Givblod_Whynot donate blood

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Why not donate bloOd – or the art of recruiting new blood donors

Who is GivBlod?

Target group: 18- and 28-year old men and women

GivBlod (Give Blood) is a humanitarian NGO working to collect and provide blood supplies for all the hospitals in the Greater Copenhagen area.

The challenge of GivBlod: secure constant recruitment of new donors Luckily many Danes volunteer for blood donation in one of the 66 Danish donors corps. But not enough. There is a need for an on-going recruitment effort. Historically, GivBlod, in their attempts to recruit new donors, has been sending out direct mails FACTS ON BLOOD DONATION 3-4 times a year, the target groups being the 18 year olds and 28 year olds. These • Denmark has approx. 230.000 blood direct mailings have been standard; donors (approx. 75.000 in the Copenenvelope, folder with an integrated hagen Region), which secures a sound and postage paid reply form. The consafe supply of blood for the hospitals. tent of the communication was • Each year thousands of people are dependent basically information on facts on donor blood to survive. and practicalities of being a donor. Now, there was a You can donate in several ways: need for something differ• In one of the local hospitals ent and more effective. • In The Mobile Blood Bank, which daily drives out to larger companies, educational institutions and other local centers

• You need to be between 17 and 67 years to donate blood.

18 years being the legal age for donating blood, and 28 years being the age, when those who didn’t donate earlier have matured and will reconsider the opportunity to donate. For the campaign we collected names and addresses from the National Social Security Register for every person, who had turned 18 or 28 since the last GivBlod mail-out in September 2009.

Size of target audience: 18 year olds: 3,743 people in and around Copenhagen. 28 year olds: 3,007 people in and around Copenhagen.

The task: recruit more new donors than we usually get from our standard direct mails The objective for the campaign was to test the effectiveness of dialogue marketing. And in the process of course aim to achieve better results with a combination of direct marketing and web communication than the previous standardized postal direct mail campaigns. Specifically, we wanted to get 5% of our targeted potential donors to register and become actual donors.

• You typically donate blood 4 times a year and a donation session lasts for 20 minutes. • Every year 25- to 30.000 donors stop due to age or illness. Or are quarantined for a longer or shorter period due to e.g. pregnancy, travels to certain countries, use of medication or even due to having had a tattoo. This means there is a contant need for new donors.

THIS IS HOW THE BLOOD IS USED Blood in the blood banks is important. Did you know that… • • •

A victim from a knife stabbing need in average blood from 50-100 blood donors to survive. A women having a critical caesarean needs up to 50 portions of blood during the surgery. Children with leukaemia need weekly blood transfusions during the critical phases with chemotherapy treatment. • Victims from car accidents with life-threatening bleeding need one portion of blood per minute in the first critical phase.



The campaign strategy is based on using the target group’s own arguments

Insight: many but well-known barriers against blood donation

Strategy: use of the target group’s own for and against arguments

No one can disagree that blood donation is a noble and worthy thing to do. Our strategy was to embrace the known barriers and show a real interest So what are the real obstacles to people choosing to donate blood? GivBlod’s in the individual participant’s reasons for choosing whether to be a donor or surveys have demonstrated four main barriers: not. The aim was to facilitate an active choice. In other words: • • • •

IGNORANCE (“Is there really a shortage of blood in Denmark?”) FEAR (“Does it hurt to donate blood?”) INDOLENCE (“It is too much hassle”) INDECISIVENESS (“There’s probably many others who volunteer and so I guess I’m not relly needed and I don’t really know if I want to …”).

But we’re all different, and our reasons for saying ‘No’ vary.

• • • •

Make the target group reflect and choose Take care of both practical and emotional objections Create a clear path for signing up for being a donor Increase the awareness about blood donation in the target group in general

A traditional information campaign will not change the behaviour of the people in the target group. This exact group of young and media-savvy individuals does not respond well to an institution telling them what they SHOULD do. Our take on the communication was to listen, understand and respond on an individual basis.


The communication flow – an overview PHASE 1: <Navn Efternavn> <Adresse> <Postnr. By>

Direct mail: • Envelope with and without teaser message and visbible sender (test) • Personal letter with encouragement to sign up as a donor now or go to campaign website to tell us “Why or why not” donate blood. • Reply card for instant response

Hvorfor ikke? Hvorfor er du ikke bloddonor? Det kan der være mange gode grunde til. Måske er det et bevidst aktivt valg fra din side. Måske har du bare ikke rigtig tænkt over, at der var brug for det. Måske er du ikke blevet spurgt. Måske ved du ikke, hvordan man melder sig – og hvor det foregår. Måske synes du ikke, du kan finde tid til det. Måske frygter du, at det gør ondt. Måske tror du, at du er for ung – eller for gammel. Måske er der helt andre årsager. Fortæl os ”hvorfor ikke” – vi vil rigtig gerne høre dine grunde Vi vil gerne vide, hvorfor du ikke er bloddonor. Og hvorfor du eventuelt kunne overveje at blive det. Det kan hjælpe os med at finde ud af, hvordan vi skal fortælle danskerne om det at være donor. Og måske give dig de informationer, du mangler for at kunne vælge, hvorfor du vil give blod – eller hvorfor du ikke vil give blod. Svar på og vind en Kronan cykel – så du kan cykle hen og give blod, hvis du vælger at blive bloddonor. Alle der svarer er med i lodtrækningen. Du kan selvfølgelig også tilmelde dig som bloddonor allerede i dag – bare send svarkortet, så kontakter vi dig med mere information.

Sådan gør du: 1. Gå ind på 2. Fortæl os ”hvorfor ikke” ved at svare på nogle få spørgsmål

1862 Frederiks

berg C

November 2009

Kære <Navn Efternavn>

en. er lige i nærhed ge for. Det er gratis. Det Det går stærkt. noget at være ban der er slet ikke Det redder liv. Og ert? kuv ne åbne den Så hvorfor ikke

sacksvej 6 • GivBlod • Rath


3. Du er nu med i lodtrækningen om en Kronan kvalitetscykel

Venlig hilsen

Merle Romose Kampagneleder Telefon: 38 48 20 07 PS: Er du allerede bloddonor, undskylder vi ulejligheden og glæder os til at se dig i blodbanken!

Ja, hvorfor egentlig ikke?

Fortæl os hvorfor ikke og vind en blodrød Kronan cykel (værdi 5.000,-)

Jeg vil gerne være bloddonor. Vi vil snarest kontakte dig med mere information om, hvordan og hvornår det foregår. Tak for din tilmelding. “Det er ikke nødvendigt”


Ja, hvorfor egentlig ikke?

Det er kun 4 gange 15 minutter om året

230.000 danskere gør det allerede, men der er hele tiden brug for nye bloddonorer. Mange tusinde danskere er hvert år afhængige af at få donorblod for at overleve. Så hver gang du giver blod, er du med til at redde menneskeliv. Det tager højst 15 minutter, nogle få gange om året. Det er nemt, for der er mange forskellige steder, du kan blive tappet. Og det gør altså ikke ondt. Send svarkortet eller tilmeld dig via nettet.





Du er nu med i lodtrækningen om en Kronan kvalitetscykel. Vinderen får direkte besked senest den 15. december 2009. Præmien kan ikke ombyttes til kontanter.

Gør en forskel. Giv liv. 02/11/09 9:49:08


”Jeg ved ikke, hvad de skal med det” Rathsacksvej 6 + + + 11427 + + + 0893 Sjælland USF B

Hvorfor ikke? ”Mit kan nok ikke bruges”



10505_GivBlod_Letter_A4.indd 1

Der er brug for dig

”Jeg er lidt bange for det”


02/11/09 9:46:17

”Jeg ved ikke, hvor det foregår”

Du redder liv

Ja, hvorfor egentlig ikke? Det er kun et lille prik

”Jeg har ikke tid” Det foregår nær dit hjem rtC4.indd 1


PHASE 2: Campaign website with these pages: • Landing page; please tell us why you are not a donor. • Question page – the respondent must choose his no. 1 reason for not being a donor and then the potential no. 1 reason if he were to sign up. • Individualized feedback page where the why-not answers are juxtaposed with the respondent’s own why-I-might-become-adonor-answers. Call to action to decide on signing up. • End pages with permission request and confirmation on participation in competition.

PHASE 3: Follow up e-mail to all MAYBE-respondents with renewed encouragement to sign up.


The creative strategy is built on the juxtaposition of “Why not?” and “Yes, why not just do it” The main message in the communication is: “Why are you not a blood donor? Please tell us why – and why you might consider becoming one.” We challenge the individual by asking directly and interested: “Why not?” Through the personal involvement we communicate more relevant and make the target group stop and deliberate on his or her attitude towards blood donation.

GivBlod • Rathsacksvej 6 • 1862 Frederiksberg C


Det går stærkt. Det er gratis. Det er lige i nærheden. Det redder liv. Og der er slet ikke noget at være bange for. Så hvorfor ikke åbne denne kuvert?

<Navn Efternavn> <Adresse> <Postnr. By>

The letter starts with the contraposition of “Why not?” versus “Yes, why not just do it” We ask the reader for a moment’s involvement on the campaign site and ask him to tell us why you are not a donor and what might make you become a donor. The bottom of the letter communicates some of the good reasons for becoming a donor under the headline of “Yes, why not just do it”.

Incentive fitting of the target group An incentive always helps the response rate, however GivBlod has a serious approach and the prize had to fit that as well as appeal the the young, urban target group. The prize is therefore a very special designer bike from Kronan – blood red of course.

Hvorfor ikke? November 2009

Kære <Navn Efternavn>

Hvorfor er du ikke bloddonor? Det kan der være mange gode grunde til. Måske er det et bevidst aktivt valg fra din side. Måske har du bare ikke rigtig tænkt over, at der var brug for det. Måske er du ikke blevet spurgt. Måske ved du ikke, hvordan man melder sig – og hvor det foregår. Måske synes du ikke, du kan finde tid til det. Måske frygter du, at det gør ondt. Måske tror du, at du er for ung – eller for gammel. Måske er der helt andre årsager. Fortæl os ”hvorfor ikke” – vi vil rigtig gerne høre dine grunde Vi vil gerne vide, hvorfor du ikke er bloddonor. Og hvorfor du eventuelt kunne overveje at blive det. Det kan hjælpe os med at finde ud af, hvordan vi skal fortælle danskerne om det at være donor. Og måske give dig de informationer, du mangler for at kunne vælge, hvorfor du vil give blod – eller hvorfor du ikke vil give blod. Svar på og vind en Kronan cykel – så du kan cykle hen og give blod, hvis du vælger at blive bloddonor. Alle der svarer er med i lodtrækningen. Du kan selvfølgelig også tilmelde dig som bloddonor allerede i dag – bare send svarkortet, så kontakter vi dig med mere information.


10505_GivBlod_KuvertC4.indd 1

Sådan gør du: 1. Gå ind på 2. Fortæl os ”hvorfor ikke” ved at svare på nogle få spørgsmål 3. Du er nu med i lodtrækningen om en Kronan kvalitetscykel

PS: Er du allerede bloddonor, undskylder vi ulejligheden og glæder os til at se dig i blodbanken!

Campaign envelope with teaser message = involvement from the start We tested envelopes with and without teaser and visible GivBlod logo.

Clear conclusion:

Venlig hilsen

Merle Romose Kampagneleder Telefon: 38 48 20 07

02/11/09 9:46:1

Fortæl os hvorfor ikke og vind en blodrød Kronan cykel (værdi 5.000,-)

Ja, hvorfor egentlig ikke?

Envelope with teaser message generated 57 % of all reply card and 71 % of the traffic to campaign website. The omission of the GivBlod logo increase opening rate because it does not scare away all those with a fear of (giving) blood.

230.000 danskere gør det allerede, men der er hele tiden brug for nye bloddonorer. Mange tusinde danskere er hvert år afhængige af at få donorblod for at overleve. Så hver gang du giver blod, er du med til at redde menneskeliv. Det tager højst 15 minutter, nogle få gange om året. Det er nemt, for der er mange forskellige steder, du kan blive tappet. Og det gør altså ikke ondt. Send svarkortet eller tilmeld dig via nettet. 1

10505_GivBlod_Letter_A4.indd 1

02/11/09 9:49:08




Campaign envelope:

It’s fast. It’s free. It’s nearby. It saves lives. And there’s nothing to fear. So, why not open this envelope? Direct mail letter

Why not? Dear Name Surname Why do you not donate blood? You may have many good reasons. Maybe it’s a deliberate choice you’ve made. Maybe you haven’t really considered it. Maybe you haven’t been asked. Maybe you don’t know where to sign up or how it works. Maybe you don’t think you have the time. Maybe your fear that it’ll hurt. Maybe you think you’re too young – or too old. Maybe you have other reaons. Please tell us “why not” – we would really like to know your reasons We should like to know why you do not donate blood. And what could make you consider signing up. This will help us find out how to inform all Danes about blood donation. And maybe enable us to give you just the information you need to make a qualified choice of becoming or not becoming a blood donor. Please give your answer at and get the chance of winning a special bike. You are of course welcome to sign up as a blood donor right now – just send the enclosed reply card and we will contact you. Best regards Merle Romose Campaign manager PS If you are already donating blood we are sorry for having asked again and look forward to seeing you at the blood bank.

<Red box below:>

Yes, why not just do it? 230.000 Danes are already doing it, but there’s a constant need for new blood donors. Every year, thousands of Danes are dependent on getting donor blood to survive. This means that every time you donate blood, your help saving human lives. Donating blood will take approximately 15 minutes of your time, a few times a year. It’s easy as you choose time and place for your donation. And it really doesn’t hurt. Send in the reply card or sign up online.

<Box 1 – right margin> Please tell us why not and win a blood red special bike worth 5.000 DKK.

<Box 2 – right margin > This is how it works: 1. Visit 2. Tell us “why not” by answering a few questions 3. You now partake in the drawing for a special bike



Make a qualified choice Rathsacksvej 6, 1931 Frederiksberg C

“Det er ikke nødvendigt”

Ja, hvorfor egentlig ikke?

Der er brug for dig

Jeg vil gerne være bloddonor.

”Jeg er lidt bange for det” Det er kun 4 gange 15 minutter om året ”Jeg ved ikke, hvad de skal med det”

Vi vil snarest kontakte dig med mere information om, hvordan og hvornår det foregår. Tak for din tilmelding.

Du redder liv


Hvorfor ikke? ”Mit kan nok ikke bruges” ”Jeg ved ikke, hvor det foregår”

Ja, hvorfor egentlig ikke?

Adresse: Postnr.:




Det er kun et lille prik Du er nu med i lodtrækningen om en Kronan kvalitetscykel. Vinderen får direkte besked senest den 15. december 2009. Præmien kan ikke ombyttes til kontanter.

Rathsacksvej 6 + + + 11427 + + + 0893 Sjælland USF B

”Jeg har ikke tid” Det foregår nær dit hjem


Gør en forskel. Giv liv. 10505_Givblod_svarkort_A5.indd 1

50 % of the new sign ups were generated from the reply card in the direct mail

03/11/09 10:09:09

We of course offered the recipients possibility for instant sign up upon receiving the direct mail – through

10505_Givblod_svarkort_A5.indd 2

the enclosed reply card. The messages on the front of the reply card communicate the typical, known

03/11/09 10:09:09

barriers for becoming a blood donor as well as some of the good reasons for becoming one.

10 % of the target group chooses to visiT the campaign site The landing page mirrors the messages from the letter – tell us why you are not a blood donor. Flash animation on top of landing page repeats messages from front of reply card.



Translation Reply card – front page

Reply card – back

<left hand side:>

<right hand side:>

Why not?

Yes, why not just do it…

” don’t have the time” ” am a little afraid” ” don’t know where” ”don’t know what they use it for” ”mine probably cannot be used” ” not necessary”

”it’s 4 times a year, tops” ”you are needed ” ”it saves lives” ”it’s just a tiny prick” ”there’s a place near you too”

Yes, why not just do it… 

I would like to sign up as a blood We contact you as soon as possible with more information on how and donor when. Thank you for signing up. Name:_________________________ You now partake in the drawing for a Address: __________________________ special quality bike. Winners are conZip code.: _________________________ tacted directly. The prize cannot be City: ______________________________ changed into cash. Phone: ____________________________ Age: ______________________________

Landing page < boxes with changing messages – flash>

Why not? ” don’t have the time” ” am a little afraid” ” don’t know where” ”don’t know what they use it for” ”mine probably cannot be used” ” not necessary”

Please tell us why – we really would like to know your reasons We should like to know why you do not donate blood. Or why you might consider doing it. This will help us find out how we best inform all Danes about being a blood donor. And maybe give you just the information you need in order to make your choice.

Yes, why not just do it… ”it’s 4 times a year, tops” ”you are needed ” ”it saves lives” ”it’s just a tiny prick” ”there’s a place near you too”

<Box 1> Answer and win As a way of thanking for your participation, you will automatically participate in the competition for a blood red Kronan bike worth 5,000 DKK

<Button :> ANSWER NOW



intelligent use of the respondent’s own arguments creates reflection and decision Choose your own argument pro and contra blood donation The respondent first choose one primary reason for not being a blood donor amongst 9 typical barriers. Then the respondent must choose one argument, which would be the most important if he or she should choose to become donor.

The respondent’s why-notreasons are put into relief Upon answering you get an instant feedback with individually merged text messages based on your answers according to a pre-defined text merger matrix. We juxtapose the respondent’s own pros and contras and put them into short perspective. This juxtaposition creates a clear and obvious reason to reflect upon the validity of your own contra blood donation reasons.



Translation Question page

Why not?

Yes, why not just do it…

According to our analyses there are 9 overall reason why people are not blood donors. What is your primary reason for not being a blood donor? I’m sure that there are lots of other donors and one more or less won’t really matter

From our donors we also have a number of good reasons for why they have chosen to be donors. If we imagine that you were to sign up, which of these reasons would be the most important to you?

       

I cannot find the time in my busy everyday schedule I don not know my blood type, so I don’t know if my blood can be used I don’t think I can be a donor (due to e.g. life style, sexual behaviour, illness, medication) To be honest, I’m a little scared of needles and blood I don’t have enough knowledge of what my blood is being used for I would like to donate but lack knowledge of how to sign up It’s against my belief to donate blood (e.g. because of religion, ethical or political beliefs) I’ve heard that you can become tired or sick, when you donate blood and I don’t care for that experience

        

That I was aware of the fact that there’s always a need for new donors. That I was aware that it’ll only take approximately 15 minutes a few times a year That I was aware that the blood bank can use all blood types al ways – also mine That I was aware that I don’t have to change my life style or take any special precautions That I knew someone who had been in need for blood, e.g. in connection with an illness, birth or accident. That I, in a very specific way, help others without any costs That I personally knew a donor who could tell me all about it That I actually can help saving human lives That I find it’s my civic duty to be a blood donor

Are you…



Male 


<Box:> Remember: when you answer, you participate in the competition for a blood red Kronan bike

Feedback side INDIVIDUAL FEEDBACK ACCORDING TO TEXT MERGER MATRIX <Example of feedback text merger :> You say that your primary reason for not being a blood donor is:” “I’m sure that there are lots of other donors and one more or less won’t really matter” But if you were to sign up your most important reason would be: ” That I knew someone who had been in need for blood, e.g. in connection with an illness, birth or accident” We may not have told it well clear enough but we always need fresh blood! And one donor more or less does matter. In Denmark we are lucky to have many donors, approximately 230.000. But every year we have to say goodbye to 25.-30.000 of our donors. Some reach the age limit, others have to stop due to illness and other have to pause because they travel or become pregnant. Every year Danish hospitals use 350.000 portions of blood, so new supplies are always needed. Every year thousands of Danes receive donor blood in connection with illness, accidents or even childbirth. Try asking your family, friends and colleagues. You are very likely to know someone who has received blood from a

donor. Their stories could give you a new perspective on donating blood and give you a sound reason for donating yourself. <Buttons below:> Every time you donate blood you save lives. What do you choose? YES I want to be a blood donor now MAYBE I would like to think it over NO I do not want to be a blood donor <Box – right margin:> Click one of the buttons if you want to be part of the competition for the blood red Kronan bike



Call to action and reflection: YES, No or MAYBE The respondent can choose sign up or choose No or Maybe. On clicking the latter two, you reach a permission and competition confirmation page – with link to GivBlod’s website for more information.

Share your beliefs: 7 % of all respondents having gone through the online session tipped a friend via e-mail From Facebook the site has had 213 visitors through respondents having posted Why not in their status. Twitter shows 40 tweets on “Why not”.

21 % of the sign ups were generated from the follow up email to all MAYBE-respondents 2 weeks after their visit on the site, all Maybe-respondents received an e-mail asking if you have now reached a decision on blood donation. If you are ready to move from Maybe to Yes. The mail links directly to sign up form – or more information on Givblod website.



Translation End page (example when saying MAYBE ) Thank you for answering We are glad that you will take the time to think your decision about becoming a blood donor over. At least you now know why it is important that we in Denmark always have a corps of voluntary blood donors. I you want to take part in the competition for a Kronan bike, we need your e-mail to be able to contact you if you win.

 Yes, I want to participate in the competition and give GivBlod my permission to contact me with news and updates in regard to blood donation. My e-mail address: ____________________________@______________________________ <Box – right margin :> If you want to know more about whys, whens, wheres and hows of blood donation, you can find lots of informations here >

Final page – confirmation and sharing Your answers are registered and you are now part of the competition. <Box – right margin :> Pass it on Do you know others who are not blood donors? And do you think they would like to share they “why nots” with us and have the chance of winning a bike? (Facebook, Twitter or e-mail a friend)

Follow up e-mail to MAYBE online respondents

Are you ready to move on from ”Maybe” to YES? Hello <Name Surname> We are quite excited to hear whether you have come closer to a decision about becoming a blood donor. Many ”why not” reasons…. We acknowledge there are many reasons, which can keep you from signing up as a blood donor. For every one of these reasons, however, we see more reasons for. You were presented with some of those on our web site and chose the ”MAYBE” button when you recently gave us your reasons for not being a blood donor and the reasons that might make you become one.

<Box 1 – right margin:> Sign up now One tiny prick with a very big impact <Box 2 – right margin:> More questions on blood donation? Do you have questions on everything from age or alcohol, hay-fever or hashish, prevention or piercing, safety and sports, find your answer here

…and even more “Yes why not do it” reasons So, what is your decision? Have you been thinking and are your ready to help saving lives by investing 4 times 15 minutes a year? Remember, we need you. Best regards Merle Rosmose


The dialogue based approach resulted in 50 % more blood donors than earlier – and the goal of generating + 5 % sign ups was reached

GivBlod • Rathsacksvej 6 • 1862 Frederiksberg C


Det går stærkt. Det er gratis. Det er lige i nærheden. Det redder liv. Og der er slet ikke noget at være bange for. Så hvorfor ikke åbne denne kuvert?

The direct mail went out to

6,700 young people in November 2009.


10505_GivBlod_KuvertC4.indd 1

02/11/09 9:46:17

“Det er ikke nødvendigt”

Der er brug for dig

”Jeg er lidt bange for det” Det er kun 4 gange 15 minutter om året ”Jeg ved ikke, hvad de skal med det”

Hvorfor ikke? ”Mit kan nok ikke bruges” ”Jeg ved ikke, hvor det foregår”

Du redder liv

Ja, hvorfor egentlig ikke?

50 % signed up immediately after reception of direct mail using the reply card

Det er kun et lille prik

”Jeg har ikke tid” Det foregår nær dit hjem

10505_Givblod_svarkort_A5.indd 1

03/11/09 10:09:09

10 % of all recipients visit the campaign website 29 % of these sign up after experiencing the online session on the website 7 % of the people who went through the online session, e-mailed a friend about the campaign

21 % of the ’Maybe’-respondents sign up after receiving the follow-up e-mail



8,3 % registered as new blood donors In comparision the most recent direct mail from GivBlod from September 2009 resulted in 3,6 % new registrations from the same amount of recipients. Thus the ’Why not’-campaign was 50 % more successful than the previous campaign and by far reached the objective of 5 % new registrations. Conclusion: The campaign-oriented teaser message on the envelope was a powerful tool for creating involvement, and the lack of logo on the envelope stimulated a higher opening rate as the young people were not scared off by their preconceptions (barriers) of donating blood. The campaign site is still online via and continue to generate new donors.


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