Reflection Issue IV

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SEPT 2016 | Issue IV



Letter from the Editor Mission statement Reflection Magazine is a publication aimed at revolutionizing women’s self-sense of beauty in their reflection. We advocate for confidence in every individual’s unique style and aesthetic. Through our distinctive view and portrayal of fashion and beauty, inside and out, we promote the celebration of young, undiscovered talent in clothing design, while steering away from the conventional notions that are currently placed in the fashion industry. We strive to be a contribution to the day when women will look in the mirror and not feel the need to compare themselves to an impossible, edited, and unrealistic image of perfection. Instead, they will appreciate the glamor and elegance they possess in their own expression of style. Paul Andrews Publisher

Hello readers! Its been a busy month putting together this beautiful Fourth edition! There’s a treat in store for you with this one. Our design based issue features talented designers from around the globe including our featured NYC based designer KENCHEN, empowering real life story’s, articles about staying stylish and thought provoking opinions. As Fall approaches we, fashion forward individuals, look for the newest looks to spice up life with there pumpkin spice latte. Boots and jackets are nothing new BUT can make a real impact and can be something to look into when picking staples for your wardrobe. I love pairing my 2 inch Cuban heel with a pair of fitting pants and jacket. Just throw on a pair of shades and your ready to rock the streets. Want something a little simpler? A loose boot (my favorite from Steve Madden) and my simple bomber olive jacket from KENCHEN with a black tee and dark tight pants and you can go to the trendiest restaurant to a night out with the girls. These looks are so simple and genderless! Also consider thrifting for amazing deals and interesting statement pieces i have this denim jacket from the 1970s that just cannot match a jacket you find in Macy’s today! Have a Beautiful and Inspiring day and everyday following!

Joe Klaus


Reflection Magazine | Sep 2016



Cover Artwork

Exective Editor

Contributing Writers


Joe D’ambrosi

Art Directors Joe Klaus Nazir Abbas

Managing Editor Joe Klaus

Associate Features Editor Aleta Love

Graphic Artists Joe Klaus Nazir Abbas Virginia deGuzman Anthony Belizaire Anthony Anastasiou Winkie

Media Correspondant Richard Brooks

Scatto Savit

Aleta Love Chloe Hines Olivia Jannuzzi Rose Marie Colucci Jacinta Liu Caitlin Santomauro Germina Paola Dela Cruz Catherine Provenzano Nadia Bercovich Sara Kate Egan Shoruk Khaddour Prangthong Srirungthum Edwin Allan Diaz Paulina Gueorguieva Virginia deGuzman Ellie Wainaina Ana Ionita Colleen Cracchila

Nazir Abbas


Copyright Information Reflection Magazine (ISSN 1931 – 5295) is published monthly by UA Media, Inc., 24 Woodbine Avenue, Northport, New York, 11768. All contents copyright 2016 by UA Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction or use in whole o rpart of the content without the prior written consent of UA Media, Inc. is strictly prohibited. All logos and trademarks are the properties of their respective owners. Although the writers and the publisher have exhaustively researched all sources to ensure the accuracy and the completeness of the information contained in this publication, we assume no responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or any inconsistency herein. The opinions expressed in all materials are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of UA Media, Inc. or Reflection Magazine. Printed in the United States of America.

Photographers Nazir Abbas Kevin Sperando

Thank you to our internet sources for other images used throughout this publication

Social Media Virginia deGuzman


Paul Andrews


Contents of this issue SEPT 2016 | Issue IV

Feature Designer KENCHEN

Featured Designers


Rosenthal Tee

44 8

24 Holly Slayton

Reflection Magazine | Sep 2016

August Getty


34 Anne Maniego



n a t u ra l e y e l i n e r Sofiya is a natural eyeliner made out of rocks. It has been used in Central Asia for centuries. Sofiya will be launched in the United States soon.

W W W. S O F I YA E Y E L I N E R . C O M

email: IG: Sofiyaeyeliner


32 Letter from the Feminist

62 70

The Silent Pains of Recurrent Miscarriage Style and Fashion: Comfortable Stylish Shoes

Bomber jackets the Bomb this season


Contents of this issue

As Seen Through Blue Eyes: Part four


Reflection Magazine | Sep 2016

74 When is enough enough? photos coutesy of:




Joseph Li

Featured Designer

Germina Dela Cruz


Reflection Magazine | Sep 2016


anila’s rising young

business was challenging as fashion

together, but rather it’s the control

fashion designer,

is a competitive industry. Realizing

in balancing all these aspects that I

Rosenthal Tee

that it’s not all roses when starting a

believe is now becoming synonymous

highlights minimalists

business, she kept hustling regardless

to the label.”

and laidback

of the hard work and at last the door

aesthetics combined

of opportunities finally opened to

Rosenthal portfolio’s doesn’t just

with sophistication. From her travels

her. She quoted saying in one of her

end there. She is also a part-time

around the world, her pieces

interview with, “It takes

faculty member of the School of

are heavily inspired with cultural

courage, confidence in yourself, and

Fashion and the Arts Manila teaching

influences and with the spirit of her

a family that believes in your talent to

aspiring young fashion designers.


get yourself into the most important

I’ll always remember what she said

fashion platform in the world.”

when I had a chance to attend one

While having finished a Bachelors

of her talks, she proclaimed that as a

degree in Management Economics

Just recently, she’s included at

from Ateneo de Manila University,

the rosters of designers to showcase

there and always practice humility

she chose to follow a creative track

designs in the prestigious New York

wherever you go. Rosenthal might be

instead of working in the corporate

Fashion Week. Her collection is

young, but she’s not shying away to

world. After her graduation, she

inspired by retroVogue patterns but

take the world by storm.

studied in Instituto Marangoni

still maintains her signature feminine

London and earned a Masters

touch. Timeless pieces as its core but

Check her pieces at

Degree in Fashion Design Women’s

with a modern twist such as off the

wear. Additionally, she also took up

shoulder, ruffles and bright colors.

various certificates from the London

According to her, this is her time

College of Fashion and Central St.

to demonstrate her capability as a

Martins College of Art and Design.

designer that she’s not only good

Izmaylova, Kinder Aggugini , Mich

at evening wear but everyday wear

Dulce and Burberry are among

as well. Fine tailoring, remarkable

the few labels that she had worked

beadworks with minimalist approach

for. When asked in an interview

are evident in her pieces.

designer you need to put yourself out

with Angela Go from Preen Inquirer Not only is she good at

said, “London taught me how to be

evening and everyday wear, but

a collaborator; as a visual, the city is

she also offers bridal pieces. Her

so vibrant with different fashions and

wedding gowns featured details

cultures that definitely give you an

with tantalizing beads, intricate

appreciation to explore.”

embroidery and 3d appliqué.

about her experience in London, she

Although, working in the wedding With numerous training, she went

industry is only by pure chance, she

back to Manila hoping to establish

feels that making gowns for brides is

her label on her very own. At first

now becoming one of her fields.

her plan was to cater to the cool kids of Manila or the so called

When Angela Go asked her about

millennials, however this plan didn’t

her label, she states, “It’s not just a

work out the way she wanted it to.

matter of slapping on embellishment

She admitted that the first year of her

and expecting a piece to look put-




Reflection Magazine | Sep 2016


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Reflection Magazine | Sep 2016


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As Seen Through Blue Eyes



he past two weeks have been nothing but a whirlwind of worry. It began very subtly. My mom started hanging out with this guy who she started to develop feelings for, but I knew he had a past history of drug abuse. Of course, I don’t want to judge the way a person is now, based on their past, because I do believe that people do change. Unfortunately, some people do not change, and judgments are there for a reason. I had a sinking suspicion that codependency was in the works when my mom would go pick him up and they would have a weekend of binge drinking entire bottles of liquor a day. But, he would go back to where he lives and we wouldn’t see him for two weeks at a time. I was concerned, but I was not about to try to control any one else’s life but my own because I knew I had a hard enough time keeping my shit together. It wasn’t until his staying at our house became unwelcome. I started to notice that he was wearing the same clothes for days straight and they barely left my mothers room. By day 5, something was wrong. This was not normal. My mother would come out of the room and ask me the same question five times in a


Reflection Magazine | Sep 2016

row, not remembering each time that she had asked me that question a minute ago. Now, I’m not a moron. So I know that something fucked up was going on when they were both in the bathroom together, and the water was not on. They were using the exhaust fan because they were smoking. Now, I do feel like a moron for not catching on sooner that my mom was smoking crack. But I had never been around crack to ever know. She has been a long time alcoholic of 10 years now, but I never imagined that my mother at 52 years of age would ever devalue herself to that level. I never imagined how selfish a drug user could be, him not giving a single fuck that he was destroying someone who is a mother and has kids and a family, just so he has a playmate to get high with. My roommate was the one whose dad used to smoke crack, so he knew exactly what the smell was. But, by this point they had binged for five days in a row and it became evident that the paranoia and the irritability were making both of them extremely hostile. I begged my landlord to get rid of him and if it did not happen soon I would call the police having them physically removed. He didn’t want the neighbors to think we were pieces of scum by having the police show up, and I

Lying awake in the time between late night and early morning and you can’t differentiate between the

could understand, but at this point I was sleeping with a bat underneath by bed because I was honestly too scared to be in my house. I went out to her car the next morning only to find a crowbar and various other tools to break into things scattered on the front floor. At this point I knew we needed a plan to save my mom. But by the time we got her to make him leave, she decided to disappear too. A few days went by and I grew more and more worried. It got to the point where I decided to go out and find her; I couldn’t sit around and just wait for a phone call that she was dead somewhere. I hit up a bunch of ex addicts to ask about various spots where crack heads go for drugs. The main spots were obviously in the worst areas of Long Island: Northport Train Station, Huntington Station, Brentwood, and Wyandanch. I drove around the ghettos all night searching for her car. I searched the local bars she would frequent; I spoke to anyone and everyone. I spoke to the cops. I found out that unless someone was committing murder or suicide they were not allowed to ping someone’s phone. I felt useless and frustrated. I knew that time was slipping by and the more time passed the deeper into that realm she will go and the harder it would be to snatch her out. She eventually came back home when she got wind that my uncle drove all the way from D.C to find her. When I finally saw her she looked as if she had aged ten years in a matter of days. Her one eye was completely bloodshot, the way you only see it when there is blunt force trauma. All she could say was that her glasses must have hit her eye. I know we’ll never know exactly what happened because she may not have even remembered what happened. But

two are the times when loneliness seeps in, and so, I would turn to stories of people who have felt such strange and bizarre things as I have. Now it is my turn to give back, because we all need to make a mark, a stain, something...before we are pushed aside for a younger, fresher perspective. I want you to know that if you really think about it, you have survived everything you have gone through. You will be ok.

as someone who works with animals, I know what trauma to the eye looks like when I see it. After a couple of hours of a family intervention, she finally succumbed and agreed to go to the hospital to detox. She still won’t thank me. But that’s okay because everyone else thanked me for taking the initiative to call my uncle, to call rehabs, to reach out to anyone and everyone for help. I had helped save her. It was exhausting. My work life took a hit and I wasn’t taking care of myself because I was so consumed by worry. But now, knowing she is safe and in the hospital I could finally get back to my life. I am worried how we’re going to make rent because she helped contribute and now that she will be going away, paying bills will consume me for awhile until she gets healthy but I know as long as my makeshift family sticks together we should be able to survive. This taught me that no matter how much you want to go at life alone, it is immensely hard to survive alone. It makes sense why people build tribes, because it’s easier when you’re all in it together. I feel that in the past two weeks I have aged as a person, but its okay because I see people who I used to call my friends, and I can now see how young they really are on the inside. I no longer want to surround myself with those kinds of people. I want to be around people that I know can take a few hits and get back up and survive. I can’t tolerate weakness from others because I don’t tolerate it from myself anymore. If this year has taught me anything it has shown me to practice staying strong. It is 1,000 times harder to build yourself back up after destruction than it is to just remain staying strong. Stay strong. You may just save a life.



lue Eyes is my pen name for the right to be extremely honest and open with a variety of subjects and ideas, without jeopardizing my identity. I am writing to you because in times of great stress and great problems many of us seek the comfort of words and thoughts of people who have been there before.

Featured Designer




By: Aleta Love


Up and Coming D E S I G N E R T o Watch for IN 2016


Reflection Magazine | Sep 2016


p and coming Designer August Getty is a forced to be recognized with in the fashion world, in the year 2016. Breaking in new designer has came in with a bang, with his delicate yet, statement filled design patterns.

Growing up August Getty gave an interesting portal into the world of Art teamed with fashion . His guidelines with his designs were fashion and fantasy. By the age of five, August had created his very own world of creations. His pieces channel a storytelling eye catching design.His muse was his sister, Natalia who inspired him to create such timeless creations. Another inspiration of his is Judy Garland and his mother’s couture style which he loved. A young oil scion gets into the fashion game making a statement. Born and raised in England he also spent his teenage years in his family’s gardens, where he’d sketch his ideas, and designers based the structure of the flowers. The pieces that were produced has a flower pedaled drape look that is shown at his debut of his first fashion show of 2015. Getty, 20, who is based now in Los Angeles, was homeschooled since the age of 16, and when it comes to fashion, he taught himself everything. He gets a lot of his information from the Internet, where he obsessively researches his muses and next idea. After years of hard work and preparation, for him it was time and he was ready to introduce himself and his Spring Summer 2015 collection to the fashion industry. He and his show were a mouth dropping, wooing celebrities like Whoopi Goldberg, Perez Hilton, Andi Muise and Barron Hilton. The August Getty atelier is now a designer to watch.

For the grandson of the late great John Paul Getty Jr., fashion goes back generations. Newly designer August Getty staged his first show at Lincoln Center in New York in September, which was followed by a over-the-top celebration party at The Pierre (once owned by his great-grandfather) that treated guests to glittercovered cotton candy. With a sense of style and an intimate relationship with luxury, Getty is aiming to become Los Angeles’ next fashion darling.

The dim color palette of this collection that began at first between blacks and whites, took an unexpected change when colors like lavender, rose color shades and the use of lace, transparencies and organic-patterned metallic sequins began to hit the runway. Making a even bigger statement on evening gowns and short dresses, Getty paired his designs with leather material, silk chiffon and French custom-made lace.


His new fashion line is already wore by celebrities such as Taylor Swift, Beyoncé, and Madonna have recently showcased his iconic designs at different events. Scarlett Johansson, Sophia Loren, and Boy George is just a few names of celebrities he has his eyes on to dress next. When asked in an interview with Brad Hammer what he likes to wear, he states “I buy most of my things from eBay. I like vintage and really worn-in pieces. I mix Givenchy with old Doc Martens and an Iron Maiden T-shirt from the ’80s. I love a leather sweatpant, and I’m also a big sunglass collector. I buy a lot of my eyewear from Jack’s on La Brea.” As well as talking about his early childhood when he found an interest in the fashion world. Brad Hammer asked him when this started for him, Getty replied: “I used to dress up metal forks by making gowns out of napkins,” he laughs and takes another drag. “I also would cut up my mom’s silk shoe bags and make couture gowns for Barbie dolls.” I smile at this and tell August that my father was never very happy when I would play with Barbie’s. Find these amazing pieces by following him on Instagram: augustgetty_ Website:


Reflection Magazine | Sep 2016


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Reflection Magazine | Sep 2016

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Reflection Magazine | Sep 2016


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A Letter for the Feminist

Dear anyone who is not a feminist and, or is too afraid to claim to be a feminist, Allow me to clarify a few things about feminists. We are not trying to take over the world and we are not asking for too much. Anyone who tells you otherwise does not understand what feminism is. So what is feminism you may ask? Feminism is the notion that women are equals to men. That we’re able to accomplish the same tasks and frankly are able to choose what it is we as individuals want to do with our lives. “We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal. And when I meet Thomas Jefferson, Imma compel him to include women in the sequel!”

These words are famously sung by Angelica Schuyler (currently played by Renée Elise Goldsberry) in Lin Manuel Miranda’s Broadway hit; Hamilton. Back in the 1700’s maybe it was considered intense or insane to think this way, but certainly it shouldn’t be now in 2016. The fact of the matter is that women have only had the right to vote since 1920 when the 19th Amendment was ratified. Now that seems insane, but we never would have gotten that right if the women of that era never ditched the corsets and put on those risque, boyish, flapper dresses. Women have spent decades working, no fighting to get us where we are now. And just because we have come this far does not mean that we can’t go farther. The truth is women still aren’t equal. I am fortunate enough to live in New York, a rather liberal state that doesn’t restrict women on their accessibility to healthcare. A state that also has rape laws in place and considers it to be a B rate felony. But this isn’t true in every state. In fact healthcare for women maybe one of the biggest issues right now. There are several states that make it nearly impossible for women to get birth control or an abortion. But do you know how easy it is for your husband to get Viagra? He just has to ask his doctor. There are no laws that are going to prevent him or make him wait longer periods of time to get him medication that’s going to up his sex drive. Then in many states, young girls who are rape victims have to jump through hoops.To put it in more literal terms they have to drive to other states, spend thousands of dollars in order to get the health care they need. With a situation this serious, it’s hard to let Donald Trump’s flip flopping on policies slide. So which is it Donald? Should women get punished for getting an abortion or not? Now I understand that if you’re pro-life this is difficult to understand. It’s okay, it’s your choice to not get an abortion, but shouldn’t a rape victim be allowed to choose whether or not she wants to get an abortion? That’s a part of what feminism is, being allowed to— no, having the right to choose for yourself. Of course this isn’t the only issue we have in our society. The wage gap is

very real and you know what? It’s not just the 77¢ you hear about. That only applies to white women, and it only goes down from there. How much do women of color make off the dollar you ask? If you’re an African American woman you make 64¢ in comparison to the white man’s dollar. If you’re hispanic you make 56¢. Needless to say I’m lucky to be able to make the 77¢, but that doesn’t mean it’s right. Why can’t a dollar be a dollar? Why should it matter if you’re a man or a woman? If you’re black or white? You should be paid accordingly. If you’re doing as much work as a white man then you should be making as much as he is, not less. This is just one money issue we have to deal with. Let’s not forget about that women have to deal with the pink tax. Never heard of it? Well, it’s this little thing that makes products branded specifically for women more expensive than products branded for men. So girls, the next time you have to buy a pack of razors from the drugstore go for the big, manly, blue razors. I swear it does the same painful shave.

So follow the lead of Emma Watson and Jennifer Lawrence if you want. It’s your choice. Take off your shirts and bras because you’re tired of your breasts being sexualized or stuck inside of a metal wire contraption. Go ahead, it’s your choice. If you want to be a stay at home mom and clean all day, that’s okay. It’s your choice. You can do anything you set your mind to because it’s your choice. But we can’t stand by and watch each other struggle to get the healthcare we need or earn the wage we deserve. We have to fight for the equality we want to see. We owe it to ourselves and to the women that fought before us to get society where it is today. This is America for crying out loud, this is what we do best! Reshape the system to be what we want it to be. We have that right. We have that choice. Sincerely, a feminist Sara Mayo

I’ve talked about a lot so far, but this is just to show you that we still need feminism. Feminist don’t just stand up for women, we stand up for men who feel the social pressure to be masculine and don’t want to spend their time watching every sport on primetime. We stand for the women that weren’t born with the genitalia that matches the gender identity they have on the inside. What being a feminist means has changed since the 20’s. It’s not just for the white girls willing to show their legs from the knee down. Feminism is for people of all colors and genders, that’s why I can’t stand seeing women discredit each other. Telling each other that they aren’t feminists or that they’re too feminist. We’re all in this together for the long run. We have to build each other up, not tear each other down.

Featured Designer

Back to Basics with KENCHEN 34

Reflection Magazine | Sep 2016


inimal, adaptable, with bold details. That is how Ken Chen is approaching his Fall/Winter collection this year from fashion capital, New York City. Coming to America to attend school in 2008 from Taiwan, Ken never imagined his life would lead him to become the fashion designer he is today.

Originally attending the University of San Francisco to pursue the preforming arts, Ken focused on opera, figure Skating, and violin. Eventually his passion for design would lead him to transfer to the Academy of Art in 2012 to study fashion. Although, it was a year prior to that the KENCHEN label came to be. In 2011, with his friend’s support, he started creating his first garments and making a name for himself in San Francisco. The one thing that Ken stood by from day one was the handcrafted quality of the clothes he made. “I will not compromise the quality of my designs for quantity,” Ken said in our phone interview. “My designs are always about the quality.” A trait, instilled by his grandmother, that became a big part of the KENCHEN attitude towards design. “That is why we use hand crafted zippers from Switzerland and Italy” and “source our fabrics across Europe and America” said Chen. In the past he has also purchased overstock fabrics from high end designers, such as Armani, where he knows he can trust the standard of superior quality. “We also have been environmentally conscious since the beginning”. In an industry that was slow to follow the trend, Ken has always been paying attention to how his designs are made, where they are made and how they will make an effect, environmentally. He explained that this Is an important factor in the leather and dyes used and how much waste is produced from it.

His Fall/Winter 2016 collection is inspired by functionality and subtlety, while maintaining the urban chic style Ken is known for. He stated, “We are exploring new sizes” and “adding new colors”. He went on to explain that not all his customers fall within the small, medium, and large sizes most brands see as “standard”. So, he is also designing for both the smaller figure and the larger figures, to be tailored in a way where it’s both flattering and comfortable. However, this is not just with the women’s line, the men’s is also getting new sizes because not all men fit into the 6 foot 32 waist category like some brands tend to believe. And that’s not all that’s


new. In previous collections, they were mostly geared towards urban populations and the high fashion conscious individual, but this year, he strives to make a collection that can be worn in both New York City and small towns alike, while still providing comfort and impeccable style. When I asked him what his favorite piece in the current collection was he quickly stated “the jeans!” A seemingly unlikely contender to other pieces he explains, “they are hard to fit really well, but these seem to flatter everyone!” And explains this is achieved by “contouring to the body without being tight.” Looking toward the future, he wants KENCHEN to be the staple pieces in your closet. Go-to pieces you can’t live without, not just that one key fashion piece for certain occasions. With classic silhouettes, sharp lines, and signature details KENCHEN appeals to a large range of individuals. This year the brand is switching it up when it comes to models that lie outside the “standard”. He’s using different aged men and women from 16 to late 70s to show that more than a 25-year-old can wear his creations. To add to Kens achievements, he has participated in New York’s fashion week, has designed pieces for feature-films, and had countless articles written about him and his work by various publications. You can visit his website and store at https://www. or his social media @kenchensf to view and pre-order his F/W16 collection. As a writer I say good luck to Kens future collections, as a good friend I say he doesn’t need it. -Joe Klaus


Reflection Magazine | Sep 2016

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Reflection Magazine | Sep 2016

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Reflection Magazine | Sep 2016

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New York. London. Paris. Berlin. Milan. Hong Kong. Reflection.

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Maria Aristidi Photography

Featured Designer

Joe Klaus

A story of one brand in the once cultured East Village, New York City


olly Slayton of Artikal Handcrafted Millinery is one of the small business' that once filled the streets of the East Village, in downtown Manhattan, that sadly was pushed out due to rising rents and developers revitalizing the area to bring in chain retailers. The DC/Virginia Native has been part of the art scene in the East Village for over two decades. In our

email interview Mrs. Slayton told me that NYC used to be very influential in her work, having a lot of tools, resources for designers like herself, but unfortunately, this is no longer the case with a great number of them closing or having closed. These stores include the Infamous pearl paint with its iconic red and white exterior that was part of the community for 50 years and the New York Central Art Supply, a store many artists have used loyally since 1905: The building was just sold in 2016 and will be closed by the end of the summer.

starts prior when Holly began to peruse cosmetology in a high end Georgetown salon. Although she enjoyed making people feel beautiful as a colorist, something was missing. She taught herself to crochet and made her first hat for a close friend. With this first creation and success starting to pick up, Holly moved to New York to start her brand. After taking some time to brand herself, she said in her biography “I started my own line and selling at boutiques in the East Village. In 2002, I began to master millinery techniques and incorporated them in my line. I finally was able to get a workshop space� and “I taught my self to build a

Artikal Millinery beginnings may have started in New York but the story

website. My line was carried at more and more boutiques. I built my own online clientele and now I am shipping my hats all over the world.” When I asked her who helped influence her decision to become a designer, she stated: “I had a designer friend who made urban streetwear and women's clothing. We would hang out and make clothes. I taught him how to use a knitting machine and he taught me how to hand knit. After helping him with his business and seeing design styles I had made years before in storefront windows I decided it was finally time to launch my brand.” But this designers drive started a lot earlier then this. Holly said that she was always creating as a child and used to go with her mother to arts and craft markets, for which she still does with her own daughter. “She is 8 and spends a lot of time in my studio. I also do headband making parties for her and her friends.” Hollys favorite pieces to make are fascinators, a head piece that is worn as an alternative to a hat. She has made these pieces for the Royal wedding, Kentucky derby and royal ascot, to name a few. She stated “I have an amazing black feather fascinator that I have made that is amazing. Once you put it on it is so dramatic that it’s a show stopper!” Material wise, feathers would have to be her favorite due to their dramatic and colorful qualities . She also likes Millinery velour because it sculpts like clay. Looking at her work one would easily think 1930s a timeless classic look. In the coming future, Holly will be featuring in numerous editorials and trunk shows (sales event for showing merchandise). On top of all that she has accomplished and continues to work towards, she even teaches! She loves to pass on the craft because, as she says, it’s a lost art. She hosts bachelorette parties, where women can come make fascinators as a group and have a keep sake piece. Holly Slayton’s mission was to make people happy and feel beautiful which she will still attempt to do as she looks to relocate –– and we hope she does soon!


Reflection Magazine | Sep 2016

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Reach an audience around the globe. Advertise with us. For more information contact us at: 1.800.680.3213

Featured Cover Model Model:Shahnoz Eronshoh Photographer: Nazir Abbas Stylist: Tahmina Moukhtar

The Silent Pains of

Recurrent Miscarriag


or as long as I can remember, I had longed for a baby. As a little girl I imagined my wedding day and dreamt about my ‘knight in shining armour’. Minus the armour (and Knight status if I’m honest) I had found him 21 years after my first daydream. We had a beautiful wedding. We alsohad good jobs and some years after we were ready to become a family. That’s a normal feeling isn’t it? I’ll tell you now - ‘sexing-to-conceive’ is not the same as just plain ‘sexing’, but I digress! So in my mind, I expected to try and try and try but it just happened! My two lines appeared some two weeks later and that was it. We were shocked. Not to mention extremely excited. We marched into the ultrasound clinic on our designated date, like two proud children when they master a life skill. Looking smug and wearing a look on our faces which boasted


‘yeah we made a baby’ (because we have and were so excited to see it on the screen) to begin we sat down. The lady spread the jelly on my belly and looked at the screen as she swivelled her ultrasound joystick around. She pushed hard. A little part of me wanted to tell her to chill but I caught a glimpse of her face. Squinting at the screen, she pushed harder. The whole time she was not saying anything. Before long l knew she didn’t have to. The expression on her face spoke a thousand words. The lady herself, just said six words: I’m sorry there isn’t a heartbeat. Six slicing words that left me speechless. I broke down. For a good few months Joe and I hurt, and there was just an uneasy air around us both. I can’t quite remember how the conversation went, but some time later we both just decided to try again. The two lines appeared, and we found ourselves at the clinic, once more.

Reflection Magazine | Sep 2016

Same outcome. Again and again, seven times to be exact. Occasionally with a heartbeat at first, then nothing the next time. What’s wrong with me? Why do I fall pregnant so easily, but lose each baby before long? I racked my brain (and Google) to try and find some explanation. I was desperate. We had undergone a little over two years of tests - womb scans, countless blood tests, thyroid surveys, hormone checks, blood compatibility and even sperm testing! Everything came back normal - except for my testosterone levels being a little high (but I don’t have a beard or ‘tache so I was ok with that) so no explanation. I had gone from seeing pregnancy as joyous and exciting to a scientific misfortune. That is, after all what the doctors kept telling us. They were quite frank in declaring that 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage. So I accepted it.

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One night, we’d had a few glasses (ok, we’re British it was bottles) of wine and I broke down. I told him my fears and we spoke about the inevitable. This was the very much needed platform to discuss it in a more serious manner; and to my relief he confirmed he loved me and would be sticking around. Oh, and that he would find a way to create a family with me.

We decided we would both consider it, but not quite give up on our own just yet. But we hadn’t set a date to start trying again, we kind of just ‘lived’ for a bit and agreed we would bring it up when we felt we were able to deal with the possibility of yet another loss. A year had passed. Joe had carried on [to me seemingly] happily. Me, not so much. Every day chipped away at me. Why? I just wanted a reason. I began to question life and myself. Desperate to understand what I had done wrong or how I could behave differently in a future pregnancy, I devoted hours daily to surfing the internet, seeking similar stories, scouring through various medical research PDFs and statistics at ungodly hours of the night. I couldn’t sleep and it had totally consumed me. I started to hate myself. Then one day, I read an article about a lady who had endured 6 miscarriages. Not as much as me, but I suddenly stopped feeling so alone. And it hit me. This is not my fault. How can it be? I was coming up with all kinds of things I had done ‘wrong’ whilst pregnant like not sleeping enough, or walking too fast, or even things like being too cold and shivering (borderline crazy) but realised others were doing the same kinds of activities and not losing their babies. It wasn’t my fault, it just wasn’t possible.

Every day chipped away at me. Why? I just wanted a reason. I began to question life and myself.

We got a cat. Said cat flooded my social media like other people’s children did and definitely filled a gap. He saved me, and my emotional well-being, and I finally had the courage to discuss adoption.

My heart ached a little still when-

ever an announcement of an expected baby was made by friends, or when they were finally born. I was happy but simultaneously angry at our friends for having the one thing I longed for more than anything. I was beginning to not only lose my sanity, but myself. How could I be angry at new life? It just wasn’t me. Then I thought of the lady who I had never met but had read of her story online. She calmed me. I wished so much that I could stumble across her story again and just message her, to thank her. She rescued me. She gave me the confidence to not feel so alone, and the courage to talk about it. So I did. I told some close friends; I spoke to family and shared my story with people suffering in similar ways. The talking not only helped my emotional state, it made me feel like me again. I wasn’t the isolated individual suffering alone - I was supported by those around me. Of course there were men who understood, but the women I came across amazed me. They were not only helpful but extremely empowering. I listened to others’ similar stories in awe of their strength. I was reassured by the consistent care and worry that these women showed. It’s often said that women compete in areas of life, and are even called rivals. But on this occasion, I was able to witness unguarded versions of women, and it was this unique feminine bond that felt stronger than a ton of bricks which raised me up from my deep and dingy place. And for the first time, I saw the true nature and colossal power of women. Since then, I’ve been on a mission to share my story in hope that someone somewhere will take solace in it, and might just not feel so alone.


Some part of me was not willing to accept defeat. I was in denial. To be honest, I was slowly slipping further down my emotional scale. I had secretly considered adoption, but felt frightened to talk. Even to my husband - who was still my best friend. I’d watch him catch a glimpse of a passing pregnant woman occasionally on our trips out, and I didn’t recognise the look on his face. Was it longing? Perhaps worry? Fear (like me) of our issue driving us apart? Throughout the losses, I’d maintained resilience and didn’t really let it consume me emotionally. I’ve learned to cope with loss. The thought of losing Joe pulled on my heart strings.

I don’t want pity nor do I wish for sympathy. I just want to share my number. Seven. I fell pregnant seven times. I lost seven babies. I broke seven times. I feared that my husband would leave me for someone who can give him what I failed to give him, on seven occasions. What I didn’t mention is that after our chat, Joe and I decided we would adopt no matter what. Then I couldn’t help but think that maybe everything happens for a reason, because from that point on I had the same longing feeling for an adopted child as for a biological one. One day, when I hold my child that could’ve otherwise grown up in a children’s care centre, I’ll be thankful for my past pains, because without it, I might have never considered adoption. We have not started the process for adoption just yet, but it’s without question a plan of ours. We bought our first house a couple of years ago, and we did try to conceive naturally one more time. I thank God every day, for my beautiful little girl - the miracle that I am blessed with; and for those who kept me strong, I’m eternally grateful.

about the author Vivian Rose is a new member of the Reflection family as a “mummy bloger” From the UK. She covers personal topics for family fun time and food to the serious. She gives the dish on “The raw, honest and (often) comic realities of motherhood”. Visit for more from this talented writter!

“I am so young to jump into making my own brand without experience. It’s like jumping into an ocean full of unknown creatures. You die instantly. I’m driven but very cautious when it comes to where my money would go.”



fashion empire is exactly what Anne Maniego shows through her beautiful warrior woman collection. The colors, the boldness, and the structure shows how fierce Anne is when accomplishing her dream.

Fast-forward to now: Anne recently graduated from iACADEMY Fashion Design and Technology. Anne also attended the School of Fashion and the Arts with a certificate in Clothing Technology. Anne was ahead of her city. When she started, there were only two fashion schools available. Anne actually started with classes such as Interior Design and Hotel and Restaurant Management. Not her cup of tea, so she joined corporate before realizing her true passion is for fashion and started enrolling in the world of fashion at 28.

“Designing makes my world go round and round. It’s life. Endless. It does not stop. Once you start on concept boards, prepare for sleepless nights and countless magical ideas. I want to create collections after collections. I want a fashion empire.”

Anne Maniego grew up in a village in Cainta, a Rizal province near the capital of the Philippines, where she currently lives. At the age of five, Anne would dress up her babies with found fabric and other items. For example, a hair scrunchie would be a bubble skirt and tiny handkerchiefs would make tube tops. Soon she would learn how to crochet, a huge leap forward in learning how to design clothes for figures— even if her first clients were Barbie dolls.

“In 2012, I took a chance.”

“i said why not? It’s now or never. It was like an impulse



Reflection Magazine | Sep 2016

purchase. At first I thought I wouldn’t last a year. The journey was an adventure. And, I love adventures. I’m a thrill seeker. I don’t care if I’m the oldest person in the class. I was there to learn. It was a whirlwind. But, it was all worth it. Everything was worth it.” The Warrior Woman Collection was created during Anne’s last term at school. Picture this: mood boreds to refining to ketches to construction of garments. All done with under 3 hours of sleep a night, with 9 garments created from her mine in 3 weeks. From the bold red and black to the angular neckline and cuts, the collection shows how a woman is ready to take on the world. The collection was so successful, that it was chosen for the recent Manila Fashion Festival. Three out of the nine works were showcased.

Even if Anne started school late, it does not stop her ambition for learning more. Her future lays a successful fashion brand but first, Anne wants to study the business side of fashion as well. According to her, “Design is only ½ of the deal. I must know the business side.” Also to create a successful brand, Anne would like to learn and work under a designer for experience. Every decision is calculated, as Anne wants to make sure she has the knowledge to create her fashion empire.

cried out of joy. It was so rewarding and overwhelming at the same time. I still have Goosebumps when reminded of the show. I still haven’t gotten over it. I am very grateful.”

“After the show, I


Style&Fashion &Fashion n S o ty i le& h s a F & e l y t S S ty le & F a shion n o i h s a F & e l y t S Style&Fashion Style&Fashion a F & e l y t S Style&Fashion St Style&Fashion Style&Fashion Written By Style&Fashion n o i h Sara Mayo s a F & e l y t S Style&Fashion

n o i h s a &F

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eed to know what kicks are in for this upcoming fall season? Look no further! From the office to a night out with the girls you’ll always know what to wear! We give you the run down of what’s popping up and trending at fashion companies like TopShop and ASOS. With this list you’ll definitely be able

to find something that matches your wardrobe or makes a bold fashion statement. Anything your fashionista heart desires, we’ve got you covered.

Ankle Boots also look great with a causal, loose fitting mini dress. They show off your legs and even add a little height. The River Island Festival Boot It’s available at ASOS for $73. Heel Loafers are great for the workplace. The JUSTIFY Fringe Loafers add a little flare with the currently trending tassel front! The thick heel adds a bit of class that’s perfect for the office. Platform Sneakers are back! They’re great for causal outings and nights on the town. The Keds Platform Hi Top Canvas Trainers with a Gum Sole have the take of a classic sneaker and the feel of a platform. This shoe is great for anyone looking for a medium between heel and practicality.


Reflection Magazine | Sep 2016

1. River Island Festival Boot $72.55 http://www.asos. com/ 2. JUSTIFY Fringe Loafers $120.00 3. Keds Platform Hi Top Canvas Sneakers With Gum Sole $81.00 4. Benson Chelsea Boot 5. RICH Satin Cross Strap Sandals $85.00

is a simple, but classic look. It works with pants or a dress, for work or play.

&Fashion Style&Fashion ashion tyle&Fashion n o i h s a F & e l y St These Free People Benson Heeled Chelsea Boots are shoes that scream “Look at me!” These chelsea boots make a statement and stand out against the crowd. The red leather gives it an original yet authentic feel. You can snag these bad boys at ASOS for $367 Strap Sandals are a fun way to dazzle the night life. RICH Satin Cross Strap Sandals from TopShop are have an original glamour that stand out against the pavement. The heel is elegantly covered with a floral design, giving it a vintage flare.

It’s available for $85!


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The l y St Bomber Jacket is the Bomb This Fall


his WWII inspired jacket is making a big comeback, and it’s the perfect look for the fall! This trend crept in from the suburbs and it’s finally making its big debut in the city! Of course these aren’t the bomber that your mom used to wear back in high school. These bombers have the perfect modern twist that make it fit perfectly into anyone’s wardrobe.

Even the celebs are rocking the bomber! The Bomber Jacket is great for a night on the town or keeping warm on those chilly weather days. If you’re not looking for a full on Bomber look, there are also jackets that just have elements of the bomber! Either way there is no denying that the Bomber is the trend of the season.


Reflection Magazine | Sep 2016

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Off-The Shoulder Bomber Jacket by Boutique $160 (This jacket has a very chic and sexy feel, all eye will definitely be on you when you strut down the streets in this bad boy.)

Badged MA1 Bomber Jacket $110 (This look is very World War II thanks to the embellished patches which are an eye popping red that compliments

the subtle green.)

Bomber Jacket by TFNC $200 available at TopShop(The flower embroidery brings a new spin to this trend. It’s a fun way to bring life to your wardrobe.)

Lightweight Bomber Jacket $75.00 (This jacket has the look and feel of millitary overtones while keeping the Bomber Jacket collar in a high fashion statement.)


When is Enough, Enough? By Caitlin Santomauro


omestic violence is much more common than people like to think. Actually, most people are unaware of how common it is because the victims usually do not speak up. Abusive relationships are hard to explain to people who have never experienced it for themselves. Those people feel that there is a simple solution in these

cases… if your partner is abusive in any way, physical, emotional, mental, you leave… easy right? What some people fail to realize is the emotional and mental hold involved in abusive relationships. The victim’s self-esteem is usually so low due to their partner’s manipulation. They will mentally beat them down until the person feels that they are not good enough or worth being with anyone else, or that anyone else would never “love them like their partner will”. Seems sickening right? Unfortunately, I know this story all too well. A few years ago, I was madly in love with a man who I made my world. I cannot deny that we loved each other, but looking back in retrospect we were both very sick people. He was controlling, and I liked that at first. I remember seeing the control as him “protecting” me and I thought it was manly and sexy. Little did I know the roles we both played in our relationship would be detrimental to our well-being. Domestic violence in relationships is actually very common in younger relationships like high school and college students. Maybe it’s the immaturity level or raging hormones or possibly even the amount of partying involved that causes this. In my experience, I did not realize that my entire relationship since the beginning was actually very abusive. It started out verbally and emotionally. It then grew to mental abuse and empty threats. Eventually came the physical abuse. I remember lying to myself, telling myself it wasn’t as bad as it was. I would try so hard to convince myself that even though we fought terribly all the time, we were just very passionate people who loved each other too much. Needless to say, our two year long relationship ended with me with a black eye, concussion, and a restraining order.


Reflection Magazine | Sep 2016

Girls Only

Unfortunately, relationships like this are happening every day and here is the scary truth. According to FBI records, every 15 seconds a woman is battered. Each year 2-4 million American women are abused. In the United States, nearly 5.3 million intimate partners are victimized each year, usually women who are 18 years of age and older. According to the Center for Disease Control, these types of abuse result in nearly 2 million injuries and approximately 1,300 death each year. In addition, the Bureau of Justice Statistics Special Report: Violence against Women, reports that each year 1 million women will suffer from nonfatal violence by an intimate partner. The terrifying reality is that nearly 1 in 3 women will experience domestic violence in their lifetime. Although this is happening every day, there are ways to prevent it or get yourself out of these types of situations. There are hotlines for people in abusive relationships to call in order to get help, one in particular is the National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-SAFE (7233). If you or someone you love are stuck in an abusive relationship, please reach out and get help today before it’s too late. Violence is not love. If your partner is hurting you, there is no excuse that can make it okay. Be

strong for yourself and leave. It can save your life.


Show off your FAB self! Photo Contest Name: Helena Gomez Country: England, UK Age: 25 years Theme: Out of this world

Septembers Theme: Showcase Your Makeup Skills! Thank you to all participants this month! Join us for Octobers challenge!


Reflection Magazine | Sep 2016

Have your picture be featured in our next issue!


Show off your Fall style! Visit for more information, rules & terms

Entries are submitted by emailing us at Entries that are not complete or do not adhere to the rules or specifications may be disqualified at the sole discretion of Reflection Magazine. You may enter only once a month and you must provide the information requested below.

Eligibility: The “Show off your FAB Self ” Photo Contest is open only to individuals who are at least eighteen (18) years of age. This photo contest is open to anyone prior to the deadline of the contest. The contest is open to individuals in any country. ANY VIOLATION OF THE OFFICIAL RULES BY ANY WINNER (AT PUBLISHER’S SOLE DISCRETION) WILL RESULT IN THE WINNER’S DISQUALIFICATION AS WINNER OF THE CONTEST. Terms: Reflection Magazine reserves the right, in its sole discretion to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the contest (in its sole discretion) if needed.

Show off your FAB self! Photo Contest

In the subject line of your email please include: “Fab Self Photo Contest” and Your Name In the body of your email please provide the following: Full Name, Email Address, Country of Residence & Age **Please send your picture as a jpeg attachment


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