Real Estate Institute of Canada
EXCHANGE August 2019
INSIDE REIC News #REIC2019 Conference & AGM General Licensing for Condo Managers Why We Volunteer REIC Membership Milestones ...and more
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PRESIDENT Ken Loeppky, CPM® VICE PRESIDENT Johnmark Roberts, FRI SECRETARY/TREASURER Walter Lui, FRI CPM® CRES INTERIM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AND CEO Sandra De Medeiros, CAE EDITOR Britny Rodé, Marketing and Communications Specialist ABOUT REIC
REIC is a provider of advanced education and designation programs to professionals in the real estate industry. With 8 Chapters across Canada, we have been educating and certifying professionals since 1955.
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Real Estate Institute of Canada - REIC
REIC Exchange, August 2019
MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT MESSAGE DU PRÉSIDENT I have been a member of REIC for too many years to mention and to be elected as your President is the highlight of my relationship with the Institute.
Je suis membre de l’ICI depuis trop d’années pour le mentionner et le fait d’être élu président représente le point culminant de ma relation avec l’Institut.
I believe in what REIC stands for: high ethical standards, the benefit of experience and knowledge sharing, and the strength of our diverse professional community. These values provide a solid foundation to build a stronger and more resilient REIC for the future.
Je crois en ce que représente l’ICI : des normes d’éthique élevées, les avantages de l'expérience et du partage des connaissances, et la force de notre communauté professionnelle diversifiée. Ces valeurs procurent un excellent fondement pour bâtir un avenir plus solide et plus résilient pour l'ICI.
We have been through challenging times in the past 18 months, starting with the retirement of Maura McLaren, CAE and, shortly thereafter, the resignation of our elected President. Recently, we saw the resignation of our Vice President for health reasons. It is through the perseverance of our volunteers and staff, and the support of our partners, that we find ourselves continuing on an upward trajectory. I would like to give a shout out to Winson Chan, FRI CRES for leading our organization with diplomacy and a great sense of humor.
Au cours des 18 derniers mois, nous avons traversé une période difficile, d’abord avec la retraite de Maura McLaren, CAE, et peu après, la démission de notre président. Récemment, notre vice-président a dû donner sa démission pour des raisons de santé. C’est grâce à la persévérance de nos bénévoles et de notre personnel, ainsi qu’au soutien de nos partenaires, que nous poursuivons notre trajectoire ascendante. J’aimerais souligner le travail de Winson Chan, FRI CRES, qui a dirigé notre organisation avec diplomatie et un excellent sens de l’humour.
A special thank you is due to Sandra De Medeiros, CAE and the amazing team at National. They have supported the board and served our members through thick and thin. I also thank outgoing IREM Canada VP Ron Penner, CPM® CRP and incoming VP Chrystal Skead, CPM® ARM® for their support. From our family of Chapters and faculty, many reached out to the Board and offered support and encouragement. It makes a difference knowing we can count on you as we map out the Institute's future.
Je tiens à remercier spécialement Sandra De Medeiros, CAE, et la fantastique équipe du bureau national. Ils ont appuyé le conseil d’administration et servi nos membres à travers toutes les épreuves. Je remercie également le vice-président de l’IREM du Canada, Ron Penner, CPM® CRP, et la vice-présidente désignée Chrystal Skead, CPM® ARM®, de leur soutien. De nombreux membres et formateurs ont offert leur soutien et leurs encouragements au conseil. Cela fait une différence de savoir que l’on peut compter sur vous alors que nous façonnons l’avenir de l’Institut.
This is the beginning of a new chapter for REIC, and I am excited, proud and privileged to be the person chosen to lead this journey that will continue long after I am done my tenure as President. To be successful we need to both leverage the leadership champions we have now and develop and recruit new champions for the future. Please consider how you can make a difference at REIC. I love the saying, "If it is to be, it’s up to me".
C’est le début d’un nouveau chapitre pour l’ICI, et je suis heureux, fier et privilégié d’être la personne choisie pour diriger ce périple, qui se poursuivra longtemps après mon mandat de président. Pour obtenir du succès, nous devons tirer parti de nos champions du leadership actuels et développer et recruter de nouveaux champions pour l’avenir. Veuillez prendre le temps de considérer comment vous pourriez faire une différence à l'ICI. J’adore l’adage « pour y arriver, c'est à moi d'y voir ».
I look forward to serving you over the next year and ask for your continued support on our journey.
J’ai hâte de vous servir au cours de la prochaine année et je sollicite votre soutien continu dans cette aventure.
Ken Loeppky, CPM® REIC National President
Ken Loeppky, CPM® Président national de l'ICI
MESSAGE FROM THE IREM CANADA VP MESSAGE DU VICEPRÉSIDENT RÉGIONAL It is an honour to be appointed once again to serve as your IREM Canada VP. This is an especially exciting time to be involved as an IREM representative.
C’est un honneur d’être nommé de nouveau VP de l’IREM du Canada. C’est une période particulièrement excitante pour agir en tant que représentant de l’IREM.
Cheryl Gray, CPM®’s inauguration as President at the IREM Global Summit, taking place this year September 23-26, is breaking ground for international members to hold the ultimate leadership position in the organization. Not only are we proud of Cheryl’s accomplishments and ascension through the ranks of the IREM governance team as a Canadian, we also look forward to her extraordinary leadership skills that will undoubtedly take IREM to an even higher level of professionalism in our industry.
La nomination de Cheryl Gray, CPM®, à titre de présidente au Sommet mondial de l’IREM, qui se tiendra cette année du 23 au 26 septembre, est une première pour les membres internationaux qui souhaitent occuper le plus haut poste de dirigeant de l’organisation. Non seulement sommes-nous fiers des réalisations et de l’ascension de Cheryl en tant que Canadienne au sein de l’équipe de gouvernance de l’IREM, mais nous pourrons profiter de ses extraordinaires qualités de leader, qui contribueront indubitablement à faire progresser le niveau de professionnalisme de l’IREM dans notre secteur.
I'm sure the IREM Chairs in each of our Chapters have registered to be part of the governance, education, and festivities at the Summit in San Francisco, however, I encourage every Canadian CPM®, ARM® and ACoM to join us there. We are sure to have a record number of Canadian delegates as I have already spoken with so many who have registered. Be a part of the celebration and discover what depth of value the IREM Global Summit can provide for you! I thank Ron Penner, CPM® CRP, for his diligent and passionate service as the outgoing IREM Canada VP and congratulate him as he continues serving both REIC and IREM on the IREM Executive Committee. I also congratulate Ken Loeppky, CPM®, for his election as REIC National President. I am looking forward to working closely with the new Board and REIC National staff as liaison with our Canadian chapters in providing support and guidance for the Members and local Boards. Chrystal Skead, CPM® ARM® IREM Canada Vice President
Je suis certain que les présidents de l’IREM de chacun de nos chapitres se sont inscrits pour participer aux activités de gouvernance, de formation, et aux festivités du Sommet de San Francisco, toutefois, j’encourage chaque CPM®, ARM® et ACoM du Canada à y participer. Nous sommes certains d’avoir un nombre record de représentants canadiens, car j’ai parlé à un grand nombre d’entre vous qui êtes déjà inscrits. Faites partie des célébrations et découvrez la valeur que peut vous offrir le Sommet mondial de l’IREM! Je souhaite remercier Ron Penner, CPM® CRP, pour la diligence et la passion qu’il a démontrées en tant que VP sortant de l’IREM du Canada, et je le félicite de continuer de servir l’ICI et l’IREM sur le comité de direction de l’IREM. Je tiens aussi à féliciter Ken Loeppky, CPM®, pour son élection en tant que président national de l'ICI. Je me réjouis de collaborer étroitement avec le conseil d’administration et le personnel national de l'ICI à titre d’agent de liaison avec nos chapitres canadiens, en offrant du soutien et des orientations aux membres et aux conseils d’administration locaux. Chrystal Skead, CPM® ARM® Vice-président régional de l’IREM du Canada
REIC Exchange, August 2019
DIRECTRICE GÉNÉRALE INTÉRIMAIRE Since February 2018, I have had the privilege of being your interim ED & CEO. The last 18 months have been a significant learning process for me, both professionally and personally.
Depuis février 2018, j’ai le privilège d’être votre directrice générale intérimaire. Les 18 derniers mois ont été tout un processus d'apprentissage pour moi, autant à titre professionnel que personnel.
I said goodbye to my father in December, he was 92 years old and he is the reason why I decided to pursue a career in non-profit. Since I was a little girl, I remember him donating his time and skills to serve the Portuguese community – working tirelessly behind the scenes as a cook at the community centre and at our local church. He wasn’t interested in accolades or praise; he was just proud to be able to serve and help others.
En décembre, j’ai dû dire au revoir à mon père. Il était âgé de 92 ans, et c’est lui qui m’a incitée à poursuivre une carrière dans une organisation à but non lucratif. Depuis mon tout jeune âge, je me souviens qu’il donnait son temps et partageait son savoir-faire avec la communauté portugaise – travaillant sans relâche comme cuisinier au centre communautaire de notre église locale. Il n'était pas intéressé par les éloges, mais seulement fier de pouvoir servir et aider les autres.
With this in mind, I would like to recognize our wonderful volunteers. Many of you work tirelessly behind the scenes, too. Thank you for giving so much to REIC. If you are looking for ways to network with fellow members and create meaningful changes, volunteering is a great way to enhance both professional and personal growth.
C'est dans cet esprit que j’aimerais reconnaître nos merveilleux bénévoles. Nombre d’entre vous travaillent aussi sans relâche dans les coulisses. Merci de tant donner à l’ICI. Si vous cherchez des façons de réseauter avec d’autres membres et de créer un changement significatif, le bénévolat est une excellente façon de contribuer à votre croissance personnelle et professionnelle.
Thank you to everyone who joined us for this year’s Annual Conference & AGM in Niagara Falls. Both the city and the Niagara region are rich in fascinating history and cultural heritage, it was a pleasure to take in the sights and spend time with our Members. Because of you, the event was a massive success. I hope to see many of you at next year’s conference in Edmonton, Alberta as we celebrate REIC’s 65th anniversary! It will be an event to remember.
Merci à tous ceux qui se sont joints à nous dans le cadre de la Conférence et assemblée générale annuelle de cette année, qui s’est déroulée à Niagara Falls, en Ontario. L’héritage culturel et l’histoire de la ville de Niagara Falls et de la région de Niagara sont fascinants, et c’était un plaisir de profiter du paysage et de passer du temps avec nos membres. Grâce à vous, l’événement a été un franc succès. J’espère croiser un grand nombre d’entre vous à la conférence de l’an prochain, qui aura lieu à Edmonton, en Alberta, alors que nous célébrerons le 65e anniversaire de l’ICI! Ce sera un événement inoubliable!
At the AGM we welcomed new National Board members Yolanta and Natalka, and we saw long standing members move on to pursue other passions. Please join me in thanking Don and Lindsay for their commitment and leadership. Thank you, as well, to everyone who gave their submissions to the Nominating Committee this year. REIC relies on its Members and those who contribute as volunteers. Your voice matters. Thank you for your support! Sandra De Medeiros, CAE REIC National Interim Executive Director & CEO
Lors de l’assemblée générale annuelle, nous avons accueilli de nouveaux membres sur le conseil d’administration national, Yolanta et Natalka, et nous avons vu des membres de longue date nous quitter pour s’adonner à d’autres passions. Veuillez vous joindre à moi pour remercier Don et Lindsay pour leur engagement et leur leadership. Merci également à tous ceux qui ont présenté leurs soumissions au comité des candidatures cette année. L’ICI dépend de ses membres et de ses bénévoles. Votre voix compte. Nous vous remercions de votre appui! Sandra De Medeiros, CAE Directrice générale intérimaire de l'ICI
REIC NEWS NOUVELLES DE L'ICI MARKETING WITH HUBSPOT CRM REIC National started the year with a new Customer Relationship Management (CRM) program. HubSpot CRM is one of the leading programs currently available on the market. REIC uses Hubspot to track leads & member interactions with all our advertisements, website pages, emails and social media posts, in addition to managing our contact lists and email automations. The program has also allowed us to track conversions from prospects to members. To date we have 80 new members who were initially captured through Hubspot! We are also observing lead behaviour so we can continue to enhance our marketing strategies into the future. REIC REPRESENTATION AT TRADE SHOWS We have been busy in the first half of 2019, representing the Institute at various trade shows and industry events. So far, we have attended the Banff Western Connection show in Alberta and PM Springfest, RealtorQuest and the REMI Show in Ontario. In November we will be exhibiting at both the Ontario Non-Profit Housing Association (ONPHA) and the BC Non-Profit Housing Association (BCNPHA) conferences. We will end the year with our annual presence at The Buildings Show. Visit to register for events that REIC National is participating in, we hope to see you there! REIC NATIONAL STAFF UPDATES Please join us in welcoming Jenny Huynh and Aurajoy Mitchell to the National team! Jenny is our Finance Clerk, working with Li Liu, CPA CGA, Manager of Finance. Aurajoy is the Education and Membership Coordinator, working closely with Kitty Mach and Shelley Barfoot-O'Neill in both departments.
MARKETING AVEC HUBSPOT CRM Le bureau national de l'ICI a entrepris l’année avec un nouveau programme de gestion des relations avec les clients. HubSpot CRM est l’un des principaux programmes actuellement disponibles sur le marché. L'ICI utilise Hubspot pour faire le suivi des membres potentiels et des interactions avec les membres dans l’ensemble de nos publicités, pages de site Web, courriels et publications dans les médias sociaux, en plus de gérer nos listes de contacts et l’automatisation de nos courriels. De plus, le programme nous a permis de suivre les conversions de membres potentiels en membres. À ce jour, 80 nouveaux membres qui ont été recueillis au moyen d’Hubspot se sont ajoutés! Nous observons aussi le comportement des membres potentiels pour améliorer nos stratégies de marketing à l’avenir. REPRÉSENTATION DE L’ICI DANS LES SALONS PROFESSIONNELS Nous avons été occupés pendant la première moitié de 2019 à représenter l’Institut dans divers salons professionnels et événements du secteur. Jusqu’à présent, nous avons participé au Banff Western Connection Show, en Alberta, et aux PM Springfest, RealtorQuest et REMI Show, en Ontario. En novembre, nous aurons un kiosque aux conférences de l’Ontario NonProfit Housing Association (ONPHA) et de la BC Non-Profit Housing Association (BCNPHA). Nous conclurons l’année avec notre présence annuelle à l'événement « The Buildings Show ». Visitez le site pour vous inscrire aux événements auxquels participe le bureau national de l’ICI. Au plaisir de vous y voir! MODIFICATIONS AU PERSONNEL NATIONAL DE L'ICI Veuillez vous joindre à nous pour accueillir Jenny Huynh et Aurajoy Mitchell sur l'équipe nationale! Jenny est notre commis aux finances; elle travaille avec Li Liu, CPA CGA, notre directrice des finances. Aurajoy est coordonnatrice des membres et de la formation et collabore étroitement avec Kitty Mach et Shelley Barfoot-O'Neill dans les deux services.
REIC Exchange, August 2019
PRESIDENT Ken Loeppky, CPM® Vice President & COO, Innovation Place Regina, SK
PAST PRESIDENT Winson Chan, FRI CRES Vice President, Sales Development, Tridel Toronto, ON
VICE PRESIDENT Johnmark Roberts, FRI Broker of Record, B&B Associates Realty Ltd., Brokerage Toronto, ON
DIRECTORS Natalka Falcomer, CLO Executive Vice President Corporate Development, Chestnut Park Real Estate Limited, Brokerage Toronto, ON
SECRETARY/TREASURER Walter Lui, FRI, CPM® CRES Broker/Manager, Century 21 Leading Edge Realty Inc., Brokerage Toronto, ON
Diane Glover, CPM® Senior Property Manager, Globe Property Management Winnipeg, MB
Maria Jeck, CRP Citadel Building Consultants Ltd. Coquitlam, BC Theresa Salsman, CPM® ARM® General Manager, Commercial & Residential Division, Real Estate 360 Property Advisory Dartmouth, NS Yolanta Scott, CPM® ARM® CRP Specialist, First Nations Housing (Alberta), CMHC Edmonton, AB
2019 PURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE AWARDS Congratulations to our 2019 Pursuit of Excellence Award winners. Recipients were formally recognized at the Awards Gala held during REIC’s Annual Conference in Niagara Falls, ON. EMERITUS AWARD Helen Jones, FRI - JONESco Real Estate Inc. Saadat Keshavjee, CPM® CMOC - Amhurst Property Management J.A. WEBER AWARD John Bowen, FRI CPM® ARP - Markland MURRAY BOSLEY SALES AND LEASING MEMBER OF THE YEAR AWARD Fabio Fiumana, FRI - McCOR Management REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT MEMBER OF THE YEAR AWARD Christopher Lieb, CPM® - Oxford Properties Group W.P.J. MCCARTHY PARTNER OF THE YEAR AWARD Matrix360 REIC COMMUNITY SERVICES AWARD Ruth Harding Bohan, FRI - Royal LePage Atlantic Ken Finch, FRI CPM® - Royal LePage Signature Realty
Visit our website to see more award photos: 8
REIC Exchange, August 2019
QUADREAL LITERARY AWARD Natalka Falcomer, CLO - Groundworks Firm YOUNG PROFESSIONAL OF THE YEAR AWARD Wesley Narciso, CRP - JRS Engineering DON HILL CHAPTER INITIATIVE OF THE YEAR AWARD REIC BC Chapter CHAPTER ADMINISTRATOR OF THE YEAR AWARD Kerri Hiebert - REIM Chapter Beth McKenzie - REIC Toronto Chapter QUADREAL EXCELLENCE AWARD Jessica Greenberg, CPM® - Osgoode Properties CHAPTER OF THE YEAR AWARD REIC Toronto Chapter In addition, the REIC Toronto Chapter received the IREM Outstanding Canadian Chapter Award
2019 ANNUAL CONFERENCE & AGM Real estate professionals from across North America spent three days in beautiful Niagara Falls, ON for the REIC Annual Conference & AGM. Enjoying a breathtaking view of the Falls, delegates enjoyed food, networking and unique learning opportunities. We kicked off the event with a welcome lunch followed by IREM Leadership Sessions, where IREM representatives shared best practices and spoke about defining Chapter activity, engagement strategies and leadership succession planning. Attendees enjoyed the IREM Cocktail Social, where they were invited to participate in a unique blindfolded sculpture activity led by Douglas Free, Vice-President of the Hands of Fire sculpture group for blind and visually impaired artists. Day two found attendees learning how to influence audience reaction and behavior with the Pinnacle Skills workshop led by Tina Gluschenko, Master Instructor and Actress. Following the all-day workshop, conference delegates went off-site for a fascinating Journey Beneath the Falls where they had an intimate view of Niagara Falls from different elevations. The evening concluded with a delicious meal at the Table Rock Restaurant, where the falls were illuminated red and white in honour of REIC! At the Annual General Meeting we welcomed the 20192020 National Board of Directors. The AGM was followed by an engaging panel discussion presented in partnership with Matrix360. Moderated by Ryan Ram, Manager, Talent & Communications, a diverse group of REIC Members discussed how they elevate their business presence as leaders and ultimately forge sustainable partnerships that work.
A marketing workshop series was led by NOYADESIGNS, who gave delegates professional advice on personal branding, social media advertising and do-it-yourself video marketing! The conference closed with the Pursuit of Excellence Awards Gala, hosted by Yan Markson, who provided entertaining magic and mentalist feats. Attendees also played Casino Royale themed activities, raising over $1500 for Hands of Fire, and enjoyed the fun photobooth. We are so thankful for the generosity, hard work and achievements of so many of our Members and volunteers. We hope you will join us next year for our 65th anniversary in Edmonton, AB June 9-11, 2020! ď Ž
B&B Associates Realty Ltd. Brokerage
GOLPRO Holdings Inc.
Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA)
REIC Exchange, August 2019
Annual Conference and AGM Conférence annuelle et AGA
COTTAGE LIFE By Natalka Falcomer, CLO, REIC National Director & Faculty
Maybe it’s the new flight service by Porter Airlines to Muskoka, or maybe it’s the smog that’s prompting Torontonians to move from the hustle and bustle of the city to set up a life in cottage country. Or, maybe (and more likely), it’s the cost of a home in the now famous T.O. Some Torontonians are opting out of the Toronto market to find greener (literally) pastures in the rural parts of Ontario. The math makes sense, even if you decide to buy in rural Ontario and still rent in Toronto. How? Homes and mortgages outside of our urban centres are significantly cheaper than in the urban core. As an article reported in Toronto Life, if you Airbnb your cottage when you’re caught in the city, you will more than cover your mortgage and your Toronto rent. There are, however, some caveats and critical legal and practical issues that may affect your cottage life.
Short Term Rentals If you plan to put your cottage on Airbnb, be aware of noise regulations and open fire rules as well as your neighbours, who may not be pleased with short term renters partying through the summer months, especially if they’re out there to relax. Zoning restrictions, and not just noise by-laws, may also be in store for parts of cottage country. And don’t forget that your insurance will be sky high as you’re not actually living in the cottage you’re renting it out!
Financing Many banks will only permit financing if the property has a furnace, a heated water line from the lake during winter months, and a foundation in the ground (not on cinder blocks). You must ensure that the roads are maintained year-round, and that the property has a proper septic system and clean drinking water. If not, your lender may back out at the last minute. One also wonders about the impact of insurance on homes near the water due to the flooding in Muskoka... stay tuned!
REIC Exchange, August 2019
Easements Easements and rights of way are deceptively complex legal concepts and are often the cause of litigation between neighbours. The point of most easements or rights of way is to ensure that adjacent properties are accessible or that their views are protected. Sometimes these easements are noted on title, other times they’re granted by legislation or arise out of implication. Often, when there’s nothing in writing or on title, neighbours will litigate over whether or not such access rights exist. If you intend on buying a cottage that needs access to its neighbouring property, or if you want to protect a view, don’t assume these rights are protected. Confirm if these rights are registered on title. If not, you may be exposing yourself to unhappy neighbours and a potential lawsuit.
Unregistered Hydro Easements Unregistered hydro easements can be highly problematic as they permit the hydro authorities to cut through your land and prohibit you from building on the hydro easement. What is more, case law and HydroOne’s policy requires homeowners to be financially responsible for maintaining wires and poles found on or near their property. To complicate matters further, such hydro easements are not found on title! Rather, you must contact the appropriate hydro authority to determine such easements.
Waterfront Improvements Never operate under the assumption that the existing cottage or dock on a property is in line with by-law mandates. Take, for example, a dock. The provincial Public Lands Act and federal Fisheries Act will apply if
the construction of a dock impacts both the shoreline waters and fish habitat. This means that the construction of a dock may require not only municipal approval, but also federal and provincial approvals and permits. Ensure that these permits are in place before you purchase any oasis.
Never operate under the assumption that the existing cottage or dock on a property is in line with by-law mandates. Property Insurance
Proximity to a fire hall can impact the rate charged for fire insurance. Typically, insurance companies focus on whether the structure is within five miles of a responding fire hall. In certain locales, insurers may not provide coverage given lack of adequate fire protection. Get this information before an offer goes in.
Seasonal Zoning While you may want to escape to your cottage year-round, it doesn’t mean that this is an option. Some rural residential properties are zoned “seasonal” which means roadways are not maintained during the winter. Apart from no access during certain seasons, you may also be on the hook to provide and pay for maintenance. Seasonal zoning can also mean that the municipality may not provide emergency services in the wintertime - which is cause for concern if you have elderly visitors or grandchildren.
If the water supply for your prospective cottage is municipally provided, you’re in luck. Unlike most cottages that are supplied by well water, you won’t have to be concerned with potability. This is because there is no reliable potability certificate for well water, as well as water drawn from lakes or a cistern. Wells supplying multiple properties may be subject to regulations such as the Ontario Clean Water Act, and easements for pipes from neighbouring wells (if registered) may violate the Ontario Planning Act. As always, request applicable certificates and obtain warranties from the seller to ensure that the water supply is in accordance with all federal, provincial and local regulations.
Septic systems require approval by the local municipality or the Ministry of Natural Resources, so be sure to ask the sellers for such documentation. If you plan to make any additions to the cottage that affect the septic system, you will likely be required to obtain additional approval to satisfy such regulatory requirements. If you want to rebuild and expand the cottage you plan to buy, ensure that such growth is permissible.
Water supply
While this list of complexities can seem daunting, a local, experienced agent will be able to guide you around these risks and straight to your new refuge.
DAVID DUNCAN, CPM® CMOC GRANTED GENERAL LICENSE As of November 1, 2017, the Condo Management Regulatory Authority of Ontario (CMRAO) began licensing condominium managers. David is the first management professional in the province to be granted a General License based on equivalencies and experience, opening the door for other CPM® Members who manage condos. Following an extensive review of Ontario's Condominium Act, the Minister of Government and Consumer Services created a mandatory licensing system. The CMRAO became a regulatory body overseeing condo managers and management companies in order to ensure that only qualified professionals with appropriate training and education hold a license. To obtain the CMRAO General License a person must meet experience and education requirements which include one or more of the following: •
Successful completion of four courses developed by the Association of Condominium Managers of Ontario (ACMO).
Successful completion of ACMO’s four challenge exams (which can substitute course completion).
Successful completion of ACMO’s Registered Condominium Manager (RCM) exam.
REIC met with the CMRAO CEO and Registrar Ali Arlani in January 2018 to discuss the Institute's contributions to industry standards. Although REIC's mission does not include traditional advocacy, the Institute does advocate for its Members' breadth and depth of education, experience and ethical standards. REIC discussed the CERTIFIED PROPERTY MANAGER (CPM®) designation including its rigorous standards of education and experience, as well as Members' adherence to ethics and professional standards that go above and beyond the minimums set out in the Act. Although equivalencies are mentioned in the Act, currently the General Licensing is reserved for those who meet ACMO education requirements.
As of April 2019, REIC Past President David Duncan, CPM® CMOC was the first person in Ontario granted the General License based on equivalencies and experience. As such, he was exempt from completing the four ACMO challenge exams or the RCM exam. He was, however, required to complete the online continuing education course delivered by ACMO. General Licensees who fulfilled their education and experience requirements prior to November 1, 2017 were also required to complete the continuing education course by July 2, 2019 in order to ensure that their knowledge of the Act is up-to-date. David reports that his application was 90 pages long and spoke to the courses required for a RCM in comparison to REIC and IREM requirements. He scored 92% on the continuing education course. "The CPM® and CMOC played a part in the application process, as did all of the volunteer work and conference seminars that I attended," says David, "I hope this is helpful to other Members." David continues to discuss competencies and qualifications with the CMRAO. REIC congratulates David on this important accomplishment that further establishes the CPM® program as the highest standard of education, experience and ethics in property management. For general questions and inquiries about the CMRAO and its services please contact
By John Bowen, FRI CPM ARP, REIC Toronto Chapter President The original construction of Union Station began in 1914 but due to the First World War, it was not completed until 1927. It is one of Canada’s finest examples of Beaux-Art style architecture and was designated the second most important National Historic Site in Canada (second only to the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa). This historic landmark is Canada’s busiest and most important passenger transportation hub serving over 300,000 visitors every day. Over ten years ago, the Toronto Chapter conducted a “Behind the Scenes” tour of this iconic building. During that time we had an opportunity to see the inner workings of the Great Hall, VIA Rail, Go Train operations and the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC), and also had an inside look at the many other areas including security, service rooms, and office spaces.
tens of thousands of passengers passing through Union Station daily. This stage of construction involved the replacement of 447 concrete columns, 185 of which directly support the train tracks. Nearly 45 truckloads of excavated material (600 – 900 tons) were removed from the construction site nightly. The excavators and support equipment used were the same kind as those used in underground mining operations. The revitalization of this 100-year-old building will triple the size of this important transportation hub and includes a significant renovation of York Concourse and the VIA Panorama lounge, installation of new bike parking stations and creation of a new lower retail level and the Union Food Court.
A decade later, the City and its partners are completing the restoration of the Great Hall, the VIA Concourse, the new Bay Concourse and lower retail level with a much-needed upgrade. It is a proud part of Toronto’s history and when completed it will have doubled the pedestrian capacity, restored important heritage elements, and transformed this gem into a major destination for shopping, dining and community gathering. Over the last few years, thousands of new condo units have been built nearby and the residents will require many services to serve this growing population in the downtown central business district. It is no longer just a nine to five destination for weekday workers and transients. In January 2019, the Toronto Chapter Board of Directors had an opportunity for an exclusive hard-hat tour to see “Behind the Scenes” and hear about the construction challenges of this megaproject a decade after our original tour of this grand facility. The station’s revitalization will preserve the heritage elements and create additional space for retail expansion. The excavation was a complicated process that involved digging several metres below the existing GO and VIA train tracks under Union Station to create two new transit concourses and a new lower-level pedestrian retail concourse. Column replacement on this scale is unique. This complex procedure has been employed only in special cases throughout the world and seldom on structures this size that remain fully operational throughout construction, with trains operating overhead and 14
REIC Exchange, August 2019
The Union Food Court is the first area to open and offers a variety of new food retailers, a seating capacity for more than 600 people, and 25,000 square feet of dining space. Overall, the retail area will be creating a vibrant new retail hub of over 100,000 square feet when complete. In the future, a fine dining restaurant is expected to be built into the north side of the Great Hall. Design concepts were studied by the design team at several major train stations around North America to determine what works best to improve the customer experience for visitors. One question asked by Osmington, who is responsible for the retail renovations, was “how does one open up and distinguish a compressed public space by turning infrastructure into art?”. An interesting feature of the Union Food Court are the 210 cloudlike suspended PODS (Pressurized Ocular Diffuser System) above the seating area. They were conceived by the design team as an
artful way of integrating HVAC, lighting and sprinklers, regain ceiling height, optimize maintenance and offer an aesthetic alternative for patrons. Once the Bay Concourse is complete, both Union Station concourses combined will be triple their original size and will include the ability to access the full length of the platform from the concourse level and an improved connection to Toronto’s PATH system. This will reduce overcrowding during peak hours and add more train capacity to the station. Adding a roof structure over the new GO train platform will protect people and equipment from the elements. Union Station’s revitalization is an $800-million City initiative supported by investments of $164 million from the Government of Canada, $172 million from the Government of Ontario.
ATLANTIC CANADA'S FASTEST GROWING COMMUNITY On April 4, 2019 the REIC Nova Scotia Chapter hosted a Lunch and Learn event sponsored by Cresco. Both REIC Members and the general public were invited to attend and learn about Atlantic Canada’s fastest growing and most family friendly community, The Parks of West Bedford. By Amanée Mousavi, FRI, REIC Nova Scotia Chapter Director This community is being developed by West Bedford Holdings Limited, a joint venture between Clayton Developments Limited and Cresco. A subsidiary of The Shaw Group, Clayton has carved out a reputation as the industry leader in premium land development. The event was hosted at Cresco’s sales centre in West Bedford and was catered by Ray’s Lebanese Cuisine. Christina Baker, FRI from Clayton Developments gave a presentation on the community itself, as well as the present and future developments. I took our guests on a tour through Cresco’s executive custom-built homes. The event yielded a great turnout, which was no suprise considering that this neighborhood has been a hot topic in the Halifax market with all of the upcoming new homes, parks, walking trails, amenities, apartment buildings and the proposed future Highway 113. This mixed-use community is over 1300 acres and will house 20,000 people when it is completed. The Parks of West Bedford is being designed with innovative approaches to storm-water management, tree-retention, active transportation alternatives, ground-water replenishment, and lake monitoring. The company has also teamed with HRM and the Province of Nova Scotia to build Atlantic Canada’s first interchange with free-flow “roundabouts” (Highway 102/Larry Uteck Blvd. Interchange). We want to extend a big thank you to REIC National for granting our Chapter the subsidy to help fund this event, and to Cresco for their sponsorship and support!
Throughout my career I have heard lawyers, doctors, and property owners talk about giving a tenant the first right of refusal in a premise lease. The result: If the building should come for sale at the landlord’s discretion, the tenant has the first right of refusal to purchase the building. (The following definitions are reprinted with permission from Commercial Investment Real Estate published by CCIM Institute.)
Option to Purchase. This provision grants the holder the right to purchase an indicated property during the term of the option without respect to the owner’s desire to sell. In other words, the holder can force the owner to sell the property by exerting the option. Options to purchase often include specific terms such as a purchase price; however, inclusion of such terms does not necessarily mean that an option to purchase exists.
Right of First Offer. Sometimes referred to as a right of first opportunity or first right to purchase, this provision requires the owner to give the holder the first chance to buy a property after the owner decides to sell. Unlike the option to purchase, the holder cannot force the owner to sell.
Right of First Refusal. This provision grants the holder the right to see any bona fide third-party offers the owner has received on a property. The holder can match the terms of the third-party deal and purchase the property or pass on the deal. Rights of first refusal tend to be the most problematic for owners. Third parties easily are discouraged from considering a purchase because the holder can buy the property under the terms that the third party put together.
REIC Exchange, August 2018
Let’s explore precisely what the first right of refusal actually means. In order for a tenant to have the right to refuse to buy a building, the property owner must actually take the property to the open market and bring other buyers into the fold. They can do this privately or they can do this through the services of a real estate and business broker. In this process, the owner must reveal that there is an existing tenant and disclose the terms of the lease. Potential buyers would typically want to explore the property inside and out, often get their own appraisal done on an independent basis and in some cases have a property inspection performed. Thereafter, the purchaser or the multiple purchasers (given the current overheated market reality) would present their offers to the owner and/or through his/her agent. At this juncture, the owner is obligated to approach the tenant who possesses the first right of refusal and show them the highest and/or the most attractive bid to see if the tenant will actually refuse or agree to match that offer. Think this process through from both sides. If you are the tenant, do you want your landlord parading potential purchasers through your rented space while he or she is attempting to attract open market offers in order to find out how much you may be prepared to pay?
If you are the landlord, do you want to “use” the market knowing that you must disclose that this first right of refusal for the tenant actually exists in the leased premises? A licensed and qualified broker must disclose that your tenant has the privilege of matching any offers the market may actually present. What kind of offers are people prepared to make knowing that they may be matched or surpassed by the tenant and therefore, these potential purchasers may actually feel they are being used in order to motivate the tenant to buy the property. As a landlord myself, as well as someone who buys property, when I know a tenant has the first right of refusal, my interest in the property is diminished. If I do make an offer, I will not spend a lot of time or money preparing the offer nor make the best offer I think the market would bear, knowing that it is possible that my offer will be matched or bettered by the tenant. Now let’s consider an alternative option I have promoted over many years, yet failed to get agreement on by both property owners and lawyers. It is called the first option to purchase. Essentially, what this means is that the lease afforded to the tenant will basically say if I as the landlord decide to sell this property, I will come to you, the tenant, with the first option to purchase the property. I do not engage a real estate agent. I do not put it on the open market. I do not parade
The result is you have been respected as the tenant. You were the only individual that I as the owner negotiated with. I may get an appraisal at my expense. You are certainly entitled to get one at your expense. If we can successfully negotiate, a deal is struck. The open market, real estate agents and potential buyers have not been used to put us at odds. As an owner, I am not trying to drive price up and you have not been annoyed with my bringing potential purchasers through the property and we both accept the fact that I really just wanted to do business with you in the first place.
anybody through your exclusive use rented space in order to drive up price and try to get the market interested. I come to you and only you and I approach you first as you possess the first option to purchase. After a specified period of time, say 30 to 60 days, if we do not come to agreement in the terms of sale, I still reserve the right as the landlord to put the property on the open market in the usual and customary process of selling real estate.
I consulted with Todd Slater, founder of The Simple Investor, and a past contributing author to Profitable Practice magazine on this topic. Todd owns and/or manages over 1,000 income properties. I am a client of Todd’s firm. He completely agrees with me! As well, I surveyed several leading lawyers who agree with me, but they find it difficult to alter the thought process and language of the legal profession that has been fixated on this absurd, outdated concept for decades… I hope this column helps to change the mindset. The first right of refusal—or—the first option to purchase? If you are a landlord, what do you think is fair? If you are a tenant, which would you prefer?
MEMBER SPOTLIGHTS In the summer of 2018, we started reached out to REIC Members to get your stories and find out how REIC has impacted your career. We are pleased to share with you the following Member spotlights.
ROY WILSON, FRI "Education is important and getting a designation sets you apart from others. I knew that earning the FRI wasn’t just about being smart, but also about working hard in order to succeed."
Chapter Affiliation: REIC Calgary Chapter Membership Milestone: 56 years Hobbies: Volunteering
Inspired by his father who worked in home sales, Roy has been in real estate for nearly 70 years. He earned his license in 1951 at the age of 18 - a significant achievement considering that, at the time, you had to be 21 to get a licence. "The superintendent said if you can get the board president to vouch for you, you can do it." CREB president Howard Kelly wrote Roy his letter of recommendation.
Association (AREA) in 1965. He also served in the Legislative Assembly of Alberta from 1971 to 1975 as a member of the Social Credit caucus in official opposition.
An active volunteer, Roy has served in various roles from being a volunteer driver for the Canadian Cancer Society for 8 years to serving as president of the Calgary Real Estate Board (CREB) in 1961 and of the Alberta Real Estate
When asked to give advice, Roy emphasizes the need for a personal touch: "the industry has changed so much in my lifetime, but it is still a business about people."
"A fun fact you may want to include is that I was a chuckwagon outrider at the Calgary Stampede in 1970 and 1971," he says. Roy also took courses with the Western College of Auctioneering in 1968!
Managing Broker, JONESco Real Estate "There has always been a special feeling about REIC for me - I have been so privileged to take such an active role in the organization. I have taught courses across Canada, from sea to sea, and as far north as Whitehorse." After bad experiences with real estate agents, Helen saw an opportunity to improve the industry by "treating people the way we would like to be treated". Earning her license in 1974, she became an FRI five years later in 1979. This year, Helen earned the REIC Emeritus Award.
at their meetings before. The speakers would start their address with 'Lady and gentlemen' or 'Gentlemen and Helen'."
"My first managing broker, Jack Betts, was an FRI and he encouraged me," says Helen. Her career was not without obstacles, she recalls the first professional meeting she attended, where men handed her their coats to hang; "after the coats were all hung up, I went to the meeting and then everyone was a bit embarrassed. There had never been a woman
Helen continues to give back by tutoring UBC students looking to enter real estate, encouraging young professionals to "be themselves, whoever they are." When she isn't traveling with family, she enjoys her extensive library collection and pleasant evenings at home with her pet beagle, Eva.
REIC Exchange, August 2019
JONESco is a family owned company founded by Helen in 1987. In 2006, she was joined by her son and business partner, Roger Jones.
Membership Milestone: 40 years Hobbies: Traveling, reading
Senior Vice-President, Operations & COO, Globe Property Management "At Globe it’s our goal to have every property manager achieve the CPM designation, we feel it benefits our business immensely, and our managers take pride in knowing they’ve accomplished something special." Ron has worked in property management for about 37 years and has been with Globe Property Management since 1981. "Many years ago, our president here at Globe encouraged me to get educated and earn a designation so I could continue to grow in the business." He received his CPM designation in 1993 and his CRP designation in 2002. Involved as a volunteer, Ron has been a member of the Professional Property Managers Association (PPMA) in Manitoba for many years and is an REIC Past President. Ron also served as the IREM Canada Vice President from 2017-2019.
"I tell members that at each level you’ll have a new appreciation as you learn more about the bigger picture. The IREM experience takes it one step further, meeting with volunteers and members from around the world." His advice for people entering the industry is to recognize that "property management is an incredibly diverse business; it has something for everyone." Outside of work, Ron loves collecting cars, hunting, fishing and cycling. He has two sons, and a new puppy named Harley.
Chapter Affiliation: REIM Membership Milestone: 25 years Hobbies: Hunting, fishing, cycling
Managing Director/Broker, Amhurst Property Management Ltd. "Being a faculty member has enhanced my ability to be a lifelong learner. I am always learning more and getting the opportunity to share my learning with my students." me intellectually fresh and alive! Through teaching I have engaged in court work, course writing, corporate training and consulting.” To young professionals just starting in the industry he says, "This is a wonderful career This year, Saadat was honoured with the REIC that offers an unlimited range of opportunities Emeritus Award and is celebrating his 35and a dynamic, profitable and exciting future, year milestone. What makes being an REIC locally, nationally and internationally." member so special? “The support system, the information availability, and the powerful In his spare time, Saadat cares for his pet network of wonderful people with such great fish, visits with friends and family, sees live theatre, volunteers on civil society boards, pools of knowledge,” says Saadat. plays scrabble and organizes tours to fun “Teaching is a relentless path to learning and destinations - like his recent safari in Kenya! sometimes, quite challenging, but it keeps Saadat has been engaged in real estate since 1976. Educated in three continents, he has instructed in Canada since 1989 and has been IREM faculty since 1996.
Chapter Affiliation: REIC Calgary Chapter Membership Milestone: 35 years Hobbies: Traveling, volunteering
WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! Have your article or interview featured in the next REIC publication! Contact for details.
WHY WE VOLUNTEER “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead By Shelley Barfoot-O'Neill, Manager of Membership Services I was raised in a family of volunteers, it's the rural way of living as deep as any tradition; family, community and volunteering. Giving is the backbone of Canadian life, especially in our rural communities. You don't volunteer for the thanks or accolades, but Rotarians have a tradition of supporting the community by honoring those who give back. This past May, my husband Brian and I were honoured to receive the Paul Harris Fellow from the Wiarton Rotary Club for our community work with the 4-H program. The Paul Harris Fellow acknowledges individuals who contribute to The Rotary Foundation. It is one of the highest honours Rotary can bestow upon a person.
“Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.” - Rotary International 4-H is a non-profit youth development organization that spans 70 countries and 10 Canadian provinces. For over a century, 4-H Ontario has been working to build youth as leaders within their communities. We volunteer with 4-H on all possible levels; locally in our county, provincially and nationally. Brian and I lead local clubs, chaperone teams and organize events and competitions. We have sat on association boards locally and provincially as well. We truly love working with our members, seeing their personal growth and becoming leaders in their lives and communities is so rewarding. "4-H is an organization for youth, but as Leaders we also have the opportunity to learn and grow as citizens right along with our Members. It’s truly a program for everyone to succeed."
While there is a significant personal commitment of time, effort, and sometimes even finances - the benefits to volunteering are beyond measure. As with anything you undertake, it is what you make it. REIC Members and volunteers dedicate countless hours and resources to make the Institute the well-respected organization it is today. This not only benefits our professional community, but the industry as a whole. Because of my own volunteer work and that of my family, I can truly appreciate the contributions made by engaged individuals who shape their communities. Thank you for your dedication to this organization. Because of her dedication to volunteerism, Shelley was awarded the 2017 BMO Woman of Excellence in Agriculture Award sponsored by Federated Women’s Institute of Ontario and BMO.
REIC Exchange, August 2019
It is with deep regret and profound sadness that we report the death of the following REIC members. We are honoured to recognize these outstanding members for their dedication to the Institute and to our professional community. Please note that this information is only that which has been volunteered to us by colleagues, friends, and family. The following list includes members who have passed away in the current year. Terry Barber, FRI CMR - Winnipeg, MB Olive Campbell, FRI CPM® - Vancouver, BC Maurice Faraggi, FRI - Montreal, QC Philip Filipchuk, CRES - St. Albert, AB Salim Johnson, CRES - Edmonton, AB Mary Ann Murphy, FRI CMR - Whitby, ON Mario Naccarato, FRI CRES - Vaughan, ON Margaret O’Neill, FRI - Fredericton, NC Andrew Peck, FRI - Vancouver, BC Jean-François (J.-F.) Proulx, CRP - New Westminster, BC Cyril Roach, FRI CRF CMR - Etobicoke, ON
Option 1
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Congratulations to the following members who are celebrating membership milestones! Thanks for being part of the REIC family!
Félicitations aux membres suivants qui célèbrent des étapes! Merci de faire partie de la famille de l’ICI!
Donnita Maas, CPM® ARM®
Sinda Alexandre, CRF
Koji Masuda, CPM®
Stephen Harrington, CPM® CLO
Jason Attard, FRI
Brenda Matthews, CPM®
Hasmik Avetissian, FRI
Jennifer Meade, CRU
Mani Bagga, FRI CRES
Francisco Melo, ARM®
Robert Bleau, FRI
Adelle Moreno, CPM®
Franklin Bolwe, ARM®
Patricia Mourillon, CRU
Ken Boswell, FRI CPM®
Krista Nauss, CPM®
Sylvia Briggs, CPM®
Sanjit Neer, FRI
Dory Cameron, FRI
Ladyclaire Noel, CRU
Ben Chan, CRES
Una Millie Panton, FRI
Gabriela Cristache, ARM®
Ernie Paustian, CRP
Tatjana Cvoric, ARM®
Leo Pereira, FRI
Michael Pohlmann, FRI(E) CLO
Karine Dal Collo, CPM® ARM®
Mark Rahal, CPM®
Arcangela Roy, CPM®
Dean De Sousa, CPM®
James Rose, CPM®
Janice Santiaguel, CRU
Kim Saunders, CLO
Molina Shillingford-Samuel, CRU
Giulio Del Vecchio, FRI Justin Erfin, CPM® ACoM Sehim Ergil, CRP Angela Ghiocel, ARM® Marilyn Gladue, ARM® Crystall Glasrud, CRF Zheming Guo, FRI Cathy Ha, CPM® CRF Christina Haddad, CRF Edward Haffermehl, ARM® Leanna Ho, CRF Colin Jackson, CRP Brian Jessop, CPM®
Mark Saunders, FRI CLO Carmen Shoukralla, FRI Layla Sten, CPM® ARM® Neil Stephen, FRI CRES Denise Swain, CPM® Dejan Vidic, ARM® Jelena Vidic, ARM® Paul Wilder, CPM® ARM® Terry Wotton, CRF David Yauch, CPM®
Shauna Josephs, FRI(E) CLO
Matthew Atkin, CPM® CMOC ARM®
Alain Joyal, FRI
Mary Aubrey, CPM®
Babita Khurana, CPM®
Charles Beymer, CPM®
James Kritikos, CPM®
Steven Brown, CPM®
Kimberly Leriger, CPM® ARM®
Perry Chan, CRF
Shirley Liu, FRI
Nicole Daruda, CPM®
Chang Luo, FRI
REIC Exchange, August 2019
Paul da Silva, FRI Nathalie Gagnon, CPM®
Peter Large, FRI Grace Lau, FRI CRES Candace Le Roux, CPM® ARM® Keith Major, CPM® Alfred Marchi, CPM® Nathan McLachlan, ARM® David Moore, FRI(E) Vladimir Niderman, CPM® Tracey Pobgee, CPM®
Krista Dempsey, CLO Brian Dorr, CPM® Laurie Ell, CLO Catherina Gendall, CPM® Jeremy Grattan, CRF Ruth Harding Bohan, FRI Pamela Hine, CPM® CLO Karen Hodge, CPM® Pamela Kalsner, CRF Steve Kincade, CPM® Eugen Klein, FRI CLO CRES ARM® Georgia Kotiadis, CRES Leila Kovacevic, FRI Barbara Lawlor, FRI Kelly Linnell, CPM® ARM® Bonnie Lloyd, ARM®
Susan Size, CMOC
Bryan Lutes, CPM®
Irina Teperman, CRU
Candace Mehls, CPM® CRP
Dennis Tik Hong Ho, FRI CRES
Steve Mennill, CRF
Joseph Williams, CRU
N. Peter Smith, CRES
Barry Williams, CPM® ARM® Henry Yu, CRF
20 YEARS / ANS Sharon Abar, FRI CRES Albert Attara, FRI CRES Marc Bateman, CPM® CMOC ARM® Robert Berto, FRI Ian Brown, FRI Karen Brown, ARM® Randall Carson, FRI CPM® Winson Chan, FRI CRES Carmen Cheung, CRF Taras Chmil, FRI CRES
David Procter, FRI Terri Steen, ARM®
Eugene Korneluk, CPM®
Guy Belanger, FRI
Rui Alves, FRI CRES
Brian Kowall, CPM®
Barbara Hughes, FRI
Jainarine Brijpaul, FRI
Carolyn Blommestyn, CPM®
Dean Lapointe, FRI
Don Hill, FRI CPM®
John Brophy, CPM® CLO
John Bowen, FRI CPM® ARP
Fritz Delphine, CPM®
Michael Collins, FRI
Christopher Gawrys, FRI
Thomas LePage, FRI CPM® CMOC ARP
Stephen Dane, CRF
Randall Hughes-Guest, CPM® CMOC
John McKenna, FRI CPM® CMR
Michael Potashnyk, FRI CRP
W. David Deobald, CPM® CRP ARM®
Mary Jones, CRES
Janine Easden, CRF
Tom Krynski, CPM® CLO
Finley Evong, FRI
Jesse Lo, FRI
Paul Geier, CPM® ARP
William P. McCarthy, FRI, CPM® CLO
Douglas Hansen, CRF Barbira James, FRI(E) CPM® Paul Jone, FRI CRF
Earl Munroe, CPM® Chris Rankin, FRI
Howard Messer, CPM® John Mirski, CPM® Brenda Olive-Sullivan, FRI
Goodwin Boe, FRI CMR Normand Lamontagne, FRI Richard Levinsky, FRI Ronald Schuss, FRI
Irwin Rajesky, CPM®
William Fife, FRI
Robert Ross, FRI CPM® CRF CLO
Glen Scheuerman, CPM®
Gordon Weiske, FRI CMR Philip White, FRI
Georges Renaud, FRI(E) CPM®
Ian Caunce, FRI CMR
Avi Rosen, FRI
Ben Larsson, FRI CPM® CMOC
Georges Couillard, FRI CPM®
Dennis Loo, FRI CPM®
Lawrence D'Orsay, FRI
Dominic Fiore, CPM®
Graham Downey, FRI CMR
Ermidio Alves, FRI CPM® CMR
Garnet Kranz, FRI
Kent Lyle, FRI CMR
Agatha Potapinski, CPM®
Helen Jones, FRI
Ian Macnaughton, FRI
Dan Quon, CPM®
Katherine Kwok, CPM® Paul LaFontaine, CPM® Janice May, CPM® Michael McAlear, CPM® ARP Alec McColm, CPM® Daniel K.W. Mok, CPM®
Alice Shimoon, CPM®
Garry Beres, CMR
Ian Mellor, FRI
Ronald Klombies, FRI CMR
Wayne Robinson, CRF
James Cunliffe, FRI
Madeleine Chartrand, FRI
Leonard Potechin, FRI CPM®
Terrence Sperling, CPM®
Anthony Cusimano, FRI
Mark Boyak, FRI
Roy Wilson, FRI
Yves Tanguay, CRF
Jaime Da Costa, FRI
Matthew Poon, FRI
Stanford Korsch, FRI
Robert Walford, CPM®
Val Felesky, FRI
Andrew Zsolt, FRI
M. Elaine Francis, CPM®
Randall Critchlow, FRI CRF CMR
Stanley Hamilton, FRI CRF Harold Ireland, FRI Saadat Keshavjee, CPM® CMOC
Raymond Serre, FRI CRF Sophie Jaremko, FRI Timothy Groulx, FRI
SAVE NOW, STUDY LATER Optimize your learning with REIC's home study option. Study at your own schedule and still make time for your business and personal commitments. Learn the core competencies of real estate management with a range of courses provided by REIC on behalf of the Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM). Register during the month of September to receive 25% off any home study course using the discount code back2school *
* Promotion only applies to new home study course registrations submitted between September 1-30, 2019.