The Beauty of Real Food
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,IGHT 5NLIMITED WWW LIGHTHEALING COM • March/April 2017 • Regenerate
Contents MARCH/APRIL 2017 • ISSUE 134
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The opinions expressed in articles and advertisements are the authors’ own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher or other contributors. Regenerate Magazine is brought to you by our advertisers. Your support of these businesses and services encourages freedom of choice in health care in our community. Join us in thanking them for their support — please tell them you saw their ad in Regenerate. For help with advertising, call 408-821-8341
4 Regenerate • March/April 2017 •
Publisher’s Note SANDRA G. MALHOTRA, Ph.D Food (/fo– od/) Any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink, or that plants absorb, in order to maintain life and growth. This issue is all about glorious, beautiful, real food — where to get it, why it’s important, and how to have a positive relationship with it. We hope by the end of it you are craving something delicious and nourishing. However, as I write this, I think about how out of place such an article would have been a couple of generations ago. My Mom-mom Pasquarelli did not need instructions on how to prepare meals and nourish her family. I bet yours didn’t either. So when did food and eating become so damn complicated? Isn’t it something we humans have been doing for millennia without an instruction manual? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? According to fabulous food journalist Michael Pollan, eating became complicated in the West when we surrendered our ancestral knowledge in exchange for said instruction manuals from the corporate food scientists and government. Think about it. Everyone in the US has some type of ethnic heritage (Native people, European, Asian, African, etc), and along with that heritage came a way of eating. In the parts of the world where people still follow those ancestral diets, the people tend to be healthier. Consider the diet based on fish and rice of the Japanese, the Mediterranean diet of the Italians, and the curries from India. These foods are all minimally processed, fresh, full of vegetables and nourishing. There is also a stronger connection between the people and where their food comes from. Now consider American staples – fast food, frozen dinners, meals from boxes, invented things (we’re looking at you, margarine) — all developed by corporate food scientists with proclamations on the boxes about being fortified with this or that nutrient and therefore healthy. Bollocks! These food-like substances are made from the cheapest ingredients possible and preserved with ungodly chemicals so they can sit around for months or years and still be sold for a profit. They are enzymatically dead and devoid of significant nutrition. This is not food, which by definition provides nutrition. These items are nothing more than profitable junk.
And what has this reliance on food science and nutrients achieved? Over 60% of us are either overweight or obese, disconnected from where our food comes from, overfed, undernourished, and likely sick. It’s 2017, we’ve accomplished amazing technical feats, and yet our grocery stores are full of poison. Meanwhile Big Food corporations become rich and buy off craven onion-eyed horn-beast1 politicians to ensure the status quo. I find this state of affairs infuriating. But the good news is we can do something about this each and every day. If funds are tight, never spend your money on soda, artificial snack foods, cookies, or cheap baked goods. Farmer’s Markets in our area accept SNAP and one stand at my local market allows you to fill up a big plastic bag with anything on their table for $10. If funds are more plentiful, buy from your local regenerative farmer or CSA. Buy organic and seasonal whenever possible and eat how your grandparents, or great-grandparents, ate. Our demands for whole nourishing foods are not falling on deaf ears, so we need to keep up the pressure. The companies that want to thrive are listening and adjusting. Those who won’t change are fighting for the status quo. But it’s only a matter of time before they either get with the program or go the way of VHS. Join me and all of our contributors for a celebration of beautiful food. Then go forth and demand it. As mom-mom would say, mangia!
This insult courtesy of the Shakespearean Insult Kit I had the pleasure of seeing on Facebook. The person who posted it challenged all recipients to use it in their next piece of writing, and I am happy to oblige. • March/April 2017 • Regenerate
Published in Fort Collins since May 1993 PUBLISHED BY Sandra G Productions, LLC Publisher/Editor Sandra G. Malhotra, Publisher — Advertising Department 408-821-8341 Assistant Editor Rene Villard-Reid Photo Director Christina Gressianu Graphic Design Advertising Development Specialists, Inc. 970-223-1743 Subscriptions/Change of Address — 408-821-8341 Subscriptions are $18 for one year, or $30 for 2 years. General Information — 408-821-8341 Mailing Address 3650 Full Moon Dr., Fort Collins, CO 80528 Where to Find Regenerate Visit to find a distribution site in Colorado or to subscribe. Download the App to read Regenerate Magazine on your device. Copyright In the interest of sharing information about holistic lifestyles, Regenerate does not copyright any of the material published. Advertising Rates Please visit or phone 408-821-8341 for a complete media kit which includes our display rates and electronic file requirements. Directory Listings: Please visit
ADVERTISING DEADLINE: March 31 for May/June Issue Submit all ads to Visit RegenerateMagazine.comor phone 408-821-8341 for complete media kit. ARTICLE SUBMISSION DEADLINE: March 10 for May/June Issue Submit all articles to Visit Articles submitted early have a better chance of being published.
6 Regenerate • March/April 2017 •
Article Contributors A big thank you to our contributors for this issue. You are the change!
Dr. Jane Brewer
Monica Corrado
Robyn Dolgin
Joy Driscoll
Lynann Dunker
Richard Fox
Stephen Glitzer
Phyllis Kennemer
Kristen Metsch
Marissa Orchard
Korin Owens
Joannee DeBruhl
Rene Villard-Reid
Melani Schweder • March/April 2017 • Regenerate
Eat Fresh
What is “REAL” Food? Why does it Matter? MONICA CORRADO As a culture, we eat a lot. However, the majority of people in our country DO NOT eat REAL food. So what are many of us eating? We are eating food fractions, like soy protein isolate, maltodextrin, and pea protein. These do not provide the nutrition of whole foods. We are eating things that used to be food, or still look like food, but really aren’t. Consider genetically modified (GMO) corn and tomatoes. They look like corn and tomatoes, they taste like corn and tomatoes, but they are NOT the corn and tomatoes you think they are because their DNA has been changed. They certainly are not the corn and tomatoes that our grandparents ate and their safety has yet to be demonstrated. Genetically modified foods were introduced in the 1980’s and we’re the guinea pigs. We are eating food that has been subjected to radiation, heated to very high temperatures through pasteurization and subjected to very high pressures. Why is this a concern? Because all of the above wreck their protein structures. We are eating grains that are full of anti-nutrients, robbed of their nutrients, and extruded as cereals. It takes more for the body to break them down than they are worth! Why are many cereals and other boxed goods fortified with vitamins? Because any naturally occurring nutrition was destroyed during the manufacturing process, so it’s put back in. But it is not in
the digestible form present in unprocessed whole foods. We are eating bread and bagels and baked goods made from wheat that has been hybridized to have “super gluten” — many times the amount than its forbearers. The wheat was hybridized to ease harvesting. The non-organic versions are sprayed with glyphosate prior to harvesting so that the wheat is dead and easier to harvest. See a trend? Modern wheat has been changed to make harvesting easier but not for the benefit of our bodies or the land. We eat products from animals that are confined, abused, and fed a non-native diet. The vast majority of our milk and dairy products are made from milk and cream— yogurt, cheese, sour cream, half and half — and comes from cows in confinement, standing in excrement and eating genetically modified soy and corn. And the vast majority of the meat we eat comes from chickens and cows in confinement and eating the same. Most never see the light of day, breathe fresh air, walk on the ground or exercise. How could an animal that is so unhealthy produce healthy products for consumption? Simply put, they don’t because their bodies are toxic. We are eating vegetable oils like soy, corn, safflower and canola that cause cancer, heart disease, immune
system dysfunction, sterility, learning disabilities, growth problems and osteoporosis. We are eating processed and packaged foods. Food-like substances that were made hundreds or thousands of miles away, in a factory by machines. They are created with flavors that were invented in chemistry labs and are now called “natural flavors.” Things in boxes that are hermetically sealed for “freshness”, with a list of ingredients a mile long (and what ARE those ingredients we cannot pronounce?). Things in jars that are “shelf stable” because they have been pasteurized and therefore enzymatically dead. Doesn’t matter if the label says “organic”. Still processed and dead. It’s no wonder our children cannot think and our elders are losing their minds. Those of us who are in between those two age groups are obese, diabetic, or worse. What is “Real” Food? It is NOT what is listed above. Depending upon your age, think of what your grandparents and greatgrandparents ate: • Fresh — not boxed, bagged, packaged, or processed • Locally raised or grown • As close to the source as possible. I often say, “real food has no label”. Real Food starts with the highest • March/April 2017 • Regenerate
quality ingredients. That means the ingredients are fresh, local, sustainably raised, and, these days, organic or biodynamic. Real meats come from animals raised on pasture, or grass-fed and finished. Poultry is pastured, and eggs come from pastured hens - not just cage free. Real fats are traditional fats, such as butter from pastured cows, tallow and lard from grass-fed animals, raw olive oil and unrefined coconut oil. Real bread is longfermented sourdough where yeast is not listed as an ingredient. Real dairy is from cows that are on pasture, which has not been subjected to heat (i.e., pasteurized) or homogenization. It is certified raw dairy. All of these foods are REAL and nourishing. And they are most easily digested and their nutrients absorbed when cooked in traditional methods, like our grandparents and
great-grandparents cooked. Soaking, sprouting and fermenting grains and beans; culturing milk and cream; fermenting vegetables; and making hearty soups, stews and stocks from the meat and their bones. The human body is meant to eat REAL FOOD. Not all this stuff that looks and tastes like food, but isn’t. Let us eat the food that nourishes and sustains us. And notice that much, if not all, of the aches and pains, exhaustion and some chronic symptoms fall away, leaving us energized, focused, and deeply nourished. So much better able to carry on our work in the world. If you would like to learn more about how to cook nourishing, traditional food like your grandparents did, I invite you to see my book, With Love from Grandmother’s Kitchen: Traditional Cooking Techniques for Well-Being, available at
10 Regenerate • March/April 2017 •
Monica Corrado, MA, CNC, CGP is a teaching chef, Certified Nutrition Consultant, and Certified GAPS Practitioner who is passionate about illuminating the connection between food and wellbeing. She is a dynamic teacher, speaker, consultant, and author who lives to share the tools, knowledge and inspiration to cook nourishing, traditional food. Monica has been teaching food as medicine throughout the US for more than 10 years after 18 years in sustainable food sourcing and preparation, menu design and management. She is a member of the Honorary Board of the Weston A. Price Foundation and started her own Cooking for WellBeing Teacher Training program in 2012. Monica’s current work focuses on the Gut-Brain connection. For more information about Monica, her books, charts, and traditional foods Teacher Training program, see
The Empath’s Survival Guide BY JUDITH ORLOFF MD REVIEWED BY CAROLINE MYSS t This is a message from our valued advertiser. Being an empath is the new normal. The Empath’s Survival Guide is a perfect guide book. Now people will know how to cope with being highly sensitive and empathic in their everyday lives without developing exhaustion, compassion fatigue or burning out. As Judith says, conventional medicine often pathologizes sensitivity but now you will see it as the gift that it truly is. This book is fabulous and so timely. Everyone needs this book!
as in love and all relationships. Also empaths can develop heightened intuition which they must learn to cope with in a grounded way. Dr. Orloff discusses plant empaths, earth empaths, relationships empaths, telepathic and precognitive empaths, food empaths and more! The secret to a happy life for everyone who wants to nurture their empathic abilities in an often overwhelming world is to practice the self-protection strategies in this book.
The Empath’s Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive People. By Judith Orloff, MD/Sounds True, April 4, 2017 Empaths are sponges who absorb other people’s emotions and symptoms. Dr. Orloff offers a wealth of practical strategies to stop absorbing other people’s stress while keeping your sensitivities open and alive. She addresses the special needs of empaths — such as getting adequate alone time, setting clear limits with people, and grounding — in areas such as health, work, parenting and raising empathic children, combating narcissists and other energy vampires, as well
Judith’s book validates the truth that empaths experience the world around them primarily through their energetic or intuitive senses. Such knowledge is vital to understanding and caring for your own awakening sensitivities. To learn more about the power of empathy, Dr. Orloff’s book tour schedule, and to sign up for her Empath Support Newsletter visit • March/April 2017 • Regenerate
“Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.” — Michael Pollan’s Eater’s Manifesto
Eating Organically JOANNÉE DEBRUHL STONE COOP FARM, BRIGHTON, MI One of my roles as a certified organic farmer is education. I do several presentations a year and it disheartens me that so many people don’t understand how many chemicals are in our food. They also don’t understand what a GMO (genetically modified organism, genetically engineered/GE or biotech) is or how prevalent it is in our food system. Everyone deserves to eat healthy, natural, chemical-free food. My hope is that we all know what we are eating and what we are feeding to our families.
You may have noticed that access to organic products in your grocery store has increased. Each year more and more consumers are demanding access to chemicalfree food. Our purchases are changing the food system in the U.S, but we still have a LONG way to go. The USDA has been tracking farm sales of certified organic food and according to the 2014 USDA Organic Survey, less than 1% of all our crops and meat are grown/raised using certified organic practices. “WASHINGTON, Sep 17, 2015 — Today, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) released the results of the 2014 Organic Survey, which show that 14,093 certified and exempt organic farms in the United States sold a total of $5.5 billion in organic products in 2014, up 72 percent since 2008.” These numbers sound large, but remember this is less than 1% of all the food grown in the U.S. For example, Colorado is the 8th largest state in certified organic farm sales yet there are only 134 certified organic farms out of the 36,180 farms in Colorado. Michigan is 9th in certified organic sales, but we only have 285 certified organic farms out of the 52,194 total farms in Michigan. More organic farms are popping up every year, but in order to continue this growth we need to support these local organic growers. If less than 1% of all our crops and meat are grown/raised using certified organic practices, then more
14 Regenerate • March/April 2017 •
than 99% of all the food we eat in the U.S. is routinely sprayed with chemicals. The USDA Economic Research Service study concluded that GMO’s are used to grow over 90% of our corn, soybeans and cotton. According to the Cornucopia Institute the top 10 GMO food products are soybeans, corn, canola, cotton, milk, sugar, Aspartame, yellow squash, zucchini and papayas. Other GMO crops that are expanding in the U.S. are apples, potatoes, and alfalfa. (Johnson/O’Connor, Time Magazine 4/30/15) If you are not familiar with GMO’s, here’s a quick insight into one of our largest crops in the U.S. — Monsanto’s Roundup Ready Corn. The chemical glyphosate in Roundup (a weed killer you may use on your driveway to kill weeds) is inserted into the DNA of corn to produce Roundup Ready Corn. This allows farmers to plant the Roundup Ready Corn in the field along with continuing to spray for any new weed infestation. The Roundup Ready Corn stays alive and thrives through all these chemical applications. Since the DNA of the corn has glyphosate in it, that means every time you eat corn or a corn product that is not certified organic, you are eating glyphosate. In 2015 the World Health Organization’s cancer experts declared that glyphosate is a probable human carcinogen. Yet, the chemical use of Monsanto’s Roundup continues to increase. “In 1987, only 11 million pounds of the chemical were used on U.S. farms, but now nearly 300
million pounds of glyphosate are applied each year.” (Main, Newsweek 2/2/16). Glyphosate is used as an herbicide (for weeds), but conventional farms also spray pesticides (for caterpillars and insects), and fungicides (for molds and diseases). When food is grown according to the USDA Certified Organic standards it must meet three basic requirements: • No synthetic chemicals • No GMO seeds • Detailed records and annual inspection — from seed to sale
AND last but not least, support your local farms. They need it! Eat seasonally, which means, eat tomatoes in the summer, potatoes and apples in the fall and winter, and asparagus in the spring. Find out what is ready in your part of the country by visiting your local farmers markets and talking to the farmers. Get educated about the food you eat, the farmers you buy from and ask LOTS of questions about their farming practices. Can you visit their farm? Do they put chemical fertilizer in the water to irrigate? Do they add chemicals to their soil? Do they use GMO, GE or biotech seeds? There are great, chemicalfree farms out there that are not certified organic. Those farmers will share the details about how they grow their crops and raise their animals. You can get a fantastic lesson on how to do it, but you have to ask.
A common misconception is that it costs thousands of dollars to become a certified organic farm.
Certified organic growers must track and keep records of all seed packets, harvest records (weights and quantities), a field map where each crop is grown, and invoices showing where the crops were sold. We also have to explain how we deal with the fertility of the soil, pest and insect damage, disease prevention, and elimination of weeds. When growing conventional crops, none of these records are required. Chemicals can be used as frequently as the farmer wants. Often times hazmat suits and respirators are needed when applying chemicals to conventionally grown crops. A common misconception is that it costs thousands of dollars to become a certified organic farm. This is false. The USDA has a cost share program for all certified organic farms. Each year we pay $1000 for our certification and the USDA sends us a check for $750. So our actual cost to become certified organic is only $250 annually. The recordkeeping required also makes us a better farm. We can tell you the exact yields for each crop each year so we can decide which crops and varieties to grow based on those yields. With the USDA certification, our customers can be assured that the food they buy from us is chemical and GMO free. So what can you do? Read labels at the grocery store. Avoid GMO ingredients. Buy certified organic products.
“If every U. S. citizen ate just one meal a week (any meal) composed of locally and organically raised meats and produce, we would reduce our country’s oil consumption by over 1.1 million barrels of oil every week.” — Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver Eating certified organic and locally grown food will reduce the chemicals you eat and will positively impact your health as well as your taste buds. It will also support your local economy along with our planet. Take some time to educate yourself about your food and share your knowledge! If you would like to find a local farmer in your area check out Joannee loves owning and living on Stone Coop Farm in Brighton, MI with her family. She believes everyone should have access to healthy, fresh, and tasty produce. During the last several years, she and her team have created a fantastic community on the farm and she is privileged to be part of it. Learn more about their CSA, dinners and programs at
Finding Balance for Optimal Health & Wellness x EŽŶͲŝŶǀĂƐŝǀĞ ĂƉƉƌŽĂĐŚ x ,ŽůŝƐƚŝĐ ŝŶƚĞŐƌĂƚŝŽŶ x ƵƐƚŽŵŝnjĞĚ ĂŶĚ ƌĞĂůŝƐƚŝĐ ƉƌŽŐƌĂŵƐ x ^ĞƌǀŝŶŐ EŽƌƚŚĞƌŶ ŽůŽƌĂĚŽ ĨŽƌ ŵŽƌĞ ƚŚĂŶ
Melody Masters, C.N. Certified Iridologist 970.484.2411 (office) 970.690.7449 (cell/text)
Iridology, Light Therapy, Biofeedback, Aura-Soma®, Nutritional Counseling • March/April 2017 • Regenerate
A Regenerate Wellness Event Magazine
WHAT’S HAPPENING: We're gathering to meet local vendors, enjoy nourishing snacks from the Garden Juicery, Wunder Juice and Zeal and discuss the economics and poli cs of our food supply. Sandra Malhotra, Regenerate Publisher, will moderate a panel of influencers and audience Q & A. Then we shall go forth and create the change we wish to see. Boom.
WHO WILL BE ON THE PANEL: US Representa ve Jared Polis (D‐CO 2nd District), Teaching chef and gut health expert Monica Corrado, Chapter Leader of the Bionutrient Food Assoc. Shawna Lyons, Na ve Hill Owner and Farmer Ka e Slota
WHEN AND WHERE WILL THIS HAPPEN: Wolverine Press and Publick House • 316 Willow St., Fort Collins, CO Saturday April 8th 11am: Doors open – enjoy food and conversa on 12 ‐ 1:30pm: Panel discussion 1:30 ‐ 2pm: Wrap up Sea ng is limited for panel discussion. Arrive early and get good seat. If you would like to be a vendor, email sandra@genrwholis cmedia for informa on SPONSORS:
Start by Making a Plan When Growing Your Own Food ROBYN DOLGIN One of the most empowering actions you can take to improve personal health and the environment is to grow your own organic, high vitality food. The benefits for body, mind, spirit and soul are numerous and what a joy to eat something from your own back yard or share it with another.
Most people prefer to designate a sizable area in the backyard specifically for raised beds, fruiting bushes and trees. Some want to keep it simple by tucking favorite vegetables into a couple of large, decorative patio pots. It’s also possible to integrate edibles throughout your entire ornamental landscape as long as the light and moisture requirements are similar for plants within close proximity. To clarify, a Xeric low water requiring landscape would be best in having a separate area and irrigation zone for vegetable garden beds. Yet all three of these approaches have their merit while requiring forethought to maximize returns and minimize inputs. Here are steps and considerations to help you make wise decisions throughout the process. First,
start off with a plan for optimal, year around aesthetics, form and functionality even as it applies to the edible garden. It should include long and short-term plans with regards to family and pet needs. Dogs and bunnies are not garden compatible. Structural additions to your home and changes to the property which might include the addition of a new deck and patio should be considered. You don’t want to plant a fruit tree somewhere that will require it being removed before its time. Determining a budget will help you figure out if you need to implement your plan in stages, go with frameless raised beds to start or if you can create your dream garden of eatin’ all in one season. HOA restrictions may also dictate what you can or cannot do. Thought should be given to locating features such as chicken coops and compost bins in the most sensible place. The year round appearance of these features may need to be softened with screening techniques. Plus,
18 Regenerate • March/April 2017 •
there will probably be certain views to accent, perhaps with an attractive wooden grapevine arbor. Vignettes, such as an inviting sitting area close to the vegetable garden can serve as a focal point which draws you in, while also serving to pull the eye away from less desired visuals. Approach the planning stage as if you were installing a water conserving Xeric landscape. For best results, use those same important principles of design and phasing of installation, creating healthy soil and selecting appropriate plants. Install an efficient irrigation system and use water conserving, soil enhancing mulch. Finally, be proactive with regular maintenance to help nip problems in the bud and insure bountiful harvests from your edible garden. All of these principles apply when growing herbs and vegetables in large patio pots as well. With regard to design, start by noting the best places in your landscape to integrate new plants and garden beds. Although some
edible plants will tolerate part-shade locations, you’ll reap the most benefit from wind-protected sites offering at least 6 hours of sun. Planting small, medium and large size tomatoes and peppers, you can also insure a harvest. Otherwise, you may need to plant twice as much to account for slower growing plants. Think about how large plants will get by season’s end or over a life time. If you decide to install framed, raised beds, 4’x8’ size ones are more efficient than 4’x4’. Fruit trees, even if they are semi-dwarf, are best given a 20’ x20’ size space. In time, they will definitely grow larger than the tag indicates. Next, envision where the pathways will go. They should provide easy and direct access to your garden beds to encourage frequent visits for maintenance and harvest. On the Front Range, we are
We are also fortunate to have a large selection of perennial edible crops to choose from. This includes fruit trees and shrubs, small fruits, vines, brambles and herbs. While blueberries don’t do well in our region, grapes, currants, raspberries and strawberries are a sure bet. During bloom time, raspberries, strawberries and apple trees will dependably draw in bees. However, you want as many varieties of native and non-native pollinators as possible to visit your garden from early spring to late fall. Tomatoes, cucumbers, winter and summer squash need pollinators for best fruit set. The annual herb, borage, with its edible, star shaped blue blooms attracts bees from early spring to late fall. Lavender, hyssop, lambs ear and annual alyssum attract beneficial insects while also providing a delightful fragrance.
Approach the planning stage as if you were installing a water conserving Xeric landscape. blessed with a growing season such that with simple season extending techniques, we can start eating nourishing salad ingredients like arugula, dill and green onions from the garden in late February. In most years, if we’ve covered the plants with a low tunnel, the season can continue until early December when we dine on the last of the kale, lettuce and Swiss chard. In between, we can enjoy plenty of fresh produce while also drying, canning or freezing flavorful tomatoes and peppers, succulent summer squash, and antioxidant filled herbs for later use. So prioritize favorite varieties and how much your household can consume, then decide on the number of plants required and best use of space. Sow seeds of quick growing vegetables like salad greens three weeks apart to extend your harvest.
When deciding where to put which vegetables in your pots or garden, take advantage of the concept of companion planting. It suggests that certain plants work in harmony when planted close together while others can be detrimental to one another’s growth. Tomatoes, onions, basil and nasturtiums do very well together. Carrots don’t like being planted close to dill. Garlic and onions are best kept away from peas. For the most part, vegetables need 1-2 inches of moisture per week, possibly more during midsummer’s high temperatures. Consistent irrigation is especially important when crops are setting fruit. This is why it’s best not to have vegetables mixed in with shrub beds which generally prefer less moisture. A drip system on a timer, even for
pots, is easy to install and will deliver timely moisture throughout the growing season. In addition to regular watering, there are other things you can do to maintain moisture levels without over saturating the ground. Applying mulch in the form of leaf compost will keep the evaporation levels in the soil to a minimum while allowing the root zone to breathe. In spring, a scant mulch layer is sufficient until the ground warms up. By early June, several inches are necessary. At season’s end, it can be mixed into the soil, adding tilth and providing food for worms and other soil dwelling organisms. Growing your own food is a learning experience and it seems no two years are alike, especially with the ever changing climate conditions. There is great wisdom in starting small and making small mistakes! Yet we have a lot of resources to help us get on the fast track. In this year of new beginnings, let growing some of your own food become a delicious new habit!
Great resources: • Local nurseries and authorities • ediblelandscaping/ • http://www.homegrownfood • Robyn Dolgin owns Wild Iris Living, creating beautiful, water conserving, four-season interest landscapes and highly productive edible gardens with design, consultation, pruning and maintenance services. A professional horticulturist and organic backyard farmer for over 35 years, Robyn writes, teaches classes and loves bringing Feng Shui principles of harmony and balance into her clients’ landscape. 970-493-5681 • March/April 2017 • Regenerate
Come Hungry. Leave Happy.
Green Dog Farm CSA The Beauty of In-City Farming SANDRA G. MALHOTRA In Northern Colorado, we are blessed with many community supported agriculture (CSA’s) operations that produce seasonal, fresh food year-round. I wanted to meet a local farmer to learn more about the CSA model, and had the pleasure of touring Green Dog Farm in Fort Collins last November with owner and farmer Karl Talbot. The ½ acre plot he is farming north of Old Town is in a great location. It is quiet (except for the chickens and turkeys!) and removed from traffic, car fumes, and city spraying for mosquitoes. Green Dog is not organic certified as of yet, but Karl is following organic practices and undergoing the certification process. They grow using intercropping, companion planting, and the biodynamic calendar. They also use organic fertilizers, local manure, and compost made on site. Neem oil and diatomaceous earth are used for pest control. Karl showed me what was growing during the winter both outside and inside the hoop house: carrots, kohlrabi, mizuna, kale, beets, spinach, leeks, chard, lettuce, endive, chick peas, daikon radish, peppers, herbs, broccoli, and tomatoes. Standing amongst the plants was a delight to my senses — the color and fragrance was wonderful. Then he plucked a sweet pepper and handed it to me to try. OH YUM! Like many of you, I have always lived in an urban environment and that feeling of connection to my natural environment was delicious on many levels.
Karl currently provides upwards of 20 memberships to families and is also looking for more restaurant partners. I love restaurants that support our local farmers and those are the ones that gain my loyalty. Why join a CSA? There are many reasons. Because you support farmers that are your neighbors, you know how the food and land have been treated, you can eat food that was harvested at the peak of freshness, and you can feel a connection to the land around you. By joining a CSA, you will ensure the continued existence of small family farms, which are vanishing rapidly in the face of corporate control of our food supply. Nameless, faceless people who care about the bottom line and not the health of our community. Now is a great time to support one of our CSA’s. Green Dog Farm, like many others, are taking new members now for 2017. Learn more at • March/April 2017 • Regenerate
Light Root Community Farm Got Connection? SANDRA G. MALHOTRA You may have driven by Light Root Community Farm on N. Foothills Hwy outside Boulder and marveled at the bucolic setting. Farmers Daphne Kingsley and Cameron Genter practice biodynamic agriculture, which can be defined as a path that works to enliven the Earth through conscious land stewardship, reverent animal husbandry, and life promoting farming practices.
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I was thrilled to meet with Daphne to discuss their mission of producing quality raw milk. Daphne explained that their small herd of cows are grass fed and milked oncea-day for about 3 gallons, which results in minimal stress on the cow’s system. The cows live outside year-round and have access to an open south facing straw bedded “greenhouse barn” during cold and wet winter weather, but are quite content when grazing in the pastures or loafing outside under the stars. If you are not familiar with raw milk, then by definition it is milk that has not be pasteurized. Pasteurization involves PHOTO: LIGHT ROOT COMMUNITY FARM keeping the milk at a temperature of 145 to 150 F for half an hour, at least. It is beneficial to destroy dangerous germs, but they come in for milking each day, and their udders are pasteurization does more than this. It kills off useful cleaned with warm water and a gentle sanitizing dip bacteria, and by subjecting the milk to high before milking begins. temperatures, destroys nutritious constituents. Raw milk Their raw milk is tested monthly according to RMAC (the is a living, nutritious food, packed with probiotics, Raw Milk Association of Colorado) standards for bacteria vitamins, calcium and enzymes. Pasteurized milk has counts, specific pathogens and coliforms, and overall udder been altered and is enzymatically dead. health. Monthly milk testing gives them a regular check-in Raw milk is not as readily available because milk from as to whether their dairy management practices are working. factory farming operations requires pasteurization. First, Their test results consistently meet the top tier of RMAC’s the milk is transported long distances. Most importantly, recommended milk quality standards. the cows are unhealthy. They are confined to a warehouse The availability of raw milk varies from state to state, and pushed to the brink by being milked twice-a-day for and here in CO you can acquire it through something up to 9 gallons, given antibiotics, hormones and called a Herd Share. Becoming a member of the Herd genetically modified (GM) Share allows you to pay a corn and soy for food. monthly boarding fee to The cheap GM feed is the Farmer to care for troublesome because and milk the cows in cows are ruminants, exchange for a weekly which means they share of the milk. At Light naturally eat grass. The Root, 1 share is equal to 1 unnatural living gallon of milk/week. They conditions and diet often offer ½ shares as well as lead to painful inflammation of their udders, a condition multiple shares to fit everyone’s needs. called mastitis. The cows are lucky to live 4 years, whereas Raw milk is their main product at this point, but what they may live to 10 at Light Root. The animals in factory struck me about Daphne and Cameron is their love not farms are nothing but a commodity, to be used up quickly only of regenerative farming, but of connecting their and thrown away. community with the farm and food production. They However, if done properly, raw milk is safe for particularly want to foster this connection for kids, so consumption and highly nutritious. As indicated on their they will offer day trips and camps during the summer. website, they focus For the adults, they plan to offer cheese making, butter on quality not quantity when it comes to milk production. making and milking workshops. They aspire to make their Their small-scale artisan dairy produces milk with the farm not only a place where nourishing food is produced, utmost attention to animal hygiene and cleanliness in but a community hub. every step of the process. Cows are kept clean on rotating This is regenerative farming at its best, and we are pastures and freshly bedded hay packs for loafing in the fortunate to have it in our community. Learn more at winter months. The cows are brushed as needed when
Pasteurization involves keeping the milk at a temperature of 145 to 150 F for half an hour, at least. • March/April 2017 • Regenerate
Living Water Ranch
This is How It’s Done SANDRA G. MALHOTRA
Photographer Christina Gressianu and I visited Living Water Ranch in Livermore, Colorado last Fall so we could photograph it without snow, and WOW was that a treat. The area where the ranch is located is absolutely breathtaking. Enjoy Christina’s pictures of this beautiful place!
Living Water Ranch is owned and operated by the Stahla family. They produce antibiotic and hormone-free beef and lamb from animals that live outside in the sunshine, dine on sweet foothill mountain grass only (no grain finishing), and drink fresh water that flows across the property. Owners Rex and Vanessa Stahla gave us a tour of their property, and it’s clear the animals live as nature intended.
Complete transparency. This is how it’s done. Their animals live the good life and this is reflected in the taste of the meat and nutritional value. An article on their website (Maxmuscle, Nov/Dec 2014) notes how most of us would be horrified by the life of a cow in a factory farm today. They spend most of their life in a Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation, or CAFO. The cows are confined
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inside, unable to move, and fed the cheapest junk possible. The article explains that conventional factory meat is cheap because they’ve done everything to speed growth and lower the cost of feed. There is no concern whatsoever for the quality of life for the animal or the nutritional value of the meat. The bottom line is the only thing that matters. Greed. This is not how it’s done.
Back to the Stahla’s and how it is done. They started by sharing their beef and lamb with friends who loved it and encouraged them to provide it to others. They then moved on to Farmer’s Markets and had trouble keeping up with the demand. Now, they sell their products on their website http://www.livingwater at a very reasonable price. They may not have anticipated this, but have grown by popular demand! What I appreciate about the Stahla family is that Living Water Ranch is an extension of their values. They honor the land and animals. Operating with integrity is just who they are. They do not see the land and animals as commodities to be used for maximum profit and discarded. Instead, they see themselves as providing a valuable service and as temporary stewards of this
slice of God’s country. Their approach is summarized well by this passage on their website: “Our ranch name is Living Water Ranch. The abundance of water is evident by the green lush land. We are blessed to have the North Poudre River running through the property as well as a fresh spring fed pond that provides a home for an abundance of trout. The water rights provide enough water to have two hay cuttings and enough grass for a large herd of cattle and sheep. It reminds me of the scripture John 4:13 where Jesus says “if you drink of living water you will never thirst again”. He is talking about Himself. Anyone who accepts Jesus will satisfy the inner most desire for a
savior that God gave us a yearning for. We were created to seek after a higher being. Jesus is the answer. We pray everyone would experience this peace that passes all understanding. We feel humbled and blessed to have this
The water rights provide enough water to have two hay cuttings and enough grass for a large herd of cattle and sheep. ranch and want to honor God by naming our ranch after His Son Jesus Christ, the true Living Water.” If you are searching for the highest quality meat possible, then consider it found at http://www.livingwaterranch
MM Local Bringing the Farmer’s Market Experience to the Local Store SANDRA G. MALHOTRA
I had the great privilege to chat with Jim Mills, Co-Founder and CEO of MM Local, located in Denver, CO. You may have seen their fabulous preserved, pickled and live-fermented products at your local health food store.
MM Local partners with local family famers who live as close to their local production facilities as possible to preserve their ripe, surplus produce. The really cool part? The label on the lid. Read it to find out which local farmer and community that you are supporting with your purchase. I learned from our discussion that Jim did not have a professional background in food. His education is in business communications and he previously worked as a
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consultant. He loves real food, feels an emotional connection with it and values the joy it brings. Jumping into the food business was a big change and so there was a steep learning curve. Jim relied upon experts in manufacturing and focused on building close relationships with small, organic, family farms and customers. He believes these relationships translate into high quality, real product and satisfied customers. As a fellow wellness entrepreneur, I can appreciate that
Jim pivoted to being a food entrepreneur based on his passion for real food. This passion led to the mission of building a brand that relies on artisan practices and brings food from farms to customers. In addition to being authentic, they also strive to be transparent, hence the informative label on the top of each product. The label means that every product is traceable back to organic farm that produced it. I believe the importance of the label can’t be overstated. If you pick up a can, or box, from a conventional food manufacturer, only the good Lord himself can tell you from whence it all came. For example, you will not know which farms (plural), which state, and in some cases, which country the food came from. The disconnect between the food source and the consumer is a powerful thing. It is powerfully bad for many reasons. In my opinion the conventional, chemical-driven, factory farm system relies on this disconnect to operate in the shadows where the bottom line reigns supreme over the health of the land, produce, animals and workers. If people saw their local farmer spraying 35 different pesticides (carcinogens, neurotoxins, hormone disruptors) on their conventional potatoes, would they still eat them? If they saw how factory farmed animals are confined, separated from their young, standing in feces, and physically beaten and abused, would they buy that meat? In order to regain control of our food system, we need
transparency, and MM Local happily provides it. Just today, I picked up a glass jar of organic MM Local Pickled Beets, and the label on the top indicates they were grown by Full Circle Farms in Longmont, CO. These beets traveled from Longmont, to Denver for processing, then to the grocery store in Fort Collins. Next stop? My belly! (Which can’t happen quickly enough.) I look forward to watching MM Local grow and evolve over the years to come. Their goal is to expand by working with more farms in Colorado and the Pacific Northwest. In fact, they launched new pilot program with Farmer Partner Financing, which is a win-win. The farm gets a stable income and MM Local gets premium, seasonal produce. An added benefit is that MM Local can use unaesthetically pleasing food that is not suitable for grocery store shelves thus reducing food waste (which is a whole other issue). Toward the end of our conversation, I asked Jim to outline their big goals. He indicated they want to build the leading national brand for authentic, traceable food in order to inspire stronger community connections, create growth that directly benefits local communities and invest in the development of a more healthy and sustainable food system. Sounds pretty delicious to me. Learn more at • March/April 2017 • Regenerate
Hearth Restaurant and Pub SANDRA G. MALHOTRA
If you are a fan of Chimney Park Restaurant and Bar in Windsor, then you’ll be pleased to know that Chef and Owner Jason Shaeffer opened a gastropub across the street called Hearth. It’s in a bright, beautifully restored building that was originally an Opera House and then a Masonic Lodge. There is a comfortable and fun vibe that pairs well with the delicious food.
I dined there for the first time in late 2016, loved it, and requested a sit down with Jason so I could learn more about him and his fabulous culinary creations. I was thrilled to meet shortly thereafter with Jason and his wife and business partner, Joanna. Jason talked about his upbringing in a country home in Chesapeake, NC, where his parents had a massive garden and pastured chickens for eggs. They enjoyed fresh produce all summer and mom would jar for winter. He was fortunate to grow up around fresh food from the garden and so real food is in
his DNA (literally and figuratively!). Jason and Joanna continue to work with local purveyors, such as Chapman’s Farms, Fossil Creek Farms, Artisan Gardens, Raisin’ Roots, and Hazel Dell, to name a few. During the summer, he’ll stop by the farms every few days, fill up the bed of his pick-up, and use the fresh items for the dishes served at both Chimney Park and Hearth. Follow each restaurant on Facebook for pictures of their haul, and the delicious, seasonal dishes made from them. It became clear during our conversation that Jason is ingredientdriven as a chef. He is passionate about supporting conscientious, ethical purveyors of produce, meat and fish. I hold a special place in my heart for chefs who strive for this connection to time and place because it elevates the act of dining. It’s not just stuff on a plate to be thrown down and forgotten about. It’s food that was lovingly grown, gathered, and prepared by neighbors and is meant to be savored. Most importantly, it’s nourishing for the body and soul. If you are in the mood for fine dining, then consider fabulous Chimney Park. But if high-quality casual is more your speed, then check out Hearth if you have not already. Windsor is only a 20
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minute drive from south Fort Collins. Easy peasy. Hearth is open for lunch on Friday — Sunday and encourages walkins for lunch and dinner as reservations are only for parties of 8 or more. Learn more about events and menus at and Bon Appétit!
Food for Enthusiasts SANDRA G MALHOTRA I often find myself in Boulder and prior to my last trip, did a quick search for organic restaurants and came upon Zeal. It was busy on the Sunday afternoon that I stopped by, so I settled at the “bar”, looked at the menu, and wondered if I died and woke up in wholesome Foodie Heaven! The menu is largely local, organic and fresh, and includes juices, smoothies, wraps, bowls and other entrees. It all looked wonderful and nourishing. Oh decisions, decisions!
After a long look at the wonderful options, I made my decision (an appetizer of pickled veggies, a bowl, and a chocolate smoothie) and was delighted. Everything was delicious and affordably priced, so I knew that I had to profile Zeal in Regenerate. A no brainer, as they say. I reached out to the owner, Wayde Jester, and set up a time to chat. Our conversation was informative and fun because he is a kindred spirit where food is concerned. Wayde had a successful career in finance, real estate equities and consulting for 6 years, but felt unfulfilled and began questioning his overall path. His passion for endurance sports led him to an understanding of the role that raw organic foods play in health and performance. He decided to connect his passion for wellness to his work and decided to open a restaurant that featured the good stuff. Thus, Zeal was launched on Pearl Street in 2013. The thing that’s fabulous about Zeal is that it satisfies a range of palates with clean food. Paleo? No problem. Vegan? Got you covered. Enjoy changing things up? Perfect,
because many seasonal items are offered. This is the place to go with your friends and family who are carnivores, vegans, and everything in between. Wayde supports the local economy by sourcing food from 5 farmers in Boulder County. And what’s even more awesome is that they are going to make the foray into
growing some of their own organic food on a plot of land in Boulder. I love that Zeal provides food that connects people and place at an affordable price point. If you find yourself in Boulder and want a great meal that is made with high quality, organic ingredients, then Zeal is your haven. Learn more at • March/April 2017 • Regenerate
Non-Profit Spotlight:
The Growing Project SANDRA G. MALHOTRA
The theme for this issue is Real Food (for one and all!), and so I thought it would be peachy to highlight a local non-profit that is addressing access to wholesome food and food insecurity in our area. There are many who are doing wonderful work, such as FoCo Café, The Larimer County Food Bank, The Kitchen Community, and The Fort Collins Food Co-Op. I hope to profile them all over time.
For this issue, I chose The Growing Project, a 501(c)3 nonprofit which promotes the value of a strong, diverse and fair local food system to all residents of Northern Colorado. They address food insecurity in Larimer County by co-creating community gardens that increase the supply of fresh,
local produce, as well as educational programs that provide knowledge and skills. They also engage in advocacy efforts that promote community access to food grown locally. I had the pleasure of speaking to Executive Director Dana Guber about The Growing Project and
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members, volunteers, and interns. In particular, they learned more about their activities. For example, it are seeking passionate individuals to join their Board has been estimated that 14.5% of people in Larimer of Directors. If you are a great networker and County experience food insecurity. According to the fundraiser with experience running a for-profit or US Census Bureau, the population of Larimer County non-profit business, then this is an opportunity to in 2015 was 333,577, so 14.5% of that is over 48,000. help a worthy organization grow to the next level. Really any number over 0 is too much. The Growing Project The Growing Project aspires to grow food on addresses this using a land they own instead of multi-pronged approach: The Growing Project aspires to rent, and would like to (1) They grow and grow food on land they own build a community center distribute food on their 1 acre parcel, (2) they work instead of rent, and would like to that contains a kitchen and classroom for their with about 10 local farms build a community center that workshops and classes. As to pick up and distribute food they donate and (3) contains a kitchen and classroom a Board member, you could play a pivotal role in they co-create food for their workshops and classes. making this happen. producing gardens with If you want to support the communities that The Growing Project in other ways, you can attend need them, such as the Poudre Valley Mobile Home their fundraiser in May at O’Dell Brewery, where Park and Sister Mary Alice Murphy Center for Hope. there will be food, beer, music and a silent auction or For the community gardens, they work with the you can donate on Colorado Gives Day. You can also residents to grow the foods they prefer and will use. attend a Farm Dinner or Food Truck Rally. Stay Smart. apprised of all the fun by liking their Facebook page If you are passionate about this issue, I encourage and signing up for their newsletter at you to learn more at http://www.thegrowing and get involved. They are looking for • March/April 2017 • Regenerate
It's Gr-r-r-eat!
5 Ways To Make Food Your Medicine MELANI SCHWEDER
Pizza. Noodles. Cheeseburgers. Ice cream. Just a few years ago, these were some of my go-to staple foods. I knew these weren’t the healthiest choices I could be making, but I reasoned they couldn’t be that bad.
The things I had learned from my mom (a registered dietician) and all of those college nutrition classes had faded away, like a smudged handwritten letter. I could still make out something about protein balance and artificial dyes, but the rest was illegible. But the worst part of my past diet wasn’t the packaged and processed foods - it was my willingness to eat these things while battling a chronic illness. I became severely and suddenly ill in the summer of 2009 and was eventually diagnosed with Lyme Disease and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. The crushing exhaustion, dizziness, brain fog, headaches, pain, and heart palpitations made it impossible for my life to continue on its planned trajectory. I was forced to drop out of grad school, quit my job, and heal. Being of a scientific mindset, I sought the best drugs and the best doctors and poured over research studies and journal articles. I was determined to regain my wellness, but little did I know, I hampered my recovery with what I was putting in my mouth every day! During the first few years of my illness, I tried dozens of different medications, therapies, and supplements. I learned my body’s
limits and did my best to respect them. Then, when I finally thought I was making progress, it happened. I relapsed. Cue another round of doctors, tests, drugs, and lack of real answers. The relapse was harrowing and humbling and it spurred me to look elsewhere for healing. I returned to yoga and established a gentler daily practice. Meditation and breathing exercises became a priority along with Reiki treatments and massage. I studied herbal medicine and crafted my own tinctures, pills, and oil blends. Last but not least, I changed my diet. Drawing on my research background, I began running nutritional experiments on myself. I’d eliminate one food, take notes, add in a new food, take more notes. After months of trial and error, and a whole lot of reading, I found that a primal diet would be the most nourishing, healing, supportive, and energizing for me. I experienced profound improvement in my symptoms that came from eating in a paleo way, and it hit home that food really was medicine. What I have learned is each and every meal we eat is an opportunity to either help or heal OUR natural well being.
If you are struggling with a chronic illness and want to live a longer healthier life, here are five basic tips to get you started.
1. Make Friends With Veggies When I was a kid, you had to bribe me to eat my veggies. Nowadays, I’m known to use mixing bowls for my salads because regular bowls aren’t big enough! Vegetables, especially leafy greens, are everyone’s very best friends. I recommend covering ½ of your plate with veggies for maximum benefits. Some of my favorites include: kale, swiss chard, beets, green beans, broccoli, carrots, and bell peppers - the more colorful, the better!
2. Don’t Fear Fat The days of fat-phobia are over! Avoid low-fat and no-fat because research has proven that healthy fats encourage better cognitive functioning, hormonal balance, energy levels, and much more. Don’t shy away from adding healthy fats to every meal. Choose fats that are found in nature, like coconut products, avocados, raw nuts, grassfed butter, and ethically-sourced animal fats like tallow or lard. • March/April 2017 • Regenerate
3. Be Consistent
5. Choose Quality
Develop the habit of eating fresh, healthy, unprocessed foods every day. This is especially important for potent foods and spices that have medicinal effects, like turmeric, mushrooms, coconut oil, kale, herbal teas, and berries.
Choose the highest quality ingredients you can. It may not be feasible to buy organic all the time, so learn about the “Dirty Dozen” and the “Clean Fifteen” from the Environmental Working Group at Make friends with local artisans and ranchers. Shop at the farmer’s markets. Read all the labels on all of your foods. Be picky! It may be expensive but when it comes to health, it is worth the investment. There’s a saying that is appropriate: “Pay the farmer or pay the doctor. Pick One.” Let’s choose to pay the farmer. I credit my nutritional habits for most of my healing thus far. I believe so strongly in the healing power of foods that I have made it the
4. Set Your Intentions As a Reiki master, I recognize the important energetic aspects of food. Regardless of your spiritual leanings, it’s important to infuse your meals with love, gratitude, and healing intentions. Eliminate distractions and be present while you eat, listening to your body’s subtle cues. Say a prayer, recite a mantra, use your hands to direct Reiki. Use any process that creates a connection with your food as it holds great healing power.
cornerstone of my wellness mentoring practice. I encourage you to make food your medicine and notice all the wonderful changes that you experience. The grocery store is your new pharmacy, and your prescription is ready to be filled! Melani Schweder is a writer, health coach, and energy healer based in Lafayette. Her own healing adventure from Lyme and Chronic Fatigue opened her eyes to the power of nutrition, energy work, herbalism, and breathwork. She loves to work with clients who have chronic illnesses by empowering them through a holistic guided approach. When she’s not in a session, you can find her snuggling her dog, River, or whipping up something in the kitchen. You can read her story and learn more about her practice at:
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Helping Women Navigate Divorce TINA ALLNUTT Tina is a Mortgage Loan Originator in Northern Colorado with over 16 years of experience and is a proud 5-year member of Wildflower Women’s organization. Divorce is a word that brings discomfort to many people. It is also a word that connects us, as most everyone knows someone who has been through a divorce. This transition is particularly difficult for women as, on average, they experience a 73% reduction in their financial position following a divorce and 1 in 5 fall into poverty. Divorce and widowhood present two of the most challenging transitions in any woman’s life and many are unprepared to navigate this often thorny path. They may have no idea where to turn for the support they need. It is crucial for women to remain vigilant and be armed with information in order to make the best decisions for themselves and their children. They must also take good care of themselves during this stressful journey. Fortunately, The Wildflower Group provides resources and support to women in transition. Featured on the TODAY Show in 2016, the Wildflower Group was started in Denver in 2006 and has now spread to 10 states. They believe that a divorce can be both a challenge and a great opportunity for personal growth. Despite the negative connotations, divorce can offer a window of opportunity to start life over in a better situation with better chances for long-term success.
One common thread in divorce is that women feel alone. Wildflower Group is dedicated to providing trusted resources so every woman has a team of professionals advocating for her and the personal support she needs to cope with the emotional roller coaster that this transition can create. Once a woman contacts Wildflower Group she knows she will never be alone! Their events, social community and workshops offer continued opportunity for growth by providing resources, networking to make new connections, fun and the chance to create a community of other “wildflowers” to grow and blossom with. If you or any woman you know is going through a divorce and needs extra support, then the Wildflower Group will be there to help. Tina is active in the Fort Collins community, and also supports Project SelfSufficiency and Crossroad’s Safe House in Fort Collins. If you are going through a divorce, please contact Tina if you have any questions regarding what it would take to maintain your current home. She would be happy to work out what that might look financially as well. Tina can be reached at or 970-658-2129.
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Gut Feelings
Exploring the Enteric Nervous System and Our “Second Brain” DR. JANE BREWER
The sayings “trust your gut” and “gut feeling” have more clout to them than might appear on the surface. The connection between your brain and your belly is more than just a figure of speech. Your nervous system is a complex and intricate network of wires that coordinates every single function in the body. The digestive system has so many of these wire connections that some researchers call the gut our second brain. Similar to the USB wires that charge our smartphones and tablets, the wires in our body provide a source of power as well as an avenue for information exchange. This network of communication is known as the brain-gut axis.
Your second brain is incredibly smart. This Enteric Nervous System (ENS) that resides in your gut can act autonomously and even influence mood and behavior. While it can’t get your homework done or create works of art like the brain in your skull, your second brain contributes more to your overall health and wellbeing than you might imagine. The ENS, which extends from the esophagus to the anus: • Is made up of more than 500 million neurons, as many as the spinal cord itself • Houses about 70% of our immune system • Produces 50% of the dopamine and 95% of the serotonin (the “happy chemicals”) in our bodies
Are Two Brains Better Than One? Having such an intricate network of nerves in our gut might seem like overkill simply to manage the process of digestion, so why does the gut need its
own brain? The gut, as it turns out, does far more than just digest your latest meal. The emerging field of neurogastroenterology has done much to illuminate the functions of the enteric nervous system beyond the act of the consumption and elimination of food. Our guts are home to trillions of bacteria that make up our microbiome, and a major role of the ENS is to communicate back and forth with these cells to influence mood, mental clarity, regulation of inflammation, and immunity, amongst many other functions. Our emotions are also likely influenced in large part by the nerves in our gut. A perfect example of this is feeling butterflies in our stomach when we’re nervous or excited — the stress response is intimately tied to the ENS. Much of the communication between our first and second brains occurs over the vagus nerve, a long, wandering nerve that begins in the brainstem and makes its way into your abdomen connecting most major organs along the way. The vagus nerve acts as a bridge between the
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brain in your head and the brain in your belly. In the same way that gastrointestinal distress can quickly turn a good mood bad, a happy gut can help to augment everyday emotional well-being. In studies where the vagus nerve is electrically stimulated from an outside source, the response was signals that helped to reduce feelings of depression and anxiety.
Taking Care of Your Microbiome Naturally The importance of taking good care of your gut can’t be understated. Because of the impact it has on how you feel, both physically and mentally, gut health should be on everyone’s radar when it comes to making healthy lifestyle decisions. Since there’s more to a happy belly than choosing the salad over a slice of pepperoni pizza, here are a few tips you can easily incorporate into your day to day routine: • Address chronic stress in your life. There are many ways to do this, from
meditation, to exercise of your choice (walking, yoga, cycling, etc.), to establishing a gratitude practice. We can’t eliminate stress completely, but we can do our best to manage it and focus on the positive. • Incorporate fermented foods and beverages into your diet. Sauerkraut, yogurt (and yogurt-based drinks like Lassi or Kefir), kimchi, and Kombucha are great resources to nourish your microbiome. • Take care of your nervous system. Essential fatty acids and B-vitamins provide great support for your nervous system, as well as potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Ensuring a balanced diet of fresh, home cooked meals will give you the nutrients your body needs. • Get enough sleep. Giving your body
ample time each night to recharge and repair is critical. Eliminating artificial light sources and any potential interruptions (sorry, cell phone) will allow you to reap the maximum benefits from bedtime. • Improve your vagus nerve activity. NeuroStructural Chiropractic looks at vagus nerve function as it relates to the alignment of the uppermost vertebrae in your spine, the atlas. The atlas is situated in close proximity to the vagus nerve as it branches off the brainstem. An abnormal shift of the atlas can interfere with normal vagal activity and communication along the brain-gut axis. Disturbances in gut health have been linked to many illnesses and conditions beyond what we normally think of, such as autism spectrum disorders, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, and
Parkinson’s disease. While more research is necessary to establish a clear connection, it is both interesting and promising that there may be a way to influence these conditions naturally through gut and nervous system health. Keeping trillions of microorganisms happy might seem like an impossible feat, but it’s certainly worth it to start feeling happier and healthier. Dr. Jane Brewer is a doctor of chiropractic who focuses on NeuroStructural Correction, which is unique in that it restores balance to the three core aspects of one’s body: the structural framework, function, and auto-regulation. Dr. Jane lives in Fort Collins with her husband Wes and when she’s not caring for patients, she can be found on a local trail for a hike or mountain bike ride. For more information about NeuroStructural Chiropractic, please visit
Do you find yourself standing still wondering what more is possible? Are your feet & your mind stuck in the same old pattern?
Cathi Foster
Loveland, CO 80537
970-775-3217 • March/April 2017 • Regenerate
Chronic Inflammation — Could It Be Coming From Your Mouth? JOY DRISCOLL It is known that oral health is connected to our body’s systemic immunity and total body wellness. Oral health has an influence on diseases such as heart disease which affects the cardiovascular system. Current research has also linked chronic oral inflammation to cancers, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, arthritis and many other diseases. In fact 80 percent of systemic disease is first manifested in the mouth.
The number one oral health infection and silent disease that causes chronic inflammation in the body is periodontal disease. Gingivitis (gum disease/infection) is inflammation of the gums, Periodontitis is when the infection has manifested itself into the bone and now causes the loss of bone surrounding the teeth. Signs of the infection/disease are bleeding gums when brushing or
The mouth is connected to many other parts of the body and bacterial imbalance of gum disease in the mouth can create immune problems and inflammation in other parts of the body through the blood system. cleaning in between teeth, bad breath or a bad taste in the mouth. 90% of adults over the age of 30 have some stage of active gum infection/disease. The mouth is not an isolated ecosystem, but an integral part of the immune system. The mouth is connected to many other parts of the body and bacterial imbalance of gum disease in the mouth can create immune problems and inflammation in other parts of the body through the
38 Regenerate • March/April 2017 •
blood system. In fact, the plaque deposits that are removed by a Dental Hygienist are the same types of plaque found in the arterial walls of people with heart disease! Below is a list of the increased risk of disease when there is oral inflammation/infection. Medical Condition
Increased Risk
Stoke Heart Disease Fatal Coronary Heart Disease Oral Cancer Alzheimer’s Diabetes Arthritis Pneumonia Aspiration
300% 80% 50% 400% Increased Risk Increased Risk Increased Risk Increased Risk
In fact, if you are reading this, there is a good chance you have some form of gum disease and not even realize it because it rarely causes pain. The best way to determine if Gingivitis or infection/disease has migrated deeper in the bone (Periodontitis) is to have a periodontal examination. This should be done every time you visit your dentist for a cleaning or exam. The tool that diagnoses this infection is called a probe which has measuring points like a ruler. The probe is inserted between the tooth and gums testing for signs of bleeding or pus. It is then documented how far the probe falls between the tooth and gums. The higher or deeper the number the harder it is to clean out the biofilm
(plaque) between the tooth and gums. This is how oral infection starts. The immune system recognizes the gum disease as an out of control bacterial infection. One way the body defeats this infection is to increase the inflammation in the local area of the infection in the effort to increase blood flow. This increases the number of white blood cells to fight the bad bacteria/infection. There are many nonsurgical tools used to reverse the infection and halt progression of bone loss. Once the infection reaches the bone that supports the teeth it causes permanent bone loss around the teeth. Current studies show another cause of gingivitis or periodontal infection is an acidic pH in the mouth. When the PH is acidic the bacteria thrives, and causes disease such as decay, oral infection or gingivitis/periodontitis “gum disease”. There are many causes of an acidic pH in the mouth such as dry mouth from medications, mouth breathing and diet. The goal of nonsurgical treatment is to balance the bacteria and keep the pH neutral in the oral cavity to halt disease progression which deteriorates the bone supporting the teeth. Periodontal therapy differs in every office by different protocols in treating the periodontal infection. The gold standard is scaling and root planing
which means the dental hygienist uses special instruments to remove the plaque/biofilm below the gums and on the roots of the teeth. If the infection has advanced to a certain stage, surgical intervention may be recommended The bottom line is that unresolved chronic local inflammation creates a toxic systemic situation. Oral health impacts the overall body’s health and wellness. Gum infection is related to an increased incidence of all other disease that affect related systems within our body. We can not achieve optimal health unless we have a healthy oral balance of bacteria! See your dental healthcare provider at the very least 2 x a year to catch early stages of gum infection. Joy is located at 1555 Main St. in Windsor, CO and her mission is to bring holistic dental health care options to patients seeking a more holistic approach to their overall health. She has been a dental provider for over 20 years and has had advanced training and education in how oral health directly effects whole body health or vice versa. To learn more and make an appointment, visit or call 970-413-1799.
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Yo our life. Your sto ory.. Nothing synthetic n necessary.... fertilizer or otherwise. *Side Effects may y includ de undeniable empow we erment, smilling at yo ourself for no reason, and d random acts of skipping. Feellings off confidence, warmth and lov ve are common. Side effects may continue for months, even years e afterr yo our session. s 100% organic photography is not right for everyone. Pleasse consult yourself in the m mirror and a ask your family if 100% organ nic portraits are right for you.
www . o • 970-459-0000 • 411 N. Lincoln Av venue, Loveland d • March/April 2017 • Regenerate
Life Under Pressure Under Pressure Therapeutics, Your Team of Licensed Massage Therapists MARISSA ORCHARD In today’s bustling world, it can be hard to find time for yourself. We often feel overwhelming pressure to take care of our many obligations and not prioritize self-care. However always putting ourselves last can have consequences.
At Under Pressure Therapeutics, we suggest putting yourself under a different kind of pressure that’s good for you — massage pressure! Therapeutic massage has been proven to decrease stress, increase range of motion, help recovery from serious injuries, decrease chronic pain, and aid athletes in their performance. t This is a message from our valued advertiser.
With many massage therapists to choose from, it can be daunting to know who to trust with your health. What sets us apart is that we focus on rehabilitative massage. We have a variety of massage techniques at our disposal, including deep tissue massage, neuromuscular therapy, and trigger point therapy, to name a few, and provide the service that will best suit the client and facilitate their rehabilitation. We tailor each massage and account for each individual’s pain tolerance and goals and apply the appropriate techniques with the right amount of pressure. We not only offer traditional massage techniques, but also have massage therapists trained in Sport Massage to aid athletes recover from and prevent injuries, a Craniosacral Therapist who is extensively trained in treating Traumatic Brain Injuries, and two Reiki practitioners who provide energy work to supplement the massage treatment. Having a variety of modalities available allows us to combine our skills and provide the most effective body work experience. Our goal is to help our clients rehabilitate and create better health, whether that is recovering from a serious car accident that resulted in a limited range of motion and chronic pain, or decreasing stress. You don’t need to suffer with discomfort or chronic stress — we can help. At Under Pressure Therapeutics, we are passionate about honing our skills, continuing our education, and looking for new ways to help you. Our team members are Licensed Massage Therapists through the State of Colorado. We also bill car insurance for car accidents. Learn more at or call us at (970) 286-0033 to schedule an appointment. Marissa Orchard opened Under Pressure Therapeutics shortly after graduating from the Institute of Business and Medical Careers with an Associate’s Degree in Therapeutic Massage. She knew the direction she wanted to pursue before even beginning school: to create a therapeutic massage clinic that focuses on helping clients achieve their best state of health. Every member of her team is highly trained and passionate about helping clients reach their goals.
40 Regenerate • March/April 2017 •
Eat Well to Work Well KRISTEN METSCH It’s almost 9:15 pm as I pull into my garage and realize I don’t remember anything about my drive home from Denver. I was commuting at the time and often faded in and out during the long drive. At the time, I figured my problem was not drinking enough coffee so I naturally increased my daily habit of one cup of coffee to two… and so on. A few weeks go by after increasing the caffeine and I start experiencing new symptoms that develop into a new set of health concerns. Quite frankly, I was miserable. The kind of miserable that makes you think about taking a one-way ticket to Hawaii and living off a diet of fallen coconuts and the generosity of strangers. Needless to say, I decided not to take that one-way ticket and instead I reached out to a registered dietician I had met in one of my networking groups. This was the best decision of my life. My pursuit of health began with a variety of investigative testing, supplementation, diet planning, and monitoring/tracking of symptoms. We discovered I was suffering from adrenal burnout and insulin resistance, both of which are directly correlated with a lack of proper nutrition. I had no idea that the daily habits of stress, poor diet, caffeine, and lack of sleep were to blame. I realized that even if you’re in your twenties, you don’t get a free pass to good health. As a nation, we are noticing our health declining at an earlier and earlier age and it’s no wonder! It’s been almost two years since I started my pursuit of optimum health. Every day is an opportunity to manage my time effectively and provide proper nourishment for my body. In the great
words of Mahatma Gandhi, “It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.” I had not realized I was sacrificing my health and wellbeing in order to keep going. By the time I experienced burn out, I had become an unreliable employee since I was getting sick so often. My food choices throughout the day directly influenced not only my
Lerner. After discovering many of the flaws in our conventional agricultural practices, I am also a strong advocate of eating locally and organically whenever possible. There’s nothing better than knowing where your food is coming from and what has been done to it. Without proper nutrition, you are basically operating at 60% capacity. This lack of robust health affects productivity and opportunities for career advancement. It was also found that “Employees who eat healthy all day long were 25 percent more likely to have higher job performance… and those who eat five or more servings of fruit and vegetables at least four times a week were 20 percent more likely to be more productive” ( IkNs.dpuf”) A diet that’s clean and full of whole foods will also help avoid certain diseases linked with poor diets such as diabetes and cancers. It’s a new year, so what changes in your diet and lifestyle can you make to increase your productivity at work?
Everything we eat is converted into fuel that will hopefully give our body and our brain the energy it needs to process information and stay alert. ability to show up, but my cognitive performance at work. Everything we eat is converted into fuel that will hopefully give our body and our brain the energy it needs to process information and stay alert. However, with the rush of deadlines, time constraints, and the convenience of fast food, we are often undernourished and overworked. Prioritizing your health requires selfcare and an action plan. There are many different whole food lifestyles to choose from after a quick search on the internet. One of my personal recommendations for anyone starting their journey towards good health is the book Maximized Metabolix written by NY Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal Best-Selling Author Dr. Ben
Kristen Metsch utilizes 10 years of business experience at Blue Federal Credit Union as a Business Development Specialist. You can find Kristen meeting with local business owners to help their business thrive. When she’s not working, you can find her hiking at Horsetooth with her corgi and bull terrier. • March/April 2017 • Regenerate
Lovin' It
Consider an Alternative to Dairy Based Cheese STEPHEN GLITZER, CHWC
I wasn’t always a Certified Nutrition Coach. In fact, I hadn’t eaten healthily for the majority of my life. My personal health revolution began in 2012, at the age of 37; I understand the challenges of changing eating patterns and eliminating foods which do not serve the body. One type of food which may not serve everyone is different forms of dairy. Dairy products are made from milk and include yogurt, cheese, ice cream, and all the delicious variations which are created from cows, sheep, goats, and other mammals. As a foodie and a chef, I am aware of the many dishes that rely on dairy cheese. But what if you are looking for an alternative? To aid you in your exploration, below is a recipe for a cashew based sauce which you can use on homemade pizzas, mac & cheese, and a variety of other foods like risotto and fondue. Get creative and enjoy!
2 tbs + 2 tsp tapioca starch (also called tapioca flour, ideally non-GMO) Add ~ ¼ to ½ cup of nutritional yeast while cooking to create a “Cheader”
Stephen Glitzer is a self-taught chef and life coach with Uninhibited Wellness. Trained by Dr. McDougall and certified by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, Stephen’s innate skills of compassion, empathy, and intuition, paired with his knowledge of nutrition and an ability to create a safe energy space with others makes Life, Wellness and Health Coaching his life’s work.
1/4 cup cashews 1 cup water 2 garlic cloves 1 tsp lemon juice 1 tsp salt
Blend all (in a powerful blender) until creamy smooth. You can soak the cashews in hot water for a half hour to an hour if you have dull blades. Pour your mixture into a small saucepan and cook over medium heat stirring often with a whisk. The sauce will take on a strange consistency and then it will become consistently gooey. Add spices or herbs to taste. • March/April 2017 • Regenerate
Chinese Medicine and Food Therapy for Winter Health KORIN OWENS L.AC, WWW.TCMCLINIC.ORG Food therapy is a very important component of Chinese medicine. The food we eat has a profound effect on our body and thus our health and wellbeing. Chinese dietary philosophy teaches us to live in harmony with the seasons by changing what we eat as the seasons change, as well as the importance of eating foods that are growing in season, locally and without chemicals.
In Chinese medicine, winter represents the ultimate yin. This energy is dark, cold, slow and inward. During the winter, it is important to respect this energy by slowing down, resting and keeping your body warm. Winter is associated with our kidneys, which store our fundamental energy. It is therefore an important time to support and strengthen the kidneys. During these winter months, our bodies need warming foods such as soups made with hearty vegetables and rich stocks cooked with animal bones. Foods should be cooked for longer periods, at lower temperatures and with less water, which infuses the food with heat to help keep the body warm during these cold months. Foods that are energetically warm in nature are anchovies, chestnuts, chicken, leek, miso, onions, pine nuts, spring onions, root vegetables, shallots, squash, sweet potatoes, walnuts and dark leafy greens. Herbs that are warm and pungent are helpful in removing cold: anise, bay leaves, black pepper, cardamom, cinnamon cloves, coriander, dill, fennel, garlic, ginger, horseradish, nutmeg and
rosemary. Foods that specifically nourish and warm the kidneys include black beans, kidney beans, adzuki beans, chickpeas, broths cooked with bones, lamb, chicken, beef, goose, duck, eggs, micro-algae (chlorella, spirulina), walnuts, black sesame seeds and millet. A small amount of unrefined sea salt is also helpful because the taste associated with kidneys is salty, however, moderation is key. Enjoy the winter season and the delicious and nourishing warm foods to help prepare your body, mind and spirit for the spring to come. The following recipe is an example of a nourishing dish to prepare and enjoy throughout the winter. This meal is a classic Asian home remedy often used for helping fight off a cold or cough.
Grounding Ginger and Green Onion Congee (from Ancient Wisdom, Modern Kitchen by Yuan Wang, Warren Sheir and Mika Ono) Ingredients: 1 (1 inch) piece of fresh ginger, peeled and grated or minced
44 Regenerate • March/April 2017 •
¼ cup sticky rice (“sweet rice” or “glutinous rice”) 2 ½ to 3 cups water 3 green onions, slices into small pieces (less than ¼ inch) Condiments: rice vinegar, soy sauce, salt, and/or sesame oil for a savory congee; honey or other natural sweetener for a sweet congee Directions: Combine the ginger, sticky rice, and water in a medium-size pot, bring to a boil, then lower the heat to low and simmer, covered with the lid slightly ajar, for 30 to 40 minutes, until the congee is the desired consistency. Add a little extra water if the congee is drying out, threatening to stick to the bottom of the pot, or becoming too thick for your taste. Turn off the heat and add the green onion to the congee. Season with the condiment(s) of your choice and serve warm. Learn more about us at We’re located at 700 West Mountain Ave in beautiful Fort Collins.
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Nikki Schmidt, LMT Â&#x2122;Ă&#x2021;äÂ&#x2021;Ă&#x201C;ÂŁxÂ&#x2021;Ă&#x2021;äĂ&#x201C;Ă&#x2021;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x160;UĂ&#x160;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x160;">Ă&#x192;Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x192;/Â&#x2026;iĂ&#x20AC;>ÂŤiĂ&#x2022;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2C6;VĂ&#x192;JÂ&#x2026;Â&#x153;Ă&#x152;Â&#x201C;>Â&#x2C6;Â?°VÂ&#x153;Â&#x201C; Ă&#x153;Ă&#x153;Ă&#x153;°"Â?`/Â&#x153;Ă&#x153;Â&#x2DC;9Â&#x153;}>°VÂ&#x153;Â&#x201C;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x160;UĂ&#x160;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x201C;Ă&#x17D;Ă&#x17D;Ă&#x160; ivviĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x192;Â&#x153;Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x160;-Ă&#x152;Ă&#x20AC;iiĂ&#x152;]Ă&#x160; Â&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x152;Ă&#x160; Â&#x153;Â?Â?Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x192; iĂ&#x2022;Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x153;Â&#x201C;Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x192;VĂ&#x2022;Â?>Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x160;/iVÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2C6;ÂľĂ&#x2022;iĂ&#x160;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x160;UĂ&#x160;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x160; iiÂŤĂ&#x160;,iÂ?>Ă?>Ă&#x152;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x153;Â&#x2DC;
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PATHS 4 CHANGE PHYLLIS K. KENNEMER, Ed.D. â&#x20AC;˘ Certified NLP Life Coach â&#x20AC;˘ NLP Weight Loss Coach â&#x20AC;˘ Certified Labyrinth Facilitator
970.622.0858 550 N. LINCOLN â&#x20AC;˘ LOVELAND â&#x20AC;˘ March/April 2017 â&#x20AC;˘ Regenerate
Growing Nutritional and Traditional Foods on the Pine Ridge Reservation RICHARD FOX, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AND CO-FOUNDER OF TREES, WATER & PEOPLE
46 Regenerate • March/April 2017 •
Working on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota has been one of the most challenging, compelling, and rewarding experiences of my life. Since 2002, Trees, Water & People has provided solar furnaces to families who face terrible choices every winter: pay their steep monthly heating bills, buy food, or purchase medicine for the many illnesses that torment people on Pine Ridge. Often, residents cannot afford to do all three and have to choose between these essentials. With the installation of our solar furnaces, we help to lower these families’ heating bills, which ultimately allow them to buy their food and medicine. However, as we met more and more families there, we began to see that life on the reservation was a struggle every month, not just during the winter, and that 100 years of colonialism was still having a massive impact on everyone who lived there. The Pine Ridge Reservation is the home of the Oglala Lakota, one of the seven tribes commonly known as the Sioux. The reservation is the size of Delaware and Rhode Island combined and spreads across nearly two million acres of arid plains, scattered with low hills and rocky outcrops crowned by Ponderosa Pine forests. The population ranges from 16,000 to 40,000 residents who have the second-lowest life expectancy in the Western Hemisphere after Haiti. These statistics are impacted by infant mortality rates that are 2.6 times higher than the national average in addition to an unacceptably high number of suicides among the young. Diabetes, which was unknown in Indian country prior to the 1930’s, is estimated to plague up to 60% of the residents there. Pine Ridge is also a “food desert,” with only one major supermarket. The rest of the towns, with few exceptions, depend on small convenience stores where nutritious foods are very limited. Yet Pine Ridge is also a deeply spiritual place, with long-held beliefs, ceremonies, and religious practices that are at least partially shared with all who come in reverence and love for Mother Earth, a cornerstone of their beliefs. We established Solar Warrior Farm as part of the Red Cloud Renewable Energy Center to address this lack of
healthy, affordable, and easily accessible food that so many Pine Ridge residents experience. A key element of our food sovereignty project is to provide a local, successful, and replicable demonstration site that welcomes, educates, inspires, and empowers Native Americans to improve their health and wellness. Our program focuses on traditional foods, as well as other nutritional foods that are completely free to people living
all foods we are currently growing in our foraging areas. Every season, we conduct educational workshops that teach community members how to prepare, plant, and harvest their gardens, as well as can and preserve the produce to extend its use and health benefits. Through this, we can create opportunities for a mutually beneficial relationship between people and their environment while promoting
Our program focuses on traditional foods, as well as other nutritional foods that are completely free to people living on the reservation. on the reservation. Corn, beans, and squash (the three sisters), tomatoes, chilies, cucumbers, pumpkins and many traditional herbs are the most abundant crops on the Solar Warrior Farm. Some of the produce from the farm is given to the diabetes clinic, where the desire for fresh food is particularly high, while the income of patients is particularly low. While the farm is generally considered the row crops and herbs that we plant, we are also working to use the whole ten acres of the Red Cloud Renewable Energy Center for locating and cultivating the traditional wild foods that grow there. In past years, as the Lakota followed the buffalo herds across the Great Plains, they gathered and ate the fruits and berries they found growing along the way. The bounty included chokeberries, strawberries, wild grapes, wild turnips (timpsila), and raspberries,
consciousness about healthy eating. We look forward to growing and strengthening our food sovereignty project and the Solar Warrior Farm in years to come. For more information about the Solar Warrior Farm, our Tribal Program, or Trees, Water & People in general, please give us a call at 970-484-3678, swing by our office located at 633 Remington Street, or email us at Richard Fox is the Executive Director and co-founder of Trees, Water & People (TWP), and nonprofit based in Fort Collins dedicated to helping people and the planet. Inspired by his passion for the environment and his love of people, he manages TWP’s operations, building alliances, and planning for a greater future. In his free time, Richard enjoys gardening, fire spinning, and spending time with his family.
t This is a message from our valued advertiser. • March/April 2017 • Regenerate
Conscious Food Choices PHYLLIS K. KENNEMER Why do we eat what we eat? This simple question is quite complex. The most obvious answer would be, “We eat what tastes good.” However, this is not as straightforward as one might expect because there is no universal agreement about what tastes good.
Sense of taste in developed in the cultural traditions of our childhood. The choices available during that stage of life are generally based in ethnic and family traditions. As mature, we may retain some preferences for foods we ate as children, but we also begin to develop our own individual tastes. These food preferences are based in both conscious and unconscious decisions. We might choose to experiment with different cultural cuisines. We may eat an unfamiliar food to be polite in a social setting, or we might train ourselves to eat something we feel would be “good for us” — thus developing an acquired taste. Most people like the taste of foods that contain some salt, sugar, or fat. Yet, many realize that overindulging in these foods may cause health problems. So they make conscious decisions to limit these types of choices. Reading labels for nutritional value can supersede considerations of taste in some cases. Taste is not the only consideration in food selection. Some decisions are made consciously, but others may be habitual or unconscious. Many researchers and authors in the field believe that the cost of food is one of the major determining factors in eating choices. Some researchers have come to the conclusion that price drives taste. They maintain that Americans tend to choose what is cheap and, therefore, develop a taste for cheap food. This tendency is reinforced by the universal desire to find “a good deal”. People want more for less. They are attracted to value meals, twofor-one deals, and free refills on sodas. They may
48 Regenerate • March/April 2017 •
choose “all you can eat” restaurants where they refill their plates many times to “get their money’s worth.” This same principle of looking for a bargain or paying less for food carries over into the process of buying groceries for meals at home. How much does the price of the food enter into our decisions about what to eat? Are the decisions we make about food choices conscious or unconscious? Could we make better decisions if we raised our awareness levels concerning how foodstuff is produced and priced? Another, perhaps more significant question, is “Why are food prices so low in the United States?” It is estimated that people in the U.S. spend about 6% of our disposable income on food. People in most other countries spend at least twice that amount and some spend much more. Our low prices can be attributed to a variety of causes. Our government subsidizes industrial food production. Most of our food is produced in large mega agriculture facilities and increasing amounts of foodstuff is imported from other countries. Although these components keep prices down, some people believe they create larger problems. Crops are grown in huge fields using the latest technologies available. Chemical fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides are used to help the produce grow faster and larger and to eliminate pests that could reduce the yield. There are valid concerns about the effect of these chemicals on our bodies when we eat the food and the consequences of these chemicals seeping into ground water. For example, a study in the journal Environmental Sciences Europe reveals that
Americans have applied 1.8 million tons of glyphosate (aka RoundUp) since its introduction in 1974, particularly on genetically modified crops ( ). This is a concern because the World Health Organization has stated that glyphosate is a probable carcinogen. Concern has also been expressed that some corporations do not rotate crops often enough, resulting in loss of topsoil in those areas. Not such a great deal for our bodies or the planet. Cattle and pigs are raised in huge feedlots. The animals eat genetically engineered corn and soy, are fattened on growth hormones and given a variety of antibiotics. In fact, over 70% of antibiotics used in the US are used by factory farms and this over usage is leading to the development of drug resistant bacteria in humans. Each year in the United States, at least 2 million people become infected with bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics and at least 23,000 people die each year as a direct result of these infections. ( Again, that cheap meat is not looking like such a great deal. Food production in the U.S. is highly regulated and is influenced by the purchasing power of large corporations. Fast food franchises set specifications for their hamburgers concerning size, shape, taste, fat content, texture and cost. These same principles apply to all the food served, including bread, vegetables (potatoes, tomatoes, lettuce), and condiments. This demand for uniformity and low prices extends far beyond the fast food industry. Major discount stores and large supermarket chains also set specifications and price expectations for products sold through their venues. The commercial motivation for longer shelf life has eliminated fruit and vegetable varieties that are less hardy. This practice has sometimes resulted in produce that is less nutritious and less tasty. Policies governing the importation and exportation of food are complicated and sometimes create unanticipated results. A lot of the garlic consumed in California is imported from China, while much of the garlic grown in California is exported to Europe. In another strange example, shrimp served in many restaurants in seacoast cities in the United States has been imported from Thailand. It is almost impossible for the average person to
be informed about all of the factors involved in the pricing and the quality of foods that we consume. However, it is safe to say that the price of industrially produced food is artificially low because of government subsidies and a burden is placed on communities where factory farms are located. These farms are not responsible for the pollution they create from excessive amounts of manure, the stench that destroys the quality of life in surrounding communities, the cruel manner in which animals are confined and killed, or the stressful working conditions where production can never be fast enough. These corporations rake in the profits and leave suffering in their wake. As concerned citizens, we can choose to support a food system that works for our bodies, communities, and planet and reject the kind that simply inflates corporate profits. We can choose to become more consciously aware of the impact of foods we consume. Most importantly, we can understand the real cost of real food and it is not $1 for a dozen eggs or for a hamburger. There is a steep price to be paid for such a “good deal”.
Many researchers and authors in the field believe that the cost of food is one of the major determining factors in eating choices.
Resources for More Information • Biltekoff, Charlotte. Eating Right in America: The Cultural Politics of Food & Health • Schlosser, Eric. Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal • Shell, Ellen Ruppel. Cheap: The High Cost of Discount Culture • Weber, Karl, editor. Food, Inc.: How Industrial Food Is Making Us Sicker, Fatter and Poorer — And What You Can Do about It • Sierra Club. The True Cost of Food: Phyllis understands that although change is a constant in our lives, there are times when it seems like CHANGE will overcome us. At those times we need tools to help us make conscious decisions. Phyllis searched for the program that would facilitate change and chose to study NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and now has certification in life coaching, social and emotional intelligence, motivation and weight loss. You can learn more at or reach her at 970-622-0858. • March/April 2017 • Regenerate
Sandra Recommends I hope you’re enjoying our Real Food issue! If knowing what to eat still seems overwhelming, then a great book to refer to for basic guidelines is Food Rules: An Eater’s Manual by food journalist Michael Pollan. In Food Rules, Michael lays out a set of straightforward, memorable rules for eating wisely, one per page, accompanied by a concise explanation. It’s an easy-to-use guide that draws from a variety of traditions, suggesting how different cultures have arrived at the same enduring wisdom about food. Here are some of my favorite Food Rules: #2 – Don’t eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food. #14 – Eat foods made from ingredients that you can picture in their raw state or growing in nature. #18 – If it came from a plant, eat it; if it was made in a plant, don’t. This handy little book resides on my bookshelf, and I can’t recommend it enough if you are perplexed by the question “What should I eat??”
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221-5551 Connections is a partnership of the Health District and Touchstone Health Partners. • March/April 2017 • Regenerate
Angels saved my life three times in 15 years. The first two events involved me as a passenger in a vehicle and both times I was kept safe. One was with a boyfriend who was street racing on a busy highway. Somehow we avoided a major collision with three other cars. The other incident was in a torrential rainstorm. The truck I was riding in nearly skidded off a bridge into a raging river during the 1976 Big Thompson Flood in Colorado. The third event, was the most profound demonstration. Flying with my boyfriend in a small airplane we hit power lines trying to land in bad weather. We had attempted the landing twice and were on our third try. Nearly hysterical with fear, I prayed, “Keep us safe” The flash of light I saw was from power lines meeting our aircraft. At the same moment I felt an incredible calm. Fifteen seconds later we touched down on the runway in our damaged airplane but in one piece. Completely convinced that angels were sent to hold me tight and keep me safe, I began learning more about these heavenly beings.
What I learned was that God created angels to assist mankind. And just as God does, they love us unconditionally so we are never bothering them when we ask for help. They can be in all places at once, just as God is. Prior to learning this, I often wondered whether people were competing for an angel’s attention. There are no heavenly service lines where we take a number and wait to be called! We have at least one guardian angel which stays by our side throughout our life so we are
never alone. Simply put, the angels act as intermediaries between God and us. When we pray to angels or ask them for
However, by studying the angels and learning to communicate with them, I have been brought closer to God. Now, I have a deep appreciation for how very loved and supported I am by Him through His angels. The angels have a hierarchy which begins with the archangels who are the overseers and rank just above angels. When we need assistance, the right angels for the task are immediately dispatched. Each archangel has a specialty. My favorite archangels are Michael,
When we need assistance, the right angels for the task are immediately dispatched. assistance, it is the same as asking God as they are His messengers. From my upbringing, God sometimes felt distant and perhaps unhappy with me.
52 Regenerate • March/April 2017 •
Raphael and Gabriel. The Bible tells us how Archangel Gabriel — the messenger angel — announced to both Jesus’ mother and John the Baptist’s mother they would be bearing worldchanging children. Archangel Michael is the angel of protection and is shown in artwork holding a protective sword. Archangel Raphael as the angel of healing and health can assist us with finding the right health providers and helping making positive selfcare choices. Because angels and God honor our freewill, they can’t help us unless we ask. We don’t have to know the specific name of an angel or archangel to ask for assistance. I start my day with requests for safety, energy, health and wisdom. Many times I’ve requested the words I should say in important meetings or for general help during my work day. Things always go smoother, frustrations are lessened and I do feel lighter and happier. I’m not saying there aren’t still struggles and problems, but I’m given what I need to deal with whatever comes. Although we might believe angels should only be asked for ‘big’ things, they are happy to help with even the smallest tasks like finding car keys or remembering something we’ve forgotten. I haven’t always known how accessible the angels were, even though I am incredibly grateful to them for keeping me safe. It wasn’t until I saw a deck of angel cards in my local bookstore that I learned more about them and developed a deeper trust. The uplifting and reassuring messages the angels provided daily helped
me through sadness and grief, through excitement and happiness and also through times of doubt and conflict. Keep in mind, angels are nondenominational. They are found in major religious texts as well as thousands of other historical documents. They are accessible no matter where you live, what you believe, your upbringing, lifestyle or your ancestors. In other words, angels are for everyone. Remember to just ask. That’s
wisdom that we are all human and are prone to the real-life Murphy’s hidden in many situations. Murphy’s Law, as you may know, says that whatever can go wrong will go wrong at the worst possible time. Although this sounds awful, the upside is that we can release anger, fear and unhappiness. Realize that things always turn around and remember we do have control over much of our personal existence. So a good laugh, smile
Murphy’s Law, as you may know, says that whatever can go wrong will go wrong at the worst possible time. it. The answer may not come as you expect or imagine. However, you will always be answered. Keep an open mind and heart, trust them, and even ask the angels to give you more faith and the wisdom to understand the answers they provide. Let the angels rock your life starting today. They are standing by with open arms, hugging you with angel wings and ready to divinely work behind the scenes on your behalf. The angels provided this information for you in March and April.
March From the Archangel Michael Oracle card deck by Doreen Virtue: “Sense of Humor” This card prods us to view any problems or setbacks with the
or even a nod of understanding goes a long way to relieve discomfort and allow healing to occur. What you can do: Anytime you are anxious, angry or upset, call upon Archangel Michael and ask him to help you. Aside from dispelling fears and giving you guidance, he can show you the inherent humor in any situation. It isn’t that we are being mocked in any way. In fact it is just the opposite. We are God’s perfect children and as such nothing can actually affect us negatively. Every situation is a time to learn and grow. Diffusing with humor allows us the space to find the glory and purpose in the situation for our lives.
April From the Archangel Gabriel deck by Doreen Virtue • March/April 2017 • Regenerate
“Allow Yourself to Receive” Archangel Gabriel announced the births of both John the Baptist and Jesus Christ to their respective mothers in the Bible. This angel is known as the messenger angel. The card speaks to you personally to be open to receive something wonderful. This announcement can mean anything from babies and births to new jobs or careers, relationships or even gifts coming from heaven or other people. One thing
Community-based development from the ground up • Reforestation • Green Job Training • Renewable Energy • Clean Cookstoves
is certain – you must be aware and allow yourself to receive whatever goodness is coming to you. What you can do: Simply ask Archangel Gabriel to open your heart, your eyes and all of your senses so that you can receive. Acceptance is a huge part of receiving. If you are unsure, ask for signs that will allow you to notice these incoming blessings. Upcoming articles will give you more information on the angels, their names and their specialties. I’ll also give you more tips on asking for guidance, understanding the guidance and also on how to do your own angel card readings. Remember always: The angels are here to uplift and guide you! Lynann Dunker is a certified angel card reader. She was a feature writer for Rocky Mountain Spirit Magazine and has been a free-lance writer for other publications. Lynann is passionate about the angels and feels it is her life purpose to bring a greater awareness of them to others. If you are interested in an angel card reading, you can contact Lynann at
Om Shanti Healing Therapeutic Massage • Energy Healing Private Yoga See my website for more details, package options & videos
Jill Ufer LMT, HTP-A, CYT 970-310-4522 • I offer a $10 referral reward to referrer and referee as a thank you. REGENERATE COUPON
— $10 off your first session with Jill
54 Regenerate • March/April 2017 •
Jill Ufer
Welcome to the Regenerate Conscious Business Directory! ACUPUNCTURE AND CHINESE MEDICINE
Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic Licensed acupuncturists Dayna Larson, Monique Larson, and Korin Owens 970-416-0444 We are committed to providing you with the very best medical care in a setting that is healing, comfortable, and safe. Our goal is to guide patients to their full health potential. It is of utmost importance to us to spend enough time with each patient so we can make an accurate diagnosis and devise an individualized treatment plan that can bring the patient back to health. We offer acupuncture, a complete herbal pharmacy, and Tui Na style massage. We treat patients with chronic and sometimes disabling problems that have not been resolved by conventional medical care. Our success rate in these cases is very high because of the effectiveness of Chinese medicine.
Lucky Clover, LLC Small Business Success Services Cathi Foster 303-746-0240 1618 E. 1st Street, Loveland, CO You have A LOT TO DO every day to keep your business going! Experienced business owners have learned “you can’t do it all” Have your dreams of business SUCCESS turned to Nightmares? Are you exhausted & BURNED OUT? Ever WONDER what you don’t know that could make your Business FLOW WITH EASE? We offer: Business Accounting & Bookkeeping, Cash Flow, Budgets, Payroll, Projections, Human Resources, Business Management – Compliance, Contracts, Administration, and Marketing. Free consultations! Your Pot of Gold is a Phone Call Away.
ANGEL CARD READER, EMPOWERMENT AND GROWTH COUNSELOR Lynann Dunker 970-371-6939 Lynann is a certified angel card reader who is guided by God and the angels to assist people of all faiths and beliefs. The information received provides loving guidance and insight into an individual’s personal and spiritual life. Lynann’s ability to channel angel messages of joy and hope empowers others. She is qualified as a Level Two Reiki practitioner and a Level Three Universal White Time healer, but her primary focus at this time is providing guidance and support on aspects such as career, financial issues, relationships and health.
BIOPHOTON THERAPY Biophoton Colorado Irina Gilligan 970-581-5864 www. This safe, non-invasive therapy benefits adults, children and animals with wide range of health issues. If you have health concerns and have tried conventional medicine without much success, biophoton therapy may be the answer for you. Every cell in our body has its own light emission. These light impulses are called biophotons. The biofeedback device, Chiren, checks the quality of light your cells emit, finding and removing disturbances on the energetic body. Biophoton therapy addresses the actual cause of the illness at the root level, balancing all organs and activating self-healing ability of the body.
CLEANING SERVICE/ECO-FRIENDLY Lez Clean 970¬-308-¬7429 Lez Clean is a women-owned and operated business whose staff are highly trained professionals in the cleaning industry. Using only eco¬-friendly cleaning products and essential oils, we offer a cleaning that can change your life! We make all of our products and customize them for each client. Our clients use words such as "therapeutic," "relaxing," and "motivating" to describe their newly cleaned homes, which reminds us that a clean house isn't just "nice to have," it's actually a necessity for good mental and physical health. We are proud to provide this service in Northern Colorado.
CHI HEALTH, CHIGONG CHI WELLNESS LLC, The Center of Qigong Debra Lin Allen, Founder/Director 720-427-0406 4155 East Jewell Av., Suite 105, Denver, CO LIFE MEETS MASTERY AS CHI CULTIVATES BALANCE FOR HEALTH AND HAPPINESS. We offer Medical Qigong therapy, Chi Nutrition, Qigong Lifestyle coaching and Qigong classes, workshops and retreats to assist in your healing and self care. We also provide Masters’ Level training for Professional Certification in Medical Qigong Therapies and Qigong Instruction. All of our offerings guide you in the transformational alchemy of your life force, consciousness and essence for profoundly improved and lasting health, life vigor, joy and fulfillment. Treatment, coaching and learning through distance is possible. Let us help you eliminate those suppressing obstacles, blossom in your true nature and thrive!
CHIROPRACTIC Mountain Valley Family Chiropractic Dr. Ronil Pala Phone: (970) 568-8024 Email: Website: At Mountain Valley Family Chiropractic, we strive to offer only the best all-natural care in the world. Our philosophy is to deliver real, lasting results through simple, easy-to-follow solutions. We know we can help you make a positive difference in your life. We advocate avoiding treatments that may simply mask superficial symptoms like headaches, low back pain and fatigue. Instead, we work to identify the cause, remove the interference, and maximize potential. By integrating nerve supply, nutrition, exercise, detoxification, and mindset through the transformational 5 EssentialsTM, Maximized Living gives you the keys to unlock the life and longevity you deserve. Precision Chiropractic Dr. Jane Brewer 970-663-1617 4880 Thompson Pkwy. Suite 120, Johnstown, CO (Centerra area) Precision Chiropractic focuses on an area of chiropractic called NeuroStructural Correction. This approach is different in that our emphasis is directed toward addressing the underlying instability of the spine, which is typically the root cause of many secondary conditions (symptoms). Our complimentary consultation is NOT a commitment, it’s just a friendly conversation where you will have the opportunity to tell us what brought you in, and we get to explain what we do and what sets us apart from the many other chiropractors in our community. • March/April 2017 • Regenerate
COMMUNITY BANKING Blue Federal Credit Union Here, you matter. To Blue Federal Credit Union, relationships are everything. Our team takes a genuine interest in helping you achieve what matters most to you. We do this by listening first and then recommending the right financial solutions to meet your needs. We invest in you for the long haul, along with every member we serve. And we invest in making your community a better place. At the end of the day, your success is ours, and that’s why our members choose Blue. Many of our members stay with us for life. That’s why we reward our loyal members with loan rate discounts, reduced fees, and better rates on Blue savings and checking products.
Zeal – Food for Enthusiasts 720-708-6309 1710 Pearl Street, Boulder, CO You have a passion for healthy eating and a highenergy lifestyle. You savor whole fresh ingredients, served as simple combinations. You don’t believe in processed food. You do believe in superb ingredients that are transcendentally delicious and really, really good for you. You also appreciate an environment that caters to you… not a preconceived notion regarding how much of a hurry you are in. Sometimes you like to “grab-and-go,” and sometimes you like to relax with your favorite beverage and be served in a relaxed setting. You enthusiastically get it. We call it “Food for Enthusiasts”… you’ll call it Zeal.
DENTISTRY Dental Alternative Services Joy Driscoll 970-413-1799 1555 Main St., Windsor, CO Joy Driscoll provides patient-centered dental care with holistic and biological philosophies. She sees each dental patient as unique and strives to educate, empower, and assist all patients in making informed health care decisions. Her awareness of dental care as it relates to the whole body allows for an integrative and interdisciplinary approach to health. Joy is concerned about YOU and how your oral health is contributing to your overall health and wholeness. We are now offering Ozone Therapy! Call to schedule your free consultation today.
Energetic Wellness of the Rockies DeAnnaKay Swetzig, Certified Practitioner 970-420-6684 Are You on a Personal Quest to be centered, aligned, balanced, healthy, happy, peaceful, and in a joyous state – living and operating at an optimal level? This is the essence of ENERGETIC WELLNESS. DeAnnaKay has a vast background and experience in providing comfort to those in need. Through a variety of modalities, she has guided many people in finding the greater good they were seeking either physically, mentally, spiritually or emotionally. She has the experience and passion for helping people get into allowance and divine source through energetic wellness, therapeutic essential oils, and other non-evasive and gentle therapies. To experience the change you desire, contact her for a session and explore the untapped possibilities within yourself!
The Garden Juicery 970-672-8344 2601 South Lemay Ave Unit 9, Fort Collins, CO The Garden Juicery is the first retail, all organic, cold-pressed juice and clean food eatery in Fort Collins. Our goal is to provide living nourishment of the highest nutritional integrity for inspired health and healing. Since The Garden Juicery is now collaborating with Wunder Juice, we have added hot soups and nutrientdense, functional food items; new Cleanse Programs and catering options. As we grow, we maintain our core value of providing organic, gluten-free, and dairy-free food and drinks, including a variety of juice blends, superfood smoothies, homemade nut milks, salads and wraps. We strive to be an involved member of our wellness community and provide a gathering place for like-minded folks.
Trees, Water & People 970-484-3678 Trees, Water & People (TWP) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that was founded in 1998. TWP is staffed by dedicated conservationists who feel strongly about helping communities to better manage the natural resources upon which their long-term well-being depends. Our work is guided by 2 core beliefs: Natural resources are best protected when local people play an active role in their care and management; and Preserving local ecosystems is essential for the ongoing social, economic, and environmental health of communities everywhere. TWP’s mission is to improve people’s lives by helping communities protect, conserve, and manage the natural resources. Offset your personal or business environmental impact by purchasing and carbon offsets!
Wunder Juice 970-818-1670 2601 S Lemay Ave Unit 9, Fort Collins, CO + satellite locations Wunder Juice + Clean Food is an all organic juice + clean food company. We support local farms and our paleo + vegan centric products are freshly made in Fort Collins and available for pick up, delivery and shipping nationwide. Our functional products help you boost your energy and enhance your health with Cleanse Programs, Weekly Raw Juice Delivery, Paleo + Vegan Clean Food Menu (Grab and Go + Take and Heat), Special Event Desserts, and Catering for Corporate and Special Events. For your convenience, we have pick up locations around Fort Collins. Please visit to find out where fresh juice is available.
56 Regenerate • March/April 2017 •
Memphis Ranch Pasture Raised Bison Meat and Eggs 970-897-2334 Carr, Colorado We are a family-owned and operated buffalo ranch in northern Colorado featuring 100% grass-fed bison meat and pastureraised eggs. Our animals are holistically and regeneratively raised and never exposed to antibiotics or hormones. The meat is processed in a USDA inspected facility and you can choose from steaks, roasts, ground, quarters and halves. Our eggs are from a variety of chickens, ducks, and guinea fowl. We believe in transparency and authenticity and never compromise on quality. Memphis Ranch Raised on the prairie and experienced in your kitchen!
Belu Olisa Holistic Fairs 970-474-0200 At Belu Olisa Holstic Fairs in Fort Collins and Denver, you can have fun exploring alternative choices for taking care of your body, mind, spirit and environment; discovering aspects of your Self through astrology, aura portraits, clairvoyant, tarot or past life readings; and learning more about your pets with animal communicators, too. Stop by and experience healing modalities from massage, reiki and reflexology to energy re-balancing. That’s not all - learn about spirit guides, feng shui and aromatherapy. Peruse many products on display including crystals, gemstones, and natural skin care products. Door prizes, free parking and free lectures too. Bring a canned food donation & receive a discount on admission.
Phyllis Kennemer, Ed. D. 970-622-0858 Loveland, CO Change is a constant in life. Some changes occur through conscious choice; others offer unexpected challenges. How you deal with change determines, to a large extent, the amount of happiness you experience. Sometimes it is helpful to have a guide on the side, providing help with the myriad of choices and decisions that need to be made. When the reasons for making specific decisions are traced back, a fundamental discovery emerges. Almost all decisions come from a place of fear or a place of love deep within the person. A coach can help you make more love-based decisions; conscious decisions that move you toward your personal vision of the life you want to live. Call me for a free consultation.
Karen Korona, M.S. 303-7625-1119 1703 W. Kettle Ave., Littleton, CO Karen has been a Holistic Health Practitioner, Teacher and Lecturer for over 30 years providing private sessions and workshops internationally. Her healing treatments and programs support you on your healing and transformational journey. Each healing treatment integrates Acu-Touch Therapy, Cranisacral Therapy and well-being counseling, to promote your body’s natural ability to purify, heal and revitalize. Karen offers nutritional education and wellness programs, including yoga and meditation methods to assist you in living a life of happiness and wholeness. Her classes and retreats provides tools for self-healing, heightening awareness and manifesting true, personal power.
INTUITIVE READING, HEALING, COACHING Katherine Skaggs 970-372-0136 Katherine Skaggs is a visionary artist, intuitive, author, teacher, spiritual counselor, shamanic practitioner, entrepreneur and painter of souls. She is inspired to bring beauty, love, soul healing and a vision of inspiration to others through visionary, archetypal art. She provides empowering coursework such as intuitive painting classes, Artist Shaman Healer Sage courses, and Journeying with the Goddess workshops. Katherine also offers intuitive guidance and healing services including soul portrait sessions (a process unique to Katherine and her intuitive guidance), intuitive readings and soul guidance sessions, shamanic healing sessions and spiritual coaching. Reach out to Katherine today to awaken inner sight from the center of your compassionate heart.
IRIDOLOGY, LED FREQUENCY THERAPY Halcyon Health, LLC Melody Masters C.N. 970-484-2411 Melody Masters, C.N., is a certified iridologist and nutritionist, who has been practicing in Northern Colorado for the past 38 years. She is also a level two Aura-Soma practitioner, a L.I.F.E. Biofeedback practitioner. Her goal is to encourage and empower people to become more informed and involved in their own health care. Melody offers a variety of ways in which she can meet and work with you. With Wellness on Wheels, you can schedule time at your home, office or other location. You can also conduct your sessions over Skype or email. Sessions take from 90 minutes to two hours and are a non-intrusive, yet amazingly accurate way of receiving information about your whole being.
Om Shanti Healing Jill Ufer, LMT, HTP-A, CYT 970-310-4522 1914 Bowsprit Dr., Fort Collins, CO It is my intention to provide a warm and welcoming place for those in need of healing. I am here to listen and honor my clients with compassion and respect. I have been a certified yoga Instructor since 2008, have been practicing Healing Touch energy therapy since 2012 and recently became a fully licensed Colorado Massage Therapist in 2016. My purpose as a professional body worker is to heal the body utilizing all of these techniques. Having appreciation for each individual and where they are on their healing path, I can offer my help to them energetically, physically, mentally and spiritually. Mention this ad and receive $10 off your visit. Sarah M. Babbitt, RMT 970-472-0766 I have had the good fortune of being a Massage Therapist since 1995, and the longer I work in this field the more I love it. I have passion for both the art and the science of bodywork. I enjoy using my knowledge of anatomy and physiology, along with getting to know you and using my intuition, to get to the root cause of your pain or dysfunction. I try to never make assumptions about what my clients need. Instead, I listen carefully and then use my 19+ years of experience to tailor each session to your specific needs - ultimately helping you to feel better and move more optimally. I provide Swedish Massage, Neuromuscular Therapy, Myofascial Release, Trigger Point Therapy, Lymph Drainage, Aromatherapy, & More.
MEDICAL INTUITIVE, ENERGY HEALING Francesca Fleming 503-805-7403 During readings, I ‘scan’ your body from genes to aura to check your current state and generate a unique ‘map’ of guidance to help you heal — a nutritional program or supplements may be suggested. I believe we are more than a physical body, and often it is an emotion, negative belief or past event that is the trigger for disease, so I also offer healing and coaching sessions to eliminate emotional or spiritual blocks. The healing modalities I use include Reiki, Pranic Healing, Reconnection™, Vibration Healing, Crystal Healing, Color Healing, Sound Healing, Chakra Clearing and Balancing, and Aura Clearing. Located in Portland, OR and offering services worldwide by phone. All information is not a substitute for a doctor’s diagnosis. • March/April 2017 • Regenerate
Light Unlimited 512-301-2999 Phyllis Light, Ph.D., counselor and author, is an expert in “Telepathic Healing.” She clears people’s negative programming to the depths of the subconscious mind, while infusing their essence with a higher octave of light and spiritual energy. Her primary focus is helping people grow spiritually and fulfill the highest purpose of their lives. Phyllis is also a pioneer and expert on how modern technology impacts our physical body and subtle energy field. She created the Rejuvenizers ® - powerful, energetic devices that protect the human energy field from the damaging effects of all the frequencies bombarding us daily in our high-tech world. See her ad for Rejuvenizers ® on the inside front cover.
Judith Albright, MA 970-218-8643 Just like suitcases get scuffed and battered with use, our lives start showing wear and tear as we are tossed about by all the ups and downs. In our lifetime, each of us seen many things, had many experiences, and made countless decisions; some good and some bad. For years, life may continue to unfold smoothly, but when we start hitting the rough spots how do we handle them? I help clients unpack the suitcase and start sorting through all the unprocessed emotional issues that have been concealed within it. While nothing can ever change past events, what can be changed is your reaction to them. Let me show you what is possible with PSYCH-K, EFT and Emotion Code.
Four HorseShoes Pet Services Sloan Foley 315-725-7739 (cell), 970-633-0373 (office) Originally named Irish Healing, Four Horseshoes Pet Services was founded because of our passion for caring for animals. Animals once served as tools to make everyday life easier for people, but now have grown into family members. Our mission is to provide compassionate care for those too big for the house or as small as a mouse. Four Horseshoes offers animal bodywork, a unique blend of High Touch Jin Shin (a healing art that uses acupoints), Reiki, craniosacral therapy, and massage, to help relax your animal’s body to promote self-healing. We provide these services along with bonded and insured pet sitting so you can have peace of mind while you are away.
Golden Poppy Herbal Apothecary and Clinic 970-682-4373 223 N. College, Fort Collins, CO At Golden Poppy Herbal Apothecary and Clinic, we strive to be Your Partner in Health and provide the highest quality herbal products you can find in Fort Collins, with a focus on organic and local goods. We also pride ourselves in offering sound, fact-based, herbal and nutritional advice to our clients so that they know they will leave their consultation with a way to regain their health. We provide herbal consultations, nutrition consultations, health programs, custom tea and tincture blends, custom skin care, and bodywork. Stop by to talk to one of our knowledgeable practitioners about ways to regain your health, naturally.
Christina Gressianu 970-459-0000 411 N. Lincoln Avenue, Loveland, CO From brides and wives to families, business owners and teenagers, my work is about giving you a boost of self-confidence, a priceless memory of your family as it is today, or a preview of the experience clients will have when they work with you. Senior portraits, families, kids, personal branding, boudoir and bridal. All types of portraits are a moment, a slice of life, snatched out of Time’s grabby hands.
Evolve Rolfing and Wellness Erika Olsen 970-402-3988 417 S. Howes St., Fort Collins, CO 80521. I have long been intrigued by the human body and its adaptability and don’t believe discomfort is a natural state. It’s a shame that our culture accepts pain as a part of life. Our hobbies, sports, and work often do result in dysfunctional patterns in our bodies, but through increasing body awareness, movement education and encouraging the body to return to organization and efficiency, pain can be avoided. I regularly attend Rolf Institute® continuing education classes and continue to become trained in related healing techniques, including Healing Touch, Trauma Release Therapy, Rossiter Coaching, Exercise Therapy and Raindrop Technique. Feel free to take advantage of my free consultations over the phone or in person.
PSYCHIC MEDIUM Cyndi Langley 720-290-9435 Serving clients in person in Denver and remotely using Skype or phone Hello, I am Cyndi, a psychic medium. As a medium, I connect easily with those in Spirit and it is my passion to deliver messages from your loved ones to help you on your journey. I will connect with your friends and family in Spirit and your Guides and Angels with uplifting loving and validating messages. I always work from the heart and with compassion. You can expect an easy flowing conversation, true support, and guidance. I offer Mediumship, Psychic Coaching, House Clearings/Blessings, and Soul Scaping sessions. My sessions are in person and on Skype or phone.
58 Regenerate • March/April 2017 •
TAROT AND ASTROLOGY Joy Vernon 303-564-0022 2775 S Broadway, Englewood, CO Joy Vernon is an empathic and inspirational tarot reader who tempers a profound knowledge of metaphysics with the love of helping others discover their truth within. She is dedicated to helping you discover, connect to, and express your higher self—your perfect expression of Spirit—the part which is completely you. Joy offers astrology readings to understand strengths, challenges, and upcoming trends and tarot readings for insight and direction. With over twenty-five years’ experience, she brings expertise and practiced familiarity to her specialty of esoteric tarot, which layers astrological and qabalistic symbolism onto the traditional tarot structure. Joy is known for the detail and accuracy of her readings. Joy also offers soul-exploring and mind-expanding classes in tarot, astrology, qabalah, mythology, and other related esoteric studies.
“Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.” Yoda to Luke Skywalker in The Empire Strikes Back What are we doing? We’re helping others Regenerate themselves and their communities! Want to join us? Here’s what we need:
WRITERS If sharing your great content about wholistic living brings you joy, then let’s talk. Each issue has a theme, and here are upcoming ones: May/June will be the Mental Health issue. Let’s discuss what mental illness is, the root causes, the different forms (including PTSD, Autism and Alzheimer’s), the role nutrition plays, which wholistic modalities can help, what we can all do, and so on. Due date: 3/10/17. July/August will be the Vaccine issue. Let’s delve into WTF is going on here because questioning the dogma, searching for answers, and deciding what’s best for your family doesn’t make you anti-science or stupid. It’s makes you informed. And any group that shames you for being informed has an agenda, and not a good one. Screw them. Due date: 5/10/17. September/October will be the Cancer issue. Let’s talk about the big business that is cancer and how we can avoid supporting the Cancer Industrial Complex. If you are a cancer thriver (thank you, Kris Carr) or practitioner who helps thrivers detox and heal, then please contribute your stories. Due date: 7/10/17. Check out our submission guidelines at and send original articles to Articles up to 1200 words accepted.
EVENT PARTNERS Regenerate Events are happening. After each new issue is published, we’re going to get together, network, enjoy clean snacks, and have a round-table discussion about the theme for the issue. If you would like to participate as a sponsor, speaker or vendor, then reach out to Let’s raise the roof and get some things done in our community.
DISTRIBUTORS and DISTRIBUTION SITES We’re looking for help placing magazines, and new distribution sites, in the following cities: Fort Collins, Loveland, Boulder, Denver, and Colorado Springs. If your customers or clientele would enjoy our magazine, then let’s locate them nearby. Healthy fun will be had by all! Reach out to us at
May The Force be with you! • March/April 2017 • Regenerate
Saturday & Sunday March 25 & 26, 2017 10 am-5 pm LARIMER COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS/ THE RANCH SOUTH EXHIBIITON HALL 5280 ARENA CIR. LOVELAND CO. 80538 (I-25, EXIT 259)
Saturday & Sunday April 22 & 23, 2017
10 am-5 pm
Holistic olistic-F -Fairs c om