Vol 25 No 24_Oos_Faerie Glen

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Bekendes deel resepte uit Elsabé Zietsman en Amore Bekker het Saterdag gaste by die Kerskopies, Kos en Kuier vir Kansa geldinsamelingsgeleentheid by Capital Hotel School vermaak. Hulle het van hul heerlike resepte met gaste gedeel en dit voorberei sodat die gaste daaraan kon knibbel. Sien storie op bladsy 11. Foto: Suzette van Huyssteen

Another bill shock

Ané Roux

Residents are in for another electricity account shock at the end of October as news of further account increases hit Pretoria’s electricity consumers, still reeling form account shocks over the past three months. In the latest development, it seems residents have been footing the bill for stolen cables. The electricity increase by the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa) of 28% has not been incorporated into the metro’s

SAP system (the accounting system used by the metro) as previously explained by the metro. The high rates were merely due to the metro’s preserved increase trajectory of over 31 days. This is according to Councillor Adriana Randall, DA spokesperson for finance. She said the Nersa increase directive was omitted from the last account due to a technical oversight from the metro. Residents should brace themselves again for a large account from the metro.

“The new accounts will be issued with the new electricity tariff adjustments, an increase of between 25% and 28%. In short, residents will have to cough up for between two and three months’ consumption,” Randall said. Residents were under the impression that the exceptionally high accounts received last month were as a result of the electricity increase. This is unfortunately not the case. Continued on page 2






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Yet another rate account shock Continued from page 1


“Last month’s accounts were levied for between 41 and as much as 71 days. Normally accounts are levied for 31 days and that is why the accounts where so high,” Randall explained. She added that the reasons for the high tariffs supplied by officials range from stolen cables to the SAP system that was offline. Randall also said these excuses were unacceptable. “Residents have to pay when the council fumbles. We won’t be surprised if residents launch court actions in terms of the Consumer Protection Act, like residents in Johannesburg did earlier this year.” She added the affordability of municipal services is becoming a problem for a lot of residents and administrative mishaps add to an already unbearable situation. The Tshwane media communication department failed to provide comment at the time of going to print. Enquiries: Randall on 083-263-8667 or Janho Engelbrecht, chief whip of the DA on 012-358-2899.

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Suster veg om broer tuis te kry medikus het Dawid ’n ligte beroerte gehad en beheer oor sy voertuig verloor. Hy het teen ’n elek­triese houtpaal vasgery en die ’n Vrou van Villieria veg nou al vier impak het hom uit die voertuig geslinger,” jaar om haar broer, wat in Amerika het sy gesê. gestrand is met ernstige breinskade, Die paal het toe omgeval as gevolg van terug huis toe te bring. die impak en op sy gesig te lande gekom. Marissa van der Walt moet nog Die ongeluk het permanente breinskade R60 000 insamel en het net tien maande aangerig en in ’n stadium was Kriel afhankwaarin sy dit kan doen voor haar ge­ lik van masjiene om hom aan die lewe te stremde broer, Dawid Kriel, se tydelike hou. “Die dag na my boer in die ongeluk paspoort verval. was, is my pa dood. Dit was ’n verskriklike In 1989 het Kriel die geleentheid gekry om klubrugby in Amerika af te rig tyd vir my gesin en ek het my ma nie eers laat weet dat my broer ook om sy lewe veg en het in Utha, Texas, gebly. nie,” het sy gesê. Alles het goed gegaan tot en met Na haar pa se begrafnis het sy haar ma 10 Junie 2007 van Kriel se toestand in kennis gestel. Van toe sy hele der Walt het toe die rit na Amerika aangelewe drasties durf om haar boer na sy ongeluk te besoek. verander het. Na ’n 21-uur vlug het sy by die hospitaal “Volgens ’n gekom waar sy skok op skok ervaar het. para“Die suster het dadelik vorms in my hand gestop om my toestemming te kry dat hulle sy organe kan gebruik, as ek sou besluit om die masjiene af te skakel,” het sy gesê. Volgens Van der Walt was sy woedend omdat sy moes kies om haar broer se masjiene af te skakel en ook nog moes besluit of sy die papiere moet teken of nie. “Hy was vir 92 dae in ’n koma en ons het die ergste verwag, maar deur die Here se genade het hy uiteindelik wakker geword,” het sy gesê. Kriel is na Yakima Memorial Nursing Home verskuif waar hy met rehabilitasie begin het. “Hy was gretig om te leer en het goed gevorder. Hy het geleer loop, eet, drink, lees en skryf,” het sy gesê. Dawid Kriel en sy suster Marissa van der Walt by Toe tref nog ’n terugslag Kriel. die Yakima Memorial Nursing Home in Amerika na sy motorongeluk in 2007 wat hom gestremd Hy het een van sy medepasiënte gelaat het. geslaan. “Hulle was besig om TV Natalie Grobler

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te kyk toe my broer skielik die man langs hom met ’n plathand slaan. Die familie van die ander man wou toe ’n saak teen my broer maak, maar die dokters het vir die familie verduidelik dat hy gestremd is,” het sy gesê. Die dokters van Yakima het daarna vir Kriel na Mimos Adult Home in Seattle gestuur. “Yakima het my nie eens laat weet dat hulle hom geskuif het nie. Ek het na ’n lang gesukkel uitgevind dat hy in Seattle is,” het sy gesê. Volgens Van der Walt is Mimos Adult Home ’n goeie sorgsentrum, maar omdat Kriel intensiewe rehabilitasie nodig het, wat nie by dié sorgsentrum verskaf word nie, het hy agteruitgegaan. Dis toe Kriel begin pleit om terug te kom Suid-Afrika toe. “Nie net wou hy terug Suid-Afrika toe kom nie, maar die Amerikaanse regering het besluit dat hulle subsidies gaan sny van immigrante asook die wat versorging nodig het,” het sy gesê. Van der Walt en Kriel se voog, Ken Curry, het die lang stryd begin om vir Kriel ’n paspoort te kry. “Curry het ’n tydelike paspoort wat vir 12 maande geldig is gereël en ons trek nou by maand twee,” het sy gesê. Sy het gesê haar geldinsamelingpogings het ses maande gelede deur barmhartige samaritane begin en sy het reeds sowat R40 000 ingesamel. “Die NG-kerk Rietfontein-Noord het op 21 Oktober ’n Izak Davel-konsert gereël ten bate van Dawid asook die Alfa en Omega-sorgsentrum en ons hou ’n gholfdag op 15 November by die Akasiagholfbaan vir Dawid,” het sy gesê. Sy het gesê hulle het nog ’n ver pad om te loop, maar sy glo haar broer sal een van die dae by hulle wees. Navrae: Marissa van der Walt by 083299-6599.



Sensusvorms moet volledig voltooi word

DA ward Councillor Bronwynn Engelbrecht on the site of the water reservoir serving Monument Park, Waterkloof and Sterrewag.

Ané Roux

No more water problems Ané Roux For the past five decades residents of Monument Park, Waterkloof and Sterrewag have been receiving water from an inferior water reservoir. When the reservoir was built in 1954, the surrounding communities were isolated. This situation changed, however, and the reservoir with its 250mm pipeline became insufficient. In 2010 the Tshwane metro started with an upgrade project estimated at R15-million, which would see a new reservoir being built including a new pipeline.

Ward Councillor Bronwynn Engelbrecht is excited about the upgrade being made to the reservoir and about what it will mean for the residents. “During peak times residents run out of water. In some places the water pressure is minimal, water was leaking from the corroded pipes and the demand completly surpassed the reservoir’s capacity. This new pipeline and reservoir upgrades will bring water surety back to the residents,” she said. The new steel water pipes have a diameter of 620mm with a coated lining. This means that the new pipeline can endure


continual pressure without any leaking while ensuring continual water flow to residents. A control chamber is also being constructed to house the valves and pressure control measures needed to reduce the pressure from the large pipeline at the point where it enters the reservoir. These valves are a critical part of the whole process to ensure residents will have access to water. Once the control chamber is completed the new pipeline will be connected to the reservoir. The upgrade is expected to be completed by December.

Sensus 2011 is die afgelope week erg gestrem deur die verspreiding van ’n e-pos deur die Security Management Cosultants (SMC) en ADT waarin inwoners gewaarsku is teen die uitgee van sekere inligting op sensusvorms. Volgens Sensus 2011 se woordvoerder, Trevor Oosterwyk van Statistiek Suid-Afrika, is hierdie e-pos egter foutief en inwoners moet volgens wet hul sensusvorms volledig voltooi. “Ons is genader met navrae deur inwoners in die ooste van Pretoria, wat wou seker maak dat hulle slegs hul name op die voorblad van die vorm kon aanbring om hul adres te bevestig. Die e-pos wat inwoners maan om beperkte inligting te deel is foutief en ons vra inwoners om hul samewerking te gee en die sensusvorms volledig te voltooi.” ADT se Noordelike Streeks Besturende Direkteur, Clive Humphrey, het bevestig dat ’n e-pos aan kliënte gestuur is waarin inwoners gewaarsku is teen die openbaring van inligting in hul sensusvorms. Volgens Humphrey is die inligting foutiewelik aan kliënte gestuur vanweë die feit die inligting van SMC verkry is en verwys na gebeure tydens die 2010-sensus in Amerika. “ADT was reeds in kontak met Statistiek Suid-Afrika en die korrekte inligting aangaande die verloop van die sensus hier sal aan kliënte gestuur word,” het Humphrey gesê. Oosterwyk het gesê inwoners kan slegs die sensusvorm van hul amptelike webblad aflaai maar dat

die vorm steeds by ’n geregistreerde sensusbeampte ingehandig moet word. Oosterwyk het verduidelik dat elke vorm ’n spesifieke staafkode­ strokie ontvang vir die inwoner as bewys dat hulle die sensusvorm voltooi het, asook op die huis se deur, as bewys dat die sensus reeds voltooi is. “Vir regulasiedoeleindes moet alle Suid-Afrikaners die vorms in ontvangs neem en weer teruggee, daarom kan dit nie aanlyn ingevul word nie.” “Inwoners kan ons hulplyn bel om in verbinding te kom met die sensusbeampte wat spesifiek in hul omgewing werk. Die sensusbeampte sal die nodige vorms aan inwoners gee en ook weer op ’n bepaalde tyd kom haal.” Oosterwyk het ook verduidelik dat die vorms met óf potlood, of swart pen ingevul kan word. “Sensusbeamptes is gevra om die vorms in potlood in te vul sodat hulle foute kan herstel. Suid Afrikaners wat self hul vorms invul kan potlood of ’n swart pen gebruik.” Die afgelope week het dit aan die lig gekom dat sensusbeamptes in onderskeidelik Limpopo en die Noord-Kaap self slagoffers van misdaad geword het nadat ’n vrou aangeval is en nog twee sensusbeamptes se sakke deur gewapende rowers gesteel is. Garsfontein- en Brooklyn-poli­ sie­stasies het bevestig dat geen ge­valle van geweld of misdaad rakende sensusbeamptes tot dusver in die ooste van Pretoria aangemeld is nie. Die sensus duur tot 31 Oktober. Sensus Hulplyn: 0800-110-248.

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Big tender is under scrutiny

Fine up to R2 000 This unsightly mountain of building rubble that increases weekly, lies on one of the plots with the best views in the east of Pretoria. Ward councillor, Francois Bekker, urges community members not to use the open field at the top of Lois Avenue in Erasmuskloof as a rubble dumpsite. He says residents know very well where the dumpsite in the east of Pretoria is. He urges the community to be vigilant and to report those who use this green patch as a dumping site. “Take their registration numbers and let us get these perpetrators fined.” Enquiries: Bekker on 073-087-6999.

Ané Roux

Boere wil besoedeling stopsit AfriForum die media van die besoedeling en die brief aan die metro verwittig, het Kleynhans die drin­gendheid van die saak beklemtoon. Hy sê die gemeenskap, waaronder kommersiële boere, is bekommerd oor hul gesondheid en ekonomiese voortbestaan weens nalatigheid. Volgens hom is daar boere wat hul oeste verloor en mense wat in die hospitaal lê weens die rioolprobleem. “Die impak op die waterbronne is kommerwekkend. Hierdie water is ʼn bedreiging vir die natuurlike hulpbronne, ekostelsel, ekonomiese aktiwiteite en die mens se gesondheid.” Hy sê die metro moet ondersoek instel na dié mense se gesondheid aangesien hulle die water drink en kinders daarin swem. Die metro het binne ses dae op die brief gereageer waarin hulle in ’n korttermynplan noem dat die metro reeds verskeie tenders uitgesit het vir die herstel en onderhoud van Rooiwal se toerusting. Die metro wag tans nog vir aanstellings-

briewe van sommige van die kontrakteurs en in sommige ander gevalle moet hulle nog die kontrakteurs se aansoeke evalueer. Die metro het ook R303 miljoen vir die volgende drie finansiële jare goedgekeur om die rioolwerke se behandelingskapasiteit te verhoog oor die langtermyn beplan hulle om die kapasiteit nog verder te verhoog. Volgens Kleynhans spreek die metro se aksieplan slegs ʼn paar van die probleme aan wat in die brief genoem is en word daar byvoorbeeld geen melding van ’n oplossing gemaak vir die boere wat op die oomblik oor geen skoon watergeriewe beskik nie. Inwoners oorweeg dit om krimi­nele klag­ tes teen Ngobeni in te dien. Rekord het in 2009 oor die boere se klagtes aangaande die gehalte van die water naby die Rooiwal-kragstasie berig. Volgens dié berig het die departement van openbare werke die water getoets en bevind dat dit vir besproeiingsdoeleindes geskik is, mits sekere voorsorgmaatreëls getref word.



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Die gemeenskap van Hammanskraal en omliggende gebiede het die menseregtegroep AfriForum genader om die storting van rioolwater in die Apiesrivier te ondersoek. Die gemeenskap, wat grotendeels uit boere bestaan, is afhanklik van die rivier se water vir huishoudelike gebruik en besproeiing. Volgens die gemeenskap is die Rooiwalrioolaanleg verantwoordelik vir massas rioolwater wat in die rivier gepomp word. Volgens AfriForum het hulle die stortingsterrein besoek na die klagtes onder hul aandag gebring is. Julius Kleynhans, hoof van AfriForum se nuwe omgewingsdepartement, het ’n brief aan die munisipale bestuurder, Jason Ngobeni, gerig waarin hy die Tshwanemetro versoek om binne ses dae met ’n aksieplan vorendag te kom. In die brief dreig die menseregtegroep om verdere stappe teen die metro te doen indien hulle nie binne ses dae terugvoer ontvang nie. In ’n persverklaring waarin

The Tshwane metro awarded an undisclosed bidder a R1,2-billion contract to build the new municipal headquarters in December. It has, however, come to light that there are already a number of discrepancies regarding the tender process, according to ward councillor Cilliers Brink. “During our investigation into the issue of appointing a bidder to rebuild the west wing of the municipal headquarters, it became apparent that bidders were still submitting their tender documents while a bidder has already been appointed. There are also differentiating amounts. We need to find out what the status quo is regarding the tender process and how we can prevent any irregularities in the process.” Brink added that the DA also plans to request that the tender process adopts an open door policy. “We want the tender process to be open for public scrutiny.” Plans to rebuild the west wing were revealed by the MEC for Local Government and Housing, Humphrey Mmemezi, a few weeks ago. The DA’s Mike Moriaty responded to the MEC’s initial announcements, saying that the amount awarded for the tender was worrying. “This amount of money comes as a shock. Yes, the building is needed, because the current Munitoria is still derelict after a fire destroyed the west wing in 1997, but the project should have been undertaken a long time ago.” He also raised questions regarding the bidder selection process. The MEC’s office said they took the matter under consultation. The matter is currently under review and the MEC is expected to comment on this month’s council meeting.

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Warning not heeded

Protect green belt Ané Roux

Valeska Abreu

Elia Taklos of FOWWS.

completed EIAs.” Strydom added that the spruit running along the River Walk Development is well looked after, cleaned and protected. “Atterbury is responsible for the top part of the spruit where construction is currently underway. We take care of the spruit ensuring that it is secure. This minimises the crime elements of vagrants, littering and further ecological degeneration.” Taklos and FOWWS are hosting a community river walk event on October 29 at 08:00 in an effort to create more community awareness regarding the Wolwespruit developments. The walk starts at the corner of 26th Street and Hazelwood Road. Taklos added that the FOWWS will be lodging an official complaint with Tshwane Town Planning and also alert the Green Scorpions of developers’ actions so that it can investigate any transgression regarding over development according to green legislation and the protection of natural features such as river canals. Enquiries: FOWWS on 082-698-3587.

A week after the new schooling term has started, problems are still prevalent at Glenstantia Primary School. Regardless of numerous warnings issued to parents about fetching their children after school, Rekord witnessed young children hanging around the area up until 17:00 last week. Rekord tried to approach a parent on why she was only fetching her 8-year-old daughter at 16:22, but she angrily said: “it is none of your business,” and sped off. The school has sent out numerous requests to parents to make arrangements for their children after school, but to no avail. According to Gillian Elson, a member of the governing body, arrangements were made for the children to wait on the school property since the start of the new term. When Rekord arrived at the school last week on Monday and Wednesday, pupils were seen gathering at a road opposite the school and also in nearby streets. “Some of the pupils refuse to wait there, they simply make one or other excuse to hang out in the street, regardless of the effort the security guard makes to keep them on the school’s property,” said Elson. According to Elson, parents who neglect to pick up their children after 17:30 will result in their children’s names be given to social services. “Parents who fail to pick up their children after that time, will suffer the consequences of an investigation by social services,” she said. “There are parents who have come forward and asked for assistance in regard to aftercare, which the community projects will provide for, but we can only assist those who come forward.”


A group of residents known as the Friends of the Wolwespruit (FOWWS) is preparing themselves for a battle against property development giants and the Tshwane metro with the aim of conservation at the bottom end of Umgeni Road. Elia Taklos, spokesperson of FOWWS, is passionate about protecting what he sees as the last of the greenbelt in the area between the Garsfontein and Atterbury offramps. “It seems the east of Pretoria next to the N1 freeway is fast becoming the new city centre. That is if developers and metro have their way, with almost R500-million already invested in developments thus far.” The new developments include the Club Office Park development on Dely Road that consists of four phases, River Walk Office Park on Garstfontein Road and the newly announced refurbishment of the Kloof Office building next to the Alphen Park Pro Arte School. “Atterbury Developers and the Public Interest Corporation (Pic) have taken over the top part of the Wolwespruit with their development. We need to conserve this last piece before it too falls into the clutches of developers,” Taklos said. FOWWS is suggesting a green park rather than a high-rise office building. “We want to conserve the beautiful spruit. The plan is to create a green park with public and private partnership initiatives. A green park will create jobs and residents will be able to have a pristine park right on their doorstep. Does the metro not consider green spaces just as important as office parks?” he asked. Taklos said FOWWS would oppose any development on the open veld. “We cannot allow the developers to destroy the spruit

like what was allowed to happen at the Garsfontein end of the spruit. Atterbury Developers built right to the edge of the spruit, destroying the natural flow of the water with barricades.” Taklos is also concerned that development is taking place without the necessary environmental impact assessment (EIA) studies being completed. “I have seen the approved EIA for the development of the Pic building. I have not seen the EIA for the rest of the River Walk Office Park. “The metro is allowing developers to rampage through the spruit without the proper EIA’s in place. The community must hold the metro liable for the amount of development being approved without the EIA’s or required infrastructure upgrades. It seems to be a typical case of the metro’s right hand not knowing what it’s left hand is doing.” Leloko Puling, Acting Director of open spaces planning for the metro, denied that the council is approving developments without having the required documentation in place. “Before I took over, some approvals for further developments were made. I am currently investigating the allegations by FOWWS,” he said. Wian Strydom of Atterbury Developers does not agree with Taklos and said they take the conservation of the spruit seriously. “As a developer, we are aware of or responsibility towards the protection of the natural environment. We have constructed barriers to enforce the walls of the spruit, not to destroy or change the flow as the FOWWS suggests. We did the required EIA before any development started and the under no circumstances will Atterbury build without the proper documentation and


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Few residents become involved to curb crime Ané Roux

Protecting the quality of life and assets of the community. This is the mandate of the Menlo Park Homeowners Association (MPHOA). Practical and worthy support, one would think, however, according to chairman, Bob Pullen, the membership is at an all time low.

Chairman of the Menlo Park Homeowners Association, Bob Pullen.

“For the 1 300 households that form part of the MPHOA, only 100 people attend the meetings and of that 100 individuals only 60 become actively involved.” Pullen said its time for residents to start paying attention to their surroundings. “We need to make sure the Tshwane metro is held accountable for service delivery, that vagrants are removed before they settle in and that business rights are regulated. Without a proper functioning association, the community’s power diminishes.” He added that over the past few years, the MPHOA has been representing residents in Newlands, Ashlea Gardens and even Maroelana. “We help other residents even if they don’t belong to the MPHOA, because we realise what negative impact unchecked practises will have on the surrounding communities. With the constant decline of service delivery and bylaw enforcement, the time for passiveness is over. Residents need to take responsibility for their neighbourhoods and act.” He added that rates and taxes are being spent and the residents have very little influence on these expenditures when things go wrong because of their slack community involvement. “The biggest complainers are usually the ones which are the least involved. Yet, when security becomes a problem, when waste is not removed or when electricity bills are incorrect, their voices are very loud. I would like to see that change and that residents join their respective associations with passion to ensure their services are delivered, their streets are safe and their assets are protected.” The next MPHOA meeting is on September 27 at Menlo Park Primary School at 18:00.

Sergeant Judith Hlatshwayo and Warrant Officer Peter Khoza from the Silverton police display packets of unprocessed drugs found at a hose in Nellmapius Extension 1.

Police arrested four foreign nationals Valeska Abreu Four Nigerian nationals were charged with possession of narcotics and drug handling and dealing in the Pretoria Magistrates’ Court last week where the case was postponed to early this week. Police ransacked a house in Nellmapius Extension 1 last Wednesday after they received a tip-off from community members about strange activities taking place at the house. According to Captain Jan Sepato from the Silverton police, the suspects

were at the premises when the police arrived. The police did a thorough search of the house, but found nothing out of the ordinary. They continued to search the outside of the property and found buried packets of uncooked (unprocessed) drugs all along the fence of the house. “There was an estimated street value of over R15 000 of mixed drugs,” said Sepato The men led the police to a house in Lynnwood where more drugs of different kinds where found.

Leoni Kritzinger and Liesel Westhof enjoyed the sunnyside up eggs with toast.

Breakfast in support of breast cancer held Valeska Abreu

October is breast cancer month and various organisations came out in full force to support the aid. Garsfontein police station also supported the course by organising a Cansa breakfast at Brooklyn Rhapsody’s last week Saturday. Maria Briedenhann, a cancer survivor, shared her heartbreaking story with the attendees. “I’ve been cancer free now since July last year. I thank my support system because if it were not for their love and

support, I probably never would have got through this,” she said. Dr Annemarie Oberholzer, a volunteer specialising in the emotional impact cancer has on its victims, was also at the breakfast and shared her insight on the topic. She lives by the famous quote by Marcia Smith: Cancer is not a death sentence. “I have seen many survivors and when they get through it they have a new zest for life, and that is so amazing,” she said. Cameron Bruce, singer and songwriter, kept the tranquil atmosphere alive as he entertained attendees with his harmonious voice.




Take action with LRA

Angelique Gerber is proud to be representing the Jeans 5 000 project that was launched by Rekord Newspapers, to aid the poor during the festive season. Photo: Phillip Bruwer

Donate a jean this summer Natalie Grobler Rekord’s Jeans 5 000 project is finally here and those with a pair of jeans to spare can start piling it up from this Saturday until December 15. This project is an initiative launched by Rekord Charity Fund to collect 5 000 jeans (old or new) or more, to distribute among the poor throughout Pretoria during the festive season. “We decided that clothing would be the best option this year because it is

more durable than toys for instance,” said Adri Bouwer, marketing manager of Rekord. This project is not only supported by Rekord’s staff, but the Word4Word shopping centres came on board with drop-off locations at various shopping centres. Even the Soviet Group in Pretoria took notice and showed their support by donating 500 jeans to the cause. Not only did they ‘hooha’ their way into donating jeans, but also agreed to give a discount voucher for a new jean to

’n Getrommel en gejuig Natalie Grobler Die lede van die Pretoria Jakaranda Lions-klub het verlede week die inwoners van die Paul Jungnickelhuis vir gestremdes besoek en hulle ’n dag vol pret gebied. Nie net het die Lions kolwyntjies en koeldrank uitgedeel nie, maar hulle het selfs talle djembe-dromme uitgedeel sodat die inwoners kon leer om die dromme te bespeel.

each person who donates one. Each person who drops-off a jean at the Soviet Group will receive a 25% discount voucher. Be sure not to miss out on this charitable opportunity and get your jeans ready to drop-off at the following locations: l Atterbury Value Mart l The Grove l Woodlands Boulevard l Centurion Mall l Rekord’s offices at 32 Orpen Avenue, Lydiana.

The chairperson of the Lynnwood Residents Association (LRA), Kobus van Eeden, wishes to announce that the association’s annual general meeting takes place at 18:45 on October 18 at the Trinity Church Hall, Rodericks Road, Lynnwood. Residents are requested to bring an amount of R70 to renew or purchase new membership. Aside from the formalities of the meeting’s agenda, important aspects concerning the development of Lynnwood will be discussed. The new ward councillor for the area, Siobhan Muller, will address the meeting and residents will be afforded the opportunity to question Muller on matters regarding the ward. LRA committee member, Phillip Nel, will talk about the important issue of rezoning and building regulations pertaining to Lynnwood. Guest speakers will discuss important security matters affecting residents as well as provide updates on the latest crime statistics. A technical expert on energy conservation will discuss the economic use of electricity, a sensitive subject that affects the pockets of all residents. The introduction of a weekly market in Frik Eloff Park, on the corner of Rosemary Road and Kings Highway, will also be discussed. The committee members said they are alarmed at the general apathy they observed in the past and the extremely low membership of the LRA. They believe the continuation of this trend will not bode well for the suburb. All residents are therefore requested to mobilise and join the LRA and become actively involved in the affairs of Lynnwood. Enquiries: 082-465-0167.

Volgens Rykie Czanik, woordvoerder van die Pretoria Jakaranda Lions-klub, het hulle ’n langtermyn verhouding met die personeel en inwoners van die huis. “Ons help die huis deur vir hulle byvoorbeeld beddens te skenk, maar ons spandeer ook tyd saam met die inwoners,” het sy gesê. Volgens Czanik is dit grootliks die rede hoekom die Lions besluit het om Wêrelddienstedag by dié huis te hou.

Harry van Ghent, ’n inwoner van die Paul Jungnickelhuis, het uit sy maag gelag toe Annamarie Scott van die Pretoria Jakaranda Lions-klub langs hom die djembe-drom begin slaan het. 0499406v2




Redaksionele Kommentaar

E-pos jou briewe na: nuus@rekord.co.za

Hit by gardening scam Petro van Rensburg writes: We received an advert in the post from a gardening service claiming they are cheaper than any other gardening service as well as the current service we use, if we use one. They did a quote for us and were cheaper than our current service, so obviously we agreed to use them. The gardening service then pitched on October 1 with two men and did our garden. However, their rules are they have to be paid cash only, upfront the first day that they start. We paid them on the first day they started.

The following Saturday they were suppose to come again, but by 12:00 they had not arrived yet. I tried to phone the manager, but his cell phone was constantly off, with the message ‘the subscriber you have dialled is not available at present, please try again later’. I have been trying to get hold of him ever since, with no results. He gave me an invoice the first day when I paid him but the registration number on the invoice was registered in another company’s name, which was deregistered in February. It looks like we have hit another scam.

Service is dissapointing Just upset writes: It’s that dreaded time again; you must renew your driver’s licence. I went to the Akasia licensing department and had photos taken, completed the documents and paid an arm and a leg for my licence renewal. Nearly sixty days lapsed before I was notified that I could collect my licence. I arrived at the department only to be told that they are striking. I have my own business and time is money and this made my blood pressure rise sky high. I left and on the third attempt, after receiving my second reminder to collect the licence, I again arrived at Akasia

Capital Media (Edms) Bpk / (Pty) Ltd



Faith with focus

Ads Fax 012-804-4812 Adv.Faks 012-804-4740 Small Hits Faks/Fax 012-842-0319 Editorial Faks/Fax 086-652-0378

An eagle is an exceptional bird and once it focuses on its prey, it has singleness of mind and purpose. From that moment on, every part of its powerful, beautiful body is locked in line with the focus of those keen eyes. The wings, the talons, the beak, the understanding of aerodynamics all come into line with only one thought, to catch the prey. Nothing will cause it to deviate from its set course of action. James 1:8 speaks of a double-minded man who is unstable in all his ways. Don’t zigzag through life, focus will take you where you want to go. If you come to a mountain, climb it or go around it or dig a way through it, but

20 000 - Mamelodi Sentraal / Central - 22 540 19 000 - Wesnuus Centurion - 53 600 69 140 - Oos/East: Moot -32 730 Lynnwood (33 287) Noord / North - 36 850 Faerie Glen (35 853) Noweto - 28 820 Total weekly distribution / 282 680 Totale weeklikse verspreiding Rekord word uitgegee en versprei deur sy eienaar, Capital Media (Edms) Bpk, Orpenlaan 32, Lydiana en gedruk deur Caxton, Wrightstraat 16, Industria Rekord subscribes to the South African Press Code that prescribes news that is truthful, accurate, fair and balanced. If we dont live up to the Code please contact the Press Ombudsman at 011-484-3618/2.

Rekord Hulpfonds / Rekord Charity Fund Lopende rekeningnommer 4059368516, ABSA, Lynnwoodrif Enige skenkings welkom



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Briewe mag aan die Redakteur gerig word, Posbus 8261, Pretoria 0001, faks na 086-652-0378 of e-pos na nuus@rekord.co.za. Briewe mag nie langer as 200 woorde wees nie. Die Redakteur behou die reg om enige brief te wysig. ’n Skrywer mag onder ’n pennaam skryf, maar sy of haar volle name, adres en telefoonnommer moet die brief vergesel.

Verlede Saterdagoggend is ’n openbare bus, met passasiers, deur ’n private videospan verfilm terwyl dit teen 150km/h op die Ben Schoemandeurpad ry. Die motor met die filmspan het langs die bus gery terwyl daar telkens skote van die motor se spoedmeter geneem is. Die busbestuurder kan bly wees dat hy en sy passasiers nie deel van die openbare vervoer se ongelukstatistiek geword het nie, statistiek wat die afgelope paar maande die hoogte ingeskiet het. Volgens ’n ER24-segsman het die diens sedert die begin van die jaar op ongeveer 411 ongelukke waarin minibus-taxis betrokke was, gereageer. In dié tydperk moes hulle ook hulp verleen by 288 ongelukke waarby openbare busse betrokke was en 30 treinongelukke. Verlede Woensdag het 21 mense in drie ongelukke in minibus-taxis omgekom. Wat veroorsaak hierdie asemrowende toename in openbare vervoerongelukke? Volgens ’n woordvoerder van die Automobiel-assosiasie, is daar twee oorsake – die toestand van die voertuie en die toestand van die drywers. Oktober is juis Nasionale Vervoermaand en daar kan nie ’n groter prioriteit wees as om ernstig oor die hoë ongeluksyfer in ons land te besin nie. Die minister van vervoer het onlangs gesê dat padsterftes deesdae ’n groter epidemie in Suid-Afrika is as HIV/Vigs.

production@rekord.co.za / marketing@rekord.co.za / Smallhits@rekord.co.za / nuus@rekord.co.za /


Rekord publishes this column on animals lost and found as a special service to the community. Rekord lewer ’n spesiale diens aan die gemeenskap in die rubriek oor diere wat verlore of gevind is. l A 6-month-old grey cat with a white chest recently went missing. The cat is called Chiquita. Enquiries: 082-509-1781. l A sealpoint Siamese male cat went missing from Garsfontein X15 on September 23. Enquiries: 012-998-5905 or 073-159-3314. l Residents can e-mail Wet Nose Animal Rescue centre the details and photos of their missing or found pets. Enquiries: wetnose.marketing@absamail.co.za or 013-932-3941/2 or for emergencies phone 082-677-8084. l Onderstepoort Veterinary hospital receives many animals off the street and your missing pet might have been taken

only to find they have misplaced my licence. I went ballistic. The staff was unhelpful and totally incompetent. Incompetence like this from people who are demanding higher salaries cannot be tolerated, not even to speak of the total lack of a system or security. In my opinion these staff members do not really have a passion to serve or work, but are there so they can afford their designer clothing, hairstyles and false eyelashes. Why can we as a nation only stand together during a World Cup? Letter shortened – Ed.

don’t let it stop you in any way. If criticism is levelled at you analyse it. If you need to repent, repent. If you can learn a life lesson, learn it. If it hurts your pride, humble yourself. If it is untrue, disregard it. We can blame our circumstances or someone for our lack of accomplishment, yet history is full of wonderful stories of those who fought the odds and won. A blind man once said: “My blindness was not a restriction, just a bit of a nuisance at times.” People’s opinions can draw you off target and get you totally side-tracked. Focus on your dreams by taking control of your time. Just remember that achievers have a strong sense of urgency. Ephesians 5:14 (NKJV) says: Awake, you who sleep,

Wees versigtig Huiseienaar skryf: Kort na ek in Oktober 2006 ’n ou huis in Pretoria betrek het, was hier iemand van die Tshwane-metro om die kraglesing te neem. Daarna het ek die lesing maandeliks op ’n kaartjie by die hek geskryf en is sedertdien nog nooit gepla nie. Op 29 September lui die klokkie en oor die interkom sê ’n man hy is ’n ‘lectrician van die krag’ en wil kom lees. Toe ek hom verwys na die lesing by die hek waar hy staan, draai hy om en loop weg sonder om hoegenaamd na die kaartjie te kyk. Is dit ’n nuwe slenter om toegang tot eiendom te verkry? ’n Mens kan nooit té versigtig wees nie.

Block the view

Izandri Taute writes: I read an article in Rekord regarding stickers on gates and intercoms. This is not a big issue for me. What bothers me are the handyman, male organ enlargement, DVD rentals and tar surface posters on almost every single street sign pole or streetlight pole. Some of these posters block your view of oncoming traffic at intersections and stop streets. Why is this issue not discussed with the Tshwane metro? Letter shortened - Ed

Dank vir party

Pensioentrekker van Silverton skryf: Hiermee wil ons net dr. Pieter Mulder van die VF-Plus en adv. Anton Alberts, LP van die VF-Plus, bedank vir hul hulp aan die ou Transnet-pensioenarisse wat elke jaar net 2% verhoging van Transnet ontvang. Ons gaan onder geweldige geldelike las gebuk. Ons kinders is nie in ’n posisie om ons geldelik te ondersteun nie en ons moet maar op ons eie sukkel. Dr. Mulder en adv. Alberts, baie dankie dat u gewillig is om vir ons te baklei vir ’n beter lewe, ons waardeer dit opreg.

Faith Nevil Norden

arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light. If you are serious, you will develop time management skills. Remember a disciplined focus is what distinguishes those who make things happen, from those who watch things happen.

in. Dogs and cats that no one has claimed are also rehomed for the fee of sterilisation, vaccination and a microchip. For more information phone Onderstepoort’s outpatients section on 012-5298016. l The Pretoria or Centurion SPCA might have taken in your pet. Phone 082423-1985 or send information and photos to reception@spcapta.org.za.

This 2-year-old white Maltese is looking for a loving family to house him. His kennel number is D7 and his disk number is 90471. Enquiries: Tshwane SPCA on 012803-5219.

This brown and beige toypom dachs­ hund cross is sure to make an excel­lent addition to any family. Her kennel number is D2 and her disk number is 10592. Enquiries: Tshwane SPCA on 012-8035219.



behuising is dat die regering dink as hulle water gee en een toilet oprig is die taak afgehandel. Ek het die ANC gebel en gevra dat hulle die plakkerskamp in Andeon se vullis kom verwyder. Dit is ’n paar weke later en daar het nog niks gebeur nie. Ek wil aan die ryk ANC-lede vra hoekom gebruik hulle nie hul erwe vir die plakkers nie? Na my mening is hulle self te bang vir hul kamerade. Ons as belastingbetalers moet begin om ons geld terug te hou sodat die regering nie meer vir armes leuens kan vertel nie.


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PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER/ PERSONAL ASSISTANT Rekord requires a PRO/PA to assist the Marketing Manager with PA and public relations duties. It includes: Administration: Marketing:

Assisting the Marketing Manager with daily administrative duties. Assisting the Marketing Department and Marketing Manager with all aspects regarding marketing and sales. Fund-raising/Charity: Organising fund-raising and charity events. Office functions: Organising office functions. Branding: Assist with the branding of the company. Requirements: • Matric/Grade 12 or an appropriate diploma. • Computer literate. • Administrative skills. • Proficient in Afrikaans and English. • Excellent people skills. • Must be able to function under pressure and deadlines. • Own transport and cellphone. • Must reside in Pretoria. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted Rekord is an equal opportunity employer

Send CV to hr@rekord or fax to 012 804 7113


‘Ouma’ verantwoordelik vir skuld

Moeg gepraat Thinus Redelinghuys skryf: Die weste van Pretoria het die ANC se dump site geword. Tans omring 13 plakkerskampe ons en dan word daar nog een beplan. Die inwoners van die Zama-Zama-plakkerskamp het die minister van behuising gevra waar is die 122 gesinne se huise wat aan hulle belowe is. Die minister het gesê daar is nie geld nie. Die speaker van die Tshwane-metro se kommentaar was dat dit nie vir hom ’n aanvaarbare antwoord is nie. Die probleem met



‘Niemand se ouma’ skryf: Hoekom is daar soveel skurke, bedrieërs en net slegte mense in ons mooi land? Ek voel vir Rita Steyn van Queenswood. Ek is ook met R12 000 deur ’n huurder van my huis in Villieria ingedoen. Die huurder het sy Tshwanemetro skuld van ’n huis wat hy in De Beerstraat, Wonderboom-Suid gehuur het, na my rekening in Vil-

Idols in the past Last week the winner of Idols 2011 was announced. This once again brought to an end weeks upon weeks of elimination rounds of Idols hopefuls and sarcastic and sometimes scathing remarks by the judges. Two weeks ago was the final round with two contestants competing against each other. One was amazed how these guys had grown in confidence, style and technique over the months. It makes one think how such a programme, with hundreds of thousands of people voting for two singers using the latest cell phone technology, would have been handled in years gone by. Imagine. It is 1969. Springbok Radio studios in Commissioner Street. It is the finals of Idols. The live programme is attended by 47 people, it would have been more, but down the road the Springboks, under Dawie de Villiers, is playing the British Lions. On stage are the presenters Evelyn Martin and Adriaan Steed. The two finalists are Helen

lieria laat oorplaas deur vir die vrou by die metro se Akasia-kantoor te vertel dat ek sy ‘ouma’ is. Die bedrag was amper R7 000 en hy het ook nie vir die vyf maande wat hy in my huis gebly het, betaal nie. Ek was verplig om die twee bedrae te betaal en ten einde ’n uitklaringsertifikaat te bekom om my eiendom te verkoop. Briewe aan die twee metrodepartemente, die raadslid

van my wyk en ’n persoonlike besoek aan die kantoor, het niks opgelewer nie. Ek is veral teleurgesteld in die raadslid wie se foto in Rekord was tesame met sy e-posadres en ’n uitnodiging om aan hom persoonlik te skryf met enige klagtes. Ek reken al hierdie mense sal hul dag kry want daar is iemand wat kyk na bejaardes, weduwees en die wat so uitgebuit word.

Zille who became famous for her song Tussen jou en my lê daar ’n berg/’n Tafelberg, and Jacob Zuma with his Bring me my machine gun and Showers of grace. Fred Boshoff Evelyn: “What a wonderful occasion. Over the past two years listeners have voted and eliminated almost a hundred “Uitgespaar, thank you.” participants” “Wow! Mannetjies Roux just Adriaan: “Tonight the Post Office has given us dedicated phone scored a try. Let us listen to the conversion. Piet Visagie kicked lines and our own switchboard it over!” operator, Tant Hessie Babbelbek “Well, bye. I must first drink a Ferreira. So listeners, start crankdop to that.” ing those phones.” Later that night. What the organisers did not Evelyn: “Well, we are happy know was that Tant Hessie was to announce that the votes have an avid rugby fan who had her been counted. I am opening the little portable radio beside her envelopes now. This is an upset. and with one ear listened to The winner is the Springboks by Gerhard Viviers broadcasting the 19-6.” test. Adriaan: “Yes. None of the A typical phone call went contes­tants won. A rank outsomething like this. sider came in with the recount. “Hullo, this is Springbok He is our beloved archbishop Radio Idols.” with his own song, Don’t mess “Hullo, this is Jan Hygelaar with my tutu and Daar kom die from Sannieshof.” “Oh. Hi Jan, how’s Sannie and Dali Lama, die kom oor die see.” the kids.”

P nch of salt



Ontspanning 3km Pretloop. Kom geniet Jannie Grobler se musiek na afloop van pretloop, kos en stalletjies 22 Okt om 07:00. 194 Gloverlaan, Lyttel­ ton. Tel 012-664-1858. RA/0499911 l

Breek weg na die bos. Sien groot 5 diere. Enkellopendes welkom. Johann 083-4329052 . RA/0497421 l

Do you have a score to settle with someone? Challenge them at tug-ofwar on Nov 4 from 16:00. Gezina, Toutrekpark. Categories: Primary and high schools, women, men, families and more. Stalls, fun for all in aid of Madelé Ludike Scoliosis Fund. Tel Suzette 082-821-6254. l


tuin. 29 Okt om 10:00. Daar sal ook uitstallers wees en hope pryse te wen. Willanie 082-338-7055. RA/0499821


Kasteel. Geniet ’n toer deur dié Victoriaanse spookhuis op 22 en 29 Okt van 10:00-12:00. Bespreek dr Roos 012-803-1632 RA/0497785

l Nell

se solovertoning vind op 26 Okt by Café Barcelona en 3 Des by Lemon Jack-teater plaas. Nell 072-436-0450. RA/0499858 Oud-Affiebond bied ’n vonkel­ ontbyt op 29 Okt om 09:30 in die Louisa Venter-sentrum aan. Be­spreek voor 17 Okt. Marlene 083-460-5486. RA/0499134 l

Recorvoce-wenner 2011 Frank Panaou en The Sticky Triggers Big Band bied Frank Sinatra Live by Atterbury-teater op 29 Okt om 14:30 en 20:00 aan. Tel 012-3460755. RA/0499851 l

Art courses - Includes all art materials & lunch. Oils & acry­ lics - Nov 11, 12 & 13. Dec 5, 6 & 7 Neil Moss 083-306-1635. See website www.neilmoss. co.za. RA/0499557 l

l Kuns in die Park. Magnolia­­­ dal 22 Oktober 2011. Uitstal­­ling van oorspronklike skilderye. 08:00-15:00. 073-466-6942. RA/0499185

Charity Famsa bied berading vir hu­we­ liksprobleme, kinderberading en trauma-ontlonting aan. Tel 012-4600733. RA/0496291

Sit jou hoed op en kom geniet ’n vroueoggend saam met NG-kerk Wesmoot en Natasha Joubert in die l

Harmoniehof vir bejaardes, Mearstr 125, Sunnyside, bied op 22 Okt om 09:30 Carel Trichardt en Petru Wessels met Toentertyd se dinge en vandag se grille en giere, ten bate van die tehuis se siekeboeg aan. Spreker: Dr Elma Kruger. Tel 012-440-3357. RA/0499179 l

LifeLine Pretoria provides free confidential telephone, face-toface, rape, trauma, HIV/Aids and bereavement counselling. Crisis line 012-804-3619, rape line 082-3402061 and appointments 012-8041853. RA/0499823 l

NG-kerk Pierneef bied ’n konsert met Izak Davel ten bate van die Alfa en Omega Spesiale Sorgsentrum en die Dawid Krieltrustfonds op 21 Okt om 19:00 by NG-kerk Rietfontein-Noord aan. l



Friday, October 21 SABC 1 09:30 Muvhango 11:30 Judge Joe Brown 12:00 Friends Like These 14:00 Selimathunzi 17:28 Reflections of Faith 19:30 News 20:30 Intersexions 21:00 Live XII 01:00 Music Lounge SABC 2 06:00 Morning Live 08:50 Thabang Thabong 10:50 Ratanang 12:40 Judge Mathis 15:00 7de Laan 19:00 News 19:30 Noot vir Noot 20:30 News 21:00 Ditla Bonyane Ke Ditla Boima 21:34 Afro Café SABC 3 08:00 AM Shopping 09:30 Shoreline 10:30 7de Laan 12:10 Mission Impossible 14:00 All My Children 16:30 Days of our Lives 17:35 Oprah Winfrey Show 18:30 Cricket Magazine 19:00 News @ 7 21:00 Flash eTV 09:00 Rhythm City 09:30 Scandal! 10:00 Mad About You 10:30 Young And The Restless 12:00 Club 808 12:30 Backstage 13:00 News Day 13:30 WWE Smackdown 16:40 The Young And The Restless 17:30 Medical Detectives 18:30 Rhythm City 19:00 News 20:00 Malcolm and Eddy 20:30 Chain Reaction

Saturday, October 22 SABC 1 09:00 One Day Leaders 10:00 Generations 13:30 Siyaswima 14:50 Laduma 17:25 Sport Results of the Day 18:30 Friends Like These 19:30 News 20:00

Michelle 083-438-3501.


Skole Hoër Tegnologiese skool John Vorster in die Moot bied weer hul jaarlikse krieketaandreeks van 2427 Okt aan. Skole wat meeding is H/s Montana, Wonderboom en OosMoot. Kosstalletjies en vermaak beskikbaar. L’Lize 082-4461599. RA/0499827 l

l l Erasmus


Markets New food/craft market now available at busy Pick n Pay centre. SMS 076-939-7300. l


Die FarmCity-mark is elke Sa­ terdag van 09:00 tot 13:00. Bring die hele gesin om saam te eet en kuier. Heerlike plaasatmosfeer en stalletjies met vele eetgoed en produkte. Kinders kan op ’n trekker klouter en plaasdiere voer. H/v Atterbury- en Olympusweg. Tel 073-448-7835. RA/0494993

Kersmark op 5 Nov om 08:00 aan. Rolien 012-345-6130. RA/0499166

Seniorstuis-dienssentrum by Ons Tuis Riviera hou Kersmark 4 en 5 November. Uitstallers welkom. Dalene 082-707-9709. l


St Pauls Church, 483 Proes Street, Cnr Beatrix St, Arcadia, hosts a moneyraising mor­ning market on Oct 29 from 08:00 till noon. homemade treats, Tshisa Nyama, jumping castles & water slides, antiques, used fur­niture, clothes, fruit & veg, grocery items & books galore. l



l Die Gereformeerde-kerk Eloffs­d­ al hou markdag op 29 Okt van 09:00. Laerskool Mayville. Trom­poppies, krieket, uitstallers, talent­kompetisie, kos en gebak. Uitstal­ lers welkom. Tel Stephan 074-5618777. RA/0498462

Hervormde-kerk, Derdepoort, Swaanstraat, East Lynne, hou ’n môremark op 5 Nov. Uitstallers welkom. Jan 073-141-1927. RA/0499826 l

l Magaliesskool

Kersmark by die skool van 29 Okt tot 5 Nov van 09:00-19:00. Koop hand­werk­ge­ skenke wat leerlinge self gemaak het. Tel 012-330-0168. RA/0497801 l

Ons Huis, Elarduspark, bied hul

Laduma: Telkom Knock-Out SABC 2 07:00 Weekend Live 09:00 House Call 10:30 Hack Shack 12:30 Mother of All Professions 13:00 Muvhango 16:00 The Perfect Man 18:00 News 20:00 America’s Got Talent 21:00 The Mo’Nique Show SABC 3 06:00 I am a Work of Art 07:00 Jimmy Two Shoes 08:00 Kim Possible 09:00 Techno Geeks 12:00 30 Rock 16:00 Charly’s Cake Angels 18:00 Celebs Biographies 19:00 News 21:30 Law & Order 22:30 CSI Miami 00:30 Super Sweet Sixteen 04:30 The A Team eTV 07:30 Little Lulu Show 08:30 Lazy Town 09:05 Sistahood 09:30 Rhythm City 11:30 WWE Bottomline 13:00 Malcolm and Eddie 16:00 WWE: Vintage Collection 17:00 WWE: NXT 18:05 AXN Action TV 19:00 News 19:30 So What 20:00 Roll Bounce

Sunday, October 23 SABC 1 08:00 Captain Planet and the Planeteers 08:30 Samurai Jack 10:00 Spirit Sundae 11:30 Agape 12:00 Imani - The Devine Spark 12:15 An Nur V (Muslim Mag) 14:00 Soccer 411 14:50 Laduma: Telkom KnockOut 17:30 Gospel Gold 18:00 Roots 19:30 News SABC 2 08:30 What does God think of us 10:00 2011 RWC Final (Live) 12:00 Wrap Up 15:30 7de Laan 18:00 News 18:30 Fokus 19:30 News 21:00 Man Made Marvels SABC 3 07:00 Madam Meerkat 08:00 Meet Joe Food 08:30 Take a Trip 12:00 Isidingo Omnibus 13:00 The Ride 18:00 National Geographic 19:00 News @ 7 21:30 Interface 01:00 Special Assignment eTV 09:00 Hillsong 09:30 Tom and Fluffy 09:35 Cool Catz 10:30 Shiz Niz 11:00 TJ Hooker 12:00 UEFA Magazine 16:00 Fear Factor Inter-

l The

Holy Cross Home and ho­s­­­ pice in Suiderberg (Lady Selbourne) hosts a fête. Oct 29. 08:00-14:00. Sarel St, Suiderberg. Tel 079-203-54 37. RA/0498455 Wierdabrug CPF sectors 1 and 3 hosts a moneyraising jumble sale on Nov 5 at 09:00. Support the fight against crime by donating items for sale. Paul 076-936-0429. RA/0497775 l

Lectures l Divorced

or separated - what and where now? Network and support seminar Oct 22-23, Irene. Mark 071-691-9434. RA/0497754 Grey Power presents a half-day seminar titled Creative ageing for Seniors on strategies for wellness and longevity, financial wellness and more at the Coca-Cola Dome from Oct 28-30. Rene 011-5498300. RA/0499848

om 19:00 by NG-kerk Pta-Oostelig, Waterkloof Glen plaas. Wilhelm 012-348-2932. RA/0499853

12 Nov. Annatjie 082-578-3106. RA/0499141

Pretoria Amateur Banjo- en Mandolienklub. Ontmoet 2de Vrydag 18:00. Tel Johan 078-2810220. RA/0498461 l

SA Business Index ontmoet by Pumulani Lodge, Plot 14, Kameeldrift-Oos op 27 Okt om 15:00. Spreker is Lauren Fleiser. Mariette 072-744-2027. RA/0499160 l

l What is Intuition? How can it be developed and used crea­ tively in dealing with humans, animals and in daily life? By Dale Fox, Friday 21st October 2011 at 19:00. Contact Julia 073-665-6319. RA/0499591

Klubs ATKV-Tonteldoos bied op 2 Nov om 15:00 ’n orrelfees met Gideon Brits by NG-kerk Faerie Glen aan. Tel 072-264-8670. RA/0499852 l

Brooklyn Mall and the South African Cake Decorators’ Guild hosts The Sugarcraft Show at Brooklyn Mall from Oct 27-30. Tel 083-309-3272. RA/0499860 l

Vital Communicators Toast­ masters Club meet every second and fourth Monday 18:30 Groenkloof. Tel 082-569-3302. l


Religion Emmanuel Evangelie Pinksterkerk, Claremont, soek orkeslede. Instrumente is beskikbaar. Diens Sondae om 09:00. Willem 083-9580745. RA/0499176 l

Reunions Die Kaptein Jack Hindon-voor­ trekkerkommando in PretoriaNoord vier hul verjaarsdag en reünie vir oudlede op 19 Nov om 15:00. L/s Voortrekker Eufees. Tel 082-872-5481. RA/0498512 l

Centurion-blommeskou in ver­ skeie kategorië vind van 19-23 Okt by Mall@Reds plaas. Mitsie 082337-6470. RA/0499162 l

Kallimogilde vergader elke tweede Sa­terdag om 14:00 by 32e Laan 929, Villieria. Afsluiting l


Newkloof-inwonersvereniging se jaarvergadering vind op 25 Okt l

national 17:00 WWE: Raw 18:05 AXN Action TV 19:00 News 19:30 How I Met Your Mother 20:00 Bad Boys

Monday, October 24 SABC 1 09:00 Generations 10:30 What’s Your Story 11:30 Rate my Date: Relate 13:00 Ses’khona 15:00 Matrics Uploaded 17:00 Teenagers on a Mission 18:30 The Bold and the Beautiful 19:00 My Perfect Family 19:30 News 20:00 Generations 21:00 Soccer Zone SABC 2 10:20 Rivoningo 10:50 It’s Gospel Time 14:10 As The World Turns 15:00 7de Laan 16:00 Hectic Nine 16:30 Rough it Out 17:00 Legion Of Super Heroes 17:30 News 18:00 When Duty Calls 19:30 50/50 21:00 Muvhango 21:30 Motswako SABC 3 09:50 American Idol 10:30 7de Laan 14:00 All My Children 16:40 3 Talk with Noeleen 17:40 Days of our Lives 19:00 News @ 7 20:00 The Ride 21:00 My Family 22:00 CSI Miami 23:00 The Good Wife eTV 09:00 Rhythm City 09:30 e-Shibobo 10:00 3rd Degree 10:30 Young and the Restless 11:30 Great Expectations 15:00 Zoboomafoo 15:30 Skunk Fu 16:00 Sistahood 16:40 The Young and the Restless 19:30 Scandal! 20:00 The Steve Harvey Show 21:00 eKasi: Our Stories

Tuesday, October 25 SABC 1 08:30 Isidingo 09:00 Generations 09:30 Muvhango 10:00 Emzini Wesinsizwa 13:00 Sgud’Snaysi 13:30 Shift 16:00 YOTV Extension 4 Pt 17:00 Ed, Edd and Eddy 18:00 Jozi - Moving the City 18:30 The Bold and the Beautiful 19:30 News 20:00 Generations 20:30 Soul City 22:00 The Unit 3 SABC 2 08:50 Thabang Thabong 10:20 Rivoningo 11:50 Dr Phil 15:30 Mu-

Events will not be accepted over the phone. Fax to 086-645-6764 or e-mail editorial@rekord.co.za or nuus@rekord.co.za or post to PO Box 8261, Pretoria, 0001. l Only events not aimed at profit/product selling, will be placed for free. Publication is not guaranteed. l Deadlines are strictly Wednesdays at 12 noon for the next week’s edition. l Events aimed at profit and events for guaranteed publication can be placed at a nominal fee. Contact Small Hits on 012-842-0321 or fax 086-590-9648 or e-mail at smallhits@rekord.co.za l

vhango 16:00 Hectic Nine-9 16:30 Keeping it Real 17:30 News 19:00 News 19:30 Huis Van Liefde 21:30 Powerball 21:35 Ke Nako 22:00 The Mo’Nique Show SABC 3 08:00 AM Shopping 09:00 Celebs Biographies 10:30 7de Laan 11:00 Generations 13:00 News 14:50 Oprah Winfrey 16:50 3 Talk with Noeleen 17:40 Days of our Lives 20:00 Top Billing 21:00 The Good Wife 03:00 Mission Impossibility eTV 09:00 Rhythm City 09:30 Scandal 10:00 The Steve Harvey Show 10:30 Young and the Restless 11:30 Great Expectations 12:30 Backstage 15:00 Dennis the Menace 16:00 Frenzy 16:40 The Young and the Restless 19:00 News 19:30 Scandal! 20:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals

Wednesday, October 26 SABC 1 09:00 Generations 09:30 Muvhango 11:30 Judge Joe Brown 13:30 It’s Just I’spani 15:00 Matrics Uploaded 16:00 YOTV Extention 4 17:28 Listen for a Moment 18:00 Selimathunzi 19:00 Daddy’s Girls 20:00 Generations 21:00 Khumbul’ekaya 22:00 Laduma: Telkom Knock-Out SABC 2 06:00 Morning Live 09:20 Cow and Chicken 11:50 Dr Phil 13:25 Days of our Lives 15:00 7de Laan 16:00 Hectic Nine-9 16:30 Wise Up 17:00 Legion of Super Heroes 17:30 News 18:00 Nhlalala Ya Rixaka 18:30 7de Laan 19:00 News 19:30 Pasella 21:30 Stokvel 22:00 Jacob’s Cross 23:00 Matrix Uploaded SABC 3 08:00 AM Shopping 09:30 Top Gear 10:40 Generations 11:10 Isidingo 12:10 Mission Impossibility 13:00 News 14:00 All My Children 16:45 Days of our Lives 19:30 Isidingo 20:00 The Voice 23:00 Prison Break 04:00 3 Talk With Noeleen eTV 09:00 Rhythm City 09:30 Scandal! 10:00 3rd Degree 10:30 Young and

the Restless 11:30 Supernanny 14:30 Paddington Bear 16:00 Shiz Niz 17:30 Medical Detectives 20:00 My Name Is Earl 20:30 WWE: Smackdown 21:35 Late Nite News with Loyiso Gola 22:35 Touched 12:45 Miss Polly 01:35 Second Chorus

Thursday, October 27 SABC 1 08:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 08:30 Isidingo 09:00 Generations 10:30 The Chatroom 11:00 Big Up 13:30 The Media Career Guide 15:00 Matrics Uploaded 17:28 Journeys of Inspiration 18:00 Ses’khona 19:30 News 20:00 Generations 20:30 Skeem Saam 21:30 Cutting Edge SABC 2 06:00 Morning Live 08:50 Thabang Thabong 09:20 Cow and Chicken 12:40 Judge Mathis 15:30 Muvhango 16:30 My Matric Dance 18:30 7de Laan 20:30 News 21:30 Speak Out 5 22:00 The Final Verdict SABC 3 08:00 AM Shopping 09:50 American Idol 10:40 Generations 12:00 The A Team 14:00 All My Children 14:30 Dr Oz 16:30 Days of our Lives 19:00 News 19:30 Isidingo 20:29 News in 60 seconds 20:30 Mating Game 21:00 Special Assignment 21:30 Prison Break 22:00 Accidently on Purpose 23:30 New Adventures of Old Christine eTV 06:00 Sunrise 08:00 eNews Sunrise 09:00 Rhythm City 10:00 Madam & Eve 10:30 The Young and Restless 11:30 The Showbiz Report 12:00 Downtown Hunters 12:30 Backstage 13:30 WWE: Raw 14:30 Paddington Bear 15:00 Woo 16:00 Craze World Live 16:40 Young and the Restless 17:30 It’s my Biz 18:25 Coca Cola Happiness Machine 19:00 News 19:30 Scandal! 20:00 Mad About You 22:40 Soul’s Midnight 02:20 Blackmail




Bekendes ondersteun kanker-geleentheid Suzette van Huyssteen Vroue van oral in Pretoria het Saterdag die Kerskopie, Kos en Kuier vir Kansa-geleentheid, wat by die Capital Hotel School in Arcadia gehou is, vreeslik geniet. Gaste is deur Elzabé Zietsman, Amore Bekker en Gretha Wiid vermaak. Wiid was die gasspreker van die dag en sy het haar gedagtes oor Vrouwees en Kersfees met gaste gedeel. Verder is die gaste deur die seremoniemeester, Ronel Bezuidenhout, vermaak. Zietsman en Bekker was die beroemde sjefs by die geleent­heid en het ’n paar van hul unieke resepte gedeel, wat die gaste ook kon proe as die spyskaartdisse van die dag. Die gulde geleentheid was gehou om geld in te samel vir Kansa met die oog op borskankermaand. Die dag was hope pret en elke gas het huis toe gegaan met ’n geskenkpakkie en ’n klein resepteboekie gevul met Zietsman en Bekker se resepte. Met hierdie resepte gaan kook oor die Kersseisoen maklik en propvol pret wees.

Nadia Pretorius en haar ma, Bernadine Human.

Natasha Barnes en Natalia Poolman was opgetof vir die geleentheid.

Bernice Nel was een van die gelukkige wenners van ’n verskeidenheid pryse.

Seremoniemeester van die dag, Ronel Bezuidenhout en gasspreker van die geleentheid, Gretha Wiid.

Wine and art captures time Natashia Hudson The Epic of Everlasting travelling art exhibition opened at the Pretoria Art Museum on October 13. This colourful exhibition showcases 30 of South African artist Cecil Skotnes’ unique artworks. Skotnes was born in 1926 and made a name for himself as a truly gifted artist that used his talent to create uniquely South African art pieces during the apartheid era. Later in his career he received honorary degrees from the University of Cape Town, Witwatersrand and Rhodes University. The exhibition consists of art pieces that were specifically created by Skotnes for

The Origin of Wine by Cecil Skotnes. This artwork consists of 18 hand-carved and painted panels in a stink and yellow wood frame with two matching doors.

KWV’s Art Calendar projects in 1979 and 1982 respectively. Many of the pieces showcase magnificent landscapes from the Cape region. The collection centres around a majestic wood carved panel titled The Origin of Wine that translates the artist’s love of wine. The travelling exhibition also includes a treasure hunt that takes place at every location where the exhibition is held. The overall winner of the treasure hunts will receive a 15l bottle of Laborie wine, which will be refilled for the duration of the winner’s life. The Pretoria Art Museum hosts the exhibition until October 29 before heading to Port Elizabeth in November.

The still life, Bottles with fruit, is signed by South African artist Cecil Skotnes but not dated. KWV’s curator consultant, Elsa Hoogenhout and Cobus van Graan, manager of the Laborie Estate.

Eric and Gerda Guldemond in front of Skotnes’ Bottles with fruit. Bruce Lawrence, Isabel Claassen, Cobus Lausberg and Clarisse Pieterson.

Fellow artist Sanele Ngcai appreciates the artwork on show at the Pretoria Art Museum.

Laura Marais and Hannelie du Plessis. Du Plessis is the curator of the Pretoria Art Museum.







Ford sponsors Idols winner’s personalised car Ford South Africa recently saw off ecstatic South African Idols winner, Dave van Vuuren, as he took to the road in his brand new personalised Fiesta 1.6 Sport after the nail-biting finale of the hit reality TV show. A few months ago, the top nine aspiring Idols designed their ideal Fiesta exterior and Ford applied both Dave and Mark’s designs to the cars earlier this week. Dave finally got to drive off in his eye-catching creation, with Mark’s designed Fiesta going to the winner of the Idols viewer competition. “Idols South Africa has been a great experience and I am so excited about winning the Fiesta 1.6 Sport. It is the cherry on top of a fantastic, but exhausting few months. I chose to design my car with a third eye and lyrics of the very first song I wrote. This symbolises that my heart and mind is connected with my music. I just want to thank Ford for being part of this huge opportunity and gi­ ving me such a cool car to drive. You will definitely see me on the roads rocking my Fiesta,” said Van Vuuren.

This is the second year that Ford has been a major sponsor of Idols South Africa. “We had such fun with the contestants this year,” commented Dean Stoneley, Ford’s vice president of marketing and sales. “From designing the exterior of the Fiestas to as­ king the entrants to put the car through the ultimate road test, we’ve really enjoyed getting to know the contes­ tants and congratulate Dave for the big win. We wish him all the best for the future and will be keeping a close eye and ear on his career.” South Africa’s new Idol, Dave van Vuuren, with his personalised Ford Fiesta 1.6 Sport, one of the prizes he won when he was chosen as the new Idol.

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Goue oues pronk by tiende herdenking verrassings van modelle wat nog nie op die Studebaker-skou te sien was nie en dan skielik êrens vanuit ’n motorhuis die verskyning maak, na maande se mooimaak. Behalwe die ou strydrosmotors gaan daar ook weer ’n vlooimark, verversingstalletjies en ’n kroeg en restaurant wees om in belangstellendes se behoeftes te voorsien. Die ‘kar van die dag’ sal boonop deur skougangers aangewys word. Besoekers sal die beoordelaars wees om ’n wenner vir die dag aan te wys. Navrae: Detlev by 082-4586078.

Klassieke ou Studebakermotors soos hierdie sal te sien wees op hul jaarlikse motorskou.

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Gym@Virgin Active, shop@Pick ’n Pay/ Woolworths/Dischem or have lunch while we sort out your tyres.

More and more reported accidents are as a result of SMSs or texting while behind the wheel. Auto & General’s spokesperson, Angelo Haggiyannes, said people need to take their eyes from their phones while driving. Research done by the Transport Research Laboratory in Britain has proven that sending an SMS while driving is more dangerous than driving under the influence of alcohol. The research found that drivers who send or read SMS messages are more likely to drift out of their lane and their eyesight is 91% poorer than that of drivers who keep their eyes on the road. It is difficult for a driver that sends an SMS to keep a safe following distance. Using a handheld cell phone is a traffic offence in South Africa. Use a hands-free phone and make a difference.


Dis vanjaar die tiende herdenking van die Studebaker-klub van Suid Afrika se jaarlikse motorskou by die Smutshuis-museum in Irene. Die skou begin op 23 Oktober en die hekke open reeds om 08:00. Kinders onder 12 kry gratis toegang. Vir liefhebbers van ou motors is hierdie skou gewoonlik ’n hoogtepunt op die kalender. Soos gewoonlik word ander motorklubs soos Ford, Chevrolet, Mini, Borgward, om net ’n paar te noem, genooi om ook hul ou pronkstukke van toentertyd uit te stal. Daar is elke jaar ook nuwe

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Sien winskopies raak Eiendomme onder druk wat die afgelope twee jaar te koop aangebied is, het talle kopers die geleentheid gebied om die eiendomsmark vir die eerste keer te betree of om teen ’n afslag beter eiendom te koop. Sulke eiendom kan soms verwaarloos voorkom en dit kan ’n valkoog vereis om die ware potensiaal raak te sien, het Hano Jacobs, uitvoerende hoof van die Realty 1 International-eiendomsgroep, gesê. “Eienaars wat nie meer hul verbandbetalings kon bekostig nie sou ooglopend nie veel geld hê om hul eiendom goed in stand te hou nie. Sulke eiendomme wat deur die bank teruggeneem is kan kopers duur te staan kom wanneer dit by herstelwerk kom. Volgens Jacobs is sogenaamde ‘eiendom onder druk’ egter ’n ander geval. Sulke eiendom word gewoonlik verkoop voordat eienaars te diep in ’n geldelike penarie beland. Kopers wat dit oorweeg om sulke eiendom te koop behoort die

Adapt house to personal preferences This modern open plan family home in Doringkloof has top quality finishes and is priced at R1 690 000. The main house has spacious living areas with modern tiles. The entire house has high exposed and well looked after wooden beams that enhances the homely feel. The wooden fold-up doors between the TV lounge and entertainment room make it possible to create one large entertainment area that leads to the enclosed garden. The kitchen has ample cherry wood cupboards with granite tops as well as a separate scullery with a pantry. An extraordinary feature of this home is the laundry room that could be used as a game’s room as it is tiled with the same tiles as the rest of the home. A full bathroom services the second and third bedrooms. The en suite bathroom has a bath, toilet �������� and basin. The staff quarters has its own ������� tiled en suite bathroom with a shower, toilet and basin of the same quality finishes � � � ������� ����� used throughout the entire home and ���������� ��� ���� could easily be used as guest quarters. ����� �� ��� � ����� The outside toilet also has a shower. The storeroom could therefore be used as staff quarters. Above the three garages is a modern two-bedroom flat with a full kitchen, dining room, guest toilet, TV lounge and a covered balcony. The bathroom has been fitted with a corner bath, basin, toilet and a large shower. The home has recently been repainted and is fitted with two geysers. ����� �� � �� ����������� ����������� �� ������ ��� ��� ���� � � � � �������� � �������� ����� Security includes an alarm linked to armed � �� ���� ������ ���������� ������ � ������� ��� �� response and an electric fence. Enquiries: � ����� ��� ����� ���� ������ � ���� Marietta at Fine & Country, Centurion on �������� ������ ���� ��� ����� ����� ���� �� �������� � ����� �� ���������� 082- 569-6967. ����������� ������� ���� �������� �� ���� ��� ���� ������������ ����� �� ������� � ����� ����� �������������

AUCTION P ROs AUCTION PROs Residential Residential 86 NEWLANDS RETIREMENT VILLAGE 230 GLOXINIA ROAD, NEWLANDS 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms 2 garages 24-hour security 5% deposit. 6% + VAT commission 7 day confirmation Dennis - 082 415 8547 dennis.hamer@harcourts.co.za 0498942u2






2 Bedroom flat.

Upmarket 285m² house, 3 bedr, 2 bathr, 3 l/a, study, entertainment area and pub, double garage & SQ.

TERMS: Buyers to register with ID and proof of residence (FICA). No cash will be accepted on site. Strictly bank cheques or EFT. 10% Deposit on fall of hammer and the balance in suitable guarantees within 30 days of confirmation of sale. All above is subject to change without prior notice. Further terms and conditions apply. 0498261q2

TERMS: Buyers to register with ID and proof of residence (FICA). No cash will be accepted on site. Strictly bank cheques or EFT. 10% Deposit on fall of hammer and the balance in suitable guarantees within 30 days of confirmation of sale. All above is subject to change without prior notice. Further terms and conditions apply. 0498260q2

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volgende in aanmerking te neem om te bepaal of dit ’n winskopie is of nie: Goeie basiese struktuur. Vermy eiendom met groot krake, dakke wat erg lek en klam mure. As jy ’n huis kry waarvan jy hou behoort jy dit professioneel te laat inspekteer voordat jy ’n aanbod maak. Goeie infrastruktuur. Vra die huisinspek­teur om ook die elektriese stelsel, loodgie­terwerk en enige gasstelsels na te gaan en maak seker dat die verkoper die nodige dokumente kan toon dat dié stelsels onlangs as veilig gesertifiseer is. In sommige gebiede is ’n sertifikaat vir houtboorders ook ’n vereiste. Vertrekke met goeie afmetings en ’n goeie vloerplan. Gebruik ’n maatband om die ware dimensies van vertrekke te bepaal. As al dié elemente na smaak is en die huis ’n goeie ligging het, sal slim kopers nie op hulle laat wag nie, veral as die prys heelwat laer as die markwaarde is.









LINDI ACTIVE R16S FORKLIFT WITH BATTERY LOADER LINHAI RUSTLER 260 QUADBIKE 2010 Isuzu KB 250D OFFICE/HOUSEHOLD 2009 Nissan Hardbody 2.5 Tdi FURNITURE: 2008 Toyota 2.5 D-4D 2007 Audi Quattro 4.2 litre Lounge benches, diningr suite 2006 BMW X5 APPLIANCES/EQUIPMENT: 2005 Colt Highline Defy Automaid, Fuchsware freezer 2003 Mercedes Benz A190 Fridgemaster freezer, TV, oven Avantgarde Hi-fi and more Pajero (code 3) FISHING EQUIPMENT: TRUCKS: Various reels and rods 2007 Hyundai H 100 Royal Echo Sounder 2007 Hino 15-258 OTHER: 2003 Toyota Condor 2400i Wooden crates, palettes 2002 Mitsubishi Canter 3.5 ton Battery loader, Ryobi saw, drill WEB4135 FAW Ready mix with batchplant And many more And generator. 0499835p2 In liquidation: Jakes Majake Engineering CC T7467/09, Biltworx (Pty) Ltd T368/11, Express Clearing and Forwarding Logistics (Pty) Ltd G249/11, Groovey Valley Trading 631 CC G2697/09, Mpumalanga Utility Services CC T1997/11, Goldfield Carriers CC B174/2010, Insolvent estate: CA and CE Da Silva T4437/10, DW Buys T06767/11, SG Gaybba, MJ Eybers R10 000 REGISTRATION FEE, R1 500 VEHICLE DOCUMENTATION FEE - BIDDERS TO REGISTER & GIVE PROOF OF IDENTITY AND RESIDENCE


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Smalls Afr.

Rekord ondervind baie probleme om te voldoen aan versoeke van kliënte wat enige moontlike rede aanvoer om voorkeur te verleen met die plaas van hul advertensies teenoor ander adverteerders. Dit het tot gevolg dat advertensies met Aandag, alle, 000 of A1 begin en glad nie sin maak om die leser logies te lei tot die inhoud van die advertensie nie. Dit doen afbreek aan die voorkoms van ons kleintreffers asook aan die inhoud van advertensies. Dit is verwarrend vir die leser wat ‘n logiese aanbieding van ‘n advertensie wil sien om hom tot ‘n besluit te lei. Ons glo dat ons bekwame verteenwoordigers u op ’n meer toepaslike wyse met raad kan bedien, met oorspronklike en kreatiewe idees vir u advertensies.

Etienne Loots Prokureur Alle regswerk 083-280-5653 RA/0498251

(30m² - 110m²) in Tierpoort Shopping Centre (On Garsfontein Road, 12km east of PTA East Hospital). Ideal for shop, office or workshop. Contact Frank Balanco For further information on

012-811-5259 / 076-216-0143 RA/0498534

SINOVILLE Able to help you


in 1 hour, 2% interest. Against your car, caravan, trailer. Be safe! Co. Est. 1991. Blacklist welcome. Cindy 012-323-5420 RA/0498102

Elite Salon te huur. 83m² @ R8 600 pm Vat / krag / water / alarm incl. Kontak

083-260-0519 012-543-2176 RA/0499740

Activity castles. Delivery.

CASTLE MANIA André 082-957-2494

HERSTELWERK: Wasmasjiene, skottelgoed- wassers, tuimeldroërs, ens. Skakel Gary 082-565-2748

AUCTIONEERS Botha Avenue 48 Lyttelton

We buy & sell all your

unwanted goods. We also loan money when you need it most!!! We buy all furniture CASH. Pay and load. Contact Tania

012-664-3469 / 082-563-2444 / 012-664-1750



0011 Jaar in Rekord

HERSTEL 1 Dag Diens

PIETER BOSCH W/masjiene,t/droërs, stowe.Speed Queen, Defy W/pool, LG, Samsung

aan-diens 0012 Jaar in Rekord

Saturday mornings. Sally 012-460-6641 Brett 082-867-9450 ra/0497314

Karen Myers Dog Training School: Well established School (20 yrs) All breeds, Adults & Puppies. Classes weekdays, mornings & evenings. Proven soft methods. 012-348-0146

083-948-0803 ra/0467037

RONEL 012-377-1710/ 082-677-1553



ys-/vriesk, stowe, oonde, wasj, t.droërs, skottelgwas








DC APPLIANCES Repairs to all electrical appliances. We specialise in Speedqueen & Whirlpool.

(012) 335 8610 073 272 5558

Ons koop motors/ bakkies/sleepwaens onder R50 000 vir kontant. Chris: 082-337-8401 Rian: 082-819-9367


Code 8 and motorbike. Learner's licence, driver's licence and lessons. LE CLUE 083-277-8182 www.lmdrivingschool.co.za



Ann: 082-702-1118 Celeste 082-461-8285 Pierre 078-530-2486 RA/0498232

K53 bestuurslesse en toets. Leerlinglisensie. Alle areas. Tel 012-329-1511





Beginners tot professioneel. Ook musiekteorie en kitaar. Skakel 082-934-0574 of 012-998-1724


THUMBS-UP DRIVING SCHOOL Pieter 073-046-0383 RA/0492316

SECURE STORAGE in Pta East, for those boxes and valuables over the festive season

Barry 082-496-2353 RA/0496046


Stem klaviere, herstelwerk, reguleer, poleer, vervoer, verkope ens. 012 997 4321, 082 888 2948

082-927-0782 Hansie





* Ys-/Vrieskaste, tuimeldroërs, stowe, oonde, skottelgoedwassers, wasmasjiene

Since 1993. 4 cars dual controls, R140/hour. Learners

& drivers test appointments in 5 days.

Fridge Repaired @ Your Home!!! Free Quotations

aan-diens 0004 Jaar in Rekord

by u HUIS

Mauritz: 083-411-3537 012-331-6320 ra/0496681

AAKLIGE PAVING???? Ons doen alle plaveisel en Lapas. Eienaartoesig 10 Jaar ondervinding.

076-294-4256 ra/0492810

AANBOUINGS & alterasies. Geen werk te groot of te klein.

Driving School.


Gerrit 082-824-2070


HOUTVLOERE. Afskuur (90% stofvry) en seël. Herlê en installeer.




obedience, jumps and protection. Menlo Park.

Asemrowende springkastele te huur.

Aag nee los blokkies!


Willie 083-764-8089





FIX A FRIDGE @ your home



Business premises to let


Appliance Solutions





for your caravan. Cindy 012-323-5420

Molly 012-345-5628 074-165-5566


(keep 2 days). Deliveries


079 088 8003 Ons kom haal en betaal kontant.





ACTIVITY CASTLES Judy 082-976-7700

WISKUNDE / MASTER MATHS. Holiday Rev. 012-993-2444 / 074-1911-480


XTRA LESSONS @ HOME All grades/subjects

tutor@axxess.co.za 082-341-4759/0800-864-486



Top kontant


Imm. occupation.



Ons gee

Klerksoord / Rosslyn area

Re-gassing from R350 Albert 072-770-7822 083-865-7400 RA/0498167



Ek kom na u. Bel/sms laaste




Alle voertuie & bakkies vir KONTANT. 076-939-7300


Onmiddellik beskikbaar teen: motors, vragmotors, bakkies, bote, woonwaens, sleepwaens, motorfietse en juwele wat u verpand. Skakel Danie Muller

Repairs @ your premises 24/7


Verskeie kantore te huur. Veilige parkering. Huur sluit in BTW. Kontak Adriaan

ALS FRIDGES Fridge / Freezer Aircons / Coldrooms etc. *

ABC Jumping 4 Kids Jumping castles: Crocodile, boat, hippo, waterslides etc. Hire for 1 day & keep for 2! We deliver! Mid week specials! jumping4kids.co.za

Ria 082-368-0191 ra/0468269


BORDEAUX MAINTENANCE & HANDYMAN SERVICES Building projects since 1976 * Bathroom renovations * New houses * Extensions, granny flats, waterproofing * Painting of houses & roofs We also do small projects.

082-399-8952 RA/0495392

ACC DESIGN Custom design staalwerke, Omheinings en Staalafdakke

076-294-4256 ra/0492811

Afdakke, Staalwerk Hekke, Diefwering en meer. 083-744-4981 RA/0499518

Afskuur, seël, herstel en installasies van


Van Rensburg WOODFLOORING 012-663-3910 / 082-565-7888 /




KITCHENS and BUILT-IN CUPBOARDS as well as all renovations.

Sean 078-395-8811 RA/0498162

Bouwerk, herstelwerk, verfwerk & waterdigting

JENNY 082-824-9854 RA/0499420

A - Z PTA EAST CONTRACTORS Painting, roofs, pools, electrical, electric fencing. Gate and garage motors, intercoms. Building, plastering, ceilings, paving. Free quotations. Lower prices than ANY quotation.

Contact Gary 072-309-5956



Big or Small!!! Kontak Thys

072-287-9753 RA/0498928

GLOBAL PAVING 20 Year workmanship Warranty Free Quotes. Lowest prices Guaranteed

012-330-2176 RA/0497166


Landscaping, Irrigation, Paving, BIG Trees. Instant Lawn.


Alle stoffering, restourasie &

herstel van alle meubels. Riempies. Los kussings. Uitstekende kwaliteit teen billike pryse. In besigheid vanaf 1988.

A better installation

Phillip 082-950-3070






DSTV All installations & repairs

Trevor 079-296-9309

Electrical installations & maintenance. Certificate of compliance Contact:

082-776-3159 012-345-2083 ra/0475007


Alle huis verbeterings, groot en klein. Teëls, verf, houtvloere, elektrisiteit, loodgieters en aanbouings.

083 327 2851


Kontak Ronel Eksteen


Aan diens

GARSFONTIEN X10 Wendy house for sale 4.8 x 3m, has 3 windows, curtains, novalon tiling, Brand new R12 500 012-998-9613 RA/0499226

DSTV *DSTV's *HDPVR's * EXTRA VIEW *EXTRA TV POINTS *SURROUND SOUND Owner installer. Nico 082-803-3345 ra/0497275


MICMAR KONSTRUKSIE BK Spesialiseer in: * Bou- en pleisterwerk groot & klein * Teëlwerk * Loodgieterwerk * Verfwerk * Nuut asook lekdakke


Ons werk is ons trots na 34 jaar. Skakel Mick van Zyl 083 305 8328 Faks 086 617 4063 012 361 9371


• Painting & redecoration • Construction & renovation • Paving & stonewalling • Wooden decking • Damp and waterproofing • Plumbing • Guarantees available under certain conditions

DSTV All Unwanted or Broken Gold & Diamond Jewellery, GOLD COINS INSTANT CASH. Do travel 24/7.

072-027-9955 RA/0497340


• OLD / UNWANTED GOLD & DIAMOND JEWELLERY • SILVER • COINS • KRUGERRANDS - R140pg - R217pg - R280pg - R342pg - R373pg - R260pg - R6 pg - R13 000 - R6 500 - R3 250 - R1 300



Contact Denys 083 287 4247 denys@ thecoatingworx.co.za

All pool maintenance Weekly or monthly. Arrie 082-338-5729



SWEMBAD HERSTEL Lek jou swembad? Barracuda werk nie?

Bel Alwyn 072-068-6200

Absolutely lowest prices



OFFICE HOURS MON TO FRI: 9:00 - 18:00 SATURDAY: 8:00 - 12:00


DSTV installer Kontak

Danie de Jager vir professionele installasies. RA/0499529

Accredited installer for

DSTV & TOPTV 24/7 ra/0481270


Kobus 082-818-6611

DSTV Best prices & best service Multichoice accredited installer

TEL: 086 111 2152 FAX: 012 546 4043






HANDYMAN services Ken 072-832-1919 012-804-2191 RA/0499560


DAK LEK Dak herstel, Waterproofing, Verfwerk, Paving, Fasias, Geute, Plafonne, Bouwerk. Wooden Decks. 25 Years our business + Ref's.

Rudi 073-031-2799







For all your Building Additions, Electrical, Plumbing and General Handyman Projects. Please contact: Desmond Nel 076 533 1961


24 hrs

Dressmaking & Fashion Design Classes. Beginners, Advanced. Also Knitting. Tweetalig.

Denise 082-402-5062 RA/0498916


Ashley 083-632-3914


012-348-0325 083-556-6767



082-565-7892 / 012-335-9631 / 012-752-5256 RA/0495448


All Upholstery etc. Motor Trimmings incl. Cushion, Designer Headboards, Curtaining (20 Years) Fabric Samples.

Locksmith Lock Stock & Barrel


Meubels / Furniture Yskaste - Freezers

525 Duncan St, Hatfield, Gold, Rolex watches, Antiques, Household Furniture ect. BEST PRICE GUARANTEED!

084-990-8621 / 082-923-3541 ra/0486856



* Single view * Extra view * HD * Signal problems * Relocations Where customer service is just the beginning

Chris 083-415-2494 ra/0499477

ALL WASHLINES 082-748-5299 / 012-542-1589 ra/0470714

Alle Elektriese & Loodgieterwerk. Skakel Albertus 082-561-2213 ra/0468283

Andrej / Robert 072-399-8353 RA/0497223

THE CARPENTER Professionele installasies van: Deure, Dekke, Skirtings, Laminated Flooring, Ingeboude kaste, Afdakke, Drywalling,ens

Nico 082-556-0780 ra/0494759

antenna GRATIS kwotasies.

012-661-6675 (w) 082-822-6469 www.clscreen.co.za ra/0497276

DAK AANDAG? ALLE WATERDIGTING Dak herstel & verf. Teël / Sink Dakke. Vervang van plafonne Inst. van Geute & Fascia's Torch On 10 Jr Waarborg Stitchbond 7 Jr waarborg Gratis kwotasie.

072-495-3171 www.centum.co.za

BESTE PRYSE vir dreine, geysers en waterlekke. ALL-IN-ALL




Personalised service/ Persoonlike diens.

Gustaaf: 072-222-7233 33 Yrs' exp. 012-547-0901 ra/0497417

Looking for a Plumber & domestic LP Gas installer that's reliable, professional, well-priced and work guaranteed? No call-out fee Johan Fourie 082-093-7650

All Phase Plumbing



DAK BAAS Waterproofing. Gutters, roof repairs, painting. Int & ext paint. Barend 076-735-8544 RA/0498789

• Tile Roofs • IBR (Steel) Roofs • Flat Concrete Roofs • Corrugated (Steel) Roofs • Chromodek Roofs • Ceiling Repairs • Sagging Roofs • Roof Painting • House Cracks Repaired • Painting Of Homes • All Work Guaranteed • Reputable References Avail





waarborg op alle werk. Kontak

012-653-7227/8 083-608-2157 ra/0499476

DAK GURU 30% Discount on all roof painting & waterproofing * All roof repairs Steve

083-969-8217 RA/0498878



071-063-4983 RA/0498171




DR HOUSE Loodgieter Dreine , Foutopsporing & Geysers. Ook Elektrisiën & Bouers. 082-254-5181 RA/0497544

Aanbou & loodgietersdiens

1st TEK LOODGIETERS Verstopte riole, geysers, toilette.

012-998-0002 082-662-4103 ra/0480348

All areas in PTA NO CALL OUT FEES!!! For ALL your plumbing needs

Call Cactus Plumbing 083-261-5658 / 082-610-7603


012-653-2052 082-957-6666 ra/0470182


GATES Electric fence + CCTV Repairs, maintenance and new installations.

Jan 082-711-3080 ra/0489705

GARAGE DOORS, GATES Installations, Repairs & Motors.

Aan Diens


Alle tipe waterdigting en herstelwerk. Tot en met 10 jaar

072-870-5722 ra/0498214

HANDYMAN Persoonlike toesig. Alle werke, bou, verf & "plumbing". Hang van deure. Nico 012-548-3624

083-446-4266 RA/0499437

Elektriese sertifikate, herstel + installasies 082-448-7290 RA/0499552

HSH ELEKTRIES Alle elektriese installasies, herstelwerk, instandhouding,

fout opsporing, elektriese sertifikate en CCTV.

Skakel Hercules 082-871-0368 / 072-382-3441

* Blocked drains * Geyser replace/repair * Leaking taps * Toilets & burst pipes

012-809-0204 / 012-663-5608 All Hrs: 083-575-2052 ra/0498221


Ons doen alle loodgieterswerk en lewer baie goeie werk. Ons is 24-uur loodgieters. Geen werk te groot of te klein. Waarborg goeie werk en spoedige reaksie. 079-588-5391

ALL Plumbing R250

Special on blocked drains Boma plumbers Boog 076-740-9421 Mario 084-471-4767

Aan diens 24-uur


Earth leakages, Stoves, Plugs, Lights, Geysers, Pool pumps, Borehole pumps, Gate motors, COC's etc

012-998-1508/ 073-388-4908


Aan diens 24-uur

Herstelwerk, installasies & sertifikate

012-998-1221 / 082-254-3178

PLUMBERS Blocked drains. 082-254-3178 / 012-804-8406 ra/0499562

Alle Loodgieterswerk Andries Loodgieters No 'call out fee. 15-20% afslag. 072-390-1559 012-377-3905 / 1015 RA/0494752

Bathroom renovations, blocked drains + toilets. Valves, geysers and burst pipes. SPEEDY 24/7 PLUMBING Hein 074-165-9138 ra/0498154

houses to factories: we do any

maintenance, plumbing, alterations and additions. We quote on the complete job. 7 Years' exp with

quality supervision during work in progress. Contact Jan at 082-456-0091 11jan@telkomsa.net RA/0499537

PENBOR PAVING A wide range of outdoor paving, pool copings, wall cladding, cement pavers, clay pavers and all stone age products.

FREE QUOTATIONS Paul 078-393-4314 Rudi 082-339-5579


J.P.L Chemicals and Pest control Free quotes for any pest: Termites, ants, bees, cockroaches etc. Broad leaves and weed control.

Ronel 082-854-7030 ra/0470711

Van Dyk Pest Control Free Quotes, 13 Years exp Ben 074-891-5410 ra/0494765


NHBRC REGISTERED BEST QUALITY New buildings, Additions, Renovations, Maintenance, Waterproofing. André 082-873-3702 RA/0499637

SAUL: Bou-, pleister-, dak-, verf-, plavei-, loodgieterswerk. Verskaf arbeid & materiaal. 21 Jr ondv + verw. NHBRC 082-973-2329.


Sand, Klip, Stene, Bo-grond, Kompos, Speelsand, Brick force, DPC, Lintels, sement, ens.

Kredietkaarte welkom.


082-441-0335 www.africsand.co.za RA/0498319

Betroubare, eerlike

BOUER om herstelwerk, verfwerk veranderings of aanbouings aan u huis te doen. Ons installeer ook reënwater- stelsels. Kontak Neels by 072-353-9999

Verwer beskikbaar. Goeie verw. Elias 083740-9877. 30 Jaar ondervinding. RA/0498237

VILLAGE PAVE BK 012-324-4632 / 083-314-9798 079-844-0731 www.villagepave.co.za

Bestuur sedert 1982 SKOU-AANBOD, 2 Jaar waarborg, Stene gelê teen R30/m². Gekleurde stene R45/m².

GROOT VERSKEIDENHEID kleistene. Alle "stone age" Stene vanaf R80/m²




Aardfoute, herbedrading, nuwe installasies en sertifikate. Kontak

Willie 082-786-2805


Affordable R L ELECTRICAL 24/7 * All Electrical work.



ALECTRO SECURE All electrical repairs. Cameras. Gate/garage motors. Intercoms. Electric fence. Best service/best prices.



Betroubare, eerlike Elektrisiën

vir al u elektriese behoeftes, herstelwerk, veranderinge, nuwe aanbouings, energie besparing, met Sertifikate vir werk gedoen.

Jannie 079-820-6307




NO. 1, from







All plumbing work!!


Call Albert: 082-572-7842



5 Year guaranteed Elize 073 026 5009




All roof repairs, roofleaks, damp, house & roof painting.


Gate & Garage automation


Gewaarborgde werk Multichoice accredited

15 Years experience





All areas

30% Discount on all pools - painted or remarbelite * Pumps & filters Steve 083-969-8217



Installations & repairs. 082-325-7124


Alle Herstelwerk Re-marbelite Pomp & filter 'new pools' Gratis kwotasies



Free quotes

Tyronne 082-557-5667 012-653-8252


KRUGERRANDS Full Half Quarter Tenth

* DSTV & HDPVR's * SURROUND SOUND Owner installer. Professional service

Phone 082-771-7334


9ct 14ct 18ct 22ct 24ct Platinum Silver

All installations & upgrades:

available for Building Plans & Council approval. 083-761-7925


Roofleaks, Welding, Plumbing, Painting Any other jobs at home


Certificate of Compliance (C.o.C) New Installations, Domestic and Industrial Installations and Repairs, Light, Plugs, Stoves, etc.

Henry 083-270-5808 RA/0499507

DIAL AN ELECTRICIAN EST. 1996 24/7 SAME-DAY service Free Quotes. Power Failures. Generators, Stoves, Lights, Plugs, Geysers, Pool & Borehole Pumps, Gate Motors, Intercoms. 012-809-0204 / 012-663-5608 All hrs: 083-575-2052


BOUPLANNE BUILDING PLANS Peet 082-496-4251 ra/0499533


BOUPLANNE. Goedkeuring. 2de woon/onderverdeling. Péter 012-379-0036/15 ra/0496679

Bouwerk en alle

Restourasiewerk vanaf R3 000 per m² Kontak Jan 082-771-0098 35 Jaar ondervinding RA/0499584

Bouwerk, pleister, plafon & plaveisel. Teël-, Verfwerk. Bou van swembad & lapa. Optrek van bouplanne. 10 Jaar onderv. Andries 071-132-6772 RA/0499334

De Ville Sand & Klip Mini & maxi loads Stone, Cement, Dumprock, Kompos, Topsoil, Landscaping

078 368 6542 / 012 345 6810 RA/0498902

JACOB Mnguni NHBRC 082-643-8887 Uitst. verw. Bou, dakseël. Ons verskaf alle materiaal. Swembaddens & herstel. Verfwerk baie vinning.

25 Jaar ondervinding. RA/0498208

Johannes 073-295-8699 vir die beste verfwerk, waterdigting. Vir verwysings, JT Potgieter 012-335-7958 ra/0499505

Mushroom Compost Landscaping Soil Lawn-dressing Top Soil Dump rock

Building Material

Building / Plaster Riversand 19mm / 13mm stone Cement Stock/Bricks Building / columns Bases Pier Caps Pavers Newlands Garden Centre 012-480-2094/6 012-480-0211






www.newlandsgarden centre.co.za



Garden and Building Rubble Removal.

Our 20th successful year

Domestic & Commercial Ironing, vacuuming, windows, carpet cleaning. Once-off / weekly Pre - & Post - occupational Cleaning * Personal assistant * Safe & Secure * Since 1997

Equestria 074-175-9878 Brooklyn 083-570-8729 RA/0497372

Absolutely affordable




ACE CARPETS Standard room from R70. L/suite from R50 per seat. & Tile / Wooden flrs.General cleaing 082-269-2251 ra/0474963

ALTOKLEEN (1979) Mon - Sat + Supervision Carpets, Furniture, Leather Windows, Matresses, Flood damage. Once-off cleaning

Alta A/h 082-395-6449 East 012-991-5636 Centurion 012-663 4416 North - Moot 012-546-6158 / 012-331-7883

www.altokleen.co.za ra/0478881

AVIS CLEANERS. Cleaning of Std room from R100. L/suite frm R50 per seat & Tiles, Wooden flrs. 083-418-4700 ra/0474964

DENSA CLEANING SERVICES t/a SKITTERBLINK Do you have problems with cleaning your house or office? WE DO IT ALL We use our own products Ironing, vacuuming, spring cleaning, window cleaning, carpet cleaning, dishes, dusting, etc. Pre-occupational cleaning. ONCE-OFF or WEEKLY Santa 082-393-4893 ra/0492174

MARINA MATWASSERS Profesionele stoomskoonmaakdienste matte / sitkamerstelle matrasse / Scotch Gaurding

Allen 082-754-7734 RA/0498163

MATSKOONMAAK Droog binne 15 min. Eienaar werk self

Elna 072-958-0697 ra/0472065

PERSIAN AND ORIENTAL RUGS Rejuvenated by hand.

012-804-9748 RA/0499620

PICK ME CARPET CLEANERS 4 Rooms: R400 Colin 083-281-8460 RA/0494797


082 353 9600 ra/0492897


Skakel Danie of Johanna 076-094-7233

Aabacus Tree Felling cc Gratis Boomsloping *Kwotasies *Uithaal van stompe *24 Hrs - Versekering

*Erf skoonmaak

10% Minder as enige kwotasie. 25 Jr ondervinding. Ten volle

verseker. Eienaartoesig. CAREL ra/0490316

Aaklig & Aanstootlike bome

076-294-4256 10% minder as enige kwotasie.

Skakel Danie of Johanna 076-094-7233 ra/0470729

Aaklig & aanstootlike bome

082-443-0088 10% Minder as enige kwotasie. 25 Jr ondervinding. Ten volle verseker. Eienaartoesig. CAREL ra/0490317

Alle Kwotasies Gratis


082-575-8674 HANNES RA/0497341

Allerbeste en flinke diens TUINAFVALVERWYDERING 083-450-0593 / 012-347-5550 ra/0475867

Aaklige & afstootlike bome



Installation & Repairs Excellent service




Aaklige & Aanstootlike Bome

0 111 BOOMSLOPINGS Gratis Kwotasie Eienaarstoesig. Pieter 071-184-0455 pieterfoord@gmail.com RA/0499405

Aaklige & aanstootlike bome



MAGNOLIE TUINDIENSTE * Volledige dienste * Eenmalige skoonmaak * Tuinuitleg * Kitsgras ANSU 082-887-1952

for gardens and furniture 012-664-5808 / 7103 (w) 076-142-1249 ra/0497403

GREEN LEAVES GARDENS Complexes, residential, commercial. Weekly maintenance. Once-off clean-ups. Quality service under supervision.

Christo 082 398 5103

• PARADOX Digital Wireless In- & Outdoor Alarm Systems with Pet Immunity • Intercom and Access Control Systems • Surveillance Cameras • Electric Fencing • Professional Surveys and Installation.

2 Ton from R190 4 Ton from R300 5 Ton from R350 6 Ton from R550 8 Ton from R600 GOEDKOOPSTE! GEEN MISLEIDING!

Site cleaning

Klein vragte beskikbaar


082-300-5044 071-682-5201

GOEIE DIENS is ons leuse! 5 - 8 Ton trokke te huur met drywer. Shaun 083-646-7082 RA/0497281

JJC TRANSPORT Verhuising & stoor! Elna 012-525-1343 083-376-1720


A B ALG. VERVOER 1.5 Ton Vanaf R250 2.0 Ton Vanaf R350 4.0 Ton Vanaf R450 Bourommel, Tuinvulles, alg. vervoer, asook mini trekke, kort en lang afstand. Bertie by 082-501-1463 vir n gratis kwotasie ra/0476715

ABC MINI MAXI MOVERS Local and long distance Fax: 086-639-8456 Cell: 083-620-2454 Office: 012-548-6800


FURNITURE REMOVALS Fully Enclosed Trucks.

BLITS BOME Moet geen boom laat sny sonder 'n

kwotasie van Gert Steyn nie!


ALCARI TRANSPORT Owner Supervision DAVID 072-171-4817

alcari@polka.co.za ra/0497507

Meubels, rommel, sand & klip. Alle vervoer.

083-562-2571 ra/0497546


Toesig gewaarborg. Gerhardt 012-331-5348 / 072-283-5114. ra/0497387

RUBBLE!! Garden Waste Removal Zelda 071-108-1580 ra/0494013


Klein / Groot vragte Beste pryse Gratis kwotasies! 082-746-7755

Algemene meubelvervoer. Skakel Rika 082-920-1329/ 012-335-7098 ALL


0861-708-000 all hr brandstf@mweb.co.za RA/0499578



RUBBLE REMOVAL Rommel Verwydering As low as R150/load Free Quotations

Please contact us on 071-446-2410


AROUND ABOUT REMOVALS *Insured *Supervised *Friendly Let's get moving 082-085-5235 or aroundabout@iburst.co.za www.aroundabout.co.za




Meubel- en Kantoorvervoer



012-379-9559 ra/0489682

Bel Kassie vir meubelvervoer.

Cutting Pruning Sny Snoei Bome Palms JC 012 997 1009 082 458 5233 CALL NOW

Bokse te koop. 012-548-9317 082-454-8159



Vervoer van meubels en kantore. Gratis Kwotasie. Juanita 072-185-5439 Blackie 076-377-9714 RA/0498839

Poste beskikbaar vanaf

16 Januarie 2012 URE: 13:00 - 17:30 Stuur verkorte CV na


DOROTHY seeks piece work for Tue & Fri. Honest. REF. 076-568-4540

Residential Letting Agent


Elsie seeks Mon,Wed & Fri, sleep out. Reliable. Honest. . Hardw. Exp. Ref. 072-058-3072

Are you hardworking, able to work independently?


EURIDICE: seeks full-time sleep out. Excellent ref. Childcare. Cooks. 072-668-5589 Hardw

We provide: - Full training - Back-up & support - Proven success formula - Experienced agents - Opportunity to start your own business


FIKILE seeks full-time work, sleep out. Has ref, cleans, childcare. 082-711-9175 RA/0499346

HELLEN seeks piece job, Sleep out. Hardw. 082-6471587 Diligent, honest & reliable.

You need: Own car and enthusiasm!!


Email CV to: info@nationalletting.co.za

Aansoeke sluit 4 Nov 2011

Sekretariële / Admin / PA Ma - Vry: 8h00 - 17h00 Ooste van Pretoria Dame: Ouderdom tussen 40 en 50. Ten volle tweetalig Nie-roker, eie vervoer. Gevorderde rekenaargeletterheid. Tik 'n vereiste Verwysings essensieël en sal nagegaan word.

ISABELA: Seeks Mon, Wed & Fri piece work. Excellent ref. Hardw. 072-552-3848 Reliable.


Work your own hours with flexible lifestyle! Trendy, confident & authusiastic individuals will qualify to join our dynamic sales team in designer costume jewellery. Vera 082-338-8686 RA/0499120


STORE MANAGER for Sunglass Shop in Menlyn Shopping Centre needed. Afrikaans speaking. Contact Stephanie Govender 076-198-9288 RA/0499571



082-891-7126/ 012-993-2898

Flexi tye in die week op tydelike basis asook naweke. 2 x Poste beskikbaar



THOBILE seeks OFFICE CLEANING. Good ref. Hardw. Honest. 083-576-0725 ra/0499383


Stuur een bladsy CV na:

0861 997 998


OFFICE NUMBER Tel: 012-842-0321


JOSTINA seeks full-time / piece job slp out. Has exel ref. Hardw, reliable. 076-092-7562 ra/0499536

Moeg vir kontrakte, huishulpprobleme? Ek't die alternatief. Het uitstekende huishulpe.

SUZETTE: 074-371-2212 RA/0499588

MARGARETH: Seeks fulltime, sleep out, hardw, reliable. REF. 072-026-2808 RA/0499382

MARIA: seeks piece job Mon, Tue, Wed. Sleep out. Childcare, cleaning. 084-278-8593 MARTHA soek voltyds slaap in. Goeie geaardheid. Fluks, eerlik. Verw. 083-864-8452 ra/0499132

PC SHRINK your PC? Get prof. help! From the smallest character deficiency right up to open hard drive surgery. We will solve your problems on your premises quickly

072-180-7672 ra/0467622

Martha soek werk vir Di & Do. Hardw, stil, praat Afrikaans. Reeds 9 jaar in my diens. Verwysings skakel: Mev Vos 072-596-5115 RA/0499547

Pauline is looking for full- time sleep in domestic work. Pleasant personality, good with children. Ref. available. Contact 072-771-3279 ra/0499356


PC Shop 082 667 1191 012 667 1111 ra/0485599

PRUDENCE: Seeks piece work sleep out work. Excellent ref. 079-617-2852 RA/0499139

Rebecca seeks Fri work, sleep out. Reliable. Honest. Asset. Hardw. 078-344-3477 RA/0499205

OFFICE NUMBER Tel: 012-842-0321



JOHANNA seeks full-time sleep in work. Childcare, can cook. Pleasant. 074-313-7781


Angela: Full-time, sleep out Excellent Ref+ worker, reliable. Asset. 073-315-9814

Kontak Jo-lene 012-807-1070

JONICCA seeks work as a office cleaner or kitchen- or general work. 073-555-1429





Wil jy werk as

Hier is die geleentheid!

Isabella seeks full-time, sleep in/out. Reliable. Honest. Ref avail. Asset 082-758-7263





LUCIA seeks full-time work, sleep out. Has ref, cleans,cooks & childcare. 078-447-9759

Tired of constant misunderstandings with

Ericssons Meubileerders is op soek na 'n (opleiding sal verskaf word).

Are you a dynamic, registered Estate Agent? We offer all the tools you need. Basic salary, car, cellphone + comm. Area: Pta East, Centurion, Midrand. Email CV to: alison@smartsell.co.za Interns with NQF4 and drivers licenses welcome to apply.

083-459-4558 RA/0499275



Salaris onderhandelbaar Marita marita@ technolase.co.za

HELLEN: Seeks full-time sleep in/out. Hardw, Excellent ref. Friendly. 076-614-6797 IRENE seeks piece work for Mon & Thu. Exc ref. Hardw, reliable 076-458-1042 Recomm

wouwtjienaskool@ gmail.com

Min 5 years experience. For building of Carports & Pallisade



Laerskool Anton van Wouw Naskoolsentrum

DINAH: Seeks Tue, Thu & Sat. Excellent ref. Hardw. Honest. Reliable. 078-076-0308






Life Protection Systems

Boomsloping / stompe / alle palms. Gratis kwotasies.






Pest control. Weed control. Fertilizers. Ants. Robert


En vele meer. Ten volle versekerd. Eienaars toesig Rufus


Leon 083-285-4508

STEYNIES AUTOMATION Repairs & installations. Gate motors, garage doors & intercoms.



Landscaping & Irrigation


Andre Louw 082 463 5899




Ferdi 083-291-2752



Sloop, Snoei, Verwyder Hyskraan Trok, Braaihout, Sekelbos R9. Vol versek. 25 Jaar ondervinding.

Alle tipe staalwerke. Balustrades, hekke, diefwering, ens.

General maintenance.




Johan 083-292-0637

10 Jaar ondervinding. Ten volle verseker.



Aaklig & aanstootlike bome





ONE STOP SERVICES Domestic, carpets, upholstery & maintenance handyman services Call Sonia 084-583-5952



Cleaning Services

012 663 5385 079 399 3240

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Aabacus Tree Felling cc


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domestic & commercial cleaning: once-off, weekly, pre-occupational.


• Pre-spotting • Stain removal • Deodorizing



R350 - 5 Room Home With R300 - Lounge Suite

KUNDIGE FINANSIËLE PERSOON GESOEK Vaardigheid in debiteure en krediteure sowel as vaardigheid in Pastel sal as 'n aanbeveling dien. Goeie taalvaardigheid in Afrikaans en Engels is 'n voorvereiste. Belangstellendes faks asb aansoeke na 012-349-1399




BAIE BETROUBARE HUISHULPE. Met verw, kontrak & UIF. 23 jaar in bedryf. Marthie

012-993-1590. ra/0497279

BETROUBARE BEDIENDE 19 jaar diens. Soek werk vir Ma & Wo. Verw: 083-764-2751

SARAH piece work Tue, Wed, Fri, hardw, reliable, cleans, irons. Excl ref 079-014-9229 ra/0499133

SOPHIE 073-466-8334 / 078110-5431 Seeks full-time job or piece job. Sleep out. Ref avail RA/0499419

Thandazile 072-726-1831 Seeks full-time or piece job. Sleep in/ out Cooks, cleans, irons. Hardw. RA/0499047


DINAH seeks full-time sleep out Excellent ref. Childcare. Hardw, reliable 072-462-6393 RA/0499345

THEMBI: seeks Mon, Wed & Fri piece job. Excellent ref. Hardw. Recomm. 079-445-9660 RA/0499274


David 073-652-8345, seeks gardening work for Tue & Wed. Also code 10 Licence. Hardw. RA/0498976

FANIE seeks gardening work for Mon - Fri. Goeie werk. 072-016-6830 RA/0499017

Highly Recommended Gardener sks wrk Mo. Excellent ref. Richard 071-284-331 RA/0499266

Vir baie betroubare en hardwerkende tuinier, kontak Mev Coetzee 082-853-0768



3 Slk, 2 badk, sitk, eetk, komb, m/huis, waskamer. 2 Motorafdakke, buitekamer, stoorkamer. Boorgat met besproeiingstelsel. Alarmstelsel.

DRINGEND GESOEK Kamer te huur in wstel met priv badk. Wstel te deel met dame. 1 Slk met badk. Elek & wasgoed ingesl.

R7 500 pm Beskik 1 Nov 012-460-8234 082-926-2520


LYNN RAS EIENDOMME 081-475-8359 Ons soek vir jou 'n geskikte eiendom

*Dringend eiendomme gesoek in PTA. Gesoek 2 of 3 slk, 2 badk, naby Glen Fair Sentrum La Montagne: Jou eie plek in bosveld. Rustig, pragtige tuin. Groot loft, 3 slk, groot stoork. R850 000 Willow Park Manor: Veilig, lugvers. DSTV, braai, ruim tuin, 3 slk, 2 badk. R850 000 Equestria: Meenthuis met ruim tuin rondom, 2 slk. R650 000 ohb Weavindpark: Huis Heerlik vir onthaal en ouma woon apart. Kantoor, 4 Slk, s/bad. R1.4 mil ohb Silverton: Dupleks 3 slk, 2 badk. R550 000 - R650 000 Wilgers: Naby H/S Wilgers 3 Slk, 2 badk. R850 000 Brummeria: Langs Botaniese Tuine. Mooi Uitsig. 2 slk, R650 000 RA/0499349

STERREWAG Jack Bennet Street. Neat family home with lots of potensial, measuring 210 m² situated on large stand - 1906m². Excellent view. 3 Bedrooms, 2½ bathrooms, spacious living and entertainment areas. 2 Garages.

Price: 1.9 mil (neg) Contact Owner 082-774-7584 / 082-829-6648 RA/0499731

PIERRE VAN RYNEVELD 3 Bedr townhouse with 2 full bathr, 2 lock-up garages. R1.150 mil Contact owner Elaine 011 973 4352 072 441 2772 ra/0499315


Tel: 012-842-0321


012-346-7343 073-147-9874 RA/0499284


ELARDUSPARK 2 Slaapkamer woonstel. Goeie sekuriteit. o/d parkering

R4 000pm 081-470-4448 RA/0499542

WONDERVILLA Huis vir Bejaardes Deelkamers te huur. Onmiddellik beskikbaar.

Skakel Anzel 012-335-7503 Wonderboom-Suid Area www.wondervilla.co.za ra/0499524

GARSFONTEIN Woonstel te huur. Gables on Park R4 600 pm Beskik 1 Nov Kontak Pieter by 072-282-9631 of Bokkie 082-959-2831 RA/0499609

Rietfontein Tuinwoonstel te huur. 1 Slk, stort, toilet, kombuis, eet-/ TV kamer. Eie tuin. Motorhuis. R2 800 pm W & L ingesluit Jeanette

082-855-3191 RA/0499569

SPECIAL OFFER ON FLATS 1½ BEDS, Nedbank Centre, Silverton, R3 000pm. CALL NOW 012 319 8700 ra/0499487

TUINWOONSTELLE Lynwood Glen: Groot 2 slk, gemeub. Eie tuin met tuindienste R4 500 pm. +W&L Silverton Rif: Rustige omgewing by berg 1 slk, ongemeub R2 400, gemeub R2 800. W & L uigesluit. Geen kat / hond / klein kinders. RA/0499551

WAPADRAND 2 Badk eenheid te huur @ R4 500 pm. Beskik 1 Nov 2011. Kontak 082-452-5358 RA/0499599

Two players are in action in the recent Vodacom Cup Wheelchair Basketball final between Gauteng North and the Eastern Cape. The men from Gauteng North won the game to retain their title as Vodacom Cup champions.

DINOKENG 30 Minute Noord van Pta

LAPA VIR FUNKSIES spyseniering opsioneel SELFSORG CHALETS www.hanati.co.za

082-929-8394 RA/0499146

STELLENBOSCH Vakansie verblyf Billike dubbel- en enkelkamers beskikbaar in goed toegeruste koshuis vanaf 9 Desember '11 tot 4 Januarie '12. Sentraal geleë. Skakel 021-887-1583 ra/0471746

SUIDKUS! Vakansie akkom.

082-785-9110 www.agape-estates.co.za RA/0496674

UVONGO / MARGATE Nuwe, luukse oopplan 3 slk woonstel met 2 badk. Grondvloer. See-uitsig. S/bad, DStv. Jaco 082-324-8872 ra/0492466

GETAWAY FARMS At Van der Merwe Station and Seltzbach Mineral Water (founded 1890). 60 km From PTA/JHB

Gauteng North retained Vodacom Cup trophy The Pretoria-based side, Gauteng North Wheelchair Basketball team, successfully defended the Vodacom Cup trophy when they won their clash against Eastern Cape 59-55 in the finals. The men from Pretoria trailed in the first two quarters and their high pointers, Richard Nortjé and Stuart Jellows defended well and helped their team to dominate the last two quarters. Gauteng North recorded a deserved 59-55 victory. The Eastern Cape team was a house on fire but inaccurate shoo­

ting and pressure affected their game in the last two quarters. The Gauteng North captain, Kobus Oeschger, was excited about his team’s achievement. “We are the first team to successfully defend the Vodacom trophy and that’s an achievement,” he said. Gauteng North won the Vodacom Cup trophy for the first time last year when they beat North West Province and successfully defended the trophy on Saturday. “Eastern Cape is a good young team. I think they lost this game

due to a lack of experience. They represent the future of wheelchair basketball in the country.” The 2011 Vodacom Cup winner, Gauteng North, walked away with R10 000. The managing executive at Vodacom Marketing, Enzo Scarcella, congratulated the 2011 winners. He said the Vodacom Cup has been a platform to unearth talent for the past 12 years. It has fulfilled the dreams of many upcoming wheelchair basketball players and they are happy to be part of this event.

Speel gholf vir goeie doel Die vakbond Solidariteit se Helpende Hand-beweging bied hul jaarlikse gholfdag 26 Oktober by die Magaliespark-gholfklub naby Hartbeespoortdam aan. Die opbrengs van die gholfdag sal aan die Helpende Hand-

beweging in Silverton se fondse gaan om dit aan te vul. Dié tak bestuur ’n sopkombuis by ’n kamp in Derdepoort waar kos, klere, komberse en ander noodsaaklikhede aan behoeftiges verskaf word. Die gholfdag sal in die Better

ball Stableford-formaat gespeel word en spelers word genooi om in vierballe in te skryf. Inskrywingsfooie sluit baanfooi, ’n geskenkpak, halfweghuiskoste en die aandfunksie in. Navrae: Allen Lourens by 082-784-3449.

Oud-spelers hou weer makietie

Rugbyondersteuners kan saam met kenners en legendes kom kuier

Special offer: Weekend getaway for only R875 p/p. 2 Nights, breakfast, dinner, game drive and Cullinan mine tour included.

Bookings: Trevor: 083 777 0095 Letitia: 083 778 0095 Enquiries: 011 499 1361



Die Blou Bulle se Oud-Spelersvereniging se jaarlikse Blou Bul-makietie word vanjaar op 28 Oktober by die Gecko Ridgeonthaalterrein in die ooste van Pretoria aangebied. Gaskunstenaars soos Danie Niehaus en die stemkunstenaar wat die Springbokafrigter, Peter de Villiers op Radio Jacaranda namaak,

sal optree. Die president van die Goue Leeus-rugbyunie, Kevin de Klerk, sal as gasspreker optree. Bespreek ’n tafel vir tien mense en kom skuur skouers met Bloubullegendes soos Frik du Preez, Naas Botha, Wynand Claassen, Burger Geldenhuys, Adolf Malan, Darius Botha en Tommy du Plessis.

Dit is rugbyondersteuners se kans om saam met die kenners en oudspelers te kuier na ’n lang en vol seisoen. Die seremoniemeester is Hugh Bladen en ander sportsterre soos Corrie Sanders en Clive Rice sal ook teenwoordig wees. Navrae: Juanita da Matta by 084-514-5180.




Die Suidoos-cluster vier fees met hul trofee, na hulle in ’n naelbyteindwedstryd in die laaste sekondes teen die Noordoos-cluster met 28-21 gewen het.

Trofee toer na Suidooste Koos Venter

Proteas wen op Wanderers Suid-Afrika se krieketspan het Sondagmiddag op die Wan­ de­­rers in Johannesburg hul swak begin in die huidige reeks krie­­ketwedstryde teen Australië reggestel, toe hulle die tweede Pro20-wedstryd met drie paaltjies gewen het. Die held van die span en man-van-die-wedstryd was Rusty Theron, wat eers twee paaltjies in die Aussies se beurt geneem het en toe as stert­ kant­kolwer 30 lopies van 25 balle gemoker het om Suid-Afrika te laat wen. Foto: GB Jordaan

Die Blou Bulle-rugbyunie se jaarlikse Cluster-kompetisie het die afgelope Saterdag met ’n hoogtepunt geëindig toe die eindwedstryd op Loftus Versfeld gespeel is. Die Cluster-kompetisie is verlede seisoen ingestel. Volgens dié formaat word die jurisdiksiegebied van die Bou Bulle in streke (clusters) ingedeel en al die klubs (alle ligas) binne ’n sekere cluster werk dan saam om ’n o.21-span en ’n senior span te kies en af te rig vir hierdie kompetisie. Vanjaar het die Noordwes-cluster se o.21-span in die eindwed-

stryd teen die Suidoos-cluster in die junior afdeling te staan gekom. Die manne van Noordwes, wat klubs soos Polisie, TUT, Tuine en Noordelikes insluit, is uiteindelik as kampioene gekroon, na hulle met 16-6 gewen het. In die senior eindwedstryd, waar die Suidooscluster, met klubs soos Harlequins en Oostelikes as hul vernaamste voedingsbron, teen die Noordooscluster (hoofsaaklik Naka Bulle, Silver Valke en Jan Niemandpark) gespeel het, is puik hardlooprugby gesien. Geen strafdoele is aangeteken nie, maar al die punte is deur drieë behaal. Die manne van Noordoos

het die eerste helfte oorheers en teen rustyd gerieflik voorgeloop. In die tweede helfte het die Suidoos-span egter stadig maar seker teruggekom in die wedstryd en met sowat tien minute se spel oor het hulle die telling 21-elk gelykop gemaak toe hulle hul derde drie gaan druk het. In die spannende laaste minute het albei spanne verwoed aangeval, maar dit was die span van die Suidoos-cluster wat uiteindelik sekondes voor die eindfluitjie die deurbraak kon maak en die wendrie kon druk. Die eindtelling was 28-21 in die guns van die Suidooscluster.

Boesemvriende wen rugby droomprys Koos Venter

Fietsryers wat nog nie ingeskryf het vir volgende jaar se Cape Argus nie, word aangeraai om dit so gou as moontlik te doen.

Wikkel met inskrywings Met minder as 1 500 inskrywings beskikbaar vir die Cape Argus Pick n Payfietstoer 2012, moedig die Kaapse Fiets­ toertrust dié wat nog nie ingeskryf het nie aan om dit so gou as moontlik te doen. “Fietsryers wat hoop om op die laaste nippertjie in te skryf moenie op hulle laat wag nie, want daar is minder as 1 500 inskrywings beskikbaar. “Ons verwag om die inskrywings aan die einde van die week, ’n maand vroeër as verlede jaar te sluit,” sê die uitvoerende hoof van die Kaapse Fietstoertrust, David Bellairs. Fietstoerinskrywings vir 2012 is beperk tot die eerste 30 000 beta­lende deelnemers. “Ons sal belangstellendes wat te laat

was om in te skryf verwys na die liefdadigheidsorganisasies wat blokbesprekings by ons gemaak het. Hulle sal dus die geleentheid kry om deel te neem en terselfdertyd vir ’n goeie doel te help geld insamel,” het hy bygevoeg. Dié ikoniese gebeurtenis, die grootse tydsberekende fietstoer in die wêreld, sal vir die 35e keer op 11 Maart 2012 plaasvind. Om die inskrywingsproses te vergemaklik, maak seker dat jy die volgende inligting byderhand het: jou ID of paspoort, ’n geldige kredietkaart, jou mediese fonds besonderhede en lidnommer en ’n noodkontaknommer. Besoek dan www.cycletour.co.za en volg die instruksies.

Vodacom se Shosholoza Bokke-veldtog, wat rondom die rugby wêreldbekertoernooi aangebied is, het geluk vir die jong Andrew Christie van Centurion gebring. Christie en sy vriend, Brad Gray, het reeds op 12 Oktober vir twee weke Nieu-Seeland toe vertrek om daar, op Vodacom se onkoste, die res van die wêreldbekertoernooi eerstehands te beleef. Dié twee vriende het, na hulle die advertensie vir Vodacom se kompetisie gesien het, besluit om iets spesiaal te probeer doen sodat hulle sonder twyfel die beoordelaars se aandag sou trek. Uiteindelik het hulle 40 verskillende opnames gemaak en elke opname het ’n sentrale tema gehad. Die twee manne, wat sedert hul skooldae aan Pretoria Boys’ High al boesemvriende is, se idee was om soveel aandag met hul kreatiewe pogings te trek, dat die beoordelaars hulle eenvoudig nie kon miskyk nie. Uiteindelik is hulle beloon en een van hul opnames is saam met vier ander uit 25 000 inskrywings as die vyf wenners gekies. Nou lê die geleentheid van ’n leeftyd vir hulle voor, want hul prys is ’n hele R200 000 werd. Christie, ’n derdejaar B.Com entrepreneurskap-student by Tukkies, vertel dat dit sy eerste besoek aan Nieu-Seeland is. Hy was wel al in Europa en Suid-Amerika, maar hierdie toer span vir hom die kroon. Wat kan dan nou lekkerder wees vir twee rugbymal jongmanne om vir twee weke in ’n land soos Nieu-Seeland te

toer en dan nog boonop deel van die rugby wêreldbekertoernooi te wees? Christie is self ’n kranige rugbyspeler wat gereeld vir Varsity Old Boys in Tukkies se koshuisliga as flank of haker uitdraf. Uiteraard is hy en Gray teleurgesteld dat die Springbokke uitgeskakel is maar Christie, wat ten spyte van sy plaaslike wortels ’n groot Sharks-ondersteuner is, sien steeds uit na die toer.

Andrew Christie van Centurion kyk weer na sommige van die meer as 40 videoopnames wat hy en sy vriend ingestuur het na Vodacom se kompetisie wat bekendgestaan het as die Shosholosa Bokke-veldtog. Hulle was uiteindelik een van die vyf wenners van dié gesogte kompetisie.



Tennis. Vrydag 21 Oktober tot Sondag 23 Oktober. Tuks Ope-eindstryd. Tukstennisklub, LC de Villierssportgronde, Pretoria.





OFFICE 012 343 9532

MOBILE 082 450 6088

371 Farenden St, Arcadia, Pta info@corporateshuttle.co.za

Die Blou Bulle se jong slot, Jeandré Kruger, het sy goeie vorm in die Curriebekerreeks beklemtoon deur Vrydagaand op Loftus Versfeld teen die Luiperds twee drieë te druk. Hier skuif hy oor die doellyn vir sy eerste. Foto’s: simondp@ actionimage

Blou Bulle ryg die drieë in Koos Venter Vir die eerste keer in tien jaar kon die Blou Bulle vanjaar nie die halfeindrondte van die Curriebekerreeks haal nie. Nietemin is daar tog hoop en selfs opgewondenheid oor die toekoms, veral as Pine Pienaar se jong span se vertoning in vanjaar se laaste ligawedstryd in dié reeks in ag geneem word. Deurwinterde Bloubul-ondersteuners sou moed geskep het nadat die Blou Bulle Vrydagaand in die beste vertoning deur enige span in vanjaar se reeks 14 drieë ingeryg het om die Luiperds met 92-21 te klop. Hoewel die Blou Bulle se vyande daaroor juig dat die span vir die eerste keer sedert 2001 nie vir die halfeindrondte kon kwalifiseer nie, is die spelers en bestuur op Loftus Versfeld nie in sak en as nie. Hoewel hulle volgehou het dat hulle wel vanjaar die beker wou wen, sal ’n realistiese ontleding bewys dat die Curriebeker waarskynlik vanjaar opgeoffer is ter wille van groter planne vir die toekoms. Dit is geen geheim dat die Blou Bulle vanjaar die einde van ’n besonderse goue era bereik het nie. Om spelers van die standaard van Victor Matfield, Bakkies Botha, Danie Rossouw, Gurthro Steenkamp, Gary Botha, Derick Kuün en Fourie du Preez te vervang, gaan nie maklik wees nie. Tog het die bestuur op Loftus Versfeld dit reggekry om die jong opkomende sterre wat reeds in die stelsel op Loftus was, aan te vul met ’n paar opwindende aanwinste uit ander geledere. Hierdie groep spelers moes hulleself vanjaar in die Curriebekerreeks vestig te midde van die feit dat ten minste 15 senior spelers tydelik of permanent op nasionale diens by die Springbokke was. Daarby het beserings aan sleutelspelers soos Deon Stegmann en Dewald Potgieter ook nog sake bemoeilik. Daar is egter ’n positiewe gees oor die toekoms by die Bulle. In die bouproses van die goue era wat vanjaar tot ’n einde gekom het was die Blou Bulle drie jaar lank (1999 tot 2001) in die Curriebeker-wildernis, waartydens hulle nie die halfeindrondte kon

Bjorn Basson, drieëvraat en linker vleuel van die Blou Bulle, het drie drieë ingeryg.

haal nie. Die kanse dat dit weer sal gebeur is byna onmoontlik. Dit is duidelik dat die breintrust op Loftus Versfeld die toekoms van plaaslike rugby verstaan en reeds daarvoor begin voorberei het. Saam met die jong manne wat vanjaar in die Curriebeker rypgemaak is, die nuwe aanwinste en die seniors wat wel van die Springbokke af terugkeer, sal die Bulle in die toekoms genoeg diepte hê om die nuwe veeleisende rugbyprogram aan te pak. Ten spyte van die Blou Bulle se vyfde plek in die Curriebekerreeks, is nuwe sterre vanjaar op Loftus gebore uit die jongelinge wat deur die junior geledere gekom het en die uitgesoekte aanwinste uit ander geledere. As hierdie groep en die terugkerende Springbokke tot ’n eenheid saamgevoeg kan word, sal die volgende goue era op Loftus Versfeld nie lank wegbly nie.


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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.