Bertha le Roux-Wahl sit bietjie kleur op sanger Arno Jordaan se lippe tydens ’n rekordpoging verlede Vrydag. Jordaan het skertsend sy teleurstelling getoon dat daar nie ’n ‘Blou Bul-pienk’ was nie.
Lippe tuit vir rekord Du P Martins Dit was 486 tuitmonde, guitmonde, oopmonde, toe monde en platbekkiemonde wat Bertha le Roux-Wahl moontlik as ’n wêreldrekordhouer in die Guinness Book of World Records laat kwalifiseer het. Die aktrise Le Roux-Wahl, beter bekend as Emma van 7de Laan-faam, het Vrydag saam met sanger Arno Jordaan meegedoen in die tydskrif Finesse se Voelgoed-ekspo in die Heartfelt-arena in Centurion, om geld vir die Rooikruis-kinderhospitaal in te samel. Sy het op die verhoog gestaan en elke vrou moes met die lipstiffie van haar keuse in die
hand voor haar verbykom, waarop sy vinnig die vrou se lippe ingekleur het. Dit was kortes, langes, vettes, maeres, oues en jonges wat met ewe veel prettigheid voor haar lippe geplooi het. Om die wĂŞrelrekord van 472 binne ’n uur te verbeter moes dit vinnig geskied en vir finesse was daar nie veel tyd nie. Elke vrou moes dan ’n soenafdruk saam met ’n boodskap op ’n papiertjie laat wat na ’n pasiĂŤnt by die kinderhospitaal gestuur sal word. Die vrouens het met hul soenboodskappies ook elk R20 bygedra, wat aan die hospitaal geskenk sal word. Die prettigheid het Arno Jordaan ook aangespoor om sy lippe te laat inkleur. As ’n getroue Bloubul-ondersteuner wou hy ‘Blou Bul’-pienk
lippe gehad het. Na afloop van die lipinkleur-soensessie het Le Roux-Wahl in die ruskamer ontspan. “Dit is ’n lekker gevoel om te weet dat jy moontlik ’n wĂŞreldrekordhouer kan wees. Die beeldmateriaal van die kamera wat die hele gedoente afgeneem het, moet nou na die beoordelaars van die Guinness Book of World Records gestuur word, maar ons weet dat ons 14 meer vrouens se lippe ingekleur het as die vorige rekord. Die grootste aardigheid vir my was die verskillende maniere waarop die vroue hul lippe aangebied het. Ek het nooit geweet daar is soveel verskille nie. My arms was na ’n uur se inkleur al ’n bietjie lam,â€? het sy gesĂŞ.
Metro still mum on old mayoral home Taxpayers footing the bill for maintenance costs Ané Roux There are still no answers from the Tshwane metro regarding the official mayoral home in Muckleneuk. Two weeks ago Rekord enquired what the metro intends doing with the house that is costing taxpayers to maintain. The mayor, Kgosientso Ramokgopa, is in the process of building a new home in Centurion while he is staying in Olympus. Upon Rekord’s visit to the Muckleneuk property, unidentified metro officials guard-
ing the gate, pushed the reporter away. Rekord asked the metro for comment regarding the maintenance costs on the property and the metro’s plans for the house, but the metro failed to answer any of the questions. DA chief whip, Janho Engelbrecht, is clear that the metro cannot afford a property like the official mayoral home to become a white elephant. “To maintain a property of that size is expensive. We would like to see the property either sold or utilised as an residence for the city’s guests instead of paying hotels.”
Police arrest four drug dealers Four drug dealers had a surprise last week Wednesday morning when police confiscated their containment of dagga, worth R125 000. The four suspects were en route from Bosman station to Mamelodi, when police noticed their suspicious white Volkswagen Golf. According to Captain Jan Sepato, spokesperson of Silverton police station, two bags weighing 70kg was found in their possession. “The Pretoria flying squad arrested and brought in the suspects. Here are Sergeant Moses Malema and Constables William Kgatla and Mubadekanyi Liabara with two of the suspects and the containment of dagga that was found in their possession. Photo: Valeska Abreu
Adjunkhoof word eersdaags verhoor Du P Martins
A police officer is photographed using the barrel of his R5 rifle to do road markings at an accident scene.
Officer ‘paints’ with his rifle Valeska Abreu A police captain used his own initiative and substituted spray paint with the barrel of his R5 rifle, to do road markings at an accident scene. Shocked bystanders photographed the actions of the police officer on the corner of Middle and Dey streets in Groenkloof on Sunday afternoon. Two vehicles collided and two people suffered
minor injuries, but it was this action of the police captain that kept the onlookers entertained. According to an eyewitness, the officer took the barrel of his rifle and scratched it on the tar to mark the positions of the vehicles. “He scratched his gun on the road. He didn’t even care that there were bystanders or anything. What if the gun went off?” said the eyewitness. It is not known whether the weapon was loaded at the time.
According to police, this is not normal procedure. “The incident will be investigated. There are spray paints that are used for this purpose. An internal disciplinary process will be instituted to get to the bottom of what happened on the day and should the officer be found to be at fault, the necessary corrective measures will be taken,” said police spokesperson, Lieutenant Colonel, Tshisikhawe Ndou.
Die geskorste adjunkhoof van die Tshwane-metropolisie, direkteur Ndumiso Jaca, gaan strafregterlik vervolg word en sal eersdaags in die landdroshof in Pretoria verskyn. Dit volg na ’n driemaande-lange ondersoek deur die Nasionale Vervolgingsgesag (NVG) na Jaca se bedrywighede, wat na bewering met vals nommerplate bestuur het. Hy word ook aangekla van bedrog, die bestuur van ’n ongelisensieerde motor en die bestuur van ’n ongemagtigde motor met blou ligte. Jaca, wat ’n sterk aanspraakmaker vir hoof van die metropolisie was, is in Oktober verlede jaar geskors. Sy peperduur luukse voertuig en sy Harley Davidson-motorfiets het die registrasienommer BALTY GP gehad. Jaca is in Johannesburg in ’n spoedlokval voorgekeer en op drie maande betaalde verlof geplaas terwyl die NVG die saak teen hom ondersoek het. Die Tshwane-metro se stadsbestuurder, Jason Ngobeni, het tydens ’n media-inligtingsessie verlede maand gesê die metro se ondersoek na Jaca se bedrywighede is
afgehandel en na die NVG verwys vir verdere ondersoek en ’n beslissing. Karen Meyer, DA woordvoerder oor gemeenskapsveiligheid, het gesê sy baklei al jare om korrupsie in die geledere van die metropolisie aan die kaak te stel. “Daar het onlangs ’n advertensie verskyn vir nominasies vir ’n oorsigkomitee wat die metropolisie moet beheer en toesien dat daar nie ongerymdhede voorkom nie. Dit is egter ’n komitee wat jare reeds bestaan, maar wat tot dusver nog nooit gefunksioneer het nie. Ons hoop dat hierdie komitee nou ernstig sal optree om misdaad en korrupsie in die metropolisie vas te vat,” het sy gesê. Sy het voorts daarop gewys dat die DA die NVG se besluit om Jaca aan te kla verwelkom, en dat die volgehoue ondersoek van die metropolisie se interne ondersoekeenheid wat die ANC wil ontbind, hiervoor bedank moet word. “Die bevinding van die NVG en die besluit om voort te gaan met hierdie vervolging is ’n verfrissende nuwe ontwikkeling wat ’n duidelike boodskap sal uitstuur dat korrupsie nie geduld sal word nie,” het sy gesê.
Twee lokomotiewe ontspoor ná diefstal
Fire fighter Neels Kruger from the Tshwane Emergency Services, at the scene outside Hotel 224 where it was reported that the building was on fire.
Du P Martins Twee diesellokomotiewe wat twintig trokke vol erts getrek het, het Woensdagmiddag sowat twee kilometer buite Cullinan ontspoor nadat dwarslêers onder die spore uitgesteel is. Die eerste lokomotief het heeltemal ontspoor terwyl die tweede die spoor net so ietwat byster geraak het. Dit is volgens spoorwegwerkers reeds die sewende keer die afgelope twee jaar dat diewe die staal dwarslêers op die hierdie spoorlyn gesteel het. Niemand is in die voorval beseer nie,
maar die twee lokomotiewe is erg beskadig. Die erts was vir Davsteel bestem. Die spoorlyn word merendeels vir die vervoer van goedere gebruik, maar soms ook deur Friends of the Rail vir plesierritte na Cullinan toe en terug. Volgens ’n spoorwegwerker is sowat 100 dwarslêers gesteel en blykbaar is niemand nog in enige van die gevalle in verband met die diefstalle in hegtenis geneem nie. ’n Woordvoerder van die Bronkhorstspruit-polisie, Johannes Japhta, het bevestig dat Transnet ’n diefstalklag gelê het en dat die saak ondersoek word.
Guard puts fire out Valeska Abreu and Suzette van Huyssteen No stone was left unturned on Wednesday evening outside the Hotel 224 building, as Tshwane emergency services fire brigade and ambulance services filled Leyds Street with response vehicles. Reports came in that the building was on fire, but when emergency services arrived at the scene, the fire had already been put out. According to Johan Pieterse, spokesperson the Tshwane emergency services, the signage on the outside of the building caught fire but was soon put out with an extinguisher by a security guard. “The cause of the fire is being investigated, but it could possibly be an electrical fault, only a thorough investigation will tell,” he said.
According to hotel manager, Div Nel, they rang the fire alarm and the fire was quickly put out. He said about 200 people were evacuated. “There were ignorant people who did not offer their co-operation and chose to go back to get their belongings. It looked far worse than what it actually was, but we thank the emergency services for their quick response,” Nel said. According to eyewitnesses who filled the street to capacity, they expected a massive fire due to all the emergency vehicles. Sizwe Mhlanglu said he came running out of his flat when he heard all the sirens, but was relieved when he heard it was only the signage that burnt and not the whole building. According to ER24 spokesperson, Vanessa Jackson, there were no injuries.
Dwarslêers is reeds sewe keer onder dieselfde spore uitgesteel. Twee lokomotiewe het in die laaste voorval, verlede Woensdagmiddag, ontspoor.
One caught with illegal cigarettes 110 cartons were confiscated Valeska Abreu
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B e k o s t i g b a a r • Ve r s t a a n b a a r • B e t r o u b a a r • D i e n s l e w e r i n g
The Silverton police and undercover Hawks officers arrested a suspect who was alleged to be in possession of counterfeit cigarettes last week. According to Silverton police spokesperson, Captain Jan Sepato, they were conducting a roadblock in Simon Vermooten Drive when a vehicle tried to evade stopping. “The driver of the vehicle made an illegal U-turn into oncoming traffic and lightly bumped another vehicle after which he drove away,” he said. Sepato said the police gave chase, but soon lost him.
“An undercover Hawks vehicle noticed we were on the lookout for a vehicle. After we gave them a description of the vehicle they said the vehicle just drove past them. We then followed two different routes in search of the suspect,” said Sepato. Hawks officers caught the suspect shortly thereafter. “We arrived at the scene and found two bags full of counterfeit cigarettes as well as cash in the vehicle.” According to Sepato, 110 cartons of cigarettes were confiscated, which could have a street value of about R11 000. The suspect will appear in court this week.
Co-accused denied bail Valeska Abreu Asblikke in Mayowerstraat na vullisverwydering.
Metro-asblikke word verniel AnĂŠ Roux Inwoners in die ooste van Pretoria is bekommerd oor die hardhandige wyse waarmee die metro se vullisverwyderaars die huishoudelike metro-asbikke op vullisverwyderingsdae hanteer. “Ek het gesien hoe ons asblikke in die vullisverwyderingsvragmotor leeggemaak word en summier op die sypaadjie gegooi word. Soms lĂŞ daar tot agt huise se asblikke op een hoop. Die deksels, wiele en kante van die blikke word so beskadig en gebreek,â€? vertel ’n inwoner van Mayflowerstraat in Lynnwoodrif. “Ek is verantwoordelik vir hierdie asblik en as ek ’n nuwe een wil hĂŞ moet
ek R700 opdok. Dis verregaande dat metrowerknemers ons asblikke so beskadig.� Dikeledi Phiri, woordvoerder van die Tshwane-metro, het bevestig dat die metro ’n toename in die beskadiging van asblikke opgemerk het, maar dat inwoners sowel as metrowerknemers skuldig is. “Sommige asblikke word deur die metro-amptenare en sommige deur die inwoners beskadig. In sommige gevalle is dit as gevolg van die beperkte lewensduur van die asblikke dat dit makliker skade optel.� Volgens Phiri word asblikke wat beskadig is, gratis deur vullisverwyderaars vervang. “Die vervanging van beskadigde asblikke is verniet, inwoners
betaal slegs vir die vullisverwyderingsdiens en daar is geen beperking op die hoeveelheid asblikke wat die metro per huishouding sal vervang nie. Dieselfde geld ook vir ’n gesteelde asblik. Inwoners moet slegs ’n polisieverklaring indien om ’n nuwe asblik te kry.â€? Daar is ook ’n versoek gerig dat inwoners enige beskadiging van asblikke by die metro moet aanmeld. “Sou inwoners enige verwaarlosing van die asblikke sien, word daar versoek dat die Afvalbestuurafdeling gekontak word,â€? het Phiri gesĂŞ. Navrae: Andre Beeslaar by 012-3589461 of Joseph Chiloane by 082-3201775.
The girlfriend of one of the co-accused in the Chanelle Henning murder was nowhere to be seen when AndrĂŠ Gouws was refused bail on Friday. Estelle Hepburn, who visibly supported her partner throughout the application, which started in January, did not attend court when magistrate Kiro Pillay gave her judgement in the Pretoria Magistrate’s Court. Henning was shot and killed in November last year. Pillay said ‘the state has a strong case’ against Gouws. She also stated that Gouws was unable to provide exceptional circumstances to allow the court to grant him bail. “The applicant has provided no evidence to the court to show on the balance of probabilities that he will be acquitted,â€? she said. Gouws’ attorney, Anel Jacobs, previously stated that her client was assaulted and threatened by wardens and inmates. She used this as one of her reasons to grant Gouws bail. Pillay slammed this, stating that Gouws failed to produce any evidence to support this and that no other claim of assault has come in since then. Pillay also dismissed any argument that Gouws’ financial status has suffered since his incarceration, stating that he was struggling financially prior to his arrest, as evidence was provided to support this. Pillay stated ‘there was nothing to ensure’ that the applicant would not make an attempt to conduct business outside the boarders of South Africa. The case was postponed to March 29 for further investigation when Gouws will appear alongside his other co-accused, Ambrose Monye.
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Criminal charges laid against Tshwane SPCA Animal Awareness makes claims of animal cruelty Natalie Grobler and Suzette van Huyssteen The feud between the SPCA and Animal Awareness has intensified and now involves criminal charges. Karin Smit and Cheryl-Anne Squires from Animal Awareness laid a charge of animal cruelty at the Silverton police station last week. They claim the SPCA dumped and buried an animal alive. This follows after they noticed what they believed to be a live German shepherd being buried in a sequence of photographs taken at the Mamelodi dumping grounds weeks earlier. The visuals consist of two photographs on which a heap of dead animals are visible with the German shepherd lying on top. According to Smit, the first photograph showed the dog’s head and body in one line and his ears peaked. In the second photograph the ‘carcass’ is in a different position and according to Smit it seems as if dog changed position. “There was also life in his open eyes and there is no doubt in my mind that the dog was alive,” Smit told Rekord. She believes that the dog was not properly euthanised, probably due to a too low dosage, and was in the process of waking up and unable to get out of the pit. Tshwane SPCA managing director, Rick Allan, on Monday said they launched an investigation after they were informed of the charges and Smit’s claims but said it is highly unlikely that the SPCA would dump and/or bury an
animal alive. He said the SPCA takes care in ensuring that all animals are properly euthanised with the appropriate dose. “Animals are not simply euthanised and then disposed of. We keep them at various sections at the SPCA and a certain protocol is followed before the carcasses are dumped,” he said. According to Allan, the SPCA interviewed the person who took the photographs and claimed the photographer denied that any animals were alive. The SPCA also unsuccessfully tried to trace the Tshwane metro employees who covered the pit at the dumpsite. Allan said there were various checks and balances to ensure that animals are properly euthanised at the SPCA and the fact that not only the SPCA, but also other organisations, including veterinarians, dump animal carcasses at the site should be considered. Meanwhile the two animal rights organisations still haven’t resolved issues recently raised by Animal Awareness. Rekord reported last week that Animal Awareness is accusing certain SPCA branches of not following their own policies and in the process mistreating the animals in their care. Animal Awareness claimed to have what they believed was proof that animals are being left to bleed to death following blood donations and animals being euthanised without waiting the required seven days. In an attempt to discuss the allegations, a meeting was held last Thursday but it soon reached a dead end with Animal Awareness walking out.
André and Leon Duvenhage van Crawford College se graad 1-groep by onderhoof Ian Rothman met hul gekleurde kapsels.
Hare gedoen vir Kansa Du P Martins Poenskoppe, bontkoppe en selfs hier en daar ’n eierkop, het gesorg dat R30 000 in ’n japtrap vir kankerlyers ingesamel kon word. Die Crawford College in Lukasrand se nagenoeg 800 skoliere het Vrydag deelgeneem aan ’n fondsinsameling waardeur hulle met die afsny van hulle hare of die kleur daarvan, geld ingesamel het. Kinders ouer as 12 moes R50 betaal om hulle hare af te sny of te kleur. Kinders onder 12 moes R25 betaal. ’n Centurion-skool vir haarkappers het aangebied om die hare af te sny of te kleur. “Dit was nogal heel prettig. Die meeste kinders het verkies om hulle hare bont te kleur, maar 24 kinders het gesê die hare kan maar waai. Een van ons skoliere, die 9-jarige Ciarra Vorster, het ons almal se harte gesteel toe sy aangebied het om haar hare af te sny sodat ’n pruik vir ’n kanker-
pasiënt gemaak kan word. Vorster het lang hare gehad. Sy het dit in ’n poniestert bymekaargemaak en gesê dat dit afgesny moet word,” het Candice Joy, die beplanner van die hare-projek gesê. Twee van die skool se onderwyseresse het ook hulle hare laat afskeer. ’n Verdere R8 000 is ingesamel met ’n ‘vendusie’ waartydens kinders kon bie op die onderwyser van wie hulle die meeste of minste hou en wie se hare ten aanskoue van die hele skool afgeskeer moes word. Die onderwyser wat sy hare kwyt is en op wie die hoogste bod van R3 000 toegeslaan was, is Carel de Lange. “Dit is die tweede jaar wat die skool op die unieke wyse geld vir die versorging van kankerpasiënte insamel. Die geldinsameling vir die versorging van kankerlyers is vir die skool van besondere belang omdat van die personeel en sommige van die skoolkinders se ouers self met kanker worstel,” het Vorster gesê.
Skenking afgesny Bianca KeenanSmith het die afgelope naweek tydens die Kansa Shavathon by die Atterbury Value Mart 30cm van haar hare aan kankerleiers geskenk. Hanlie Nel het seker gemaak die skenking word netjies afgeknip. Foto: Ané Roux
Cancer survivors help out at Shavathon In the true spirit of Shavathon, Menlyn Park shopping centre was one of the many centres across the country sharing in the experience. Celebrities and cancer survivors shaved people’s heads in support of this illness. Those who didn’t want to shave or cut their hair opted for a hair spray session. Seen here is Dorothy Roux, a cancer survivor, shaving the head of a supporter.
Rose named to celebrate 25-years
Elizabeth Monyela of the Thuthuzela Centre and Ester Jaca of the Mohau Centre are joined by Miss South Africa, Melinda Bam, (centre) to celebrate the handover of a R1-million cheque.
Natashia Slabbert
Businesses lend a helping hand Ron Sibiya The role of the local business sector to take care of those in need, was highlighted recently. Through the Business for Empowerment Trust (Bet), the sector donated R1-million to benefit approximately 500 disadvantaged women and children. Addressing the media prior to handing over the cheque at the Shere Empowerment Conference Centre in the east of Pretoria, the founder of Bet, Louis McLaren, said the aim of the event was not only to hand over a cheque. “The event was also aimed
at acknowledging the donors and to celebrate with beneficiaries,” McLaren said. In attendance was Miss South Africa, Melinda Bam, who congratulated Bet for doing a great job. The representative of Mohau Centre, one of the beneficiaries based at the Kalafong hospital in Pretoria West, Ester Jaca, said she was honoured by the support and that it made an impact on the lives of disadvantaged children. “The donation is important for running our organisation and other Bet beneficiaries,” Jaca said. Bet is a Pretoria-based initiative, a non-profit organisation
founded in 2008 by McLaren, providing a platform for businesses, by way of financial support to improve the lives of those less fortunate. This is done through service providers, including the Hunger and Thirst Foundation, Adopt-a-Child Programme, Mohau Pre-School Programme, the Positive Mom Road to Recovery Programme in KwaZulu-Natal and Positive Mom Road to Recovery Programme in the Western Cape. Beneficiaries were carefully assessed before selection and continuously monitored thereafter. Bet feeds 200 children on a feeding scheme, providing them with three balanced
meals a day. More then 100 HIV positive women received ARVs from the organisation. Bet also runs a number of centres that cares for disadvantaged children. At the event, two new initiatives were introduced, the Save Our Home campaign in aid of the Thuthuzela Aid Community Centre and the Empowerment Academy’s Youth Leadership Development Initiative. The Youth Leadership Development Initiative involves high profile businessmen such as Bobby Godsell of Business Leadership and Futhi Mtoba, president of Business Unit South Africa.
Word ’n Facebook-vriend en wen Die internet het die afgelope 15 jaar ’n integrale deel van die moderne mens se bestaan geword. Net soos in die geval van selfone, kan ’n mens amper nie glo dat die mensdom tot in die vroeë negentigerjare van die vorige eeu sonder hierdie tegnologie moes klaarkom nie. Nog een van die sektore van die samelewing wat ingrypend deur die internet geraak is, is die media. Die koms van die internet het beteken dat die mediasektor homself moes herposisioneer om relevant en kompeterend te bly. Hierdie situasie het later selfs ’n groter uitdaging geskep met die geboorte van die sosiale media. Verdere ontwikkeling in die tegnologie het beteken dat elke eienaar van ’n sogenaamde smartphoneselfoon deesdae omtrent op enige plek en tyd toegang tot die internet het en dat dit nie langer net die voorreg van rekenaareienaars is nie. Hierdie feite hoef egter nie noodwendig vir die gedrukte media ’n bedreiging te wees nie. Inteendeel, in die geval van die plaaslike media waarvan Rekord deel is, kan dit selfs nuwe geleenthede en moontlikhede skep om die plaaslike gemeenskap te dien. Dít is presies wat gaan gebeur as Rekord op 20 Maart vanjaar amptelik deel word van Caxton se puik nuwe produk, Deur hierdie opwindende nuwe webtuiste sal gebruikers die geleentheid gebied word om enige inligting oor plaaslike gebeure onmiddellik, deur die druk van ’n paar knoppies, te bekom.
Met die hulp van die span van Moneyweb is oor die afgelope maande ontwikkel en verfyn om aan elke moontlike behoefte van die plaaslike gebruiker te voldoen. Daar word voorspel dat binnekort die voorkeur nuuswebwerf vir die meeste plaaslike gebruikers gaan word. In die praktyk kan hierdie puik nuwe ontwikkeling wondere verrig vir gebruikers. Veronderstel byvoorbeeld ’n gebruiker is iewers binne die grense van die Tshwane-metro op reis en om een of ander rede is hulle dringend op soek na die kontakbesonderhede van ’n polisiekantoor, brandweerstasie, hospitaal, raadslid, skool, kerk of selfs sportklub. Deur sy selfoon te gebruik kan so ’n persoon dus die webtuiste besoek en die instansie waarna hy soek se kontakbesonderhede met die druk van ’n paar knoppies opspoor via se omvattende gids. Op dié manier kan die gebruiker nie net homself tyd en geld bespaar nie, maar ook inwoners tot diens wees as hy byvoorbeeld relevante probleme of selfs ’n noodsituasie aanmeld. Plaaslike nuus sal ook daagliks, soos dit beskikbaar word, op die webtuiste gepubliseer word. Dit beteken natuurlik dat besoekers aan altyd op hoogte sal wees van die nuutste nuus soos dit plaasvind. Wen met Rekord en Hoewel die plaaslike w weergawe van looklocal. eers op 20 Maart vvanjaar amptelik bekend-
gestel word, kry lesers nou reeds die geleentheid om groot pryse in afwagting van dié dag wanneer die nuwe webtuiste aktief sal wees, te wen. Al wat lesers hoef te doen om in aanmerking te kom vir pryse soos ’n Canon Powershot SX 110IS kamera, ’n Samsung 42cm LED TV van Metro Home City in Vermeulenstraat en ’n geskenkbewys ter waarde van R2 000 vir ’n De Lux Pamper behandeling by die Youth Beauty Clinic & Spa in Wonderboom, is om Rekord se Facebookblad te besoek en op ‘like’ te klik. Word dus so gou moontlik ’n vriend van Rekord op Facebook en jy kan in aanmerking kom vir een van hierdie pryse. Die Rekordgroep se adres op Facebook is:
The rose, perhaps one of the most elegant of all flora species, has been used for centuries to celebrate significant events. Next Friday will be no different when Ludwig’s Roses launches its new Sungardens Hospice Rose to celebrate the nonprofit organisation, Sungardens hospice’s 25-year anniversary. Ludwig’s Roses, South Africa’s rose connoisseurs, especially created and named a new rose for Sungardens hospice, which is known for its involvement in cancer patient care and support for cancer patients’ families. The hospice will receive R3 from every rose bush sold in South Africa and the money will be used to develop and improve projects such as home-based care for terminally ill patients. This money will make a difference in many lives. Sungardens hospice, Ludwig’s Roses and media partner, Rekord, will host a high tea on March 16 at Ludwig’s Roses to celebrate the launch of the rose. Ludwig Taschner, founder of Ludwig’s Roses, will give a presentation and delicious cold meats, cheeses, sparkling wines and rose petal liqueur will be available at the event that starts at 11:00. Tickets are available to residents and all money raised will go towards providing quality care to cancer patients in the greater Pretoria area, support to families dealing with the loss of a loved one, as well as support to orphans and vulnerable children. The Sungardens Hospice Rose will sell from March 17 at the Rose Festival. The event held at Ludwig’s Roses, starts at 09:00. Enquiries: To make a booking phone Paul Kirby on 012-348-1934.
Redaksionele Kommentaar Daar is â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n hele paar dinge wat die gevaarligte vir demokrasie in hierdie land laat flikker. Dinge soos die ondersoek wat eersdaags geloods gaan word na die werkinge en funksies van die konstitusionelehof, wek kommer dat die onafhanklikheid van ons howe in gedrang kan kom. Die konstitusionelehof se mag, funksies en onafhanklikheid is juis â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n produk van ons Grondwet en sy onafhanklikheid word daardeur beskerm. Indien jy iets aan sy funksionaliteit wil verander moet jy noodwendig die Grondwet se bepalings verander en as jy dit een keer doen om in die behoeftes van die regerende party te voldoen, gaan dit maklik wees om dit weer te wil doen, totdat â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n mens â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n stadium bereik dat die Grondwet geen mag meer het nie. Indien die Grondwet en konstitusionelehof nie meer die mag het om die demokratiese bestel te beskerm nie, sal ons gou die chaotiese pad loop van menige Afrikastaat. Ander gevaarligte sluit die gewelddadige protesaksies in wat van tyd tot
tyd voorkom oor swak dienslewering en die feit dat dit voorkom of die regering en metrorade hulself nie veel daaraan steur nie en ook nie hul dienslewering wil verbeter nie. Daar is nog talle sulke gevaarligte. Korrupsie. Tenderbedrog. Die verdeling van grondkwessie. Die nasionalisering van myne. Die grootste hiervan gaan homself hierdie week afspeel â&#x20AC;&#x201C; die massaprotesaksie en landwye staking wat deur Cosatu gereĂŤl word teen die e-tolstelsel. Dit is jammer dat die tolpadkwessie op die massaprotesaksie moes uitloop. Ten spyte van duisende stemme wat opgaan teen die tol van die Gautengse paaie, gaan die regering onwrikbaar daarmee voort. DĂt terwyl die regering by monde van die minister van vervoer self verlede week gesĂŞ het dat hulle ernstige lesse uit die e-tolsaga geleer het. Daar is wel â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n paar toegewings gemaak maar hierdie stelsel gaan nie net die gewone motoris se sak skud nie, maar het die potensiaal om inflasie op te jaag en ons groeikoers te verlaag. Die regering skep nou probleme vir homself. Cosatu vra openbare ongehoorsaamheid aan wetgewing. Dit moedig mense aan om nie e-skyfies te kry nie, nie tolgeld te betaal nie en nie boetes te betaal nie. Dit hou die potensiaal in van sosiale opstand en onrus wat ons land op die ou einde baie duur te staan gaan kom.
Briewe mag aan die Redakteur gerig word, Posbus 8261, Pretoria 0001, faks na 086-652-0378 of e-pos na Briewe mag nie langer as 200 woorde wees nie. Die Redakteur behou die reg om enige brief te wysig. â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n Skrywer mag onder â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n pennaam skryf, maar sy of haar volle name, adres en telefoonnommer moet die brief vergesel.
Letter rufďŹ&#x201A;es feathers Hannah from Val-de-Grace writes: I refer to bird loverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s letter (17 February) about shooting hadedas. To answer the question I suspect the shooter is a first time, sleep deprived mom who hasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t slept, eaten or brushed her teeth in two weeks. Heaven knows hadedas are an enormous nuisance when you have a baby that needs to nap during the day. Since I am not a violent person at all and a huge animal lover
Theo Schalkwyk van Pretoria-Oos skryf: Ek verwys na die berig in Rekord van 3 Maart, Court to decide on squatters. As â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n inwoner van die gebied is ek bekommerd om te verneem hoe die Tshwane-
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Rommelprobleem raak nou oogseer Elsa Venter van Monumentpark skryf: Die park op die hoek van Skilpadstraat en Njalaweg in Monumentpark is â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n skreiende skande. Die park het nooit asblikke gehad nie en toe het hulle die park relatief skoon gehou. Daar is seker 6 tot 8 maande gelede asblikke aangebring en al die strate het ook asblikke gekry. Die park lyk sedertdien soos â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n stortingsterrein, dit is vieslik. Die werkers kom met hul trekker en sny bo-oor al die gemors en los alles net so. Die park is nooit meer skoon
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King David is one of the significant Biblical figures who has touched the lives of many people Nevil Norden throughout the centuries. In Psalm 23 he teaches us something about God as the true Shepherd, who longs to lead His sheep. David starts off with a very found that Dagon had fallen over powerful statement in Psalm 23:1 flat on his face before the Ark of (AMP): â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Lord is my Shepthe Lord the next morning. herd [to feed, guide, and shield So the priests of Dagon had to me], I shall not lack.â&#x20AC;? set him up on his feet again. In this Psalm we see many of Our God, Jehovah, does not Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s redemptive names. have to be put together; it is He In the phrase â&#x20AC;&#x153;my Shepherdâ&#x20AC;? who will put us together and keep we find the redemptive name us together if we allow Him to be Jehovah Rohi. Jehovah speaks of our Shepherd. the â&#x20AC;&#x153;self-existing, eternal Oneâ&#x20AC;?. The true Shepherd cares for His God is not an idiot like Dagon, sheep and says: â&#x20AC;&#x153;I will not only the god of the Philistines. guide you, but I will feed you and When the Ark of the Covenant protect you when you follow Me. was captured and brought into the I will: lead you to pleasant pastemple of Dagon in Ashdod, they tures, befriend you and be close to you, seek you when you go astray, hear you when you pray, be your guardian on the way, and give you peace like a river.â&#x20AC;? Our challenge is to accept and allow Him to be our Shepherd so that we can declare with King David: â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not wantâ&#x20AC;?.
metro die saak hanteer. As dit hul houding is moet jy jouself die vraag vra of die tyd nie aangebreek het om ons belastinggeld in â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n soort belastingbetalersverenigingrekening te betaal en geld aan hulle beskikbaar te stel soos hulle presteer.
Park lyk deesdae soos vuil stortingsterrein
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of all species including cacophonic birds, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no way Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll ever hurt them. I have tried, however, to scare them away by making wild, noiseless gestures (remember my son is asleep) with my arms stretched out in the air, willing them to fly away to somebody like bird lover who will undoubtedly welcome them with open arms. As Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m on the verge of ambushing these raucous pe(s)ts, I humbly ask bird loverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s advice on the issue.
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E-pos jou briewe na:
Taal As jou gedagte soos â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n los donkie rondloop en aan hierdie herinnering of daardie staaltjie hap, word â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n mens soms bewus van dinge wat jy hoor en gelate aanvaar, maar jou ook grief. Skakel die radio aan en hoor hoe die nies gelees word, nie die nuus nie. En dit is mense wat gekies is vir hul korrektheid en nou die nuwe woord landwyd uitsaai. Of hoor hoe â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n onderhoud met iemand gevoer word en die persoon sĂŞ â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;dit is actually soâ&#x20AC;Ś.,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; of â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;dit was â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n great okkasie met cool mense en â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n paar stupid ouens wat die gig beduiwel hetâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. Of erger, â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n popsanger wat sing â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Daisy, daisy jy maak my crazyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. Jy besef sommer dadelik die ou se woorde het opgeraak en hy moes iets kry om te rym. Wie is die mense? Het hulle nie skoolgegaan nie? Het hulle geen bewustheid dat as jy jou mond oopmaak jy jouself etiketteer nie? So met die geselsery laat dit
nie. Terwyl een man gras sny, lĂŞ die ander werkers langs hul blou vragmotor en slaap. Waarom tel hulle nie die rommel op voor die trekker nie? Die park kort borde in 11 tale om te verduidelik hoe â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n mens â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n asblik gebruik en dat jy â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n boete kan kry vir rommelstrooi. Dan kan ek die polisie bel om die mense wat in die park lĂŞ te kom beboet vir drink in die openbaar en rommel strooi. Die ander strate in ons buurt is ook baie vuil en die rommel word nooit opgetel nie. Ons betaal almal belasting maar dit lyk afskuwelik.
â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n mens wonder of die persoon nie dalk â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n gesplete persoonlikheid het nie, die een helfte Afrikaans en die ander helfte Engels. Ek weet, vir baie is taal maar net â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n Du P Martins wyse van kommunikasie. Vir ander glo ek, is dit ook die draer of vir dieselfde geval, Engels van waardes en subtiliteite wat praat nie. jou in â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n sekere My ouma se waarskuwing nis in die samelewing plaas. van die woord â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;teâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; kom ook in Dit is vir jou om te kies in gedagte. watter nis jy geplaas wil word. Sy het gewaarsku van te veel As dit nie so was nie, dan â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;teâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; hierdie kant of te veel â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;teâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; wonder ek waarom die kortdaardie kant. kort se lawaai en woelerigheid Sy moes miskien ook die ter beskerming van Afrikaans waarskuwing aan die taalpunou eintlik gaan. riste of dweepsieke taalghoeDan is daar diegene wat sĂŞ: roes gerig het. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ja, taal groei, jy moet bykom Mense wat jou alewig met met die tyd ou. hul hoogdrawendheid wil â&#x20AC;&#x153;Woorde soos bye, fumibeĂŻndruk. geer, enjin is alles okey en Hul taalgebruik klink soms great.â&#x20AC;? soos die nota wat jy in die Natuurlik moet taal groei, pildosie van voorgeskrewe memaar nie soos â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n waterloot wat disyne kry waarin die apteker onbeheers gewone Afrikaans die indikasie en teenindikasie befoeter nie. in â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n taal van sy eie verduideDit is te verwagte dat geen lik en jy, na die lees of hoor persoon altyd doodgewone daarvan, dink jy is taalgewys algemene beskaafde Afrikaans, sieker as wat jy gedink het.
Klippe langs die pad
gedeelte. 012-667-1659.
Art courses - Oils & acrylics - March 23, 24 & 25. April 27, 28 & 29th. Water colour March 31 & April 1. Neil Moss 083-293-8936. See website RA/0509340
Mosaic classes. Come and learn how to mosaic anything. Learn new techniques. All material supplied. Go home with skills and a gift. Mel 074-103-8394. RA/0511016
Die Evangelies Lutherse Gemeente Arcadia bied hul Paaseiermark op 21 Mrt. Almal welkom. Tel 082788-2128. RA/0511696 Die organisasie Lady Gracious samel elke jaar geld in vir gestremde kinders. Hulle bak en verkoop Saterdae pannekoek by die FarmCity-mark van 09:00-13:00, h/v Atterbury- en Olympusweg. Tel 084-814-2291. RA/0508063
Hatfield Plaza Vlooimark vind elke Sondag plaas. Nuwe stalletjies. Marianne 082-924-7155. RA/0510300
Lekker Langarmdans, Vrydagaande 20:00. Munisipale Ontspanningsklub, Annie Botha laan, Riviera. Billike kontant kroeg. Eetgoed welkom. Geen o.18’s. R60 p/p. Kontak Johan RA/0510069 082-579-5646.
You can be more than a survivor. RA/0509667 Tel 072-639-8597.
Scottish country dancing, Thursdays at 19:45 in Hatfield. www. RA/0511679
Valleisig-kuiermark op 16 Mrt van 10:00 tot laat. Mathys Roets tree om 19:00 op. Tel 012-9911542. RA/0510327
Christ for Moot vir Christus bied ’n Enkelouerdag. Verskeie sprekers oor Enkelouers kan wen op 10 Mrt van 09:00-14:00 by Jakaranda-ouditorium. Tel 073-486-3975. RA/0511620
Magnolia Dell Fine Food Market. Every Saturday from 08:00-13:00. Fine foods and crafts. Beate 012460-7722. RA/0510347
Ontspanning g@p: Kom kuier lekker saam, maak vriende en luister na inspirerende praatjies en lewensverhale. Son 18:00 by Rafters RA/0510051 082-880-8484.
Markets New food/craft market, R100 p/weekend, busy Pick n Pay centre. SMS 076-939-7300.
Hazel Food Market. Market with 60 food stalls. Greenlyn Village Centre, Menlo Park. Every Saturday from 08:00 14:00. Retha 083-554-5636 RA/0510613
Irene Kunsmark - Smutshuismuseum 10 en 31 Maart 09:00 14:00. Irene Mark bied ongeveer 300 stalletjies met uitstekende handgemaakte produkte. ’n Deli met kosstalletjies en musiek, asook ’n Antieke
Circle dancing, 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 19:30 in Hatfield. Yvonne 083-268-2763. RA/0511704
Deaf Friendly presents a camp for the deaf at Heidelberg from Apr 2730. Dirk 082-880-2060. RA/0511674
CMR-Noord bied ’n Red-’n-Kind -gholfdag ten bate van mishandelde en verwaarloosde kinders. Waterkloof-gholfbaan, 27 Mrt. Anja 012460-9272. RA/0508813
Die ondersteuningsgroep vir afhanklikheidsprobleme vergader Maandae om 19:00 by Stabilis. Linda 082-570-1291. RA/0510353
Dr Salmon Joubert speaks on Conservation and Initiatives at Gem Village Hall, Irene, on May 19 at 11:00. Book 012-667-2917. RA/0511659
’n Boomidentifikasiekursus vir beginners vind op 10 Mrt by die Botaniese Tuin plaas. Linette 012843-5053. RA/0510345 Noord-Transvaal Tak van die Genealogiese Genootskap van SA. Delia Robertson vertel van die First Fifty Years Project. Kunsgalery, Voortrekkermonument, 10 Mrt om 13:00. Linda 082-254-8024. RA/0511642
Eden Golf Day takes place on May 10 in aid of Eden Ministries Outreaches projects. Albert 082777-4059. RA/0510341
’n Gholfdag ten bate van die sopkombuis van die Rioboth Pinkster Kerk vind op 30 Mrt by Akasiagholfklub plaas. Etresia 079-4060242. RA/0510332
L/s Voorpos se gholfdag vind op 22 Mrt by Akasia-gholfklub plaas. Marius 012-332-2354. RA/0510351
Sammy Marks-museum. Voëltoer met voëlgids Rihann Geyser en
Prostaatkanker-steunaksie vergader elke laaste Dinsdag om 19:00 by die Urologiehospitaal, Hatfield. Willem 082-901-6834. RA/0510290
The Ancient Egyptian and Near Eastern Society hosts a lecture by Prof Peter Loyson entitled Pharmacy and medicine in Ancient Egypt. March 14 at 19:00. Unisa. Tel 072-234-0481. RA/0511004
Saturday, March 10 SABC 1 09:00 Dance Your Butt Off 10:00 Generations 12:30 Whizz Kids of Mzansi 15:00 Laduma: Nedbank Cup 17:30 Daddy 24/7 18:30
Afrikaanse Toastmasters neem aan ’n humoristiese kompetisie deel. Linda 082-570-1291. RA/0510317
Alleenlopersamekoms ontmoet op 21 Mrt in Centurion. Bespreek 076-105-7747. RA/0511655
Centurion Chess Club meets every Thursday at Lyttelton library at 19:30. All level players welcome. Marius 083-626-1727. RA/0510292
Friends of Nylsvley and Nyl Floodplain presents Geoff Lockwood on Owls on Apr 21 at Nylsvley nature reserve. Book 012667-2183. RA/0511649
Pta Stroke Support Group meets every Tuesday 10:00-12:00 in the Coram Deo Building, Waterkloof Glen. Tel 084-270-4507. RA/0511630
Die Sentrum vir Spiritualiteit van die NG-kerk onder leiding van dr. Willem Nicol bied Retreat van 1315 Apr by Hartbeespoortdam aan. SMS Helena 082-335-2290. RA/0511641
SABC 1 06:00 Takalani Sesame 08:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 09:30 Muvhango 10:00 Martin 4 10:30 Turn It Out 12:00 Friends Like These 14:00 Selimathunzi 15:00 Matrixs Uploaded 17:28 Reflections of Faith 19:30 News 20:30 Untold Stories 21:00 Live SABC 2 06:00 Morning Live 08:50 Thabang Thabong 09:20 Curious George 10:50 Ratanang 13:25 Days of our Lives 15:00 7de Laan 19:00 News 19:30 Noot vir Noot 21:00 Mmampodi 21:30 Powerball 21:34 Afro Café SABC 3 05:30 Expresso: Breakfast Show 11:10 Isidingo 12:10 Mission Impossible 16:00 3 Talk with Noeleen 17:35 Oprah Winfrey Show 18:30 Wicket 2 Wicket 19:00 News 19:30 Entertainment News 21:00 Flash eTV 09:00 Rhythm City 09:30 Scandal! 10:00 Mad About You 10:30 The Young and the Restless 11:30 3rd Degree 13:30 WWE: Smackdown 16:40 The Young and the Restless 17:30 Medical Detectives 18:30 Rhythm City 19:00 News 20:00 Malcolm and Eddie
Ladies Rock and Surf Angling Club invites women interested in rock and surf angling to join. Trudy 083-308-0382. RA/0507274
Friday, March 9
Join the Toastmasters Pretoria Tshwane Club. Charlene 083-5058481. RA/0510338
Magalies Radio-amateurklub bied Saterdae gratis opleiding aan voornemende radio-amateurs. Eksamens is in Mei en Okt. Klasse word by John Vorster Tegnologiese Skool van 09:00-13:00 aangebied. Chris 082-464-1007. RA/0509668 Moot Toastmasters meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday. Members needed. Linda 082-570-1291. RA/0511682
Neonatal Buddies, ondersteunings-
groep van vroeggebore babas, hou piekniek op 24 Mrt om 11:00 by Botaniese Tuin. Corne 082-3836984. RA/0511652
If you are a isiZulu speaking Toastmaster and want to participate in the speech contest in April in your own language, phone Linda 082-570-1291. RA/0510316
MMC2012-Vaal. Van 20-22 Apr by Malonjeni Guest Farm, Vereeniging. Jan 082-785-4663. RA/0510323
Leer basiese gebaretaal. Deaf Friendly bied die Evangelie van Johannes in Gebaretaal by Morganlaan 749, Parktown Estates, Dinsdae om 19:00 aan. Dirk 082-8802060. RA/0511619
Jannie Moolman hou konsert ten bate van gemeenskapsontwikkeling by NG-kerk Lynnwoodrif, 9 Mrt, 18:30. Tel 012-348-5135. RA/0509640
by L/s Rachel de Beer. Prediker: Pastoor Johan Coetzer. Johan 082327-5500. RA/0510315
Child Trauma training team hosts a seminar on March 15 and 16 at Utopia Place, Lynnwood. A psychiatrist, paediatrician and psychologist are some of the speakers. www.childtraumacentre. RA/0508862
Alzheimer’s support group meets in Faerie Glen every last Thursday at 19:00 and last Tuesday at 10:00. Denise 012-991-1637. RA/0510272
ontbyt op die kroukiebaan. 11 Mrt. 06:00. Tel 012-755-9541. RA/0511003
Victory over childhood abuse.
Friends like These 19:30 News 20:00 Fool’s Gold 22:00 We are Marshall SABC 2 06:00 Thabang Thabong 09:00 House Call 10:00 Rough It Out 10:30 Wise Up 11:00 Keeping it Real 13:00 Muvhango 15:00 Captain Takeshi Castle 18:00 News 18:30 The Ghost Whisperer 20:00 The Voice 21:00 The Mo’Nique Show 22:00 Cold Case SABC 3 06:00 I am a Work of Art 07:30 The Super Hero Squad Show 08:36 Kids Challenge Show 10:00 X-Men Evolution 11:00 Crocodile Hunter 12:00 IFAD Documentary 13:00 Dr Oz 18:00 Celebs Biographies 19:00 News 21:30 Law & Order eTV 05:00 Haleluya Africa 06:00 Higher Life 07:00 Sibo and Friends 08:00 Thomas & Friends 09:30 Rhythm City Omnibus 13:00 Malcolm & Eddie 13:30 Blame it on Fame 17:00 WWE: NXT 18:05 Fear Factor International 19:00 News 20:00 Meet Dave
Sunday, March 11 SABC 1 08:00 Zenzele 08:30 Team Green 10:00 Spirit Sundae 11:00 The Chatroom 11:30 Big Up 12:00 Imani - The Devine Spark 12:15 An Nur V (Muslim Mag) 12:30 Heads Up Mzansi 14:00 Soccer 411 17:30 Gospel Gold 18:00 Roots 18:30 Sunday Live 19:30 News SABC 2 07:00 Weekend Live 08:30 Psalted 11:00 Eastern Mosaic 14:30 Pasella 15:30 7de Laan 18:00 News 18:30 Fokus 19:00 Stokvel 8 20:00 Gospel Classics 21:00 Captor and Captive: The story of Danger Ashipala SABC 3 06:30 Mickey Mouse and Friends 09:00 Dtv X1 12:00 Isidingo Omnibus 12:00 Top Billing 16:00 Hello Dr 18:00 Around Iceland on Inspiration 23:00 Law & Order eTV 05:00 Haleluya Africa 05:30 3rd
JC4JC-kerk Sondae om 09:30
Degree 08:00 Grassroots 08:30 Precious Memories 09:00 Hillsong 09:35 Cool Catz 11:00 TJ Hooker 12:35 WWE Specials 16:00 Ripley’s Believe it or not 17:00 WWE: Raw 19:00 News 19:30 Modern Family 20:00 Spider-Man
Monday, March 12 SABC 1 08:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 09:00 Generations 10:30 What’s Your Story 11:30 Real Goboza 13:00 Ses’khona 15:00 Matrixs Uploaded 17:00 Ek se Lalela 18:30 The Bold and the Beautiful 19:30 News 20:00 Generations 21:00 Soccer Zone 2011 22:00 Rookie Blue 2 SABC 2 06:00 Morning Live 10:20 Rivoningo 11:50 Nanny 911 12:40 Judge Mathis 13:25 Days of our Lives 15:00 7de Laan 16:00 Hectic Nine9 17:00 Dragonballz 17:30 News 18:00 When Duty Calls 18:30 7de Laan 19:30 Voetspore SABC 3 10:40 Generations 11:40 7de Laan 12:10 Mission Impossible 13:00 News 14:00 All My Children 15:45 Dr Oz 16:40 3 Talk with Noeleen 18:30 What I Like About You 21:00 The Middle 22:00 Law & Order eTV 05:30 eNews Sunrise 06:00 Sunrise 09:00 Rhythm City 10:00 3rd Degree 10:30 The Young and the Restless 11:30 Great Expectations 12:30 Backstage 13:00 News Day 14:30 Paddle Pop Adventures 14:35 Cool Catz 15:00 Power Rangers: Samurai 15:30 Thomas & Friends 15:45 Bob the Builder 16:00 Sistahood 16:40 The Young and the Restless 17:30 Medical Detectives 18:30 Rhythm City 19:30 Scandal! 20:00 The Steve Harvey Show 21:00 eKasi:Our Stories
Tuesday, March 13 SABC 1 08:30 Isidingo 09:00 Generations 09:30 Muvhango 10:00 Martin 4 13:30 Shift 16:07 Comedy Khona
Leeskringvergadering. 16 Mrt 14:00. NG-kerk Lynnwoodrif. Spreker Rianna Scheepers praat oor Ligvoets, lekker en leersaam. Tel 012-333-3610. RA/0509650
Events will not be accepted over the phone. Fax to 086-645-6764 or e-mail or or post to PO Box 8261, Pretoria, 0001. Only events not aimed at profit/product selling, will be placed for free. Publication is not guaranteed. Deadlines are strictly Wednesdays at 12 noon for the next week’s edition. Events aimed at profit and events for guaranteed publication can be placed at a nominal fee. Contact Small Hits on 012-842-0321 or fax 086590-9648 or e-mail at
17:00 Cory in the House 18:00 Play Your Part 18:30 The Bold and the Beautiful 19:30 News 20:30 Montana 21:00 Why are we so angry? 22:00 The Beast 23:00 Living Single SABC 2 06:00 Morning Live 08:50 Thabang Thabong 09:20 Curious George 10:20 Rivoningo 11:50 Nanny 911 13:25 Days of our Lives 15:30 Muvhango 16:00 Hectic Nine-9 18:30 7de Laan 19:00 News 19:30 Soutmansland 21:35 90 Plein Street 3 23:00 Open University 2 SABC 3 05:00 Nuus/Weather 09:00 Celebs Biographies 12:10 Mission Impossible 14:00 All My Children 17:40 Days of Our Lives 18:30 What I Like About You 21:00 Desperate Housewives 22:00 Law & Order 23:00 Nip Tuck VI eTV 06:00 Sunrise 08:00 eNews Sunrise 09:00 Rhythm City 09:30 Scandal! 10:00 The Steve Harvey Show 10:30 The Young and the Restless 11:30 Great Expectations 12:30 Backstage 13:30 WWE: Afterburn 14:30 Paddington Bear 14:35 Cool Catz 15:00 Gormiti 16:00 Frenzy 18:30 Rhythm City 19:00 News 19:30 Scandal! 20:00 House of Payne 21:00 UEFA Champions League
Wednesday, March 14 SABC 1 06:00 Takalani Sesame 08:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 10:30 Spirit Sundae 12:00 Live 13:00 Sgud’Snaysi 15:00 Matrixs Uploaded 17:00 Cory in the House 18:30 The Bold and the Beautiful 20:00 Generations 21:00 Relate SABC 2 06:00 Morning Live 08:50 Thabang Thabong 09:20 Curious George 11:50 Nanny 911 12:40 Judge Mathis 13:25 Days of our Lives 14:10 The Mo’Nique Show 16:00 Hectic Nine-9 17:30 News 18:00 Our Moments 18:30 7de Laan 19:00 News 19:30 Pasella 21:00 Muvhango
22:00 Cold Case 23:00 Open Unicersity 2 SABC 3 10:40 Generations 16:45 Days of Our Lives 21:00 Zero Tolerance 00:00 Oprah Winfrey Show eTV 06:00 Sunrise 09:00 Rhythm City 09:30 Scandal! 10:00 3rd Degree 10:30 The Young and the Restless 11:30 Supernanny 15:30 Lazy Town 17:30 Medical Detectives 19:30 Scandal! 20:00 My Name is Earl
Thursday, March 15 SABC 1 08:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 08:30 Isidingo 09:00 Generations 09:30 Muvhango 10:00 Martin 4 10:30 The Chatroom 11:00 Big Up 13:30 Siyayinqoba 15:00 Matrixs Uploaded 17:28 Journeys of Inspiration 18:00 Ses’khona 19:30 News 20:00 Generations 20:30 Home Affairs 21:30 Cutting Edge 22:00 The Lab SABC 2 06:00 Morning Live 09:20 Curious George 09:50 Takalani Sesame 10:20 Rivoningo 11:50 Nanny 911 12:40 Judge Mathis 13:25 Days of our Lives 15:00 7de Laan 15:30 Muvhango 16:00 Hectic Nine-9 17:00 Dragonballz 18:30 7de Laan 19:30 The Big Break Legacy 21:00 Muvhango 21:30 Speak Out 5 SABC 3 11:40 7de Laan 12:10 Mission Impossible 17:40 Days of Our Lives 21:40 Kings 23:00 30 Rock 00:00 Oprah Winfrey Show eTV 06:00 Sunrise 09:00 Rhythm City 09:30 Scandal! 10:00 Madam & Eve 10:30 The Young and the Restless 12:30 Backstage 13:30 WWE: Raw 16:00 Craze World Live 16:40 The Young and the Restless 17:30 Street Court 18:00 eNews 19:30 Scandal! 20:00 Mad About You 20:30 Waitress
Celebrities treat kids Celebrities took time out of their busy schedules to spend time with those less fortunate recently. Donnalee Roberts (Annelie from 7de Laan) L’loyd Cele, and Leandie DuRandt (Getroud met Rug-by) spent a day at the Menlyn Park shopping centre with children from the Amadea Safe House, Tshwane Place of Safety Association, Berg en Dal Pregnancy Crisis Centre, Jacaranda Children’s Home and Kungwini Early Learning Centre. “It brings so much joy to my heart to be able to take time out of my day and spend it with those who really need the attention of a mother, father or just a friend,” said Lloyd Cele.
•NOTICE• The Capital City Business Chamber (CCBC) mini-expo and network event takes place on March 14 at Union Caterers, Utopia Place, from 16:00. The event includes discussion on business presence on the Worldwide Web, search engine optimisation and social media as a business marketing tool. The expo will afford entrepreneurs the opportunity to not only showcase their products, the new CCBC website will also be launched. Enquiries: Leandre on 087-802-1021. The South African Air Force Association (Saafa) is an all-rank meeting place, founded in 1945. It has a light hearted atmosphere and the bonhomie of its aviation-minded members also share responsibility for the needs of less fortunate ex-South African Air Force (Saaf) workers and their spouses. Money raised is for the association’s Care of the Aged programme. Saafa is hosting its annual fun day event at Zwartkop Air Force Base on March 17 for all eager walkers, runners and mountain bike cyclists. Support and help raise money for Saafa and the cause they support. Enquiries: Marianne Fryer on 012651-5921.
DBV maan om nie lewende diere te gebruik Natalie Grobler Paasfees is om die draai en die nasionale DBV versoek inwoners om nie regte hase te gebruik vir die feesvierings nie. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Daar is reeds inwoners en winkelsentrums wat ons genader het vir goedkeuring om lewendige diere vir hul Paasfeesuitstallings te gebruik,â&#x20AC;? het Chris Kuch, woordvoerder van die Nasionale Raad van die DBV, gesĂŞ. Kuch het gesĂŞ die uitstalling van lewendige diere is â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n groot risiko vir hul welsyn. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Lewendige diere is nie speel-
goed nie, maar steeds is daar inwoners wat kleursel op hase gooi om hulle oulik te laat lyk sodat hulle die diere kan verkoop. Die DBV is gekant teen die idee om diere as geskenke te gee.â&#x20AC;? Hy het gesĂŞ baie skole maak die fout om ook kuikens vir hul leerlinge te gee om huis toe te neem. Meeste van die kuikens gaan dood omdat hulle nie die regte kos of genoeg water kry nie, kuikens word doodgesit of ander troeteldiere maak hulle dood. â&#x20AC;&#x153;As skole, inwoners of winkelsentrums hase vir Paasfees wil hĂŞ, stel ons voor hulle moet eerder hase
van sjokolade wees. Diere moet nie misbruik word ter wille van feesvierings nie en iemand wat dit doen moet nie ondersteun word nie.â&#x20AC;? Inwoners word aangemoedig om diĂŠ soort aktiwiteite by hul plaaslike DBV aan te meld.
Karlien Brink, Karel en Narushka Prinsloo hou daarvan om met hasies te speel, maar word geleer om hulle met liefde en respek te behandel. Met die oog op Paasfees, versoek die nasionale DBV mense om nie regte hase te gebruik vir die feesvierings nie.
LOST & FOUND Rekord publishes this column on animals lost and found as a special service to the community. â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n Swart worshondreun met bruin pote is op 19 Februarie in Rutgerstraat, Moreletapark, gevind. Navrae: Jeannie du Plessis by 082-927-4673. â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n Yorkshire-terriĂŤrteef het op 25 Februarie in Flowerstraat, Capital Park, weggeraak. Sy is goud en silwerkleurig met kort geskeerde hare. â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n Vrou en haar klein seuntjie het langs die pad gestop en sy het in hul motor gespring. Navrae: Chamyn by 082-555-2757 of Henk by 082-326-9370. A red-tailed African grey went missing on February 28 in the Silver Lakes area. She is very tame, has one toenail missing and loves to drink bitter black coffee. Enquiries: Dr. Ralph Sorensen on 082-573-0710. An oriental black haired cat went missing on February 24 in Meadow Height Estate, Moreleta Park. His name is Max, he has green eyes and needs medical attention. Enquiries: Monica Teunissen on 082-3367349. â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n Swart en bruin worshond het op 21 Februarie op die hoek van Panorama- en Strandloperstraat in die Rooihuiskraal-omgewing weggeraak. Haar naam is Angel en sy is saggeaard, bang vir donderweer en is gesteriliseer. Navrae: Hilda by 076-1572606. A highly pregnant female short hair Siamese cat went missing on January 5 in Ben Viljoen Street, Pretoria North. Its name is Nhala and it has a blue collar and a blue bandana with white patterns. She has blue eyes. Enquiries: Adri on 071-9569299 or Norman on 072-618-5374. â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n Bruin rifrugteef het op 19 Februarie in die Pretoria-Noord-omgewing weggeraak. Sy dra â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n bruin halsband. Navrae: Koos de la Rey by 082-562-5944 of 082331-1132. A cream and light brown male Pekinese was found on February 22 in Paul Kruger Street, Mayville. The dog is well cared for and in an immaculate condition. It is believed it comes from the Pretoria North area. Enquiries: Sandra du Preez on 072-097-4839 or 082-294-3906. â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n Jong grys kat soek â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n liefdevolle huis. Navrae: 076-439-1658. â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n Wit bulterriĂŤr is in Pretoria-Noord gevind. Hy is tans by die Akasia-dierekliniek. Navrae: 012-527-0034. Vermiste katte is in die omgewing van 20e en 21e Laan in Villieria gevind. Daar is â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n wit en swart kat met â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n swart kolletjie op sy neus, â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n wit kat met blou oĂŤ en groot kolle op sy lyf, â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n wit kat met groot swart kolle, â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n grys wollerige kat met swart kolletjies en strepies en â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n swart kat met wit bors en wit voete. Navrae: Carina by 079-960-1665. â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n Afrika-gryspapegaai is by die Pebble Rock-gholfbaan by Roodeplaatdam gevind. Die voĂŤl het â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n gebrek en daar word versoek om die gebrek te beskryf. Navrae: Annatjie Ludik by 012-542-3723 of Eben by 082-738-4560. â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n FoksterriĂŤr het op 31 Desember in die Dorandia-omgewing (Bokmakieriestraat) weggeraak. Hy is 9 jaar oud en sy naam is Vlekkie. Navrae: 083-520-9347.
Now you can cut your water heating costs by up to 67% )*24)=;27=471=6,%6=5,29)4 =6,-1.=2*=6,)= )/)'64-'-6;=;27 4)=75-1+ === #%6)4=,)%6-1+=%''27165= *24=73=62= =2*=;274=0216,/;=)/)'64-'-6;=&-//
But thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s good news: *=;27=-156%//=%=,)%6=3703=62=,)%6=;274=9%6)4 = you can cut your water heating by up to 67%=()3)1(-1+=21=)18-4210)16%/='21(-6-215 =,)%6=3703=-5=%1=)1)4+;=)*?='-)16=9%6)4= ,)%6-1+=6)',12/2+; = 6=-5=%=5-03/)=()8-')=6,%6 75)5=/-66/)=)1)4+;=62=64%15*)4=,)%6=62=;274= 9%6)4 =",-5=4)(7')5=;274=()3)1()1')=21=6,)= '21564%-1)(=329)4=+4-(
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Another energy saving initiative from Eskom.
Volkswagen Jetta 1.4 Tsi 118kW Highline.
Top 10 motors word op die proef gestel Die spanning loop hoog in die aanloop na die naweek wanneer die Motor van die Jaar aangewys word Bernard K Hellberg
Jetta a sedan in its own class The name seems to say it all. This sixth generation Jetta continues to appeal to those motorists who require a stylish mid-sized sedan that is spacious and represents superb value for money. With an elegant new look, inside and out, the new Jetta does not share panels with any other Volkswagen models. Well equipped with standard features such as climate control air-conditioning, a multifunction steering wheel, six airbags, ABS, ESP (electronic stability programme), 17-inch alloy wheels and cruise control, the Jetta is a strong contender for the title. Add tyre pressure monitors, sports seats, sports suspension and hill-hold control and it becomes clear why the
Jetta is one of the finalists to beat. The award-winning 1,4l engine uses supercharging and turbocharging technology to produce breathtaking performance and superb fuel economy. Fuel consumption is a respectable 6,3l/100km, brilliant figures for a car that can achieve a top speed of 221km/h and a 0-100km/h sprint time of 8,3sec. In designing the car’s chassis, engineers have managed to find a good combination of driving dynamics and comfort. Anti-roll bars front and rear contribute towards the car’s dynamic handling and performance. The warranty is good for three-years/ 120 000km, and there’s a service plan that covers five-years/90 000km.
Die toetsdag by Pretoria se bekende Gerotek-terrein is agter die rug en motorliefhebbers sal moet wag tot 14 Maart wanneer Suid-Afrika se jongste Motor van die Jaar aangewys word. Onder die tien finaliste, wat almal puik voertuie is, was daar sommige wat verras het, party om die verkeerde redes. Die Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.4 met sy 125kW enjin het veral op die hoë snelheidovaal (HSO) beïndruk, waar dit amper dieselfde snelheid as die Mercedes-Benz SLK 350 gehaal het. Daarbenewens parkeer die Alfa redelik moeilik vanweë blindekolle agterlangs. Die Alfa kos R297 800 en is goeie waarde vir geld. Die Audi A6 3l turbodiesel met Quattro-vierwielaandrywing het as een van die gunstelinge na vore gekom. Die R645 000 koopprys kan dit egter pootjie. Op die HSO het die Audi maklik vir die SLK hakskene gewys en is Quattro ’n waardevolle bate teen ’n snelheid van 215 km/h. Die Citroën DS4, ’n 1.6 Sport met 147kW enjin, is uiterlik en van binne aan die voorpunt van ontwerp. Wat sy prys betref, suig dit egter aan die agterspeen teen R325 900 wat nogal taai is. Die DS4 is egter vir diegene wat bo die gepeupel wil uitstyg en graag ‘anders’ wil wees. ‘Anders’, soos om nie om te gee om soveel geld neer te sit vir ’n motor waarvan die agterste ruite nie oopmaak nie. Ondanks sy dinamiese prestasie op die HSO en die renbaan het die Citroën steeds ’n agterstand met daardie koopprys. Ek gee dit slegs ’n geringe kans. Nog ’n diesel, die Ford Focus 2.0 TDCi outomaties (powershift) het goed presteer teen hoë snelhede (op die mini-renbaan), danksy ’n puik onderstel. Ek vermoed die Focus het ’n buitekans op die louere. Die Ford Focus kos R285 480. Vanjaar se vroeë gunsteling, die Hyundai Elantra 1.8 GLS, het nie teleurgestel nie. Teen R220 000 bied die Elantra stewige bougehalte en vaardigheid teen hoë snelhede. Die minimalistiese klein Kia Picanto met sy 1,2l-enjin, het die oë laat rek deur gemaklik 165km/h op die HSO te haal. As die bekostigbaarste (goedkoop klink net nie reg nie) kan jy ’n Picanto kry teen
R118 995 en die moderne Europese Peter Schreyer, voorheen van Audi, se ontwerp daarmee saam. Daar is ’n spesiale plekkie in ons lewens vir motors wat soveel teen hierdie prys bied. Ongelukkig het die Picanto, vanweë sy beskeie massa en kort asafstand, op die martelstroke gesukkel. Nogtans kan die Picanto, na my mening, onder die eerste drie eindig. Teen R752 400 was die Mercedes-Benz SLK 350 BlueEfficiency loshande die duurste. Renbaanhantering was uitstekend, maar op die HSO kon die Mercedes net nie dieselfde topsnelheid as Audi se vierdeurdiesel haal nie. Die Mercedes kos ook R107 000 meer as die Audi. Wat ook teen die SLK tel, is die feit dat geen tweesitplekmotor nog ooit die kompetisie gewen het nie. Almal se monde het oopgehang toe die Peugeot 5008 Active 2.0 met sy 110kW turbodiesel die mini-renbaan aangedurf het. Al die jurielede het geglo so ’n groot regop ‘mom’s taxi’ sal stadig en versigtig deur die draaie geneem moet word, anders val hy om, maar watwou, Peugeot, soos ’n ware sportmotor kan die 5008 as veilig deur draaie en kronkelpaaie beskryf word. Teen R315 500 bied die Peugeot 5008 goeie waarde vir geld, maar is dit onwaarskynlik dat dit as wenner gekroon sal word. Mense wat gedink het Suzuki beteken slegs motorfietse en kragbootenjins het nog nie die Kizashi bestuur nie. As ouboet van die geliefde klein Jimny, was die Kizaski (R295 500) 2.4 SDLX-handrat ’n stewige mededinger wat in ’n uiters mededingende segment saamspeel. Die prys is reg, die bougehalte van hoogstaande gehalte en die Kizashi het die vermoë om onder die top drie te eindig – indien nie as wenner nie. Volkswagen se Jetta is waarskynlik die motor wat die meeste krag, 118kW, uit die kleinste enjin kan optower. Hierdie verstommende krag is die gevolg van gevorderde tegnologie wat beide ’n turbo-aanjaer en ’n kompressor gebruik. Teen R274 500 bied die Jetta ’n gerusstellende stabiele rit teen hoë snelhede, ’n moderne en verbruikersvriendelike kajuit en redelike vaardighede op die sinkplaatgedeeltes. Die Jetta is ook een van die gunstelinge.
Better safety and more space The all new Kia Picanto, which made its global premiere a year ago, has been redesigned and re-engineered with outstanding styling that conveys a sense of solidity and maturity. Longer than the previous model and with an extended wheel base, the new Picanto offers more passenger comfort and increased cargo space. Up front, the ‘face’ of the Picanto expresses the same refinement as other new Kia models with its ‘Tiger’ nose grille and sporty side angles with 15-inch alloy wheels. Although a compact car, the 1.2 16 valve twin cam engine delivers an excellent 65kW, while offering fuel consumption of 5l/100km. A gearshift indi-
cator is also standard and encourages economical driving. In terms of safety, the Picanto plays in a bigger league. It has ABS brake and ESS (emergency stop signal), airbags for the driver and front passenger, as well as ISOFIX child seat anchors. An alarm, immobiliser and central locking are also standard. Various other convenience features are also standard, including air-conditioning, a radio with CD/MP3/USB and six speakers, electric windows, front fog lamps and Bluetooth connectivity. Heated side mirrors are also standard. The warranty and service plan both extend to five-year/100 000km.
Taking driving to a new level Now in its third generation, the SLK 350 is one of the most exciting and successful sports cars ever built. It takes open-air driving to a new level and offers top performance with ecology-friendly fuel consumption figures of 7,1l/100km. In just a few seconds, this roadster transforms itself into a coupe with a fixed roof at the touch of a button. Thanks to its powerful 225kW sixcylinder engine, the SLK has a top speed limited to 250km/h and accelerates from 0-100km/h in 5,6 seconds. Interior appointments are of extremely high quality and include innovative comfort features such as Airscarf, to ensure pleasant open-top motoring,
Mercedes-Benz SLK 350. The Kia Picanto 1.2 EX manual.
The Audi A6 Turbodiesel.
Audi A6 geared to set the new standard in its C-segment class The new Audi A6, now in its seventh generation, is geared to set a new standard in the C-segment as it features many technical innovations and lightweight aluminium design. Numerous aluminium components and high-tech steels reduce its weights by 30kg when compared to the previous model. The design embodies athleticism and elegance and the long bonnet, low sweeping roofline and prominent lines on the sides create a dynamic overall appearance. The body features additional strong points, while state-of-the-art materials and design methods ensure extremely
low noise levels. Precision tuning of all components and systematic hydraulic dampening in the axle and drive train provide excellent vibrational comfort. The more powerful V6 generates 180kW and applies 500Nm of torque, available between 1 400 and 3 250rpm. The S Tronic and Quattro drive are standard with this engine version. The standard sprint is over in just 6,1sec and the top speed is limited to 250km/h. This top of the range TDI consumes just 6l of fuel per 100km under normal conditions. It is regarded as one of the favourites for this year’s title.
even under cooler conditions. High levels of safety are standard and include Attention Assist, which detects drowsiness in the driver, the standard anticipatory occupant protection system Pre-Safe® unique to Mercedes-Benz and Pre-Safe® braking which applies the brakes automatically in the event of an impending rear-end collision. The intelligent light system includes cornering, country mode, motorway mode and enhanced fog lamps. The SLK 350 owner enjoys the benefits of a six-year/120 000km maintenance plan and a two-year unlimited kilometre warranty.
New Elantra’s style elevates to the next level in motoring quality The new Elantra, Hyundai’s medium luxury sedan has set the cat among the pigeons with its eye-catching and exciting design and performance. This is the car that has elevated Hyundai to the next level and it competes as a modern premium vehicle at an affordable price, while offering luxury and quality. By lowering the roofline, creating muscular wheel arches and adding sharply creased character lines, the design team gave this sedan a powerful and assertive stance. The ‘fluidic sculpture’ design language that was first seen in the popular ix35 SUV and the Sonata, has now been applied to the Elantra, one of the Korean car manufacturer’s bread and butter models. The refined look continues inside. High gloss black and metallic colours in the cabin add a futuristic high-tec look to the interior. A variety of features not found in many of its rivals will delight and surprise driver and passengers. These include safety escort headlamps that remain switched on for 30sec after the driver has left the car, a rain sensor for the windscreen wipers and rear park assist sensors. The Elantra’s 1,8l four cylinder produces 110kW thanks to variable valve timing and hydraulic engine mounts. Linked to the smooth six-speed manual gearbox, it delivers a combined fuel consumption cycle of 6,5l/100km.
The Hyundai Elantra.
The luxury interior.
A side glance of the new Elantra.
Cars on the Plot bied alle motorliefhebbers die kans om Saterdag na ou motors te kom kyk.
Veterane skou motors Kom besigtig veteraanmotors van toeka tot nou tydens Cars on the Plot by Plot 19, 3e Weg, Montana, oorkant Chamberlains Montana op 10 Maart vanaf 08:00. Die Datsunklub sal sorg dat dit â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n genotvolle dag saam met familie en vriende sal wees terwyl verskeie stalletjies vir kos sal sorg. Alle veteraanmotoreienaars is welkom om â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n plek te bespreek. Navrae: Louis Wessels by 082-8093573.
The estate agent as an employee
Linda Erasmus, CEO of Fine & Country International Realty, South Africa, said estate agency principals should be more concerned about the misconception in the industry about the working relationship between the estate agent and the agency. Many estate agents still argue that they are independ-
ent contractors and not employed by the agency. The real concern is tthe fact that so many principals operating real rea estate agencies agree. In the first instance, one has to look at conthe definition of the employment em tract as described in the Labour Relations Act. The contract of employment e is a volbe untary agreement between two parties, in terms of which one on party (the employee) places his or her labour potential at the disposal of the other party (the exch employer) in exchange for some form remuneration says Erasmus. of remuneration, Estate agents agen seem to prefer the feeling of o being independent therefor do not like to be and therefore categorised as employees. On the other hand, many owners of o real estate businesses prefer to keep their p distanc because indedistance pende contractors fall pendent outsi the scope of the outside Lab Labour Relations Act and the Basic Conditio of Employment. tions There is currently an entire debate going on to establish whether an estate w
Linda Erasmus, CEO of Fine & Country International Realty, South Africa.
agent is an employee or an independent contractor, says Erasmus. The law is clear about the difference between being an independent contractor and being an employee. Courts apply various tests, which include the control, organisational, dominant impression and economic capacity tests to clarify the difference between the two. One could argue that companies exercise reasonable control over estate agents to ensure brand protection and promotion, a high quality of service and commitment to the companies clients. Estate agents are neither allowed to work for more than one specific brand and the amount of control the principal has to exercise in relation to trust accounts, imposes a further measure of control. The organisational test determines whether the person is part and parcel of the business and the dominant impression test speaks for itself. Back in 2002, the law changed, providing more clarity on the subject. The new law highlighted the fact that real estate companies should provide tools, marketing material and technology to the estate agent to equip him or her better for his or her job and that the estate agent in general, should render his or her services only through one company. Erasmus, who has first hand experience after having been involved in a leading case at the start of the millennium, said she has no doubt the law sees the estate agent as an employee and the industry needs to prepare itself better to support the estate agent as an employee in the workplace.
Tel: 012 842 0321 â&#x20AC;˘ Faks: 012 842 0319 â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ REKORD CENTURION SPERTYD: MAANDAG 12:00 vir dieselfde week / ANDER REKORD-KOERANTE: SPERTYD: WOENSDAG 12:00 vir daaropvolgende week â&#x20AC;˘ Kantoorure: 8:00 - 16:30
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082-927-0782 Hansie
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I pay more than dealers * Cars under R100 000 * Bakkies & 4x4's under R200 000 * Certain quality motorbikes
Contact Dirk 082-688-3752 RA/0498217
VOERTUIE GEVRA Ons koop motors/ bakkies/sleepwaens onder R100 000 vir kontant. Chris: 082-337-8401 Rian: 082-819-9367
Noorde van Pretoria
Kontak Johan 083-459-5135 RA/0511398
Kontantlenings: Onmiddellik beskikbaar teen: motors, vragmotors, bakkies, bote, woonwaens, sleepwaens, motorfietse en juwele wat u verpand. Skakel Danie Muller
073-782-3121 RA/0511185
By U Huis
All ON SPOT REPAIRS Fridges, freezers, geysers, washing machines, driers, microwaves, stoves, dishwasher, air conditioner, electrical faults and plumbing. Guaranteed and pensioners discount. OPEN ON WEEKENDS! Wilson 012-753-3665 083-864-3383 RA/0510618
CASH PAID FOR SA Art, Antiques and Jewellery. 082-657-2610 ra/0483989
All unwanted knitting machines. Empisal, Passap, Duomatic. 082-564-6978 RA/0508156
CENTURION AUCTIONEERS 48 Botha Avenue, Lyttelton We buy & sell all your unwanted goods. We also loan money when you need it most!!! We buy all furniture CASH. Pay and load. Contact Tania
012-664-3469 / 082-563-2444 / 012-664-1750 ra/0505279
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1 Dag Diens
Judy 082-976-7700
ACTIVITY CASTLES & SLIDES, party packs, (keep 2 days). Deliveries
082-686-2282 ra/0491460
Activity castles.
Aag nee los blokkies!
ALLE BLOKKIES-/ HOUTVLOERE. Afskuur (90% stofvry) en seĂŤl. HerlĂŞ en installeer.
Mauritz: 083-411-3537 012-331-6320 ra/0496681
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Asemrowende springkastele te huur.
RONEL 012-377-1710/ 082-677-1553 ra/0496091
AANBOUINGS & VERBETERINGS Geen werk te groot of te klein. Ons doen ook: Staalwerk,Elektriese werk & Loodgieterswerk.
Willie 083-764-8089
Springkastele, Gisela 083-442-4640 / 012-347-4158
Afskuur, seĂŤl, herstel en installasies van
HOUTVLOERE Van Rensburg WOODFLOORING 012-663-3910 / 082-565-7888 /
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SMS 082-453-1251 RA/0510009
EXTRA LESSONS @ HOME All grades/subjects 082-341-4759/0800-864-486 ra/0511201
Alle voertuie & bakkies vir KONTANT. Ek kom na u. Bel/sms laaste
076-939-7300 RA/0510771
MASTER MATHS / MASTER SCIENCE WISKUNDE / WETENSKAP Ann: 082-702-1118 Celeste 082-461-8285 Helen 078-530-2846 RA/0510789
PIETER BOSCH W/masjiene, T/droers & Stowe, Speed Queen, Defy W/pool, LG, Samsung
083-271-0990 RA/0511440
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012-330-2176 ra/0502707
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Gert 084-813-5049
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0011 Jaar in Rekord
BY DIE HUIS W/masjiene, Ys/Vrieskas T/droers & Stowe, Speed Queen, Defy W/pool, LG, Samsung
Different types to hire. We Deliver. Annatjie 076-464-1520
0123317864 / 082-555-0031 ABSOLUTE BEST
24/7 Re-gassing from R350
aai alweer gebreek
Against your car, caravan, trailer. Be safe! Co. Est. 1991. Blacklist welcome. De Villiers 012-323-5420
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Able to help you
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Onmidd. beskik
Lourens 082-730-4956 RA/0510500
Lukas 072-379-4744
R10 750pm
Prof.bekendstellingsdiens vir Enkellopendes sedert 1997. Min aansl. R600 vir 6maande.
Ys- / vriesk, stowe, oonde, wasj, t.droĂŤrs, skottelgwas
By U Huis
fabriek (500m² te huur.) 3-Fase krag. Stoor. Kantoor. Elektries omhein, alarm, CCTV. SFM
10 Jaar in Rekord!!! APPARAAT HERSTEL
Gerrit 082-824-2070 DON'T TRADE IN!!
Aan - diens ! ! ! ! - 04 - 04:45 pm
ys-/vriesk, stowe, oonde, wasj, t.droĂŤrs, skottelgwas
CALL 079 564 0580
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Spesialiseer in ADD/ ADHD/Disleksia.
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by u HUIS
'n RO skool vir leerders vanaf Gr 1 - 7.
Centurion RemediĂŤrende Akademie
Karen Myers Dog Training School:
Fondasie krake, sak, teĂŤls en verf. Gerhard 083-728-2601 RA/0511356
All pool maintenance. Weekly or monthly. Arrie 082-338-5729 RA/0511427
Lek jou swembad? Barracuda werk nie? Bel Alwyn 072-068-6200 Alle Herstelwerk Re-marbelite Pomp & filter 'new pools' Gratis kwotasies RA/0511352
Nuwes, herstel en diens. Riaan 083-583-0311 RA/0511355
A & GEO-ALEX Na 24 jaar steeds die beste gehalte KOMBUISE, KASTE, toonbanke,
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Ashley 083-632-3914 ra/0509045
Hendro 083-255-0409 RA/0504013
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Alle Apparaat Herstel 082-555-0031 ra/0511129
082-256-9886 Eie bakkie en gereedskap RA/0511240
TOPTV Installations & repairs.
072-027-9955 RA/0510815
0 ; ,
DSTV Installation & Repairs, Relocation, Surround Sound, Extra Points. Francois 084-245-8859 ra/0508423
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DAK LEK Dakherstel, Waterdigting, Verfwerk, Paving, Fasias, Geute, Plafonne, Bouwerk. Wooden Decks. 25 Years our business + Ref's.
0 ;$ ==@ 6: = 6? 77 7: #- ( / )(-
Rudi 073-031-2799
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installations * Single view * Extra view * HD * Signal problems * Relocations Where customer service is just the beginning
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Dressmaking & Fashion Design Classes. Beginners, Advanced. Also Knitting. Tweetalig.
Denise 082-402-5062 RA/0506963
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BOFFINS 15 Years experience
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Absolutely lowest prices
HANDYMAN and PLUMBING services Phone 082-771-7334
Call Cactus Plumbing 083-261-5658 / 082-610-7603 Alle Geysers, Drains, Toilette, pype ens. Andries Loodgieters
No call out fee. 012-377-3905 072-390-1559 RA/0510797
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071-421-3825 RA/0509749
Erwee 079-435-7389 BETROUBARE ELEKTRISIĂŤN 24 / 7 LAE TARIEWE Thys 082-565-9581
Betroubare, eerlike ElektrisiĂŤn vir al u elektriese behoeftes, herstelwerk, veranderinge, nuwe aanbouings, energie besparing, met Sertifikate vir werk gedoen.
Jannie 079-820-6307 ra/0507745
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Green installations, burst pipes & leaks. Martin 072-374-4105 ra/0510658
DIAL AN ELECTRICIAN EST. 1996 24/7 SAME-DAY service Free Quotes. Power Failures. Generators, Stoves, Lights, Plugs, Geysers, Pool & Borehole Pumps, Gate Motors, Intercoms. 012-809-0204 / 012-663-5608 All hrs: 083-575-2052 RA/0510763
7;' #; ! ( 7;'!1 #( % 7;' #; ( ( % 7;' #;( - ( 7;0 ! #( % 7; ! 7; / 1 #( % 7; !(-( %; ! ( 7; ;3; ; --; ( ( %
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012-365-3849 071-683-1760 RA/0508690
Looking for a Plumber & domestic LP Gas installer that's reliable, professional, well-priced and work guaranteed? No call-out fee Johan Fourie 082-093-7650
All Phase Plumbing RA/0493983
Seamless guttering by:
Gate & Garage automation * INTERCOMS * PALISADES * ELECTRICAL FENCING *Installations & repairs
Call Albert: 082-572-7842 RA/0497346
Elektriese sertifikate, herstel + installasies 082-448-7290 RA/0504421
HSH ELEKTRIES Alle nuwe elektriese installasies, herstelwerk / instandhoudingswerk, fout opsporing en elektriese sertifikate.
Skakel Hercules 082-871-0368 / 072-382-3441
2 !/!% ! 2 2
Nico 012-548-3624
All plumbing work !!
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kleistene. Alle "stone age" Stene vanaf R80/m² RA/0497389
ABSOLUTE PEST CONTROL Free Quotes!! We beat any written qoutes.
012-662-1043 082-741-8438 RA/0510801
MATSKOONMAAK Droog binne 15 min. Eienaar werk self
Elna 072-958-0697 ra/0493411
PICK ME CARPET CLEANERS 4 Rooms: R450 Colin 083-281-8460 ra/0511430
082 353 9600 ra/0492897
2= $ $ 2 = ', . '33 E' 6 ,
R350 - 5 Room Home With R300 - Lounge Suite
> 2 2 ? 7;$ !1 ( % 7;) ( ; !/ 7; ! ( ( %
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082-339-6135 082-441-0335 ra/0511210
ARG. BOUPLANNE 072-141-4731 ra/0511423
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DENSA CLEANING SERVICES t/a SKITTERBLINK Do you have problems with cleaning your house or office? WE DO IT ALL We use our own products Ironing, vacuuming, spring cleaning, window cleaning, carpet cleaning, dishes, dusting, etc. Pre-occupational cleaning. ONCE-OFF or WEEKLY Denise 083-453-2157 Santa 082-393-4893 RA/0504998
Betroubare, eerlike
BOUER om herstelwerk, verfwerk veranderings of aanbouings aan u huis te doen. Ons installeer ook reĂŤnwater- stelsels. Kontak Neels by 072-353-9999 ra/0507747
Absolutely affordable EXTREME CLEANING SERVICES domestic & commercial cleaning: once-off, weekly, pre-occupational.
Lorinda 082-495-8396
BOUPLANNE SACAP / SAIAT Geregistreer. Nuwe wonings, Aanbouings, Staal konstruksie, Goedkeurings. Gratis kwotasie.
082-971-8587 of 082-825-8832 ra/0510070
Bouwerk en alle
Restourasiewerk vanaf R3 000 per m² Kontak Jan 082-771-0098 35 Jaar ondervinding RA/0511353
SKITTERBLINK Domestic & Commercial Ironing, vacuuming, windows, carpet cleaning. Once-off / weekly Pre - & Post - occupational Cleaning * Personal assistant * Safe & Secure * 14 yrs experience
Equestria 074-175-9878 Brooklyn 083-570-8729 Waterkloof 072-512-4933 Carpet Cleaning 084-511-2843 RA/0497372
ACE CARPETS Standard room from R70. L/suite from R50 per seat. & Tile / Wooden flrs.General cleaing 082-269-2251 ra/0507437
4 ) ,) 2 , " 5; 5 :;8< " 5; 5 "" 2 ! - % ! ! !2 2
Aabacus Tree Felling cc Gratis Boomsloping *Kwotasies *Uithaal van stompe *24 Hrs - Versekering
*Erf skoonmaak
Skakel Danie of Johanna 076-094-7233 ra/0507558
082-443-0088. 10% Minder as enige kwotasie. 25 Jr ondervinding. Ten volle verseker. Eienaartoesig. CAREL ra/0490317
Alle Kwotasies Gratis
911 - 911 BOOMSLOPING TREE FELLING Sloop, Snoei, Verwyder Hyskraan Trok, Sekelbos R10. Vol versek. 25 Jr ondv
082-575-8674 HANNES Allerbeste en flinke diens TUINAFVALVERWYDERING 083-450-0593 / 012-347-5550 RA/0509048
BO-PLAAS KITSGRAS / ROLL-ON LAWN Geplant en/of afgelewer. Betroubare & opgeleide toesig. 078-625-0733.
012-811-5095 RA/0497422
012-567-1445 / 082-823-5045
&'( )( * 8 $ , (9 , ) ":// 8 " // 2 / 3 8&,(3 &'( )( * 8
3 '/ & $( , 2 $ 9 ,
" << ! ! : :: ;
All Domestic Solutions Once off cleaning & contract PRO DOMESTIC RA/0506941
&'( )( * + ,(
@'(3 ,68 ()' %,
Absolutely affordable EFFECTIVE CLEANING
Domestic, carpets, upholstery & maintenance handyman services. Sonia 084-583-5952
+' .,
/ 2 / ) 3 ( * ( 4 5), ( * ( '/ , 3 ( '6'
4 !7 , ,
7;$! ; ; !/ 7; ( ; ! ( 7; - ; / %! 7; ; -!
Aaklig & aanstootlike bome
Cleaning Services
=>= =& > 2
Gustaaf: 072-222-7233 33 Yrs' exp. 012-547-0901
Bestuur sedert 1982 SKOU-AANBOD, 2 Jaar waarborg, Stene gelê teen R30/m². Gekleurde stene R45/m².
Van Dyk Pest Control
% -("( = ( ( = = ( 8=' --=" / = = ( 8=# 2 ( = /- =$ ( $ 8= ( = = $ = = == - / 8=65= =$ 8= / ( =B= ( 0 ! ; ! ( % A ; ;@;' ( ; !--;* + B ;' #;
Earth leakages, Stoves, Plugs, Lights, Geysers, Pool pumps, Borehole pumps, Gate motors, COC's etc
Henry 083-270-5808
Personalised service/ Persoonlike diens.
# ( E ( - "( $3 3 == 3 ( - "( $3 3
VILLAGE PAVE BK 012-324-4632 / 083-314-9798
Persoonlike toesig. Alle werke, bou, verf en "plumbing". Hang van deure.
nuwe installasies en sertifikate. Willie 082-786-2805
specialise in geysers, solar geysers, blocked drains, pipe leaks, installation of baths, basins, toilets, taps, etc...
AAN Aardfoute, herbedrading kan ek aandag gee,
Aan diens 24-uur Herstelwerk, installasies & sertifikate
8=*(- =' " 8= '=C) -D=' " 8= - = =' " 8= $ =C) -D ==' " 8= & / + ==' " 8= (-( $=' ( 8=) $$( $=' " 8=' "=# ( ( $ 8= = + =' ( 8=# ( ( $=!"= / 8= --=0 += 8=' - =' " == (-
* Vir alle loodgieterswerk * Sertifikate * 24/7 * Geen uitroepkoste
!!; ( 2 0 +;% !! 2
Ronel 082-854-7030
SAUL: Bou-, pleister-, dak-, verf-, plavei-, loodgieterswerk. Verskaf arbeid & materiaal. 21 Jr ondv + verw. NHBRC 082-973-2329.
Aan diens 24-uur
3&(- "( $3 3
Free quotes for any pest: Termites, ants, bees, cockroaches etc. Broad leaves and weed control.
Pest control. Weed control. Fertilizers. Ants. Robert
012-335-9631 / 012-752-5256
For ALL your plumbing needs
Professionele installasies van:
012-809-0204 / 012-663-5608 All Hrs: 083-575-2052
J.P.L Chemicals and Pest control
Meubels / Furniture Yskaste - Freezers 082-565-7892 /
012-998-0002 082-662-4103
072-495-3171 THE CARPENTER
* Blocked drains * Geyser replace/repair * Leaking taps * Toilets & burst pipes
Verstopte riole, geysers, toilette.
All areas in PTA NO CALL OUT FEES!!!
Aanbou & loodgietersdiens
Lock Stock & Barrel 012-348-0325 083-556-6767
Drains, geysers, leaks
Ken 072-832-1919
Hein 074-165-9138
HANDYMAN services, Roofing
24 hrs
Bathroom renovations, blocked drains + toilets. Valves, geysers and burst pipes. SPEEDYPLUMBING
All Unwanted or Broken Gold & Diamond Jewellery, GOLD COINS INSTANT CASH. Do travel 24/7.
24/7 DSTV &
MATKOR CARPET CLEANERS Affordable Quality Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning. Our Services incl: Deep cleaning of: Carpets, Upholstery, Rugs & Mattresses. Car Interior upholstery cleaning. Contact us now on 082-381-3748
Accredited installer for
Mon - Sat + Supervision Carpets, Furniture, Leather Windows, Matresses, Flood damage. Once-off cleaning
Alta A/h 082-395-6449 East 012-991-5636 Centurion 012-663 4416 North - Moot 012-546-6158 / 012-331-7883
COMPOST GEREGISTREER INGEVOLGE (Wet 36-1947) Op gif & misstowwe
Best Organic Free delivery in Pta. Johann 082-416-2754 RA/0510731
Landscaping & Irrigation Leon 083-285-4508 RA/0510659
AMAZING SUPER CLEAN Deep clean - carpets, l/suites & mattresses. (No hidden costs). Mike 083-229-8046 081-328-8838 RA/0507665
AVIS CLEANERS. Cleaning of Std room from R100. L/suite frm R50 per seat & Tiles, Wooden flrs. 083-418-4700 ra/0507439
MARINA MATWASSERS Profesionele stoomskoonmaakdienste matte/ sitkamerstelle/matrasse 25 Years in Bussiness
Allen 082-754-7734 ra/0511429
MAGNOLIE TUINDIENSTE * Volledige dienste * Eenmalige skoonmaak * Tuinuitleg * Kitsgras ANSU 082-887-1952 RA/0504311
RIVERWORLD LANDSCAPES *Landscaping and design. *Irrigation and Koi Ponds, Ponds, Water Features. 083-672-6081 or Email charl@ RA/0511030
" # $%& '&$ '()*% **+ !"# # $ % ! %! & 3 )& 836)13 '3" 836).3 ' 3 #
GOEIE DIENS is ons leuse! 5 - 8 Ton trokke te huur met drywer. Shaun 083-646-7082 RA/0497281
Aabacus Tree Felling cc Gratis Boomsloping *Kwotasies *Uithaal van stompe *24 Hrs Versekering *Erf skoonmaak
Skakel Danie of Johanna 076-094-7233 ra/0507559
F S STAALWERKE Alle tipe staalwerke. Balustrades, hekke, diefwering, ens.
STEYNIES AUTOMATION Repairs & installations. Gate motors, garage doors & intercoms. General maintenance.
Johan 083-292-0637 RA/0497411
082-443-0088 10% Minder as enige kwotasie. 25 Jr ondervinding. Ten volle verseker. Eienaartoesig. CAREL ra/0490316
& afstootlike bome
! 3 ! 3" ' â&#x20AC;˘ PARADOX Digital Wireless In- & Outdoor Alarm Systems with Pet Immunity â&#x20AC;˘ Intercom and Access Control Systems â&#x20AC;˘ Surveillance Cameras â&#x20AC;˘ Electric Fencing â&#x20AC;˘ Professional Surveys and Installation.
3 3
Aaklige & aanstootlike bome
% ! 3+3 3 3
! 3$ ! 5 082-746-7755
BLITSBOME A B ALG. VERVOER 1.5 Ton Vanaf R250 2.0 Ton Vanaf R350 4.0 Ton Vanaf R450 Bourommel, Tuinvullis, alg. vervoer, asook mini trekke, kort en lang afstand.
Bertie by 082-501-1463 vir 'n gratis kwotasie ra/0508185
Fully Insured.
0861-708-000 all hr RA/0510055
Algemene meubelvervoer. Skakel Rika 082-920-1329/ 012-335-7098 ra/0497398
AUSTEN Meubel- en Kantoorvervoer
012-379-9559 RA/0505181
AGENTE BENODIG * Dames / Mans (Enige ouderdom) * Volledige opleiding verskaf. * Diens bestaande en werf nuwe kliĂŤnte * Benodig eie motor *R6 000 - 17 000pm * Teiken gedrewe * Moontlikheid vir promosie * Ma - Vry 8-5
Bel 082-871-3602 RA/0511009
Bel Kassie vir meubelvervoer.
,,,+ *-& %+*-+.'
Bokse te koop.
!/ /012
012-548-9317 082-454-8159 ra/0503927
BOUROMMEL VERWYDERING in PTA-OOS. 10mÂł, 17 ton vragmotor met Bobcat.
072-838-0001 RA/0511282
Fully billingual Contact Christel
072-661-6940 PROPERTY ADMINISTRATOR AND DEBT COLLECTOR Male applicants aged 25 - 35 wanted to perform full property rental administration function in Midrand area. Must READ, WRITE AND SPEAK Afrikaans and English fluently. Debt collection experience advantageous. Strong telephone manner & admin skills, attention to detail. Overtime as and when required.
CORRUGATED + PACKAGING SALES REP Pretoria & Surrounds Packaging experience (only need apply) Basic + comm + Car + provident. CV's to: RA/0510912
ANS Bediendes 012-345-4068 + faks. 24 jaar diens ra/0498832
- - - - - -
BAIE BETROUBARE HUISHULPE. Met verw, kontrak & UIF. 23 jaar in bedryf. Marthie
012-993-1590. ra/0497279
%! 3 %3 ! 3 % 3 % 8 #- - - #- -" - &
" $ %% $ 3' % 3 3 ! 3 % 3 ! 8 #-! - 1 - #- #- #- - - #- -'( " % ! % 3 '! %%!$3 $!$ &: 3' 3
3 3 3;,-.<322/3217. 3 ! = * *
Sukkel jy om werk te kry? Eie vervoer. Opleiding word verskaf. Enige iemand kan aansoek doen. Molly 012-345-5628 074-165-5566
Bertoubaar Martha: 5 Dag stukw verw 12jr, absolute aanwins, eerlik. 083-465-3128 ra/0510938
Betty soek Ma,Wo & Sa stukw. Uitstekende verw. Hardw, eerlik. Aanwins. 078-838-0688 RA/0511222
CLOUDIA: 084-336-9491. Seeks full-time, sleep out. Hardw. Ref: 079-164-3956 ra/0511165
CONNY: Sks full-time, slp out. Excellent ref. Cooks. Looks after the children. 072-680-2177
BLANKE DAME 63JR soek betrekking as VERSORGER. ONDERV 074-638-7531 JOHANNA seeks OFFICE CLEANING WORK. Matric. Hardw, neat. 072-774-1453 ra/0510974
JUDAH seeks WELDING / DRIVING work. 079-239-5507 RA/0511094
Sophie stukw. Ma - Vry . Betr, vriendelik. Verw. Kyk na kinders. 073-900-0733
Diale: 071-042-7478. Seeks Wed & Fri, sleep out. Excellent worker! Ref: 081-599-3530 DIANA seeks full-time sleep out work. Good REF. Hardw, loyal. 073-197-0269
Julia:072-578-3244. Full-time, sleep out. Reliable. Honest. Asset. Ref: 082-856-1638 RA/0511097
LAZI seeks full-time sleep in / out work. Ref avail. Hardw. 079-969-7569 RA/0510898
LISBETH: full-time job, sleep out, Mon - Fri, can look after children. 074-665-2503 ra/0511172
Donald: 074-215-4372. Seeks Mon, Wed, Thu & Fri. Ref 083-458-0837 / 083-449-7755 RA/0511431
GARDENER NEEDS WORK *Honest, reliable, competent. *Highly recommended Call Erla 082-351-6389 or Val 083-326-4311 *Frans needs work on a Monday & Friday RA/0510567
Johannes: Seeks Wed, Fri & Sat garden work. Hardw, reliable. 072-629-6230 Exp. RA/0511323
LIZBETH: Soek Di, Do & Sa. Slaap uit. Puik verw. Aanwins. Betr. 076-403-8334 RA/0511300
Lourene soek Di & Vry. Slaap uit. Betr, aanwins. Hardw. Verw beskik. 073-387-9226 RA/0511409
DINAH: Seeks full-time / piece work. Excellent ref. Cooks, childcare. 072-305-7043 RA/0511408
MAID-IN-HEAVEN Moeg vir kontrakte, huishulpprobleme? Ek't die alternatief. Het uitstekende huishulpe. SUZETTE: 074-371-2212 ra/0511216
ELIZABETH seeks 5 days sleep in work. Good ref. Wellspoken 072-767-0008 Reliable RA/0511088
MARGARET seeks full-time, slp in. Hardw, reliable, cleans, irons. Ref avail. 079-674-3459 RA/0511180
ELLINAH: 073-421-1438. Soek Wo, Do & Sa stukw. Verw: 082-416-6112
* New PCs * Upgrades * Repairs * Networks * Basic CCTV Systems
Call Johan for a FREE QUOTE
084-726-8307 ra/0510757
EMMAH 076-673-5630 full-time / piece job, slp in/out, hardw cleans, irons, ref 072-917-5879 RA/0511507
ENNIE 073-200-3217 Seeks full-time job. Sleep out. Hardw. Betr. Ref: 072-223-1518 RA/0511433
ESTER 072-316-8640 Seeks full-time job. Sleep in/out. Hardw, Cleans, Irons. Neat RA/0511263
Ester soek voltyds slaap in. Verw. Betr. Hardw. Aanwins. Stil geaardheid. 076-227-7131 ra/0511254
your PC? Get prof. help! From the smallest character deficiency right up to open hard drive surgery. We will solve your problems on your premises quickly
072-180-7672 RA/0501496
ESTHER 082-583-7482 Seeks full-time job. Sleep in / out. Hardw, Reliable, Cleans, Irons. RA/0510897
ESTHER seeks full-time sleep in. Hardw, reliable, cleans, irons, childcare 079-661-9229 ra/0511095
Esther: 072-080-8833. Seeks full-time, sleep in / out. Hardw. Asset. Ref: 073-667-3333 ra/0511248
EVA seeks full-time sleep out. Excellent ref. Highly recommended. 079-728-0516
PC Shop 082 667 1191 012 667 1111 (Experienced Sales Person Req. Email ) RA/0485599
FRANCINA 073-594-9161 Seeks full-time / piece job. Mon - Fri. Sleep in /out. Hardw. Neat. RA/0511126
GLENDA: seeks 4 days piece job. Excellent ref. Hardw Recommended 076-553-0010 RA/0511258
GRACE seeks Thu & Fri. Sleep out. Good with children. Hardw. Honest. 073-826-7613 RA/0510909
JOYCE: full-time slp in. Excellent ref. Good with Childcare 072-389-5863
& (
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4 , 9(,
+ ) *F ) * >,6) *7
, * 4 , 9 ,.'( 7
- - - - " $ Pos onmiddellik beskikbaar. $
JOHANNA, 084-791-0409 Ma & Vr inslaap. Het verwys. Tel. 012-997-1266.
Zanele seeks job for Mon - Fri Reliable, honest. Ref. 074-831-2624/ 072-692-7234
MARIA 071-532-8886 Seeks piece job Tue, Fri. Sleep out. Ref. avail. Hardw, Reliable
) *" !++
, -. / . $ 0##1
! " # $ %
* 2 3 4 5 6 03#%7&3
082-891-7126/ 012-993-2898
& +=
JOHANNA soek voltydse slaap uit. Verw. 072-023-6873 Eerlik. 072-101-3490
LINAH seeks full-time sleep in. Excellent ref. Childcare. Hardw, reliable, 073-390-3933
Tired of constant misunderstandings with
Hier is die geleentheid!
Johanna seeks full-time, (5 days) sleep in. Reliable. Honest. Hardw. Diligent. 072-892-3326
Deborah soek voltyds of stukwerk. Betr & hardw. Sy maak baie lekker kos en is goed met kinders. Werkgewer verhuis. Skakel AndrĂŠ Erasmus 082-852-5562 vir verwysings.
Sophy seeks full-time, sleep in. Reliable. Honest. Asset. Ref. Exp. 071-110-8754 ra/0511087
JANE: seeks full-time, sleep in. Ref avail. Cooks, childcare. 079-038-6570 Diligent.
ELSIE: seeks Mon, Wed & Fri. Sleep out. Hardw, Neat. Reliable. 072-270-3289
Wil jy werk as
LEAH: seeks Mon, Wed & Fri piece job. Excellent ref. Hardw, reliable. 083-978-2714
DIANAH seeks 5 days piece work. Excellent ref. Hardw, reliable. 072-089-4464 Honest
Include salary expectation
Faks CV na: 012 372 0163 of skakel: 082 549 0298
or fax to
IRENE seeks piece work for Mon & Thu. Avail for holidays. Exc ref. 076-458-1042
Forward your application to
2 TON - R170 3.8 TON - R280 4 TON - R290 4.5 TON - R310 6 TON - R550 8 TON - R 690 10 TON - R790 ALLE ARBEID INGESLUIT
Boomsloping / stompe / alle palms. Gratis kwotasies.
sakpas pryse!!
082-300-5044 071-682-5201
Skakel nou vir GRATIS kwotasie op boomsny
van Gert Steyn nie!
Garden Waste Removal Zelda 071-108-1580
Ekstra betroubare toesig
En vele meer. Ten volle versekerd. Eienaarstoesig. Rufus
sonder 'n kwotasie
Penny wise -
Preschool Teacher
Moet geen boom laat sny
$ $ $
082-085-5235 or
Aaklig & aanstootlike bome
083-562-2571 ra/0497546
Ferdi 083-291-2752
Only prospective candidates will be contacted.
Meubels, rommel, gras & klip. Alle vervoer.
076-729-8369 082-797-9419
ANNAH: 073-765-2794. Soek Mon - Fri. Slaap uit. Eerlik Aanwins. Verw: 082-784-0902
Call now for free filling and quote on general delivery!!
Small Seed Company requires person with experience in Office Admin, Basic Bookkeeping & Secretarial Work Applications close: 8 March 2012 CV: Strictly 1 page Fax: 086-694-0464 or e-mail to:
YOLANDI'S NAIL SALON Faerie Glen Full set of nails with tips: R170 Gel, Acrylic or Fibre / Silk. Call Yolandi on 084-804-7066
ANNAH seeks piece work for Tue & Thu. Hardw, trustw. Ref. 072-726-7253
Venue: Protea Hotel Hatfield. 10 March 2012 9am, 11am, 1pm
Selinah: 079-046-1736. Seeks Mon, Wed & Thu. Reliable. Honest. Ref: 083-379-0644
FILM & TV All ages, all races.
6.6M (9TON) R890 7M (10TON) R960
ANNAH full-time, sleep out. Cooks, childcare. Hardw, reliable. 072-203-6836 ra/0511382
Big or small, Tall or not
HELP ASB!! ELLEN (EX ZIM) 8 jaar permanent in ons diens. Soek inslaap werk in die ou Ooste. Beste wat ek nog ooit gehad het, maar ek verhuis Kaap toe. Hoogs aanbeveel. Beskikbaar van 3 April. Kontak Annette 082-445-9544
"# 3 & ;( 3/23)3-704<3 3 ! 393 ! 3
3M (4 TON) R350 6M (8TON) R790
ANNA: seeks Mo, We & Fri piece job. Excellent ref. Hardw. 076-135-4884 Reliable.
Earn extra money!! Work from home or part-time. Call 082-953-7614
-- -- " -- "
for gardens and furniture 012-664-5808 / 7103 (w) 076-142-1249
go BIG go CHEAP!! all
GREAT DOMESTICS, NANNIES & All Domestic Solutions. Placing of Domestic workers, tea-ladies. UIF reg. We also do Housekeeping, Cook & Bake training.
Pro Domestic. 012-567-1445/082-823-5045 RA/0506943
GARDENERS Screened temp & perm workers. Good ref. 2-month trial period. Temp & perm contracts.
Yvonne 076-680-6538 RA/0511217
HELLEN seeks piece job Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri & Sat. Hardw 082-647-1587 Diligent, honest ra/0510967
MARIA: stukw vir Ma, Wo & Vry. Uitstekende verw. Aanwins. 072-882-7637 Betroub RA/0510893
MARTHA: 073-278-3158 Seeks full-time work. Sleep out. Hardw. Ref: 083-969-2848 RA/0511308
NOMSA: seeks full-time sleep in/out. Ref available. Childcare. Hardw, reliable. 083-553-1116 ra/0511259
Patricia seeks Tue & Sat piece job. Exc. 3yr ref! Honest, diligent. 073-386-6780 RA/0511297
MORELETA PARK 4 Slk huis, 2½ badk, 3 motorhuise. R12 000 pm W&L uitgslt Dep: R12 000 Beskik einde Maart Kontak eienaar: 082-454-5445 ra/0511187
POPY: 072-624-2845. Seeks piece work for Tue, Thu & Sat. Ref: 073-228-3399 ra/0511283
REJOICE: seeks Mon,Wed & Fri piece work. Exc ref. Hardw. 083-372-1269 Recommended. RA/0510894
SALAMINA seeks full-time, sleep out. Cleans, cooks, irons, childcare. Neat. 078-473-8076 ra/0511106
Samaria seeks full-time, sleep out. Ref avail. Reliable. Honest. Asset. Diligent. 083-585-5281 RA/0511066
Sarah seeks 5 days, sleep out. Reliable. Honest, hardw. Ref. Experience. 076-227-7182 ra/0511278
Sarah seeks Full-time job sleep out. Reliable. Ref. Hardw. 073-633-0365 RA/0511071
Sarah: 071-797-9619. Seeks full-time, sleep in. Reliable. Honest. Ref: 082-782-1990 RA/0511105
Sarah: 079-851-6519. Seeks full-time, sleep in. Hardw. Asset. Ref: 082-709-7269 RA/0511079
SARAH: seeks full-time, sleep out. Childcare. Hardw, reliable. Diligent. 073-604-3151 RA/0511141
SARAH: seeks piece work for Tue & Fri. Excellent refs. Hardw, 073-613-7521 Diligent. ra/0511291
ARCADIA Groot, interessante, ruim, 3 slk dblverdieping huis. 330m², 2 badk, 2 storte plus 'n gaste toilet. Ingangsportaal, sitk, eetk, groot woonk met muur tot muur glasdeure. Dblm/h & huishulp toilet. Naby Hatfield Gautrein stasie in 'n gegoede omgewing. By Loftus, die skole en UP universiteit. Soek langtermyn huurders.
R12 000 pm Beskik vanaf 1 April Johan 079-532-6533 RA/0510976
EQUESTRIA 2 Bedr, 2 bathr and double garage with a nice garden in Equestria Estate.
R5 500 pm
Selina seeks 5 days, sleep in. Reliable. Honest. Hardw. Asset. Diligent. 073-538-2271
excl. elec. 1 April Monique 084-747-9230
Titans verloor op tuisveld LYNWOOD GLEN ESTATE Tuinwoonstel, 2 x slk, 1 x badk, sitkamer, kombuis. Onderdak parkering. Stil en privaat. Eie ingang. Veilige area. 24/7 Sekuriteit toegangs- beheer. Slegs vir VROULIKE STUDENTE
R4 200 pm W & l ingesluit, Geen troeteldiere.
082-457-6252 ra/0510992
OLYMPUS Partly furnished big garden flat. avail. W & L & parking incl. NO DOGS ALLOWED. Preferably senior couple. R4 500 pm 082-565-7289 RA/0510994
Koos Venter Halfpad deur die huidige MiWay Pro20-toernooi lê die Nashua Titans nou tweede op die punteleer, maar sal hulleself skop dat hulle die kans om eerste te wees deur wisselvalligheid verbeur het. Die Titans het Vrydagaand skandes gemaak op hul tuisveld toe hulle deur die Highveld Lions met sewe paaltjies geklop is. Met Farhaan Behardien wat die hoogste telling van 22 teen die Lions aangeteken het, sou dit altyd moeilik wees vir die boulers om die 121 lopies van hul span te verdedig. Waar die Titans almal uitgeboul is met ’n paar balle oor, het die Lions net vyf kolwers en 13 boulbeurte nodig gehad om die Titans se totaal verby te steek. Die Titans het in ’n mate opgemaak vir hul nederlaag van Vrydagaand, toe hulle Sondag in Kaapstad ’n oorwinning van ses paaltjies oor die Cape Cobras behaal het. Hierdie keer is Behardien (29) goed ondersteun deur die jong
Pieter Malan (48 van 41 balle) en die ervare kaptein, Martin van Jaarsveld (25). Die Titans het die Kapenaars se 142 lopies in die laaste boulbeurt vir die oorwinning verbygesteek. Vroeër in die wedstryd het Alfonso Thomas, David Wiese en veral Eden Links en die ervare bulhond, Roelof van der Merwe, goed in die Cobras se beurt geboul. Van der Merwe se vier boulbeurte, waarin hy minder as vyf lopies per beurt afgestaan het en die paaltjie van die gevaarlike Dane Villas geneem het, was uitsonderlik. Die Titans speel Vrydagaand teen die Dolphins in Centurion en Sondag in hul herontmoeting met die Lions op Wanderers in Johannesburg. Roelof van der Merwe, veelsydige ster van die Titans, het Sondag in Kaapstad puik teen die Cape Cobras geboul toe hy as draaibalbouler minder as vyf lopies per boulbeurt afgestaan het. Hier is hy in aksie met die kolf. Foto: simondp@ actionimage
LA MONTAGNE Kamers te huur in Kommune huis met swembad vir persone onder 30jaar.
R2 200 plus W&L Marina 071-491-8852 ra/0510980
MONUMENT PARK x 2 Private 1 bedr on suite cottage with study, in beautifull garden. Stunning view, swim & entertainment area. Lock-up garage.
Single Christian executive. No children /pets W & L inclusive For end of March R4 300 pm Sue 082-225-6444
The Hospice Association of Gauteng created the first ever Run/Walk in support of 14 hospices across Pretoria. This event takes place on March 17 at the Lynnridge Mall in Lynnwood Road.
Walk or run for hospice Natalie Grobler Deelkamers te huur.
Huis vir Bejaardes Wonderboom-Suid
012-335-7503 RA/0510328
SUNRISE VIEW Aftree-Oord Rietvalleirand 3 Slk, 2 badk, lugvers. Dief-alarm, ens. R1 360 000 Kontak: Privaat 082-802-7442 012-345-2552 RA/0510242
SUIDKUS! Vakansie akkom.
082-785-9110 RA/0496674
UVONGO / MARGATE Nuwe, luukse oopplan 3 slk woonstel met 2 badk. Grondvloer. Seeuitsig. S/bad, DStv. Jaco 082-324-8872 ra/0511410
The aim of the game is to raise as much money as possible to ease the burdens of hospices across Pretoria. To enable hospices to provide quality care to patients, Hospice Association Gauteng will host its first event on March 17 at the Lynnridge Mall in Lynwood Road. The Lynnridge Mall and Rekord Run/ Walk in support of Pretoria hospices will consist of a 5km or 10km run/walk and all money will be divided among 14 hospices. “All the money will go towards providing quality palliative care to patients living with life limiting illnesses such as cancer and HIV/Aids,” said Paul Kirby, spokesperson for Sungardens hospice. He said the money would also provide support to patients’ families, as well as supporting orphans and vulnerable children in the Pretoria region. He said the 14 hospices have a total of 10 000 adult patients and approximately 13 000 children urgently in need of medical attention and support. Kirby said participants in the Run/ Walk event will not leave empty-handed, as spot prizes and exciting first, second and third prizes in both male and female categories can be won.
“We all have to do our bit when it comes to charity and each person who partakes in this event will help one of our patients to live a bit more comfortably.” He said patients in hospices were easily forgotten, as many people do not see the need to donate money to the dying. According to him, they would rather donate money to patients who stand a chance to survive. “With the money we receive from sponsors and residents, we are able to ease the burdens and make life more comfortable for those with terminal illnesses.” Adri Bouwer, marketing manager for Rekord, said the newspaper also entered a team and believes the day will be filled with fun and laughter. “We urge residents to partake in the Run/Walk to show their support to hospices and their patients. Hospices are doing an excellent job of taking care of their patients and all that we can do is show our support, raise awareness and donate money to help ease their burdens.” She said the Run/Walk event is not only for running enthusiasts, but also families who wish to create a stronger bond between their members. “We want the community to enjoy the day with the 14 hospices and Rekord.” Enquiries: 012-348-1934.
Nedbank runner wins in record time Phalane Othaniel from the Nedbank club outran a few big names on Saturday to win the Medihelp Sunrise Monster in Groenkloof, Pretoria. Othaniel won the 32km race in a new record time of 1:47:32. More than 6 000 athletes participated in this event, which was divided into a 32km monster, a 10km ‘small monster’ and a 5km fun run. Photo: Koos Venter
Toernooi-uitslae op web Die Varsitybeker-rugbytoernooi het weer begin en dit word met groot belangstelling gevolg deur rugbyliefhebbers in Pretoria. Alle wedstryde in dié toernooi word op Maandagaande gespeel. Ongelukkig beteken dit dat Rekord se verslag oor dié reeks nie
betyds kan wees vir die Oosuitgawe, wat dieselfde aand reeds gedruk word nie. Lesers in die ooste van Pretoria kan egter teen Dinsdagoggend om 11:00 Rekord se webblad by www. besoek vir ’n verslag van die vorige aand se wedstryde.
Wen kaartjies vir Loftus Rekord bied weer in samewerking met Vodacom en die Bulls ’n kompetisie aan waarin vyf lesers elk twee kaartjies kan wen vir eerskomende Saterdag se SupeRugby-wedstryd op Loftus Versfeld tussen die Vodacom
Bulls en die Blues. SMS die woord LOFTUS na 36968 voor L 8 Maart. Standaard SMS-tariewe is van toeS ppassing en gratis SMS’e ggeld nie. Wenners moet die kaartjies by Rekord se kantoor in Lydiana kom afhaal.
Swimming family wins title
The proud Fair Family with their medals at the recent Midmar Mile in KwaZulu-Natal. In front is Carmen (10) with their trophy as winning family. At the back from left are Evan (12), Niel (15), Ryan (16) and father Barend.
Atleet deel sy ervaring met klub Die belangrikste voorbereidingstyd vir 2012 se Comrades-hoopvolles begin in Maart. Dít is volgens die suksesvolste Comrades-atleet van alle tye, Bruce Fordyce, wat verseker met gesag oor dié onderwerp kan praat. Hy het onlangs die eerste van drie Comrades inligtings- en motiveringsgesprekke by Irene-padhardloopklub vir Pretoria se langasems aangebied. Die Comrades-koning het die wedloop al 29 keer voltooi, waarvan hy nege keer gewen het. Fordyce het verlede jaar gepoog om ’n Comrades-silwermedalje te verwerf, maar kon nie daarin slaag nie. Hy het die afsnytyd met net 31 sekondes gemis. Dié legendariese atleet het verlede Dinsdagaand veral met Comrades-beginners gesels wat vanjaar dié ultra-marathon vir die eerste keer aanpak. Hy het onder andere op oefening, diëetplanne en psigiese voorbereiding gefokus, vir die 89km afstand wat vanjaar op 3 Junie van Pietermaritzburg na Durban gehardloop word. Talle hardlopers van Pretoria het met verwondering geluister hoe Fordyce elke meter van die wedloop in detail verduidelik en beskryf. Fordyce meen hoopvolles wat nog nie soveel geoefen het as wat hulle beplan het vir dié jaar se Comrades-marathon nie, moet nie paniekerig raak nie aangesien die agt tot tien weke voor die ultra-marathon die belangrikste tyd vir voorbereiding is. Hy sal die tweede van sy sessies op 3 April by die Irene-padhardloopklub aanbied, wanneer hy gaan fokus op die vordering van die voorbereiding en die voortsetting van persoonlike doelwitte. Die derde en laaste sessie vind net minder as ’n maand voor die groot dag op 15 Mei, plaas. Navrae: Wynand Breytenbach by 012654-0005.
Die Comrades-legende en wenner van nege van dié ultra-marathons, Bruce Fordyce (middel), verkeer gesellig saam met die voorsitter van die Irene-padhardloopklub (links) en die bestuurder van die klub, Wynand Breytenbach. Fordyce het voornemende Comrades-atlete raad gegee by die eerste van drie inligtings- en motiveringsgesprekke wat hy by dié klub aangebied het.
The Fair family from Centurion has done it again. This remarkable swimming family made the stepup in the Midmar Mile this year to win the Family Team Race. This achievement follows after they were second last year and third in 2010. There were 1 769 swimmers competing in the Family Team Race at the Midmar Mile Event in February this year. The Fair family’s combined team winning time was 01:10:03, which is the
combined time for the best three swimmers. Compared to the rest of the field, the individual performances of the Fair family were outstanding. Daughter Carmen (10) was second in her age group, youngest son Evan (12) won in his age group, second oldest son, Neil (15) was second in his age group, oldest son, Ryan (16) was third in his age group and father, Barend (47), won his age group. The two oldest boys, Ryan and Neil, both attend Pretoria Boys’ High School.
Evan and Carmen are home-schooled but Evan is planning to join his brothers at Pretoria Boys’ High School next year. The Fair family are keen Open Water long distance swimmers and were also the winners of the Sun City Mile Family Team award for the past two years. The older brothers and their dad have competed in the SA National Open Water Swimming (OWS) championships and Neil is currently part of the SA National OWS training group.
Rugby. Saterdag 10 Maart. SupeRugby. Bulls vs Blues. Loftus Versfeld, Pretoria. 19:10.
Cricket. Friday, March 9, MiWay Pro20. Titans vs Dolphins. SuperSport Park, Centurion. 18:00.
Bulls oorweldig Cheetahs tuis Koos Venter Twee weke gelede, voordat die eerste bal afgeskop is in vanjaar se SupeRugbytoernooi, het die grootbase op Loftus Versfeld aangekondig dat hulle nóg ’n borg bekom het. Dié borg is Voltbet, ’n maatskappy wat sportweddenskappe hanteer. Daar is ook bekendgemaak dat die Vodacom Bulls se wedsyfer op daardie stadium 25 teen 1 was om heel bo aan die punteleer te eindig in vanjaar se reeks. Dobbelaars wat twee weke gelede ’n paar rand op die Bulle verwed het, glimlag waarskynlik vandag breed, want ná die eerste twee rondtes van hierdie nuwe reeks kyk die wêreld skielik met
nuwe oë na die Bulls. Die wyse waarop die Bulls Saterdag in Bloemfontein met die Cheetahs afgereken het, is sekerlik meer veelseggend as die resultaat van 51-19. Dit was veral die kliniese vertoning van die Bulls se agttal, wat fynproewers van tradisionele Bloubul-rugby se harte bly sal maak. Die Vrystaters is eenvoudig voorlangs vermorsel en hierdie feit het die grondslag gelê vir die ses drieë wat die Pretorianers gedruk het. Met sulke voorspelerspel p p kan daar uitgesien word na ’n seisoen waa waar die inpalming van die nuwe SupeRugby-trofee SupeRugb glad nie meer vergesog is nie. Hierdie Bulls-span het immers alles wat van hom ’n wenspan kan maa maak as daardie agttal wedstryd na wedstr wedstryd die basiese dinge reg kan doen en só kan oorheers. Morné Met ’n akkurate skopper soos M Steyn agter hulle en opwindende aanvallers soos Francois Hougaard, W Wynand Kirchner Olivier, Francois Venter, Zane Ki Bulls vanen Bjorn Basson, gaan die Bu teenstanders verras. jaar nog heelwat teenstander Verlede seisoen is daar vvooraf kampioene geglo die Bulls kan kampi ervaring, wees weens hul hope ervar maar uiteindelik is daar ge gesê dat ’n paar manne te lank in die tand geword het om sukses te verwag. ver Hierdie span van 2012 he het inderdaad ’n byna volmaakte m mengsel van ervaring en opwindende opwin jong talent en as hulle hull samespel nog kan vverbeter namate die seisoen vorder, behoort die Vodacom Vodaco Bulls weer daar te wees as die uitspeelrondtes vanjaar vanjaa begin. Die Vodacom Bulls se senter, Francois Venter, probeer om die grypende hande van ’n Cheetah-speler te ontduik in Saterdag se SupeRugbywedstryd in Bloemfontein. Venter (20) het op die aanval sowel as die verdediging uitgeblink.
Die Vodacom Bulls se puik slot, Jeandré Kruger, het weer uitgetroon in die lynstane in Saterdag se SupeRugby-wedstryd teen die Cheetahs in Bloemfontein. Kruger is besig om homself goed in te grawe in die plek van die Bulls se voormalige kaptein, Victor Matfield, wat uit rugby getree het. Foto’s: Gordon Arons
Pta-rugbyklubs se juniorspanne vaar goed Koos Venter Pretoria se vier plaaslike rugbyklubs het gemengde sukses gehad in die eerste rondte van die Assupol Super-klubreeks, wat die afgelope naweek afgeskop het. Twee van die vier klubs se eerstespanne het oorwinnings behaal, terwyl drie van die vier klubs se juniors (o.21) gewen het en een gelykop gespeel het. Laasgenoemde feit is ’n ligpunt vir klubrugby in die Bloubulstreek, wat daarop dui dat die toekoms van klubrugby rooskleurig lyk.
Polisie het die indrukwekkendste begin gehad. Beide dié klub se eerstespan en hul o.21’s het sewe drieë gedruk teen hul teenstanders van Boksburg. Vir Polisie se eerstespan het hul jong losskakel, Dillen Laubcher, uitgeblink. Polisie, wat tradisioneel stadige beginners is, moet na hierdie vertoning een van die vroeë gunstelinge wees om vanjaar weer die eindrondte van hierdie toernooi te haal. Centurion se eerstespan het ’n naelskraap oorwinning behaal teen Union, een van die twee klubs van die Leeus wat deel is van die Assupol Super-klubreeks.
Centurion, wat die toernooi reeds tweemaal gewen het en verlede jaar finaliste was, is vanjaar in ’n moeilike groep ingedeel en taai wedstryde wag nog op hulle in die volgende twee weke. Dié klub se jongspan het gelykop met 17-elk teen Union gespeel. Harlequins se eerstespan het goed gehou teen die sterk span van Brakpan, maar die Oosranders het uiteindelik met 30-22 gewen. Harlequins se o.21-span het egter die bordjies verhang en met 30-19 gewen. Die Silver Valke se eerstespan was betrokke in ’n baie omstrede wedstryd teen
Roodepoort, waarin daar onder andere ’n hoërskooldogter as lynregter opgetree het. Die wedstryd is ontsier deur omstrede voorvalle en die Silver Valke se bestuur is woedend oor die feit dat hul skakelpaar kort na rustyd albei van die veld gejaag is, een met ’n rooikaart en een met ’n geelkaart. Terwyl die rustydtelling nog 3-0 in die verdedigende kampioene se guns was, het Roodepoort die situasie in die tweede helfte uitgebuit en uiteindelik met 51-0 gewen. Die Silver Valke se o.21’s het verras deur met 58-12 te wen.