia Korean Restaurant (xīn huā míng jiā) 1F, Zhonglian Plaza, Nanjing Lu (8580-8229) 辛花明家 南 京路中联广场 Hanjiang Korean Restaurant (hàn jiāng hán guó liào lǐ) 2F, DoubleTree by Hilton Qingdao, 220, 308 National Road (8098-8888 ext.2283) 汉江韩国料理 青岛308国道 城阳段220号 青岛鑫江希尔顿逸林酒店2层 KR - Fine Korean & Japanese Cuisine (hán cān tīng) 2F, Holiday Inn Parkview Qingdao, 306 Xingyang Lu (8096-6888 ext.8218) 韩餐厅 兴阳路306号 青岛景园 假日酒店2层 Ming Ke Korean BBQ (míng kè hán shì kǎo ròu) 107 Changcheng Lu (8110-3222) 名客韩式烤肉 长城路 107号

Thai 泰国 Thai Me Up 20-6, Yan’erdao Lu (8503-8579) Thai Me Up 泰国餐厅 燕儿岛路20-6号

Western Dining 西式餐饮 American 美国 Deja Vu 10-3 Yunling Lu, near Sophia Hotel (188 66268950) 云岭路10-3 Canvas 63 B, Zhangzhou Lu (8565-5688) 漳州路63号B Happy Valley (xiǎo què xìng shí táng) 22 (jia) Hunan Lu (0532 8288-0708) 小确幸食堂 湖南路22号甲(安徽路与 湖南路交叉口东走60米) Korona Grill House (kě luó jiā xī cān tīng) 5 Zhanghua Lu (8589-9721, 8589-9280) 可罗嘉西餐厅 彰化路5号 Lisa’s Pizzeria (lì sà bǐ sà) 澳门路69号

69 Ao‘men Lu (8577-7723)

The Diner | Spark Brewcafe (dān ní měi shì cān tīng | SPARK kā fēi hé niàng jiǔ fāng) 35 Donghai Xi Lu (8577-2051) 丹尼美式餐厅 | SPARK咖啡和酿酒坊 东 海西路35号 TheDiner 22 (èr shí èr hào kā fēi tīng) 19 Zhangzhou Er Lu (Central Plaza) (8577-1222) 贰拾贰号咖啡厅 漳州二 路19号(中环广场) TheDiner Marina (dān ná băi lì) Rm205, 2F, West Area, Marina City (8577-2011) 丹拿百丽 百丽广场西侧205室 (靠汉堡王二楼)

LISTINGS 信 息 French 法国 Happy Valley (xiǎo què xìng) Seaview branch, Rm.2102, 1 Unit, Donghai Shijia, 41 Donghai Xi Lu (0532 8573-9008) 小 确幸(海景店)东海西路41号东海世家一单元2102室 La Café Paris (bā lí kā fēi xī cān tīng) West Area, Marina City, 86 Ao’men Lu (0532 6606-1128) 巴黎咖啡西 餐厅 百丽广场西区

Fusion 无国界料理 7 Senses 136 Zhangzhou Lu (8283-8283) 漳州路136号 Cafe Asia (yà zhōu kā fēi) 2F, Crowne Plaza Hotel Qingdao, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888) 亚洲咖啡 香港中路76号 青岛颐中皇冠假日酒店2层 Cafe Roland (lǎng yuán jiǔ bā) (8387-5734) 朗园 湛山五路6号

6 Zhanshan Wu Lu

1F, Valley Café Yum (yī pǐn táng zì zhù cān tīng) Wing, Shangri-La Hotel, 9 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8388-3838 ext. 6008) 一品堂自助餐厅 香港中路9号 香格里拉大 酒店 盛世阁1层 1F, Copthorne Hotel Central Grill (CG xī cān tīng) Qingdao, 28 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8668-1688 ext. 8300) CG西餐厅 香港中路28号 青岛国敦大酒店1层 Feast (shèng yàn) 1F, Sheraton Qingdao Jiaozhou Hotel, 271 Beijing Dong Lu, Jiaozhou District 8228-9999 ext.6866) 盛宴 胶州新城区北京东路271号 青岛胶州绿城喜 来登酒店1层 Flavours All Day Dining (pǐn xiāng yuàn quán rì cān 3F, InterContinental Qingdao, 98 Aomen Lu tīng) (6656-6666 ext.1555) 品香苑全日餐厅 澳门路98号 青 岛海尔洲际酒店3层 Hillside Cafe (yōu shān chuàng yì cān tīng) 3F Holiday Inn Qingdao Expo, No.2 Tianshui Lu 6675-7888 ext.8600 优 山创意餐厅 青岛世园假日酒店三层 崂山区天水路2 号(近滨海大道) (8589-0768) 158 Jiangxi Lu, Iona Café (ài nà kā fēi) Shinan District 江西路158号 Latest Recipe (xīn shí pǔ cān tīng) 1F, Le Meridien Qingdao, 112 Yanji Lu (5557-0162) 新食谱餐厅 延吉路 112号 青岛万达艾美酒店1层 Lucca (lú kǎ xī cān tīng) 60 Xianggang Dong Lu (88891377) 卢卡西餐厅 香港东路60号 All-day-dining restaurant, Market Café (kā fēi tīng) Lower Lobby Level, Hyatt Regency Qingdao, 88 Donghai Dong Lu (8612-1234 ext. 6323) 咖啡厅全日自助餐厅 东 海东路88号 青岛鲁商凯悦酒店底层大堂 Ocean Café (bì hǎi kā fēi tīng) 1F, Holiday Inn Qingdao City Centre, 1 Xuzhou Lu (6809-0311) 碧海咖啡厅 徐州 路1号 青岛中心假日酒店1层 Pizza Loves Donburi (bǐ sà ài gài fàn) No.52B, Zhangzhou Er Lu (8591-9836) 比萨爱盖饭 漳州二路52 号乙 (麦凯乐东侧) San Marco 2F, Haiqing Hotel, 11 (Jia) Donghai Zhong Lu (8589-0526) 东海中路11号甲 青岛海情大酒店2层 Seasonal Tastes (zhī wèi biāo zhì cān tīng) 5F, The Westin Hotel, 8 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6777-1888) 知味标 帜餐厅 香港中路8号 青岛威斯汀酒店5层

Sitting Bull Restaurant (yì niú kǎo pái guǎn) 138 Zhangzhou Lu (8571-7103) 毅牛烤排馆 漳州路138号

Sunshine Grill (yáng guāng xī cān tīng) 2F, Sunshine Dept. Store, 38 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8667-7190) 阳光西 餐厅 香港中路38号 阳光百货2层

Tampa (tǎn pà) 158 (wu) Jiangxi Lu (8587-0772) 坦帕 江 西路158号戊

Taste Music Restaurant (mù zĭ yōu pǐn) 8 Ao‘men Qi Lu (8381-1111) 木子优品 澳门七路8号

Fast Food 快餐 KFC 4008 823 823 Subway (sài bǎi wèi) Rm.151, 1F, CBD Wanda Plaza, 116 Yanji Lu (5566-2621) 延吉路116号万达广场购物中心 1层151商铺 Bldg. H, Zhonglian Plaza, 122 Nanjing Lu (6865-8662) 南京路122号中联广场H栋

Yongli Spring (yǒng lì fǎ ěr chūn tiān zhǔ liú cān bā) 8 Minjiang Lu (8580-8889) 勇丽法尔春天主流餐吧 闽 江路8号 Z1 Restaurant (Z1 cān tīng) 1F, Himalayas Qingdao Hotel, 880 Tong’an Lu (6672-9999) Z1餐厅 同安路880号 青岛证大喜玛拉雅酒店1层 Blacksun (bù lái sēn) 397 Xingyang Lu (oppo. North Gate of Century Park) (6679-9325) 布莱森咖啡 兴阳路397号 =english menu


Café JOT (wèi) 2F, Holiday Inn Parkview Qingdao, 306 Xingyang Lu (8096-6888 ext.8215) 味 兴阳路306号 青岛景园假日酒店2层 1F, Riverside Café (shuǐ qīng kā fēi yuàn) DoubleTree by Hilton Qingdao, 220, 308 National Road (8098-8888 ext.2269) 水青咖啡苑 青岛308国道城阳段 220号 青岛鑫江希尔顿逸林酒店1层 6:30 The Eatery (yí kè lè quán rì cān tīng) am – 9:00 pm 1F, Four Points by Sheraton Qingdao, 271 Wenyang Lu (6696-8888 ext. 6966) 宜客乐全日餐厅 文 阳路271号 青岛宝龙福朋喜来登酒店1层

German 德国 Lisa’s Pizzeria (lì sà pī sà) 8 Chenghai Yi Lu (8588-8839) 力萨比萨 澄海一路8号 No.1 Zhongshan Road Yummy Restaurant (zhōng shān lù yī hào YUMMY guó jì cān tīng) 1 Zhongshan Lu (8289-0001) 中山路壹号YUMMY国际餐厅 中山路1号 Rats Keller restaurant (ā zī kǎi lè xī cān tīng) 26 Longshan Lu (8869-1111转8853) 阿兹凯乐西餐厅 龙山 路26号迎宾馆一层 Zur Bierstube (bǎi sītú) 10-1 Yunling Lu (8889-7600) 柏 斯图 云岭路10-1号 2 Guantao Lu (8099-2739) 馆陶路2号

Italian 意大利 Da Vinci Restaurant & Lounge (dá fēn qí yì dà lì cān 3F, Valley Wing, Shangri-La Hotel, 9 Xianggang Zhong lu (8388-3838 ext. 6900) 达芬奇意大利餐厅 香港 中路9号 香格里拉大酒店 盛世阁3层 tīng)

Trattoria Verde (běi lǜ dǎo xī cān tīng) 67(Jia) Zhangzhou Lu (8589-8530) 北绿岛西餐厅 漳州路67 号甲

Turkish 土耳其 Istanbul Restaurant (yī sī tǎn bǎo cān tīng) 7F, Mykal (155 8981-3174) 伊斯坦堡餐厅 麦凯乐7层

Cafés 咖啡甜品茶馆 Cafés 咖啡 Angelinas Coffee & Pub (ān jí lì nà kā fēi jiǔ ba) 136 Ao’men Lu (6872-7999) 安吉丽娜咖啡酒吧 澳门路 136号 C2, 308 Xianggang Dong Abika cafe (ā bì kǎ kā fēi) Lu (8896-7653) 阿碧卡咖啡 香港东路308号C2 36 Alexander Coffee (yà lì shān dà kā fēi) Daming Lu (Weihai Lu Pedestrian Area) 亚历山大咖啡 大 名路36号 (威海路步行街) Amico Café (6699-6889) Shop Unit 7-13, Qingdao Lushang Mansion, 7 Yan’erdao Lu 燕儿岛路7号鲁商首府 珠海路7-13商铺 Bagan Cafe (pú gān) 9F, Unit2, Donghai Shijia, 41 Donghai Xi Lu (8572-8285) 蒲甘 东海西路41号东海世 家2单元9层 Lobby Level, Hyatt Bay Lounge (guān hǎi jiǔ láng) Regency Qingdao, 88 Donghai Dong Lu (8612-1234 ext.6331) 观海酒廊 东海东路88号 青岛鲁商凯悦酒 店大堂 Bossa Coffee (bā sà kā fēi) 799) 巴萨咖啡 闽江路177号

177 Minjiang Lu (6665-

Bossanova (bā sà nuò wǎ) 45 Minjiang Er Lu (66886656) 巴萨诺瓦 闽江二路45号 KiWi Café (qí yì kā fēi tīng) 127 Zhangzhou Er Lu (85889986, 151 9201-6559) 奇异咖啡厅 漳州二路127号

King Oak Italiano Ristorante (jīn xiàng yì dà lì xī cān tīng) 138 Xianggang Dong Lu (8062-5678) 金橡意大利西 餐厅 香港东路138号

Köfee and Social (sū shè jīng pǐn kā fēi) inside AEON, Marina City, 86 Ao’men Lu (186 6185-5700) 苏社精品咖 啡 澳门路88号负一层永旺永旺内

La Luna Rossa 46 Shanghang Lu (6688-9957) 上杭路 46号

21 (Jia) Minjiang Er Lu Café Kona (kā fēi kòu nà) (8573-5300) 咖啡蔻纳 闽江二路21号 (甲) Beijiushui, Laoshan District (8705-3257) 崂山北九水

Milano Italian Restaurant (mǐ lán nuò yì dà lì xī cān tīng) Centrally 30 Minjiang Er Lu (8577-0058 / 186-61681819) 米兰诺意大利西餐厅 闽江二路30号 2F, Crowne Plaza Hotel, 76 Murano’s (mèng lā nuò) Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888 ext. 8650) 梦拉诺 香港 中路76号 青岛颐中皇冠假日酒店2层 San Marco (yì dà lì cān tīng) 2F, Haiqing Hotel, 11 (Jia) Donghai Zhong Lu (8589-0526) 意大利餐厅 东海中路11 号甲 青岛海情大酒店2层 Tiyaa Café 6 (D) Taiwan Lu (6601-3377) 台湾路6号丁 Wildfire Steakhouse & Grill Restaurant (míng yàn xī cān tīng) 1F, InterContinental Qingdao, 98 Ao’men Lu (6656-6666 ext.1566) 明焰西餐厅 澳门路98号 青岛 海尔洲际酒店1层

Pizza 披萨 JJ Pizza (dì dì bǐ sà) 10 Gutian Lu (8592-3033) 帝帝比 萨(市南店) 古田路10号 52 Yanji Lu (8501-8833) 帝帝比 萨(市北店) 延吉路52号 160 Fuhuan Lu (8678-5050) 帝 帝比萨(浮山后店)富环路160号 Lisa’s Pizzeria (lì sà bǐ sà) Besides the delicious pizza offered, extensive western options available include steak and lamb kebabs, mini burritos, burgers, whole roast chicken, grilled mackerel, and occasional Spanish food promotions. 8 Chenghai Yi Lu (8588-8839) 力萨比萨 澄 海一路8号 Pizza Hut (bì shèng kè) 1F, 63 Taidong San Lu (83672988) 必胜客 台东三路63号1层 B1, Yihe Mansion, 10 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8503-0088) 香港中路10号 颐和 国际B座1层

Cafe Mingjia (kā fēi míng jiā) 55 Minjiang Er Lu (85775152) 咖啡明家 闽江二路55号 38-7 Daming Lu (Taidong Cafe Mokka (mò kǎ kā fēi) Pedestrian Square) (8380-7317, 8380-7318) 莫卡咖啡 大 名路38-7 210 2/F, West Area, Marina City, 86 Ao’men Lu (6606-1178) 澳门路86号百丽广场西区2楼210 Cafe Roland (lǎng yuán jiǔ bā) 6 Zhanshan Wu Lu (8387-5734) 朗园 湛山五路6号 87 (Jia) Zhangzhou Lu (8577-5398) 漳州路87号甲 Cafe Solo (suǒ lún kā fēi) Building 1, 1-101, 51 Donghai Xi Lu, (8577-8000) 索伦咖啡 东海西路51号1号搂1单 元101室 Caffe Bene (kā fēi péi nǐ) 1-116, West Area, Marina City, 86 Aomen Lu (6606-1213) 咖啡陪你 澳门路86号百丽 广场西区1号楼116 33 Minjiang Er Lu (8576-8711) 闽 江二路33号 1F, Lobby, Qingdao Cisco Coffee Club (xī kě kā fēi) University International Centre for Academic Exchanges (8589-5220 ext. 8077) 西可咖啡 青岛大学国际学术交 流中心1层大堂 Citta Espresso Club (xiǎng kā kā fēi jù lè bù) 33 Haikou Lu (south gate of Maidao Jiayuan) (6888-8887) 享咖咖啡 俱乐部 海口路33号 Coffee Hunter (kā fēi hēng tè)13 Zhangzhou Er Lu (55683050) 咖啡亨特 漳州二路13号 Coffee Land (lǐng dì kā fū) 1-193, West area, Marina City, 86 Ao’men Lu (8289-1768) 领地咖夫 澳门路百丽广场 西区193号

Papa John’s Pizza 棒约翰 400 888-7272

Coffee Plus (pú jiā kā fēi) 117 Yanji Lu (5567-2459) 蒲伽 咖啡 延吉路117号-19

Pizza Hut (bì shèng kè) 122 Zhengyang Lu (6696-0318) 必胜客 正阳路122号

Coffee Space (kā fēi kōng jiān) 14 Daxue Lu (8286-8215) 咖啡空间 大学路14号

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=english menu

Corner Coffee (jiǎo luò kā fēi) 153 Minjiang Lu (85758560) 角落咖啡 闽江路153号 Four Seasons Café (sì jì kā fēi tīng) 5F, Sunnyworld Cyberport (entrance next to Haagen-Dasz), 40 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8667-8297) 四季咖啡厅 香港中路40号 数 码港旗航5层 9 Aomen Lu (8597Happyday Coffee (měi rì kā fēi) 1179) 美日咖啡 VIP会所 澳门路9号 Hausbrandt Italian Café (hào shì kā fēi) 31 Minjiang Er Lu (8571-6861) 浩世咖啡 闽江二路31号 1F, 30 (Jia) Minjiang Er Java Café (zhuā wū kā fēi) Lu (8578-2773) 爪哇咖啡 闽江二路30号甲 La Café Paris (bā lí kā fēi xī cān tīng) West Area, Marina City, 86 Ao’men Lu (0532 6606-1128) 巴黎咖啡西餐厅 百丽广场西区 La Veranda d’ Erica (ài lì kǎ kā fēi) 9 Qingyuan Lu, Shinan District (185-6395-3353) 艾莉卡咖啡 百丽广场西 侧 清远路9号畅海园小区内 Laan Coffee (lán kā fēi) 117 Yanji Lu (0532 5566-2777) 蓝 咖啡 延吉路117号(万达广场南门对面) Lagom (lè huó jiā) Fu Run Shan Zhuang, 3 Hailong Lu, Laoshan District (8870-7039) 乐活家 崂山区海龙路3 号福润山庄 LANG CAFE (làng kā fēi) West of Bar Street, Polar Ocean World, 60 Donghai Dong Lu (8909-1839) 浪咖啡 东海东 路60号 极地海洋世界酒吧街西侧 LEGO Café (jī mù kā fēi) Shop 171, West Area, Marina City, 86 Ao’men Lu (6606-1171) 积木咖啡 澳门路86号百丽广 场西区一层171 1F, City Wing, Lobby Lounge (dà táng jiǔ láng) Shangri-La Hotel, 9 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8388-3838 ext.6419) 大堂酒廊 香港中路9号 香格里拉大酒店 青 香阁1层 Loft Coffee (lóu shàng kā fēi) 27 Zhangzhou Yi Lu (66560686) 海蓝楼上咖啡 漳州一路27号 Luna Café (lú nà kā fēi) 26 Minjiang Er Lu (8573-1555) 卢 娜咖啡 闽江二路26号 Luka Garden Coffee (lù guò huā yuán kā fēi) 5 Hengshan Lu (185 0024-2420) 路过花园咖啡 衡山路5号 MAAN COFFEE (qīng dǎo màn kā fēi)129 Aomen Lu (8170-7355) 青岛漫咖啡 澳门路129号 Mamahuhu Café (mǎ mǎ hǔ hǔ kā fēi) 21 Guanxiang Er Lu (located in an observatory, inside of Guanxiangshan Park) (8282-2626) 马马虎虎咖啡 观象二路21号 (观象 山天文台内) Menu (mù lù) 8 Yunling Lu (8896-8500) 目录 云岭路8号 Kiev & bakery (jī fǔ miàn bāo fáng) 102 outlets, No.7, bldg.13, Lushan Lu (138 6486-7970) 基辅面包房 庐山路 102号13号楼7号网店 Rona Cafe (luó nà kā fēi) 65 Changjiang Xi Lu ( 68056355) 罗纳咖啡 长江西路65号 399 Jinshatan Dong Lu (150) 罗纳咖啡 金沙滩东路399号 1F, Starbucks Coffee (xīng bā kè kā fēi) Huangdao Jusco, 419 Changjiang Zhong Lu (8699-6530) 星巴克咖啡 长江中路419号 佳世客1层 (8699-5733) 1F, Jiajiayuan, 30 Changjiang Zhong Lu 长江中路30号 佳家源1层 Mr. Tree Coffee (shù yé kā fēi guǎn ) 7 Zhengyangguan Lu, Shinan District (186 6397-7176) 树爷咖啡馆 正阳关 路7号山海关宾舍院内 Narcissus Coffee (nà kā suǒ sī kā fēi) B1, Ruina Kangdu, 69 Haimen Lu 那喀索斯咖啡 海门路69号瑞纳康都 负1层

Roast Toast Cafe (láo sī tè kā fēi) 178 Jufeng Lu (67705125) 劳斯特咖啡 巨峰路178号(万达广场李沧店 四号门对面) Rona Café (luó nà kā fēi) Bldg. 2, Pacific Office Building, 35 Donghai Xi Lu (6677-6797) 罗纳咖啡 东海西路35号 太平洋中心2号楼 Salsa Coffee Bar Rm. 102, Bldg. 3, Creative 100, 100 Nanjing Lu (8090-9007) Salsalife俱乐部 南京路100号 创意100产业园3号楼102 Shangpin Coffee Terrain (shàng pǐn kā fēi) 149 Minjiang Lu (8578-5626) 尚品咖啡 闽江路149号 Snail Coffee Bar (wō niú kā fēi bā) 22 Dagu lu, near zhongshan Lu (8280-7215) 蜗牛咖啡吧 大沽路 22号( 中山路旁边) Sauce Café (shāo sī kā fēi) 9(Jia) Rongcheng Lu (83888266) 稍思咖啡 荣成路9号甲 SPR COFFEE (yē shì kā fēi) 1-2F, Qindao Xing, Surf Plaza, 316 Xianggang Dong Lu (8889-0352) 耶士咖啡 香港东路 316号弄海园 琴岛星1-2层 1B, Hisense Starbucks Coffee (xīng bā kè kā fēi) Plaza Shopping Centre, 50 Donghai Xi Lu 星巴克咖啡 东海西路50号 海信广场负1层 1F Sunshine Plaza, 38 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8667-8766) 香港中路38号 阳光 百货1层 1F, AEON, 72 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8575-2991) 香港中路72号 永旺1层 Rm.102, 1F, Top Yihe, 10 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8502-7500) 香港中路10号颐和国 际1层102铺 Rm.161, 1F, CBD Wanda, 112 Yanji Lu (55563681) 延吉路112号万达CBD广场1层161铺 Sunset Café (rì luò kā fēi) 21 Guanxiang Er Lu (82845450) 日落咖啡 观象二路21号 Strong Ale Works tap house (qiáng mài pí jiǔ) 12 Daxue Lu (136-0896-4700) 强麦啤酒 大学路12号 1F, InterContinental The Lounge (quán láng) Qingdao, 98 Ao’men Lu (6656 6666 ext. 1560) 泉廊 澳门 路98号 青岛海尔洲际酒店1层 The Third Wave Coffee Club (dì sān bō kā fēi jù lè bù) coffee section of AEON Supermarket, Marina City, 86 Ao’men Lu ( 第三波咖啡俱乐部 澳门路 86号百丽广场永旺超市咖啡区 The Diner | Spark Brewcafe (dān ní měi shì cān tīng | SPARK kā fēi hé niàng jiǔ fāng) 35 Donghai Xi Lu (8577-2051) 丹尼美式餐厅 | SPARK咖啡和酿酒坊 东 海西路35号 Tiyaa Café 6 (D) Taiwan Lu (6601-3377) 台湾路6号丁 TRAST (TRAST yáng tái ba) 257, 2nd floor, West Area, Marina City, 86 Aomen Lu (6606-1387) TRAST阳台吧 澳 门路86号百丽广场西区2层257 UBC Coffee (shàng dăo kā fēi) 158 Minjiang Lu (85779106) 上岛咖啡 闽江路158号 Vintage (bīn tè jì kā fēi) 10-3 Yunling Lu (8170-5544) 彬 特季咖啡 云岭路10-3号 π3.14 14 Zhanshan Yi Lu (186-6181-7285) π3.14 湛山 一路14号 C Story (jiā bèi dòu lín) 295 Xingyang Lu (8776-6188) 珈 琲豆林 兴阳路295号 (景园假日酒店斜对面) C’est la vie (sāi lā wēi kā fēi) 177 Chongyang Lu (1561005-5066) 塞拉威咖啡 崇阳路177号 Coffee Bene (kā fēi péi nǐ) 155 Zhengyang Zhong Lu (6696-0221) 咖啡陪你 正阳中路155号 Laan Coffee (lán kā fēi) 177 Chongayng Lu (8771-8555) 蓝咖啡 崇阳路177号 La Café Paris (bā lí kā fēi) 387 Xingyang Lu (134-65840721) 巴黎咖啡 兴阳路387号 Namu (sēn kā fēi) 91-1 Changcheng Lu (8096-1516) 森咖 啡 长城路91-1号

Pandora (pān duō lā • chéng shì xíng dòng kā fēi diàn) 1F, Leader Plaza, 18 Qinling Lu, Laoshan District (8395-1577) 潘多拉·城市行动咖啡店 崂山区秦岭路 18号丽达购物广场正门连廊

Starbucks (xīng bā kè) 510 Chongyang Lu (8965-6666) 星巴克 崇阳路510号

Red & Black Coffee Club (hóng yǔ hēi kā fēi guǎn) 223 Haikou Lu (8588-6916) 红与黑咖啡馆 海口路223号

The Window (yún dǎo kā fēi) 20 Changcheng Lu (89088282) 云岛咖啡 长城路20号

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LISTINGS 信息 Confections 甜品 Amy’s Bakery (ài mì ér dàn gāo diàn) 38-10 Daming Lu (8381-6356) 艾蜜儿蛋糕店 大名路38-10号 200 Minjiang Lu (8588-3613) 闽江路200号 42 Shanghang Lu (8588-5015) 上杭路42号 1F, Hisense Mansion, 17 Donghai Xi Lu (8087-7050) 东海西路17号海信大厦1 层 Rm.337, CBD Wanda walk street, 185 Xuzhou Lu (55563968) 徐州路185号万达步行街337铺 Kola Fondant Cake & Art (kè lā fān táng yì shù dàn gāo) 克拉翻糖艺术蛋糕 (135 0639-3199) For customised cakes, please add wechat ID/微信号: kolacake Loco Roko (lè kè lè kè mó huàn dàn gāo fāng) 17, Daming Lu (8383-5651) 乐克乐克魔幻蛋糕坊 大名路 17号 198, Yan’an San Lu (8800-6030) 延安三路198号 B1 Leader Plaza, Qinling Lu (6671-8092) 秦岭路丽达百 货负1层 Praline (jīng diǎn fāng) 1F, 9 Xianggang Zhong Lu, Shangri-La Hotel (8388-3838 ext.6800) 精点坊 香港中路 9号 青岛香格里拉大酒店1层 Uncle Hsitsun’s Bakery (xī cūn shū shū de diàn) 1F, Wu Kuang Building, 32 Xianggang Zhong Lu (400-633-6997) 西村叔叔的店 香港中路32号五矿大厦1楼 1/F, Bao Door Apartment, 19 Zhangzhou Er Lu (8090-0850) 漳州二 路19号宝门公寓1层

Ice Cream Shops 冰淇淋 Angelinas Coffee & Pub (ān jí lì nà kā fēi jiǔ ba) 136, Ao’men Lu (6872-7999) 安吉丽娜咖啡酒吧 澳门路 136号 Dairy Queen (DQ bīng xuě huáng hòu) Rm.145, CBD Wanda Plaza, 116 Yanji Lu (5557-0908) DQ冰雪皇后 延 吉路116号万达广场145号 Unit 78, B1, Marina City, 88 Ao’men Lu (6606-7678) 澳门路88号百丽广场负1层 78单元 F1, Leader Plaza, 18 Qinling Lu, Laoshan District (6671-7056) 崂山区秦岭路18号丽达广场北区1层 Rm.3, Wanda Plaza, 63 Taidong Yi Lu 台东一路63号万达 广场3号商铺 1F, AEON, 72 Xianggang Zhong Lu 香港中 路72号永旺1层 Carrefour, 128 Shandong Lu 山东路128 号家乐福 1F, Wanda Plaza, 178 Jufeng Lu, Licang District 李沧区巨峰路178号万达广场1层 Haagen-Dazs (hā gēn dá sī) 1F, UnitB1, Sunshine Dept. Store, 38 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8667-7230) 哈根达斯 香 港中路38号 阳光百货1层B1单元 B1, Hisense Plaza, 50, Donghai Xi Lu ( 6678-8050) 东海西路50号 海信广场负 1层 1F-10, Darling Harbour, 1 Yan’erdao Lu (6867-8866) 燕 儿岛路1号 心海广场1层10铺 19 Qinling Lu, Laoshan District (6671-8018) 崂山区秦岭路18号 Iceason (ài xī xī lǐ bīng qí lín) No.T103, B1, Marina City, 88 Ao’men Lu (6606-1003) 爱茜茜里冰淇淋 澳门路88号 百丽广场负1层T103区 1F, AEON, 72 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8575-6933) 香港中路72号永旺1层 TRAST (TRAST yáng tái ba) 257, 2nd floor, West Area, Marina City, 86 Aomen Lu (6606-1387) TRAST阳台吧 澳 门路86号百丽广场西区2层257 Toscani Eiscafe (tuō sī kǎ ní bīng qí lín kā fēi guăn) B1, Darling Harbour, 1 Yan’erdao Lu 燕儿岛路1号心海广 场B1层 Yogorino (yōu gǔ lì nuò) F1-72 Wanda Plaza,63 Taidong San Lu (8363-2780) 优古利诺 台东三路63号台东万达 广场1楼72号

Tea Houses 茶馆 Dao You Dao (dào yǒu dào) 167 West area, Marina City, 86 Aomen Lu (6885-3399) 道有到 澳门路86号百丽广 场西区167号 Haimengyuan Lotus Teahouse (hǎi mèng yuán qīng yùn lián chá yì huì guǎ) 1 Donghai Zhong Lu (8660-7555) 海梦圆清韵莲茶艺会馆 东海中路1号 Lobby Tea Room (dà táng chá shì) Bldg. B, Qingdao Hai Qing Hotel, 11(jia) Donghai Zhong Lu (8596-9888) 大堂茶 室 青岛海情大酒店B栋 市南区东海中路11号甲

LISTINGS 信 息 Lotus Teahouse (lián huā gé chá yì guǎn) 38 Minjiang Er Lu (8578-2025) 莲花阁茶艺馆 闽江二路38号 Min Qing Ge (mǐn qīng gé chá wén huà huì suǒ) 20 Minjiang San Lu (8066-1919) 闽清阁茶文化会所 闽江 三路20号 Purple Lotus (zǐ yù lián chá yì guan) 98 (ding) Jiangxi Lu (8577-3676) 紫玉莲茶艺馆 江西路98号丁 San Sheng Yuan (sān shēng yuán) 67 Ao Men Lu (8579-7833) 三生缘 澳门路67号(近五四广场)

Salsa Life Club (sà ěr sà shēng huó jù lè bù) 102, Bulg.3, Creative100, 100 Nanjing Lu (137-3093-1972) 萨尔萨生活 俱乐部 南京路100号创意100产业园, 3号楼102室

Fitness 健身

Sense Courtyard (xiāng bǎi cǎo táng) Locates in the middle of the Binhai Dadao (Coastal Highway) (8861-1677) 香柏草堂 崂山区滨海大道中段(枯桃附近)

CEDARDALE Health Club (xī dá dài ěr jiàn kāng huì suǒ) South of the Sunken atrium of the Hisense Yandao Int’l Apartment Square, 7 Zengcheng Lu (8506-3880) 西达 代尔健康会所 增城路7号 海信燕岛国际公寓广场下 沉式中庭南侧

Windy Teahouse (rú fēng chá xí) 60 Dong Hai Dong Lu (8288-0011) 如风茶席 东海东路60号 华客度假酒店

Crowne Plaza Health Club (qīng dǎo yí zhōng huáng guàn jià rì jiǔ diàn jiàn shēn zhōng xīn) 2B, Crowne

Wuwei Teahouse (wú wéi chá táng) Creative 100 Industrial Park, 100 Najing Lu (5897-1955) 无为茶堂 南京 路100号创意一百产业园

Plaza Hotel, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888 ext. 8268) 青岛颐中皇冠假日酒店健身中心 香港中路76号 酒 店负2层

Xanadu Teahouse (shì wài táo yuán chá yì guǎn) 17 Minjiang Lu (8580-3188) 世外桃源茶艺馆 闽江路17号

Hyatt Regency Qingdao Fitness Centre (qīng dǎo lǔ shāng kǎi yuè jiǔ diàn jiàn shēn zhōng xīn) Lower

Recreation 休闲娱乐 Art 艺术&展览 138 Warehouse (138 yì shù shēng huó guǎn) 138 Xianggang Dong Lu (6869-1888) 138艺术生活馆 香港 东路138号 Sculpture Art Museum (diāo sù yì shù guǎn) Donghai Dong Lu (8287-0471) 雕塑艺术馆 崂山区东海东路 ZAN Art Museum (zàn yī měi shù guǎn) 1F,bldg.3, 100 Nanjing Lu (8310-1989) 赞一美术馆 南京路100号创意 100产业园3号楼1楼

Ballet 芭蕾 Qingdao Little Lotus Dancing Training School (qīng dǎo xiǎo hé huā wǔ dǎo péi xùn xué xiào) 20-1-101 Jinhai Plaza, 136 Aomen Lu (8996-9975, 133 2501-5299) 青岛小荷花舞蹈培训学校 澳门路136号 (金海广场20-1-101)

Billiards 台球 Poker Celebrity Billiard Club (Changchun Road Branch) (bó kè míng liú tái qiú jù lè bù (zhǎng chūn lù diàn) 71 Changchun Lu (8373-8789) 博克名流台球俱乐部 (长春 路店) 长春路71号甲旁

Lobby Level, Hyatt Regency Qingdao, 88 Donghai Dong Lu (8612-1234 ext.6733/6732) 青岛鲁商凯悦酒店健身中 心 东海东路88号 Impulse Total Fitness (yīng pài sī jiàn shēn jù lè bù) 26 Fuzhou Nan Lu (8578-1388) 英派斯健身俱乐部 福 州南路26号 67 Xianggang Dong Lu (8801-0199) 香港 东路67号 Master Fit (Da Kang) Gymnasium (qīng dǎo dà kāng jiàn shēn huì suǒ) 4 Jijong Lu (8889-8858) 青岛大康健 身会所 基隆路4号 14-1 Taizhou Lu (8581-1117) 泰州 路14-1号 New Power Johnson Fitness (xīn lì qiáo shān jiàn shēn huì suǒ) Room 001, 4th Floor, Qingdao Centre Plaza, 8 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6777-1088)新力乔山健身会所 香 港中路8号青岛中心广场A塔4层001 Qingdao Beihai Fitness Club (qīng dǎo běi hǎi jiàn shēn huì suǒ) 7 Xianggang Zhong Lu (west of Beihai Hotel) (5566-1999) 青岛北海健身会所 香港中路7号( 北海宾馆西侧) Shangri-La Health Club (xiāng gé lǐ lā jiàn tǐ zhōng xīn) 3F, Shangri-La Hotel, 9 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8388-3838 ext.6631) 香格里拉健体中心 香港中路9号 香格里拉 大酒店3层 Westin WORKOUT (wēi sī tīng jiàn shēn zhōng xīn) 6 Floor, The Westin Qingdao, 8 Xianggang Zhong Road (6477-1985) 威斯汀健身中心 香港中路8号6楼

Fishing 钓鱼

Bowling 保龄球 Crowne Plaza Hotel Bowling (qīng dǎo yí zhōng huáng guàn jià rì jiǔ diàn bǎo líng qiú zhōng xīn) 2B, Crowne Plaza Hotel, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888 ext.8268) 青岛颐中皇冠假日酒店保龄球中心 香港中 路76号 青岛颐中皇冠假日酒店负2层 Grand Regency Hotel Qingdao (lì jīng bǎo líng qiú guǎn) 110 Xianggang Zhong Lu (near Taiwan Lu) (85881818) 丽晶保龄球馆 香港中路110号 丽晶大酒店内

Cycling 自行车 Giant (jié ān tè) 158 (Jia) Jiangxi Lu (8587-2858) 捷安特 青岛大有乐骑户外运动俱乐部 江西路158号甲

Cooking 厨艺学习 Mark’s Cooking (mǎ kè chú yì) Room 102, Unit 1, Building 5,15 Tainan Lu (132 8083-1269) 马克厨艺 台南 路15号5号楼1单元102室

Dancing Club 舞蹈俱乐部 Dance Kungfu Crew (wǔ gōng táng jiē wǔ jù lè bù) 18 Xinqi Lu (186-7861-2561) 舞功堂街舞俱乐部 新沂路18 号(安利大厦后侧200米) Nuo Mei Belly Dance Studio (nuo mèi guó jì zhōng =english menu


dōng dù pí wǔ péi xùn zhōng xīn ) 7F, Dangdai Builg, 58 Taidong 3 Lu (186-6020-6521 ) 娜魅国际中东肚皮舞培 训中心 市北区台东三路58号当代写字楼7层

CHN Expert of Angler Society (míng diào huì diào yú jù lè bù) 69 Ao Men Lu (8260-0000) 名钓会钓鱼俱乐部 澳门路69号(大公海岸)

For Kids 儿童 Baby One Club Natatorium (guàn jūn bǎo bèi 0-4 suì yóu yǒng guǎn) 127-18 Ningxia Lu (near Amway) (80796005) 冠军宝贝游泳馆 宁夏路127-18号 Bojia robot club (bó jiā jī qì rén jù lè bù ) 2F, Leader Shopping Plaza, Laoshan District (8095-2200) 博佳机器 人俱乐部 崂山区丽达购物中心二楼 3F, Book City, 67 Xianggang Zhong Lu, Shinan District (8588-5068) 香港中 路67号书城三层 Children’s Club (ér tóng jù lè bù) Every Sat & Sun and public holidays has children’s club activities. 周六周日 和公共假日有儿童俱乐部活动。1F (Inside Café Yum), Shangri-La Hotel, 9 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8388-3838 ext.6008) 儿童俱乐部 香港中路9号 香格里拉大酒店 1层 一品堂内 Fun Club (fēng wán ér ér tóng jù lè bù) 1 floor,Darling Harbour, Yanerdao Lu (6867-8900) 峰玩儿儿童俱乐部 燕儿岛路1号心海广场1层

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Football 足球 Great Football United (wěi dà zú qiú lián méng) contact@, Website:www.GreatFootballUnited. com, Phone:158 6307-0867 伟大足球联盟 Tsingtao United FC (qīng dǎo guó jì lián duì), website: http:// 青岛国际联队

Golf 高尔夫 Big5 (dà wǔ gāo ěr fū liàn xí chǎng) 123 Zhangzhou Er Lu (8588-2075, 8588-7075) 大伍高尔夫练习场 漳州二 路123号 Huashan International Country Club (huá shān guó jì xiāng cūn jù lè bù) Huashan Township, Jimo City (84560888) 华山国际乡村俱乐部 即墨市华山镇烟青路 Jinling Golf Practice Course (jīn lǐng tè gāo ěr fū liàn xí chǎng) Jinling New Village, Yinchuan Dong Lu (88997307) 金岭高尔夫练习场 银川东路金岭新村 Master Korea (mǎ sī tè gāo’ěr fū jù lè bù) D1-Area, Taigu Shopping Plaza, 63-A Xianggang Zhong Lu (68656890) 玛思特高尔夫俱乐部 香港中路63号甲太古购 物中心D1区 Qingdao International Golf Club (qīng dǎo guó jì gāo ěr fū jù lè bù) Hi-Tech Industrial Park, 118 Songling Lu (8896-0001) 青岛国际高尔夫俱乐 部 松岭路118号 高科技工业园 Tiantai Hot Spring Golf Club (tiān tài jià rì wēn quán gāo ěr fū jù lè bù) Inside Jimo Hot Springs Tourist Resort (8657-9888) 天泰温泉高尔夫俱乐部 即墨温泉旅游 度假区内

Outdoor Pursuits 户外 Aotai Outdoor Store (ào tài hù wài) 44 Zhangzhou Lu (8888-5628/6688-6998) 奥太户外 漳州路44号

Sailing 航海 Flyingfish Sailing Club (fēi yú fān chuán jù lè bù) 3F, West Area, Marina City, 86 Aomen Lu (6885-3611) 飞鱼帆 船俱乐部 奥帆中心百丽广场西区3层 Qingdao Furi Yacht And Marina Club (qīng dăo fú rì yóu tĭng jù lè bù) 1 Yan’er Dao Lu (Olympic Sailing Centre) (5555-5555/5566-3333) 青岛福日游艇俱乐部 燕儿岛路 1号(青岛奥帆中心) Qingdao Jida Sailing Club (qīng dǎo jì dá háng hǎi jù lè bù) 18 Nanhai Lu (137 8986-7525) 青岛际达航海俱 乐部 南海路18号 Qingdao International Yacht Club (Qingdao Olympic Marina) (qīng dǎo guó jì yóu tǐng jù lè bù) 1 Jinhai Lu (6656-0061) 青岛国际游艇俱乐部 金海路1号 (奥林匹 克帆船中心内媒体中心) Qingdao Poseidon Sailing Club (qīng dǎo bó sài dōng yóu tǐng jù lè bù )No.1 office darling pier,Olympic Sailing center, 1 Yanerdao Lu (186 5322-8655)青岛博赛东游艇俱 乐部 燕儿岛路1号奥帆基地内情人坝1号室 Qingdao Olympic Sailing Centre (qīng dǎo ào lín pǐ kè fān chuán zhōng xīn) 1 Yan’erdao Lu (8309-2020) 青 岛奥林匹克帆船中心 燕儿岛路1号 Qingdao Sinan Sailing Club (qīng dǎo sī nán fān chuán jù lè bù) 1 Jinwan Lu (152 8898-7909) 青岛司南帆船俱 乐部 金湾路1号 Yinhai International Yacht Club (yín hǎi guó jì yóu tĭng jù lè bù) 30 Donghai Zhong Lu (8588-6666) 银海国 际游艇俱乐部 东海中路30号

Scuba Diving 潜水 Global Dive Adventures and Training (quán qiú qián shuǐ tàn xiǎn hé péi xùn gōng sī) 40 Ningxia Lu (158 6422-7383 150 9200-0062)全球潜水探险和培训公司 =english menu


伽 东海西路35号太平洋中心6号楼1层

Qingdao Qin Hai Diving Club (qīng dǎo qín hǎi qián shuĭ jù lè bù) 1-6 Wendeng Lu (8388-1170) 青岛琴海潜 水俱乐部 文登路1-6号

Jinzhu Yoga & Crossfit (jīn zhū yú jiā jiàn kāng huì suǒ) Hainiu Xincun, 6 Yinchuan Xi Lu (155 5320-8781) 金珠瑜 伽健康会所 银川西路6号内海牛新村

Squash 壁球 Grand Regency Hotel Squash Court (lì jīng dà jiŭ diàn bì qiú shì) 3F, Grand Regncy Hotel, 110 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8588-1818) 丽晶大酒店壁球室 香港中路110号 丽 晶大酒店3层 Hai Qing Hotel (hǎi qíng dà jiǔ diàn) 11 Donghai Zhong Lu (8596-9888) 海情大酒店 东海中路11号 Impulse Total Fitness Squash Court (yīng pài sī jiàn shēn jù lè bù bì qiú shì) 67 Xianggang Dong Lu (88010199) 英派斯健身俱乐部壁球室 香港东路67号

Swimming 游泳 Copthorne Hotel Fitness Central (guó dūn dà jiǔ diàn jiàn shēn zhōng xīn) 4F, Copthorne Hotel, 28 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8668-1688 ext. 8900) 青岛国敦大酒店健身中 心 香港中路28号 青岛国敦大酒店4层 Crowne Plaza Health Club (qīng dǎo yí zhōng huáng guàn jià rì jiǔ diàn jiàn shēn zhōng xīn) 2B, Crowne Plaza Qingdao, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888 ext. 8268) 香港中路76号 青岛颐中皇冠假日酒店负2层 Gym and Swimming Pool (jiàn shēn yóu yǒng zhōng xīn) 1F, Haiqing Hotel, 11 Donghai Zhong Lu (8596-9888 ext 7255) opening hour 6:30am-0am 健身游泳中心 东海 中路11号 海情大酒店1层 Hyatt Regency Qingdao Swimming Pool (qīng dǎo lǔ shāng kǎi yuè jiǔ diàn yóu yǒng chí) Lower Lobby Level, Hyatt Regency Qingdao, 88 Donghai Dong Lu (8612-1234 ext. 6733/6732.) 青岛鲁商凯悦酒店游泳池 东海东路 88号 青岛鲁商凯悦酒店底层大堂 Le Meridien Fitness Central (qīng dǎo wàn dá ài měi jiǔ diàn jiàn shēn zhōng xīn) 3F, Le Meridien Qingdao, 112 Yanji Lu (5556-3888 ext. 0021) 青岛万达艾美酒店健身 中心 延吉路112号三层 Open-air/Indoor Sea-water Swimming Pool (shì wài /shì nèi hǎi shuǐ yǒng chí) Seaview Garden Hotel, 2 Zhanghua Lu (8587-5777 ext. 6317) opening hour 10:00am-10:00pm 室外/室内海水泳池 彰化路2号 海 景花园大酒店 Qingdao Xinxing Gymasium (qīng dǎo xīn xìng tǐ yù guǎn) 138 Xuzhou Lu (8383-6777)青岛新兴体育馆 徐 州路138号 Swimming Pool (yóu yǒng chí) 2F, InterContinental Qingdao, 98 Ao’men Lu (6656-6666 ext.1682) 游泳池 澳 门路98号 青岛海尔洲际酒店2层

Pilates & Personal Training (159 5480-0102) Yuan yoga (yuán yú gā yì guǎn) 3F, Zhonghai Plaza, 76 Yanji Lu (5882-7777) 元瑜伽逸馆 延吉路76号中海大 厦3层

Stage & Screen 演出场所 Cinemas 影院 Broadway Cinemas (bǎi lǎo huì) 3F Marina City, 88 Ao’men Lu (6606-1155) 百老汇 澳门路88号百丽广场3 层 Huachen Cineplex (huá chén yǐng chéng) 8F, MYKAL, 69 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6670-0700) 华 臣影城 香港中路69号 麦凯乐8层 Huacheng Cinema International (qīng dǎo huá chéng guó jì yǐng chéng) 18 Qinling Lu, Laoshan District (89098200) 青岛华诚国际影城 崂山区秦岭路18号 Jinyi Cinemas (jīn yì yǐng chéng) Fudu Mansion, 8 Nanjing Lu (8097-2077) 金逸影城 南京路8号 府都大 厦 5F, Life Space, 269 Renmin Lu (6606-9600) 人民路269 号 乐都汇5层 Wanda International Cinema City (wàn dá guó jì yǐng chéng) 4F, Wanda, Taidong San Lu (8362-5656) 万达国 际影城4层 台东三路63号 3F, CBD Wanda, 116 Yanji Lu (5556-3939) 延吉路116号万达广场3层 3F, Wanda Plaza, 178 Jufeng Lu, Licang District (5571-8588) 李沧区巨峰路 178号万达广场3层 Western Coast Cinema ( xī hǎi àn yǐng chéng )3F, Jiajiayuan, 308 Changjiang Zhong Lu (8699-9633) 西海岸 影城 长江中路308号家佳源3层 China Film Cinema (zhōng yǐng guó jì yǐng chéng) 3F, Powerlong Square, 269 Wenyang Lu (8096-8099) 中影国 际影城 文阳路269号宝龙城市广场3层

Music Hall 音乐厅 Auditorium (jiē tī lǐ táng) 3F, InterContinental Qingdao, 98 Ao‘menLu (6656-6666) 阶梯礼堂 澳门路98号 青岛 海尔洲际酒店3层 Qingdao Concert Hall (qīng dǎo yīn yuè tīng) 1 Lanshan Lu (8287-7050) 青岛音乐厅 兰山路1号 Qingdao People’s Auditorium (qīng dǎo shì rén mín huì táng) 9 Taiping Lu (8289-7229) 青岛市人民会堂 太

Terra Wellness Fitness Club (yī zhào wéi dé jiàn shēn) 4F Wanda Plaza, 35 Lianyungang Lu (135 8926-7381) 一兆 韦德健身 连云港路35号,万达时尚广场4层


Yinhai Spa and Sports (yín hǎi jiàn kāng xiū xián huì guăn) 30 Donghai Zhong Lu (8593-9000) 银海健康休闲 会馆 东海中路30号

Be Together Private Cinema (zài yī qǐ yǐng ba hōng pā guǎn) Rm 2301, Block C, Pengcheng Gardan, 16 Yanerdao Lu (151 5425-9314) 在一起影吧轰趴馆 燕儿岛路16号 鹏程花园C座2301. Rm 410, Leikedun Business Centre, 111 Yanji Lu (185 6256-5546)延吉路111号雷克顿商务 中心四楼410

Wushu 武术 Qingdao Bright Mountain Wushu Club (bèi méng tè wǔ guǎn) 55 Hunan Lu (8286-9566) 贝蒙特武馆 湖南 路55号

Yoga 瑜伽 Daniel 42 Degree Hot Yoga & Massage (sì shí èr dù rè yú jiā zú liáo) 74 Minjiang Lu (8909-0977) 42度热瑜伽& 足疗 闽江路74号 Han Xiang Yi Yoga (hán xiāng yí) Rm. 102, Bldg. 1, Changhai Garden, 9 Qingyuan Lu (8572-2257) 涵香怡 清 远路9号 畅海园1单元102 Jingyue Yoga & Crossfit (jìng yuè yú jiā) 1F, Bldg. 6, Pacific Centre, 35 Donghai Xi Lu (138 8496-6312) 静悦瑜

Private Cinema 私人影院

Theatres 剧场 Qingdao Beijing Opera Theatre (qīng dǎo shì jīng jù yuàn) 76 Yan’an Yi Lu (8273-2612) 青岛市京剧院 延安 一路76号 Qingdao Grand Theatre (qīng dǎo dà jù yuàn) 5 Yunling Lu (8066-5555) 青岛大剧院 云岭路5号 Qingdao Olympic Centre (ào fān zhōng xīn dà jù chǎng) 1 Yan’erdao Lu (6656-8666) 奥帆中心大剧场 燕 儿岛路1号 Qinghua Theatre (qīng huà xiǎo jù chǎng) 12 Linqing Lu (8281-8181) 青话小剧场 临清路12号

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LISTINGS 信息 Shopping 购物 Antiques 古董

LISTINGS 信 息 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6670-0666) 香港中路69号 麦凯乐4楼 Longshan Underground Shopping Centre (lóng shān dì xià shāng chéng) 29 Jiangsu Lu (8286-8902) 龙山地

Antique Market (jiù huò gǔ dǒng shì chǎng) Wenhua Shichang, Changle Lu (8382-3513) 旧货古董市场 昌乐 路 文化市场

下商城 江苏路29号

Sanshengyuan Artworks Shop (sān shēng yuán) 67 Aomen Lu (8579-7833) 三生缘 澳门路67号

Marks & Spencer (mǎ shā bǎi huò) 1F, Licang Wanda Plaza, 178 Jufeng Lu (6770-6026) 马莎百货 李沧区万达 广场店 巨峰路178号大商业1层

Art 艺术 Boya Art & Framing Gallery (bó yǎ huà láng) Art and Photos 52 Minjiang Er Lu (8577-5924) 博雅画廊 闽江 二路 52号 Qingdao Modern Artists Gallery

(qīng dǎo dāng dài yì shù jiā huà láng) 3 Changle Lu

(8380-2977) 青岛当代艺术家画廊 昌乐路3号 Yi Pin Tang (yì pǐn táng) 2-3 Changle Lu Culture Market (8381-5166) 逸品堂 昌乐路市场2-3号

Books 书籍 Hao Xue You Book Market (hǎo xué yǒu tú shū cài shì) 10 Quanzhou Lu 好学友图书菜市 泉州路10号 Kids Happy Reading Center (lè zhī tóng shū ba) 3 / 13 Taizhou Lu (5557-1157; 137 9181-0611 EN) 乐知童书吧 泰州路3号/13号

Marina City (bǎi lì guǎng chǎng) 88 Ao’men Lu (66061666) 百丽广场 澳门路88号

MUJI (wú yìn liáng pǐn) F2-0203, Marina City, 88 Ao’men Lu (6606-1388) 无印良品 澳门路88号百丽广场2楼 0203 MYKAL (mài kǎi lè) 69 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6670-0666) 麦凯乐 香港中路69号 Second Hand Clothing Street (èr shǒu fú shì shì chǎng) Licun Lu 二手服饰市场 李村路 Sunshine Department Store (yáng guāng bǎi huò) 38 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8667-7166) 阳光百货 香港中 路38号 Vestal by Jung Hyejin (hán guó jìng jié hūn shā) F2, 78-B Minjiang Lu (8573-5440) 韩国净洁婚纱 闽江路78 号乙二楼

AEON (jiā shì kè) 72 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-9600) 永旺 香港中路72号 B1, CBD Wanda, 116 Yanji Lu (6606-7878) 永旺 延吉路116号 万达CBD广场负1层 B1, Marina City, 88 Ao’men Lu (6606-1528) 澳门路88号 百丽广场负1层 Lagom (lè huó jiā) Fu Run Shan Zhuang, 3 Hailong Lu, Laoshan District (8870-7039) 乐活家 崂山区海龙路3 号福润山庄 Maqui Berry (Fruit) (8965-3697) 马基莓水果 Marks & Spencer (mǎ shā bǎi huò) 1F, Licang Wanda Plaza, 178 Jufeng Lu (6770-6026) 马莎百货 李沧区万达 广场店 巨峰路178号大商业1层 Maui International (máo yī guó jì) (8575-3390) www. 毛伊国际 Metro (mài dé lóng) 116 Chongqing Nan Lu (8566-8888, EN 8089-9880) 麦德龙 重庆南路116号 1517 Wutaishan Lu (8602-8888) 黄岛商场 五台山路1517号 MICRO SCOOTERS Check out more details about the products here:, 186 6395 5427 or email us at MIHO Mart (ér tóng lè yuán) 2F, Weifeng Supermarket, Fuqing Lu (8866-5638) 儿童乐园 福清路味丰超市2层 Mikkaworks (MikMik yǒu jī bǎo bǎo) 97 Bing Nanjing Lu (8587-5751) MikMik有机宝宝 南京路97号丙

Sobook (rú shì shū diàn) 1Floor, East Squire of Guoxin Stadium, 3 Yinchuan Dong Lu (8272-5567) 如是书店 银川 东路3号 国信体育场东广场M区1楼

Wanda Shopping Centre (wàn dá gòu wù guǎng chǎng) 63 Taidong San Lu (8362-3288) 万达购物广场 台 东三路63号 CBD Wanda, 116 Yanji Lu (5557-0777) CBD 万达广场 延吉路116号 Licang Wanda, 178 Jufeng Lu (8079-1111) 万达广场李沧店 巨峰路178号

Xinhua Bookstore/Book City (xīn huá shū chéng) 40 Gaomi Lu(8281-3237) 新华书城 高密路40号

Xinye Plaza (xīn yè guǎng chǎng) 100 Liaoyang Xi Lu (8562-9000) 新业广场 辽阳西路100号

Xue Yuan Bookstore (xué yuàn shū diàn) 22 Quanzhou Lu (8592-7703) 学苑书店 泉州路22号

Zara 1F, Marina City, 88 Ao’men Lu (6606-1020) 澳门路88 号百丽广场1层

Xinhua Bookstore (xīn huá shū diàn) 198 Changjiang Zhong Lu 新华书店 长江中路198号 28 Jiuhuashan Lu (8689-8837) 九华山路28号

Zhongshan Commerce City (zhōng shān shāng chéng) 113 Zhongshan Lu 中山商城 中山路113号

RT Mart (dà rùn fā) 162 Ningxia Lu (8578-0529) 大润发 宁夏路162号

ZOEs Fashion Shop (ZOEs shí shàng zá huò pù) Sell Korean brand–Yegrina and Western style jewelry. ZOEs 时尚杂货铺 韩国潮牌耶格利娜饰品,欧美流行饰 品。Taobao淘宝: ZOEs Fashion Shop

Saeco (xǐ kè) 446 Nanjing Lu (8502-3637, 8502-2676) 喜 客 南京路446号

Electronics 数码产品 3C4U Marina City, 88 Ao’men Lu (6606-1878) 澳门路88 号百丽广场 Apple Store (pín guǒ qí jiàn diàn) 36B Ningxia Lu (Zhenjiang Lu intersection) (8366-9605) 苹果旗舰店 宁 夏路36B (镇江路交叉口处) Guomei Appliance Store (guó měi diàn qì shāng chéng) 80 Nanjing Lu (8580-5870) 国美电器 南京路80号 Su Ning Appliance Store (sū níng diàn qì) 3 Nanjing Lu (8362-2666) 苏宁电器 南京路3号 Yongsheng Camera Store (yǒng shèng shè yǐng qì cái) 9 Tianjin Lu (8285-8859) 永盛摄影器材 天津路9号

Fashions 时尚 Creen Mart 10-4 Yunling Lu (8889-6672) 云岭路10-4 Darling Harbour Qingdao (xīn hǎi guǎng chǎng) 1 Yan’erdao Lu (6656-7888) 心海广场 燕儿岛路1号 Folli Follie F1-57, Marina City Folli Follie (130 1253-9863) 百丽广场一楼中庭F1-57 新浪微博:FolliFollie青岛 H & M 1F, Marina City, 88 Ao’men Lu (6885-3141) 澳门路 88号百丽广场1层 Zendai Plaza, 880 Tong’an Lu H&M 证 大大拇指广场 同安路880号 Hisense Plaza (hǎi xìn guǎng chǎng) 50 Donghai Xi Lu (6678-8888) 海信广场 东海西路50号 iGo Mall (ài gòu shí shàng bǎi huò shāng chéng) 18 Gutian Lu (8118-0888) 爱购时尚百货商城 古田路18号 Jimo Lu Market (jí mò lù xiǎo shāng pǐn pī fā shì chǎng) Jimo Lu 即墨路小商品批发市场 即墨路 Leader Plaza (lì dá gòu wù zhōng xīn) 18, Qinling Lu (6671-8018) 丽达购物中心 秦岭路18号 Lexon Design (lè shàng shè jì) Leader Plaza, 18 Qinling Lu (6671-8018) 秦岭路18号 丽达广场 4F, Mykal, 69

Food & Beverage 食品 Abbica Coffee (qīng dǎo ā bì kǎ jìn chū kǒu yǒu xiàn gōng sī) 4 (Ding) Jingguo Er Lu (8571-2323) 青岛阿璧卡 进出口有限公司 宁国二路4号丁 Carrefour (jiā lè fú) 21 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8582-6666) 家乐福 香港中路21号 128 Shandong Lu (8508-9999) 家 乐福 山东路128号 Casa-Mia Gourmet Shop (kă sà mĭ yà shí pĭn zhuān yíng diàn) 卡萨米亚食品专营店 Search on Tmall for卡萨米亚食品专营店 Daichi Farm (dà dì nóng chǎng) 67 Xianggang Dong Lu (8801-5151) 大地农场 香港东路67号 Debauve & Gallais (fǎ guó dài bǎo jiā lái) 501, Unit 2, Bldg.3, 51 Donghai Xi Lu (8597-1807) 法国黛堡嘉莱 东 海西路51号3号楼2单元501 DEFA Inside Hisense Plaza, 50 Donghai Xi Lu (8253-0686) 东海西路50号 海信广场内 Mission Coffee Roasting (mài sēn kā fēi) Exclusive store: 49 Donghai Xi Lu (8572-8539) 迈森咖啡 专卖店 东 海西路49号 Taste: 5#102, Fanhai Mingren, Minjiang Er Lu (8090-2281) 体验店 闽江二路泛海名人广场5#102 Factory: 35 Zhangzhou Yi Lu (139 5325-3732) 工厂 漳州 一路35号 Double espresso co.Ltd (qīng dǎo bèi nóng kā fēi yǒu xiàn gōng sī) 28 Xianggang Xi Lu (8386-6325, 156 05321652), 青岛贝浓咖啡有限公司 香港西路28号 Hanbur German Bakery (hàn bǎi mài xiāng). Supermaket, B1, Hisense Plaza, 50 Donghai Xi Lu (85726865) 汉柏麦香 东海西路50号 海信广场负1层超市 =english menu

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My Glow Juice (měi kē) 220, 2nd floor, West Area, Marina City, 88 Aomen Lu (close to bank of China) (6606-1089) 美 棵 澳门路88号 百丽广场西区2层220甲 Qingdao Zhongtang Import & Export Co. Ltd. (zhōng táng jìn chū kǒu shāng mào) 81 Xuzhou Lu (8581-8719) 中糖进出口商贸 徐州路81号 Jiajiayuan (jiā jiā yuán ) 308 Changjiang Zhong Lu ( 8699-7119) 家佳源 长江中路308号

SAW Strong Ale Works (qiáng mài pí jiǔ) 12 Daxue Lu (136 0896-4700) 强麦啤酒 大学路12号 ORCAFFE Ltd (ōu kǎ kā fēi yǒu xiàn gōng sī) 100 meters east from the intersection of Meiling Dong Lu and Songling Lu. (400-600-5751) 梅岭东路与松岭路交叉口 向东100米 Silver Garden Grocery Shop (yín dū huā yuán gòu wù shāng chǎng) 1A Cuibaige, Bldg. 12, Yindu Garden, 1 Zhanghua Lu (8589-7732) 银都花园购物商场 彰化路1 号 银都花园12号翠柏阁1A Sense of herb (xīn dì xiāng cǎo) 33 Kangning Lu (150 0658-5777中文, 186 5325-0039 EN) 馨蒂香草 康宁路 33号 Watsons (qū chén shì) 1F, Sunshine Department Store, 38 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8667-7166) 屈臣氏 香港中路 38号 阳光百货1层 1F, Gome, 37 Taidong Yi Lu 台东一 路37号国美大卖场1层 21 Xianggang Dong Lu 香港东 路21号 B1, Parkson, 44-60 Zhongshan Lu (8202-1076) 中 山路44-60号百盛负1层 B1, Marina City, 88 Ao’men Lu (6606-1888) 澳门路88号百丽广场 Walmart (wò ěr mǎ) 63 Taidong San Lu (8367-5600) 沃 尔玛 台东三路63号 Peek-a-Boo (bǔ kāng fù yù yīng zhuān mài diàn) 31 Yan’erdao Lu (8593-1283) 哺康富育婴专卖店 燕儿岛 路31号 AEON (yǒng wàng) 419 Changjiang Zhong Lu (86990666) 永旺 长江中路419号 Macalline (hóng xīng měi kǎi lóng quán qiú jiā jū shēng huó guǎng chǎng) East of Jiajiayuan, Zhengyang Lu 红星 美凯龙全球家居生活广场 正阳路佳家源东侧

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Gifts & Accessories 礼品

Tailors 制衣

大酒店水疗中心 香港中路9号 香格里拉大酒店 盛 世阁4层

Dejili (dé jí lì) 1F, Marina City, 88 Ao’men Lu(6606-1233) 得吉利百货 澳门路88号 百丽广场1楼

Honghong Tailor (hóng hóng zhì yī) 6 Xuzhou Lu (85802086) 红红制衣 徐州路6号

Ou Jin Jiang Silver Ornaments (ōu jīn jiàng yín shì) A6, 51 Donghai Xi Lu (134 5520-8855) 欧金匠银饰 东海 西路51号A6座

Jin Jian Tailor Shop (jīn jiǎn shí zhuāng diàn) 2F, Taidong San Lu (8907-0165) 金剪时装店 台东三路利 群对面2层

Plaza (lè huó shì jí) 72 Boshan Lu (8285-7171) 乐活市 集 博山路72号

Jin Yuan Zhi Yi (jīn yuán zhì yī) 2F, 1-118 Chuandai Da Shijie, 86 Taidong San Lu (8907-0172) 金源制衣 台东三 路86号穿戴大世界二楼1-118号

Leekaja Hair Biz (lǐ jiā zǐ xíng xiàng shè jì zhōng xīn) 1 (Jia) Xianxia Ling Lu 李嘉子形象设计中心 仙霞岭 路1号甲

Yongzheng Tailor Shop (yǒng zhèng cái féng diàn) 1F, Crowne Plaza Hotel, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888 ext. 8961) 永正裁缝店 香港中路76号 青岛颐中皇冠 假日酒1层

Pleasantress Ladies Hair Salon (bó fēi sī nǚ zǐ měi fà huì suǒ) 30, Donghai Zhong Lu (East gate of Yinhai Yacht Club) (8592-6188) 柏飞丝女子美发会所 东海中路30 号-银海游艇俱乐部东门内

Secret Garden (mì yuán huā yì guǎn) 62 Shanghang Lu (139 6988-0404) 秘园花艺馆 上杭路62号

Home Goods 家居 B&Q (bǎi ān jū) 38 Shandong Lu (8580-6611) 百安居 山 东路38号 188 Liaoyang Xi Lu (8566-1000) 辽阳西路188 号 138 jia Haier Lu (8891-6611) 百安居 海尔路138号甲

Wine 葡萄酒

Tian Bei’s Beauty & Health Care Salon (tián bèi měi róng bǎo jiàn huì suǒ) 203 Minjiang Lu (8077-7792) 田蓓 美容保健会所 闽江路203号

Hairdressers 美发

Pure Hair (chún xiù měi měi fà diàn) 119 (Yi) Zhangzhou Er Lu (8587-6719) 纯秀美美发店 漳州二路119乙

BM Ultra Top quality mattress with affordable price (English - Cathy 132 5555-6553, Korean - Song 186 78900384, Chinese - Lee 156 0542-6234)

Buller Wines (ào dà lì yà bù lè jiǔ zhuāng) Rm.603, 63 Xianggang Xi Lu (189 5329-2706) 澳大利亚布乐酒庄 香 港西路63号603室

Raphael Perrier (lā fěi pài ruì) Yamai Shanzhuang, 81 Xianggang Dong Lu (6688-5678) 拉斐派瑞 香港东路81 号亚麦山庄 1 Zhanghua Lu (8587-6161) 彰化路1号甲

Fit -all natural, antibacterial, fruit & vegetable cleaner (shuǐ guǒ shū cài qīng jié jì) (159 0071-5180) Fit-水果蔬菜清洁剂

Dong Zhou Fu Long World Wines (dōng zhōu fù lóng jiǔ yè) 2 Yuexiu Lu (6656-7999, 6656-8888) 东洲富隆酒 业 越秀路2号

Steve is ‘The Hair Doctor,’ Full nail services by ‘The Nail Nurse.’ For appointments call 136 8145-3740 http://www.

Haibo Furniture Market (hǎi bó jiā jū chāo shì) 28 Dunhua Lu (8308-5739) 海博家居超市 敦化路28号

France Bacchus Bldg 9, 3 Xuzhou Lu (8589-8830) sales@ 徐州路3号9号楼

IQ Air (IQ Air hǎi xìn guǎng chǎng tǐ yàn diàn) info@, 4F, Hisense Plaza, 117 Aomen Lu (153 1424-1690) IQ Air海信广场体验店 澳门路117号海信广场4层

Gourmet passion (186 6022-5559)

TONI & GUY Hairdressing (tāng ní yīng gài měi fà shā lóng) 6F, 12 Xinhui Lu (5897-5222) 汤尼英盖美发沙龙 新 会路12号 中航翔通游艇会6层

Plus Tree (qīng dǎo mù zhī jiā shāng mào yǒu xiàn gōng sī) 1-1 Hai’an Lu, Laoshan District (8870-7512) 青岛木之 家商贸有限公司 崂山区海安路1-1 Pure Inc. (chún jìng yuán guó jì shāng mào yǒu xiàn gōng sī) Rm 808, 19 Bldg C, Zhonghuan Plaza, Zhangzhou Er Lu (8086-0615) Email: 纯净源国际商贸(青岛)有限公 司 漳州二路19号中环国际C座808

Musical Instruments 乐器 Baldwin Musical Instruments (bào dé wēn gāng qín zhuān mài diàn) 91 (Yi) Jiangxi Lu (8573-4599) 鲍德温钢 琴专卖店 江西路91号乙 Guitar Square (jí tā píng fāng) 28 Huangshan Lu (82726977) 吉他平方 黄山路28号 Rolling Stone Instruments (gǔn shí qín háng) 38-5 Daming Lu (8383-1385) 滚石琴行 大名路38-5号

Henke Trading 504, Bldg A, Hong Kong Gardens, 3 Quanzhou Lu (8589-7696) 泉州路3号香港花园A座 504 La Cave a Didier (dí jié jiǔ zhuāng) 135 Marina City West Zone, 86 Ao‘men lu (6606-1059) 狄杰酒庄 澳门路86号 百丽广场西区135号 Latour Laguens World Fine Wine Cellar (lā tú lā gān guó jì jiǔ jiào) Unit 2, 31 Yan’an Yi Lu (6669-1111, 83253333) 拉图拉甘国际酒窖 延安一路31号 Liquor & Wine Wholesale (qī hào jiǔ cāng) 171 Haikou Lu (8082-0768) 七号酒仓 海口路171号 Qingdao Wine Culture Street (qīng dǎo hóng jiǔ jiē) Yan’an Yi Lu 青岛红酒街 延安一路 Sunshinry Wine Cellar (lǎng yí jiǔ háng) 43 Minjiang Er Lu (6677-6999) 朗怡酒行 闽江二路43号 WinItaly Room 2557, Zhongshang Mansion, 100 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8592-6326) 香港中路100 号 中商大厦2557

Beauty 美容美体

Xin Yi Zhou Instruments (xīn yì zhōu qín háng) 74 Yan An San Lu (8365-4582) 馨艺洲琴行 延安三路74号

Beauty Centres 美容养生

Pets 宠物

TouchHair (yí zūn měi fà) 3F Le Meridien Qingdao Hotel, 112 Yanji Lu (5557-0403 Suki 186 6028-9276) 颐尊美发 延 吉路112号 青岛万达艾美酒店3层

Nails 美甲 Lovely Nails (ài shǒu ài jiǎo měi jiǎ huì suǒ). 36 Silver Garden, 1 Zhanghua Lu (Opposite Seaview Garden Hotel) (8588-7871) 爱手爱脚美甲会所 彰化路1号 银都花 园36号 Nail Care Treatment. D008, 2F, iGo Mall, 18 Gutian Lu (behind Mykal shopping mall) (150 9226-4373) 爱购时尚 百货商城2层D008 What Women Want (3W gāo jí měi jiǎ shā lóng) 4F Crowne Plaza Qingdao, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (66886599; 138 5325-6997 EN) 3W高级美甲沙龙 香港中路76 号 青岛颐中皇冠假日酒店404室

Massage 按摩 Good Massage for Treatment (shàn ruò shuĭ jīng luò tuī ná kāng fù gōng zuò shì) Rm. 101, Unit 1, Bldg. 3, Tianjia Gardon, Jintian Lu (Lydia: 135 7386-7998, QQ: 807771444) 善若水经络推拿康复工作室 金田路田 家花园3号楼1单元101室 LiShui Tang (lì shuǐ táng) 1 Xinzhu Lu (159 0899-2971) 丽水堂 新竹路1号

Angora (ān gē lǔ chǒng wù diāo zhuān mài diàn) 32 Nanjing Lu (150-6616-7688) 安哥鲁宠物貂专卖店 南 京路32号

Heavenly Spa (tiān mèng shuǐ liáo) 5F, The Westin Qingdao, 8 Xianggang Zhong Road (6777-1596) 天梦水疗 香港中路8号青岛威斯汀酒店5层

Traditional Chinese Medical Massage (chuán tǒng zhōng yī àn mó) (150 9229-7893)

Petdog Health and Well-Being (pài duō gé chǒng wù shēng huó huì guǎn) Rm.19 Hua Hao Yue Yuan,138 Shandong Lu (186 6198-8205/130 7087-7963) 派多格宠 物生活会馆 山东路138号花好月圆19号网点

Kapok Spa & Wellness (mù mián shuǐ liáo) 2F, InterContinental Qingdao, 98 Ao‘men Lu (6656-6666 ext.1686) 木棉水疗 澳门路98号 青岛海尔洲际酒 店2层

Zaishuiyifang Seashore Club (zài shuǐ yī fāng xĭ yù zhōng xīn) 9 Huanghai Lu (8388-6886) 在水一方洗浴中 心 黄海路9号

Qingdao Free Cat Adoption (137 9198-7701), True Friend Animal Hospital (zhēn péng yǒu dòng wù yī yuàn) 65 Xianggang Zhong Lu (west of Book City) (8578-0365) 真朋友动物医院 香港中路65号

Sporting Goods 运动

Qing SPA (qīng shuǐ liáo) Lower Lobby Level, Hyatt Regency Qingdao, 88 Donghai Dong Lu (8612-1234 ext. 6733) 清水疗 东海东路 88号 青岛鲁商凯悦酒店底 层大堂 Shine Spa (xuàn yì shuǐ liáo) 1F, Sheraton Qingdao Jiaozhou Hotel, 271 Beijing Dong Lu, Jiaozhou District (8228-9999) 炫逸水疗 胶州新城区北京东路271号 青 岛胶州绿城喜来登酒店1层

Decathlon (dí kǎ nóng) 188 Liaoyang Xi Lu (8561-7788) 迪卡侬 辽阳西路188号

Sleeping Lotus SPA (shuì lián yǎng shēng měi róng guǎn) A3, 26 Donghai Zhong Lu (inside Langqin Garden)

Sanfo (sān fū hù wài) 52 Donghai Xi Lu (8578-6628) 三夫户外 东海西路52号

(8593-6007/08) 睡莲养生美容馆 东海中路26号A3 ( 浪琴园内)

Tan Lu Zhe (tàn lù zhě) 66 Yanji Lu (8302-9006) 探路者 延吉路66号

The Spa at Shangri-La Hotel (xiāng gé lǐ lā dà jiǔ diàn shuǐ liáo zhōng xīn) 4F, Valley Wing, Shangri-La Hotel,

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9 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8388-3838 ext.6050) 香格里拉


Education 教育 International Schools 国际学校 Baishan School (bái shān xué xiào) Dong Jiang, Sha Zi Kou, Laoshan District (8881-5851) www. 白珊学校 崂山区沙子口东姜 International Department of Qingdao Galaxy School (qīng dǎo yín hé xué xiào guó jì bù) 47 Tongchuan Lu, Licang District (8880-8315) 青岛银河学校国际部 青岛 市李沧区铜川路47号 International School of Qingdao (mti) (qīng dǎo MTI guó jì xué xiào) Starting at pre-school and rising to grade 12 (2-18 years of age), ISQ follows a US based curriculum,

=wifi Check for menu, images, qr code, social networks and more...


LISTINGS 信息 is WASC and NCCT accredited and offers an extensive range AP courses. The school also offers honours courses in all core subjects. In addition, away from the classroom, ISQ has an extensive MUN program, Student Council and Leadership Development. Throughout, its educational focus is on university preparation. Baishan Compus, Dong Jiang, Sha Zi Kou, Laoshan District (8881-5668) www. 青岛MTI国际学校 崂山区沙子口东姜 白珊校园内 Korean International School of Qingdao (qīng dǎo hán guó guó jì xué xiào) 16 Haiqing Lu, Laoshan District (8801-5765) 青岛韩国国际学校 崂山区海青路16号 Yew Chung International School of Qingdao (qīng dǎo yào zhōng guó jì xué xiào) YCIS accepts students in the Kindergarten to Year 13 (2-18 years old) age range and follows an international curriculum based on the schemes of work and framework of the National Curriculum for England. Students progress towards IGCSE and A Level external examinations. Within this framework, the school aims to provide students a unique opportunity to embrace bi-lingual learning, leading to proficiency in the world’s main languages and entry in to some of the world’s top universities. Admission Office, Bldg.7, 36 Laoshan Lu, Laoshan District (8880-0003) 青岛耀中 国际学校 青岛招生办公室 青岛市崂山区崂山路36 号好望角7号楼 Huangdao Campus, 72 Taihangshan Lu (8699-5551) 青岛耀中国际学校 太 行山路72号 Okma International Academy Qingdao (qīng dǎo hàn měi gōng xué) The Okma International Academy•Qingdao (QIA) is a four year boarding school. Founded by outstanding American educators and Chinese entrepreneurs. The school is modeled after the International Academy (IA), Michigan, USA, one of the biggest IB schools in the world. It has also been recognized as one of the best American public high schools by U.S. News and World Report. The Director of QIA is the famous IB educator and Founder of the original IA -Mr. Lambert Okma. 瀚美公学青岛源自全美排名前三的公立高中—密歇 根州国际公学(International Academy,简称IA)。是 一所由美国优秀教育家和一批扎根于中国的海归企 业家联合创办的新型国际化9-12年级寄宿制高中。 它由全球著名的IB教育专家、美国IA母校创始校 长—Lambert Okma先生担任校长。密歇根州国际公 学自2003年做为排名第一的公立高中进入美国U.S. News & World Report全美优秀高中排行榜,2015年 1月在全美公立高中排名第三,也是目前全球最大的 IB制高中。Campus Address: Crossing of Jialing Jiang Lu and Changjiang Lu, Huangdao. Admission Office: 44-A007, Wanbang Center, Qingdao. (8675-3277, 6602-7210) 学校地 址:黄岛嘉陵江路和长江路路口。办公室地址:青 岛万邦中心44-A007 Yinhai School (yín hǎi xué xiào) 16 Donghai Dong Lu (8668-5819) 银海学校 东海东路16号 Qingdao Amerasia International School (qīng dǎo měi yà guó jì xué xiào) Catering to the needs of international learners from Toddler through Grade 12, QAIS is the first IB World School in Shandong Province and is the first school in Asia to be accredited by the American Montessori Society. Their commitment to holistic, inquiry-based education is unique in preparing students for the challenges of our century, creating international-minded citizens who work for peace. The IB Diploma Program, offered at QAIS, is the highest international standard for pre-university education, and opens doors to universities and careers around the world. 68 Shandongtou Lu (8388-9900) info@QingdaoAmerasia. org, 青岛美亚国际学校 山 东头路68号 Qingdao No.1 International School of Shandong Province (shān dōng shěng qīng dǎo dì yī guó jì xué xiào) Accepting students from pre-K to grade 12 (3-17 years of age), QISS utilises a US curriculum (Common Core), and is WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges) accredited. In addition, Advanced Placement courses are available on-site in 8 subjects, and all AP classes are available online through QISS’s partnership with

LISTINGS 信 息 K12 International Academy, APID. The school is licensed by Qingdao Bureau of Education. 232 Songling Lu (6889-8888) 山东省青岛第一国际学校 松 岭路232号 Qingdao Oxford International College (niú jīn gōng xué) 232 Songling Lu (6889-8000) 牛津公学 松岭路232号 Xinshiji School (xīn shì jì xué xiào) 4 Xiaoyao San Lu (8592-0954) 新世纪学校 逍遥三路4号 Guokai International Department (guó kāi zhōng xué guó jì bù) 1 Tianhe Lu (8471-6288, 137 9323-3392, 187 6425-8880) Wechat 官方微 信:guokaiguojibu 国开中学国际部 天河路1号 Malvern College Qingdao (qīng dǎo mò ěr wén zhōng xué ) 77 Tieqi Shan Lu, Xifu Town (5865-9999) www. 青岛墨尔文中学 青岛 惜福镇铁骑 山路77号 Qingdao Chungwoon Korean School (qīng dǎo qīng yún hán guó xué xiào) 1 Tianhe Lu (6696-8686) 青岛青 云韩国学校 天河路1号

Chinese Language 汉语 Chinese Language Centre - XMandarin (xīn huán qiú hàn yǔ) Mandarin Chinese training, IPA/PAT Chinese Language Teacher Training Programs 汉语言培训,IPA/ PAT国际注册汉语教师培训。, Rm. 1605, Bldg A, Central International (Zhonghuan) Plaza, 19 Zhangzhou Er Lu (Bank of China’s upstairs) (8807-8385, 135 8927-8775) 新环球汉语 漳州 二路19号中环国际广场A座1605室 Goldencareer Training School (jīn qián chéng péi xùn xué xiào) Chinese training, English training, TOEIC, Translation outsourcing service. cn, 12F, Bldg. G5, 288 Ningxia Lu (8597-5725, 8597-5726, 8597-5728) 金前程培训学校 宁 夏路288号G5楼12层 Nichibi Foreign Language School of Qingdao (rì měi wài yǔ zhuān xiū xué xiào) Rm.1206, F12, Bldg. A, Zhonghuan Plaza, 19 Zhangzhou Er Lu (8570-8571, English: 8570-8130), URL: www. 日美外语专修学校 漳州二路19号 中环 国际广场A座12层1206 OK! Language Training College (OK! yǔ yán péi xùn xué yuàn) Rm. 301, Unit 1, Bldg.3, 66 Xianggang Dong Lu (8090-4049, 133 5687-9239) OK!语言培训学院 香港东 路66号3号楼1单元301室 Qing Zhi Zijin Chinese Language Training Centre (qīng zhī zǐ jīn hàn yǔ péi xùn zhōng xīn) Rm.1112, Bldg.A, Hongkong Garden, Quanzhou Lu (135 8322-4253) Conversational course, HSK---all levels, Traditional culture &poem, University literature entrance works, Business course. Promise education! 青 之子衿汉语培训中心 泉州路3号香港花园A座1112室

Yup English (yuè píng yīng yǔ) 288-6 Jingsong Qi Lu (8192-0202) 悦平英语 劲松七路288-6号 Ivy English School (cháng chūn téng yīng yŭ) 18 ShuangYuan Lu, Zhuoyue Weilan Archipelago (139 6964-0564) 常春藤英语学校 青岛双元路18号卓越 蔚蓝群岛 \French Language 法语 Alliance Francaise (qīng dǎo fǎ yǔ lián méng) 3F, Zone H, 23 Xianggang Dong Lu (Ocean Uni) (8590-6232) www. 青岛法语联盟 香港东路23号中国海 洋大学H区3层

For Kids 幼教 Gymboree (jīn bǎo bèi) 2F, Century Tower, 39 Donghai Xi Lu (8907-0606) 金宝贝 东海西 路39号世纪大厦2层 Kindyroo International Early Childhood Development Academy KindyROO (qīn qīn daì shǔ guó jì zǎo jìao zhōng xīn) 7F Mykal, 69 Xianggang Zhong Lu ( 6670-0788) 亲亲袋鼠国际早教中心 香港中路69 号麦凯乐7层 My Gym Qingdao Center (meǐ jí mǔ zǎo jìao zhōng xīn) 8 Nanjing Lu (400 029-0997 ext. 6238) 青岛美吉姆早教 中心 南京路8号 Teletubbies (tiān xiàn bǎo bǎo) Jinxiu Huacheng, 117 Yanji Lu (0532 5567-2877) 天线宝宝 延吉路117号锦 绣华城裙楼

German Language 德语 Goethe Sprachlernzentrum an der Qingdao Universität (qīng dǎo dà xué gē dé yǔ yán zhōng xīn) 1F, Minxing Building, Qingdao University, 308 Ningxia Lu (8378-0778) 青岛大学歌德语言中 心 宁夏路308号青岛大学敏行楼一层

Korean Language 韩语 Tianyan Korean Language Centre (tiān yán hán guó yǔ péi xùn) 20th Floor, Bldg A, Central International (Zhonghuan) Plaza, 19 Zhangzhou Er Lu (Bank of China’s upstairs) (8589-9336) 天言韩国语培 训 漳州二路19号 中环国际广场A座第20层

Japanese Language 日语 Nichibi Foreign Language School of Qingdao ( rì měi wài yǔ zhuān xiū xué xiào) Rm. 1206, F12, Zhonghuan Plaza, 19 Zhangzhou Er Lu (8570-8129) 日美外语专修学 校 漳州二路19号 中环国际广场A座12层1206 Hua Xing Japanese Language School (huá xìng rì běn yǔ) 20th Floor, Bldg.A, Zhonghuan Plaza, 19 Zhangzhou

English Language 英语 Gnlight of Mine English Training (qīng dǎo lù guāng měi yīn wài yǔ péi xùn xué xiào) 3F, Xutai Garden4, 20 Yan’er Dao Lu (400 6018133/6677-5122) 青岛绿光美音外语培训学校 燕儿岛路 20号旭泰花园4号楼3层 Joy Children’s English School (jiā yīn yīng yǔ) F1-2, 130 Zhangzhou Lu (8571-5991, 8572-6752) 佳音英语 漳州路130号1-2层 New Channel·International Education for Young Learners (xīn háng dào ·qīng shǎo nián guó jì jiāo yù xué ) 19th Floor, Flagship Building, Sunshine Department Store (8667-8833) 新航道·青少年国际教育学院 阳光 百货旗舰大厦19层 Qingdao International Language Institute (Global IELTS) (qīng dǎo guó jiāo wài yǔ péi xùn xué xiào (huán qiú yǎ sī)) Bldg.6, 35 Jiangxi Lu (8581-9871) 青岛国交外 语培训学校(环球雅思)江西路35号6号楼 =english menu


Wall Street English (huá ěr jiē yīng yǔ) 2F, Golden Plaza, 20 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8502-5469 ) 华尔街英语 香港 中路20号 黄金广场2层 Rm. 19, 1F, Zhonghuan Plaza, 79 Zhangzhou Lu (6677-5858) 华尔街英语 漳州路79号 中 环国际广场1层19号

Er Lu.( 8587-0321) 华兴日本语 漳州二路19号中环A 座20楼

Kindergartens 幼儿园 Aixin Kindergarten (ài xīn yòu ér yuán) 6 Chenghai San Lu (8588-3933) 爱心幼儿园 澄海三路6号 Big Apple Sino-America Bilingual Preschool (zhōng měi hé zuò qīng dǎo dà pín guǒ shuāng yǔ yòu ér yuán) 中美合作青岛大苹果双语幼儿园 Laoshan branch: inside Yihe Xingyuan, 87 (Geng) Laoshan Lu (8801-6811) 崂山分园:崂山路87号庚颐和星苑小区内 Licang branch: inside Fulin Yuan, 618 Qingshan Lu (8762-2500) 李 沧分园:青山路618号福林苑小区内 Licang branch: inside Fulin Wanjia, 265 Qingshan Lu (8797-1222) 李沧分 园:青山路265号福林万家小区内 CHERIE HEARTS No.1 International Kindergarten of Qingdao (xīn jiā pō tóng xīn guó jì qīng dǎo dì yī yòu ér yuán tóng xīn guó jì) 232 Songling Lu, Laoshan District =wifi Check for menu, images, qr code, social networks and more...

(Inside Qingdao Chengtou International Education Park) (6889-8555 / 8889) 新加坡 童心国际青岛第一幼儿园童心国际 青岛市崂山区 松 岭路232号 青岛城投教育园 Little Harvard Bilingual Kindergarten (xiǎo hā fó shuāng yǔ yòu ér yuán) 7 Yangkou Lu (8386-0526) 小哈 佛双语幼儿园 仰口路7号 Montessori Children’s House at QAIS (qīng dǎo měi yà guó jì xué xiào méng tè suǒ lì ér tong zhī jiā) 68 Shandongtou Lu (8388-9900), 青岛美亚国际学校 蒙特梭 利儿童之家 山东头路68号 PKU College Qingdao Tianxi International Perschool (běi dà gōng xué qīng dǎo tiān xǐ guó jì yòu ér yuán) 1 Donghai Dong Lu ( 6806-2777) 北大公学青岛天玺国际 幼儿园 东海东路1号 Qingdao Ivy Kindergarten (qīng dǎo cháng chūn téng yòu ér yuán) 3 Hailong Lu (inside Jianfei Garden) (88708997, 8277-6908) 青岛常春藤幼儿园 海龙路3号

Music Schools 音乐学校 Baby Mozat Music School (xiǎo xiǎo mò zhā tè yīn lè guǎn) 109 Yanji Lu (8501-7918) 小小莫扎特音乐馆 延 吉路109号 Classic Guitar Training (gǔ diǎn jí tā péi xùn) 8 Zhangping Lu (139 6396-1061) 古典吉他培训 漳平 路8号 Jiawentang Guqin Club (jiā wén tang gǔ qín shè) Room.201, unit 2, bldg.1, Tianlin Gardan, 2 Donghai Xi Lu (8382-6339) 嘉文堂古琴社 市南区东海西路2号 天林 花园1号楼2单元201室

Private School 私立学校

yī yuàn) 16 Jiangsu Lu (8291-1847) 青岛大学医学院附

属医院 江苏路16号 Chamshan Int’l Medica Centre Huangdao Branch (Julia Clinic) (zhàn shān guó jì yī liáo zhōng xīn huáng dǎo fèn bù) Rm101, Unit1, Bldg 2, Haiwan Xincheng, 118 Wuyishan Lu (185 6397-9229 EN) 湛山国际医疗中心黄 岛分部(朱丽娅诊所) 武夷山路118号海湾新城2号 楼1单元101

Dental Clinics 齿科 David Dental Clinic (dài wèi chĭ kē) Kaixuan Jiayuan, 1-20 Xianxialing Lu (Behind Beer City) (8896-0913) 戴卫 齿科 仙霞岭路1-20号 凯旋家园 F3-1A Binhai Garden (May 4th Square) (8572-1822) 滨海花园F3-1A Gentle Dental (zhēn zǐ chǐ kē) 3-10 Maidao Lu (88602820, 8588-1055, 138 5423-2410 EN), 真予齿科 麦岛路3-10号 Leaders Dental Clinic (ruì dé kǒu qiāng) 4 Donghai Zhong Lu, intersecting Yan’er Dao Lu (8069-0275/80778666) 瑞德口腔 东海中路4号 (燕儿岛路与东海中路 交界) 聿明口腔国际部

Surgery Clinics 医学美容 Evercare Qingdao Cosmetic Surgery Hospital (qīng dǎo yī měi ěr zhěng xíng yī yuàn) 20 Xianggang Xi Lu (8378-6188) 青岛伊美尔整形医院 香港西路20号 Sino-kor (International) Medical Aesthetic Hospital (qīng dǎo huá hán zhěng xíng yī yuàn) 101 Yan’an San Lu (6888-8899; 400-7089-500) 青岛华韩整形医院 延安 三路101号 Tian Bei Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery (tián bèi měi róng yī xué zhōng xīn) 203 Minjiang Lu (8077-7792) 田蓓美容 医学中心 闽江路203号

Qingdao Laoshan New Century School (qīng dǎo láo shān xīn shì jì xué xiào) 232 Songling Lu (6889-8898) 青 岛崂山新世纪学校 松岭路232号

Medical 医疗 Hospitals 医院 Bellaire Medical Centre (bèi lì ěr yī liáo zhōng xīn) Bldg. 49, Silver Garden, 1 Zhanghua Lu (8111-7118) 贝利 尔医疗中心 彰化路1号 银都花园49座 Cham Shan Int’l Medical Centre (zhàn shān guó jì yī liáo zhōng xīn) Rm.102, Bldg.C, 25 Donghai 1 Lu (inside Cham Shan Sanatorium) (131 6501-3251 EN/JP, 136 26399601) 湛山国际医疗中心 东海一路25号C楼102室 International Clinic of Qingdao Municipal Hospital (East) (shì lì yī yuàn dōng yuàn qū guó jì mén zhěn) Not open on Sundays, 5 Donghai Zhong Lu (8593-7690 ext.2266) 市立医院东院区国际门诊 东海西路5号 Qingdao United Family Hospital (qīng dǎo hé mù jiā yī yuàn) Shilaoren Community, 319 Hongkong East Road, Laoshan District (4008-919191, www. 青岛和 睦家医院 崂山区香港东路319号石老人社区 Qingdao Municipal Hospital (qīng dǎo shì lì yī yuàn) 1 Jiaozhou Lu (8282-6313) 青岛市立医院 胶州路1号 Qingdao Women & Infants Hospital Int’l Medical Center (qīng dǎo fù yīng yī yuàn guó jì yī liáo zhōng xīn) 19 Zhongshan Lu (183 0648-6522) 青岛妇婴医院国际医 疗中心 中山路19号 Qingdao United Family Hospital (qīng dǎo hé mù jiā yī yuàn) Shilaoren Community, 319 Hongkong East Road, Laoshan District (4008-919191, www. 青岛和 睦家医院 崂山区香港东路319号石老人社区 Qi Lu Hospital (qí lǔ yī yuàn ) 758 Hefei Lu (96599) 齐鲁 医院 合肥路758号 The Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University Medical College (qīng dǎo dà xué yī xué yuàn fù shǔ =english menu

Services 服务 Automotive Services 汽修 Grease Monkey (yóu hóu qì chē kuài xiū) 136 Yinchuan Xi Lu, Qingdao(8501-9111) 青岛市银川西路136号 369 Hefei Lu, Qingdao(8598-1916) 青岛市合肥路369号 Haibin Nan Lu, Economic development area, Weihai (06315967686) 威海市经济开发区海滨南路 Guanhai Lu (opp. AEON), Laishan District, Yantai (0535-6883711) 烟台市莱 山区观海路(永旺对面)

Banking 银行 Agricultural Bank of China (nóng yè yín háng) (95599) 农业银行 Bank of China (zhōng guó yín háng) (95566) 中国银行 Bank of Communications (jiāo tōng yín háng) (95559) 交通银行 Bank of East Asia (dōng yà yín háng) (800 830-3811) 东亚银行 China Everbright Bank (zhōng guó guāng dà yín háng) (95595) 中国光大银行 Citi Bank (huā qí yín háng) (800 830-1880) 花旗银行 Construction Bank of China (zhōng guó jiàn shè yín

háng) (95533) 中国建设银行

Guangdong Development Bank (guǎng dōng fā zhǎn

yín háng) (95508) 广东发展银行

HSBC (huì fēng yín háng) (800 830-2880) 汇丰银 行 8F, Crowne Plaza Qingdao, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8578-2828) 香港中路76号颐中皇冠假日酒店8层 1F, 46 Nanjing Lu (8097-6688) 南京路46号1层 1F, 87 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8097-3888) 香港中路87号1层 Hua Xia Bank (huá xià yín háng) (95577) 华夏银行 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (zhōng guó gōng shāng yín háng) (95588) 中国工商银行

Merchants Bank of China (zhāo shāng yín háng) (95555) 招商银行 Standard Chartered Bank (zhā dǎ yín háng) (800 8208088) 渣打银行 1F, Crowne Plaza Qingdao (8097-3118, 8092-7138) 青岛颐中皇冠假日酒店首层商铺区域F1 A-D, F-H, 35F, Sunnyworld Cyberport, 40 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8667-8666, 8677-2766) 香港中路40号数码港旗舰 大厦35层A-D, F-H Rm.105, 10 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6670-7388, 6670-7399) 香港中路10号105户

Car Rental 租车 Qingdao Expat Service Centre - One Stop Service (80806832, 136 8769-7428 24Hr) Email:,

Business 商务 InternChina (guó jì shāng wù jiāo liú zhōng xīn) 16A, Bldg 3, Jindu Garden, 37 Donghai Xi Lu (8667-5167, 86675168) 国际商务交流中心 东海西路37号金都花园C 座16楼A室 Qingdao CCPIT (qīng dǎo shì mào yì cù jìn wěi yuán huì) Rm.403, 121 Yan An San Lu (8389-7995) 青岛市贸易 促进委员会 延安三路121号403室 ReSource Pro (yōu chuàng (qīng dǎo) shù jù jì shù yǒu xiàn gōng sī) 1F, Bldg.12B, Qingdao Software Park, 288 Nanjing Lu (8666-7551) 优创(青岛)数据技术有限公司 宁夏路288号 青岛软件园12号楼B座1层

Legal 法律 QILU (Qingdao) Law Firm (qí lǔ lǜ shī shì wù suǒ) Bldg. 6, 87 Donghai Dong Lu (8162-7762) qiluqd@qilulawyer. com 齐鲁(青岛)律师事务所 东海东路87号6号楼 Qingtai Law Firm (shān dōng qīng tài lǜ shī shì wù suǒ) 8F Kaixuan Business Centre, 256 Haikou Lu (88979717/158-6687-9695, Lawyer Zhang Qing/zhangqing@ 山东清泰律师事务 所 青岛市海口路265号凯旋商务中心8层 Shandong Hsinten Law Firm (shān dōng xīng tián lǜ shī shì wù suǒ) 9F, New World Plaza, 9 Fuzhou Nan Lu (8587-8469) 山东兴田律师事务所 福 州南路9号新世界大厦9层 You Hua Law Firm (shān dōng yǒu huá lǜ shī shì wù suǒ) 2F, Ruina Kangdu, 69 Haimen Lu (Beside Shangri-La Hotel) (8866-2999, 139 0648-4720) 山东友华律师事务所 海门路69号瑞纳康都2层

Visas 签证 Qingdao Huanyu Jinqiao Enterprise Management Consulting CO,.LTD (huán yǔ jīn qiáo qiān zhèng qǐ guǎn zī xún yǒu xiàn gōng sī) E-mail:, wechat: HR101121. 电子 邮箱;公共微信 号:HR101121。Rm 2102, Bldg 1, 286 Ningxia Lu (8585-6605) 环宇金桥签证企管咨询有限公司 宁夏路 286号软件园1号楼2102室

Consultancy 咨询 Dezan Shira & Associates (xié lì guǎn lǐ zī xún) Rm 2307, 23F Bldg A, Central International Plaza, 19 Zhangzhou Er Lu (6677-5461) 协 力管理咨询 漳州二路19号 中环国际广场A座23层 2307房间 GER-LIN Consulting (gé lín zī xún qīng dǎo yǒu xiàn gōng sī) Rm. 612, 6F, Jinguang Mansion, 56 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8597-9039) 格林咨询青岛有限公司 香港中 路56号 金光大厦6层612 JHT Business Consulting Co., Ltd (jīn huì tōng shāng wù zī xún yǒu xiàn gōng sī) 4F Crowne Plaza Qingdao, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6688-6599; 138 5325-6997 EN) 金汇 通商务咨询有限公司 香港中路76号 青岛颐中皇冠 假日酒店404室 HANRONG Consulting (hàn róng zī xún)

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LISTINGS 信息, 汉 荣咨询有限公司 InternChina (guó jì shāng wù jiāo liú zhōng xīn) 16A, Bldg 3, Jindu Garden, 37 Donghai Xi Lu (8667-5167, 86675168) 国际商务交流中心 东海西路37号金都花园C 座16楼A室 Qingdao Overseas Exit-Entry Services Centre (qīng dǎo hǎi wài chū rù jìng fú wù zhōng xīn) 12F, He’an Mansion, 117 Yan’an San Lu (8579-1888) 青岛海外出入境 服务中心 延安三路117号和安大厦12层 Qingdao Overseas Investment Service Centre (qīng dǎo shì wài shāng tóu zī fú wù zhōng xīn) 19F, Huaren Int’l Mansion, 2 (Jia) Shandong Lu (8197-8622) 青岛市外 商投资服务中心 山东路2号甲 华人国际大厦19层 SEN-CONSULT (qīng dǎo sēn yì shāng wù zī xún yǒu xiàn gōng sī) Rm 2006, Bldg 1, Software Park, 288 Ningxia Lu (8502-8585) 青岛森奕商务咨询有限公司 宁夏路 288号软件园1号楼2006

Community 社交 Qingdao Global Bridge Cultural & Educational

Xianggang Zhong Lu (Tel 8579-5800 Fax 8579-5801) www. 仲量联行 香港中路59号 青岛 国际金融中心22A

Logistics 物流 Cargo Competence International Logistics Co., Ltd (qīng dǎo huá shì dá guó jì wù liú yǒu xiàn gōng sī) tel: (0532) 8508-2906 Frank Wang: 136 9869-8037 Tracy Sun: 139 6488-2307 tracy@ 青岛华世达国际物流有限公司 DSL Qingdao Worldwide Mover (dà xīng wù liú) Rm. 1101, Bldg. 8, 21 Haier Lu (Paul Paik: 133 2500-7300) 大星 物流 海尔路21号世纪华庭8号楼1101室 Fedex Express (lián bāng kuài dì) Bldg. B, 171 Huaian Lu (International hotline: +800-988-1888, Domestic hotline: +400-889-1888) 联邦快递 淮安路171号B座 SF Express (shùn fēng sù yùn) (95338) 顺丰速运

Organisations 组织 Qingdao International Christian Fellowship Intercontinental Hotel, 3rd Floor, Auditorium,

98 Ao’men Lu, Near the Olympic Sailing Centre www.qicf. org, Qingdao Sime Intl. Culture Company(Offers wedding photo packages to South Korea) (qīng dǎo xī měi guó jì wén huà jiāo liú yǒu xiàn gōng sī ) bldg 3, creative 100, 100 Nanjing Lu. (8285-8888)青岛西美国际文化交流有 限公司(赴韩蜜月旅行婚纱照拍摄)青岛南京路100 号创意100产业园3号楼

Web Design 网站设计 REDSTAR Works Rm.401, Bldg.3, Creative 100, 100 Nanjing Lu (8388-2269, 8097-0521) www.redstarworks. com 红星时代文化传播有限公司 南京路100号 创意 100产业园3号楼401室

Translation 翻译 REDSTAR Works Rm.401, Bldg.3, Creative 100, 100 Nanjing Lu (8388-2269, 8097-0521) www.redstarworks. com 红星时代文化传播有限公司 南京路100号 创意 100产业园3号楼401室

Exchange Services (qīng dǎo huán yǔ qiáo guó jì wén huà jiào yù jiāo liú fúwù yǒu xiàn gōng sī) 30-E, Bldg. B, 37 Donghai Xi lu (8668-1224, 139 0642-3247) 青岛环 宇桥国际文化教育交流服务有限公司 东海西路37 号 B座30—E Qingdao International Community Centre (qīng dǎo guó jì jiāo liú zhōng xīn) South entrance at 16 Donghai Xi Lu, Floor 5 (8388-7176) 青岛国际交流中心 东海西路 16号南门5楼

Decoration 装饰 Crystal Creation Decoration (jīng chéng zhuāng shì) 19F, Fulin Mansion, 87 Fuzhou Nan Lu (8210-7089) 晶城装 饰 福州南路87号 福林大厦19层 Glamor Interior Design Studio (xuān yán shì nèi shè jì shè) Rm.602, Unit2, Bldg1, 87 Hai’er Lu (6770-3566) 宣言 室内设计社 海尔路87号1-2-602 Yezhifeng Decoration Company (yè zhī fēng zhuāng shì yǒu xiàn gōng sī ) 153 Minjiang Lu (6606-0193) 业之 峰装饰有限公司 闽江路153号

Training 培训 Captivate Training and Consulting (kǎi tài ěr yīng guó péi xùn gōng sī) Website:; E-mail:; Rm 419, Bldg 2, Art & Technology Center, 63 Haier Lu (5557-9498) 凯泰尔(英 国)培训公司 海尔路63号数码科技中心2楼419室

Real Estate 房产 J & M Realty (shèng jiā bù dòng chǎn). Bldg. B, 204B, World Trade Centre, 6 Xianggang Zhong Lu (83889232, 8591-9859) Mobile:139 5322-7352(English) 137 8069-5932Japanese Email: 杰可不 动产 香港中路6号 世贸中心B座204B My Home (Kichoo) Real Estate (jí zhào bú dòng chǎn) Room 101.Building 18 Yindu Mansion,1 Zhanghua Lu and Unit 1, Building 2,16 Fuzhou Nan Lu. 130 6149-5870 (ENG) 136 6886-1547 (CHN) kichoo_55@163. com 彰化路1号银都花园18号楼101 福州南路16号 甲 2号楼1单元 Bencer Project Management Representative Office 10F, Sunshine Tower, 61 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8886-2931, 152 5324-9298 Fax: 8077-5012) 香港中 路61号 阳光大厦10层 Century 21 Ao Men Shop (21 shì jì bù dòng chǎn qīng dǎo jīn dū jiā méng diàn ào mén lù diàn) 136 Ao’men Lu 8080-3232, 135 0542-2099 21世纪不动产青岛金都加盟 店澳门路店 澳门路136号 Jones Lang LaSalle Qingdao Office (zhòng liàng lián háng) Suite 22A, Qingdao International Finance Centre, 59 =english menu


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