Real Estate Institute of Canada
Exchange May 2018
INSIDE Chapter Events Corporate Outreach Countdown to #REIC2018 Membership Statistics ... and more
Inside This Issue
Inside This Issue
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Message From the Interim President MESSAGE DU PRÉSIDENT intérimaire
Message From the RVP MESSAGE DU vice-président régional
Message From the INTERIM ED & CEO MESSAGE DE LA Directrice générale intérimaire
CHAPTER SPOTLIGHT: Nova Scotia Chapter celebrates new members
7 8
CHAPTER SPOTLIGHT: REIM Annual forecast luncheon
Chapter spotlight: Toronto Chapter Ripley's Aquarium tour
9 10 11
CHAPTER SPOTLIGHT: Edmonton chapter updates
Interim President Winson Chan, FRI, CRES PAST President Don Kottick, FRI, CRES Secretary/Treasurer Lindsay Carlson, FRI, CRES Interim Executive Director & CEO Sandra DeMedeiros, CAE Editor Britny Rodé, Marketing and Communications Coordinator About REIC
REIC is a provider of advanced education and designation programs to professionals in the real estate industry. With 9 Chapters across Canada, we have been educating and certifying professionals since 1955. 208-5407 Eglinton Avenue West Toronto, ON M9C 5K6 Tel: 416-695-9000 or 1-800-542-7342 Fax: 416-695-7230
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Real Estate Institute of Canada - REIC
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REIC Exchange, April 2018
PRÉSIDENT intérimaire Like the passing of time, change is an inevitable process that cannot be avoided. Over the past few months, REIC has had its share of changes. While some of us may fear change, and hesitate to explore the unknown, we must also recognize that change leads to positive results, too.
Comme le temps qui passe, le changement est un processus inéluctable. Au cours des derniers mois, l'ICI a connu plusieurs changements. Certains d’entre nous le craignent et peuvent hésiter à explorer l’inconnu, mais il faut reconnaître que le changement entraîne aussi des résultats positifs et donne lieu à des occasions.
Change provides opportunity. As the snow thaws and we look forward to warmer weather, the change in season brings a renewed excitement for what lies ahead. Through change we can experience a willingness to try new things, explore new directions and challenge the status quo. Change can bring people together.
Maintenant que la neige a fondu et que nous attendons avec impatience des températures plus clémentes, le changement de saison apporte un enthousiasme renouvelé envers ce qui nous attend. Le changement nous permet d’éprouver un désir d’essayer de nouvelles choses, d’explorer de nouvelles avenues et de remettre en cause le statu quo. Le changement peut rassembler les gens.
For REIC, the changes make us feel positive. As Vice-President, who has assumed the duties as President, I am happy to tell you that the National Board of Directors and REIC Staff are collaborating at a very high level. Engagement, communication and transparency are our core values, and we keep them in the forefront of all our decisions. I can say that the Board is “firing on all cylinders” and working together towards one common goal: to make REIC the best it can be. A sense of enthusiasm can be felt amongst the board members as we lead with a renewed purpose and commitment to each other and the members we represent. Under the leadership of Sandra De Medeiros, CAE, our interim Executive Director & CEO, our organization is in very good hands. Sandra has been with REIC for 6 years and has a solid understanding of the Institute’s day to day operations as well as the long term strategic vision to grow REIC. I hope to see you in Montreal for the REIC Annual Conference & AGM!
Pour l'ICI, les changements nous rendent positifs. À titre de vice-président ayant déjà assumé les fonctions de président, je suis heureux de vous informer que le conseil d’administration et le personnel de l'ICI collaborent à un niveau très élevé. L’engagement, la communication et la transparence sont nos valeurs fondamentales et nous les maintenons à l’avant-plan de nos décisions. Je peux affirmer que le conseil « roule à plein régime » et collabore pour atteindre un objectif commun : faire de l'ICI la meilleure organisation possible. On peut percevoir l’enthousiasme des membres du conseil, avec un nouveau mandat et un engagement mutuel et envers les membres que nous représentons. Sous la direction de Sandra De Medeiros, CAE, notre directrice générale intérimaire, notre organisation est entre de très bonnes mains. Sandra est avec l'ICI depuis six ans et elle comprend bien les activités quotidiennes de l’Institut et sa vision stratégique de croissance à long terme.
J’espère vous voir à Montréal lors de la conférence et assemblée générale de l’ICI!
Winson Chan. FRI CRES REIC National Interim President
Sincères salutations, Winson Chan. FRI CRES Président national intérimaire de l'ICI
MESSAGE From THe IREM CANADA VP Message du vicePRÉSIDENT RÉGional It’s finally starting to warm up across the country, I'm pretty sure that spring is here to stay! Hopefully all of your properties survived the cold winter which seemed to hang on forever!
Le temps devient finalement plus doux partout au pays, et je suis certain que le printemps est là pour rester! Espérons que vos propriétés ont survécu au rude hiver qui semblait ne jamais vouloir finir!
So far, I’ve had the pleasure of visiting the REIC Calgary and Edmonton Chapters - and I look forward to seeing the other Chapters later this summer and fall.
Jusqu’à maintenant, j’ai eu le plaisir de visiter les divisions de Calgary et d’Edmonton, et j’ai hâte de visiter d’autres divisions cet été et cet automne.
We are less than a month away from our annual REIC Conference and AGM in beautiful Montreal, May 29th – 31st. If you’ve never been to a conference or haven’t been in a while, Montreal is an amazing city, I look forward to seeing you there!
Nous sommes à moins d’un mois de notre conférence et assemblée générale, qui se tiendra dans la magnifique ville de Montréal, du 29 au 31 mai. Si vous n’avez jamais assisté à une conférence, ou si cela fait longtemps que vous l’avez fait, Montréal est une ville géniale et j’ai hâte de vous y rencontrer!
It’s been a busy 2018 so far and you may have noticed that IREM is looking a little bit different these days – thanks to a complete rebranding we are looking bolder and brighter. The objective of rebranding IREM is to differentiate and reposition our image in the marketplace. We have a unique value proposition that separates us from others in the industry. If you’ve ever considered attending the IREM Global Summit, this is the year you should attend! The next Summit, is taking place in Ft. Lauderdale, FL on Sept 26 – 29. Registration is now open! One of the highlights of the Global Summit is the IREM REME Awards which recognize the people and companies who are managing to make a difference in our industry. The REME awards celebrate real estate management by emphasizing innovative business practices and sharing successful initiatives to foster further advancement locally, nationally, and globally. Even if you don’t plan on attending, recognize your dedicated peers by submitting them for a REME Award. Submissions are due June 1, 2018. Celebrate excellence and start your submission today! You can see the award categories, learn more, and submit today at Hope to see you this summer! Ron Penner, CPM® CRP IREM Canada Regional Vice President
L’année 2018 a été occupée jusqu’à présent, et vous avez peut-être remarqué que l’IREM a adopté une nouvelle apparence qui améliore notre image. L’objectif du changement d’image de l’IREM est de lui permettre de se distinguer et de se repositionner sur le marché. Nous avons une proposition de valeur unique qui nous démarque du reste de l’industrie. Si vous avez déjà songé à assister au Sommet mondial de l’IREM, vous devez le faire cette année! Le prochain sommet se déroule à Fort Lauderdale, en Floride, du 26 au 29 septembre. Il est possible de s’inscrire dès maintenant! L’un des points saillants du sommet mondial est la remise des prix REME de l’IREM, qui sont décernés aux personnes et aux entreprises qui font une différence dans notre industrie. La gala des prix REME célèbre la gestion immobilière en mettant l’emphase sur les pratiques d’affaires innovatrices et le partage d’initiatives fructueuses pour favoriser l’innovation à l’échelle locale, nationale, et mondiale. Si vous ne prévoyez pas y assister, reconnaissez vos pairs en soumettant leur candidature pour un prix REME. La date limite de soumission des candidatures est le 1er juin 2018. Célébrez l’excellence et effectuez votre soumission dès aujourd’hui! Vous pourrez consulter les catégories de prix, effectuer votre soumission et obtenir plus de détails au J’espère vous voir cet été! Ron Penner, CPM® CRP Vice-président régional de l’IREM du Canada
REIC Exchange, April 2018
Message From the INTERIM ED & CEO
directrice générale intérimaire
Spring is upon us at REIC and we are finally enjoying the beautiful weather. Leonard Tolstoy said, “Spring is the time of plans and projects.” This is very true for us here at the National Office as well!
Le printemps est à nos portes et nous pouvons finalement profiter du beau temps. Léonard Tolstoï a déjà dit que « le printemps est la période des plans et des projets ». C’est bien le cas pour le bureau national de l’ICI!
Since assuming the Interim role in late February there has been a flurry of activity at REIC National. I will begin with changes in staffing. I am very happy to report that Shelley Barfoot-O’Neill is now your Manager of Membership Services. In addition, Natalie Wallace, CAE has been promoted to a new role - Manager of Events and Operations.
J’assume le rôle de façon intérimaire depuis la fin février, et le bureau national de l'ICI bourdonne d'activités. Je commencerai par les changements dans le personnel. J’ai le plaisir de vous informer que Shelley Barfoot-O’Neill est maintenant votre directrice des services aux membres. De plus Natalie Wallace, CAE a été promue au nouveau poste de directrice des événements et de l’exploitation.
REIC is growing - dues are coming in ahead of budget, as well as new membership applications! The number of courses we have been facilitating across the country have also increased, along with the number of students. We are seeing more interest in NAR course offerings through the real estate boards we have partnered with.
L'ICI prend de l'expansion - les cotisations sont supérieures aux attentes, tout comme les nouvelles demandes d’adhésion! Le nombre de cours offerts au pays a également augmenté, ainsi que le nombre de participants. Les cours de la NAR suscitent davantage d’intérêt par l’intermédiaire des chambres immobilières avec lesquelles nous avons établi un partenariat.
In early March, we hosted the international team from IREM for 1.5 days of meetings. In attendance were: Nancye Kirk, Chief Strategy Officer, Leah Misbin, Director, International Programs and Rose Boras, International Education Services Coordinator.
Au début de mars, nous avons accueilli l'équipe internationale de l’IREM pour 1,5 journée de réunions. Nancye Kirk, directrice de la stratégie, Leah Misbin, directrice, programmes internationaux et Rose Boras, coordonnatrice des services d'éducation internationaux, étaient présentes.
Later in the month, Winson Chan, FRI CRES and I were invited to attend the Canada-China Realty Professional Association (CCRPA) Awards Gala. It was an honour to be part of this event that had well over 1200 attendees. Steven Sun, FRI is currently serving as President of CCRPA. Many of our members are also part of the association, and it was so nice to see you there. REIC and CCRPA are looking at ways to bring more REIC education to CCRPA members.
Plus tard au cours du mois, Winson Chan, FRI CRES et moi avons été invités au gala de remise de prix de la Canada-China Realty Professional Association (CCRPA). C’était un honneur de participer à cet événement qui réunissait plus de 1 200 participants. Steven Sun, FRI est actuellement président de la CCRPA. Bon nombre de nos membres font également partie de cette association, et c'était agréable de les rencontrer. L'ICI et la CCRPA examinent diverses possibilités pour offrir davantage de formations de l'ICI aux membres de la CCRPA.
In April, Natalie and I went to Montreal to visit the venue for the Annual Conference & AGM taking place May 29-31. If you haven’t registered already, why not take a few moments and cross that off your to-do list? The venue is absolutely gorgeous, and Montreal is full of charm. Visit for details.
En avril, Natalie et moi sommes allées à Montréal pour visiter le site de la Conférence et assemblée générale de l’ICI, qui se déroulera du 29 au 31 mai. Si vous n’êtes pas encore inscrit, pourquoi ne pas prendre un moment pour le faire et le rayer de votre liste de choses à faire? L’endroit est absolument magnifique, et Montréal déborde de charme. Pour de plus amples renseignements, visitez la page
Sincerely, Sandra De Medeiros, CAE REIC National Interim Executive Director & CEO
Cordialement, Sandra De Medeiros, CAE Directrice générale intérimaire de l'ICI
CHAPTER SPOTLIGHT Nova Scotia Chapter Celebrates New Members By Theresa Salsman, CPM® ARM®, NS Chapter Past President and National Board Director The Nova Scotia Chapter continues to grow with the induction of 3 new members! Congratulations to new FRIs Jodi Gosse, Charlotte Hansen and Robert Scanlon who received their certificates at our Lunch and Learn event on March 21st – the last Lunch and Learn event for the term of our current Board. We hosted 52 members and guests at Brightwood Golf and Country Club to learn about the changes to our Nova Scotia Tenancies Act from our guest speakers Katherine Willyard and Teddy Comeau, lawyers with McInnes Cooper. Less than 24 hours prior to the registration time for our event, something came over me and I sent an email to our Chapter President suggesting that we do a Facebook Live event for the presentations to our new members. He (somewhat reluctantly) agreed, though he did mention something about being scared… what could possibly go wrong? The morning of the event, I emailed Britny at the REIC National office asking for her thoughts on how to best pull this off. I also emailed our board asking for someone to bring a tripod! Two hours
later, we had a cool graphic that Brit whipped up for us along with some tips and tricks for the live event. Another board member supplied a tripod – which we soon realized wasn’t designed for an iPhone! Being resourceful members, we taped a selfie stick to it and proceeded to set up for the presentation. This is when I realized that I had absolutely no idea how to start a Facebook Live event and our techie Chapter Administrator was busy with registration! With the presentation about to begin, I’m thinking one of the people in this room must have used Facebook for this purpose! I started to circle the room, asking around, and was introduced to an attendee who gives presentations on social media… what are the chances? Chris had us ready to go in no time, and the live presentation went off without a hitch! Well, mostly… our camera could have been positioned a bit better… live and learn. So, what did we learn from this? To rely on our National Staff who are always willing to help (even on short notice), that networking will help you find the skills you need no matter what they may be, and to ALWAYS be open to new ideas!
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REIC Exchange, April 2018
REIM Forecast Luncheon The 33rd Annual Real Estate Institute of Manitoba (REIM) Forecast Luncheon took place on January 25, 2018. Over 200 people attended the RBC Convention Centre in Winnipeg for a fantastic lunch followed by an exciting presentation by our esteemed panel. The 33rd Annual Real Estate Institute of Manitoba (REIM) Forecast Luncheon took place on January 25, 2018. Over 200 people gathered at the RBC Convention Centre in Winnipeg for a fantastic lunch followed by an exciting presentation by our esteemed panel. The REIM Forecast Luncheon is a highly anticipated annual industry event attracting property managers, real estate and mortgage professionals, lawyers, insurance companies and many other diverse companies and individuals. This year’s luncheon was sponsored by Pitblado Law.
Our guests were led through predictions for the upcoming year by the panel moderator, Ron Margolis, President, Margolis Capital – Commercial Mortgage Professionals. The panel consisted of Rick Bachalo, Vice President, Mortgage Investments for the Great West Life Assurance Company; Armin Martens, President & Chief Executive Officer – Artis Real Estate Investment Trust; Sandy G. Shindleman, President and CEO, Shindico and Rennie Zegalski, Capital Commercial Real Estate Services. The panel had thought provoking and interesting takes on the real estate climate for Manitoba. REIM’s guests are looking forward to reviewing the predictions and learning more at the 34 Annual Forecast Luncheon – January 24, 2019!
We want to hear from you! Have Your Writing Featured in REIC Publications! REIC is always looking for opportunities to highlight work from our Members. We invite you to submit your writing on a range of topics, drawing upon your expertise to further shape the real estate industry.
REIC's Career Centre is a career posting service that offers cost-effective targeted advertising of positions available in the real estate industry.
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RIPLEY'S AQUARIUM TOUR Toronto Chapter Walking Tour & Networking Social
By John Bowen, FRI CPM ARP, REIC Toronto Chapter President On Thursday, January 18, 2018 REIC Members experienced a behind-the-scenes tour of Ripley’s Aquarium, located east of CN Tower in downtown Toronto. A networking event immediately followed the tour. The building, designed by B+H Architects, features a multifaceted shell clad in large aluminum panels. The roof of the main entrance "gives the illusion of the earth’s crust peeling away to reveal a window into the aquatic world". Inside, the aquarium tanks are designed with special shielding, so that sharks will not be disturbed by the various electrical systems. The building's concrete formula includes fly ash, a byproduct of burning coal, which is poured to make the concrete extra waterproof. No wiring is laid under the tanks' thick bottom slabs - because sharks have a highly developed sensitivity to electrical fields that lead them to prey. We learned a lot during the tour - both about unique building construction and aquatic wildlife.
What’s inside? •
More than 15,000 marine animals, from sea and fresh-water habitats from around the world. More than 1,000 pounds of food per week is fed by staff.
450 species of fish and invertebrates
5.7 million litres of water, in a 12,500-square-metre building
50 live exhibits
More than 100 interactive displays
7 galleries and a discovery centre featuring a touch pool
6 play zones for children, including Ripley’s explorer research submarine
The Gallery exhibit, also known as Mother Nature's Art Gallery, features some of the most delicate underwater species from all over the world. While some of Ripley’s larger, brightly coloured filters are on display for the public to see, there are also a variety of smaller filters that are just as important in preserving water quality and keeping the marine life healthy. Part of the aquarist’s job is to clean and bleach the filters. We were lucky enough to see many of the areas not accessible to public. Ripley’s also has a special salt mixing room for the salt water tanks. Water is filtered and the aquarists have a recipe they follow, including the right qualities of salt, magnesium and minerals. It gets mixed in a large basin which holds 36,000 gallons of water.
The Dangerous Lagoon features an underwater tunnel, the aquarium's largest tank. A wide conveyor belt moves through the structure, allowing visitors to become immersed in the underwarer gallery. Some of the featured animals in this exhibit include sand tiger sharks, sandbar sharks, roughtail stingrays, longcomb sawfish, and green sea turtles. The Discovery Centre features various hands-on activities such as underwater viewing bubbles, a pop-up research submarine and a touch pool which allows visitors to touch living fossils. 8
REIC Exchange, April 2018
Image by Eric Parker via Flickr
EDMONTON CHAPTER UPDATES The REIC Edmonton Chapter has started off 2018 with a busy schedule! Our first luncheon was held on February 15 with National Secretary/Treasurer Lindsay Carlson, FRI CRES as guest speaker. We are excited to share that the Edmonton Chapter successfully hosted two courses so far, REIC2600: Ethics in Business Practice and RES201: Successful Site Management. Although, at first, we were a bit unsure of how successful these courses would be - we can report with enthusiasm that the chapter benefited financially from these two courses. On April 6, we had our AGM with IREM Canada RVP Ron Penner, CPM® CRP as our guest speaker. Together we announced our two new board members, Shirley Mattreck, CPM® ACoM and Barry Meckelberg, CPM® ARM®.
We have had a number of chapter interviews resulting in three member designations, Stacy Elliott, CPM®, Amanda Loveless, CPM® and Ken Sheil holding both CPM® and ACoM designations. Our next luncheon will be held on June 7. It will be focused on outreach to young professionals who are attending business/ real estate programs at our two Universities in Edmonton. The luncheon will have a guest speaker; Melissa McKinley is the Director of Planning with the Alberta Cannabis Secretariat within the Ministry of Justice and Solicitor General. Melissa will be speaking on the upcoming change to legalize cannabis in Canada and how it will affect the real estate industry. We will be combining this event with corporate outreach while Gareth R. Jones, FRI CRES ABR CRB SRS SRES PSA RENE, REIC National Vice-President, Corporate Developmentis in Edmonton. The golf committee is in full force and this year we have a new partner who has participated in a number of successful tournaments. We are calling this a "golf experience" and not just a golf tournament. The event is scheduled for September 8, and proceeds will support Habitat for Humanity and the Alberta Cancer Foundation.
IREM Canada RVP, Ron Penner CPM® CRP
Where's Gareth? Gareth R. Jones, FRI CRES ABR CRB SRS SRES PSA RENE, Vice-President, Corporate Development has a full schedule ahead! From April to July Gareth will be travelling across the country doing corporate outreach. Gareth started his outreach efforts in Ottawa. Along with the assistance of the Chapter President, Franco Falbo, CPM®, visits were made to prominent property management companies to talk about the importance of continuing professional development and membership benefits. If you know of an organization that can benefit from REIC’s education and membership, please contact Gareth directly at
Travel dates Ottawa: April 18-19
Calgary: June 5-6
Winnipeg: May 2-3
Edmonton: June 7
Edmonton: May 9-11
Halifax: June 11-12
Montreal: May 28
Vancouver: July 3-6
EXPLORING OPPORTUNITY Join us for the REIC Annual Conference & AGM: May 29-31, 2018 The #REIC2018 Annual Conference and AGM is a three-day event focused on bringing together a diverse range of real estate professionals for informative sessions, engaging networking events and fun celebrations. This year, the conference takes place in the beautiful city of Montreal, at the Hôtel Place D'Armes. Join us from May 29-31 and participate in hands-on activities with a community of like-minded professionals while experiencing all that Montreal has to offer! The Annual Conference is a great opportunity to build lasting and meaningful relationships with your fellow colleagues in the real estate industry. IREM will be hosting a 2-day leadership conference, covering topics such as the roles of committee and boards in running an association, and how to be a more effective volunteer leader. Perfect your presentation skills with Shannon
REIC Exchange, April 2018
Alter, CPM®, and be sure to catch our keynote speaker Warren Weeks of The Warren Weeks Show. But that's not all! Altus Group will be providing a market review, and REIC Faculty members Gareth Jones, FRI CRES and Georges Renaud, FRI(E) CPM® will be giving us a crash-course on professional ethics and business decision-making. In addition to professional development sessions, there will be a number of social events to attend. Be sure to join the IREM networking reception, the off-site adventure, and the REIC Pursuit of Excellence Awards Gala. Event information, registration and hotel booking is available at
# OF members 2016: 1748 2017: 1760
British Columbia 12%
Toronto 29% Calgary 10%
Caribbean 2%
members by chapter 2017
Edmonton 9% REIS 5% Manitoba 6%
Quebec 6% Ottawa 4%
None applicable 12%
Nova Scotia 5%
designation applications received 2016 vs 2017 +22 60
Total 2016: 129 Total 2017: 194 =+65
50 40
37 30
+3 10 0
13 5
7 arm
cres 2016
6 crp
7 cru
Real Estate Institute of Canada 208-5407 Eglinton Avenue West Toronto, ON M9C 5K6 Tel: 416.695.9000 Fax: 416.695.7230 Email: Contact Us With Your Questions Today! 1.800.542.7342 Hours Monday – Friday 9. a.m – 5 p.m. ET