Vol 17 No 45_Centurion_1

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Pieter Nel by sy Nissan 350Z wat verlede Vrydag tydens ’n gewapende roof by sy huis in Rooihuiskraal gekaap is. “Daar is nie baie swart Nissan 350Z motors in Gauteng nie. As iemand dit opmerk, kontak ons of die Wierdabrug- polisiestasie,� het Nel se seun versoek. Die registrasienommer is VGB811GP.



Kalm bly sy redding Suzette van H S Huyssteen “Dit is ’n wonderwerk dat ek leef, maar ek het ’n reg om te leef, net soos enigiemand anders.â€? Dit was die woorde van Pieter Nel aan Rekord, na hy ’n gewapende roof by sy huis in Rooihuiskraal verlede Vrydag oorleef het. “Die voorval het omstreeks 11:30 gebeur. Ek het my ma winkels toe geneem en toe ek by die huis kom het ek uitgeklim om die hek toe te maak. Twee mans het toe hul 9mm pistole op my gerig,â€? het Nel gesĂŞ. Hy het vertel die twee mans was netjies geklee en albei het handskoene aangehad. “Hulle het my sleutels uit my hand gegryp en beveel dat ek die huis se alarm afsit en gevra of daar iemand in die huis is. Die een man het vir my gesĂŞ as die alarm afgaan, sal hy my doodskiet,â€? het Nel gesĂŞ. Nel se vrou en een seun was by die werk en sy ander seun by die skool tydens die voorval. Volgens Nel het hulle hom gevra waar sy kluis is en in die hoofslaapkamer op sy knieĂŤ gedwing. “Die een man het herhaaldelik vir my gesĂŞ hy

sall my ddoodskiet d ki as ekk nie i saamwerkk nie. i Hulle H ll het my op die grond laat lĂŞ terwyl hulle die kluis deursoek het. Ek het net doodstil gelĂŞ en na hulle uit die kamer is, kon ek steeds ’n geskarrel in die huis hoor,â€? het Nel vertel. Nel het eers opgestaan toe hy hoor hoe sy Nissan 350Z, een van sy versamelstukke waarmee hy sy ma winkel toe geneem het, aangeskakel en weggery word. “Ek het na die voordeur beweeg, dit toegeklap en die noodknoppie, wat gekoppel is aan ADT, by die deur gedruk. Na ’n paar minute en geen reaksie het ek 10111 gebel en die Wierdabrugpolisie was binne minute hier,â€? het Nel gesĂŞ. Volgens Nel was hy beĂŻndruk met die polisie se diens. “Selfs die stasiebevelvoerder was op die toneel en het my verseker dat hulle die saak verder sal ondersoek,â€? het Nel gesĂŞ. Nel is egter teleurgesteld met die diens wat hy van ADT ontvang het. “Dit was my lifeline en ek kan nie verstaan waarom hulle nie gereageer het nie. Ek het hulle na die voorval gekontak en ’n vrou het vir my gesĂŞ hulle was hier, maar het gesien die polisie

iis reeds d hi d hhet my hier en hhet toe gery. Ni Niemand verder gekontak nie. Mens betaal vir dienslewering,â€? het Nel gesĂŞ. Volgens ADT is hulle bewus van die voorval en is hulle besig om die saak te ondersoek. Behalwe Nel se motor is daar van sy vrou, Suzette, se juwele, sy trouring, sy geweer, selfone, kameras en van hul klere gesteel. “Ek dink nie ons weet al wat hulle alles geneem het nie, maar hulle het selfs splinternuwe Reebok-tekkies wat Suzette vir my en my seun gekoop het, wat nog in die Mr Price-sakkie was, gesteel,â€? het Nel gesĂŞ. Volgens Nel wens hy so ’n belewenis niemand toe nie en raai inwoners aan om te alle tye paraat te wees. “In so ’n situasie kan jy maar vergeet van karate en selfverdediging. As jy ’n gesin het en jy weet voor jou siel hulle het jou nog nodig, hou net kop. As jy nog iets het om te doen op aarde, bly kalm en werk net saam,â€? was Nel se raad. Die Wierdabrug-polisiestasie ondersoek die saak en vra dat enigeen met inligting die stasie by 012-685-0000 sal bel.







’n Komitee evalueer nou polisie Du P Martins ’n Oorsigkomitee om die Tshwane-metro se polisiediens te monitor en te evalueer word vir die metro in die vooruitsig gestel. Ingevolge die Wet op die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens word dit van die metro vereis om ’n burgerlike oorsigkomitee te stig. Die beoogde komitee sal bestaan uit drie raadslede van die metro en 11 toepaslik gekwalifiseerde lede van die gemeenskap. Komiteelede sal geen vergoeding vir hul diens ontvang nie. In ’n advertensie wat verlede week in dagblaaie verskyn het, word die funksies van die beoogde komitee en die vereistes waaraan kandidate moet voldoen, uiteengesit. Die funksies wat vir komiteelede in die vooruitsig gestel word is: Om oor sake rakende die metropolisie te adviseer. Om enige funksie uit te voer wat die metro of stadsbestuurder nodig ag om burgerlike oorsig oor van die metropolisie te verseker. Om aanspreeklikheid en deursigtigheid in die metropolisie te verseker. Om die implementering van beleid en riglyne wat deur die stadsbestuurder uitgereik word, te monitor en daaroor aan die metro of aan die stadsbestuurder verslag te doen. Om die funksionering van die metropolisie te evalueer en aan die metro self of stadsbestuurder daaroor verslag te doen. Die vereistes wat gestel word aan voornemende aansoekers wat op die komitee gaan dien is: ’n Toepaslike diploma of graad in polisiekunde of regte is ’n vereiste. Genomineerdes sal navorsingfasiliteite moet hê wat hulle in staat sal stel om insette te kan lewer oor misdaadvoorkoming en wetstoepassingsinisiatiewe. Mense wat byvoorbeeld navorsers by akademiese instellings of institute vir sekerheid of verwante studies is, sal oorweeg word. Genomineerdes wat voorheen betrokke was by die rehabilitasie van misdadigers en die voorkoming van misdaad, of wat aan die Suid-Afrikaanse media- of persvereniging behoort of daarmee geassosieer word, of maatskaplike liefdadigheidsorganisasies wat met hawelose mense en straatkinders werk, sal oorweeg word.

Daniel Brink en sy verloofde Carmen Gerber by die Muur van Herhinnering.

Hier sit die manne wat onthou Du P Martins Baghdad. Die kroeg in Centurion waar die dooies ‘lewendig’ is. Hierdie kroeg het ’n muur van herinnering met die name van 34 Suid-Afrikaanse huursoldate wat in Irak gesneuwel het. Elke huursoldaat se foto en sy medaljes, datum wanneer hy diens gedoen en gesneuwel het, is geraam. Die dag waarop elkeen gesneuwel het, word jaarliks met ’n spesiale seremonie in herinnering geroep en foto’s van die geleentheid word aan sy naasbestaandes gestuur. Die gebruik het ontstaan ná Daniel Brink, ’n oudpolisieman en eienaar van die kroeg, in ’n hinderlaag in Irak kritiek gewond is en drie ander bemanningslede in sy pantservoertuig dood is. Brink het in 2004 by die Amerikaanse magte as ’n huursoldaat aangesluit. In Augustus 2004 is hy na Irak en is saam met ander huursoldate in die Baghdad-hotel gehuisves. “Twee dae na ons in die land aangekom het, het ’n bom agter die hotel afgegaan en is een van die Suid-Afrikaners, wie se besonderhede nou teen die muur is, in daardie aanval dood. Teen die tyd wat

ek seergekry het, was ons al deur nege verskillende gebeure. Die ergste was toe ’n vulliswa met meer as vier ton plofstof in ’n selfmoordaanval teen die hotel se muur vasgery het. Alhoewel dit ’n reuse krater uit die aarde geruk het, is niemand in die aanval dood nie,” het hy gesê. Brink, wat na sy beserings gestremd gelaat is, beskryf die feit dat hy nog lewe as ’n wonderwerk. “Twee dae voor Kersfees op 22 Desember 2005 was ons in ’n pantservoertuig op pad na die dorpie Baquba om met Al Kaida vir ’n skietstilstand oor die Kersdae te onderhandel. Sewe pypbomme, bekend as IEDs, het ons voertuig getref. Die drywer is op slag dood en die soldaat langs my se skouer is afgeruk. My been was afgeruk en my ingewande het uitgehang,” het hy gesê. Brink is met ’n helikopter van die slagveld af na Baghdad se hospitaal vervoer. Hy het later eers in St George’s hospitaal in Brittanje wakker geword. “Die dokter wat my daar behandel het, was toevallig ’n Afrikaner. Ek was ’n maand daar en is toe na Unitas-hospitaal oorgeplaas.” Na sy ontslag as huursoldaat het die Amerikaanse regering hom vir sy dienste

uitbetaal en hy het die kroeg in Centurion gekoop. “Jy moet ’n soldaat wees om die erns van die esprit de corps te kan verstaan. Die makkers saam met wie jy geveg het, swaargekry en saamgeslaap het, is mense in wie se hande jy jou lewe geplaas het. Hulle is nader aan jou as familie en jy het ’n plig om hulle te onthou,” het hy gesê. Met die inhuldiging van die muur is daar ’n diens in die kroeg gehou met sowat 400 mense teenwoordig. Onder die gaste was daar talle oudsoldate en polisiemanne wat almal saam met hom as huursoldate diens gedoen het, asook al die gesinslede van die oorledenes. Aan elkeen van die gesinne is ’n gedenkplaat met ’n foto van die oorledene gegee. “Hierdie is die kroeg van die dooies, maar hulle is vir ons ‘lewendig’. Die gebruik wat ons het is om die dood van elkeen van dié wat teen die muur is, te gedenk. Ons doen dit deur ’n vaatjie onder die gedenkplaat staan te maak, ’n kers op te steek en twee bottels rum neer te sit. Elke huursoldaat klink dan ’n glasie op die oorledene. ’n Foto word geneem as bewys dat ons hom onthou en dit word aan sy naasbestaandes gestuur,” het Brink gesê.

CPF invites community The community police forum (CPF) of sector 7 will have a marketing day on March 3 at the Checkers centre in Jean Avenue. The fun-filled day starts at 08:30 until 12:00. The CPF invites residents to meet their sector 7 CPF representatives. Lyt-

telton police and CPF patrollers will be on hand. Community policing is a policy and strategy aimed at achieving effective crime control, improved quality of life, improved police service and police legitimacy through a proactive reliance on community resources.



Sewerage flows into spruit Suzette van Huyssteen The stench of raw sewerage recently filled the air around the polluted Doringkloof Spruit. This comes after a private company that has a contract to legally empty its chemical toilets into the Doringkloof sewerage system, allegedly also dumped building rubble, plastic and other waste in the system. “This caused a blockage and eventually the manholes on the Lyttelton Dolomite Mine’s property popped open and polluted water spilled into the mine, down the stormwater channel and into the Doringkloof Spruit. From there it joined the Hennops River, passed through the Centurion Lake and ended up in the Hartbeespoort Dam,” resident Marie de la Rey said. According to De la Rey, the Doringkloof sewerage system could not cope anymore. “The Tshwane metro cleaned the sewerage drain, but by forcing the blockage further down the system, it caused another two manholes to pop,” De la Rey said. At a recent meeting between residents and the metro, Tsakani Hlungwani, from Infrastructure, Maintenance and Operation, Water and Sanitation, said he would follow up on this matter by writing a letter to his superiors to explain the situation. He said he would recommend that the private company’s contract be terminated as soon as possible. The company would then be obliged to pay to dump their waste at the Sunderland Ridge purifica-

Vergewis jouself van vergiftiging Suzette van Huyssteen

From left are Mike Correia, Penny Dekenah, from the Department of Nature Conservation, Councillor Christa Spoelstra and Tsakani Hlungwani from Infrastructure Maintenance and Operation, Water and Sanitation at the Tshwane metro. Insert: The condition of the water that leaked into the Doringkloof Spruit.

tion plant. According to De la Rey, Hlungwani agreed to arrange for the spillage to be cleaned and sanitised. Councillor Christa Spoelstra said she recently received feedback from Hlungwani, who said they were busy with negotiations

between themselves and the private company. “I had also spoken to the Department of Industrial Pollution who assured me the contract will be suspended as they did not adhere to their contractual agreement,” Spoelstra said.

Vir meeste eienaars is troeteldiere soos kinders en is dit noodsaaklik om hulleself te vergewis van die simptome van vergifting. Volgens ’n inwoner van Eldoraigne is daar die afgelope tyd ’n vlaag van hondevergiftiging in die gebied. “Ek wil ’n ernstige waarskuwing aan diere-eienaars met eiendomme aangrensend aan Ruimtelaan rig. Ons hondjie, ’n Malteser, het een aand na ’n hewige geblaf teen die kant van die huis wat grens aan Ruimtelaan, tekens van vergifting begin toon,” het Laetitia van der Westhuizen gesê. Volgens Van der Westhuizen moet diere-eienaars let op vergiftingsimptome soos ’n effe bloederige afskeiding, dronkerige verlamming, geel skuim uit die mond, geen eetlus nie, swaar asemhaling en tjankgeluidjies, soos wat haar hond oorgekom het. Na vele besoeke aan die veearts, ’n inspuiting, antibiotika en ’n drip kon die hond nie gered word nie. “Alhoewel die veearts nie veel hoop gehad het op herstel nie, is die hond op ’n drip geplaas om sy lewe tog te probeer red, wat egter teen ’n verdere koste van R1 800 nie geslaag het nie. ’n Na-

doodse ondersoek het daarop gedui dat sy niere ingegee het,” het sy gesê. Volgens haar vermoed hulle dat omdat hy so ’n klein hondjie was, die gif waarskynlik in ’n klein hoeveelheid oor die muur gegooi was. “Ons diere is vir ons soos kinders en dit is ’n geweldige verlies,” het sy gesê. Volgens die Bakenkop Dierekliniek is die vergiftiging van honde ’n algemene klagte in die Centurionomgewing en inwoners moet bewus wees van die simptome. “Die gif werk binne minute en die eerste tekens is dat die dier baie verswak, skuim om die mond het en spiertrillings kry,” het ’n veearts by die dierekliniek verduidelik. Volgens verskeie veeartse in die Centurion-omgewing is die mees algemene gif wat boosdoeners gebruik Two Step, so genoem omdat die dier skaars ’n paar tree gee voor hy neerval. “’n Ander naam vir die gif is temik en dit is klein, swart korreltjies wat misdadigers in kos soos rooiworsies of ’n stukkie hoender sit, en deesdae sommer in ’n tennisbal,” het die dierekliniek gesê. Volgens die dierekliniek kan hulle meeste van die honde nie red nie omdat die gif so vinnig werk.





Streetlight project completed Problems escalate

Suzette van Huyssteen Streetlights that were out of order are something of the past in the Sunderlandridge area. This comes after a recent project by the Tshwane metro, to repair all streetlights in the area were completed. According to Councillor Marika Kruger-Muller, not only did they change the light bulbs but replaced the entire fitting on each pole. “It is such a relief because I received non-stop complaints about the streetlights, as it led to increased criminal activity. Businesses in the area lost a lot because they were constantly robbed,” Kruger-Muller said. According to a business owner in the area the lack of streetlights contributed to the high levels of crime in the area. “Our business is constantly being targeted. The executive mayor, Kgosientso Ramokgopa promised to assist us and ensure our suburb is upgraded and maintained at a public meeting of Sunderlandridge businessmen. Our suburb is a shambles in all areas due to potholes, no streetlights, no road markings, excavations left unattended for months, rocks and rubble on pavements. People light fires wherever they want, there are no safety inspections, no health inspections and no fire department inspections. Every section under the metro’s control is failing,” the business owner said. According to the metro, the streetlight project was due to start last year but as the maintenance department had to source material, the project was delayed. The metro said it is also aware of all the other problems in the Sunderlandridge area and will deal with it in due course.

Ané Roux

Councillor Marika Kruger-Muller is delighted that the streetlights in Sunderlandridge were repaired.

Tshwane metro employees who work at the Garstkloof dumpsite became the latest victims of violence at this notorious site in the east of Pretoria. Allegations of stone throwing between metro officials and illegal immigrants who live at the dumpsite, have reached Rekord. “It is like a mini-war inside the dumpsite,” said a metro employee who wanted to stay anonymous. He added that there were approximately 2 000 foreign nationals living inside the dumpsite and that working at the facility is becoming increasingly dangerous. In recent weeks, Rekord reported on the continued degeneration of the facilities at the dumpsite. It is also alleged that motorist’s vehicles were purposefully damaged to get the drivers out of their vehicles, to rob them of valuables inside their vehicles. “We are constantly on our guard. There was a fight last week between us and the people living inside the dumpsite. We were pelted with stones but managed to get them to stay behind the ridge. Now we don’t go there and they don’t come here,” the source said. When Rekord asked the employee if the dumpsite is viable for another seven years as confirmed by the metro last week, the man said he could not see how it would be possible. “The dumpsite is very big, but I cannot see how this dumpsite can continue to be run in this manner for another seven years. Something must be done to help the people who live here.” Ward councillor Rita Aucamp is furious with the metro’s slow response to her continued requests for assistance. “It is clear to me that this dumpsite cannot be viable for another seven years.” The metro has to take the development around the dumpsite into account. The people who live on the site are continuously targeting the surrounding suburbs. How can the metro allow 2 000 people to live here illegally? It is outrageous that their own employees have no protection in the form of the metro police,” she said. Her suggestion is better management at the facility’s entrance. “I don’t want to see the dumpsite closed, residents need this facility. My suggestion is better control before access to the dumpsite is granted. This will also create jobs and eliminate the continued security threat to residents who use the facility and metro employees,” Aucamp explained. She said she would call a general meeting regarding the future of the dumpsite in March. “This dumpsite and the associated security issues are not going to disappear, nor can we as residents tolerate the degradation for another seven years,” said Aucamp. Despite giving the metro ample time to respond to questions regarding their plans for the security situation inside the dumpsite, the metro failed to do so at the time of going to print.



Plaaslike nuus op die net

Karlien Brink, Karel en Narushka Prinsloo hou daarvan om met hasies te speel maar word geleer om hulle met liefde en respek te behandel.

Moenie diere vir paasfees gebruik Natalie Grobler Paasfees is om die draai en die nasionale DBV versoek inwoners om nie regte hase te gebruik vir die feesvierings nie. “Daar is reeds inwoners en winkelsentrums wat ons genader het vir goedkeuring om lewendige diere vir hul Paasfeesuitstallings te gebruik,” het Chris Kuch, woordvoerder van die Nasionale Raad van die DBV, gesê. Kuch het gesê die uitstalling van lewendige diere is ’n groot risiko vir hul welsyn. “Lewendige diere is nie speelgoed nie, maar steeds is daar inwoners wat kleursel op hase gooi om hulle oulik te laat lyk sodat hulle die diere kan verkoop. Die

DBV is gekant teen die idee om diere as geskenke te gee.” Hy het gesê baie skole maak die fout om ook kuikens vir hul leerlinge te gee om huis toe te neem, maar meeste van die kuikens gaan dood omdat hulle nie die regte kos of genoeg water kry nie, kuikens word doodgesit of troeteldiere maak hulle dood. “As skole, inwoners of winkelsentrums hase vir Paasfees wil hê, stel ons voor hulle moet eerder hase van sjokolade wees. Diere moenie misbruik word ter wille van feesviering nie en iemand wat dit doen moet nie ondersteun word nie.” Inwoners word aangemoedig om dié soort aktiwiteite by hul plaaslike DBV aan te meld.

Na die mediamaatskappy Caxton sowat ’n jaar gelede ’n reuse aandeel in Moneyweb Holdings gekoop het, het ’n heel nuwe wêreld vir Caxton se streekskoerante oopgegaan. Caxton besit by verre die meeste streekskoerante in Suid-Afrika. Dié maatskappy het volle beheer van 89 koerante en gedeeltelike eienaarskap van nog 41, waaronder Rekord tel. Moneyweb is ’n top aanlynmediaspesialis en dié maatskappy is intussen getaak om ’n eersteklas gesofistikeerde webtuiste te skep waar al die Caxton-streekskoerante se nuus elektronies via ’n sentrale internetadres bereik kan word. Dié opwindende projek het gelei tot die geboorte van looklocal. co.za, wat ’n internetrevolusie vir plaaslike nuus begin het. Met die geboorte van looklocal.co.za kry plaaslike nuus ’n nuwe dimensie wat ingrypende verandering kan bring in die lewens van internetgebruikers. Rekord is die grootste streekskoerant in Suid-Afrika en as een van die titels wat gedeeltelik deur Caxton besit word, sal Rekord se teenwoordigheid op die internet eersdaags radikaal verbeter wanneer ons op 20 Maart van die looklocal.co.za webtuiste deel word. Een van looklocal.co.za se gewildste fasiliteite is die plaaslike gids waar besoekers op die webblad kontakinligting kan kry oor enige relevante plaaslike onderwerp. So byvoorbeeld sal kontakbesonderhede beskikbaar

wees vir plaaslike nooddienste, hospitale, gemeenskapsorganisasies, kerke, skole, kleuterskole, dienste-organisasies, politieke partye, raadslede en alle ander plaaslike organisasies van belang vir inwoners van ’n sekere gebied. Omdat Rekord so ’n groot gebied binne die Tshwane-metro dek, sal dié koerant se looklocal. co.za blad verdeel word in vier streke, wat dit nog makliker sal maak vir gebruikers om inligting binne streeksverband op te spoor. Die vier streke wat Rekord op looklocal.co.za sal verteenwoordig, is die ooste van Pretoria (Rekord Oos), die Moot-gebied (Rekord Moot), die noorde van Pretoria (Rekord Noord) en Centurion (Rekord Centurion). Nog een van die groot voordele van looklocal.co.za is dat gebruikers van dié webblad nie meer vir die weeklikse koerant hoef te wag om belangrike nuus te lees nie. Nuus sal op hierdie webtuiste opgedateer word soos dit beskikbaar raak, wat sal beteken dat gebruikers van looklocal.co.za byna permanent op hoogte van gebeure in hul omgewing sal wees. Wen met R Rekord en l looklocal.co.za Hoewel d plaaslike die w weergawe van l looklocal.co.za eers op 20 Maart vanjaar amptelik bekendgestel word, kry lesers nou reeds die geleentheid om groot


pryse in die opbou tot die dag wat dié webtuiste aktief sal wees vir Pretorianers te wen. Al wat lesers hoef te doen om in aanmerking te kom vir pryse soos ’n Canon Powershot SX 110IS kamera, ’n Samsung 42cm LED TV van Metro Home City in Vermeulenstraat en ’n geskenkbewys ter waarde van R2 000 vir ’n De Lux Pamper behandeling by die Youth Beauty Clinic & Spa in Wonderboom, is om Rekord se Facebook-blad te besoek en op ‘like’ te klik. Word dus so gou moontlik ’n vriend van Rekord op Facebook en jy kan in aanmerking kom vir een van hierdie pryse. Die Rekord-groep se adres op Facebook is: www.facebook.com/ PretoriaRekord.





Residents take hands Suzette van Huyssteen

Nuut aan die stuur van kunsvereniging se sake Die Centurion-kunsvereniging, wat sedert 1978 bestaan, het verlede week ’n nuwe bestuur gekies. Hulle is voor van links Johanna Kruger Prinsloo, nuwe voorsitter, Susan Dry, jeugassistent, Daphne Smit, praktiese kunskoördineerder, Grietjie van der Westhuizen, sekretaresse, (agter) Suzie Roos, ondervoorsitter, Mariette Minnaar, jeugkoördineerder, Eddie Morrison, oudvoorsitter, Joe Joubert, datakoördineerder, Sean Reynolds, mediaskakelbeampte en Gerhard van Eeden van die Tshwane-metro. Die kunsvereniging het 68 lede en nagenoeg 200 kunsbelangstellendes. Die vereniging nooi kunsliefhebbers om aan te sluit en bied gereeld kunsklasse vir aspirantskilders aan.

Nothing is as effective as a community taking hands. This is the opinion of Councillor Peter Sutton after the community policing forum (CPF) of Lyttelton sector 1, held their annual general meeting recently. The executive leadership for the new year was also elected. According to Sutton, the meeting was well attended with more than 100 residents supporting the forum. Lyttelton sector 1 (LS1), as known among residents, includes the areas of Zwartkop and Centurion CBD. Large sections of these areas fall in ward 78. Sutton was full of praise for the positive impact of the LS1 in these suburbs. “The CPF is a legal and effective way for residents like me and you to take back control of our suburbs. My wife and I are part of our local CPF sector. I have witnessed how residents can assist the police by being their eyes and ears on the ground,” Sutton said. According to Sutton, this is an important point, as residents volunteering their time to patrol an area, will not be expected to make arrests or take over the role of the police. The CPF is not a private protection company, neither is it an armed response body,

competing with other security firms. The CPF is a body of local residents, volunteering their time to be the eyes and ears for the police. Two-way radios are used to communicate and alert the police on suspicious activities. “We have had some phenomenal response from residents in our area who support the objectives of the CPF. These residents give up some of their leisure time to patrol our area and thereby do their bit to keep our area safe. A big thank you to these residents,” Chris Willemse, chairman of LS1 said. LS1 also has a fully active, virtual Joint Operations Centre (Joc) where members can report any suspicious activities. Over the past year, more than 100 incidents were reported to the Joc. A number of suspects were arrested as a result of residents reporting suspicious activities to the Joc, who in turn called the police to investigate. Sutton wants to encourage residents in Centurion to become involved with their local CPF. “If we allow criminals to continue without any resistance we will reach a state where this city is run and controlled by criminals. Criminals might think they are a force at the moment, but there is nothing that can come close to a community standing together. That will be a force to reckon with,” Sutton said.

From left are Karen Botha, Gerna Rossouw, Teuns Deetlefs, Chris Willemse (chairman), Duan Bouwer, Councillor Peter Sutton and Eksteen Prinsloo, all part of the community policing forum of Lyttelton sector 1 that recently held their annual general meeting.



Nog verlief na 68 jaar Suzette van Huyssteen Oud en getroud is wel die geval, maar definitief nog nie koud, en selfs nog so ’n bietjie stout, spog twee nuwe Pretorianers. Dit is die verhaal van Willie en Nellie Meyer, wat in Januarie van Pongola na Rooihuiskraal, Centurion, verhuis het. Hulle het onlangs hul 68ste huweliksherdenking gevier en is steeds lief vir mekaar. Willie het op 9 Februarie 90 geword en Nellie sal op 4 Maart, 90 word. Om hierdie spesiale ouderdom te vier, beplan die familie ’n heerlike spitbraai. Die Meyers spog met ses kinders, 14 kleinkinders en sewe agterkleinkinders. Hulle het die meerderheid van hul lewe tussen Swaziland en Pongola deurgebring. Willie was een van die grootste beesboere in Swaziland en ook ’n entoesiastiese politikus. Hy het vele verhale aan Rekord vertel, wat onder meer insluit die verhaal van Sandra Laing, wat tydens die apartheidsera gebore was aan blanke ouers, maar as swart geklassifiseer is.

Volgens Willie het hy haar geken en alles in sy vermoë gedoen om haar te help. “Foeitog, ek het haar jammer gekry en as haar pa net ja gesê het, was haar lewe dalk drasties anders,” het Willie gesê. Volgens Willie het hy Dr. Albert Hertzog genader en vertel dat die personeel by die skool wou bedank as gevolg van Laing. Hertzog het blykbaar voorgestel dat Laing na die skool gaan waar al die ambassadeurs se kinders skoolgegaan het, waarby alle onkostes op die staat sou wees, maar haar ouers het geweier. Dit is slegs een van die menigte hoogtepunte in Willie se lewe waarop hy kan terugkyk. Willie en Nellie het ’n unieke verhouding met God en Willie sê ver paaie in ’n motor skep die ideale tyd vir ’n gesprek met God. Woorde van wysheid wat Willie graag wou deel, is dat gebed ’n groot rol in die lewe speel en dat mens presies moet weet waarheen elke sent van jou geld gaan. Volgens hul dogter Bokkie Pretorius is dit ’n groot voorreg om haar ouers in Pretoria te kan huisves en sien hulle vreeslik uit na die spitbraai en partytjie. “My ouers is ongelooflik nederig en die beste rolmodelle wat ons in ons lewe voor kon gevra het. Ons kinders hoop hulle sal die partytjie baie geniet,” het Pretorius gesê.

Nuut in Pretoria is Willie en Nellie Meyer, wat na 68 jaar se getroude lewe steeds gevul is met liefde vir mekaar. Willie het op 9 Februarie 90 geword, en Nellie is kort op sy hakke en sal op 4 Maart 90 wees.

Monument as nasionale erfenisterrein verklaar Du P Martins In die gees van nasiebou en versoening word die Voortrekkermonument aanstaande maand amptelik as ’n nasionale erfenisterrein verklaar. Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, minister van Binnelandse Sake, het Maandag die aankondiging in Pretoria gemaak. Saam met die monument se nuwe status word ook verskeie ander gedenkwaardighede, wat hulde aan die helde van die vryheidstryd bring, elders in die land onthul. Die aankondiging is deur die VF Plus verwelkom. Dr. Corné Mulder, die VF Plus se woordvoerder vir kuns en kultuur, het gesê dit is jammer die aankondiging is nie deur president Jacob Zuma in sy staatsrede waarin hy oor nasionale versoening gepraat het, gedoen nie. “Ons hoop die Voortrekkermonument sal voortaan voldoende finansiering ontvang en dat hierdie stap nie gebruik sal word om inbreuk te maak op die outonome bestuur van die monument of die erfenisstigting nie,” het Mulder gesê.

Generaal-majoor Gert Opperman, besturende direkteur van die erfenisstigting by die monument, het gesê: “Ons bly ’n Artikel 21-maatskappy sonder winsmotief. Hierdie is net ‘groter wetlike beskerming’ vir die erfenisstatus van die monument en die terrein. Dit raak hoegenaamd nie die onafhanklikheid van die monument of die voortbestaan daarvan as ’n privaatmaatskappy nie. Tot dusver het die regering die monument se subsidie met R900 000 gesny, ons sou aanvanklik R1,9 miljoen gekry het. Wat egter verblydend is, is dat dit die eerste Afrikaanse monument sedert 1994 is wat die spesiale beskerming in terme van die wet geniet.” Die Voortrekkermonument.




Editorial COMMENT South Africa’s public road transport system is in chaos and in some places it is non-existent or at the point of collapse. It would not be an exaggeration to say that there is no existing public road transport system in Pretoria and that the only public road transport available in the bigger Tshwane area, which operate with a modicum of success, is the minibus taxi system. Although the minibus taxis sup-

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ply a reliable and cheap service, the vehicles themselves are dangerous and unroadworthy and the system, for the most part, is devoid of any type of control. The Metrorail passenger service is operating with ageing stock on infrastructure that needs drastic repair. The passenger bus service in Pretoria are, in the words of Tshwane’s executive mayor, in such a state of chaos that he actually urged commuters to find alternative means of getting to work and back home. The much vaunted Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project in the greater Tshwane metro area has been temporarily shelved. It was planned that the BRT rollout would be done in phases, with Line 1 linking areas in the north, such as Soshanguve and Mabopane, to the CBD. Line 2 would reach out to areas in the south and east, like the fast developing suburbs along Hans Strijdom Drive and Mamelodi. South Africa’s ageing rail and road infrastructure requires massive investment for the country to successfully compete in international markets. Historical underinvestment coupled with poor maintenance, outdated systems and a lack of integration have negatively affected the country’s and Pretoria’s transport network. The Department of Transport recently announced a proposed integrated public transport system, to be controlled by municipalities, with the City of Cape Town to launch a pilot project, must be welcomed. The new scheme was however, greeted with much scepticism, whether the municipalities which have failed with their own systems would be ready to handle such systems with any degree of success.

Don’t blend in Readiness is the ability to be ready for immediate action. A spiritually prepared army can impact a city – and even a nation – for God’s Kingdom. A spiritually prepared child can impact a school. A spiritually prepared student can impact his/her peers. A spiritually prepared parent, doctor, teacher, accountant, secretary or farmer can act as thermostat and change the temperature of the environment they operate in. God never called us to blend in, but to stand out. In Matthew 5:13-14 we read: “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavour, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing, but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.� These scriptures say that our lives either have a positive or a negative effect. The choice is ours to make on a daily basis. Salt is a preservative that can prevent rot from setting in. Light can banish darkness

Faith Nevil Norden

and break the heaviness of depression and despair. In Acts 9 we read about Ananias. He was spiritually ready when God spoke to him and his readiness impacted the life of Saul of Tarsus, who later became Paul, and who wrote two thirds of the New Testament. Ananias means ‘Jehovah was gracious’. Grace is the opposite of merciless persecution with which Paul first persecuted the church. By being spiritually ready, Ananias impacted the life of Saul and changed his life’s purpose and his destiny. My challenge to you is: Stand out. Don’t blend in and be spiritually prepared.



E-pos jou briewe na: nuus@rekord.co.za

Briewe mag aan die Redakteur gerig word, Posbus 8261, Pretoria 0001, faks na 086-652-0378 of e-pos na nuus@rekord.co.za. Briewe mag nie langer as 200 woorde wees nie. Die Redakteur behou die reg om enige brief te wysig. ’n Skrywer mag onder ’n pennaam skryf, maar sy of haar volle name, adres en telefoonnommer moet die brief vergesel.

Green initiative fails David Browne writes: Having lived in Elardus Park for almost 29 years and being an environmentally aware person, I have been extremely disappointed by Joe Public. Some months ago, the Total garage in Hans Strijdom Drive embarked on an environmental focused endeavour to support all the ‘green’ things everyone talks about and want to believe in. Having secured the four standard coloured bins for glass, paper, tins and plastics for collection of recyclable items, it was absolutely great to have a collection point close by for residents who support the

‘green’ thrust. Regrettably, this collection point has been discontinued due to public abuse of the facility. Over the past weekend, when I hired a trailer from the garage, I was told that due to the trash that was dumped there, including items such as used disposable nappies, the management had no option but to withdraw from the initiative to preserve their standards and image. Come on Pretoria, why can’t all of us do small and simple things to try and help preserve the future for the next generations?

Wild birds in line of fire Bird lover writes: What type of person is shooting at the hadedas in Von Maltitz and Maria streets in Annlin? I saw other readers’ letters in previous editions concerning the same problem and I recently found a hadeda that was shot in the head lying in the street.

I have been raising a pair of young hadedas in my garden over the last few years and the mother is so tame that she allows me to come in close contact with her. Who is so sick as to take pleasure in shooting the wild birds coming into our gardens? Do they want a silent spring?

Applications process frustrates Kim Michler writes: I was so glad to see that someone else also experienced the same frustration as I have regarding unabridged certificates, Fed-up with service, Rekord February 17. The bad news is that Luan has a long wait ahead. In March 2011, I applied for unabridged marriage and birth certificates for my parents, who are deceased, my sister and I. I am still waiting. I have been back to the Home Affairs’ office three times since then but they are always busy ‘processing’ the requests. The last time I was at Home Affairs, I

even gave them additional information to assist in speeding up the process. A man said he would personally take the additional documents and my applications to head office the next week. This was last year. It is a good thing that I do not need these documents urgently. I am not expecting to get them anytime soon, as I have no confidence in the system. I understand the feeling of powerlessness. There is little that I, as the paying client, can do and there is no other alternative. It is time for someone to shake-up the entire process and get the system functioning properly again.

Jong mans trek twee diewe vas Annalie Durandt skryf: Ek wil graag dankie sĂŞ aan die jong mans wat nie gehuiwer het om agter diewe met my gesteelde handsak aan te hardloop nie. Twee mans het verlede Donderdagoggend op die hoek van Blouhaakstraat en Hans Strijdomrylaan my motorvenster by die stopstraat stukkend geslaan en met my handsak in die voetgangertonnel onder die pad in verdwyn.

’n Paar jong mans wat by die kantoorgebou langsaan was, het in hul netjiese werksklere agter hul aangehardloop en saam met ADT uiteindelik te voet die dief in Constantiapark vasgetrek. Die Garsfontein-polisie was ook gou op die toneel en het die saak regtig baie professioneel gehanteer. Dit was alles net ’n wonderwerk en ek kan net vir die Here en my helde hiervoor dankie sê.

Crime busters help resident Carmen Swanepoel writes: An amazing experience led me to believe there are still good people out there. I was driving on DF Malan Drive, opposite Marabastad when my cell phone was grabbed out of my hand and I decided to chase the criminal into Marabastad. After I drove around not knowing where to go, I met members of the MSM Security Risk Management group. They assisted me in finding the perpetrator and assured me of my safety. They stayed with me the entire time until we found both my cell phone and the thief. I am so proud of what they are doing and their commitment to ‘clean up’ the crime situation in Marabastad that we all know is a dangerous place. Thank you MSM Security Risk.



Lesings maak nie sin Gert Kruger skryf: Ek stuur my meterlesings nou al die afgelope paar jaar per e-pos aan die Tshwanemetro. Waar ons rekening die afgelope tyd gemiddeld ongeveer R2 000 beloop het, was dit vir ons ’n skok om ’n rekening van byna R3 000 te kry. By ontleding vind ons dat die lesings almal geskatte lesings is en dat die debiettydperk oor 37 dae strek. Ons verneem van ander inwoners in ons omgewing dat dieselfde ook met hulle gebeur het. Dit is onverstaanbaar waar die metro die lesings vandaan kry, omdat dit nie ons gemiddelde verbruik is nie.

Hul lesingsdatum op die rekening is 24 Desember 2011 en dit is ook die datum waarop ek gewoonlik ons lesings indien en het nog nooit ’n probleem ondervind het nie. Ek dink dit is ’n bedekte poging van die metro om geld uit verbruikers te tap vir een of ander aangeleentheid waarvoor hulle geld benodig. Ons is pensioenarisse en vind met al die brandstofverhogings en alles wat as gevolg daarvan die hoogte inskiet, moeilik om kop bo water te hou. Dan ontvang ons nog hierdie onbillike rekening waarvoor ons nie in ons begroting voorsiening gemaak het nie. Dit is seker ook die geval met baie ander verbruikers.

Sorteer rekeninge só uit Peter van Eldik van Wingatepark skryf: In die onlangse Rekord(s) word weereens klagtes uitgelig oor die foutiewe rekeninge van die Tshwane-metro insake erfbelasting. Ons het dieselfde ervaring gehad. Ons het ’n jaar gelede ’n huis verkoop en oorgedra aan die nuwe eienaar. Ons het egter steeds maandeliks rekeninge ontvang vir dié huis se erfbelasing

terwyl die nuwe eienaar geen rekening ontvang het nie. Ons het alles probeer met briewe, e-pos en telefoonoproepe, sonder enige sukses, maar hier is die oplossing. Gaan met die rekening en dokumentasie na die BKS-gebou in Pretoriusstraat 373. Die kantoor wat hierdie probleme oplos, is op die eerste vloer, toonbank drie. Die amptenare is baie hulpvaardig en het die probleem net daar reggestel.

Parkeerplek gedurig beset Ontstoke kwadrupleeg skryf: Ons het nie almal in die ry gestaan toe ordentlikheid uitgedeel is nie. Inteendeel, party mense het heel voor in die ry getiteld ‘onbeskof’ gestaan. Ek het die naweek gaan inkopies doen. Daar aangekom is die parkering vir ons ‘rolstoelbrigade’ soos gewoonlik beset. Die wit Opel Astra wat daar geparkeer is, het geen van die vereiste rolstoelplakkers op nie. Net daar besluit ek om Meneer

Onbeskof vas te trek. Jy sien, Meneer Onbeskof, van jou soort het ek genoeg gehad. Jou mond kan nie ophou vloek nie en sulke vieslike handgebare ken ek nie. Daar is ’n rede hoekom ons parkeerplekke gemerk is, die spasie is wyer, om uit te ‘spring’. Ons doen ook inkopies, so gun ten minste ander mense die son wat oor hul koppe skyn. Genoeg is genoeg. Ek verklaar oorlog.

Hond weer terug by eienaar Annette Schauer skryf: Ek wil graag vir Rekord hartlik bedank vir hul wonderlike diens aan die gemeenskap. Ek het ’n verlore miniatuur Schnauzer as gevind aangemeld en Rekord het ’n ad-

vertensie onder hul Lost and Found-rubriek geplaas. ’n Oplettende inwoner het onthou dat ’n meisie haar hondjie in Menlopark verloor het en met die samewerking van verskeie rolspelers is die hond en eienaar herenig. Weer baie dankie vir julle hulp.

Patrollers help to recover pet Sheryl Joubert from Groenkloof writes: I want to thank the ADT patrol officers for helping us find our missing little daschhund recently. I informed the patrol guys that he was missing. A very kind couple picked him up, they

informed ADT, who then guided them straight to our house. My children were so excited to get their dog back that they forgot to ask for the names of the couple. I want to thank them as well. Once again, I appreciate the help of the ADT patrol guys, thank you so much.


Sinikus staan stom Hierdie rubriek is spesiaal om dinge te laat GONS. As jy saamstem, laat ons weet, as dit jou rooi laat sien, laat ons asseblief ook weet. Lewendige debat is waarna ons uitsien. Na bykans 30 jaar in die joernalistiek, net wanneer ’n mens van opinie is dat niks, absoluut niks, jou meer kan verbaas nie, sorg die lewe dat selfs ’n geharde, gesoute, siniese woordtoorder, soms stom staan. Twee jaar gelede trek ons in Pretoria in, ek ses maande ná die wederhelf omdat ek so gehuil het omdat ek die Kaap moes verlaat, dat dit my ses maande geneem het om te pak. Nou ja, soos Rut in die Bybel, volg ek toe maar uiteindelik. Skielik bevind ek my op ’n ander planeet. Waar tot die honde Blou Bul-truitjies dra, die mooiste meisies (en dis nou maar so, Pretoria het die mooiste, mooiste vroue) vir jou middelvinger wys en as jy nie weet wat dit beteken nie, verduidelik hulle vir jou in geen onsekere taal nie. En soos die kinders sê, wat my uit-freak, is dat iemand ooit dankie sê wanneer ’n ander motoris omtrent ’n verkeersopeenhoping veroorsaak om daardie niemand (al is hy/sy in ’n duur motor), ’n geleentheid te gee om voor hulle in te beweeg nie. Kry die mense ongeskiktheid en onverdraagsaamheid saam met hul babapap in? Nêrens op hierdie ondermaanse het ek dit nog ooit beleef nie. Om dankie te sê neem seker dieselfde spiere as om die middelvinger te wys? So het elke kolonie maar sy dinge. In die Kaap, as jy ’n ongeluk sien, is dit ’n gegewe dat een van die voertuie se registrasienommer met CY (Bellville), sal begin. My ouma het altyd gesê opvoeding wys. En gebrek daaraan ook. En daar is baie mense in ander provinsies wat ook baie geld het en baie belangrik is, wat nooit middelvinger


wys nie en mooi dankie sê. Tog verstaan ek dit op ’n manier. Pretorianers bly in die land se misdaadhoofstad, hulle het nie ’n see of ’n berg nie, daar is nie ’n enkele blom langs die pad, behalwe Checkers-sakke nie. Almal ly aan sinus, want die lug is besoedel. Die meeste bly hul ganse lewens al hier. Ek sou ook vies gewees het. Maar nou moet ek bely - nou die dag verwyl ek my lewe op die N1 en dis warm en die mense is haastig en ek moet van baan verwissel, want my baan het na die Zambesi-tolhek opgehou. So ’n dik tannie sien wat ek beplan en soos blits beweeg sy in haar opgeterte rooi Golfie tot teenaan die motor voor haar. Nou ja, daar is ’n paar voertuie wat jou ’n geleentheid op die pad gee - Putco-busse, oorlaaide vragmotors, minibus-taxis en motors met enige ander nommerplaat behalwe GP. Soos dit maar gaan op die paaie wat nooit klaarkom nie, ry jy ’n bietjie en dan ry ek ’n bietjie en so ’n kilometer of wat verder het die dik tannie (soos almal jou hier noem of jy 30 of 300 is) nodig om in my baan in te beweeg. Goeie Christen wat ek is, wat elke Sabbat in die Dopperkerk sit, wat doen ek? Ek vergeet alles van Belhar en doen wat almal om my doen. Ek ry so vinnig ek kan tot teen die motor voor my en lag al my daaglikse sorge weg. Skaakmat. En dit van ’n Kapenaar. Nou ja, tot volgende keer wanneer ek weer julle hare kan omkrap.





Art Art courses - Oils & acrylics - March 23, 24 & 25. April 27, 28 & 29th. Water colour March 31 & April 1. Neil Moss 083-293-8936. See website RA/0509340 www.neilmoss.co.za.

SA State Theatre is looking to audition actors, singers and dancers for a new musical threatre production, Freedom. Artists are expected to prepare a song and a monologue and should be able to either sing or dance. State Theatre March 6-10 at 10:00. Tel 012-392-4018. RA/0510297

Sluit by Jacques Botes en Sane Lotter vir die eerste En ek onthou - Die Koos du Plessis storie, by Leonie’s Tea for Two aan, h/v Cunningham- en 34e Laan op 7 Mrt. Bespreek 012-332-4886. RA/0510322

Kuns in die Park. Magnoliadal 25 Februarie 2012. Uitstalling van oorspronklike skilderye. 08:00- 15:00. 012-326RA/0509988 7936.

Individual art lessons available by an established modern artist, Lynnwood area. Angus 012-3610886. RA/0510311

Trent Gallery@Cameo Framers, Waterkloof, is hosting two art exhibitions until Feb 29 from 09:0016:30. Stuart 082-923-2551. RA/0510301


Valleisig-gemeente-kuiermark op 16 Mrt van 10:00. Mathys Roets tree om 19:00 met sang en musiek op. Tel 012-991-1542. RA/0510327

Markets New food/craft market, R100 p/weekend, busy Pick n Pay centre. SMS 076-939-7300. RA/0507694

ATKV-Tonteldoos bied Haal die skrik uit skrikkeldag. Middagkonsert met ProArte-Pro Corde-strykorkes. NG-kerk Faerie Glen om 15:30. Tel 072-264-8670. RA/0510343

Die Ganoeka-dansers van die NG-kerk Magalieskruin tree op 25 Feb by die AGS Heilige Waters om 14:00 op. Babara 012-643-1507.

Lions Market@Addo Garden Centre, 258 Von Willich Ave, Centurion (opp Gautrain Station). Every Sunday 09:0014:00. Tel 012-663-3427. RA/0509541


Eersterust Squash Club hosts its inauguration on March 3 at 10:00 at the courts in January Ave 260, Eersterust. Rsvp André at andrecj01@ gmail.com by Feb 27. RA/0510321

Enkelinge 50+ genooi om saam te kuier. Tel 083-454-4414. RA/0510280

L/s Voorpos se gholfdag vind op 22 Mrt by Akasia-gholfklub plaas. Marius 012-332-2354. RA/0510351

Charis Kinderkerk bied Vlooimark/Basaar op 3 Mrt, H/v Lavender- en Sagelaan, WonderboomSuid van 08:30. Veiling om 13:00. Bring enigiets wat jy wil laat opveil. Uitstallers welkom. Elize 072861-7035. RA/0508821

Geref-kerk Rooihuiskraal. Vlooimark op 3 Mrt by L/s Rooihuiskraal van 07:00-15:00. Uitstallers welkom. André 083-380-7193. RA/0510274

Hatfield Plaza Vlooimark vind elke Sondag plaas. Nuwe stalletjies. Marianne 082-924-7155. RA/0510300



Friday, February 24 SABC 1 06:00 Takalani Sesame 08:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 09:30 Muvhango 11:30 Judge Joe Brown 12:00 Friends like These 14:00 Selimathunzi 15:00 Matrixs Uploaded 17:28 Reflections of Faith 19:30 News 20:30 Untold Stories 21:00 Live SABC 2 06:00 Morning Live 08:50 Thabang Thabong 10:50 Ratanang 13:25 Days of our Lives 15:00 7de Laan 19:00 News 19:30 Noot vir Noot 21:00 Mmampodi 21:30 Powerball 21:34 Afro Café SABC 3 05:30 Expresso: Breakfast Show 11:10 Isidingo 12:10 Mission Impossible 16:00 3 Talk with Noeleen 17:35 Oprah Winfrey Show 18:30 Wicket tot Wicket 19:00 News 19:30 Entertainment News 21:00 Flash eTV 09:00 Rhythm City 09:30 Scandal! 10:00 Mad About You 10:30 The Young and the Restless 11:30 3rd Degree 13:30 WWE: Smackdown 16:40 Young and the Restless 17:30 Medical Detectives 18:30 Rhythm City 19:00 News 20:00 Malcolm and Eddie 20:30 War of the Worlds

Saturday, February 25 SABC 1 09:00 Dance Your Butt Off 10:00 Generations 15:00 Laduma: ABSA Premiership - Jomo Cosmos vs Free State Stars 17:30

Irene Kunsmark. Smutshuis-museum 25 Feb 09:00-14:00. Irene Mark skop die jaar met nuwe stalletjies af. ’n Deli met musiek, asook ’n aparte antieke-gedeelte 012-6671659. RA/0507429

Magnolia Dell Fine Food Market takes place every Saturday from 08:00-13:00. Fine foods and crafts. Beate 012-460-7722. RA/0510347

gholfklub plaas. Etresia 079-4060242. RA/0510332 ’n Konsert met Ingrid Zweel en Tommie Liebenberg vind op 26 Feb by NG-kerk Rietfontein-Suid om 15:00 ten bate van Huis Quanessa, ’n versorgingseenheid vir kinders met gestremdhede, plaas. Admill 078-042-7442. RA/0510324

Alzheimer’s support group meets in Faerie Glen every last Thursday at 19:00 and last Tuesday at 10:00. All welcome. Denise 012-9911637. RA/0510272

CMR-Noord bied ’n Red-’nKind-gholfdag ten bate van mishandelde en verwaarloosde kinders aan. Waterkloof-gholfklub, 27 Mrt. Anja 012-460-9272. RA/0508813

Die ondersteuningsgroep vir afhanklikheidsprobleme vergader Maandae om 19:00 by Stabilis. Linda 082-570-1291. RA/0510353

Eden Golf Day takes place on May 10 in aid of Eden Ministries Outreaches projects. Albert 082777-4059. RA/0510341

The Compassionate Friends of Pretoria plans a moneyraising buffet lunch on March 4 at 12:00 at The Haven in Clubview in aid of the Friends. Tel 083-384-5255. RA/0510299

LifeLine Pta provides free telephone, face-to-face, rape, trauma, HIV/Aids and bereavement counselling. Crisis line: 012-804-3619. Rape line: 082-340-2061. AppointRA/0507245 ments: 012-804-1853.

Book repair and paper conservation course presented by conservation specialist, Johann Maree, from March 5-10 at Ditsong museum. Talita 012-326-9172. RA/0510294

Child Trauma training team hosts a seminar on March 15 and 16 at Utopia Place, 840 Cura Ave, Lynnwood. A psychiatrist, paediatrician and psychologist are some of the speakers. www.childtraumacentre. co.za. RA/0508862 Christ for Moot vir Christus bied ’n enkelouerdag: Enkelouers kan wen, 10 Mrt van 09:00-14:00 by die Jakaranda-ouditorium aan. Verskeie sprekers. Bespreek voor 29 Feb. Amanda 073-486-3975. RA/0510269

Daddy 24/7 18:30 Friends like These 19:30 News 22:15 Definitely Maybe SABC 2 06:00 Thabang Thabong 09:00 House Call 10:30 Wise Up 11:30 Living Land 13:00 Muvhango 15:00 Four Weddings 18:00 News 18:30 The Gost Whisperer 20:00 The Voice 21:00 The Mo’Nique Show 22:00 Cold Case SABC 3 06:00 I am a Work of Art 07:30 The Super Hero Squad Show 08:36 Kids Challenge Show 10:00 X-Men Evolution 11:00 Crocodile Hunter 12:00 IFAD Documentary 13:00 Dr Oz 18:00 Celebs Biographies 19:00 News 21:30 Law & Order eTV 05:00 Haleluya Africa 06:00 Higher Life 07:00 Sibo and Friends 08:00 Thomas and Friends 09:30 Rhythm City Omnibus 13:00 Malcolm & Eddie 13:30 Blame it on Fame 17:00 WWE: NXT 18:05 Fear Factor International 19:00 News 20:00 What Happen in Vegas

Sunday, February 26 SABC 1 08:00 Zenzele 08:30 Team Green 10:00 Spirit Sundae 11:00 The Chatroom 11:30 Big Up 12:00 Imani - The Devine Spark 12:15 An Nur V (Muslim Mag) 15:00 Laduma: Absa Premiership - Bloem Celtic vs Platinum Stars 17:30 Gospel Gold 20:00 Death Race SABC 2 07:00 Weekend Live 08:30 Psalted 11:00 Eastern Mosaic 14:30 Pasella 15:30 7de Laan 18:30 Fokus 19:00 Stokvel 8 20:00 Gospel Classics 21:00 For Which I’m prepared to die SABC 3 06:30 Mickey Mouse and Friends 09:00 Dtv X1 12:00 Top Billing 16:00 Hello Dr 18:00 Around Iceland on Inspiration 23:00 Law & Order eTV 05:00 Haleluya Africa 05:30 3rd Degree 08:00 Grassroots 08:30

Dr. Koos Henning lewer ’n praatjie oor clivia-plante. Forensic-ge-

Precious Memories 09:00 Hillsong 09:35 Cool Catz 11:00 TJ Hooker 12:35 Seconds from Disaster 17:00 WWE: Raw 18:30 Tropika Island of Treasure 19:00 News 19:30 Modern Family 20:00 Forbidden Kingdom 22:10 Brothers by Choice

Monday, February 27 SABC 1 08:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 09:00 Generations 10:30 What’s Your Story 11:30 Real Goboza 13:00 Ses’khona 15:00 Matrixs Uploaded 17:00 Ek se Lalela 18:30 The Bold and the Beautiful 19:30 News 20:00 Generations 21:00 Soccer Zone 2011 22:00 Rookie Blue 2 SABC 2 10:20 Rivoningo 11:50 Dr Phil 12:40 Judge Mathis 13:25 Days of our Lives 15:00 7de Laan 16:00 Hectic Nine-9 16:30 Rough It Out 17:00 Dragon-ballz 17:30 News 18:00 When Duty Calls 18:30 7de Laan 19:30 Voetspore 21:00 Muvhango SABC 3 12:10 Mission Impossible 14:00 All my children 15:45 Dr Oz 16:40 3 Talk with Noeleen 18:30 What I Like About You 21:00 The Middle 21:40 30 Rock 22:00 Law & Order eTV 05:30 eNews Sunrise 06:00 Sunrise 09:00 Rhythm City 10:00 3rd Degree 10:30 The Young and the Restless 11:30 Great Expectations 12:30 Backstage 13:00 News Day 14:30 Paddle Pop Adventures 14:35 Cool Catz 15:00 Power Rangers: Samurai 15:30 Thomas & Friends 15:45 Bob the Builder 16:00 Sistahood 16:40 The Young and the Restless 17:30 Medical Detectives 18:30 Rhythm City 19:30 Scandal! 20:00 The Steve Harvey Show 21:00 eKasi:Our Stories

Tuesday, February 28 SABC 1 08:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 09:00 Generations 09:30 Muvhango 10:00 Martin 4 13:30 Shift 16:07

Centurion Chess Club meets every Thursday at Lyttelton library at 19:30. All level players welcome. Marius 083-626-1727. RA/0510292 Die Gauteng-Noord-tweekamp kampioenskap vind op 28 Feb om 16:30 by H/s Menlopark plaas. Benodig seuns en meisies o.17 en o.19, senior atlete asook junior veterane. Charel 084-678-1001. RA/0510349 Gesamentlike Leeskringvergadering. 16 Mrt 14:00. NG-kerk Lynnwoodrif. Spreker Rianna Scheepers oor Ligvoets, lekker en leersaam. Tel 012-333-3610. RA/0509650


’n Gholfdag ten bate van die sopkombuis van die Rioboth Pinkster Kerk vind op 30 Mrt by Akasia-


Victory over childhood abuse. You can be more than a survivor. Marisa 072-639-8597. RA/0509667

Afrikaanse Toastmasters neem aan ’n humoristiese kompetisie deel. Linda 082-570-1291. RA/0510317

Petra Kollege bied ’n kursus in Kinderbediening op 25 Feb van 08:00-16:00 by NG-kerk Villieria. Ds Rheeder 083-288-7756. RA/0510277

JC4JC-kerk Sondae om 09:30 by L/s Rachel de Beer. Prediker: Pastoor Johan Coetzer. Johan 082327-5500. RA/0510315


’n Boomidentifikasiekursus vir beginners vind op 10 Mrt van 08:00 by die Botaniese Tuin plaas. Linette 012-843-5053. RA/0510345

Kansa Shavathon en Spin-a-thon neem op 3 Mrt by Atterbury Value Mart van 09:00-17:00 plaas. Bespreek fiets by Heinrich 012-9914744. RA/0510333

Church Moreletapark presents a talk on Depression. Speakers: psychiatrists, psychologists and more. Feb 25 from 08:30-13:00. Book 012-997-8000. RA/0507249

en Ben Swartstrate. Johan 083-406RA/0509642 5883.


Prostaatkanker-steunaksie vergader op 28 Feb en elke laaste Dinsdag om 19:00 by die Urologiehospitaal, Hatfield. Willem 082-9016834. RA/0510290


bou, Pretoriaweg, Silverton op 25 Feb om 11:00. Marlen 082-7994746. RA/0510337

MMC2012-Vaal neem van 2022 Apr by Malonjeni Guest Farm, Vereeniging plaas. Jan 082-7854663. RA/0510323

Gauteng North Rock and Surf Union invites women interested in rock and surf angling to join them. Trudy 083-308-0383. RA/0509639

Wêreldbiddag Pta-Oos-streek vind op 1 Mrt om 18:00 en 2 Mrt om 20:00 by Lynnwood Katolieke Kerk plaas. Sprekers: Rinél Hugo en dr. Marina Strydom. Elna 084506-7870. RA/0510326

Wêreldbiddag vir mans, 3 Maart NG-kerk Môregloed, h/v Laseandra

Events will not be accepted over the phone. Fax to 086-645-6764 or e-mail editorial@rekord.co.za or nuus@rekord.co.za or post to PO Box 8261, Pretoria, 0001. Only events not aimed at profit/product selling, will be placed for free. Publication is not guaranteed. Deadlines are strictly Wednesdays at 12 noon for the next week’s edition. Events aimed at profit and events for guaranteed publication can be placed at a nominal fee. Contact Small Hits on 012-842-0321 or fax 086-590-9648 or e-mail at smallhits@rekord.co.za

Comedy Khona 17:00 Cory in the House 18:00 Play Your Part 18:30 The Bold and the Beautiful 19:30 News 20:30 Montana 21:00 Whizz Kids of Mzansi 22:00 The Beast 23:00 Judge Joe Brown Year 11 SABC 2 06:00 Morning Live 08:50 Thabang Thabong 09:20 Curious George 10:20 Rivoningo 11:50 Dr Phil 13:25 Days of our Lives 15:30 Muvhango 16:00 Hectic Nine-9 18:30 7de Laan 19:00 News 19:30 Soutmansland 21:35 90 Plein Street 3 23:00 As the World Turns 2 SABC 3 05:00 Nuus/Weather 09:00 Celebs Biographies 12:10 Mission Impossible 14:00 All My Children 17:40 Days of our Lives 18:30 What I Like About You 21:00 Desperate Housewives 22:00 Law & Order 23:00 Nip Tuck VI 00:00 Oprah Winfrey eTV 06:00 Sunrise 08:00 eNews Sunrise 09:00 Rhythm City 09:30 Scandal! 10:00 The Steve Harvey Show 10:30 The Young and the Restless 11:30 Great Expectations 12:30 Backstage 13:30 WWE: Afterburn 14:30 Paddington Bear 14:35 Cool Catz 15:00 Gormiti 16:00 Frenzy 18:30 Rhythm City 19:00 News 19:30 Scandal! 21:00 UEFA Champions League 00:00 He Walked By Night 01:30 The Black Book

Wednesday, February 29 SABC 1 06:00 Takalani Sesame 08:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 11:30 Judge Joe Brown 12:00 Live 13:30 It’s Just I’spani 15:00 Matrixs Uploaded 17:00 Cory in the House 18:30 The Bold and the Beautiful 20:00 Generations 21:00 Relate SABC 2 06:00 Morning Live 08:50 Thabang Thabong 09:20 Curious George 11:50 Dr Phil 12:40 Judge Mathis 13:25 Days of our Lives 14:10 As the world turns 16:00 Hectic Nine9 17:30 News 18:00 La Familiar 18:30 7de Laan 19:00 News 19:30 Pasella 21:00 Muvhango 22:00 Cold

Case SABC 3 10:40 Generations 16:45 Days of our Lives 21:00 Zero Tolerance 22:15 Nip Tuck 00:00 Oprah Winfrey Show eTV 06:00 Sunrise 09:00 Rhythm City 09:30 Scandal! 10:00 3rd Degree 10:30 The Young and the Restless 11:30 Supernanny 15:30 Lazy Town 17:30 Medical Detectives 19:30 Scandal! 20:00 My Name is Earl

Thursday, March 1 SABC 1 08:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 08:30 Isidingo 09:00 Generations 09:30 Muvhango 10:00 Martin 4 10:30 The Chatroom 11:00 Big Up 13:30 Siyayinqoba 15:00 Matrixs Uploaded 17:28 Journeys of Inspiration 18:00 Ses’khona 19:30 News 20:00 Generations 20:30 Home Affairs 21:30 Cutting Edge 22:00 The Lab SABC 2 06:00 Morning Live 09:20 Curious George 09:50 Takalani Sesame 10:20 Rivoningo 11:50 Dr Phil 12:40 Judge Mathis 13:25 Days of our Lives 15:00 7de Laan 15:30 Muvhango 16:00 Hectic Nine-9 17:00 Dragonballz 18:30 7de Laan 19:30 The Big Break Legacy 21:00 Muvhango 21:30 Speak Out SABC 3 11:40 7de Laan 12:10 Mission Impossible 17:40 Days of our Lives 21:40 Kings 23:00 30 Rock 00:00 Oprah Winfrey Show eTV 06:00 Sunrise 09:00 Rhythm City 09:30 Scandal! 10:00 Madam & Eve 10:30 The Young and the Restless 12:00 Bornfrees 12:30 Backstage 13:30 WWE: Raw 16:00 Craze World Live 16:40 The Young and the Restless 17:30 Street Court 18:00 eNews 19:30 Scandal! 20:00 Mad About You 20:30 The Bone Collector




Wynmaak verg geduld, geloof Ané Roux Wynmaak sit nie in elke man se broek nie. Die proses verg tyd, geduld, wetenskap, kanse vat en bowenal, geloof in die natuur. Wynmaker Johan Visagie het onlangs wynproewers meer geleer oor die kuns van wynmaak tydens ’n skemerkelkie by die Centurion-teater.

Martin Pretorius, Karl Vos, Charlotte Lock, Marius Botha en Lizette du Preez.

Matt en Lina Smuts.

He Herman en Hannelie Myburg en Magda en Herman Archer.

Die wynmaker wat glo organies is die beste, Johan Visagie. Ab ie en Mariane Coetzee. Abri Abrie

Rekord set for record Natashia Slabbert Rekord is set to host the biggest ever Tug of War attempt in the southern hemisphere. The event promises to be a major attraction with paintball, rock climbing, bungee jumping and over a thousand businesses putting their merchandise on show. The Tug of War event takes place on April 21, where a thousand participants will compete with a single rope in an attempt to set the first ever tug of war record in the Southern Hemisphere. Visitors can look forward to an adrenaline-filled day with tug of wars, pony rides, live entertainment, celebrity guests and talented performers, including Quintin Prinsloo, MarNet, Charne Grabie and Liza Brönner. The event is to be held at Hoërskool Gerrit Maritz, situated on the corner of Daan de Wet Nel and President Steyn streets in Pretoria North. Strongman shows and exhilarating rock climbing competitions are also on the agenda. In the evening a gospel show with various gospel artists, followed by a two-hour praise and worship event, will round off the programme. A beer garden and delicious food and interesting stalls will cater for the inner man. The Tug of War takes place from 08:00 to 22:00 and entrance to the event is free. In addition, Rekord will run a soup and socks drive at the event, with the aim to collect soup and socks for underprivileged schools for the upcoming winter. This event is in aid of the Suffer the Children charity organisation, which aims to protect and preserve the family unit and warn the youth against drug abuse. The Suffer the Children organisation is in the process of creating a musical stage production with breathtaking visual aspects. The production will travel to schools

across South Africa to educate pupils on social issues such as divorce, domestic violence and drug abuse. Proceeds from the Tug of War event will go towards this project. Businesses interested in hiring expo stands for the event, can phone Paul-Jay on 076-335-1230 or e-mail pauljay@vodamail.co.za.

Zonia le Roux, Marie van Vuuren en Tanya van der Spuy.









Note vir behoeftige studente Sit back and enjoy matinees The Johannesburg Philharmonic Orchestra (JPO) will once again be presenting Sunday matinee concerts in Pretoria during February and March. As part of its first symphony season for the year, which runs in Johannesburg until March 15, the JPO will be repeating certain programmes on Sunday afternoons at 15:00 at Unisa’s ZK Matthews Hall. Audiences can look forward to sitting back, relaxing and enjoying a popular repertoire of stirring classical favourites every fortnight. On the afternoon of February 26 at 15:00, exceptional young German-Japanese violinist, Mirijam Contzen, will be performing Barber’s Violin Concerto, Op. 14. The guest conductor for the occasion is Horia Andreescu, who is the music director of the Romanian National Radio Orches-

tra and conductor of the George Enescu Philharmonic Orchestra. The JPO will also perform another Barber work, Adagio for Strings, as well as Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5, Op. 67, C minor. On March 11, Bernhard Gueller, the JPO’s principal guest conductor, will lead the JPO in a Russian and Czech flavoured programme featuring Mussorgsky’s Night on Bald Mountain, arranged by Rimsky-Korsakov and Smetana’s Ma Vlast My Fatherland, movements 1, 2, 3 and 6. Russian pianist, Alexander Lubyantsev, hailed as one of the most talented pianists of his generation, will join the orchestra for a performance of Rachmaninov’s Piano Concerto No. 2, Op. 18, C minor. Tickets are available at Computicket or at the door. Enquiries: 011-789-2733. Rekord has 20 double ha ttickets to give tic ti aaway w for the concert on co Su Sunday. Simply SMS the keyword SEASON to 36968. An SMS costs R1,50. Free SMSs do not apply. Winners will be notified telephonically. Closing date for the concert is February 23 at midnight.


Solidariteit Helpende Hand se Gauteng-Noordstreek bied op 25 Februarie die Note-vir-Nood-fees by die Heartfelt Arena in Thaba Tswane aan. Groot name soos Bobby van Jaarsveld, Ronel Erasmus en Onbeskaamd sal tydens die geleentheid optree. Ander kunstenaars sluit in Liza Bronner, Quentin Prinsloo, Blue House, Andries-Hendrik Potgieter, Esti van Rooyen en Gustav van Aardt. Enige kunstenaars wat ook betrokke wil raak, kan die organiseerders bel. Tydens die Note-vir-Nood-fees sal vermaak vir die hele gesin, kosstalletjies en prystrekkings aangebied word. Borge wat betrokke wil raak, kan die organiseerders kontak.

Die doel van die Note-vir-Noodfees is om geld vir gemeenskapopheffingsprojekte en beurse vir behoeftige studente in te samel. Helpende Hand is ’n doen-organisasie wat jong mense voorberei vir die wêreld van werk. Dit het ’n spesifieke fokus op ’n groot Afrikaanse beursplatform en ontwikkel idees oor die bekamping van maatskaplike, geestelike en kulturele armoede. Dit word alles breedweg in die konsep van opheffing-deur-opleiding saamgevat. Die geleentheid sal op 25 Februarie by Heartfelt-arena op die hoek van Eeufees- en Voortrekkerweg, van 11:00 gehou word. Navrae: Mariana Kriel by 084Bobby van Jaarsveld 952-5837.





Chance of a lifetime for girls only If you have dreams of being a global pop star as part of a sensational all girl group such as the Spice Girls or Pussycat Dolls, this is your once-in-a-lifetime shot. Showtime Records South Africa, has announced that auditions will be held in Cape Town and Pretoria in a search for the best talents to make up a singing English, all girl band. If you are between 19 and 25 years old, have exceptional vocal talent, sexy and attractive looking and can shake what your mama gave you, then its your destiny to enter. All you have to do is send a demo recording (MP3), biography and two photographs, head and shoulders and full length to: management@showtimerecords.co.za. A shortlist of chosen candidates from the entries will be notified telephonically about an audition date and venue. Showtime Records is collaborating with a British record label on this project and the groups’ hit songs will be released globally.

Enkelouers kuier saam Kom geniet ’n heerlike dag by die Jakaranda-ouditorium op die hoek van Jacobsstraat en 10e Laan, saam met ander enkelouers. Gassprekers gaan gesels oor onderwerpe wat vir enkelouers van belang is en die uitdagings wat hulle beleef. Gassprekers sluit in Roelf Schoeman, Juanita de Jager en dr. Jan Botha. Onderwerpe is Enkelouers kan wen, Ouervervreemding en Konflikhantering in die enkelouergesin. Daar is selfs aktiwiteite vir die kinders. Die onderwerpe wat met die jongspan bespreek gaan word is Wie is ek en wie is jy, Hoe maak ons ’n span, Wat is jou gunsteling dier en daar sal ook waterkaskenades wees. Toegang is gratis en belangstellendes word aangemoedig om voor 29 Februarie te registreer. Navrae: Amanda Potgieter by 073-4863975.

Hare waai vir kanker Shavathon 2012 by Atterbury Value Mart gaan hiedie jaar op 3 Maart meer pretbelaai as ooit tevore wees. “Ons het hande gevat met die NG-kerk Moreletapark en dié jaar gaan ons ook ’n Spinathon hê om geld in te samel,” het Heinrich Annandale, kommunikasiebestuurder van Atterbury Value Mart gesê.” Die verrigtinge begin om 09:00 die oggend in die promosie-area by die roltrappe en sal tot 17:00 aanhou. Verlede jaar is R16 000 ingesamel en daar word gemik om die jaar R20 000 vir Kansa in te samel. Die Fritz Gunter Band sal deur die loop van die dag sorg vir vermaak. Navrae: 012991-4744.

Run or walk in support of hospices in Gauteng The Hospice Association Gauteng will be hosting their very first event on March 17 at Lynnridge Mall in Lynnwood Road. Take part in the Lynnridge Mall and Rekord Run/Walk in support of the Hospice Association Gauteng. It starts at 07:00 not only to raise money, but create awareness of all hospices in the Gauteng region. For those who want to take part, there are various distances depending on their fitness level, 5km at R30 or 10km at R40. All money will go towards providing quality palliative care to patients living with life limiting illnesses such as cancer and HIV/Aids, support to their families as well as support to orphans and vulnerable children in the Gauteng province. To enter, log on to www.enteronline.co.za or simply register on the day. Registration opens at 05:30. Enquiries: Sungardens hospice on 012-348-1934.






Organisasies kan aansoek doen vir hulp Die Rekord Hulpfonds maak ’n positiewe bydrae tot die gemeenskap van Pretoria deur jaarliks geld aan ’n welverdiende liefdadigheidsorganisasie te skenk. Die Rekord Hulpfonds, wat reeds in 2003 gestig is, pak regdeur die jaar verskeie geldinsamelingsprojekte aan wat tot die skenking bydra. ’n Uiters suksesvolle vrouetee en wyn- en kunsveiling was van die geldinsamelingsprojekte wat verlede jaar van stapel gestuur is. Dit is weer tyd vir alle liefdadigheidsorganisasies wat binne Rekord se verspreidingsgebiede val om vir dié skenking aansoek te doen. Om daarvoor in aanmerking te kom

moet liefdadigheidsorganisasies ’n formele aansoek teen 29 Februarie indien. Die kriteria waarvolgens beoordeling plaasvind is as volg: Die organisasie moet ’n geregistreerde liefdadigheidsorganisasie wees wat daagliks volgens ’n voorkeurskedule, of deur middel van ’n spesifieke projek, ’n professionele liefdadigheidsdiens wat op basiese menslike behoeftes gemik is, verskaf. Die organisasie moet verder die lewensgehalte van mense in die plaaslike gemeenskap verbeter of ’n bydrae tot die bemagtiging en bevordering van die gemeenskap lewer. Aansoeke wat nie aan die bogenoemde

vereistes voldoen nie sal nie in aanmerking geneem word nie. Liefdadigheidsorganisasies wat belangstel om vir die befondsing aansoek te doen moet teen 29 Februarie ’n aansoek indien. Die aansoekvorm is op Rekord se webtuiste, www.rekord.co.za, onder ‘Hulpfonds’ beskikbaar en kan per e-pos, pro@ rekord.co.za of faks, 086-590-9652, ingedien word. Alle aansoeke is onderhewig aan ’n proses van taksering en hersiening. Organisasies mag versoek word om bykomende inligting, bykomend tot die inligting wat reeds in die aansoekvorm versoek is, te verskaf. Aansoekers sal skriftelik in kennis

gestel word of hulle aansoeke suksesvol was of nie. Rekord waarborg nie die toekenning van geld aan enige organisasie nie, maar tree op as bemiddelaar tussen skenkers en begunstigdes. Derhalwe moet NPO’s nie op die befondsing staatmaak nie. Rekord kan nie voortgesette ondersteuning waarborg nie omdat skenkers die finale besluit aangaande die organisasies wat hulle ondersteun, maak. Geen politieke party, kerk, winsgewende organisasie of enige projek, aktiwiteit of organisasie wat inbreuk op die Grondwet van Suid-Afrika of ander wetgewing maak, sal vir skenkings en befondsing oorweeg word nie.

The well-known art curator, Cecile Loedolff, was a guest at the opening of the annual Cansa Art Exhibition.

Exhibition celebrates birthday Cansa’s art exhibition commemorates its 80th birthday at art museum Ron Sibiya Cansa opened its annual art exhibition at the Pretoria Art Museum in Arcadia recently, in commemoration of the organisation’s 80th birthday. The exhibition opened two weeks ago and runs until April 1. The artworks of the internationally acclaimed painter and graphic artist, Judith Mason, are on display at the exhibition. It includes symbolic and mythological landscapes, figures and portraits of her works, which are primarily in oils and pencil, but also incorporates graphic media and found objects. She has also produced a number of artists’ books. Another artist taking part is Diane Victor, who is renowned in South Africa and overseas for her printmaking. Cansa’s head of new business, Munnik Marais, said Victor is known for her highly satirical and visceral social commentary on contemporary South African politics. “Victor portrays taboo and controversial subjects in her prints and drawings to depict transition in South Africa after apartheid and the lingering racial divide, corruption and gender inequity that continue to haunt the country,” he said. He said besides raising awareness of Cansa’s birthday, the art generates an income for Cansa through the sale of the items to provide much needed money. Other South African artists participating include Zuanda Badenhorst, Mart Leeuwner, Annalize Bauker-Roos, Marthinus Höll, Retha Buitendagh and Nic Sithole. Cansa offers a unique integrated service to people who are affected by cancer. The Pretoria Art Museum is open from Tuesdays to Sundays from 10:00 to 17:00. It is closed on Mondays and public holidays.








Learn new crafts at hospice Centurion Hospice Craft hosts a craft workshop every second Friday. This is an opportunity to

learn new crafts. The cost is R200 per month and the next workshop is being

held on February 24. Enquiries: Marelise on 012664-6175.

Een staan steeds in volle blom... ‘n Mediese Fonds is nie net nog ‘n versekering nie.

Ons bedank ons lede vir meer as 45 jaar se volgehoue ondersteuning en is met reg trots dat Selfmed steeds een van die mees stiese en lid-vriendelike skemas in Suid-Afrika is. Boonop bied dit finansiële gemoedsrus met reserwes wat wetlike vereistes by verre oorskry. EthicSA

Praat met ons, want by Selfmed is dit ons lede wat die vrugte pluk.

Miss Earth South Africa 2011, Kim Rivalland, urges women to join its green and glamorous mission and be part of the solution to fight climate change.

Search begins Marilyn de Freitas

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B e k o s t i g b a a r • Ve r s t a a n b a a r • B e t r o u b a a r • D i e n s l e w e r i n g

This year sees Miss Earth South Africa in association with Consol, celebrate their ten-year anniversary. It’s an exciting milestone for this organisation, after many years of empowering women, educating hundreds of thousands of children and creating sustainable programmes in communities. The search for SA’s most green at heart has started. Young women between the ages of 18 to 26 years of age are invited to enter this initiative. It aims to empower young South African women to take an active role in sustainable development, community greening, energy efficiency and carbon reduction programmes. Ten years ago this initiative started off as a dream to inspire,

enrich and green the lives of South Africans. Miss Earth South Africa is involved in important issues, such as water stewardship, energy efficiency, renewable energies, glass recycling and sustainability. The winners of the initiative will be involved in educational and leadership programmes throughout their reign. Proud partners include headline partner Consol, main partners Imperial Toyota, Total, Jane Iredale mineral make-up, SA India, Newsclip and Bijan Boutique hairdressers. Log on to www.missearthsa. co.za for entry forms and details. Visit their Facebook page: Miss Earth South Africa and follow missearth_sa on Twitter. Entries close on the March 15 and castings take place across the country at the end of March.


LOST & FOUND Rekord publishes this column on animals lost and found as a special service to the community. Rekord lewer ’n spesiale diens aan die gemeenskap in dié rubriek oor diere wat verlore of gevind is. Vermiste katte is in die omgewing van 20e en 21e Laan in Villieria gevind. Daar is ’n wit en swart kat met ’n swart kolletjie op sy neus, ’n wit kat met blou oë en groot kolle op sy lyf, ’n wit kat met groot swart kolle, ’n grys wollerige kat met swart kolletjies en strepies en ’n swart kat met wit bors en wit voete. Navrae: Carina by 079-960-1665. ’n Vet bruin worshond met ’n sny op sy rug is in die tweede week van Januarie op die Ou Johannesburgpad in die Bronberrick-uitbreiding gevind. Navrae: Pieter Dearlove by 082-573-0078. ’n Mak parkiet (lovebird) is op 15 Februarie in Wierdapark-uitbreiding 2 gevind. Navrae: Melanie by 082-825-05670 of 012-653-2751. ’n Swart en wit kortbeen foksterriër het op 30 Januarie in Clubview, Centurion, weggeraak. Sy naam is Ploppie en hy dra ’n swart halsband met twee naamplaatjies aan. Navrae: Johan du Toit by 083-407-0743. Residents can e-mail Wetnose Animal Rescue centre the details and photographs of their missing or found pets. Enquiries: wetnose.marketing@absamail.co.za or 013-932-3941/2 or for emergencies phone 082-677-8084. Onderstepoort Veterinary hospital receives many animals off the street and your missing pet might have been taken in. Dogs and cats that no one has claimed are also rehomed for the fee of sterilisation, vaccination and a microchip. Enquiries: 012-529-8016. The Pretoria or Centurion SPCA might have taken in your pet. Enquiries: 082-4231985 or send information and photos to reception@spcapta.org.za.

This Spaniel cross is looking for a loving family and is up for adoption. Her kennel number is E28 and her disk number is 0478. Enquiries: Tshwane SPCA on 012803-5219.

This playful dachshund is a friendly crossbreed looking for a loving home. She is up for adoption. Her kennel number is X Run and her disk number is 12114. Enquiries: Tshwane SPCA on 012-8035219.






Pupils show off their new white blazers for 2012 Dansers presteer by wêreldkampioenskap Hoërskool Zwartkop se dansers het uitsonderlik gevaar by die Danswêreldkampioenskap wat onlangs in Duitsland en Pole gehou is. Drie en dertig lande van vier kontinente het deelgeneem. Chanté Groenewald, graad 11, is aangewys as die wêreldkampioen in die senior afdeling en het vir drie items, Showdance Solo, Jazz en Jazz Duet saam met Donovan Bredenhann, goue medaljes gewen. Carmen Simpson, graad 12, het in drie groepe deelgeneem en vir Showdance Formation ’n sewende plek behaal, in Modern Formation ’n agtste plek en vir ’n Jazz Small Group ’n tweede plek. Chantelle van der Hoven, graad 10, het vir ’n Jazz Small Group in die 12 tot 15-jarige ouderdomsgroep ’n agtste plek behaal. Sy het ook in die senior afdeling deelgeneem en in haar groep vir Modern Formation ’n agtste plek behaal. Dané Badenhorst, graad 11, het in haar groep vir hul Modern Formation ’n agtste plek in Pole gekry. Izelle van der Pohl, graad 12, Monika du Plooy, graad 12 en Faith Heigers, graad 10, was deel van die Showdance Formation-groep wat ’n goue medalje in Duitsland gewen het. Hoërskool Zwartkop is trots op hierdie Zwarries en dank die Hemelse Vader vir die danstalent wat Hy aan hulle geskenk het. Voor van links is Monika du Plooy, Chanté Groenewald, Dané Badenhorst, (agter) Faith Heigers, Chantelle van der Hoven, Izelle van der Pohl en Carmen Simpson.

Sutherland High School is proud of their new white blazers for 2012. From left are Sainasheya Singh, Jessica Lessev, Phuthi Mahanyele, Daniel Hall, Jana Louw, Cheridene Morris and Taylor D’Arch.

Uitsig Primary announces its new leaders The new head prefects of Uitsig Primary are ready for action. Front from left are Aidan Mainstry (headboy), Bontle Mohlabi (deputy headgirl), Olebogeng Buffel (deputy headboy), (back) Penelope Siwela (headgirl), James Gray (deputy headboy) and Teaganlee Parsons (deputy headgirl),

Woeries het altyd hope pret op Valentynsdag Valentynsdag by Hoërskool Centurion is altyd ’n rooiletterdag met hope pret. Voor van links is Marli Heunis, Karen le Roux, Chantelle Krugel, Nadine Hutton, (agter) Carla Halgryn, Nikiline Steenkamp, Ansuné Erasmus en Jahan van Zijl.





Italian design at its best The introduction of the 2012 Fiat Punto brings the unmistakable Italian style that Fiat has become synonymous with and delivers it together with elegance and dynamism in an all-new package. The 2012 Punto, for the first time in a Fiat vehicle, offers the award-winning MultiAir engine, class-leading emissions mitigation technology, innovative technology and telematics and an unparalleled commitment to its robustness and reliability with a five-year/150 000km warranty. Although it is an evolution of one of Fiat’s most popular cars in South Africa, the Fiat Punto, the 2012 Punto intensifies the distinguished personality of the vehicle with an important aesthetic update. It includes new exterior colours and the seat upholstery and class-leading features and technologies. Fiat has built a reputation for itself as a technology leader with technologies like its advanced normally-aspirated and turbocharged MultiAir engines – technology that won the 1.4 MultiAir Turbo the coveted Best New Engine of 2010 in the International Engine of the Year Awards. The 2012 Fiat Punto not only features a host of dramatic and stylish aesthetic updates both inside and outside of the car, but also builds on the features that appeal to the modern buyer. In addition to its design, mix of technological advanced materials and textures, the 2012 Punto is spacious, with excellent front visibility, offers easy access and a capacious luggage compartment. Having produced more than 8,5-million vehicles globally since the Punto was intro-

duced to the world in 1993 (the year of the first launch), the Fiat Punto has been one of the company’s best selling vehicles. The same holds true for South Africa where the Punto has been one of the company’s best-selling products since its introduction in 2005 and will be sure to continue with this Italian-built trendsetter. On the outside, both the front and the rear have been thoroughly restyled, as shown in the attractive lines of the new bumpers and the incorporation of innovative and original headlights and taillights. The latest design has also ‘stretched’ the car to a total length of 406cm, so that its winning characteristics of driver and passenger comfort remain unchanged. On the outside, the 2012 Punto presents a new front distinguished by a new bumper painted in the same shade as the body with sleeker and deeper front air dams providing a more dynamic and aggressive look. The 2012 Punto continues to be a constant point of reference when it comes to engine innovation. They are increasingly lively and thrifty, combining innovation and reliability with eco-friendliness each time. The 2012 Punto is available with three engine derivatives: a 1.4l 8V Fully Integrated Robotic Engine (Fire) producing 57kW at 6000rpm and 115Nm of torque at 3250rpm; a 1.4l MultiAir producing 77kW at 6500rpm and 130Nm of torque at 4000rpm; and finally the award-winning 1.4l MultiAir Turbo engine producing 99kW at 5000rpm and 206Nm of torque at 1750rpm. For the first time on a Fiat product, the

The 2012 Punto is more stunning than ever thanks to the work of Fiat’s Centro Stile. In particular, the interior of the new model has been completely redesigned to represent the most evolved expression of Italian style, with top quality materials and superb attention to detail.

2012 Punto features Stop&Start technology with a Gear Shift Indicator across the model range, which assists in reducing the vehicle’s emissions and offers better fuel consumption figures. The 2012 Punto is designed and built to achieve the highest levels of safety. The model range boasts a large number of safety systems (standard or optional depending on the model) starting from those dedicated to passive safety. Two front airbags are standard across the range. Two window bags and a driver knee airbag are standard on the Easy and the Lounge models, making the 2012 Punto one of the few cars in its class with a knee airbag. There are two front side airbags, which are standard on the Lounge and available as an option on the Easy models. The 2012 Punto is also one of the few cars in its class that can be equipped with

adaptive ‘cornering’ front fog lights that switch on automatically with dipped headlights according to the angle of steering. This feature is not available on the Pop, optional on Easy trim lines and standard on the Lounge model. And don’t forget that the 2012 Punto also guarantees constant and reliable road holding thanks to electronic dynamic control systems for braking and steering. ABS and EBD (Electronic Brake force Distribution) are standard across the complete model range while the Lounge benefits from ESP (Electronic Stability Program) and Hill-holder to help with hill-starts. Enhancing the ownership prospect, the 2012 Fiat Punto has 30 000km service intervals and enjoys full after-sales support in South Africa thanks to a comprehensive parts in-ventory and the backup of trained technicians at Fiat dealerships countrywide.





Record sales for Nissan bakkie Nissan South Africa has kicked off 2012 with quite a bang. The company’s smallest bakkie, the Nissan NP200, posted record sales volumes and substantial market share, trouncing a host of formidable competitors in the process. The recently expanded NP200 range found favour with a record number of South African buyers last month, with the competitively priced entry level 1.6 Base being the most appealing for new owners. At a time when the 0,5 ton LCV segment has seen the demise of a stalwart and the introduction of an all-new competitor, the NP200 has finally broken into an 81-month sales stronghold held by its closest rival, becoming the number one seller in January by a substantial margin. The high January volumes have translated into a mammoth 45,1 per cent market

share for Nissan in the sub-1ton LCV segment, cementing the NP200 as the new class leader. This was the first time the brand has enjoyed majority market share since November 2001, in the hey-day of the legendary Nissan 1400 bakkie. In the same vein as the tough-as-nails Nissan 1400 bakkie, which sold a whopping 275 000 units in South Africa after nearly 40 years on sale, the NP200 is clearly a new ‘champ’ in a modern market. The Nissan NP200 is available in seven different model guises, with a choice of

petrol or diesel power. With a payload of 800kg and a deep load box (535mm), the Nissan NP200 is exceptionally practical and builds on the solid reputation left by the Nissan 1400 bakkie. Built locally at the company’s Rosslyn plant in Pretoria, it’s no surprise that the NP200 has found such a soft spot in the hearts and minds of South African buyers. The range starts off with the 1.6 Base (R115 300) and ends with the 1.5 dCi High at R188 100. All models benefit from a class leading 6-year/150 000km warranty. The Nissan NP200 sold 1 506 units in January 2012.




Tel: 012 842 0321 • Faks: 012 842 0319 • www.rekord.co.za • smallhits@rekord.co.za REKORD CENTURION SPERTYD: MAANDAG 12:00 vir dieselfde week / ANDER REKORD-KOERANTE: SPERTYD: WOENSDAG 12:00 vir daaropvolgende week • Kantoorure: 8:00 - 16:30

Rekord behou hom die reg voor om enige advertensiebestelling wat aanvaar is, terug te hou of te kanselleer. Rekord aanvaar verantwoordelikheid vir net een foutiewe plasing. Adverteerders word aangeraai om hul advertensie op die eerste dag van publikasie te kontroleer vir moontlike foute. GEEN gratis plasing of krediet sal toegestaan word as gevolg van klein tipografiese foute wat nie die waarde van die advertensie skaad nie. Kansellasie van ’n plasinginstruksie kan òf skriftelik òf telefonies geskied, maar moet Capital Media se advertensie kantoor minstens 3 (drie) dae voor die publikasiedatum bereik. Vir telefoniese kansellasies moet ’n kansellasienommer verkry word. Telefoniese instruksies moet dadelik skriftelik bevestig word. Capital Media kan enige advertensieooreenkoms kanselleer indien die adverteerder versuim om sy rekening binne die tydperk soos ooreengekom, te betaal.

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012-667-3444 RA/0508184


Etienne Loots Prokureur Alle regswerk 083-280-5653

SILVERTON 350 m² shop to let Well positioned in Pretoria Rd with street frontage and ample parking 083-378-4507 RA/0508240


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Professional advice.

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Able to help you



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SFM Prof. bekendstellingsdiens vir Enkellopendes sedert 1997. Min aansl. R600 vir 6maande.

Lourens 082-730-4956

in 1 hour, Low interest. Against your car, caravan, trailer. Be safe! Co. Est. 1991. Blacklist welcome. De Villiers 012-323-5420 RA/0509553


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A1 LOANS Up to R120 000. Blacklisted & Garnish.

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Rekenmeester beskikbaar vir professionele hulp aangaande Bestuurstate, FinansiĂŤle jaarstate, belastingopgawes (BTW en inkomste) en algemene boekhouding. Centurion

082-881-2500 ra/0509535

087-808-7116 / 076-264-6516 clfastloan@polka.co.za Fax: 086-624-5333 RA/0493441

073-782-3121 RA/0508345


CASH PAID FOR SA Art, Antiques and Jewellery. 082-657-2610

ANY CARAVANS WANTED for cash up to Âą R20 000. 076-901-2106 RA/0504769


HERSTEL sover moontlik op perseel All repairs Fridges, freezers, geysers, washing machines, driers, microwaves, stoves, dishwasher, air conditioner, electrical faults and plumbing. Guaranteed and pensioners discount. OPEN ON WEEKENDS! Wilson 012-753-3665 083-864-3383

ALS FRIDGES Fridge/Freezer *Repairs @ your premises 24/7 Re-gassing from R350

Albert 072-770-7822 ra/0510063


073-843-4222 ra/0507714


ALMAL 01 Jr in Rekord

Appliance Solutions HERSTELWERK: Wasmasjiene, skottelgoed- wassers, tuimeldroĂŤrs, ens. Skakel Gary 082-565-2748

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BUNDLES OF JOY Babycentre & Nursery School * We cater for babies from Birth to Gr.R. (After school care) * Qualified Teachers (Also CPR trained) * Nutritional balanced cook meals. * Fruits & Snacks * Educational games & computers * Potty training And lots love for your bundle of joy! Open 06h00 - 18h00 5 Bakhout st Noordwyk Midrand Vicky 084-407-2667 RA/0509868

KIDZ CAMPUS 012-660-0462 40 Yrs of experience in pre-school education. Afr & Eng, babas 2 mnde tot Gr (0). 24 Christofer Rd, Eldoraigne

BY DIE HUIS PIETER BOSCH Stowe, T/droers & W/masjiene. Speed Queen,Defy W/pool, LG, Samsung

STANDAARD FRANSE Poedel babahondjies te koop. Groot tipe, opleibaar, goeie geaardheid, baie lief vir

Alle voertuie & bakkies vir KONTANT. Ek kom na u. Bel/sms laaste

076-939-7300 RA/0504973


BY U HUIS Wasm/Skottelgoedw/ Ys- + Vrieskaste, Stowe. Speedqueen/W/pool, LG, Samsung/Defy

Ons koop motors/ bakkies/sleepwaens onder R100 000 vir kontant. Chris: 082-337-8401 Rian: 082-819-9367 RA/0507788

Mon - Fri. 07:30 - 16:30

Collect/Deliver. Cat grooming! 012-667-4467 ra/0497408

, !, ! !, !, ! , "

ABC Jumping 4 Kids Jumping castles: Crocodile, boat, hippo, waterslides etc. Hire for 1 day & keep for 2! We deliver! Midweek specials! jumping4kids.co.za

Babas & Peuters. Navrae: 012-653-2052


Asemrowende springkastele te huur.

RONEL 012-377-1710/ 082-677-1553 ra/0496091


Barnie Springkasteel

aan-almal 0012 Jaar in Rekord

& Wave Slide


012-386-1174 / 083-523-9158

By U Huis ys-/vriesk, stowe, oonde, wasj, t.droĂŤrs, skottelgwas

Gerrit 082-824-2070 RA/0493816

SCHOOL helps you with learners / driver's license, K53 lessons. MARIE 083-459-8839 www.lmdrivingschool.co.za ra/0508362


Contact Chris 083-309-3774 FOR L/L in 10 days Charmaine 071-862-4715 RA/0508155

EXTRA LESSONS @ HOME All grades/subjects tutor@axxess.co.za 082-341-4759/0800-864-486

012-653-1911 / 082-415-6982 RA/0505495

MASTER MATHS/ MASTER SCIENCE WISKUNDE / WETENSKAP AndrĂŠ 083-704-6284 Celeste 082-461-8285 ra/0503403


Ria 082-368-0191






aan-absoluut 012-331-7864 082-555-0031 almal aparaat



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Study problems? Learn effective methods. Call Dick on 011-702-2208


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Kontantlenings: Onmiddellik beskikbaar teen: motors, vragmotors, bakkies, bote, woonwaens, sleepwaens, motorfietse en juwele wat u verpand. Skakel Danie Muller

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FAST LOANS Up to R150 000 (60 mnths)





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Centurion RemediĂŤrende Akademie

RASLOUW DOGGY PARLOUR For the prettiest dog in town. We do pick-up's and cats welcome. Santjie 082-333-7434

Alet of Jan


Jolly Jumping - Kastele vanaf R200/naweek Gerhard 082-318-6733 ra/0497414

K53 bestuurslesse en toets. Leerlinglisensie. Alle areas. Tel 012-329-1511 www.mydrivingschool.co.za ra/0497393

SANGLESSE Studio 386 Sanglesse / Demo + 90 sek cd's / Drom lesse / "Recording" studio Meer as 5 jr ondervinding in die musiekbedryf. GeleĂŤ in Waterkloof Glen, naby Menlyn. Bel Ruan by 082-924-4468 vir meer inligting of e-pos redstudio386@gmail. com Begin vandag jou droom leef! ra/0510002

THUMBS-UP DRIVING SCHOOL Pieter 079-430-2767 ra/0492316



Registreer nou!


AANBOUINGS & VERBETERINGS Geen werk te groot of te klein. Ons doen ook: Staalwerk,Elektriese werk & Loodgieterswerk.

Willie 083-764-8089 RA/0510262


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Satisfied Solutions Alan 079-885-0096


DSTV All installations & upgrades:

* DSTV & HDPVR's * SURROUND SOUND Owner installer. Professional service

Tyronne 082-557-5667 012-653-8252 RA/0507618


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All Unwanted or Broken Gold & Diamond Jewellery, GOLD COINS INSTANT CASH. Do travel 24/7.




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DSTV Installation & Repairs, Relocation, Surround Sound, Extra Points. Francois 084-245-8859 ra/0508423

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DAK LEK Dakherstel, Waterdigting, Verfwerk, Paving, Fasias, Geute, Plafonne, Bouwerk. Wooden Decks. 25 Years our business + Ref's.

Rudi 073-031-2799 RA/0509538

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Gerhard 084-263-7565

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Gate & Garage Motors. Electric fencing. Repairs and new installations. FREE QUOTATIONS 083-264-2102



Aan alle swembadeienaars

Fondasie krake, sak, teĂŤls en verf. Gerhard

Weeklikse skoonmaak. Lekkasies, pomp/filter & remarbelite.

ARRIE 082-338-5729 RA/0510061


HILTOP ROOFING Residential, Commercial, Industrial Specializing in: * Repairs * Maintenance * Waterproofing * New ceilings * General painting * Roof isolation

082-655-4242 www.hiltoproofing.co.za Free quotations. Work guaranteed. ra/0507048

Kaste Kombuis en ingebou. Gratis kwotasie. Jan 084-503-1467 RA/0502888


Nuwes, herstel en diens. Riaan 083-583-0311 RA/0510056

R & D MAINTENANCE Handyman. Betroubare diens.

Riaan 074-951-0080 RA/0510489

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ALL REUPHOLSTERY Lounge suites, etc. Cars, Trucks and Riempies. O/h 011-976-3149 084-318-8029

Chris 083-415-2494

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083-291-3078 RA/0508037

SERVIMAX 90 * Additions * Renovations * Ceilings * Decking * Paint work * Maintenance * Kitchen and BIC's 082-364-8677 RA/0510206


ALL WASHLINES 082-748-5299 / 012-542-1589 RA/0504810

Dressmaking & Fashion Design Classes. Beginners, Advanced. Also Knitting. Tweetalig.

Alle Elektriese & Loodgieterwerk. Skakel Albertus 082-561-2213 RA/0502093

Denise 082-402-5062 RA/0506963

ARGITEK BESKIKBAAR Bouplanne, Stadsraadgoedkeuring. 083-761-7925 RA/0510037



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RENOVATORS Specialising in: Tiling & Cladding Painting, Waterproofing, Bathroom renovation, Plumbing & Handyman. 12 Years exp.


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Kajtek & Jaconell 012-654-0126 / 072-240-4257


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Gerry 082-356-9943 RA/0509687


Meubels / Furniture Yskaste - Freezers 082-565-7892 / 012-335-9631 / 012-752-5256 RA/0504704









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Hein 074-165-9138 RA/0504975

Aan diens 24-uur

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Joe 082-574-4106 RA/0496053



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082-662-4103 RA/0497752

Accredited R L ELECTRICAL 24/7 * All Electrical work.



ABRAHAM doen Bou-, Pleister-, Verf-, TeĂŤl-, Plafon-, Plaveisel- & Loodgieterswerk & verskaf materiaal. Geregistreer by NSBRC 082-937-3693.

Beste pryse!! RA/0509068

AFRIC SAND Sand, Klip, Stene, Bogrond, Kompos, Speelsand, Brick force, DPC, Lintels, sement, ens.

082-339-6135 082-441-0335 www.africsand.co.za RA/0509903

ALLE BOUWERK gewaarborg. Gratis kwotasie. Waterdigting, herstelwerk, instandhouding, plafonne, verfwerk, teĂŤlwerk, geute, ens. Alle staalwerke.


Flip Marais 082-964-0628

ACCREDITED ELECTRICAL SPECIALISTS COC's from R199. New installations & repairs. Prepaid meters. 24-HRS. NO CALL-OUT FEES Albie 079-308-6702

0. ',@< 1 'D$. ',1 .

& DRAINS • Verstopte riole • Gebarste pype • Geysers 082-254-3178 / 012-656-7687

ALLES IN 1: AANBOUINGS, TeĂŤls, loodgieterswerk, deure, hekke, plafonne. Kwotasies. Kwaliteit 100%. Hein 012-664-2222/ 072-657-9274



Aanbou & loodgietersdiens

1st TEK LOODGIETERS Verstopte riole, geysers, toilette.

012-663-4494 082-662-4103 ra/0480426



ASPIGON Electrical Problems? Integrity & Honesty Our motto

AMOS vir bou, pleister, verf. TeĂŤls & plafonne. 072-950-3837

Free quotes, Owner's Supervision & COC's




072-141-4731 RA/0509945


Alle Loodgieterswerk Andries Loodgieters No call out fee. 10-20% afslag.Blocked drains & geysers. 072-390-1559 012-377-3905 012-377-1015

!!" # "

$ %& & ' %##'


7<& "< ' 7<& 0 "' $ 7<& "< ' ' $ 7<& "<' , ' 7</ "' $ 7< 7< . 0 "' $ 7< ',' $< ' 7< <2< < ,,< ' ' $

+ C !+ ) 1 1 1 !+ ) 1 1

BESTE PRYSE in Centurion

vir al u elektriese behoeftes, herstelwerk, veranderinge, nuwe aanbouings, energie besparing, met Sertifikate vir werk gedoen.

om herstelwerk, verfwerk veranderings of aanbouings aan u huis te doen. Ons installeer ook reĂŤnwater- stelsels. Kontak Neels by 072-353-9999

Jannie 079-820-6307 ra/0507745



Jannie 073-628-7658 RA/0509070

BOMA PLUMBERS Blocked drains from R300. Roof leaks, valves, geyser bursts. Contact Boog 076-740-9421 Mario 084-471-4767 RA/0510036

EXTREME PLUMBING Geysers, solar geysers, heat pumps, blocked drains, toilets, new installations, water leaks. Contact

DIAL AN ELECTRICIAN EST. 1996 24/7 SAME-DAY service Free Quotes. Power Failures. Generators, Stoves, Lights, Plugs, Geysers, Pool & Borehole Pumps, Gate Motors, Intercoms. 012-809-0204 / 012-663-5608 All hrs: 083-575-2052 RA/0507756

E L E K T R I S I Ă‹ N: Kragonderbrekings, sertifikaat, instandhouding (ligte, "plugs", stowe, geysers, ens). Skakel Paul 082-4636-566 Centurion

Bathroom renovations







Riole, geisers, krane &

24 / 7 ! " # $

Betroubare, eerlike ElektrisiĂŤn

Betroubare, eerlike

Kobus Deyzel Electrical


Free Quotes, 13 Years exp Ben 074-891-5410


For all your small electrical needs. Reliable workmanship.

Jan 082-711-3080




Trevor 079-296-9309

086-100-0893 24 / 7 082-574-5455 Van Dyk Pest Control


012-653-7227/8 083-608-2157

Pest Control Services cc Pest control & termites

Geysers, Blocked drains, Valves. Leaking pipes & toilets. All maintenance & New installations. Bathroom renovations.


D;(&+& # D;. ++0 0. ++; D;. !& # D; - ;" !& # D; -& ; + & # D;. ; + ; ; ;;; )& # D; &+& # D;% !& # D;" & & # D;"+ - & # D; + & + D; & ) ) D; &+ & #; + & ; ;; ; & D; ;. ) D;' +;. );2; + -& & D;% - ; D; #+ ;" ! /'.<<<<<<<<3>6<86:<8;?9 /' % <3>6<=8:<>89: # <<<<<<<<3=><?85<599=



All plumbing work !!

( ' ,' ' $<' < % " ,, ' $@

Ronel 082-854-7030

No Call Out Fee

waarborg op alle werk. Kontak

Electric fence + CCTV Repairs, maintenance and new installations.





J.P.L Chemicals and Pest control Free quotes for any pest: Termites, ants, bees, cockroaches etc. Broad leaves and weed control.


Leonard 071-264-1059

All installations & repairs

DSTV Alle Aparaat Herstel 082-555-0031

" & C & + !& #1 1 ;; 1 & + !& #1 1

Zinc or Tile Roofs. Interior / exterior Painting. Torch on Systems. Seamless gutters. Free Quotes

Doors A better installation





Alle tipe waterdigting en herstelwerk. Tot en met 10 jaar


Carl 012-664-0238 / 082-788-2240

012-809-0204 / 012-663-5608 All Hrs: 083-575-2052

Kobie 072-311-7773


) @;3=:;444;5495 @;345;98:;8387





6;(&+ ;% ! 6; %;A' +B;% ! 6; + ; ;% ! 6; # ;A' +B ;;% ! 6; $ - ) ;;% ! 6; &+& #;% & 6;' ##& #;% ! 6;% !;" & & # 6; ; ) ;% & 6;" & & #; !; - 6; ++;. ); 6;% + ;% ! ;; &+

Reg nr 2011/078404/23


/ < +

Vir enige werk in en om die huis. Bertus 072-493-6960

072-499-8050 Digital Signal Solutions

TOPTV Installations & repairs.




Danie de Jager

doors. Installation, maintenance & automation. Call:

GRASSNYERS. Vir diens- & herstelwerk. 076-423-9372.


+ (* , -./0!.1 %#2 -. - .!3 3

* Blocked drains * Geyser replace/repair * Leaking taps * Toilets & burst pipes



Mauritz: 083-411-3537 012-331-6320



HOUTVLOERE. Afskuur (90% stofvry) en seĂŤl. HerlĂŞ en installeer.

*DSTV's *HDPVR's * EXTRA VIEW *EXTRA TV POINTS *SURROUND SOUND Owner installer. Nico 082-803-3345

DOORS, GATES Installations, Repairs & Motors. 072-870-5722


Aag nee los blokkies!


" #$%&$'$( $() ! " # $ % $ " & ' (



Centurion East Centurion West


Kontak Frans 082-871-5115 of Marlene 082-818-7441


Gespesialiseerde toesig, remediĂŤrende hulpverlening (lees, spelling, skryf, wiskunde), versnelde onderrig vir skolastiese agterstande.






Aan diens

Tuisonderrig & Naskool vir 2012.



and all plumbing


Kontak Jan 082-771-0098 35 Jaar ondervinding RA/0510060

Building plans - new & additions with approval. Christo 083-44-88-264 RA/0502951

JACOB Mnguni NHBRC 082-643-8887 Uitst. verw. Bou. Ons verskaf alle materiaal. Swembaddens & herstel. Verfwerk baie vinning. Lapa's RA/0510196

JAN: Pleister, plafon-, teĂŤl-, verf- en bouwerk. Plumbing. Herstel van dakke. Deure en Skirtings. 078-799-5011 RA/0507922



All Phase Plumbing

Restourasiewerk vanaf R3 000 per m²


Martin 072-374-4105 Looking for a Plumber & domestic LP Gas installer that's reliable, professional, well-priced and work guaranteed? No call-out fee Johan Fourie 082-093-7650

Bouwerk en alle


Brickwork. I build a 100m² house for ABSOLUTE PEST CONTROL Free Quotes!! We beat any written qoutes.

012-662-1043 082-741-8438 RA/0507787

R31 000, 200m² for R62 000. Garden walls + small building alterations

012-644-1404 072-294-7410 RA/0510423




Bestuur sedert 1982 SKOU-AANBOD, 2 Jaar waarborg, Stene gelê teen R30/m². Gekleurde stene R45/m².

GROOT VERSKEIDENHEID kleistene. Alle "stone age" Stene vanaf R80/m²

ANDRIES MATSKOONMAKERS Eienaartoesig. 084-800-9444 ra/0497401



Aaklig & aanstootlike bome



MARINA MATWASSERS Profesionele stoomskoonmaakdienste matte/ sitkamerstelle/matrasse 25 Years in Bussiness

Ironing, dishes, vacuuming, dusting, windows, carpets, etc. Once-off / weekly.

083-230-1249 RA/0497397


DENSA CLEANING SERVICES t/a SKITTERBLINK Do you have problems with cleaning your house or office? WE DO IT ALL We use our own products Ironing, vacuuming, spring cleaning, window cleaning, carpet cleaning, dishes, dusting, etc. Pre-occupational cleaning. ONCE-OFF or WEEKLY Denise 083-453-2157 Santa 082-393-4893 RA/0504998


Cleaning Services

SKITTERBLINK Domestic & Commercial Ironing,vacuuming, windows, carpet cleaning, Once-off / weekly Pre & Post - occupational cleaning. * Personal assistant * Safe & Secure * 14 yrs exp

Wierdapark 082-933-1230 Midstream 083-570-8729 Lyttelton 073-676-6322 Rooihuiskraal 082-933-1230 Carpet Cleaning 084-511-2843 RA/0497371

ACE CARPETS Standard room from R70. L/suite from R50 per seat. & Tile / Wooden flrs.General cleaing 082-269-2251 ra/0507437

All Domestic Solutions Once off cleaning & contract PRO DOMESTIC

enige kwotasie. 25 Jr ondervinding. Ten volle verseker. Eienaartoesig. CAREL

MATSKOONMAAK Droog binne 15 min. Eienaar werk self

Michelle 076-352-2037 RA/0505098


ALTOKLEEN (1979) Mon - Sat + Supervision Carpets, Furniture, Leather Windows, Matresses, Flood damage. Once-off cleaning

Alta A/h 082-395-6449 East 012-991-5636

SPIC & SPAN STOOMSKOONMAKERS Scotch-guard & huishoudelike skoonmaak.

012-653-2052 ra/0492117

) ) /$ 5 3/00 337/ 1 $

R350 - 5 Room Home With R300 - Lounge Suite

* +



*Townhouse Removals *General Goods Trans *Rubble Removal

Hein 083-230-6874


Garden Waste Removal Zelda 071-108-1580


DAVID 072-171-4817


Algemene meubelvervoer. Skakel Rika


Aaklige & aanstootlike bome

AUSTEN Meubel- en Kantoorvervoer




BEL WILLIE Boomsloping / stompe / alle palms. Gratis kwotasies.

Bel Kassie vir meubelvervoer. Bokse te koop.


012-548-9317 082-454-8159 ra/0503927




0861-708-000 all hr

* - *




!!& '&%' "( &(( & #

!. .-03 Aaklig & aanstootlike bome

4445 #26 '5#257%

Boomslopings 2 ton from R190 4 ton from R300 5 ton from R350 6 ton from R550 8 ton from R600 GOEDKOOPSTE! GEEN MISLEIDING!

Site cleaning


Klein vragte beskikbaar



10% Minder as enige kwotasie. 25 Jr ondervinding. Ten volle verseker. Eienaartoesig. CAREL ra/0490317

Alle Kwotasies Gratis

911 - 911 BOOMSLOPING TREE FELLING Sloop, Snoei, Verwyder Hyskraan Trok, Sekelbos R10. Vol versek. 25 Jr ondv

F S STAALWERKE Alle tipe staalwerke. Balustrades, hekke, diefwering, ens.

Ferdi 083-291-2752 RA/0509776

STEYNIES AUTOMATION Repairs & installations. Gate motors, garage doors & intercoms. General maintenance.

Johan 083-292-0637 RA/0497411

082-575-8674 RA/0497341


amandri@vodamail.co.za RA/0508038

BESPROEIING Bel Willie 082-785-4044 Vir die beste pryse

012-811-5095 RA/0497422

LANDSCAPING Tuinuitleg, Kitsgras Topsoil, Opknapping, Voeding. Christa 082-923-2759 RA/0510484

APTEKER Moet beheer oorneem oor 'n gedeelte van die vervaardigingsprosesse. Ondervinding in farmaseutiese vervaardigingsbedryf is 'n vereiste. Eie vervoer noodsaaklik.

Kontak 012-653-0347 (t) 012-653-4237(f)


go BIG go CHEAP!! all CONTRACTORS & HOME OWNERS 3M (4 TON) R350 6M (8TON) R750

AU PAIRS REQUIRED Females under 30 Car & licence Full day or afternoons. Local AU PAIR LINK 012-348-2764 082-441-0439 RA/0510256

GEVESTIGDE OUDITFIRMA in Centurion benodig die dienste van 'n netjiese,dinamiese junior assistent. Vorige ondervinding sal 'n aanbeveling wees. Salaris onderhandelbaar na aanleiding van ondervinding.

Faks asb u CV na 086 512 1363 RA/0509893

IT PERSON Available

Centurion Area. Must have experience with computers. Bilingual

E-mail CV to cv@csfs.co.za RA/0510528

Jong dame benodig as


Benodig ONDERWYSERES Vir Peuter onderrig. Een oggend 'n week. 09:00 vm - 12:00 nm

012-653-2052 RA/0510471


Halfdag Pos Vereistes: * Tweetalig * Afr & Engels * MS Office, Pastel * Boekhou funksies Alleenlik 35 jaar en ouer. Faks asb verkorte CV (3 bladsye): 086-216-7815

vir slaghuis in Centurion. Moet ten volle tweetalig wees, vriendelik en behulpsaam. Stuur kort CV, Die Bestuurder 012-654-0000 RA/0509284

JUNIOR ADMIN Lady Raslouw 8:00 to 4:30

Fax CV to 0866-029-987 Start ASAP ra/0510474



A B ALG. VERVOER 1.5 Ton Vanaf R250 2.0 Ton Vanaf R350 4.0 Ton Vanaf R450 Bourommel, Tuinvullis, alg. vervoer, asook mini trekke, kort en lang afstand.

Bertie by 082-501-1463 vir 'n gratis kwotasie ra/0508185



082-085-5235 or

aroundabout@iburst.co.za www.aroundabout.co.za RA/0504982


Kontak Poppie 083-481-0391 RA/0510548

Konstruksie besigheid geleĂŤ in Midrand Estates op soek na 'n

Salaris R5 000 pm E-pos CV na adriaanb@ midrand-estates.co.za ra/0510491

vanaf jou HUIS. SMS naam/adres vir volledige info na 071-511-6597 RA/0509914

Konstruksie besigheid geleĂŤ in Midrand Estates op soek na 'n

ADMIN DAME om rekeninge na te gaan en algemene kantoor take te verrig. Werksure: 07h00 - 13h30

Salaris R5 000 pm E-pos CV na adriaanb@ midrand-estates.co.za RA/0510493

Leading Security Company in Centurion is seeking

Call Centre Operators Requirements: * Must be willing to work shifts * Gr. 12 * Bilingual * Good communication skills * Computer literate * Experience in client services will be an advantage * PSIRA gradings will be an advantage Fax CV to

086-6808-536 or email to flow@monitornet.co.za RA/0510194

Looking for a

DYNAMIC young lady to work in hired Decor venue. Presentable,

no chancers. Previous experience would be an advantage, but not a necessity.

Contact Charmaine 082-854-6022 between 8am - 5pm only RA/0508871

KEY ACCOUNT 6.6M (9TON) R890 Bookkeeper MANAGERS 7M (10TON) R960 needed ASAP !!UPMOST A vibrant Must have 2 years AFFORDABLE, FAST Centurion based solid Pastel RELIABLE & FRIENDLY IT Company experience. Must TRANSPORT!! seeks Key be able to work Call now for free under pressure. Account filling and quote on Position available general delivery!! Managers. 1 March 2012. 076-729-8369 MUST HAVE: Send CV to 082-797-9419 - Sales exp. henry@mbhfs.co.za - Good GOEIE DIENS is ons communication leuse! 5 - 8 Ton trokke CCTV and PABX te huur skills. Technician needed met drywer. - Completely to work in Shaun 083-646-7082 Pta Jhb area. computer literate. * License required - Excellent JJC TRANSPORT * Experience in this Admin skills. field required. Verhuising & stoor! Salary negotiable Elna 012-525-1343 - Extremely well Email CV to 083-376-1720 presented. jjp@cslcom.co.za R5 000 MOVING? Doen ADMIN-werk R15 000 RA/0510233





op nuwe installasies en herstelwerk.


082-300-5044 071-682-5201



Sedert 1997. Weeklikse instandhouding. Eenmalige dienste. Topsoil en kompos. Vir GRATIS kwotasie kontak 072-108-0259

E-pos CV na



DRINGEND (Eldoraigne) 35 jr - 45 jr dame. (4 - 5 jr groep). Stuur CV aan




./ 0 $12 3 / 4$


082-920-1329/ 012-335-7098

En vele meer. Ten volle versekerd. Eienaarstoesig. Rufus


word benodig by besige praktyk in



Gerhard 082-821-1673 or Steve 073-737-0163


DRYWER Gekwalifiseerde om aankope te doen en * Moet die Centurion Geregistreerde area goed ken en ondervinding in die TANDARTS konstruksie bedryf is stoel-assistent 'n plus.



DRIVER (Freelance) Tourists / Passengers. Residing in Centurion, with PDP. Contact


Owner Supervision

Fully Insured.

Geplant en/of afgelewer. Betroubare & opgeleide



toesig. 078-625-0733.


Closed Trucks. 24/7 Supervised.

Fully Enclosed Trucks.

& afstootlike bome


Centurion 012-663 4416 North - Moot 012-546-6158 / 012-331-7883

AMAZING SUPER CLEAN Deep clean - carpets, l/suites & mattresses. (No hidden costs). Mike 083-229-8046 081-328-8838

HOME / OFFICE Country-wide Weekly Cape Town



012-567-1445 / 082-823-5045 RA/0506941



Fast, safe & reliable!

10% Minder as




8 years experience Domestic & Commercial


Allen 082-754-7734

PICK ME CARPET CLEANERS 4 Rooms: R450 Colin 083-281-8460



of Std room from R100. L/suite frm R50 per seat & Tiles, Wooden flrs. 083-418-4700


ABC MINI MAXI MOVERS Local and long distance Fax: 086-639-8456 Cell: 083-620-2454 abcmovers@mtnloaded.co.za



Aanvaar jou huis is vuil? kom ons help jou

for gardens and furniture 012-664-5808 / 7103 (w) 076-142-1249 RA/0509888


%& '( ' (!


VILLAGE PAVE BK 012-324-4632 / 083-314-9798

FAX CV to 086-630-4255 RA/0510523


Moet die totale opleidingsfunksie binne die organsisasie bestuur. Sluit in die ontwikkeling en instandhouding van nuwe behoeftes asook die validering van bestaande opleidingsprosessse. Naskoolse kwalifikasies asook 5 jaar ondervinding sal 'n aanbeveling wees. Moet eie inisiatief kan gebruik, tweetalig wees en oor eie vervoer beskik.

Kontak 012-653-0347 (t) 012-653-4237(f) RA/0510195


PA / ASSISTANT needed 2 years previous PA experience a MUST. Must be able to work under pressure and multitask. Position available 1 March 2012.

Send CV to henry@mbhfs.co.za ra/0510240

PLUMB AMBULANCE is seeking a Qualified Plumber with 2-5 Years exp. Salary neg. Also Foreman required for painting / ceilings. Salary negotiable. Please send CV to info@plumbambulance.co.za

or fax 086-664-0105 RA/0509957

Receptionist needed for

Centurion based Company Fully bilingual and computer literate. Email CV to cv@csfs.co.za RA/0510527

REKENMEESTERSPRAKTYK benodig dienste van

Algemene Admin dame. Bestuurslisensie verpligtend. Salaris: R5 000pm Kontak: Sonja 012-653-1190 RA/0510350


ADMIN Centurion To start immediately * Good with MS Word, Excel. * Bilingual

SALARY: R3 500

012-644-2241 email CV to: globaldsys@telkomsa.net

of fax CV to: Stefanie 012-644-2241 ra/0510077

Sukkel jy om werk te kry? Geen CV. Opleiding word verskaf. Enige iemand kan aansoek doen. Molly 012-345-5628 074-165-5566 RA/0509149

SUNDERLAND RIDGE: Admin Klerk benodig: Rekenaar geletterheid en tweetaligheid sal 'n aanbeveling wees. Geen rokers asb. Pos onmiddellik beskikbaar. CV van maks 4 bladsye na corne@ hazletonpumps.co.za

of fax 012-666-8218 RA/0510470

VACANT POSITIONS We are offering 2 x positions for

ESTATE AGENTS in Doringkloof and Lyttelton.

Unbeatable package Only individuals serious about working in the Real Estate Industry need to respond.

Interested?? Mail short CV to rudi@edbgroup.co.za RA/0510509



REKORD CENTURION VRYDAG 24 FEBRUARIE 2012 Martha Mon, Tue, Thu & Fri. Sleep out. Ref avail. Hardw. Asset. 071-422-6912

VOLDAG dame vir baba klas Goeie ondervinding noodsaaklik. Afrikaanssprekend.

Moet so gou moontlik diens aanvaar. Faks CV na


( 0 #0 0

: :$ / $ 3


WETENSKAP EN WISKUNDE TUTOR Gr 10 - 12, middagpos. Vereistes: Tweetalig, eie vervoer, ten minste eerste jaar universiteit geslaag. Email CV na celestseeger@gmail.com RA/0509501

0 0 ! $ %


PC Shop 082 667 1191 012 667 1111 (Experienced Sales Person Req. Email admin@nexxon.co.za ) RA/0485599


MARTHA seeks Tue & Thu piece job. Excellent ref. Hardw, Reliable 072-036-8020 Diligent



, ! , , $

0 0 0 0 0 0! % ; 3 < / * = $ > /= 7 ?0 ?@

ABIGAIL: Tue, Thu & Fri piece job. Excellent ref. Hardw. 076-827-4806 Reliable

Pro Domestic. 012-567-1445/082-823-5045

www.prodomestic.co.za RA/0506943

! '.'21-2

%& ' ( 083 412 6918

MAUDELINE: seeks Mon, Wed & Fri. Excellent ref. Highly recommended. 078-766-3639 ra/0510319


All Domestic Solutions. Placing of Domestic workers, tea-ladies. UIF reg. We also do Housekeeping, Cook & Bake training.

DINAH: seeks 5 days job. Sleep out. Exc ref. Childcare. Hardw. 078-186-4109 RA/0510019

DOROTHY: seeks Mon, Wed & Fri piece job. Excellent Ref. Hardw 074-800-4320 ra/0510197

ELIZABETH 072-753-6956 sks Tue, Thu & Fri. Hardw. Neat Childcare.Good Ref avail.



Martha soek voltyds inslaap. Puik verw. Hardwerkend & lojaal 083-064-9693 Betroub

MARY-JANE: Seeks full-time sleep in. Cooks, childcare. Hardw. 072-747-3316 Diligent.




MARTHA seeks full-time, sleep out. Ref avail. Reliable. Hardw. Asset. 072-472-5265

MIRRIAM seeks full-time sleep in work. 3 Yrs excel. REF. Loyal, hardw. 076-628-7031 RA/0510516

Nolizwi seeks Mon - Sat (piece work). Ref avail. Diligent. Recommended. 072-216-2864 RA/0509954

Paulina seeks full-time, sleep out. Ref avail. Hardw. Recommended. 071-421-5099 RA/0509932

REGINA 082-344-7148 Seeks full-time job. Sleep in/ out. Cleans. Ref: 082-447-5182 RA/0510283

SOLE MANDATES TE KOOP AMBERFIELD Heights 2 Slk simpleks & tuin R630 000 TE HUUR: ELDORAIGNE Eldo Terrace 3 Slk, dubbelgeriewe, tuin. Okk 1 April R5 800/m Kontak Hesta: 082-329-7860


082-835-8996 ra/0510271

(k) 012-656-0266 (f) 012-656-0263 Benodig eiendomme asb!!


Sandra seeks full-time, sleep out. Reliable. Honest. Ref avail. Diligent. 076-828-2309 RA/0510236

SARAH seeks full-time sleep out work. Childcare, cleaning. 073-633-1836 Hardw ra/0509922

FLORENCE seeks Mon, Wed & Fri. Sleep out. Cook, childcare. 079-286-1835. Hardw. ra/0510452

) +( (%$2 / (# . 3 (#, $( 4 ( )



Johannah seeks full-time, sleep in. Highveld area. Reliable. Diligent. 073-510-3996 RA/0509940

# , , , $ 6! $ $


SELINAH073-790-0357 Seeks full-time job for 5 days. Sleep in. Ref: 012-806-6619 Cleans, Irons RA/0510076


Kate Fisha seeks seeks fulltime sleep in work. REF. 072-633-6906 KHABO 076-950-2187 Seeks full-time job. Sleep out. Cleans, Hardw, Reliable, Neat. RA/0509926

Khomotso: 079-337-2400. Seeks full-time, sleep in. Ref: 084-257-1535 / 076-269-4308 RA/0510286

THANDI 072-841-4240 Seeks piece job for 5 days. Sleep in. Hardw, Neat, Cleans, Irons. RA/0509931

THEMBI is looking for fulltime, live-in employment. Worked for me for 5 years, brilliant with children, has completed child caring courses. Ref avail. Please phone SanMarie on 082-786-9221 RA/0510513

VIOLET 076-519-7187 seeks piece job/full-time job. Sleep out. Hardw. Ref: 084-054-4088 RA/0510189

Ansie Kruger 072-063-1062 het Debiteure en Krediteure, Pastel 11 en Bank Rekonsiliasie ondervinding. Centurion omgewing. RA/0509456

ELLINAH 072-022-3855 Seeks job as Office Cleaners. Has exp. Hardw, Reliable, Neat RA/0510515

JOHANNAH 072-307-1961 Seeks job as Office Cleaner. HAS EXPERIENCE. Neat ra/0510172

SYLVIA seeks work as RECEPTIONIST. Certificates. 072-912-6284 RA/0509961

)) + 9

Leah: 082-583-1899 soek stukwerk vir Ma, Wo & Do. Fluks, Betroubaar. Vir verw, skakel Susan 082-566-1385 RA/0510007

LETTY 082-596-7872 Seeks full-time job. Sleep in. Hardw, Cleans, Irons, Neat.


! " ## $% & %#'&%(

LINAH 076-010-1090 Seeks piece job for Mon, Tue, Thu & Fri. Slp out. Irons, cleans. Neat. RA/0509942

072-180-7672 RA/0501496

Zenele seeks full-time, slp in. Hardw, reliable, cleans, irons. Ref avail. 082-592-1468 RA/0510018

Alfred seeks piece work. Excellent reference. Hard worker. Experienced in gardening and maintenance jobs. 076-682-2926 RA/0508769

LIZZY seeks piece work, Mon, Wed & Fri, hardw, reliable. Excllent ref 076-404-0162


MAMATJIE seeks piece work, Wed & Fri. Hardw, reliable, Excellent ref. 082-534-7302

your PC? Get prof. help! From the smallest character deficiency right up to open hard drive surgery. We will solve your problems on your premises quickly




Tired of constant misunderstandings with

R750 000 082-378-1725

Lillian seeks full-time, sleep out. Reliable. Ref avail. Diligent. Hardw. Asset. 076-927-3009

uitslaap werkers, UIF registrasies @ R150 per registrasie. Skakel 7vm - 2nm 012-653-6971 / 076-522-0481



Koop direk van eienaar. GEEN AGENTE. 2 Slk, 2 badk, 2 leefareas, dubbel-m/huis. Aparte opwask, eikehoutkaste met granietblaaie en ondervloerverhitting.



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ZANELLE 072-784-7178 Seeks full-time job. Sleep in. Cleans Irons, Hardw, Reliable



MARIA 079-827-5690 Seeks full-time job. Sleep in. Hardw, Reliable, Cleans, Irons. RA/0510160

MARIA: seeks full-time sleep in. Excellent ref. Cooks, childcare. Hardw, reliable. 079-946-0323 RA/0510460

BUTI seeks GARDEN + PAINTING work. Excellent ref. 078-279-9503 Hardw ra/0509840

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Een slaapkamer tuinwoonstel. Geen diere

R4 550pm

R2 600 pm

Skakel 082-449-7235

Beskik 1 Mrt. 012-664-2347 RA/0510085

Wierda Glen Estate Meenthuis te huur in sekuriteitskompleks. 2 Slk, 1 vol badk, toeslm/h, klein tuin R4 900 pm Beskik 1 Maart. Geen honde of katte toegelaat nie Bel Morne 082-444-1637 RA/0510518

ELDORAIGNE: Sekuriteitskompleks. Ruim 3 slk, 2 badk, 2 l/vertrekke, TV-k. 2 M/huise. Beskik. 1 Mei 2012. GEEN TROETELDIERE R8 500 pm. + dep 083-388-4606 082-900-6288 RA/0510480

LYTTELTON MANOR 1 Slk tuinwoonstel vir enkelpersoon. Geen diere. 2 km van Unitas Hospital R2 700 pm Prepaid kragmeter Beskik 1 Maart Kontak Heidi

076-811-8310 RA/0510001

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Buitekamer R2 000 + R150 pm 1 maand dep plus huur vooruit betaalbaar. Gemeenskaplike kombuis, swembad & lapa. Geen rokers en troeteldiere. Kontak 082-826-9265 RA/0509990

Deelkamers te huur.

Huis vir Bejaardes 012-335-7503 RA/0510328

Rosendal Retirement Centre All with kitchenettes & bathrooms in this luxury hotel-style retirement centre. Bright and congenial surroundings Fine cuisine, hairdresser and library. Well equipped 20 bedr Frail Care with 24/7 nursing. Units for Sale / Rent. Prices varies R76 000 - R155 000 Now selling: * 2 x Double Units (1 bedr) * 3 x Bachelor flats

Phone Office Hours 012-341-7600 Mrs Janse v Rensburg RA/0507785

TWEE RIVIERE AFTREEOORD Almal 50+ welkom in die aftree-oord in Montana, Pretoria. Volledige 24-uur sorgsentrum en dienssentrum.

Huur 'n woonstel vanaf R4 000 pm of 'n huis vanaf R5 000 pm. Laaste drie huise ook te koop. Skakel RA/0510079

VALHALLA Losstaande 1 slk 'granny flat' asook dakwoonstel. Onmid beskik R3 500 - R2 200 pm Volle deposito Slegs stil, sober persone met verwysings. Kontak 082-317-8274 / 082-855-5822 RA/0510090

SUIDKUS! Vakansie akkom.

082-785-9110 www.agape-estates.co.za RA/0496674

UVONGO / MARGATE Nuwe, luukse oopplan 3 slk woonstel met 2 badk. Grondvloer. Seeuitsig. S/bad, DStv. Jaco 082-324-8872 RA/0508530

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Groot kamer R2 000 + R150 pm

nou 0861-36-46-16

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R1 200 + R150 pm



Sophy seeks full-time, sleep in. Reliable. Honest. Asset. Hardw. Diligent. 079-146-3864

Kamers te huur in huis: Klein kamer




JOHANNAH076-765-6894 Seeks full-time job. Sleep out. Cleans, Irons. Ref 073-424-7792



JEANETH: seeks full-time, sleep in/out. Hardw, reliable. 072-608-9251 Ref avail.

SARAH: soek Ma & Wo stukw. Uitstekende verw. Aanwins. 078-126-8287 Hardw


) $* $ ( +( (,- . $ * / (#0 %1

082-445-2430 RA/0509872

CENTURION Heuwelsig Country Estate Netjiese 2 slk, 1 badk eenheid op 1ste verdieping. Afdak. Beskik 18 Feb



privaat badk. Geskik vir enkellopende dame. R2 200pm W & L ing. M/huis. Beskik 1 Febr.



Florah: seeks piece job Mon Fri. Has experience. Hardw, reliable 082-792-7291

Sabeth: 083-538-1161. Seeks Tue, Wed & Fri. Reliable. Asset. Ref: 079-522-0990.


ESTHER 076-920-1327 Seeks piece job Tue, Wed & Fri. Sleep out. Ref avail. Hrdw. Reliable.

IRENE Large, secure garden flat, separate bedroom, WIERDA PARK bathroom and 3 Bedr, 3 bathr large open-plan en suite, living area with 2 lounges, dining kitchen. Ideal for area, study, young 2 garages, professional. Non2 carports, smokers, no pets. domestic room, Avail 1 March entertainment area R3 400 pm with built-in braai, incl w & l swimming pool, 082-692-0223 alarm, electronic gate and electric fence. Occ date immediately or 1 March 2012. LYTTELTON R11 500 pm Ruim kamer met Contact Johan at

R2 800 W & L ing. 083-631-9381

Wierda Park x1 Volledige gemeubileerde 1 slk tuinwoonstel. Onderdak parkering, wasgeriewe R3 000 pm Deposito R1 500 W & L ingesluit Geen troeteldiere Gert 082-853-2160



ELDORAIGNE Netjiese vol gemeub tuinwoonstel vir 1 persoon met veilige toesluitonderdak parkering onmid beskik. Slk / sitk, komb, badk en patio. Baie veilige area.




TUT val vas teen Ikeys in Varsitybekerstryd Koos Venter Terwyl die Universiteit van Pretoria (Tukkies) Maandagaand wéér gewys het dat hulle vanjaar die span is om te klop in die Varsitybeker-toernooi, het die Tshwane Universiteit van Tegnologie (TUT) se veldtog ’n knou gekry waarvan hulle moeilik gaan herstel. Dít is die kort opsomming van die nuutste hoofstuk in die verhaal van Pretoria se twee universiteite se vordering in hierdie prestige toernooi. Voor die afskop van TUT se wedstryd teen die Universiteit van Kaapstad (Ikeys) het ’n positiewe atmosfeer in die TUT-stadion in Pretoria-Wes geheers. Hoewel TUT tot dusver vanjaar twee keer sleg verloor het op die telbord, het

hulle tog goeie rugby gespeel en die gevoel was dat hulle dalk teen die Engelse universiteit van Kaapstad ’n deurbraak kon maak. Teen rustyd was die Ikeys met 21-2 voor op die telbord, maar daar was steeds hoop vir geharde ondersteuners van TUT, want meer as een van die Ikeys se drie drieë tot in daardie stadium is eintlik teen die verloop van die spel gedruk. TUT se gebrekkige afronding het hulle van drieë beroof. Toe kom die tweede helfte en 40 minute later; met die eindtelling op 66-2 was dit amptelik: TUT is baie diep in die moeilikheid. Net ’n wonderwerk sal hierdie span red van relegasie, waarna hulle volgende jaar in die Skild-afdeling van die kompetisie sal speel. TUT was in daardie tweede helfte niks anders as hopeloos nie.

Hul groot sonde om balbesit te verloor is male sonder tal deur die Ikeys uitgebuit, waarna die Kapenaars eenvoudig wyd gespeel het en hul groter spoed in die agterlyn gebruik het om die drieë in te ryg. Dít het uiteindelik ’n slagting veroorsaak wat hulle na ’n baie swakker span laat lyk het as wat hulle werklik is. Met drie wegwedstryde wat vir TUT voorlê, sal hul ondersteuners maar solank moet begin hoop op daardie wonderwerk. In die LC de Villiers-stadion in Hatfield was die gees van plaaslike ondersteuners net die teenoorgestelde as dit wat Maandag laataand in Pretoria-Wes ervaar is. Tukkies het ’n baie goeie span van die Noordwes Universiteit in Potchefstroom (Pukke) oortuigend geklop en boonop meer

as vier drieë gedruk vir die belangrike bonuspunt op die punteleer. Tukkies se resep is eenvoudig, maar effektief. Dit is veral Tukkies se briljante losvoorspelers, Okkie Kruger, Jacques Verwey en Jono Ross, wat wedstryd na wedstryd die verskil maak vir hul span. Dié drie manne wys telkens dat die klassieke kombinasie van ’n goeie baljagter, ’n werkesel lynstaanflank op sewe en ’n groot sterk agtsteman steeds ’n wenresep in moderne rugby is. Pretoria is eerskomende Maandag rugbyloos aangesien albei Pretoria se spanne wegwedstryde speel. TUT speel teen die Pukke in Potchefstroom, terwyl Tukkies Stellenbosch toe ry vir die grote teen Maties.




Vrydag 24 Februarie SupeRugby. Bulls vs Sharks. Loftus Versfeld, Pretoria. 19:00.


Maandag 27 Februarie. Varsitybeker rugby. TUT vs UJ (Johannesburg) en Tukkies vs Maties (Stellenbosch). Albei begin 19:00.

Titans wisselvallig Koos Venter Die Nashua Titans, pasgekroonde kampioene van die SuperSportreeks, het die afgelope naweek wisselvallig begin in hul aanslag op die nuwe nasionale MiWay Pro20kampioenskap. Vrydagaand in Oos-Londen het hulle die Warriors met 29 lopies geklop, maar Sondag in Centurion was hulle aan die ontvangkant, toe die Knights hulle in ’n spannende stryd met vyf paaltjies gewen het. Dit beteken dat die Titans na die eerste twee rondtes nou vierde op die punteleer lê. Hoewel die reeks, wat vanjaar oor ’n dubbelrondte beslis word, nog lank nie klaar is nie, sal die Titans nie kan bekostig om verdere tuiswedstryde te verloor nie. Vrydagaand teen die Warriors was dit die kaptein, Martin van Jaarsveld (77 lopies van 46 balle) wat saam met Farhaan Behardien (54 lopies van 37 balle) die kolfsterre was in die Titans se beurt van 174 in hul toegelate 20 boulbeurte. Daarna het die twee draaiers, Paul Harris (drie paaltjies) en Roelof van der Merwe (twee paaltjies)

’n groot rol gespeel om die Warriors tot net 145 lopies in hul 20 beurte te beperk. Sondag het die Titans weer eerste gekolf en dit was weer Behardien met sy 70 lopies van 44 balle wat die pap dik aangemaak het. Hy is goed deur Jacques Rudolph met 43 van 29 balle bygestaan. Ongelukkig het ’n paar van die Titans se boulers, in hul poging om 165 lopies te verdedig, ’n bietjie deurgeloop onder die kolfwerk van

veral Morné van Wyk (62) en Reeza Hendricks (55). Dit was veral die snelboulers CJ de Villiers en Rowan Richards, wat aan die duur kant was. Hulle het darem elkeen ’n paaltjie gevat, terwyl Alfonso Thomas die Titans se beste bouler was met drie paaltjies. Die Titans speel hierdie week teen die Dolphins in Durban (Vrydag) en Sondag word hulle op hul tuisveld in Centurion getoets teen die nuwe sewende span in die reeks, die Impi’s.

Jacques Rudolph, puik aanvangskolwer van die Titans, het Sondag teen die Knights op SuperSportpark in Centurion 43 lopies van net 29 balle gemoker.

Die Titans se bouleraanwins uit die Kaap, Alfonso Thomas, was die uitblinker met die bal in Sondag se MiWay Pro20-wedstryd teen die Knights in Centurion. Sy drie paaltjies vir net 17 lopies was egter nie goed genoeg om die wa deur die drif te trek vir sy nuwe span nie. Foto: simondp@actionimage

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