ou motors op skou
bulle nie in semis
Bokkie veilig na 5 dae Natalie Grobler
’n Gestremde man wat verlede week spoorloos verdwyn het, het Woensdag, nadat hy 5 dae vermis was, ongedeerd by sy huis opgedaag. Die besonderhede van waar die 44-jarige Joseph Terry, ook bekend as Bokkie, hom in dié tyd bevind het, sal waarskynlik ’n raaisel bly. Hy het glo in hierdie tyd by die plaaslike polisie uitgekom, maar omdat hy nie goed kan kommunikeer nie het die polisie hom in Danville, etlike kilo meters van sy huis, gaan aflaai. “Bokkie gaan stap gewoonlik maar kom gou weer terug. Vrydag het hy gaan stap en net nie weer teruggekom nie. Hy het die verstand van ’n 7-jarige en enigiets kon met hom gebeur het,” het Juanita Pontes, Terry se susterskind gesê. Sy het gesê hulle het die wêreld vol gebel, ook na hospitale en polisiestasies. “Ons is toe na die Hercules-polisie waar een van die polisielede vir my en my ma gesê het dat hy op en af voor die stasie geloop het. Die een polisieman het gesê hy het ’n kop- en nekwond, die ander een het weer gesê daar was niks fout met hom nie,” het sy gesê. Volgens Pontes het ’n vrouesersant aan haar verduidelik dat hulle Terry genader het om te hoor waar hy bly. Terry het herhaaldelik ‘Danville’ geantwoord. “Hulle het hom blykbaar Danville toe geneem en hom in Morkelstraat afgelaai. Hulle het hom net afgelaai en weggery,” het sy gesê. So moes hulle hul soektog voortsit.
Pontes het gesê hulle het van vroeg oggend na hom begin soek en eers teen 02:00 of 03:00 in die bed gekom. Hulle het van een polisiestasie na die ander gegaan en hospitaal na hospitaal gebel, maar dit het niks opgelewer nie. Tot hul verligting het Terry Woensdag laatoggend by hul huis opgedaag. “Ons was so verlig toe hy opdaag en al wat hy wou doen is slaap. Hy het ingedrentel gekom en vir ons gesê hy is moeg en op die bed neergeval,” het sy gesê. Volgens Pontes het hulle ’n bietjie inligting uit hom getrek voor hy aan die slaap geraak het. Sy het gesê dat hy van Pretoria tot Johannesburg gestap het, en het ook geryloop. Toe hulle hom vra waar hy geslaap het, het hy net gesê tussen twee groot klippe. Verder kon hulle niks uit hom kry nie. “Ons is net bly dat hy terug is en dat niks met hom gebeur het nie, maar hy is gehok vir die res van sy lewe en sal nooit weer alleen gaan rondloop nie,” het ’n verligte Pontes gesê. Luitenant Kolonel Lungelo Dlamini het gesê dat as die polisie bewus raak van iemand wat verlore of gestremd is behoort hulle die persoon na ’n hospitaal toe te vat of in hulle toesig hou tot ’n familie lid opgespoor is. “In dié geval is dit nie duidelik of die polisie bewus was dat die persoon gestremd is nie, maar hulle kan ’n klag lê by die stasiebevelvoerder om die saak te ondersoek,” het hy gesê. Hy het gesê indien daar bevind word dat die polisie nalatig opgetree het, sal die nodige stappe teen hulle geneem word.
Juanita Pontes en haar gestremde oom Bokkie, wat vir vyf dae weggeraak het en sy pad weer te- rug na Claremont gevind het.
Wanted Sunday rapist finally behind bars Valeska Abreu The notorious ‘Sunday rapist’ has come forward and confessed to the disreputable title after allegedly abducting, raping and murdering an 18-year-old girl last week in Johannesburg. The case of Pretoria West’s deceased Lazanne Farmer is believed to also be on the charge sheet, that includes 13 charges of rape, ten of kidnapping, six of sexual assault and one of murder. In May 2010, a male in a bakkie abducted Farmer and a friend at gunpoint. They were blindfolded inside the bakkie. According to media reports at that time, at some stage Farmer managed to loosen her blindfold. When she saw a women walking in the street, she jumped out of the bakkie.
Her friend was not able to do the same and was later found raped and abandoned. Johannes Steyn, the accused, handed himself over to police in KwaZulu-Natal last week after he abducted Louise de Waal at gunpoint outside her school in Florida. De Waal’s charred body was found later that day on a farm in Magaliesburg. It is believed Steyn admitted to police to being the notorious ‘Sunday rapist’. “We cannot yet link Farmer’s death to Steyn, because we have to investigate the circumstances of how she ended up outside the vehicle. We don;t know if she was pushed or if she jumped,” said Lieutenant Colonel Tshisikhawe Ndou, police spokesperson. Steyn is currently in police custody. His bail application was postponed to December.
Foreigner shoots resident in fight Gavin Emmanuel
The Atteridgeville police arrested a Somali national after he shot and wounded a resident of Phomolong informal settlement in Saulsville. Community members from the Phomolong informal settlement marched to the Atteridgeville police station on October 13, protesting about the unavailability of water and electricity in their area. “Residents came to Atteridgeville police station to hand a
memorandum to the official from the Housing Department and upon returning to their community, a fight started,” said Atteridgeville police station spokesperson, Captain Thomas Mufumadi. Mufumadi told Rekord that details as to what caused the shooting remain unclear and will form part of the police investigation. According to Mufumadi the Somali national will be charged with attempted murder and possession of an unlicenced firearm.
Adjunkpresident Kgalema Motlanthe en dr. Pieter Mulder, adjunkminister van Landbou, Bosbou en Visserye en VF Plus leier, by die Muur van Herinnering op die Erfenisterrein by die Voortrekkermonument. Dié muur is opgerig vir gevalle soldate van die Suid-Afrikaanse Weermag uit die tyd van die Grensoorlog.
Adjunkminister besoek Voortrekkermonument Adjunkpresident Kgalema Motlanthe het verlede week die Voortrekkermonument in Pretoria besoek na ’n uitnodiging van dr. Pieter Mulder, adjunkminister van Landbou, Bosbou en Visserye en VF Plus leier, en die monument se bestuur. Personeel van die Voortrekkermonument het Motlanthe op ’n volledige toer deur die monument, die Erfenisstigtingsterrein en die Muur van Herinnering geneem.
Tydens die toer het Mulder die panele uitgewys wat die goeie verhoudinge uitbeeld wat tussen die Voortrekkers en die Barolongstam asook tussen die Trekkers en Mpande, die Zoeloe-koning, geheers het. Mulder het verder daarop gewys hoe belangrik dit is dat geskiedenis gebalanseerd aangebied moet word. Die adjunkpresident het sy waardering na die besoek uitge-
spreek in die kommentaar wat hy in die besoekersboek geskryf het. Mulder het gesê ’n besoek soos hierdie is belangrik om onnodige negatiewe vooroordele wat teenoor die monument by ANC-leiers mag bestaan, af te breek. Die feit dat die jaarlikse staatsbydrae van R1,9 miljoen vanjaar op kort kennisgewing deur die betrokke departement gehalveer is, is ook tydens die besoek bespreek.
Matric exam kicks off For matrics in Pretoria West the long awaited matric exam started this week. For many it is a time of blood, sweat and tears. For others it is a relief because they can finally prove how hard they have worked. Here are pupils of Holy Trinity High School in Atte ridgeville as they prepare to write computer science on Wednes day morning. Photo: Gavin Emmanuel
School shows gratitute to community Gavin Emmanuel Laerskool Bergsig celebrated its 75th birthday by giving back to the community that supported them all these years. According to Delmarie Olivier, the grade 1 teacher at the school, part of the celebrations include giving back to the community that supported the school all these years. “We will be giving food parcels to Danville Old Age Home. We asked parents to help their children with groceries that will be donated to the home,” said Olivier. The pupils brought more than 200 items of groceries from their homes and other pupils went as far as asking
donations from local businesses. The groceries will benefit 150 elderly residents at the Danville Old Age home who struggle with necessities every month, because their pension money cannot cover all their needs. “Pupils who were highly active in this campaign were from grade R to grade 7. There will be an official handing over to the old age home at a date to be confirmed soon. Pupils of Laerskool Bergsig celebrate the school’s 75th birthday. As part of the celebrations the school will donate food parcels to an old age home in Danville.
•NOTICE• l The Tshwane metro’s Water and Sanitation Department would like to inform residents of Lotus Gardens, extension 2, about the coming water interruptions in their areas. The water interruptions will be on October 25 from 08:00 to 18:00, as a result of the upgrading of the water network that is being undertaken. The affected areas are north of Mongarva, Malaka Patricia Mothelo streets up to Morotolola, Mokwerekwere and Govan Mbeki streets. West of Morutlhaware Street and Citron Drive up
to Monaatlou and Joe Slovo streets including Lotus Gardens cemetery. Enquiries: Jan Murphy on 012-358-5803. l Die Trinity Bediening op die hoek van Plaas- en Boekenhoutkloofstraat in Booysens hou van 21 Oktober tot 23 Oktober spesiale dienstevan 19:00 en Sondag om 09:00. Navrae: Pastoor Joe Grobler by 073-5350650. l The first South African retirement expo, presented by Century Property Developments, will be held at the Coca-Cola Dome in Johannesburg from October 28 to 30. Tickets are available at Computicket or at the expo.
Resistance against foreign businesses
Jeffrey Masondo voel dit is onregverdig dat buitestaanders behoorlike behuising in hul omgewing kry terwyl hulle in sulke slegte omstandighede leef.
’n Herrie het ontstaan nadat dié sinkdakhuise op die oop stuk grond langs die Bremerstraat-plakkerskamp twee weke gelede afgelaai is.
Gavin Emmanuel
René Botes en Ben Seboulela staan saam teen die voorgenome skuif van die Schubartpark-plakkers na die oop stuk grond langs die Bremerstraat-plakkerskamp.
Plakkers woon nou elders Natashia Hudson Na ’n paar weke van erge onrus en frustrasie is die gemoed van die Pretoria-Wes-gemeenskap effens ligter. Dit volg na dit bekendgemaak is dat die Schubartpark-plakkers nie meer na Claremont in Pretoria-Wes verskuif gaan word nie. Rekord het onlangs berig dat die gemeenskap en die Bremerstraat-plakkers, wat reg langs die oop veld in Claremont bly, ongelukkig oor die voorgenome skuif is. René Botes, wie se huis naby die Bremerstraat-plakkerskamp is, het gemeen dat dit heeltemal onaanvaarbaar is. “Ons probleem is dat dit die ergste van die ergste misdadigers is wat hier gaan kom bly. Ons het reeds baie misdaad. Ons het nie
nog nodig nie.” Jeffrey Masondo van die Bremerstraat-plakkerskamp was net so ongelukkig oor die nuus en wou weet waarom mense van ver behuising kry terwyl hulle wat reeds lank vir behuising wag, in soveel ellende moet bly leef. Gemoedere het verder kookpunt bereik toe tien sinkhuise op 7 Oktober op die perseel afgelaai is. Daar was sprake van betogings en sommige plakkers en inwoners het gedreig om die sinkhuise af te breek. Intussen het Piet Fourie, wyksraadslid, ’n vergadering van ’n lid van die burgemeesterskomitee bygewoon waarin die Tshwanemetro se beplanning aangaande hierdie situasie bespreek is. Fourie het beklemtoon dat die Schubartpark-plakkers nie meer na Claremont verplaas gaan word
nie, maar reeds elders geplaas is. Volgens Fourie word daar nou beoog om die Bremerstraat-plakkers en Betlehem-plakkers tydelik in die nuwe sinkhuise te huisves. Hy sê die metro is besig om deur die prosesse te werk en aandag aan die water- en rioolstelsels te gee en agtergrondondersoeke oor potensiële inwoners te doen. Fourie sê verder, alhoewel die gemeenskap rustiger is, hulle steeds nie gelukkig is nie omdat hulle bekommerd is dat die waarde van hul eiendom gaan afneem. Hendrik Kruger, wat betrokke is by die Hercules-gemeenskapveiligheidsassosiasie, meen ook dat die stof nog nie heeltemal gaan lê het nie. Wat die Schubartpark-plakkers betref sê hy egter: “Ek dink ons het ons punt bewys. Ons het die boodskap duidelik oorgedra.”
Fears of renewed xenophobic violence are brewing in Jeffsville and Saulsville. It seems that local business owners are at loggerheads with foreign business owners about prices and business ethics. Andries Sihlangu is a local tuck-shop owner who has been operating since the inception of Jeffsville informal settlement. “I used to have loyal custo mers because I am also part of the community and I understand their frustration, but ever since the Pakistani and the Somali people came into our community, I have lost my customers and my business is limping,” said Sihlangu. Sihlangu added that the reason his business is struggling is because foreigners sell most of their merchandise at extremely cheap prices, attracting a large chunk of customers daily. “We have an arrangement with other local business owners, we agreed to sell our goods at almost the same price, but everything turned ugly when these people came. They must return from where they came from,” said a disgruntled Sihlangu. Rekord then visited a local supermarket. Upon entry the owners of the shop began asking nume rous questions and it took some time before they would open up to Rekord. One of the shop assistants said residents want to chase them out of the community and it is
motivated by greedy and selfish local tuck-shop owners who can’t handle competition. “Our shops are looted almost every week by local residents, we experience armed robberies more often, we can’t make a living anymore. We are afraid to even open up at night because we are targeted. Sooner or later this will spark xenophobic attacks,” said the assistant. Last week Thursday Atteridgeville police had to disperse a number of local residents who were looting a foreigner owned tuck-shop. Another tuck-shop owner poured cold water on the issue that they are crippling the business of the locals. “What we do is healthy competition, most of the people who live in this community are either unemployed or living on a government grant, so we try to make prices cheaper for everyone,” said the man. Several Pakistani and Somali owned tuck-shops closed down because the shop owners fear that residents might come and loot what is left in their stores, while others take the risk by operating regularly. Atteridgeville police station spokesperson, Captain Thomas Mufumadi, told Rekord that they arrested a number of people who were caught looting at a Somali tuck-shop last Thursday. “We strongly discourage members of the community to loot any store because it’s a crime,” said Mufumadi.
Redaksionele Kommentaar Verlede Saterdagoggend is ’n openbare bus, met passasiers, deur ’n private videospan verfilm terwyl dit teen 150km/h op die Ben Schoemandeurpad ry. Die motor met die filmspan het langs die bus gery terwyl daar telkens skote van die motor se spoedmeter geneem is. Die busbestuurder kan bly wees dat hy en sy passasiers nie deel van die openbare vervoer se ongelukstatistiek geword het nie, statistiek wat die afgelope paar maande die hoogte ingeskiet het. Volgens ’n ER24-segsman het die diens sedert die begin van die jaar op ongeveer 411 ongelukke waarin minibus-taxis betrokke was, gereageer. In dié tydperk moes hulle ook hulp verleen by 288 ongelukke waarby openbare busse betrokke was en 30 treinongelukke. Verlede Woensdag het 21 mense in drie ongelukke in minibus-taxis omgekom. Wat veroorsaak hierdie asemrowende toename in openbare vervoerongelukke? Volgens ’n woordvoerder van die Automobiel-assosiasie, is daar twee oorsake – die toestand van die voertuie en die toestand van die drywers. Oktober is juis Nasionale Vervoermaand en daar kan nie ’n groter prioriteit wees as om ernstig oor die hoë ongeluksyfer in ons land te besin nie. Die minister van vervoer het onlangs gesê dat padsterftes deesdae ’n groter epidemie in Suid-Afrika is as MIV/Vigs.
E-pos jou briewe na:
Briewe mag aan die Redakteur gerig word, Posbus 8261, Pretoria 0001, faks na 086-652-0378 of e-pos na Briewe mag nie langer as 200 woorde wees nie. Die Redakteur behou die reg om enige brief te wysig. ’n Skrywer mag onder ’n pennaam skryf, maar sy of haar volle name, adres en telefoonnommer moet die brief vergesel.
More problems
Concerned Pretorian writes: We have been asked to leave our vehicles at home and make use of the Gautrain. Promises were made, such as to get there fast. Well that’s if they don’t ‘borrow’ the copper cables, or if there’s no power failure. Then we will have to use our gau-feet. Don’t forget, it cost millions. Sounds familiar?
Unpleasant first trip with Gautrain Unhappy first timer writes: On Saturday I excitedly went for my first Gautrain trip and to say I was appalled by the safety measures, would be a complete understatement. When the fourcarriage train arrived, a quick glance at the numerous folk planning to embark on the trip told my sinking heart there would be Capital Media (Edms) Bpk / (Pty) Ltd
087-750-6887 / / / /
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20 000 - Mamelodi Sentraal / Central - 22 540 19 000 - Wesnuus Centurion - 53 600 69 140 - Oos/East: Moot -32 730 Lynnwood (33 287) Noord / North - 36 850 Faerie Glen (35 853) Noweto - 28 820 Total weekly distribution / 282 680 Totale weeklikse verspreiding Rekord word uitgegee en versprei deur sy eienaar, Capital Media (Edms) Bpk, Orpenlaan 32, Lydiana en gedruk deur Caxton, Wrightstraat 16, Industria Rekord subscribes to the South African Press Code that prescribes news that is truthful, accurate, fair and balanced. If we dont live up to the Code please contact the Press Ombudsman at 011-484-3618/2.
Rekord Hulpfonds / Rekord Charity Fund Lopende rekeningnommer 4059368516, ABSA, Lynnwoodrif Enige skenkings welkom
insufficient space inside. Yet we were told to board the train and stand in the passageways between the seats. We ended up in the space between the two doors, where 17 of us were crammed together with nothing to hold on to while being tossed about the moving train. I learn that in European countries it has become
quite acceptable to have little or no regard for safety measures but having paid a hefty price for the ticket, I would have liked to be seated. Had any one watched 30 seconds to disaster? What happens in an emergency where a carriage is so packed you can hardly move? We should not have to accept that this is how things are.
Koos skryf: Ek het 19 Oktober ’n oproep ontvang van ’n 00006-nommer. Die man het my probeer oortuig dat daar ’n virus-infeksie op my rekenaar is. Ek het maar saamgespeel om te sien wat hy wou doen. Daarna het hy my ’n paar instruksies gegee wat die c:\Windows\INF-leêr op my rekenaar oopgemaak het. Hy probeer my toe oortuig dat al die dokumente in daardie leêr rekenaarvirusse is wat afgelaai word. Dit is natuurlik nie die geval nie. Hy handig my toe oor na hul ‘ingenieur’ om my te help ontslae raak van die virus. Hy sê toe dat ek na www.logmein.123.
com toe moet gaan sodat die virus afgehaal kan word. Toe ek hom konfronteer oor wat hy probeer doen en noem dat ek met rekenaars werk, het hy die foon neergesit. Ek vermoed dit is rekenaarindringers wat rekenaarverbruikers probeer oorreed om die program of virus self te installeer of om hulle toegang te gee na jou rekenaar sodat hulle dit kan installeer. Indien so ’n persoon jou kontak sit eerder die foon neer. Indien jy reeds so ’n oproep ontvang het en gedoen het wat hulle vra, stel ek voor dat jy jou rekenaar afsit en by ’n rekenaartegnikus uitkom.
’n Baie Bekommerde Ouer skryf: Hierdie is ’n ope brief aan die bestuurder van ’n beige-kleurige Volkswagen Fox. Op 14 Oktober om 07:20 het ek in Pierneefstraat jou voertuig opgemerk waar ’n kleuter op die voorste sitplek gestaan het. Jy was op pad om die kleinding by ’n kleuterskool te gaan aflaai. As jou voertuig in ’n botsing betrokke is, of as jy selfs net baie
skerp moet rem, gaan die kleintjie met ’n spoed teen of deur die voorruit trek. Daar is geen manier hoe jy dit sal kan keer nie. Belê eerder in ’n motorstoeltjie of gordel die kind op die agterste sitplek vas. Die kind se veiligheid is belangriker as sy of haar nukke om nie stil in ’n motor te sit nie. Ek is seker jy wil ook nie later met verwyte sit nie.
Hou jou rekenaar veilig
Moenie later spyt wees nie
Sensustiwiteit Pretoria is nou Blommeland. Soos in Liewe Heksie se Blommeland. Jakarandas blom in die strate. Dis Pers. Dis groen. Dis mooi. Aan die troon sit koning Rosedoring. Liewe Heksie en Blommie is Jan Alleman. Vroulief is Liewe Heksie (of altans die meeste van die tyd), kompleet met besem en al. Blommie is haar maaitjie. Karel Kat is die enigste een in Blommeland wat ’n kar ry, met die nommerplate ‘Balty GP’. Dan is daar natuurlik ook deesdae baie gifappeltjies te sien. In geel gedrapeer. So kom Blommie een Vrydagaand, na ’n lang dag in Blommeland se velde, by die huis. Hy skop sy trommelskoene uit en gaan skink vir hom ’n rosewyntjie in die sterretjies kombuis. Hy skuif daarna voor die kleurvolle geraaskassie in en skakel na Blommelanders. Heksie kom kort daarna - teen daai tyd aangeswoes - sy is pootuit want sy moes Karel help met verslae omdat sy kar glo nie aan die wette van Blommeland voldoen nie. Koning Molsetroon is baie vies vir hom en is besig met ’n ondersoek. Heksie parkeer haar besem op die dak en stamp amper die pampoen af. Sy gooi ’n paar eetgoedjies in haar pot en maak haar, saam met Blommie, gemaklik op die strooi-sofa. Klop klop. Blommie en Heksie sug, hulle is nie nou lus vir gaste nie, dis Blommelanders! “Maak die deur oop of ek blaas jou dak af... O’ sorry, verkeerde sprokie.” Blommie sug, staan op en maak die deur oop. ’n Gifappeltjie staan by die deur. “Hallo, ek is hier om julle te tel.” “Hoekom - is iemand weg?” vra Blommie verward. “Nee, dis vir beter service delivery,” sê die vriendelike gifappeltjie. “O Griet, wat is dit?” haak Heksie af... ’n lang tyd van stilte gaan verby. Ek
Off the Rekord Phillip Bruwer
sê OOOO GRIET,” ewe skielik stoom GauGriet daar in uit die bloute. “Sorry for the inconvenience, ek was bietjie vertraag, daar is van my kabels gegaps.” “O nice, noudat julle almal hier is: Race?” “Ek sal graag wil, as my kabels nie gesteel word nie,” sê GauGriet. “Is julle op pille?” Net GauGriet sê ja - hy het baie stres. “Het julle ’n TV?” Blommelanders blêr in die agtergrond. “’n Yskas?” “Nee ons is poppe ons maak net of ons eet,” sê Heksie. “’n Badkamer?” “Nee ons gebruik ’n LavaTree,” sê Blommie. “Hoeveel keer gebruik julle dit bedags?” “Ek het nou juis ’n behoefte,” skimp Blommie. Na nog ’n paar vrae is hulle klaar met die sensenielus. Die gifappeltjie groet vriendelik en gaan na die volgende huis. Heksie se brousel verbrand, Blommelanders se endkre diete draai en buite in die strate, bars Jakarandas uit hul nate... “Gelukkig is dit nou klaar en gebeur dit net een keer in ’n paar jaar,” rym Heksie.
Story was informative Tshepang writes: I read the Rekord West that had President Jacob Zuma on the front page and I must say the article helped my sister-in-law because her husband was a police officer and he passed away in a helicopter crash while on duty. The story was informative because my sister-in-law has three children and she did not know whether the government would
assist her in keeping her children in school. Through the story, she contacted the station commander of the police station where my brother was working and now the state is paying for her children’s school fees. Thank you for your story, I believe it was instrumental in giving my sister-in-law peace of mind. I am a resident of Pretoria West and was a journalist myself and I enjoy reading Rekord.
Faith with focus An eagle is an exceptional bird and once it focuses on its prey, it has singleness of mind and purpose. From that moment on, every part of its powerful, beautiful body is locked in line with the focus of those keen eyes. The wings, the talons, the beak, the understanding of aerodynamics all come into line with only one thought, to catch the prey. Nothing will cause it to deviate from its set course of action. James 1:8 speaks of a doubleminded man who is unstable in all his ways. Don’t zigzag through life, focus will take you where you want to go. If you come to a mountain, climb it or go around it or dig a way through it, but don’t let it stop you in any way. If criticism is levelled at you analyse it. If you need to repent, repent. If you can learn a life lesson, learn it. If it hurts your pride, humble yourself. If it is untrue, disregard it. We can blame our circumstances or someone for our lack of accomplishment, yet history is full of wonderful stories of those who fought the odds and
Faith Nevil Norden
won. A blind man once said: “My blindness was not a restriction, just a bit of a nuisance at times.” People’s opinions can draw you off target and get you totally side-tracked. Focus on your dreams by taking control of your time. Just remember that achievers have a strong sense of urgency. Ephesians 5:14 (NKJV) says: Awake, you who sleep, arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light. If you are serious, you will develop time management skills. Remember a disciplined focus is what distinguishes those who make things happen, from those who watch things happen.
Dankie vir gewilligheid Pensioentrekker skryf: Hiermee wil ons net dr. Pieter Mulder van die VF-Plus en adv. Anton Alberts, LP van die VF-Plus, bedank vir hul hulp aan die ou Transnet-pensioena risse wat elke jaar net 2% verhoging van Transnet ontvang. Ons gaan onder geweldige geldelike
las gebuk. Ons kinders is nie in ’n posisie om ons geldelik te ondersteun nie en ons moet maar op ons eie sukkel. Dr. Mulder en adv. Alberts, baie dankie dat u gewillig is om vir ons te baklei vir ’n beter lewe, ons waardeer dit opreg.
Bekendes ondersteun kanker-geleentheid Suzette van Huyssteen Vroue van oral in Pretoria het Saterdag die Kerskopie, Kos en Kuier vir Kansa-geleentheid, wat by die Capital Hotel School in Arcadia gehou is, geniet. Elzabé Zietsman, Amore Bekker en Gretha Wiid het die gaste vermaak. Wiid was die gasspreker van die dag en sy het haar gedagtes oor Vrouwees en Kersfees met gaste gedeel. Verder het die seremoniemeester, Ronel Bezuidenhout, die gaste vermaak. Zietsman en Bekker was die beroemde sjefs by die geleentheid en het ’n paar van hul unieke resepte gedeel, wat die gaste ook kon proe as die spyskaartdisse van die dag. Die gulde geleentheid was gehou om geld vir Kansa met die oog op borskankermaand in te samel. Die dag het hope pret gebied en elke gas is huis toe met ’n geskenkpakkie en ’n klein resepteboekie met Zietsman en Bekker se resepte. Met dié resepte gaan kook oor die Kersseisoen maklik en propvol pret wees. Seremoniemeester van die dag, Ronel Bezuidenhout en gasspreker van die geleentheid, Gretha Wiid.
Nadia Pretorius en haar ma, Bernadine Human.
Natasha Barnes en Natalia Poolman was opgetof vir die geleentheid.
Bernice Nel was een van die gelukkige wenners van ’n verskeidenheid pryse.
Agentskap beste in weste Promosie As dit by die verkoop en koop van eiendomme kom, kan ’n mens nie anders as om by Tarnica-eiendomme se deur aan te klop vir uitstekende diens nie. Tarnica-eiendomme is sedert September 2009 in die weste van Pretoria werksaam en Tania Steyn is die prinsipaal en was alleenagent tot Maart vanjaar. Steyn het egter drie nuwe agente in diens geneem, Michelle Stokes, Wilma Steynberg en Marlien Strydom en sedertdien gaan die span van krag tot krag. Stokes is in Capital Park en Mountain View werksaam. Volgens Steyn is Stokes gewild onder haar kliënte en word sy as ’n puik agent
gesien. Steynberg doen bemarking in Mayville, Roseville en Eloffsdal, waar sy haar kliënte taktvol hanteer en spesiale aandag aan elke kliënt se behoeftes verskaf. “Strydom is ons groentjie en leer nog, maar kliënte kan gerus op die uitkyk vir haar wees, sy sal verkope in Booysens en Daspoort hanteer,” het Steyn gesê. Tarnica-eiendomme se diens sluit die koop en verkoop van eiendomme, tweede verbande en leningaansoeke, asook waardasies, in. Kyk dus uit vir die groen en geel span as jy goeie diens in die eiendomsbedryf soek. Navrae: 072-061-6699 of besoek Tarnica-eiendomme by Weirstraat 387, Pretoria Tuine.
Die professionele span van Tarnica-eiendomme wat kliënte met flinke diens bedien. Voor van links is Marlien Strydom, Wilma Steynberg, (agter) Michelle Stokes en Tania Steyn.
uitstallers wees en hope pryse te wen. Willanie 082-338-7055. RA/0499821
Ontspanning 3km Pretloop. Kom geniet Jannie Grobler se musiek na afloop van pretloop. Kos en stalletjies 22 Okt om 07:00. 194 Gloverlaan, Lyttel ton. Tel 012-664-1858. RA/0499911 l
l Breek
weg na die bos. Sien groot 5 diere. Enkellopendes welkom. Johann 083-432-9052 . RA/0497421 Do you have a score to settle with someone? Challenge them at tug-ofwar on Nov 4 from 16:00. Gezina, Toutrekpark. Categories: Primary and high schools, women, men, families and more. Stalls, fun for all in aid of Madelé Ludike Scoliosis Fund. Tel Suzette 082-821-6254. l
l Erasmus
Kasteel. Geniet ’n toer deur dié Victoriaanse spookhuis op 22 en 29 Okt van 10:00-12:00. Bespreek dr Roos 012-803-1632 RA/0497785
l Nell
se solovertoning vind op 26 Okt by Café Barcelona en 3 Des by Lemon Jack-teater plaas. Nell 072-436-0450. RA/0499858 Oud-Affiebond bied ’n vonkel ontbyt op 29 Okt om 09:30 in die Louisa Venter-sentrum aan. Bespreek voor 17 Okt. Marlene 083-460-5486. RA/0499134 l
Rekorvoce-wenner 2011 Frank Panaou en The Sticky Triggers Big Band bied Frank Sinatra Live by Atterbury-teater op 29 Okt om 14:30 en 20:00 aan. Tel 012-3460755. RA/0499851 l
Sit jou hoed op en kom geniet ’n vroueoggend saam met NG-kerk Wesmoot en Natasha Joubert in die tuin. 29 Okt om 10:00. Daar sal ook l
l Art
courses - Includes all art materials & lunch. Oils & acrylics Nov 11, 12 & 13. Dec 5, 6 & 7 Neil Moss 083-306-1635. See website RA/0499557 Kuns in die Park. Magnoliadal 22 Oktober 2011. Uitstalling van oorspronklike skilderye. 08:0015:00. 073-466-6942. RA/0499185 l
Charity Famsa bied berading vir huwe liksprobleme, kinderberading en trauma-ontlonting aan. Tel 012-4600733. RA/0496291 l
Harmoniehof vir bejaardes, Mearstr 125, Sunnyside, bied op 22 Okt om 09:30 Carel Trichardt en Petru Wessels met Toentertyd se dinge en vandag se grille en giere, ten bate van die tehuis se siekeboeg aan. Spreker: Dr Elma Kruger. Tel 012-440-3357. RA/0499179 l
l Divorced
or separated - what and where now? Network and support seminar Oct 22-23, Irene. Mark 071-691-9434. RA/0497754 LifeLine Pretoria provides free confidential telephone, face-toface, rape, trauma, HIV/Aids and bereavement counselling. Crisis line 012-804-3619, rape line 082-3402061 and appointments 012-8041853. RA/0499823 l
NG-kerk Pierneef bied ’n konsert met Izak Davel ten bate van die Alfa en Omega Spesiale Sorgsentrum en die Dawid Kriell
Friday, October 21 SABC 1 09:30 Muvhango 11:30 Judge Joe Brown 12:00 Friends Like These 14:00 Selimathunzi 17:28 Reflections of Faith 19:30 News 20:30 Intersexions 21:00 Live XII 01:00 Music Lounge SABC 2 06:00 Morning Live 08:50 Thabang Thabong 10:50 Ratanang 12:40 Judge Mathis 15:00 7de Laan 19:00 News 19:30 Noot vir Noot 20:30 News 21:00 Ditla Bonyane Ke Ditla Boima 21:34 Afro Café SABC 3 08:00 AM Shopping 09:30 Shoreline 10:30 7de Laan 12:10 Mission Impossible 14:00 All My Children 16:30 Days of our Lives 17:35 Oprah Winfrey Show 18:30 Cricket Magazine 19:00 News @ 7 21:00 Flash eTV 09:00 Rhythm City 09:30 Scandal! 10:00 Mad About You 10:30 Young And The Restless 12:00 Club 808 12:30 Backstage 13:00 News Day 13:30 WWE Smackdown 16:40 The Young And The Restless 17:30 Medical Detectives 18:30 Rhythm City 19:00 News 20:00 Malcolm and Eddy 20:30 Chain Reaction
Saturday, October 22 SABC 1 09:00 One Day Leaders 10:00 Generations 13:30 Siyaswima 14:50 Laduma 17:25 Sport Results of the Day 18:30 Friends Like These 19:30 News 20:00
trustfonds op 21 Okt om 19:00 by NG-kerk Rietfontein-Noord aan. Michelle 083-438-3501. RA/0499182
Hoër Tegnologiese skool John Vorster in die Moot bied weer hul jaarlikse krieketaandreeks van 2427 Okt aan. Skole wat meeding is H/s Montana, Wonderboom en OosMoot. Kosstalletjies en vermaak beskikbaar. Lize 082-4461599. RA/0499827 l
Markets New food/craft market now available at busy Pick n Pay centre. SMS 076-939-7300. l
Die FarmCity-mark is elke Sa terdag van 09:00 tot 13:00. Bring die hele gesin om saam te eet en kuier. Heerlike plaasatmosfeer en stalletjies met vele eetgoed en produkte. Kinders kan op ’n trekker klouter en plaasdiere voer. H/v Atterbury- en Olympusweg. Tel 073-448-7835. RA/0494993 l
l Die Gereformeerde-kerk Eloffsd al hou markdag op 29 Okt van 09:00. Laerskool Mayville. Trompoppies, krieket, uitstallers, talentkompetisie, kos en gebak. Uitstal lers welkom. Tel Stephan 074-5618777. RA/0498462
Hervormde-kerk Derdepoort, Swaanstraat, East Lynne, hou ’n môremark op 5 Nov. Uitstallers welkom. Jan 073-141-1927. RA/0499826 l
l Magaliesskool
Kersmark by die skool van 29 Okt tot 5 Nov van 09:00-19:00. Koop handwerkge skenke wat leerlinge self gemaak
Laduma: Telkom Knock-Out SABC 2 07:00 Weekend Live 09:00 House Call 10:30 Hack Shack 12:30 Mother of All Professions 13:00 Muvhango 16:00 The Perfect Man 18:00 News 20:00 America’s Got Talent 21:00 The Mo’Nique Show SABC 3 06:00 I am a Work of Art 07:00 Jimmy Two Shoes 08:00 Kim Possible 09:00 Techno Geeks 12:00 30 Rock 16:00 Charly’s Cake Angels 18:00 Celebs Biographies 19:00 News 21:30 Law & Order 22:30 CSI Miami 00:30 Super Sweet Sixteen 04:30 The A Team eTV 07:30 Little Lulu Show 08:30 Lazy Town 09:05 Sistahood 09:30 Rhythm City 11:30 WWE Bottomline 13:00 Malcolm and Eddie 16:00 WWE: Vintage Collection 17:00 WWE: NXT 18:05 AXN Action TV 19:00 News 19:30 So What 20:00 Roll Bounce
Sunday, October 23 SABC 1 08:00 Captain Planet and the Planeteers 08:30 Samurai Jack 10:00 Spirit Sundae 11:30 Agape 12:00 Imani - The Devine Spark 12:15 An Nur V (Muslim Mag) 14:00 Soccer 411 14:50 Laduma: Telkom KnockOut 17:30 Gospel Gold 18:00 Roots 19:30 News SABC 2 08:30 What does God think of us 10:00 2011 RWC Final (Live) 12:00 Wrap Up 15:30 7de Laan 18:00 News 18:30 Fokus 19:30 News 21:00 Man Made Marvels SABC 3 07:00 Madam Meerkat 08:00 Meet Joe Food 08:30 Take a Trip 12:00 Isidingo Omnibus 13:00 The Ride 18:00 National Geographic 19:00 News @ 7 21:30 Interface 01:00 Special Assignment eTV 09:00 Hillsong 09:30 Tom and Fluffy 09:35 Cool Catz 10:30 Shiz Niz 11:00 TJ Hooker 12:00 UEFA Magazine 16:00 Fear Factor Inter-
het. Tel 012-330-0168.
Ons Huis, Elarduspark, bied hul Kersmark op 5 Nov om 08:00 aan. Rolien 012-345-6130. RA/0499166 l
Seniorstuis-dienssentrum by Ons Tuis Riviera hou Kersmark 4 en 5 Nov. Uitstallers welkom. Dalene 082-707-9709. RA/0499248 l
St Pauls Church, 483 Proes St, Cnr Beatrix St, Arcadia, hosts a moneyraising morning market on Oct 29 from 08:00 till noon.Home made treats, Tshisa Nyama, jumping castles and water slides, antiques, used furniture, clothes, fruit and veg, grocery items and books galore. RA/0499417
Pumulani Lodge, Plot 14, Kameel drift-Oos op 27 Okt om 15:00. Spreker is Lauren Fleiser. Mariette 072-744-2027. RA/0499160 What is Intuition? How can it be developed and used creatively in dealing with humans, animals and in daily life? By Dale Fox, Oct 21 at 19:00. Julia 073-665-6319. l
Vital Communicators Toast masters Club meet every second and fourth Monday 18:30 Groen kloof. Tel 082-569-3302. RA/0498459 l
Religion Emmanuel Evangelie Pinksterkerk, Claremont, soek orkeslede. Instrumente is beskikbaar. Diens Sondae om 09:00. Willem 083-9580745. RA/0499176 l
l The
Holy Cross Home and hospice in Suiderberg (Lady Sel bourne) hosts a fête. Oct 29. 08:0014:00. Sarel St, Suiderberg. Tel 079-203-5437. RA/0498455 Wierdabrug CPF sectors 1 and 3 hosts a moneyraising jumble sale on Nov 5 at 09:00. Support the fight against crime by donating items for sale. Paul 076-936-0429. RA/0497775
l ATKV-Tonteldoos bied op 2 Nov om 15:00 ’n orrelfees met Gideon Brits by NG-kerk Faerie Glen aan. Tel 072-264-8670. RA/0499852
Brooklyn Mall and the South African Cake Decorators’ Guild hosts The Sugarcraft Show at Brooklyn Mall from Oct 27-30. Tel 083-309-3272. RA/0499860 l
Centurion-blommeskou in ver skeie kategorië vind van 19-23 Okt by Mall@Reds plaas. Mitsie 082337-6470. RA/0499162 l
l H/s
Standerton 1961-matrieks. 50e reünie 22 Okt 09:00. The Willows Country Lodge, Lynn woodweg. Tel Hartwig 082-2699149. RA/0498498
Musiek AfriForum Afrikaanse musiek fees. 12 Nov. 07:00-15:00, Voor trekkermonument. Toegang gratis. Steve Hofmeyr, Kurt Darren, Lianie May, Elizma Theron, Pieter Koen en nog 25 ander bekendes. Tel 086102-0030. RA/0499814 l
Lectures Grey Power presents a half-day seminar titled Creative ageing for Seniors on strategies for wellness and longevity, financial wellness and more at the Coca-Cola Dome from Oct 28-30. Rene 011-5498300. RA/0499848 l
Newkloof-inwonersvereniging se jaarvergadering vind op 25 Okt om 19:00 by NG-kerk Pta-Oostelig, Waterkloof Glen plaas. Wilhelm 012-348-2932. RA/0499853 l
SA Business Index ontmoet by
national 17:00 WWE: Raw 18:05 AXN Action TV 19:00 News 19:30 How I Met Your Mother 20:00 Bad Boys
Monday, October 24 SABC 1 09:00 Generations 10:30 What’s Your Story 11:30 Rate my Date: Relate 13:00 Ses’khona 15:00 Matrics Uploaded 17:00 Teenagers on a Mission 18:30 The Bold and the Beautiful 19:00 My Perfect Family 19:30 News 20:00 Generations 21:00 Soccer Zone SABC 2 10:20 Rivoningo 10:50 It’s Gospel Time 14:10 As The World Turns 15:00 7de Laan 16:00 Hectic Nine 16:30 Rough it Out 17:00 Legion Of Super Heroes 17:30 News 18:00 When Duty Calls 19:30 50/50 21:00 Muvhango 21:30 Motswako SABC 3 09:50 American Idol 10:30 7de Laan 14:00 All My Children 16:40 3 Talk with Noeleen 17:40 Days of our Lives 19:00 News @ 7 20:00 The Ride 21:00 My Family 22:00 CSI Miami 23:00 The Good Wife eTV 09:00 Rhythm City 09:30 e-Shibobo 10:00 3rd Degree 10:30 Young and the Restless 11:30 Great Expectations 15:00 Zoboomafoo 15:30 Skunk Fu 16:00 Sistahood 16:40 The Young and the Restless 19:30 Scandal! 20:00 The Steve Harvey Show 21:00 eKasi: Our Stories
Tuesday, October 25 SABC 1 08:30 Isidingo 09:00 Generations 09:30 Muvhango 10:00 Emzini Wesinsizwa 13:00 Sgud’Snaysi 13:30 Shift 16:00 YOTV Extension 4 Pt 17:00 Ed, Edd and Eddy 18:00 Jozi - Moving the City 18:30 The Bold and the Beautiful 19:30 News 20:00 Generations 20:30 Soul City 22:00 The Unit 3 SABC 2 08:50 Thabang Thabong 10:20 Rivoningo 11:50 Dr Phil 15:30 Mu-
Kallimogilde vergader elke tweede Saterdag om 14:00 by 32e Laan 929, Villieria. Afsluiting 12 Nov. Annatjie 082-578-3106. l
Pretoria Amateur Banjo- en Mandolienklub. Ontmoet 2de Vrydag 18:00. Tel Johan 078-2810220. RA/0498461 l
Events will not be accepted over the phone. Fax to 086-645-6764 or e-mail or or post to PO Box 8261, Pretoria, 0001. l Only events not aimed at profit/product selling, will be placed for free. Publication is not guaranteed. l Deadlines are strictly Wednesdays at 12 noon for the next week’s edition. l Events aimed at profit and events for guaranteed publication can be placed at a nominal fee. Contact Small Hits on 012-842-0321 or fax 086590-9648 or e-mail at l
vhango 16:00 Hectic Nine-9 16:30 Keeping it Real 17:30 News 19:00 News 19:30 Huis Van Liefde 21:30 Powerball 21:35 Ke Nako 22:00 The Mo’Nique Show SABC 3 08:00 AM Shopping 09:00 Celebs Biographies 10:30 7de Laan 11:00 Generations 13:00 News 14:50 Oprah Winfrey 16:50 3 Talk with Noeleen 17:40 Days of our Lives 20:00 Top Billing 21:00 The Good Wife 03:00 Mission Impossibility eTV 09:00 Rhythm City 09:30 Scandal 10:00 The Steve Harvey Show 10:30 Young and the Restless 11:30 Great Expectations 12:30 Backstage 15:00 Dennis the Menace 16:00 Frenzy 16:40 The Young and the Restless 19:00 News 19:30 Scandal! 20:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals
Wednesday, October 26 SABC 1 09:00 Generations 09:30 Muvhango 11:30 Judge Joe Brown 13:30 It’s Just I’spani 15:00 Matrics Uploaded 16:00 YOTV Extention 4 17:28 Listen for a Moment 18:00 Selimathunzi 19:00 Daddy’s Girls 20:00 Generations 21:00 Khumbul’ekaya 22:00 Laduma: Telkom Knock-Out SABC 2 06:00 Morning Live 09:20 Cow and Chicken 11:50 Dr Phil 13:25 Days of our Lives 15:00 7de Laan 16:00 Hectic Nine-9 16:30 Wise Up 17:00 Legion of Super Heroes 17:30 News 18:00 Nhlalala Ya Rixaka 18:30 7de Laan 19:00 News 19:30 Pasella 21:30 Stokvel 22:00 Jacob’s Cross 23:00 Matrix Uploaded SABC 3 08:00 AM Shopping 09:30 Top Gear 10:40 Generations 11:10 Isidingo 12:10 Mission Impossibility 13:00 News 14:00 All My Children 16:45 Days of our Lives 19:30 Isidingo 20:00 The Voice 23:00 Prison Break 04:00 3 Talk With Noeleen eTV 09:00 Rhythm City 09:30 Scandal! 10:00 3rd Degree 10:30 Young and
the Restless 11:30 Supernanny 14:30 Paddington Bear 16:00 Shiz Niz 17:30 Medical Detectives 20:00 My Name Is Earl 20:30 WWE: Smackdown 21:35 Late Nite News with Loyiso Gola 22:35 Touched 12:45 Miss Polly 01:35 Second Chorus
Thursday, October 27 SABC 1 08:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 08:30 Isidingo 09:00 Generations 10:30 The Chatroom 11:00 Big Up 13:30 The Media Career Guide 15:00 Matrics Uploaded 17:28 Journeys of Inspiration 18:00 Ses’khona 19:30 News 20:00 Generations 20:30 Skeem Saam 21:30 Cutting Edge SABC 2 06:00 Morning Live 08:50 Thabang Thabong 09:20 Cow and Chicken 12:40 Judge Mathis 15:30 Muvhango 16:30 My Matric Dance 18:30 7de Laan 20:30 News 21:30 Speak Out 5 22:00 The Final Verdict SABC 3 08:00 AM Shopping 09:50 American Idol 10:40 Generations 12:00 The A Team 14:00 All My Children 14:30 Dr Oz 16:30 Days of our Lives 19:00 News 19:30 Isidingo 20:29 News in 60 seconds 20:30 Mating Game 21:00 Special Assignment 21:30 Prison Break 22:00 Accidently on Purpose 23:30 New Adventures of Old Christine eTV 06:00 Sunrise 08:00 eNews Sunrise 09:00 Rhythm City 10:00 Madam & Eve 10:30 The Young and Restless 11:30 The Showbiz Report 12:00 Downtown Hunters 12:30 Backstage 13:30 WWE: Raw 14:30 Paddington Bear 15:00 Woo 16:00 Craze World Live 16:40 Young and the Restless 17:30 It’s my Biz 18:25 Coca Cola Happiness Machine 19:00 News 19:30 Scandal! 20:00 Mad About You 22:40 Soul’s Midnight 02:20 Blackmail
Veteraan sanger stel nuwe CD vry
Catch Freshlyground live at Morula Casino and Hotel on November 4.
Freshlyground at Morula
Award-winning popular music group graces Pretoria stages soon Morula Casino and Hotel in Mabopane presents the hot South African band, Freshlyground, live on November 4 at Morula Sun, Leseding Arena. Freshlyground promises to deliver an energetic show with vocals, bass, drums, keyboards and guitar, rounded off with the violin, flute, sax and the traditional African mbira. Fans can expect to hear many of their old favourites in addition to newer hits of their recently released album, Radio Africa. Radio Africa is the band’s fourth studio album and has already gone gold.
While putting the finishing touches to the album in New York, Freshlyground was selected to co-perform Waka-Waka, the official song for the 2010 World Cup tournament, which they recorded and performed with Colombian singer Shakira. The band was formed in 2002. It consists of Zolani Mahola on lead vocals, Josh Hawks on bass and backup vocals, Seredeal Scheepers on keyboard and percussion, Kyla-Rose Smith on violin and backup vocals, Simon Attwell on flute, mbira, harmonica and saxophone, Julio Sigauque on lead electric and acoustic
Story of beauty over two continents Between Yesterday and Tomorrow is Charmaine Pauls’s, a former South African citizen, debut novel. The fictional memoir romance with a strong emotional element, plays off between South Africa and France. It tells the story of how a sudden turn of events in the life of a woman leads her onto a path of healing after facing her mother’s abandonment and the disappearance of her fiancé. A graphic designer who was raised by her father on a farm in South Africa, Marlien leaves home for Bon Soleil, the luxurious estate of her French
grandmother, May de la Croix. She finds herself enmeshed in connections that hark back to days well before her birth, as she seeks an understanding of her long absent mother. After the disappearance of her fiancé, a love triangle is formed when she finds love in two other men’s arms: the veterinarian Jean-Christophe Fontaine and a French gypsy musician, Laurent Regard. Marlien is faced with choosing between the man in her present and the man of her past. In her epic journey of self-discovery, Marlien must face the past to make way for the future.
WIN Rekord has two signed books to give away. Send the keyword TOMORROW, followed by your name to 36968. SMSs cost R1,50 each. Free SMSs do not apply. Winners will be notified tele phonically and they can collect their prize at Rekord’s office. The closing date for this competition is October 30 at midnight.
guitar and Peter Cohen on drums. In 2009 they did four sold-out tours overseas. This included China, America and Canada, part of their tour for the first time, making them one of only a handful of South African bands to achieve success both at home and internationally. Other accolades include winning the MTV Europe Award in the category of Best African Act in 2006 and several local Sama Awards. The show starts at 20:00 and tickets are available from Computicket.
Na agt jaar het die veteraan kunstenaar Piet Botha weer ’n Afrikaanse album die lig laat sien. Die nuwe CD heet Spookpsalms en bevat 11 splinternuwe komposisies. Botha sal vanaand om 19:00 by die Pierneef-teater optree. Daar is ook gepoog om soveel as moontlik by tradisionele instrumentasie te bly. Derhalwe is die album vol akoestiese kitare, klavier, mondfluitjie, trekklavier, saksofoon en orrel. Dit is ’n eiesoortige stuk werk, heeltemal buite die moderne genre en totaal anders as Botha se vorige Afrikaanse albums. Lanie van der Walt, wat ook die regie en meng behartig, het die album in April opgeneem.
Paul van der Waal het die tromme oudergewoonte gespeel en Tertius du Plessis die baskitaar terwyl Botha kitare, klavier, orrel en mondfluitjie gespeel en gesing het. Loandi Boersma het die vrouestem gelewer met Ollie Viljoen op die trekklavier en orrel. Die Jack Hammer-groep en Leon van Zweel het die saksofoon laat huil terwyl Donovan Borne die agtergrondsang gelewer het. So het die spookorkes die liedjies in die lewe gebring. Van die nuwe snitte wat klaar aftrek by gehore kry is Bitterfontein, Sysie September, Stad sonder naam, Die heks is dood en Richmondstraat. Navrae: 012-329-0709.
Piet Botha
Studebaker-klub skou outydse pragstukke Dis vanjaar die tiende herdenking van die Studebaker-klub van Suid-Afrika se jaarlikse motorskou by die Smutshuis-museum in Irene. Die skou begin op 23 Oktober en die hekke open reeds om 08:00. Vir liefhebbers van ou motors is hierdie skou gewoonlik ’n hoogtepunt op die kalender. Soos gewoonlik word ander motorklubs soos Ford, Chevrolet, Mini, Borgward, om net ’n paar te noem, genooi om ook hul ou pronkstukke van toentertyd uit te stal. Daar is elke jaar ook nuwe verrassings van
modelle wat nog nie op die Studebakerskou te sien was nie en dan skielik êrens vanuit ’n motorhuis die verskyning maak, na maande se mooimaak. Behalwe die ou strydrosmotors gaan daar ook weer ’n vlooimark, verversingstalletjies en ’n kroeg en restaurant wees om aan besoekers se behoeftes te voorsien. Die ‘kar van die dag’ sal boonop deur skougangers aangewys word. Navrae: Detlev by 082-458-6078.
Klassieke ou Studebaker-motors soos hierdie sal te sien wees op die jaarlikse motorskou van die Studebakerklub van Suid-Afrika.
The urban girl’s guide to keep tyres in check You’ve ticked all the right boxes when it comes to making sure that everything is seamlessly in place for that end of year holiday, but can you say the same for your tyres? Tyre safety may not be as exciting as splashing out on your 100th pair of designer shoes, but it is well worth the time and money. After all, failing to make sure your vehicle has the right ‘shoes’ can turn your dream holiday into a roadside disaster. Here are basic tips on tyre safety to look out for, thanks to Tiger Wheel & Tyre: Take note of your tread: We all have a favourite pair of shoes that we wear until the heels have eroded beyond recognition of their former glory. Just like the heels of your shoes, tyres have tread that wears down with driving. The more worn your tyres, the less traction and grip you will have on the road, meaning your braking distance will increase and you are more likely to skid when driving in the rain. In fact, the legal tread depth limit in South Africa is a minimum of 1mm across the entire circumference of the tyre. Not sure whether you are legal, ask a wheel and tyre professional to point out the tread wear indicators on your tyres. Under pressure: Wearing shoes that are too tight or too loose can be fashion suicide or just plain unpleasant. The right tyre pressure can also be the difference between life and death. Don’t assume the pressure is two bars, which many women do when they chant, ‘two please’ to the friendly petrol attendant. Each vehicle has recommended pressures, which you will find in the sill of the driver’s door or inside the fuel cap. Rather take the time to check these and make sure the pressure is correct. Over inflated tyres erode quickly at their centre, while under inflated tyres wear on the outsides quicker. Under inflated tyres overheat easily and can cause tyre bursts, which is notorious for road fatalities. The other tyre: Every fashionista knows to keep a spare pair of shoes in the boot of their car in case of a mishap. Before you get on your way, also check that you have a spare tyre and that it is inflated to the right pressure and has the right amount of tread, at least 1mm, for a safe journey. If your vehicle is fitted with run-flat tyres you won’t have a spare. Balancing act: Staying in your lane is a basic rule, but neglecting the balancing and alignment of your wheels can make you lose your step. If your vehicle is shak-
ing or pulling to one side while driving, you need to get your wheels balanced and aligned. Sometimes it’s very subtle so make sure you check your wheel balancing and alignment every 10 000km or before every major trip. This not only improves the handling of your vehicle but also extends the tread life of your tyres. The more care you take to look after your tyres, the longer they will last, which means you have more money to spend on your summer wardrobe. These are just some of the basics for keeping your tyres in check and staying safe on the road. We suggest that you take your vehicle to your nearest wheel and tyre specialist like Tiger Wheel & Tyre for a free safety check so that all you need to worry about this festive season is having a good time and showing off those sexy
heels. Remember that it’s better to be a fashion victim than it is to be a road accident statistic. Replacing your tyres: If you have to replace a tyre due to worn tread or damage, never replace only one tyre at a time as this will affect the handling of your vehicle.
Always replace two or four tyres. Repairing your tyres: If you need to repair a tyre, don’t take any shortcuts with a temporary plug and only have it repaired at a reputable tyre dealer. Enquiries:
Invest for retirement Research anticipates that close on 10million South Africans will be retiring in the next 25 years. The results of the Sanlam 2011 Benchmark Pensioner Survey indicate that 80% of pensioners have not completely achieved their predetermined retirement goals. On average, 31% of the pensioners believe they have not saved enough for their capital to last for the rest of their lives and 33% of members currently have a monthly shortfall between their income and expenses. Adrian Goslett, CEO of Remax of Southern Africa, said it has been widely reported the South African retirement industry is under constant pressure to deliver adequate and sustainable benefits. Local retirement reform is on the cards once more. It cannot be emphasised enough that people need to start working towards their retirement fund as soon as possible. He pointed to research from the Sanlam 2011 Benchmark Pensioner Survey, where pensioners were very clear in their advice to start investing and saving as early as possible. Start planning for retirement at an early age and make more enquiries about investments. “Property has always been a solid performing, long-term investment and therefore could be an ideal investment vehicle for those looking to add another element to their retirement policies and investments,” he said. He explains that if a person had to retire at 65 years of age, they will need 75% of the income earned when working to enable them to live a comfortable life.
There are many investment options available for those who are looking to start building up a retirement portfolio, including savings mechanisms and various retirement plans. A well researched and solid property investments should also be considered as a key element of a retirement portfolio, as real estate remains one of the best performing asset classes, despite the recession and its effects on current property prices and demand. Added to this, performance of real estate is not linked to other asset classes, which means that property investors can still benefit from their real estate purchase when other asset classes are struggling. Buying a property also offers investors long-term appreciation opportunities and the potential for the property to contribute to a regular income stream. Goslett said there are two ways in which an established property portfolio can benefit retirees. One is an investment property retirees can use to generate an additional income. “The buy to let market, for example, is currently performing well considering that rental demand is strong. Tenants in buy to let properties can provide a stable income stream for retirees, should the property have been bought and paid for in full before retirement age.” He notes that investment properties can also be sold to provide for a lump sum cash injection to retirement funds, once again provided that this property has been paid off before retirement age is reached. Added to this, an investment property can also provide extra avenues of equity to tap into.
Home with tranquil garden in security estate This inspirational setting for family enjoyment that has excellent security in upmarket secure area, is for sale. The property has four bedrooms, three bathrooms, three living areas and real wooden floors. It has open plan living areas and a garden to die for. Enquiries: Vera Kruger on 083-627-0796.
A leap towards eye care The Leapfrog Property Group has thrown its weight behind the South African end of an initiative by OneSight, a global foundation, to give the gift of sight to millions of adults and children worldwide who do not have access to basic vision care and eyewear. “They are partnering with OneSight as
a corporate collector of used spectacles and frames for recycling and distribution to deserving individuals in underprivileged communities throughout South Africa,” said Bruce Swaim, managing director of the real estate group. The project will be locally promoted in each of the 50 Leapfrog franchises and offices around the country, including Pretoria, which will act as collection points for the frames and spectacles donated. Collected eyewear will be sent to OneSight, who will clean and prepare the items for redistribution among those who can’t afford basic vision care and eyewear. OneSight’s outreach, research and education programmes have provided free vision care and eyewear to more than seven million people in countries throughout the world, including South Africa since 1988. “Poor eyesight affects a child’s ability to learn and deprives adults of independence, mobility and quality of life. By partnering with OneSight, Leapfrog is proud to be contributing to the solution in our own needy communities,” said Swaim.
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in die Kleintreffers Tel: 012-842-0321 Faks: 012-842-0319
Vriende wen droomprys Koos Venter Vodacom se Shosholoza Bokkeveldtog, wat rondom die rugbywêreldbekertoernooi aangebied is, het geluk vir die jong Andrew Christie van Centurion gebring. Christie en sy vriend, Brad Gray, het reeds op 12 Oktober vir twee weke Nieu-Seeland toe vertrek om daar, op Vodacom se onkoste, die res van die wêreldbekertoernooi eerstehands te beleef. Dié twee vriende het, na hulle die advertensie vir Vodacom se kompetisie gesien het, besluit om iets spesiaal te probeer doen sodat hulle sonder twyfel die beoordelaars se aandag sou trek. Uiteindelik het hulle 40 verskillende opnames gemaak en elke opname het ’n sentrale tema gehad. Die twee manne, wat sedert hul skooldae aan Pretoria Boys’ High al boesemvriende is, se idee was om soveel aandag met hul kreatiewe pogings te trek, dat die beoordelaars hulle eenvoudig nie kon miskyk nie. Uiteindelik is hulle beloon en een van hul opnames is saam met vier ander uit 25 000 inskrywings as die vyf wenners gekies. Nou lê die geleentheid van ’n leeftyd vir hulle voor, want hul prys is ’n hele R200 000 werd. Christie, ’n derdejaar B.Com entrepreneurskap-student by Tukkies, vertel dat dit sy eerste besoek aan Nieu-Seeland is. Hy was wel al
in Europa en Suid-Amerika, maar hierdie toer span vir hom die kroon. Wat kan dan nou lekkerder wees vir twee rugbymal jongmanne om vir twee weke in ’n land soos NieuSeeland te toer en dan nog boonop deel van die rugby-wêreldbekertoernooi te wees? Christie is self ’n kranige rug-
byspeler wat gereeld vir Varsity Old Boys in Tukkies se koshuisliga as flank of haker uitdraf. Uiteraard is hy en Gray teleurgesteld dat die Springbokke uitgeskakel is maar Christie, wat ten spyte van sy plaaslike wortels ’n groot Sharks-ondersteuner is, sien steeds uit na die toer.
Andrew Christie van Centurion kyk weer na sommige van die meer as 40 video-opnames wat hy en sy vriend ingestuur het na Vodacom se kompetisie wat bekendgestaan het as die Shosholosa Bokke-veldtog. Hulle was uiteindelik een van die vyf wenners van dié gesogte kompetisie.
Proteas herstel goed na swak begin teen Aussies Suid-Afrika se krieketspan het Sondagmiddag op die Wanderers in Johannesburg hul swak begin in die huidige reeks krieketwedstryde teen Australië reggestel, toe hulle die tweede Pro20-wedstryd met drie paaltjies gewen het. Die held van die span en man-van-die-wedstryd was Rusty Theron, wat eers twee paaltjies in die Aussies se beurt geneem het en toe as stertkant kolwer 30 lopies van 25 balle gemoker het om Suid-Afrika te laat wen. Foto: GB Jordaan
Destroying their opponents one at a time The Tuks Women’s Sevens rugby team has done it again. This team won the recent Middelburg Nashua sevens tournament against international and provincial opponents. This was achieved without several of their star players. These players were involved in the Springbok training camp while the Middelburg tournament took place. In the process of winning the tournament, Tuks Women’s Sevens have beaten international opponents such as Zimbabwe and Botswana, as well as provincial teams such as the Cheetahs and the Pumas. In the final they faced the Sharks and they eventually won 40-12. The next tournaments that Tuks Women’s Sevens will be competing in are the Zimbabwe Sevens tournament in November and the Dubai IRB Sevens tournament in early December. They are, however, still looking for sponsors to help them to compete in these tournaments. Here are members of the Tuks Women’s Sevens team with their coach, Riaan van der Merwe, after the final against the Sharks in Middelburg.
Blou Bulle nie deur na semis Koos Venter Vir die eerste keer in tien jaar kon die Blou Bulle vanjaar nie die halfeindrondte van die Curriebe kerreeks haal nie. Nietemin is daar tog hoop en selfs opgewondenheid oor die toekoms, veral as Pine Pienaar se jong span se vertoning in vanjaar se laaste ligawedstryd in dié reeks in ag geneem word. Deurwinterde Bloubul-ondersteuners sou moed geskep het nadat die Blou Bulle Vrydagaand in die beste vertoning deur enige span in vanjaar se reeks 14 drieë ingeryg het om die Luiperds met 92-21 te klop. Hoewel die Blou Bulle se vyande daaroor juig dat die span vir die eerste keer sedert 2001 nie vir die halfeindrondte kon kwalifiseer nie, is die spelers en bestuur op Loftus Versfeld nie in sak en as nie. Hoewel hulle volgehou het dat hulle wel vanjaar die beker wou wen, sal ’n realistiese ontleding bewys dat die Curriebeker waarskynlik vanjaar opgeoffer is ter wille van groter planne vir die toekoms. Dit is geen geheim dat die Blou Bulle vanjaar die einde van ’n besonderse goue era bereik het nie. Om spelers van die standaard van Victor Matfield, Bakkies Botha, Danie Rossouw, Gurthro Steenkamp, Gary Botha, Derick Kuün en Fourie du Preez te vervang, gaan nie maklik wees nie. Tog het die bestuur op Loftus Versfeld dit reggekry om die jong opkomende sterre wat reeds in die stelsel op Loftus was, aan te vul met ’n paar opwindende aanwinste uit ander geledere. Hierdie groep spelers moes
Die Blou Bulle se jong slot, Jeandré Kruger, het sy goeie vorm in die Curriebekerreeks beklemtoon deur Vrydagaand op Loftus Versfeld teen die Luiperds twee drieë te druk. Hier skuif hy oor die doellyn vir sy eerste. Foto: simondp@actionimage
hulleself vanjaar in die Curriebekerreeks vestig te midde van die feit dat ten minste 15 senior spelers tydelik of permanent op nasionale diens by die Springbokke was. Daarby het beserings aan sleutelspelers soos Deon Stegmann en Dewald Potgieter ook nog sake bemoeilik. Daar is egter ’n positiewe gees oor die toekoms by die Bulle. In
die bouproses van die goue era wat vanjaar tot ’n einde gekom het was die Blou Bulle drie jaar lank (1999 tot 2001) in die Curriebeker-wildernis, waartydens hulle nie die halfeindrondte kon haal nie. Die kanse dat dit weer sal gebeur is byna onmoontlik. Dit is duidelik dat die breintrust op Loftus Versfeld die toekoms
Suidoos-cluster tree as oorwinnaars uit stryd Koos Venter Die Blou Bulle-rugbyunie se jaarlikse Cluster-kompetisie het die afgelope Saterdag met ’n hoogtepunt geëindig toe die eindwedstryd op Loftus Versfeld gespeel is. Die Cluster-kompetisie is verlede seisoen ingestel. Volgens dié formaat word die jurisdiksiegebied van die Blou Bulle in streke (clusters) ingedeel en al die klubs (alle ligas) binne ’n sekere cluster werk dan saam om ’n o.21-span en ’n senior span te kies en af te rig vir hierdie kompetisie. Vanjaar het die Noordwescluster se o.21-span in die eind-
wedstryd teen die Suidoos-cluster in die junior afdeling te staan gekom. Die manne van Noordwes, wat klubs soos Polisie, TUT, Tuine en Noordelikes insluit, is uiteindelik as kampioene gekroon, na hulle met 16-6 gewen het. In die senior eindwedstryd, waar die Suidoos-cluster, met klubs soos Harlequins en Oostelikes as hul vernaamste voedingsbron, teen die Noordoos-cluster (hoofsaaklik Naka Bulle, Silver Valke en Jan Niemandpark) gespeel het, is puik hardlooprugby gesien. Geen strafdoele is aangeteken nie, maar al die punte is deur drieë behaal.
Die manne van Noordoos het die eerste helfte oorheers en teen rustyd gerieflik voorgeloop. In die tweede helfte het die Suidoos-span egter stadig maar seker teruggekom in die wedstryd en met sowat tien minute se spel oor het hulle die telling 21-elk gelykop gemaak toe hulle hul derde drie gaan druk het. In die spannende laaste minute het albei spanne verwoed aangeval, maar dit was die span van die Suidoos-cluster wat uiteindelik sekondes voor die eindfluitjie die deurbraak kon maak en die wendrie kon druk. Die eindtelling was 28-21 in die guns van die Suidoos-cluster.
Die Suidoos-cluster vier fees met hul trofee, na hulle in ’n naelbyt eindwedstryd in die laaste sekondes teen die Noordoos-cluster met 28-21 gewen het.
van plaaslike rugby verstaan en reeds daarvoor begin voorberei het. Saam met die jong manne wat vanjaar in die Curriebeker rypgemaak is, die nuwe aanwinste en die seniors wat wel van die Springbokke af terugkeer, sal die Bulle in die toekoms genoeg diep te hê om die nuwe veeleisende rugbyprogram aan te pak. Ten spyte van die Blou Bulle
se vyfde plek in die Curriebekerreeks, is nuwe sterre vanjaar op Loftus gebore uit die jongelinge wat deur die junior geledere gekom het en die uitgesoekte aanwinste uit ander geledere. As hierdie groep en die terugkerende Springbokke tot ’n eenheid saamgevoeg kan word, sal die volgende goue era op Loftus Versfeld nie lank wegbly nie.
The famous Russian chess player, Garry Kasparov, will visit South Africa in November.
Chess champion to visit South Africa Garry Kasparov, World Chess Champion for eight years and the world’s top rated player for 21 years, is coming to South Africa from Moscow in November. This special occasion is part of a joint venture with Pretoriabased chess educational project Moves for Life (MFL). President Jacob Zuma is the patron of Moves for Life. Kasparov announced that he wishes to link his Kasparov Chess Foundation to MFL to take the successful MFL formula to other African countries. He has added that he plans to work with MFL to make Johannesburg the chess capital of Africa. Kasparov said he was greatly inspired by the words of President Zuma last October, when he spoke so movingly on the many benefits of chess for children. He said he was happy to join
Zuma and the South African Moves for Life programme in a commitment to bring chess to schools across the country and for turning Johannesburg into the continental capital for chess. Kasparov will be visiting South Africa as the guest of MFL from November 12 to 15 to promote the Kasparov Chess Foundation link up with the Moves for Life programme. Mickey Scheepers, MFL operations manager, said the game of chess impacts positively on maths, science and comprehension abilities, while also imparting valuable life skills to children. In learning to play chess, children are mastering a wide range of skills such as pattern recognition, classifying information, reasoning by analogy, following principles, calculating possible sequences of events and critical thinking.
Tennis. Vrydag 21 Oktober tot Sondag 23 Oktober. Tuks Ope-eindstryd. Tukstennisklub, LC de Villierssportgronde, Pretoria.
Cricket. October 27 to 30. SuperSport Series. Titans vs Cape Cobras. Willowmoore Park, Benoni. Daily from 09:30.
SSU defeats Usuthu Absa premiership log leaders Matsatsantsa a Pitori (SuperSport United) have extended their lead with a 7-0 win over Maritzburg United on Friday at Lucas Moripe stadium. Matsatsantsa maintained their record of not losing to Usuthu since their first meeting in the 2005/06 season. The Pretoria team now carries 18 points after eight rounds of matches and is guaranteed the top spot for another week, regardless of second-placed Mamelodi Sundowns’ result against Golden Arrows on Saturday. Gavin Hunt’s resurgent Matsatsantsa are now the only team yet to taste defeat in the league, having handed third-placed Maritzburg, who have 13 points after eight matches, their first loss of the campaign. In-form forward, Atuyise Nyondo, slammed in the SuperSport opener and his fifth of the season to be joint top scorer in the 10th minute before an Anthony Laffor cross on the right and enforced a Byrone Hendricks own-goal in the 27th minute. Midfielder Tebogo Langerman com-
pleted the third in a clinical first-half display after good work from Nyondo in the 43rd minute, to take a 3-0 halftime lead. Botswana international, Mogogi Gabonamong, went on to net the fourth for the Pretoria side in the 71st minute. A late brace from substitute midfielder, Jabu Maluleke, in the 76th and 81st minutes and a 86th minute goal from Ashley Hartog, ensured the emphatic result. The KwaZulu-Natal Midland outfit was not afforded time to settle down as SuperSport’s offensive trio of Nyondo, Laffor and Hartog put coach Ian Palmer’s charges on the back foot. Outside of Hendricks’ header that came off the post midway, SuperSport’s young goalkeeper, Ronwen Williams, went untested in the first-half as his opposite number, the seasoned Shu-Aib Walters’ goal was continuously under threat. Calvin Sosibo of Maritzburg United battles with Anthony Laffor of Supersport United. Photo: Sydney Mahlangu/Backpagepix
Oudspelers vier fees Die Blou Bulle se Oudspelersvereniging se jaarlikse Blou Bul-makietie word vanjaar op 28 Oktober by die Gecko Ridgeonthaalterrein in die ooste van Pre toria aangebied. Gaskunstenaars soos Danie Niehaus en die stemkunstenaar wat die Springbokafrigter Peter de Villiers op Jacaranda 94.2 namaak, sal optree. Die president van die Goue Leeus-rugbyunie, Kevin de Klerk, sal as gasspreker optree. Bespreek ’n tafel vir tien mense en kom
skuur skouers met Bloubul-legendes soos Frik du Preez, Naas Botha, Wynand Claassen, Burger Geldenhuys, Adolf Malan, Darius Botha en Tommy du Plessis. Dit is rugbyondersteuners se kans om saam met die kenners en oudspelers te kuier na ’n lang en vol seisoen. Die seremoniemeester is Hugh Bladen en ander sportsterre soos Corrie Sanders en Clive Rice sal teenwoordig wees. Navrae: Juanita da Matta by 084-514-5180.
Strong women represent SA Die Nashua Titans se briljante kolwer en gewese kaptein, Jacques Rudolph, het weer die afgelope week gewys dat die nuwe afrigter van die Proteas, Gary Kirsten, hom nie vanjaar sal kan ignoreer soos sy voorgan gers ten koste van hulleself gedoen het nie. Rudolph het die boulers van die Highveld Lions moedeloos ge- kolf in die SuperSport-reeks wedstryd in Potchefstroom. Foto: simondp@actionimage
Rudolph slaan 297 lopies Koos Venter
Dis nie aldag dat ’n speler 297 lopies in ’n meerdaagse krieket wedstryd slaan en dan nie as Man van die Wedstryd aangewys word nie. Dít was die lot van die briljante Titans openingskolwer, Jacques Rudolph, in verlede week se SuperSport-wedstryd teen die Highveld Lions in Potchefstroom, wat met 243 lopies deur die Titans gewen is. Rudolph het weer gewys dat die nasionale keurders hom eenvoudig nie kan ignoreer vir die toetse teen Australië en Sri Lanka
wat eersdaags begin nie. Rudolph het in die Titans se eerste beurt 210 lopies gemoker, meer as die helfte van sy span se eerste beurt totaal van 406 lopies. Die enigste ander noemens waardige telling in dié beurt was Tumelo Bodibe se 58. Die Lions het met 306 geantwoord en hulle is veral geteister deur die boulwerk van twee opkomende sterre, Hardus Viljoen (vier paaltjies vir 61 lopies van 15 boulbeurte) en David Wiese (drie paaltjies vir 69 lopies van 16 boulbeurte). In die tweede beurt het Rudolph weer sy deel met 87 lopies
gedoen. Dit was egter Wiese se verstommende 124 lopies van net 130 balle wat die Titans in ’n byna onaanvegbare posisie geplaas het. Wiese is uiteindelik met die Man van die Wedstrydtitel beloon toe hy in die Highveld Lions se tweede kolfbeurt boonop vier paaltjies vir net 34 lopies in 15 boulbeurte geneem het. Hy is goed bygestaan deur Viljoen en Paul Harris, wat elkeen drie paaltjies kon laat kantel. Met hierdie oorwinning het die Titans hul eerste plek op die punteleer verstewig voordat hulle die Cape Cobras vanaf 27 Oktober in Benoni pak.
It has been an incredible year for local fitness, bikini and body fitness athletes as far as the Ladies World Championship is con cerned. The standard and selection process was strict and a nailbiting process. Finally six girls were selected to represent South Africa. They were Olivia Vaughen (bikini division), Tammy Jackson (bikini division), Leonie van Jaarsveld (body fitness), Nina Richter (body fitness tall class), Michelle Price (body fitness) and Louise van der Nat (body fitness short class). With the International Fede ration of Body Builders (IFBB) recognition to the South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (Sascoc) this year, this is the first IFBB team to leave and wear the official green and gold Protea colours. The three local girls in the team are from left: Nina Richter, Louise van der Nat and Michelle Price.
Speel gholf vir goeie doel Die vakbond Solidariteit se Helpende Hand-beweging bied hul jaarlikse gholfdag 26 Oktober by die Magaliespark-gholfklub naby Hartbeespoortdam aan. Die opbrengs van die gholfdag sal aan die Helpende Hand-beweging in Silverton se fondse gaan om dit aan te vul. Dié tak bestuur ’n sopkombuis by ’n kamp in Derdepoort waar kos, klere,
komberse en ander noodsaaklik hede aan behoeftiges verskaf word. Die gholfdag sal in die Better ball Stableford-formaat gespeel word en spelers word genooi om in vierballe in te skryf. Inskrywingsfooie sluit baanfooi, ’n geskenkpak, halfweghuis koste en die aandfunksie in. Navrae: Allen Lourens by 082784-3449.