ca t
Pr i ma r y 1
Activity Book Ac Act
Let's Do Science
Re ga le du ca tio n
Let's Do Science is based on the United States Next Generation n Science Standards (NGSS). The series consists of full-color textbooks and full-color activity books for Grades K to 6.
Let's Do Science engages students with a highly visual presentation of the disciplinary core ideas in the textbooks books and places an emphasis on applying scientific knowledge dge e using stigations. ations. NGSS practices through numerous scientific investigations. tial element of Let's Do Science sees engineering as an essential science education and as such is tightly integrated grated into both the textbooks and activity books. ude the follow fe The Let's Do Science activity books include features:
AB Activity
Activity 7.3
Sorting Matter
sort bedroom. Help her ea is cleaning her elsea 1. Chels s in the boxes on the ngss by writing letter her thing age.. next page
Activities and investigations related to concepts and topics covered in the Let's Do Science Textbook.
s been sorted?
How have the thing
s in a different way.
2. Now sort the thing
s been sorted?
How have the thing
Engineer It!
Engineer 26It!
Design a Musical Instrument
1. Use the materials to design and build a musical instrument. Think about how your instrument will make sound and how the sound can be changed.
Musical instruments make sounds in different ways. Some make sound when you blow into them. Some make sound when you hit, shake or pluck them. Now it’s your turn to make your own musical instrument.
Goes beyond inquiry uiry by udentss to encouraging students d build design, modell and tions to to engineer solutions defined problems. roblems. ms.
2. Draw a model and build your instrument.
• art and craft supplies
• balloons
3. Explain to a friend how your instrument produce cess sound. Explain how you can change the sounds it makes.
• boxes and containers
• aluminum foil
• string
• scissors cissors orss
• tape
the night sky? appear small in 4. Why do stars ll balls of gas. (a) They are sma 71 to the Earth. (b) They are close away. far (c) They are very ts people. affec sun the s 5. Tell 2 way
70 0
terns th and Space Pat
s in 1. Use the word Earth
the box to label
the picture.
Topical opical questions at th the chapter for end of each ch chapte formative mative assessment. assessm
Earth? day and night on nd the sun. 6. What causes n of the Earth arou (a) The revolutio of the Earth. (b) The rotation of the Sun. (c) The rotation e across the sky sun appear to mov 7. Why does the during the day?
2. Which star can
you see in the sky
s 3. Circle the thing
stars 146
you can see in
during the day?
the sky at night.
n to move it take for the moo 8. How long does ? around the Earth (a) 1 day (b) 28 days (c) 365 days
du ca tio n
Contents Unit 1 – Living and Non-living Things gs
Unit 2 – Plant and Animals Parts arts
Unit 3 – Parents and Offspring ing
Unit 4 – Earth and Space e Patterns Patte
Unit 5 – Weather and nd d Seasons Se Seas
Activity 1.1
Re ga le du ca tio n
What Are Living Things? 1. Check ( Cross (
) the living things. ) the non-living things.
eg al ed uc ati on
Re ga le du ca tio n
2. Draw two living things. Tell how you know they are living things.
Living Thing 1
Living Thing ing g2
Re ga le du ca tio n
3. Draw two non-living things. ings. gs. Tell how you know they are non-living things.
Non-Living Thing 1
Non-Living ng Thing Th hing ing ing ng 2
Activity 1.2
Do Plants Need Sunlight? Materials teri rials
Re ga le du c
• two small sm mal mall all p plants lants nts
Procedure urre u ure
1. Place one plant near a window that t gets sunlight. unlight. g
Re ga le du ca tio n
2. Place the other plant in a dark cupboard.
3. Observe the plants for two weeks. 4. Record your observations.
Draw the plants on day ay 1, day d 7 and day 14. Day 1 Window
Day 7 Cupboard
Re ga le du ca tio n
Day 14 Window
CCupboard u
Analyze and Interpret
Re ga le du ca tio n
1. Write two ways the plants look different.
2. What can you infer from your observations? observa
Would you expect to find plants p deep inside a cave? Explain your you reason. ason
Activity 1.3
Do Plants Need Water? Materials erials • two small mal alll p pllantts plants
• marker marker er
Re ga le d
can • watering wate
Procedure ure u rre e
1. Use the marker arker to label the plants. nts. 2. Place e the plants near a window. indow.
Re ga le du ca tio n
3. Water plant A every day for two weeks. Do not water plant B.
4. Record your observations.
Draw the plants on day ay 1, day d 7 and day 14. Day 1 Plant A
Plant B
Day 7 Plant B
Re ga le du ca tio n
Plant A
Day 14 Plant A
PPlant Pl la B
Analyze and Interpret
Re ga le du ca tio n
1. Write two ways the plants look different.
2. What can you infer from your observations? observa
Sometimes it may not ot rain for a very long on time. How does this his affect plants?
Activity 1.4
Re ga le du ca tio n
Needs of Living Things 1. Check ( ) or cross ( ) the boxes. es. ing thing. Circle if it is a living thing or a non-living (a)
Needs air: ir:
water Needs water:
eds sunlight: sunlig Needs
living thing
non-living non-livin non-livi thing
Needs Ne air:
Needs water:
Needs sunlight:
living iving thing th
non-living thing
Needs air:
Needs water:
Needs sunlight:
living thing
non-living thing
Re ga le du ca tio n
Needs air: Needs water:
Needs sunlight: nlight:
living thing
non-living living ng thing
Needs eds air:
w Needs water:
Need Needs sunlight:
living thing ing
non-living thing n
2. What is needed ded by all liv living things?
3. Whatt is needed needed by only plants?
Activity 1.5
Re ga le du ca tio n
How Animals Move Use the table on the next page to classify the e animals by how they move.
jellyfish ellyfishh
ssnail na
butterfly utterfly fl fly
Re ga le du ca tio n
How Animals Move Walk/ Run
Jump/ Hop
Slide Slid
Activity 1.6
Re ga le du ca tio n
How Do Plants Grow and Change? ge Materials
• bean seeds
• plant p p pot
• soil soil
• spray prray bottle pray bottl bott ottle
1. Fill the plant pot with soil.
2. Place three bean hree bea seeds in soil. n the soi
3. Push the sseeds under nder tthe soil with your finger. yo
Re ga le du ca tio n
4. Place the pot near a window. 5. Fill the spray bottle with water.
6. Use the spray bottle to water the seeds every day for two weeks.
7. Record your observations.
Draw what you see in n the pot p every three to four days.
Re ga le du ca tio n
Analyze and Interpret
Re ga le du ca tio n
1. What happened to the seeds?
2. What can you infer from your observations? observa
Blake is growing a tomato mato plant. Draw how the tomato toma plant will look in one month.
Activity 1.7
ed uc ati on
How Do Animals Grow and Change? ng 1. Match the animals to their young.
Re ga le du ca tio n
2. Compare the mother lynx to her young.
(a) List some wayss the e young lynx is similar to its mother.
(b) How ow will the young you y lynx change as it gets older?
Activity 1.8
Re ga le du ca tio n
Compare Living and Non-living Things 1. Use the Venn diagram to compare the e polar olar bear bea cub and polar bear soft toy.
Re ga le du ca tio n
2. Use the Venn diagram to compare a Venus us flytrap and a crocodile.
Activity 1.9
Re ga le du ca tio n
Classify Living and Non-living Things g 1. Complete the chart. Thing
Needs Air
Needs Food
Grows an Liv and Living or Has as Young Non-living No
Needs Air
Needs Food
Grows and Living or Has Young Non-living Non-liv
Re ga le du ca tio n
Activity 1.10
tio n
How Do You Know It’s a Living Thing? g
Re ga l
1. Riley thinks a tree is not a living thing because ause it cannot move from place to place. Do o you ou think er. Riley is correct? Explain your answer.
Re ga l
ed uc ati on
2. Wyatt thinks a slinky is a living thing because se tt iss it can move and grow. Do you think Wyatt correct? Explain your answer.
Re ga le du ca tio n
Living and Non-living Things 1. Use the words in the box to compare the needs of animals, people and plants. air
All living things need and
sunlight sunl
. Plants use the energy energ from
to make food. d. Some animals a get
they y need by eating e plants.
Animals and people drink rink the
need. Plants take in n
from their roots.
2. Name an animal imal and tell how it gets the air, food and water it needs.
Water Wate
(a) (b) 4. True (
ed uc ati on
3. Name two ways that a pet rabbit is different than a rabbit soft toy.
) or false (
(a) A plant is a living thing.
(b) Plants eat other plants ants for food. fo
(c) Non-living things gs grow a and change. (d) Living things gs mo move.
(e) Non-living ving thin things need air and food. (f) Water is a liv living thing. (g) People Peop need a place to live.
Activity 2.1
Materials • notebook and pencil
al ed uc a
• hand lens
Schoolyard Plant Hunt
1. In small groups, go o into you your schoolyard and observe plants in three d different places. 2. Use the hand d lens len to closely observe the parts of the plants. Record your observations on the ts. Recor pag age. next page.
Re ga le du ca tio n
Draw and label the plants you observed. Location:
Re ga le du ca tio n
Analyze and Interpret nterprre et
1. In what ways were e the plants p you mila observed similar?
2. In what the plants you hat ways were w erved different? diff observed
Activity 2.2
Re ga le du ca tio n
What Is the Function of Roots? Materials
• knife
• plastic container ainer iner
• carrots carrrrots
es or or stones stone nes • marbles
1. Your teacher will help you to cut the bottom off a carrot. The carrot ot top should be about 3 cm long. 2. Cover the bottom of the dish with marbles. Place the he carrot top on top of the marbles.
3. Fill the he dish with water until it covers the top of the marbles.
the dish in a sunny place. Observe the 4. Place th carrot carr top every few days. Add more water if needed.
Re ga le du ca tio n
Draw and describe the carrot top. Day:
Re ga le du ca tio n Day:
Analyze and Interpret
Re ga le d
ati on
1. Draw arrows and describe how water moved ved through the carrot top.
2. What is the e function functio of the roots?
Activity 2.3
Observing Roots Materials
• clearr plastic cup cup
• paper p p towel
• spray y bottle botttle
Re ga le d
• bean seeds
Procedure e
1. Place a paper per ttowel el in the cup as shown. 2. Place some bean me bea seeds around the es of the cup. cu edges
3. Pour a small sm amount wate in the of water bottom of the cup. bot
4. Fill the spray bottle with water and use it to wet the paper towel.
Re ga le du ca ti
5. Place the cup in a sunny place, such as on a window sill.
6. Use the hand lens to observe the he seed every three days for nine ne days. Use the spray bottle to wet w the paper towel each time. e
Draw and describe your our observations. obse Day:
Re ga le du ca tio n Day:
Analyze and Interpret
Re ga le du ca tio n
1. Describe how the seed changed during this his investigation.
2. How is the shape of roots suitable to how they help the plant?
Activity 2.4
Re ga le du ca tio n
What Is the Function of the Stem? m Materials
• jug of water
• celery stalk
• red ed food food dye
• knife
• glass
sp o spoo • spoon
Procedure e
1. Pour about 4 cm c off water wa into o the glass.
2. Add one spoonful spoonfu of food coloring g to the water. Stir gently. tly.
3. Yourr teacher w will help you to cut the base off o the celery stalk. 4. Place Pla the celery stalk in the e glass.
Re ga le du ca tio n
5. Observe the celery stalk the next day. n of the 6. Your teacher will help you to cut a section stalk. Observe the section.
Make a Prediction
What will happen to the colored water ater in the t glass?
Draw and label the celery elery stalk s at Step 4.
Re ga le du ca tio n
Draw and label the celery stalk at Step 5.
Draw and label the celery elery stalk section cut by your teacher.
Analyze and Interpret
Re ga le du ca tio n
1. Was your prediction correct? Tell what ass. happened to the colored water in the glass.
2. A celery stalk is a type of stem. m. What can you infer about the function of the he stem from this activity?
3. Tell one other er w way the stem helps a plant get the things it needs.
Activity 2.5
Observing Leaf Diversity Materials M atterria a ials
Re ga le
• hand lens
Procedure ure u re
1. In small groups, oups, go into your schoolyard and collect leaves aves that tha have fallen to the ground. ind leaves leave of different shapes, sizes Try to find and colors. ors. th classroom, take turns observing 2. Back in the the he leaves leav using a hand lens. raw and describe your observations. 3. Draw 47
Re ga le du ca tio n
Draw and describe four leaves you observed. ed. Leaf 1
Leaf 2
Re ga le du ca
Leaf 3
Leaf 4
Analyze and Interpret
le du ca tio n
1. Tell some ways that the leaves you observed ved were the same.
2. Tell some ways that the leaves es you observed ob were different.
3. How is the shape of leaves leav suited to their function?
Activity 2.6
Materials • notebook and pencil
al ed uc a
• hand lens
Observing Flowers and Fruits
In small groups, go into your sc school l compound and use a hand lens to observe different flowers and fruits. Record your observations on n the next page.
Re ga le du ca tio n
Draw and describe two flowers you observed. d. Flower 1
Flower 2
Analyze and nd Interpret IIn nte
1. Tell some ways tha that the flowers you observed were the e same.
2.. Tell T some ways that the flowers you observed were di different.
Re ga le du ca tio n
Draw and describe two fruits you observed. Fruit 1
Fruit 2
Analyze and nd Interpret IIn nte
1. Tell some ways tha that the fruits you observed were the e same.
2.. Tell T some ways that the fruits you observed different. were di
Activity 2.7
al ed uc ati on
Let’s Eat Plant Parts! Materials • lettuce leaves
pp • apples
• broccoli occoli florets
• celery sticks s ck stick cks
• carrots
1. Your teacher will help you yo to cut the food into small pieces. s.
2. Taste each your observations in h food. Record Re the table page. e on the next n p g
Observations Taste
ed uc ati on
Plant Part
Re ga l
Analyze and an nd d Interpret IIn nterp
List some other foods food you eat that come from plants. What hat part of o the plant do they come from?
Activity 2.8
ed uc ati on
Plant Parts and Functions 1. Label the parts of each plant. (a)
Re ga le du ca tio n
2. Match the plant parts to their functions.
es food for Makes the e plant.
Moves water and nutrients to the nutrie utrie oth plant parts. other
Takes in water and nutrients from the soil.
Makes the seeds for the plant.
Holds and protects the seeds.
Activity 2.9
Re ga le du ca tio n
How Animals Move List the animals. Which body parts do the animals use to o move? Infer how the animals move. 1.
Body parts for movement:
How the animals move:
Re ga le du
Body parts for movement:
How the animals move:
Re ga le du ca t
Body parts for movement:
How the animals move:
Re ga le du ca t
Body parts for movement:
How the animals move:
Activity 2.10
Re ga le du ca tio n
Animal Body Coverings Cut out the animals on pages 177 and 179. Classify the animals by body covering by pasting them in the spaces on pages 62 to 64.
Body dy covering: cover
ga le du ca tio n Body covering:
ga le du ca tio n Body covering:
Activity 2.11
tio n
Animal Parts for Getting Food Observe the body parts of each animal. Tell how the body part helps the animal get food. Infer fer what each eac ea animal eats.
Re ga l
Re ga n
Re ga n
Re ga n
Activity 2.12
Animal Research Project In small all groups, find inform information about each ach animal. Complete plete each chart. 1.
Re ga le
Animal Name: e:
erin Body covering Body parts arts Moves ves Eats Ea
Gets Air Lives Live
Fun Fact F
ca tio n
Animal Name:
Re ga l
ring Body covering Body parts arts Moves oves Eats
Gets Air Lives L
Fun Fact
tio n
Re ga le
Animal Name: Body covering rts Body parts es Moves Eats
Gets Air Live Lives
Fun Fact
Re ga le
Animal Name: Body covering rts Body parts es Moves Eats ats
ets Air Gets Lives Live
Fun Fact
Re ga le
Animal Name: Body covering Body parts rts Moves es Eats ats
Gets ets Air Lives Live
Fun Fact
Engineer It!
al ed u
Carry a Baby Joey!
When a baby kangaroo, o, called a joey, jo is born, it stays safe by living in its mother’s pouch for many months. other’s r’s pouc o design esign a safety s Now it’s your turn to pouch! Your pouch will need to be strong and keep your ‘joey’ safe when you jump um like e a kangaroo!
Materials erials • cloth
• sscissors cissorrss
• string g
• rribbon ibbon
• teddy
ca tio n
1. In small groups, use the materials to design gn and build a pouch for your ‘joey’. 2. Draw a model of your pouch.
3. Attach the pouch to your body and put the th toy animal inside. Go outside and move like lik a kangaroo!
Activity 2.13
ed uc ati on
Mimicking Nature 1. Match the animals to the things people e use. se.
Re g
ed uc ati on
2. Tell how people have mimicked nature to invent n useful objects.
Re g (d)
ed uc ati on
Re ga le du ca tio n
3. Draw and tell a way that people have mimicked mic the part of a plant.
y that people pe 4. Draw and tell a way have mimicked nimal. mal. the part of an animal.
Engineer It!
Re ga le du ca t
Scientists often solve human problems by observing things in nature and applying what they observe to design a solution to the problem. Now it’s your turn to identify a human problem and use nature to find the solution!
Mimicking Nature
The Problem
Describe a problem that can be solved s by mimicking nature.
Describe how ow you will w mimic nature to design and build a solution. ution.
Re ga le du ca tio n
What things will you need?
List the steps you will take. ke.
Draw a Model
Re ga le du ca tio n
Draw a model and label your design.
What did you observe ve when whe you tested your design?
Re ga le du ca tio n
1. Describe how the shape and structure of your design was suited to solve the problem.
2. Was your design able e to solve the problem by mimicking nature? How ow could cou you improve your design?
Re ga le du ca tio n
Plant and Animal Parts 1. Use the words in the box to label the plantt parts. flowers
fruits stem
roots oo
Re ga le du ca tio n
2. Name the body parts each animal uses to move. Tell how each animal moves. (a)
3. Name two animals with in fur. ith a body covered c (a)
(b) b)
4. Name two animalss with a body covered in scales. (a)
5. Tell how each animal ani takes in air. (a)
Activity 3.1
Re ga le du ca tio n
Growing Plants from Seeds Materials
• radish ad seeds d
• cotton o o wool oo
• spray y bottle with water
• dish dis ish
• ruler rule ule ler
Procedure e
1. Place the cotton otto wooll in the dish. Wet the cotton on wool. wo
2. Place about seeds on the cotton wool. out 10 radish ra Place the he dish near a window. 3. Observe the seedlings every day serve and measure m for 10 days. day Use the spray bottle with water to s make sure the growing seedlings have enough water. eno
n Re ga le du Observations
Draw and write down n the height heig of the seedlings. Day:
Height: 87
Re ga le du ca tio n
Re ga le du ca tio n
Re ga le du ca tio n
Analyze and d Interpret terp pre rre e
1. Tell how the seedlings seedli changed.
ed uc ati on
2. Order the pictures from first (1) to last (8).
Activity 3.2
Re ga le du ca tio n
Plant Life Cycles 1. Cut out the pictures on page 181. Paste them m in the spaces below to show the life cycle cle of a bean plant.
eg al ed uc ati
2. D Draw raw arrows arrow to show the order of the life e cycle cycle stages.
ed uc
3. Cut out the pictures on page 183. Paste them hem in the spaces below to show the life cycle clle of of an apple tree.
Re ga le du ca
4. Draw Draw arrows ar to show the order of the life cycle cyc stages. 95
5. Draw to show how a sunflower plant grows and changes.
6. Describe escrib ibe h how ow a sunflower plant changes during changes d urin its life cycle. ur
Activity 3.3
ca tio n
Animal Life Cycles 1. Use the words in the box to label the stages tages es in the life cycle of a tiger. Draw arrows to show how w the order ord of the life cycle stages. newborn
Re ga
uc ati on Re ga
young ung ad adu adul adult dduult
2. How ow does a new newborn tiger change during its ife cycle? life
Re g
ca to n
3. Use the words in the box to label the stages es in the life cycle of a deer. young
Re ga le du ca tio n
4. Cut out the pictures on page 185. Paste them em in duc the spaces below to show the life cycle of a duck. tages. es. Use the words in the box to label the stages. adult
hatchling atchlin
5. Cut out the pictures on page 185. Paste them in frog the spaces below to show the life cycle of a frog. es. Use the words in the box to label the stages. eggs
ga le
uc Re
10 3
6. Cut out the pictures on page 187. Paste them in the tterf spaces below to show the life cycle of a butterfly. ess. Use the words in the box to label the stages. chrysalis
ga l
1 04
caterpillar illar
ati o
uc Re
10 5
Activity 3.4
tio n
Similar and Different
1. (a) Tell how the young bean plants are e similar milar to their parents.
10 6
Re ga le du ca tio n
(b) Tell how the young bean plants are different er from their parents.
he you yo (c) How will the young bean plants change as et older? they get
10 7
2. (a) Tell how the young lions are similar to their parents.
10 8
Re ga le du ca tio n
(b) Tell how the young lions are different from om their parents.
(c) How will the he young yo you lions l change as they get older? der? r?
10 9
Activity 3.5
ati on
Animals and Their Young In this investigation, you will use books, magazines agazines zine and videos about animals to identify patterns atterns erns in att help the behavior of parents and offspring that offspring survive.
Re ga le du
• animal books, magazines and videos video
Procedure du ure re
1. In small groups, oups, us use the books and videos to informati about animal parents and gather information fspring. their offspring. th 2. Choose three animals. Identify the ways in which th the parents and offspring behave that help he the offspring survive. Record your infor information on pages 111 to 113.
1 10
al ed uc ati on
Animal Name: Draw a picture or paste a photograph of the animal and its offspring.
Behaviors of parents to help elp offspring: offspring offsprin
Behaviorss of offspring fspring sppring i tha thatt help them survive:
Re ga le du ca tio n
Animal Name: Draw a picture or paste a photograph of the animal and its offspring.
Behaviors of parents to help elp offspring: offspring
Behaviorss of of offspring o spring priing tha that at help them survive:
1 12
Re ga le du ca tio n
Animal Name: Draw a picture or paste a photograph of the animal and its offspring.
Behaviors of parents to help elp offspring: offspring
Behaviors rss of of offspring o spring i g that th thaa help them survive:
Activity 3.6
Re ga le du ca tio n
Caring for Young Tell how each behavior helps the young survive. ve. 1.
1 14
Engineer It!
ed uc ati on
The Bird Nest Challenge! Many birds create a nest to protect their eggs. The nest also provides a safe place for young birds to grow. Now it’s your turn to design and build a nest! Your nest will need to be strong enough to hold three eggs and keep them safe.
p lie es • art and craft supplies
• twigs, g , leaves eave ves g gr grass rass
chicken eggs •3c hicken e g
•c cotton wool
• fan an
• string
• paper p lates plates
• newspapers
• sscissors ciss
tio n
1. In small groups, use the materials to design gn and build a bird nest.
Re ga le d
2. Place three eggs in your nest. Use the fan to test if yourr nest can protect the eggss in n g winds. strong
Draw a Model ode
Draw a model of your nest.
1 16
Analyze and Interpret
Re ga le du ca tio n
1. Tell how your nest was able to hold and keep eep the eggs safe.
2. How could you improve your our design? desig
3. How could you change cha your nest to keep the eggs safe How could you test it? e if it rains? rai
Re ga le du ca tio n
Parents and Offspring 1. Which shows the correct life cycle of a plant? ant? (a)
1 18
Re ga le du ca
2. (a) How is the young horse similar to its parents?
(b) How is the young horse different fferent from f its parents?
(c) How will the he baby y horse hor change as it gets older?
3. Hows does oes a mother mo cat care for her kittens?
Activity 4.1
tio n
Observing the Sky
Re ga le du
Warning: Do not look directly at the Sun during uring this activity. The light from the Sun can damage your eyes.
1. During the day, go outside tside and an observe the sky. Draw and listt the he things you y see.
1 20
Re ga le du ca tio n
2. At night, go outside and observe the sky. Draw and list the things you see.
e diagram d gram ram to show things in the sky 3. Complete the ay, night ni nig and both day and night. during the day, Day
12 1
Activity 4.2
Re ga le du ca tio n
The Sun, Earth and Moon 1. Draw and write some things you know w about out the Sun, the Earth and the moon.
1 22
Sun facts:
Earth facts: facts fact
Moon facts:
Re ga le du ca tio n
2. Use the words in the box to label the objects cts in space. Earth
12 3
Activity 4.3
ed uc ati on
The Earth and the Sun Tell how the light and heat from the Sun affects cts the Earth and living things. 1.
Re g
Re ga le du ca tio n 3.
12 5
Activity 4.4
Re ga le
• flashlight
ati on
Modeling Day and Night
Procedure du ure rre e
1. Turn off the e classroom classr lights. 2. Stand about 10 steps from your classmate. Have shine the flashlight onto your shirt. e them shin What do you y observe?
3. Turn ar around so your back is facing your classmate. Have them shine the flashlight onto your mat shirt. What do you observe?
Re ga le du ca tio n
1. What did you observe at Step 2?
2. What did you observe at Step 3?
Analyze and Interpret nterpret
Draw and label a diagram gram to show why you are not able to see the Sun in the sky at night.
12 7
Activity 4.5
Materials • newspaper p p
• masking tape
• string
ht • flashlight
Movement of the Earth
• paints pain ints
Re ga le du ca tio n
1. Bunch the newspaper into two balls – one ball to represent the Sun and one ball to represent esen the Earth. 2 Wrap masking tape around each h ball. Paint the balls.
3. Tape the string to the Earth. Tape the flashlight to the Sun. 4. Use your model to show how how the th rotation of the Earth causes day and night. nigh
Draw a Model ell e
Draw your model. del.
12 9
Analyze and Interpret
ed uc ati on
1. Why do we experience day and night on Earth?
abel the th picture. 2. Use the words in the box to label night
Re g
Sun un
3. Use a gray gra pencil to show which part of the Earth is in night-time.
Note: e: Keep Ke your models of the Sun and the Earth for further activities in this book.
Re ga le du ca tio n
4. Shade the part of the Earth that is in darkness.
13 1
Activity 4.6
Re ga le du ca tio n
Sunrise to Sunset Warning: Do not look directly at the Sun during uring this activity. The light from the Sun can damage your eyes.
1. In the morning, observe the position of the Sun in the sky. Write the time me and draw your observations.
2. Repeat Step 1 at midday, day, in the t afternoon and close to sunset.
Observations ons ons on
Re ga le du ca tio n
13 3
Analyze and Interpret
ed uc ati on
1. Tell how the Sun appears to move in the sky ky throughout the day.
2. Chelsea observed the Sun n rise at 6 6:30 in the morning. Draw pictures res to predict pred where the Sun will be at different nt times of o the day.
Re ga
6:30 a.m.
10:30 30 a.m. m.
13 4
8:30 a.m. 8: 8:3
Activity 4.7
Re ga le du ca tio n
Observing the Moon Note: If the moon is not visible in the nightt sky, watch the video about the movement off the moon in the night sky.
1. Observe the moon in the sky y in the early e evening. Draw a picture to o show the th position of the moon. 2. Repeat Step 1 every 30 minutes for two hours. minu
13 5
Re ga le du ca tio n
13 6
Analyze and Interpret
ed uc ati on
1. Tell how the moon appeared to move in the he sky throughout the evening and night.
2. Blake observed the moon in the sky sk at 5:30 in the evening. Draw pictures where the ctures to predict pr ent times of the night. moon will be at different
Re ga
5:30 p.m.
10:00 p.m. m.
8:00 p.m. 8:
13 7
Activity 4.8
Earth’s Revolution
ed uc ati o
Materials • models of the Sun and the Earth from Activity 4.5.
Place the models of the Sun Su and the Earth on your sk. Show how w the Earth arth moves around the Sun. Su desk.
Draw a Model
Re ga le du ca tio n
Draw a model to show the movement of the e Earth around the Sun.
13 9
Analyze and Interpret
Re ga le du ca tio n
1. How long does it take for the Earth to complete mplete one revolution of the Sun?
2. Use the words in the box to label the positions posit of the Earth. October
January Januar anuar
Apri April
Activity 4.9
ga le du ca tio n
Movement of the Moon Materials
• foam ball
• desk lamp mp
• pencil
1. Stick the pencil into the he center o of the foam ball. 2. Hold the foam ball in n front of o you as shown. 3. Turn off the lights and switch on the lamp. sw
4. Turn around d slowly. Observe the foam ball as you turn.
Re ga l
ed uc ati on
Shade and color to show how the shape of the he lit part of the moon changed as you turned.
Analyze and an a nd n d Interpret IIn ntte errp p
1. What causes auses the moon to appear to change e shape?
14 2
Re ga le du ca tio n
2. Riley observed the sky on a clear night but could not see the moon. Explain to Riley why she cannot see the moon. Draw a model to help your explanation.
14 3
Activity 4.10
The Solar System
Mars ars aturn Saturn Venus
Jupiter Neptune Mercury
1. Use words in the box to label the planets.
Uranus Ur Earth
uc a 2. Which planet et is clo closest to the Sun?
larg 3. Which iss the largest planet? plan is between Venus and Mars? 4. Which planet
14 5
Re ga le du ca tio n
Earth and Space Patterns 1. Use the words in the box to label the picture. re. Earth
2. Which star can an you see in the sky during the day?
3. Circle the e things you can see in the sky at night.
star stars
14 6
ga le du ca tio n
4. Why do stars appear small in the night sky? (a) They are small balls of gas. (b) They are close to the Earth. (c) They are very far away. ple. 5. Tell two ways the Sun affects people.
6. What causes day and nightt on Earth? Eart (a) The revolution of the Earth around the Sun. ar (b) The rotation of the e Earth. (c) The rotation of the Sun.
7. Why does the Sun appear appea to move across the sky during the day? ay
8. How long g does it take for the moon to move around nd the Earth? Eart (a) one day ((b) 28 days da (c) 365 days
14 7
Activity 5.1
Weekly Weather Diary 1. Observe and describe the weather er once a week for four weeks. Location: ocati
Time: Time e
Re ga le du c
Date: Date
Draw a picturee of the weather. we
14 8
Describe the weather.
Location: ocation: ation: tion:
Time: Time e
Re ga le du c
Date: Date
Draw a picture off the weath weather.
Describe the weather.
14 9
Time: Time e
eg al ed uc ati on
Date: Date
Draw a picture of the weather. he her
Describe the weather. De Des
Time: Time e
eg al ed uc a
tio n
Date: Date
Draw a picture of the weather.
Describe the weather. Descr Describ
2. Compare Compare your you weather report with a classmate. y Talk alk about abo the t ways they are the same and different. diff different
Activity 5.2
Re ga le du ca tio n
Describing Weather Use the words in the box to describe the weather. athe List the clothes you would wear and the you e activities ctivities y could do during such weather. sunny snowy
cloudy light
stormy y hot ho wet dry Description: Descript
windy dark
Clothes: Activities:
ed uc ati on
Re g
Clothes: es:
Activiti Activities:
15 3
Activity 5.3
ed uc ati on
Reading a Thermometer 1. Write the temperature shown on the thermometer. hermomete momete (a)
Re g
Re ga l
ca tio n
2. Order the from the hottest (1) to e temperatures temperatu temper the coldest est (4).
15 5
Activity 5.4
le du ca tio n
Measuring Weather – Temperature Materials • thermometer hermome
• tape p
1. Tape the thermometer to a place outside.
tempera 2. Read and record the temperature every day for five days. Write a few wo words to describe the weather. Record in the table on ord your data d the next page.
Re ga le du ca tio n
Record your data in the table. Day/Time Temperature
Weather er
Analyze e and an nd d Interpret Interp
Based on the patte patterns you observed, predict the temperature tomorrow. ature and weather w
15 7
Activity 5.5
Re ga le du ca tio n
Extreme Weather Use the words in the box to label each extreme treme me scribe ribe weather event. Write a few words to describe the weather. thunderstorm drought
hurricane flood
wildfire dfire
Re 5.
du ca tio n
15 9
Activity 5.6
Re ga le du ca tio n
Severe Weather Warning! Issue a severe weather warning about a severe ere e weather event coming in the next few days. day ys. ys. What type of severe weather is coming?
When will the severe weather arrive?
Draw a picture or paste a photograph graph of the severe weather.
Re ga le du ca tio n
What can people expect when the severe weather arrives?
What can people do to stay safe? afe??
16 1
Activity 5.7
Re ga le du ca tio n
The Four Seasons 1. Use the words in the box to label the seasons. easons. ons Draw arrows to show how the seasons ons change. change summer
1 62
spring pring
Months: M ont nth ths:
ed uc ati on
2. Write the season. List the months of each season for your area.
Months: M onth ntths: nths:
16 3
Activity 5.8
Re ga le du ca tio n
What’s Summer Like? 1. Tell what summer is like in your area. Draw a picture of summer. Summer in
2. List the activitiess you ou do in i summer. Draw the clothes the you ou wear. we Activities:
Engineer It!
uc ati on
Staying Cool in Summer! Summer is a great season to go hiking in a forest or swim at the beach. In hot weather, it is a good idea to take food and drinks in a cooler. Now it’s your turn to design and build a cooler!
• art and craft supplies sup pp s
• fabric
he erm mo omet om ete • bottle • thermometer bottle of water
• ice cubes
• cotton cotton wool
16 5
Re ga le du ca tio n
1. In small groups, use the materials to design gn and build a cooler. 2. Place six ice cubes and the bottle of water in your cooler. Place the cooler outside de in a hot place. 3. Use the thermometer to measure ure the temperature of the water in the bottle throughout the day.
Draw a Model
Draw a model of your cooler. Label the materials you use used.
1 66
Re ga le du ca tio n
Record your data in the table. Time Temperature
Analyze and d Interpret I er erpre erp
Compare your cooler with other groups. How could you u improve improv your design?
Activity 5.9
Re ga le du ca tio n
What’s Winter Like? 1. Tell what winter is like in your area. Draw a picture of winter. Winter in
ou do in i winter. 2. List the activitiess you the you ou wear. we Draw the clothes Activities:
16 8
Engineer It!
uc ati on
Staying Warm in Winter! If you plan to go outdoors in winter, it’s always a good idea to take a jacket. A jacket helps to keep you warm. Now it’s your turn to design and build something to keep a cup of water warm!
• art and craft supplies p
• elastic bands
• cotton cotton cot ton wool w
• thermometer errmom
• fabric
• cup of warm water
16 9
Re ga le du ca tio n
1. In small groups, use the materials to design gn and m. invent a way to keep a cup of water warm. 2. Fill the cup with warm water. Place e the cup in your invention.
3. Use the thermometer to measure ure the t temperature of the water in the cup throughout the day.
Draw a Model
Draw a model of your invention. inventio Label the materials you use used.
Re ga le du c
Record your data in the table. Time Temperature
Analyze and d Interpret I er erpre erpr
Compare your invention inventi with other groups. How could you u improve improv your design?
17 1
Activity 5.10
ed uc ati on
Seasons and Daylight 1. Watch the video ‘Seasons and Daylight’. ht’.
imes mes for fo (a) Record the sunrise and sunset times each season in the table. Season
Sunset nset
Daylight D Hours
Season Fall
Winter Spring
Re ga
(b) Which season the most hours of daylight? eason aso has as th
(c) Which ch sseason eason has easo h the fewest hours of daylight?
(d) How How does doe the length of daylight change from ffall to w winter?
du ca tio n
2. It is the end of winter. What is the next season? s How will the hours of daylight change?
Re ga l
hatt is the next ne n 3. It is the end of spring. What season? light change? cha How will the hours of daylight
h month month has ha the t most hours of daylight 5. Which ere you live? W where What season is it?
17 3
ed uc ati on
Weather and Seasons 1. Which word describes how hot or cold the e weather is? (a) rainfall (b) temperature (c) wind
2. What can be used to measure temperature? re tempe (a) thermometer (b) anemometer (c) rain gauge
Re g
3. Name the severe weather events. ather ev (a) (b)
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Re ga le du ca tio n
4. Write the order of the seasons. ,
5. Which is the warmest season? 6. Which is the coldest season?
7. Why do many plants grow during ring spring? spri (a) It is hot and dry. wate (b) There is lots of sunlight and water. (c) Leaves fall from trees. ees. 8. True (
) or false (
(a) Summer has the he most mos hours of daylight. (b) Spring has longer long days than summer.
(c) Winter er has the fewest hours of daylight.
9. Blake e noticed th that it is getting darker earlier each evening. Which Whic describes the time of the year? (a) It is the end of spring. (b) It is th the start of summer. (c) It is the end of fall. 17 5
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Re ga le du ca tio n © Blue Ring Media edia Pty Ltd td ACN 161 590 496 4 2013 - 2021.
This publication possible without the tireless effort of our production team. ation would not have been pos Special thanks to: Matthew hew Cole, Daniel Cole, W Wang Hui Guan Joseph Taylor-Pritchard, Sophie Taylor-Pritchard, Tejal Thakur eph Anderson, Halle T Taylor-Pr Varasinun Pookwanmuang, Saijit Lueangsrisuk arasinun Mathanattapat, Mathanattapat Kanungnit Kanu
Original Illustrations: Natchanuch Nakapat, graphicsRF, Blue Ring Media and Interact Images Illustrat Nat Royalty-free images: Shutterstock, Adobe Stock imag S