Division 14 June Newsletter

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Written by: Eliza Strum, Lieutenant Governor

A NOTE FROM ME ~ YOUR LTG Hey Division 14!

The end of the school year is almost here! Congrats on making it through this very different year. I would also like to say a very special congratulations to the class of 2021, I wish you all the best in your future endeavors! In the meantime, continue to have service in the summer!! Ideas can be found on page 11. A great way to stay involved is to register for this year's Summer Leadership Conference. Also, great job on making such amazing progress on our division goals already! During the summer months, make sure to keep up with paperwork as well. MRF's will still be due on the 10th of every month, even if your club is not active. I hope you all have a great summer and end of school year, and remember: Caring- Our way of life!

Yours in Service,

ltg eliza

Division 14 June Newsletter ~ Page 1

Division 14 April-May Newsletter ~ Page 2

E-CARDS TO ST. JUDE PATIENTS I really loved how we got the chance to do something like this at Eliza's Divisional. I felt like I was actually doing something that could make someone's day, and I love that. I liked that we could write our own messages to a patient, and pick a card design that was actually inspired by art made by the patients at the hospital!! All of the options were really cute. Overall I really liked it, and this simple opportunity to do service from home, and brighten a child's day. It was such a great idea! -Avery Blanchard Member, Ticonderoga High School Division 14 My favorite part of Key Club is helping others. It was uplifting to do this simple and virtual project. It was amazing how we got to send kids a message of hope and love during this tough time. It made my day knowing that I may have made one child smile. Afterall caring--our way of life :) -Hannah Porter Member, Ticonderoga High School Division 14

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On May 29th, 2021, Chester Kiwanis hosted its 26th annual 5K race as a fundraiser to various organizations including Salvation Army March of Dimes Chester Community food pantry and numerous other Regional Charities. The Chester Academy Key Club had the honor of supporting this event, and I had the opportunity to help out. The 5K race was originally planned to be followed by a cleanup of Chester's Heritage Trail. However, on the morning of the event, I was surprised at how rainy it was; although the forecast predicted light showers, nobody expected there to be such heavy rainfall. We were forced to postpone the trail cleanup, and I fear that the 5K would have a poor turnout due to the circumstances. I was pleasantly surprised to see that even despite the poor weather and an altered race (to compensate for CDC guidelines), there were hundreds of runners at the event. It raised my spirits to to see so many people from my community outside in the cold rain, on a Saturday morning just to help one another. I was especially heartened to see that the faces of everyone, volunteers and runners alike, contained a joyful smile despite the cloudy day. I had an amazing time with the other members of Key Club, and feel that this occasion was a good insight into what makes our community so great; even when the circumstances feel like they're at odds with us, we are always able to join together and work with one another to help others. As the incoming president of Key Club, I look forward to being able to take a more active role during similar events in the near future. -Noah Im President, Chester High School Division 13

Division 14 April-May Newsletter ~ Page 4

LEADERSHIP TRAINING CONFERENCE Saturday May 14th and 15th was New York District's 73rd annual Leadership Training Conference! Hundreds of Key Clubbers heard from keynote speakers, met other members from across New York State, and attended a variety of workshops via Zoom. Awards were also announced and I would like to congratulate our D14 winners: Northern Adirondack: Membership Retention Award Ticonderoga: Increased Membership Award Northern Adirondack & Ticonderoga: Completed Paperwork Award Chloe Baker (IP LTG): Distinguished Lieutenant Governor & Distinguished Key Clubber Award A round of applause for all of you, keep up the great work!!


NEW SERVICE OPPORTUNITY!! Math Resources for Students, by Students is an wants to provide teachers of grade K-5 with math materials to use in their classrooms. Your job is to come up with practice questions for any unit you choose. You then email it in PDF format, and fill out a google form to get credit. Completing 1 sheet of 8 practice problems=1 service hour. You can create questions ranging from simple kindergarten math to 5th grade math. This is such a great and completely virtual way to serve, thanks to our Internal EA Gabriella!! Click here for more information Division 14 April-May Newsletter ~ Page 5


This year, Governor Chloe Baker has chosen Thirst Project as her Governor's Project. Thirst Project is a nonprofit organization that works with the support of young people to END the global water crisis by building freshwater wells in developing communities that need safe, clean drinking water. Why Water? Health and Sanitation: Waterborne diseases are responsible for more easily preventable young deaths a year than HIV, Malaria, and all world violence combined. Small children typically do not have strong enough immune systems to fight diseases like cholera, dysentery, or schistosomiasis. By providing a community with safe drinking water, disease rates can drop by up to 88% virtually overnight! Child mortality rates can drop up to 90%- overnight! For more info click here.

DISTRICT ENDORSED PROJECT Kiwanis Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation was set up to help pay for medical treatment for children with this disease. Unfortunately most insurance companies do not pay for its treatment, which is very expensive. Their support is funded through donations from Kiwanis Clubs and individuals and channeled into the Pediatric Lyme Disease Fund. They have 27 active grants for children with the disease. Lyme Disease is caused by bacteria usually transmitted by the deer tick. It is a scary possibility to consider for New York State residents who enjoy spending time outside during the summer months. Lyme Disease may affect the brain in many ways. For more information click here.

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When Alex, who was diagnosed with childhood cancer just before her first birthday, was four, she told her parents she wanted to set up a front-yard lemonade stand. Her plan: to give the money to doctors to help them find a cure. Her first “Alex’s Lemonade Stand”, held with the help of her older brother Patrick, raised an astonishing $2,000 in one day. While bravely fighting her own cancer, Alex continued to set up lemonade stands every year. As news spread of the remarkable girl so dedicated to helping other sick children, people everywhere were inspired to start their own lemonade stands — donating the proceeds to her cause. For more information, click here.










FUNDRAISING: $2,000 Division 14 April-May Newsletter ~ Page 7


One of Key Club's International Partners is Project Happiness. The World Health Organization has named depression as the greatest cause of suffering worldwide. In the U.S., 1 out of 5 deals with depression or anxiety. For youth, that number increases to 1 in 3. The good news is that 40% of our happiness can be influenced by intentional thoughts and actions, leading to life changing habits. It's this 40% that Project Happiness Programs help to impact. Scientific research has turned its focus on how happiness can be sustained and even increased. Research has confirmed that through intentional practices, we can actually change the neural pathways of our brain to become happier. In fact, only 10% of our happiness is due to our external circumstances and a full 90% is based on our inner environment! For more information click here.


*Registration closes at midnight EST, Friday, June 25, registration cost is $25.*

Join us July 8-10 for our second Summer Leadership Conference. Don’t miss this great opportunity to learn about service and leadership and connect with members from around the world — from the comfort of your own home. The conference will feature: Speakers representing nonprofits that are bringing positive changes to communities around the world. Workshops where Key Club members can learn about service, leadership and club operations. Online recognition that spotlights leaders making a difference in their communities. Lots of fun, chances to win prizes and fellowship — so you can get to know fellow Key Club members. Click here for registration! Division 14 April-May Newsletter ~ Page 8

CURRENT DIVISIONAL PROJECTS Freerice is a mobile trivia app that donates rice to the World Food Program for every question you answer correctly. It has two goals: Provide education to everyone for free. Help end world hunger by providing rice to hungry people for free. You can answer question in a variety of categories, ranging from grammar to geography. It is a great way to test your knowledge while helping others. Once you have downloaded the app, enter the code: 6DMLMMZG

Charity Miles lets you log all types of movement, from running and walking to dancing and biking. Be a mover and changemaker in any way that fits your lifestyle. For every mile you move, you help raise money for UNICEF. We have raised over $750 this service year! Once you have downloaded the app, go to groups and look up: NYDKC Division 14 Division 14 April-May Newsletter ~ Page 9

MAY TREASURER OF THE MONTH A huge congratulations to Brady Boulrice from Northern Adirondack Central High School in Division 14 for being the District's May Treasurer of the Month!! Know a treasurer going above and beyond? Help give them recognition by nominating them here. They will be featured on the Empire Key, social media, and the website.


Did your club do something awesome? Be featured in these newsletters! Empire Key: This is an opportunity to submit articles for the Empire Key and be recognized on the district level through the form found here! ADK Announcements: If your club recently had a service project, event, or fundraiser, you can be featured in my next newsletter. Write an article and submit photos! You can fill out this google form or email me. Empire Key Quote Form: Any Key Clubber can fill out this google form to submit a quote to be featured in the Empire Key made by District Bulletin Editor Jerry! Editor's Choice Award: Refer to this doc for more information Division 14 April-May Newsletter ~ Page 10


Service does not stop in the summer, here are some summer service ideas for your clubs! Car wash -Host a car wash and get service hours! You could also charge a few dollars and donate the money. Governor's Project: Thirst Project -Virtual fundraising ideas can be found here. Beautify a park or beach in your neighborhood -Clean up a local beach or park and help beautify your community! Organize a drive for supplies for animal shelters -Many animal shelters have it rough. Despite their dedication and hard work, most of the time, they suffer from a shortage of supplies.

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PAPERWORK REMINDERS May MRF: Due June 10th June MRF: Due July 10th ERF: Due September 30th FRF: Due after every fundraiser where the money does not go to your club Links: Monthly Report Form (MRF) Election Report Form (ERF) Fundraiser Report Form (FRF)

*Make sure to fill out the MRF each month and the FRF after every fundraiser to help us reach our District and Division Goals* Division 14 April-May Newsletter ~ Page 12


~stay connected~ @nydkcd14 @nydkc @spacifny @keyclubint @kci2021

@nykeyclub @keyclub

nydkc Key Club International

@nydkc @keyclubintnl

Division 14 April-May Newsletter ~ Page 13

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