Division 14 July Newsletter

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Written by: Eliza Strum, Lieutenant Governor

A NOTE FROM ME ~ YOUR LTG Hey Division 14!

Happy Summer! Although this school year was an odd one, we are slowly returning to normalcy. My summer will consist of working a lot, participating in a coding program, and Key Club of course. Let me know what you will be doing! As I am typing this Day 3 of Key Club International's second virtual ICON, the Summer Leadership Conference is occurring. Key Clubbers from around the world got to listen to speakers, participate in workshops, and more. I hope those who attended had a blast & enjoy the workshops this afternoon! (Check out more on page 6!) Although your Key Clubs may not be meeting regularly during the summer months, please encourage your members to continue their service. There are numerous activities that will benefit others both near and far, check out our current projects on page 11!

Yours in Service,

ltg eliza

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Division 14 July Newsletter ~ Page 2

Click the photo above to read District Bulletin Editor Jerry's first edition of the Empire Key! Division 14 July Newsletter ~ Page 3

MARCH FOR BABIES A mother of a movement. As our school was gradually switching back to full time inperson instruction, our club wanted a project we could do safely and virtually that served a good purpose. We decided to hold a virtual March for Babies fundraiser, benefiting March of Dimes, one of Key Club International’s preferred charities. Every year in the U.S., approximately 380,000 babies are born too soon. Without ACA protection, maternal care would be unaffordable for most families. Vital services for moms and babies, especially babies born sick or too soon, are at risk. March of Dimes leads the fight for the health of all moms and babies. They support research, lead programs and provide education and advocacy so that every mom and baby can have the best possible start. Building on a successful 80-year legacy of impact and innovation, they empower every mom and every family. Our Club Advisor encouraged us to share the donation link to friends, families, and community members. This project really impacted me as a Key Club member because I knew by doing something as simple as sending the donation link to family and asking them to donate a few dollars, I was helping mothers and babies everywhere. We wrapped up the fundraiser at the end of the school year and we raised $928 of our $500 goal!! Our hope with this project was to show all of the wonderful work March of Dimes does for our world and families everywhere. -Hannah Porter Member, Ticonderoga High School Division 14

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This year, Key Club was a little bit different, with a majority of meetings being held via google meets. However, we were able to come up with different service events that would positively impact our school and community. One event that stands out would be our cooperation with the Luv Michael program. Luv Michael is a non-profit charity organization who trains, educates, and employs autistic adults at their bakery in NYC. We invited a speaker of Luv Michael to come talk to our club about autism awareness and ways to help the autistic community. We were offered community service hours for spreading the word about this organization and asking for donations. If those who donated gave a certain amount of money, they would receive special treats from the workers, like their handmade granola and authentic cards. This service project really helped my club and school learn more about autism and ways they could, in the future, help the autisitc community. -Liam Sutton Hampton Bays High School Division 1


Did your club or officers do something awesome? Get featured! Empire Key: This is an opportunity to submit articles for the Empire Key and be recognized on the district level through the form found here! ADK Announcements: If your club recently had a service project, event, or fundraiser, you can be featured in my next newsletter. Write an article and submit photos! You can fill out this google form or email me. Editor's Choice Award: Refer to this doc for more information. Treasurer of the Month: Know a Treasurer going above and beyond? Nominate them here.

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SUMMER LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE From July 8-10 the Summer Leadership Conference has been taking place. Key Clubbers have heard from Alex Sheen founder of because I said I would, George Carroll a business strategist and speaker, and have gotten the opportunity to attend a variety of workshops from Key Club service projects to public speaking. Awards were given and the new International Board was voted on. Introducing the new International President and Vice President: Salma Eldeeb: International President Melanie Kim: International Vice President Stay tuned to hear the new International Trustees!

Peggy and I having the best time at opening session!


From July 1-August 31 we will be fundraising for this year's Governor's Project: Thirst Project. Our goal is to raise $1,000 over the course of the summer. $25 provides one person with clean water for life, so we will be helping 40 people if we reach our goal. Access to clean water can change everything, you can be a part of this change. Donations go directly to building clean water projects. Share our fundraising page on social media, with friends, family, community members, etc. Click either image to the left to access our fundraising page. Division 14 July Newsletter ~ Page 6


This year, Governor Chloe Baker has chosen Thirst Project as her Governor's Project. Thirst Project is a nonprofit organization that works with the support of young people to END the global water crisis by building freshwater wells in developing communities that need safe, clean drinking water. Across the world there are many countries that lack access to clean water. Waterborne diseases kill more children each year than AIDS, malaria, and all world violence combined. Clean water changes everything! Disease rates drop, health and sanitation levels increase, children can go to school and women can get jobs now that they are not walking miles each day to get water, child mortality rates drop, and more. You can support Thirst Project by participating in our division wide fundraiser as seen on page 6. For more info click here.

DISTRICT ENDORSED PROJECT The New York District Kiwanis Foundation is dedicated to improving the quality of life through the summer camp experience, educational opportunities and disaster relief; helping those economically disadvantaged, those with special needs and assisting those affected by natural disasters. Kamp Kiwanis serves kids ages 8 to 14, as well as adults with special needs. It specializes in fun, exercise and adventure. It provides an outdoor experience in a democratic setting and creates ideas of fair play, leadership and other life long skills. Kamp Kiwanis is located near Taberg, NY. For more information click here.

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When Alex, who was diagnosed with childhood cancer just before her first birthday, was four, she told her parents she wanted to set up a front-yard lemonade stand. Her plan: to give the money to doctors to help them find a cure. Her first “Alex’s Lemonade Stand”, held with the help of her older brother Patrick, raised an astonishing $2,000 in one day. While bravely fighting her own cancer, Alex continued to set up lemonade stands every year. As news spread of the remarkable girl so dedicated to helping other sick children, people everywhere were inspired to start their own lemonade stands — donating the proceeds to her cause. For more information, click here.










FUNDRAISING: $5,000 Division 14 July Newsletter ~ Page 8

INTERNATIONAL PARTNER UNICEF is the only organization of the United Nations dedicated exclusively to children. Working with other United Nations bodies, governments and non- governmental organizations, UNICEF helps to provide for children’s needs in more than 150 developing countries through community-based services in primary health care, basic education and safe water and sanitation. Our Charity Miles fundraiser is benefiting UNICEF! For more information click here.


Landscape Structures Inc. (LSI) brings play to communities across the globe. LSI is proud to provide high-quality commercial playground equipment and planning consultation services. Landscape Structures is committed to providing a higher level of inclusive play, which means it is creating playground equipment and play environments where all children and their families can play. For more information click here.

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CURRENT DIVISIONAL PROJECTS Freerice is a mobile trivia app that donates rice to the WFP for every question you answer correctly. It has two goals: Provide education to everyone for free. Help end world hunger by providing rice to hungry people for free. You can answer question in a variety of categories, ranging from grammar to geography. It is a great way to test your knowledge while helping others. Once you have downloaded the app, enter the code: 6DMLMMZG Charity Miles lets you log all types of movement, from running and walking to biking. Be a mover and changemaker in any way that fits your lifestyle. For every mile you move, you help raise money for UNICEF. We have raised over $750 this service year! Charity Miles is a great way to continue being involved over the summer. Once you have downloaded the app, go to groups and look up: NYDKC Division 14

Math Resources for Students, by Students wants to provide teachers of grade K-5 with math materials to use in their classrooms. Your job is to come up with practice questions for any unit you choose. You then email it in PDF format, and fill out a google form to get credit. Completing 1 sheet of 8 practice problems=1 service hour. You can create questions ranging from simple kindergarten math to 5th grade math. This is such a great and completely virtual way to serve, thanks to our Internal EA Gabriella!! Click here for more information.

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Service does not stop in the summer, here are some summer service ideas for your clubs! Can and Bottle Recycling -Set up a time when a group of volunteers will help collect cans, bottles, and other recyclable things. Then, you can sell these to recycling centers to gain funds for your project! Car Wash -Host a car wash and get service hours! You could also charge a few dollars and donate the money. Participate in our Thirst Project Fundraiser -Virtual fundraising page can be found here. Beautify a park or beach in your neighborhood -Clean up a local beach or park and help beautify your community! Organize a drive for supplies for animal shelters -Many animal shelters have it rough. Despite their dedication and hard work, most of the time, they suffer from a shortage of supplies. Gather gently-used books and bring them to a local children’s hospital -In addition to children’s hospitals, schools and Y's in underserved communities may also benefit from book donations. More Ideas -Fundraising Ideas, Service Ideas

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PAPERWORK REMINDERS June MRF: Due July 10th July MRF: Due August 10th ERF: Due September 30th FRF: Due after every fundraiser where the money does not go to your club Links: Monthly Report Form (MRF) Election Report Form (ERF) Fundraiser Report Form (FRF)

*Make sure to fill out the MRF each month and the FRF after every fundraiser to help us reach our District and Division Goals* Division 14 July Newsletter ~ Page 12


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nydkc Key Club International

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