November 2014

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The Regina Spectrum

Iowa City Regina High School Volume 56 Issue 2 November 20, 2014

In this issue... Winter Sports Previews Get to know some of our Winter athletes

App Attack

Check out some new apps

#ArtsyRegals Results See who won it all

Photo Courtesy Zach Fackler


November 20, 2014

Meet the staff...

Maria Blondin Editor-in-Chief

Sam Milder Photo Editor

Payton Raso Sports Editor

Ana Marth Amazing Guest

Lauren Clapp Editor of Awesome

Cammy Verducci Sports Editor

Teddy Nepola “supervisor”

Killian Beck News Editor

Nathan Meyer

Abby Sheehan Business&Arts Editor

Molly Arndt Opinion Editor

Check out the Spectrum Online

by Maria Blondin Editor-in-Chief he Spectrum is working to create an online presence this year. From Instagram and Twitter to a youtube channel (coming soon), the staff is try-


ing different and more immediate ways to Besides having a digital copy of our latest communicate with the Regina community. issue, The Spectrum online has many other At the helm of this online presence is our articles written by our fabulously talented staff and is updated almost daily. As a reader you should be on the look out for certain days of the week that will have different themed articles. Our newest addition is Why You Should Care Wednesdays, written by Opinion Editor Molly Arndt. Created to explain what happened around the world in the past week and why it does matter for the Regina community. website to assist you in your procrastination needs, check us out! Instagram: @regina_spectrum Twitter: @spectrum_regina

2 Staff Editorial 3-5 Opinion 6-7 Ebola Feature 8-11 Body Issues 12-15 Sports 16-17 App Attack 18-20 Entertainment 22-23 College Tuition 24-25 #ArtsyRegals 26 Blue Zone 27 Abby’s Appetite 28 Humor 29 Student Survey 30-31 Student Writing 32 November’s Featured Artist


Novemer 20, 2014

Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness What by Killian Beck News Editor

(for Some)


ncome inequality has been a pervasive controversy in the United States for decades and was the centerpiece of President Obama’s most recent, 2014 State of the Union Address. But is income inequality really an issue today? And if so, then who does it affect? In 2013, economists reported that the top 1% of income earners controlled 23% of the nation’s total wealth. The CBO found increased their incomes by over 275 % from 1979 to 2007. This statistic, along with the graphic, show that income inequality has risen dramatically since the early 1970’s. But this isn’t an issue that just affects family incounting for issues like low social mobility, increased crime, and an unstable economy. The Bureau of Economic Research found urban areas than in rural areas and are highly correlated to income. The suggestion is that poorer individuals are more likely to break the law in order to get by, through acts like stealing or selling drugs. As our economy has heightened its reliance on specialized labor, college degrees have become increasingly important; individuals with college degrees make more money and experience less unemployment. But, graduating from high school is a necessary step toward getting a college degree. Cities in Crisis found that as of 2005, less than 53% of high school students in the nation’s 50 largest cities graduated high school, which is nearly 20 points below the national average. The outlook is bleak for individuals that either don’t graduate high school or do not attend college. Minimum wage jobs are often time the only positions available. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 3.3 million hourly workers are currently earning at or below the federal minimum wage, and, if the minimum wage-which is currently $7.25-were adjust-

A Stanford University study found that income inequality decreases social mobility, or the ability for individuals in poverty to enter the middle and upper-income classes. Social mobility has been an instrumental part of our country’s history; it’s the belief that anyone can achieve the American dream. A pretty typical narrative is that the rich earn their money, and that poor people don’t work hard enough. While there is undoubtedly some truth as to why some rich individuals are so successful, the narrative falls short because it doesn’t account for the effects of low social mobility. Children from poorer families are statistically less likely to become rich, because of the barriers that income inequality creates across nearly every factor of their life. Finally, income inequality hinders economic stability and harms the middle class. Economists Gar Alperovitz and Robert Reich found that the more wealth becomes concentrated in wealthy individuals, purchasing power decreases, preventing the rest of the economy from functioning effectively. Purchasing power in an important feature for an economy driven by consumer spending like our own. But, income inequality is also linked to an economy’s stability, making it liable to experience periods of severe recession. This means that if wealthier individuals hold more of the nation’s overall income, then various producers that rely on consumer spending will suffer. Raghuram Rajan, a former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund. Rajan found that “many lower- and middle-class consumers in the United States have reacted to the stagnation of their real incomes since the early 1980s by reducing saving and increasing debt.” Rajan then linked income inequality to the housing bubble of 2007 that led to what is now referred to as the Great Recession. So, if income inequality persists, it is more than possible that our economy will face another severe recession in the future. It’s clear that income inequality is an issue with the capacity to affect citizens from all backgrounds.

is income inequality? Ways to measure income inequality: 1. Percentage of total wealth controlled by top 1% 2. 20:20 Ratio-compares how much richer top 20% is than bottom 20% 3. Gini index- 0 to 1 range: 0 is perfect equality and 1 is maximum inequality

How can income inequality be managed or reduced? The CBO (congressional budget 1. Increase the capital gains tax. Capital gains is money made from trading stocks or investments. 2. Increase top marginal tax rate. During Republican President Eisenhowers tenure as president, the top marginal tax rate was a staggering 92%, and has decreased steadily since then. 3. New surcharge tax. Surcharge tax is money taken from an individual’s investment income.

photo courtesy of


November 20, 2014

Why I’m not a Feminist

by Noelle Martin Guest Writer f feminism is all it claims to be (wanting equal rights for men and women) then I’m all for it. The basic idea of feminism is a positive thing, but today’s society has contrived a sort of


genders. I am against feminism for 4 There is no war on women in the U.S. The entire ideology that women are being oppressed by sexist stereotypes would be to assume that women are being manipulated into such circumstances. This in itself is a demeaning assumption, as American women are of the most educated, empowered, and privileged people in the world. If they nothing is stopping them. One argument frequently used by feminists is that men get paid more than women, claiming women receive only 77 cents for every man’s dollar. What they fail to realize is that this 23-cent difference is simply comparing all men and all women working full-time, neglecting differences in occupation, position, education, seniority or even how many hours are worked per week. When factors such as these are considered, the wage gap diminishes until it has disappeared altogether. Men and women are equal, but fundamentally different. Why is it that females tend to have the children while men have more time concally and psychologically different. In plus or minus 3.5) conducted by Shaunti Feldhahn, the question was asked to other earned enough to support your family’s lifestyle. Would you still feel a compulsion to provide for your family? 78% reported ‘yes’. If nearly 4/5 of men have the drive to provide regardless of whether it’s needed, why are we trying of the many differences between men and women. We all have natural knacks for different things, and that’s okay. Really.

Women need men (and men need women). Men are not complete without us, and women were literally created for men.

the man to be alone. I will make a suitable partner for him.” … The Lord God then built up into a woman the rib that he had taken from the man. When he brought

it is out of ‘her man’ that this one has been taken.” Girls are being fed the idea that they that makes women feel superior alone or inferior with a man, when we were created to be with men. Feminism does NOT promote equality, but rather demoralization. Women should be respected by everyone, whistled at by a man. We see how this is wrong. The man is not respecting the woman, but what we continually fail to grasp is that the woman is not respecting herself. In a culture where demoralizing

men has become socially accepted, the increasing promiscuity in the way women dress and conduct themselves is promoted, as women can play the victim card. I’m not advocating for men to show disrespect to women, but we need to realize that the key issue here is women respecting themselves. Now this being said, although women in America are not oppressed, there are nitely are, and men too, for that matter. The lives of the unborn, the homosexuals being murdered under Sharia law, the basic human rights of ALL people, that is what we should be concerned about. These are the people we should be investing our time and energy on, not focusing on fabricated ‘wars’.


NOVEMBER 20, 2014

Why You Won’t Get Ebola by Molly Arndt

Opinion Editor


atch out, America! There’s a pandemic sweeping the nation, a crippling disease that infects your mind and inhibits your ability to function. Symptoms include watching an excessive amount of Fox News, passing face masks out to relatives and voting for Joni Ernst in the midterm election. What is this deadly disease? Not ebola. Only nine American patients have contracted the disease, only two of whom actually caught it in the U.S, and seven of whom according to the World Health Organization, the virus can only be transmitted by direct contact with blood, secretions, more likely to die from food poisoning than ebola--yet food trucks and sketchy Chinese restaurants remain free from public scrutiny. No, the real epidemic has already infected 40 percent of Americans, and these numbers grow each day. Fear is destroying the lives of the most vulnerable--particularly the children and the elderly, who watch more television than the average person. The only known cure for fear is rationally presented factual information, and we all know that’s not going to be distributed through the media any time soon. Perhaps the most damaging manifestation of this fear is the public desire bans from ebola-ridden countries seem like they would stop the spread of the disease in theory, in practice the bans would actually make the situation worse.

Cartoon drawn by the extraordinarily talented Jill Kurovski Unfortunately, complex situations rarely have simple solutions. Flight bans would isolate impoverished countries that can barely cope with the numbers of sick people. Denying these countries essential aid will result in more deaths and more infections, crossing borders into more countries and decimating more popula-

others. What the ebola outbreak needs is more aid and more doctors to stop it, not a panic-fueled blocking off of borders. The international community cannot step back and tell Africa this is their problem, then act shocked when they cannot deal with it on their own.

make it impossible to track those infected, and losing track of these patients will make it easier for them to infect

got a bad case of fear.


What You Should Know About Ebola Countries Do you have ebola? affected: Symptoms include: Fever first human outbreak Severe Headache 1976 in Democractic Muscle Pain Republic of Congo Weakness Named after Fatigue Diarrhea The Ebola River Vomiting Fatality Rate: Stomach Pain up to 90% Unexplained Bleeding or Bruising Ebola is... transmitted through

Guniea- 1,667 cases 1,018 deaths

Liberia-6,353 cases 2,413 deaths

Mali- 1 case

1 death


20 cases 8 deaths


1 case 0 Deaths

Sierre leone-

5,338 cases 1,510 deaths


1 case 0 deaths

United States-

4 cases 1 death

not transmissible by someone who has already been infected. extremely infectious

Ebola timeline: 1976 1990 First human

outbreak in Northern Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of Congo)

Four humans develop antibodies against Ebola from contact with the monkeys.

July 27,2014 Americans contract Ebola from helpin patients in Monrovia, Liberia.

September 16, 2014 President Obama calls efforts to stop Ebola outbreaks in West Africa. Info courtesy of

1989 Macque monkeys important from Phillipines are infected with Ebola.

March 19, 2014

September 6, 2014

Largest Ebola outbreak begins.

Government in Sierre Leone announces nation wide lockdown.


November 20, 2014

October 1, 2014 1st US Ebola patients’s name has been released: Thomas Eric Duncan.

October 11, 2014

October 23, 2014

Nina Pham, Duncan’s nurse, tests positive for Ebola.She is the 1st to contract Ebola on American soil.

Dr. Craig Spencer is diagnosed with Ebola in NYC, the 4th US case.

CNN and ABC news

September 30, 2014

October 8, 2014

October 20, 2014

October 24, 2014

Director of CDC announces 1st Ebola case in the US.

Thomas Eric Duncan dies.

CDC releases Ebola guidelines that stress the importance of training and supervision.

Nina Pham is declared free of Ebola.

FEATURES 8 by Maria Blondin, Lauren Clapp, & Abby Sheehan


ody Image issues in young women is something that has caught the medias attention recently. With eating disorders on the rise, as well as obesity, a majority of America’s youth are looking to social Based off of those expectations individuals will change their general aesthetic. With 40-60% of girls concerned about their weight by elementary school, body image and the pressure on girls to look a certain way is a problem within our society that needs to be addressed. The Spectrum staff has decided to address not only the serious problems that eating disorders can cause but the negative things that people have said to students. Below you can see students holding up a white board with things that have actually been said to them within their past. We did this in an effort to prove

that what you say to a person can stick with them, especially over a long period of time. On page 10 we explore the negative aspects that sports can have on a person’s body image. On page 11 we address the positive aspects exercising for yourself can have. All too often, people think that they have to work out because they have to lose weight, but we are trying to show you that loosing weight can be a fun and healthy experience, no matter your age or gender.

The Spectrum’s intention is not to offend anyone with this feature, but rather call attention to the problems we as students face everyday.


you’re too...

Illustration by Evie Rozendaal


November 20, 2014

Eating Disorders Affect many people all around the world Bulimia nervosa is an eating diosrder dealing with large cycles of eating then purging. Symptoms you should look for include: frequent episodes of consuming very large amount of food followed by behaviors to prevent weight gain, such as self-induced vomiting. -In men: sometimes in their life -In women: fers from bulimia. Information from

Health Consequences of Eating Disorders Abnormally slow heart rate and low blood pressure, which mean that the heart

ure rises as the heart rate and blood pressure levels sink lower and lower. (osteoporosis), which results in dry, brittle bones.

kidney failure.

lanugo all over the body, including the face, in an effort to keep the body warm.



Do sports have an impact on weight? by Maria Blondin Editor-in-Chief


esides the standards set in the media, the way a girl is perceived during sports can greatly affect her body image. Olympic athletes such as Nancy Kerrigan, ing disorders in order to maintain the perfect body. The idea of having the right body image for a sport is a challenge girls must face everyday. “[In nitely a push to be a certain body type. You wouldn’t necessarily be judged differently based on your body type but if you’re a girl, being extremely tall or larger around, it is harder to do the different types of jumps and spins needed to be able to succeed.” , said sophomore Katelynn DeGroot. “Being a dancer, body type is a huge factor that goes into whether or not you are considered good enough.”, said senior Shelby Dumont. “I’ve been in groups

good enough in a revealing costume, and I’ve witnessed instructors telling girls they were either too big or too small--even calling them out in front of the entire company.”

it is important young athletes watch their weight to ensure they remain healthy throughout the season and year round.

All though most anorexics are seen as the non-athletic type,studies show that there appears to be a higher incidence of anorexia nervosa and subclinical anorexia nervosa in athletes. There are multiple factors that may be involved including: weight restrictions either by sport or by coach, judging criteria that emphasize thin and stereotypically attractive body builds, performance demands that encourage very low percentage body fat, coaches applying pressure to lose

more to get to a healthier weight, and I’ve been told that by my doctor. The cause of my need to gain training I do and poor food management in the past on my part.” said DeGroot. “My mom is always that I continue to eat and now I use that day.” While stereotypes probably won’t go away anytime soon, hopefully female athletes will be able to see themselves as strong women, not a size or body shape.

judged if you are a ‘larger girl, and you don’t really see many girls in dance for that reason”, said Dumont. There is also the very idea of having to popular form of eating disorder associated with this is runner-induced-anorexia. This disease is cause by an athlete running so sense, starving themselves. Because of this,

The hidden dangers of wrestling I

n the minds of many, eating disorders are a problem that only women --and female athletes -


fat tests which take place shortly -

ing disorders in sports such as swimming, Wrestlers in particular have been known

studies suggest that more than one-third of female college athletes “have some type of eating Far less is know about eating disorders and disordered eating (irregular and harmful eating patterns) among male athletes, which means many may not get the at-

around weight it’s not hard to see why dangerous is the way most go about it: using a combination of food restriction and

for themselves right now when it comes to the safety of wrestlers is the required body

male wrestler may have a body fat can, however, be challenged if you obtain a written medical clearance stating that said wrestler is natuBut in the end, with no strict regulations for a sport besides what weight you must be at the time of weigh-ins, it is up to parents, coaches, and the athletes them-


November 20, 2014

Excercise the healthy way by Molly Arndt Opinion Editor


4 Tips For Actually Enjoying Exercise

irls On the Run is

at encouraging positive

1. The Right Exercise to thirteen through an Regina has a Girls On

2. Work out with a Friend

3. Rewards “One of the best ways to improve self esteem is exercise, not to make you look good or be skinny, but to be healthy.�

4. Mix it up!

Fast Facts From Girls On the Run - Body dissatifaction and dietary restraint are predictors of depression in girls. with their body images weight


- Girls who are active are 40% less likely to smoke, have higher self-esteem, and lower levels of depression - Girls who have experienced emotional trauma respond - Girls who are active have better relationships with their parents, get better grades, and are less likely to use drugs.

Only 1 in 4 American Teens gets enough exercise.


NOVEMBER 20, 2014

Drive for Five Sports Editor


his season the Regina football team is chasing its historical 5th straight state championship. The Regals went ing 47 points per game and allowing only 11. They faced a eraged 43 points per game and also allowed only 11 points. Regina, ranked #1 in 1A and South Winnesheik, ranked #2, faced off in the UNI Dome on game that was highly anticipated around the state. Some experts predicted a one point predicted a score totaling into the 80s. Although the total of-

Nick Phillips begins to celebrate as he runs the opening kickoff back for a touchdown during

game. The Regina offense put up their fourth straight 50 point game and the stout defense let up only 3 touchdowns in a 56-18 throttling of

the #2 team in the state. After a one point loss to Solon to start the Regals into the playoffs. Regina proceeded to score at least 50 points in each of their four playoff games so far. The dangerous running game with Jake Brinkman and the dynamic passing attack of Drew Cook, Nathan Stenger, Conner Brown, and the state. Regina’s next test will be in the state ber 21 against West Lyon, the #3 team in the state. West Lyon is 12-1, their only loss coming to a 2A team in their they held Fort Dodge St. Edmond to only one touchdown and won 17-7. This is a historic moment for Regina break the old record of four held by

Drew Cook throws a pass to Nathan Stenger during the second quarter


NOVEMBER 20, 2014

by Cammy Verducci Sports Editor



Upcoming Games 12/02 West Liberty (West Liberty, IA) Location: Regina High School 12/09 Tipton (Tipton, IA) Location: Regina High School 01/06 Mid-Prairie (Wellman, IA) Location: Regina High School

5’8” Post

Hannah Stein plays against the West Liberty Comets last season.

01/13 @ West Liberty (West Liberty, IA) Location: West Liberty High School

Ever since I can remember, but competively since 2nd grade.

01/16 @ Tipton (Tipton, IA) Location: Tipton High School

West Branch and Cascade because we should have won last year. Redemption.


November 20, 2014

Women Wrestlers

by Cammy Verducci Sports Editor


unior Ana Mingatos is not only new to living in America, but also the Regina wrestling team. The Brazilian exchange student has no prior knowledge of the sport. Junior Emily Ries is joining as well. “I called my parents in Brazil to tell them that I was going out. My mom called me crazy, but I am determined,” says Mingatos. However, Emily is no stranger to the sport. Ries has had three brothers in the program, one a state participant. Both juniors are excited for the many challenges they will face. “I am most excited about the challenge and workouts for this season; and if people don’t want to wrestle me because I am a girl, then all I have to say is that I am the winner,” says Mingatos. “I’m nervous about losing because it is a really competitive to compete,” says Ries. Both girls are aware of the grueling demands the sport will have on their body, so they are enjoying their

Ana Mingatos and Emily RIes stand in their new second home, the wrestling room. limited time off. “Food is my favorite part about America, so right now I am just enjoying all of it that I can,” says Mingatos. Both juniors are also lucky to have such a great support group. “I am living with the Adams and it has been so nice. Paul has been such a great

help and has been helping me learn about the sport a little more each day,” says Ana. Being new to a sport is always intimidating, but with the help of head coach Adam Martensen and the welcoming veterans of the program, the girls have found the adjustment to be an enjoyable one.


NOVEMBER 20, 2014

by Payton Raso Sports Editor eet Conner, Regina Basketball’s 6’1 Senior guard. After getting close to the state tournament each of the past 3 years, Conner is excited to get started with new head coach Stu Ordman. “Its good to shake things up,” says Conner, “I think we have a good chance to make it to state this year. We have a ton of good talent this year and we added some new guys.” The team returns a plethora of starters this season. All stater Drew Cook, Junior point guard Nathan Stenger, Senior post man Phil Arendt, and Brown. “We’ve got a lot of guys with varsity experience this year. We now know what it will take to get the job done.” And it will take work. Coach Ordman sent out a practice schedule via email this month. When asked to comment Conner said, “Its a much tougher schedule than we have had in years previous but if it gets us to the state tournament then it will all be


Left: Conner Brown looks up the court for an open teammate at home on February 3 2014 against Bellevue. Photo courtesy Abby Sheehan.

worth it.” Conner is a three-sport athlete here at Regina. As well as playing basketball, Conner plays football and soccer; two sports in which he has won multiple state championships. “I’m excited to go after be cool to be a champion in three sports.” Conner’s future plans are currently undecided but he know’s that organized basketball is not in it. “I’m thinking that I want to go to a larger university and I want to focus on academics. I’ll probably play recreationally or something. That’s why I want to end this year on top. I want a championship.”

Fast Facts Height: 6’1” Position: How long have you played basketball? Most anticipated game of the season?


Good APPS BAD APPS Madden Mobile

“This game is essentially Madden Ultimate team for your phone. You can build your own team with players from the past and present. You buy packs that give you a chance at getting better players and improving your team. I play this game a lot and i really enjoy it, it’s not to serious so it’s a good game to play for fun.”

Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint

“You probably use them in school all the time but now you can use them on your phone. Originally these apps were only on Android and Microsoft phones but now they’ve made an app for iphones. This is really useful since you can just sit down somewhere and use it on your phone, you don’t need to have a computer. I know this app could save you a few times if you forget to do an assignment that needs to be typed.”

Converter Plus

“This app is for all the world travelers out there. It will convert money amounts from one currency to another. Very helpful for the school groups going to Costa Rica and Italy.”

Drop Box cloud from anywhere in the world. No one really knows how the cloud works but this app can put the power of the cloud in the palm of your hand.”


“The mobile version of the website, this app allows you to listen to unlimited music for a low monthly fee or you can choose the free version and stream stations of your favorite artists with few advertisements.”

99 Bottles

“This may be one of the most pointless apps sold in the app store. This free app plays the entire “99 bottles of beer on the wall” song in a robotic, Stephen Hawking, like voice. That’s it. That’s all it does. I downloaded it and got to 85 bottles of beer before I got bored and deleted the app for good.”

Me So Holy

“This app was actually taken off of the App store because of the numerous complaints Apple received. Basically this app takes a picture of you and then puts your face on a picture of Jesus or some other Holy person. I can see why people were offended by the sacrilege but seriously, was this app really ever going to be a hit?”

I am Rich

“This app is $999.99 and is perfect if you have an extra thousand dollars just lying around. The entire app consists of a red gem it. Seriously, that’s all this. Anyone who wastes money on this app should just throw their iphone as hard as they can against a wall.”

Pocket Heat

“This is a handy little app that will turn your iphone into a pocket heater. Besides being a workings of your phone and render it useless.”

Light Saber

“This is a fun and pointless app that allows starwars fans to engage in a lightsaber battle via bluetooth. a fun app for dorks of all ages.”

November 20, 2014

App Users BEWARE! Beware! It’s not like hackers being able to steal personal photos directly from the cloud was enough, now they are creating fake apps that give them control over your phone, tablet, or whatever device you downloaded the app on. These apps can be disguised to look like apps you would trust, but once you download it you are screwed.

Here are some tips to avoid “bad apps”.

asking permission to access your photos, messaging, etc.


by Teddy Nepola “Supervisor”

Your Troops are Ready!

Clash of Clans is an iOS and Android compatible online strategy game. Clash of Clan or “Clash” for short, was developed and published by the Finnish video game company Supercell in 2012. In the game, players use gold and elixir to build buildings, defenses, and train troops for battle. The objective of the game is to acquire gold and elixir from attacking other players online in multiplayer battles and in clan wars. Players can create and join clans where they can communicate through a chat room, donate troops, and start clan wars between other clans online. In April of 2013, Supercell’s daily revenue from Clash was $2.4 million. Forbes projected a revenue between $800 million and $1 billion by the end of the 2013 year. Supercell ended up pulling in $892 million by the end of 2013. With around 8.5 million daily players, Clash of Clans is a ridiculously massive online game. If you ask around Regina, most guys in the senior class and even some girls will tell you about the game and their clan.


Ten Cool Educational Apps 1. Bible

You can get a daily bible verses sent to your notification center

2. iMovie

You can make videos for projects on your phone

3. Google Drive

You can access your documents and powerpoints while allowed to sharing and all other features

4. Google Docs

You can take notes on your phone,computer or tablet!

5. 3D Brain

Discover how the brain works while still using your mobile device


Use your phone as flashcards and other review games

7. My Homework Student Planner

This student planner is simple yet still extremely reliable and simple.

8. SkyWalk 2

Hold your phone up to the sky at night and see where the constellations are.

9. iBooks

Read books on the go!


Learn the skeletal system interactively on a mobile device.


November 20, 2014

Five must-see

1.Big Eyes Big Eyes, starring Amy Adams and Christoph Waltz, follows the true story of Margaret and Walter Keane. Margaret, a painter with a young daughter, falls in love with an aspiring painter and gets married. The fairytale stops there-- Walter is abusive, stealing her iconic “Big Eye� paintings and claiming them as his own. The lie continued for eight years- when she decided to reclaim what was hers. The movie was directed by Tim Burton and follows the years of lies and the trial.

2.Interstellar Interstellar, starring Matthew McConaughey, Michael Caine, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain. Directed by Christopher Nolan, written by Christopher and Jonathan Nolan. A team of explorers travel through a sustain humanity. I saw this movie, and it was great. It tells a great story, with superb acting, and awesome visual effects. The science behind the movie is extremely accurate too. Everyone should see this movie, and if you get the chance, see it in IMAX too!

3. The Theory of Everything

The Theory of Everything, starring Eddie Redmayne, who also starred in Les Miserables as Marius, and Felicity Jones, directed by James Marsh, is a movie about the story and relationship between the famous physicist Stephen Hawking and his wife. The movie came out on by Jane Hawking, which describes her relationship with her ex-husband theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking.


or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)

starring Michael


and written by Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, is a story about a washed-up actor who once played an iconic superhero. He must overcome his ego and family trouble as he mounts a Broadway play in a bid to reclaim his past glory. This movie opened in theaters on November 14th, 2014. This movies is getting rave reviews, and its a top contender for Academy Awards Best Picture.

, starring David Oyelowo, Tim Roth, Carmen Ejogo, and Tom Wilkinson, is based on the true story of the 1965 voting rights marches from Selma, Alabama to Montgomery, Alabama led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and other voting rights activists. Oyelowo plays Dr. King, Ejogo plays Coretta Scott King and Wilkinson plays President Lyndon B. Johnson. The movie is directed and written by Ava DuVernay and and will release in theaters on Christmas Day of this year.

November 20, 2014

Our Town


by Ana Marth Guest Writer


of New Hampshire called “Grover’s Corner.” Most of the story is narrated by the stage manager, Jamie Porter. In the opening scene, the stage manager describes the small town and its everyday routine while the audience watches two families, the Gibbs and the Webbs, eat breakfast. We see Mrs. Gibbs (Lauren Clapp) preparing a meal and the table for her kids, while Mrs. Webb (Molly Arndt) does the same. Mya Chan (Howie Newsom) made an appearance delivering milk to Mrs. Gibbs and Mrs. Webb, along with Joe Crowell (Joe Lipsius) delivering the newspaper. George Gibbs (Christian Daniel), Rebecca Gibbs (Ellie Stimmel), Wally Webb (Ian Ochoa), Emily Webb (Noelle Martin) all come downstairs to join their spark between Emily Webb and George Gibbs in a later scene. Mr. Gibbs (David Keffala-Gerhard) and Mr. Webb (Joe Jennings) also make an appearance at breakfast later on. The story goes on to introduce the choir, Andrew Thomsen (Simon Stimson) along with Carolina Icardi, Mackenzie Finger, Abby Sheehan, Jillian Kurvowski, Evie Rozendaal, Lauren Clapp and Molly Arndt as choir cally stuck out. He played the part of a drunken choir director and gave a very ardent performance. Years later, George and Emily are getting married. In the wedding, both George and Emily are ceremony, Mrs. Soames (Evie Rozendaal) gives an excellent performance exclaiming how wonderful it is when two young people are happy together. The next scene takes place at the Emily’s funeral after she died during childbirth. We see the mourning family and the dead souls, who Emily joins. Emily’s soul is still very alive and she wants to be back with her family. Despite many warnings, she goes back to her twelfth birthday. She’s very excited to see her family, but they cannot respond back to her. She realizes how sad it is that nobody notices the importance of taking time for each other while alive. With that harsh realization, she wishes to go back to her grave. The play closes with George laying by Emily’s grave mourning over her death. The set was very minimalistic and simple. This is used as symbolize and reinforce the theme that you need to enjoy even the little things in life, respect the time you have with loved ones and realize you can’t take it with you. The play closes with George laying by Emily’s grave.The cast worked well with such little props or scenery. The technical crew did a wonderful job with the music and lighting: Blake Winder as technical advisor, Jacque Green as costume designer, Elizabeth Tracey as set designer, Robert Beck on sound and Mia Eckhoff with lots of talent and hard work.

Noelle Martin and Christian Daniel walk down the aisle in the production of “Our Town.” Photo by Ana Marth


November 20, 2014

MUSIC REVIEW: Mac Demarco Salad Days Check out Mac Demarco if you like: Rock, Alternative, Blues, or Jazz

by Killian Beck News Editor


ac Demarco’s latest release is the artist’s most adept fusion of jangly garage-rock, blues, and hazy, Beatles-sounding psychedelia. The gapped-tooth Canadian has a knack for melodies: transforming series of jazzy, out-of-tune notes into unforgettable guitar riffs. The album title- a Shakespearean phrase referring to a youthful, inexperienced time of one’s Salad Days captures the wistful, twenty-something year-old time and having the once seemingly

photo courtesy of Wikipedia

Salad Days album cover

Each song is rife with Demarco’s charmingly mellow lyricism, especially the album’s most notable track, “Passing out Pieces.” In it, he reveals the guilt he feels after abusing the treasured legal-age freedoms: “What mom don’t know has taken its toll on me/It’s all I’ve seen that can’t be wiped clean/ It’s hard to believe what it’s made of me.” Demarco’s personal life seeps into his storytelling, where the listener becomes acquainted with the lazy,

motivationless advice Demarco seemingly gives himself. But his words of wisdom aren’t enough to get him off the couch, and the image of a chain-smoking sloucher becomes an irremovable feature of the album. Salad Days masters the impossible nostalgia of missing something you never guitar, organ synthesizers, and echoing vocals are reminiscent of The Velvet Underground and early Pink Floyd. past, but it never undermines his musical experimentation, nor does it limit him to being just a “revivalist” artist. In fact, egorize because of how well he integrates something refreshingly unheard-of. The versatile musician is at the top of his game, and Salad Days a worthwhile listen. The album marks Demarco’s maturation as being capable of making off-kilter songs accessible to wider audiences. He’s gotten better at making more emotional, heart-felt songs, that still exhibit his dexterity as a philosophizing best friend. It’s safe to say that Salad Days re-establishes the laid-back Canadian as the king of slacker-rock.

November 20, 2014



Is the tuition too darn high? As the cost of tuition increases, the idea of having to turn down a top choice becomes reality.




Average cost in state for a public university

Average cost for an out of state resident at a public university

Average cost for a private college or university

by Maria Blondin Editor in Chief

cepted and are not attending are much more likely to say they are not going


aid they wanted.”

magine this: you are a senior in high school and Thanksgiving break is quickly approaching. Your friendly school counselor has recommended you apply to a college by break. You have started looking at schools already, and have found what you think is your dream school. There is only one problem: the price. According to the College Board’s annual survey of colleges, tuition has been continuously increasing by roughly three percent every year for

that will recieve scholarships for their athletics, there are students still concerned about the cost. “College tuition matters a lot,” said senior Payton Raso, “If I wasn’t going to a smaller school to play baseball, I would probably want to go to a larger, private, school like Notre Dame and it costs way too much money.” “Cost is probably the second factor is

is available, it can be overwhelming looking at the initial cost of tuition. “It [the cost of college tuition] is a big factor because I don’t want to have to be paying back college loans all my life.” Said senior Sam Milder, “My family is helping me pay for college and I don’t want to take all of their money when I

is that it has the resources and major that I want but cost is the next thing on the list I look at when considering

A 2011 survey conducted by the Higher Education Research Institute, run out of the University of California Los Angeles, indicated that 58% of students are

“If I found a school that was 100% my dream school, and my top choice, I

the lowest percentage to do so since the A possible explanation for the drop is that 18% of students, nearly 1 in 5 who

Students having to turn down their dream schools because of cost is a heartbreaking reality that happens daily across the nation; but there is always a glimmer of hope for some.

help me afford it but it would still be hard.” said senior Claire Kleinmeyer. In the end, with college tuition not dropping anytime soon, many students will have to face large amounts of debt after graduation. The most recent numbers are from the class of 2013 with the average student debt totalling

at those students, the primary thing that Said John Pryor, director of the research program that conducted the 2011 study. “These students who were ac-

Said senior Abby Sheehan, “That’s just too much money, I don’t want to live my life in debt.”

All statistics courtesy of The College Board.


November 20, 2014

Thinking about attending the University of Iowa? It might be less than you think, these are scholarships that you can automatically receive based off your ACT score.

Act Score:

30} 28

Title and the Amount Given:


Old Gold Scholarship: 5k a year,

Must maintain a 3.00 while at Iowa.

Engineering@Iowa Scholars Awards*: 1k, 1 year only. Iowa Scholars Award* (Level 1): *If you have a 3.80 gpa Iowa Scholars Award* (Level 1): *If you have a 3.80 gpa

majoring in Engineering. Must maintain a 2.00 while at Iowa.

Must maintain a 2.00 while at Iowa.

Engineering@Iowa Scholars Award*: 1k, 1 year only. *If you have a 3.80 gpa


Iowa Scholars Award* (Level 2): *If you have a 3.2 gpa

majoring in Engineering. Must maintain a 2.00 while at Iowa.

breaks down. Don’t forget about the Heritage Award! For: incoming students who have a parent, stepparent, legal guardian, or grandparent who graduated from the University of Iowa with a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree. Receive: as long as you maintain a 2.00 gpa. Deadline: for the application is May 25th! Don’t forget to apply!!!

Federal government grants, loans and other aid College grants/ scholarships State government grants/ scholarships Private and employer grants/scholarships


Fall Photo Contest #ArtsyRegals

Photo by Claire Kleinmeyer

Photo by Anna Stimmel

Photo by Kunj Saxena

Photo by Haley McLaughlin

Photo by Lizzy DePrenger

Photo by Emma Hartwig Photo by Grace Swenning

Photo by Abby Sheehan

November 20, 2014


In celebration of Iowa City’s beautiful transition into fall, the Regina Spectrum hosted a photo contest for is the winner of the


Photo by Mrs. Belknap

Photo by Noelle Martin

Winning Photo by Jenna Shank (Left) Photo by David KeffalaGerhard (Right) Photo by Olivia Wolfe

Photo by Molly Arndt

(Right) Photo submitted by Katelyn Murhammer



November 20, 2014

Iowa City Blue Zone Project Since then, Dan Buettner has partnered with AARP and the United Health Foundation to promote Blue Zone The term “Blue Zone” originated lifestyle and Power 9 characteristics in from a 2004 National Geographic cities across America. special organized by Dan Buettner. Iowa City was selected as a project Researcher’s located various places city for Iowa Governor Terry Bransaround the world where life expec- tad’s state-wide Blue Zones initiative tancy was started in 2011. Iowa considerably City is currently workhigher than ing on becoming ofaverage. People in these Blue Zone and is taking Blue Zones steps toward that goal. reached age In local Hy-Vee’s, you 100 at rates 10 times selling fruit, vegetables, greater than and local produce. in the United Shannon Greene, who States. Other cities across Iowa also partcipate is leading the Iowa City Scientists in the Blue Zone Project. Blue Zones Project, sent to these wants to have at least locations found that all the residents 10 of the top 20 Iowa City employers living in Blue Zones shared 9 key become Blue Zones worksites. Becharacteristics called the “Power coming a Blue Zone worksite means Nine” that set them apart. After the requiring things like healthy options special aired, Buettner published the in vending machines or more space to book, The Blue Zones, which landed lock up employees’ bikes. Iowa City a spot on the New York Times best- is currently in full swing with the Blue seller list. The book’s release also Zone project and is continuing to work sparked much talk over the possibil- with locals to live healthier lives. ity of creating Blue Zones in the US. By Teddy Nepola “Supervisor”/ Elite Staff Reporter

‘Power 9’ Lessons for Blue Zone Health 1. Move naturally. Don’t do marathons or pump iron; work around the house, garden, walk, cycle, walk when talking on the phone. 2. Know your purpose. Have a reason for waking up in the morning. 3. Kick back. Find ways to shed stress, whether it’s praying, napping or playing the piano. 4. Eat less. Stop eating when you are 80% full. 5. Eat less meat. Beans are a cornerstone of most centenarians’ diets. 6. Drink in moderation. Of course this principle only applies for those over 21. Only the Seventh-day Adventists in California didn’t have one to two glasses a day. 7. Have faith. Denomination doesn’t seem to matter, but attending faith-based services (4 times a month) does. 8. Power of love. ing committing to a partner and keeping aging parents and grandparents nearby. 9. Stay social. Build a social network that supports healthy behaviors.

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NOVEMBER 20, 2014


Craving a nice blend of authentic herbs and spices? The Cactus in Coralville, Iowa is a great place if you are looking for Mexican cuisine. This is my favorite place in the Iowa City area and their “Pollo Loco” (crazy chicken) is to die for! Crazy Chicken is a mixture of grilled strips of chicken with chorizo (Mexican sausage), topped with queso blanco, served with rice, beans, and tortillas. Chips and salsa are also very popular here! The salsa is not too spicy but has just the right amount of kick! The Mexican music adds to the atmosphere and creates a great experience for anyone looking for a night out with friends, or for a date! Salud!



In a city with a lot of sandwich competition, Nodo wins gold. The menu features a wide variety of sandwiches, with a selection diverse enough to please vegetarians and meat lovers alike. Their bread, the true determiner favorite is the mushroom sandwich, which features sauteed portobellos, red peppers, onions, and goat cheese with a tomato slice. Nodo is located on Dubuque Street, next to Catherine’s Boutique and a stone’s throw away from Z’Mariks, another downtown gem.

What are YOU in the mood for tonight?

The pizza at Wig and Pen is fantastic. It is a great family restaurant as it has a diverse selection of simple and more extravagant pizzas, along with a good salad menu. I highly recommend the Chicago style deep dish with sausage and spinach, and enjoy the crust because that is the best part. The food at Wig and Pen is top notch, so stop in and try a pizza.


HuHot gives the Coralville and Iowa City area a little taste of Mongolian. The tasty and entertaining dinner experience is worth the price. Not only do you get to go in a “buffet” styled line to pick and choose what you want, but they literally cook your meal right in front of your face! I recommend getting Chinese noodles, chicken, beef, green beans, corn, and peppers, topped off with teriyaki sauce!


Dodo Don’t

by Lauren Clapp Editor of Awesome farmer in Northern Minnesota is facing charges after killing what is


in over 300 years. Forty-two year old Buck Smith from Kettleton, Minnesota is facing two years in jail and a $250,000 thought to be extinct. Smith went out hunting on the morning Saturday the 15th. After setting traps for smaller animals, Smith made his way behind a group of bushes and waited for about 45 minutes until he heard a turkey like noise come from his left. Smith quickly turned toward the noise and, after locating the bird, aimed his gun and shot.

November 20, 2014

After approaching his prey Smith realized that it was not a turkey, but rather a bird he had never seen and did not recognize. Smith then reportedly took the bird to his neighbor’s house where googled ‘bird with hooked beak and small white the screen and we knew we were in trouble.” Smith then reportedly turned himself in to the Kettleton Police Force, where he was booked and placed in a cell to wait sentencing. upon as a witness in the trial that will take place this Friday. Smith’s only comment was the Thanksgiving” unfortunately the only thing that will be gobbling this year is the turkeys that will be safe this year from Smith.

Make ‘em Squeal

Crownie smiles upon. . . Babies Clean Tape

Washing your feet

Cartoon by Joe Jennings

Authentic love

Things you might not know about Joni -She is actually Taylor Swift -She won the unicorn castrating contest at Hogwarts -She does car commercials. In Japan -She borrowed Donald Trumps toupee -She puts her Christmas lights up BEFORE Thanksgiving

Piper the dog Thomas

Crownie frowns upon. . .

pizza -Her favorite movie is Babe: Pig in the City. -She makes terrible biscuits -She thinks Salisbury is TOO EXTREME for Iowa. (The events portrayed in the articles

Steve Being Pizza

larity to real events is coincidental

Gobble up these Thanksgiving Day jokes!

Q: What key won’t open a door? A: A turkey!

Q:What’s a turkey’s favorite dessert? A: Peach gobbler!

Q: What does a Pilgrim call his best friend? A: A palgrim!

Q: What would you get if you crossed a turkey with an evil sprirt? Q: Why did the cranberries turn red? A: A poultrygeist! A: Because they saw the turkey dressing!

Fire Renting Re-evaluating Clipboards


November 20, 2014

What tradition does your family do every year for Thanksgiving?

Ashlyn Mulcahey “I play card games with my family for money.”

Claire Kleinmeyer “We play kickball after the ladies do the dishes.”

Zach Galindo “My family watches Christmas Story and on Friday we go to the Iowa game.”

David Keffala-Gerhard “We gain 10 pounds. Not collectively. . .individually.”

Katrina Chambliss “We sit down and look through Christmas magazines, talking about what we want for Christmas.”

TJ Schott “I go down to my Grandparents house and have a pool tournament.”

Kennedy and Conner Brown “Our family has a Wii bowling tournament with brackets.”

Taylor Boyd “Me and my family go bowling after we eat Thanksgiving Dinner.”

Jarod Concha “We eat dinner around 2 p.m.”

April Grostic “All the younger cousins play football outside.”

Noelle Martin “Every year my brothers and I make edible turkeys out of candy.”

Jacqueline Rapp “On Black Friday we always go to a movie about a minority group and how they overcome an obstacle dealing with sports.”

Mary Kate Doyle “Every year we all draw cousin’s names for Christmas so we can give each other gifts.”

Abby Sheehan “We watch National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation every single year and quote it for the rest of the night.”

Payton Raso “We get together with my extended family at my grandma’s house and we play cards, watch football, and eat enough food to feed a small African nation.”

Molly Arndt “We volunteer at the River Church’s free Thanksgiving Dinner and then we go to a movie and eat a bunch of popcorn.”

STUDENT WRITING 30 Student Joe Jennings If you're a student Your life is a desolate relapse Of childhood Lacking the whim of innocence Bounded by education Self observation Insecurities reverberate Within the cavities Of an empty conscience Not a brain And crammed And compressed And compacted With knowledge.

once a good girl’s gone by Anonymous such good girls sitting down in white dresses legs crossed at the ankles sweaters rolled up to the wrists hair tucked back such good girls, singing their hymns and saying their Hail Mary’s such good girls smile when you’re nervous, cry when you’re angry be polite take up less space. be quiet get ahead but don’t be pushy be a leader but follow the rules smile take up less space such good girls when the sh*t hits the fan and they tell you it’s not your faultwhen you sit in the dingy room white-faced, with clenched knucklesnod when they say it’s not your fault- don’t believe them take criticism to heart, be better be exceptional be perfect. be the grades the college the job the house the husband the kidsthe everything, but be nothing such good girls. but once a good Girl’s gone, she’s lost forever

Old Ogden Nash Alex Salisbury

I would like to rehash Old Ogden Nash but I’m very brash of receiving a lash


November 20, 2014

Places by Anonymous We inhabit the consequences Telephone calls and the distance, on windy nights in our city, so much difference your heart aches— walking fast to avoid empty streets, you are a creature of context, our minds anything but you need brick streets, scenery: preoccupied with the way things didn’t a silhouetted apartment building, happen, or maybe they did, a park bench, empty swimming pools, and the confessional wiped it all away somewhere to place the lost voice, on a Monday, so the slate’s clean— somewhere of consequence. the rest of the week wondering at his worn-out voice, miles away

Oliver at All-State

by Nathan Meyer Staff Reporter ongratulations to Freshman Oliver Emery for being selected to the Iowa All-State Band. He plays bassoon and had to audition to become part in the All-State band. He was chosen over 350 of the best high school bassoon players in the state nitely a milestone since only twelve of the musicians get accepted and Oliver’s just a freshman, most of the band is upperclassmen. This accomplishment puts him in the top three percent of band students in the state. For band teacher Mr. Tom Nelson


All-State, a few years ago Emily Duncan was accepted into the band. When asked about how the concert for All-state is he said “It’s Incredible, it’s a 600 man choir, a

350 man band and a 250 man orchestra and they play the Battle Hymn of the Republic, it’s amazing.” The audition for the band isn’t easy, it’s judged by some of the best musicians in Iowa and you have to have a lot of things memorized. The audition consists of scales, two etudes and a one minute solo. Like I said before there were about 350 musicians auditioning for twelve spots and most of them were upperclassmen. This achievebecause it’s remarkable for a freshman to get into this band since it is, like I’ve said multiple times, the best of the best in the state. It also helps having a teacher like Mr. Nelson, he was also in the All-State band when he was in high school. The All-State Festival will be held in Ames on November 20-22 at the Hilton Coliseum.


November 20, 2014

November’s Featured Artist:

Jarod Concha

by Abby Sheehan Arts and Business Editor Senior, Jarod Concha, started doing art ever since he can remember. His father had an oil pastel set and Jarod and his brother enjoyed using it often. Jarod says his Dad is a big inspiration for his artwork because he mainly introduced Jarod into it. Jarod’s favorite artist is Pablo Piccasso. realistic painting when he was younger, but quickly got bored of that. He then created cubism which is much more abstract. Jarod developed his art skills through the four years of art he took at Regina with Mr. Demory! When asked what his favorite medium nitely canvas!”. Jarod doesn’t plan to major in art, but he wants to go into architecture, so his art

Above: Canvas Painting

Above: The Persistence of Memory

Above: Native American Painting Right: Canvas Painting

Above: Pinch Pottery

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