Press Release: Xing Yi (Hsing I) Kung Fu for Success Re-Launched and Reloaded

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Press Release: Xing Yi (Hsing I) Kung Fu for Success ReLaunched and Reloaded Peninsula Plaza, Singapore -- (ReleaseWire) -- 12/04/2014 -- Revisions to a newly-launched Xing Yi (Hsing I) Kung Fu book is set to make the book a complete guide to those who desire success and personal achievement. Entitled 'Xing Yi (Hsing I) Kung Fu for Success', the book encapsulates all that the author understands about the art, and its effectiveness as a catalyst in one's pursuit for success. Written by a Chinese Singaporean who has practised the art for over 2 years, Xing Yi (Hsing I) Kung Fu for Success is an introduction to the internal martial art, as well as a distillation of the best lessons that one can derive from the system. When asked about his reasons for writing the book, Lin-Cher Lee, 42 and author of the book, had this to say: "When people think about Chinese kung fu, they think of legendary martial artists in the likes of Bruce Lee and Jet Li. What many people don't understand is that martial arts is a system of success that anyone can take and apply into any area of their lives." But unlike any other practice, Xingyiquan (Hsing I Ch'uan) is a system that comes with its own lineage, beliefs and drills that go way back into history, the practice of which will imbibe in the student a strong core that is calibrated for success. To read more about the book, visit The book was first launched in September 2014 on, but within less than a month of the launch, the book was revised to incorporate elements that were previously missing in the book. "As an internal martial art, Xingyiquan (Hsing I Ch'uan) is very Yang (positive, masculine) in nature. Its emphasis on action and moving in straight for the 'kill' is a metaphor for how you and I can overcome obstacles and achieve success in our lives." According to Lee, the original book – which was very Yang by nature and consistent with the essence of Xingyiquan (Hsing I Ch'uan) – had to be revised to allow for some Yin elements to make it a more complete book. "There are tangible elements that we can work on, and there are intangible elements that we have to account for. As a Xingyiquan (Hsing I Ch'uan) book with a focuson success and selfimprovement, this book has to have a right balance between Yin and Yang in order for the reader to achieve maximum mileage from the book." Members of the public interested to know more about the book can visit the author's blog at About is the blog of Lin-Cher Lee, an author, content creator, publishing consultant and ex-teacher who has spent the bulk of his life pursuing understanding of the Eastern arts and paths. Effectively bilingual in the English and Chinese language, Lee brings to life the essence of Xingyiquan (Hsing I Ch'uan) through his humorous – often irreverent – interpretation of historical events, practices and personalities within the art in his book, Xing Yi (Hsing I) Kung Fu for Success.

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Press Release: Xing Yi (Hsing I) Kung Fu for Success Re-Launched and Reloaded by GMSPL Pte Ltd - Issuu