NoCo Wholistic Living Resource
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
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De-stress and rejuvenate Saturday, June 10th • 3 - 5 p.m. Old Town Yoga 235 Jefferson Street, Fort Collins 3 - 4 p.m.: Yoga class (Basic asana and breath work) 4 - 5 p.m.: Tibetan Bowl and flute concert by Paul Temple (RadianceMatrix) * $18/person * Space limited to 35. Purchase tickets at
Let’s talk about our quiet mental health crisis Saturday, June 17th • 12 - 4 p.m. Fort Collins Creative Community Center 200 Mathews, Fort Collins We'll offer clean snacks, mental wellness vendors and activities, and a panel discussion with those who overcame mental health crises * Free * Email or call 408-821-8341 with any questions or to reserve a vendor table. TO STAY INFORMED, FOLLOW REGENERATE MAGAZINE ON FACEBOOK
In this issue May/June 2017 • Issue 135 5
Publisher’s Note
Life on The Other Side of Suicide
The Elephant in the Brain
9 Self-Protection Strategies for Empaths
Bringing Stress Levels Down Naturally...
POP Quiz: How Wholistic are You?
Identifying with Your Health Story
STRESS and the Mind-Body Nutrition Connection
When Your Life is Devoid of Hope… Can Food Affect Your Purpose in Life?
Food: Our Emotional Security Blanket
Food as Medicine for ADHD
The opinions expressed in articles and advertisements are the authors’ own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher or other contributors. Regenerate Magazine is brought to you by our advertisers. Your support of these businesses and services encourages freedom of choice in health care in our community. Join us in thanking them for their support. Please tell them you saw their ad in Regenerate. For help with advertising, call 408-821-8341
4 Regenerate • May/June 2017 •
Publisher’s Note SANDRA G. MALHOTRA, Ph.D
The Numbers: • The population of the United States is about 300 million. • About 8 million adults have PTSD during a given year ( • Over 20 veterans suffering with Post-Traumatic Stress commit suicide each day ( • In 2015, an estimated 16.1 million adults aged 18 or older in the United States had at least one major depressive episode in the past year. This number represented 6.7% of all U.S. adults. ( ce/major-depression-among-adults.shtml) • 83 people committed suicide in Larimer County in 2016 — that’s over 1 per week. The average age was 46 and only 23 of the 83 were undergoing active mental health treatment. ( • About one out of every 68 children in the United States currently has autism. (https://www.nichd. • An estimated 5.4 million Americans have Alzheimer's disease. By mid-century, the number of people living with Alzheimer's disease in the United States is projected to grow to 13.8 million, fueled in large part by the aging baby boom generation. (
This is not a pretty picture, is it? Too many children fall somewhere on the autism spectrum; too many adults are suffering with PTSD, depression or suicidal ideation; and too many seniors are senile. Whaaaaat in the actual F is going on here? This is NOT NORMAL and not acceptable. There are pharmaceutical medications on the market to treat many of these conditions. But if chemical interventions were an effective solution on their own, wouldn’t these numbers be less dire? It would seem that the easy (and highly profitable) solution of prescribing a pill for every ill is not working. Might food, lifestyle and environment have something to do with it? Our goal is not to give medical advice, but to shed light on integrative solutions to mental health issues so that anyone dealing with them can make an informed decision about treatment. Read on for insightful articles about mental health and attend our June event for nourishing food and a panel discussion on this important topic (see ad on page 3). It is possible to heal and be whole.
P.S. As they say, the only constant in life is change. We hope you are pleased with the changes afoot in this issue! It is leaner and meaner because we are diversifying by placing additional great online exclusive content onto our website ( and our Facebook page ( Be sure to visit these sites to read even more insightful articles about mental health. Retraction: In the March/April article "Eating Organically" by Joannee Debruhl, there was an error in the description of GMO corn. Glyphosate is not incorporated into the DNA of GMO corn. A bacterium that was resistant to Roundup was found at a Roundup plant and that bacterium was used to create the Round Up Ready corn. A specific DNA sequence from genes in the bacterium were inserted into the genome of the corn seeds. • May/June 2017 • Regenerate
NoCo Wholistic Living Resource Published in Fort Collins since May 1993 PUBLISHED BY Sandra G Productions, LLC Publisher/Editor Sandra G. Malhotra, Publisher — Advertising Department 408-821-8341 Assistant Editor Rene Villard-Reid Photo Director Christina Gressianu Graphic Design Advertising Development Specialists, Inc. 970-223-1743 Subscriptions/Change of Address — 408-821-8341 Subscriptions are $18 for one year, or $30 for 2 years. General Information — 408-821-8341 Mailing Address 3650 Full Moon Dr., Fort Collins, CO 80528 Where to Find Regenerate Visit to find a distribution site in Colorado or to subscribe. Download the App to read Regenerate Magazine on your device. Copyright In the interest of sharing information about holistic lifestyles, Regenerate does not copyright any of the material published. Advertising Rates Please visit or phone 408-821-8341 for a complete media kit which includes our display rates and electronic file requirements. Directory Listings: Please visit
ADVERTISING DEADLINE: May 31 for July/August Issue Submit all ads to Visit RegenerateMagazine.comor phone 408-821-8341 for complete media kit. ARTICLE SUBMISSION DEADLINE: May 10 for July/August Issue Submit all articles to Visit Articles submitted early have a better chance of being published.
6 Regenerate • May/June 2017 •
A big thank you to our contributors for this issue!
Judith Albright
Susan Golicic
Marian Mitchell
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Linda King
Rene Villard-Reid
Karen Korona
Anne-Marie Suddreth
Amy Mihaly
Jennifer Tracy
Name_________________________________________ Phone ________________________________________ Address________________________________________ City, State, Zip____________________________________ Email _________________________________________ 1 Year (6 issues) $18 2 Years (12 issues) $30 Return with payment to: SANDRA G. PRODUCTIONS 3650 Full Moon Drive • Fort Collins, CO 80528 Or subscribe online at: • May/June 2017 • Regenerate
Life on The Other Side of Suicide JENNIFER TRACY
As I sit at my computer, my heart races and I am overcome with gratitude... thankful to be alive and share my story about life on the other side of suicide. Suicide is a difficult subject to discuss. Yet through talking about it, my hope is that with each passing day, together, we can bring light to such a complex issue.
It still affects me deeply when I think about all I could have missed if I had lost the fight and taken my life. It’s hard to believe my two-year battle with suicide was 18 years ago. It’s even harder to believe that since then I buried my husband and daughter in August 2004, buried my mother in 2007 and survived traumatic brain surgery in 2012. Yet I know darkness can’t exist without the light. Some of the beautiful moments I have been alive to experience have been watching my oldest daughter graduate college and my youngest daughter graduate high school. Despite the pain, I have forged on, shared the stage, speaking with others. Hoping that our story would continue to bring light where darkness tends to prevail. We have laughed, cried and traveled the states together. We talk openly about suicide, depression, anxiety and those we miss. My battle with suicide started five years before the death of my husband and daughter. Most people assume when I say I fought through suicide that it was after their deaths. I can understand how people justify in their minds that I could have lost my mind after their deaths. Yet, my struggles with suicide were
minor in comparison to that dark two-year time where I almost took my life. I had no way of knowing then, that everything that happened to me during my battle with suicide prepared me for surviving the most horrific day of my life, the day where not only my husband and one of my twin daughters died, but my other two daughters who were in the car as well, would survive. It can be hard to find joy and gratitude during our own personal struggles. This was true for me then and has been many other times, but I am thankful now that those times challenged my core beliefs and ultimately led me to great self-discovery. So how in the world did a two-year battle with suicide prepare and equip me to fight through grief, social stigma, pain, regret and muster the courage to not only save myself, but also to do my best to save my two surviving daughters? I found the courage to admit that I was no longer able to fight this battle alone. It took all the strength I had to fight for me in a way I had never done before and surrender. The choice to admit myself into the psychiatric unit shattered my walls, kept me alive and I believe, prepared me to know how to save myself
I found the courage to admit that I was no longer able to fight this battle alone. • May/June 2017 • Regenerate
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after my husband and daughter were killed. Rebuilding my life happened by finding the courage to do whatever it took to see this happen. Through prayer, meditation, the help of my therapist, primary care physician, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing,) building a support system of friends and family and changing the way I ate, I have seen what was a shattered life be rebuilt. Nothing though has changed me or been as powerful
When it comes to solving issues with mental health, suicide, addiction, grief and crime, we must evaluate the role of these four things. as learning the true understanding of forgiveness and applying its power to myself. Those questions and subsequent answers became the foundation for every speech and program I would develop and run. How can we expect others to know how to love or help us, when we don’t know how to? When it comes to solving issues with mental health, suicide, addiction, grief and crime, we must evaluate the role of these four things. We must ask ourselves, what role does science and our DNA play in the equation? Second, we must look back and be open about how each of our unique upbringings plays a part in who we are today. Third, we must evaluate the current environment that we are in and determine if it is healthy. Last, we must battle within ourselves the mystery that spirituality plays. Personally, I felt abandoned by a God I once felt close to. Knowing the answers to these questions, saved my life. Helping others find their answers is what fuels my mission to save lives with my story. Jennifer Tracy is an inspirational speaker whose message saves lives. With courage and grit, she continues to change communities one life at a time. Jennifer knows pain. However, she also knows how to use pain to create lasting positive change. Jennifer’s programs teach others to do the same. Her book, Inside The Mind of Suicide, is coming soon. Her hope is that it will inspire just one reader to never give up and be able to view life from the other side of suicide. Learn more about Jennifer’s offerings at
10 Regenerate • May/June 2017 •
Use code NDE163 for a 10% discount! Can't attend in person? Check our Live Streaming & VOD options! FEATURED SPEAKERS EBEN ALEXANDER, MD JEAN WATSON, RN, PhD Neurosurgeon Caring Science Founder & Near-Death Experiencer Author | CARING SCIENCE AS Author | PROOF OF HEAVEN SACRED SCIENCE
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The Elephant in the Brain ANNE-MARIE SUDDRETH
12 Regenerate • May/June 2017 •
I was raised by a brilliant woman. She couldn’t play a sport to save her life, but she played piano so beautifully that by age 8 that she was made backup for the church pianist. An insatiable reader from early childhood, she earned a graduate degree in English and taught at the college level for years. She was beloved by her students who frequently kept in touch long after class ended. Her coworkers gushed about her extraordinary teaching skills and gift for writing. She returned to school years later to pursue School Counseling and no one was surprised at her remarkably high grades and evaluations. As a school counselor in rural North Carolina schools, she quickly worked her way into the hearts of students and staff alike. My mother was genuinely loved and respected. She was one of the most moral and compassionate people I’ve ever known. When she died suddenly at the age of 50 there was a larger crowd present at her memorial service than she would ever have predicted and many tears were shed. Countless people shared how special she had been in their lives. The Great Mystery of my mother, though, was how she struggled with a pervasive and handicapped sense of being “not good enough.” She was amazing and I told her this regularly, imploringly. I would point out the evidence that she was invaluable to myself and others. Ultimately, though, she never could accept she was worthy of love and belonging. Her fundamental sense of being was fatally flawed. It created within her an isolated, pained and lonely woman. She was unable to feel the deep connection that others felt for her. It robbed her of relationships, happiness and ultimately her health. After her death, I found a treasure trove of her personal writing. One day, like a needle in a haystack, I found the missing piece. My mother had been sexually abused for many years as a child. This was a profound revelation. It was perhaps THE big key to the enigma that was my mother, but I did not yet understand the scope of what it meant.
Six years later, I was doing an internship for my Clinical Psychology program at the local community mental health center. I saw a wide range of clients and began to see a pattern of qualities which was startlingly familiar. I saw them often and in people from all walks of life. I began to understand what “trauma” meant and the myriad ways it manifested. Trauma becomes like the elephant in the room, or “the elephant in the brain,” as I sometimes say. At the most severe end of the spectrum is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Many people are aware that this sometimes plagues veterans of war. However, PTSD is not limited to military veterans. Anyone who has experienced or witnessed the threat of death, violence, or injury is at risk of posttraumatic stress. This includes sexual assault and abuse, estimated to affect as many as 1 in 4 women. There is no “statute of limitations,” either. An experience from years ago, even in childhood, can impact your functioning decades later as an adult. Dr. Francine Shapiro, a prominent figure in trauma research and treatment, distinguishes between “ big T” and “little t” traumas. Big “T” traumas are what we immediately think of as traumatic: war, rape, murder, etc. Little “t” traumas are life events that
cause us pain such as being harassed or outcast as a child, working with a verbally abusive boss or partner, or public humiliation. Many people are surprised to find their brains have processed those events similarly to a big Trauma. In fact, sometimes little traumas are more insidious because we tend to fail to recognize old memories as affecting us. After all, they weren’t “Traumas.” But they could be and the results involve significant pain and dysfunction. It is possible to be affected by symptoms of post-traumatic stress without experiencing full PTSD. Symptoms vary, but they affect both the mind AND the body. Some are intrusive such as nightmares, recurrent memories of the event, and intense distress or anxiety after being exposed to a reminder of the event, called “triggering”. Sometimes the trigger is obvious; other times you just notice a sudden negative mood, such as guilt, shame, anger, fear, horror, irritability. When symptoms are intense and unpleasant, individuals tend to avoid the people, places, things, certain thoughts or feelings that may act as reminders. The problem with avoidance is that it can interfere with daily life and interpersonal relationships. The brain will not allow us to avoid them forever. Trauma also affects thinking and concentration. Flashbacks are a state • May/June 2017 • Regenerate
where the brain and body relive the event. Memory problems are not uncommon particularly in regard to memories of a specific event. Also, there can be episodes of ‘losing time’ in the present because of disassociation or flashbacks. One of the symptoms I see most often is the deep ingrained distorted sense of self and the world as in “I’m bad” or “It was my fault.” This leaves survivors feeling alienated or disconnected from others. Finally, trauma can cause the body feel stuck in an “on alert” mode, where the body is always looking out for a threat. Do you startle easily or jump when you hear a loud noise? Do you have trouble sleeping? All of these are symptoms of posttraumatic stress. How does post-traumatic stress happen? What makes these memories seem to take over our rational mind so completely? The answer is in how the event was processed in the brain at the time it occurred. Meet the amygdala. It is a relatively small almond-shaped structure in the brain that is key to registering and processing emotion, particularly fear. If a grizzly bear starts running toward you it is the amygdala which activates your fight, flight, or freeze response. It has saved countless lives by perceiving threat and emotion and helping us act accordingly. When the amygdala is “overactivated” in duration or intensity, the ability to process those events appropriately is compromised. Think of a story from your life that is slightly negative and notice the lack of anxiety or discomfort. The lack of a negative response means the memory was processed appropriately. When an event is life threatening, the amygdala and its partner, the hippocampus may be so
overwhelmed they cannot process and direct emotional information away from places of primal fear. Whenever the brain is reminded of that event in any way, the amygdala becomes aroused again. The original thoughts are reactivated and the body re-experiences some of the physical sensations which accompanied the event. All of this happens to varying degrees at different times, depending on the traumatic experience itself. It is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to return to your original state by an act of will alone. In order to recover from trauma, both physical and psychological symptoms must be addressed. Medication cannot do this long-term. Many doctors have been taught to prescribe tranquilizers and sleep medication to calm the nervous system. It is not enough if you want to truly heal. Anyone who is working to recover from trauma needs to know there is no quick fix. Meditation, psychotherapy, yoga, and bibliotherapy (writing therapy) have all been shown to reduce symptoms of PTSD and post-traumatic stress. But many people find that it is not enough. One therapy modality which addresses both the physical and psychological effects of posttraumatic stress is called Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). In essence EMDR allows for the reprocessing of those traumatic memories in such a way they no longer activate the intensity of the emotional center of the brain. For example, a train engineer was rolling down the tracks one day when a young pregnant woman jumped in front of his train and committed suicide. For weeks he couldn’t sleep, couldn’t stop “seeing” her jump in front of the train and felt
14 Regenerate • May/June 2017 •
the sheer terror of the moment and could not go back to work. With some EMDR therapy, he was able to get back in the driver’s seat. He did not forget what happened, but reminders of the incident no longer shut him down physically and emotionally. He was able to return to his life and move on. For “simpler” traumas (e.g., car accidents) in people without a previous history of significant trauma, EMDR is often a faster method of treatment. There is more processing work in cases of complex, intense, or prolonged trauma. Furthermore, EMDR may not be the end of the healing process. However, EMDR has been the key to moving on for many vets, civilians, adults of all ages and children. I’ve witnessed its power in many of my own clients. I cannot recommend it highly enough. I only wish my mother had access to this kind of work. If you or someone you love is dealing with trauma, it is critical you understand it is not a weakness or personal flaw. It is an issue created by the neurological system in response to an intense event. If you’ve never sought help for it — please do! If you have sought help and haven’t experienced the kind of healing you desire — keep trying something new. There is always room for change and growth. Anne-Marie Suddreth, M.A., is a Registered Psychotherapist currently practicing in Fort Collins, CO. Her passion lies in working with individuals and groups on their journeys to healing from trauma and anxiety, and in helping people live as their highest, most authentic selves. For more information please visit For more information about EMDR please visit or
9 Self-Protection Strategies for Empaths Combat Toxic Energy and Stop Taking on Other People’s Stress Excerpted with permission from The Empath’s Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive People (Sounds True, April 4, 2017). © Judith Orloff, MD. All rights reserved. Dr. Orloff is a psychiatrist, an empath, a NY Times best-selling author and is on the UCLA Psychiatric Clinical Faculty. To learn more about the power of empathy, Dr. Orloff’s book tour schedule, and to sign up for her Empath Support Newsletter visit t This is a message from our valued advertiser.
Empaths are emotional sponges who absorb other peoples’ stress into their own bodies. As an empath myself I know how exhausting this can be. Here are some basic strategies for empaths and all people battling with low energy from my new book, The Empath’s Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive People. I practice these strategies in my life and teach them to my patients and workshop participants — and you can turn to these techniques if you’re absorbing the stress or symptoms of others and you need ways to release them. Experiment. See which ones work best for you. Use them in situations where you are feeling ill or upset and suspect you’re taking on someone else’s physical or emotional distress. 1. Ask yourself, “Is this symptom or emotion mine or someone else’s? A tip-off that you’re absorbing someone’s energy is to
16 Regenerate • May/June 2017 •
notice if you experience a sudden change of mood or physical state around that person. Most likely, if you didn’t feel anxious, depressed, exhausted, or sick before, the discomfort is at least partially coming from him or her. If you move away and the discomfort dissipates, it is definitely not yours! Sometimes, though, the emotion or symptom may be both yours and another person’s. Feelings are catchy, especially if they relate to a hot button issue for you. You are more prone to take on the emotional or physical pain that you haven’t worked out in yourself. The more you heal issues that trigger you, the less likely you’ll be to absorb emotions from others. 2. Breathe and repeat this mantra to counter negative energy When negativity strikes, immediately focus on your breath for a few minutes. Slowly and deeply, inhale and
exhale to expel the uncomfortable energy. Breathing circulates negativity out of your body. Holding your breath or breathing shallowly keeps negativity stuck within you. As you breathe, I suggest firmly repeating aloud this mantra three times in a tone that conveys you mean what you’re saying: Return to sender, return to PHOTOS: JUDITH sender, return to sender. The power of ORLOFF your voice can command the discomfort out of your body. Your breath is the vehicle that transports it back to the universe. Also, while saying this mantra, you can specifically breathe toxic energy out of your lumbar spine in your lower back. The spaces between the lumbar vertebrae are conducive to acting as channels for eliminating unhealthy energy. Visualize the discomfort exiting through these spaces in your spine. Declare, “I release you” as it leaves your body and blends with the giant energy matrix of life.
6. Set limits and boundaries
3. Step away from what’s disturbing you
Empaths need alone time to reconnect with their power. If you’ve picked up unwanted energy, be sure to take some alone time to center yourself. For a few minutes or more, quiet everything. No noise, bright lights, phone calls, texts, emails, internet, television, or conversations. It’s sometimes important to just feel your own energy without anyone else around. You are being your own best friend which is a way to nurture yourself. By decreasing external stimulation, it’s also easier to clear negativity.
Move at least twenty feet from the suspected source. See if you feel relief. Don’t worry about offending strangers. In a doctor’s office, movie, or other public place, don’t hesitate to change seats. If you’re sitting next to a noisy group in a restaurant, you don’t have to stay there and feel uncomfortable. Feel free to move to a more peaceful table. It’s fine to lovingly say “No,” to certain energies. Giving yourself permission to move is an act of self-care. Empaths often find themselves in overwhelming social situations. If that happens to you, be sure to take breaks to replenish yourself. Then, if you want to return to the gathering you can be in a more serene place. 4. Limit physical contact. Hugs are a choice! Energy transfers through the eyes and touch. If you’re uncomfortable with someone, limit eye contact and touch, including hugs and hand-holding. Though hugging a loved one in distress often benefits you both, if you are wary of taking on their stress, make the hug short. You can keep sending them love from a distance. You have a choice about the kind of physical contact you participate in. 5. Detox in water A quick way to dissolve stress and empathic pains is to immerse yourself in water. Empaths love water! Epsom salt baths are divine and also provide magnesium which is calming. You might want to add a little lavender essential oil to your bath — it is calming after a long day. The perfect empath getaway is soaking in natural mineral springs that purify all that ails you.
There’s no way around it. To survive and thrive, you need to set limits with people. If someone is draining, don’t be a doormat. Control how much time you spend listening to the person. “No,” is a complete sentence! It’s okay to tell someone, “I’m sorry, I’m not up for going to a party tonight,” or “Let’s discuss this when you’re calmer. I can’t tolerate yelling,” or “I need to meditate and be quiet right now,” or “I can’t talk more than a few minutes unless you want to discuss solutions.” Sometimes changing communication patterns with friends is a retraining process, but being consistent with setting kind but firm limits will protect you from energy vampires. 7. Create alone time to regroup
8. Spend time in nature and practice ‘Earthing’ Empaths love nature and feel at ease there. Being in a fresh, clean, green environment or around water clears negativity. The Earth emanates healing. Try lying in a meadow and soaking up its energy in your entire body. This feels sublime! Earthing means going barefoot and feeling the earth’s power through your feet. To shed other people’s energy, feel the grass between your bare toes, walk in the sand or the soil. Sense the nurturing medicine of the earth coming through your feet to ground you — a beautiful experience. 9. Take breaks from being online You need regular time-out from technology that inundates you with too much information. Online media that triggers your emotions — such as Facebook groups, Instagram, violent news feeds — can impair your ability to fall sleep. It’s easy to pick up energy in the virtual world, so make sure you spend time in nature, meditating, or participating in other off-line activities that restore you. A complete technology-fast once in a while will do wonders for your sense of well-being. • May/June 2017 • Regenerate
Bringing Stress Levels Down Naturally... LINDA KING, C.HT., FEP, REIKI MASTER/TEACHER, LUXMANI PRACTITIONER Stress can come into our lives from all different sources: changing jobs (particularly getting fired or laid off), a move, a death, divorce, money problems, deadlines, health problems or retiring, to name a few. Sometimes the stress may be brought on from our environment: too much noise, pollution, toxins, crowds or EMFs. The question is, how to deal with the stress so it does not adversely impact our health?
t This is a message from our valued advertiser. Stress affects each person differently and in varying degrees. It can appear as tension in the back, neck and shoulders, elevated blood pressure, physical aches and pains, eating or digestive issues, problems with elimination (such as frequent urination or constipation), insomnia, sexual impotence or a decreased desire for sex. Stress can lead to depression, anxiety, panic attacks, or any number of other conditions. As a Medical Hypnotherapist, I see many clients coming in with high stress issues. During sessions, I assist clients change the way their brain and body react to stress. Sometimes, we talk to other parts of ourselves, (Inner Healer, Inner Child, Wise Mind, Control Center, etc.) for another perspective on the healing process. We create tools to help us, such as healing bridges, shields, lights or changing the “channel” on the screen in our minds. The possibilities are endless with hypnotherapy. There are many things you can do on your own to bring the stress levels down. I recommend trying the following suggestions: • Identify what might be causing the
stress. Keep a journal of when you notice the stress building up. Once you identify the source, you can begin to make changes in your life to eliminate them. • Get plenty of rest. • Try the 4-7-8 (or Relaxing Breath) Exercise. This breathing exercise was developed by Dr. Andrew Weil and works within a couple minutes to bring down stress levels. Exhale completely through the mouth, breathe in slowly through the nose, quietly, to the count of four, hold for seven seconds, exhale through the mouth to the count of eight. Repeat three more times. • Avoid alcohol, caffeine, nicotine and other drugs. • Eat healthy foods by ensuring you get all the vitamins and nutrients you need. • Increase physical activity. Taking a walk in nature is ideal. • Do something relaxing: read a book, get a massage, try a Reiki treatment, take in a sauna, soak in the bathtub
18 Regenerate • May/June 2017 •
with Epsom salts or sea salts and add a little essential oils (such as lavender or orange). • Try a Crystal Light Healing Bed therapy treatment or Halotherapy (Salt Cave). • Find someone you can talk to about what’s going on in your life. • Spend a little time everyday watching or reading something that brings a smile or laugh into your day, even funny pet videos or joke of the day sites. • Make up a list of positive affirmations on how you WANT to be feeling: “Every day, my body is calm and relaxed. I choose to be calm while dealing with difficulties at work. I breathe slowly and calmly.” • Avoid overloading your schedule. It is okay to say “NO,” when asked to work extra hours, or attend an event, or host an event. • Meditate. Even a few minutes a day can make a difference. Can’t meditate on your own? Try listening to relaxing guided meditations.
• Take up Tai Chi, Qigong, Yoga, Pilates or another Mind/Body practice that will help you make connections with relaxation, balance, stretching and moving your body. • Consider trying Flower Essences. Flower Remedies are made from the dew drops of flowers, plants and trees and help us to heal emotionally and on a soul level. Usually taken orally, they work by raising our frequencies, usually over the course of a few weeks. Rescue Remedy is a “combo remedyâ€? known around the world for being a safe, natural treatment for acute stress, trauma, accidents, etc. There are many different remedies that work on stress on a permanent basis. Some of these are Elm, Chamomile, Dill, Indian Pink, Star of Bethlehem and Aspen. These may be used for specific underlying causes of stress.Â
• Try aromatherapy as it can be very effective in bringing down stress levels. Individual essential oils, such as lavender, chamomile, or specific blends can be used in a diffuser, a bath, or applied directly on acupressure points. • Try tapping. The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) has been around a couple decades now, and it works great! This technique developed by Gary Craig, an engineer at Stanford, combines thought field therapy with tapping on acupressure points, which release endorphins to make you feel better within minutes. If stress is creating problems in your life, do try to get a handle on it before physical issues or further mental or emotional strains start occurring in your life. If your doctor has recommended
prescription medications, know the possible implications and side effects before taking them. Many have long term effects, such as “numbing your emotions� on a permanent basis. There are many hypnotherapists, counselors, life coaches and therapists who have been trained in reducing stress and promoting relaxation. It is not necessary to go through this alone. Linda King is a Certified Medical Hypnotherapist, Flower Essence Practitioner, LuxMani Practitioner, Herbalist and Reiki Master/Teacher. She utilizes a variety of modalities in her practice, Naturally Yours LLC, to assist clients to reach their highest potential and goals. You can reach Linda at (970) 215-7606 or learn more about her services at
Do you find yourself standing still wondering what more is possible? Are your feet & your mind stuck in the same old pattern?
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Pop Quiz:
How Wholistic are You? Are You a Jedi Master or a Sith? Give yourself 1 point for each correctly answered question to find out! Questions: 1. What is the subconscious mind? 2. Who wrote Biology of Belief? 3. Who is Shawn Achor? 4. What are benefits of meditation? 5. What is the Third Agreement in don Miguel Ruiz’s Four Agreements? 6. What does GMO stand for? 7. Is non-GMO the same as organic? 8. What is the difference between Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids? 9. What is the difference between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems? 10. When was Star Wars IV – A New Hope released?
Answers: 1. The subconscious mind is a data base of stored programs, primarily derived from the programming a child receives from the last trimester of pregnancy through the first six years of life. There is no thinking in these subconscious behaviors, it’s more like push the button, play the program. Unfortunately, the downloaded programs comprising the subconscious data base are derived from recording the behavior of others (parents, siblings and community) and psychology reveals up to 70% of these “learned”
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behaviors are disempowering, self-sabotaging and limiting. It’s amazing how life can change after removing junk from the subconscious mind! Learn more at 2. Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. wrote Biology of Belief. This book is a must read if you want to understand the relationship between the mind and the body. My mind = blown after reading it. 3. Shawn Achor is the New York Times bestselling author of Before Happiness (2013) and The Happiness Advantage (2010). Shawn has become one of the world’s leading experts on the connection between happiness and success, and how one can create habits that support a happier outlook. Seriously good stuff. Learn more at 4. The practice of meditation appears to have an amazing variety of neurological benefits — from changes in grey matter volume to reduced activity in the “me” centers of the brain to enhanced connectivity between brain regions. Studies also report that meditation helps relieve our subjective levels of anxiety and depression, and improve attention, concentration, and overall psychological well-being. Oooooommmmmm…… 5. The Third Agreement is “Don’t Make Assumptions”. Read this powerful little book to learn about the others! 6. GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism. GMO’s are the result of a laboratory process where
genes from the DNA of one species are extracted and artificially forced into the genes of an unrelated plant or animal. The foreign genes may come from bacteria, viruses, insects, animals or even humans. We could go on and on about these demon seeds. Learn more at 7. No, non-GMO is not the same as organic. Organic food is food that has been farmed and manufactured within strict guidelines set forth by the Department of Agriculture, including a prohibition against GMO’s. When you purchase something with the USDA Organic seal, you are making a non-GMO purchase, but not the other way around because non-GMO seeds may be grown using things prohibited by the organic label. Going local and organic is the best way to go, if possible. 8. Omega-3 and omega-6 are types of essential fatty acids — meaning we cannot make them on our own and have to obtain them from our diet. The body constructs hormones from omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. In general, hormones derived from the two classes of essential fatty acids have opposite effects. Those from omega-6 fatty acids tend to increase inflammation (an important component of the immune response), blood clotting, and cell proliferation, while those from omega-3 fatty acids decrease those functions. Both families of hormones must be in balance to maintain optimum health. Many nutrition experts believe that before we relied so heavily on processed foods, humans consumed omega3 and omega-6 fatty acids in roughly equal amounts. But to our great detriment, most North Americans and Europeans now get far too much of the omega-6s and not enough of the omega-3s, leading to inflammatory conditions. Learn more at vitamins-supplements-herbs/vitamins/balancing-omega3-and-omega-6/. 9. The sympathetic nervous system is part of the autonomic nervous system, which also includes the parasympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system activates what is often termed the fight-or-flight response. Sometimes called the rest and digest system, the parasympathetic system conserves energy as it slows the heart rate, increases intestinal and gland activity, and relaxes sphincter muscles in the gastrointestinal tract. If you are chronically stressed, your sympathetic nervous system is in control and your body is not regenerating itself because it is preparing to fight for its life. This is not good. Not good at all.
Levels of Wholistic-ness: 9 10 POINTS Jedi Master, you are: Impressive! You have reached rarified levels of wholistic wisdom. You can sense junk from far, far away and understand the ways of The Force. Teach others the way, you must. 6 8 POINTS Jedi Knight: You believe in real food and healthy lifestyles and on your way to becoming a Master. Use the Force, resist the Galactic Empire of junk, and a Master, you will be. 3 5 POINTS Padawan: The Force is strong in you and you are learning the ways of the Jedi. Continue to work with the Light and soon, a powerful Knight in the Rebel Alliance you will be! LESS THAN 2 POINTS Possibly a Sith: We invite you to reject the dark side and step into the light! Move away from the junk and the toxins, move your body, and connect to something greater than yourself. Do it, you can!
10.1977. I was ten years old and it was awesome! • May/June 2017 • Regenerate
In this excerpt from the first chapter of Change Your Story of Your Health: Using Shamanic and Jungian Techniques for Healing by Carl Greer, PhD, PsyD the author discusses what he means by ‘identifying the story of your health’ and some of the reasons we might have chosen that particular narrative….
Identifying with Your Health Story t This is a message from our valued advertiser. Most of us identify with our thought processes and emotional experiences. We might say about ourselves, “I am a shy introvert” or “I’m a people person.” However, we might not realize how much we identify with our physical selves and our current state of health. Typically, we don’t identify with illnesses unless we develop a pattern of distress and write a story in which we are a “chronic migraine sufferer” or “a person with a weak constitution” or “someone who has always had a weak stomach.” The language we use to describe our experiences is worth considering. The names of diagnoses have power, too. For example, waking up during the night and having trouble falling back to sleep can seem more serious and hard to address if you think of it as “insomnia” and yourself as “someone who is battling insomnia.” You might choose to observe the change in your sleep pattern and learn more about it, so you can work around it and begin to think about it differently. Perhaps you will decide to journal or read if you can’t get back to sleep after a few minutes, using the time productively. You might look more closely at how much sleep you need and find solutions you wouldn’t have thought of if you were simply focused on “overcoming insomnia” and sleeping straight through the night consistently. Letting go of the term “insomnia” might reduce your worry that having this “condition” means your sleep will be inadequate and you will always be groggy during the day. As we start to develop chronic ailments and experience
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reduced flexibility and balance, reduced strength and physical stamina and display signs of aging and disease, we may start to identify with the illnesses we experience and lose faith that we can cure or overcome them. I have noticed this in my work and try to help people find new identities and write new stories for themselves after they
have become convinced their health condition is unchangeable, even though that isn’t necessarily the case. If you feel you can’t change your story, it can seem comforting to identify with it. Seeing yourself as “a diabetic” or “an asthma sufferer” could offer certain payoffs depending on the health story you write. Those payoffs might include receiving sympathy from others, getting out of social situations you would rather avoid, or being part of a group of people who share a common experience of having diabetes. The payoffs might also include excuses for why you haven’t been productive and achieved the goals you set for yourself. You might not even be conscious of these payoffs. If you were, you might decide there are better ways to achieve your goals and feel a sense of control over your life. Expanded-awareness practices can bring to light unconscious obstacles to achieving better health. The truth is you are not your condition, your disease, or your pain, and you might have more power to manage them than it appears on the surface. You can relate to any condition differently. When you identify with your health challenges, you lose your ability to work with them, and they begin to control you and dictate what your health story is. Sickness or disease can make you doubt whether you will ever be able to return to your previous state of wellness or even improve upon it. Uncertainty about your physical health and mortality can make you even more aware of your mortality and question whether you have enough time left to do all you would like to do. Although these topics can be painful to explore, they can also lead to transformation. So, for example, men who are dealing with prostate cancer and women who are dealing with the loss of a breast due to cancer may feel they have lost their sexuality and sexual attractiveness. Realizing that sexuality encompasses more than what they once thought can free them of the old story of their health that isn’t working and give more confidence to themselves and their attractiveness. They can fashion a new empowering identity around their beliefs and new experiences. As you work on changing the story of your health, you might find it difficult to imagine a health story which does not include physical ailments or symptoms of a chronic health condition. Maybe what you desire is impossible, so your new health story will include a theme of acceptance. Some people have trouble accepting they can only lose so much weight without making other sacrifices they are not willing to make. Acceptance works the other way, too. A person might go many years cancer-free, yet have trouble identifying as a cancer survivor or simply as someone who once had cancer but overcame it.
The truth is you are not your condition, your disease, or your pain, and you might have more power to manage them than it appears on the surface.
Carl Greer, PhD, PsyD is a practicing clinical psychologist, Jungian analyst and shamanic practitioner. He teaches at the C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago and is on staff at the Replogle Center for Counseling and Well-Being, and is the bestselling author of Change Your Story Change Your Life. To purchase his new book, Change the Story of Your Health go to and for more information visit • May/June 2017 • Regenerate
STRESS and the Mind-Body Nutrition Connection KAREN KORONA
Have you considered the profound influence the mind has on the body when it comes to eating food? When I was younger I wondered why I felt so good on vacation. I could eat whatever I wanted and not have a bit of a tummy ache. And yet when I came home to the stressful routine of a single mom, my tummy was in knots and I frequently ended up with a stomachache after meals, unable to metabolize my food efficiently.
Stress is an obstacle in all of our lives. Have you experienced your appetite being off when you were under stress? Perhaps you felt confused about what to eat. You may have over eaten, or found yourself eating comfort foods. Most of us are aware of the correlation between stress and the increase in cortisol and insulin, which effects weight gain and fat storage. How about the unhealthy bacteria stress can create in the gut which leads to food allergies and potentially increases unhealthy cholesterol levels? And there are many more bodily symptoms associated with stress. So what happens to food in the belly when we are in stress mode? Research has revealed that stress has a great influence on digesting food. Here are some helpful tips to use when eating to reduce stress in your mind and body: 1. Take a belly breath Breathe into your belly when you first sit down at the table. This simple method clears the mind
and relaxes the body prior to eating. The first time I used the belly breath before eating, my stomach tension went away instantly and my stomach remained relaxed throughout the meal. 2. For the first mouthful: feel gratitude When taking your first mouthful of food, take a pause feeling gratitude for your food. Gratitude naturally opens the heart, and begins relaxing your digestive system. When the focus is on gratitude, the worries of the mind dissolve, releasing tension in the body. 3. For the second mouthful: try mindful chewing and tasting I love this practice! Take a bite and chew, focusing on the flavor of your food. You may find yourself savoring your food as you enjoy the taste. This is truly joyful eating.
4. For the third mouthful: feel it in your belly Take a moment to focus on your happy belly. (You may place your hand on your belly to help you focus your attention.) You have taken the food in your mouth, mindfully chewed and tasted your food, and now it is in your stomach ready to be digested. Enjoy your food and conversation. Your body will take it from here. 5. Use an affirmation to assimilate your food Here is an affirmation you can use after dinner: “My belly is relaxed and I am assimilating my food. My belly is happy!” You can use this affirmation or create your own. The affirmation “seals the deal” in your brain and body, and assists in creating a new, healthy mind-body nutrition connection. Also, should the table conversation become heated or negative, kindly but firmly redirect the conversation. I remember my son • May/June 2017 • Regenerate
For the best digestion and assimilation, we must create a happy environment without a lot of confusion or distractions.
at the dinner table wanting to talk about a horror movie or politics. Without saying, “let’s change the subject” I simply changed the subject by saying something positive with a happy tone. Our family also agreed to no texting, answering calls, watching TV or reading when eating. The body doesn’t like to multitask when it comes to eating. For the best digestion and assimilation, we must create a happy environment without a lot of confusion or distractions. For all my child-rearing years, we lit a candle during dinner, and then one of the kids would make a wish and blow out the candle. What a pleasure it was to partake in a simple dinner ritual, and to enjoy being present with our food and each other! Even now as an empty-nester, I light a candle before eating. I enjoy my food, and then blow out the candle making a wish. My friends love coming over for a meal and to
experience the ritual of eating. They always feel relaxed with a happy belly and good food. The greatest secret I have learned is how to be relaxed while eating and receiving my food in a happy state. Besides making eating enjoyable, you may also try some general stress release techniques such as having an exercise routine, doing yoga, listening to relaxing music, meditation, soaking in the bathtub, or listening to an audio guided meditation. For more specific stress relief, you can breathe into the area of tension or pain three times, suggesting relaxation. You may also use an affirmation with the breath, such as “I am relaxing my stomach, and my digestion is at ease.” When you first use the mind-body nutrition exercises, you will need to focus on the technique. However after a while, it will be an automatic program and seem quite natural. This easy method can make a
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profound change in your digestion and metabolism over time. I encourage you to try one of these simple techniques to begin changing your mind-body nutrition connection to support efficient metabolism and optimal nutrition in your body. Consider how one technique a day can change the chemistry of your brain and body, support vibrant health, create happiness, and maybe even reverse aging! Karen has been an International Holistic Healer and Teacher for over 30 years providing Energy Healing Treatments, Craniosacral Therapy, Counseling, Nutritional Education, Wellness Programs, Yoga and Meditation Workshops. She supports women and men to heal, empower and return to wholeness! Learn more at, or contact her at 303-725-1119 and
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Cost: $20 for full size menu item or flight + 3 mini treatments $10 for kids five and older
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Details: Treatments may include massage, Rossiter System,
skin treatments, nutrition consultations, foot baths, and more! Suite of modalities will change each week. Located at Drake & Lemay in Scotch Pines Village
THEGARDENJUICERY.COM • May/June 2017 • Regenerate
When Your Life is Devoid of Hope…
Can Food Affect Your Purpose in Life? AMY MIHALY
“I now understand why people want to be alive…”
This was my journal entry a few days after starting the GAPS healing protocol (Gut and Psychology Syndrome™). By the time I found the GAPS protocol, I had already been on my health journey for several years. During that time I found some relief for some of my physical symptoms and I even experienced a year which was depression-free for the first time in my life. But my depression returned and I was wrestling with suicidal thoughts more than I had in
Then I started the GAPS protocol and soon experienced something I had never known was possible. One morning I awoke and discovered I felt an expectation about the future. It was an expectation something good was coming and there was something worth being alive for. Never in my remembrance had I experienced this. Before that morning, I had no idea what I was missing. But I soon found that many others have observed and described this “future-good expectation” as they healed their bodies. I believe hope for the future is not special or unique, but is something we were all created to experience. And when it is missing, it shows something is wrong. Dr. Weston A. Price, a dentist in the early 1900’s, saw a link between dental caries (cavities) and overall health and decided to travel the globe studying people and groups still following traditional diets. In many cases he was able to compare them with a neighboring village who had transitioned to western processed food. He published his observations in the book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. In every village that still ate according to their traditional diet, he found them to be cheerful, strong, honest, kind, productive, intelligent and generally welcoming. This was true no matter what their living
One morning I awoke and discovered I felt an expectation about the future. It was an expectation something good was coming and there was something worth being alive for. years. My ADD was still a challenge and my ability to focus or remember anything was declining with frightening speed. I was easily irritated, often in pain and struggled to see the point of living. In fact, without my faith and relationship with God, I don’t think I would have chosen to keep living. But even though I was still alive, I wasn’t thriving and there was no joy in my life.
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climate was. The Eskimos were quite as happy as the Polynesian Islanders, even though they lived in much colder temperatures. The common factor was their traditional diet. The same people, even one generation after exposure to the western foods high in processed grains and sugars, experienced physical and mental decline. They lost strength and beauty because their bones were underdeveloped and deformed and their teeth were riddled with cavities. Many were in pain and their immunity was compromised, leading to frequent and severe illnesses. There was also a noticeable change in their attitude. In traditional cultures, there were no prisons or asylums. However after the introduction of western food, Dr. Price observed an increase in antisocial traits and behaviors. If you look at the pictures provided from Dr. Priceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s travels, you can see the difference in attitudes. The people on traditional diets are smiling and happy, while those on modern foods (sometimes even siblings) have a deep-set sad or resigned affect. It was Dr. Priceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s conclusion that the nutritional deficiencies brought on from the modern, western diet produced physical and mental changes. Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride (creator of the GAPS healing protocol) also discusses the connection between what we put in our gut and how it affects our brain. Like Dr. Price, she also believes we were meant to experience joy and happiness. She further explains that because of the many toxins we are exposed to (from external chemicals and internal toxins produced by the pathogenic flora inside our guts) the normal function of neurotransmitters is hindered. Neurotransmitters include our happy hormones, like adrenaline, epinephrine and dopamine. These neurotransmitters should be released when we talk with a friend, achieve goals, receive praise, and other frequent and common experiences. But when the body is damaged, they are not released so easily. Rather they are only released when a major stimulus is present â&#x20AC;&#x201D; such as sky diving, driving at high speeds, doing drugs, watching pornography, or other â&#x20AC;&#x153;adrenalineâ&#x20AC;? behaviors. And this is only one example of the many ways toxins and poor nutrition affect our hormones, mental clarity, ability to learn and more. So whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the solution? To correct these problems we have to address the root cause. Medications only
mask symptoms and even add to the toxic load. The problem stems from what we put into our gut! The processed â&#x20AC;&#x153;foodâ&#x20AC;? we eat and the many chemicals we breathe, ingest and absorb through our skin must be removed. Good and healing foods must be eaten and our â&#x20AC;&#x153;badâ&#x20AC;? gut flora must be crowded out by good flora from fermented foods and probiotics.
Medications only mask symptoms and even add to the toxic load. The problem stems from what we put into our gut! These changes are not easy, but they are worth it because true healing can occur. As we continue giving our bodies the healing, nutrient dense foods like meat stock and animal fat from pastured animals, the body will heal itself and bring itself to balance. And a body in balance is happy, thriving and pain-free!
References: â&#x20AC;˘ Campbell-McBride, N. (2010). Gut and Psychology Syndrome. York, Pennsylvania: Maple Press. â&#x20AC;˘ Price, W. (2009). Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. La Mesa, CA: The Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation. Amy Mihaly is a Certified GAPS Practitioner, and a Family Nurse Practitioner in the state of Colorado. She has always believed there should be a natural way to eat, live and treat disease. After healing herself with the GAPS protocol, she now shares these principles with everyone who will listen!
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Nikki Schmidt, LMT Â&#x2122;Ă&#x2021;äÂ&#x2021;Ă&#x201C;ÂŁxÂ&#x2021;Ă&#x2021;äĂ&#x201C;Ă&#x2021;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x160;UĂ&#x160;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x160;">Ă&#x192;Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x192;/Â&#x2026;iĂ&#x20AC;>ÂŤiĂ&#x2022;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2C6;VĂ&#x192;JÂ&#x2026;Â&#x153;Ă&#x152;Â&#x201C;>Â&#x2C6;Â?°VÂ&#x153;Â&#x201C; Ă&#x153;Ă&#x153;Ă&#x153;°"Â?`/Â&#x153;Ă&#x153;Â&#x2DC;9Â&#x153;}>°VÂ&#x153;Â&#x201C;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x160;UĂ&#x160;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x201C;Ă&#x17D;Ă&#x17D;Ă&#x160; ivviĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x192;Â&#x153;Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x160;-Ă&#x152;Ă&#x20AC;iiĂ&#x152;]Ă&#x160; Â&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x152;Ă&#x160; Â&#x153;Â?Â?Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x192; iĂ&#x2022;Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x153;Â&#x201C;Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x192;VĂ&#x2022;Â?>Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x160;/iVÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2C6;ÂľĂ&#x2022;iĂ&#x160;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x160;UĂ&#x160;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x160; iiÂŤĂ&#x160;,iÂ?>Ă?>Ă&#x152;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x153;Â&#x2DC; â&#x20AC;˘ May/June 2017 â&#x20AC;˘ Regenerate
Our Emotional Security Blanket JUDITH ALBRIGHT
From the time we were children it was drummed into us that we must eat three meals every day (maybe even more!) to keep up our strength, give us energy, and make sure we didn’t get sick from malnutrition. We got the message. But what came along with it? If there was no reason for eating other than to fuel our body, would we ever overdose on turnips, liver and onions or pickled tongue? Probably not! Then what makes us want to eat an entire bag of candy, a plateful of spaghetti, a supersized Big Mac and fries, a quart of ice cream or a box of doughnuts when we are unhappy or bored?
Taken literally, food is just food — it is what we need on a daily basis to keep our bodies healthy and functioning. Raw or cooked, the food we eat is simply energy. By itself it has no emotional qualities of its own. So why is a chocolate brownie far more appealing and satisfying than a few carrots or a bowl of oatmeal? Food is one of the most emotionally charged items in our lives. Food does more than fill our stomachs when we are physically hungry — it also satisfies our emotional hunger. It is often the first thing we reach for when we are in need of comfort or are feeling stressed. Why is this? One reason is because of the association we have with a particular kind of food that triggers a desire to have it under certain circumstances. For example, when you were a child and fell down and skinned your knee, your mother may have given you a kiss, dried your tears and handed you a chocolate chip cookie. Therefore, you were programmed from an early age to associate chocolate chip cookies with (a)
mom (b) love (c) comfort, (d) pain relief — a quadruple whammy! What do you think you are going to want whenever you feel unloved, lonely, sad or in pain? Reaching for a stalk of celery is just not going to have the same effect because you have no emotional attachment or connection to it (not to mention the difference in taste!) Not only do we want specific foods to address particular emotions, we also have emotionally loaded reasons for wanting to eat — sometimes to excess and at the expense of our weight. Those who have experienced some kind of loss may attempt to fill the empty space in their heart by filling their stomach. Someone who has been abused or hurt may eat to excess to create a wall of fat around his or her body for “protection” against further hurts. Still other people eat for compensation. In other words, “If I can’t have what I truly want out of life, then I’ll just let myself have all the food I want.” One woman specifically stated that the reason for her compulsive eating and obesity stemmed
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from her deep need to be noticed. She had been overlooked and ignored all her life and truly believed that if she ate enough and got big enough, people would have to notice her! If you are an emotional eater who soothes yourself with food, do you know the reason(s) why you crave something particular? Are you aware of what the triggers are that make you want to eat? Are you like many stress eaters and rarely allow your stomach to get empty because you are no longer able to recognize the signs of true physical hunger? How do you know the difference? According to the University of Texas Counseling and Mental Health Center: 1. Emotional hunger comes on suddenly; physical hunger occurs gradually. 2. When you are eating to fill a void that isn't related to an empty stomach, you crave a specific food and only that food will meet your need. When you eat because you are actually hungry, you're open to options.
3. Emotional hunger feels like it needs to be satisfied instantly with whatever food you crave; physical hunger can wait. 4. Even when you are full, if you're eating to satisfy an emotional need, you're more likely to keep eating. When you're eating because you're hungry, you're more likely to stop when you're full. 5. Emotional eating often results in feelings of guilt; eating when you are physically hungry does not. What can you do to put the brakes on emotional eating? Depriving yourself of comfort foods is not the answer. Not only is it emotionally difficult, it is likely to add even more stress which in turn leads to more out of control eating.
memory of a food peaks after about four bites, so if you only have those bites, a week later you'll recall it as just as good an experience as polishing off the whole thing." So have a few bites of chocolate, cherry pie, cheesecake, or chips. Then call it quits. You will derive the same amount of pleasure and comfort without the cost of padding your hips or expanding your waistline. However, eating smaller servings addresses only the physical aspect of eating. While portion control is essential, the emotional programming that drives your eating behaviors has to be dealt with as well. Willpower is clearly not enough in the face of powerful subconscious motivators. What can you do? The first step is to start noticing what you are reaching for
Someone who has been abused or hurt may eat to excess to create a wall of fat around his or her body for “protection” against further hurts. According to Brian Wansink, whose academic research on changing eating behaviors has been published in the world’s top medical, nutrition and obesity journals, "The key is moderation, not elimination." He suggests choosing some type of comfort food that is a little healthier than junk food, and dividing it into smaller portions to avoid the temptation of eating more than one serving at a time. He also states, “Your
and when you most want it. What food can you never resist? Why? Focus on this food and ask yourself what it does for you. What does it represent and what associations do you have with it? Maybe there are no associations and you simply eat because eating is a way to alleviate boredom. Maybe it is a way to relieve loneliness, pass the time, or is simply an easy way to distract yourself
from thinking about your problems. Whatever the reasons for your emotionally driven eating, there are energy healing techniques that are highly effective for addressing them. Among these are EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques — tapping) and PSYCH-K (psychological kinesiology). Both tools can be used to identify negative beliefs and behavior patterns and change or eliminate them on the subconscious level. However, because we are too close to our own issues and are not usually good at analyzing or treating ourselves, the help of a trained practitioner is needed. A practitioner can quickly zero in on beliefs, patterns and associations you may be unaware of, and help you rid yourself of them forever. If your eating is out of control find a practitioner and pick up the phone today. Your conscience, your weight and your health will be all the better for it. Judith Albright, MA, is a stress management specialist who uses EFT (tapping, PSYCH-K and other energy healing techniques to help people offload unresolved emotional issues, control stress, and change underlying beliefs and behavior patterns that are sabotaging their lives. Recently she published a workbook for people in addiction recovery, a free sample chapter of which is available on her website. For more information about the book and Judith's work, visit
Om Shanti Healing Therapeutic Massage • Energy Healing Private Yoga See my website for more details, package options & videos
Jill Ufer LMT, HTP-A, CYT 970-310-4522 • I offer a $10 referral reward to referrer and referee as a thank you. REGENERATE COUPON
— $10 off your first session with Jill
Jill Ufer • May/June 2017 • Regenerate
Food as Medicine for ADHD MARIAN MITCHELL, INHC (AADP) Food impacts the health and functionality of your brain. It seems like common sense. However most people are unaware of it. We take vitamins, eat fortified foods, eat four to five times a day and think we’re getting all we need. Unfortunately, for some of us this isn’t the case. ADHD is defined as a syndrome, usually diagnosed around the age of seven. It’s characterized by a persistent pattern of impulsiveness, short attention span and sometimes hyperactivity. These characteristics can interfere with academic, occupational, or social performance. While it seems to be a genetic condition, research reveals that certain foods make symptoms worse while other foods will actually improve symptoms and thus improve the quality of life for those with ADHD.
Foods that Make ADHD Symptoms Worse While you may have heard that diet doesn’t matter and won’t help symptoms, science tells a different story. There are foods that will make symptoms worse and should be minimized at the very least and at the best, completely eliminated. While some foods may not trigger symptoms at all, others will. All of the food and food additives listed below are unhealthy and should be avoided for the sake of health. MSG — Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) is not only an excitotoxin linked to all kind of health problems including headaches, aggravating asthma, disorientation, and learning disorders, it has also been shown to decrease dopamine levels in the body. Balanced dopamine levels are essential in keeping impulsivity and activity in check, something those with ADHD struggle with.
Food coloring and preservatives — Artificial food coloring and certain preservatives, such as Potassium Benzoate and Sodium Benzoate, have been shown to lead to hyperactivity, behavior and sleeping problems in children and adults. Studies show that when those diagnosed with ADHD removed artificial coloring and preservatives from their diet, they experienced an improvement in symptoms. Sugar — Yale University School of Medicine found that children who consumed a high sugar diet had lower scores on tests measuring learning and attention and fidgeted more once blood sugars became low. Erratic blood sugar levels affect learning, mood, and behavior, often triggering hyperactivity. Artificial sweeteners — While reducing or completely eliminating sugar is healthy, replacing it with artificial sweeteners is not. Artificial sweeteners have been linked to a variety of health problems including heart palpitations, migraines, anxiety, depression, “spacedout” feeling, memory loss, dizziness, obesity, muscle spasms, and more. With side effects like this, it is obvious how avoiding these will improve symptoms and overall health. Personal food sensitivities — Studies have shown that 15% of those diagnosed with ADHD are found to have Celiac Disease (an autoimmune disease triggered by consuming gluten) and even more have other food sensitivities
32 Regenerate • May/June 2017 •
that exacerbate their ADHD symptoms. Finding out what these foods are through an IgG/IgA blood panel and supervised elimination diet may help improve ADHD symptoms and help address other health concerns including skin rashes, stomach pain, bowel movement issues, allergies, and moodiness.
Foods That Make ADHD Symptoms Better It’s overwhelming to eliminate foods which are so prevalent in our stores. We all love food and need to enjoy foods that love us back. Below I have listed foods that will not only improve your symptoms but your overall health. Protein — A protein rich diet helps to keep blood sugar levels stable which in turn helps to balance moods, sustain energy, and normalize the appetite throughout the day. Along with keeping things balanced, protein also contains the amino acids tryptophan and tyrosine. Tryptophan enhances relaxation and improves sleep abilities while tyrosine is a primary component of the neurotransmitters that enhance concentration. Starting your day with a breakfast that includes 25-40g of protein will help maintain your blood sugar levels all day long. Iron-rich foods — Low iron levels, not necessarily anemic levels, are associated with poor concentration and mental function, muscle weakness, irritability, poor memory and fatigue.
Making sure to consume iron-rich foods is an essential diet strategy for those with ADHD. Foods high in iron include liver, red and dark meats, egg yolks, dark leafy greens and navy beans. B-vitamin rich foods — Vitamin B-6 is essential for brain function and the production of serotonin and dopamine. Balanced dopamine keeps impulsivity in check. Foods rich in B-6 include dark leafy greens, wild-caught fish, pastureraised meats, sweet potatoes and bananas. Probiotic rich foods — Gut health is important for overall health but especially for serotonin production. 90% of serotonin is produced by our gut bacteria. When there isn’t adequate healthy bacteria in the gut, serotonin production will suffer. Foods rich in probiotics include yogurt, kefir, fermented vegetables, kefir water, kombucha, and raw sauerkraut. Omega-3 rich foods — Omega-3 fatty acids directly affect cognitive and behavior function in all ages. Being deficient leads to symptoms including mood swings, sleep problems, depression, poor memory, fatigue, dry skin, and heart problems. Food sources of omega 3 fatty acids include dark leafy greens, wild-caught fish, pastured beef, flax and chia seeds. A diet rich in nutrients and low in processed foods is the foundation for health. When you eat healthy you’ll have energy, clear thinking, better sleep, less pain or discomfort and be less likely to get sick. When you also suffer from ADHD, it is important to be diligent about including foods which ensure you get the nutrients necessary for optimal brain function. Also, you need to avoid foods that are known to make you feel worse as this will help you to feel more in control of yourself and your life. You deserve to feel amazing and what you eat truly does matter. Enjoy the nutritious recipes below!
Recipes Sweet Potato and Egg Skillet Serves 2 1 sweet potato 2 cups spinach ¼ cup chopped onion 4 eggs
1 cup kefir made from milk of choice 1 serving protein powder (optional) ½ cup water 1 cup ice Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Pesto Salmon Serves 2 ½ lb wild-caught salmon, cut into two filets Extra virgin olive oil salt
1 tbsp butter from pastured cows Salt and pepper to taste 1. Preheat oven on broil. 2. Take a large cast iron or oven safe skillet and preheat it on the stove top on medium heat. While pan is getting hot, chop sweet potato into half inch sized cubes. 3. Once skillet is hot, add butter and coat the bottom of the pan. Add onions and saute for 2-3 minutes. 4. Add sweet potatoes to the skillet and cover with a lid for 5 minutes. Uncover and stir. Cook uncovered for 5 more minutes, or until soft. 5. Add in spinach and let wilt for 2 minutes, stirring in and distributing throughout the pan. 6. Using your spatula, make 4 holes in your veggie mixture and place one egg into each hole. 7. Place in the oven and cook for 3 minutes. 8. Remove for the oven and serve. Happy Belly Tropical Green Smoothie Serves 2 ½ cup frozen mango 1 banana 1 navel orange 1 cup kale
Pesto sauce 1 cup fresh basil leaves 3 tbsp pine nuts 1 small clove garlic ½ tsp lemon juice 2 ½ tbsp extra virgin olive oil ¼ tsp sea salt
1. Take all ingredients for the pesto sauce, place in a small food processor, and process until smooth. About 30 seconds. 2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 3. Take an ovenproof dish and lightly coat bottom of pan with extra virgin olive oil. 4. Place salmon filets in pan and sprinkle lightly with salt. 5. Top each filet with a spoonful of pesto and spread over the top of salmon. 6. Cover and bake for 25-30 minutes, until meat is easily spread apart with a fork. 7. Enjoy with a favorite steamed or roasted vegetable. Marian Mitchell is a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach (AADP) and owner of Road To Living Whole, LLC. She is passionate about helping her clients discover their love of food that loves them back. You can learn more about her at her website • May/June 2017 • Regenerate
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Yo our life. Your sto ory.. Nothing synthetic n necessary.... fertilizer or otherwise. *Side Effects may y includ de undeniable empow we erment, smilling at yo ourself for no reason, and d random acts ve are common. Side effects may continue for months, of skipping. Feellings off confidence, warmth and lov even years e afterr yo our session. s 100% organic photography is not right for everyone. Pleasse consult yourself in the m mirror and a ask your family if 100% organ nic portraits are right for you.
www . o • 970-459-0000 • 411 N. Lincoln Av venue, Loveland d Are you seeking a holistic approach to heal and balance your body and minnd? Discooveer effeec tive methods to overccome o your health issues and lifee challenges
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34 Regenerate • May/June 2017 •
Welcome to the Regenerate Conscious Business Directory! We hope you enjoy our curated list of businesses that are an asset to our community. If you would like to list your business, reach out at for more information. ACUPUNCTURE AND CHINESE MEDICINE
Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic Licensed acupuncturists Dayna Larson, Monique Larson, and Korin Owens 970-416-0444 We are committed to providing you with the very best medical care in a setting that is healing, comfortable and safe. Our goal is to guide patients to their full health potential. It is of utmost importance to us to spend enough time with each patient so we can make an accurate diagnosis and devise an individualized treatment plan that can bring the patient back to health. We offer acupuncture, a complete herbal pharmacy, and Tui Na style massage. We treat patients with chronic and sometimes disabling problems that have not been resolved by conventional medical care. Our success rate in these cases is very high because of the effectiveness of Chinese medicine.
Lucky Clover, LLC Small Business Success Services Cathi Foster 303-746-0240 1618 E. 1st Street, Loveland, CO You have A LOT TO DO every day to keep your business going! Experienced business owners have learned “you can’t do it all” Have your dreams of business SUCCESS turned to Nightmares? Are you exhausted & BURNED OUT? Ever WONDER what you don’t know that could make your Business FLOW WITH EASE? We offer: Business Accounting & Bookkeeping, Cash Flow, Budgets, Payroll, Projections, Human Resources, Business Management – Compliance, Contracts, Administration, and Marketing. Free consultations! Your Pot of Gold is a Phone Call Away.
ANGEL CARD READER, EMPOWERMENT AND GROWTH COUNSELOR Lynann Dunker 970-371-6939 Lynann is a certified angel card reader who is guided by God and the angels to assist people of all faiths and beliefs. The information received provides loving guidance and insight into an individual’s personal and spiritual life. Lynann’s ability to channel angel messages of joy and hope empowers others. She is qualified as a Level Two Reiki practitioner and a Level Three Universal White Time healer, but her primary focus at this time is providing guidance and support on aspects such as career, financial issues, relationships and health.
BIOPHOTON THERAPY Biophoton Colorado Irina Gilligan 970-581-5864 www. This safe, non-invasive therapy benefits adults, children and animals with wide range of health issues. If you have health concerns and have tried conventional medicine without much success, biophoton therapy may be the answer for you. Every cell in our body has its own light emission. These light impulses are called biophotons. The biofeedback device, Chiren, checks the quality of light your cells emit, finding and removing disturbances on the energetic body. Biophoton therapy addresses the actual cause of the illness at the root level, balancing all organs and activating self-healing ability of the body.
CHIROPRACTIC Mountain Valley Family Chiropractic Dr. Ronil Pala Phone: (970) 568-8024 Email: Website: At Mountain Valley Family Chiropractic, we strive to offer only the best all-natural care in the world. Our philosophy is to deliver real, lasting results through simple, easy-to-follow solutions. We know we can help you make a positive difference in your life. We advocate avoiding treatments that may simply mask superficial symptoms like headaches, low back pain and fatigue. Instead, we work to identify the cause, remove the interference, and maximize potential. By integrating nerve supply, nutrition, exercise, detoxification, and mindset through the transformational 5 EssentialsTM , Maximized Living gives you the keys to unlock the life and longevity you deserve.
CLEANING SERVICE/ECO-FRIENDLY Lez Clean 970-308-7429 Lez Clean is a women-owned and operated business whose staff are highly trained professionals in the cleaning industry. Using only eco-friendly cleaning products and essential oils, we offer a cleaning that can change your life! We make all of our products and customize them for each client. Our clients use words such as “therapeutic,” “relaxing,” and “motivating” to describe their newly cleaned homes, which reminds us that a clean house isn’t just “nice to have,” it’s actually a necessity for good mental and physical health. We are proud to provide this service in Northern Colorado.
“Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not.” — Yoda in The Empire Strikes Back
Blue Federal Credit Union Here, you matter. To Blue Federal Credit Union, relationships are everything. Our team takes a genuine interest in helping you achieve what matters most to you. We do this by listening first and then recommending the right financial solutions to meet your needs. We invest in you for the long haul, along with every member we serve. And we invest in making your community a better place. At the end of the day, your success is ours, and that’s why our members choose Blue. Many of our members stay with us for life. That’s why we reward our loyal members with loan rate discounts, reduced fees, and better rates on Blue savings and checking products. • May/June 2017 • Regenerate
Dental Alternative Services Joy Driscoll 970-413-1799 1555 Main St., Windsor, CO Joy Driscoll provides patient-centered dental care with holistic and biological philosophies. She sees each dental patient as unique and strives to educate, empower, and assist all patients in making informed health care decisions. Her awareness of dental care as it relates to the whole body allows for an integrative and interdisciplinary approach to health. Joy is concerned about YOU and how your oral health is contributing to your overall health and wholeness. We are now offering Ozone Therapy! Call to schedule your free consultation today.
Trees, Water & People 970-484-3678 Trees, Water & People (TWP) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that was founded in 1998. TWP is staffed by dedicated conservationists who feel strongly about helping communities to better manage the natural resources upon which their long-term well-being depends. Our work is guided by 2 core beliefs: Natural resources are best protected when local people play an active role in their care and management; and Preserving local ecosystems is essential for the ongoing social, economic, and environmental health of communities everywhere. TWP’s mission is to improve people’s lives by helping communities protect, conserve, and manage the natural resources. Offset your personal or business environmental impact by purchasing and carbon offsets!
EATERY/ORGANIC JUICE AND CLEAN FOOD The Garden Juicery 970-672-8344 2601 South Lemay Ave Unit 9 Fort Collins, CO The Garden Juicery is the first retail, all organic, cold-pressed juice and clean food eatery in Fort Collins. Our goal is to provide living nourishment of the highest nutritional integrity for inspired health and healing. Since The Garden Juicery is now collaborating with Wunder Juice, we have added hot soups and nutrientdense, functional food items; new Cleanse Programs and catering options. As we grow, we maintain our core value of providing organic, gluten-free, and dairy-free food and drinks, including a variety of juice blends, superfood smoothies, homemade nut milks, salads and wraps. We strive to be an involved member of our wellness community and provide a gathering place for like-minded folks.
Wunder Juice 970-818-1670 2601 S Lemay Ave Unit 9, Fort Collins, CO + satellite locations Wunder Juice + Clean Food is an all organic juice + clean food company. We support local farms and our paleo + vegan centric products are freshly made in Fort Collins and available for pick up, delivery and shipping nationwide. Our functional products help you boost your energy and enhance your health with Cleanse Programs, Weekly Raw Juice Delivery, Paleo + Vegan Clean Food Menu (Grab and Go + Take and Heat), Special Event Desserts, and Catering for Corporate and Special Events. For your convenience, we have pick up locations around Fort Collins. Please visit to find out where fresh juice is available.
EVENTS AND MARKETING eSQUARED events 970-214-8446 We work with small companies who want to stand out, grow their business, and create something exceptional in the world. Life is about experiences, relationships, living life with passion and sharing your talents with the world. We combine all of those things with marketing and events to help our clients shine more brightly among their competitors. We will listen closely to you, help you define your goals, review your budgets and possibilities, then create a clear and simple marketing & event plan that draws people to you. Our joy will be to assist you in expansion.
HEALTH COACH Marian Mitchell Integrative Nutrition Health Coach Road To Living Whole, LLC 602-688-4745 Marian Mitchell, owner, specializes in working with individuals and families with special diets due to food allergies/sensitivities, autoimmune disease, hormone imbalances, and metabolic disorders. She helps guide them in learning how to heal their bodies, eat, shop, travel, and thrive in their new lifestyle. The goal of her programs are to save you the years of trial and error, and get you loving your new life, feeling great, and having the energy to live the life you desire. She works with clients locally in Tempe, Arizona and via the phone and skype all over the country and Canada.
Energetic Wellness of the Rockies DeAnnaKay Swetzig, Certified Practitioner 970-420-6684 Are You on a Personal Quest to be centered, aligned, balanced, healthy, happy, peaceful, and in a joyous state – living and operating at an optimal level? This is the essence of ENERGETIC WELLNESS. DeAnnaKay has a vast background and experience in providing comfort to those in need. Through a variety of modalities, she has guided many people in finding the greater good they were seeking either physically, mentally, spiritually or emotionally. She has the experience and passion for helping people get into allowance and divine source through energetic wellness, therapeutic essential oils, and other non-evasive and gentle therapies. To experience the change you desire, contact her for a session and explore the untapped possibilities within yourself!
Belu Olisa Holistic Fairs 970-474-0200 At Belu Olisa Holstic Fairs in Fort Collins and Denver, you can have fun exploring alternative choices for taking care of your body, mind, spirit and environment; discovering aspects of your Self through astrology, aura portraits, clairvoyant, tarot or past life readings; and learning more about your pets with animal communicators, too. Stop by and experience healing modalities from massage, reiki and reflexology to energy re-balancing. That’s not all - learn about spirit guides, feng shui and aromatherapy. Peruse many products on display including crystals, gemstones, and natural skin care products. Door prizes, free parking and free lectures too. Bring a canned food donation & receive a discount on admission.
“Fear is the path to the dark side…fear leads to anger… anger leads to hate…hate leads to suffering.” — Yoda in The Phantom Menace 36 Regenerate • May/June 2017 •
HOLISTIC HEALTH AND WELLNESS, ENERGY HEALING Karen Korona, M.S. 303-7625-1119 1703 W. Kettle Ave., Littleton, CO Karen has been a Holistic Health Practitioner, Teacher and Lecturer for over 30 years providing private sessions and workshops internationally. Her healing treatments and programs support you on your healing and transformational journey. Each healing treatment integrates Acu-Touch Therapy, Cranisacral Therapy and well-being counseling, to promote your body’s natural ability to purify, heal and revitalize. Karen offers nutritional education and wellness programs, including yoga and meditation methods to assist you in living a life of happiness and wholeness. Her classes and retreats provides tools for self-healing, heightening awareness and manifesting true, personal power.
HYPNOTHERAPY Linda King Naturally Yours, LLC 970-215-7606 150 E. 29th Street, Suite 257 Loveland, CO Linda King is a Certified Medical Hypnotherapist, Flower Essence Practitioner, LuxMani Practitioner, Herbalist and Reiki Master/Teacher. She utilizes a variety of modalities in her practice to assist clients to reach their highest potential and goals. Linda believes that you can’t change the past, but you CAN heal the past, as well as change the way you feel about the past. If you change your can change your life!
INTUITIVE READING, HEALING, COACHING Katherine Skaggs 970-372-0136 Katherine Skaggs is a visionary artist, intuitive, author, teacher, spiritual counselor, shamanic practitioner, entrepreneur and painter of souls. She is inspired to bring beauty, love, soul healing and a vision of inspiration to others through visionary, archetypal art. She provides empowering coursework such as intuitive painting classes, Artist Shaman Healer Sage courses, and Journeying with the Goddess workshops. Katherine also offers intuitive guidance and healing services including soul portrait sessions (a process unique to Katherine and her intuitive guidance), intuitive readings and soul guidance sessions, shamanic healing sessions and spiritual coaching. Reach out to Katherine today to awaken inner sight from the center of your compassionate heart.
IRIDOLOGY, LED FREQUENCY THERAPY Halcyon Health, LLC Melody Masters C.N. 970-484-2411 Melody Masters, C.N., is a certified iridologist and nutritionist, who has been practicing in Northern Colorado for the past 38 years. She is also a level two Aura-Soma practitioner, a L.I.F.E. Biofeedback practitioner. Her goal is to encourage and empower people to become more informed and involved in their own health care. Melody offers a variety of ways in which she can meet and work with you. With Wellness on Wheels, you can schedule time at your home, office or other location. You can also conduct your sessions over Skype or email. Sessions take from 90 minutes to two hours and are a non-intrusive, yet amazingly accurate way of receiving information about your whole being.
MASSAGE THERAPY Om Shanti Healing Jill Ufer, LMT, HTP-A, CYT 970-310-4522 1914 Bowsprit Dr., Fort Collins, CO It is my intention to provide a warm and welcoming place for those in need of healing. I am here to listen and honor my clients with compassion and respect. I have been a certified yoga Instructor since 2008, have been practicing Healing Touch energy therapy since 2012 and recently became a fully licensed Colorado Massage Therapist in 2016. My purpose as a professional body worker is to heal the body utilizing all of these techniques. Having appreciation for each individual and where they are on their healing path, I can offer my help to them energetically, physically, mentally and spiritually. Mention this ad and receive $10 off your visit. Sarah M. Babbitt, RMT 970-472-0766 I have had the good fortune of being a Massage Therapist since 1995, and the longer I work in this field the more I love it. I have passion for both the art and the science of bodywork. I enjoy using my knowledge of anatomy and physiology, along with getting to know you and using my intuition, to get to the root cause of your pain or dysfunction. I try to never make assumptions about what my clients need. Instead, I listen carefully and then use my 19+ years of experience to tailor each session to your specific needs - ultimately helping you to feel better and move more optimally. I provide Swedish Massage, Neuromuscular Therapy, Myofascial Release, Trigger Point Therapy, Lymph Drainage, Aromatherapy, & More.
MEDICAL INTUITIVE, ENERGY HEALING Francesca Fleming 503-805-7403 During readings, I ‘scan’ your body from genes to aura to check your current state and generate a unique ‘map’ of guidance to help you heal — a nutritional program or supplements may be suggested. I believe we are more than a physical body, and often it is an emotion, negative belief or past event that is the trigger for disease, so I also offer healing and coaching sessions to eliminate emotional or spiritual blocks. The healing modalities I use include Reiki, Pranic Healing, Reconnection™, Vibration Healing, Crystal Healing, Color Healing, Sound Healing, Chakra Clearing and Balancing, and Aura Clearing. Located in Portland, OR and offering services worldwide by phone. All information is not a substitute for a doctor’s diagnosis.
MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT Mental Health Connections, A service of the Health District of N. Larimer County 970-221-5551 525 W. Oak Street, Fort Collins, CO (inside SummitStone Health Partners) Depression. Anxiety. Drug and alcohol issues. When you or someone you care about is struggling with any kind of mental health or substance use concern, it’s hard to know where to turn for help. Connections offers answers, options and support that help you take the next step toward mental health. Connections can personally guide you to appropriate options, including support, further assessment and treatment. It all starts with a phone call or visit with one of our specialists. (Connections does not provide crisis services. If you are experiencing a crisis, visit or call the SummitStone Community Crisis Clinic at 1217 Riverside Ave., Fort Collins, 494-4200; go to your nearest emergency room; or call 1-844493-8255 or 911.)
“[Luke:] I can’t believe it. [Yoda:] That is why you fail.” — The Empire Strikes Back • May/June 2017 • Regenerate
Light Unlimited 512-301-2999 Phyllis Light, Ph.D., counselor and author, is an expert in “Telepathic Healing.” She clears people’s negative programming to the depths of the subconscious mind, while infusing their essence with a higher octave of light and spiritual energy. Her primary focus is helping people grow spiritually and fulfill the highest purpose of their lives. Phyllis is also a pioneer and expert on how modern technology impacts our physical body and subtle energy field. She created the Rejuvenizers ® - powerful, energetic devices that protect the human energy field from the damaging effects of all the frequencies bombarding us daily in our high-tech world. See her ad for Rejuvenizers ® on the inside front cover.
Judith Albright, MA 970-218-8643 Just like suitcases get scuffed and battered with use, our lives start showing wear and tear as we are tossed about by all the ups and downs. In our lifetime, each of us seen many things, had many experiences, and made countless decisions; some good and some bad. For years, life may continue to unfold smoothly, but when we start hitting the rough spots how do we handle them? I help clients unpack the suitcase and start sorting through all the unprocessed emotional issues that have been concealed within it. While nothing can ever change past events, what can be changed is your reaction to them. Let me show you what is possible with PSYCH-K, EFT and Emotion Code.
Four HorseShoes Pet Services Sloan Foley 315-725-7739 (cell), 970-633-0373 (office) Originally named Irish Healing, Four Horseshoes Pet Services was founded because of our passion for caring for animals. Animals once served as tools to make everyday life easier for people, but now have grown into family members. Our mission is to provide compassionate care for those too big for the house or as small as a mouse. Four Horseshoes offers animal bodywork, a unique blend of High Touch Jin Shin (a healing art that uses acupoints), Reiki, craniosacral therapy, and massage, to help relax your animal’s body to promote self-healing. We provide these services along with bonded and insured pet sitting so you can have peace of mind while you are away.
PET HOSPICE/EUTHANASIA Home to Heaven 970-412-6212 Loveland, CO Home to Heaven is here to provide caring and compassionate in-home pet hospice and euthanasia services for you when the time is right. We can care for your pets in our home-like clinic or we will come to your home, giving your furry family member the peace to pass in a familiar and loving environment. We provide a suite of services, including Hospice & Pain Management, Acupuncture, Loss Support Groups, In-Home Pet Euthanasia, After Life & Cremation Assistance. Locally-owned, caring for pets and family in Northern Colorado since 2006 and available to help you 24/7.
PHOTOGRAPHY Christina Gressianu 970-459-0000 411 N. Lincoln Avenue, Loveland, CO From brides and wives to families, business owners and teenagers, my work is about giving you a boost of self-confidence, a priceless memory of your family as it is today, or a preview of the experience clients will have when they work with you. Senior portraits, families, kids, personal branding, boudoir and bridal. All types of portraits are a moment, a slice of life, snatched out of Time’s grabby hands.
PSYCHIC MEDIUM Cyndi Langley 720-290-9435 Serving clients in person in Denver and remotely using Skype or phone Hello, I am Cyndi, a psychic medium. As a medium, I connect easily with those in Spirit and it is my passion to deliver messages from your loved ones to help you on your journey. I will connect with your friends and family in Spirit and your Guides and Angels with uplifting loving and validating messages. I always work from the heart and with compassion. You can expect an easy flowing conversation, true support, and guidance. I offer Mediumship, Psychic Coaching, House Clearings/Blessings, and Soul Scaping sessions. My sessions are in person and on Skype or phone.
38 Regenerate • May/June 2017 •
Golden Poppy Herbal Apothecary and Clinic 970-682-4373 223 N. College, Fort Collins, CO At Golden Poppy Herbal Apothecary and Clinic, we strive to be Your Partner in Health and provide the highest quality herbal products you can find in Fort Collins, with a focus on organic and local goods. We also pride ourselves in offering sound, fact-based, herbal and nutritional advice to our clients so that they know they will leave their consultation with a way to regain their health. We provide herbal consultations, nutrition consultations, health programs, custom tea and tincture blends, custom skin care, and bodywork. Stop by to talk to one of our knowledgeable practitioners about ways to regain your health, naturally.
ROLFING Evolve Rolfing and Wellness Erika Olsen 970-402-3988 417 S. Howes St., Fort Collins, CO 80521. I have long been intrigued by the human body and its adaptability and don’t believe discomfort is a natural state. It’s a shame that our culture accepts pain as a part of life. Our hobbies, sports, and work often do result in dysfunctional patterns in our bodies, but through increasing body awareness, movement education and encouraging the body to return to organization and efficiency, pain can be avoided. I regularly attend Rolf Institute® continuing education classes and continue to become trained in related healing techniques, including Healing Touch, Trauma Release Therapy, Rossiter Coaching, Exercise Therapy and Raindrop Technique. Feel free to take advantage of my free consultations over the phone or in person.
TAROT AND ASTROLOGY Joy Vernon 303-564-0022 2775 S Broadway, Englewood, CO Joy Vernon is an empathic and inspirational tarot reader who tempers a profound knowledge of metaphysics with the love of helping others discover their truth within. She is dedicated to helping you discover, connect to, and express your higher self—your perfect expression of Spirit—the part which is completely you. Joy offers astrology readings to understand strengths, challenges, and upcoming trends and tarot readings for insight and direction. With over twenty-five years’ experience, she brings expertise and practiced familiarity to her specialty of esoteric tarot, which layers astrological and qabalistic symbolism onto the traditional tarot structure. Joy is known for the detail and accuracy of her readings. Joy also offers soul-exploring and mind-expanding classes in tarot, astrology, qabalah, mythology, and other related esoteric studies.
* * * BREAKING NEWS! * * *
REGENERATE EVENTS COMING TO BOULDER THIS SUMMER Look out for our announcement about our Intuitive Hypnotherapy with Kelly Bearer + Food Event at Shine. Like Regenerate Magazine or Kelly Bearer on Facebook to stay in-the-know. We’re helping others Regenerate themselves and their communities! Want to join us? Here’s what we need:
WRITERS If sharing your great content about wholistic living brings you joy, then let’s talk. Each issue has a theme, and here are upcoming ones: July/August will be the Vaccine issue. Let’s delve into WTF is going on here because questioning the dogma, searching for answers, and deciding what’s best for your family doesn’t make you anti-science or stupid. It’s makes you informed. Due date: 5/10/17. September/October will be the Cancer issue. Let’s talk about the big business that is cancer and how we can avoid supporting the Cancer Industrial Complex. Due date: 7/10/17. November/December will be the Holiday issue. Let's talk about how to navigate this stressful time of year and the topic which is on everyone's mind as we perch on the precipice of a new year: Money. Moola. Samoleans. Due date: 9/10/17. Check out our submission guidelines at and send original articles to Articles up to 1200 words accepted.
EVENT PARTNERS Regenerate Events are happening. If you would like to participate as a sponsor, speaker or vendor, then reach out to Let’s raise the roof and get some things done in our community.
DISTRIBUTORS and DISTRIBUTION SITES We’re looking for help placing magazines and new distribution sites, in the following cities: Fort Collins, Loveland, Boulder, Denver and Colorado Springs. If your customers or clientele would enjoy our magazine, then let’s locate them nearby. Healthy fun will be had by all! Reach out to us at • May/June 2017 • Regenerate
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