Youth Transformative Potential in the EU Integration Processes and Post-COVID-19 Developments in the Western Balkans
Explanation of principles of discussion in focus group and expectations from participants
Guarantees of anonymity,
Participants briefly introduce themselves in terms of age, interests, activism/NGO background and experience, place of origin....
How do you understand “youth participation”? How would you define it? How would you describe it to a 10-year-old
And “consultative process”? How would you define that? Again, how would you describe it, in a few words, to a 10-year-old child?
“Decision making process?” Again, explain as simply and briefly as possible.
When you say “youth”, who do you have in mind? All youth, or some specific youth? Imagine one single person that could represent “youth” - is it she or he? How exactly old s/he is? Where s/he lives? How s/he feels? What iss/he’s interests? Aspirations? Fears? Is s/he interested in her/his local community/ country/society?
In general, how willing is youth to participate in consultative/ decision making processes? What do you think are the topics/areas youth should participate in, in your mind? Are there particular topics that youth should not be interested in? What is your experience in regard to these topics - in which youth are more interested to participate, and in which less? Why do you think that is? What motivates them?
Have these (dominant) topics changed over the years? Why do you think that is?
Talking about the participation - what are the forms of youth participation? Are they institutional or informal? Which are better in your opinion? Why? Are there any circumstances when informal is better than institutional? And vice versa? Please explain.
What does youth participation look like? Which forms of youth participation are you familiar with? Can you describe any in more detail? And how would you rate different forms - which are allowing more participation than others? Why do you think that is?
What makes them participative? Is that a good thing or bad? Why do you think so?
What tools does youth have at their disposal to participate in consultative processes? Which ones are the best, in your mind? Why? What makes one better than the other?
How would a perfect tool and/or mechanism for youth participation look like? What makes it perfect? Describe it please. Are there any good tools/mechanisms used before, but are not being used anymore? (if yes) What is good about them? Why do you think they are not being used anymore?
(If nobody mentions) What are good and what are the bad sides of Internet tools for youth participation? Which ones