OCTOBER 16, 2014
What was the strangest thing that happened to you at work?
Jamie Porter- “One time this guy asked me where the Triscuits were so, I told him to follow me and I showed him the aisle that the Triscuits were in. It was so crazy!”
Maria Blondin- “A guy refused to leave my line until I gave him my number. He told me he was 47 and there wasn’t that big of an age difference between us.”
Abby Sheehan- “I took the girl I babysat to the pool and a man walked up to me and said, “Your daughter is so cute.” First of all she’s not my daughter. Second, she is 7 years old!”
Julia Howe- “One time Shelby and Claire Kleinmeyer- “Someone I were waitressing and an old man called the office saying it was an came up to us and asked us how old emergency, but when I told them we were. We said 17 and he sighed that the principle was not availand creepily said, ‘Ugh I wish you able, they just said never mind and girls were older…’ #creepy” hung up. I never found out what the emergency was.”
Lizzy DePrenger- “When I was babysitting, both of the family’s dogs pooped and barfed on the carpet and the kids touched it.”
Jenna Shank- “One time I got hit on by a 50-yearold man. Talk about creepy.”
Teddy Nepola- “I was taking down a retaining wall by myself and there was a bees nest underneath the wall. So all of a sudden, bees came out and attacked me and I had to run away from them and call for back up.”
Nicolas Ziniel- “The air compressor we were using wasn’t working, so my dad took of the cover and we discovered a mouse nest with three dead mice in it.”
Payton Maske- “I was driving a forklift at Nagle Lumber and I turned too fast. I dropped a bunk of studs and the forklift got stuck, so we used another forklift to get the other forklift unstuck.”
Sam Milder- “A man brought a rock into the store and tried to convince me that it was a meteor”
Molly Arndt- “One time I was teaching a preschool swim class at Mercer. I was bouncing a little boy up and down, like we do to get them to jump in, and he puked all over me. We had to cancel swimming lessons for the rest of the night because a lot of it got in the water.”
Mya Chan- “This dude told me Joe Lipsius- “I work for a lawn where he lived, then he asked me care company and we mow for my number. After I gave him his cemeteries. One time I was ice cream order, he waited outside between graves when a wooden for over an hour just watching casket caved in and the ground everyone work. It was weird.” caved in a few inches.”
Emilio Tovar- “I was working and a lady stumbled in drunk with a cut on her face. She yelled at the customer service guy to let her cash her check. She stumbled over and was not happy because she tripped over the curb coming in. She was in a hurry to get to a job interview, but had just woken up. Then she yelled some obscenities and left the store.”
Lauren Clapp- “A old man walked up to my register and mumbled all of his responses to me, but right before he left he leaned in really close to me and said, ‘If someone was trying to kill you, what would you do?’ Then he just left.”