CONFETTI Your ultimate wedding guide
EDUCATION Give your child a great start in life
The North’s multi award-winning Kitchen Design Studio
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20 The wedding countdown
15 Confetti
42 Wonderful weddings
84 Eating Out
Everything you ever wanted to know about planning the perfect wedding
Businesses to help you make your big day absolutely perfect
We dine at the Wild Swan, Food 4 Kitchen, and the Crown Inn
20 Wedding countdown
64 Beauty
92 Homes and Gardens
The seven most important parts of your big day – and how to cope with them
The perfect scents for your walk down the aisle
28 Young at heart
70 Travel
There are many positives to getting married later in life
Venture to some of the most iconic destinations in Europe
30 Fashion
74 What’s on
Fill your big day with glitz and glamour
Our monthly round-up of the region’s arts and entertainment scene
Keep it country with rural accessories
106 In Brief
What’s been going on in the region this month?
114 Schools
Educational establishments to give your kids a great start in life
For all advertising enquiries please call 0114 250 6300 or contact: Amanda Roy: amanda.roy@rmcmedia.co.uk (Tel: 07843 633184) Lisa Dawson: lisa.dawson@rmcmedia.co.uk (Tel: 07733 275086) MANAGING EDITOR Chris Wilson EDITORIAL Phoebe Seymour DIGITAL REPORTER Ashley Birch CHIEF SUB-EDITOR Richard Abbey SUB-EDITOR Richard Smith STUDIO MANAGER Chris Brierley DESIGN Dan Wray, Steve Levers, Charles Bradshaw OPERATIONS DIRECTOR Jillion Wood PUBLISHING DIRECTOR Amanda Roy SALES EXECUTIVE Lisa Dawson DIGITAL COMMERCIAL MANAGER Melanie Jackson DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Chris Clayton ACCOUNTS Paul Barrett Published by: RMC MEDIA, 6 Broadfield Court, Broadfield Business Park, Sheffield, S8 0XF Tel: 0114 250 6300. Email: northside@rmcmedia.co.uk. Website: www.northsidemagazine.co.uk Not connected with any other company or group. Printed by Buxton Press, Buxton, Derbyshire. www.buxtonpress.com The publisher takes no responsibility whatsoever for the safe keeping or return of unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or other material. Any submitted material should be accompanied by an SAE. All material is the copyright of the RMC Media and is not to be reproduced without permission. The placing of an order for the insertion of an advertisement in this publication shall amount to an acceptance of our terms and conditions, copies of which are available on request.
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Teenage kicks
Teenage T e eenage kicks kicks
We report on the specialist adolescent sports injuries service provided by Spire Leeds and how it is helping teenagers on the road to recovery.
Read R ead about a new new, w, specialist child and adolescen adolescentt spor sports ts injur injuryy ser service vice a att Sp Many teenagers participate in sports activities in and Spire Spire LLeeds eeds Hospital is amongst the largest largest out ofprivate school like any in athlete at every level, they th and priv ateand hospitals the North Nor has been can pick up injuries.ffor established o or 30 years. years. It provides provides medical care care
ting lists 35 specialties andinjuries its clinics and oper operating Whilstinteen athletes sustain at a similar rateato ar are e run by a of more consultants. onsultan ts. team o f mor e than 200 c adults, the injuries affecting adolescents are different from those affecting adults, because they are still private The hospital has the widest range range of of private growing. It is important therefore that they are treated ser vices f or o ch childr en adolescen ts of any any services for children and adolescents of by specialists experienced in paediatrics, that is, those priv a shir e private te hospital in West W est Yorkshire Y ork o and is who are trained to treat children and adolescents up to accredited by the CQC CQC (Care (Care Quality Commission) Commission) accredited the age of 18. to pr provide ovide sur surgery gery ffor or o childr children en fr from om 10k 10kg g of of
weigh weight upw upwards ar its dedica dedicated tedteam childr children’s ward. ard. Spire Leeds isthome tods theinregion’s largest ofen’s w consultants who are experienced in treating sports vices e overseen overseen by Child and adolescen adolescent t ser services are injuries. Working in partnership with thear hospital’s f 40 c onsultan ts , man y o a team o of consultants, many of f whom own nursing, scanning and physiotherapy teams, the work orthopaedics and so ar are within qmNJXA`Xqtq WN`m pNtupc }eucVNp mAtXNctq te Su`` TtcNqq or thopaedics e highly xperienced tr easporting ting spor ting injuries and experienced treating sporting e and get them back tointheir activities. en and yyoung oung people children people.. rrehabilitation ehabilitation in childr tnership with the Consultants partnership C onsultants work in par adiology, pathology hospital’ss own nursing nursing,, rradiology, hospital’ pathology physiotherapy teams to help to return and ph ysiother return Teenage sportsapy injuries }}eucVNp mAtXNctq te Su`` TtcNqq AcL VNt tWNb eucVNp mAtXNctq te Su`` TtcNqq AcL VNt tWNb As children reach puberty and adolescence they back to their sporting spor ting activities. ac tivities. VNcNpA``} N|mNpXNcJN A qXVcXTJAct Vpe{tW qmupt¶ 3WXq
Vpe{tW Xq uquA``} ucNzNc¶ 3WN IecNq Vpe{ Tpqt AcL bA} Teenage T eenage e spor sp sports ts injuries pull excessively on the muscles and tendons, causing mAXc AcL XcUAbbAtXec¶ 3WXq ucNzNc Vpe{tW mAttNpc children each puber puberty tytoand adolescence childr enmore rreach they makesAs teenagers susceptible muscle, tendon they VNcNpA``} N|mNpXNcJN A qXVcXTJAct Vpe{tW qmupt¶ N p X N c J N A q X V c X T J A c t V p e { t V N c N p A ` ` } N | m W q m and growth plate injuries. The main types of injury tend upt ¶ une growth uneven. grow gr ow th is usually ven. The bones ow to fallThis into two categories – acute and overuse injuries.gr
Tpqt AcL bA} mu`` N|JNqqXzN`} ec tWN buqJ`Nq AcL T pqt AcL bA} mu`` N|JNqqXzN`} ec tWN buqJ`Nq AcL
AcutettNcLecq¸ JAuqXcV mAXc AcL XcUAbbAtXec¶ 3WXq injuries NcLecqare ¸ JAcaused uqXcV by mAsudden Xc AcL trauma XcUAbsuch bAtXas ec¶ 3WXq collisions, sprains strains. uneven growth pattern makes more une vfractures, en gr owfalls, th pa ttern and mak es teenagers mor e
susceptible toto muscle, tendonover andtime growth growth plate plate Overuse injuries tend occur gradually o ffall all a in of of injury injur y tendisto into Thetechnique main types to eitherinjuries. due to poor or when an activity categories overuse veruse twosoca tegories - acute o injuries. repeated often, the body doesand not have enough time to recover between sporting activity. A stress fracture is are e in caused sudden tr trauma auma such Acuteoveruse injuries ar a common injury young by athletes. fractures, actures, ffalls, a alls, spr sprains ains and str strains. as ccollisions, ollisions, fr ains.
Adolescents can also experience growth plate injuries. Growth plates are the last part of the bones to Overuse eruse injuries tend to occur gr gradually adually o over Ov ver stop developing. Situated near the ends of the long time either due to poor technique or when an bones, the growth plates are areas of cartilage which activity is repeated epea ted so often, o f ten, t the body does not ac tivity r harden into bone once growth is complete. They are have have enough time to recover recover between sporting sporting particularly vulnerable to fractures in contact or high activity. acsports. tivity. A stress stress fr fracture acture is a ccommon ommon o overuse veruse impact
injury injury in young young a athletes. thletes.
Prompt Medical Attention Adolescen Adolescents ts can also e experience xperience gr growth owth pla plate te injuries. Growth Growth pla tes isare aracute e theorlast par of the Regardless of whether anplates injury duepart to t of overuse, it is important a teen. who bones to stop developing. Situated near the ends dethat veloping Situahas teddeveloped symptoms seen and examined by ath medical o off theis long bones bones, , the gr growth ow pla plates tes ar are e ar areas off eas o professional to avoid anyhar long-term damage car cartilage tilage which harden den in into to bone or once gr growth owth disability. is ccomplete. omplete. The Theyy ar are e par particularly ticularly vulner vulnerable able to fr fractures actures in ccontact ontact or high impact impact sports. sports.
Treatment Pr Prompt ompt Medical A Attention ttention The treatment required will depend on the individual
injury but typical treatment includes physiotherapy, R egardless o Regardless off whether an injur injuryy is acute or due strength and conditioning, bracing, splinting or surgery.
to o veruse, it is impor tant tha overuse, important thatt a teen who has de veloped symptoms is seen and e xamined by developed examined a medical pr ofe essional to a void an professional avoid anyy long-term damage or disability sabilityy. disability.
Spire Leeds’ specialist sports service for young people At Spire Leeds we offer a comprehensive service– treating everything from growth plate and knee injuries to fractures and `XVAbNct LAbAVN¶ %up mAtXNctq INcNTt Speb¿ •
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pire pire Leeds Leeds Hospital in Roundhay Roundhay 0113 218 5977
Sports injuries treated at Spire Leeds includ
Stress fractures
Shoulder and elbow
• www.spireleeds.com/private-gp-services Tendon and • Ankle, foot, heal ligament injuries and shoulder pain • Muscle tears Guide disease Private Priv ate tr treatment eatment ccosts osts • Sever’s • Sprains Out-patient appointment Out -patient appoin tment with a consultant consultant £200 • Osgood-Schlatter dis • Overuse injuries £113
X-ray X -ray
MRII •scanKnee pain MR
£541 Larsen-Johansson di
CT C T scan
Ultrasound U ltrasound scan
Private treatment costs Physiotherapy treatment Ph ysiother apy tr eatment session
Families without private medical treatment can choose to pay for th teen’s treatment themselves. Typical guide prices include: %ut¹mAtXNct AmmeXctbNct {XtW A Jecqu`tAct
"0 qJAc
3 qJAc
4`tpAqeucL qJAc
-W}qXetWNpAm} tpNAtbNct qNqqXec
Options to pay in monthly instalments are available through our me loan partner, Zebra Health Finance. Visit Wttm¿ºº{{{¶ NIpAWNA`tWTcAcJN¶Jebº for more information.
Consultants Consultants specialising in teenage sports sports injuries Consultants specialising in teenage sports injuries All see childr children en 0-18 yrs unless stated stated otherwise otherwise FFoot oot & ankle Hand & wrist HandC &ampbell wrist Foot & ankleN Pr Professor ofessor e Nick Harris Mr Doug Campbell (16-18 yrs only) Mr Doug Campbell (16-18 yrs only) Professor Nick Harris Mr R Robert ober t F Farnell arnell (16-18 yrsonly) only) Mr Robert Farnell (16-18 yrs Shoulder & wrist Shoulder & wrist Mr Simon Knigh Knight t Mr Simon Knight Mr Roger Hackney Mr Rspecialises oger Hackne Hackney y groin hernia) Pr Professor ofe essor Simon K Kay aKay y Professor Simon (AlsoRoger in sports Ms Grainne Bourke (Also specialises in spor sports ts gr groin oin Ms Grainne Gr ainne Bourk Bourke e Mr Charlie Talbot (16-18 yrs only) Catherine Hernon Mr Neil Pennington hernia) Ms C Catherine aMs therine Hernon Knee & soft tissue Mr Ta albot (16-18 yrs only) Hip Charlie Talbot Mr Colin Mr NeilHolton Pennington Pennington KneeMr & Ram so soft ftVenkatesh tissue Mr Steve Bollen Mr Patrick Foster Mr R Ram am V Venkatesh enk tesh Mr SanjeevaAnand Hip Mr Ste Steve v e Bollen Mr Owen Wall Mr Stephen Guy Mr Colin Colin Holton Holton Mr Sanjee Sanjeev v Anand Mr P Patrick atrick FFoster oster Mr Owen Owen W Wall all Mr Stephen Guy
All see children 0-18 yrs unless stated otherwise
Analy Analysis sis o off scans and X X-rays -rays Analysis of scans and X-rays ffor o or an any y musculosk musculoskeletal eletal pr problem oblem for any musculoskeletal problem Dr Phil O’ O’Connor CDr onnor Phil O’Connor Dr Andr Andrew ewDr Gr Grainger aingerGrainger (16-18(16-18 yrs only) Andrew yrs only) Dr Richar Richard d Dr FFawcett aRichard wcett Fawcett Sports & exercise medicine DrerJon Power (16-18 yrs only) Spor Sports ts & e exercise x cise medicine Dr Jon Power Power (16-18 yrs only)
Sports Sports Psychiatry Psychiatry Dr Allan Johnston Johnston (16-18 yrs only)
For more information on Spire Leeds’ adolescent sports injuries service call 0113 218 5977 or email XcSe qmXpN`NNLq¶Jeb or visit our Medicine and Surgery section on {{{¶qmXpN`NNLq¶Jeb
Spir Spire e LLeeds eeds Hospital, Jackson Jackson Avenue, Avenue, Roundhay, Roundhay, Leeds, Leeds, LLS8 S8 1N 1NT T
DR ALLAN JOHNSTON MBBS, MRCPSYCH, CERT.MED.ED (IU) IS A CONSULTANT SPORTS PSYCHIATRIST AND ONE OF ONLY A SMALL NUMBER OF SPECIALISTS IN THIS FIELD IN THE UK. Dr Allan Johnston is a consultant sports psychiatrist working at Spire Leeds Hospital. He is psychiatrist to Killmarsh Neigbourhood Team, Chair of Derbyshire Suicide Prevention Strategy Group, Deputy Chair RCPsych Sports & Exercise Psychiatry SIG and a Trustee of State of Mind Sports Charity. He sees patients from the age of 16 upwards.
Question Do footballers, athletes or other celebrities have more mental health problems than the general public? Answer
As a Sports Psychiatrist I see a range of people, many from the world of sport but also from media professions. Each area has its own pressures as well as its own rewards. Research shows us that top-flight athletes have comparable rates of common mental health problems such as depression and anxiety to those of the general public. The difference in my role is understanding the context in which the person works and any specific environmental stressors that are impacting on the person’s wellbeing or performance. The mental health of athletes has gained increasing attention over recent years with high profile sportsmen and women such as Johnny Wilkinson or Victoria Pendleton coming forward to speak about their own problems and how they have overcome these. This has helped to break down the stigma that prevents people from seeking help particularly in the sometimes closed environment of a sports team. Athletes can have additional pressures that those of us in the general public do not typically experience. The risk of physical injury at work, the pressure to perform in front of large crowds or intense media speculation, the need to retire at an early age and develop a new career. Certain sports such as cricket have extensive periods of travel away from home and family. Athletes often present with mental health problems during periods of transitions such as trying to break into the team, periods of injury, or retirement especially if this occurs early or suddenly. As a sports psychiatrist at the Spire Leeds, I see a range of people from a range of performance disciplines and support athletes through an understanding of the particular ways in which the sporting environment can affect the wellbeing and performance of the athlete. For further information or to book a consultation with Dr Johnston, contact the Private Patient Advisor Team at Spire Leeds Hospital. Tel 0113 2185977 email info@spireleeds.com
12 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
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Your ultimate Northside wedding guide
* Wedding countdown * Fashion * Beauty
Image: Wharfedale Grange – the wedding venue of your dreams www.wharfedalegrange.co.uk
Find your fairytale Let The Bridal Collection and The Harrogate Wedding Lounge help you discover the wedding dress of your dreams.
ou’ve found the perfect partner, squealed an excited yes and popped more than a few champagne corks to celebrate. Now it’s time to start planning the big day and, most importantly, search for your dream dress. Luckily, independent boutique bridal shops The Bridal Collection and The Harrogate Wedding Lounge have a wealth of knowledge to ensure your dream wedding gown becomes a reality. The Bridal Collection is one of the UK’s most highly regarded, award-winning bridal boutiques, and has been styling brides for over ten years. Family-owned, it’s run alongside its sister boutique, The Harrogate Wedding Lounge. The highly experienced and knowledgeable team strive to push the boundaries of luxury retail, wowing brides with the very best in product, service, standard and surroundings. They offer the best in UK, European and US designers with gowns ranging from £900 to £3,700. Both boutiques have a fantastic range of designers to choose from including
16 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
Justin Alexander, Enzoani, Maggie Sottero, Suzanne Neville, Jenny Packham, Caroline Castigliano and Sassi Holford. So whether you are working on a small budget, or looking for something a bit more lavish they have something to suit everyone. The team boasts over 30 years’ experience in everything from pattern cutting and hand embellishment through to designing. And they offer an exceptional in-house alteration and bespoke tailoring service meaning you can rest assured they will ensure alterations are performed to the highest of standard in their on-site sewing suite. The consultations are informative yet relaxed with the simple aim of finding you the perfect dress, so you have the confidence to express yourself on the way down the aisle. Starting with an informal chat about your wedding, your likes and dislikes, budget and time frame they are with you from start to finish. When buying a wedding dress, it’s important you get the very best experience and, shopping at these local boutiques ensures you receive unbeatable
personal service from the moment you walk through the doors to the after care. Whether your style is elegant and sophisticated, glamorous and sparkling, understated and timeless or bohemian chic, every bride is unique and always celebrated at The Bridal Collection and The Harrogate Wedding Lounge. So, whatever your budget, style or shape book a private appointment at The Bridal Collection and Harrogate Wedding Lounge to find your fairytale wedding dress. The Bridal Collection 29 Park Parade, Harrogate, HG1 5AG Tel: 01423 202029 www.thebridalcollectionharrogate.com The Harrogate Wedding Lounge 38 Forest Lane Head, Harrogate, HG2 7TF Tel: 01423 888242 www.theharrogateweddinglounge.com
your dream wedding is here...
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Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 19
CHECKLIST With so many aspects to think about, planning a wedding can be one of our most stressful life events – but it doesn’t have to be. Rhiana Hughes talks you through the seven most important parts of your big day and how to tackle them.
Venue While it used to be that churches were the only venues considered when it came to planning a wedding, this has completely changed today. You might want to stick to tradition and walk down the aisle at a beautiful chapel. But if that’s not for you there are a wealth of other venues and locations where you can tie the knot. If you are brave enough to trust the British weather, consider an outdoor wedding incorporating natural colours and decoration into your big day. For those who don’t want to leave the success of their wedding up to Mother Nature, look into more modern venues with an industrial feel. Use copper and warm neutral tones for a gritty, earthy feel, and lighten up the space with fairy lights and light floral arrangements.
Flowers A bigger decision than it may first seem, choosing the flowers for your big day is an important and sometimes tricky part of wedding planning. You might have a favourite flower but will it fit in with the theme and colour scheme of your wedding? Many brides are opting for a more freeform bouquet rather than the tightly wired bunch; choosing to hold flowers that look like they might have just been plucked from a nearby garden while still looking elegant and cleverly put together. When it comes to picking floral arrangements for the venue, think about hanging plants or table wreaths. These will still be eye-catching while allowing your guests to chat across the table without having to duck and dive behind an overbearing centrepiece.
When choosing the cake for your big day you might feel overwhelmed by the number of flavours, sizes and designs on offer. If you’re having a small wedding, save yourself some money and opt for a one or two tier cake with more of a personalised style, and if your wedding is going to be on the larger side, consider a bigger cake with more of a simple design. Simple doesn’t mean boring, and there are countless bakeries that will offer beautiful cakes that can fit in with the theme of your wedding. You don’t have to stick to tradition and go for the common fruit cake either, if your favourite flavour is chocolate or funfetti – go for it. Dessert tables are proving more and more popular too, so if you don’t feel like splashing out on a big cake, pick some of your favourite sweet treats and let your guests pick at them throughout the night.
Brides, the natural look is in. Though your make up does need to last all day and photograph well, there are ways to have this done without looking completely unlike yourself, so be mindful when picking a makeup artist. How you wear your hair for your wedding is as important as the dress. The bridal up do is slowly becoming a thing of the past, so why not consider a vamped up version of your everyday look. Grooms, while you might be planning on just getting up and going on your big day, there are things you can do to get yourself feeling confident on what is your special day. Depending on how fast your hair grows, get yourself a haircut a week or two before the wedding so it’s not looking too overdone on the day. Take care of any facial hair that could look messy; you don’t want to look back at photos and wish you’d had a shave. Also, there’s one thing you really should consider that might not have crossed your mind – get yourself a manicure. Your day is going to consist of a lot of hand shaking, and you probably don’t want to be reaching out to guests with long nails or dry palms.
Catering The traditional three course sit down meal is still popular, but this can make it harder to please all of your guests, especially with all the varying dietary requirements you’ll find within a friendship group these days, and even more so if you’ve invited any fussy little ones. Instead of worrying about creating three or four separate menus, why not find a caterer who can create an assortment of small and sharing plates? Or if you’re having an outdoor wedding, look into having a food van or two. Lots of restaurants are starting their own catering companies, so if you’re keeping your wedding local you may well be able to get your favourite dinner spot to come down and feed yourself and guests.
Guest List You’d be amazed at how stressful putting together a guest list for your wedding can be. You and your partner may not agree on who the other wishes to invite, and even if you do, the number of guests you end up with could mean the costs of your wedding have skyrocketed. While you might be scared of hurting people’s feelings by not inviting them to your nuptials, remember that the day is about you. If you don’t want to invite that second cousin you met once at another cousins wedding, then don’t. Inviting only your nearest and dearest cuts costs and makes your day feel more special and focuses on your union, rather than spending your day playing catch up with 40 distant relatives.
What to wear Black tie is making a comeback, so grooms get your tux ready. If you’re not a fan of black or you’re planning a summer wedding and can’t face the heat in a three-piece, there are plenty of stores that can create the ideal suit to compliment the theme and your own personal style. The main attraction of the day has always been the dress, and while you might feel that there’s a lot of pressure to look perfect on your big day, the most important thing is that you feel good in the gown you’ve chosen. On trend at the moment are dresses that are relaxed and comfortable with a slightly bohemian feel, featuring elegant and intricate patterns. It’s not all about white anymore either, with brides opting for pastels or dresses featuring muted splashes of colour. Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 21
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Winter sun Escape the cold with Newcastle Airport’s top pick destinations. ith the school summer holidays now firmly behind us and the dark nights creeping up, we take a look at Newcastle International Airport’s top five destinations for winter sun this year. Whether you’re looking for a quick
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With a daily direct flight to Dubai, there’s no excuse not to visit this futuristic city. Dubai is home to some of the tallest buildings in the world, such as the iconic Burj Khalifa as well as the largest man-made islands. Brush up on the exotic history of the UAE and discover the development of Dubai, from a desert city to a world class tourist destination. There’s something for everyone in Dubai – with a plethora of “Mega Malls”, the city is perfect for retail therapy. There’s even a desert ski.
An archipelago located in the Indian Ocean, the Maldives consists of over 1,000 islands. This tropical paradise has incredible luxury hospitality – think rooms next to sandy white beaches. With five beaches to every inhabitant, you’ll never run out of private shores to discover. Take part in exotic water sports, ranging from dolphin watching to scuba diving. With an amazing diverse range of sea life, watch in awe as you spot stingrays and sharks.
Fly to Dubai from Newcastle International with Emirates.
Fly to the Maldives from Newcastle International via Dubai with Emirates.
The oldest and most famous of Egypt’s resorts, Hurghada is a Red Sea town, attracting thousands of tourists, Egyptians and foreigners daily. A popular family destination blessed with a wealth of activities, Hurghada boasts scuba diving, wind surfing, sailing and deep sea fishing. With an average daily temperature of 30°C, experience year round sunshine as you take in the many attractions throughout the resort, such as a desert safari and a Sand City museum.
For true paradise, look no further than Indonesian gem, Bali. The ‘Island of the Gods’ boasts world-class diving, stunning temples and lush jungle, it has something for everyone and every budget. If you want to be in the thick of the action, head to South Bali – Kuta is the main tourist resort on the island and is known worldwide for its long, sandy beach. For luxury in a laidback setting, Seminyak is for you. The spa capital of Bali, there’s plenty of opportunity here to relax in luscious surroundings.
If you’re truly looking to escape the British winter, where better than at the other side of the world? Take in the world famous harbour, boasting sights of the Sydney Harbour Bridge and of course the iconic performing arts venue, the Sydney Opera House. The city is also blessed with dozens of beaches, ranging from hidden coves to sandy bays. Why not hit the seas in true Australian style and go surfing or snorkelling?
Fly to Hurghada from Newcastle International with Thomas Cook.
Fly to Bali from Newcastle International via Dubai with Emirates.
Fly to Sydney from Newcastle International via Dubai with Emirates.
Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 23
Where will you go?
From tropical island getaways to activity holidays and city breaks, Bridge the World can help you plan the trip of your dreams. Peru
lanning a once-in-a-lifetime trip is a complex task, and not made easier by the amount of choice that’s out there. It’s sometimes difficult to find a travel agent that can meet all of your unique holiday requirements. Thankfully, Bridge the World has the knowledge and expertise to help you plan a oneof-a-kind, unforgettable holiday. Situated in the heart of Leeds, the team has over 45 years combined experience in the travel industry, and offers affordable luxury holidays to almost every corner of the globe. Bridge the World is a world-wide company, part of the STA Travel group that’s dedicated to taking care of all your travel needs from flights, pre-booking seats, hotel recommendations, places to visit, down to regular weather updates. They offer holidays to destinations including Canada, South-East Asia, South America, Thailand, California, Australia and Europe. The company has a large selection of pre-organised holidays to choose from including adventure tours, city breaks, sailing holidays, winter breaks and volunteer work-and-learn trips. Holidays with Bridge the World can be booked for as little as £99 deposit per person and flights from only £49. They also work closely with the tailor-made team in London to assist customers in creating a unique, one-of-a-kind holiday tailored to their specific needs. For newlyweds, knowledgeable consultants can help you kick-start married life with the
24 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
perfect honeymoon. From the moment you step through the doors, the staff are on hand with a glass of prosecco to help you through the process. Whether it’s escaping to a private island in the Maldives, touring the Great Ocean Road in Australia or simply relaxing on an idyllic beach in Thailand, the team is with you every step of the way providing a hassle-free planning service. If you’re a budding photographer, why not try a behind the scenes tour sponsored by National Geographic. You’ll meet up with one of the professional National Geographic photographers who will take you to cultural areas and hidden gems around the world. For customers wanting to do something a bit different, Bridge the World offer cruises and tours in countries including Europe, Australia, Norway, Caribbean, West Indies. They have the popular celebrity cruises where you’ll be able to see the far reaches of the globe in style and can even incorporate a cruise into a tailor-made holiday. They have all bases covered with three different travel policies. From flight-only insurance up to fully comprehensive, along with visas and cash cards you’ll know you are in safe hands. The team at Bridge the World is passionate about the holidays it creates. With exceptional service, expertise and in-depth specialist knowledge you’ll be able to plan your perfect holiday. Give them a call today to arrange an appointment and see how they can help create a holiday that’s beyond your dreams.
The Maldives
Bridge the World 21 Albion Place, Leeds LS1 6JS Tel: 0113 3229940 Email: leeds@bridgetheworld.com www.bridgetheworld.com
Bridge The World, part of the STA Travel group, are experts in tailor made travel, honeymoons and affordable luxury holidays. We specialise in the worldwide destinations that you love. CONTACT OUR BRIDGE THE WORLD TRAVEL EXPERTS Call 01322 536 012 Visit Bridge The World Leeds, 21 Albion Place, LS1 6JS or visit any STA Travel store across the UK *£50 voucher is given once you have booked your flight, and can be redeemed against a minimum spend of £300 on hotels, tours, multi-stop flights (with four non-UK stopovers with a minimum of an overnight stay on each stopover), and package holidays. Must be used within 30 days of date of original flight being booked and paid for. Voucher is non-refundable and there is no cash difference. Voucher is non-transferable to other offers. You must present the voucher to your travel expert at time of enquiry. A booking fee of £12 applies on Flight Only bookings made in store. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion.
28 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
It’s all about you With the average age at which couples marry getting higher, we look at ‘older’ brides and things they need to consider when planning their big day. By Rhiana Hughes.
hile the overall number of marriages in the UK has been steadily declining over recent years, the number of marriages at older ages is increasing, as is the age at which men and women are choosing to settle down. Research has shown that the average age for men to marry today is 37.5, while women are marrying slightly younger at 35.1. But does the age at which you decide to get married change your big day? What really is an ‘older bride’? Not too long ago, you’d have been considered an older bride if you were walking down the aisle at any age over 23. And if you were over 30, forget it… you were well and truly on the shelf. While this isn’t the case anymore, what many consider to be an older bride really isn’t very old at all. Though the average age for women to marry is 35, you might find that you’re considered an older or ‘mature’ bride as soon as you’re past the age of 27. Whether you’re 27 or 77 though, you can still have your wedding on your terms, no matter why you’re choosing to marry a bit later on. Why get married later in life? There are plenty of reasons as to why the age at which women are marrying is increasing, and no two situations are identical. Whether you’ve chosen to wait until you’re financially secure, whether you were widowed, or whether it’s simply your second (maybe even third or fourth) marriage, your wedding day will still be one of the most special days of your life. The cost of weddings is at an all-time high, so couples are giving themselves more time to save up for their big day, and with less pressure coming from families to get married, marriage is now the informed choice of couples who want to demonstrate their commitment to one another. Research actually suggests that those who marry earlier in life may face greater challenges, as they could struggle with the responsibilities of starting a family at a
relatively early age and it could be harder for them to reach any educational or career goals that they’ve set for themselves. Getting married later in life means that the chances of you having already achieved these goals is much higher. Not your first time down the aisle? Whether it’s your first, second, third or even eighth marriage, your wedding day will still be just as important to you, and who says you’ve even got to walk down the aisle this time? There is no rule book that says you have to stick to tradition, and getting remarried might actually give you an excuse to have a wedding that caters more to your personality, rather than hosting a wedding that’s more about your guests than yourself. Planning a wedding if it’s not your first time round could seem quite daunting; will your guests be as enthusiastic? Can you still register for gifts? How big should your bridal party be? Are you going to invite ex-partners? What should you wear? Where should you have the ceremony? These are all questions that will come up, if not in your own head, likely asked by other people. There is no reason though, that you can’t still enjoy the process of planning your nuptials. Try not to worry about what others will think of your big day, as it’s a day that above all else, should be enjoyed by you and your husband-to-be. If you can’t decide whether or not to invite an ex-partner, think about whether or not you’ll be comfortable with them there. If you feel uncomfortable registering for gifts, why not set up a wishing well so people can choose to contribute towards your honeymoon? Really, there shouldn’t be any problem that can’t be solved by thinking ‘what will make myself and my partner happy?’ There are still a few things to consider when getting remarried though. When planning the event with your partner, be careful to avoid saying things like ‘I did that last time’ or ‘when I married…’ as you don’t want your partner to feel that your day is
being compared to your last wedding. This is especially true when it comes to your vows. If you’re choosing to write your own vows, steer clear of talking about how you used to feel before you met your significant other, instead focus on how they make you feel now. Not only will this highlight the fact that you’re still feeling this way, but it’ll avoid any awkwardness if you did choose to invite your ex! Going to the chapel? It can take a while to find the perfect place to hold your wedding celebrations, so before you embark on the mammoth task of sifting through magazines and endless webpages, make sure you have an idea of what you want from a venue. If it’s a religious ceremony you were hoping for, make sure you check that this is an option for you, especially if it’s not your first marriage as some churches won’t perform religious ceremonies if you’ve been through a divorce. If it is the case that you can’t have a church wedding, consider getting married at your local registry office before heading to your church for a blessing instead. It doesn’t have to be a white wedding… …but it can be if you want it to be. Don’t think that because you’re not as young as you once were that you can’t wear white on your wedding day. Many young and first-time brides are wearing colour, so there’s no reason you can’t go for a classic look. Getting married as an ‘older bride’ gives you more freedom when it comes to picking your outfit as there will likely be less of a preconceived idea of what you should wear coming from your guests. What’s important is that you feel comfortable and go for something that suits you and your individual style, be it a white gown, a blush mini dress or a champagne jumpsuit, you know best what looks good on you, so don’t let others influence your decision.
Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 29
Valentino Rockstud Spike medium shoulder bag, £1,800 from Harvey Nichols, 107-111 Briggate, Leeds, LS1 6AZ. Tel: 0113 204 8888
The Ranisa dress by Pronovias Atelier and many more designer wedding dresses and accessories are available from Bridal Rogue, 6 Strawberry Dale Avenue, Harrogate, HG1 5EA. Tel: 01423 505444
Whether you are a guest or the star of the show, these boutiques can help you fill the big day with glitz and glamour.
Make it a stylish wedding! Peter Kaiser Mova shoes, £119. Available from Charles Clinkard, 32 Lands Lane, Leeds, LS1 6LB, Tel: 0113 397 1871 and 28 The Grove, Ilkley, LS29 9EE. Tel: 01943 889452
18ct yellow gold, also available in 18ct white, yellow or rose gold, grain set with brilliant cut GVS diamonds, £2,500. Available from India Mahon, 12 Montpellier Street, Harrogate, HG1 2TQ. Tel: 01423 521161
30 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
Dress by Forever Unique. Was £169, now £65 from Georgie’s, 18 West Park, Harrogate, HG1 1BJ. Tel: 01423 560092
Occasion wear for everything from weddings to race days, available from Julie Fitzmaurice, 38 Parliament Street, Harrogate, HG1 2RL. Tel: 01423 562932
New collections available from The Bridal Collection, 29 Park Parade, Harrogate, HG1 5AG, Tel: 01423 202029 and The Harrogate Wedding Lounge, 38 Forest Lane Head, Harrogate, HG2 7TF, Tel: 01423 888242
Kevan Jon Dahlia knee dress, £299.99 from Accent Clothing, 11-13 Queens Arcade, Off Briggate, Leeds, LS1 6LF. Tel: 0113 234 6767
Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 31
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32 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
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Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 33
Frank Lyman
Ian Stuart
of Pudsey Condici
Rise to the occasion
Whatever your style, shape and size – and whatever the celebration – Ragdoll of Pudsey can dress you in style.
stablished in 1976 by Joyce Pratt, this stunning independent boutique has continued to evolve over the years, building a strong following of loyal customers. Running the shop alongside Joyce, who’s now semi-retired, is daughter Maxine Thornton and daughter-in-law Michelle Pratt. Stocking merchandise customers enjoy wearing and providing a friendly environment, with excellent customer service and after care, it is no wonder this longstanding business is still thriving. Whether you’re searching for the perfect mother of the bride/groom ensemble, racewear, cruise wear, day wear or a showstopping look for any other special occasion, you’ll find it at Ragdoll. And, the choice doesn’t end there as the experienced team can dress you from top to toe with a great collection of shoes, handbags and jewellery. With footwear to suit each season, cosy winter boots, delicate holiday sandals or stunning heels there’s something to match every outfit.
34 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
What’s more, Ragdoll offer a service from two professional seamstresses to ensure each outfit is a perfect fit. You really can shop with confidence when you purchase from Ragdoll of Pudsey, knowing their outfits are individually shaped to you. Top designer brands such as Ian Stuart, Condici, John Charles, Ispirato, Veni Infantino and Irresistible line the rails. Many new customers are also surprised to discover an extensive selection of daywear by the likes of Joseph Ribkoff, Frank Lyman, James Lakeland, Elisa Cavaletti, Faber and Leo & Ugo. So whatever your style, shape and size, and whatever the occasion, Ragdoll of Pudsey has an outfit to match your requirements. Ragdoll of Pudsey 76 Galloway Lane, Pudsey Leeds, LS28 8LE Tel: 01274 660880 www.ragdollofpudsey.co.uk
Veni Infantino
of Pudsey Stunning Autumn Collections Mother of the Bride & Groom Specialists
Fabulous Day Wear & Occasion Wear with beautiful accessories for the perfect look 76 Galloway Lane, Pudsey, Leeds LS28 8LE Tel: 01274 660880 www.ragdollofpudsey.co.uk
Suzanne Neville Sottero & Midgley Rebecca Ingram Romantica Rachel Simpson shoes & Accessories
For Bridesmaids: Kelsey Rose and Dessy 1 Browgate, Baildon West Yorkshire BD17 6BP Tel: 01274 591452 www.bridalboutiqueleeds.com /bridalboutiqueleeds
Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 35
HER: Kevan Jon Vale plunge dress £249.99 (left). Kevan Jon Dahlia knee dress £299.99 (above); Kevan Jon Lotus one shoulder frill £259.99 (right) HIM: Grey Remus Uomo suit: Luca plain blazer-, £179.99; Luca plain trousers, £89.99; Luca plain waistcoat, £59.99 (left and above). Blue checked Remus Uomo suit: Lazio check blazer, £184.99; Lazio check waistcoat, £64.99; Lazio checked trousers, £89.99 (right)
Dress to impress Find the perfect wedding outfit at Accent Clothing
ith the church bells ringing, the air filled with love and confetti, wedding season is once again officially upon us. But sometimes, it seems that finding the right wedding outfit can be just as difficult as finding the right partner. With that said, it seems that Leeds’ leading independent designer destination Accent Clothing are offering a glove adorned, helping hand with their selection of unique suits & dresses outfits for the special occasion. For women, Accent’s range of beautiful designer dresses will leave you looking radiant in a wedding guest outfit with the wow factor. Be sure to win the best dressed in one of Yorkshire’s top occasion wear designers- Kevan Jon. With his chic takes on classic cuts, no piece was made with a specific wearer in mind, but with the vision to embrace the elegance and essence of the modern woman as a whole. With dresses designed in sophisticated
36 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
silhouettes to flatter every figure, is there any wonder why the Yorkshire based designer is a firm favourite amongst celebrities on the red carpet? For men, Accent’s extensive array of sharp suits from luxury brands such as Guide London, Gibson and Remus Uomo, provides plenty of choice, from linen three-piece suits to tweed and silk blazers, there’s something for the modern men, connoisseurs of the classics and everyone in between at Accent.
For lovers of the traditional, with a history dating back to the 60’s, Gibson were among the first British menswear brands to marry timeless Savile Row tailoring techniques with Carnaby Street flamboyance. For a stylish update on formal tailoring, why not try the selection of silk-lined, three piece suits from Remus Uomo, with every stich, button and detail of their suits carefully crafted and cut to the highest class. Don’t forget to finish off the look with a classic brogue from Grenson or a suede loafer from the Italian designer Paolo Vandini. Whilst Accent have a wealth of wedding wear on their online store, as anyone who has visited the Queen’s Arcade shop in the last 30 years will tell you, it’s the personal service you receive from the Accent team and their “fashion for our friends” mantra that will have you feeling like a million dollars and adding Accent to your own wedding invitation list. Accent Clothing Queens Arcade, 11-13 Queens Arcade, Off Briggate, Leeds LS1 6LF Tel: 0113 234 6767 www.accentclothing.com
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Loake Edward Tan
Loake Bedale Brown grain
Loake Chester Mahogany
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Call 0113 232 6220 www.justenous.co.uk 38 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
Confetti Gabor Capri - £99.99. Gabor Nuthatch £99.99
Gabor Dorothy - £95
Beautiful boots Fall in love with the new autumn season styles at Charles Clinkard.
he nights getting shorter, the wind getting colder and the leaves turning brown are all nature’s way of telling you that it’s time to treat yourself to a new pair of boots. Autumn truly is a wonderful season, everywhere you look the trees are turning a beautiful shade of orange and we also have the delights of Halloween and Bonfire Night to look forward to. So, whether you're looking for something comfortable to see you through trick or treating with the kids or a stylish yet warm pair to wear while watching fireworks there’s sure to be something for you at Charles Clinkard! With so many different styles of boots available it can sometimes be a little overwhelming picking the right one for you. But fear not because we’re going to be highlighting the best features of this seasons key styles to help you feel a bit more informed with your decision making. One style that’s set to continue to be big this season is the ever-popular Chelsea boot. This style works with pretty much any look from rock-chic to country-heritage making it a true wardrobe staple. Chelsea boots are extra fabulous thanks to their practical
elasticated side gussets (because who has time for laces on the school run?) A wide choice of colour, materials and heels heights make the Chelsea boot a trend that you can fully own and make your own. As well as fun and pretty leaves, Autumn also brings the dark and cold making a pair of long boots your seasonal best friend. Not only do long boots look amazing but they also keep your legs feeling warm on those days when you run out of excuses to stay indoors. There’s also the added bonus that long boots can be worn with a skirt or jeans meaning that they can easily add a final touch of style to any outfit. High and flat-heeled options mean that you can take this look as formal or casual as you like. If the knee-high look isn’t quite your thing then Clinkard’s also have a wonderful selection of ankle boots. Supportive and timeless, the ankle boot is perhaps the ultimate choice if you’re looking for something that offers both practicality and outfit versatility. Whatever your style, you’re sure to find your perfect fit among their range of
Rieker Emilia – £62
40 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
Gabor Nola - £89.99.
branded boots including styles from international bestselling brands Gabor, Josef Seibel and Rieker. Charles Clinkard is an independent family footwear retailer based in the North East of England. Stocking a wide range of brands such as Gabor, Rieker and Loake, Charles Clinkard specialises in products that convey quality and classic style. With 36 stores located throughout the United Kingdom and a history spanning more than 90 years, Charles Clinkard are experts in their field.
32 Lands Lane, Leeds, LS1 6LB Tel: 0113 397 1871 10 Coppergate, York, YO1 9NT Tel: 01904 409710 www.charlesclinkard.co.uk
Peter Kaiser Miaka – £135
www. c h a r le sclinka r d . co.u k
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Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 41
Plan the perfect day Planning your wedding, whether it’s a grand society affair with a guest list of hundreds, or a more intimate gathering for a few close friends and family, can be nerve-wracking. As the endless checklists expand and the days speed by, it’s all too easy to lose track of the fact that this is supposed to be the happiest and most carefree time of your life. But before you call the whole thing off, take a moment and try not to panic... help is closer at hand than you think. Over the next few pages we throw the spotlight on some of the finest businesses in the Northside region, all standing by to solve those nagging problems and help you celebrate your big day. From wedding dresses and occasion wear to wedding venues and restaurants, perfect for a large or small scale celebration, from rings and make-up to table favours and honeymoon or hen night locations, we’ve got it covered. Take some time to acquaint yourself with these local life savers... they may be just the thing you need to get your happy day back on track.
Wonderful weddings Make your big day extra special with the help of these local experts. by Phoebe Seymour. Accent Clothing
Whether it’s a wedding, anniversary or other special occasion, Accent Clothing have something to suit everyone. The collection of women’s occasion wear includes elegant evening dresses by designer Kevan Jon. The designs flatter any figure, making them a firm favourite amongst stars such as This Morning host, Ruth Langsford – one of three stars who wore gowns by the designer to January’s National Television Awards. For men, Accent also feature a range of silk-lined, stylish suits from Remus, J.Lindeberg and Guide London, as well as a number of three-piece suits from London based designer Gibson.
Betty’s has long been a byword for quality and attention to detail. With such beautiful settings and an outstanding reputation for service, their versatile event rooms are ideal for hosting special events such as engagement or hen parties, wedding receptions, anniversaries and baby showers. They offer two locations - Harrogate and York - each sharing the style and expertise of their historic café tea rooms yet with the privacy and space to make your celebrations truly special. Whatever the occasion, the team at Betty’s promise an experience that will delight you and your guests. Visit www.bettys.co.uk for more information.
Bridal Rogue Gallery would like to invite prospective brides to book an appointment in one of their three beautiful boutiques in London, York and Harrogate. They offer a wide range of wedding dresses available from established bridal designers, including their own made to measure range. With prices starting from £1,200 to £4,000, Bridal Rogue Gallery has the perfect dress for you. As well as fabulous designer wedding gowns, they also stock a wonderful choice of bridal accessories to complete your wedding look. To book an appointment contact London on 0207 224 7414, York on 01904 656 675 or Harrogate on 01423 505444 or browse online.
11-13 Queens Arcade, Briggate, Leeds, LS1 6LF Tel: 0113 234 6767 www.accentclothing.com
10 Grape Lane, Swinegate Court, York, YO1 7HU Tel: 01904 656675 www.bridalroguegallery.co.uk
6 - 8 Helen’s Square, York, YO1 8QP Tel: 01904 659 142 www.bettys.co.uk
1 Parliament Street, Harrogate, HG1 2QU Tel: 01423 814070
Bridal Rogue Gallery
6 Strawberry Dale Avenue, Harrogate, HG1 5EA Tel: 01423 505444
20- 22 Chiltern Street, London, W1U 7QD Tel: 0207 224 7414
Bridge The World Bridge The World, part of the STA Travel group, are experts in tailor-made travel, honeymoons and affordable luxury holidays. Situated in the heart of Leeds, the team has over 45 years combined experience in the travel industry, and offers affordable luxury holidays to almost every corner of the globe. They offer holidays to destinations including Canada, South-East Asia, South America, Thailand, California, Australia and Europe. For newlyweds, knowledgeable consultants can help you kick-start married life with the perfect honeymoon. Whether it’s escaping to a private island in the Maldives, touring the Great Ocean Road in Australia or simply relaxing on an idyllic beach in Thailand, the team is with you every step of the way providing a hassle-free planning service. 21 Albion Place, Leeds, LS1 6JSTel: 0871 7812968 // www.bridgetheworld.com
Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 43
DON’T BE BLUE, SAY I DO Your perfect day awaits… * Walk down the aisle in the beautifully dressed Winston’s Barn * Take a sip of Prosecco or Winter Pimms to mark the beginning with your guests I ->Û ÕÀ > Ì Àii V ÕÀÃi i> ] Þ ÕÀ w ÀÃÌ i> >Ã ÕÃL> ` > ` Ü vi * Celebrate with half a bottle of house wine and toast Prosecco * Take in the beautiful surroundings of the Bannister Suite, dressed in classical ivory * Indulge in a midnight snack, bacon sandwiches to see you into the night * Rest your head in Luxury suite with Yorkshire breakfast
£3,299 Based on 40 guests in January & February 2019 TO CHECK AVAILABILITY AND TO ARRANGE YOUR VIEWING, CALL OUR WEDDING COORDINATORS ON 01756 748080 OR EMAIL WEDDINGS@THECONISTONHOTEL.COM Coniston Cold, Skipton, North Yorkshire BD23 4EA T: 01756 748080 E: info@theconistonhotel.com
Plan your perfect countryside wedding with us! Originating in the 16th Century, the award-winning Crown Inn in beautiful Roecliffe has an enviable position overlooking the village green. Close to Harrogate, Ripon, Thirsk and York, our romantic beamed medieval Coach House barn and the Inn’s luxury accommodation provide the perfect venue for your wedding day. Licensed for civil ceremonies, we pride ÕÀÃi Ûià VÀi>Ì } Vi iLÀ>Ì Ã Ã«iV wV> Þ tailored to your own wedding dreams. Our dedicated team will provide a bespoke service, ensuring you enjoy your perfect day. Ó ƂƂ , ÃiÌÌi ` } «Ì Ã] w i Ü i > ` personal beer choices all add to your unique wedding celebration.
The Crown Inn Roecliffe North Yorkshire YO51 9LY 01423 322300 www.crowninnroecliffe.co.uk
46 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
S U B L I M E , O N E W O R D T O E X P R E S S YO YO U R W E D D I N G , T H E G R E AT A T E S T O F A L L DAY D AY S We d d i ngs a nd C i v i l C e reemonies mo at Hotel du V iin n H Harr a r ro g a t e. We p ro v i d e t h e p e r f e c t b a c k d ro p f o r wee d d i n ngs g s aand n d cciv i v iill p aarr tnerships t nership s as you y glide elegantl y from o ccelebr e l e b r a t i on a n d b e yon d – a l l o rc h e s t r a t e d fl a w l e s s l y ceremonyy tto by yoour u r own o personal wedding edding p planner l anner. ay about arranging anging a show sho round and enjoy a complimentar mplimentary glass of Champagne. Speak to us today
V Visit our website fo for more details: HOTELDUVIN.com
om evvents.harrogate@hotelduvin.com 01423 608 121 Please ask at time ime of booking book for standard booking terms erms and cconditions.
Confetti The Bridal Collection & The Harrogate Wedding Lounge The Bridal Collection & The Harrogate Wedding Lounge are two of Yorkshire’s most prestigious independent bridal boutiques, stocking the very best collections from leading British and international bridal design houses and offering a stress-free, seamless and personal service. They are proud to announce their upcoming 2019 collection launches. At The Bridal Collection store, their launch events include Caroline Castigliano on Saturday 22 September, Jenny Packham on Saturday 29 September and Suzanne Neville on Saturday 6 October. At The Harrogate Wedding Lounge, they include Blue by Enzoani on Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 September and Enzoani on Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 October. Call the boutiques for up to date availability and to book your personal appointment. The Bridal Collection 29 Park Parade, Harrogate, HG1 5AG Tel: 01423 202029 Email: info@thebridalcollectionharrogate.com
The Harrogate Wedding Lounge 38 Forest Lane Head, Harrogate, HG2 7TF Tel: 01423 888242 Email: info@theharrogateweddinglounge.com
Bawtry Hall
The Chapel This stunning grade II listed chapel conversion has been sympathetically restored to provide a distinctive historic and contemporary boutique bed and breakfast in the heart of Harrogate. With its eccentric and eclectic mix of the different eras, The Chapel is the perfect place to enjoy a truly unique experience and admire the fascinating objets d’art and interiors. As well as a range of en-suite bedrooms, all themed and showcasing exotic flavours of South and Southeast Asia and two living spaces, one styled as a men’s smoking room and its counterpart as a women’s boudoir, filled with all manner of ephemera.
South Parade, Bawtry, Doncaster, DN10 6JH
C’est Chocolat Table favours are a perfect way to thank your guests whilst adding that all important personal touch, and luckily C'est Chocolat of Wetherby are here to help. They are renowned for their wide range of fine continental chocolates and quality confectionery. Personalised labels can be added with ease and they can also cater to all dietary requirements to ensure your gifts are beautifully unique and truly tailor made. Quotations available by contacting Dana on 01937 582 772 or emailing dana@cestchocolat.co.uk. 3 Church Street, Wetherby, LS22 6LP Tel: 01937 582 772 www.cestchocolat.co.uk
48 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
Grove Road, Harrogate, HG1 5EW Tel: 01423 538888 // www.thechapelhg1.com
Charles Clinkard Say I do to your new sole mates… No matter what your role is at the wedding, from mother of the groom to bridesmaid, you’re going to want a fabulous pair of shoes to match. Weddings can be super long occasions so it’s important to choose a pair of shoes that can easily take you from aisle to dance floor, no questions asked. Luckily, Charles Clinkard have a wide range of beautiful shoes and matching bags from brand favourites such Peter Kaiser and Gabor - shoes that not only look great, but feel amazing. 32 Lands Lane, Leeds, LS1 6LB Tel: 0113 397 1871 28 The Grove, Ilkley, LS29 9EE Tel: 01943 889452 www.charlesclinkard.co.uk
Barnaby Aldrick Photography
Denton Hall
The Coniston Hotel Country Estate & Spa The Coniston Hotel Country Estate and Spa is nestled in 1,400 acres of Yorkshire Dales countryside, and is one of the most romantic settings imaginable - whatever the season. It’s a venue unlike any other, where personal service is at the heart of everything they do. Specialising in tailor-made weddings, The Coniston offers a stunning location, with an exclusive wedding terrace overlooking the 24acre lake, to photograph and capture those special moments. The hotel’s wedding co-ordinators, Sharon and Helen assist in the planning of your big day, and you are in safe hands - from initial show-round, to the big day itself, it’s sure to be perfect. Coniston Cold, Skipton, North Yorkshire Tel: 01756 748080 Email: weddings@theconistonhotel.com www.theconistonhotel.com
Denton Hall is the premier exclusive use wedding venue in the heart of beautiful Yorkshire. Nestling in 2,500 acres of stunning private parkland, our idyllic rural location offers you breathtaking views overlooking the historic spa town of Ilkley, the River Wharfe and the iconic Ilkley Moor. All weddings at Denton are held on Saturdays and are fully exclusive - the hall is yours from the Friday at 4pm through to the Sunday at noon. We have no minimum numbers for catering with maximum for the wedding breakfast being 100 and 160 for the evening. Denton Road, Ilkley LS29 0HH Tel: 01943 813 481 // www.denton-hall.co.uk
Falcon Manor Hotel Falcon Manor has been fully restored from top to bottom. It is glamorous and stylish with lots of contemporary twists. Plus there are photograph opportunities galore, with two bars, a snug, magnificent stairwell and a wonderful light-filled function room overlooking stunning terrace and gardens to the even more stunning Yorkshire Dales beyond. The venue can accommodate up to 80 guests for the wedding breakfast and up to 150 for the evening reception. They are licensed for civil ceremonies, and the venue is available on an exclusive use basis too. Call Emily on 01729 823814 to start planning your dream wedding today. Falcon Gardens, Settle, BD24 9BD www.falconmanor.co.uk
George’s Great British Kitchen Join the team at George’s for a seaside experience in the heart of the city. They love nothing more than a jolly good knees-up and big celebrations are their thing. With their unique twist on Great British Classic dishes, legendary sweet shop cocktails and their splendid Gin Bar, they are passionate about sharing their love of good, honest food, and their gift vouchers are a marvellous gift for any celebration. Unit 8 The Light, The Headrow, Leeds, LS1 8TL Tel: 0113 244 6959 // www.georgesgreatbritishkitchen.co.uk
Georgie’s Georgie’s is a fashionable boutique situated on the beautiful West Park opposite The Stray in Harrogate. They stock some fabulous collections of casual wear, wedding outfits and evening wear. Ranges fit around your lifestyle, letting you choose an outfit for any occasion. Georgie’s can do private appointments or you can just pop in at your leisure and enjoy a coffee or prosecco – they are delighted to say they have a man sofa and daily news. 18 West Park, Harrogate Tel: 01423 560092
Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 49
This stunning grade II listed chapel
designed open plan space and serves as the
conversion has been sympathetically
perfect venue for hosting corporate events,
restored to provide a distinctive historic and
weddings, wedding receptions, special
contemporary boutique Bed and Breakfast in
birthday occasions etc.
the heart of Harrogate Town. With it’s The Chapel boasts a private garden with large
eccentric and eclectic mix of the different
external balcony, perfect for drinks, receptions
eras, The Chapel is the perfect place to enjoy a truly unique experience and admire the fascinating objets d’art and interiors.
and private dinners with some of the country’s
top chefs on hand to provide unrivalled
The Chapel’s 50ft high atrium is a beautifully
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If you’re y ou ’r e loo looking king for so something mething diff different, f eer ent, y our eyes e y es on o n Falcon Falco n Manor – a then ffeast eeast your truly tr ul y unique unique,, boutique-st boutique-style y le countr countryy house hotel set in the picturesque pictur esque Y Yorkshire oor kshir e Dales. The rreception eceptio n rrooms oo ms ar aree simpl simplyy delightful bedr oo ms be y o nd co mpar e. W and the bedrooms beyond compare. Wee ccan an accommodate acco mmodate up to 80 guests for the wedding breakfast, br eakfast, 150 evening e v ening guests and we ar aree licensed for civil cer ceremonies. emo nies. The gardens gar dens and gr grounds ounds ar aree tr truly ul y lo lovely v el y too too..
yyour our dr eam day at Too discuss T di dream Falcon Manor F alcon M anor please call 01729 823814 www.falconmanor.co.uk www.falconmanor.co.uk | Skipton Skipton Rd, Settle, Settle, BD24 9BD Kirsten Platt Photography
Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 51
Escape to the Yorkshire coast this Autumn, discover Humble Bee Farm Glamping & Luxury Holiday Cottages On our working farm, near Scarborough
Tel: 01723 890 437 info@humblebeefarm.co.uk • www.humblebeefarm.co.uk •
The Boar's Head is a beautiful old Coaching Inn. It is part of the Ripley Castle Estate and one of the Great Inns of Britain. Visitors can enjoy a relaxed atmosphere in luxurious and historic surroundings. Our Bedrooms are individually decorated and the Bistro and Brasserie serve excellent cuisine in lovely surroundings to both residents and non-residents. The Boar’s Head | Ripley | Harrogate | 01423 770152 | www.boarsheadripley.co.uk The Boar’s Head at Ripley Castle |
52 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
Catch the buzz For the warmest of Yorkshire welcomes, the place to be is Humble Bee! ased in the beautiful and secluded Yorkshire Wolds, Humble Bee Farm is a working family farm which offers superb glamping, camping and holiday cottages within its picturesque pastures. This staycation location is the perfect hub for the Yorkshire Coast, North York Moors National Park and cultural cities such as Hull and York. Humble Bee Farm includes three luxury, self-catering cottages, two of which have outdoor hot tubs under thatched gazebos. Each cottage sleeps up to four guests and is superbly equipped, offering an exceptional holiday experience. The cottages are close to our duck pond and our happy hens – you can even collect a fresh egg for breakfast! If you love the great outdoors, then glamping is all the rage. Glamping at Humble Bee is perfect for families, couples or solo travellers, and includes Wigwam® Cabins, and Nomadic Yurts. There are two Wigwam ® Cabins to choose from: spacious Big Chiefs that sleep up to a family of five, including mattresses, toaster, kettle, microwave and fridge. Or if you really want a touch of luxury, there are four Running Water Deluxe cabins, all ensuite with kitchen, dining area and access to its own private, wood-fired hot tub.
All the Wigwam® Cabins are fully heated and insulated, perfect for an autumn break, and have additional facilities such as a charcoal barbecue and a firepit. Humble Bee offer a number of additional extras, anything from fresh bed linen and fairy lights to full glamping packages, which can really enhance your glamping stay. The Nomadic Yurts are spacious, sleeping up to a family of four with a double bed, two futons, toaster, kettle, fridge, microwave, stove burner and outdoor kitchen. And for those who still love the camping experience, there are two electric and ten non-electric pitches with good facilities including two toilet and shower blocks. All guests have access to the children’s play area, a sports field, nature trail and, of course, the
chance to meet the farmyard gang and seeing Farmer Percy on his rounds. Humble Bee Farm has a shop and reception area with lots of leaflets about the local attractions, souvenirs and even freshly ground coffee – great for giving you that early morning buzz. Guests are encouraged to really immerse themselves on the farm and there is a nature events calendar from February to November each year. As most of the accommodation is open 12 months a year, you can join them even if there’s snow on the ground. Humble Bee is the place to be this autumn and winter – they look forward to seeing you soon. www.humblebeefarm.co.uk
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ǧ ǯ ǧ
͝͞ Ǧ ͡ Ƥ ǡ gardens and our beautiful bedrooms. day and it's also a wonderful opportunity to take a closer look at ǡ Ǥ We hope to meet you on the day.
Sunday 16th September, from 12 - 5pm (Free entry)
Wentbridge House Hotel, The Great North Road Wentbridge, Pontefract, West Yorkshire WF8 3JJ - Contact us on 01977 620444 or email weddings@wentbridgehouse.co.uk -
Harrogate Majestic Hotel
Goldsborough Hall View Goldsborough Hall’s elegant staterooms and luxurious accommodation at their wedding open afternoon on Sunday 14 October from 1pm until 3pm. Goldsborough Hall is one of Vogue magazine’s ‘Venues in Vogue’ and their accommodation has been rated five gold stars from the AA. The team at Goldsborough Hall leave nothing left to chance. Whether it be a civil ceremony in one of our staterooms, a wedding in St. Mary’s Church adjoining the Hall, reception drinks and canapés or a sumptuous Wedding Breakfast prepared by awardwinning head chef Adam Thur, followed by an evening of dancing they have it covered. On the day, there will be wedding cars, courtesy of Yorkshire Wedding Cars, including a Rolls-Royce Phantom. There will also be fizz, canapes, music, centrepiece flower arrangements, and chair covers. Church Street, Goldsborough, Harrogate, HG5 8NR Tel: 01423 867321 www.goldsboroughhall.com
The Harrogate Majestic Hotel can create the wedding day you have always dreamed of. Whether it is a flamboyant or grand affair, a tea party, or a lovely intimate dinner with your closest family and friends, their friendly team will ensure you and your guests feel special, welcome and relaxed. From the minute you walk through their door to the moment you say “I do!” the team will be at your side to make sure your happily ever after starts just as you want it. So let, yourself be charmed by their beautiful interiors and gardens, and the team will do the rest. Ripon Road, Harrogate, HG1 2HU Tel: 01423 700 300 www.thecairncollection.co.uk
Hotel Du Vin & Bistro Sublime. One word to express the greatest of all days. With exquisite private rooms, gorgeous suites, a tranquil courtyard and heavenly dining, it's the perfect backdrop as you glide elegantly from ceremony to wedding breakfast and beyond. Formal or informal, funky or traditional, Hotel Du Vin ensure the food and drink complement your wedding perfectly. What would you like? A five-course wedding breakfast or a completely bespoke dining menu and wine list specifically created for the occasion by their resident chef and sommelier? The choice is yours, but whatever you decide, come the big day, they’ll work diligently behind the scenes to make sure everything runs like clockwork. Prospect Place, Harrogate, HG1 1LB Tel: 0330 0160390 www.hotelduvin.com
Humble Bee Farm and Wig Wam Holidays Humble Bee Farm and Wig Wam Holidays is ideal for a mini-moon, honeymoon or simply a place to relax and unwind before or after your big day. Their Yorkshire Wolds location is perfect for newly-weds or even for popping the question. With stunning scenery, romance is guaranteed with their private yet well-placed location. Close to the beautiful Yorkshire Coast and picturesque moors, they offer a hideaway and a chance to make some great memories. Stay in one of their Running Water Deluxe Wigwam® Cabins, with private wood-fired hot tub or one of their luxury ground floor cottages with hot tubs. Open that chilled bottle of bubbly and watch those stars appear in the night sky – perfect! Flixton, Scarborough, YO11 3UJ Tel: 01723 890437 // www.humblebeefarm.co.uk
58 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
India Mahon India Mahon is the creator of elegant, ethical and inventive contemporary jewellery. Consulting closely with you, India can understand and interpret your personal tastes and individual requirements or design and make unique custom-made pieces of handmade jewellery. Yorkshire-born India recently opened an elegant new jewellery boutique in the Montpellier Quarter of the cosmopolitan spa town of Harrogate, North Yorkshire, whilst retaining her boutique and workshop in the Cotswolds. This heralds a new concept in modern jewellery shopping with a calendar of exciting forthcoming events, including “by appointment” personal shopping for couples looking for rings, bridal jewellery and wedding gifts.
The Ilkley Shoe Company With the right shoes, you can be prepared to walk her back down the aisle knowing that you both look amazing on your big day and with a bit of care, both your shoes and your marriage can last years. The Ilkley Shoe Company have one of the largest ranges of shoes from Loake and Barkers and a great selection of Jeffery West shoes for the big day and forever after - just don’t leave it til the last minute! Like them on Facebook www.facebook.com/theilkleyshoecompany to keep up to date with offers and promotions. Open Monday to Saturday, 8am to 5pm and closed Sundays.
12 Montpellier Street, Harrogate, HG1 2TQ Tel: 01423 521161 www.indiamahon.com
9-15 The Grove Promenade, Ilkley, LS29 8AF Tel: 01943 603072 www.theilkleyshoecompany.com
Julie Fitzmaurice
Morgan Clare
Julie Fitzmaurice is situated in the heart of Harrogate and surrounded by numerous restaurants including Betty's and The Ivy. They house both casual and occasionwear and also offer a bespoke service. Over the years the dedicated team, headed by the owner Gini Palm, have built up a loyal clientele and the stunning collections have something for everyone whatever shape or size for all occasions including hats and outfits for weddings, racing, dining with royalty, cocktail glam events, office day to dinner, beach, yachting and more. They know exactly how to dress you.
Morgan Clare, Yorkshire’s premium designer store, introduces three fabulous labels to its 50 strong collection for AW18. Customers are already loving the new arrivals of; Ganni, La Maison Talulah and Les Coyotes de Paris. Morgan Clare’s eclectic blend of brands just keeps on evolving. From premium to niche, Stella McCartney to Essentiel Antwerp and, not forgetting staples from 360 cashmere or Jumper 1234. And, The MC jean shop is the go to destination for key labels from J Brand to Citizens of Humanity. Morgan Clare delivers the ultimate in retail therapy with relaxed, friendly and spacious stores and a personal shopping experience available to all.
Monday – Saturday, 9am - 5.30pm and Sundays by appointment. 38 Parliament Street, Harrogate, HG1 2RL Tel: 01423 562932 // wwwjuliefitzmaurice.com
Montpellier Gardens, Harrogate, HG1 2TF 36 The Grove, Ilkley, LS29 9EE www.morganclare.co.uk
Lotherton Hall This welcoming Edwardian country home situated between Leeds and York is the perfect venue for your special day. The spectacular drawing room with its wonderful grand piano is licensed for civil ceremonies for up to 80 guests, while the Servants’ Hall acts as a perfect space for a drinks reception. The magnificent landscaped parkland makes the perfect place for a marquee to hold your full reception and be sure to make use of the estate’s beautiful grounds for endless photo opportunities. The wonderfully romantic views of the formal gardens and deer park make this a truly special setting for your reception. Lotherton Lane, Aberford, Leeds, LS25 3EB // Tel: 0113 378 2959 www.leeds.gov.uk/lothertonweddings
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A wedding at beautiful Bawtry Hall combines style, attention to detail and sheer romance. Envisage the scene: an enchanting Grade II listed building boasting a white Tuscan front porch, encapsulated by decadent, landscaped gardens and embellished with crisp white hydrangeas. Combine this with an array of personal touches, bespoke service and scrupulous attention to detail, and before you lies a charming oasis - just a stone’s throw away from the heart of the historic market town of Bawtry - perfect for those looking for a unique and personalised wedding experience.
Diligence is at the heart of any celebration and at Bawtry Hall each is a happy marriage of classic elegance and contemporary style. Whether you’re looking for an affluent grand reception, a chic civil ceremony, or complete wedding package - with no hidden extras - couples are presented with a choice of beautiful reception suites which can be arranged and configured to suit your exact requirements.
Š Pears Photography
To book your personal showround and private viewing, call 01302 710341 or email our events team on events@bawtryhall.co.uk Visit our webite www.bawtryhall.co.uk
Noir Beautique From a perfectly contoured brow, flawless base to long-lasting lip colour, Noir Beautique provides professional makeup services to suit all occasions, from bridal, party makeup, prom to special effects. Modern make-up techniques for current make-up trends and the highest quality products ensure your look endures. Friendly, knowledgeable expert beauticians help give your look the ‘wow’– factor and long lasting lash lift techniques, enhance natural lashes to achieve the illusion of added length without the risk of damage. From mink fluffy lash extensions, one-on-one lash extensions, SVS lashes and hybrid techniques - Noir Beautique can give you the perfect look for either special events, booking a sunny trip away or for a get-up-and-go solution with lashes that look groomed 24/7. 141 The Avenue, Alwoodley, Leeds LS17 7PA Tel: 0113 8693060 Mob: 07871 4651641 Email: Noir_Beautique@outlook.com
Pout Are you a bride to be and looking to be weddingday ready? Then look no further than Pout Beauty in Chapel Allerton. The highly skilled team of therapists can tend to your every need – from hosting your pre-wedding hen pamper parties with champagne, canapés, butlers in the buff and live music, to the all-important bridal beauty must haves. If you crave flawless skin for your special day, their knowledgeable and experienced skin therapists will develop a bespoke skin care regime using only high quality products including Environ, Nouveau A-Lift and Dermatude. There is also a team of talented official HD Brows make up and brow stylists and certified Nouveau lash technicians who can ensure you and your bridal party look picture perfect. From facials, make up, lashes, brows, spray tans and nails, Pout Beauty can offer you the very best treatments and a personal service to ensure the build up to your big day is stress free and enjoyable. 172-174 Harrogate Road, Leeds, LS7 4NZ Tel: 0113 268 1618 www.poutbeautysalon.com
62 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
Rudding Park Rudding Park is one of the most beautiful wedding venues in Yorkshire. The Radcliffe Room can host a wedding for 80 to 200 guests, the Crosby Suite 50 to 72 guests or a marquee can be adjoined to Rudding House for larger weddings. A range of rooms are available for smaller weddings and for something a little different, the Breeze House adjacent to the Kitchen Garden is licensed for civil ceremonies with seating for 120 on the lawn.The beauty of Rudding Park is its versatility. You can choose from four packages or create a bespoke wedding and with the award-winning hotel, spa and golf, a chapel perfect for wedding blessings, Rudding Park is the natural choice. Rudding Lane, Follifoot, Harrogate, HG3 1JH Tel: 01423 844822 // www.ruddingpark.co.uk
Queensbury Jewellers Diamond engagement and wedding rings by Swiss designer jeweller Furrer-Jacot available exclusively at Queensbury Jewellers. 336 Kirkstall Road, Leeds, LS4 2DS Tel: 0113 230 6070 www.queensburyjewellers.co.uk
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The Crown Inn, Roecliffe Surrounded by beautiful Yorkshire countryside, couples have been celebrating ‘tying the knot’ at The Crown Inn at Roecliffe for many years and are able to have a complete individually-tailored package from ceremony to honeymoon. The romantic medieval Coach House barn is licensed for civil ceremonies and the 2 AA Rosette Awarded kitchen provides food to satisfy even the most discerning wedding guest. Newlyweds have the choice of four luxury ensuite bedrooms. Joe, Sarah and The Crown Inn wedding team will ensure you have the unique wedding you’ve been dreaming of. Roecliffe, North Yorkshire, YO51 9LY Tel: 01423 322300 www.crowninnroecliffe.co.uk
W Hamond Temple Newsam Temple Newsam is a beautiful Tudor-Jacobean mansion, which is licensed to hold weddings and civil partnership ceremonies. The stunning stately home has extensive grounds that boast many choices for a marquee to hold your main reception and wedding breakfast. Just a short walk from the house is the walled garden which is home to an extensive rose garden and magnificent herbaceous borders – the perfect backdrop for stunning photographs. We still have a few dates remaining for 2018, so do call us for more information. Temple Newsam Road, off Selby Road, Leeds, LS15 0AE Tel: 0113 336 7460 // www.leeds.gov.uk/templenewsamweddings
Thai Edge Thai Edge is a distinctive Leeds landmark overlooking Millennium Square and a go-to destination for lovers of authentic Thai cuisine. The décor is calming and contemporary with some classic Thai touches, but also an emphasis on clean crisp lines, balance and intelligent use of space... perfect for an intimate celebration or a larger gathering. Meanwhile the food is of a uniformly high standard, with subtle blends of spices and herbs such as lemongrass, basil, coriander and galangal, and each dish is presented to look as good as it tastes. 7 Calverley Street, Leeds, LS1 3DA Tel: 0113 243 6333 www.thaiedgeleeds.co.uk
Thwaite Mill Nestled on a beautiful island in between the Leeds and Liverpool Canal and the River Aire, Thwaite Mills is a unique venue allowing couples to put their own stamp on their special day. Perfect for a rustic country wedding, Thwaite is full of Yorkshire charm and heritage, from the original warehouse to the surrounding paddocks. There are a number of flexible options for receptions including hire of grounds, buildings and marquees; plus heaps of space for street-food style vans to park up as a catering option. Thwaite Lane, Stourton, Leeds, LS10 1RP // Tel: 0113 378 2983 www.leeds.gov.uk/ thwaiteweddings
View the stunning wedding ring collection – modern and contemporary handmade wedding rings, along with timeless and classic ring designs available in a variety of precious metals including white gold, yellow gold, platinum and palladium. They offer an exceptional choice of diamond set wedding rings, alongside an exclusive collection of Whitby Jet wedding bands. Make your wedding day extra special with a stunning selection of handmade wedding rings in contemporary and classic styles, you can be sure will simply take your partner’s breath away, and treasured for a lifetime. 10 Queen Victoria Street, Victoria Quarter, Leeds, LS1 6BE Tel: 0113 234 0538 // www.whamond.com
Wentbridge House Hotel Wentbridge House is an award-winning country house hotel, set within 20 acres of gardens and grounds. The setting is beautiful, ensuring truly stunning photographs and Wentbridge has become one of the finest and most desirable wedding venues in Yorkshire. Choose to have your ceremony in one of their elegant event rooms, or opt for an outdoor ceremony in their romantic Garden Folly. Whatever you decide, you’re safe in the knowledge that on your chosen day, yours will be the only wedding reception taking place at Wentbridge House. Their team will work with you at every stage to help you create an unforgettable day that is uniquely yours. Their next Wedding Showcase is on Sunday 16 September from 12 noon until 5pm. They would love the opportunity to show you around. The Great North Road, Wentbridge, WF8 3JJ Tel: 01977 620444 Email: wedding@wentbridgehouse.co.uk www.wentbridgehouse.co.uk
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M&S La Maison de Senteurs Tendre Cherie Eau de Parfum £15 www.marksand spencer.com If you want something more delicate opt for the La Maison – a soft, romantic fragrance of fruits, jasmine and musk.
Debenhams Cartier La Panthere Eau de Parfum, Body Lotion and Mini £110 www.debenhams.com La Panthere is a captivating fragrance that reveals a free and passionate woman. It combines feline floral accord with velvety musky notes.
Spray it with love
Next Coral Blush 100ml Eau De Parfum £14 www.next.co.uk This fresh floral fragrance offers a burst of juniper berry, bergamot and Sicilian lemon and the wave of spicy aromatic black pepper and angelica seed create an air of mystery.
Bella Freud Pschoanalysis Eau De Parfum 100ml £165 www.libertylondon.com This parfum is the result of obsessive love; of your happiness being held in the hands of another; of a love that’s immediately satisfying, so what scent is more perfect for your big day?
IT’S ALL ABOUT FINDING THAT PERFECT SCENT FOR YOUR WALK DOWN THE AISLE. HERE ARE OUR TOP PICKS TO HELP YOU FIND YOUR MATCHING FRAGRANCE ON YOUR WEDDING DAY. Sisley Limited Edition Soir d’Orient www.harrods.com Launching in August, this limited edition opulent fragrance has been created exclusively for Harrods. Drawing on the scents of Eau du Soir and presented in a stunning green and gold crocodile skin design it exudes a wild, precious and unexpected allure.
Hermetica Megaflower £155 www.hermetic.com A bouquet of orange flower, wrapped with amber elements that add an inviting warmth. Like love at first sight, this fragrance strikes both a powerful yet delicate thunder of white florals and vetiver oil.
Chloe Nomade from £49 www.chloe.com A mix of softness and strength, the facets of this powerful floral chypre blow like the winds of freedom. The intense, mineral character of the oak moss is shrouded in the voluptuous sweetness of the Mirabelle plum. From this freshness emanates a sensation of flowery luminescence carried by freesia.
New Look Mercury Fragrance 50ml £9.99 www.newlook.com It’s not all about the bride, as the groom needs to nail his perfect scent too. This is a spicy oriental fragrance bursting with rich opulent opening notes of bergamot, coriander, cardamom and Neroli.
Jo Malone Earl Grey & Cucumber £90 www.jomalone.co.uk A fragrance with a burst of bergamot, distinct to Earl Grey and the cool succulence of cucumber, counterpoised with a sweet base of beeswax, vanilla and musk – reviving and refreshing. 64 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
John Lewis Twilly d’Hermes Eau de Parfum 50ml £70 www.johnlewis.com Ginger, tuberose and sandalwood are given a new twist. Combined they become searing spice, disconcerting attraction and a revelation of the carnal. Finished with a hand-tied silk ribbon, it’s perfect for the big day.
Perfect Packages for your Special Day
View our treatment list and book online at www.poutbeautysalon.com or call us on 0113 268 1618 You can now book through our easy to use Pout Beauty App
POUT BEAUTY 172-174 Harrogate Road, Chapel Allerton, Leeds LS7 4NZ @PoutBeautyLeeds
From a perfectly contoured brow, flawless base to Long-lasting lip colour, Noir Beautique provides professional makeup services to suit all occasions, from bridal, party makeup, prom to special effects. Modern make-up techniques for current make-up trends Highest quality products ensure your look endures Friendly, knowledgeable expert beauticians
Give your look the
‘wow’-factor Long lasting lash lift techniques, that enhance natural lashes to achieve the illusion of added length without the risk of damage. " ) , ' +( "' #"' - #" ' +( "' #"' ' ' , & ( " %) ' Perfect for special events, booking a sunny trip away or for a get-up and go solution with lashes that look groomed 24/7
66 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
Nor Beautique, 141 The Avenue, Alwoodley, Leeds LS17 7PA Tel: 0113 8693060 Mob: 07871 451641 Email: Noir_Beautique@outlook.com
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Watch Tomislav, lifting oysters from the dazzling sea, before enjoying them with a glass of something chilled with your new friends. Country Roads of Croatia: Ston, Croatia
Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 69
ne of the world’s most popular tourist destinations in Europe right now is Croatia – and it’s not hard to see why. The dazzling coastline might be the first thing that steals your heart, but the walled city of Dubrovnik, UNESCO protected city of Split and breathtaking national parks will keep you coming back for more. The mere mention of Croatia conjures up images of pristine landscapes and sparkling seas, fortified towns furnished with outdoor cafés, heaving with care-free yachties, recently blown in from the last picture-perfect port. The sun-drenched coast has long served as an exotic playground for Europe's crowned heads. Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson famously skinny-dipped there in the 1930s. In fact, most of Europe's greatest empires including the Romans, Venetians, Ottoman Turks and Habsburgs, have all left their calling card in the form of architecture, language, art and food. The superb city of Dubrovnik, its medieval
70 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
bastions rising vertically from the sea, is known as the ‘Pearl of the Adriatic’. Everyone from George Bernard Shaw to the King of Jordan have been beguiled by its cobbled streets and old world charm. See the Rector’s Palace, Onofrio’s fountain and the Franciscan and Dominican monasteries. A great way to see Croatia is exploring via the country roads. You can discover the fascinating island of Korčula, a mini-fortress encased in honey-coloured walls, which rivals Dubrovnik as the top jewel in Croatia’s crown, during a walking exploration. You’ll hear about local legends and visit the ruins of the supposed birthplace of Marco Polo. The city of Split is a town within a town, a maze of cobbled alleys and marbled flagged courtyards – the remnants of a Roman Emperor’s palace. Today’s cafés, bars and shopkeepers ply their trade from the same facades carved some 1700 years ago. Away from the coast, a real highlight is entering by mini-train into the world-famous
“The sun-drenched coast has long served as an exotic playground for Europe's crowned heads. The Romans, Venetians, Ottoman Turks and Habsburgs, have all left their calling card.”
Postojna Cave system, before walking through an illuminated fairyland of stalactites and stalagmites. Visit this UNESCO World Heritage Site and then marvel at the water wonderland of Plitvice Lakes National Park as you walk along stunning cascades. Think striking azure waterways, cascading falls and thick woodland sheltering abundant wildlife. Be sure to check out the fascinating capital city of Zagreb. Explore the mazes of the upper and lower town, Archbishop’s Palace, St. Marks Church and the Opera House for a varied overview of the city. Don’t forget to explore Roosevelt Square, the attractive facades of Ban Josip Jelačić Square and the majestic cathedral. Croatia also boasts the world’s best sunsets (Alfred Hitchcock was a huge fan!) so a dinner cruise on a fisherman’s boat while the sun takes its nightly bow is a must-do. The coves and hidden beaches of the beautiful island of Hvar are not to be missed too. Sounds idyllic doesn’t it? Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 71
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MUSIC Barry Manilow 1 September First Direct Arena Arena Way, Leeds, LS2 8BY Tickets from £23.40 www.firstdirectarena.com
Due to overwhelming demand, superstar Barry Manilow has announced a return to the first direct arena. Manilow is known for his classic hits such a Mandy, Copacabana, Can’t Smile Without You, Could it Be Magic and many more.
Jane McDonald 2 September Leeds Grand Theatre 46 New Briggate, Leeds LS1 6NZ Tickets from £33.50 www.leedsgrandtheatre.com A phenomenal singer with her stunning band and knock out production will bring audiences to their feet on this evening of music and laughter. Not to be missed.
Charlie Worsham 2 September Brundell Social Club 33 Queen's Road, Leeds LS6 1NY Tickets £14 adv. www.brundellsocialclub.co.uk As a ridiculously talented multiinstrumentalist and student of great songs, he's developed a unique modern country sound built around the traditional acoustic instruments he grew up on. 74 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
Reverend and The Makers 4 October O2 Academy 55 Cookridge Street, Leeds LS2 3AW Tickets £21.30 www.academymusicgroup.com Sheffield rock’n’roll radicals, Reverend & The Makers will be playing three very special shows this autumn, in support of their acclaimed new album, The Death Of A King.
The y r a i D nders nah Sa By Han
THEATRE Cilla The Musical 16 - 20 October Leeds Grand Theatre 46 New Briggate, Leeds LS1 6NZ Tickets from £28 www.sheffieldtheatres.co.uk The story follows the extraordinary life of the ordinary teenage girl from Liverpool, Priscilla White, and her rocky, yet incredible, rise to fame. The musical score is the ultimate soundtrack to the 60’s including Cilla’s greatest hits Anyone Who Had a Heart, Alfie and Something Tells Me, Twist and Shout by The Beatles, California Dreamin’ by The Mamas and The Papas and more.
An Inspector Calls 14- 22 September York Theatre Royal St Leonard's Place,York YO1 7HD Tickets from £20 www.yorktheatreroyal.co.uk When Inspector Goole arrives unexpectedly at the prosperous Birling family home, their peaceful dinner party is shattered by his investigations into the death of a young woman.
Cross Gates' first-ever beer festival, with added gins and proseccos. Kicking off from 12 until late, there will be 14 craft ales, two craft ciders, and an array of prosecco and gins to wet your whistles.
EVENTS Yorkshire Free From Show 1 September Leeds Town Hall The Headrow, Leeds LS1 3AD Tickets £5 (on door) www.veganeventsuk.co.uk Sample healthy ‘free from’ products. Find refined sugarfree chocolate gluten-free desserts & savoury snacks and a whole host of dairy free products.
Northern Antiques Fair: Elaine Phillips Antiques, 17th century Aubusson tapestry with 18th century Spanish table (above) and Fileman Antiques, Victorian opaline vase
Yorkshire Yoga, Health and Wellbeing Show 2 September Victoria Hall The Headrow, Leeds LS1 3AD Tickets £6 (on door) The Yorkshire Yoga Show will feature a full demos, 60+ fantastic stalls, all-day health and nutrition talks and more.
Barnbow Beer Festival 8 September Barnbow Social Club Manston Lane, Leeds, LS15 8ST Tickets £6 www.skiddle.com
STAGE & SCREEN An Evening with Richard E Grant: Part of Harrogate Film Festival 2 September Royal Hall Ripon Road, Harrogate, HG1 2RD Tickets from £29.50 www.harrogatetheatre.co.uk An evening with Richard E Grant will explore his successful career in film.
Neil Oliver 1 October Harrogate Theatre 6 Oxford Street, Harrogate HG1 1QF Tickets from £22.50 www.harrogatetheatre.co.uk During his 20 years travelling to every corner and whilst filming BBC 2’s Coast, Neil Oliver has fallen in love all over again. Hear in his amusing and entertaining way what it all means to him, and why we need to cherish and celebrate our wonderful countries.
Heritage Open Days
14 - 16 September Leeds Beckett University www.heritageopendays.org.uk Explore the historic campus with a variety of activities including tours, talks and exhibitions marking the important role the site played as a hospital during WWI.
The Northern Antiques Fair 4 - 7 October Harrogate Convention Centre Harrogate, North Yorkshire HG1 2SY Tickets £7.50 including catalogue (and re-admission) www.northernfair.com Following the success of last autumn’s relaunch under new ownership and management, The Northern Antique Dealers Fair Limited is returning to stage the annual Northern Antiques Fair.
Blue Planet II: Live in Concert 19 March 2019 First Direct Arena Arena Way, Leeds, LS2 8BY Tickets from £46 www.firstdirectarena.com A selection of stunning visuals from the television series, highlighting the incredible natural wonders of our blue planet in breathtaking detail, projected on a state-of-the-art 200 square metre 4K Ultra HD LED screen.
COMING UP AT FIRST DIRECT ARENA Arena Way, Leeds, LS2 8BY www.firstdirectarena.com Tickets on sale now
Early Doors 5 October From £26.40
Florence + The Machine 15 November From £43.40
David Byrne 21 October From £38.90
Culture Club 23 November From £47.50
MUSEUMS & GALLERIES Beer: a history of brewing and drinking Until 28 October Temple Newsam House Temple Newsam Road, Leeds LS15 0AE www.leeds.gov.uk Do you know the difference between a small beer and stingo? Or that beer was sometimes used to treat illnesses? They reveal the history of brewing and drinking beer at Temple Newsam for the first time.
Himalayan Fashion Until 26 October Lotherton Hall Off Collier Lane, Aberford, Leeds LS25 3EB www.leeds.gov.uk Discover sumptuous Beer jug decorated in silk brocades, Leeds, 1770s (C) Leeds Museums and Galleries geometric dhaka cotton weaves, fine Kashmir wool shawls and whole rainbows of printed prayer flags.
A Woman’s Place Until 31 December Abbey House Museum Abbey Walk, Leeds LS5 3EH www.leeds.gov.uk On the centenary of some women getting the vote, A Woman’s Place? looks at the struggles and progress of women in achieving equality and recognition. The exhibition features stories and objects from strong pioneering women such as Leonora Cohen and Nicola Adams, from 1860 to the present day. Discover how everyday life has changed for women in the home, school and workplace.
COMEDY Tim Vine: Sunset Milk Idiot 2 - 3 October City Varieties Music Hall Swan Street, Leeds LS1 6LW Tickets from £22.60 www.cityvarieties.co.uk It’s Tim Vine back on tour, telling lots of silly new jokes, showing off new homemade props, singing some new daft ditties and all with the appearance of confidence. The following subjects will be touched upon; pixie football, ice cream and nibble feeders. Come along, sit down and laugh.
Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 75
rchaeologist, historian, author and TV presenter, Neil Oliver will be sharing his love of Great Britain with audiences up and down the country on his first ever UK theatre tour. The tour, The Story of the British Isles in 100 places - which is also the title of his most recent book - will give people the opportunity to share in his enthusiasm, learn more about his unique perspective of British history, and join him in celebrating our wonderful countries. Here he talks about his career inspiration, most memorable archaeological find and what he’s looking forward to about the upcoming tour.
What was your inspiration to become an archaeologist, author and TV presenter? None of it was planned. At school my favourite subjects were history and English, and I had intended on studying history at University. However after a trip to Glasgow University, I visited the archaeology department by chance and I just became completely captivated by it, so embarked on a degree. A friend and I were interested in the AngloZulu war of 1879, so we started a project to excavate some of the battle. It came to the attention of a London TV company who
76 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
suggested we presented a TV series called Two Men In A Trench. The next job for me was Coast, and I continued writing and producing books and then I started a series called The History of Scotland and wrote a book for it - doing these TV series was my way into being an author. What is one of your most memorable archaeological finds? When I was working on Two Men In A Trench with Tony, we excavated the battlefield of Flodden in Northumberland and discovered a lead cannonball. We worked out that this must have been fired from an English gun towards the Scottish army. For me, this was one of the most significant discoveries I have ever made – just to imagine what was going on at the time this was fired is astounding. What’s the most interesting part of your job? I’m interested in people, so the best part of my job is the opportunity to speak to all sorts of people for all sorts of different reasons. What inspired you to take The Story of The British Isles in 100 Places with you? I had been planning to write this book for a while, and because I’ve had such an interesting education about Britain I felt I wanted to share it.
There’s nothing quite like a public audience, and the chance to do something like this for the first time in 38 venues is special. What’s your favourite place in the British Isles? Orkney, in the far north of Scotland. As an archaeologist I’m interested in the new Stone Age - where the technology of farming was brought to the British Isles for the first time and on Orkney there’s a fantastic survival of monuments and archaeological sites from that period. Do you think we sometimes underestimate what’s on our doorstep? Yes I think we do, and it’s important to remind people of how much there is to celebrate here in Britain. From the scenery, history, culture and heritage - there’s so many things to discover that are right on our doorsteps. What’s next on the cards for you? I have a few upcoming TV series including Scots in China and The Rise of the Clans. I’ve also got my second novel - Black Glass - being published at the start of next year.
Neil Oliver will be at Harrogate Theatre 1 October, to book tickets visit www.harrogatetheatre.co.uk.
Ready for the rain DOWNTON ABBEY STAR ED SPEELERS TELLS HANNAH SANDERS WHY HE’S HAPPY TO BE A BIT OF A CHARLIE… ell-known for his performance as the cheeky footman Jimmy Kent in the Golden Globe and Emmywinning show Downton Abbey, Ed Speleers will be making his firstever theatre appearance in the upcoming Rain Man production as Charlie Babbit. Rain Man, inspired by the Oscar-winning film starring Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman, follows what happens when Charlie discovers his long-lost autistic brother, Raymond Babbit (Mathew Horne) has inherited the family fortune. Ed, alongside the other actors will be bringing to life this heart-warming, powerful tale of self-discovery. Here he talks about his acting inspiration, the importance of the arts and what he’s most looking forward to about playing Charlie.
Tell me about the inspiration behind your acting career. I was involved in acting from a very young age, with my first proper play being A Midsummer’s Night Dream where I played Puck. I loved the buzz I got from the acting, even down to learning about the character. Growing up my teachers were great mentors and frequently encouraged me to act. They took the time to make sure I channelled what I was feeling into my performances. I think sometimes the arts get overlooked at school but they are so important - they were for me as they offer children a way of expressing and discovering themselves. Producing came later in life and over the last
couple of years it’s been much more to the forefront. It gives me a chance to tell my own stories in a unique way. What advice would you give to those wanting to pursue a career in acting? I would say firstly try and get an education so you have something behind you. Then, always have your eyes open – if you want to become an actor you need to remember that it’s a tough career path. I would tell people to only do acting if you are passionate about it in its purest form, and if you do choose that career path then have no fear and no regrets – give it your all. What are you looking forward to about the role of Charlie Babbit? This is my first play so I’m really excited about the whole thing. It’s a big challenge but I can’t wait to explore Charlie’s character and perform to an audience. It’s a powerful story, and it will be great to be able to further understand what drives my
character. Leaving home at 16 is hard, and a huge jump to make and it will be interesting to explore his relationships and work alongside the other actors. I’m really looking forward to travelling the country with this production, and it will be great to be back in Leeds again. How do you prepare for a role? I start by trying to understand the character, and I use the script and research to delve into the role to understand what drives them. What’s great about this being a theatre production, is that you can constantly adapt your character as you discover new things each performance. You can fully immerse yourself in their world, and adapt and change with each show. Finally, what can the audience expect? A heart-warming, funny road trip. It’s going to be great fun and enjoyable for everyone, they’ll get to follow the characters on the journey staying with them the whole way through.
Rain Man will be at Leeds Grand Theatre from 29 October - 3 November. To book tickets visit www.leedsgrandtheatre.com Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 77
SEA CREATURES LIKE YOU VE NEVER SEEN THEM BEFORE 27th October - 28th November Harrogate Convention Centre Book now at seacreaturestour.com Official Marine Life Information Provider
Use code to get 20% of all tickets today! Exhibition Produced by
Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 79
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80 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
Starry, starry night YOU’LL NEED TO MOVE QUICKLY TO SECURE TICKETS FOR THE ST GEMMA’S HOSPICE WINTER BALL. he annual St Gemma’s Hospice Winter Ball, kindly sponsored by Lawcris Panel Products, will take place again at the Elland Road Centenary Pavilion, on Saturday 24 November 2018. Promising to be a night of glitz, glamour and spectacular entertainment, the event includes a fizz reception, four-course meal, live band, DJ, and a whole host of activities such as a raffle and a live and silent auction
to provide guests with some phenomenal prizes. Based in Moortown, the hospice provides outstanding end of life care to over 3,000 patients and their families across Leeds every year. The Winter Ball is the perfect night to enjoy with family and friends, or as a works Christmas party, all in the name of raising as much money as possible for the vital work of
St Gemma’s Hospice. Why not come along and join in the party to help raise invaluable funds to help St Gemma’s continue to care? St Gemma’s Hospice are expecting to sell out this year, so to avoid disappointment, please visit their website https://events.stgemma.co.uk/events/winter-ball/ or contact Freya on 0113 218 5580 or freyas@st-gemma.co.uk.
Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 81
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Olde worlde charm EXPOSED BEAMS AND RELAXED COUNTRY CHIC COUPLED WITH TEMPTING DISHES MAKE THE WILD SWAN THE PERFECT DINING EXPERIENCE. BY RHIANA HUGHES. aving arrived early for our reservation, my partner and I decided to go for a walk around Minskip and explore the village before heading back to The Wild Swan. It didn’t take us long to realise how small a place Minskip really is, but small as it may be, it’s full of homely countryside charm. Once we’d returned to the restaurant, we could immediately see that its interior reflected its countryside setting perfectly. Turn left when you walk through the doors and muddy wellies are welcome. The room is old and charming, with exposed beams and wooden floors, even dogs are allowed to make themselves at home. To the right is the more formal dining room, with a view through to their kitchen where you can hear the chefs at work, and depending on where you’re seated, even see them preparing your food. Before our starters were ready, complimentary bread was brought over to the table. Freshly baked and still warm, the oregano and truffle focaccia was the perfect way to start our meal. It wasn’t long before our starters arrived. For me, the specials board was calling. I opted for the crisp tempura king prawns (£6.95),
84 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
which came on a bed of rocket with a sweet chilli sauce dip and a lemon slice that added to the already fresh taste of the dish. My partner chose to start with the black pudding Scotch egg (£7.50) and couldn’t have been happier with his decision. Not only was it beautifully presented, but it was perfectly cooked, with a runny yolk and firm whites, while the black pudding was crispy on the outside and soft and warm on the inside. When it came to the main course, my other half took his turn at ordering from the specials board, choosing the venison pie (£12.95). Slow cooked in red wine, the venison was melt-in-the-mouth tender, and the pastry was perfectly flaky and buttery. I’d opted for the equally tender daube of beef (£15.50), which was served with a mini Yorkshire and red wine jus which added to the richness of the meat. For dessert, we went for the ‘Wild Swan’ Eton mess and the Belgian chocolate brownie (both £6.75). The Eton mess was one of the gluten free options on the menu, and was made up of a crisp meringue, soft berries, crème Chantilly and raspberry coulis. Each aspect of the dish complimented the next, and despite all of the sweetness in the dish, it
wasn’t sickly but was a light and fresh end to the meal. The Belgian chocolate brownie, they say, is ‘probably the best brownie in the world’, and it’s definitely the best brownie I’ve ever had. Homemade, gooey and chocolatey, there was nothing there to fault, and the ice-cream it was served with was something I’ll never forget. Rich, thick, smooth and velvety, I could tell straight away that the ice-cream was homemade, and I left vowing to come back and visit The Wild Swan again. The Wild Swan, Main Street, Minskip, York, YO51 9JF Tel: 01423 326334 www.wildswan.pub.co.uk
AT A GLANCE... * Homemade desserts * Beautiful setting * Gluten-free options
C E L E B R AT E Y O U R EN GAG EM EN T h L ady B etty Afternoon Tea ble on l ine for this exquisite treat in ndour of our Imper ia l Room. rsday to Sunday in Har rogate
M A K E A R E S E R VAT I O N Book online at: www w..bettys.co.uk Imper ial Room,, Ha Har rogate 01423 814043
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Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 85
Indian Delights PHOEBE SEYMOUR SPENDS AN EVENING IN AN OLD POLICE STATION, SAVOURING A VARIETY OF CULINARY DISHES FROM SOUTHERN ASIA… aving reviewed many Indian restaurants over the past few years (one colleague has even nicknamed me the curry correspondent), I thought I knew what to expect… but 4 Kitchens in Chapel Allerton took me by surprise. With a dining room decorated with gold patterned wallpaper and matching ornaments, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. But on closer inspection, a small sign above the door read: ‘Police Station’. If you’re a history buff, you’ll be excited to know that you can even be seated in a hidden nook, next to a cell. The next surprise was the food. The restaurant is called 4 Kitchens, because dishes from four Indian regions - Delhi, Rajasthan, Maharashtra and Goa – are on offer. The menu is divided into quarters with a wide range of choices in each – and not a tikka masala in sight. Even the poppadoms and pickle tray (£2.95) had a twist, as they were topped with a khakra – a cracker common in the Gujarati and Rajasthani cuisines of western India. Thicker than a poppadom and filled with crunchy seeds, the khakra added interesting textures to our appetiser. I washed this down with a half of Cobra (£2.50), while my dining companion had a mini bottle of Prosecco (£7.25).
86 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
My companion loves seafood, so was immediately taken by the gawdas soft shell crab (£7.95) starter from the Maharashtra section. This region offers a mix of sea, mountains and plateau, and this translates in the variety of flavours in its dishes. Marinated in herbs and spices and fried in breadcrumbs, these subtle flavours complemented the crab meat well. Meanwhile, I had the dates and potato tikki with sprouted beans (£3.95) from the multiinfluenced Delhi. These potato patties were stuffed with nuts, and the dates were enhanced by the sweetness of the mint and tamarind sauce. For mains, my companion had the khargosh ka mokal (£13.95) from Rajasthan, while I chose the dal makhani (£6.95) from the vegetarian menu, a dish which is from a fifth bonus region, Punjab. The khargosh is a rabbit dish and is literally, a meal fit for a king, as it is Rajasthan royalty’s favourite meat. Though it was delicious, my companion said it was the tomato garlic and chilli sauce that stole the show. Mine was a lentil dish, cooked in a cream and butter sauce for up to 10 hours. Earthy and mild at first, but then building in spiciness with every mouthful, it is a well-deserving
winner of the 2010 National Curry Award. Mains were accompanied by a palate cleansing, basmati rice (£2.50) and a bajra roti (£3.50) – a flat bread, which offered a welcome change from the traditional naan. For dessert we welcomed the cooling effects of the mango sorbet (£4.95) and the organic beetroot pudding (£5.95) served with creamy vanilla ice cream. Our taste buds truly had been on a journey, my only regret is that neither of us had a chance to try a dish from the Goa region. But that’s all the more reason to return and discover more delights at 4 Kitchens. No need to throw us in the cells… we’ll come quietly. 4 Kitchens The Old Police Station, 106A Harrogate Road, Leeds, LS7 4LZ Tel: 0113 269 1151 www.4kitchens-restaurant.co.uk
AT A GLANCE... * Regional Indian cuisine * Friendly staff * Quirky setting
Ideally located in the heart of Chapel Allerton, 4Kitchens brings you an authentic and unique dining experience. Owners Hemant Ghosh, Tarun Bansal, Ranjit Tyagi and Sunil Sinha have designed 4kitchens to recreate typical Indian styling and ambience, allowing guests to revel in the atmosphere. Our food 4 Kitchens has carefully crafted a menu guests will love. What’s more, there is something for everyone, those who love meat dishes, vegetarians, vegans and for those who’re gluten intolerant. We use authentic flavours from four prominent states in India: Rajasthan, Delhi, Goa and Maharashtra. We pride ourselves on our small, but well-balanced food and drinks menus which change to reflect the seasonal ingredients we utilise in our dishes. Opening Times: Tues, Weds, Thurs & Sun - 5pm - 10pm Fri & Sat - 5pm - 11pm • Closed Mondays Old Police Station, 106 Harrogate Rd, Chapel Allerton, Leeds LS7 4LZ
Tel: 01132 691151
Also at: The
Moors Shopping Centre, Ilkley LS29 9LB Tel :01943 601840
www.4kitchens-restaurant.co.uk enquiries@4kitchens-restaurant.co.uk hemantghosh@4kitchens-restaurant.co.uk
The perfect venue for wedding, stag & hen parties Call for full details of our menus.
New Portland Street, 7 Calverley Street, Leeds, LS1 3DA T: 0113 243 6333
Book online www.thaiedgeleeds.co.uk
Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 87
Best of British THE CROWN INN IS AN AUTHENTIC COUNTRY PUB AT THE HEART OF A PROPER ENGLISH VILLAGE. WHAT COULD BE BETTER? ASKS PHOEBE SEYMOUR. hen tourists come to Britain, London is usually where they gravitate, but I’d argue that a more authentic and fulfilling experience can be had from visiting a traditional Yorkshire village. Nestled in Roecliffe, just off the A1 (M), close to Boroughbridge, Ripon, Harrogate and York, is The Crown Inn. Not only is it within easy reach of a number of visitor attractions, it is also a 16th century pub and bed and breakfast – a historical site in its own right. As my partner and I were seated in the restaurant on a Wednesday evening, we overhead a group of New Zealanders excitedly planning their day trip to Knaresborough. Low ceilings with wooden beams and original fireplaces gave the building a cosy feel, while chequered upholstered chairs, taxidermy pheasants and artwork depicting gentlemen hunting make you feel you are in a truly authentic English country pub. The Crown Inn was taken over by new owners Joe and Sarah Stuart in April, and while they are keen to make their mark, they also want to keep the good old fashioned dishes their established regulars enjoy. Meat and fish feature heavily and complement the extensive wine list and ales on tap.
88 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
I started with a pinot grigio blush (125ml, £3.95), packed with aromatic summer fruits, and my partner had a refreshing bottle of kiwi and lime Old Mout Cider (£4.90). Wanting to extend the summer vibes, my partner had the Mediterranean-inspired bread and olives (£4.95) to start. The chili-infused focaccia and oily hummus were so tempting, I found myself stealing some without thinking. However, my impressive goat’s cheese tartlet (£6.95) soon took my attention. As I cut through the flaky pastry and high-piled rocket and parmesan cheese shavings, I discovered a generous slice of creamy cheese, complemented by a tangy tomato base. As this was the pub’s steak night, it was only fitting my partner should choose a juicy 8oz fillet steak (£26.95) covered in a homemade peppercorn sauce (£2.95) and accompanied by chunky chips and a hefty Portobello mushroom. Cooked to a perfect medium-rare, he mopped up every last morsel. In contrast, I had the veggie option – the sweet potato and aubergine tagine (£13.95) – a tomato-based stew beautifully topped with a bunch of cherry tomatoes on the vine. It’s a skill to make a salad exciting, but my side of rocket leaves, beetroot, pomegranates and pumpkin seeds was just that.
On to dessert, my partner had chef Keith’s sticky toffee pudding (£5.95) with homemade vanilla ice cream. Named after the chef who created it, Keith should be proud to have his name on this homage to a great British classic. Meanwhile, I was in heaven with my gooey chocolate fondant (£5.95) – a spongey bomb, filled with melted chocolate and served with peanut ice cream – a sweet end to a delicious meal. So whether you are local in need of some comfort food, or an out-of-towner wanting to stay in a charming and truly British village, look no further than the historical Crown Inn. The Crown Inn Roecliffe Bar Lane, York, YO51 9LY Tel: 01423 322300 www.crowninnroecliffe.co.uk
AT A GLANCE... * Great British food * Historial setting * Under new ownership
Contemporary Contemporar y Fine Dining Embark on an adventur adventure e of food and flavour combinations
To T o book visit ruddingpark.co.uk ru RUDDING P PARK ARK
Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 89
BESPOKE INTERIORS Showroom: 13 Church Street, ILKLEY, LS29 9DR 01943 603006 www.anna-morgan.com
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These horse bookends are sure to add country charm to any bookshelf. £49.95 for a pair from Avant Garde of Baslow, Calver Road, Baslow, DE45 1RP. Tel: 01246 583888, www.avantgardeofbaslow.com.
KEEP IT COUNTRY FROM GINGHAM PRINTS TO HORSEY ACCESSORIES, THE RURAL LOOK IS ALWAYS IN VOGUE. Available in a full range of Harris Tweed, with optional leather detailing, you’re sure to find an armchair to suit your country style. £1,499 from Anna Morgan (London), Tel. 01943 603006, www.anna-morgan.com
here are some traditional looks that never go out of style, and British country is one of them. Whatever the time of year and whatever the latest interior trends, you’re sure to find all the country-look essentials up and down the high street. Gingham is the perfect choice for both kitchen and living room furnishings, as well as classic floral prints. Blue and white floral designs are a popular choice for crockery and give your dining table a retro feel.
Whether you’re a gin or whisky drinker, these glasses with a polished pewter horse design make the perfect pair. £75 from www.athomeinthecountry.co.uk Enjoy the great outdoors with this Country House Picnic Basket for four. £135 from www.sohohome.com
92 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
No animal represents country pursuits quite like the horse, and you’ll find everything from realistic horse statuettes, to cute repeat prints to suit any home. And finally, no quintessentially British home is complete without a sumptuous armchair and a log fire stove – just the thing for those chilly autumn evenings. So whether you want your home to look retro and floral or contemporary and simple, you’re sure to find all the accessories you’ll need to create the perfect country retreat this autumn.
The autumn winter 2018 collection from Dunelm combines home comfort and traditional country style. Gingham check cushion cover, £5, and cross stitch house cushion £12 from www.dunelm.com.
Laura Ashley’s In The Country Kitchen range features all your country classics including these pretty Meadow Flower kitchen accessories. Prices from £8 from www.lauraashley.com This lovely tea cosy with brilliant insulation and a horse design brings together two favourite British pass times. £14 from www.sophieallport.com.
Breathing new life into traditional blue and white porcelain, Vintage Indigo scatters dark blue roses on gingham, laced with Katie Alice’s trademark polka dots. Prices from £12 from www.creative-tops.com.
The Firefox 8 Multifuel Stove in traditional cast iron has a controllable airwash system, which slows the flame to a lazy flicker or brings it to life at your fingertips. £475 from www.ludlowstoves.co.uk.
This Country Cottage natural oak and painted large dresser is both functional and stylish. £999 from www.oakfurnitureland.co.uk.
Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 93
Coldbath Flooring Wo o d Fl o o r i n g Wo o l Ca r p e t s Si s a l V i n y l Ru g s L a m i n a t e Newly extended showroom displaying Herringbone and plank wood flooring with original antiqued finishes or modern contemporary styles. Full fitting and advice service available Offering British and wools of New Zealand. Chunky loops and bold stripes, our smooth, dense, luxurious heavy velvet carpets mixed with super soft yarns certainly have the wow factor. Our bespoke rugs and runners for stairs can look stylish and timeless Luxury vinyls with bold geometric designs or beautiful wood designs being versatile and hard wearing for the family environment.
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94 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
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96 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
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Leeds Grand Theatre auditorium Image courtesy Simon Hulme
Musical success for George New board members appointed Leeds Grand Theatre & Opera House Ltd is delighted to announce the appointment of three new board members as the company moves into the final stages of independence and a significant period of change. Kris Brewster, Head of Products at Skipton Building Society, Cllr Jane Dowson, Chapel Allerton Ward Councillor and Chief Whip, and Peter Wilkinson, a property and construction professional with an independent advisory practice, will join the 11-strong board with immediate effect. Until recently, Leeds Grand Theatre & Opera House Ltd, which manages Leeds Grand Theatre, City Varieties Music Hall and Hyde Park Picture House, housed a board and chair that was primarily made up of Leeds City Council members. However, since 2016, the chair of the board has been independent, and the number of council members has decreased in a bid to move to independence by early 2019.
Giggleswick School guitarist George Collins is tuned to success after triumphing in a string of musical contests. George strummed his way to first prize in the Pendle Young Musicians Bursary competition, just weeks after being awarded an international scholarship and coming fourth in a global guitar contest. This summer, George will head for the world-renowned Berklee College of Music in Boston, USA. George said: “I’m delighted. It’s been a very exciting time and I’m looking forward to the Berklee course and to furthering my musical education with the Pendle Young Musicians Bursary.”
Young British Designers’ Harrogate showcase
Calling all Haleys and Cliffords... Haley & Clifford on Street Lane is ten years old this summer – and to celebrate, they’re offering free coffee to all Northside readers called Haley or Clifford. Simply take your copy of the September Northside magazine, together with your ID, into the deli, to claim your free takeaway coffee. There has been a Haley & Clifford deli on Street Lane for around 25 years, but it was bought by its current owner, Val Berry, in the summer of 2008. She said: “It’s been a wonderful ten years, creating local food for local people, and we wanted to celebrate with a little thank you. We have such a loyal customer base, and really appreciate all the support over the years. It’s been a privilege to be part of the local food community and we’re looking forward to the next ten years.” 106 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
Online emerging fashion destination, Young British Designers (YBD), has announced it will be partnering with Harrogate-based jewellery designer India Mahon to provide a series of specially curated pop-up collections at its newlylaunched boutique on Montpellier Street. This will be only the second time YBD has showcased the UK brands it represents in a bricks and mortar store following its acclaimed collaboration with LANDMARK in Hong Kong last year. Committed to discovering and showcasing the very best of emerging British fashion design talent, this latest partnership will give the fashion-forward consumers of Yorkshire the chance to peruse and shop for uniquely individual designs. YBD founding partner, Debra Hepburn, commented: “We’ve been very selective when considering potential collaborations as it’s vital that any partner shares the same passion and support of our brand. As an internationally-renowned designer herself, India Mahon is not only a devoted customer of YBD but also strongly believes in the promotion of exciting new British designers.”
An evening of pure relaxation The Yorkshire Yogi comes to Swinton Country Club & Spa on 7 September, 5.30-9.30pm. The evening of pure relaxation comprises an hour’s Hatha yoga session with a Yorkshire Yogi instructor, 60 minutes in the relaxation suite and a 90-minute spa experience, including a seasonal health juice shot on arrival, light meal and refreshments. £50 per person. To make a reservation, please call 01765 680950 or email spareservations@swintonestate.com
Chris Sellors
National appointment for local jeweller
Following the recent AGM of the National Association of Jewellers (NAJ), several new appointments were elected to the National Committee, for which Yorkshire jeweller Chris Sellors was appointed vice chair. Having over 35 years’ experience in the jewellery business, Chris has been at the forefront of the design, manufacture, retail and promotion of British gemstones, for which Derbyshire and Yorkshire hold an inseparable tie with their respective Blue John and Jet gemstones. Simon Forrester, Chief Executive of the National Association of Jewellers, said: “We are very pleased and proud to have Chris take up this position within the association and to have such a committed champion of the UK jewellery industry involved at this level.” As the UK’s jewellery industry can often feel London and Birmingham centric, the new role provides an opportunity for Chris to offer a hands-on approach in the development of the British jewellery trade from a unique perspective of having thriving jewellery businesses in Derbyshire, Leeds, York and Whitby. With a passion for developing new jewellery experiences, in addition to the on-going design and planning of C W Sellors’ new Jewellery Design Centre of Excellence at Carsington, Derbyshire, Chris has also recently overseen work on W Hamond’s new Museum of Whitby Jet, situated in a wonderfully refurbished Wesley Hall on Church Street, Whitby.
Harewood’s new pop-up concept Following the great success of the “Hidden Harewood” series comes “Dining Room at Harewood”. This is their stripped back version of fine dining where acclaimed chef Josh Whitehead will create a sumptuous feast made using the incredible produce grown, reared and foraged on the Harewood Estate. Dining Room, as the name suggests, is an exceptional dining experience based in a wonderful location – expect a rustic and cozy dining space with stunning seasonal food. This is their simple, single-focused version of fine dining. They’ll be teaming up once again with some old friends and co-conspirators in Leeds City College, Sofia Rebelo, Latitude Wine Merchants and The Plant Room to bring you this very special dining experience. The event will be running over two nights, Thursday 30 & Friday 31 August with two sittings per night at 6.30pm and 8.30pm. Tickets available at https://www.exploretock.com/harewood/
Image courtesy Jonathan Straight
Photo exhibition celebrates Leeds Pride A new exhibition of street photography celebrating Leeds Pride is now on display in the Victoria Gate Shopping Centre. Curated by Jonathan Straight, the Leedsbased street photographer, the large black and white images were taken at Leeds Pride last year. Jonathan had a career as one of the region’s best-known entrepreneurs, founding and running Straight plc. After exiting the business, he explored his passion for street photography. Both the exhibited original prints and smaller editions of the works will be available for sale with ten per cent of the proceeds donated to the Bone Cancer Research Trust. The gallery is directly opposite the Amorino gelato stand and is open daily.
Praise for school The following quotes from the latest ISI Inspection Report (2017) sum up Woodhouse Grove perfectly. “Pupils across the school are open, friendly and highly confident. They are energetic and busy, without being pressurised, because they know they are supported and encouraged by staff.” “Excellence in extra-curricular fields is a particular hallmark of the pupils who attend this school, reflecting the extensive provision, wide-ranging opportunities and excellent coaching they receive.” “They ensure that all pupils have the opportunity to get involved and try new activities whether it’s debating, performing on stage or being part of a sport’s team. Having boarders on site means the school always has a buzz about it and this adds an extra dimension that many day schools simply cannot replicate.” Find out more at open mornings on Saturday 22 September and Saturday 17 November. Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 107
Queen Ethelburgaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
Welcoming day students from 3 months to 19 years and boarders from 6 years to 19 years Thorpe Underwood Hall, Ouseburn, York, YO26 9SS www.qe.org | admissions@qe.org | 01423 333330
The seal of approval QUALITY MARK AWARDED TO QUEEN ETHELBURGA’S. hapter House, the Early years, Infants and Juniors School at Queen Ethelburga’s Collegiate, has just been given a prestigious Primary Quality Mark Award for English and Mathematics by the national programme The Quality Mark. The Award is given in celebration of good practice and commitment to continuous improvement in these subjects, as the ‘bedrock of a good education’. Working with local authorities, schools, local communities and other organisations in using the Quality Mark process, the national body aims to develop, support and celebrate good practice in literacy, language and numeracy for children and young people. To achieve the Award, Chapter House underwent an assessment, against the 10 ‘Elements’ of the Quality Mark framework. These cover key aspects of the school’s improvement approach, including the identification and analysis of the school’s needs; strategic planning; target setting for improvement; intervention and support for pupils under-achieving or under-attaining;
provision of quality in both teaching and in resources; staff development; and active engagement with families. The award comes in swift succession to the school’s Silver Primary Science Quality Mark, earned in September 2017, which celebrates excellence in science teaching and learning, and enables schools to work together to share good practice. Karen Kilkenny, Head of Chapter House said of the achievement: “Our aim is to provide the most supportive, creative and fun learning environment for each pupil, so that their skills and knowledge can develop to reach their individual potential at each stage of their educational journey. “I’m very proud of the staff and pupils of Chapter House in achieving this Quality Mark. It is a reflection of the high standard of teaching and the delivery of inspiring lessons, as we work with our students to build a lifelong love of learning in every one of them.” To find out more about Chapter House and the wider QE community visit www.qe.org.
Proud: Karen Kilkenny
Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 109
BradfordGrammar.com @BradfordGrammar
Open Event Saturday 6 October bradfordgrammar.com /signup
Nurturing sporting talent
EXCELLENCE OPPORTUNITY HAPPINESS Encouraging physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyle and developing athletes at all levels are our key objectives.
Facing up to the challenge
'ARE THERE CROCODILES IN HERE?'* BY KERRY HOWES, BRADFORD GRAMMAR JUNIOR SCHOOL HEADMISTRESS. t’s not the average question we're asked at Bradford Grammar Junior School (Clock House), but that was the burning thought on the mind of one of our Year 2 pupils as they took part in some canoeing on one of our residential trips recently. As well as firing up the imagination and taking part in exhilarating activities, such as zip wiring and canoeing, there are so many more benefits to taking part in residentials, such as the challenges our children face which are personal to them. They certainly bring opportunities to take them out of their comfort zones. For an introverted, shy child, leading an outdoor task or being without a parent for the first time overnight might be a terrifying prospect. The challenge, for them, is to overcome that fear so they can embrace the confidence which comes from pushing themselves. You could see our children challenge themselves during another recent residential to Brimham Rocks, in North Yorkshire, when the children had to jump and scramble from rock to rock. Many said they didn't think
they could do it, but they were encouraged to take a leap out of their comfort zone and gained a huge surge in confidence when they pushed themselves. Pupils also gain confidence in being selfsufficient and responsible on school residentials. As a society, we tend to do a great deal more for our children than previous generations. One of the ways a child can grow is to have the freedom of self-sufficiency, so on residential they have the responsibility of getting ready themselves, making their bed, helping to lay the dining room table or clear up. It's about thinking for themselves and
working together in a team. For some children, the ability to make mistakes without judgement and freely explore learning can remain with them for the rest of their lives. There are also gains to be had by living in a different context, one where new relationships with peers, and existing ones, can be redefined. The fun the children have on residentials is plain to see. They are exhilarated and enthused. (Pupils on our recent residential remarked: “I've never walked on a mountain before - it’s amazing!” and “No school trip can be better than this”) But watching the children grow in confidence is one of my greatest pleasures in my role as headmistress. Knowing that they're gaining everyday life skills such as resilience, decision-making and problem solving, which will stay with them for life, and that BGS Junior School had a part to play in that, comes a close second. *You'll be pleased to hear there were no crocodiles in the lake!
Kerry Howes
www.bradfordgrammar.com/signup Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 111
LEARNING FOR LIFE hen we think back to our school days, we don’t necessarily remember the lessons we learned; we look back fondly at the experiences we took part in and the friends we made along the way. Cundall Manor is a co-educational, independent school with a strong community spirit and a unique approach to extracurricular activities. The school is situated in a magnificent 28-acre site in the Vale of York, between Ripon and Thirsk, perfectly placed to offer a variety of learning opportunities outside, as well as inside, the classroom. The Enrichment programme is designed to introduce a wide range of cultural and physical elements to pupils’ education and includes axe-throwing, archery, several choirs, arts and crafts, eco-warriors and many more fun and engaging activities. Through the Enrichment programme, pupils from Pre-Prep through to GCSE access the dedicated sessions within the school timetable to learn different skills. With options changing every half term, the enrichment programme is a uniquely rich platform for pupils to develop their interests and talents to an even deeper level, or to have a go at something completely new. “Whilst the National Curriculum is very important, school should also be about preparing children for everyday life,” says Stuart Bayne, Deputy Head at the leading Independent School. “Being non-selective, we encourage a breadth of experience and opportunity and it is imperative that every child has access to a broad scope of arenas in
112 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
which to find their metier and to shine.” The Enrichment programme has earned Cundall Manor a nomination for the national ISA (Independent Schools Association) Award for Excellence in Extra-Curricular Activities. A wide variety of games are also available to pupils, including athletics, cricket, netball, football, hockey, rounders, rugby and swimming. What’s more, the school is proud to run ‘The Wild Wood’, an exciting outdoor learning environment with a woodland trail, devised to add a new facet to the schools fun and robust curriculum. Engaging with a fun and practical learning environment, pupils will get hands on practice developing their skills and understanding of the natural world and how to keep a sustainable and managed woodland. Cundall Manor champion investing in people and their environment, and have recently open four new classrooms to offer a high quality learning experience. They are always looking to improve and ‘future-proof ’ their facilities so that they always up to date with the latest opportunities for their pupils. As a school that values its community, parents are always made to feel welcome and involved in their children’s learning experience throughout their time at Cundall. To find out more about Cundall Manor, visit the website or register to attend the next Open Morning on Saturday 13 October 2018. Places are in high demand, so please contact the school early.
Cundall Manor School Cundall, North Yorkshire, YO61 2RW Tel: 01423 360 200 www.cundallmanorschool.com
We are happy. We are successful. We are Cundall Manor School.
Open Morning Saturday 13 October 2018 10am - 12noon Enquire today about one of the northâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s leading independent schools for boys and girls aged two to 16. cundallmanorschool.com admissions@cundallmanor.org.uk 01423 360 200
The Th he
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Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 113
Ghyll Royd School Ghyll Royd School, Pre-School and Nursery is an independent day school for boys and girls aged 2-11. Situated in the beautiful grounds of Greystone Manor, Ghyll Royd pupils enjoy an exciting, varied curriculum with specialist teaching in Art, Music, Spanish, French, Drama, Computing, Physical Education and Forest Schools. As a purveyor of outdoor learning, Ghyll Royd provides pupils with daily opportunities to explore and learn in their seven acres of meadow, woodland and sport fields. Come along to Ghyll Royd School’s Discovery Day on Thursday 1st November 2018 to experience a first-class education. What will you discover in a day? Ghyll Royd School, Pre-School and Nursery, Greystone Manor, Ilkley Road, Burley in Wharfedale, LS29 7HW W: www.ghyllroydschool.co.uk T: 01943 865575 E: information@ghyllroydschool.co.uk
The Mount Senior School At The Mount Senior School, they don’t compromise on the girls’ education – they are always put first. They are specialists in girls’ education and have been at the forefront of providing an excellent education for girls since 1765. They are prepared for the challenges girls will face during adolescent years, their time with them, and beyond. Girls at The Mount are respected and valued as individuals, allowing them the chance to discover their passions and strive for personal excellence. They know that girls need inner-confidence to succeed and the best place to instil this is within a girls-only environment. An exciting tailored curriculum and a vast range of activities and opportunities encourages pupils to think and live adventurously. Pupils learn to think independently, and discover their passions, leaving them ready to make a positive contribution to our changing world. The Mount School, Dalton Terrace, York, YO24 4DD W: www.mountschoolyork.co.uk T: 01904 667500 E: office@mountschoolyork.co.uk
Bradford Grammar The Sunday Times Northern Independent School of the Year, Bradford Grammar School (BGS), which counts Olympic medallists and Team GB members among its prestigious alumni, is undergoing a £4m investment in its sports provision. The redevelopment will include major upgrades of its cricket, netball, tennis and hockey facilities. ‘This is an exciting time in the history of our school. We’re keen to nurture the interests and abilities of every child who takes part in sport at school as well as those who are keen to excel and pursue careers in it’ – Olivia Rogers, Director of Sport at BGS. Bradford Grammar School, Keighley Road, Bradford, BD9 4JP W: www.bradfordgrammar.com T: 01274 542492 E: enquiries@bradfordgrammar.com
Giggleswick School Giggleswick School has started a multi-million-pound investment in its boarding and classroom facilities. This project will bring a new leading-edge model of family-friendly boarding to Giggleswick with open plan social areas for everyone, and the latest in modern, home from home accommodation. Work has already started with the refurbishment of one of the school’s six boarding houses and should be completed for pupils starting back at school in September. Also in the planning is a dedicated new build upper sixth form house, designed to provide bespoke facilities for more independent living and working, preparing each student for life beyond Giggleswick. Giggleswick School, Settle, North Yorkshire, BD24 0DE W: www.giggleswick.org.uk T: 01729 893000 E: enquiries@giggleswick.org.uk Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 115
Open Morning Senior and Junior School
Saturday 6 October
To book your place call 01729 893000 or email admissions@giggleswick.org.uk SCHOOLS GUIDE
23(1 0251,1* 6DWXUGD\ 2FWREHU
9,6,7 285 28767$1',1* 35( 6&+22/ )25 <($5 2/'6
116 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
An extraordinary space for children and adults. An innovative new play space that focuses on exploratory and imaginative play. Goose offers a range of different elements to nurture healthy minds, bodies and spirits. Features include reading pods, big blue blocks and an area for active play. The Goose dining room is at the heart of our space and we pride ourselves on providing healthy, honest and vibrant food.
Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 117
Queen Ethelburga’s Set in more than 220 acres of beautiful North Yorkshire countryside, Queen Ethelburga’s has provided students with a vibrant and supportive school community since 1912. They welcome girls and boys from three months and support them through their four schools to become resilient, confident and independent young adults who are well prepared for their future. Each of the four schools has its own head and staff team so that they are small enough to maintain a family atmosphere. This allows staff to know their students thoroughly and successfully guide them through each stage of their educational journey. Exam results speak for themselves, consistently ranking them amongst the top 10 day and boarding schools in the UK, with students benefiting from incredible study, boarding and leisure facilities as part of campus life.
It is a very well-known fact that play is one of the main ways that children learn. The more fun they have, the more absorbed they become and a greater ability to concentrate will follow. How children learn through play was a huge influence during the design process of Goose. From the magnetic wall for experimenting with shapes and colours, the Blue Room for building and the climbing ramps and walls for clambering, to the creative bench for colouring, drawing and cutting - each area was deigned to challenge, engage and inspire. Goose offers the freedom to roam between play areas and children are encouraged to explore. Ideal for independent or social play. Adults can choose to participate or watch from a distance. The layout and design at Goose means that good visibility of children can be had while you enjoy a coffee! W: www.gooseplay.com T: 01423 815444 E: info@goosespace.com / parties@goosespace.com
Open Days: 29 September 2018 and 17 November 2018 Queen Ethelburga’s, Thorpe Underwood Estate, York, YO26 9SS W: www.qe.org T: 01423 333330 E: info@QE.org
Cundall Manor School Cundall Manor is a thriving co-educational independent school, catering for boys and girls aged two to 16. Set in 28 acres of idyllic North Yorkshire countryside, the school’s happy and successful community of pupils enjoy a unique and varied curriculum. With Go-Kart races, axe-throwing and fantastic success on the sports fields, as well as in the classroom, pupils at Cundall Manor School leave as well-rounded and confident individuals. Benefitting from a recent extension of the upper school building, the school has a significant enrichment programme across the age ranges which was recently shortlisted for a national ISA award, as well as a homely 30bed boarding house. Cundall Manor School, Cundall, York, YO61 2RW W: www.cundallmanorschool.com T: 01423 360200
Moorlands The Moorlands School motto “Intrepide!” or “Be Brave!” starts in the Early Years, where pupils are encouraged to explore new opportunities. Right from the Early Years, Moorlands’ pupils experience specialist teaching for French, music and drama – something that sets them apart from other schools, as does the swimming pool and beautiful grounds. Moorlands is family-focused. From Reception (starting the term after they turn 5) pupils are offered wrap-around care and clubs from 7.30am - 6pm, at no extra cost. During the holidays, Camp Xplode is even more fun than it sounds! Visit our Open Morning on Tuesday 13th November – register at www.moorlands-school.co.uk W: www.moorlands-school.co.uk T: 0113 278 5286 E: info@moorlands-school.co.uk 118 Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk
Woodhouse Grove The following quotes from the latest ISI Inspection Report (2017) sum up Woodhouse Grove perfectly. “Pupils across the school are open, friendly and highly confident. They are energetic and busy, without being pressurised, because they know they are supported and encouraged by staff.” “Excellence in extra-curricular fields is a particular hallmark of the pupils who attend this school, reflecting the extensive provision, wide-ranging opportunities and excellent coaching they receive.” All pupils have the opportunity to get involved and try new activities whether it’s debating, performing on stage or being part of a sport’s team. Having boarders on site means the school always has a buzz about it and this adds an extra dimension that many day schools simply cannot replicate. Come and find out more at our open mornings Saturday 22nd September and Saturday 17th November. Woodhouse Grove, Apperley Bridge, West Yorkshire, BD10 0NR W: www.woodhousegrove.co.uk T: 0113 250 2477 E: enquiries@woodhousegrove.co.uk
Westville House Located in a glorious woodland setting, Westville House is everything a parent could want for their child. Exceptional education; outstanding facilities; caring, professional, dedicated staff; a brand new state of the art woodland pre-school; full size sports hall and sports fields and small class sizes allowing devotion to each and every child. Traditional values, good manners, family ethos, resilience and inspiration are words often associated with Westville along with happy children, inspired learning, achievement, and allround success. Successful entry to destination schools of choice has always been part of the Westville appeal but what really sets this school apart is the tightly knit community of families supportive of each other and of their school. It’s a place where fierce loyalty and community spirit abound and where children can really enjoy being children. Visit Westville House Autumn Open Morning on Saturday 6 October 10.00-12.00. Westville House, Carter’s Lane, Middleton, Ilkley, West Yorkshire, LS29 0DQ W: www.westvillehouseschool.co.uk T: 01943 608053 E: office@westvillehouseschool.co.uk
Northside | www.northsidemagazine.co.uk 119
LOVE THE PLACE YOU LIVE Spinning Acres, Far Headingley, LS6
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