Division 14 December Newsletter

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Written by: Eliza Strum, Lieutenant Governor

A NOTE FROM ME ~ YOUR LTG Hey Division 14!

Through this wild year we have been through, I am so proud of our division. If you look towards the bottom of page 8, you will see the great progress we have made on our goals! Amazing job to all of you that have contributed to those. NYDKC successfully hosted our second Virtual Fall Conference this past month. Many Key Clubbers attended and had a wonderful experience--hopefully you did! Please keep an eye out for more information about our annual Leadership Training Conference in March of 2022! This is also the time of year to be considering running for higher office! If you have any inquiries about this and it's amazing opportunities please do not hesitate to reach out to me or any current member of the Executive Board.

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Yours in Service,

ltg eliza

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*click the image to the right*


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NAC Serves!!

NACS Key Club performed a lot of awesome community services activities for Key Club Week this year! To kick the week off, we had a trunk-or-treat at a local fire station and the kids got lots of candy and could even choose a book! We had a bottle drive at the same time and voted to donate $100 to the fire department for allowing us to use their facilities and for all the amazing work they do for everyone. We also voted to donate $75 to Alex’s Lemonade Stand, an organization that helps raise money for childhood cancer research and help families battling it and is the NYDKC District Project, and $50 to the Special Olympics of the North Country. For Random Acts of Kindness day, we all contributed our favorite inspirational quotes and made signs of these to hang around school to make someone’s day a little better. We also put ‘Class of 2021’ signs on senior lockers and gave each senior a bag of candy. Lastly, for Connect the K’s, we worked with NACS Builders Club to create cheer bags, which are filled with items to brighten someone’s day. We will give these to NACS students and staff members who are drawn randomly. -Chelsey Guay President, Northern Adirondack Division 14

GET FEATURED! Did your club or officers do something awesome? Get featured! Empire Key: This is an opportunity to submit articles for the Empire Key and be recognized on the district level, you can be featured by first submitting an article for the divisional newsletter! ADK Announcements: If your club recently had a service project, event, or fundraiser, you can be featured in my next newsletter. Write an article and submit photos! You can fill out this google form or email me. Editor's Choice Award: Refer to this doc for more information. Treasurer of the Month: Know a Treasurer going above and beyond? Nominate them here.

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Highway Cleanup This November, Newburgh Keyclub had worked together with Kiwanis to help clean up the streets of Newburgh. This consisted of Key Club members meeting with Kiwanis at Temple Hill Road and walked down a highway picking up all the trash they could see and then came back on the same route they went up to make sure nothing was missed. This means a lot to the club because it allows us to give back to our community. For a community to thrive we need to keep it clean. It motivates the people and keeps spirits high to have a clean community so it was a great opportunity for us to participate in this. It also has helped kept our relationship with Kiwanis strong. We have worked together with Kiwanis for as long as I can remember and there is a paramount of opportunity when working together with them. Kiwanis is always here to help us and give us chances to give back to our community and I believe we can see that with this event that has taken place here. Our relationship can only grow and in turn our community will become stronger -Kevin Leto President, Newburgh Free Academy Division 13

Christmas Donations

One of NACS Key Club service projects for the month of November was collecting items to send to an NACS alumni for Christmas who is currently deployed in Kosovo. Key Clubbers collected donations such as games, notebooks, hand sanitizer, toothbrushes/toothpaste, coffee, gum, candy, and snacks. We then sorted and packed the items to be mailed. In addition, we collected Christmas notes and cards for the deployed alumni as well as for three recent NACS graduates who are serving in the military. NACS elementary students helped to contribute to the over 40 cards and pieces of artwork that were sent to the four alumni.

-Kate LaPoint Secretary, Northern Adirondack Division 14 Division 14 Newsletter ~ Page 6


This year, Governor Chloe Baker has chosen Thirst Project as her Governor's Project. Thirst Project is a nonprofit that works with youth to END the global water crisis by building freshwater wells in developing communities that need safe, clean drinking water. They have accomplished 3,350 projects, and 514,427 people served across 13 countries. They are the largest youth led water organization in the world! 100% of public donations go toward building water projects in the field.For more information click here.


The Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center Foundation supports 4 different pediatric trauma centers through New York, as well as programs throughout the area to protect the safety of children and to improve the ability of local emergency medical services response teams. They are dedicated to serving unique care to children in extreme situations. For more information, click here.

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When Alex, who was diagnosed with childhood cancer just before her first birthday, was four, she told her parents she wanted to set up a front-yard lemonade stand. Her plan: to give the money to doctors to help them find a cure. Her first “Alex’s Lemonade Stand”, held with the help of her older brother Patrick, raised an astonishing $2,000 in one day. Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation is changing the lives of children with cancer by funding impactful research, raising awareness, supporting families, and empowering everyone to help cure childhood cancer. ALSF and its supporters are propelling the world towards a future without childhood cancer. For more information click here.





2,130.61 hours



88% $43,291.90

88,265 hours





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INTERNATIONAL PARTNER Squads Abroad works with Key Clubs around the world to bring members to third world countries for community service and other cultural experiences. During the trip, students will also enjoy healthy meals, sleeping accommodations and more. Most of all, Key Clubbers will be able to make a difference in this world! Squads Abroad is a program of Global Brigades, an international non-profit that uniquely implements a holistic model to meet a community’s health and economic goals. Their model systematically builds community ownership and collaboratively executes programs with the end goal of sustainably transitioning to a relationship of impact monitoring. For more information click here.


One of Key Club's International Partners is Project Happiness. The World Health Organization has named depression as the greatest cause of suffering worldwide. In the U.S., 1 out of 5 deals with depression or anxiety. For youth, that number increases to 1 in 3. The good news is that 40% of our happiness can be influenced by intentional thoughts and actions, leading to life changing habits. It's this 40% that Project Happiness Programs help to impact. Scientific research has turned its focus on how happiness can be sustained and even increased. Research has confirmed that through intentional practices, we can actually change the neural pathways of our brain to become happier.

For more information click here. Division 14 Newsletter ~ Page 9

CURRENT DIVISIONAL PROJECTS Freerice is a mobile trivia app that donates rice to the World Food Program for every question you answer correctly. You can answer question in a variety of categories, ranging from grammar to geography. It is a great way to test your knowledge while helping others. Once you have downloaded the app, enter the code: 6DMLMMZG

Charity Miles lets you log all types of movement, from running and walking to biking. Be a mover and changemaker in any way that fits your lifestyle. For every mile you move, you help raise money for UNICEF. Charity Miles is a great and simple way to continue being involved. Once you have downloaded the app, go to groups and look up: NYDKC Division 14

Another project we still have going is the Math Resources for Students, by Students project. This project helps provide teachers of grade K-5 with math materials to use in their classrooms. Your job is to come up with practice questions for any unit you choose. Click here for more information.

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DECEMBER DIVISIONAL Our third Divisional of the service year will take place Saturday, December 18th at 6 pm via Google Meet. Attend to hear updates about all things Key Club, new opportunities, LTC, higher office and more! Hope to see you there :)

LEADERSHIP TRAINING CONFERENCE If you aren't already -- NOW is the time to start getting pumped for LTC!!!!!! This year's theme is "Key Club County Fair: A Celebration of Service." This event will take place on March 25-27 @ Crowne Plaza Albany (formally the Desmond Hotel.) LTC is a time to meet new Key Clubbers, recieve awards, attend workshops and keynotes, and SERVE OF COURSE! LTC is THE biggest event of the service year and is the culmination of all of your hard work :) Division 14 Newsletter ~ Page 11

SERVICE PROJECT IDEAS Here are some service ideas for your clubs!

Can and Bottle Recycling -Set up a time when a group of volunteers will help collect cans, bottles, and other recyclable things. Then, you can sell these to recycling centers to gain funds for your project! Car Wash -Host a car wash and get service hours! You could also charge a few dollars and donate the money. Beautify a park or beach in your neighborhood -Clean up a local beach or park and help beautify your community! Organize a drive for supplies for animal shelters -Many animal shelters have it rough. Despite their dedication and hard work, most of the time, they suffer from a shortage of supplies. Gather gently-used books and bring them to a local children’s hospital -In addition to children’s hospitals, schools and Y's in underserved communities may also benefit from book donations. More Ideas -Fundraising Ideas More Ideas -Service Ideas

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November MRF: Due December 10th December MRF: Due January 10th ERF: Due September 30th (get it in ASAP) FRF: Due after every fundraiser where the money does not go to your club Links: Monthly Report Form (MRF) Election Report Form (ERF) Fundraiser Report Form (FRF)

*Make sure to fill out the MRF each month and the FRF after every fundraiser to help us reach our District and Division Goals*

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~stay connected~ @nydkcd14 @nydkc @pacifahmaork @keyclubint @kci2021

nydkc Key Club International

@nykeyclub @keyclub

@nydkc @keyclubintnl

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