Division 14 June 2020 Newsletter

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Written By: Chloe Baker, Lieutenant Governor

A NOTE FROM ME - YOUR LTG Hey Hey Hey Division 14! The end of the school year is almost here! I know that our last day varies, so congrats if you're done and if you are almost there, you got it! I would also like to say a special congratulations to the Class of 2020! This school year was unique to say the least, and hopefully we will reconvene with normalcy in the fall. In the meantime, continue to have service in the summer!! Ideas can be found on page 8 of this newsletter! There will also be a divisionwide service project for everyone to participate in!! Make sure to sign up after you have read the newsletter!

During the summer months, make sure to keep up with your paperwork! MRFs are due on the tenth of each month, even if your club was not active. This will keep your club on track and a possible 100% paperwork completion award at LTC! As for District News, the 2020-2021 District Project has been announced. Drumroll please.....Project Hope will be one of our main focuses for this service year! NYDKC has also released an official statement in response to the racial injustice seen across our country. I have provided more information later in this newsletter. Please continue to serve as you can and remember: Caring- Our Way of Life!! Yours in Service, Chloe Baker Division 14 Lieutenant Governor Division 14 June Newsletter ~ Page 1


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WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP Use Your Voice! - Speak up for what is right! Repost Resources - Share information with your friends and family! Sign Petitions - Support nation-wide movements! Text/Call Government Officials - Advocate for justice in your communities! Donate - There are numerous funds for victims and change! Educate Yourself - Be current on information to share with others! Click this link for more information!!

WANT TO BE FEATURED? Did your club do something awesome! Feature it in these newsletters!

ADIRONDACK ANNOUNCEMENTS Send me an email with photos and a recap of a past service project to be featured in my monthly newsletter!

THE EMPIRE KEY This is a newsletter done by our District Editor, Rachel! Your service project could be seen all over the state! Click here to submit to The Empire Key! Division 14 June Newsletter ~ Page 4

SARANAC LAKE'S BIG BUDDIES Saranac Lake Big Buddies is a long-standing tradition for Saranac Lake Key Club. High School Key Club members are matched with about 20-30 elementary students who could benefit from mentoring activities (Little Buddies). Before COVID-19, we met at least four times per school year. In prior years we have done Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine's Day, and St.Patrick's Day parties. We have also gone bowling and hosted scavenger hunts for our Little Buddies, too. Since we weren't able to say our proper goodbyes, a few seniors sent personal post cards to their Little Buddies. We wish them all the best with the rest of their years in school at Saranac Lake! A special thanks to those seniors who participated ! - Molly Bell Saranac Lake Key Club

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QUEENSBURY SENDS POSITIVITY With the current COVID-19 pandemic ravaging the world and local communities, it is more important now than ever to donate and help. For Queensbury, we realized that there were kids who needed help, so as a club, and community, we decided to help kids in need who without school and meal plans, were struggling to get by physically and mentally. For Mental health, we created anonymous caring letters which were sent to the kids in need. We started a food drive which did fantastic, and in the meals sent out were notes of positivity to spread health and happiness during these times times of crisis. It really meant a lot to me and and my club as we could still be connected to our community during a time of being so distant. -Dylan Herrold, Queensbury Key Club President Division 15

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ELIMINATE WEEK! This past month, from May 4th-8th, we celebrated Eliminate Week for the Eliminate Project! There were different themes for each day, and they were: - Make-It Known Monday - Toss-It-Out Tuesday -Â E-Lemon-Ate Wednesday - Throwback Thursday - Fundraiser Friday For more information about the Eliminate Project, check out page 10! Here's me participating in E-lemon-ate Wednesday!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEY CLUB!! On May 7th, Key Club International turned 95! The first club was chartered in 1925 with 11 members in Sacremento, California. The first Key Club Convention was held in Gainesville, Florida in 1944. Females were allowed to be Key Clubbers in 1977. Since then, we have grown to nearly 270,000 members in over 38 countries!! The NYDKC District Board created a special video to honor Key Club International. Click here to watch it! Division 14 June Newsletter ~ Page 7

SUMMER OF SERVICE Check out these Service Ideas from our International Trustee, Irin Shim! 1. Become an online tutor with tutor.com 2. Make a global difference with the United Nations. 3. Provide support to Crisis Text Line. 4. Use your skills for good on Catchafire. 5. Become apart of a virtual world - raise money for The American Cancer Society.


This summer, Division 14 will be having a Charity Miles fundraiser! It is a FREE app for your mobile device that donates to a charity for every mile you walk/bike/run! We will be raising for UNICEF, one of Key Club International's Preferred Charities! Click here to join Division 14's team, once you've downloaded the app!! We will be running this through August 10th, that gives us two months! Division 14 June Newsletter ~ Page 8


This year, Governor Mariam has chosen Canines for Disabled Kids as her Governor's Project. They promote service dogs for children with disabilities. As of 2017, they have helped more than 3,500 kids in 11 states. Since 1998, CDK has sponsored over 130 service dogs. All of the services provided by CDK are FREE of charge! These include educational presentations, booth events, and Americans with Disability (ADA) consulting. For more information about Canines for Disabled Kids, click here.

DISTRICT PROJECT This year, our District Project is Project Hope! For more than 60 years, Project HOPE has transformed the health and well-being of people and communities around the world. We work on the front lines of the world’s health challenges, partnering hand-in-hand with communities, health care workers and public health systems to ensure sustainable change. For more information about Project Hope, click here. Division 14 June Newsletter ~ Page 9

DISTRICT ENDORSED PROJECT Kamp Kiwanis serves kids ages 8 to 14, as well as adults with special needs. It specializes in fun, exercise and adventure. It provides an outdoor experience in a democratic setting and creates ideas of fair play, leadership and other life long skills. Kamp Kiwanis is located near Taberg, NY. For more information about Kamp Kiwanis, click here,


Here are our District Goals for the 2020-2021 service year!

SERVICE HOURS: 90,000 So far we have served around 4,500 hours! That's 5% of our goal!

FUNDRAISING: $120,000 So far we have raised $11,718! That's 9.8% of our goal!


Here are our Divisional Goals for the 2020-2021 service year!

SERVICE HOURS: 1,500 So far we have served 55 hours! That's 3.6% of our goal! '


We have raised $0 this far. Fill out your FRFs to receive credit!! Division 14 June Newsletter ~ Page 10

INTERNATIONAL PARTNERS Nickelodeon currently has two major campaigns each year that encourage action in kids on the global scale. Worldwide Day of Play advocates to make the world a more playful place by leading active, playful events. Nickelodeon’s Get Dirty campaign seeks to educate kids, families and teachers about what they can do to protect the planet in fun and engaging ways. For more information about Nickelodeon, click here.

The Thirst Project is an organization that works with the support of young people to end the global water crisis by building freshwater wells in developing communities that need safe, clean drinking water. Over 663 million people do not have access to clean drinking water. Did you know that just $25 gives someone a lifetime supply of water? For more information about the Thirst Project, click here. Division 14 June Newsletter ~ Page 11


More than 10 million kids enter a children’s hospital across North America every year. Since 1983, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals has helped fill those funding gaps by raising more than $7 billion, most of it $1 at a time through Miracle Balloon icon campaigns. Its various fundraising partners and programs support the nonprofit’s mission to save and improve the lives of as many children as possible. For more information about Children's Miracle Network Hospitals, click here. .

INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT'S PROJECT International President K'lena Schnack chose the Eliminate Project as her official President's Project for the 20192020 service year. The Eliminate Project is a joint project of Kiwanis International and UNICEF dedicated to preventing maternal/neonatal tetanus (MNT). Since 2015, Key Club International has raised more than $2 Million! K'lena will only be in office for a couple more months, so let's make the most while we can! For more information, click here. Division 14 June Newsletter ~ Page 12


PAPERWORK REMINDERS April MRF: Due May 10th May MRF: Due June 10th June MRF: Due July 10th Election Report Form (ERF): Due September 30th Links: Monthly Report Forn (MRF) Election Report Form (ERF) Fundraising Report Form (FRF) Division 14 June Newsletter ~ Page 13


Key Club LTG Chloe Baker - division14@nydkc.org Circle K LTG Alexandria Hill - alexandra.hill@nycirclek.org Kiwanis LTG Jerry Gagnier - jgagnier44@gmail.com Governor Mariam Makar - governor@nydkc.org Secretary Jason Xiong - secretary@nydkc.org Treasurer Winnie Huang - treasurer@nydkc.org External EA Anthony Lim - anthonylim.ea@nydkc.org Internal EA Tatiana Solodova - tatianasolodova.ea@nydkc.org Bulletin Editor Rachel Joh - editor@nydkc.org Webmaster Kristen Lew - webmaster@nydkc.org District Administrator John Goldstein - nydkca@frontier.com Assistant Administrator Michael Berthel -mjberthel@gmail.com Assistant Administrator Jason Steiner - ianjs@aol.com

SOCIAL MEDIA @nydckd14 @nydkc @thebestsistrict @keyclubint @kci1920

nydkc Key Club International

@nykeyclub @keyclub

@nydkc @keyclubintnl

Division 14 June Newsletter ~ Page 14

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