A Tshwane metro worker ofoads a truck ďŹ lled with Zimbabweans’ art works, which were reportedly conďŹ scated by metro police, while art dealer Zelda Hancke takes an inventory of the returned goods.
Artists want justice Natashia Slabbert Roughly a quarter of conďŹ scated goods, taken by Tshwane metro police and a metro team in an illegal raid in December last year, were returned to their rightful owners last week. This followed after serious allegations, including corruption and theft, were levelled at the metro police and the metro’s rapid response team by a group of artists after the raid. Rekord reported on the situation in February when Zelda Hancke, art dealer and spokesperson for the group of Zimbabwean artists, explained how metro ofďŹ cers seized the artists’ goods, valued at R208 000, from a private property in Montana, without any ofďŹ cial documents.
Hancke, whose art shop sold these art works and had to close down due to a lack of stock, laid a charge at the metro police’s anti-corruption unit a few weeks ago. The artists have since received back some of their art after a truck, accompanied by metro workers, ofoaded the stock last Tuesday. However, only a quarter of the goods were returned and many of the items were damaged. “We are still crying. They drove away with four truckloads of our goods and only brought back one truckload,â€? one of the artists said. According to Hancke, there had been talks of the metro compensating the group for their damages, however, the group felt it was not enough. The artists feel strongly about justice taking its
course and want to see the guilty parties held accountable for their actions. “On the one hand we are happy to see that someone is listening and that something is happening, but corrupt ofďŹ cials cannot just get away and think ‘the metro will pay for our mistakes’. If they get away this time, they will just do it again and again,â€? Hancke said. According to Nick Calogero, spokesperson for the metro police’s anti-corruption unit, the docket had been moved to a docket discussion panel. “The panel will decide whether there is a case against anyone, who should be charged and whether it will be departmental or disciplinary. As soon as we receive this feedback, we will proceed,â€? Calogero said.
Notorious Moloto road claims another’s life Valeska Abreu
Inkopiegangers kan aan Shavathon deelneem Kolonnade Retailpark neem vanjaar vir die eerste keer aan die jaarlikse Kansa Shavathon, wat op 3 Maart by verskeie winkelsentrums in Pretoria plaasvind, deel. Janine Truter, Mej. Rekord 2011 en Frank Panaou, Rekorvoce-wenner 2011, gaan die gehoor vermaak en inwoners motiveer om hul hare te skeer of kleur. Inkopiegangers word genooi om hierdie verdienstelike saak ten bate van Kansa tussen 09:00 en 15:00 te ondersteun. Dit is Kansa se negende nasionale Shavathon en inkopiegangers kan vir ’n skenking hul hare laat afskeer of reënboogstrepies laat opspuit. Kinders en volwassenes kan met geruste harte deelneem aangesien dié kleure na een was uitwas. Skenkings beloop R50 vir volwassenes en R25 vir kinders onder 12 jaar. Geld wat Kansa tydens Shavathon insamel, sal vir kankernavorsing, voorkomende programme en pasiëntesorg aangewend word.
An 18-month-old baby girl became one of the latest victims to be seriously injured on the notorious Moloto Road after a severe accident that left one man dead. Two other people were also critically injured when two light motor vehicles collided head-on on Saturday afternoon. According to Netcare911 spokesperson, Jeffrey Wicks, the cause of the accident is unclear, but information indicates one of the drivers moved into the oncoming lane before the crash. “Both vehicles collided head-on and skidded off the road, coming to rest near
the initial point of impact. Paramedics arrived at the scene to find one man with fatal injuries. His body was trapped in the wreckage. They attended to the other wounded and initiated care,” said Wicks. Wicks said the Netcare911 Aeromedical helicopter took a critically injured woman to the Charlotte Maxeke Academic hospital. “The other injured were transported by ambulance to state hospitals in the area.” According to Wicks, Moloto Road is one of the roads were some of the deadliest accidents occur on a weekly basis. “People should be careful when driving and a little bit of patience goes a long way,” he said.
Death follows argument Valeska Abreu A 47-year-old man had again appeared in court on charges of first degree murder after he shot and killed his girlfriend. According to police, an argument broke out between the Pretoria North couple at their flat in Gerrit Maritz Street on February 19. “The couple was having some sort of celebration or party when the man decided he wanted to purchase more alcohol. The woman refused, and
•NOTICE• Die sektorpolisiëringsforum van Pretoria-Noord sektor 1 en 2 hou 28 Maart om
this resulted in an argument where he shot her in the head and killed her,” said police spokesperson, Maanda Singo. “The man notified the police and waited for them to arrive at the scene where he explained what had happened and was arrested. He did not resist arrest and the firearm was licensed,” said Singo. The man again appeared in court early this week for a bail application. The court’s decision was however not available to Rekord at time of going to print. 19:00 by die Pretoria-Noord-stadsaal in Britsweg hul algemene jaarlikse vergadering wat die verkiesing van die uitvoerende komitee en die wysiging van die konstitusie sal behels. Slegs geregistreerde lede mag stem. Navrae: 082-416-8961.
SPCA denies cruelty claims
’n Groot boom is deur die storm verlede week in Pretoriusstraat, Hatfield, ontwortel. Jomo Mathlakola het die volgende dag takke weggesny sodat dit van die Altitude Leasurewear maatskappy se perseel verwyder kon word.
Natalie Grobler and Suzette van Huyssteen
Stormweer woed Du P Martins Groot dele van Pretoria is verlede Dinsdagmiddag sonder krag gelaat na ’n weerligstraal die Nyala-kragstasie in die ooste van Pretoria raakgeslaan het. Tientalle woongebiede en nywerheidsgebiede is in donkerte gelaat nadat swaar weer die substasie wat die gebiede bedien, raakgeslaan het. Met die wye kragonderbreking was talle verkeersligte buite werking. Dít, saam met die swaar reën wat uitsig belemmer het, het tot verskeie verkeersknope gelei. Veertig motorongelukke is in en om Pretoria aangemeld. “Van my huis in Centurion tot by my werk in Die Wilgers, wat sowat 40 kilometer ver is, het dit my twee en ’n halwe uur geneem om daar te kom,” het Ottolina Muller, ’n verpleegkundige, gesê. Sy was een van duisende pendelaars wat die probleem op Hans Strijdomrylaan ondervind het. Die verkeersvloei
is nie net as gevolg van die kragonderbrekings belemmer nie, maar baie swaar rëen het opeenhopings op die R21 en die N4 veroorsaak. Die Hennopsrivier het sy walle oorstroom en in Centurion is sommige treine volgens Errol Braithwait, die Gautrein woordvoerder, tot 30 minute vertraag. Metrorail se sinjale wat as gevolg van die kragonderbreking buite werking was, moes met die hand beheer word. ’n Bejaarde egpaar van Tierpoort, aan die buitewyke van Pretoria, Myndert en Hannetjie Bloem, se huis se dak het afgewaai terwyl hulle geslaap het. Hewige rukwinde het ook ’n boom in hul erf ontwortel en die elektriese diefwering beskadig. Tegnici het tot laataand by die kragsentrale gewerk om kragtoevoer te herstel. Sommige woonbuurte se krag was die hele nag af, maar meeste se elektrisiteitstoevoer was teen Woensdagoggend herstel.
Two animal rights organisations are at loggerheads following allegations of what borders on animal cruelty against the SPCA. Activist group Animal Awareness, came forward last week with what they deem to be undeniable proof of animals being left to bleed to death following blood donations and animal euthanasia, without waiting the required seven days. The ‘proof’ includes the testimonies of former SPCA employees. The SPCA, however, rejects the allegations and claims numerous requests to provide more information for them to properly investigate Animal Awareness’ allegations, fell on deaf ears and until such information is brought forward, the allegations remain exactly that. According to Karin Smit from Animal Awareness, what should be a safe haven for animals, is fast becoming a death camp. “Our mission isn’t to close the doors of the SPCA, but we are forced to expose what is really happening.” According to the NSPCA operational manual, animals donating blood should be healthy and already identified to be euthanised. It seems, however, this policy is not being properly enforced. According to a former SPCA employee who wishes to remain anonymous, animals are allegedly picked at random to donate blood and are then ‘left to bleed to death’. “Some inspectors usually do not confirm that the dogs they select are earmarked for euthanasia and they usually pick the larger breeds
as they provide more blood.” The source said in terms of the policy, dogs are supposed to return to the SPCA after two days but this never happens. Korky Levanon, spokesperson for the Tshwane SPCA, strongly rejected the claims and said they do not bleed animals to death. “It is accepted that from time to time, SPCA branches will be called upon to provide blood donors for local veterinarians. The selected animal must be a healthy animal but already identified to be euthanised.” She confirmed that the animal must be euthanised after blood has been taken and the carcass returned to the SPCA. “The animal must not be bled to death and it may not stay at the clinic for longer than two days.” Levanon said that according to the Animal Protection Act No. 71 of 1962, it is an offence to cause unnecessary suffering to any animal. Smit and a colleague, CherylAnne Squires, also claim that the SPCA is in breach of its own policy regarding euthanasia. According to them, animals are being ‘put down’ within 24 hours after being admitted to the SPCA, instead of the required seven days. “In some cases animals are put to sleep as soon as they come through the doors,” said Smit. Smit is in possession of a voice recording of a telephone conversation between, who she claims is an ex-Tshwane SPCA employee and San-Marie Jacobs from Animal Awareness. The conversation revolves around a bizarre tale of how a dog owner had been tricked into believing his dog, that was eutha-
nised on the same day it was admitted to the Tshwane SPCA, was still alive but already adopted. The owner allegedly received confirmation from the SPCA that his lost dog was taken in, but was brought under the impression that the dog had been adopted. According to what the ex-employee told Jacobs, a photo was staged of the ‘new owner’ and the dog, using the stiff carcass. The ex-SPCA employee confirmed, however, that this was done without the knowledge of SPCA management. Rekord is in possession of a copy of the recording. Managing director of the Tshwane SPCA, Rick Allan, strongly reacted to the claim on Monday and challenged Animal Awareness to come forward with all information pertaining to the alleged incident for him to launch a full investigation. “We consider the allegations in a very serious light,” he said. Levanon rejected the claims about premature euthanasia and said stray animals are kept for a minimum of seven days before being labelled unwanted, while signed over animals are assessed as soon as possible after admission. She added that the decision to euthanise an animal is not easy and never taken lightly. “The decision to euthanise depends on several factors such as age, health, aggression and stress levels.” Smit said it was possible for the SPCA to avoid issues revolving around their blood and euthanasia policies if they sharpen up their adoption and lost and found systems.
Minister teiken rykes
E-tolstelsel hier om te bly Du P Martins
Fred Boshoff As jy rook of drink of ’n Gautengse motoris is, dan was Pravin Gordham, minister van finansies, se begrotingsrede op 22 Februarie nie goeie nuus nie. Diesulkes gaan sommer baie geld in die komende jaar moet opdok. Sy begrotingsrede word deur sommiges as ’n Robin Hood-begroting beskou. Hy teiken die rykes en gee aan die armes. Vir die gewone salaristrekker is daar goeie nuus in die belastingverligting van R9,6 miljard, aan die ander kant gaan almal baie meer vir drank, rook en petrol betaal. ’n Pakkie van 20 sigarette styg met 58c, bier met 9c vir 340ml en wyn is met 13,5c op vir 750ml. Die brandstofheffing styg met 20c per liter en die heffing vir die Padongelukkefonds styg met 8c per liter. Die verhoogde brandstofprys sal van 4 April betaalbaar wees. Met die verwagte verhoging in die brandstofprys later vanjaar, sal motoriste diep moet delf om per motor te reis. Gekoppel hieraan gaan Gautengse motoriste ook nog vanaf 30 April ’n tolgeldheffing van 30c per kilometer moet betaal. Hierdie is ’n verlaagde heffing omdat die regering R5,75 miljard aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Padfonds (Sanral) gegee het om hul skuld vir die Gautengse hoofwegverbeteringsprojek
(GFIP) te verminder. Daar word egter wel voorsiening vir alternatiewe roetes met beoogde verbeterings aan die bestaande R55- en R101-pad gemaak. Die begroting was daarop gemik om toestande te skep om die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie te laat groei en R844,5 miljard is begroot vir infrastruktuur (paaie, hospitale, skole, damme en kragstasies). Een ekonoom meen dat die belastingverligting suiwer teoreties is. Iemand wat R500 000 per jaar verdien sal 3,2% minder inkomstebelasting betaal, maar oorhoofse verskuilde belastings soos brandstofheffing, sondebelastings, tolgeld, BTW en ander heffings beteken dat soveel as 62c van elke rand van sy inkomste na die staat gaan. Ekonomiese groei en werkskepping kan gestimuleer word deur die groot besteding aan infrastruktuur en dít is weer noodsaaklik om die stygende maatskaplike besteding te finansier. Kenners is dit eens dat hierdie begroting die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie se inherente krag bevestig. In ’n tyd waarin die meeste ontwikkelende lande van die wêreld met enorme staatskuld sit wat dreig om die hele wêreld in ’n resessie te dompel, staan hierdie begroting as baken van fiskale dissipline en fyn balansering van staatsreserwes.
Prepaid tariffs questioned Valeska Abreu The more electricity you use, the more you pay. This is the answer to concerned residents’ questions, from the Tshwane metro, regarding queries of prepaid electricity tariffs. The query came after Christel Huisamen, noticed three different kW amounts on her three purchases of the same amount. Huisamen purchased prepaid electricity for R200 at the same outlet on December 10, 21 and 29 and received different kW’s each time. “I couldn’t understand how the kW’s
were getting less and less but it is for the same amount of money, for the same meter and at the same outlet.” Dikeledi Phiri, communications officer of the Tshwane metro explained the answer to this. Phiri said the metro adopted a new tariff structure, which is based on a sliding scale and not a fixed rate, unlike in the past. Phiri explained how the sliding scale would work for the 2012/13 financial year. On scale 1 which ranges from 1 to 100kWh, a consumer is charged R1,105. On scale 2 a consumer is charged R1,174 for 101 to 400kWh. A consumer will pay R1,236 on scale 3, which ranges from 401 to 650kWh and on scale 4 where a consumer uses more than 651kWh the charge is R1,317 per kW. The theory is the more you buy, the more expensive it gets, therefore it is suggested to rather use sparingly and plan purchases.
Die e-tolstelsel tree 30 April in werking en motoriste sal dan 30c per kilometer betaal. Onduidelikhede omtrent die veelbesproke e-tolstelsel is met Pravin Gordhan, minister van finansies, se begrotingsrede in die parlement, die nek ingeslaan. Gordhan het gesê dat die R3,5 miljard wat Krygkor vir die gekanselleerde Franse A400M Airbusprojek teruggekry het, aangewend sal word om ’n deel van die SuidAfrikaanse Padagentskap (Sanral) se skuld van sowat R20 miljoen te delg. Hy het gesê die verminderde skuldlas maak dit moontlik om die tolgeld na 30c per kilometer in plaas van 40c per kilometer te verlaag. Van die geld sal ook gebruik word vir die Gauteng-hoofwegverbeteringsprojek. Volgens Gordhan sal daar spoedige verbeterings kom aan die R55- en R101-roetes om so alternatiewe roetes aan te bied vir motoriste wat nie van die deurpad gebruik wil maak nie. Ander toltoegewings van die minister is dat die maksimum tarief vir gereelde gebruikers van die e-tolpaaie nie meer as R550 per maand sal beloop nie en ’n 20% korting toegestaan sal word vir swaar voertuie wat die paaie buite spitstyd gebruik. “Voor die projek begin het, het ons geweet daar sal skuld vir Sanral ontstaan en dit kan nie weggewens word nie,” het Nhlanhla Nene, adjunkminister van finansies, gesê. Hy het voorts gesê dat die brandstofprys met 20c per liter styg en die Padongelukkefonds se gedeelte sal na 8c per liter verhoog word. Dit beteken die verhoogde belasting is in der waarheid 28c per liter. Volgens George Mahlasela, direkteurgeneraal van vervoer, sal die aangepaste tariewe so spoedig moontlik in die Staatskoerant gepubliseer word. Hy het ook gesê die wetlike aspekte rakende die toepassing van boetes sal ook verander word. “Die strafproses sal nie strafregtelik gemaak word nie, maar eerder siviel gerig wees. Dit sal die proses om oortreders te beboet makliker en eenvoudiger maak,” het hy gesê. Zwelinzima Vavi, Cosatu vakbondleier, het ná die lewering van die begroting gesê Cosatu verwerp Gordhan se tolpadplan. “Ons is nie geldkoeie om geld in te win vir buitelanders nie. Ons staking op 7 Maart gaan voort en nog ’n staking word nou vir 30 April beplan om saam te val met die inwerkingtreding van die e-tolstelsel,”
het hy gesê. Kallie Kriel, uitvoerende hoof van AfriForum, het gesê dié organisasie het regsadvies omtrent die e-tolstelsel ingewin en dat die jongste aankondiging nie aanvaar word nie.
“Ek is nie gelukkig met die stelsel nie, dit is maar net nog ’n manier waarop die gereelde belastingbetaler weer moet opdok,” het Fred Redgate gesê.
“Dit is hier om te bly, maar dit is nie ’n ding wat ek graag wil sien nie. Ons betaal al baie vir dienste,” het Markus Kotze gesê.
“Die pad gaan nie ’n enkele duit van my sien nie. Ek is geheel en al gekant teen die e-tolstelsel,” het Billy Chamberlain gesê.
“Genade, ons gaan net meer betaal en ons betaal reeds soveel belasting wat by die petrolprys ingesluit is. Dis verskriklik,” voel Ina de Beer.
Vroue trek saam Become a friend and win vir nuwe rekord ‘Soen dit beter’ is ’n gesegde waarmee almal bekend is, maar Bertha le Roux-Wahl gaan ’n nuwe betekenis daaraan gee. Die Finesse-tydskrifspan, saam met minstens 500 vroue, gaan op 3 Maart vir Le Roux-Wahl aanmoedig om ’n wêreldrekord te breek. Sy moet in een uur vir meer as 472 vroue lipstiffie aanwend. Die projek word Soen dit beter genoem en geld wat hierdeur ingesamel word, sal aan The Children’s Hospital Trust, wat die geldinsameling namens die Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital hanteer, geskenk word. Die opwindende geleentheid gaan by die Hearfelt Arena in Pretoria vanaf 08:30 plaasvind. Almal wat aan dié wêreldpoging wil deelneem, sal in die ry moet val en om 09:15 sal die pret begin. Hierdie spesiale geleentheid vorm deel van Finesse se voelgoedekspo wat die hoogtepunt van Nasionale Voelgoedweek is. Inwoners word genooi om die ekspo by te woon en vermaak te word deur Gerhard Steyn. Kenners soos die
Glam Guru, Natasha Sutherland, Andrea du Plessis, Christien Durand, Susan Coetzer, Dawie Roodt, David Viljoen en nog vele ander, gaan gratis werkswinkels aanbied en wenke uitdeel. Die ekspo skop op 2 Maart by die Hearfelt Arena af. Navrae: www.voelgoedweek. co.za.
Bertha le Roux-Wahl.
The internet has become an integral part in the life of modern man over the past 15 years. As is the case with cell phones, one cannot even start to comprehend how we were able to function, without these two vital pieces of technology. The internet caused a revolution in the fields of communication, information, banking and in many other fields. The world of the media has also undergone some significant changes since the inception of the internet. The internet meant that the media had to reposition itself to remain relevant and competitive. New developments in this type of technology meant that every user of a smart phone could gain access to the internet from anywhere in the world from a cell phone. Internet has become highly accessible to everyone. These developments need not be seen as a threat to the printed media. It can instead be used to create exciting new challenges for the local media (of which Rekord forms part), to serve the community. This is exactly what is going to happen when Rekord becomes part of Caxton’s exciting new internet product looklocal. co.za on March 20. Through this new website users will be able to access any local information by pressing a few buttons. Looklocal.co.za was developed over the past few months by the team from Moneyweb.
Using the best available technology users could for example find the exact positioning of a breaking news story or be led to other relevant activities by means of a map, which works in conjunction with the Global Positioning System (GPS). It is predicted that looklocal. co.za will soon be the preferred news website for local users. Imagine the scenario of a user travelling somewhere within the boundaries of the Tshwane metro. For some or other reason that traveller urgently requires the contact details of the closest police station, emergency service, hospital, school, church or even sport club. By means of his cell phone the traveller can access the looklocal.co.za website and immediately gain access to the information on the website’s extensive information guide. In this manner the user can save valuable time and money, but can also supply a public service by reporting any problem or even an emergency situation. Local breaking news will also be updated on the website as it happens. This means that a further benefit of looklocal.co.za will be that users will also be in the know of the latest local news. Win with Rekord and looklocal.co.za. Although the llocal version of llooklocal.co.za will only be w llaunched on
March 20, readers can start winning big prizes in the period building up to the launch. Readers stand a chance to win a Canon Powershot SX 1101S camera, a Samsung 42cm LED TV from Metro Home City in Vermeulen Street and a gift voucher worth R2 000 for a De Lux Pamper treatment at the Youth Beauty Clinic & Spa in Wonderboom. Just visit Rekord’s Facebook page and click ‘Like’. Become a friend of Rekord on Facebook and you stand a chance to win one of these exciting prizes. The Rekord group’s Facebook address is www.facebook.com/PretoriaRe kord.
DA-lede verset teen speaker Koukusleier wéér uit raadsaal gegooi Du P Martins Brandon Topham, die koukusleier van die Demokratiese Alliansie (DA) in die Tshwane-metro, is vir die tweede agtereenvolgende maandvergadering uit die raadsaal gegooi. Die vete tussen Topham en Morakane Mosupyoe, speaker, het gedurende die Januarie raadsvergadering ontstaan nadat die speaker Topham ’n spreekbeurt oor die gewraakte wyksraadverkiesingsprosedure ontsê het. Die DA het daarna ’n mosie van wantroue teen die speaker ingestel. Verlede Donderdag se woordewisseling het ontstaan nadat sy op ’n versoek dat sy haarself moet verskoon terwyl die mosie bespreek word, geweier het om dit te doen. Mosupyoe het Topham beveel om stil te bly. Hy het geweier en is daarop, net soos die vorige keer, onder begeleiding uit die raadsaal verwyder. Soos ook in die vorige raadsvergadering, het al die DA-lede daarna uitgestap. Anders as die vorige keer,
het die Vryheidsfront Plus se lede hierdie keer bly sit. Ben Chapman van die DA het Vrydag sterk op die gebeure reageer. “Die DA se klagstaat teen Mosupyoe, wat volgens die riglyne van die raadsvergadering bespreek moes word, behels onder meer dat die speaker verskeie versoeke van opposisielede om haar beslissing teen Topham se spreekbeurt, na die Reëls en Etiese Komitee te verwys, geïgnoreer het. Die speaker het na bewering belangrike korrespondensie van raadslede geïgnoreer en e-posbriewe uitgewis sonder om dit te lees. Daarnaas het sy glo ook drie aansoeke vir inligting, wat ingevolge die bepalinge van die inligtingswet gedoen is, uitgewis. Klanktranskripsies het in die termyn van die speaker ook glo verlore geraak,” het hy gesê. Topham het verder gesê dat die DA nie sal buig in die geveg met die speaker nie. “Die aangeleentheid sal nou na die provinsiale regering en moontlik daarna na die nasionale regering toe deurgevoer word,” het hy gesê.
Loving home cares for baby Valeska Abreu For most of us it is impossible to imagine only having one limb, but for Susan it will be a lifelong battle. This 8-month-old baby girl was diagnosed with Amelia at birth. Amelia is the complete absence of the skeletal parts of the upper or lower limbs with no bony structure distal to the defect. Susan has total Amelia, as she has none of the four limbs. To make matters worse, her mother abandoned her at birth, but thankfully she is now in a safe and loving home environment at the Tshwane Place of Safety Association. Housemother and mother to 15 other foster children, Karen Bruyere, cares for Susan. Bruyere’s hopes for Susan is that she lives as normal a life as possible despite her disability, but the place of safety is solely run on donations and with no government subsidy for any of the children, there is only so much she can do for her daughter. “Susan is at the age where she is starting to get inquisitive about her surroundings and I don’t feel she should be deprived of this. That’s why we are hoping that she can get a prosthetic arm attached to her one limb,” she said. Bruyere and Susan have started visiting various doctors to determine the possibility of this. “We are not yet sure of the costs involved but we can only imagine what it will be, but that doesn’t bring us down in any way because we will try as hard as we can to get the money for it. I believe each
L’loyd Cele and Donnalee Roberts (7de Laan) with baby Susan at the Menlyn shopping centre Play Park.
child deserves a quality of life, not a quantity of life,” said Bruyere. The hope is that with one arm Susan will be able to move around more easily and later on in life when she gets an electric wheelchair, she will be able to commute herself. According to Susan’s paediatrician, Dr Elize van Rooyen, she suffers no other disability. “As far as we can tell at this stage she has no other illness. She can see, hear and is very intelligent and she will do well with at least one limb just
to get her going,” she said. So far Susan’s future has not been decided, but Bruyere vows that she will not let her be institutionalised. “I will care for her for as long as I can and when I’m gone, she has many brothers and sisters who will maybe take her in. I am also confident that the home will continue.” Bruyere said they would continue doing everything possible to raise money for the procedure and believe where there is a will there is a way.
Fanfare at Tuks’ rag queen competition Natalie Grobler Eighteen of the most beautiful women at the University of Pretoria (Tuks) showed their mettle last Thursday when they competed in the Tuks Rag Queen 2012 competition. Petroné Snyman, the Tuks Rag Queen for 2011, graciously stepped down and embraced her successor. Snyman said she p that Mudinda Dinga g will hoped
truly make a difference in herr community. n, Dinga was crowned queen, with Cecile Brits as first princes and Leanda Els as second princess. Eloise Cupido, Simba Mhere, Gerrit Pienaar, George Kasongo, Bonang Matheba, Hannon Bothma, Anneline Kriel en Bennet Koen were the celebrity jjudges g for the evening. g
Makhubele Bongani, Alistar Mayo and Dineo Molewa. Makhu
Melissa Wicht Wicht, second princess 2011, 2011 Gerrit Pienaar from Claris and Petroné Snyman, Tuks Rag Queen 2011.
A Anneline li K Kriel, i l a fformer Mi Miss W World, ld came all the way from Mauritius to crown Mudinda Dinga as the newly elected Tuks Rag Queen 2012.
Palesa Sekele, Sibongile Masuku and Zintle Ngollo.
‘Adviseur’ neem lening uit Natashia Slabbert ’n Gesin loop die gevaar om alles te verloor na ’n man by wie die gesin ’n persoonlike lening aangegaan het, ’n lening van amper R400 000 teen hul huis uitgeneem het, sonder hul medewete. Hans en Martie LĂśtter van Wolmer is platgeslaan nadat die skelmstreke van die man by wie hulle ’n lening in 2005 uitgeneem het, onlangs aan die lig gekom het. Die LĂśtters het ’n persoonlike lening van R15 000 by die man, wat homself ook as ’n ďŹ nansiĂŤle adviseur voorgedoen het, aangegaan, na hulle op sy advertensie in ’n koerant gereageer het. Op die man se advies het die LĂśtters ook besluit om hul eiendom in Wolmer na ’n trust oor te skuif. “Hy was ’n aangename mens en sĂł oortuigend. Dit het gelyk of hy weet waarvan hy praat en ons het ons huis se dokumente vir hom gegee, met die wete dat hy dit vir ons in ’n trust sou plaas,â€? het Martie gesĂŞ. Volgens die LĂśtters het hulle nie onraad vermoed nie totdat ’n balju in Oktober verlede jaar met ’n kennisgewing opgedaag het dat hulle huis opgeveil gaan word. Die LĂśtters het ’n prokureur genader toe diĂŠ knoeiery aan die lig kom. Hulle moes later by die prokureur hoor hoe die man met vervalste handtekeninge volmag
oor hul eiendom bekom het en die lening aangegaan het. Die LĂśtters het hul voertuig verkoop om die prokureurskoste te dek, maar kon later nie met nog koste byhou nie en moes van regshulp afsien. Hul huis is in Februarie opgeveil en hulle moet teen 16 Maart die huis ontruim. Die gesin het intussen ’n ander prokureursďŹ rma om hulp genader, maar moet eers die nodige kontant bymekaarskraap voor die ďŹ rma van enige hulp kan wees. “Ek kan nie glo dat niemand ons kan help nie. Ons is besig om ons huis te verloor. Ek het by hierdie man geld geleen en nou gaan ons alles verloor,â€? het ’n geskokte Martie gesĂŞ. Die LĂśtters het ook ’n saak by die
Ou gebou ontruim Du P Martins
Pretoria-Noord-polisie aanhangig gemaak. Volgens die Nasionale Kredietreguleerder hoef slegs persone geregistreer te wees wat al ten minste 100 ooreenkomste aangegaan het of ’n kredietboek van tenminste R500 000 uitstaande het. Die reguleerder het verder aanbeveel dat mense versigtig moet optree in sulke transaksies en die nodige dokumente noukeurig moet deurgaan en verstaan voor enigiets geteken word. Klagtes kan by complaints@ ncr.org.za gelê word.
Tshwane-metro se beoogde nuwe hoofkwartier sal, met huur en bedryfskoste versprei oor 25 jaar, na beraming sowat R2 biljoen kos. NĂĄ die tydperk sal die gebou die eiendom van die metro wees. Jason Ngubeni, bestuurder van die metro, het gesĂŞ die tussentydse huisvesting van metropersoneel en departemente in ’n aangrensende gebou sal sowat R1,9 miljoen per maand beloop. Die Tshwanehuis, soos die nuwe gebou genoem gaan word, sal deur ’n konsortium bestaande uit Groep 5, Standardbank, Nedbank en sowat 20 ander maatskappye geďŹ nansier en gebou word. Die bou van Tshwanehuis sal nagenoeg twee jaar duur. Na verwagting
sal die oppervlakte daarvan drie keer groter as die Munitoria-kompleks wees. “Die konsortium sal verantwoordelik wees vir alle koste en dienste. Die gebou sal uiters modern wees en met die nuutste tegnologie toegerus word,â€? het Ngubeni gesĂŞ. Die metro beoog dat die gebou nie net as ’n hoofkwartier vir die stadsvaders en departemente sal dien nie, maar ook gebruikersvriendelik vir die stad se inwoners sal wees. “Dit moet ook ’n ontmoetingsplek vir die stad se inwoners wees, ’n plek waar mense rustig met ’n koerant kan ontspan,â€? het hy gesĂŞ. Die trek van die metropersoneel en departemente het reeds begin. Hy het gesĂŞ die Munitoria-gebou sal binnekort ontruim wees.
Motoriste moet pasop Du P Martins
Martie LÜtter van Wolmer voor die eiendom in Wolmer wat onlangs opgeveil is na ’n man ’n reuse lening, sonder die egpaar se toestemming, teen hul huis aangegaan het.
’n Baskitaarspeler van die Isochronous-orkesgroep, Franco Schoeman, het onlangs ternouernood aan ’n padlokval ontkom toe sy motor naby Diepsloot, omstreeks 22:00, met ’n groot klip raakgegooi is. Die klip het die enjinkap van die voertuig getref en die voorruit gekraak. Sowat 150 meter verder het ’n swart Honda Prelude sonder nommerplate langs die pad gestaan.
Schoeman het besef dit is ’n slenter om die motor tot stilstand te dwing. Hy het versnel en voortgery en die saak by die Garsfonteinpolisiestasie aangemeld. “Dit is ’n ou slenter om motoriste te laat stilhou. Met ’n stukkende ruit kan die motoriste nie verder ry nie. Sodra daar stilgehou word, word hulle beroof. Motoriste op diĂŠ pad moet daarop bedag wees,â€? het kaptein Hennie Steenkamp van die Garsfonteinpolisie gesĂŞ.
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Editorial COMMENT A pupil at Lethabong Secondary School in Soshanguve, north of Pretoria, hanged himself last week, allegedly rather than go to school and face the boys who had bullied him. This has brought the focus sharply on this continuous scourge that is rife in our schools. Suicide is one of the consequences in bullying. In fact, it is so common in America that a new word has been coined for suicide as a result of bullying, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s known as â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;bullycideâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. Bullying is a worldwide problem that can + ,- . / ' $ , *. 0
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Kry lewe Johannes 10:10. Ek het gekom sodat hulle die lewe kan hĂŞ, en dit in oorvloed. Ek lees weer die aangrypende toespraak deur Anna Quindlen, wenner van â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n Pulitzer-prys. Ek haal â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n stukkie aan: So hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what I wanted to tell you today: Get a life. A real life, not a manic pursuit of the next promotion, the bigger pay cheque, the larger house. Do you think youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d care so very much about those things if you blew an aneurysm one afternoon or found a lump in your breast? Get a life in which you are not alone. Find people you love and who love you. And remember that love is not leisure, it is work. Pick up the phone. Send an e-mail. Write a letter. Get a
More corruption This column continues where it left off two weeks ago with the theme that corruption by the state is not something new, but it is as old as history itself. When we discussed corruption by the Paul Kruger regime in the old Zuid-Afrikaansche Republic or Transvaal last week, it must be kept in mind that all these things were not done out of mischief or for enriching their own pockets. Most of it was done because they didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know any better. When gold was discovered on the Witwatersrand, the Transvaal changed from a bankrupt state to the richest spot on earth overnight. Kruger left himself open to corruption with his concession or monopoly policy because it spawned corruption. He awarded monopoly concessions to favoured individuals and
have negative consequences for the general school environment. Bullying can also have negative lifelong consequences â&#x20AC;&#x201C; both for the pupils who bully and for their victims. A recent study indicates that a strong correlation exist between bullying other pupils during the school years and experiencing legal or criminal troubles as adults. Victims often fear school and consider school to be an unsafe and unhappy place. Bullying can also lead to depression, anxiety, sleeplessness and psychological problems among school-going children. A new type of bullying is cyber-bullying, which takes advantage of new technologies such as Facebook, Twitter, Mixit, voice mail and YouTube. We of course live in a violent society where brutality has become an everyday occurrence. The victims are in many instances too scared to speak out because of fear of intimidation and restarting the whole cycle of abuse and bullying. Whether the bullying is direct or indirect, the key component of bullying is that the physical or psychological intimidation occurs repeatedly over time to create an ongoing pattern of harassment and abuse. Authorities and parents must act in a ďŹ rm manner to eradicate this scourge from our schools. There must be deďŹ nite policies in place so that every child knows what the schoolâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s policy is about bullying and initiation. Effective interventions must involve the entire school community rather than focus on the perpetrators and victims alone. Parents are often unaware of the bullying problems and talk about it with their children to a limited extent.
Briewe mag aan die Redakteur gerig word, Posbus 8261, Pretoria 0001, faks na 086-652-0378 of e-pos na editorial@rekord.co.za. Briewe mag nie langer as 200 woorde wees nie. Die Redakteur behou die reg om enige brief te wysig. â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n Skrywer mag onder â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n pennaam skryf, maar sy of haar volle name, adres en telefoonnommer moet die brief vergesel.
Trouble with service Yvonne from Riviera writes: With reference to Luan Tuckerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s letter Fed-up with service, I also wish to add my comments to the non-existence of service delivery. I applied for an unabridged marriage certiďŹ cate at the Home Affairs ofďŹ ces in Pretorius Street in April last year. After six weeks I went back to the
ofďŹ ces to see whether the certiďŹ cate was ready or not. I was told that another form was needed. Why was I not notiďŹ ed? I got the form and submitted it the next morning. However, many phone calls and e-mails later and still no certiďŹ cate. By October I contacted the DA ofďŹ ces and asked them to intervene. I ďŹ nally fetched the certiďŹ cate in December.
Omroeper krap hom om Wouter Steyn van Moreletapark skryf: Gelukkig het radioâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n knoppie waarmee â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n mens van stasie kan verander. Ek verwys na AnĂŠ Roux se berig oor Rian van Heerden. Ek persoonlik kan die omroeper nie verdra nie en luister nou eerder na HoĂŤveld Stereo of RSG tot na 10:00. Daar is van Darren Scott ontslae geraak oor â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n rassistiese aanmerkings by â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n ge-
slote geselligheid. As Van Heeden neerhalende opmerkings maak oor â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n vrou wat moontlik dood is, maar reageer as sy â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n piesang kry, of neerhalend verwys na gestremde kinders, is dit volgens die bestuur van Jakaranda aanvaarbaar solank hy â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n halfhartige verskoning aanbied. As dit die gehalte van Jakaranda se omroepers en bestuur is, dan moet die luisteraars maar eerder â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n ander stasie opsoek.
Gonser vat motoriste goed vas Karl le Roux skryf: Gonser, jou ou doring. Jou rubriek van verlede week is uitstekend bewoord en beskryf. Die bestuurders in ons ou dorpie het die maniere van â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n lastige perdeby in die middel van â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n warm somersdag.
life in which you are generous. And realise that life is the best thing ever, and that you have no business taking it for granted. Dr. Johan Care so deeply about its goodness that you want to spread it around. Take money you would have spent on futility and give it oorvloed. Hoe groot behoefte is to charity. Work in a soup kitchen. daar by die mense van ons land Be a big brother or sister. All of aan iemand wat uitbundig wys dat you want to do well. But if you do dit wel moontlik is om in hierdie not do good too, then doing well land en in hierdie tyd in ons land will never be enough. se geskiedenis te lewe? Sonder dat ek weet wat Anna Is daar â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n beter manier om Quindlen se geloofsoortuigings Jesus te verkondig as om te lewe? is, wil ek sĂŞ dat hierdie toespraak Is daar â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n sterker bewys van suiwer evangelie is. Kry lewe die opstanding van Jesus as wanen lewe. Dit, sĂŞ Johannes 10, is neer sy kinders lewe? Die mens wat Jesus kom doen het. Hy het wat lewe praat en lewe doen sal vir ons lewe gebring en dit in werklik â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n verskil maak.
companies to establish not only factories, but also a whole range of public utilities, such as a state bank, water, gas and electricity supplies, tramways, road repairs and markets. Fred Boshoff His critics pointed to the high prices that resulted from monopoly control. Many concession hunters, moreover, used the system, So noticeable was the miasma not to build factories or to provide services but for speculative of corruption in Pretoria that critics began to refer to the existence of purposes - once in possession of a concession, they hoped to sell it for a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;third Volksraadâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; - the collection of businessmen, politicians and a proďŹ t. ofďŹ cials willing to trade favours for In 1889, the executive council payments. granted a concession to supply Krugerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s response to accusations Johannesburg with water to Frikof bribery and corruption was that kie Eloff, the presidentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s private he saw no harm in anyone receivsecretary and son-in-law, without ing a present as long as it did not consulting the Volksraad. amount to bribery. According to Land en Volk To be continued. newspaper, Eloff was able to make Source: The Making of South 20 000 pounds â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;without so much as Africa by Martin Meredith. digging a spadeful of earthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;.
P nch of salt
E-pos jou briewe na: editorial@rekord.co.za
Daar is nie salf aan te smeer nie. Dit is nou maar hoe dit is. Die slegte ding is dat dieselfde mense wat jou so afdruk en jaag, ook in die kerk se voorste banke sit. Geluk met die uitstekende rubriek, ou ding. Vat hulle vas.
She ruffles her feathers over raucious hadedas Hannah from Val-de-Grace writes: I refer to bird loverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s letter (February 17) about shooting hadedas. To answer the question I suspect the shooter is a ďŹ rst time, sleep deprived mom who hasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t slept, eaten or brushed her teeth in two weeks. Heaven knows hadedas are an enormous nuisance when you have a baby that needs to nap during the day. Since I am not a violent person at all and a huge animal lover of all species including cacophonic birds, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no way Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll ever hurt them. I have tried, however, to scare them away by making wild, noiseless gestures
(remember my son is asleep) with my arms stretched out in the air, willing them to ďŹ&#x201A;y away to somebody like bird lover who will undoubtedly welcome them with open arms. I have also tried burning incense, pleading with them in a soft voice, my hands folded together as if in prayer, but they ignore me. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m on the verge of ambushing these raucous pe(s)ts. I humbly ask bird loverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s advice on the issue. I also want to invite them to baby sit my 2-year-old one evening when he hasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t slept the whole day. They will soon be praying with me for an end to this nightmare.
Film krap diep Afrikanerwonde weer oop Du P Martins Verraaiers is ’n rolprent vol emosionele dinamiet, wat in die diepste wese en die doodgeswygde skandes van die Afrikanergeskiedenis krap. Dit handel oor keuses wat diensontduikers, joiners of hensoppers tydens die Anglo-Boereoorlog gemaak het en die gevolge daarvan. Kortweg, ’n lokettreffer. Dis ook ’n rolprent wat ’n mens laat wonder watter effek ou, oopgekrapte wonde op die hedendaagse kyker sal hê, want daar is nasate wat sal weet dat hul oupagrootjie ’n hensopper was en deur sy eie mense doodgeskiet is. Historiese gegewens oor die verskynsel van boereverraad in ons geskiedenis is skraps. Moontlik omdat historici, bedag op die skandvlek en lyding wat dit op nageslagte sou hê, verkies het om dit dood te swyg. Die uitvoerende vervaardiger, Piet de Jager, het in samewerking met Spier Films Londen, meer as ’n jaar gelede met die beplanning van Verraaiers begin. Hy was ook die vervaardiger van Roepman, wat ses nominasies, insluitende beste rolprent vir 2012, ontvang het. De Jager het gesê daar is diep in die geskiedenis gedelf om te verseker dat dít wat die kyker sien, hom in die tydsgewrig en problematiek van keuses wat gemaak is, sal kan verplaas. “Ons is terdeë bewus dat verraad, selfs vandag nog, ’n sensitiewe onderwerp is en daar sal seker diegene wees wat vir my kwaad gaan wees en ander wat
dit sal waardeer. Juis vanweë die sensitiwiteit het ons op ’n fiktiewe storie besluit en probeer ons met empatie die gebeure uitbeeld,” het hy gesê. Rekord het gaan kyk hoe van die tonele by die Willem Prinsloomuseum geskiet word. Opvallend was die intensiewe navorsing wat gedoen is om ’n lewensgetroue beeld te skep. Daar is by verskillende museums rondgekrap om die regte toerusting, kleredrag en gebruiksgoedere op die stel te hê. Van onskatbare waarde was die raad van Elrea Wessels, senior navorser van die Vrouemonument in Bloemfontein, wat self op die stel was om haar te vergewis dat alles lewensgetrou is. Van die rekwisiete soos die dodesel, poskantoor en winkeltjie, kompleet met sy eietydse negosieware, is replikas van wat werklik bestaan het. Met die skiet van een van die tonele by ’n bruilof met die landau’s en spaaiders en die gekraai van ’n hoenderhaan en gekloek van kalkoene, was dit net die filmen klanktoerusting wat ’n mens herinner het dat dit ’n rolprent, en nie die ware Jakob is, nie. Die verhaal van Verraaiers is gebaseer op die feitelike gegewens van Albert Blake se boek, Boereverraaiers. Dit speel af teen die agtergrond van die Anglo-Boereoorlog en die verskroeide aarde beleid van Kitchener en mense wat moedeloos met die oorlog geword het. Dit handel oor ’n kommandant en sy skoonseuns wat almal
’n Toneel van ’n bruilof uit die rolprent Verraaiers.
op kommando is en daarna besluit om die wapens neer te lê. “In die rolprent werk ons met die redes vir keuses en ons kyk met empatie na die standpunte van hensoppers en bittereinders. Die regsintrige en hofverrigtinge het verskeie hoeke. Die oordeel van wat die regte of verkeerde beslissings is, los ons aan die kyker oor,” het De Jager gesê. Die regie word deur die deurwinterde regisseur Paul Eilers behartig. Die hoofspelers is Rika Sennet, Gys de Villiers, Andrew Thompson, Jacques Bessinger en Neil Bennet. Verraaiers sal na verwagting 13 Februarie 2013 vrygestel word.
Die winkeltjie, kompleet met sy weegskaal, is ’n presiese weergawe van ’n winkel wat tydens die Anglo-Boereoorlog bestaan het.
Old favourites set to perform The State Theatre presents the Jazz and African Music Nights in March. The performances kick off with Tlokwe Sehume accompanied by African Renaissance Jazz Band on March 2. Sehume has performed and collaborated with some of the country’s top musicians, including Vusi Mahlasela, Pops Mohammed, McCoy Mrubata, the late Zim Ngqawana and Hugh Masekela. His first album Naga Ya Fisa, won the Sama Award for Best Sepedi Album in 2001 and he received a further two nominations for his second album Ba Utlwile. His third album, a collection of live performances is called Mmino wa Thaba. He had toured and performed in India, Cameroon, Hungary, France, Germany and Italy. Sehume holds workshops around the country through his Medu Promotions, educating and empowering potential musicians about indigenous music instruments, craftsmanship and its relation to intellectual property. The African Renaissance Jazz Band was founded and fronted by a BA degree graduate, Thys van Rooyen. His music interests started at an early age when he learnt to play the penny whistle in the 1960’s. He enjoys various music genres, but his passion is mostly Afro Jazz and Gospel. His band performs at corporate functions, birthday parties, weddings, funerals and cultural festivals. He also writes original poetry with the history and cultural heritage of his Khoisan ancestry as the background. His band members are creative musicians with a professional sound
Tlokwe Sehume will perform during the Jazz and African Music Nights in March.
who play original music for any age group. A performance by the African Jazz Pioneers and Lawrence Moloisi is also on the programme. In the early 1950’s, Bra Ntemi and his Alexandra All Star band hit the cutting edge of South Africa’s music scene, blending American big band sound with traditional Majuba tempo’s and Marabi influences. They enjoyed enormous success
and had a huge following in those days. Sadly, all this came to an end in the late sixties with the demolition of Sophiatown, when big bands went out of fashion. In June 1981 Bra Ntemi decided it was time to re-unite old musicians and get them back on stage. African Jazz Pioneers was formed and their first performance was at a church in Alexandra.
Dans Lekker Langarmdans, Vrydagaande 20:00. Munisipale ontspanningsklub, Annie Bothalaan, Riviera. Billike kontantkroeg. Eetgoed welkom. Geen o.18’s. R60 p/p. Kontak Johan RA/0510069 082-579-5646.
L/s Voorpos se gholfdag vind op 22 Mrt by Akasia-gholfklub plaas. Marius 012-332-2354. RA/0510351
Oud-Suidwestersbyeenkoms. Bring & braai. Rooihuiskraal-feesterrein. 3 Maart 16:00. Bring stoele en eie vurmaakgoed. Berdi 082334-4580. RA/0509647
Leisure Enkelinge 50+ word genooi om saam te kuier. Marina 083-4544414. RA/0510280
g@p: Kom kuier lekker saam, maak vriende en luister na inspirerende praatjies en lewensverhale. Son 18:00 by Rafters 082-880-8484.
kinders, swembad met glybaan. RA/0511002 Jackie 084-230-6460.
Die Woord en Lig-kerk Booysens, hou in samewerking met Kansa ’n Shavathon te Bougainvillesentrum, Daspoort op 3 Mrt van 09:00 tot 15:00. Almal welkom. Jaco 083-519-1737. RA/0511064
Charis Kinderkerk bied Vlooimark/Basaar op 3 Mrt, H/v Lavender- en Sagelaan, WonderboomSuid van 08:30. Veiling om 13:00. Elize 072-861-7035. RA/0508821
Die FarmCity-mark elke Saterdag 09:00-13:00. Heerlike plaasatmosfeer met stalletjies. H/v Atterbury- en Olympusweg. Tel 084814-2291. RA/0508014
Sammy Marks-museum. Voëltoer. Stap met voëlgids Rihann Geyser en geniet ontbyt op die krou-kiebaan. 11 Mrt. 06:00. Tel 012-755RA/0511003 9541.
Sluit by Jacques Botes en Sane Lotter vir die eerste En ek onthou - Die Koos du Plessis storie, by Leonie’s Tea for Two aan, h/v Cunningham- en 34e Laan op 7 Mrt. Tel 012-332-4886. RA/0510322
Valleisig-gemeente kuiermark op 16 Mrt van 10:00 tot laat. Mathys Roets tree om 19:00 op. Tel 012991-1542. RA/0510327
Eden Golf Day takes place in aid of Eden’s Missionary Outreaches. Albert 082-777-4059. RA/0510340
Kansa Shavathon en Spin-a-thon neem op 3 Mrt by Atterbury Value Mart van 09:00-17:00 plaas. Bespreek fiets by Heinrich 012-9914744. RA/0510333
LifeLine Pta provides free telephone, face-to-face, rape, trauma, HIV/Aids and bereavement counselling. Crisis line: 012-804-3619. Rape line: 082-340-2061. Appointments: 012-804-1853. RA/0507245 The Compassionate Friends of Pretoria plans a moneyraising buffet lunch on March 4 at 12:00 at The Haven in Clubview. Estelle 083384-5255. RA/0510299 Victory over childhood abuse. You can be more than a survivor. Marisa 072-639-8597. RA/0509667
Alzheimer’s support group meets in Faerie Glen. Last Thursday at 19:00 and last Tuesday at 10:00. Denise 012-991-1637. RA/0510272
Friday, March 2 SABC 1 06:00 Takalani Sesame 08:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 09:30 Muvhango 10:00 Martin 4 10:30 Turn It Out 12:00 Friends Like These 14:00 Selimathunzi 15:00 Matrixs Uploaded 17:28 Reflections of Faith 19:30 News 20:30 Untold Stories 21:00 Live SABC 2 06:00 Morning Live 08:50 Thabang Thabong 09:20 Curious George 10:50 Ratanang 13:25 Days of our Lives 15:00 7de Laan 19:00 News 19:30 Noot vir Noot 21:00 Mmampodi 21:30 Powerball 21:34 Afro Café SABC 3 05:30 Expresso: Breakfast Show 11:10 Isidingo 12:10 Mission Impossible 16:00 3 Talk with Noeleen 17:35 Oprah Winfrey Show 18:30 Wicket 2 Wicket 19:00 News 19:30 Entertainment News 21:00 Flash eTV 09:00 Rhythm City 09:30 Scandal! 10:00 Mad About You 10:30 The Young and the Restless 11:30 3rd Degree 13:30 WWE: Smackdown 16:40 The Young and the Restless 17:30 Medical Detectives 18:30 Rhythm City 19:00 News 20:00 Malcolm and Eddie 00:55 Three
Saturday, March 3 SABC 1 09:00 Dance Your Butt Off 10:00 Generations 12:30 Whizz Kids of Mzansi 15:00 Laduma: Nedbank Cup 17:30 Daddy 24/7 18:30
Hatfield Plaza Vlooimark. Elke Sondag. Nuwe stalletjies elke week. Marianne 082-924-7155. RA/0510300
JCC-fietsryklub bied GNC-ligawedren 3 Mrt by L/s Klipdrif, Hammanskraal aan. Afstande 96,64 en 40km. Alf 076-888-1999. RA/0511007
Friends like These 19:30 News 20:00 Laduma: Nedbank Cup 00:15 Living Single 00:45 Martin SABC 2 06:00 Thabang Thabong 09:00 House Call 10:00 Rough It Out 10:30 Wise Up 11:00 Living Land 13:00 Muvhango 15:00 Mama Mia 18:00 News 18:30 The Ghost Whisperer 20:00 The Voice 21:00 The Mo’Nique Show 22:00 Cold Case SABC 3 06:00 I am a Work of Art 07:30 The Super Hero Squad Show 08:36 Kids Challenge Show 10:00 X-Men Evolution 11:00 Crocodile Hunter 12:00 IFAD Documentary 13:00 Dr Oz 18:00 Celebs Biographies 19:00 News 21:30 Law & Order eTV 05:00 Haleluya Africa 06:00 Higher Life 07:00 Sibo and Friends 08:00 Thomas & Friends 09:30 Rhythm City Omnibus 13:00 Malcolm & Eddie 13:30 Blame it on Fame 17:00 WWE: NXT 18:05 Fear Factor International 19:00 News 20:00 The Code Name: Cleaner
Sunday, March 4 SABC 1 08:00 Zenzele 08:30 Team Green 10:00 Spirit Sundae 11:00 The Chatroom 11:30 Big Up 12:00 Imani - The Devine Spark 12:15 An Nur V (Muslim Mag) 12:30 Heads Up Mzansi 14:00 Soccer 411 17:30 Gospel Gold 18:00 Roots 18:30 Sunday Live 19:30 News SABC 2 07:00 Weekend Live 08:30 Psalted 11:00 Eastern Mosaic 14:30 Pasella 15:30 7de Laan 18:00 News 18:30 Fokus 19:00 Stokvel 8 20:00 Gospel Classics 21:00 Wrong side of the Bus 22:00 Monk SABC 3 06:30 Mickey Mouse and Friends 09:00 Dtv X1 12:00 Top Billing 16:00 Hello Dr 18:00 Around Iceland on Inspiration 23:00 Law & Order 01:00 Special Assignment eTV 05:00 Haleluya Africa 05:30 3rd Degree 08:00 Grassroots 08:30
Magnolia Dell Fine Food Market. Saturdays from 08:00-13:00. Fine foods and crafts. Beate 012-460RA/0510347 7722.
New food/craft market, R100 p/weekend, busy Pick n Pay centre. SMS 076-939-7300. RA/0507694
Boerekarnaval met vleis, groente, plante, koeke, veiling, speelgoed, paintball, space rocket. Hope vermaak vir hele gesin. 3 Mrt. NG-
Up with The Fitness League exercises to music by qualified instructors. At Victoria Cross Lodge Hall in 26th Street, Menlo Park. Contact Marielienne 083-381-4940 / Leslie 083-471-6752 (also for classes in Irene) or fitness leaguepretoria@ gmail.com for a free trail class.
Nuwe mark by Zitapark, Zitastr, Garsfontein. 3 Mrt van 08:00-14:00. Kosstalletjies, biertuin, internasionale hip-hopvertoning, parkie vir
Precious Memories 09:00 Hillsong 09:35 Cool Catz 11:00 TJ Hooker 12:35 Seconds from Disaster 15:50 Planet’s Funniest Animals 17:00 WWE: Raw 19:00 News 19:30 Modern Family 20:00 Spider-Man 00:15 T.J. Hooker
Monday, March 5 SABC 1 08:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 09:00 Generations 10:30 What’s Your Story 11:30 Real Goboza 13:00 Ses’khona 15:00 Matrixs Uploaded 17:00 Ek se Lalela 18:30 The Bold and the Beautiful 19:30 News 20:00 Generations 21:00 Soccer Zone 2011 22:00 Rookie Blue 2 SABC 2 06:00 Morning Live 10:20 Rivoningo 11:50 Nanny 911 12:40 Judge Mathis 13:25 Days of our Lives 15:00 7de Laan 16:00 Hectic Nine9 17:00 Dragonballz 17:30 News 18:00 When Duty Calls 18:30 7de Laan 19:30 Voetspore SABC 3 10:40 Generations 11:40 7de Laan 12:10 Mission Impossible 13:00 News 14:00 All My Children 15:45 Dr Oz 16:40 3 Talk with Noeleen 18:30 What I Like About You 21:00 The Middle 22:00 Law & Order eTV 05:30 eNews Sunrise 06:00 Sunrise 09:00 Rhythm City 10:00 3rd Degree 10:30 The Young and the Restless 11:30 Great Expectations 12:30 Backstage 13:00 News Day 14:30 Paddle Pop Adventures 14:35 Cool Catz 15:00 Power Rangers: Samurai 15:30 Thomas & Friends 15:45 Bob the Builder 16:00 Sistahood 16:40 The Young and the Restless 17:30 Medical Detectives 18:30 Rhythm City 19:30 Scandal! 20:00 The Steve Harvey Show 21:00 eKasi:Our Stories
Tuesday, March 6 SABC 1 08:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 09:00 Generations 09:30 Muvhango 10:00 Martin 4 13:30 Shift 16:07
’n Boomidentifikasiekursus vir beginners vind op 10 Mrt by die Botaniese Tuin van 08:00-16:00 plaas. Linette 012-843-5053. RA/0510345 Sonja Herholdt bied Hartklop van ’n Pêrelvrou, 3 Mrt om 09:30 by NG-kerk Villieria. Alice 012-3316571. RA/0508833
The Ancient Egyptian and Near Eastern Society hosts a lecture by Prof Peter Loyson entitled Pharmacy and medicine in Ancient Egypt. March 14 at 19:00. Dr Miriam Makeba Concert Hall, Unisa. All welcome. Tel 072-234-0481. RA/0511004
Afrikaanse Toastmasters neem aan ’n humoristiese kompetisie deel. Linda 082-570-1291. RA/0510317
Afternoon course Cooling the fire of our anger. March 3. 16:0018:00. Alkantrant library, Lynnwood. Tel 011-326-1982. RA/0511019
Book repair and paper conservation course presented by conservation specialist, Johann Maree, from March 5-10 at Ditsong museum of cultural history. Talita 012326-9172. RA/0510294
Hazel Food Market. Market with 60 food stalls. Greenlyn Village Centre, Menlo Park. Every Saturday from 08:00- 14:00. Retha 083-5545636. www.hazelfoodmarket.co.za.
organisasie Lady Gracious samel elke jaar geld in vir gestremde kinders. Hulle bak en verkoop elke Saterdag pannekoek by die FarmCity-mark van 09:00, h/v Atterbury- en Olympusweg. RA/0508063
Reünies H/S Clapham. For matrics and teachers from 1950 to 1989. March 31. Patricia 012-348-9738. RA/0509664
Mosaic classes. Come and learn how to mosaic anything. Learn new techniques. All material supplied. Go home with skills and a gift. Mel 074-103-8394. RA/0511016
Die ondersteuningsgroep vir afhanklikheidsprobleme vergader Maandae om 19:00 by Stabilis. Linda 082-570-1291. RA/0510353
Kaaps-Suid-Afrikaanse kultuuraand. Musiek, poësie, stories en ’n viergangmaal. 7 Maart by Lucitrestaurant, 217 Soutpansbergweg, Queenswood. Tel 012-329-4180.
SA State Theatre is looking to audition actors, singers and dancers for a new musical threatre production, Freedom. Artists are expected to prepare a song and a monologue and should be able to either sing or dance. State Theatre March 6-10 at 10:00. Tel 012-3924018. RA/0510297
kerk Wes Moot/Kameeldrif-Wes, Van der Hoffweg 177. 08:00 tot laat. Eleganza tree op gedurende die erediens 4 Mrt om 09:00. Ds. Jan 082-335-1785. RA/0511032
Art courses -Oils & acrylics - March 23, 24 & 25. April 27, 28 & 29th. Water colour March 31 & April 1. Neil Moss 083-293-8936. See website www.neilmoss.co.za. RA/0509340
CMR-Noord bied ’n Red-’nKind-gholfdag ten bate van mishandelde en verwaarloosde kinders aan. Waterkloof-gholfbaan, 27 Mrt. Anja 012-460-9272. RA/0508813
Jannie Moolman hou konsert ten bate van gemeenskapsontwikkeling by NG-kerk Lynnwoodrif, Lanciastr 269, Lynnwoodrif. 9 Maart, 18:30. Tel 012-348-5135. RA/0509640
Centurion Chess Club meets Thursdays at Lyttelton library at 19:30. All level players welcome. Marius 083-626-1727. RA/0510292
Child Trauma training team hosts a seminar on March 15 and 16 at Utopia Place, 840 Cura Ave, Lynnwood. A psychiatrist, paediatrician and psychologist are some of the speakers. www.childtraumacentre.
Events will not be accepted over the phone. Fax to 086-645-6764 or e-mail editorial@rekord.co.za or nuus@rekord.co.za or post to PO Box 8261, Pretoria, 0001. Only events not aimed at profit/product selling, will be placed for free. Publication is not guaranteed. Deadlines are strictly Wednesdays at 12 noon for the next week’s edition. Events aimed at profit and events for guaranteed publication can be placed at a nominal fee. Contact Small Hits on 012-842-0321 or fax 086-590-9648 or e-mail at smallhits@rekord.co.za
Comedy Khona 17:00 Cory in the House 18:00 Play Your Part 18:30 The Bold and the Beautiful 19:30 News 20:30 Montana 21:00 Whizz Kids of Mzansi 22:00 The Beast 23:00 Living Single 23:30 Martin SABC 2 06:00 Morning Live 08:50 Thabang Thabong 09:20 Curious George 10:20 Rivoningo 11:50 Nanny 911 13:25 Days of our Lives 15:30 Muvhango 16:00 Hectic Nine-9 18:30 7de Laan 19:00 News 19:30 Soutmansland 21:35 90 Plein Street 3 23:00 Open University 2 SABC 3 05:00 Nuus/Weather 09:00 Celebs Biographies 12:10 Mission Impossible 14:00 All My Children 17:40 Days of Our Lives 18:30 What I Like About You 21:00 Desperate Housewives 22:00 Law & Order 23:00 Nip Tuck VI eTV 06:00 Sunrise 08:00 eNews Sunrise 09:00 Rhythm City 09:30 Scandal! 10:00 The Steve Harvey Show 10:30 The Young and the Restless 11:30 Great Expectations 12:30 Backstage 13:30 WWE: Afterburn 14:30 Paddington Bear 14:35 Cool Catz 15:00 Gormiti 16:00 Frenzy 18:30 Rhythm City 19:00 News 19:30 Scandal! 20:00 House of Payne 21:00 UEFA Champions League 00:00 The Sundowners
Wednesday, March 7 SABC 1 06:00 Takalani Sesame 08:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 10:30 Spirit Sundae 12:00 Live 13:00 Sgud’Snaysi 15:00 Matrixs Uploaded 17:00 Cory in the House 18:30 The Bold and the Beautiful 20:00 Generations 21:00 Relate SABC 2 06:00 Morning Live 08:50 Thabang Thabong 09:20 Curious George 11:50 Nanny 911 12:40 Judge Mathis 13:25 Days of our Lives 14:10 As the World Turns 16:00 Hectic Nine-9 17:30 News 18:00 Our Moments 18:30 7de Laan 19:00 News 19:30 Pasella 21:00 Muvhango
22:00 Cold Case 23:00 Open Unicersity 2 SABC 3 10:40 Generations 16:45 Days of Our Lives 21:00 Zero Tolerance 00:00 Oprah Winfrey Show eTV 06:00 Sunrise 09:00 Rhythm City 09:30 Scandal! 10:00 3rd Degree 10:30 The Young and the Restless 11:30 Supernanny 15:30 Lazy Town 17:30 Medical Detectives 19:30 Scandal! 20:00 My Name is Earl
Thursday, March 8 SABC 1 08:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 08:30 Isidingo 09:00 Generations 09:30 Muvhango 10:00 Martin 4 10:30 The Chatroom 11:00 Big Up 13:00 Daddy’s Girls 2 13:30 Siyayinqoba 15:00 Matrixs Uploaded 17:28 Journeys of Inspiration 18:00 Ses’khona 19:30 News 20:00 Generations 20:30 Home Affairs 21:30 Cutting Edge 22:00 The Lab SABC 2 06:00 Morning Live 09:20 Curious George 09:50 Takalani Sesame 10:20 Rivoningo 11:50 Nanny 911 12:40 Judge Mathis 13:25 Days of our Lives 15:00 7de Laan 15:30 Muvhango 16:00 Hectic Nine-9 17:00 Dragonballz 18:30 7de Laan 19:30 The Big Break Legacy 21:00 Muvhango 21:30 Speak Out 5 SABC 3 11:40 7de Laan 12:10 Mission Impossible 17:40 Days of Our Lives 21:40 Kings 23:00 30 Rock 00:00 Oprah Winfrey Show eTV 06:00 Sunrise 09:00 Rhythm City 09:30 Scandal! 10:00 Madam & Eve 10:30 The Young and the Restless 12:30 Backstage 13:30 WWE: Raw 16:00 Craze World Live 16:40 The Young and the Restless 17:30 Street Court 18:00 eNews 19:30 Scandal! 20:00 Mad About You 20:30 The Legend of Ron Burgundy
Muur van herinnering vereer huursoldate Du P Martins Baghdad. Die kroeg in Centurion waar die dooies ‘lewendig’ is. Hierdie kroeg het ’n muur van herinnering met die name van 34 Suid-Afrikaanse huursoldate wat in Irak gesneuwel het. Elke huursoldaat se foto en sy medaljes, datum wanneer hy diens gedoen en gesneuwel het, is geraam. Die dag waarop elkeen gesneuwel het, word jaarliks met ’n spesiale seremonie in herinnering geroep en foto’s van die geleentheid word aan sy naasbestaandes gestuur. Die gebruik het ontstaan ná Daniel Brink, ’n oudpolisieman en eienaar van die kroeg, in ’n hinderlaag in Irak kritiek gewond is en drie ander bemanningslede in sy pantservoertuig dood is. Brink het in 2004 by die Amerikaanse magte as ’n huursoldaat aangesluit. In Augustus 2004 is hy na Irak en is saam met ander huursoldate in die Baghdad-hotel gehuisves. “Twee dae na ons in die land aangekom het, het ’n bom agter die hotel afgegaan en is een van die Suid-Afrikaners, wie se besonderhede nou teen die muur is, in daardie aanval dood. Teen die tyd wat ek seergekry het, was ons al deur nege verskillende gebeure. Die ergste was toe ’n vulliswa met meer as vier ton plofstof in ’n selfmoordaanval teen die hotel se muur vasgery het. Alhoewel dit ’n reuse krater uit die aarde geruk het, is niemand in die aanval dood nie,” het hy gesê. Brink, wat na sy beserings gestremd gelaat is, beskryf die feit dat hy nog lewe as ’n wonderwerk. “Twee dae voor Kersfees op 22 Desember 2005 was ons in ’n pantservoertuig op pad na die dorpie Baquba om met Al Kaida vir ’n skietstilstand oor die Kersdae te onderhandel. Sewe pypbomme, bekend as IEDs, het ons voertuig getref. Die drywer
Daniel Brink en sy verloofde Carmen Gerber by die muur van herinnering.
is op slag dood en die soldaat langs my se skouer is afgeruk. My been was afgeruk en my ingewande het uitgehang,” het hy gesê. Brink is met ’n helikopter van die slagveld af na Baghdad se hospitaal vervoer. Hy het later eers in St George’s hospitaal in Brittanje wakker geword. “Die dokter wat my daar behandel het, was toevallig ’n Afrikaner. Ek was ’n maand daar en is toe na Unitas-hospitaal oorgeplaas.” Na sy ontslag as huursoldaat het die Amerikaanse regering hom vir sy dienste uitbetaal en hy het die kroeg in Centurion
Save water with foot flush system Young entrepreneur one of 50 finalists to showcase his invention in America Robert Mabusela A young man of Ga-Rankuwa has hopes of going to America to showcase his hygienic toilet system. According to 23-year-old Paseka Lesolang, founder and managing director of Water Hygiene Convenience (WHC), his system can save at least 288 billion liters of water annually, if installed in a million houses. He is one of 50 finalists chosen from 306 high impact entrepreneurs who applied from 55 countries. Lesolang needs a sponsor of R80 000 to enable him to represent South Africa at the Third Annual Unreasonable Institute. The problems with the installed toilet systems in GaRankuwa gave birth to his invention. “The existing toilet system is a dual flush system. You can either flush the entire tank or not. Therefore, the objective was good, but the implementation, not. As a result water was wasted,” said Lesolang. After identifying the problem, he researched other dual flush systems and realised the systems had common problems and he eventually decided to come up with a solution. He added hygienic features to his new water saving solution, which ensures that an individual does not have any
contact with germs found on a flushing handle. He included pedals to flush the toilet. This will eliminate at least 12 water-borne bacteria in a toilet pot with the sanitiser that is used. According to him, bacteria like ecoli cause diseases such as influenza (flu) and the Norwalk virus. He said with his invention, if used effectively, the lifespan of a person infected with HIV/ Aids might be prolonged, given the untimely deaths caused by water-borne bacteria due to inadequate sanitation. After many challenges, he is the founder of Wagienience, trading as WHC, based at The Innovation Hub in Pretoria. Lesolang’s partner, Armando Costa, invented a digester, which is a complementary device to the toilet that will cater for urban and rural areas. In urban areas the digester makes waste more lucid to make the flow easier in the sanitation networks to avoid blockage. For rural areas it converts waste into organic fertiliser. Peter Clarke, the project manager, will assist Lesolang to achieve his quest. “Lesolang is a fine young man and I would like to assist him where I can. He is young and is taking this one step at a time. To his credit he continues diligently, an admirable quality.”
gekoop. “Jy moet ’n soldaat wees om die erns van die esprit de corps te kan verstaan. Die makkers saam met wie jy geveg het, swaargekry en saamgeslaap het, is mense in wie se hande jy jou lewe geplaas het. Hulle is nader aan jou as familie en jy het ’n plig om hulle te onthou,” het hy gesê. Met die inhuldiging van die muur is daar ’n diens in die kroeg gehou met sowat 400 mense teenwoordig. Onder die gaste was daar talle oudsoldate en polisiemanne wat almal saam met hom as huursoldate diens gedoen het, asook al die gesinslede
van die oorledenes. Aan elkeen van die gesinne is ’n gedenkplaat met ’n foto van die oorledene gegee. “Hierdie is die kroeg van die dooies, maar hulle is vir ons ‘lewendig’. Die gebruik wat ons het, is om die dood van elkeen van dié wat teen die muur is, te gedenk. Ons doen dit deur ’n vaatjie onder die gedenkplaat staan te maak, ’n kers op te steek en twee bottels rum neer te sit. Elke huursoldaat klink dan ’n glasie op die oorledene. ’n Foto word geneem as bewys dat ons hom onthou en dit word aan sy naasbestaandes gestuur,” het Brink gesê.
Mini-skaak leer kinders om strategies en logies te dink Garry Kasparov, skaakmeester, was baie beïndruk met die manier waarop die program syfer- en lettervaardigheid stimuleer Speel skaak en leer dink. Skaak, wat al van toeka se dae in weermagte gebruik word om soldate strategies te leer dink, word nou ook in laerskole gebruik om voorskoolse kinders te leer om strategies en logies te dink. Marisa van der Merwe van Hoërskool Waterkloof het sowat 20 jaar gelede ’n aangepaste mini-skaakprogram ontwikkel. Volgens die program word leerlinge die basiese beginsels van horisontale, vertikale en diagonale posisionering en die belang van middelblokke en buiteblokke van skaak geleer. Die wyse waarop die verskillende stukke skuif en hoe pionne met wedersydse dekking ’n spel kan oorheers, het daarna gevolg. Vir die heel kleintjies in graad R word die program eers in kleurblokke op papier verduidelik en daarna op die skaakbord om op dié wyse abstrakte, logiese en strategiese denke aan te wakker. Sedert 2010 het sowat 7 000 kinders van graad R tot graad 3 al onderrig in mini-skaak ontvang. Carien van Rensburg, wat tans met die program by skole gemoeid is, sê daar is al verbasende resultate met die program behaal. “Mini-skaak doen baie om kinders van ’n vroeë ouderdom af te leer om te konsentreer en om logies, strategies, abstrak en analities te dink. Hulle word gestimuleer en juis daardeur is hulle ook vinnig om ander lewensvaardighede aan te leer,” het sy gesê. Volgens Van Rensburg word die miniskaakprogram deur verskeie organisasies en individue in Suid-Afrika, asook internasionaal, ondersteun. Die mees onlangse ondersteuning is dié van die skaakmeester, Garry Kasparov. “Met Kasparov se besoek as ’n gas van Moves for Life in Suid-Afrika, was dit duidelik dat hy beïndruk was met die vlakke waarin die program afgebreek is om syfer- en lettervaardigheid te stimuleer,” het Van Rensburg gesê. Carien van Rensburg verduidelik hier hoe skaak kinders van ’n vroeë ouderdom af leer om strategies en abstrak te dink.
Musikale akteur help dié in nood Suzette van Huyssteen Dolfie, Wolfie en Rewolwer is van sy byname en sedert hy die eerste keer in sy oupa se boereorkes opgetree het, het hy nooit weer opgehou nie. Juan Melvin is van skooldae af ’n bekende en gevestigde sanger en akteur en het ook die afgelope 15 jaar groot naam vir homself gemaak. Melvin word onder kunstenaars soos Bobby van Jaarsveld, Nicholis Louw, Kurt Darren en Snotkop gereken. “Mense vra dikwels hoekom is ek nog nie so bekend nie, dan sê ek party het dit maklik en ander moet harder werk en ek fokus op baie meer as net my sangloopbaan,” het hy gesê. Sy debuutalbum, Minder Is Meer, is op verskillende vlakke ’n sukses. Vanjaar is daar ’n tweede een, wat ’n groot verrassing inhou, met ’n splinternuwe Melvin. Melvin woon al sowat 15 jaar in Centurion en buiten sy besige kunsteloopbaan, spandeer hy baie tyd aan minderbevoorregtes. The Juan Melvin Inner Healing Foundation word gedryf deur ’n lewenslange droom van Melvin om mense in nood te help. Melvin doen dit reeds sedert hy Melvin Models Agentskap in 1998 geopen het en onderrig jonk en oud. Sy grootste begeerte is om mense wat hoop, liefde, respek en
selfvertroue verloor het, toe te rus en in staat te stel om weer te droom. Volgens hom het hy vanjaar groot planne en sy hooffokus is om mense meer bewus te maak van depressie-verwante siektes wat volgens hom, ’n jare lange reeksmoordenaar is. “Mense is oningelig en depressie neem net te veel mense se lewens. Ek wil veral op bipolêre-steurnis fokus,” het Melvin gesê. Melvin beoog om landwye seminare en vroueteebyeenkomste te hou. Hy beskryf homself as iemand wat elke dag leef asof dit sy laaste dag op aarde is, om die lewe voluit te leef en om elke dag te probeer om iemand te laat glimlag. Wat van al die negatiewe aanvalle op hom? “Ek is en was nog nooit ’n engeltjie nie, want dan was ek reeds in die hemel en die skinderstories, ag nee wat, ek het te veel bekommernisse oor my eie lewe om na ander se opinies oor my te luister. My privaatlewe is myne en ek deel dit nie,” het Melvin gesê. Hy is tans besig met die opname van ’n nuwe enkelsnit, ’n lied wat hy self geskryf het en beoog om dit vroeg in Maart vry te stel. Hy skop sy landwye toer vanjaar by die Klein Karoo Nasionale Kunstefees, wat eersdaags begin, af. Melvin nooi inwoners om sy webtuiste by www.juanmelvin. co.za te besoek.
Juan Melvin, ’n dinamiese sanger, akteur en briljante verhoogpersoonlikheid, het ook ’n hart vir mense in nood.
Bejaardes word bioskoop toe geneem Du P Martins Nagenoeg 140 senior burgers van tehuise vir bejaardes en aftreeoorde van Centurion, Daspoort, Moot en die middestad, is Donderdag deur AfriForum in samewerking met die Dames 1000-organisasie, na die Centurion-teater geneem om na die rolprent Semi-soet te kyk. Baie van die seniors was etlike jare laas in ’n bioskoop.
“Ou seun, ek was seker 30 jaar laas in ’n bioskoop. Dit kan nie anders nie, want as jy oud word, moet jy jou pensioentjie dun sny om te kan oorleef. Dan is daar nie plek vir ’n fliek nie,” het een bejaarde vertel. Dit mag senior burgers wees, maar te oordeel aan die luidrugtige geskater, was dit duidelik dat elkeen die rolprent met sy stuitighede terdeë geniet het. Selfs na afloop van die rolprent
was daar van die vroue wat geboë aangeskuifel het en een of ander uittreksel uit die rolprent aan haar vriendin verduidelik het. In die oë van dié vroue was daar nie meer die kommer van jare nie, maar die glans van ’n jong mens wat iets terdeë geniet het. Dit was die tweede keer dat AfriForum met hul Vat ’n tannie fliek toe-projek bejaardes van Pretoria na ’n rolprentvertoning, geneem het.
’n Stampvol teater met bejaardes van verskeie ouetehuise en aftreeoorde wat die Afrikaanse lokettreffer, Semisoet, as gaste van AfriForum gaan kyk het.
Veterane skou motors Van Toeka tot Nou-motorklub hou â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n motorskou op 3 Maart by Tiger Wheels and Tyre op die hoek van Lavenderweg en Zambesirylaan van 08:00 tot 14:00. Kom spog gerus met daardie ou motor wat in u motorhuis of in die agterplaas onder â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n seil toegegooi staan. Daardie mo-
Van Toeka tot Nou-motorklub bied alle motorliefhebbers die kans om eerskomende Saterdag te spog met hul ou motors.
tor verdien om tentoongestel te word. Elkeen wat aan die vertoning deelneem, sal â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n sertiďŹ kaat van verdienste van die klub ontvang. Dit beloof om â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n baie aangename ervaring vir die eienaars van die motors asook vir die toeskouers te wees. Navrae: 082-333-9362.
Follow your wish-list when house hunting Due to the fact that the current property market offers buyers a wide selection of homes to choose from, the selection process can sometimes be tough. Adrian Goslett, CEO of Remax of Southern Africa, said while most buyers probably have a good idea of what they are looking for in a home, there are a few steps they should follow to help with their final selection. Make a wish-list. Goslett advised buyers to write down everything they need and want in a property. The first aspect buyers should consider when making their list, includes the type of property they prefer. “Buyers need to decide if they are looking for a free standing home, a cluster or a unit in a sectional-title complex or secure estate. Then they need to decide if they would like a home they can renovate or one they could move right into without changing a thing. A property in need of attention should have a lower asking price than one that’s fully renovated and a place that’s two or three years old will be cheaper than one that’s brand new,” said Goslett. He said buyers should also determine the details in terms of the number of bedrooms they require and the entertainment and garden space they would need and more. Separate wants and needs. Once a wish-list has been drawn up, Goslett recommended that buyers separate out items that fall into the wants category, which are the nice to have but not essential, from those that fall into the needs category, which are specifications that the buyer cannot compromise on. Buyers need to determine whether or not they really need that swimming pool and a
large stand, or if they could compromise by buying a smaller stand in an estate that has communal facilities, instead, for example. Work out affordability. Buyers need to figure out how much they would be able to afford on monthly costs, including bond repayments, maintenance, levies and rates and more. Since this exercise will undoubtedly impact on the type and size of a property that a buyer can actually afford, many buyers may choose to revisit their wants and needs list after adding up the cost and change some items that impact most on the price. Pre-qualify for a bond. “By getting a pre-qualification on a bond, buyers will be able to determine whether or not they qualify for the necessary finance and will get an idea of the amount that the financial institution would be willing to lend,” he said. This, along with the step above, will determine the price range in which buyers can begin searching for properties. Choose the location. The emphasis on the importance of loca-
tion remains as strong as ever. When looking at areas in which to purchase property, buyers should consider what locations they need to reach regularly, how they plan to travel there and how long the journey will take. Schools and other amenities will also play a large role in this step of the selection process for many buyers. Start the search. The internet is the ideal starting place to begin a house hunt. There are numerous specialised web sites that have easy searchable property listings. Property websites don’t always cover everything that is for sale in every area. Local newspapers are also good research tools for buyers. Buyers should also visit their local estate agents to ask what is coming onto the market, or drive around their favourite areas to spot any for sale boards going up. Most estate agents will also take note of a buyer’s specific requirements and will cross-reference this with properties the company has on their books. Choose a good estate agent. According to Goslett it is essential for a
buyer to find an expert to work with. Ask for referrals and interview various candidates to ensure you select an agent that is professional, experienced and ethical. It is also best to select an agent that has good knowledge of the areas in which you are thinking of buying a property. Learn the real estate market. The more knowledge a buyer has about the property market in which they are thinking of buying, the more equipped they will be to make an informed decision. Goslett suggested that buyers ask their agent to send them a list of homes that have recently sold in the area within their price range, as well as a comparative market analysis of the area to help determine where the best value lies. Find out what is for sale. Aside from making a shortlist of the properties found on the internet, through the local newspaper, from driving around or from an agent, buyers need to match the list with all of their criteria including their accommodation requirements, price range and location.
Hot weather lures snakes With the recent hot weather and good rains throughout most of the country, a large number of snakes are encountered and several incidences of snake bites have been reported. The case of young Kayla Robbertse from Ellisras, who was bitten by a Mozambique spitting cobra, has received a great deal of press coverage. Similar cases from Thabazimbi, Richards Bay and a recent fatal Cape cobra bite in Cape Town has also been reported. Johan Marais, the author of the best-selling Complete Guide to Snakes of Southern Africa and Snakes and Snakebite in Southern Africa, says although few of the snake species found in our environment are deadly, we have about a dozen that are considered dangerous. The puff-adder accounts for the most serious bites while the Mozambique spitting cobra bites have featured prominently over the past few weeks. Cape cobra and black mamba bites are extremely dangerous and may rapidly affect the victim’s breathing because of the fast acting nerve venom of the snakes. A number of people is bitten while trying to catch and kill snakes, therefore prevention is always better than cure. To reduce the chances of snakes residing on your property, keep it clear of building rubble, compost heaps and hedges and shrubs growing up against houses. Installing mosquito-preventing swinging doors at all exits can curb snakes entering houses. In the event of a snake bite, keep the victim calm and get them to the closest hospital, with an ICU, as soon as possible. More than 98% of snake bite victims who are hospitalised within two hours are treated successfully.
Johan Marais holds a Southern African python, considered Africa’s largest snake. Photo: Forrest Beaumont
Anti-venom may be required for serious bites and this is best left to qualified medical doctors. Persons with a history of allergies may react negatively to anti-venom and could go into anaphylactic shock. This could be life threatening if not treated immediately. For emergency advice on snake bites, phone the Tygerberg Poison Centre on 021931-6129. There are several books on snakes and snake bite, dealing with first aid treatment. There are only a few common snakes in residential areas and it is advisable to be able to identify them. Should you come across a snake and want it identified, you are welcome to send a photograph by MMS to Johan Marais on 082-494-2039 or e-mail johan@reptileventures.com.
LOST & FOUND Rekord publishes this column on animals lost and found as a special service to the community. ’n Swart en bruin worshond het op 21 Februarie op die hoek van Panoramaen Strandloperstraat in die Rooihuiskraal-omgewing weggeraak. Haar naam is Angel en sy is saggeaard, bang vir donderweer en is gesteriliseer. Navrae: Hilda by 076-157-2606. A highly pregnant female short hair Siamese cat went missing on January 5 in Ben Viljoen Street, Pretoria North. Its name is Nhala and it has a blue collar and a blue bandana with white patterns on. She has blue eyes. Enquiries: Adri on 071-956-9299 or Norman on 072618-5374. ’n Bruin rifrugteef het op 19 Februarie in die Pretoria-Noord-omgewing weggeraak. Sy dra ’n bruin halsband. Navrae: Koos de la Rey by 082-5625944 of 082-331-1132. A cream and light brown male Pekinese was found on February 22 in Paul Kruger Street, Mayville. The dog is well cared for and in an immaculate condition. It is believed it comes from the Pretoria North area. Enquiries: Sandra du Preez on 072-097-4839 or 082-2943906. ’n Jong grys kat soek ’n liefdevolle huis. Navrae: 076-439-1658. ’n Wit bulterriër is in PretoriaNoord gevind. Hy is tans by die Akasia Dierekliniek. Navrae: 012-527-0034. Vermiste katte is in die omgewing van 20e en 21e Laan in Villieria gevind. Daar is ’n wit en swart kat met ’n swart kolletjie op sy neus, ’n wit kat met blou oë en groot kolle op sy lyf, ’n wit kat met groot swart kolle, ’n grys wollerige kat met swart kolletjies en strepies en ’n swart kat met wit bors en wit voete.
Navrae: Carina by 079-960-1665. ’n Afrika-gryspapegaai is by die Pebble Rock-gholfbaan by Roodeplaatdam gevind. Die voël het ’n gebrek en daar word versoek om die gebrek te beskryf. Navrae: Annatjie Ludik by 012-542-3723 of Eben by 082-738-4560. ’n Foksterriër het op 31 Desember in die Dorandia-omgewing (Bokmakieriestraat) weggeraak. Hy is 9 jaar oud en is wit met swart kolle. Hy het lang bene. Sy naam is Vlekkie. Navrae: Susan by 083-520-9347. ’n Jack Russell-terriër is middel Januarie in die Montana-omgewing gevind. Navrae: Maggie Botha by 012548-5675. ’n Yorkshire-terriërkruising het op 31 Desember in die Dorandia-omgewing weggeraak. Sy is 8 jaar oud en haar naam is Kayla. Navrae: Charlete Botha by 073-539-0202. ’n Jack Russell-terriër het onlangs in die Wolmer-gebied weggeraak. Hy dra ’n wit halsbandjie met die naam Milo op. ’n Beloning van R300 word aangebied aan die persoon wat hom terugbesorg. Navrae: Angelique by 072264-1347. A brown and white pitbull terrier bitch was found in Montana on February 4. Enquiries: Crystal on 084-5623929. ’n Miniatuur Dobermann-pinscher is net na Kersfees in Ninapark, Pretoria-Noord, gevind. Sy het ’n groen halsband met ’n klokkie aan. Navrae: Ryna Meyer by 083-598-1904. Residents can e-mail Wetnose Animal Rescue centre the details and photographs of their missing or found pets. Enquiries: wetnose.marketing@ absamail.co.za or 013-932-3941/2. The Pretoria or Centurion SPCA might have taken in your pet. Enquiries: 082-423-1985 or send information and photos to reception@spcapta.org.za.
Tel: 012 842 0321 â&#x20AC;˘ Fax: 012 842 0319 â&#x20AC;˘ www.rekord.co.za â&#x20AC;˘ smallhits@rekord.co.za REKORD CENTURION DEADLINE: MONDAY 12:00 for the same week / OTHER REKORD NEWSPAPERS: DEADLINE: WEDNESDAY 12:00 for the following week â&#x20AC;˘ Office hours: 8:00 - 16:30
! "
" 9%!!
" 9! (%!9 G ," ?$ * H
PERSONAL LOANS R5 000 - R200 000 Blacklisted / Garnished Welcomed Sabelo 076-876-3562
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"#$% "&%$# !
Spesialiseer in Speed
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Aag nee los blokkies!
Was, dip, skeer, asook spesiale snitte vir alle soorte honde. Katte welkom.
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SILVERTON 350 m² shop to let Well positioned in Pretoria Rd with street frontage and ample parking 083-378-4507
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072-061-5199 RA/0504120
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aan-diens 0004 Jaar in Rekord
* Ys-/Vrieskaste, tuimeldroĂŤrs, stowe, oonde, skottelgoedwassers, wasmasjiene
Ek kom na u. Bel/sms laaste
076-939-7300 RA/0510771
pakette 072-365-2936
RONEL 012-377-1710/ 082-677-1553 ra/0496091
Barnie Springkasteel
& Wave Slide Alet of Jan 012-386-1174 / 083-523-9158
babahondjies te koop. Groot tipe, opleibaar, goeie geaardheid, baie lief vir kinders. Navrae
082-700-2425 RA/0508437
Dakherstel, Waterdigting, Verfwerk, Paving, Fasias, Geute, Plafonne, Bouwerk. Wooden Decks. 25 Years our business + Ref's.
Fondasie krake, sak, teĂŤls en verf. Gerhard
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Chris 083-415-2494 RA/0510637
=? (( +& ? )& 0? ?- ! ?()0?#) ? !&)
" 9 ",')
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Hannelize 082-920-2781 012-543-1389
Chris 012-543-2531 RA/0508493
012-653-7227/8 083-608-2157
* <?6B>?888?98=9 <?689?=<>?<6<;
)*9$' ) , ' * ! 0? ! ?E? !
2#( & ( !% - 2 2 >9$' )9), *9*"9 9 " 9$'
Springkastele, mini-giant
Groot verskeidenheid. Annetjie 012-542-1549 /
083-292-3674 ra/0483702
HERSTELWERK by u HUIS * Ys-/Vrieskaste, tuimeldr, stowe, oonde, skottelgw, wasmasjiene
Lek jou swembad? Barracuda werk nie? Bel Alwyn 072-068-6200
Persoonlike toesig. Alle werke, bou, verf en "plumbing". Hang van deure.
Alle Herstelwerk Re-marbelite
AANKOOP / BUYERS Meubels / Furniture Yskaste - Freezers 082-565-7892 / 012-335-9631 / 012-752-5256 RA/0504704
ALS FRIDGES Fridge/Freezer *Repairs @ your premises 24/7 Re-gassing from R350
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Jan 082-711-3080
Pomp & filter 'new pools'
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aan-diens 0004 Jaar in Rekord
Different types to hire. We Deliver. Annatjie 076-464-1520
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Alle tipe waterdigting en herstelwerk. Tot en met 10 jaar waarborg op alle werk. Kontak
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1?&8=6 $ 1?&9;; $ 1?&;66 $ 1?&;>> $ 1?&<66 $ 1?&9<6 $ 1?&>???? $?
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Henta 083-254-2412
??C 8< ? 8B 99 9< #, ' . (',
? ! ?#&
Rudi 073-031-2799
0 9$
Nuwes, herstel en diens. Riaan 083-583-0311
& Glybane
0 9 , :?! ?4?+ / ) ?? ! ?E? ! ?? / & :?( - & :? ! ( :? &+ && (
Granite tops Bar tops Vanities Staircases Wooden decks AndrĂŠ 076-946-0755 Eddie 084-959-0958
v v v v v
Gerrit 082-824-2070
DE DROOMKONSTRUKSIE Alg konstruksie en instandhouding. Aanbouings, verbrekings, verf, teĂŤl-, sweiswerk ens. Kontak Dawid Malan 012-331-0949 082-784-9856
ys-/vriesk, stowe, oonde, wasj, t.droĂŤrs, skottelgwas
KLEIN PIKKEWYN aan-almal 00013 Jaar in Rekord
+ Carpentry.
By U Huis
BANK LOANS Blacklisted welcome.
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Alle voertuie & bakkies vir KONTANT.
Asemrowende springkastele te huur.
by u HUIS
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SPRINGKASTEEL aai alweer gebreuk
SA Art, Antiques and Jewellery. 082-657-2610
R10 750pm
Against your car, caravan, trailer. Be safe! Co. Est. 1991. Blacklist welcome. De Villiers 012-323-5420
Onmidd. beskik
Etienne Loots Prokureur Alle regswerk 083-280-5653
Able to help you
PIETER BOSCH W/masjiene, T/droers & Stowe, Speed Queen, Defy W/pool, LG, Samsung
0011 Jaar in Rekord
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A1 LOANS Up to R120 000. Blacklisted & Garnish.
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Ekstra klasse in Wiskunde, Wetenskap & Rek. Gr. 1 - 12. Gekwalifiseerde onderwysers. Chris Cronje: 082-877-9584 Marina Stander: 083-259-8913
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! ?$, ? ? ? * . '$ ? ? F ?. ? ,'* ? ?. ?* ? ' 0?. *,'* ? ?* ' ' ? ' ? ? ' 2
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Prof.bekendstellingsdiens vir Enkellopendes sedert 1997. Min aansl. R600 vir 6maande.
' ,? ' ?G . H? * , ?F ? ' ? ? ? .?% ,? * ? "? ' ? ? ?. * ? ' ? *,'*? ' ? '$ .' , ' ? * ? "? * ?$ ,$? ? ' ?$ '*. *' $ ? '3?$ ? * "? ' ?$ % ? ? ' 2 ?. ? % , ? '$ '$ ? ?% ,, ? ' ? $ 0? , ? '$ ? ?$ , ,'* ? * ? $ , % 2 ' ?' ? .? .? "? *?' ? ? ,? ? ' ? * * * ? ?F ? , ? ? ? * ? " ' ?$ '*?$ . *? 2
Rachel de Beerstr 566 Pretoria-Noord
Waverley Wiskunde & Wetenskap Sentrum.
.( 9/!! 9 !(-(%&!( 9 ! 9 ! -(+!9 (! + 9 9 ( + /9! 9 9 (! 9 9 9 + -9( : .( 9/!! 9( -(% ( %9 # = 9 ! !+19 + +!-9 9%! :
.? *? ? ?5 ? *? ? A
ALL WASHLINES 082-748-5299 / 012-542-1589 RA/0504810
) ! ( -( ( %9( < >?& ' >? ' > ?/ "' $ >? ? ',' $ >9 ,? ' ' $ >9& "?' , '
Kontantlenings: Onmiddellik beskikbaar teen: motors, vragmotors, bakkies, bote, woonwaens, sleepwaens, motorfietse en juwele wat u verpand. Skakel Danie Muller
2%', "' $2 2
!!9 ( 2 0 +9% !! 2
GROOT VERSKEIDENHEID AAN Aardfoute, herbedrading kan ek aandag gee, nuwe installasies en sertifikate. Willie 082-786-2805 RA/0505281
-2#!% 2 -2 25" %62 -2 % 2 2 -2 25" %6 22 -2 & $ 22 -2 !%! 2 ! -2" ! 2 -2 2 ! ! -2 2 $ 2 ! -2 ! ! 2 2 & -2 %%2' $2 -2 % 2 22 !%
Bestuur sedert 1982 SKOU-AANBOD, 2 Jaar waarborg, Stene gelê teen R30/m². Gekleurde stene R45/m².
! 7 ! % ! ( ( 22 ( ! % ! ( (
Aan diens 24-uur Herstelwerk, installasies & sertifikate
082-662-4103 RA/0497752
Accredited R L ELECTRICAL 24/7 * All Electrical work.
kleistene. Alle "stone age" Stene vanaf R80/m² RA/0497389
Willcue Construction
BUILDING 082-551-1014 New buildings, alterations / bathroom, kitchen renovations
Willi 012-548-0653 NHBRC since 1990 ra/0509095
BHC ELECTRICAL Certificate of Compliance New Installations, Domestic and Industrial Installations and Repairs, Light, Plugs, Stoves, etc.
Henry 083-270-5808
PLUMBING SERVICES All plumbing work !!
072-534-7951 ra/0502137
HSH ELEKTRIES Alle nuwe elektriese installasies, herstelwerk / instandhoudingswerk, fout opsporing en elektriese sertifikate.
Skakel Hercules 082-871-0368 / 072-382-3441 ra/0497364
Bathroom renovations, blocked drains + toilets. Valves, geysers and burst pipes. SPEEDYPLUMBING
Hein 074-165-9138
Aaklige vuil matte?
WAS 'n MAT Matte en meubels Eienaartoesig
082-561-5150 RA/0509478
GROENKOR PLUMBING & DRAINS â&#x20AC;˘ Versopte riole â&#x20AC;˘ Gebarste pype â&#x20AC;˘ Geysers 082-254-3178 / 012-546-9268 ra/0510770
Aanbou & loodgietersdiens
1st TEK LOODGIETERS Verstopte riole, geysers, toilette.
012-662-1043 082-741-8438 RA/0510801
Pest Control Services PEST A TERMITE cc Pest control & termites
086-100-0893 24 / 7 082-574-5455 RA/0505274
Absolutely lowest prices
services Phone 082-771-7334 ra/0502672
Alle Geysers, Drains, Toilette, pype ens. Andries Loodgieters
No call out fee. 012-377-3905 072-390-1559 RA/0510797
082-448-7290 RA/0504420
BOMA PLUMBERS Blocked drains from R300. Roof leaks, valves, geyser bursts. Contact Boog 076-740-9421 Mario 084-471-4767 RA/0510036
FRITZ PLUMBERS Drains, geyser, lekkasies 082-444-5831/ 012-547-1815 RA/0508531
G J van Lis PLUMBER Personalised service/ Persoonlike diens.
Gustaaf: 072-222-7233 33 Yrs' exp. 012-547-0901 ra/0497417
012-567-1445 / 082-823-5045 RA/0506941
ALTOKLEEN (1979) Mon - Sat + Supervision Carpets, Furniture, Leather Windows, Matresses, Flood damage. Once-off cleaning
Alta A/h 082-395-6449 East 012-991-5636
082-339-6135 082-441-0335 www.africsand.co.za BOU KONSTRUKSIE MornĂŠ 076-693-2460
Verwysings beskikbaar
PIETER 083-597-6203 pjp.buildcon@gmail.com RA/0510265
Sloop, Snoei, Verwyder Hyskraan Trok, Sekelbos R10. Vol versek. 25 Jr ondv
082-575-8674 HANNES RA/0497341
BEL WILLIE Boomsloping / stompe / alle palms. Gratis kwotasies.
FREE!!! 076-693-2460 RA/0510336
Versekering Alle bome / Palm / doringboom spesialis GREEN COMPANY
AMAZING SUPER CLEAN Deep clean - carpets, l/suites & mattresses. (No hidden costs). Mike 083-229-8046 081-328-8838 RA/0507665
AVIS CLEANERS. Cleaning of Std room from R100. L/suite frm R50 per seat & Tiles, Wooden flrs. 083-418-4700
Best Organic Free delivery in Pta. Johann 082-416-2754 RA/0510731
SLEEPERS & SLEEPER PLANKS for gardens and furniture 012-664-5808 / 7103 (w) 076-142-1249 RA/0509888
Aabacus Tree Felling cc Gratis Boomsloping *Kwotasies *Uithaal van stompe *24 Hrs - Versekering
*Erf skoonmaak
Skakel Danie of Johanna 076-094-7233 ra/0507558
Owner Supervision DAVID 072-171-4817
alcari@polka.co.za RA/0507623
Algemene meubelvervoer. Skakel Rika 082-920-1329/ 012-335-7098 ra/0497398
" # $%& '&$ '()*% **+ !"# # $ % ! %! & , # 1,/#*, !, 1,/#', ! ,
TOIT'S TRANSPORT Vera 082-091-5475 Bourommel/Tuinafval 4 Ton VANAF R400 per vrag Minitrekke (kwotasie) ra/0498246
AUSTEN Meubel- en Kantoorvervoer
012-379-9559 RA/0505181
Bel Kassie vir meubelvervoer. Bokse te koop.
Salon LinJani Braam Pretorius str 409
012-751-2621 Linda/ Helene/ Marinda
Pensionarisse Afslag: Dinsdag-Donderdag InstapkliĂŤnte welkom RA/0510608
sakpas pryse!! 2 TON - R170 3.8 TON - R280 4 TON - R290 4.5 TON - R310 6 TON - R550 8 TON - R 690 10 TON - R790 ALLE ARBEID INGESLUIT
012-548-9317 082-454-8159 ra/0503927
DRIE TON TROK. Bou-, tuin- en algemene rommel. Algemene vervoer. Anton 012-546-6941/ 082-474-6563 ra/0503316
By Kolonnade. Faks CV na 012-548-4574 ra/0510439
Doen ADMIN-werk vanaf jou HUIS. SMS naam/adres vir volledige info na 071-511-6597 RA/0510786
Ekstra betroubare toesig Skakel nou vir GRATIS kwotasie op boomsny
082-300-5044 071-682-5201
,$, , , , . 082-746-7755
CCTV and PABX Technician needed to work in
Pta Jhb area. * License required * Experience in this field required.
Salary negotiable Email CV to jjp@cslcom.co.za RA/0510511
CORRUGATED + PACKAGING SALES REP Pretoria & Surrounds Packaging experience (only need apply) Basic + comm + Car + provident. CV's to: gavin@ipak.co.za RA/0510912
Ons Holding Company in Kaapstad wat 23jaar bestaan, brei nou uit na Pretoria 4 Nuwe takke Ons benodig: 4 Bestuurders 8 Individue om opgelei te word as Bestuurders. (18-35j) (Let wel: moet onmiddellik begin) Ons bied: *Uitstekende bevorderingsmoontlikhede *Basies R126 000pj *Medies, pensioen
Geen kansvatters nie SKAKEL 012-543-2138 ra/0510475
Posisie beskikbaar vir 'n winkel-tot-winkel bemarker. Hoofkantoor in Sinoville. Ervaring in verkope 'n vereiste, sluit reis en selfoon toelae in. Salaris bestaan slegs uit kommissie. E-pos CV's na topspeedd@ cybersmart.co.za of faks na: 012-543-3036 RA/0510436
Shift work Kolonnade / Wonderpark Shopping Centre. Students required for sweet shops. Phone Basil 079-368-0808 Fax CV to 086-617-5323 RA/0510574
Sukkel jy om werk te kry? Eie vervoer. Opleiding word verskaf. Enige iemand kan aansoek doen. Molly 012-345-5628 074-165-5566 RA/0510672
WASTE!! GLAMOROUS GIRLS NAILS beskikbaar na-ure en naweke.
Vol stel vanaf R170 Skakel Christa 012-546-1042 082-725-5882
Boomslopings 2 ton from R190 4 ton from R300 5 ton from R350 6 ton from R550 8 ton from R600 GOEDKOOPSTE!
Site cleaning Klein vragte beskikbaar
Aabacus Tree Felling cc Gratis Boomsloping *Kwotasies *Uithaal van stompe *24 Hrs Versekering *Erf skoonmaak
Skakel Danie of Johanna 076-094-7233 ra/0507559
Aaklig & aanstootlike bome
082-443-0088 10% Minder as enige kwotasie. 25 Jr ondervinding. Ten volle verseker. Eienaartoesig. CAREL ra/0490316
GOEIE DIENS is ons leuse! 5 - 8 Ton trokke te huur met drywer. Shaun 083-646-7082 RA/0497281
JJC TRANSPORT Verhuising & stoor! Elna 012-525-1343 083-376-1720
Qualified English Nursery School Teacher 3-4 Year Class in Theresa Park. From March 2012
Contact 084-582-2633 RA/0510727
$2 ! 2 ! % ! 2! 2 % & ! ( Pos onmiddellik beskikbaar. " % ! % (
Faks CV na: 012 372 0163 of skakel: 082 549 0298
RACHEL 076-810-9640 Seeks job as General Worker, Diploma in Travel & Tourism RA/0510627
DISCOVERY Hospitaaldekking vanaf R465pm. Dag tot dag voordele van R485pm. Lodewyk
082-437-3102 RA/0509991
DISCOVERY HEALTH Medical Aid: Advice and Assistance. Proudly one of the Best Advisors since 2001. Nardus Redelinghuys
084-741-0326 red@721.co.za RA/0510510
All Domestic Solutions. Placing of Domestic workers, tea-ladies. UIF reg. We also do Housekeeping, Cook & Bake training.
Pro Domestic. 012-567-1445/082-823-5045
www.prodomestic.co.za RA/0506943
ANNA seeks piece work for Tues, Wed & Fri. Cleaning only. 072-816-0625 RA/0510588
ANNAH 072-104-3839 Seeks Mon, Wed, Fri. Neat Ref. 082-566-5097 Hardw, reliable. ra/0510442
ANNAH Wed, Thu & Fri , piece job. Childcare, reliable. Hardw 073-317-5878 Experience RA/0510712
BUSI seeks Tue & Thu, sleep out. Excellent ref. Hardw, reliable. 072-605-0556 Diligent. RA/0510581
DOMESTIC / CHILD MINDER imm avail. Evah: 073-358-7872. Ref available.
# !% 2! ! 2 ! %( % 2 %! ! ! (
DORA soek stukwerk vir Ma, Wo & Vry. Baie goeie 10jr verw. Lojaal. 073-822-7555 RA/0510719
ENNY: seeks piece work, Mon & Tues. Hardw, reliable. Ref 076-471-5523 RA/0510587
Florah seeks 5 days, sleep out. Ref avail. Diligent. Hardw. Asset. 084-868-5998
082-300-5044 071-682-5201 RA/0510611
Vacancy for
CHRISTINA seeks full-time sleep-out work. Cleaning, ironing. 082-953-3999
Fully Enclosed Trucks.
"scotchguard". Ons werk self! Skakel: Leana 084-547-5990 / 012-379-9299 n/u
JAN 082-899-2460
PTA-NOORD MATSKOONMAKERS Eienaartoesig. Andries 084-800-9444 SKOONMAAKDIENS A1 Matte, meubels,
ABC MINI MAXI MOVERS Local and long distance Fax: 086-639-8456 Cell: 083-620-2454 ALCARI TRANSPORT
Alle soorte naels ook PICK ME CARPET CLEANERS 4 Rooms: R450 Colin 083-281-8460
1.5 Ton Vanaf R250 2.0 Ton Vanaf R350 4.0 Ton Vanaf R450
Areas: Tileba, Dorandia
Penny wise -
Michelle 076-352-2037
vir 'n gratis kwotasie
Comprehensive House Cleaning
MARINA MATWASSERS Profesionele stoomskoonmaakdienste matte/ sitkamerstelle/matrasse 25 Years in Bussiness
Bertie by 082-501-1463
* Pre- & post occupational * Once-off * Carpet & upholstery * Owner supervision Yolandie 082-824-5946
DAME Assistent benodig (copy shop) R2 000pm
0(8%(/ 9(592(5 Bourommel, Tuinvullis, alg. vervoer, asook mini trekke, kort en lang afstand.
, 3" ,(+,#,&0)-4, , ,2, ,
BOUKONTRAKTEURS (NHBRC Geregistreer) Vir die bou van alle nuwe eenhede, komplekse, store, kantore. Aanbouings, restaurante, erfmure, verfwerk asook opgradering Gratis kwotasies!
Aaklige & aanstootlike bome
Centurion 012-663 4416 North - Moot 012-546-6158 / 012-331-7883
Droog binne 15 min. Eienaar werk self
BESTE PRYSE vir dreine, geysers en waterlekke. ALL-IN-ALL
All Domestic Solutions Once off cleaning & contract PRO DOMESTIC
Pierre 076-592-6582
Sand, Klip, Stene, Bogrond, Kompos, Speelsand, Brick force, DPC, Lintels, sement, ens.
En vele meer. Ten volle versekerd. Eienaarstoesig. Rufus
Alle Kwotasies Gratis
GEREGISTREER INGEVOLGE (Wet 36-1947) Op gif & misstowwe
L/suite from R50 per seat. & Tile / Wooden flrs.General cleaing 082-269-2251
Allen 082-754-7734
Standard room from R70.
Huisopknappings. Plaveisel, verf-, staalwerk. Waterdigting. Eienaartoesig. ra/0510703
verseker. Eienaartoesig. CAREL
012-546-9188 082-662-4103
enige kwotasie. 25 Jr ondervinding. Ten volle
ABSOLUTE PEST CONTROL Free Quotes!! We beat any written qoutes.
10% Minder as
& afstootlike bome
Elektriese sertifikate, herstel + installasies 082-448-7290
ACCREDITED ELECTRICAL SPECIALISTS COC's from R199. New installations & repairs. Prepaid meters. 24-HRS. NO CALL-OUT FEES Albie 079-308-6702
JOYCE 079-471-4138 Seeks job for Mon - Fri. Sleep out. Ref avail. Hardw. Neat. Loyal.
# !% 2! ! 2 ! %( & $! ) ! ! 2 ! (
Kortola - Matured & reliable. Exp. Cook. Sleep in. General FULLTIME. 083-398-7447 RA/0510809
Green installations, burst pipes & leaks. Martin 072-374-4105
Aaklig & aanstootlike bome
VILLAGE PAVE BK 012-324-4632 / 083-314-9798
LERATO seeks full time sleep in. Hardw, reliable, cleans, iron, ref avail. 072-683-2025 ra/0510545
LETTY seeks piece work Mon, & Fri. Excellent ref. Hardw. Reliable. 072-706-4153
RUBBLE!! Garden Waste Removal Zelda 071-108-1580 RA/0510800
MAID-IN-HEAVEN Moeg vir kontrakte, huishulpprobleme? Ek't die alternatief. Het uitstekende huishulpe. SUZETTE: 074-371-2212 RA/0510673
MARTHA:083-967-6051. Soek stukwerk Maan - Vry. Uitslaap. 4 Jr verw: 082-682-9673 RA/0510598
ROSE seeks piece work for Tues & Thurs. Cleaning only. 076-184-8049
Te huur te Onderstepoort.
Tuinwoonstel vir enkelpersoon.
3 x 6 m. R480 pm.
R2 400 pm,
082-446-8683 / 082-824-2070 ra/0496965
SELINAH seeks Mon - Fri (piece work), sleep out. Afr/Eng. 076-351-0153. Honest.
2 bedr simplex to let.
SOPHIA seeks full-time sleep out work. Can cook, childcare. 082-830-0639 RA/0510710
SOPHIE soek stukwerk. Uitslaap werk. Verw. Hardw. Betr. 078-824-4501 RA/0510937
Sophy Di, Do. Baie betr.Verw. Aangenaam. Puik werker. 012-349-7522 / 082-350-0723
R3 700pm Avail 01/03/2012 Tel: 012-342-3710 Marlien / Irene RA/0510564
THEMBI Full-time sleep out. Excellent ref. Diligent. Hardw, reliable 079-573-5831
Townhouse to let Neat simplexes. 3 Bedr, 2 bathr
VIVIANNE 072-918-2924 Seeks full-time job. Sleep out. Hardw. Cleans, irons, neat. Reliable
R4 600 pm.
2 Bedr, 2 bathr
ZANDILE: seeks full-time sleep in/out. Excellent ref. Cooks, childcare. 079-392-1652
R4 000 pm. Beautiful gardens & swimming pool in complex.
082-412-5098 RA/0499549
MONTANA PARK 2 Slk meenthuis in sekuriteitskompleks. Gemeenskaplike swembad. Loopafstand van Kolonnade. Dblmotorhuis, vol badk, sit- en eetkamer met afsonderlike kombuis
SARAH seeks full-time sleep in / out. Cooks, childcare. 3 Yrs ref. Hardw & honest. 071-051-0106
R4 900 pm alles ingesluit Dep. R5 000
Zama seeks Mon - Fri. Responsible & have contactable ref. 072-774-4450
Beskik. onmidd.
083-259-8084 RA/0510795
RENTALS MONTANA 2 Bedroom apartments from
R4 300pm
w & l ingesluit. R1 400 deposito. Onmiddelik beskikbaar GEEN DIERE
Sunet 079-507-2151 RA/0509779
AMANDASIG AKASIA Luukse gemeub. Selfsorg Eenman w/s Onmid beskik R2 600pm Fasiliteite: Groot tuin, swembad, veilige parkering, W & Elektr
Skakel Dawie 079-883-6612 082-860-8701 RA/0510883
BEKOSTIGBARE BEHUISING 076-223-0615 ra/0510923
Deelkamers te huur.
Huis vir Bejaardes Wonderboom-Suid www.wondervilla.co.za
012-335-7503 RA/0510328
Sy is dalk ďŹ sies klein, maar in haar hart is sy een van die Sharks se grootste ondersteuners in Pretoria. Wiona Leonard word verdwerg deur drie groot voorspelers van die Sharks. Van links is Dale Chadwick, Craig Burden en Ryan Kankowski.
Ondersteuners hang uit vir Durban-manne Die Sharks-ondersteunersklub van Pretoria het vanjaar sommer vroeg begin met een van die hoogtepunte van hul sosiale kalender. DiĂŠ klub, wat reeds â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n paar honderd betaalde lede het, kon dit regkry om Vrydagaand na aďŹ&#x201A;oop van die SupeRugbywedstryd tussen die Bulls en die Sharks die spelers van hul gunstelingspan by â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n hotel in Pretoria te onthaal. Omdat die wedstryd eers teen 21:00 afgehandel is, het die funksie baie laat plaasgevind, maar vir elke ondersteuner van die Sharks wat dit bygewoon het, was dit die moeite werd om so lank te wag om
hul helde te ontmoet. Toe die spelers uiteindelik opdaag, is daar heerlik gekuier, fotoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s geneem en handtekeninge gejag. Die klub het ook hul eie speler-van-diewedstryd gekies en diĂŠ eer het die Springbokvleuel, JP Petersen, te beurt geval. Hy is met â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n spesiale trofee beloon. Plaaslike ondersteuners van die Sharks wat belangstel om aan te sluit by diĂŠ klub, is welkom om navraag te doen. Die seisoen is nog lank en daar is nog heelwat bedrywighede wat vir hulle voorlĂŞ tot aan die einde van die jaar. Navrae: 076-045-8720.
Versorgingseenheid. Kilnerpark. Huis vir bejaardes. 24-Uur versorging. Enkelkamers beskikbaar.
082-687-2380 of 012-333-2888 ra/0507716
2 Bed duplex from
R5 500pm
082-950-2242 082-494-9568
Vakansie akkom.
082-785-9110 RA/0496674
GEMEUBILEERDE 1½ Slk w/stel R4 000 of kamer met eie badk, deel leefarea R2 000; Sluit krag, DSTV in, op plot De Wildt tussen PTA Noord & Brits Twee slk huis naby Rosslyn. met 2 badk. Dep asb. Kontak R3 760 sluit krag Nick 072-477in, op plot De 3540 (Na ure) of Wildt tussen Bianca 014-574PTA Noord & 6526 (Werksure) Brits naby Rosslyn. Dep PRETORIAasb. Kontak Nick NOORD 072-477-3540 Bachelor (Na ure) of tuinwoonstel. Bianca 014-574Slegs 6526 (Werksure) enkelpersoon.
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Estelle Henderson, een van die komiteelede van die Sharks-ondersteunersklub van Pretoria geniet die geselskap van drie van die Sharks se staatmakerspelers. Van links is Jaques Botes, die man wat Vrydagaand die enigste drie gedruk het in die SupeRugby-wedstryd teen die Bulls, Charl McLeod en Meyer Bosman
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3 Bed simplex from R6 500pm Call now!
R2 500 pm ILZE 084-922-3987 ra/0509777
Volgens tradisie kies die Sharks-ondersteunersklub na elke wedstryd van hul span â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n speler-van-die-wedstryd. Vrydagaand het hul keuse op die Springbok vleuel, JP Petersen, geval. Petersen se toekenning is aan hom deur Serah Cook, een van die bestuurslede van die Sharks -ondersteunersklub van Pretoria oorhandig.
Adele Moolman was baie ingenome met die kans om â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n paar woorde te wissel met haar groot held, Patrick Lambie, Springboklosskakel van die Sharks.
Pure vermaak by nasionale 4x4-uitdunne Antoinette le Roux Dit was baie stof, rook, ’n groot lawaai en vet pret Saterdag by die Maxxis Nasionale 4x4-uitdaging. Dié opwindende 4x4-byeenkoms het by die Diamond X Cowboy Ranch, sowat 40km noordoos van Pretoria, plaasgevind. Meer as 1 000 toeskouers het dié belangrike uitdunronde bygewoon. Deelnemers vanoor die hele land het saamgetrek om in sewe klasse deel te neem. Die wenners in die verskillende klasse was: Klas 1: Koos van Heerden (Navigator: Carel van Heerden) Klas 2: Ernst du Preez (Navigator: Van
Zyl Oosthuizen) Klas 3: Corrie Hudson (Navigator: Jason Hudson) Klas 4: Johan van Wyk (Navigator: Pieter Brits) Klas 5: Stefan Wintershoven (Navigator: Tristan Wintershoven) Klas 6: Herman Barnard (Navigator: Mandi Reid) Klas 7: Lukas Holtzhausen (Navigator: Bert Stols) Die dag is afgesluit met ’n prysuitdelingsfunksie, waarna besoekers en deelnemers vermaak is deur Clive Bruce, bekende countrysanger, en ’n line dancing-uitvoering.
Drie wiele in die lug om hierdie hindernis baas te raak. Foto: Phillip Bruwer
Geen toeskouer kon dié stofwolk vryspring nie.
(Bo) Die dag het ook interessante oomblikke opgelewer soos dié voertuig wat op sy dak beland het. (Links) Die rookwolke bol by die wiele uit soos die voertuig die heuwel uitklim.
Los sandbanke het deelnemers se 4x4-vernuf getoets.
Deelnemers moes mooi mik om nie die grenspaaltjies raak te ry nie. Foto: Antoinette le Roux Deelnemers van regoor die land het Saterdag aan die uitdaging deelgeneem.
Get in shape this year Now is the time to get in shape with the José and Maria-Lorca Montoya Spanish Dance Academy, which brings you a workshop with fitness expert, Anna Wood. The programme promises to leave you ready to kick-start permanent change in your lifestyle. Wood, who is also a Miss Bikini World Champion, will put you through an intense boot camp and Pilates class. Boot camp fitness has become very popular over the last couple of years and Wood’s classes in the east of Pretoria are no exception. The workshop will also include a talk on healthy diet, healthy menu choices when socialising as well as home training tips. The money raised through the workshop will go towards a Spanish dance choreography competition, that is taking place in March. The workshop takes place on March 3 at 15:30 at the Pro Arte Alphen Park High School
Anna Wood will be hosting the fitness programme.
Dance Department. Booking is essential. Enquiries: Maria on 083-206-6328.
Orchards Tae Bo club celebrates Valentine’s day Members of Orchards Tae Bo Club celebrated their Valentine’s day in style by bringing together families and friends. According to the instructor of the club, Sensei Lucas Tau, the members deemed it necessary to organise a fun-filled day as half the time most families are at loggerheads with each other. The Akasia Ward councillor, Rebecca Morudu, also attended the function. Photo: Gavin Emmanuel
Sien www.rekord.co.za vir vandeesweek se Varsity Cup aksie.
Rugby. 3 Maart, SupeRugby. Bulls vs Cheetahs. Vrystaatstadion, Bloemfontein. 17:00.
Heino Kuhn, paaltjiewagter van die Titans, het die Impi’s se topkolwer, Adrian McLaren op skouspelagtige wyse gestonk van die boulwerk van Roelof van der Merwe in Sondag se Pro20wedstryd in Benoni. Foto’s: simondp@actionimage
Titans weer op dreef Koos Venter Die Nashua Titans het die afgelope naweek twee puik oorwinnings behaal in die nasionale MiWay Pro20-toernooi, wat hul posisie tot die tweede plek op die punteleer laat verstewig het. Hiermee het die manne in ligblou gewys dat hulle baie diepte het en hulle steeds een van die gunstelinge behoort te wees om hierdie reeks te wen, ten spyte daarvan dat topspelers soos die Morkelbroers, AB de Villiers en Faf du Plessis tans saam met die Proteas in Nieu-Seeland toer. Die Titans het boonop nog een wedstryd minder gespeel as die Knights, wat net drie punte voor hulle op die punteleer is. Vrydagaand in Durban het die Titans in ’n spannende wedstryd die Dolphins se telling van 167 met die laaste bal van die wedstryd verbygesteek om met ses paaltjies te wen. Jacques Rudolph was die groot held van hierdie wedstryd met sy 62 onoorwonne lopies van net 55 balle. Hy is in daardie laaste spannende boulbeurte ook goed bygestaan deur David
Wiese, wat 21 lopies van net tien balle gemoker het. Dit het twee viere en ’n ses ingesluit. Sondag se held teen die Impi’s in Benoni was die ou staatmaker, Roelof van der Merwe, wat weer gewys het dat die nasionale keurders waarskynlik té vinnig van hom vergeet het. Hy het eers die Impi’s se kolforde vernietig deur drie paaltjies te vat én ’n aandeel te hê in die uithardloop van Siya Simetu, voordat hy op nommer drie gaan kolf het vir die Titans, waar hy 30 lopies van 20 balle geslaan het. Die Titans, met Rudolph en Van der Merwe voor die penne en net een paaltjie plat, het die Impi’s se teiken reeds in die 16e boulbeurt verbygesteek vir ’n oorwinning met nege paaltjies. Rudolph se telling was 47, terwyl Henry Davids ook 55 bygedra het. Die Titans speel Woensdag teen die Knights in Bloemfontein, waarna hulle die naweek twee wedstryde afhandel. Vrydag kom die Lions in Centurion aan die beurt en Sondag speel hulle teen die Cape Cobras in Kaapstad, wanneer die tweede rondte van die reeks begin.
Henry Davids, staatmakerkolwer van die Titans, het Sondag in Benoni ’n puik beurt van 55 lopies vir sy span gespeel in die Pro20-wedstryd teen die Impi’s.
Die Titans se vuurvreter veelsydige speler, Roelof van der Merwe, het Sondag in Benoni ’n groot aandeel gehad in sy span se oorwinning teen die Impi’s.
Bulls se jong bloed vul ervare spelers goed aan Koos Venter
Die Bulls se woelige loskopstut, Dean Greyling, het Vrydagaand teen die Sharks weer gewys dat hy ’n waardevolle baldraer op die veld kan wees. Hier dryf hy vorentoe met Werner Kryger en Deon Stegmann byderhand om te ondersteun. Foto: simondp@actionimage
Daar is vooraf bladsye vol geskryf oor al die topspelers wat Loftus Versfeld verlaat het, oor Heyneke Meyer se ontydige vertrek as direkteur van rugby en oor die nuwe pienk truie vir wegwedstryde. Al hierdie faktore en gepaardgaande bangmaakstories het blykbaar by Frans Ludeke, Pierre Spies en die Vodacom Bulls se span van 2012 verbygegaan, want Vrydagaand het hulle die seisoen puik begin met ’n vasbytvertoning en ’n 18-13-oorwinning teen die omgekrapte Sharks, wat vooraf beskou is as Suid-Afrika se spogspan in vanjaar se SupeRugby-toernooi. Die Bulls het inderdaad deur hul algehele vertoning gewys dat hulle dalk net die verrassingspakket van die toernooi kan wees.
Die jong en nuwe spelers in die groep het puik by die gevestigde en ervare manne ingepas en dit was juis die wyse waarop die Bulls gespeel het, wat ondersteuners moed sou gee vir die res van die toernooi. Die Sharks het Pretoria toe gekom met ’n puik span wat 12 internasionale spelers, 11 Springbokke en een Fransman, ingesluit het. Die Bulls was egter ’n onbekende faktor met jong manne en baie minder ervaring as die manne van Durban. Die wyse waarop die Bulls egter die basiese dinge op die veld reg kon doen en hoe hulle die Sharks voorlangs oorheers het, sou deurwinterde Bulls-ondersteuners moed gee vir die seisoen wat voorlê. Die Bulls en die Sharks het ook gewys dat daar min ander spanne is met soveel ondersteuners soos
hulle. Met die loting waarvolgens hulle die eerste agt wedstryde van die toernooi in Suid-Afrika sal speel (vyf op Loftus Versfeld), sal die Bulls ook die geleentheid hê om hul nuwe kombinasies goed te vestig, voor hulle in Australië en Nieu-Seeland gaan toer. Die Bulls se afrigters sal egter moet kopkrap om die beseerde buitesenter, Johann Sadie, vir die volgende paar weke te vervang. Sadie het blykbaar sy skouer beseer en is na net 13 minute in Vrydag se wedstryd teen die Sharks van die veld af. As Wynand Olivier hierdie week reg is, sal hy waarskynlik Saterdag buitesenter teen die Cheetahs speel. Andersins sal daar na Zane Kirchner gekyk word, terwyl Jurgen Visser waarskynlik heelagter sal speel.