FFB September 2015

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SEPTEMBER 2015 www.ffb-online.co.uk @ffbmagRMC



The key role played by business recovery professionals





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Recently installed at our Sheffield headquarters 11 meter height of lift 12,500 KG capacity with 27 meter span

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First For Business







Recent research declared Sheffield as the ‘undisputed outdoor capital city of the UK’. Andy Waple looks at the impact it can have on the region and the businesses already setting the pace

DREAM TEAM 13 Is lateness an issue? Our Dream Team have advice on how to deal with employees who struggle to get to work on time

BUSINESS RECOVERY 17 Corporate insolvency numbers are down so what does this mean for business recovery professionals, asks Julie Farmer?

CHRISTMAS PARTIES 37 Time’s running out fast so check out the range of great venues on offer in our region and get your Christmas do organised now


MOTORING 42 From facelifts to first looks, Jordan Cutforth rounds up autumn’s motoring news

INTERVIEW 46 Having stuttered since childhood Loadhog’s product manager Glenn Bills finally has the confidence to speak publicly after undertaking the renowned McGuire Programme


Editor Chris Wilson chris.wilson@regionalmagazine.co.uk Consultant Editor Andy Waple Chief Feature Writer Julie Farmer

WORK & PLAY 48 A monthly round-up of news, achievements, celebrations and new faces

Chief Sub Editor Richard Abbey Sub Editor Richard Smith

10 THINGS... 50 to help your business save energy and money, by Gary Hague, director of Regional Energy



Operations Director Jillion Wood Publishing Manager Mandy Ogle mandy.ogle@regionalmagazine.co.uk Studio Manager Chris Brierley Design Dan Wray, Steve Levers New Media Manager Terri Moore Regional Magazine Company 6 Broadfield Court Broadfield Business Park Sheffield, S8 OXF Tel: 0114 250 6300

FRONT COVER: Top cyclists Steve Peat and Annie Last joined Ride Sheffield and retailer Go Outdoors to open the Lady Canning’s Trails

Email: ffb@regionalmagazine.co.uk Web: www.ffb-online.co.uk

009 FFB Sep15 01/09/2015 11:11 Page 1

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005 FFB Sep15_Layout 1 02/09/2015 17:26 Page 1

First For Business





here is one phrase that you hear repeatedly when people are asked what they like most about living in Sheffield: you can be out in the Peak District in 20 minutes. It’s a cliché, but it’s true... one of the best things about our fair city is how easy it is to get out of it; and now Sheffield City Region is embracing its beautiful surroundings and launching new initiatives aimed at maximizing the value of the fabulous, picturesque and rugged terrain on our doorstep. It’s a real asset that attracts climbers, walkers, cyclists, mountain bikers and all sorts of sports fanatics in their droves. A significant contributory factor in many teenagers choosing Sheffield and Sheffield Hallam’s university courses is that they are allowed to continue their love of the outdoor life... and when they graduate this is where they want to stay and work. Our new consultant editor, Andy Waple, looks at the reasons why Sheffield’s development as an “Outdoor City” is good for business. Andy is a vastly experienced business journalist who edited this magazine for several years; his return to write our regular Agenda feature strengthens First For Business as the monthly independent voice of business in the Sheffield City Region. Also this month, we look at the slightly

scary subject of corporate insolvency. The phrase may send shivers down the spine of anyone in business, but the good news is that the total number of company insolvencies in England and Wales is down to its lowest level since 2007. There is a common misconception that insolvency practitioners only work with companies that have gone, or are going, under. In fact, a lot of their work is concerned with rescuing businesses, refinancing, restructuring and saving jobs. We investigate the important job done by the business recovery professionals. Showing a confident face to the world can be vital in any career, along with the ability to communicate clearly – so if you are born with a stammer and the mere thought of making phone calls or speaking in public fills you with dread, what chance do you have of getting ahead in business? This was the problem that faced Glenn Bills, who works as Loadhog’s product manager. Even ordering a drink at the bar was an ordeal, but after taking part in an extensive programme run by stammerers, for stammerers, he is a changed man – taking on new challenges at work and aiming to become a coach so he can help others who face similar hurdles. Chief feature writer Julie Farmer went to meet him.

CHRIS WILSON, EDITOR All business owners want to clamp down on costs – and one of the simplest methods is to save energy. Simple strategies like making sure computers are switched off before everyone goes home for the night or weekend, pulling the plugs on PCs and photocopiers, can lead to big savings over the course of a year. Gary Hague, director of Regional Energy, gives us his top ten tips to help your business save energy and money. Oh, and there’s an important reminder to anyone whose job involves organizing the office Christmas shindig. We may only just be into September, but the region’s major party venues have been taking bookings for a while now. Get a preferred venue and date in the diary now, or you’ll be scrambling for your second and third choices at the last minute. That is just a taste of what is in this edition of First For Business. Let us know what you think by tweeting us @ffbmagRMC.

@ Facebook: Regional Magazine Company Twitter: @FFBmagRMC LinkedIn: First For Business magazine Email: ffb@regionalmagazine.co.uk


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First For Business



BLAZING A TRAIL RECENT RESEARCH DECLARED SHEFFIELD AS THE ‘UNDISPUTED OUTDOOR CAPITAL CITY OF THE UK’. ANDY WAPLE LOOKS AT THE IMPACT IT CAN HAVE ON THE REGION AND THE BUSINESSES ALREADY SETTING THE PACE. nother attempt to maximise the value of Sheffield’s leisure economy is to be made in the coming weeks as the international spotlight falls on the city during two major outdoor industry events.


Sheffield’s growing reputation as a mecca for people pursuing outdoor activities and the growth in industries supporting the trend has been recognised by the Outdoors Industries Association and Adventure Tourism Research Association who are each holding international conferences. They come as the city council is poised to launch a new initiative to harness the economic value of the growing sector. The council with others, including National Trust, has been working on an outdoor economic strategy for the city which is due to be launched to coincide with the events under the brand “Outdoor City” next month. With the leisure economy now recognised as a “signature sector”, the strategy’s remit is to establish Sheffield’s outdoor assets as a key part of the city’s identity and maximise their economic potential. Cynics will comment there is nothing new in this approach and will wonder if the latest attempt will be more fruitful than its forebears. However, there is no arguing that the


potential is there and recent research confirmed the assumption that the city has an economic goldmine to be exploited in Sheffield’s seven hills. With a third of Sheffield situated within the Peak District boundaries, it’s of no surprise that the outdoor economy is a valuable asset to Sheffield. Yet until a study was carried out by Sheffield Hallam University last year the full statistics behind the hunch had never been known. The study conducted by Sheffield Hallam University’s Sport Industry Research Centre detailed its importance and declared the city to be the undisputed outdoor capital city of the UK.The report stemming from the research proved the city had the highest household spend on outdoor equipment in the country, and more than 225 outdoor equipment businesses employing 2,000. It also confirmed that the leisure market was a key contributor to the service, tourism and conference economic sectors, and formed a magnet for young professionals who wanted to work within a stone’s throw of their out-of-office leisure passions. The city council-commissioned research, found that outdoor recreation in Sheffield generates more than £53million in economic output a year – with the bonus of getting people active, generating significant health benefits. >>>

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First For Business



He said when the report was published: “It is crucial that we capitalise upon this research and work with stakeholders across all sectors to together position Sheffield as the outdoor capital of the UK, which will bring – and is already bringing – huge financial benefits.” A further benefit to stem from the report has been the attraction of the two high profile events due to be staged in the city over the coming weeks.

Top cyclists Steve Peat and Annie Last joined Ride Sheffield and retailer Go Outdoors to open the Lady Canning’s Trails

In addition, the study revealed that Sheffield’s passion for the outdoors produces a higher-than-average expenditure on trips and gear, with total consumer spending on the outdoors estimated at being around £93million a year. Last year 71 per cent of those polled in BBC Countryfile Magazine said Sheffield was the best UK city for countryside lovers. More than two-thirds of Sheffielders take part in outdoor recreation overall – more than six per cent above the national average of 59 per cent. An audit showed that in terms of participation rates and economic importance, Sheffield is synonymous with climbing, cycling, walking and running. In addition to being the climbing capital of the UK, with more than 10,000 Sheffield-based climbers and the highest number of climbing businesses compared to neighbouring major UK cities, Sheffield has more than 1,200 members in the Sheffield Ramblers and 26 running clubs, has a strong fell running scene, is nationally-renowned for mountain biking and is home to the country’s only city centre mountain


biking facility, at Parkwood Springs. This summer another emerged at Ringinglow when top cyclists Steve Peat and Annie Last joined Ride Sheffield and retailer Go Outdoors to open the Lady Canning’s Trails following a crowd funding exercise that raised £15,000. Campaigners Ride Sheffield worked collaboratively with a number of key Sheffield businesses, organisations and individuals to bring the project to life, including Sheffield City Council, Cotic Bikes, Avanti Conveyors and Norton Mayfield Architects. Dr Larissa Davies, Reader in Sport Management in Sheffield Hallam’s Sport Industry Research Centre, said: “This report highlights the potential of the outdoor economy in terms of generating economic growth and jobs, with household spending on outdoor equipment more than three times the UK average.” All this good news has prompted the council to act. Coun. Leigh Bramall, the council’s deputy leader and cabinet member for business, skills and development, said the figures proved the city’s potential but that more work was needed to maximise the rewards and asked for a strategy to be drawn up.

The Outdoor Industries Association has selected Sheffield to host the 2015 European Outdoor Summit in October, acknowledging the city’s location and importance to the outdoor economy. Previous venues have included Annecy in France, Stockholm in Sweden and Munich, Germany. The summit will bring together some of the major players of the outdoor brands, retailers, suppliers, media and service companies such as Amer Sports, JD Sports, Sporthaus Schuster, Deuter, Wolverine Europe, Ordnance Survey, Primaloft, Scarpa, Columbia, Icebug, Petzl and Ortovox, who will descend on the City Hall between 14-15 October for lectures, workshops, networking and seminars. There is also a networking dinner on 13 October, as well as the main gala night dinner on the 14th. Andrew Denton, the association’s chief executive, said: “Having researched several different venues we feel that Sheffield offers all the facilities that we need and expect, and more. “The city is at the heart of the UK’s outdoor scene and has a bold ambition around outdoor recreation – it’s the perfect location.” Meanwhile, Sheffield has been selected to host a top-level adventure conference in further recognition of the city’s reputation as an outdoor mecca recognised across Europe and beyond. Sheffield Business School at Sheffield Hallam University is hosting the Adventure Tourism Research Association’s 2015 International Adventure Conference which organisers claim to be “unquestionably the most significant annual event in the field of adventure.” It has attracted an international delegation of leading academic researchers and industry professionals who carry out cutting edge adventure study and who work in the adventure tourism and adventure recreation industries.

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Credit: Dan Mogan Photography

CASE STUDIES There are more than 220 outdoor activity related businesses in Sheffield, including the long-established Go Outdoors, the UK’s largest specialist retailer of camping equipment, tents, outdoor clothing and footwear, to the rapidly expanding Planet X, which sells more than 10,000 bicycle products worldwide and is currently the secondbiggest bike assembler in the UK, and start-ups such as iGolf Studio.

THE START UP: iGOLF STUDIO Sheffield has been dubbed “the new home of golf ” thanks to a growing manufacturing and service sector and the current successes of local European Tour professionals Danny Willett and Matt Fitzpatrick. The latest business in the sector is iGolf Studio based at Sheffield Business Park. Run by former Yorkshire Golf Union captain Iain Mackenzie with PGA professional Tom Johnson, iGolf Studio is bristling with the latest technology making it one of the best equipped swing, putting and fitting facilities in the north, suitable for players of all abilities, from beginners to the elite. Sheffield born Iain has designed more than 60 golf studios all over the world and is well known throughout the industry. He set up in Sheffield due to its reputation as a golfing centre of excellence and is a supporter of the Sheffield Outdoor City initiative.

THE GROWING SME: PLANET X Founded in Sheffield more than 25 years ago by Dave Loughran, Planet X is run by enthusiasts who design and build bikes. The second biggest bike assembler in the UK is now selling more than 10,000 bicycle products worldwide. Its success grew from sourcing quality products directly at low prices and putting them together as top quality bikes, achievable through direct sales and low overheads. Loughran, a bike fanatic and innovator, has developed the brand as fast as he can pedal.Today the company continues on track with Loughran as CEO.The company’s aim is to offer top quality custom fitted bikes, built to order and delivered in days, along with the best value branded stock from all over the world.

THE MARKET LEADER: GO OUTDOORS Only last month the Sheffield company, which has become the UK’s best-known outdoor retailer, announced further expansion with a “superstore” in Hull, creating 45 jobs, spending more than £1million on refurbishing a 30,000sq ft building. The store – its 53rd – will include an 8,000sq ft outdoor tent “field”, featuring exclusive product ranges. It follows the company’s financial support for a bike trail at Sheffield’s Lady Canning’s Plantation. It invested the final £5,000 to see the completion of the project and committed an overall £60,000 to support the further development of more trails in the woods. The company’s roots go back to 1969 when Sheffield’s Camping and Caravanning Centre – known as CCC – opened on Bramall Lane manufacturing trailer tents and camping furniture. In 1980 it moved into retail and in 1998 John Graham, the store manager, led a buyout. He quickly expanded CCC to three stores and developed the concept that would soon become Go Outdoors. The first Go Outdoors opened in Coventry in 2004. It is now run by chief executive Chris Matthews, employing about 2,000 staff, selling equipment and for camping, walking, climbing, riding, fishing, skiing, running and cycling.


010 FFB Sep15 01/09/2015 11:13 Page 1

Ma it your M Make po p pol polic olic cy y to to be e policy co overe ed d covered D i i Driv Drivi Driving is i one off the th most dangerous work-related activities in Britain. Is your organisation paying attention to the risks? Th The he penalties p are severe - with individuals and companies open to criminal Corporate Manslaughter charges and unlimited ďŹ nes. Take the ďŹ rst step to ensuring your business has the correct procedures and policies in place.

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First for Business





id you know that more than a quarter of all road traffic incidents may involve someone who is driving as part of their work at the time? Employers have a responsibility under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 to ensure they have a ‘duty of care’ towards their staff, in particular those that drive – in some way – in their work duties, whether this is using a company vehicle or using their own vehicle (the so called ‘grey fleet’). Research has shown that business drivers have collision rates that are 3040 per cent higher than those of private drivers. When businesses do not adequately provide a duty of care to their staff, the penalties can be severe with individuals and companies open to criminal Corporate Manslaughter charges and unlimited fines. Yet a recent survey carried out with South Yorkshire businesses has highlighted a number of areas where they have not had the necessary procedures in place: • One in three did not have a process in place to check driving licences • Only two in ten had processes in place to check the legality of their grey

fleet drivers with respect to their insurance cover

businesses have completed the EcoBusiness Driving scheme.

• Only one in four had a policy that covered both company fleet and grey fleet

Lesley NcNeill, Office Manager, from Swallownest-based company, Airmaster, said: “I didn’t realise how beneficial it would be to our workforce. It’s highlighted to us that we need to update a few of our procedures and we’ve seen a reduction in maintenance costs for things like brake pads and tyres.”

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‘Research has shown that business drivers have collision rates that are 30-40 per cent higher than those of private drivers.’

Mike Stanley, Sheffield City Council’s Senior Road Safety Officer, said: “Businesses have a duty of care to their staff to make sure they have enough time to reasonably get to appointments, have sufficient stop breaks and are not discussing business on the phone while driving. They must remember that they are liable under the Corporate Manslaughter Act if their policies are not up to standard.” Contact the Inmotion! team today to see how we can help your business.

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012 FFB Sep15 01/09/2015 13:46 Page 1

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First For Business





Richard Dale

Rob Moore

IS LATENESS AN ISSUE? OUR DREAM TEAM HAVE ADVICE ON HOW TO DEAL WITH EMPLOYEES WHO STRUGGLE TO GET TO WORK ON TIME. DEAR DREAM TEAM: I have an employee who is consistently late for work.We are only a small business and it puts pressure on the rest of the staff. I have taken this person aside on a couple of occasions for informal chats but it seems to have no effect.What do I do now?

RICHARD DALE SOLICITOR AT WOSSKOW BROWN Research shows that lateness to work negatively impacts multiple areas of a business and that is magnified even more for small businesses. So whilst a late employee may not think it’s a huge deal to occasionally turn up late for work and press the snooze button on their alarm clock more than they should, employers who realise the knock-on effect it has, treat punctuality just as seriously as other disciplinary issues. In this scenario it’s unfortunate that a number of informal chats have not resolved the situation. I would always encourage employers to initially speak informally and openly with their employees when any problems arise, as it avoids the issues associated with a formal disciplinary process and it’s also likely employees will open up more to tell their employer if they are suffering any personal problems and just need some support to get them through things. However, given that informal chats still leave an unpunctual employee, it really is

the time for disciplinary action to be taken. Employers should follow their disciplinary policy (or introduce one if they haven’t got one already) with a view to giving their employee a form of warning, be it verbal or written. The warning should hopefully work twofold in terms of stopping their employee lateness or, if the problem persists, giving the employer a basis to take further disciplinary action. If necessary, their employee to be dismissed.

ROB MOORE RECOVERY EXPERT AND PARTNER AT TAYLOR & EMMETT Consistently late employees can have a major impact on productivity and the profits of a business. As you have tried to solve the issue informally, I think that it is sensible for you to start taking action to manage your employee’s attendance at work in a more formal way. You should have a look at your employee’s employment contract and any staff policies to check whether they state how you deal with lateness if it reaches unacceptable levels. Regular lateness at work is potentially a disciplinary offence. In the first instance I would recommend that you invite your employee to a disciplinary meeting to discuss his regular lateness. Your employee has the right to be accompanied to the meeting by a work colleague or a trade union representative if they are a member of a trade union. Your employee should be

given reasonable notice of the meeting in writing. You should also conduct a proper investigation before the meeting into how often your employee has been late and what effect this is having on the other members of staff. You should try looking at the data to identify whether any patterns are emerging. At the meeting you may want to discuss the effect the employee’s lateness is having on your staff and the business and ask questions to find out whether there is an underlying reason why your employee is unable to arrive at work on time. If the employee does not have a reasonable explanation you should consider whether it is appropriate to give the employee a formal warning and inform them that their punctuality needs to improve. If you decide to issue a written warning, this should be done according to any disciplinary procedure you already have in place and I would suggest accompanying it with a timescale and details about what improvements in punctuality you expect to see. You may want to suggest that during this time your employee reports to you when they have arrived at work. If there is no improvement within the specified timescale you may want to consider issuing a final written warning and look at possible dismissal if attendance is still unsatisfactory. CHALLENGE OUR TEAM. The team will respond to one selected question in each edition of First For Business. Send your questions to ffb@regionalmagazine.co.uk. Name withheld on request


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First For Business





usiness insolvency is a complex issue, and no business owner wants to find themselves facing the reality of running a company which is no longer viable. Of course, failure is never the desired outcome when a new business is set up and, indeed, for a well-established business which has stood the test of time it is likely that the potential of the business ‘going under’ is barely given a second thought.

Kiley Tan


large book debt that a company cannot seem to convert into cash for one reason or another. If a company is not as efficient as it should be or has nobody to take control, the debtors and debts to the company can easily keep mounting up. In some cases, the problem becomes so acute that there is no longer any cash coming in and nothing with which the company can pay its creditors – essentially, everything grinds to a halt.

Yet financial difficulties can strike like an earthquake – unexpected and of varying magnitudes. The question is, ‘is your business prepared’?

It’s unsurprising that companies fail,not because they have no assets – but due to the fact they run out of cash. With no cash available, companies cannot pay their suppliers and staff.


What companies need is to actively put solutions in place to ensure debts are collected properly and promptly. This could be by engaging a credit controller or using a law firm which effectively

Quite often there is an obvious reason for a company to begin struggling financially. Very often, it could be a very

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‘Prevention is always better than cure and taking steps to avoid shocks is the best way to keep a business well away from financial disaster.’ performs as the company’s credit controller. The correct credit control system will ensure a steady flow of cash coming into the business.

GOOD RELATIONSHIPS There is a great deal companies can do to manage relationships with suppliers and customers. This all revolves around customer service. By being proactive in dealing with customers and maintaining good relationships with suppliers a business is less likely to be hit by the sudden shock of litigation against it. The same applies to employees – businesses need to take care of their staff. This includes taking things such as wages, holidays, health and safety, sickness, maternity and paternity into account. Business owners must make sure their employment policies are up to date so there is no potential for a nasty claim; which on average tend to be about £12,000. Employment policies do change, and no business wants to be on the receiving end of a claim just because policies haven’t been amended. As a rule of thumb, if a business has not reviewed its policies for more than two years then they definitely need updating!

SHOCKS FROM THE INSIDE Shocks don’t always come from outside the business – they can happen when there is an internal breakdown between shareholders or partners. One partner may exit and the other might not have the cash to buy the departing partner’s interest. This situation can lead to a business shutting its doors.

business, this could be very expensive to do. If the remaining shareholder does not have the funds to buy the former shareholder out, they could potentially end up with someone they have never met as a shareholder. This situation can be stressful and can result in business breakdown, even for companies which had been trading very successfully. The above scenario is also commonly found in partnerships. Ideally, businesses with more than one shareholder/partner will have a contract which regulates the relationship and informs each party what they can and cannot do within the context of this relationship. To prepare for the very worst all businesses should have a properly thought out and drafted shareholders’ or partnership agreement.

COMMUNICATION IS KEY If there are any signs that things are starting to go wrong the first step should be communication. In the event of being unable to make a payment, this must not be ignored; it must be communicated as soon as possible. A business which is unable to make a payment should be explaining why it is unable to make the payment and give a reasonable estimate as to when it will be made. Unfortunately, when things take a turn for the worse it is common practice for people to bury their head in the sand. This will only make the problem grow.

CAN THE BUSINESS BE SAVED? Sometimes businesses end up literally bringing money in to service debt. At this point a company is generally no longer viable. Yes, this can seem like the end of the road – and indeed the end of the world for those in this situation – but there are still options available. The first thing is to determine whether the company is insolvent. To do this the business owner(s) should consult their financial director or accountant. If the company is insolvent then certain rules apply; for example they need to cease trading immediately because trading an insolvent business is illegal. They also need to seek advice, either from a solicitor or from an insolvency practitioner, on how to wind up the business. Depending on the situation it may be an option to close down the business that is servicing debt and set up a new company to take over the assets. People can be wary of this but if done properly it can be a legitimate way of saving a business and jobs associated with the business. Of course, prevention is always better than cure and taking steps to avoid shocks is the best way to keep a business well away from financial disaster. CONTACT: Wosskow Brown The John Banner Centre, 620 Attercliffe Road, Sheffield, S9 3QS Tel: 0114 256 1560 www.wosskowbrown.co.uk

Death can also have a massive impact on a business. Of course, a person passing away is a sad event. But its effect on a business is not always considered until it happens. If a shareholder passes away there is one less person to run the business and often there is no proper succession plan in place. The remaining shareholder(s) would have to buy out the deceased’s share and, depending on the size of the


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First For Business



www.ffb-online.co.uk Permanently struggling ‘Zombie businesses’ could face trouble when interest rates rise, says insolvency expert Phillip Sykes



he recent release of the insolvency statistics for Q2 2015 revealed that the total number of company insolvencies in England and Wales were at their lowest level since the last quarter of 2007. The decrease was mainly driven by a reduction in compulsory liquidations, which fell to the lowest figure since Q4 2013. This is excellent news for the economy, but it does raise the question: ‘how does this impact on those working in business recovery?’ Perhaps not as much as you might think. There is a common misconception that insolvency practitioners work only with companies which are insolvent. In fact, insolvency practitioners advise thousands of businesses outside formal processes.

They help to rescue businesses, restore heavily indebted businesses to financial health, ensure creditors are treated fairly and help obtain justice for fraudsters. They can also help with refinancing and restructuring, as well as less obvious issues such as handling marketing and social media during financially turbulent times. Financial experts are predicting that the next few years could see further changes to the insolvency industry. Debts are rising again and the current climate of low inflation, low interest rates and creditor forbearance may not last. Phillip Sykes, president of R3, the insolvency trade body, said: “Corporate insolvencies continue their long, slow decline from their peak in the recession. Record low interest rates and creditor forbearance have given businesses an

IN 2013-14 THE UK’S INSOLVENCY PROFESSION: • Assisted 10,400 businesses • Assisted businesses employing 540,000 people • Advised 70,000 businesses about their finances •Saved 230,000 jobs • Rescued 6,700 insolvent businesses easier time than might historically have expected during the recovery after a recession. “However, these factors will not last forever. Rising interest rates are looking more likely and could prove to be a big test for those businesses already on the edge. And there are still plenty of businesses which are just about able to service their debts but have no capacity to repay the capital outstanding on their loans. “So a rise in interest rates is likely to cause real difficulties for such ‘zombie businesses’ and even bring on insolvency. The presence of such ‘zombie businesses’ – surviving but permanently struggling and therefore both unproductive and unable to attract new investment – could explain part of the UK’s post-recession productivity puzzle.”

‘Rising interest rates are looking more likely and could prove to be a big test for those businesses already on the edge.’ 17

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First For Business



FIRST OPTION, NOT LAST RESORT WHY IT’S TIME FOR THE INSOLVENCY PROFESSION TO HAVE A MAKEOVER, BY PHIL MEEKIN FROM WILSON FIELD. he term ‘business recovery’ conjures up different mental pictures to different people. And it is not surprising.


Ask people what an insolvency practitioner is there for and I would expect the majority would answer: ‘to deal with a business once it has gone bust’. This is why the insolvency profession is in urgent need of a drastic image makeover. What do you do if you have a toothache? You think of a dentist. What do you do if you decide to buy a diamond ring? You think of a jeweller. But if you are faced with financial problems you don’t necessarily think: ‘I need an insolvency practitioner’. Instead, there is a tendency – where money is concerned – to put things off until very few options are available. Many business owners – and indeed individuals – make the same mistake when faced with financial troubles: they bury their head in the sand. They might choose to discuss their problems with friends who will give them well-meaning advice: but not necessarily the right advice. When things get very desperate they might decide they have no option but to see a solicitor or accountant. There is then a very good chance they’ll be advised to consult an insolvency practitioner. Unfortunately, by this stage, it is often too late to save the business. If you are a company director and you see financial problems on the horizon, the sooner you do something about them the more chance your business has of surviving. It might be that you need to arrange finance or attract investors. Of course, this isn’t always the answer; borrowing money might not be the best strategy for your business if the root cause of the problem has not been identified. Doing


so could result in ‘throwing good money after bad’. It is sometimes the case that businesses run into financial difficulties even when the core business is sound. It may be that certain operations within the business are simply not viable. This can have a knock-on effect on the company as a whole. Unexpected market conditions, availability of finance or changes in the economy can all trigger problems. Or it could be that there has been a one-off glitch that has dramatically affected cash-flow. There could have been a delay in the receipt of payment for a large contract, for example, or an incident could have occurred which has impacted on the delivery of a job. To resolve the issue the company may simply need to ‘buy-time’ and work its way out of the problems. Insolvency practitioners can help address all of these issues and more; provided they are consulted early enough. If a company is struggling financially and there is a way out of it, an insolvency practitioner will find it.


One of the most well-known activities of an insolvency practitioner is administration. Yes, this is one of the tools of the industry, but there are many others. Administration is a relatively temporary arrangement where an insolvency practitioner is appointed as officer of the court to take control of the company. The insolvency practitioner will then assess the viability of the business to see if part or all of it can be saved. While the company is in administration it is protected, so no on-going or new action can be taken against it by creditors or bailiffs. Insolvency practitioners also deal with refinancing and restructure. At Wilson Field we have an extensive network of contacts and investors so the options are varied. ‘Burying’ a business is generally the last resort – if we can preserve and salvage a business we will, but that is largely dependent on business owners changing the way they think of the insolvency profession and consulting us as a first option, not a last resort.

Phil Meekin

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WILSON FIELD CELEBRATES 15 YEARS IN BUSINESS WITH NEW APPOINTMENT ighly regarded insolvency and business recovery expert Andy Wood has joined Wilson Field to strengthen its nine-strong team of insolvency practitioners and 90 staff.


“I always like to start at the point – can this company and/or the business be saved? This is the ideal solution for interested parties, including the creditors who are owed money by the business.”

Andy, who was previously employed at The P&A Partnership for 17 years as a licensed insolvency practitioner and has been an insolvency specialist for 23 years, joins as an associate director.

Andy served on the R3 regional committee for Yorkshire and Humberside, the trade association for insolvency practitioners, for more than ten years until stepping down in 2011. He served as regional chairman from 2008 to 2010.

He brings to Sheffield-based Wilson Field a wealth of experience advising corporate entities of all sizes from small ownermanaged businesses to large companies with multi-million pound turnovers. He joins the company as it celebrates its 15th year. Andy said: “I have principally been involved with corporate restructuring and insolvency work since 2003. I believe the key to success is treating all businesses, large or small, equally and with the same respect. “Empathy is one of my strengths and I like to ensure time is taken to understand how a business operates and what the root causes are of the issues faced. Relationships and trust are key.

Wilson Field

Business Recovery & Finance

0800 901 2475 www.wilsonfield.co.uk

He has operated principally in Yorkshire, Lincolnshire and the North Midlands through referrals from accountants, solicitors and banks and finance houses as well as direct contact from business owners. Andy Wood

Nick Wilson, managing director of Wilson Field, said: “We are delighted to welcome Andy to the team and look forward to his support in helping us take the company to the next level. Over the last 15 years Wilson Field has expanded to become one of the largest firms of independent insolvency specialists and we are as committed today as we were on day one to sourcing solutions for businesses in seemingly impossible situations.”

Time To Pay HMRC Debt


Company Voluntary Arrangement




Creditors Voluntary Liquidation

Winding Up Petition


Members Voluntary Liquidation


020 FFB Sep15_Layout 1 01/09/2015 14:10 Page 1

First For Business






and Putt course, where Footgolf is played, walking past the spectacular views of the 18-hole course’s driveway in the process.

to level the playing field as they didn’t allow any single person to storm ahead on the scoreboard.

But what exactly is it? Well, it’s a fairly simple concept - it’s a hybrid of golf and football, both sports wrapped into one.

Tapton’s Footgolf course features six holes of differing lengths, ranging from 56 yards (par three) to 107 yards (par five). Players play the six holes twice, resulting in an overall 12-hole game.

One thing that is obvious is that the game does not require any previous experience of football or golf, and there’s a lot of fun to be had in trying to get that ball into the hole in fewer shots than your work colleagues, regardless of your ability.

f you are looking for a fun-filled teambuilding exercise that allows people of all ages and abilities to take part, look no further than Footgolf.

The game is played on a golf course, but instead of clubs and golf balls, you simply use footballs which you kick around the course with the aim of getting them in the enlarged holes.

We played the 12 holes in around two hours, covering some good walking distance and getting our heart rates up in the process. The game can be as relaxed or competitive as you want it to be, but as a teambuilding exercise or team social, Footgolf would certainly be highly recommended by the HR Media team.

All familiar golf principles exist, such as shot placement, distance, touch and course management, and as with golf, the lowest score at the end of the course wins.


Tapton Park is one of five local golf courses operated by Sheffield City Trust (SCT), whose portfolio also includes Birley Wood, Beauchief Golf Course, Tinsley Park and Sinfin Golf Course in Derby, but is the only SCT golf course to offer Footgolf.

A long-distance drive can be undone in seconds; one unfortunate bounce or mishit can lead to the unforgiving hills and slopes surrounding the putting greens leading your football back towards the beginning.

Upon arrival, we were provided with size five footballs and taken towards the Pitch

But it sounds scarier than it actually is, as we found that the hills and slopes helped

As well as offices and workplaces, Footgolf seems perfect for groups of friends – the sport has proved increasingly popular for stag dos – and families with children of all ages. For more information about Footgolf at Tapton Park Golf Course, or to book a game, visit www.sivltd.com/footgolf or call 0124 6239 500.

021 FFB Sep15 01/09/2015 14:13 Page 1

UK Business Advice Are things starting to go wrong for your business? You need to seek help. If your business is struggling the hardest thing to do is admit that you need help from an expert, but don’t be afraid to ask, says Claire Foster, managing director of Revive Business Recovery.

experience, my job satisfaction comes from keeping companies going. I admit that IPs see more failures than successes, but that is the nature of the business. It’s the successes that make our jobs worthwhile.

You may see the signs that trouble is on the horizon, but in their isolation you may think each is only a temporary blip for your business. The signs could include:

During the course of our work we witness the pitfalls and problems companies face and we can use that knowledge and experience to help other companies avoid the same issues.

• Constant attempts at trying to cut costs so your business can make a profit • Juggling different suppliers as you have reached their credit ceilings • Making redundancies as you have staff that have no or little work to do • Receiving threats of actions from creditors or their solicitors to recover their debt • Uneven cash-flow statements where more money is going out than coming in • Lost contracts that you were relying on • Action or threats of action from HMRC • A drop in sales that you do not think you can pick back up in the short term • An amount of historic debt that you just don’t seem to be able to reduce • More serious – winding up petitions presented to you When your business is struggling financially you may not know where you can go for help. You may want to talk to your bank manager, but be wary of doing so in case they reduce your overdraft facility. You may consider talking to your accountant, but may worry that they will delay working on your accounts in case they do not get paid.

So if your business is struggling, how do you maximise its potential of being one of the success stories rather than one of the failures? Get advice from an Insolvency Practitioner – and make sure it is a Qualified Licensed Insolvency Practitioner and not just a sales person.Our initial advice is free, no matter how long the first meeting takes.

Don't delay – the quicker you see somebody, the more options there will be available to you.

Why talk to an Insolvency Practitioner (IP)? There is a misconception that an IP's job is all about closing companies down. Rather, speaking from


info@revivebusinessrecovery.co.uk www.revivebusinessrecovery.co.uk

022 - 023 FFB Sep15 01/09/2015 11:58 Page 1

Microsoft’s &'#$ Envisioning $i!#0 2- ',1.'0# British business leaders at MADE 2015

Dave Coplin, the Chief Envisioning Officer of Microsoft Microsoft UK, is delivering a master masterclass class at MADE, the UK’s UK’s largest festival of entrepreneurship entrepreneurship to pr provide ovide business leaders with an insight into ‘the futur futuree of technology in business.’ We We often hear that technology is making work easier and more more efficient, but we also hear of the str stress, ess, depr depression ession and anxiety it sometimes brings to employees. Could the way we use technology be the solution to this? Coplin’ Coplin’ss masterclass master class will addr address ess these issues and explore explor e how the rapidly rising volume of information is af affecting fecting business and the lives of employees. In particular particular,, Coplin will discuss how small businesses could in fact incr increase ease their productivity pr oductivity by using technology in the right way and rremoving emoving the stresses stresses that can be caused by technology not working for the user user.. Microsoft’s As well as working as Micr osoft’s Chief Officer, Envisioning Officer r, Coplin is also a successful author.. His first book: “Business Reimagined”, author pr provides ovides a view of a new working envir environment onment based on collaborative and flexible working.

Hiss latest book however however, r, “The Rise of the Humans” pr provides ovides a further call to action, for both individuals and organisations to har harness ness not hate the digital deluge, to rise up and take back contr control ol of the potential that technology offers offers society society.. The topics cover covered ed in both books will also be discussed during Coplin’ Coplin’ss master masterclass class at the festival, as he speaks in front front of ar around ound 2,000 budding entr entrepreneurs epreneurs and successful business leaders. Speaking about his master masterclass, class, Coplin said: “The success of our futur future e depends entir entirely ely on our ability to grasp the potential that technology offers offers us. As a rresult, esult, our aspiration should be to do things dif differently, ferentlyy, not the same things thin better.” slightly better .” masterclass problems The master class will look at the pr oblems that face business leaders and the mistakes and assumptions made and how people should be using technology to rreimagine eimagine how we live, work and do business. As a self-confessed technology “alchemist”, turning Coplin is passionate about tur ning the base metal of technology into valuable assets that effect learn, effect the way people live, lear n, work and from play and in so doing, move the focus fr om the technology itself to the actual outcome.

Microsoft, Prior to joining Micr osoft, he spent 13 years delivering IT strategy and solutions within Professional the Pr ofessional Services industry in the UK, Canada and the Netherlands, helping to build infrastructure. the foundations of a global IT infrastructur e. He is also a rregular egular contributor to a range of conferences media articles, confer ences and forums all rrelating elating to the goal of making technology less more “visible” and mor e valuable in our daily lives. Coplin will also be joined at MADE by former member of JLS turned turned farmer, farmer, JB Gill and multi-millionaire entrepreneur multi-millionaire entr epreneur Annabel Karmel. MADE will also welcome Innocent Drinks’ Joe McEwan; Petra Wetzel Wetzel of Scottish brewery brewery West West Beer; Jude Ower CEO of innovative, philanthropic philanthropic gaming company Playmob and Checkatrade founder Kevin Byr Byrne, ne, amongst others. Tickets aree now on Tickets for the festival ar sale with more more events and speakers due to be announced over coming weeks. For up to date information and tickets visit www.madefestival.com or follow www w.madefestival.com . @MADEFestival on Twitter. Twitter w r.

Entrepreneur Entrepreneur MADE The Festival: &#$i#*" &#$i#*" Festival:

022 - 023 FFB Sep15 01/09/2015 11:59 Page 2


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024 FFB Sep15 02/09/2015 16:38 Page 1

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Save on writing a Will and help make our hospital better By making a Will with our partner Irwin Mitchell you will ensure future generations receive the very best healthcare.

Through our scheme you receive a discount on the cost of a Will and d 20% of the fee is given back to the charity. Donating by writing a Will or leaving a legacy in your Will helps us to buy life-saving saving equipment, funds vital research and treatment for thousands of children from rom across the world and helps us create a comfortable, engaging environment for ourr patients. Did you know The Children’s Hospital in Sheffield: • Is one of just 4 specialist children’s hospitals in the UK • We’re world leaders in research into the prevention and cure of childhood d conditions • We’ve developed many pioneering treatments which have shaped the future of paediatric care

Choose from a Standard Single Will: discounted to £100, or a Standard Mirror Will for couples: discounted to £190 when quoting The Children’s Hospital Charity.

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025 FFB Sep15 01/09/2015 15:09 Page 1

Congratulations! to Knowles Warwick on their 30th Anniversary

Forde Recruitment have been supplying driving, engineering, teaching and industrial staff into South Yorkshire businesses since 1991. Offering a bespoke service, we endeavour to find temporary or permanent staff that are the right fit for your business so your company can thrive. As we approach our own 25th anniversary we look forward to continuing our long relationship with Knowles Warwick

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026 - 027 FFB Sep15_Layout 1 01/09/2015 14:15 Page 1

First For Business





stablished in 1985, Knowles Warwick has been helping its clients to achieve their dreams and ambitions for thirty years. The company has a wealth of skill and expertise – corporate finance, accountancy practice, international and IT expertise. But the one thing it does best of all? It listens. Knowles Warwick prides itself on its core values: building strong, open relationships with clients to help them build for the future. Every client has a named contact; someone who will get to know them and their business, what matters to them, what they want to achieve and how they want to achieve it. Founded by managing director Steve Knowles, the company has earned such a strong reputation that it has gained clients as far away as China and the Middle East, from self-employed professionals to international corporations. Over the last thirty years Steve himself has also earned something of a reputation and has been appointed to various roles in recognition of his expertise. Steve He has been governor of the Knowles Sheffield College, chairman and president of Sheffield Business Club and president of the Sheffield & District Society of Chartered Accountants. The latter was a position he held for two years, an achievement never previously – or since – matched. Connect Yorkshire has named Steve ‘Mentor of the Year’, he has been nominated for the Yorkshire Forward ‘Deal Maker of the Year’ award and just last year was named a Freeman of the City of London. Steve has also recently taken up the role of a mentor for the Wosskow Brown


VISIT THE KNOWLES WARWICK WEBSITE, WWW.KNOWLESWARWICK.COM, FOR: n Easy to use calculators to help you plan and check your finances, including capital gains tax, corporation tax, car benefits, VAT, inheritance tax and fuel costs – and even find out when you can expect to become a millionaire! n Resources covering everything from starting a new business to selling a business – and everything in between n The latest tax, employment, business and economic news affecting businesses, updated daily n Financial information specific to different sectors including engineering, healthcare and IT n Links to over 470 useful business information websites Foundation, which launched at the beginning of the year with the aim of providing support to encourage individual and organisational development in the Sheffield city region. A regular speaker at business events, Steve is passionate about using his knowledge to help other people achieve professional success. “Today’s business environment is fast moving, complex, and highly competitive,” said Steve.“Business owners need the support of professionals who provide on-time, effective solutions to help their business move forward. We aim to provide such a service. “We offer the whole life-cycle of support services from business start-up to support through mergers and acquisitions, payroll, audit, IT services and

also assistance with exit strategies and retirement.” Aware of the importance of keeping up with an ever-changing business environment, Knowles Warwick has fully embraced modern corporate technology. It operates from a paperless office, uses hot desking and works in the ‘cloud’, meaning members of the team can work remotely, including at clients’ premises – regardless of where they are in the world. “Knowles Warwick would like to thank their clients, past and present, for making the last thirty years such an exciting and rewarding journey, and for playing a huge part in the success of the firm,” Steve added. “Here’s to 30 more years of helping businesses to achieve their dreams and ambitions.” CONTACT: Knowles Warwick 183 Fraser Road, Sheffield, S8 0JP Tel: 0114 274 7576 Email: bestadvice@knowleswarwick.com www.knowleswarwick.com

026 - 027 FFB Sep15_Layout 1 01/09/2015 14:16 Page 2




“I joined Knowles Warwick in 2002 as a trainee, and have worked in various areas of the firm over the years. Whilst a Chartered Accountant at heart, I recently became a Chartered Financial Planner and currently deliver the regulated financial services work we provide through Knowles Warwick Financial Services Ltd. I offer a complete financial planning service for both private and corporate clients covering areas such as investment advice, retirement planning, financial protection, and mortgage work. I’m also currently assisting our clients in meeting their upcoming Auto Enrolment responsibilities. I believe good financial planning is important for everyone and can make a real difference to people’s lives.”

ROBERT HANNEY, DIRECTOR OF CORPORATE FINANCE “Having been with Knowles Warwick for almost three decades, I‘m proud to have been a part of the firm’s success over the years. I joined Steve at the firm in July 1986, and over the last thirty years I have taken on a variety of roles and responsibilities across the business. My expertise is in corporate finance; helping our clients to source funding and investment from both traditional and alternative sources. I work with colleagues to deliver a holistic service to our clients that aims to solve all their business problems and give them total peace of mind. I help clients to create detailed business plans and forecasts, advising them on profitability, cash flow and business growth. I also advise on management buy-outs, mergers and acquisitions to companies of all sizes. My career at Knowles Warwick has been a rollercoaster ride of exhilarating highs, and a couple of lows – namely the two economy-shaking recessions that we have managed to survive in the last 30 years – and I wouldn’t change a thing.”

GILLIAN DUDSON, DIRECTOR OF TAXATION “Having joined the firm in December 2014, I am a relative newbie at Knowles Warwick, but it was definitely a baptism of fire, starting my new role right in the middle of tax season! Fortunately I brought over twenty years’ experience in tax, which allowed me to get stuck in straight away and along with my team help all our clients to meet their tax obligations. Since coming on board, I have had the opportunity to work on many interesting and varied projects, reducing the tax bills of our clients and strategising for their individual futures, with savings ranging into the tens of thousands. A current hot topic I get particular satisfaction from is helping clients with claims for R & D tax credits – it’s surprising how many businesses can achieve large tax reductions or even refunds and the owners don’t realise! Part of our service is advising and assisting businesses that have come under investigation by HMRC, whether they have received an initial letter, phone call or even a visit to their premises. We are experienced in successfully representing clients at First Tier Tribunal, and relish the opportunity to defend taxpayers against unjust fines and penalties.”

STEVEN CROOKES, DIRECTOR OF CORPORATE SERVICES “I have been with Knowles Warwick since 2009, joining the firm in the midst of the recession, when many businesses were tightening their belts, rather than hiring. Steve managed to successfully navigate the firm through the downturn, and come out the other side more profitable than ever, and that success has benefitted our clients enormously. As well as the usual compliance work, we offer a Virtual Financial Director service to our clients. We take care of all the financial elements of running a business, so that our clients can focus on the day-to-day tasks. We proactively search for ways to help our clients grow their businesses, advising on potential opportunities that we believe could be beneficial. We pride ourselves on providing a comprehensive service to our clients, getting to know them and their businesses inside-out, and taking a real interest in their success.”


028 FFB Sep15 03/09/2015 12:04 Page 1

Congratulations to Steve and the team on 30 years of outstanding number-crunching!

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Congratulations to Knowles Warwick on their 30th Anniversary 28

029 FFB Sep15 01/09/2015 14:25 Page 1


First for Business



LAY THE FOUNDATIONS ENABLE FINANCE CAN HELP GET YOUR PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT UNDER WAY. n need of property development finance up to 100 per cent of the build cost? Look no further than Enable Finance, which has successfully funded property developments across the region.


do we lend more than banks on a loan to value basis but we offer a fast turnaround and are also able to work with clients who may have historic problems caused by factors such as the recession.”

It is common knowledge that banks aren’t lending as much as they used to and this is certainly the case with property development finance, says Phillip Evans, director of Enable Finance. Here, he explains how the company is providing financial support for developments in Sheffield and beyond.

As well as property development loans Enable Finance offer additional construction finance products such as loans for plant and machinery. Interest rates are fixed for the duration of the loan, to be agreed according to the development.

“In cases where builders or developers are able to borrow money from banks, the best they can hope for is around 50 per cent of the total build cost,” he said. “In comparison, we typically lend up to 80 per cent and in some cases up to 100 per cent of the total cost of the development project. “We can provide development finance for single, one-house builds, right up to large

Phillip Evans

multiple house plots. We can also fund renovations, shops, office blocks, warehouses and barn or mill conversions. “For years we have actively worked with property professionals and investors, helping to finance significant developments within Sheffield and right across the UK. “Right now we are financing two large projects in the city, collectively worth in the region of around £7 million. “For professional developers who have experience of the property industry we should be the first port of call. Not only

Loans can include part of the land purchase cost and typically range from £500,000 to £10 million. CONTACT: Enable Finance Cooper Buildings, Sheffield Science Park, Arundel Street, S1 2NS Tel: 0114 294 5046 www.enablefinance.com

Does your business need funding, to take it to the next level? Enable Finance are actively lending and supporting growing companies. We provide: • Unsecured Business Loans up to £250,000 • Commercial Mortgages & Property Finance • Cash Flow & Working Capital Facilities • Alternative business finance • Peer 2 Peer & Crowd Funding

• • • • •

Asset Finance & Equipment Leasing solutions Invoice Discounting, Stock & Trade Finance Import & Export loan facilities Fast business loans with same day pay-out Access to Grant Funding

Business Finance Solutions 0114 2945 046 www.enablefinance.com enablefinance.com a trading style of Enable Corporate Strategies Ltd. Cooper Buildings, Sheffield Science Park, Arundel St, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S1 2NS. Telephone: 01142 945 046. Registered in England 7365867. Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. ANY PROPERTY USED AS SECURITY, WHICH MAY INCLUDE YOUR HOME, MAY BE REPOSSESSED IF YOU DO NOT KEEP UP REPAYMENTS ON YOUR MORTGAGE OR LOAN. Finance subject to status and formal underwriting.


030 FFB Sep15 01/09/2015 13:42 Page 1

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031 FFB Sep15 01/09/2015 14:28 Page 1


First for Business





reative companies across the region are supporting Promotional Products Week (PPWeek), taking place from 14-18 September. Promotional products are regularly used by companies to get their name across to customers and include everything from branded pens, mugs, calendars, USBs and sticky notes to confectionery, clothing, keyrings, sports bottles, stress products and much, much more. Such products are used at seminars and conferences, as exhibition stand giveaways, as Christmas gifts, rewards and to support charity fundraising, giving constant brand exposure on a modest marketing budget. The national campaign, created by the British Promotional Merchandise

Association (BPMA), is designed to raise the profile of the promotional merchandise market among end-users and show its power and effectiveness, demonstrating why it should be used as part of an integral marketing campaign. The UK promotional products market is worth £858 million per annum, which is

Did you know? • If a promotional item is useful, research shows that 89 per cent of people will keep it • A survey commissioned by PPW in 2013 found that 3 in 10 consumers had purposely changed their regular brand in order to receive a promotional product

Promotional products include everything from mugs and t-shirts to calendars and USB sticks (pictured)

Power People is an independent specialist recruiter providing qualified, experienced, healthy and safe engineering personnel to the Power/Process, Nuclear, Nuclear Decommissioning, Petrochemical and Renewable Energy sectors, UK and Worldwide. We provide a full engineering personnel support to our clients, specializing in the supply of high calibre blue or white collar engineers, either in the form of full project teams, main trades labour on major projects or as individual specialist engineers for specific roles.

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• The same survey found that almost a sixth of consumers said they would use devious means, such as giving out false personal details or gaining uninvited entry to a venue or event, to acquire a free product

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032 FFB Sep15 01/09/2015 13:48 Page 1

033 FFB Sep15_Layout 1 01/09/2015 14:18 Page 1

First For Business






id you know that in an independent survey of over 1,000 people in management positions revealed that 83 per cent of people could recall the name of the brand on their branded merchandise and more than 80 per cent said that they had purchased from that brand in the past 12 months?*

show the press that they were not as stuffy as they might be perceived, we created a press pack with a difference – it was printed as a survival kits for the road complete with hi viz reflectors, in car air fresheners, many with tongue in cheek messages (the kit

Yes, over 80 per cent conversion if the right person gets the right product! But that is the trick – getting the right product for the right person, that’s what we do at Identity Merchandise. We know all of the products available (there are more than just pens and mugs you know!) and we ensure that you give the right product that will express your brand in the best way, to the right person. Here’s some tips on what to do: n Know your target audience and research what is trending in their world; what would be really really useful to that person? Maybe you’re an outdoor clothing company and a promotional compass with the strapline ‘directing you to the best outdoor clothing.’ n Know what you want to say…a product can speak a thousand words, do you want to get across your more humourous caring side? Do you want to demonstrate how innovative you are? Maybe you want to showcase a particular product or service? We recently did a campaign for a top designer of handbags who wanted to

Marisa Thompson, managing director of Identity Merchandise

contained condoms with the straplines ‘men at work’ ‘hump’ and “no u-turn’) – the kits went down a storm – social media, press coverage and a very memorable event for everyone! This time of year is perfect to show your clients and potential customers that you have a strong brand to be proud of, with the help of an expert and creative

promotional merchandise company like Identity Merchandise Ltd you can get your brand in front of the people who matter for the rest of the year in the way of a fantastic business gift, it’s a great way to just call in or post something to that client or prospective for no reason other than to confirm that you are a ………………….. company (fill in as appropriate: caring, innovative, pro-active, specialist, humorous? (We will help you say it) Here at Identity Merchandise we know what works for your industry, we have experience and plenty of market research on what will set your brand apart from the competition. All year through we work with all sorts of companies from all different sectors, from Charities and Chartered Accountants to Recruitment and Rugby Clubs – we match up your target audience with the right product. Remember the 80 per cent conversion rate that the right promotional gift can get? Make sure you speak to us before your competitor does! *Survey source: British Promotional Merchandise Association, 2014

CONTACT: Identity Merchandise 177 Ecclesall Road South, Sheffield, S11 9PN Tel: 0114 262 0408 Email: hello@identitymerchandise.co.uk www.identitymerchandise.co.uk


034 FFB Sep15 04/09/2015 09:27 Page 1

The right RECRUIT can REVOLUTIONISE your business.

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Enjoy a 4 course meal & prosecco served at midnight for just £60pp! Live DJ from 11pm till late, bar open until 5am.

Sheffield Ecclesall Road 844 Ecclesall Road, Sheffield, S11 8TD 0114 266 1115 ecclesallrd@napoleons-casinos.co.uk

Strictly 18+ * Terms and conditions apply


035 FFB Sep15_Layout 1 01/09/2015 14:23 Page 1


First for Business






he managing director of Steel City Marketing, a leading promotional gifts company, is celebrating 35 years of getting brands the exposure they deserve – coinciding with National Promotional Products Week. Born and bred in Sheffield, James Biggin describes himself as ‘geekily’ obsessed with the company and seeing how excited clients get when he puts some great ideas in front of them to use in their marketing campaigns. “Our world- renowned Sheffield brand is surely something to celebrate?” James said. “What started out as a child, when my grandparents taught me about Sheffield’s unique cutlery marque, always turning over knives and forks to check they were Made in Sheffield, has become something of an obsession. I learnt from an early age to understand the difference between stainless steel and silver plate, just from appearance: one appears ‘yellow’, one ‘black’. “My father first started Steel City Marketing in 1980, selling Sheffield-made gifts, quickly adding other product ranges in as demands changed. The sheer choice of promotional items now is enormous,

but I feel we hold the same Sheffield values that the company started with, 35 years on… and I’m still checking my cutlery!” James’s father retired just as the last recession started. The company, like many, suffered up to 2012 but James made a host of changes and turned the business around. It is now once again stable, running effectively with clear direction and a fantastic team spirit. “We have been in the same building for 35 years, but are currently in the final stages of negotiations for a property which will be a really exciting new space we can make our own. As experts in promotional merchandise, we have also taken our own advice and looked to image branding experts to evolve our current brand into a more modern look and feel. It is worth regularly visiting a brand image to check it still fits with how the company portrays itself.” The company has recently appointed a new business development executive and is in the process of recruiting a marketing executive. “We are working on the Government-

funded Growth Accelerator programme and gaining fantastic support from the team at Business Sheffield. After only a few meetings I am seeing the results on a personal, team and business level and would recommend anyone knock on Business Sheffield’s door.” Steel City Marketing is holding a ‘Be Inspired’ event to celebrate 35 years and coincide with Promotional Products Week on 18 September 8-10.30am at the AMP Technology Centre. James will share the latest innovations in branded merchandise. Customer service guru Andy Hanselman and Tchad Western of Sheffield Children’s Hospital will also provide inspiration.The event is free with donations to The Children’s Hospital. The event is open to everyone, details are on Eventbrite or call sales manager Claire Hutchinson to book on 0114 2754150. CONTACT: Steel City Marketing Allen St, Sheffield, S3 7AW Tel: 0114 275 4150 www.steel-city.co.uk Email:webenquiries@steel-city.co.uk

Branded Merchandise • Leading UK supplier of branded merchandise • Working with some of the best brands in the region • Providing solutions to boost your event / campaign / sales activity • Unbeatable service levels saving you time and money • Merchandise ideas to suit any brief, lead time or budget • Local, reliable, trustworthy

Allen Street / Sheffield / S3 7AW Tel: 0114 2754150 E: sales@steel-city.co.uk www.steel-city.co.uk @steelcitym facebook.com/SteelCityMarketing


036 FFB Sep15 03/09/2015 09:45 Page 1

First For Business






ave you heard about Sheffield’s three best kept secrets? If you’re looking for a Christmas party venue with a difference to suit the tastes of even the most discerning colleague, then look no further than this fantastic trio encompassing a traditional real ale pub, a contemporary British eatery and an exclusive boutique hotel. Whatever the tastes of you and your colleagues, Halifax Hall, INOX Dine or the University Arms will give you a Christmas party to remember. INOX Dine is fast becoming THE place to be in the vibrant University district, and over the festive season this quirky and contemporary venue will be hosting Christmas lunches and Christmas party nights in its stylish fifth floor restaurant. With Yorkshire born and bred head chef Joe Berry at the helm, Christmas will never have tasted so good! Christmas lunch menus include mains such as Roast Turkey, Oven Roasted Cod Tail and Roast


Chestnut and Hazelnut Parcel and are priced at just £21 for three courses. Christmas party nights will also take place on Friday nights throughout December, including a delectable three course dinner, DJ and dancing until the early hours – all for just £37pp. For those looking for a more intimate venue there is Halifax Hall, a boutique hotel set in a stunning Victorian mansion just a few minutes from the city. Christmas Fayre lunches will be served throughout December, priced from just £16.95 for two courses. With starters such as Crayfish Bloody Mary Cocktail and mains including Butter Roast Turkey and Treacle Cured Beef the menu is truly irresistible. Halifax Hall is also hosting Christmas Party Nights and Dinner Discos so you can celebrate in style with colleagues. Party nights include a two course buffet followed by disco and dancing until midnight. Prices are from just £17.95pp. Dinner Discos include a three course

meal and disco, at only £35pp. Last but not least and catering for the more traditional partygoer is The University Arms, which will be offering a Christmas Menu throughout December as well as Christmas buffets for groups of 2580 at just £7.25pp. To enquire about Christmas at Halifax Hall, INOX Dine or The University Arms telephone 0114 222 8822 or email christmaswithus@sheffield.ac.uk.

037 FFB Sep15 03/09/2015 09:43 Page 1

First For Business






ave you booked your workplace Christmas party? The sun may still be shining outside but inside offices across the region talk has already turned to the biggest event on the company calendar – the Christmas party! Over the last few months more and more venues have started advertising details of their Christmas party dates, and – believe it or not – some are already reporting that certain events are fully booked. Fortunately, our region can boast a wide

portfolio of venues for every taste and budget; whether it be a night at the dogs, fun at the casino, a meal at one of our many fine restaurants or dinner and dancing at an exclusive hotel. We also have an array of venues which may not immediately spring to mind for a Christmas party but which cater for all kinds of corporate events – such as Magna, the Winter Garden, Niagara Sports and Social Club, the Royal Armouries Museum and Sheffield International Venues (SIV) to name a few.


When it comes to hotels we have quite a selection to choose from. Whether it be The Copthorne, Halifax Hall, Tankersley Manor, Kenwood Hall, Sheffield Metropolitan, Mosborough Hall or any other of our fantastic venues, hotels across the region are pulling out all the stops this festive season. With an array of entertainment of offer – including comedy, tribute bands and discos – as well as mouth-watering menus, there is sure to be something to suit the tastes of you and your colleagues. First for Business




white chocolate and ginger parfait and mouth-watering red wine sorbet. Or for just £19.95 per head enjoy a delicious gourmet buffet and dance the night away with your own DJ. We can cater for any dietary requirements and have a generous selection of vegan and vegetarian options.

Situated in the heart of Sheffield’s Cultural e’ve got Christmas wrapped chefs, led by award-winner Jon Tite. Industries Quarter and a stone’s throw up at Showroom Choose the three-course Christmas set from the railway station, Showroom Workstation. We’ll deck the menu at £25 per head including Workstation is a unique creative venue for halls for your party and help you to create delectable dishes like confit duck leg with your Christmas party. Whether for a party cherry glaze, baked whole lemon sole, a memorable festive experience for your of 20 or 200, we’ve got it covered! guests. We will work with you Our spaces are large, airy and light to find the Christmas party CONTACT: whilst retaining their quirky, individual package that works for your Showroom Workstation charm. group or organisation and our Row, Sheffield, S1 2BX Paternoster bespoke parties can be tailored Talk to us and see what we can do for Call to book on 0114 221 0239 to your requirements. you at Showroom Workstation. We Email: christmas@showroomworkstation.org.uk guarantee to make your Christmas A festive feast will be provided www.showroomworkstation.org.uk/in/venue-hire party a cracker! . by our in-house team of talented



038 FFB Sep15 02/09/2015 15:00 Page 1

First for Business




CELBRATE IN STYLE rom Christmas parties to festive lunches, our warm, welcoming atmosphere allows you, your colleagues, family and friends to celebrate in style.


evening, simply climb the stairs and enjoy a good night’s sleep before a reviving breakfast the following morning.


Celebrate your Christmas Day in style. Let us take care of you so all you have to do is sit back, relax and enjoy your festive feast from £63 per adult and £32.50 per child.

Tankersley Manor is the best place to go to for a Christmas party night. Your evening includes a delicious three-course Christmas meal before you join our resident DJ who will take you into the early hours with some top party tunes to dance the night away. Whether you enjoy comedy or just want to step back in time and hit the dance floor with tunes from the 70s, 80s or 90s – we have something to suit everyone.Avoid the taxi queue at the end of the night and enjoy a lie-in the next morning by taking advantage of our special party night accommodation price. Bed & breakfast: per room Thursday, Friday & Sunday £65 single, £80 double or twin, Saturday £75 single, £90 double or twin.


SPA & PARTY NIGHT SLEEPOVER Escape the hustle and bustle of the run up to Christmas by indulging in two of your favourite things – pampering and partying! Enjoy an indulgent spa day including two 25 minute treatments (or one 50 minute Spa Ritual), use of the health club facilities and lunch followed by our Festive Boogie Nights Christmas Party in the evening.Begin your evening with drinks in the bar before sitting down to a three-course dinner and then dance the night away. At the end of your

New Year’s Eve is THE party of the year. Arrive in your finery as we treat you to a drink of fizz before showing you to your table to enjoy a superb buffet dinner. Our resident DJ will take you into 2016. Only £91 per person.

CONTACT: Tankersley Manor Church Lane, Tankersley, Barnsley, S75 3DQ Tel: 01226 744700


Festive Party Nights from £25 per person Private Party hire prices available on request

TANKERSLE Y M ANOR Tel: 01226 744700 tankersleymanorevents@qhotels.co.uk www.QHotels.co.uk


039 FFB Sep15 01/09/2015 13:51 Page 1



DANCING Christmas party packages AVAILABLE FROM £19.95 PER HEAD Including buffet and a DJ

DINING Three course Christmas menu £25 PER HEAD



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First For Business




John Morfitt

QUALITY OF SERVICE THE MORFITT SMITH BRAND IS EXPANDING INTO CROOKES. BUT WHAT SETS THEM APART FROM THE REST? orfitt Smith may seem like the new estate agent on the block, but the successful local company will be celebrating its two year anniversary, as well as the opening of a brand new branch this month.


The first branch was opened in Hillsborough in 2013, the second at Banner Cross earlier this year, whilst the third will be officially launched in Crookes on 12 September. All three branches specialise in selling. Not only do they concentrate on properties in the areas they are based, their reach also extends to surrounding postcodes, from a new housing development in Burncross to properties in Eckington. The company may only be two years old, but director and valuer John Morfitt worked for Reeds Rains for over 20 years and has almost 30 years of experience in the Sheffield market. John spends much of his time visiting clients, whilst his co-director Paul Batty is in charge of the day-to-day running instore. Together, they are dedicated to providing a warm welcome and a personal service.


pressure to hit targets and make a quick sale, Morfitt Smith want every client to be completely happy before they commit to them. There is no pressure to sign contracts right away and they charge a reasonable fee. You will even be offered valuable advice on how to make your home more attractive to buyers.

you through to a call centre in another city when you have concerns about your rented property, Morfitt Smith clients can easily contact or pop into their closest branch. And if you have an emergency after office hours, your call will be forwarded and personally dealt with by John.

“A simple change, such as a more neutral colour scheme can make a big difference,” says John. “We had a client who was struggling to sell her property. The feedback from the viewers was that they disliked a particular wall. Once she re-painted it, she managed to get the full asking price.”

John and Paul and their team are all passionate about what they do. Their genuine approach and strong relationships with their clients, combined with their years of property expertise that ensures you will be in safe hands with Morfitt Smith.

Morfitt Smith consistently sell houses quickly and their Hillsborough branch currently sell their properties within an average of 16 days. Another thing that sets the company apart is the way they market their properties.

Visit their brand new branch in Crookes or one of their bright and friendly branches in Banner Cross or Hillsborough today. Alternatively, find all their current properties for sale at www.morfittsmith.co.uk

“We think our marketing is superior to others. We recently hired a professional writer and photographer to show homes in their best light,” says John.

CONTACT: Crookes Branch 210 Crookes, Sheffield, S10 1TG

“For us, it’s about the quality of our service,” says John. “We treat people like individuals and not like numbers on a spreadsheet.”

If you are looking to move into rented accommodation, you will be pleased to hear that John and his team are equally committed to helping you find the right property and to being there for you once you have settled in.

Hillsborough Branch 90 Middlewood Road, Hillsborough, Sheffield, S6 4HA

Whilst many big estate agents are under

Whereas some national companies put

Banner Cross Branch 912 Ecclesall Road, Banner Cross, Sheffield, S11 8TR

021 WSide Sep15 06/08/2015 09:29 Page 1

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EVEN MORE IMPRESSIVE STYLISH NEW FIAT 500 The brand-new Fiat 500 will be on sale this September priced from £10,890. It’s more of an update than a full vehicle overall with new visuals inside and out, improved technology, greener engines and the choice of even more personalisation. Standard equipment on all models include LED daytime running lights, seven airbags, electric windows, AUX/USB ports, stop-start and a space-saver spare wheel. There are three trim levels: Pop (standard trim); Pop Star which includes air-con, 15-inch alloys and body coloured mirror caps with defrosting function; and Lounge which adds the likes of a glass sunroof, parking sensors and Bluetooth. Engines available are all petrol units: a 69hp 1.2-litre and 0.9-litre TwinAir units with 85hp or 105hp. They produce 62.8mpg, 74.3mpg and 67.3mpg respectively.

EDITION 21 The Audi A8 Edition 21 is an exclusive version of the flagship A8 with only 121 cars being built for UK customers. The Edition 21 stands apart from the rest of the A8 range thanks to its unique exterior styling and exclusive interior highlights. The exterior is styled to resemble the high performance S8 thanks to redesigned front and rear bumpers along with more pronounced side sills and some unique 20-inch double spoke alloy wheels. It’ll be powered by a 258hp 3.0litre V6 TDI making 47.9mpg on the combined cycle yet can sprint to 62mph in 5.9 seconds. Available to order now in standard and long wheelbase form priced from £72,525.

The Alfa Romeo Giulietta has always been a great car thanks to its impressive engines, driving dynamics and its achingly gorgeous supercar-inspired looks. Alfa has made the car even better by making all the engines more powerful yet more efficient. The most impressive improvement is on the 1.6-litre JTDM-2 turbo diesel which previously made 105hp, produced 70.6mpg on the combined cycle and emitted just 104g/km of CO2. Now these figures are 120hp, 74.3mpg and 99g/km of CO2 respectively. Starting from £18,450, the Giulietta’s list price hasn’t been affected.

SUPERB STEP FORWARD Skoda has done the impossible and made the new Superb even better than its predecessor. Built on VW’s MQB platform, its 75kg lighter than before yet taller, wider and longer too. This means practicality has increased no end. There’s more space inside for occupants and the boot has increased by 30 litres measuring 625 litres with seats in place and 1,760 litres with them down. For the estate, the figures are 660-litres and 1,950-litres respectively. It’s powered by a vast array of powerful yet economical engines, the most frugal being a 1.6 TDI producing 70.6mpg. It even comes with the same 2.0-litre 276hp engine fitted to the ballistic SEAT Leon Cupra 280. Prices start from £18,640 for the hatch and £19,840 for the estate. Deliveries start in September.

COMPETITIVE EDGE When the Ford EcoSport was first released, it’s fair to say it wasn’t the best compact SUV on the market. Ford has addressed these issues and now it can finally compete. You can now have the EcoSport without the rear mounted spare wheel. They’ve also improved the driving dynamics with a 10mm lower ride height, a stiffer rear torsion beam, revised spring and shock absorber rates and a revised power steering system. It’s more refined to with more sound-insulating materials used. The EcoSport is powered by a 94hp 1.5-litre TDCI (64.2mpg and 115g/km of CO2), a 123hp 1.0-litre EcoBoost unit (52.3mpg and 125g/km of CO2) or a 1.5-litre Ti-VCT (44.8mpg and 149g/km of CO2). Priced from £14,245, it’s available now.


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First For Business






he Fortina Spa Resort is giving away a fantastic weekend break for two in a five-star Tower bedroom. Indulge yourself in one of the four spas that offer more than 200 different treatments and enjoy some of the most exquisite “Dine Around the World” experiences in the hotel’s five-star restaurants with a la carte menus.


If you can’t wait to win your dream holiday, call 0800 917 3001 or book your Spa Break online at www.FortinaSpaResort.com The prize: You could be the lucky reader to win an amazing holiday break at the Fortina Spa Resort in Malta. Your Pampering Prize will include: • • • • •

Three nights accommodation in a five-star Tower bedroom Half Board with a choice of six restaurants with a la carte meals Two Thalasso pool treatments A Valletta harbour cruise 1 free entrance to ‘Spa Sante’

Enter online at www.regionalmagazine.co.uk


Terms and conditions: The prize must be taken by December 2016, excluding Christmas, New Year and school half terms. Accommodation is subject to availability. Prize is not transferable and there is no cash alternative. Flights are not included. Entrants must be aged 18 and over.

107 ESide Sep15 26/08/2015 12:18 Page 1



Range Rover Sport 3.6TD

Jaguar XJ 3.0 TD Portfolio

V8 HSE 5dr Revere HSR Ed.

SWB 4dr (start/stop)

Year/Reg: 2009 (59) Engine size: 3.6L Fuel type: Diesel Gearbox: Automatic Body style: SUV Colour: White

6,000 Miles


40,000 miles, TV, Year/Reg: 2013 (13) NAV, Bluetooth, Engine size: 3.0L iPod/Aux Fuel type: Diesel Gearbox: Automatic Body style: Saloon Colour: Black


Audi A3 1.6 TDI SE Sportback 5dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£16,950.00 Audi A3 2.0 TD SE Sportback 5dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£7,985.00 Audi A4 2.0 TDI SE 4dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£9,995.00 Audi A4 Avant 2.0 TDI 5dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£8,495.00 BMW 1 Series 2.0 118d M Sport 2dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£9,995.00 BMW 3 Series 2.0 318d ES 4dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£8,995.00 BMW 3 Series 2.0 320d M Sport 2dr . . . . . . . . . . . . .£20,490.00 BMW 3 Series 2.0 320d SE Business Edition 4dr . . . .£9,995.00 BMW X3 xDrive20d SE 5dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£16,995.00 Bentley Mulsanne 6.8 S 4dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£7,995.00 Citroen C4 Picasso 1.6 HDi VTR+ 5dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£7,495.00 Citroen C4 Picasso 1.6 HDi VTR+ 5dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£6,995.00 Citroen C5 1.6 HDi 16v VTR 5dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£5,495.00 Citroen DS3 1.6 e-HDi Airdream DStyle 3dr . . . . . . . .£8,995.00 FORD KUGA 2.0 TDCi 140 Titanium 5dr 2WD . . . . . . .£9,995.00 Ford Dorchester Limousine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£19,995.00 Ford Fiesta 1.4 Zetec 5dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£7,995.00 Ford Fiesta 1.6 Titanium 5dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£3,995.00 Ford Focus 1.6 TDCi Edge 5dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£6,495.00 Ford Focus 1.6 TDCi Edge 5dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£7,485.00 Ford Focus 1.6 TDCi Zetec 5dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£7,495.00 Ford Focus 1.6 TDCi Zetec 5dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£7,985.00 Ford Ka 1.2 Zetec 3dr (start/stop) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£5,995.00 Ford Mondeo 1.6 TDCi ECO Edge 5dr (start/stop) . . .£7,495.00 Ford Mondeo 1.6 TDCi ECO Titanium 5dr (start/stop)£7,995.00 Ford Mondeo 1.6 TDCi ECO Titanium 5dr (start/stop)£8,995.00 Ford Mondeo 2.0TDCi Edge 5dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£6,495.00 Ford Mondeo 2.0TDCi Zetec 5dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£8,495.00 Ford Transit 2.0TD 280 MWB Panel Van . . . . . . . . . . .£2,995.00 Ford Transit 2.4TDCi 350 LWB Panel Van . . . . . . . . . .£7,995.00 Honda Civic 2.2 i DTEC ES 5dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£8,995.00 Jaguar X-Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£3,295.00 Jaguar X-Type 2.1 V6 Auto Plus 4dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£2,495.00 Jaguar XF 2.2TD Premium Luxury 4dr . . . . . . . . . . .£17,495.00 Land Rover Freelander 2 2.2Td4e S 5dr 4WD . . . . . . .£9,995.00 Land Rover Range Rover Sport 3.6 TD V8 HSE 5dr .£28,995.00 MINI HATCH ONE 1.4 3DR CHILLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£5,995.00 MINI Hatch Cooper 1.6 Cooper 3dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£4,985.00 MINI Hatch Cooper 1.6 Cooper 3dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£3,250.00 MINI Hatch Cooper 1.6 Cooper Park Lane 3dr . . . . . .£3,495.00 MINI Hatch One 1.6 One 3dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£2,995.00 Mazda CX-5 2.2 TD SE-L 5dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£12,995.00 Mazda Mazda5 1.8 TS2 5dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£2,995.00 Mercedes C Class 2.1 C220 CDI Elegance 4dr . . . . . .£8,995.00 Mercedes C Class 2.1 C220 CDI Elegance 4dr . . . . . .£8,995.00 Mercedes C Class 2.1 C220 CDI SE Edition 125 4dr .£9,995.00 Mercedes E Class 2.1 E220 CDI SE 5dr . . . . . . . . . . .£12,495.00

Mercedes 3.0 E350 CDI

BMW 3 Series 2.0 320d M

BMW X3 xDrive20d SE

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Sport 2dr

2.0 5dr

Year/Reg: 2014 (14) Engine size: 3.0L Fuel type: Diesel Gearbox: Automatic Body style: Coupe Colour: Black

9,000 miles, BlueTEC AMG Sport 7GTronic Plus


Year/Reg: 2013 (13) Engine size: 2.0L Fuel type: Diesel Gearbox: Manual Body style: Coupe Colour: Black

23,000 Miles, Sat Nav Bluetooth Aux



Year/Reg: 2011 (61) Engine size: 2.0L Fuel type: Diesel Gearbox: Manual Body style: SUV Colour: White


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First For Business





ntil recently Mansfield-born Glenn Bills, 25, avoided making phone calls and speaking in public. But after taking part in the intensive McGuire Programme – run by stammerers for stammerers – Glenn is a changed man. Glenn joined Gripple, Loadhog’s sister company, at the age of 22, armed with a first-class degree in business and enterprise management from Sheffield Hallam University, under Gripple’s graduate recruitment programme. Within 18 months he had become Loadhog’s first product manager. “Getting the job at Gripple was quite a challenge,” said Glenn. “It wasn’t just a normal one-on-one interview. It was Hugh Facey, another director and several other people and the recruitment process was three days. Of course, it was terrifying but I went into it thinking ‘I’ve got to give it a go’ and obviously it went OK!” Glenn is clearly good at his job, but his stammer was holding him back.


“Everything was difficult,” said Glenn. “I have always struggled through situations rather than avoid them completely but there were things like not ordering the drink I wanted in a bar because Carlsberg was easier to say than Budweiser, for example. “The phone was the worst one for me; I would never phone anyone. I would email someone 10 times before I decided to pick up the phone. If my boss asked me to call someone to ask for a meeting I would put that off for weeks or say I’d called when I hadn’t. Obviously that affected my ability to do my job properly.” Despite being aware of the McGuire Programme since he was a teenager it wasn’t until Glenn realised his stammer was having an impact professionally that he signed up.

“I had always had the mentality that nothing would stop me but I started to realise that it would. I was getting to a point where I needed to communicate at a certain level. There were things like networking which I knew would be beneficial but which I avoided like the plague. “My mum was always saying I should do the programme and then it became better known through people like Gareth Gates and, more recently, Musharaf Asghar from TV’s Educating Yorkshire. I got to the point where I thought, ‘I’m 25, I need to do something about it – if it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work’.” The McGuire Programme runs intensive three/four day courses throughout the

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world, which cover both the physical and psychological aspects of stuttering and encourage practising of the techniques in public. “I was so nervous when I turned up to my first course in Newcastle,” said Glenn. “I didn’t know whether I’d come back a different man or come home knowing I’d exhausted the only option. “On the first night all new students are interviewed for three minutes and recorded. It is quite a high pressure situation. It’s also kind of weird: when you are younger you think you are the only person in the whole world with a stammer but you’re not.

Glenn Bills has found that he enjoys public speaking after beating his stammer

‘If you have a stammer it’s always tempting to hide away with it but the McGuire Programme teaches you not to avoid anything. My colleagues think it’s a miracle. It’s without a doubt the best thing I’ve ever done.’

“The days are very long and it is hard work because you are basically rebuilding your speaking technique from scratch; word by word, letter by letter. You are not allowed to speak to anyone except for in that room. You can’t phone home, watch TV or anything. By the end of the course you go out and stop a full shop of people, tell them your name and what you are doing, which is a really empowering thing to do. The progress in those four days is incredible.” The McGuire Programme is run by stammerers, all at different stages of their journey. Glenn has now attended three of the courses and has found them so beneficial that in November he will undergo training to himself become a certified coach.

said I needed their help as much as anything because it’s easier to go backwards than it is to go forwards. “To progress takes hard work and if I don’t practice the technique and don’t remain disciplined I’ll go back to where I was.” Another aspect of the programme involves challenging yourself to do things you previously avoided. “They suggest you put yourself out of your comfort zone and do things you couldn’t do before,” said Glenn. “This might be making the phone calls you avoided in the past, even if it’s just to say ‘I couldn’t ring you before’. “When I was at school I was very good at business studies and part of the assessment criteria was a presentation. I did all the Powerpoint slides, wrote the presentation but then couldn’t go ahead with it as I was too embarrassed to speak in front of the class. I’ve now arranged to go back to my old school and give a presentation to the business studies class and run a session on new product development. I’ve also done a talk to the Women’s Institute and have found that I actually quite enjoy public speaking now! “Another challenge I’ve set myself is to do some stand-up comedy this year. If I don’t get a laugh then I don’t get a laugh but at least I’ll have done what I want to do.” Glenn has also been able to take on new challenges at work. “Working in new product development my job involves a lot of communication,” he said. “I avoided calls before but have just recently arranged my first cold call meeting. I phoned, explained what we did and said I’d like to come and see you.

“That’s part of the McGuire Programme: you will always have a stammer,” he said. “It will never go away but I can be eloquent.

“It would have been so easy for me to go into a different job with less communication. On the McGuire Programme there were a lot of accountants and people working in IT because in these jobs there is a lot of time spent on computers. But that’s not what I’m good at. If you have a stammer it’s always tempting to hide away with it but the McGuire Programme teaches you not to avoid anything.

“After doing my first course I went back to work, exhausted, gathered everyone upstairs and explained where I’d been and

“My colleagues think it’s a miracle. It’s without a doubt the best thing I’ve ever done.”

Despite having come such a long way Glenn knows that he will always have to work on his stammer.


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First For Business





Chamber Means Business 2015, in association with Enterprise Barnsley and RIDO (Rotherham Investment and Development Office), takes place at Wentworth Woodhouse on Wednesday 16 September between 9am and 4pm.

An independent report has revealed that conference business in Sheffield has risen to its highest levels since 2008. The national UKCAMS Survey (prepared by RJS Associates) showed that delegates accounted for an estimated direct spend of £132.6million in 2014, up from £117.3million in 2013.

This is the fourth “Means Business” event to take place and it continues to grow every year. Andrew Denniff, chief executive of Barnsley and Rotherham Chamber of Commerce, said: “With the economy moving in the right direction, it is as important as it has ever been to talk to each other, get out there and make as many contacts as you can.”

The report highlighted Sheffield’s success in attracting association conferences accounting for 29 per cent of business in Sheffield, up on 2013 and significantly higher than the national average of 18 per cent in the rest of the UK. Brendan Moffett, Director of Marketing Sheffield, said: “This is a strong indication of the success of Marketing Sheffield initiatives such as our Conference Ambassador Programme which specifically seeks to increase association conference business working with local ambassadors. “It clearly demonstrates the importance of conference business to the city’s economy and reaffirms why business tourism is at the heart of Marketing Sheffield’s strategic work.



ROOM SPONSORS MAKE IT BETTER FOR SICKEST CHILDREN Big-hearted companies have pledged hundreds of thousands of pounds to sponsoring bedrooms, wards and consulting rooms in a new hospital wing currently being built at The Children’s Hospital in Sheffield. The room sponsorship is part of the hospital redevelopment being funded through the charity’s Make it Better appeal. The appeal will help build three new wards, with mostly private, en-suite rooms complete with proper parent beds, so families can be together during the most difficult times. The new wing will also feature a giant play tower, spacious outpatients department and a secure outdoor courtyard so patients can get fresh air during long stays on the wards. Paul Firth, regional managing partner of Irwin Mitchell’s Sheffield office – who sponsored a £25,000 private room – said: “We have been a supporter of The Children’s Hospital Charity for a long time and we were keen to take this further. We are delighted to be sponsoring a room in the new ward and we believe it is the ideal way for Irwin Mitchell to demonstrate its long-term support and commitment for such an important local charity and essential facility for the well-being of our children.” Other firms sponsoring a room at the hospital are Halifax, Investec, Royal Bank of Scotland, Matalan, GRI Group, Plusnet, Brewkitchen, HSBC, Ancon, Wilko, Proact, Peter Hoare & Co, Thomson Airways, Perrigo, Nandos, SIG Apprentices, Double Tree by Hilton, PWC, Newburgh Engineering, Sheffield Hallam – Events Students and Virgin Media. David Vernon-Edwards, director of The Children’s Hospital Charity, said: “Businesses are integral to our fundraising, and with just a year to go until building work is set for completion, we still urgently need support to help bring world-class facilities to match the existing world-class care.”


SHEFFIELD ASSAY OFFICE PUNCH PARTY An evening of summer punch and canapés were enjoyed by over 80 guests at Sheffield Assay Office. The summer punch party was held in aid of the Master Cutler’s Challenge 2015 in support of Brathay Trust. With the backdrop of the Sheffield Assay Office’s millennium punch bowl, 12 unique punch cups and the presence of the four designer makers – Chris Knight, Brett Payne, Alex Brogden and Keith Tyssen – this was a real unique punch party. The Chairman of the Sheffield Assay Office, Chris Heaton, welcomed the distinguished guests, the Deputy Lord Mayor of Sheffield, Master and Mistress Cutler and thanked the Cutlers Company for the loan of an alternative punch bowl which could be used by the guests. The evening raised £1,550 for the Brathay Trust.

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FROM EUROPE TO YORKSHIRE – COMMERCIAL FREIGHT TAKES OFF Automotive parts have been flown from Europe to Yorkshire as a ferry strike caused chaos in Calais. 2Excel Aviation Ltd, a British carrier based at Doncaster Sheffield Airport, made its first commercial cargo flight to Liege to fly automotive parts for a large UK based company. The Calais strike, along with the Channel Tunnel closures, had the potential to cripple production for many UK-based companies because crucial manufacturing parts were caught up in the shut-down. Richie Matthews, cargo manager and pilot for 2Excel Aviation, said: “Even though we are a small team, we were able to respond quickly to the situation in Calais and we made several trips to Liege and Leipzig in a week ferrying nearly 30 tonnes of freight to and from Doncaster on our Boeing 727-200 aircraft. “All of the cargo we carried was material for the UK automotive industry, with air freight operators such as ourselves playing a clear role in ensuring that production lines did not shut down.” 2Excel Aviation, in partnership with HAE, offers its cargo aircraft for ad-hoc charter operations from Doncaster Sheffield Airport, to locations across the globe, working along with Anglo World Cargo for its Doncaster activities.

CELEBRATING 30 YEARS Finance For Enterprise (originally Donbac) celebrated its 30th anniversary with guests at Doncaster Races. For three decades Finance for Enterprise has played a vital enterprise role in the region, supporting client businesses and partner organisations, investing in other funding agencies such as South Yorkshire Investment Fund, making grant awards for enterprise in education projects and funding enterprise research.

CARGO GROWTH IN DONCASTER Doncaster Sheffield Airport has smashed its cargo throughput for 2014 in the first six months of 2015, transporting more cargo in the period from January to June 2015 than it did in throughout the whole of 2014. The figures, which represent the tonnage of consignments in and out of the airport, show that growth in this area is going from strength to strength. Doncaster Sheffield Airport, through operator Anglo World Cargo, has managed consignments across the globe during the six-month period, including Nepal, Kenya, Venezuela, USA and key European destinations such as Greece and France. Doncaster Sheffield Airport’s Cargo Terminal consists of 12,000sqft of operational space and has a full range of equipment and facilities capable of handling any aircraft. This, coupled with the airport’s 2,893m runway, means through Anglo World Cargo, it has the ability to handle all aspects of airfreight from the smallest parcel to bespoke charters of large cargo aircraft, such as the Antonov-225s. For more information about Doncaster Sheffield Airport visit www.robinhoodairport.com

RECRUITMENT TEAM UNITE FOR CHARITY RUNNING CHALLENGE A group of 21 staff from Linear Recruitment, which has its headquarters in Sheffield, will take on the Morrison’s Great Yorkshire Run when it comes to the city on 27 September to raise money for The Children’s Hospital Charity. Jonathan Palmer, operations director at Linear Recruitment, said: “We like to support the charity because we know the fantastic work they do. Supporting good causes not only helps us boost our business profile through demonstrating corporate social responsibility, it also helps us keep our staff focused on doing something positive for the community.” All money raised will help build a brand new wing at The Children’s Hospital, as part of the charity’s Make it Better appeal.


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First For Business

10 THINGS...



10 THINGS... TO HELP YOUR BUSINESS SAVE ENERGY AND MONEY BY GARY HAGUE, DIRECTOR OF REGIONAL ENERGY. enewable energy experts Regional Energy install biomass heating systems to businesses, hotels, country estates, farms and schools.

R 1


Leaving just one computer on overnight, over the weekend and especially over bank holidays, can cost £35 a year, so pull the plug on the PCs, photocopiers and printers when you leave the office.



Converting to LED lighting could save 70 per cent off your lighting bills.


Install an effective building energy management system (BEMS) to improve plant and equipment control; monitor energy usage; and optimise machine operating times. BEMS time clock schedules help make sure plant is not running when it shouldn’t be. You can achieve savings of anything up to 30 per cent.



Take advantage of your roof space and


the sunshine by investing in solar panels. These will provide long-term electricity for your business and you’ll receive the government’s Feed in Tariff payments for 20 years.



Using natural light sources makes employees feel better and it also saves on electricity. You can also use blinds to direct sunlight upwards – this stops rooms from overheating and prevents glare on computer screens.



Improving your employees’ awareness of energy efficiency can not only save you money on your bills but can also improve staff performance. You would be amazed the impact good heat and light can have on making your employees more comfortable in the workplace.


The government is paying companies to switch from expensive fossil fuels to renewable heating alternatives. Business premises owners should act now to take best advantage of Renewable Heat Incentives on biomass boilers as the

government is reducing the tariffs quarterly.



Effective metering enables business owners to continuously improve their performance by monitoring energy consumption. Monitor items such as heating, process equipment, air conditioning and lighting to spot problems and resolve them.


Old and out of date models of computers, fridges and boilers tend to be far less energy efficient. Update to new products wherever possible. A 15year-old oil or gas-powered boiler can be as low as 60 per cent efficient.


Prepare for the colder weather now.Talk to a reputable renewable energy company to review your electricity and heating demands, look at green alternatives and how government incentives should make this option at least cost neutral for business premises owners.

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