Division 14 May Newsletter

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Adirondack Announcements



Hey Division 14!

It's almost summer! My summer will consist of working, participating in a coding program, spending time with friends and family, and Key Club of course! Let me know what you will be doing!

I hope everyone is getting excited for International Convention this July and wrapping up a wonderful school year of service!

Although your Key Clubs may not be meeting regularly during the summer months, please encourage your members to continue their service. There are numerous activities that will benefit others both near and far. Also remember to continue filling out paperwork!

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in Service,
ltg eliza


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Unified Basketball Unified Basketball

Ticonderoga Key Club has been volunteering at Unified Basketball games this season. Over the three home games members showed up to help the players, keep score, pass out t-shirts, and hype up the crowd. Unified Sports joins people with and without intellectual disabilities on the same team. It was inspired by a simple principle: training together and playing together is a quick path to friendship and understanding. Our unified team fosters and environment of inclusivity, youth leadership, and advocacy. Unified games engage the whole school by providing opportunity to volunteer and attend the games to cheer on our team.

Did your club or officers do something awesome? Get featured! Empire Key: This is an opportunity to submit articles for the Empire Key and be recognized on the district level, you can be featured by first submitting an article through this google form!


ADK Announcements: If your club recently had a service project, event, or fundraiser, you can be featured in my next newsletter. Write an article and submit photos! You can fill out this google form or email me. Editor's Choice Award: Get recognized on the district level! Apply here.

Treasurer of the Month: Get recognized on the district level! Nominate a treasurer here.

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Division 15 Spotlight Division 15 Spotlight

Saratoga key club recently had a fun volunteer event in which we made boo-boo bunnies! These boo-boo bunnies are, as their name implies, supposed to act as ice packs and help ease pain. This was a simple project that many of our club members loved to participate in, and we all each got to add our own personal flair by drawing faces on the bunnies! These boo-boo bunnies were easy and fun to make, and they went towards supporting our local shelters!.

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Current Divisional Projects Current Divisional Projects

Freerice is a mobile trivia app that donates rice to the World Food Program for every question you answer correctly. You can answer question in a variety of categories, ranging from grammar to geography. It is a great way to test your knowledge while helping others. Once you have downloaded the app, enter the code: 6DMLMMZG

Charity Miles lets you log all types of movement, from running and walking to biking. Be a mover and changemaker in any way that fits your lifestyle. For every mile you move, you help raise money for UNICEF. Charity Miles is a great and simple way to continue being involved. Once you have downloaded the app, go to groups and look up:

NYDKC Division 14

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District Project District Project

The mission of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is to advance cures, and means of prevention, for pediatric catastrophic diseases through research and treatment. Consistent with the vision of our founder Danny Thomas, no child is denied treatment based on race, religion or a family's ability to pay. Unlike other hospitals, the majority of their funding comes from individual contributions. And thanks to generous donors, families never receive a bill from St. Jude for treatment, travel, housing or food.

Room to Read works to ensure that primary school students can become independent readers and can develop literacy skills in low income areas. Their main goal is to have children grow up learning how to read and write to make sure they can succeed later in life. Room to Read also supports girls in completing secondary school. They are present in 10 countries across Asia and Africa. Room to Read was founded on the belief that "World Change

Starts With

Educated Children" They have distributed over 26 million books, and have trained 15,000 teachers.

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Governor's Project Governor's Project

District Endorsed Project District Endorsed Project

The Kiwanis Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation supports and advocates for child victims of Lyme Disease, which is caused by bacteria usually transmitted by the deer tick and can lead to complications if not immediately treated. Most insurance companies do not pay for Lyme Disease treatment, so the foundation helps lower the cost of treatment for children with the disease. For more information click here.

International Partner International Partner

District Goals District Goals




9,837.91 hours



Division Goals Division Goals




19% 208.75 hours


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International Trustee International Trustee


My name is Ava Stamatakis, and I have the honor of serving as your Key Club International Trustee! The other districts I serve are the Alabama District and the Caribbean-Atlantic District. Together, our “sister” districts make up the NewCariBama Sistrict!

My job as International Trustee is to spread awareness of Key Club’s global presence, to connect members to resources, and to support district leadership in whatever ways I can. In this regard, you will see me holding monthly office hours, hosting quarterly sistrict events, sending monthly newsletters, posting on Instagram frequently (follow @newaribama), and much more. The majority of my job, however, is dedicated to committee work at the international level, which I will update you on throughout the year

Our adventure together starts now In fact, I have a few resources for you so that we can stay in touch:

Follow @newcaribama on Instagram

Attend my monthly office hours (next one is May 23rd 8pm-9pm EST on Instagram Live)

Access our Linktree (www.linktree.com/newcaribama) for all relevant links!

NYDKC, I am here to support, guide, and serve y in store for you, for us, and for our sistrict. I kn year, so let’s continue to serve our home

Please do not hesitate to reach out. I w

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Yours in Friendship a Ava Stamata Key Club International Tru ava.stamatakis@ke @ava.stamatakis | @n 443-561-889

Empire Key Empire Key

The first edition of the Empire Key has been published! It contain important international & district information, service spotlights, and more! Give it a read by clicking the image below :)

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Service Project Ideas Service Project Ideas

Here are some service ideas for your clubs!

Can and Bottle Recycling

-Set up a time when a group of volunteers will help collect cans, bottles, and other recyclable things. Then, you can sell these to recycling centers to gain funds for your project!

Car Wash

-Host a car wash and get service hours! You could also charge a few dollars and donate the money.

Beautify a park or beach in your neighborhood

-Clean up a local beach or park and help beautify your community!

Food Drive

-Collect non-perishable food items to donate to a local food pantry

More Ideas

-Fundraising Ideas

-Service Ideas

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Paperwork Tracker Paperwork Tracker

Paperwork Paperwork

May MRF: Due June 10th

June MRF: Due July 10th

ERF: Due September 30th

FRF: Due after every fundraiser where the money does not go to your club


Monthly Report Form (MRF)

Election Report Form (ERF)

Fundraiser Report Form: (FRF)

*Make sure to fill out the MRF each month and the FRF after every fundraiser to help our District and Division Goals*

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Vacant District Webmaster webmaster@nydkc org Junjin Tan District Bulletin Editor editor@nydkc org Joy Zhang District EA joyzhang ea@nydkc org Kyle Earle District EA kyleearle ea@nydkc org Page 13 Amy Wu District Governor governor@nydkc.org Tiffany
District Secretary secretary@nydkc.org Rina
District Treasurer treasurer@nydkc.org Ava Stamatakis International Trustee ava stamatakis@keyclub org Contact Us Contact Us
Page 14 @nydkcd14 @nydkc @newcaribama @keyclubint nydkc Key Club International @nykeyclub @keyclub @nydkc @keyclubintnl Social Media Social Media ~stay connected~

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