Sister Si t C Celia li Ch Chauke k shows h th thatt th there iis water t att th the T Tshwane h District Di ti th hospital. it l
Water supply restored Ron Sibiya The CEO of Tshwane District hospital, Dr Naing Soe, is furious, following the recent daily media reports of water cut-offs at the hospital. It is believed a water supply pipe burst in Sunnyside and left the hospital without water for five days. According to the hospital, the pipe which supplies water to the hospital and surrounding areas, burst on Tuesday. It left the hospital without water until Saturday, when the pipe was repaired. Soe criticised the daily media for publishing the controversial story without contacting the hospital and obtaining their
side of the story. “The media reports were full of lies. It claimed families and friends of patients were forced to bring 2l water bottles to the hospital in an attempt to assist with the problem. Such false reporting almost convinces one to support the state’s Information Bill,� said Soe. He said since the problem occurred, the hospital’s Facility Management Unit and the Department of Infrastructure Development assisted with supplying water to the hospital. “Steve Biko Academic hospital, which is a stone’s throw from our hospital, was our source of water and that is why our hospital never experienced a water crisis,� he said. Soe said they managed to keep the
hospital clean and patients had water to drink. He added that some members of the public voluntarily delivered water to the hospital and the media took advantage of this to send the wrong information. Soe’s comments are contrary to the DA’s comments. In a statement, the DA claimed: “The Tshwane District hospital had no water for five days and patients were unable to bath or be cleaned by nurses. For almost a week now family and friends of patients are being forced to bring 2l water bottles to the hospital in an attempt to assist with the problem.� Simon Zwane, the provincial spokesperson of the Gauteng Department of Health
and Social Development, said the department apologised to patients who were affected by the shortage of water supply, their families and the community for the inconvenience caused by the unfortunate incident. He said the hospital management informed the Tshwane metro and the Department of Infrastructure Development, who then began with repairs. “The engineers tried to fix the problem in the shortest possible time, but unfortunately it took longer than expected,� said Zwane. He added that contingency plans were made by hospital management to ensure that service delivery was not interrupted.
Busdiens skors 22 na interne ondersoek Du P Martins Ses senior bestuurslui en 16 kaartjiekondukteurs van die Tshwane-metro is verlede week geskors. Dit volg na die metro se stadsbestuurder, Jason Ngubeni, met drastiese stappe begin het om die metro se kruppel busdiens reg te ruk. Ngubeni het persoonlik ondersoek by die busdiens ingestel om homself van die probleme te vergewis. “Met die ondersoek kon ons twee probleme identifiseer. Die een behels wat alles verkeerd geloop het in die bestuur van die diens en misdaadaktiwiteite wat plaasgevind het, en die ander was hoe om die diens meer doeltreffend te herorganiseer,” het hy gesê. Hy het nie uitgewei om watter redes die ses topbestuurslui geskors is nie, maar het wel gesê dit is in verband met verskeie ernstige wanpraktyke. Een van die redes was die skynbaar onverklaarbare ‘verdwyning’ van ’n bus uit die busdiens se werkwinkels. Op ’n vraag of die bus later weer ‘verskyn’ het, het hy gesê die bus is nie meer op die busdiens se perseel nie, maar dat
bestuurslede weet waar dit is. Die bus is glo nie gesteel nie. Die ses kaartjieondersoekers se skorsing volg na bevind is dat hulle kaartjies verkoop, maar nie die geld inbetaal het nie. “Dit kom neer op diefstal. Daar sal dissiplinêre verhore wees en ek glo nie hul skorsings sal so lank as drie maande duur nie,” het hy gesê. ’n Werksindaba is beplan om maniere te ondersoek om die busdiens te verbeter. “Sodra ons hiermee klaar is, sal ons ’n strategie hê wat ons aan die burgemeester kan voorlê. Aspekte wat aangespreek sal word, is ondoeltreffende werkswyses, hoe om die beskikbare geld doeltreffend aan te wend en hoe om te verseker dat busse in die werkwinkels herstel word. Van ons aanbevelings sal drasties wees,” het hy gesê. Van die busdiens se vloot van 398 busse is slegs 156 tans in gebruik. Die probleem met min busse is vererger met die insluiting van buitestedelike gebiede soos Olievenhoutbosch by die metro. Altesaam 34 busse is afgestaan om inwoners van dié gebied ook van vervoer te voorsien. Dit het meegebring dat busse van ander roetes onttrek moes word.
Zelda Hancke, Tacicio Muzuwa, Clayton Thandi and Tagwirei Maware (front) with some of the new artworks they had to make after the metro police confiscated all their goods. According to Hancke, these artists are making an honest living by recycling scrap metal and turning it into art.
Zim artists accuse police of theft and corruption
Van die busdiens se vloot van 398 busse is slegs 156 tans in gebruik.
Serious allegations, including corruption and theft, are being levelled at the Tshwane metro police and the metro’s rapid response team by a group of artists. According to Zelda Hancke, art dealer and spokesperson for a group of Zimbabwean artists, the metro police seized the artists’ goods, valued at R208 000, from a private property in Montana without official documents in December last year. “They broke the lock and raided the private property for no reason whatsoever. Not a single item that was confiscated was written down on an official police form,” Hancke explained. “Since the goods were confiscated, we have been back and forth between various departments trying to understand what had happened. It seems no one knows where the goods are and I still do not know why it was taken in the first place,” an outraged Hancke said. The Zimbabwean artists, who are in South Africa on valid visas, have been making a living by selling their metal and wooden artworks at the corner of Veda and Enkeldoorn streets in Montana. They also supplied artworks for Hancke’s art shop, which has since closed down due to a lack of stock. “At one point metro police told the artists they were standing too close to the road. They moved back. On another occasion they were told they were not allowed
to leave their items there after sunset. They hired storage space on a nearby private property. They complied with the rules each time.” According to Hancke, one of the metro officers told her the raid was organised because the Zimbabweans were all illegal immigrants. “That is simply not true. Their paperwork is in order but they are treated like criminals. People don’t understand, they were successful artists in Zimbabwe but had to come to South Africa after the economic and political climate in their country became desperate.” Hancke has since laid a charge at the metro police’s anti-corruption unit. According to spokesperson Nick Calogero, an investigation officer has been assigned to the case and it is being investigated. Natasha Nel, spokesperson for the metro’s rapid response team, said they were not directly involved in the raid and only provided the transport on the day of the raid. Hancke is not satisfied with the answers she has received and said she won’t rest until justice has been done. “The metro police took everything without any proper documents. I had to close my shop, as the artists had to start from scratch, which is a struggle as they don’t have money for metal. They don’t even have money for food.”
Voortrekkermonument verkry nasionale erfenisterreinstatus Du P Martins In die gees van nasiebou en versoening word die Voortrekkermonument aanstaande maand amptelik as ’n nasionale erfenisterrein verklaar. Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, minister van Binnelandse Sake, het Maandag die aankondiging in Pretoria gemaak. Saam met die monument se nuwe status word ook verskeie ander gedenkwaardighede, wat hulde aan die helde van die vryheidstryd bring, elders in die land onthul. Die aankondiging is deur die VF Plus verwelkom. Dr. Corné Mulder, die VF Plus se woordvoerder vir kuns en kultuur, het gesê dit is jammer die aankondiging is nie deur president Jacob Zuma in sy staatsrede waarin hy oor nasionale versoening gepraat het, gedoen nie. “Ons hoop die Voortrekkermonument sal
voortaan voldoende finansiering ontvang en dat hierdie stap nie gebruik sal word om inbreuk te maak op die outonome bestuur van die monument of die erfenisstigting nie,” het Mulder gesê. Generaal-majoor Gert Opperman, besturende direkteur van die erfenisstigting by die monument, het gesê: “Ons bly ’n Artikel 21-maatskappy sonder winsmotief. Hierdie is net ‘groter wetlike beskerming’ vir die erfenisstatus van die monument en die terrein. Dit raak hoegenaamd nie die onafhanklikheid van die monument of die voortbestaan daarvan as ’n privaatmaatskappy nie. Tot dusver het die regering die monument se subsidie met R900 000 gesny, ons sou aanvanklik R1,9 miljoen gekry het. Wat egter verblydend is, is dat dit die eerste Afrikaanse monument sedert 1994 is wat die spesiale beskerming in terme van die wet geniet.”
New councillor Taxi violence flares up again ready to serve Ron Sibiya
Ron Sibiya The newly elected ward 80 ANC councillor, Cameroon Ngwenya, wants more to be done to fight drugs in the ward. Ngwenya, who is also the Sunnyside community policing forum’s (CPF) chairperson, revealed this during the post-election meeting recently. Ngwenya won the election by nine votes, defeating DA candidate, Phuti Kwenaite. He said he was already involved in community issues at ground level and this gave him an advantage. He mentioned that, as the CPF chairperson, he regularly dealt with issues of safety and security that was a
challenge in the area. Ngwenya urged all residents to put more effort and work into dealing with daily challenges. “I am the councillor of everyone in my ward, including members of the ANC, DA or any other party. I would like to see all residents take ownership of their ward,” said Ngwenya. He said the use of drugs in the area is a challenge that demands everyone’s cooperation. Ngwenya said drugs play a role in crimes such as smash and grabs, theft out of motor vehicles, burglary and more serious offences. “There are a number of crimes linked to the use of drugs and winning the war against drugs will mean victory over crimes related to it,” said Ngwenya. He added that he was ready to tackle the challenges in his ward. According to Ngwenya the ward has ten committee members dealing with various important issues including safety and security, local economic development, housing, the environment, town planning and sports and recreation. The newly elected ward 80 councillor, Cameroon Ngwenya.
The tyres of 11 taxis were deflated and three taxi drivers were injured during the latest taxi violence incidents on the corner of Stormvoël and Baviaanspoort roads in East Lynne last week. The fight was alledgedly between the East Plaza Taxi Association (Epta) and the Mamelodi Local and Long Distance Taxi Association (Malldta). Members of the two associations were apparently fighting over the route between the city centre and the Kolonnade centre. According to Kleinboy Sithole, who claimed to be a member of Malldta, Epta opened illegal taxi ranks in the city centre from where they transport commuters to the Kolonnade centre. “We are against Epta’s act of transporting commuters from the city centre to the Kolonnade centre. They are supposed to transport commuters from East Lynne to the shopping centre, the way they operated in the past,” said Sithole. He said Malldta had the right to transport commuters from the city centre to East Lynne and Epta has the right to transport commuters from East Lynne to the shopping centre. “If Epta transports commuters from the city centre to the shopping centre, they are killing our business and we struggle to make a profit,” said Sithole. It was alleged that East Lynne’s taxi violence was a reprisal carried out by Epta after Malldta attacked taxis belonging to Epta earlier. Only the taxis belonging to Malldta were attacked. Sithole admitted that members of
A Malldta taxi driver, William Masilela, was beaten up when taxi violence erupted in East Lynne.
Malldta first attacked taxis of Epta. “We deflated tyres of taxis belonging to Epta on Du Toit, Vermeulen and Paul Kruger streets in the city centre last Thursday. It is where they opened illegal taxi ranks,” said Sithole. Sithole added that this dispute started in December last year when Epta implemented its new route from the city centre to the Kolonnade centre without informing Malldta. He claimed they urged Epta to meet with them to discuss the matter, but Epta refused. Sithole said there are two solutions to the problem. “Epta must either allow Malldta to work with them on the controversial route, or they must work as they did before, where Malldta transported commuters to East Lynne and Epta took them to the Kolonnade centre,” said Sithole.
William Masilela, one of the taxi drivers who was beaten, said a group of people who were travelling in a taxi, attacked him and two other taxi drivers. “They beat me with sticks on my head and other parts of my body before deflating the tyres of my taxi and taxis belonging to Malldta,” said Masilela. Masilela was taken to a local hospital for treatment. Captain Pinky Tsinyane, Gauteng Provincial police spokesperson, said no case was opened. “The police are working on ensuring that both affected associations meet and resolve their problems,” said Tsinyane. She said it is alleged that members of Epta are responsible for the East Lynne taxi violence that left taxi drivers of Malldta injured and their taxis damaged.
Motoriste moet pasop Du P Martins ’n Baskitaarspeler van die Isochronous-orkesgroep, Franco Schoeman, het Maandagaand ternouernood aan ’n padlokval ontkom toe sy motor naby Diepsloot, omstreeks 22:00, met ’n groot klip raakgegooi is. Schoeman het ’n orkesoefening in Honeydew bygewoon en was met die N14 op pad na sy huis. By Diepsloot het iemand langs die pad ’n groot klip na sy motor gegooi. Die klip het die enjinkap van die voertuig getref en die voorruit gekraak. Sowat 150 meter verder het ’n swart Honda Pre-lude sonder
The scene of a serious accident that occurred last week Friday on the N14 where a man lost his life and nine others were injured.
One dead, two critically injured Suzette van Huyssteen A man was killed and nine others injured, two critically, when a minibus taxi left the N14 near Diepsloot and repeatedly rolled last Friday. The cause of the accident and the series of events leading up to it is unclear. A police investigation is under-
way. Available information indicated that the driver lost control of the vehicle after a rear wheel burst. The taxi veered sharply into the veld and began to roll. Netare911 paramedics arrived at the scene to find several of the injured flung from the taxi. Others had clambered from the wreckage.
One man had succumbed to his injuries and was declared dead on the scene. One of the critically injured men was treated by medics and airlifted by the Netcare Aeromedical helicopter to the Netcare Milpark hospital. The other injured were transported by ambulance to nearby hospitals.
nommerplate langs die pad gestaan. Schoeman het besef dit is ’n slenter om die motor tot stilstand te dwing en dat ’n aanval in die donker baie moontlik is. Hy het versnel en voortgery tot by sy huis en die saak by die Garsfontein-polisiestasie aangemeld. “Dit is ’n ou slenter om motoriste te laat stilhou. Met ’n stukkende ruit kan die motoriste nie verder ry nie. Sodra daar stilgehou word, word hulle beroof. Motoriste op dié pad moet daarop bedag wees,” het kaptein Hennie Steenkamp van die Garsfontein-polisie gesê.
Polisie arresteer twee met dwelms Natalie Grobler Te danke aan gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid is inligting aan die Eersterust-polisie verskaf wat hulle in staat gestel het om misdadigers vas te trek. ’n Anonieme wenk aan die polisie het gelei tot die inhegtenisneming van twee dwelmhandelaars. Die polisie het nie net beslag op duisende rand gelê nie, maar ook op ’n onbepaalde hoeveelheid kokaïen. Konstabel Shabiera Hendricks, sersant Abram Jacobs en studente-konstabel Shafiek
Bishop het verlede Vrydag ’n 27-jarige man en ’n 23-jarige vrou gearresteer na ’n wenk dat dié twee dwelms uit hul huis in Tafelbergstraat in Eersterust, verkoop. Konstabel Sam Shibambo, woordvoerder van die Eersterust-polisie, het gesê almal by die polisiestasie is trots op die vinnige optrede van die drie polisielede. Hy het gesê hulle sal aanhou veg teen ongeregtigheid in Eersterust. Die twee verdagtes het Maandag in die Pretoria-hooggeregshof verskyn op aanklag van die verkoop van dwelms.
Musa Sekoati and Lindiwe Skosana’s faces lit up when they saw the Princess room.
Little cancer patients love their new princess room Natalie Grobler
Konstabel Shabiera Hendricks, studente konstabel Shafiek Bishop en sersant Abram Jacobs het op duisende rand asook ’n onbepaalde hoeveelheid kokaiën by ’n huis in Eersterust beslaggelê.
“Money speaks out loud, but your love for us spoke louder. I feel like a true princess, loved and cherished.” These were the thankful words of 9-year-old Musa Sekoati at the official opening of the new Princess ward in the oncology unit at Steve Biko Academic hospital last week Wednesday. Sekoati has been diagnosed with leukaemia and spends most of her days at the oncology unit. The paediatric oncology unit was established in 1993 at Kalafong hospital in Atteridgeville, but the six-bed unit rapidly grew to 30 beds. The oncology unit moved to Steve Biko in December when Dr David Reynders became the new clinical head. The unit has 25 beds, divided into five rooms for boys, girls, teenagers and smaller children. The unit also has an isolation unit with five single rooms. One room has a hepa-filtration unit, which circulates the air. This was donated. “The main aim of the treatment of childhood cancer is to cure. The overall survivor rate worldwide is
about 70%. Various treatments are offered to children at Steve Biko such as chemotherapy, surgery and radiotherapy,” said Fredah Kobo, spokesperson for Steve Biko. The paediatric oncology department consists of two paediatric oncologists, two paediatricians in training, two doctors being trained in paediatrics, oncology trained nurses, nursing staff, a full-time dietician and a social worker. “Our unit is funded by government, so we are depending on donations to improve the environment our patients are treated in to make their hospital stay more bearable.” Judy Schoeman, unit dietician, said the sky was the limit and embarked on a journey to transform the oncology unit into a fantasy world for children. She rounded up staff members and enough sponsors to brighten up all the rooms. “I want children who are admitted to our ward to feel like they live in a fantasy world,” said Schoeman. After collecting all the paint, Schoeman had to find the perfect designs for each room, to execute the fantasy world she envisioned. “We found a brilliant graphic de-
signer, Annemart Swanepoel from Options A, who changed our draft pictures into a fantasy princess room. All we had to do was sit back and wait for the final design.” Kobo said Belinda Watts from Kristy Watts foundation visited the oncology ward in September 2011. They showed her the final draft of their princess room and a week later Watts phoned the hospital, saying the Kristy Watts foundation would sponsor the entire room. Andries de Klerk from Paintfellas sent an entire team in November 2011 to paint the room, Vernon and Shanoid Vergne from Devon Vergne Memorial Fund did all the printing in the room and the rest of the room was manufactured off-site by the Kristy Watts foundation. “The positive impact the room has had, not only on patients, but also on the personnel and visitors, made us realise that we were right. A beautiful room can make hospital stays more bearable,” said Kobo. She said the fantasy world does not end with the princess room, but there are 15 other rooms they also want to transform and sponsors are welcome to contact the hospital in this regard.
Youngster from Ga-Rankuwa invents foot flush toilet system to save water The body of a man was dumped outside the main gate of the Moot police station over the weekend.
Body dumped at gate Valeska Abreu Police are investigating the dumping of a body at the Moot police station over the weekend. Police found the body at the main gate of the Moot police station around 03:00 on Sunday morning. He had no visible injuries other than a few cuts and bruises. Police suspect he was assaulted. The man, aged between 30 and 35, was not identified at the time of going to print. Police spokesperson, Captain Pinky Tsinyane, said the body was discovered by patrolling police who were returning to the station. “The officers called an ambulance that arrived a few minutes later. Emergency service personnel pronounced the man dead,” she said. LifeLine Medical
Emergencies confirmed that they attended the scene. “We received the call at about 3:08 and were there within minutes. The paramedics tried to resuscitate the patient, but to no avail and he was declared dead. The only visible wounds that we could see were assault wounds,” said Andalene Fourie, spokesperson for LifeLine Medical emergencies. Tshwane emergency services spokesperson, Johan Pieterse, also confirmed that they arrived at the scene shortly after 03:30. The man was already declared dead. “A post-mortem will be conducted to determine the cause of death as soon as the family had been informed,” said Tsinyane. Police are appealing to the community to come forward with information that could assist in the investigation.
Robert Mabusela A young man of Ga-Rankuwa has hopes of going to America to showcase his hygienic toilet system. According to 23-year-old Paseka Lesolang, founder and managing director of Water Hygiene Convenience (WHC), his system can save at least 288-billion liters of water annually, if installed in a million houses. He is one of 50 finalists chosen from 306 high impact entrepreneurs who applied from 55 countries. Lesolang needs a sponsor of R80 000 to enable him to represent South Africa at the Third Annual Unreasonable Institute. The problems with the installed toilet systems in Ga-Rankuwa gave birth to his invention. “The existing toilet system is a dual flush system. You can either flush the entire tank or not. Therefore, the objective was good, but the implementation not. As a result water was wasted,” said Lesolang. After identifying the problem, he researched other dual flush systems and realised the systems had common problems and he eventually decided to come up with a solution.
He added hygienic features to his new water saving solution, which ensures that an individual does not have any contact with germs found on a flushing handle. He included pedals to flush the toilet. This will eliminate at least 12 water-borne bacteria in a toilet pot with the sanitiser that is used. According to him, bacteria like ecoli cause diseases such as influenza (flu) and the Norwalk virus. He said with his invention, if used effectively, the lifespan of a person infected with HIV/Aids might be prolonged, given the untimely deaths caused by waterborne bacteria due to inadequate sanitation. After many challenges, he is the founder of Wagienience trading as WHC, based at The Innovation Hub in Pretoria. Lesolang’s partner, Armando Costa, invented a digester, which is a complementary device to the toilet that will cater for urban and rural areas. In urban areas the digester makes waste more lucid to make the flow easier in the sanitation networks to avoid blockage. For rural areas it converts waste into organic fertiliser.
Paseka Lesolang shows his hygienic water saving toilet that uses a foot flush system.
Peter Clarke, the project manager, will assist Lesolang to achieve his quest. “Paseka is a fine young man and I would like to assist him where I can. He is young and is taking this one step at a time. To his credit he continues diligently, an admirable quality.”
B-Tech art students exhibit artworks Valeska Abreu Art lovers gathered at the opening of an art exhibition at Unisia Art Gallery on Monday. All artwork on display were by fourth year students at the Tshwane University of Technology’s Department of Fine and Applied Arts. Curator of the exhibition and Masters student, Poorvi Bhana, said a great amount of time went into planning
the event to ensure only the best work go on display. A wide variety of art pieces kept attendees attentive and admiring each piece. Works included paintings, sculptures, installations, prints, drawings, textile design and ceramic glasswork. According to Runette Kruger, a lecturer within the department, the exhibition highlights the diversity of life experiences in a modern urban setting in the early 21st century in South Africa.
Martinique Pelser admiring the artwork on display.
Caroline Ngcobo admires a collection of pictures depicting a person’s various expressions.
Poorvi Bhana, a Masters degree student at the Department of Fine and Applied Arts, was the curator of the exhibition.
Thami Dlamini and Rachel Shabangu look at some of the artwork by Elizna van Niekerk. Franci Botha, Elizna van Niekerk and Liezel Botha enjoy a glass of wine.
Andreas Schönfeldt in the textile design part of the exhibition.
Blues-geesdriftiges geniet Moolman se optrede Ané Roux Jannie Moolman se meesleurende tenoorstem het weer die gehoor in vervoering gehad tydens sy onlangse optrede van Classic Blue by die Atterbury-teater. Blackie Swart was deel van die musici wat die komposisies van klassiek en ook bekende rock-gunstelinge die lig laat sien het.
Celeste Oelofse en Rita van Rooyen.
Elsabe en Leon Rauch.
Marie Kruger, Nicoline, Elmine en Nikie Nel en Careen Krige.
Kobie en Louis Crafford met Elsa
10:00. Tel 012-392-4018.
Kuns in die Park. Magnoliadal 25 Februarie 2012. Uitstalling van oorspronklike skilderye. 08:00- 15:00. 012-326RA/0509988 7936.
Individual art lessons available by an established modern artist, Lynnwood area. Angus 012-3610886. RA/0510311
Trent Gallery@Cameo Framers, Waterkloof, is hosting two art exhibitions until Feb 29 from 09:0016:30. Stuart 082-923-2551. RA/0510301
Ontspanning ATKV-Tonteldoos bied Haal die skrik uit skrikkeldag. Middagkonsert met ProArte-Pro Corde-strykorkes. NG-kerk Faerie Glen om 15:30. Tel 072-264-8670. RA/0510343
Die Ganoeka-dansers van die NG-kerk Magalieskruin tree op 25 Feb by die AGS Heilige Waters om 14:00 op. Babara 012-643-1507.
Eersterust Squash Club hosts its inauguration on March 3 at 10:00 at the courts in January Ave 260, Eersterust. Rsvp André at andrecj01@ gmail.com by Feb 27. RA/0510321
Sluit by Jacques Botes en Sane Lotter vir die eerste En ek onthou - Die Koos du Plessis storie, by Leonie’s Tea for Two aan, h/v Cunningham- en 34e Laan op 7 Mrt. Bespreek 012-332-4886. RA/0510322 Valleisig-gemeente-kuiermark op 16 Mrt van 10:00. Mathys Roets tree om 19:00 met sang en musiek op. Tel 012-991-1542. RA/0510327
Charis Kinderkerk bied Vlooimark/Basaar op 3 Mrt, H/v Lavender- en Sagelaan, WonderboomSuid van 08:30. Veiling om 13:00. Bring enigiets wat jy wil laat opveil. Uitstallers welkom. Elize 072861-7035. RA/0508821
Geref-kerk Rooihuiskraal. Vlooimark op 3 Mrt by L/s Rooihuiskraal van 07:00-15:00. Uitstallers welkom. André 083-380-7193. RA/0510274
Hatfield Plaza Vlooimark vind elke Sondag plaas. Nuwe stalletjies. Marianne 082-924-7155. RA/0510300
Enkelinge 50+ genooi om saam te kuier. Tel 083-454-4414. RA/0510280
Irene Kunsmark. Smutshuis-museum 25 Feb 09:00-14:00. Irene Mark skop die jaar met nuwe stalletjies af. ’n Deli met musiek, asook ’n aparte antieke-gedeelte 012-6671659. RA/0507429
Magnolia Dell Fine Food Market takes place every Saturday from 08:00-13:00. Fine foods and crafts. Beate 012-460-7722. RA/0510347
L/s Voorpos se gholfdag vind op 22 Mrt by Akasia-gholfklub plaas. Marius 012-332-2354. RA/0510351
SA State Theatre is looking to audition actors, singers and dancers for a new musical threatre production, Freedom. Artists are expected to prepare a song and a monologue and should be able to either sing or dance. State Theatre March 6-10 at
Naastediens Alzheimer’s support group meets in Faerie Glen every last Thursday at 19:00 and last Tuesday at 10:00. All welcome. Denise 012-9911637. RA/0510272
Friday, February 24 SABC 1 06:00 Takalani Sesame 08:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 09:30 Muvhango 11:30 Judge Joe Brown 12:00 Friends like These 14:00 Selimathunzi 15:00 Matrixs Uploaded 17:28 Reflections of Faith 19:30 News 20:30 Untold Stories 21:00 Live SABC 2 06:00 Morning Live 08:50 Thabang Thabong 10:50 Ratanang 13:25 Days of our Lives 15:00 7de Laan 19:00 News 19:30 Noot vir Noot 21:00 Mmampodi 21:30 Powerball 21:34 Afro Café SABC 3 05:30 Expresso: Breakfast Show 11:10 Isidingo 12:10 Mission Impossible 16:00 3 Talk with Noeleen 17:35 Oprah Winfrey Show 18:30 Wicket tot Wicket 19:00 News 19:30 Entertainment News 21:00 Flash eTV 09:00 Rhythm City 09:30 Scandal! 10:00 Mad About You 10:30 The Young and the Restless 11:30 3rd Degree 13:30 WWE: Smackdown 16:40 Young and the Restless 17:30 Medical Detectives 18:30 Rhythm City 19:00 News 20:00 Malcolm and Eddie 20:30 War of the Worlds
Saturday, February 25 SABC 1 09:00 Dance Your Butt Off 10:00 Generations 15:00 Laduma: ABSA Premiership - Jomo Cosmos vs Free State Stars 17:30
CMR-Noord bied ’n Red-’nKind-gholfdag ten bate van mishandelde en verwaarloosde kinders aan. Waterkloof-gholfklub, 27 Mrt. Anja 012-460-9272. RA/0508813
Die ondersteuningsgroep vir afhanklikheidsprobleme vergader Maandae om 19:00 by Stabilis. Linda 082-570-1291. RA/0510353
Eden Golf Day takes place on May 10 in aid of Eden Ministries Outreaches projects. Albert 082777-4059. RA/0510341
Kansa Shavathon en Spin-a-thon neem op 3 Mrt by Atterbury Value Mart van 09:00-17:00 plaas. Bespreek fiets by Heinrich 012-9914744. RA/0510333
Haven in Clubview in aid of the Friends. Tel 083-384-5255. RA/0510299 Victory over childhood abuse. You can be more than a survivor. Marisa 072-639-8597. RA/0509667
Lectures Child Trauma training team hosts a seminar on March 15 and 16 at Utopia Place, 840 Cura Ave, Lynnwood. A psychiatrist, paediatrician and psychologist are some of the speakers. www.childtraumacentre. co.za. RA/0508862
MMC2012-Vaal neem van 2022 Apr by Malonjeni Guest Farm, Vereeniging plaas. Jan 082-7854663. RA/0510323
LifeLine Pta provides free telephone, face-to-face, rape, trauma, HIV/Aids and bereavement counselling. Crisis line: 012-804-3619. Rape line: 082-340-2061. Appointments: 012-804-1853. RA/0507245
’n Gholfdag ten bate van die sopkombuis van die Rioboth Pinkster Kerk vind op 30 Mrt by Akasiagholfklub plaas. Etresia 079-406RA/0510332 0242.
Christ for Moot vir Christus bied ’n enkelouerdag: Enkelouers kan wen, 10 Mrt van 09:00-14:00 by die Jakaranda-ouditorium aan. Verskeie sprekers. Bespreek voor 29 Feb. RA/0510269 Amanda 073-486-3975. Dr. Koos Henning lewer ’n praatjie oor clivia-plante. Forensic-gebou, Pretoriaweg, Silverton op 25 Feb om 11:00. Marlen 082-7994746. RA/0510337
’n Konsert met Ingrid Zweel en Tommie Liebenberg vind op 26 Feb by NG-kerk Rietfontein-Suid om 15:00 ten bate van Huis Quanessa, ’n versorgingseenheid vir kinders met gestremdhede, plaas. Admill 078-042-7442. RA/0510324
Church Moreletapark presents a talk on Depression. Speakers: psychiatrists, psychologists and more. Feb 25 from 08:30-13:00. Book 012-997-8000. RA/0507249
Prostaatkanker-steunaksie vergader op 28 Feb en elke laaste Dinsdag om 19:00 by die Urologiehospitaal, Hatfield. Willem 082-9016834. RA/0510290
’n Boomidentifikasiekursus vir beginners vind op 10 Mrt van 08:00 by die Botaniese Tuin plaas. Linette 012-843-5053. RA/0510345
Petra Kollege bied ’n kursus in Kinderbediening op 25 Feb van 08:00-16:00 by NG-kerk Villieria. Ds Rheeder 083-288-7756. RA/0510277
Godsdiens JC4JC-kerk Sondae om 09:30 by L/s Rachel de Beer. Prediker: Pastoor Johan Coetzer. Johan 082327-5500. RA/0510315
The Compassionate Friends of Pretoria plans a moneyraising buffet lunch on March 4 at 12:00 at The
Daddy 24/7 18:30 Friends like These 19:30 News 22:15 Definitely Maybe SABC 2 06:00 Thabang Thabong 09:00 House Call 10:30 Wise Up 11:30 Living Land 13:00 Muvhango 15:00 Four Weddings 18:00 News 18:30 The Gost Whisperer 20:00 The Voice 21:00 The Mo’Nique Show 22:00 Cold Case SABC 3 06:00 I am a Work of Art 07:30 The Super Hero Squad Show 08:36 Kids Challenge Show 10:00 X-Men Evolution 11:00 Crocodile Hunter 12:00 IFAD Documentary 13:00 Dr Oz 18:00 Celebs Biographies 19:00 News 21:30 Law & Order eTV 05:00 Haleluya Africa 06:00 Higher Life 07:00 Sibo and Friends 08:00 Thomas and Friends 09:30 Rhythm City Omnibus 13:00 Malcolm & Eddie 13:30 Blame it on Fame 17:00 WWE: NXT 18:05 Fear Factor International 19:00 News 20:00 What Happen in Vegas
Sunday, February 26 SABC 1 08:00 Zenzele 08:30 Team Green 10:00 Spirit Sundae 11:00 The Chatroom 11:30 Big Up 12:00 Imani - The Devine Spark 12:15 An Nur V (Muslim Mag) 15:00 Laduma: Absa Premiership - Bloem Celtic vs Platinum Stars 17:30 Gospel Gold 20:00 Death Race SABC 2 07:00 Weekend Live 08:30 Psalted 11:00 Eastern Mosaic 14:30 Pasella 15:30 7de Laan 18:30 Fokus 19:00 Stokvel 8 20:00 Gospel Classics 21:00 For Which I’m prepared to die SABC 3 06:30 Mickey Mouse and Friends 09:00 Dtv X1 12:00 Top Billing 16:00 Hello Dr 18:00 Around Iceland on Inspiration 23:00 Law & Order eTV 05:00 Haleluya Africa 05:30 3rd Degree 08:00 Grassroots 08:30
Precious Memories 09:00 Hillsong 09:35 Cool Catz 11:00 TJ Hooker 12:35 Seconds from Disaster 17:00 WWE: Raw 18:30 Tropika Island of Treasure 19:00 News 19:30 Modern Family 20:00 Forbidden Kingdom 22:10 Brothers by Choice
Monday, February 27 SABC 1 08:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 09:00 Generations 10:30 What’s Your Story 11:30 Real Goboza 13:00 Ses’khona 15:00 Matrixs Uploaded 17:00 Ek se Lalela 18:30 The Bold and the Beautiful 19:30 News 20:00 Generations 21:00 Soccer Zone 2011 22:00 Rookie Blue 2 SABC 2 10:20 Rivoningo 11:50 Dr Phil 12:40 Judge Mathis 13:25 Days of our Lives 15:00 7de Laan 16:00 Hectic Nine-9 16:30 Rough It Out 17:00 Dragon-ballz 17:30 News 18:00 When Duty Calls 18:30 7de Laan 19:30 Voetspore 21:00 Muvhango SABC 3 12:10 Mission Impossible 14:00 All my children 15:45 Dr Oz 16:40 3 Talk with Noeleen 18:30 What I Like About You 21:00 The Middle 21:40 30 Rock 22:00 Law & Order eTV 05:30 eNews Sunrise 06:00 Sunrise 09:00 Rhythm City 10:00 3rd Degree 10:30 The Young and the Restless 11:30 Great Expectations 12:30 Backstage 13:00 News Day 14:30 Paddle Pop Adventures 14:35 Cool Catz 15:00 Power Rangers: Samurai 15:30 Thomas & Friends 15:45 Bob the Builder 16:00 Sistahood 16:40 The Young and the Restless 17:30 Medical Detectives 18:30 Rhythm City 19:30 Scandal! 20:00 The Steve Harvey Show 21:00 eKasi:Our Stories
Tuesday, February 28 SABC 1 08:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 09:00 Generations 09:30 Muvhango 10:00 Martin 4 13:30 Shift 16:07
If you are an isiZulu speaking Toastmaster and would like to participate in the speech contest in April, in your own language, phone Linda 082-570-1291. RA/0510316
Wêreldbiddag Pta-Oos-streek vind op 1 Mrt om 18:00 en 2 Mrt om 20:00 by Lynnwood Katolieke Kerk plaas. Sprekers: Rinél Hugo en dr. Marina Strydom. Elna 084506-7870. RA/0510326
Wêreldbiddag vir mans, 3 Maart NG-kerk Môregloed, h/v Laseandra en Ben Swartstrate. Johan 083-4065883. RA/0509642
Union invites women interested in rock and surf angling to join them. Trudy 083-308-0383. RA/0509639
Jacaranda Fly Fishing Club meets first Tuesday at 19:00 at the Golf Driving Range and Academy, next to Sutherland H/S. All welcome. Roy 083-291-0223. RA/0509662
Join the Toastmasters Pretoria Tshwane Club. Charlene 083-5058481. RA/0510338
Klubs Afrikaanse Toastmasters neem aan ’n humoristiese kompetisie deel. Linda 082-570-1291. RA/0510317
Centurion Chess Club meets every Thursday at Lyttelton library at 19:30. All level players welcome. Marius 083-626-1727. RA/0510292
Die Gauteng-Noord-tweekamp kampioenskap vind op 28 Feb om 16:30 by H/s Menlopark plaas. Benodig seuns en meisies o.17 en o.19, senior atlete asook junior veterane. Charel 084-678-1001. RA/0510349
Magalies Radio-amateurklub bied elke Saterdag gratis opleiding aan voornemende radio-amateurs aan. Eksamens vind in Mei en Oktober plaas. Klasse word aangebied by John Vorster Tegnologiese Skool van 09:00 tot 13:00. Chris 082-4641007. RA/0509668
Toastmasters every 2nd and 4th Thursday at 08:30 at Oostvallei Village. Debbie 083-3103747. RA/0510288
Gesamentlike Leeskringvergadering. 16 Mrt 14:00. NG-kerk Lynnwoodrif. Spreker Rianna Scheepers oor Ligvoets, lekker en leersaam. Tel 012-333-3610. RA/0509650
Gauteng North Rock and Surf
Events will not be accepted over the phone. Fax to 086-645-6764 or e-mail editorial@rekord.co.za or nuus@rekord.co.za or post to PO Box 8261, Pretoria, 0001. Only events not aimed at profit/product selling, will be placed for free. Publication is not guaranteed. Deadlines are strictly Wednesdays at 12 noon for the next week’s edition. Events aimed at profit and events for guaranteed publication can be placed at a nominal fee. Contact Small Hits on 012-842-0321 or fax 086-590-9648 or e-mail at smallhits@rekord.co.za
Comedy Khona 17:00 Cory in the House 18:00 Play Your Part 18:30 The Bold and the Beautiful 19:30 News 20:30 Montana 21:00 Whizz Kids of Mzansi 22:00 The Beast 23:00 Judge Joe Brown Year 11 SABC 2 06:00 Morning Live 08:50 Thabang Thabong 09:20 Curious George 10:20 Rivoningo 11:50 Dr Phil 13:25 Days of our Lives 15:30 Muvhango 16:00 Hectic Nine-9 18:30 7de Laan 19:00 News 19:30 Soutmansland 21:35 90 Plein Street 3 23:00 As the World Turns 2 SABC 3 05:00 Nuus/Weather 09:00 Celebs Biographies 12:10 Mission Impossible 14:00 All My Children 17:40 Days of our Lives 18:30 What I Like About You 21:00 Desperate Housewives 22:00 Law & Order 23:00 Nip Tuck VI 00:00 Oprah Winfrey eTV 06:00 Sunrise 08:00 eNews Sunrise 09:00 Rhythm City 09:30 Scandal! 10:00 The Steve Harvey Show 10:30 The Young and the Restless 11:30 Great Expectations 12:30 Backstage 13:30 WWE: Afterburn 14:30 Paddington Bear 14:35 Cool Catz 15:00 Gormiti 16:00 Frenzy 18:30 Rhythm City 19:00 News 19:30 Scandal! 21:00 UEFA Champions League 00:00 He Walked By Night 01:30 The Black Book
Wednesday, February 29 SABC 1 06:00 Takalani Sesame 08:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 11:30 Judge Joe Brown 12:00 Live 13:30 It’s Just I’spani 15:00 Matrixs Uploaded 17:00 Cory in the House 18:30 The Bold and the Beautiful 20:00 Generations 21:00 Relate SABC 2 06:00 Morning Live 08:50 Thabang Thabong 09:20 Curious George 11:50 Dr Phil 12:40 Judge Mathis 13:25 Days of our Lives 14:10 As the world turns 16:00 Hectic Nine9 17:30 News 18:00 La Familiar 18:30 7de Laan 19:00 News 19:30 Pasella 21:00 Muvhango 22:00 Cold
Case SABC 3 10:40 Generations 16:45 Days of our Lives 21:00 Zero Tolerance 22:15 Nip Tuck 00:00 Oprah Winfrey Show eTV 06:00 Sunrise 09:00 Rhythm City 09:30 Scandal! 10:00 3rd Degree 10:30 The Young and the Restless 11:30 Supernanny 15:30 Lazy Town 17:30 Medical Detectives 19:30 Scandal! 20:00 My Name is Earl
Thursday, March 1 SABC 1 08:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 08:30 Isidingo 09:00 Generations 09:30 Muvhango 10:00 Martin 4 10:30 The Chatroom 11:00 Big Up 13:30 Siyayinqoba 15:00 Matrixs Uploaded 17:28 Journeys of Inspiration 18:00 Ses’khona 19:30 News 20:00 Generations 20:30 Home Affairs 21:30 Cutting Edge 22:00 The Lab SABC 2 06:00 Morning Live 09:20 Curious George 09:50 Takalani Sesame 10:20 Rivoningo 11:50 Dr Phil 12:40 Judge Mathis 13:25 Days of our Lives 15:00 7de Laan 15:30 Muvhango 16:00 Hectic Nine-9 17:00 Dragonballz 18:30 7de Laan 19:30 The Big Break Legacy 21:00 Muvhango 21:30 Speak Out SABC 3 11:40 7de Laan 12:10 Mission Impossible 17:40 Days of our Lives 21:40 Kings 23:00 30 Rock 00:00 Oprah Winfrey Show eTV 06:00 Sunrise 09:00 Rhythm City 09:30 Scandal! 10:00 Madam & Eve 10:30 The Young and the Restless 12:00 Bornfrees 12:30 Backstage 13:30 WWE: Raw 16:00 Craze World Live 16:40 The Young and the Restless 17:30 Street Court 18:00 eNews 19:30 Scandal! 20:00 Mad About You 20:30 The Bone Collector
Editorial COMMENT South Africa’s public road transport system is in chaos and in some places it is non-existent or at the point of collapse. It would not be an exaggeration to say that there is no existing public road transport system in Pretoria and that the only public road transport available in the bigger Tshwane area, which operate with a modicum of success, is the minibus taxi system. Although the minibus taxis supply a reliable and cheap service, the vehicles
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Sinikus staan stom Hierdie rubriek is spesiaal om dinge te laat GONS. As jy saamstem, laat ons weet, as dit jou rooi laat sien, laat ons asseblief ook weet. Lewendige debat is waarna ons uitsien. Na bykans 30 jaar in die joernalistiek, net wanneer ’n mens van opinie is dat niks, absoluut niks, jou meer kan verbaas nie, sorg die lewe dat selfs ’n geharde, gesoute, siniese woordtoorder, soms stom staan. Twee jaar gelede trek ons in Pretoria in, ek ses maande nå die wederhelf omdat ek so gehuil het omdat ek die Kaap moes verlaat, dat dit my ses maande geneem het om te pak. Nouja, soos Rut in die Bybel, volg ek toe maar uiteindelik.Skielik bevind ek my op ’n ander planeet. Waar tot die honde Blou Bul-truitjies dra, die mooiste meisies (en dis nou maar so, Pretoria het die mooiste, mooiste vroue) vir jou middelvinger wys en as jy nie weet wat dit beteken nie, verduidelik hulle vir jou in geen onsekere taal nie. En soos die kinders sê, wat my uitfreak, is dat niemand ooit dankie sê wanneer ’n ander motoris omtrent ’n verkeersopeenhoping veroorsaak om daardie niemand (al is hy/sy in ’n duur motor), ’n geleentheid te gee om voor hulle in te beweeg nie. Kry die mense ongeskiktheid en onverdraagsaamheid saam met hul babapap in? Nêrens op hierdie ondermaanse het ek dit nog ooit beleef nie. Om dankie te sê neem seker dieselfde spiere as om die middelvinger te wys? So het elke kolonie maar sy dinge. In die Kaap, as jy ’n ongeluk sien, is dit ’n gegewe dat een van die voertuie se registrasienommer met CY (Bellville), sal begin. My ouma het altyd gesê opvoeding wys. En gebrek daaraan ook. En daar is baie mense in ander provinsies wat ook baie geld het en baie belang-
themselves are dangerous and unroadworthy and the system, for the most part, is devoid of any type of control. The Metrorail passenger service is operating with ageing stock on infrastructure that needs drastic repair. The passenger bus service in Pretoria are, in the words of Tshwane’s executive mayor, in such a state of chaos that he actually urged commuters to find alternative means of getting to work and back home. The much vaunted Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project in the greater Tshwane metro area has been temporarily shelved. It was planned that the BRT rollout would be done in phases, with Line 1 linking areas in the north, such as Soshanguve and Mabopane, to the CBD. Line 2 would reach out to areas in the south and east, like the fast developing suburbs along Hans Strijdom Drive and Mamelodi. South Africa’s ageing rail and road infrastructure requires massive investment for the country to successfully compete in international markets. Historical underinvestment coupled with poor maintenance, outdated systems and a lack of integration have negatively affected the country’s and Pretoria’s transport network. The Department of Transport recently announced a proposed integrated public transport system, to be controlled by municipalities, with the City of Cape Town to launch a pilot project, must be welcomed. The new scheme was however, greeted with much scepticism, whether the municipalities which have failed with their own systems would be ready to handle such systems with any degree of success.
rik is, wat nooit middelvinger wys nie en mooi dankie sê. Tog verstaan ek dit op ’n manier. Pretorianers bly in die land se misdaadhoofstad, hulle het nie ’n see of ’n berg nie, daar is nie ’n enkele blom langs die pad, behalwe Checkers-sakke nie. Almal ly aan sinus, want die lug is besoedel. Die meeste bly hul ganse lewens al hier. Ek sou ook vies gewees het. Maar nou moet ek bely - nou die dag verwyl ek my lewe op die N1 en dis warm en die mense is haastig en ek moet van baan verwissel, want my baan het na die Zambesi-tolhek opgehou. So ’n dik tannie sien wat ek beplan en soos blits beweeg sy in haar opgeterte rooi Golfie tot teenaan die motor voor haar. Nou ja, daar is ’n paar voertuie wat jou ’n geleentheid op die pad gee - Putcobusse, oorlaaide vragmotors, minibustaxis en motors met enige ander nommerplaat behalwe GP. Soos dit maar gaan op die paaie wat nooit klaarkom nie, ry jy ’n bietjie en dan ry ek ’n bietjie en so ’n kilometer of wat verder het die dik tannie (soos almal jou hier noem of jy 30 of 300 is) nodig om in my baan in te beweeg. Goeie Christen wat ek is, wat elke Sabbat in die Dopperkerk sit, wat doen ek? Ek vergeet alles van Belhar en doen wat almal om my doen. Ek ry so vinnig ek kan tot teen die motor voor my en lag al my daaglikse sorge weg. Skaakmat. En dit van ’n Kapenaar. Nou ja, tot volgende keer wanneer ek weer julle hare kan omkrap.
Email your letters to: nuus@rekord.co.za
Letters may be addressed to the Editor, PO Box 8261, Pretoria 0001, faxed to 086-645-6764 or e-mailed to nuus@rekord.co.za. Letter must be limited to 200 words. The Editor reserves the right to edit any letter. A writer may use a pseudonym, but his or her full name, address and telephone number must accompany the letter.
Onbedagsaamheid pla kwadrupleeg Ontstoke kwadrupleeg skryf: Ons het nie almal in die ry gestaan toe ordentlikheid uitgedeel is nie. Inteendeel, party mense het heel voor in die ry getiteld ‘onbeskof’ gestaan. Ek het die naweek gaan inkopies doen. Daar aangekom is die parkering vir ons ‘rolstoelbrigade’ soos gewoonlik beset. Die wit Opel Astra wat daar geparkeer is, het geen van die vereiste rolstoelplakkers op nie. Net daar besluit ek om Meneer
Onbeskof vas te trek. Jy sien, Meneer Onbeskof, van jou soort het ek genoeg gehad. Jou mond kan nie ophou vloek nie en sulke vieslike handgebare ken ek nie. Daar is ’n rede hoekom ons parkeerplekke gemerk is, die spasie is wyer, om uit te ‘spring’. Ons doen ook inkopies, so gun ten minste ander mense die son wat oor hul koppe skyn. Genoeg is genoeg. Ek verklaar oorlog.
Geskok oor gesproke taal Tant Koek van Queenswood skryf: Ons wil so graag Afrikaans in ons skole en tersiêre inrigtings behou. Ons SMS R10 aan Solidariteit en AfriForum om in die howe te gaan veg. Ons probeer ons kunstefeeste ondersteun en kyk na Afrikaanse televisiekanale waar ons kan. Ons sit ’n geldjie opsy om so nou en dan na ’n opvoering te gaan kyk en luister graag na Afrikaanse musiek. Maar liewe volkie, wat praat ons? Waar is ons taal? Ek daag u uit om met enige
hoĂŤrskoolleerling aan enige van ons stoere Afrikaanse skole te praat. Luister na enige van ons sportlui, vermaaklikheidskunstenaars, sangers, medeAfrikaners en ween. Wat praat die onderwysers deesdae? Ek weet nie. My skooldae is verby, maar ek sal graag wil weet. As dit so aanhou stel ek voor ons verval liewers in ons land se amptelike taal, poor English. Brief verkort - Redaksie
System not working properly Kim Michler writes: I was so glad to see that someone else also experienced the same frustration as I have regarding unabridged certificates, Fed-up with service, Rekord February 17. The bad news is that Luan has a long wait ahead. In March 2011, I applied for unabridged marriage and birth certificates for my parents, who are deceased, my sister and I. I am still waiting.
I have been back to the Home Affairs’ office three times since then but they are always busy ‘processing’ the requests. The last time I was at Home Affairs, I even gave them additional information to assist in speeding up the process. A man said he would personally take the additional documents and my applications to head office the next week. This was last year. It is a good thing that I do not need these documents urgently.
Beïndruk met staatshospitale Jaco Bekker Skryf: Graag wil ek my ondervinding met almal deel. ’n Mens hoor gewoonlik dat staatshospitale so sleg is, maar ek dink dit is die mense wat dit vir die personeel te moeilik maak.Ek het onlangs my lewensmaat by die Danville-kliniek gehad waar dit skoon en netjies is en selfs die personeel vriendelik is.
Die dokter wat by die kliniek werk het my man vinnig gehelp en hom na die Pretoria-Wes-hospitaal verwys. By die hospitaal was alles skoon en by ontvangs was die persoon professioneel en vriendelik. Hulle het hom na ongevalle toe geneem en daar was die diens nog beter. Hulle het hom ook dadelik in saal sewe opgeneem. Al die personeel was fantasties en het my man goed behandel.
Don’t blend in Readiness is the ability to be ready for immediate action. A spiritually prepared army can impact a city – and even a nation – for God’s Kingdom. A spiritually prepared child can impact a school. A spiritually prepared student can impact his/her peers. A spiritually prepared parent, doctor, teacher, accountant, secretary or farmer can act as thermostat and change the temperature of the environment they operate in. God never called us to blend in, but to stand out. In Matthew 5:13-14 we read: “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavour, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing, but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.� These scriptures say that our lives either have a positive or a negative effect. The choice is ours to make on a daily basis. Salt is a preservative that can prevent rot from setting in. Light can banish darkness and break the heaviness of depression and
Faith Nevil Norden
despair. In Acts 9 we read about Ananias. He was spiritually ready when God spoke to him and his readiness impacted the life of Saul of Tarsus, who later became Paul, and who wrote two thirds of the New Testament. Ananias means ‘Jehovah was gracious’. Grace is the opposite of merciless persecution with which Paul first persecuted the church. By being spiritually ready, Ananias impacted the life of Saul and changed his life’s purpose and his destiny. My challenge to you is: Stand out. Don’t blend in and be spiritually prepared.
Top tien motors word op die proef gestel Bernard K Hellberg Die toetsdag by Pretoria se bekende Gerotek-terrein is agter die rug, en motorliefhebbers sal moet wag tot 14 Maart wanneer Suid-Afrika se jongste Motor van die Jaar aangewys word. Onder die tien finaliste, wat almal puik voertuie is, was daar sommige wat verras het, party om die verkeerde redes. Die Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.4 met sy 125kW enjin het veral op die hoë snelheidovaal (HSO) beïndruk, waar dit amper dieselfde snelheid as die Mercedes-Benz SLK 350 gehaal het. Daarbenewens parkeer die Alfa redelik moeilik vanweë blindekolle agterlangs. Die Alfa kos R297 800 en is goeie waarde vir geld. Die Audi A6 3l turbodiesel met Quattro-vierwielaandrywing het as een van die
gunstelinge na vore gekom. Die koopprys van R645 000 kan dit pootjie. Op die HSO het die Audi maklik vir die SLK hakskene gewys en is Quattro ’n waardevolle bate teen ’n snelheid van 215 km/h. Die Citroën DS4, ’n 1.6 Sport met 147kW enjin, is uiterlik en van binne aan die voorpunt van ontwerp. Wat sy prys betref, suig dit egter aan die agterspeen teen R325 900 wat nogal taai is. Die DS4 is egter vir diegene wat bo die gepeupel wil uitstyg en graag ‘anders’ wil wees. ‘Anders’, soos om nie om te gee om soveel geld neer te sit vir ’n motor waarvan die agterste ruite nie oopmaak nie. Ondanks sy dinamiese prestasie op die HSO en die renbaan het die Citroën steeds ’n agterstand met daardie koopprys. Ek gee dit slegs ’n geringe kans. Nog ’n diesel, die Ford Focus 2.0 TDCi outomaties (powershift) het goed presteer
teen hoë snelhede (op die mini-renbaan), danksy ’n puik onderstel. Ek vermoed die Focus het ’n buitekans op die louere. Die Ford Focus kos R285 480. Vanjaar se vroeë gunsteling, die Hyundai Elantra 1.8 GLS, het nie teleurgestel nie. Teen R220 000 bied die Elantra stewige bougehalte en vaardigheid teen hoë snelhede. Die minimalistiese klein Kia Picanto met sy 1,2l-enjin, het die oë laat rek deur gemaklik 165km/h op die HSO te haal. As die bekostigbaarste (goedkoop klink net nie reg nie) kan jy ’n Picanto kry teen R118 995 en die moderne Europese Peter Schreyer, voorheen van Audi, se ontwerp daarmee saam. Daar is ’n spesiale plekkie in ons lewens vir motors wat soveel teen hierdie prys bied. Ongelukkig het die Picanto, vanweë sy beskeie massa en kort
asafstand, op die martelstroke gesukkel. Nogtans kan die Picanto, na my mening, onder die eerste drie eindig. Teen R752 400 was die Mercedes-Benz SLK 350 BlueEFFICIENCY (ja, dit word so in hoofletters uitgebulder) loshande die duurste. Renbaanhantering was uitstekend, maar op die HSO kon die Mercedes net nie dieselfde topsnelheid as Audi se vierdeurdiesel haal nie. Die Mercedes kos ook R107 000 meer as die Audi. Wat ook teen die SLK tel, is die feit dat geen tweesitplekmotor nog ooit die kompetisie gewen het nie. Almal se monde het oopgehang toe die Peugeot 5008 Active 2.0 met sy 110kW turbodiesel die mini-renbaan aangedurf het. Al die jurielede het geglo so ’n groot regop ‘mom’s taxi’ sal stadig en versigtig deur die draaie geneem moet word, anders val hy om, maar watwou, Peugeot, soos ’n ware sportmotor kan die 5008 as veilig deur draaie en kronkelpaaie beskryf word. Teen R315 500 bied die Peugeot 5008 goeie waarde vir geld, maar is dit onwaarskynlik dat dit as wenner gekroon sal word. Mense wat gedink het Suzuki beteken slegs motorfietse en kragbootenjins het nog nie die Kizashi bestuur nie. As ouboet van die geliefde klein Jimny, was die Kizaski (R295 500) 2.4 SDLX-handrat ’n stewige mededinger wat in ’n uiters mededingende segment saamspeel. Die prys is reg, die bougehalte van hoogstaande gehalte en die Kizashi het die vermoë om onder die top drie te eindig – indien nie as wenner nie. Volkswagen se Jetta is waarskynlik die motor wat die meeste krag, 118kW, uit die kleinste enjin kan optower. Hierdie verstommende krag is die gevolg van gevorderde tegnologie wat beide ’n turboaanjaer en ’n kompressor gebruik. Teen R274 500 bied die Jetta ’n stabiele rit teen hoë snelhede, ’n moderne en verbruikersvriendelike kajuit en redelike vaardighede op die sinkplaatgedeeltes. Die Jetta is ook een van die gunstelinge.
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Treat your home to a healthy makeover With so many South Africans struggling with severe or chronic allergies, it may be time to consider a healthy home makeover, said Adrian Goslett, CEO of Remax of Southern Africa. He noted that a growing trend worldwide, especially in America, has seen many homeowners deciding to give their homes a healthy makeover and turn harmful living habits and choices into healthy ones. “The trend to opt for a healthier way of living has become popular among families who have children, particularly if their children suffer from allergy-related illness on an ongoing basis. Considering the large amount of time spent in and around the home, making adjustments to living conditions could have a marked impact on the health of those who live there,� said Goslett. He provides a few tips that experts suggest homeowners could consider to make their home a healthier place in which to live. The bedrooms: When we consider that we spend as much as a third of our lives in bed, it seems the most likely place to start. If the occupants in the home are suffering from a runny nose or itchy throat, dust mites could be the cause. Dust mites and mould love moisture, therefore keep the rooms ventilated. This will keep the humidity levels in the bedrooms lower, which will also keep other allergens under control. It is suggested that bed linen is washed every week and it is important that the water used is as hot as possible, preferably boiling. Items that are non-washable, such as stuffed toys, can be placed in a freezer and frozen for a few hours. While the bedding is getting washed, leave the mattress exposed and allow it to breathe. The living areas: Opening windows as often as possible will allow fresh air into the living areas to help clear allergens. Airflow through the home will also help to clear the cumulative effect of pollutants in living areas. These come from a variety of elements such as the glue holding the carpets down, furniture and even the paint on the walls. If you are repainting, choose paints that have low or no VOC products in them to avoid headaches and respiratory problems. Make sure that air-conditioner filters are changed often. If members of the family suffer from respiratory problems, it may be worthwhile
purchasing an air purifier. Certain houseplants can work as a natural air filter by adding oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide. If energy saving or compact fluorescent lights are used in the home, make sure they are handled and disposed of carefully. These bulbs contain mercury vapour, which can be harmful if the light bulb breaks. If you are concerned about the vapour, purchase regular incandescent light bulbs with lower wattage. The kitchen: As the heart of the home, the kitchen is where many families spend a large amount of time and if you have ever watched Kitchen CSI, you will know that this is where most household germs and bacteria lurk. While using conventional cleaning agents will kill the germs on the kitchen surfaces, the chemicals used in those agents could be potentially harmful. Products that use harsh chemicals can leave behind toxins, so rather use cleaning agents labelled green and that are nontoxic. Some new microfiber mops and dust cloths can capture more dust and dirt than traditional materials and don’t require any cleaning products at all. If the kitchen were the heart, then the refrigerator would be the pulse. It is also important to replace water and icemaker filters and ensure proper maintenance. These days drinking filtered water is easier than ever with the vast variety of products available to homeowners. Aside from the bottle filters, homeowners can install filtration systems directly to their taps. When choosing laundry products, it is better to use options that have no fragrance or are naturally scented. To help prevent mould from forming, don’t leave wet laundry in the washing machine for extended periods of time. “Living in a healthy home will ensure that the quality of life and time spent in that environment is the best it could possibly be,� concluded Goslett.
Multi Listing Services names January winners Multi Listing Services announced its January winners during their monthly zone meeting on February 13. The property agents are from left Dries du Plessis of Deo Swanepoel Eiendomme, Theresa Mthabathe from Terryem-jay Eiendomme and JanViljoen Coetzee from Anneleze Eiendomme.
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012-335-7503 RA/0510328
Titans speel wisselvallig in kampioenskap Koos Venter Die Nashua Titans, pasgekroonde kampioene van die SuperSportreeks, het die afgelope naweek wisselvallig begin in hul aanslag op die nuwe nasionale MiWay Pro20kampioenskap. Vrydagaand in Oos-Londen het hulle die Warriors met 29 lopies geklop, maar Sondag in Centurion was hulle aan die ontvangkant, toe die Knights hulle in ’n spannende stryd met vyf paaltjies gewen het. Dit beteken dat die Titans na die eerste twee rondtes nou vierde op die punteleer lê. Hoewel die reeks, wat vanjaar oor ’n dubbelrondte beslis word, nog lank nie klaar is nie, sal die Titans nie kan bekostig om verdere tuiswedstryde te verloor nie. Vrydagaand teen die Warriors was dit die kaptein, Martin van Jaarsveld (77 lopies van 46 balle) wat saam met Farhaan Behardien (54 lopies van 37 balle) die kolfsterre was in die Titans se beurt van 174 in hul toegelate 20 boulbeurte. Daarna het die twee draaiers, Paul Harris (drie paaltjies) en Roelof van der Merwe (twee paaltjies) ’n groot rol gespeel om die Warriors tot net 145 lopies in hul 20 beurte te beperk. Sondag het die Titans weer eerste gekolf en dit was weer Behardien met sy 70 lopies van 44 balle wat die pap dik aangemaak het. Hy is goed deur Jacques Rudolph met 43 van 29 balle bygestaan. Ongelukkig het ’n paar van die Titans se boulers, in hul poging om 165 lopies te verdedig, ’n bietjie deurgeloop onder die kolfwerk van veral Morné van Wyk (62) en Reeza Hendricks (55). Dit was veral die snelboulers CJ de Villiers en Rowan Richards, wat aan die duur kant was. Hulle het darem elkeen ’n paaltjie gevat, terwyl Alfonso Thomas die Titans se beste bouler was met drie paaltjies. Die Titans speel hierdie week teen die Dolphins in Durban (Vrydag) en Sondag word hulle op hul tuisveld in Centurion getoets teen die nuwe sewende span in die reeks, die Impi’s.
Farhaan Behardien, veelsydige ster van die Nashua Titans, het in die eerste twee wedstryde van die nuwe MiWay Pro20-reeks reeds twee vyftigtalle met die kolf aangeteken. Hier is hy in aksie in Sondag se wedstryd teen die Knights in Centurion. Foto: simondp@actionimage
Ses spanne na Amerika Die McCarthy Toyota/Uitsig Prestigeaflosbyeenkoms is onlangs by die Absaatletiekstadion van die Universiteit van Pretoria gehou. Dit was vanjaar reeds die vyfde jaar wat die byeenkoms aangebied is. Sestien skole het spanne ingeskryf by die eerste byeenkoms wat by Pilditch-stadion gehou is. Hierdie jaar was daar meer as 2 000 atlete van 54 skole van regoor die land. Die organiseerder, Martin Vrey van Hoërskool Uitsig het gesê dat, gemeet aan die goeie tye en verskeie rekords, die standaard van die byeenkoms deurgaans hoog was. Ses spanne het aan die einde van die aand gekwalifiseer om aan die Penn Relays in Amerika te gaan deelneem. Hulle sal onder leiding van Geraldine Pillay, stigter van Spikes for Africa, deelneem en vertrek in April vanjaar. Die drie meisiespanne wat kwalifiseer, is afkomstig van Hoërskool Kempton Park, Western Cape Sport School en van die Afrikaanse Hoër Meisieskool in Pretoria. Die seunspanne kom van Western Cape Sport School, Hoërskool Waterkloof en Hoërskool Uitsig. Ander skole wat ook genooi gaan word om in Amerika te gaan deelneem is die meisies van Potchefstroom Gimnasium (wenners van die medium skole afdeling), Afrikaanse Hoër Seunskool in Pretoria en Willowridge. Hoewel elke span verantwoordelik is vir hul eie koste, word ’n gholfdag op 27 Maart vanjaar gereël om te help met die uitgawes. Skole wat deelgeneem het is Western Cape Sport School, Hoërskool Waterkloof, Potchefstroom Gimnasium, Hoërskool Kempton Park, Hans Merenski (Tzaneen), Noordheuwel en Monument van Krugersdorp, Afrikaanse Hoër Seunskool en Afrikaanse Hoër Meisieskool in Pretoria. Donovan Boshoff van Hoërskool Uitsig in aksie tydens die McCarthy Toyota/Uitsig Prestige-aflosbyeenkoms.
Gert Wessels, uitvoerende direkteur van bemarking by Assupol, aan die woord by die bekendstellingsfunksie van vanjaar se Assupol Super-klubreeks verlede week in Centurion. Foto: Annerie Brand
Pleidooi vir oop rugbyklubs Koos Venter Die Assupol Super-klubreeks met ’n totaal van 1 760 deelnemende spelers is deesdae amptelik die grootste amateur rugbytoernooi in Suid-Afrika. Met hierdie feit in gedagte het Gert Wessels, uitvoerende direkteur van bemarking by die Assupol versekeringsmaatskappy, die belangrikheid van dié toernooi beklemtoon toe vanjaar se Super-klubreeks verlede week in Centurion amptelik bekendgestel is. Die Assupol Super-klubreeks word jaarliks aan die begin van die seisoen aangebied as ’n toernooi vir die top 16 oop klubs van die rugbyunies noord van die Vaalrivier. Dit sluit die Blou Bulle, die Leeus, die Valke, die Luiperds, die Pumas en Limpopo in. Wessels het ’n pleidooi gelewer dat Saru en al die groot rugbyunies weer moet kyk na klubrugby en veral die oorlewing en uitbou van rugby by oop
klubs. Terwyl die Varsitybekertoernooi wondere doen vir universiteite, is daar nie ’n soortgelyke nasionale reeks vir oop klubs nie en Assupol probeer om hierdie leemte met hul betrokkenheid by die Super-klubreeks te oorbrug. “Skoolverlaters moet weer besef dat daar ’n rugbylewe is na skool en dat almal nie noodwendig by universiteite betrokke hoef te raak om top klubrugby te kan speel nie,” het Wessels gesê. Hy het beklemtoon dat die standaard van rugby in hierdie toernooi so hoog is dat enige van die twee finaliste in verlede jaar se toernooi (Roodepoort en Centurion) maklik hul man sou staan teen enige van die top spanne in die Varsitybekertoernooi. Die Assupol Super-klubreeks skop op 3 Maart af. Polisie, Centurion, Harlequins en die Silver Valke verteenwoordig die Blou Bulle vanjaar. Navrae: 012-420-0743.
Vrydag 24 Februarie SupeRugby. Bulls vs Sharks. Loftus Versfeld, Pretoria. 19:00.
Maandag 27 Februarie. Varsitybeker rugby. TUT vs UJ (Johannesburg) en Tukkies vs Maties (Stellenbosch). Albei begin 19:00.
TUT val vas teen Ikeys Koos Venter Terwyl die Universiteit van Pretoria (Tukkies) Maandagaand wéér gewys het dat hulle vanjaar die span is om te klop in die Varsitybeker-toernooi, het die Tshwane Universiteit van Tegnologie (TUT) se veldtog ’n knou gekry waarvan hulle moeilik gaan herstel. Dít is die kort opsomming van die nuutste hoofstuk in die verhaal van Pretoria se twee universiteite se vordering in hierdie prestige toernooi. Voor die afskop van TUT se wedstryd teen die Universiteit van Kaapstad (Ikeys) het ’n positiewe atmosfeer in die TUT-stadion in Pretoria-Wes geheers. Hoewel TUT tot dusver vanjaar twee keer sleg verloor het op die telbord, het hulle tog goeie rugby gespeel en die gevoel was dat hulle dalk teen die Engelse universiteit van Kaapstad ’n deurbraak kon maak. Die Ikeys, wat ook verdedigende kampioene is, het immers tot dusver vanjaar gesukkel en het tot voor Maandagaand se wedstryd ook nog nie enige ligapunte gehad nie. Teen rustyd was die Ikeys met 21-2 voor op die telbord, maar daar was steeds hoop vir geharde ondersteuners van TUT, want meer as een van die Ikeys se drie drieë tot in daardie stadium is eintlik teen die verloop van die spel gedruk. TUT het boonop baie kanse gehad, maar hul gebrekkige afronding het hulle van drieë beroof. Toe kom die tweede helfte en 40 minute later; met die eindtelling op 66-2 was dit amptelik: TUT is baie diep in die moeilikheid. Net ’n wonderwerk sal hierdie span red van relegasie, waarna hulle volgende jaar in die Skild-afdeling van die kompetisie sal speel. TUT was in daardie tweede helfte niks anders as hopeloos nie.
Hul groot sonde om balbesit te verloor is male sonder tal deur die Ikeys uitgebuit, waarna die Kapenaars eenvoudig wyd gespeel het en hul groter spoed in die agterlyn gebruik het om die drieë in te ryg. Waar die Ikeys in die tweede helfte sjampanje-rugby begin speel het en die manne van TUT dronk gehardloop het, het TUT verkies om negatief te raak en fokus te verloor. Dít het uiteindelik ’n slagting veroorsaak wat hulle na ’n baie swakker span laat lyk het as wat hulle werklik is. Met drie wegwedstryde wat vir TUT voorlê, sal hul ondersteuners maar solank moet begin hoop op daardie wonderwerk. In die LC de Villiers-stadion in Hatfield was die gees van plaaslike ondersteuners net die teenoorgestelde as dit wat Maandag laataand in Pretoria-Wes ervaar is. Tuks se ondersteuners kan nie wag vir die res van die toernooi nie, want híérdie Tukkie-span van Nollis Marais lyk na kampioene. Tukkies het ’n baie goeie span van die Noordwes Universiteit in Potchefstroom (Pukke) oortuigend geklop en boonop meer as vier drieë gedruk vir die belangrike bonuspunt op die punteleer. Tukkies se resep is eenvoudig, maar effektief. Hul voorspelers doen die basiese dinge reg en dit gee geleenthede aan hul puik agterlyn om met innoverende rugby die drieë te druk. Dit is veral Tukkies se briljante losvoorspelers, Okkie Kruger, Jacques Verwey en Jono Ross, wat wedstryd na wedstryd die verskil maak vir hul span. Dié drie manne wys telkens dat die klassieke kombinasie van ’n goeie baljagter, ’n werkesel lynstaanflank op sewe en ’n groot
Hierdie foto vertel die verhaal van TUT se Varsitybeker-wedstryd Maandagaand teen die Ikeys van Kaapstad. Die Kapenaars was net een te veel vir die TUT-manne. Hier word Hansie Graaf van TUT deur twee spelers van Ikeys vasgevat. Foto: Gordon Arons
sterk agtsteman steeds ’n wenresep in moderne rugby is. Pretoria is eerskomende Maandag rugbyloos aangesien
albei Pretoria se spanne wegwedstryde speel. TUT speel teen die Pukke in Potchefstroom, terwyl Tukkies Stellenbosch toe ry vir
die grote teen Maties, wat die voorloper op die punteleer sal bepaal by die halfpadmerk van die kompetisie.
Registration for soccer teams now open Legion Thwala Schools in Pretoria are reminded to register their soccer teams for this year’s Sanlam Kay Motsepe Cup. Registration for the highest paying schools tournament in the world in prize money, opened on Sunday. Financial Services Company, Sanlam, the Motsepe Family Foundation and Ubuntu Botho Trust urge every school in all nine provinces to register to compete. The tournament is played under the auspices of the South African Schools Football Association (Sasfa). According to Mamelodi Sundowns football club spokesperson, Kabelo Mosito, young football players who participate in the competition will stand a chance to get recruited to the club’s academy. “Not only is there a total of R3,4-million in prize money available, but football scouts from our club will be attending as many rounds as possible in a bid to find exceptional talent to place in the academy.” Sanlam’s sponsorships manager, Frank
Louw, said one of the key objectives of the sponsorship is to get as many football players as possible between the ages of 15 and 19 to compete. He said this would improve their chances of being spotted by soccer scouts. “Players who stand out will then be recruited into development structures to be nurtured and shaped into professional footballers. To be able to achieve this, we need to encourage all schools to register no matter where they are situated,” he said. Registration closes on March 9. The breakdown of the prizes is as follows: First place: R1 000 000, second place: R600 000, third place: R500 000 and fourth place: R400 000. The prize money is to be utilised for a development project that enhances or advances the mission and objectives of the school or its immediate community. This includes the building of extra classrooms, computer centres and the upgrading of the soccer pitch to mention but a few. Mosito said the Motsepe Family Foundation endorses the objectives and
Mamelodi Sundowns’ president, Patrice Motsepe, presents a trophy to last year’s winners of the Sanlam Kay Motsepe Cup, Harmony High School.
rationale behind the sponsorship. Mamelodi Sundowns boss and mining magnate, Patrice Motsepe, initiated the Sanlam Kay Motsepe Cup. It was initiated through the Motsepe Family Foundation in
memory of his mother and to recognise the integral role she played in his life. Enquiries: To register in the Sanlam Kay Motsepe Schools Cup, phone Nelson Belebesi on 011-567-2824.